2014 – September - Cherryland Community Association
2014 – September - Cherryland Community Association
The Cherryland News Volume 2, Issue 9 Sept. 2014 Brought to you by the Cherryland Community Association (CCA), 2014. Inside this issue: General Meeting Grace Graves Bench 1 President’s Message 2 Paid Sponsors 3 Sponsor page and 4 GENERAL MEETING Membership Form . 5 6 Refreshments - by Erica Campisi Events Grace Graves Bench Light Rail through the Ashland / Cherryland Business District ? Copp Shop BBQt County Contacts Cherryland Community Association 7 Eden Church Tues Sept. 9 7pm 21455 Birch St Hayward Sushiland 8 Jenson Rm Page 2 The Cherryland News President’s Message President’s Message by Ingrid Moller Thank you to everybody who came and participated in our annual BBQ at the Meek Estate Park. It was a really nice event. The sun was shining; but it was not too hot. The two cooks, Basil Sherlock and Hugh O’Donnell did a fine job getting the chicken just right. Quite a few older and newer members showed up with delicious dishes to share. There was a yummy Mac’n Cheese made by Ruth Baratta, great beans by Derry Silva, good salads by Maria Palmeri, Ingrid Moller, Erica Campisi and Margo D’Angelo, veggies by Julie Bayless and fantastic desserts by Judy Christine, Kathy LeRoy and Carol Dieter. The list goes on. More important than the food was the sense of community which could be felt. Just sharing with neighbors, and getting to know each other a little better; one of the main goals of our association. Supervisor Miley’s office was represented by Bob Swanson and Paul Sanftner who seemed to enjoy the day as well. So thank you to everybody who contributed. It was a success! The Cherryland Community Association Board is currently concerned about the plans which came out of the EALI Environment/Agricultural Group that focus on our commercial lot at the intersection of Mission Blvd and Hampton/Mattox Rd. This lot was purchased by the Redevelopment Agency with the hopes to find a suitable retailer. The community had envisioned a grocery or drug store, a vibrant business that would be an asset to our community by filling a need and also generating taxes for the county. The new plan that grew out the EALI group wants to create a garden, fitness facilities, health programs, and circuit courses for youth surrounding a food garden. Portable units would make a boxing ring. Two sheriff deputies would be assigned to the site. This is supposed to be a temporary set up until a retailer could be located and then a 6 month notice would be given to the boxing-ring and garden folks. But the Reach Center in Ashland is already fulfilling this need, and the future Cherryland Community Center will provide further opportunities for youths. There is also Sunset Adult School with its vast grounds where a plan like this might be suitable. Our major concern is that it may be an impediment to good retail development because it will create uncertainty and time obstacles in a potential developer’s mind. It is hard enough for us to attract good business here. Why make it even harder, especially when the economy is picking up, and this is finally our chance to have a viable business opportunity right here in Cherryland? According to the County’ economic development director and members of the Community Development Agency inquiries from developers and retailers regarding this lot have increased quite a lot. Let’s take advantage of the economy picking up steam. Besides that, this corner lot is our main entrance into our neighborhood with our Cherryland sign opposite this corner. Will portables and a boxing ring be an attractive entrance way into our neighborhood? We are also wondering about this “top down” approach by the County. The Cherryland Community Association gets all developer applications for review and comment. So why were we not consulted about this plan? Food for thought. 2014 Cherryland Community Association Board of Directors ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: President Ingrid Moller Co-Vice Presidents Basil Sherlock Hugh ODonnell Treasurer Derry Silva Secretary Judy Christine Parliamentarian Basil Sherlock Members at Large Cindy Torres :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Newsletter Editor Hugh ODonnell Newsletter Publisher Copy Mat, Hayward Foothill Blvd @B Street Meeting Venue Eden Church, Hayward Birch Street @Grove Way Mailing Address PO Box 3 San Lorenzo, CA 94580 Volume 2, Issue 9 Page 3 The Cherryland Community Association Website is back. www.cherryland-ca.org WANT TO ADVERTISE HERE IN 2014? Please contact the CCA Page 4 The Cherryland News WILMA’S COLLISION REPAIR 25571 Dollar Street Hayward, CA 94544 510-881-0106 Established in 1976 John Wilma, Owner Cherryland Residents & CCA Members Robert S. Robello, General Manager Open 8am—5pm Monday—Friday MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION CCA Membership dues are only $20 per household, per year! New Member Name ___________________________ Annual Renewal # in Household _______ Address ________________________________________________ Phone _____________________ Email ______________________ I’d like my Cherryland News to be emailed in full color…….Y / N I’d like to help out with the following: Meetings Events Newsletter Board of Directors Other ______________________________ Make checks payable to: Cherryland Community Association Mail to: PO Box 3, San Lorenzo, CA 94580 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Join the Cherryland Community Association (CCA) - it only costs $20 per household, per year! We appreciate any and all charitable donations as well. Members get free issues of the Cherryland News mailed (or emailed) to them directly. Help Cherryland be the best community it can be. Participate! Volume 2, Issue 9 Page 5 Cherryland Block Party On Friday, Aug. 22, the DSAL sponsored a block party at Grove Way Park in Cherryland The event was planned and organized by DSAL Community Organizer Shamika Parker and DSAL Soccer League parents. There was a barbecue, a DJ, music, kids and adults playing pick-up basketball and soccer, dancing and other activities. Dig Deep Farms and DSAL/REACH set up displays in the park. Sergeant Mike Carroll, his deputies and DSAL staff supported event planning. Deputy Silva from the YFSB Crime Prevention Unit and Sergeant Scheuller and four of his COPP Shop deputies participated in the block party. An estimate counted 1,000 local residents having a great time. The purpose of the block party was simply to promote neighborliness and build on the good relationship our deputies have with the community. Grand Opening of School Community Garden! Saturday Sept. 2 10am –2pm Gardening Lesson, Jamba Juice Smoothies, Exercise demo from 24 Hour Fitness, Cooking Demos from Sequoyah Country Club’s Executive Chef, Allen Vitti, Community Garden Project at Colonial Acres Elementary School. 17115 Meekland Ave, Hayward CA 94541 Info Aaron Freitas produce101communitygarden@gmail.com www.produce101.weebly.com Performing Arts Concert Series Eden 150th Anniversary Kickoff Organ Concert Featuring Heather & Mrk Paisar with Special Guest David Stein Debut the newly restored Swain & Kates organ. The works of j.S. Bach, Grayston and Charles Ives. Benefits the Youth Orchestra of Southern Alameda County. BrownPaperTickets.com Adults 12.50 / Students 7.50 At the door– Cash on $15.00 Adults / $ $10 Students. heather@edenucc.com 510-582-9533 Page 6 The Cherryland News The Zoning Zone You could always try being a friendly neighbor first, and have a civil discussion with your neighbor before involving the authorities. You never know what a simple chat might accomplish until you try it! Please use the following numbers to anonymously call the authorities about blight in Cherryland. Thank you! Non Emergency Sheriff .……………………………..... 667-7721 Abandoned Vehicles ……………………………………. 667-7869 Code Enforcement … …………….. 670-5400 or 670-6556 Traffic Concerns, CHP……………………………….…...581-9028 Graffiti Abatement ……………………………………….. 670-5500 Weed Abatement ………………………………………… 670-5400 COPP Shop ………………………………………………….. 667-7770 September CALENDAR OF MEETINGS CCA BOARD MTG: Tues. Sept 3 7pm Contact Hugh ODonnell 510-886-9571 Hayward COMMUNITY EVENTS Chanticleers Theater CCA GENERAL MTG: Tues, Sept, 9th, 7pm @ Eden Church Jenson Rm. 21445 Birch Street Hayward EALI II Groups Public Safety & Realignment Chanticleers Theater Benefit 2 Live Radio Shows “Cleaners” & “Low Pirates on the High Seas”. Fri Sept. 19 Sat.& Sept 20 8pm, Sun Sept. 21 2pm Chanticleers Theater, 3683 Quail Ave., Castro Valley, CA. Tickets are $10 and are available at the door, on-line at www.chanticleers.org, or by calling 10-SEE-LIVE (510-733-5483) Wed Sep. 10 6:30pm CV Library. Agric. & Environ. Wed Sept. 17 7pm CV Library . COPP Shop BBQ Friday Sept. 26 5:30pm –9pm Governance Group Wed. Sept 25 6:30 pm SLVH, First Presbyterian Church 2490 Redwood Rd.CV Adults $12.00 Children 12 & under $6.00 Economic Development Tri Tip, Chicken and Hot Links Salad and Dessert Tues. Sept 30 6:30pm Raffle Prizes 50/50 Raffle For tickets call 667-7770 SLVHA Volume 2 Issue 9 Page 7 Notes from under the Cherry Tree The Grace Graves Bench in Meek Park (on pg 1) is a lasting reminder of the commitment she made to community service. What is missing? George Graves’ name on the other side. George was equally passionate about keeping our neighborhood clean and livable. He served along side Grace for so many years, addressing concerns that challenged Cherryland and it’s leaders. Sometime this fall we hope to have Georges’ name engraved on the other side of the bench. As a team Grace and George made a huge difference year after year. It seems right they should share the same granite bench that sits under the trees back away from the Meek Mansion. It is a lovely spot to sit and gaze across the lawn, or back at the Mansion. We thank them both for being such dedicated Cherryland residents. And we hope this will inspire others to care for our community in the same way. Hayward Historical Society Events for the whole family Community Gallery Exhibit: iCarography—car photography by Stephen Hollingsworth. Aug 13 through Sept. 14. 22380 Foothill Blvd Hayward Friends of the San Lorenzo Pioneer Cemetery Meeting Thur. Sept. 4, 6:00PM History for Half Pints—Family Program Sat. Sept. 13 11:00am—2pm Make a Schultüte to celebrate the beginning of the school year! A German tradition dating back to the 1800s, a Schultüte is a cone filled with school supplies and candy given to a child on their first day of school. Each child will make their own cone, enjoy games and listen to stories History Walk in San Lorenzo Cemetery. Sat. Sept. 20 8:30 AM Doris Marciel discusses the history of the cemetery, local pioneer families, and the types of monuments. Ticket sales benefit the ongoing preservation of the site. Meet at College and Usher Streets. $15 general; $10 members, seniors and students. Space is limited. Call (510) 581-0223 ext. 131 to reserve your ticket. Sinners & Saints: Eden Congregation Summer History Walk with Frank Goulart Saturday, September 27, 10:00 AM. Discover the history of churches in downtown Hayward. Visit Eden Congregational for an insider’ view of the old chapel. Wear comfortable walking shoes. Bring water and sun protection. Tickets $5.00 Adults , $3.00 seniors and students, free for members. Shrouded Tales & Voices of the past. Tragic Tales from Pioneer Cemetery, Meek Mansion and McConaghy House. Friday and Sat. in Oct. 7pm and 9pm $15 Adults $10.00 students and seniors. More info at www.haywarareahistory.com 510-581-0223 Page 8 Cherryland has good taste. The Cherryland News SUSHILAND IN CHERRYLAND Basil and I went last night for the first time to Sushiland on Mission Blvd, corner Georgean St, near the old Banchero’s. It is a very small building, a hole in the wall, as some Yelp ratings describe it. Since it was Friday night, it was very busy, but we did get one of the last tables for two. Basil had Beef Teriyaki and Tempura and Sushi rolls and I had Chirashi which is Sashimi over Sushi rice, Sashimi being small slices of raw fish. Everything tasted wonderful, fresh and very tasty. The service was excellent and friendly. There are about three sushi cooks behind the counter and several waiters running around. A busy place. They also have Benton boxes and Udon (soup with vegetables and thick noodles), Donburi and Ngiri. For a small place like this they have a whole range of Japanese food. Everything looks great, and the Yelp ratings are very high. You cannot make reservations, so come before the lunch or dinner rush starts. Thumbs up for Sushiland in Cherryland!!! Ingrid Moller Cherryland Community Association (CCA) PO Box 3 San Lorenzo, CA 94580
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