

The Hairem is Moving to Devonshire Center
‘Just a Little South’
“We are excited about our move in
mid-September!” said owner Sheryl
Olathe’s Premiere Styling Salon
and Day Spa, The Hairem, is moving
to nicer, more convenient, more
spacious, beautiful new quarters.
“We and just about everyone we
speak to are really excited for us.”
(Continued on Page 8)
Sheryl Bjorgo
Presenting Mr. and Mrs. Lendel Cantrell,
Recently Married in a Ceremony at the American Legion
Our hearts and prayers are with newly married Karen Rockers Cantrell
and Lendel Cantrell as the new bride copes with cancer. They were married
August 6 at the American Legion.
On August 6, 2014, approximately the Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans
60 family members and friends of Foreign Wars #2993.
gathered to witness Pastor Ron Karen and Lendel have made quite
England join in Holy Matrimony a team in their endeavors to help
Karen A. Rockers and Lendel fight cancer with Karen serving for
Cantrell at the American Legion Post many years as Cancer Chairman for
#153, Olathe.
the Ladies Auxiliary of the Veterans
Serving as Best Man was Ross of Foreign Wars Post 2993 and the
Seales and Maid of Honor was Department of Kansas Second District
Barbara Turner. A reception followed Ladies Auxiliary, V.F.W.
catered by the Ladies Auxiliary of Congratulations, Karen and Lendel.
the American Legion Post # 153 and
Brian Williams
Staying On Top Of The News
By Joann LaCerte
Senior Contributing Editor
No news is good news, according to
the old saying. In fact, in 1660, King
James of England went so far as to
declare, "No news is better than 'evil'
news." His statement suggests that
things back then must have been just as
harrowing as they are today. No doubt,
we intuitively know that conflict rages
all around us.
In view of this, I would assume it's
not easy being a traditional TV news
man in a new media world. But Brian
Williams, who grew up idolizing
the late Walter Cronkite, reportedly
remains the most watched anchor on
network TV, according to the Nielsen
In both 2012 and 2013, William’s
NBC Nightly News dominated over
the other two networks that air at 5:30
p.m. Central time.
Now that we are well into 2014,
Nielsen continues rating William’s
"Nightly News" at the top, with an
average of eight-million viewers each
weekday evening. To me, this is not
surprising because he is my personal
favorite for several reasons. Of course,
having said that, I certainly don't
expect everyone to agree with me that's for sure.
Says Williams, "In my Younger
days, Walter Cronkite, on 'CBS
Evening News', was as much a part
of my routine as washing my hands
before supper. We'd all gather around a
TV as cumbersome as a kitchen stove
and listen - no talking allowed - while
Brian Williams
he reported the day's events. After
he signed off every night, our family
would share our opinions of what
he said. Listening to his objective
reporting forced us to make up our
own minds."
How Can Broadcast News Survive? You can't blame broadcast news
for having a bad case of "cable envy".
NBC News, Williams' home port,
saw its profits double in 2010, thanks
to growing ratings and higher fees
from cable ratings. Also, NBC News
can share its news-gathering costs
with MSNBC Cable, which likewise
has turned into a big moneymaker.
Even CNN, saddled with declining
audiences - and under pressure to
bolster its program lineup, rakes in
several million dollars in points every
I remember when Tom Brokaw,
both a mentor and idol of Brian
Williams, retired as the NBC Nightly
News anchor: It was on December
1, 1994, when that show had 15.7
million viewers. It was a dream come
true when Williams got the nod to
take over as Brokaw's replacement.
(Continued on Page 9)
Olathe’s Only
Locally Owned
In Our 37th Year
August 15, 2014
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Then already a veteran KC Star
reporter and chief photographer
O.D. “Smitty” Smith was working
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Several Of Those Involved In
Apprehending The Perpetrators
Save Thousands on
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(913) 782-0881
Advertising Hot Line 913-782-1133 or e mail us at jocogazette@gmail.com We’re friendly!
Overland Park Bank Robbery
of 1968 Remembered
By Ed Hayes,
Retired JCSD Detective
This is the story of the Overland
Park Bank robbery of 1968 by Ed Hayes
a fourth generation Law Enforcement
Officer, retired Captain of the Johnson
County Kansas Sheriff's Office who
was there:
Several articles in the local news
have mentioned the Overland Park
Bank Robbery which happened in
January, 1968, causing me to set the
record straight.
Some facts in recent articles
were in error and sparse on accurate
information so I now tell it like it was
from personal experience. At the time I
was a young detective with the Johnson
County Sheriff’s Department.
Oscar Smith, is a veteran reporter
with the Kansas City Star working
the crime scene beat. "Smitty" was the
most trusted area reporter by us LEO’s
(law enforcement officers) who knew
He is sitting near and above the
Overland Park State Bank on a side
street monitoring his police scanner
covering the Kansas City area.
He sees a car he will later know is
occupied by Henry Floyd Brown and
Andrew Evan Gipson sitting on the
street near the bank. Concentrating
on his work at hand, he is unaware of
the supposed members of the radical
Weatherman Underground group
All American
Tent Sale
Brit Luxury Air 1930’s
(It’s A Passenger Carrying Bi-Plane)
A four engine airliner
to make heads turn!
Really ahead
of its time airplane
The only flying thing
slower was a Zeppelin
Highway Patrol Sergeant
Eldon Miller, killed by
bank robbers in 1968.
who rob banks to finance their antiAmerican activities are in the car.
Brown and Gipson are casing the bank
that will be robbed the next day.
Chet Sundbye, an Overland Park
motorcycle patrolman, has been
alerted as we all are that a bomb has
exploded behind the Overland Park
Police Department under the radio
On alert when another call comes
out, the Metcalf State Bank has just
been robbed, a car description also
goes out. Shortly after that broadcast
Sundbye sees the car and follows it,
gunshots ring out and Sundbye is hit
and his motorcycle goes down.
He radios "officer down." Everyone
is now on high alert and looking for that
car, different than the one witnessed
by Smitty the previous day.
(Continued on Page 6)
Retired Johnson County Sheriff’s
Office Detective Ed Hayes
(above) survived failed dynamite
bombing attack, poured gunfire
into Weather Underground last
stand at 7700 W. 85th apartment
complex in 1968.
At right Harley Sparks, in 1968 a JC
District Attorney’s investigative officer
helped evacuate civilians at Overland
Park apartments to avoid heavy
gunfire, bombing attack that ensued.
The life of the rich
and famous in a
more genteel age
From Steve Reist
Flying the airlines in the thirties
was a lot more fun than it is now. It
was more leisurely and had more
class. Certain elitist and anti-British
people have no time for these period
"rich types".
People like these, the risk takers
(especially with their own money)
were the backbone of the UK. They
flew from the first airline operations
across the Channel in 1919.
If people had serious money in the
1930s and travelled internationally,
they may well have flown on one
of these large (130 foot wingspan)
Handley Page bi-plane aircraft, which
were the mainstay of British Imperial
Airways at the time.
They carried 26 passengers in
first class only, in three different
compartments, the first class saloon,
the bar and cocktail area and the
Sept. 4,5,6
HP-42 Airliner. Part of the fuselage
was fabric covered. Plane never had a
fatal accident.
smoking section.
These machines were ubiquitous,
extremely safe (no passenger in a
HP-42 was ever killed in 10 years
of international and domestic
operations from 1930 until 1940),
very comfortable in seating, leg room
and service, hot meals were served on
bone china with silver cutlery, free
liquor flowed, overnights were in the
very best hotels.
There was no rush, no waiting in
lines and everyone was well dressed.
Flying along at a few thousand feet,
one could see, (down to the quality of
the washing on the backyard clothes
lines) every interesting feature passing
below. At 95 to 100 mph., one also had
(Continued on Page 4)
Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary !
Robert “Bob”and Lila Courtney
were married 50 years ago this year.
What a marvelous couple they are.
Let’s Get Growing
Pat Cooper’s Blue Ribbon Entry 2013
The Olathe Garden and Civic Club
is having their Annual Juried Flower
Show. See ad in this issue on page 9.
Don’t be bashful. This is for everyone.
This is in conjunction with J.C. Old
Settlers which runs Sep. 4,5,6. Flower
Show is Fri., Sat. and free and open
to public.
Expires 10-30-14
Take a Lunch Break
Jumpin’ Catfish
Catfish is the specialty at Jumpin’
Catfish Restaurant. Also shown,
salad bar and super coleslaw.
Located at 151st & Ridgeview.
Pizza Hut
You have a hard time resisting the
lunch buffet at Pizza Hut. We got
pizza, pasta and salad in a pleasant
setting for a great lunch.
See us at www.jocogazette.com
Panama Canal Turns 100 Years Old
Greatest Engineering Feat of 20th Century
Panama Canal Exhibit at UMKC
By Steve Cordell
Olathe contributor
2014 is the Centennial of the
opening of the Panama Canal, and
the Linda Hall Library on the UMKC
Campus has a very special exhibit that
is open to the public.
A.B. Nichols was the Office
Engineer on the project and collected
thousands of items.
His daughter donated them to the
United Engineering Trust, and in 1995
they were donated to the Linda Hall
There are numerous maps, books
and other documents on display, some
dating to 1540, that were used in the
building of the canal.
Even though the Panama Canal is a
20th Century marvel, it took hundreds
of years for the idea to come to
Native peoples told Columbus of a
"narrow path to the sea." Balboa made
a hike over the mountains and finally
did see the Pacific Ocean. Then ensued
hundreds of years of failed attempts to
get through the isthmus.
In the 1850's, and California Gold
was a fever, a rail line was built across
the isthmus, and a 50-foot steamer,
built especially to be carried by train,
was taken to the Pacific side and
Now instead of sailing around the
Cape, or a tortuous and dangerous
overland trip, one could take a steamer
Mudslides often destroyed weeks of
work, which had to be redone while
building the Panama Canal.
to Panama (then Colombia) take the
train to the Pacific, and then the steamer
to San Francisco, trimming months off
the journey in 1887. An "Interoceanic
Ship Railway" was proposed - to load
huge seagoing ships onto giant rails,
and enormous locomotives would pull
them to the Pacific.
The Senate approved it, but common
sense in the House prevailed. It never
Enter the French in 1885, who first
attempted to build a canal. They failed
miserably. 20,000 workers died of
malaria; the French built a hospital-right next to a lake where mosquitoes
bred. 80,000 investors were wiped
(Continued on Page 4)
What Happiness Really Is...
Happiness Generator
By Robb Rutledge
Do you remember the last time you
were dreading something, only to have
it turn out to be a pleasant surprise?
Maybe it was a bad summer
blockbuster you were forced to watch,
or a blind date set up by your parents.
You turn up, grumbling and prepared
to hate every second of it. But then a
funny thing happens:
You crack a smile, laugh out loud,
and before you know it, you’re having
a grand old time.
It turns out that the element of
surprise has a big impact on how we
feel from moment to moment and
that we’re happier when satisfied
unexpectedly instead of certain
of a positive outcome in advance,
according to a new mathematical
model of happiness.
“Happiness is not about how well
(Continued on Page 11)
a True Love
The old woman stared through a
patio screen door. A low morning sun
washed the deep creases from her
By David Chartrand
“What was your father’s name?”
The question hit me like a slap against
a cold cheek.
“I can’t think of his name,” she said.
“Geez, why can’t I say it?”
I folded the Sunday newspaper
across my lap, then folded it again.
The woman continued, indifferent to
my indifference. “He was so shy. Such
a big, handsome man and so shy. I’ll
never forget our first kiss.”
She didn’t remember my father’s
name, but she remembered kissing
“We’d gone out a couple times, but
he had never kissed me. I wanted him
to kiss me.” She paused to chew a
“One night we go dancing in St. Joe
and afterward he drives me home.” She
said some other things I didn’t hear. I
was still thinking about the questions.
“Anyway, we’re standing in the
Humorist David Chartrand
doorway of my parents’ house and he
stands there and puts his hand out like this.”
I saw the wobbly hand, the air
handshake, but said nothing.
“I didn’t want to shake his hand
- Geez, Louise. So I get up on my
tiptoes and reach around his neck with
both arms - and I kissed him.”
The old woman giggled like a little
“Right on the lips, too!”
Her teeth found a new fingernail in
need of nibbling. “He kissed back. It
(Continued on Page 11)
Page 2 Johnson’s County Gazette
In our 37th Year Serving Olathe and Southern Johnson County
From The
From The Publisher appears
in every issue of the GAZETTE
in order to bring you information Keith Johnson
about Olathe; its people, businesses, activities and
events of interest to you. We invite your contributions to this column. We hope you will
consider our advertisers when you are in need
of their products or services. 782-1133
Facebook Lost $$
Facebook was off-line for just 19
minutes and officials said company
lost $420,000 or $19,000 per minute
in advertising revenues. Complainers
called 911 to report the problem.
Praying at Dinner
An owner of a local restaurant
in North Carolina noticed a family
praying before their meal and later
gave them a discount. This got out
nationally some way and an atheist
group is now threatening legal action.
We have lost our country completely
now. The restauranteur is suspending
his praying discount idea.
Reverse Mortgages
The media keep pushing reverse
mortgages for seniors. Use the equity
from your home to keep you going. It is
not a good idea according to financial
experts. Check with a knowledgeable
banker who knows your situation.
Some reverse mortgage folks end
up losing their homes. If you have
exhausted all other possibilities, then
maybe, but otherwise do not, say
Airline Profits
What with all the internet travel
discount sites and more, the airlines
struggle to keep flying. They add on
fees for everything they can think of,
from ‘leg room” to pillows. It is being
said airlines make 70% of their profit
from just 20% of the tickets. The high
profit ones are from the buyers of
the tickets sold closest to the flight’s
Losing Phones
While checking on a new cell phone
plan a rep told us 20% of all phones
get lost, stolen, dropped in water or
pool, broken, or otherwise damaged.
Insurance pays. Putting a wet phone
in rice for a few days sometimes
work, but it’s like smoke back into a
fire, he added.
Gazette Humor
A Bottle of Wine
From Chuck Nigro
A woman ran a red traffic light and
crashed into a man's car.
Both of their cars are demolished but
amazingly neither of them was hurt.
After they crawled out of their cars,
the woman said; “Wow, just look at
our cars!
There's nothing left, but fortunately
we are unhurt. This must be a sign
from God. that we should meet and
be friends and live together in peace
for the rest of our days.”
The man replied,” I agree with you
completely. This must be a sign from
The woman continued, “And look
at this, here's another miracle. My
car is completely demolished, but my
bottle of wine didn't break. Surely
God wants us to drink this wine and
celebrate our good fortune.” Then she
hands the bottle to the man.
The man nods his head in agreement,
opens it, drinks half the bottle and
then hands it back to the woman. The
woman takes the bottle, immediately
puts the cap back on, and hands it
back to the man.
The man asks, “Aren't you having
She replies, “Nah. I think I'll just
wait for the police.”
Adam ate the apple, too!
Men will never learn
Drive Carefully
School Is In Session
School is in session; please drive
carefully. Please slow down and
use caution near schools as students
return to the classroom this week.
Olathe Public Schools’ students in
first through sixth and ninth grades
start with a half-day Wednesday,
August 13. The first full day of
school for all K-12 students starts
Safety information for drivers,
bus riders and students who walk to
school; crossing guard information;
and maps of safe routes to schools
are available on the City’s website at
Hawaiian Eye
Isell and Julio were the two named
hurricanes that hit and came close to
Hawaii last week. What are the chances
in the middle of the Pacific, two in one
ten day period? Much damage, much
power loss and many stranded. The
2008 Meltdown
Islands had gone decades without a
hurricane and to top this off they had In the Mortgage meltdown, Wall
a 4.5 scale earthquake. Troubles in Street debacles of 2008 some 40%
of all stock brokers lost their jobs.
Firms went out of business. Only the
conservative, smart-thinking sensible
Gazette Humor
firms of the caliber of Edward Jones
survived. With the Stock Market
From Tom Raby
Yesterday my daughter e-mailed me recovering many people’s portfolios
again asking why I didn't do something are doing well.
useful with my time.
City Council
Like sitting around the pool and
drinking wine is not a good thing, I The Olathe City Council will
next meet Tuesday, August 19, at 7
Talking about my "doing something p.m. in the Council Chamber at City
useful" seems to be her favorite topic Hall for a regular session. Regular
sessions are broadcast live on OGN
of conversation.
She was "only thinking of me" she (Comcast channel 7, AT&T channel
said, and suggested I go down to the 99 and on the City’s website). To
senior center and hang out with the see the complete agenda for this
meeting, visit the City’s website at
I did this and when I got home last OlatheKS.org. For a recap of the
night I decided to teach her a lesson previous Council meeting, visit the
City Clerk’s webpage.
about staying out of my business.
I e-mailed her and told her that I had
joined a parachute club.
Gazette Humor
She replied, "Are you nuts? You are
Laws of the Universe
76 years old, and now you're going to From Diane Hart.
start jumping out of airplanes?
The Coffee Law - As soon as you
I told her that I even got a membership set down to a cup of hot coffee, your
card and e-mailed a copy to her.
boss will ask you to do something
She immediately telephoned me, which will last until the coffee is
"Good grief, where are your glasses! cold.
This is a membership to a Prostitute Murphy's Law of Lockers - If there
Club, not a Parachute Club."
are only two people in a locker room,
"Oh man, I'm in trouble again; I really they will have adjacent lockers.
don't know what to do... I signed up Law of Physical Surfaces - The
for five jumps a week."
chances of an open-faced jelly
The line went quiet and her friend sandwich landing face down on a floor
picked up the phone and said that my are directly correlated to the newness
daughter had fainted.
and cost of the carpet or rug.
Life as a senior citizen is not getting
any easier, but sometimes it can be The Olathe Garden & Civic
Club will be meeting August 19th at
Publishers Note. Send us your internet 12:30 PM at Bass Pro Shop, 12051
humor so we can share it with our Bass Pro Drive in Olathe. The
program will be on Drip Irrigation,
presented by Master Gardener, Rob
Keep Learning:
Mortko. The public is welcome to
Learn more about the computer, attend. For directions or questions,
crafts, gardening, whatever...
call Joan Shriver at 492-3566.
Never let the brain get idle. 'An idle
mind is the devil's workshop.'
Cat Treats
And the devil's name is Alzheimer's If you have a cat or two and have
never tried the little $1.50 bag of
Millbrooke Elementary
Olathe opened its 35th Elementary relatively new cat treats from Purina
School Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2014 or others, you and your cats are in for
at 117th & Sunnybrook, near Lone a treat. They will almost stand on their
Elm Rd. Students had gone to . heads and jump in a pool of water to
Meadowlane,Ravenwood,Forest get one or two of these. If you have
View. Meet the Millbrooke Mountain ever seen a cat show at SeaWorld or
wherever where a cat walks a tight
room or jumps through a fiery ring,
Natural Grocers
Natural Grocers has opened at 119th you have to know they starve them
and Blackbob, SE corner, called the to get a few of these hard-earned
affordable natual food store. 764- treats.
0918. .
Wal-Mart Neighborhood Grocer
We have heard rumors for a long
time about the Sutherland’s corner
being completely sold off, or most
of it, for a Wal-Mart Neighborhood
Grocery Store like the one behind
Culvers on 151st.
There has been a big need for
someone to service central Olathe
since Dillons left town 15 years ago.
The Wendy’s fast food place
closed last week, we hear. Don’t
know the status of the Jiffy Lube,
car lot or others. Franklin Savings
building was rumored to be owned
by Sutherlands.
Show Off Your Flowers/ Plants
The Olathe Garden & Civic Club
will be sponsoring a flower show in
conjunction with the Old Settler's
Celebration, Sept. 5th and 6th. Get a
blue ribbon for that beautiful tomato,
pumpkin or flower.
Entries will be accepted Thurs.
Sept. 4th from 6PM to 8 PM and
Fri. Sept. 5th from 7:30AM to 9AM.
Entries will be judged from 10AM to
12PM. This is all free and available
to the public.
The flower Show takes place at
Olathe City Hall, 100 E. Santa Fe
from Fri. Sept. 5th 1PM to 8PM and
Sept 6th 9AM to 3PM. We encourage
all gardeners, including children to
try their luck!
August 15, 2014
Construction Update:
127th Street opened on Monday,
August 11
Beginning Monday, August 11,
127th Street, from Black Bob Road
to Pflumm Road, was open to traffic
one lane in each direction.
Construction of this project began
in May 2013, and various sections
of this road have been closed since
that time. Improvements on this road
included upgrading from a two-lane
roadway to a four-lane divided arterial
with new sidewalks and a multi-use
path. The project is expected to be
complete by October 2014, weather
permitting. For more information,
visit Improve127th.com.
Gazette Humor
From Loren Johnson
I pulled into the crowded
parking lot at the local shopping
center and rolled down the
car windows to make sure my
Labrador Retriever Pup had fresh
air. She was stretched full-out
on the back seat and I wanted to
impress upon her that she must
remain there. I walked to the curb
backward, pointing my finger at
the car and saying emphatically,
"Now you stay. Do you hear me?"
"Stay! Stay!"
The driver of a nearby car, a
pretty young blonde, gave me a
strange look and said, "Why don't
you just put it in 'Park'?"
A Gazette Hello to:
Chris, Klint, Mike at Olathe Ford
for helping us with our messed up
seatbelts, Dick and Rosemary Smith,
Carol Allenbrand, Mark at Farmer’s
Market, Jeanne Fizell.
Golden Corral
Someone crashed into the wall
of a local Golden Corral recently
getting confused with Drive and
Reverse. Think, people, think or
quit driving. You’re gonna kill
Gazette Humor
The Awesome Power of
Wife’s Love
From Tom Raby
A very old man lay dying in his
bed. In death's doorway, he suddenly
smelled the aroma of his favorite
chocolate chip cookie wafting up the
He gathered his remaining strength
and lifted himself from the bed.
Leaning against the wall, he slowly
made his way out of the bedroom,
and with even greater effort forced
himself down the stairs, gripping the
railing with both hands.
With labored breath, he leaned
against the door frame, gazing into
the kitchen. Were it not for death's
agony, he would have thought himself
already in heaven.
There, spread out on newspapers
on the kitchen table were literally
hundreds of his favorite chocolate
chip cookies.
Was it heaven? Or was it one final
act of heroic love from his devoted
wife, seeing to it that he left this
world a happy man?
Mustering one great final effort, he
threw himself toward the table. The
aged and withered hand, shaking,
made its way to a cookie at the edge
of the table, when he was suddenly
smacked with a spatula by his wife.
"Stay out of those," she said. "They're
for the funeral.”
From Jeanne Fizell
Try everything twice.
On one woman's tombstone she said
she wanted this epitaph:
"Tried everything twice. Loved it
both times!"
** Keep only cheerful friends.The
grouches pull you down.
(Keep this in mind if you are one of
those grouches!)
James Bond
With all the problems in the world,
don’t you really wish we had cool
guys or gals like James Bond who
could go into a place like Moscow
and eliminate the Putins and Saddam
Husseins of the world so we wouldn’t
have all this needless suffering and
Johnson County Old Settlers
Plan to attend the 116th JC Old
Settlers Celebration in downtown
Olathe September 4,5,6. See ad
on the back page. This event has
something for everyone. The largest
Kansas Parade, food booths, arts and
crafts booths, commercial booths,
great nationally known entertainers,
carnivals, antique car show and so
much more. See our next issue.
Santa Fe Price Chopper Closed
For Two Months
Pharmacy to Stay Open!!!
The Ball’s Price Chopper at Santa
Fe and Mur-Len has closed for two
months to open in late August after a
remodel and name change.
It will be a ‘deep discounter’
rivaling Aldi and Wal-Mart with a
name change.
We got to meet Mr. Ball himself,
a very personable and enthusiastic
young man who was really excited
about the new concept.
It is thought
most present
employees will be retained and
return to this store. The Pharmacy
will stay open throughout the entire
Look for them to reopen a brand
new store soon.
The Ukraine
Victimized by Russians Forever
Russian (Hitler/Stalin-wannabe)
dictator Vladmir Putin has seized the
Crimean area (historically important
seaport) a year ago from the Ukrainians
(after they allegedly voted for it) and
more recently the despot has armed
and agitated Russian-speaking east
Ukrainians to revolt against their
own central government and ask to
be taken over by Russia. That was the
same thing that happened in Crimea.
The separatists, as they are being
called, used, with Russian help, a
very sophisticated air defense missile
system to shoot down, most recently,
a Malaysian Air jet killing 298. (They
say or we speculate, they misread
radar thinking it was a Ukrainian
troop transport).
The Ukrainian government has
had many economic problems after
suffering a corrupt leader who was
overthrown and fled to Russia,
explaining some separatism. Russia
has historically controlled this area
for centuries and imperialist-behaving
Putin wants, many say, to restore the
once huge Russian Empire.
When Stalin, even worse than
Hitler for the killing and genocide
(20 million some say) in the 1930’s,
tried to starve the rebelling (against
communism and its land seizures of
private farms) Ukrainians to death,
he killed many millions of them. The
media hasn’t explained really why the
Ukrainians are terrified of Russia.
betting the Russians
eventually get their way and retake
what was once part of the old
USSR, 15 phony socialist republics.
Eventually, they will take most of
it back, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia,
and almost whatever else they want.
Controlling immense sources of
natural resources, the Russians can
extort passivity from their energyshort neighbors and the European
Rev.Carl Erwin
Ted W. Stillwell
David Chartrand
August 15, 2014
Our Corrupt Culture
How things really work
Attributed to Robert Frost, poet
Three contractors are bidding to fix
a broken fence at the White House.
One is from Chicago, another is
from Tennessee, and the third is from
Minnesota. All three go with a White
House official to examine the fence.
The Minnesota contractor takes
out a tape measure and does some
measuring, then works some figures
with a pencil. "Well," he says, "I
figure the job will run about $900:
$400 for materials, $400 for my crew
and $100 profit for me."
The Tennessee contractor also does
some measuring and figuring, then
says, "I can do this job for $700: $300
for materials, $300 for my crew and
$100 profit for me."
The Chicago contractor doesn't
measure or figure, but leans over to the
White House official and whispers,
"$2,700. "The official, incredulous,
says, "You didn't even measure like
the other guys! How did you come up
with such a high figure?"
The Chicago contractor whispers
back, "$1000 for me, $1000 for you,
and we hire the guy from Tennessee
to fix the fence."
"Done!" replies the government
"In three words I can sum up
everything I've learned about life; it
goes on."
More Fearing Flying
Take the Bus to Seacoast
A leading aviation travel expert also
noted that the Malayasian Airlines
Flight 370 plane’s disappearance
could have a huge effect on people’s
fear of flying, especially after 9/11.
“I think this particular frightening
incident may be especially anxietyproducing for some because it seems
at present so arbitrary: it could have
been those passengers, but it also
could have been others. It could be
me and it could be you,” Miller said.
She continued: “When we hear about
traumatic events happening to others,
it is natural to immediately come up
with ways it could not have happened
to us — even when that’s really
not true — and in this case, that’s
pretty hard to do, mostly because the
details of what happened remain so
Add to that that most Americans
have 9/11 in their memories which
I think we really experienced as a
collective trauma.”
Experts say the plane’s disappearance
will likely put pressure on airlines and
governments to improve the way they
monitor planes, including handoff
procedures between countries.
Flight 370 vanished after it signed off
with Malaysian air-traffic controllers,
and never made contact with their
Vietnamese counterparts as it should
Johnson’s County Gazette
Implant Empowering
Olathe’s Paper for 37 Years
Page 3
from Drudge Report
Stanford electrical engineer and
biological implant mastermind,
Ada Poon, has discovered a way of
wirelessly transmitting power to tiny,
rice-grain-sized implants that are By Robert Parrish MacLean
deep within the human body.
This could well be the breakthrough Last time I wrote that
that finally allows for the creation
of smaller pacemakers, body-wide we must return to classic
sensor networks, and a new class of economic policies, which were
“electroceutical” devices that sit deep used effectively some 2,000
in the human brain and stimulate years ago in ancient Rome.
neurons directly, providing an That is, we need somewhat Some, but not all, of the campaign fliers received
in the final 30 days of the recent election run-up.
alternative for drug-based therapies
for depression, Alzheimer’s, and higher taxes, especially on Groups invested a lot of money to influence you
other neurological ailments. There those who utilize the things
and your vote in the recent primaries.
will of course be the potential for which America offers to make their Kansas, at the same time, has a
elective, transhumanist applications
fortunes; increased spending; support huge shortfall and will eat through
as well.
its reserves one year earlier than had
The key to this discovery is a new for the middle class.
method of wirelessly transmitting Romans raised taxes in bad been recently projected. Additionally,
power, dubbed “mid-field powering.” times and used the money to build our bond rating has been downgraded
As the name implies, mid-field power coliseums and chariot race tracks,
by both Moody’s and Standard and
transfer uses radio waves that sit
between near-field (tens of gigahertz) to build roads (which exist today) as Poors. It’s going to cost the taxpayer
well as sending their armies out to more for bonds in this state.
and far-field (tens of megahertz).
Near-field radiation can penetrate conquer some hapless nation state.
Worst of all, the state has been
human flesh, but can only effectively There is no respected economics found to be withholding information
transfer power over a short distance
(millimeters). Far-field waves can textbook that says giving tax breaks about what terrible shape the state’s
transfer power over longer distances, to the rich at the expense of the pension fund is in. Of all the state,
but are unfortunately scattered or middle benefits a society. The worldly county and city pension funds in
absorbed by human skin.
philosophers never ventured near
To create mid-field waves, Poon such ridiculous ideas. They knew the U.S.A., Kansas is second from
last. It doesn’t get much worse. And,
created a patterned antenna that
they have misled investors who have
generates special near-field waves. such ideas don’t work.
When these special waves hit the But, what does work? Let’s look purchased bonds to keep it afloat. Still
skin, they turn into mid-field waves at California. Of late, California has worse, the state government hasn’t
that can then penetrate a few more raised taxes, increased spending, provided any policies to fix it.
centimeters of flesh.
raised its minimum wage and Some people on the extreme right
embraced Obamacare. How did that didn’t like what I said last time. They
Flashing Yellow Arrow
turn out?
may be on the right but I am right.
Signals Are Here
Employment is up 3.6 percent while
From Tim Dannenberg
Drivers in Olathe will encounter the national average languishes at 2.8 Some information for the above
flashing yellow arrows in the city percent. Health care costs have been came from the Kansas City Star, The
when new traffic signal indicators for reduced in the state. The percent of New York Times and Paul Krugman
left turns are installed this spring. The residents without healthcare has been as well as the State of California. Mr.
flashing yellow arrows are planned at cut in half. The insurance industry is MacLean was trained as an economist
the intersection of 151st Street and robust there. And, they have a budget
and has worked as such in the past.
Brougham, for east and westbound
traffic only.
Neighboring communities and many
signed on to the lawsuit, which
cities across the nation already use the Another Summer, Another have
was filed today in U.S. District
flashing yellow arrow traffic signals.
Court in San Francisco, according
Class-Action Lawsuit
A national study demonstrated that
to lawyers representing the former
this new signal indication helps
Against the NFL.
athletes. They are looking to make
prevent crashes and concluded
This time, eight former NFL the case a class action lawsuit.
that drivers found the new flashing players—Richard
Jim An NFL spokesman told Fusion that
yellow arrows easier to understand McMahon, Jeremy Newberry,
lawyers have not yet had time to
than the traditional yield on green Green, J.D. Hill, Keith Van Horne, NFL
review the lawsuit.
Ron Pritchard—filed
The full complaint outlines how
When drivers approach an Ron Stone, andlawsuit
alleging that plaintiff after plaintiff went through
intersection displaying a flashing atheclass-action
NFL supplied them with illegally the same ordeal: illegal prescription
yellow arrow, it is permitted to make prescribed
throughout of painkillers, deceit about both
a left turn after yielding to oncoming their careers,painkillers
led to medical the injuries and the side effects of
traffic and pedestrians. Note: complications which
such as addiction later the drugs, and subsequent medical
Oncoming traffic has a green light, in life.
so drivers must wait for a safe gap
Specifically, the players are Gazette Humor
in traffic before turning left.
For more information regarding alleging:
A little girl was sitting on her
The NFL illegally and unethically grandfather's
flashing yellow arrows, visit 1.
players serious pain bedtime story.lap as he read her a
OlatheKS.org or contact the Olathe supplied
Traffic Operations Center at 913- opioids, and including
From time to time, she would take
NSAIDs such as her
eyes off the book and reach up to
his wrinkled cheek.
2. The NFL did so for financial gain, She was
Gazette Humor
alternately stroking her own
in order to keep them in competition cheek, then
Subject: Fw: Ramblings of a
rather than allowing them to rest and Finally she his
Retired Mind
spoke up, "Grandpa, did
From Diane Hart
God make you?"
A penny saved is a government 3. The NFL “fraudulently concealed”
"Yes, sweetheart," he answered,
the dangerous side effects of the drugs "God
made me a long time ago."
The older you get, the tougher it is from players.
"Oh," she paused, "Grandpa, did
to lose weight, because by then your
God make me too?"
body and your fat have gotten to be painkillers has led to dangerous
"Yes, indeed, honey," he said, "God
medical conditions later in life, made
really good friends.
you just a little while ago."
The easiest way to find something including painkiller addiction, stage 3 Feeling their respective faces again,
lost around the house is to buy a
More than 500 other former players she
"God's getting better at it, isn't he ?”
Farmers’ Market
The downtown Olathe Farmers’ Market is set up at the new Olathe
Community Center, Kansas City Road and Ridgeview, across from
Mahaffie Farmstead. See ya there.
The Wednesday and Saturday Morning Farmers’ Market starts in
the mornings at 7:30 a.m. and open rain or shine till sold out. The BlackBob
Park in east Olathe has the same two times.
Olathe Girls Softball Assn.
The Pink Sox Olathe Girls’ Softball Assn. Under 8 Division team came
in third in their division. Pictured are top row left to right, Montgomery,
Mikayla, Madisyn, Kayla, Elle, Gwen, Abby, Mia, Emily.
Front row left to right, Greyson, Katie, Kayla, Kaitlyn, Ann. Not pictured
Each year several thousand young girls participate in the forty year-old
Olathe Girls Softball Association which has its own seven lighted fields cosponsored by Olathe Parks and Recreation. Enroll your daughter next year.
Dave Jones is President of the Board of Governors.
Now Se
Buffet S ving
Thursdaers on
5 - 8 p.m y Nights
. $15.00
Gazette Advertising
or email
Donald C. Nielson, D.D.S.
Hollie Pfeffer-Flack, D.D.S.
Page 4
Johnson’s County Gazette
Olathe’s Very Own Newspaper for 37 Years
Other Sheep
August 15, 2014
By Rev. Carl Erwin
I remember a story of grandparents
who were generous with their
grandchildren never said, "Thank
Finally, the grandparents decided
to send an unsigned check for gifts.
Needless to say, the grandchildren
came to them to thank them, but also
to ask them to sign the gift checks.
I remember working for a teacher
in the Ridgeview School in Olathe,
Kansas. "When I would do something
for her, she would reply, "Thank you,
thank you, thank you!"
Rev. Carl Erwin
I was visiting a friend, George
Gardner, at the Good Samaritan
Center. We would visit, and talk about
the good old days. When 1'd leave, his
remarks were, "Thanks a million."
Different expressions are used when
someone does something for you. Very
often, people will pass it off, saying,
"It was a piece of cake," or pass it on do something for someone else.
Hope 4 Single Moms
By RJ Thesman
Everybody Reads
Folks At The Market
Rain or Shine
Now that school is beginning, it’s
a good time to get out the journals. I
believe strongly in journals, not only
as a writer but also as a mother.
From the time of his conception
until he was 21, I journaled about
my son. These were journal entries
specifically for him and about him –
his own storybook.
I recorded his cute little phrases and
his first words, some of his favorite
events – sports, music and playing
with his friends. I also wrote about
some of his struggles. I wanted my
son to know how proud I was when
he faced a challenge and conquered a
Encourage your children to keep
their own journals – to write about
school, about teachers and friends,
favorite meals or recess games. During
adolescence, a journal can help your
child process the difficulty of the first
zit, the breakup with a boyfriend or
girlfriend, the test they studied so hard
for yet failed.
The important thing to remember
is to make the journal available but
not mandatory. A journal works best
when it is free writing, answering
the creative muse – not enforced and
certainly not graded for errors.
So begin this school year with
some colorful journals, then be a good
example, Mom, and start your own
journal. You’ll be amazed how much
you’ll learn about yourself and your
own creative journey.
RJ Thesman is the author of “The
Life at Cove Creek” series. Thesman
lives in Olathe with her son and an
elderly cat. She enjoys gardening,
reading and cooking. Her website
and blog address is: www.rjthesman.
net. Other helpful websites include:
DivorceCare.org; momsense.com.
Area Businesses Sponsor Boys State Program
Both Open at both places at 7:30 A.M.
Now Also
Blackbob Park
Wednesdays And
until sold out
Tomatoes, Honey, Watermelon,
Cucumbers, Baked Goods,
Fresh Eggs, Smoothies, Jams & Jellies, Peaches, Sweet Corn, Cantelope,
Green Beans, Onions, Potatoes
Beginning July 5 at Olathe
Comunity Center
Kansas City Road & Ridgeview
Visit our Second Location at
Blackbob Park (East of 151st & Blackbob, North Side)
Both Wed. & Sat. at 7:30 AM
Let these
people helpe
you find thlly
best in loca e
grown produc
Locally grown
The natural
Super Savings Sale
With this Ad & a $20 Purchase
Used Books
Wheat Cents $3.50 per roll
Buy 1, Get 1 FREE
(Not included in Gift Card promotion)
ad $35 purchase
FREE $10 Gift with
We Buy Old Car or Truck Batteries
$7.00 and up each
We buy Silver Plate and Silverware
Coins - Gold - Silver
DVDs - Games - Jewelry
Game Systems &
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U.S. Silver Dollars $10.00 each & up
10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
By Dick Wilson, Boys State.
The first week of June, 2014, 23
junior boys from six area high schools
attended the American Legion Boys
State Leadership program at Kansas
State University.
The sponsorship donations from
these following organizations enabled
the boys to attend "Clockwinders”
Optimist Club, Olathe Noon Lions,
Johnson County Old Settlers, Olathe
Noon Optimist Club, Robert Brogden
Buick GMC, NIC-USA Inc., Polar
Aire Co. , Olympic Car Wash, Merit
Bank, First National Bank, Debbie
Swinney State Farm Agency, First
Federal Savings, United Office
Products, Capitol Federal Foundation,
McGilley & Frye Funeral Home,
United Consumers Credit Union,
Valley View Bank, Sons of the
American, The American Legion
The American Legion Post 153,
Olathe, Kansas wants to thank each of
these organizations for their generous
4th Friday at
Olathe Public Library, Aug 22
Fourth Friday heads to Olathe
Public Library on August 22.
Join them for the next Fourth Friday
on Friday, August 22 from 4:30 to 6:30
p.m. at the Olathe Public Library (201
E Park St).
Enjoy live music from Betse Ellis,
free snacks and drinks, giveaways,
and activities in the children's area;
plus, you can test out the library's
new Wii U and Xbox One video
game systems! Head over to the
courtyard for more live music from
Chasing Grace, booths from local
organizations, games and activities,
and more. Visit olathefourthfridays.
com for more information and dates
for future events.
Thank to the sponsors: Dub V's Bar
and Deli, Junque Drawer Boutique
and Studio, and Kansas Coffee Cafe
for allowing them to offer free ice
cream and cotton candy at July's event
in the Johnson County Square. It was
the highest attended event they’ve had
and everyone had a great time!
Tale Of Two Doctors
From Bob Gingrich
Two patients limp into two different
medical clinics with the same
complaint. Both have trouble walking
and appear to require hip surgery.
The First patient is examined within
the hour, is x-rayed the same day and
has a time booked for surgery the
following week.
The second sees his family doctor
after waiting three weeks for an
appointment, then waits eight weeks
to see a specialist, then gets an x-ray,
which isn't reviewed for another week
and finally has his surgery scheduled
for six months from then pending the
review boards decision on his age and
remaining value to society.
Why the different treatment for the
two patients?
The first is a Golden Retriever taken
to a vet.
The second is a Senior Citizen on
Obama care...
In November if there is no change
in government, we'll all have to find a
good vet.
Reality Check: Numerous surveys
show that most participants in what
we call Obama Care are quite satisfied
with it. I doubt this, gotta see proof.
Gazette Humor
From Diane Hart
It's so good to finally get a health
warning that is useful.
It involves the shampoo when it runs
down your body... when you shower
with it. Warning to us all!
Shampoo Warning! I don't know
WHY I didn't figure this out sooner!
I use shampoo in the shower! When
I wash my hair, the shampoo runs
down my whole body, and printed
very clearly on the shampoo label is
this warning, "FOR EXTRA BODY
No wonder I have been gaining
Well! I got rid of that shampoo and
I am going to start showering with
Dawn dish washing Soap. Its label
Problem solved!
If I don't answer the phone, I'll be in
the shower!
Vitamin D may help in preventing
Alzheimer’s. Congressmen/women
work 100 days less than the rest of us
and make $174,000 yearly. Testosterone clinics called T- Centers
have sprung up all across country but
Food and Drug Administration says
too much is too dangerous. Get your
doctor’s opinion not these qet-richquick store-front snake-oil salesman.
Russian Criminal Gangs
A Huge Generalization
But some truth exists, Russian
gangs are a lot like ours but not from
as much of a melting pot. They seem
to have no moral compass, no idea of
righteousness, and are in complete
desperation because they cannot
be trusted to govern themselves
without total disregard for anything
approaching honesty.
The country has turned into one
amoral heap of humanity that appears
to be just one big criminal gang. Their
whole culture has been one of intrigue,
deception, deceit, cruelty, torture and
crime. Is it no wonder they spawn
gangs who have stolen 1.5 billion
passwords, websites and identities.
Bee Sting Remedy!
By Jeff Guest
From Diane Hart
It is that time of year when wasps,
yellow jackets, and other stinging
creatures are on the move and ornery.
Make sure you carry a penny or two
in your pocket.
A couple of weeks ago, I was stung
by both a bee and hornet while working
in the garden. My arm swelled up, so
I went to the doctor. The clinic gave
me cream and an antihistamine. The
next day the swelling was at the sting
progressively worse, so I went to my
regular doctor. The arm was infected
and needed an antibiotic.
The doctor told me - ' The next time
you get stung, put a penny on the bite
for 15 minutes'.
That night, my niece was stung by
two bees. I looked at the bite and it had
already started to swell. So, I taped a
penny to her arm for 15 minutes. The
next morning, there was no sign of a
bite. We decided that she just wasn't
allergic to the sting.
Gazette Humor
From Larry Manneman
Why A Man Has Little Stress
You can play with toys all your life.
One wallet and one pair of shoes -one color for all seasons.
Hi it’s me again with something
sad, glad, and exciting! School is
finally starting back up putting an end
to summer vacation (boo!). But, at the
same time getting us ready for another
year of school. During the summer
most kids my age have friends we
didn’t get to see very often or hang out
with very much so school gives us kids
a chance to see all our friends again.
Everyone knows about school and
the fact that there may be newcomers
who moved into your area and now go
to your school. Last year I had a total of
four new kids at my school in my grade
(not counting the kids from different
elementary schools who started at my
middle school). This year I bet there
will be some more new kids and if you
want them to feel comfortable at your
school then you should do this:
1. Introduce yourself and ask their
2. After you know their name, ask
what kinds of things they enjoy doing.
Most importantly be nice to them and
it will help them to know that your
school is nice and caring and that they
should not be afraid or nervous to be
a new addition to it.
If you know somebody who is about
to start elementary school, middle
school, or high school for the first time
Purchasing Clothes
An entomologist (insect expert), has
been saying that there is an epidemic
of bed bugs now occurring in America.
Recently on the news several stores in
NYC have had to close their doors due
to bed bug infestations, as well as a
complete mall in New Jersey.
Since much of our clothing, sheets,
towels, etc. now come from factories
outside of America, (sad, but true) even
the most expensive stores sell foreign
clothing from China, Indonesia,
Taiwan, etc. The bed bugs are coming
in on the clothing as these countries do
not consider them a problem.
When you buy new clothing,
underwear, socks, sheets, towels, etc.
immediately put them in your clothes
dryer for at least 20 minutes. The heat
will kill the bugs and their eggs. Do
not purchase clothes and hang them in
the closet first.
It does not matter what the price
range is of the clothing, or if the
outfit comes from the most expensive
store known in the U.S. They still get
shipments from these countries and
the bugs can come in a box of scarves
or anything else for that matter. That
is the reason why so many clothing
stores have had to shut down in NYC
and other places. All you need is to
bring one item into the house that has
bugs or eggs and you will a terribly
expensive time getting rid of them.
Helped by Olathe Ford
Thanks to the three guys, Chris,
Klint, Mike who helped with the
seatbelt problem I caused myself. On
a Saturday morning they fixed it.
An obscure law they told me about
requires safety stuff, like seatbelts to
be fixed by the manufacturer or his
representative, for 10 years, in this
case Olathe Ford/Lincoln. KEJ
Helped by Smitty’s
My first Stihl’s leaf blower worked
like a champ for over 20 years. When
I needed a new one, I got another
Stihl, this one from the ill-fated Van
Wall which closed abruptly earlier this
Panama Canal
(Continued from Page 1)
The land, machinery, buildings
were offered to the United States for
$109 million; we waited and let them
simmer in their bankruptcy and finally
picked them up for $40 million.
President Theodore Roosevelt
ordered "Let the dirt Fly." And, fly it
did. In four years the French moved
30 million cubic yards of earth;
the Americans moved 238 million.
(enough to fill enough trains to
circle the earth 3 1/2x at Equator)
The Americans used labor primarily
composed of Caribbean people, mostly
from Barbados.
There were over 42,000 laborers. The
Engineering, accounting, management
jobs were mostly Americans. While
the laborers were segregated and paid
little but they faired better than under
the French.
After about 2,000 deaths from
malaria, American doctors made
changes in water, sanitation, housing
and food - and not one more death
from malaria was recorded.
The YMCA opened a facility there,
complete with bowling, gymnasium,
library and bandstand. The Knights
of Columbus and the Masons had a
presence there.
A scale model of the canal is on
display; it is a very tight fit for modern
tankers and warships, so the Canal
was widened.
Brit Luxury
(Continued from Page 1)
time to look at the passing panorama.
It took four days to a week (depending
on headwinds and weather) to fly from
London to Cape Town, South Africa.
By only flying about four hours a day,
passengers stayed at the best hotels
in Europe, Cairo, Khartoum and the
Victoria Falls.
Flights to India also gave an
interesting choice of destinations. Old
fashioned and good mannered ideas
and behaviour, like dressing up to
have evening drinks on the balcony
and certainly not ever being in a
hurry - one can only salivate at how
pleasurable that would be.
In a modern jet, one can get from A
to B quickly (even with stop-overs),
but nowadays there is nothing to be
Would you fly in this airplane?
Remarkably, they never had a fatal
crash or serious incident as they flew
in luxury..
seen on the ground from 35,000 feet,
the modern airline food is at best,
basic (unless you are in first class)
and passengers are so jam-packed that
one tends to feel like an immigrant in
steerage on a Clipper Ship. We will not
get on to the subject of terminals.-/-
you should talk to them about it and
help them to not be nervous. When
I started middle school last year I
learned that worrying about school
will just keep you more and more
nervous so you should just take a deep
breath and think of all the good things
that will happen. You will make new
friends and get to meet new teachers
and have a lot of fun!
My little brother, Sebastien, is
starting kindergarten so I told him
the same thing and now he is super
excited and can’t wait to start school
on Thursday August 14th.
I have heard a lot of things about
seventh grade and how its stressful and
not fun but I think I will have a great
time during seventh grade hanging
out with my friends again and all my
teachers. I think the thing I am most
excited about is getting to be in band
again and play for the world’s best
band teacher, Mrs. Gamble, and just
getting to be a student at my school,
Pleasant Ridge. I can’t wait to start
school and see all my teachers and
friends again. I hope you enjoyed this
message from me and if you are still in
school I hope you have a great year! Until next time,
I’m Gabriel Pro
“Simply Reinspired
Café & Treasures”
Sisters Debbie and Janice have
opened a great new breakfast &
lunch cafe/shoppe in downtown
Olathe. Great food, great setting.
We were flagged down almost
a year ago by a really enthusiastic
lady, Debbie Mann, near Cedar and
Kansas. She said she and sister Janice
Mann-Harris have opened a café with
gifts you can buy. We tried it and it’s
really good. They’re just between
Kansas and Cherry at 108 W. Cedar.
It’s a breakfast and lunch cafe with
decorating items for sale and located in
a house on Cedar Street. We ate there
and agree with friend Wes McCoy. It’s
a delightful place with great service
and wonderful food. 768-1177 Visit
their website: www.simplyreinspired.
com. Go just to see how cool it is.
See their ad on Page 3 for more.
In 1977, President Carter and
Congress gave away the Canal, after
the trillions of dollars, lives, and
hours America invested, free gratis to
Panama. So often truth is stranger than
The canal in undergoing another
widening, begun in 2007, that will
adapt to even larger ships.
The Linda Hall Library is located
in the center of the UMKC campus at
5109 Cherry and you can find it online
at www.lindahall.org. The display is
free and open through the end of the
year Monday to Friday 9-5, but only
one Saturday a month - September
13, October 11, November 8 and
December 13. The UMKC campus is
notorious for lack of parking - but not
so at Linda Hall - plenty of free and
nearby parking. This is well worth the
Gazette Humor
Senior Prenuptial Agreement
A couple reaching their 70s are
about to get married, but before they
say their vows, the woman wanted to
She said: "I want to keep my
He said: "That's fine with me.
She said: "I want to keep my
He said: "That's fine with me."
She said: "And I want to have sex
six times a week."
He said: "Put me down for
What I learned from My Parents
From Diane Hart
23. My Parents taught me about my
"Shut that door behind you. Do you
think you were born in a field?"
24. My Parents taught me WISDOM.
"When you get to be my age, you'll
August 15, 2014
Johnson’s County Gazette
Daily Schedules
Help your child develop a daily
routine, and together work out the
summertime schedule when you're not
there. Allow your child to sleep in, but
insist that he call you upon waking.
Over the phone, review the morning
routine: "Now remember, you have four
things to do: put the dog outside and
feed the cat; shower and get dressed;
tidy your bedroom and bathroom; and
eat breakfast and put the dishes in the
Then go over the day's events:
"Today, you have to bathe the dog;
you've got swimming lessons, then
Grandma is coming to take you to lunch
and shopping for camp clothes."
With a plan in motion, the day
passes more easily and predictably for
your child. To fill in the vacant hours
she spends alone, give her permission
to watch certain TV programs, play
computer games and use the Internet.
Also realize that your child will spend
time chatting on the phone with friends;
it's an acceptable social activity that
typifies early adolescence.
Hobbies are not a frivolous pastime;
they're a source of pride for the schoolaged child. A child feels productive
rather than pressured because there
are no outside demands on his
performance. In fact, since the child is
dictating his level of involvement, the
hobby can act as stress reducer. When
occupied with a hobby, a quiet serenity
takes over--there's some passion but
no frustration.
When there's no one around and
nothing to do, a hobby even provides
solace, filling in time gaps while
supporting the school-aged child's
need for industriousness. Hobbies also
help develop a child's organizational
skills. Whether it's cooking or playing
computer games, collecting Pokémon
cards or building model airplanes, a
hobby requires categorizing, planning,
reading, thinking and researching.
Whatever your child's individual
interest, he needs your support. So
when you're out running errands, buy
that special Pokémon card your child
is still searching for, or rent a video
about the model airplane he's putting
together. Your job is to show interest
and assist your child in cultivating the
hobby on his terms. Don't take over;
just be your child's mentor to success.
Source: www.family.com
Grace’s Goodies
These recipes are ones used by 67 year long
Olathe resident, Grace Armstrong Moody,
(Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother,
Aunt, Sister and Dear Friend) over the years
and fondly remembered by her family and
friends as some of their favorites.
Grace learned to cook from her mother
while living on the farm as a girl in
Columbus, Kansas, and continued to cook
for her husband, Edward, former Olathe
Mayor, and their daughters Ann, Charlene
and Alice.
She has entered and won several Grange
cookie, pie and cake contests. Her pies have
been known to bring up to $140 at a charGrace Moody
itible auction.
Now at age 99, living at Good Samaritan of Olathe, she reminisces
about the great cooking times-gone-by and encourages you to try some of
her favorite recipes, some of which we reprint here. Enjoy
Olathe’s Hometown Community Newspaper for 37 Years
How Can I Balance
A Home Business and a Baby?
Six to Nine Months before Baby:
• Start mapping out your maternity leave.
How much can you realistically
take? We suggest you allow yourself
as much time as possible to recuperate
from childbirth, bond with your
newborn and catch up on your sleep.
Of course, the type of business you
have will dictate how much time you
can afford to take off. As a writer, I
was able to finish up deadlines before
our second babies came along and
factor in a month of maternity leave
before taking on new projects. But if
you have a product-based business
or service business with ongoing
responsibilities, this may not work.
• Choose the amount of time
that works for you.
Treat your maternity leave as you
do vacations. Clients probably don't
think twice when your office is closed
for summer vacation. So as long as
they have advance notice (more on this
later), they will most likely understand.
(After all, women in the "traditional"
work world are entitled to maternity
leave, and you should be too!)
• If you really feel you'll be unable
to close down the office for an extended
period, then consider whether you can
temporarily hire someone to handle
your day-to-day business duties after
the baby arrives.
• Stop recruiting new business. Unless there's been a client or
customer you've been actively wooing,
we suggest you wait till after the baby
comes to add new clients or projects.
You'll find it best to concentrate on
your existing workload.
• Aim to complete current projects
before baby comes, if possible.
That way you can have some worryfree time with your newborn - even if
it's just a few weeks.
Source: www.ivillage.com
Blue-Jean Book Bag
This quick sewing project makes it
a cinch to turn old jeans into a rugged
book bag.
Pair of jeans
Sewing machine or needle and thread
Cotton belt
1. Zip the jeans and turn them inside
out. With a pair of fabric scissors (a
parent's job), cut off both jean legs 3
inches from the crotch. Set aside. Next,
fold the cutoff jeans, matching up the
side seams as you would to press front
and back leg pleats.
2. Using a sewing machine (or a
close, even hand stitch), sew closed
each leg opening 1 inch from the cut
edge. Trim the denim 1/2 inch from
the stitching.
3. Turn the jeans right-side out.
For a handle, thread a cotton belt
through the belt loops and tie the ends
Crafty Lunch Sack
Show off chic cafeteria style with
this easy-to-make -- and easy-to-wash
-- lunch bag.
Old pair of pants
Fabric scissors
Sewing machine or thread and needle
Patches, paint or buttons
1. To begin, cut a 12- to 16-inch
section from a pant leg. Fold over a
1/2-inch strip around the top and sew
it down to create a casing.
2. Through an opening left in the
casing, thread a 3-foot length of cord
and knot the two ends together.
3. To form the bag's bottom, cut
another piece of fabric from the pants,
about 1/2-inch larger than the leg's
circumference. Turn the leg inside out
and sew the two pieces together.
4. Customize the bag with patches,
fabric paints or buttons.
Source: www.familyfun.com
Page 5
New Outlet Store
With Just About
Everything You Need
We at the Gazette love supporting
small businesses, as they successfully
compete against the big box behemoths.
We like to help the little guy or little
gals in this case. Visit Warehouse
Sales Outlet on Kansas City Road at
Jan-Mar, just east of Ridgeview. They
have a little bit of everything and the
prices are great. They have closeoutbig discounted items of remarkably
good quality. -/Gazette Humor
From Jim Burditt
Sports Quotes You've Never Heard
"I have a lifetime contract. That
means I can't be fired during the third
quarter if we're ahead and moving the
- Lou Holtz, Arkansas football coach
"I won't know until my barber tells
me on Monday."
- Knute Rockne, when asked why
Notre Dame had lost a game
"I tell him 'Attaway to hit, George.'"
- Jim Frey, KC Royals manager when
asked what advice he gives George
Brett on hitting
"I learned a long time ago that 'minor
surgery' is when they do the operation
S h o w O f f Yo u r F l o w e r s /
Plants -- Let’s Grow
The Olathe Garden & Civic Club
will be sponsoring a flower show in
conjunction with the Old Settler's
Celebration, Sept. 5th and 6th. Get a
blue ribbon for that beautiful tomato,
pumpkin or flower.
Entries will be accepted Thurs.
Sept. 4th from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and
Fri. Sept. 5th from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m.
Entries will be judged from 10 a.m. to
12 p.m.. This is all free and available
to the public.
The flower Show takes place at
Olathe City Hall, 100 E. Santa Fe from
Fri. Sept. 5th 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Sept
6th 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.. We encourage
all gardeners, including children to try
their luck!
Owner Susan with her daughter,
Kelsey at Warehouse Sales Outlet
just east of Ridgeview off KC Rd.
on someone else, not you."
When my daughter, Kelli, said her
bedtime prayers, she would bless every
family member, every friend, and
every animal (current and past). For
several weeks, after we had finished
the nightly prayer, Kelli would say,
"And all girls."
This soon became part of her nightly
routine, to include this closing. My
curiosity got the best of me and I asked
her, "Kelli, why do you always add the
part about all girls?"
Her response, "Because everybody
always finish their prayers by saying
'All Men'!"
“The Gazette really
helped us get started in
our first Culver’s
Culver’s of Olathe
“We have loved
“I have been very surprised at the response we
got from our Gazette car
wash coupons. Thanks”
“We’ve run ads very
successfully for 35
years in the
the response to
our ads”
The Hairem
Page 6
Johnson’s County Gazette
Serving Olathe, Overland Park, Gardner, Spring Hill for 37 Years
“A smile is contagious.”
“Success is a journey,
not a destination.”
Gazette Humor
Understanding Engineers
Two repairmen were standing at the
base of a flagpole, looking at its top.
A female engineer walked by and
asked what they were doing.
"We're supposed to find the height of
this flagpole," said Sven, "but we don't
have a ladder."
The engineer took a wrench from her
purse, loosened a couple of bolts, and
laid the pole down on the ground.
Then she took a tape measure from
her pocketbook, took a measurement,
announced, "Twenty one feet, six
inches," and walked away.
One repairman shook his head and
laughed, "A lot of good that does us.
We ask for the height and she gives us
the length!"
Both men have since been removed
from their repair jobs and are currently
serving in the United States Congress.
Flower Show
Submit your entry, don’t be bashful
The Olathe Garden and Civic Club
is sponsoring a juried flower show in
conjunction with the Old Settler's
Celebration Sept. 4, 5 & 6th. The
theme of the celebration and the
flower show is the Big Top. Anyone
interested in entering a floral design
should call Sheila Chusuk at 894-9684
or Kim Pegel at 782-9089. The public
is encouraged to enter designs or
horticulture from their gardens. The
show schedules are available at both
Olathe libraries. Horticulture could
include flowers or vegetables grown
in your garden.
Expires 12-31--14
Now days
Expires 12-31-14
It’s hot and lemonade tastes good.
Here is a lemonade tip. Lay lemon
slices in a single layer on a cookie
sheet and place in the freezer. When
the fruit is frozen, put it into freezer
bags and return it to the freezer. Use
the slices to cool punches or iced tea
and add color and flavor.
“Whether you think you can or you
think you can’t, you are right.” Henry
Ford, American industrialist 18631947.
Denver, Colorado is known as the
“Mile High City.” Did you know that
the 13th step outside the state capitol
is exactly one mile above sea level.
Why don’t most cosmetics indicate
to use before a certain date?
Plastic gloves should be used when
selecting fruit and vegetables. People’s
hands are not always clean.
My two daughters from France and
Spain have spent a couple weeks with
us for their summer vacations. It was
nice and refreshing to hear about their
lives and families. News about life in
Spain and France is always interesting
for me as I spent 27 years working for
John Deere overseas. My daughters
mean a lot to my wife and me. It’s
wonderful to have them visit here.
The American Legion dining room
has completely been refurbished with
fresh painted walls and new carpet.
The new automatic doors sure make
for easy access.
Many wild animals are not affected
by Poison Ivy. Deer and small
mammals eat the leaves and twigs.
They, as well as birds, also snack on
the berries, causing the seeds to spread
to new areas.
We the people of Kansas cannot be
proud that our credit rating has been
lowered again. The lack of income has
been brought about by the lowering
of our state income tax. We must
remember this in the general election.
Don’t be surprised if state services are
cut because of the lack of funds.
Kansas City has a new soccer
supporter with the new C.E.O. of
Sprint, who is working with Beckham
to create an M.L.S. club in Miami.
The new Sprint C.E.O. is from Bolivia
and was the director of the Soccer
Federation in Bolivia.
For relief from sunburn, pick the
flowers of Roman Chamomile every
few days, dry them and then store them
in airtight containers. When drawing a
bath, add one-half cup or more of the
dried flowers to the water. Then get in
and soak it up.
The trees of Veterans Memorial
Park – Tree Tour #1 brochure is
located in a box at the park. The
brochure is provided by the Olathe
Garden and Civic Club in cooperation
with Garmin and the Olathe Parks and
Recreation Department.
A walking map is included in the
brochure. The brochure contains 51
different photos of the large variety of
trees found there. I invite you to stop
by the park and pick up the Tree Tour
#1 brochure. The Garden Club is to be
commended for a fine piece of work.
Where is the Lone Elm Historic
Marker? The Lone Elm camp ground
Santa Fe Trail Monument was erected
in 1906. Many of the speakers at the
dedication are names from our past:
Mrs. John P. St.John and U.B. Mahaffie
and several other dignitaries.
Bill Tuggle passed away August
5 at the age of 81 in Florida. Bill
graduated in 1951 at the John P. St.
John High School. He joined the Navy
Retail Shopping
The old Lone Elm Historical Site
Marker is gone. Where is it?
soon after graduation. Bill loved to
play the guitar and sing western songs.
He retired from the State of Maine,
where he was director of Maintenance
for government buildings for the
State of Maine. Bill leaves his sister,
Rosemary Emmert and his daughters
who live in Maine and his long time
companion, Chris Teague, who lives
near Clearwater, Florida. Bill will be
missed by his many friends and former
The City Arborist, Rick Spurgeon,
confirmed the name of the tree that is
south of the Community Center. Many
have called to ask, if I knew what it
is. It is a Northern Red Oak and it is a
beauty with big limbs that have spread
out and down towards the ground.
You must go around to the back of the
center to see it.
It has been called to my attention
that many scam artists are preying on
wounded veterans organizations. Do
be careful. There are many wounded
veterans that do need help. Find out
who they are and give directly.
The no-call list is not working
well at all. I have called the Attorney
General’s office in Topeka and he
admits that it is almost impossible to
stop some of the calls. He suggested
to keep trying. My T.V. is turned on
mute, so when the phone rings, I can
see who is calling. If I don’t recognize
the number, I don’t answer.
Bank Robbery
(Continued from Page 1)
After shooting Sundbye, the two
robbers carjack a vehicle a few blocks
away and we are now looking for a
stolen convertible owned by a Sheriff's
reserve Deputy taken from his wife
and child.
The vehicle is found parked at an
apartment complex in the 7700 block
of West 85th Street in Overland Park.
Officers from nearly every Johnson
County police department as well as the
Johnson County Sheriff’s Department
and one Highway Patrolman converge
on the apartments.
After a search of the apartments, an all
clear is announced. Uniform Patrolman
Bill Loveless and I get in his marked
patrol car to take me to my car blocks
away from the scene. As Loveless puts
the car in gear to back away, we get
an alert that one of the suspects may
still be in the apartment building so
we get out and with others present,,
we surround the building. Chief John
Kenyan estimated 150 officers were
involved. We don't know, if he was
even there, but we didn't see that many
officers, nor did others I have talked
to since.
At this point shooting from the
apartment breaks out. Officers who are
trying to enter the suspect apartment
are shot at through the door. Six officers
are on the west side of the apartment,
including myself, when gunfire breaks
out. The window above us shatters as
multiple shots ring out; no one is hit.
We are now in a gun battle and some
of us are positioned in the open yard.
Someone’s yells "bring us a car for
cover”. I run to the marked Sheriff’s
car that Loveless and I just got out of.
As I get to the drivers door of the car
I see that Highway Patrol Sergeant
Eldon Miller, a friend has beat me to
Miller has been shot in forehead
through the windshield and is lying
back in the seat. I move around to the
passenger side of the car and report
"officer shot" over that car’s radio.
A Leawood Patrol Officer and I roll
the car back out of the line of fire, so
Miller can be moved although there’s
no question of his condition, he will
be transported to the hospital but sadly
he’s gone.
Making credit cards work
for you in a bad economy
There is no question that prices are
way up. In some instances, prices are
100 percent to 200 percent higher than
they were just a year or two ago. The
first assumption you need to make is
that prices are going to stay high.This
way, if they go back down to levels we
saw a year or so ago, then you have
adequately planned for inflation. If prices do stay where they are, then
you are going to have to address them
right now. Put the numbers for today
into your retirement income plans and
adjust for them. This is going to take
some work, but it needs to be done. To
get started, look at your budgeting and
your credit cards. Your credit cards are providing
picture of
Park Bank
1. How to Get the Best
Clearance Price in Stores
In most retail stores, clearance is
marked down at the beginning of the
month. And for stores that use the
tiered clearance system, where items
fall in price as the month progresses,
you will find that the best time to get
the lowest price for a clearance item is
toward the end of the month.
2.Too Early / Too Late For
a Great Sale? Not Anymore
Most retail stores have an
unpublished policy that allows
customers to receive the sale price for
an item either a day before or a day
after the begin and end dates of an
advertised sale. You just have to ask to
receive the sale price.
3. Price Adjustment?
Too Late, Not Necessarily
Most retailers have a published
I Remember
the Tramps and Hobos
I am a child of the Great Depression.
In 1933, I was five years old.
The current recession is said to be
the worst financial crisis to face our
nation since the Great Depression.
In those days the unemployment rate
hovered around 25 percent. Today the
rate is less than half of that figure.
Many men in the early 1930s were
forced to leave their homes and their
families to go in search of work.
Unable to pay for transportation, they
often rode freight trains or walked
the country’s dusty roads. We called
these men tramps. Others called them
My folks were trying to survive
Garden Club
The Olathe Garden & Civic Club
will be meeting August 19th at 12:30
PM at Bass Pro Shop, 12051 Bass
Pro Drive in Olathe. The program
will be on Drip Irrigation, presented
by Master Gardener, Rob Mortko.
The public is welcome to attend.
For directions or questions, call Joan
Shriver at 492-3566.
Amazing Human Body Facts From
From Larry Manemann
Reports will say Sgt. Miller
was knocked into the back seat of
that car, although he was not. The
firefight continues as Harley Sparks
an investigator for the Johnson
County District Attorney’s Office
and Patrolman David Slade evacuate
a lady and her two-month-old child
from the apartment across the hallway
through a window on the east side of
the building. Bullets penetrate that
apartment, luckily no one is hit.
The gunfight continues as I and
others pound the apartment with
gunfire, the occupant continues
shooting back. Slade is now standing
behind me at the corner of an adjacent
building as I empty my shotgun into
the sliding glass door of the apartment,
Slade hands me ammunition as I empty
the weapon several more times. At that
point the sliding glass door opens and
a can rolls out. Someone yells "bomb"
and everyone takes cover, the "nine
sticks of dynamite" do not explode. The shooting continues for a short
time and then stops as the apartment
is entered by Sparks and Det. Jack
Laptad of the Sheriff's Office. Henry
Floyd Brown is found lying on the
floor with several wounds. He is the
only occupant of the apartment and
the shooting is over with one officer
killed. No one other than Brown is
injured, he survives. Guns, dynamite
and money stolen in the robbery are
Henry Floyd Brown is the only
suspect arrested at the apartment, three
others including accomplice Andrew
Evan Gipson are arrested within
days. All are convicted of crimes
and do their time. At the time, the
death penalty was still the law. Then
District Court Judge Herbert Walton
does not give that sentence, much to
the disappointment to many officers in
Johnson County.
1. It's possible for your body to
survive without a surprisingly large
fraction of its internal organs. Even if
you lose your stomach, your spleen,
75% of your liver, 80% of your
intestines, one kidney, one lung, and
virtually every organ from your pelvic
and groin area, you wouldn't be very
healthy, but you would live.
August 15, 2014
short-term relief in meeting current
expenses, but adequate budgeting is
really what you need to do to conquer
the high cost of your bills. Your credit
cards can be part of this solution for
you. Looking at your current budget, you
have to make sure you are meeting
your expenses with your income.
Covering these expenses with your
credit cards worked in the very short
term for you, but as you point out, you
need a long-term solution. This may
mean cutting back on some expenses,
but it also may mean looking at cutting unnecessary expenses. Let's focus on your credit cards.
First, take a look at low interest and
balance transfer cards, and compare
what these different cards have to
offer. You can save on one monthly bill
alone by cutting interest expenses. For example, if your current credit
card interest expense is $100 a month
with an 18.99 percent APR, and you
move to a lower interest card at 9.99
percent, your interest cost might move
down by $50 a month. This $50 can be
used to fill up one more tank of gas,
pay for some groceries or even smarter,
lower your credit card balance. Source:
policy allowing customers a specific
timeframe to receive price adjustments
and an unpublished policy that actually
extends this timeframe anywhere from
7 to 14 days. Even if you are outside
the official timeframe for a price
change, make the request, as most
stores will honor the adjustment based
on the unpublished policy and because
they won't risk losing a customer.
4. Shopping Day Savings
Passes, Just Ask
Several national retail stores offer
Shopping Day Savings Passes, which
are coupons that offer the customer
anywhere from 10-20% off every
purchase made throughout that day. These "savings passes" are available
at customer service desks. All you
need to do is ask. One large retailer
that offers these passes is Macys.
Source: www.stretcher.com
on a rented farm just west of Olathe.
Often a hungry tramp would come
to our house and ask if there was any
task they could perform. My mother
would never refuse to give them
something to eat. It was usually a fried
egg sandwich made with some of her
home-made bread.
While mother was fixing the food, I
would often sit on the old well slab and
talk with the tramp. Mother and I were
never afraid of these men and I cannot
remember any of them ever creating
any trouble for us or our neighbors.
They were probably all decent men
finding themselves in a regrettable and
hurtful situation.
Jim & Arlene Smith, Jessie Yocum
Mark Todd, Mary Fletcher, Dave
White’s son, Alex Crawford, Bob
and Mary Louise Belts, Betty Dow,
Vera Williams, Jim Turner, , Jack and
Lois Bernard;, Phil, Pinky, and Scott
Johnson, Debbie Bonebrake, Judy
& Glenn Alley, Helen West, family
of Peter Perme, family of Stephen
Gazette Humor
From Larry Manneman
Why A Man Has Little Stress
Ah, children. A woman knows all
about her children. She knows about
dentist appointments and romances,
best friends, favorite foods, secret
fears and hopes and dreams.
A man is vaguely aware of some short
people living in the house.
Also in DeSoto
and Gardner
180 S. Parker, Olathe 2137 E. 151 St., Olathe
12705 N. Mur-Len, Olathe
619 E. Main, Gardner
August 15, 2014
Johnson’s County Gazette
Olathe’s Only Locally Owned Newspaper for 37 Years
Page 7
Mortgage Foreclosure, Divorce,
Probate, Wills, Real Estate, Medicaid
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or 913 397-0895
“Ann & I have used these guys a lot,
1900 E, Santa Fe
Olathe, KS 66062 wwwfacebook.com/djautollc
Behind Perkins off Santa Fe
Used by the Gazette
Rick Peck Remodeling
Donald C. Nielson, D.D.S.
Katherine Nielson-Stanley, D.D.S.
Donald C. Nielson, D.D.S.
Hollie Pfeffer-Flack, D.D.S.
913 575-6887
Grass Pad People
His Handyman Services
Used by the Gazette.
We’re very happy
with his work.
You should be goin’ to The Grass
Pad, one of our longest running advertisers and we feature the Grass
Pad Girl again who encourages you
to see their ad on page 2 and ‘Come
on down to the Grass Pad” for the
area’s best prices, best advice and
best merchandise. See ya there. We
love the Grass Pad a lot.
Page 8
Johnson’s County Gazette
Olathe’s Oldest Newspaper
August 15, 2014
Mahaffie Recognizes Grandparents
Day with Free Admission
From Erin Vader
Mahaffie Stagecoach Stop and
Farm will recognize National
Grandparent’s Day on Sunday,
September 7 with free admission for
grandparents with an accompanying
paid child admission. This is a $6
savings. In addition to regular weekend
programming, grandparents can pick
up a copy of a family tree to fill out
with their family. Registration is not
required for this event.
Visitors are invited to participate
in living history activities including
stagecoach rides, cooking on the woodburning cookstove, touring the historic
Mahaffie house, blacksmithing, farm
chores and more.
Registration Open for Fall Fun
on the Farm Home School Day
From Erin Vader
Registration is now open for
Fall Fun on the Farm Home School
Day Thursday September 11, 2014.
This program offers two sessions of
1860s Fall Living History activities
that may include: Mahaffie House
tours, cookstove and blacksmith
demonstrations and visiting the new
Agricultural Heritage Livestock Barn.
Sessions are from 10:00 a.m. to
12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Cost is $5/student and accompanying
adults are free (if adults would like
a stagecoach ride, cost is $2/adult/
stagecoach ride).
Registration is required by Thursday
September 4 and payment is due day
of the program. New this year for
Homeschool Day is an opportunity for
discounted admission to the Olathe
Community Center for that day only.
Homeschool Day participants who
pay admission can receive a coupon
for half price daily admission to the
Olathe Community Center (Regular
Community Center admission: $6,
coupon allows the participant to enter
for $3).
Bring your swim suits and enjoy
the indoor natatorium! To register,
visit www.mahaffie.org or call
The Hairem
Flower Show
Submit your entry to the contest
The Olathe Garden and Civic Club
is sponsoring a juried flower show
in conjunction with the Old Settler's
Celebration Sept. 4, 5 & 6th. The
theme of the celebration and the
flower show is the Big Top. Anyone
interested in entering a floral design
should call Sheila Chusuk at 894-9684
or Kim Pegel at 782-9089.
The public is encouraged to enter
designs or horticulture from their
gardens. The show schedules are
available at both Olathe libraries.
Horticulture could include flowers or
vegetables grown in your garden.
Gazette Humor
From Tony Wells
One night, an 87-year-old woman
came home from Bingo to find her 92year-old husband in bed with another
woman. She became violent and ended up pushing him off the balcony of
their 20th floor apartment, killing him
Brought before the court, on the
charge of murder, she was asked if she
had anything to say in her defense.
'Your Honour,' she began coolly, 'I figured that at 92, if he could make love,
he could fly.'
(Continued from Page 1)
“This will be less of a hassle in, out,
finding us. We are thrilled.”
“Our valuable, treasured, honored,
dear-to-us clients will be treated even
more graciously in the new salon.”
The new Hairem is just south a
few blocks away in the completely
renovated Devonshire Center at 127th
and Mur-Len, with Pizza Hut, Curves,
and others.
The 3,600 square foot, completely
redesigned salon will have 19 styling
stations, reception/waiting area with
perks, boutique, office and break
“One of the things we are most
excited about is the “Blow Dry Bar.”
“This is the really hot thing in New
York City. What it is, is a service
for on-the-go gals who need a quick
shampoo and blow-dry.”
“ Just call and give us a little notice
or just show up.”
“If you’ve got a special evening,
big interview, are just really late for
work, whatever, this is the latest and
greatest thing and new to Olathe and
“Our very popular Pastiche
Boutique with a great assortment of
jewelry, scarves, hand-bags, clothing
and more will have its presence,” the
owner added.
The new location near the new
127th Street I-35 Overpass makes
us more accessible to central and
westside town locations. With the
new 127th four-lane improvement
between Blackbob and Pflumm now
open, we will be more accessible from
the east now.
Getting away from the highly
congested and nerve-wracking 119th
interchange and congestion will be
good for business, some say.
“We anxiously await the midSeptember move and our 14 stylists
are eager to see you there. We hope
you will find us there easily and come
see what a “Blow Dry Bar’ is all
about,” Sheryl told the Gazette.
Owners Sheryl and Matt Bjorgo
opened their first Hairem location in
1983 off Santa Fe in central Olathe and
moved in 2002 to the Olathe Station
location near AMC 30 Cinema.
The current location is being
redeveloped by new owners and the
Hairem move was necessitated.
A completely new construction will
turn the Hairem into an even better
appointed, nicer decorated,
fullservice hair salon/boutique.
The new address is 12805 S. MurLen, Suite C-5. The center also has a
Pizza Hut, Chinese restaurant, Curves
fitness center, convenience, liquor, and
other store offices.
Call the Hairem at 913-829-1260.
The Hairem welcomes men, women
children of all ages, walk-in or
Recent Deaths - July
Are You A Johnson County ‘Old Settler’?
Register in Downtown Olathe Sep. 4,5,6
Thursday, Sep. 4, 2014 (7-9 P.M._)
Chestnut Street Stage – Downtown Library Parking Lot
(Park across street in Parking Garage)
Friday, Sep. 5, 2014 (6-8 P.M.)
Flower Show – City Hall – Santa Fe just west of Chestnut
(park at rear of building to the north)
Saturday, Sep. 6, 2014 (11 A.M.-2 P.M.)
Auto Show – behind City Hall – Poplar & Chestnut
(park in Downtown Parking Garage)
Saturday, Sep. 6, 2014 (9 A.M.- 4 P.M.)
McGilley & Frye Funeral Home – corner Loula/Cherry
(Reserved parking in adjoining lot for disabled only)
(Parking in Downtown Parking Garage – Cherry Entrance
from Chuck Kurtz
View from the Midwest Blog
see it for complete obituary
Adler, Eden
Askins, Matthew W.
Babich, Christine Eileen
Bailey, Edward Robert
Bassam, Juzdan
Blackwood, David D.
Brookhouser, Austin
Burley, Sebastian James Martz
Citro, Arlene
Cope, Dolly Francis
Dahl, Helen E. (Burgess)
Dalrymple, Vera
Edmondson, Leone
Eidson, Donald
Erb, Deena Kay
Evans, Eva Mae Turner
Gordon, Neva Merle (Riffey)
Gross, Christopher James
Hall, Charles Thomas “Tom”
Hall, Emily Elizabeth
Harmison, Keith W.
Harnett, Maurice L.
Heflin, Ella
Heincker, Leon George
Hendricks, David Lee
Hoffine, Mary
Hurst, Lincoln William
Kearny, Margaret Jo
Kellar, Esther Mae
Lang, A.J. “Tony”
Lattner, Wendolyn “Van”
Lee, Mark
Longanecker, Lola “Marcene”
McDonald, Ruth Ann
Mustain, Carl Dean “Pete”
Obry, Katherine
Petrie, David John
Pinkleman, Mary “Gertie”
Pokorny, Oscar Carlos
Ray, Shirley
Rigdon, Cynthia “Cindi” Ann
Simpson, Larry J.
Singleton, Edward
Sloan, Gary Lawrence
Snell, Robert “Everett”
Snyder, Phillip “Phil” B.
McKinley, Virginia Louise (Stuteville)
September 4, 5, 6 ---- Downtown Olathe
In Four Locations - See Days, Times Locations,
See above
See You Soon at the 116th Johnson
County Old Settlers Celebration
Wells, Jovanna “Jodi”
Wulf, Carl H. Jr.
Yust, Hally “Bug” Nicole
Recent Deaths - Aug.
Adlington, Stephen
Cade, Dorothy Louise “Dottie”
Dalrymple, Arthur “Raymond”
Davis, Stephanie Ann
Flaigle, Harold E. Sr.
Glasscock, Mary Catherine
Johnson, Leon Jr.
Joplin, Harold Lee
Kilburn, Opal Ola Lou
Kindler, Zachary Tauno
King, Ethan Douglas
Lampkin, Mary Lee “Peg”
Mercado, Rosa
Perme, Peter
Powers, Anna K.
Reed, Roland
Tuggle, Billy Lee
Waters, Harriet
Woltkamp, Vincent
To read entire
please see
Chuck Kurtz
View from the Midwest Blog
August 15, 2014
Garage Door Openers
Garage door openers are a
convenience that many have now
come to take for granted. However,
openers are like many other devices.
They need periodic maintenance.
For example, the safety sensors
near the floor on either side of the
door should be kept clean, free of
obstructions, and properly aligned.
When working properly, the sensors
are to keep the opener from allowing
the door to close on something in its
path. Unfortunately, it’s really easy for
a garage to become dirty or cluttered
with items that become a hazard to the
sensors and a danger to their wires.
Also, you’ll want to be sure your
opener remains properly adjusted.
Openers have four main adjustments.
The downward travel should be set
to allow your door to completely close
and rest at the floor without excessive
pressure remaining on the travel arm.
Too much pressure on the drive system
can cause your opener’s gears to wear
out and require gear replacement.
The upward travel should be set to
allow your door to reach its maximum
height without pulling the door
beyond where it would be normally if
there was no opener. Again, too much
pressure can cause both the opener and
Blonde Joke
From Cousin Loren Johnson
AT THE DOCTOR'S OFFICE A gorgeous young redhead goes
into the doctor's office and said that
her body hurt wherever she touched
it.'Impossible!' says the doctor.. 'Show
me.' The redhead took her finger,
pushed on her left shoulder and
screamed, then she pushed her elbow
and screamed even more. She pushed
her knee and screamed; likewise
she pushed her ankle and screamed.
Johnson’s County Gazette
Brian Williams
the door mechanism to need repair too
The downward travel pressure
setting should be adjusted so that the
opener will automatically reverse
if the door is obstructed. Too much
pressure can cause the safety system
to be compromised. Too little pressure
may result in “false alarm” reversals.
The upward travel pressure setting
should be adjusted so that the door
will stop its travel if too much effort is
required to lift the door. This protects
the opener and the door mechanism if
something about the door breaks or
becomes misaligned. Again, a pressure
set too high can cause the safety system
to be compromised. Too little pressure
may result in “false alarm” stops.
Be sure to consult your owner’s
manual on how to properly maintain
your opener, how to make the
adjustments mentioned, and how
to keep on top of other important
adjustments and information.
If I can help you with any of your
home repairs, please give me a call at
Around The House Home Repair,
LLC is a professional handyman
service owned and operated by Joe
Huddleston of Olathe, Kansas.
Everywhere she touched made her
scream. The doctor said, 'You're not
really a redhead, are you. 'Well, no'
she said, 'I'm actually a blonde.' 'I
thought so,' the doctor said, 'Your
finger is broken.'
Gazette Humor
These are classified ads, which were
actually placed in Newspapers
From Diane Hart FREE PUPPIES.
Mother is a Kennel Club registered
German Shepherd.
Father is a Super Dog, able to leap tall
fences in a single bound.
Olathe’s Very Own Newspaper for 37 Years
(Continued from Page 1)
Williams was passionately determined
to be an unbiased journalist, just as
Cronkite had been. His objective was
to report the truth - and that's what he
is doing. "I believe the public deserves
to be told the truth," Williams stated.
It's interesting to note that Williams
took over the next day, December 2,
1994, when Brokaw was there to hand
the torch to Williams,
Williams Speaks Out
CBS chief' Executive Leslie
Moonves once stated that everybody
knows the news by the time it airs
on the network evening news. Brian
Williams' response was that everybody
isn't with Chuck Todd (CNN) at the
White House - and nobody knows
what Andrea Mitchel has for tonight.
Williams added, "Everyone has at their
disposal the means to become 'media
on the web'. That's a big change.
But, there's a big difference in the
contents you get from the brand names
- the people who do this for a living.
The last few seasons, the evening
news on all three networks lost over
10,000 viewers. (Of course, the latest
gadgets such as iPads and Smartphones
represent more sourses for finding the
latest news.) Williams' explanation is
that life is more jam-packed at 5:30 or
6:30 p.m. than it was when we were
kids ¬ generations ago. He believes
the obvious remedy would be "timeshifting". He’s even done a promo that
tells viewers to "DVR" the program.
His idea is to get us all to inhabit the
same world in his promos as we do in
our homes. Only time will tell if his
idea will work.
When TV Guide writer Stephen
Battaglio asked Williams if he thinks
MSNBC's partisan positioning is
posing a problem for his evening news,
Williams adamantly replied, "No." He
added, “Cable in prime time becomes a
different animal. It's a time for attitude
and personality. That's not what I do
for a living, but it doesn't mean I can't
work 100 yards from people who do.
We've never had savvier viewers.
People know that what I do is 'NBC
Nightly News.' They know that what
Chris Matthew and Rachel Maddow
do is different. We all have a different
Popularity of Brian Williams
I used to be an avid viewer of the
wonderful Peter Jennings who was
the News Anchor on ABC World
News at 5:30 p.m. The Canadian-born
Jernnings reminded me so much of
Brian Williams, both in his appearance
and in his style of journalistic reporting.
I shall never forget the sadness I felt
when Jennings announced that he was
dying from lung cancer, and would be
leaving his post at ABC. He passed
away on August 11, 2005.
Charles Gibson took over Jennings'
spot until December 19, 2009. That
was when the torch was handed over
Deep Thoughts
From Jeanne Fizell
1. Today, when I slipped on the wet
tile floor a boy in a wheelchair caught
me before I slammed my head on the
ground. He said, "Believe it or not,
that's almost exactly how I injured my
back 3 years ago.
to Diane Sawyer, whom I greatlyadmire.
Williams daughter once said of her
father, "He's a different man at home
than he is on Nightly News. - not
the dad I know, because he's much
more serious when reporting the
news." This serious side of Williams
became noticeably-evident when he
was covering the Cairo uprising. He
was right on the spot reporting every
detail as it was happening. And I'll
never forget when Williams went to
Greensburg, Kansas, following the
devastating tornado. On weekends,
Lester Holt does a great job sitting
in for Williams on Nightly News. His
presentation is very similar to that of
humorous side when he appeared on
"Saturday Night Live" with Tina Fey.
Said Williams, “When she called me
for 30 Rock, I told her I would not
do a sketch that would destroy my
credibility. She often tried to have me
do my cameo in a color I don't work in.
Sometimes we went back two or three
times before we settled on something
that wasn't too risque."
Other Fine Anchors
Regarding Nielsen Ratings, it is
Diane Sawyer who remains in second
place, and Scott Pelley, anchor of CBS
Evening News, who continues to stay
in third place. Scott Pelley, as you may
remember, replaced Katie Couric who
failed in upping the ratings of CBS
Anchors come and go - and we all
have our favorites. What impresses
me about Brian Williams has to be
that he appears to be honest, and
that he strives to report the news in a
forthright and intelligent manner. He
simply has it all.
Concerning Tom Brokaw, Williams'
mentor: On May 9th, he was the
recipient of the "George Foster
Peabody Award" for his excellent
jornalistic reporting on NBC for so
many years.
Page 9
- Hour
$60 - 1 1/2 Hours
$20 - Half Hour
Olathe writer
Joann LaCerte
Gazette Humor
Blonde Man
From Tom Marsh
A blonde man spies a letter lying on
his doormat.
It says on the envelope "DO NOT
He spends the next 2 hours trying to
figure out how to pick it up.
Friday, August 22, 2014 - 6 PM
Pictures at BrandonOttoAuctions.com
A Standard Flower Show
Don’t h f u l ,
B a s Your
Bring, see
Entry page 5.
Friday, Sep. 5, ‘14 1:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Saturday Sep. 6, ‘14 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
etails r in
How tostory with
news re in this
pictu on page 5
FREE Half Order of
Just mention this ad
1 per person per day
Page 10
Johnson’s County Gazette
We’ve Moved. We are now at
14106 W. 135th St.
Next to Main Street Credit Union (East Branch)
Over 37 Years Experience
Duane Moody
764-1960 764-1963
Duane Moody, C.I.C.
Now Offering Life Insurance
Saturday, September 6th
11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Come see our Historical Room
A Publication Of Olatheans, By Olatheans, For Olatheans for 37 Years
August 15, 2014
Gazette Puzzles
Upcoming Activities in Olathe
From Diane Gossage
Olathe Comm. Org. Minutes
September 4, 5, 6 – 2014 Old Settlers
Days- Downtown Olathe ‘them’
Under the Big Top for parade
September 12 – OMC Charitable
Foundation Golf Tournament –
Sycamore Ridge Golf Course
September 17 – Chamber Ribbon
Cutting – Hospice House
September 20 – Trails West – MNU
September 21 – Public Open House
for Hospice House
September 26 – Holiday of Hope
event - JCCB
October 1 – Wall of Honor – Ball
Conference Center
October 1 – Patients move in Hospice
October 7 – REA Bunco – 6:00 p.m.
November 13 – REA Movie Day –
Olathe Film Series
December 5 - Winterfest - Community
Center and Heritage Center
Old Settlers Food and
Commercial Booths
The best and cheapest way to reach
thousands of Olatheans with your
business, arts and crafts, club or
organization is through and a Johnson
County Old Settlers Booth.
The 116 year old event is always the
first weekend after Labor Day. That
makes this years on September 4,5,6.
Call Jay or Justin Lang for
Commercial Booths at 782-5254 for
questions. First, go to the web site.
there is an application there, rates, etc,
$400 for 10 x 10 spot with electricity.
Get going now as the best spots go
fast. Fewer than twelve commercial
booths are left at press time.
At press time, there were NO food
booth spot is available, must be Johnson
County not-for-profit organization.
Nearly 100,000 folks will attend the
three day event if weather is good and
it is anything like last year.
Olathe’s Fifth High School Groundbreaking
District Breaks Ground on
Fifth High School
OLATHE – The Olathe School District
broke ground on its fifth high school.
The groundbreaking ceremony took
place on Thursday, Aug. 7 on the
southeast corner of the site at Sante Fe
and Hedge Lane, west Olathe.
The high school is being designed
and constructed for 2,000 students and
will open for the 2017-18 school year.
Spanning 375,000 square feet, the
three-story school focuses on the use
of technology, open, modular learning
spaces, efficiency and collaboration
among students.
A centrally located learning commons
will provide student gathering and
3 br duplex
starting at
education collaboration spaces that
connect to the entire building. The
school is designed with four wings,
or communities, where students will
attend classes.
The high school will also include a
media center, performing arts center,
gymnasiums and practice fields for
manager of the project, is collaborating
with Hollis+Miller Architects and
SHW Group for the project.
The ceremony included a traditional
breaking of the ground and remarks
from Mayor Michael Copeland,
Superintendent Dr. Marlin Berry and
President of the Board of Education
LeEtta Felter.
913 782-0621
This Old Olathe House
Dr. Bronson came to Olathe in 1906 as a family practice doctor. He was
also a teacher of Sunday School for some 60 years at the old Methodist
church. Most of his classes have been adults at the church.
In 1957 Dr. Bronson moved his medical practice from the downtown area
to his home at 518 S. Chestnut because of his loss of most of his hearing and
his failing eyesight. He continued his practice up into the 1980' s.
This bungalow structure was built in 1925 and has 1,299 sq.ft. of living
space. Dr. Bronson brought many lives into the world during his medical
profession, but also made many lives a little richer. ctsy- Jim Lee
August 15, 2014
(Continued from Page 1)
you’re doing in general, but rather if
you’re doing better than expected,”
said study author and neuroscientist
Robb Rutledge of the Max Planck UCL
Centre for Computational Psychiatry
and Ageing.
For instance, say you go to a
restaurant where the food was the
best you’ve ever had. According to
the happiness equation, you would
actually be happier at the end of the
meal if you had expected it to be just
average, as opposed to assuming it
would be as delicious as it was.
“Most of our senses are much
more tuned to changes in things than
to levels, and the same is true for
happiness,” said economist George
Loewenstein at Carnegie Mellon
University, who was not involved in
the study.
“This ensures that however
successful we are, we are always going
to be driving for more.”
But this doesn’t mean that having
low expectations is the path to
happiness, because the model also
shows that such pessimism leads to
discontentment while you wait for an
So if you make plans with a flaky
friend and assume he’ll cancel, you’ll
take a hit on your happiness in the
meantime, even if you experience a
boost when he shows up on time.
On the other hand, imagine bubbling
with anticipation about finally securing
concert tickets to go see your favorite
“The whole day, you might be a little
bit happier as a result,” Rutledge said,
even if the performance eventually
disappoints and causes unhappiness
later on.
“Before you find out the outcome,
you’ll be happier if your expectation
is higher.”
These two factors - degree of surprise
and overall expectation - play a dual
role in determining our momentary
well-being, although Rutledge found
that surprise matters more.
His team is currently testing people
with depression to investigate how
their emotions deviate from the model,
with the hope that such knowledge
Johnson’s County Gazette can somehow lead to better treatment Remembering ....
Using an MRI scanner, Rutledge
and his colleagues first measured
the brain activity of 26 subjects who
played a gambling game.
Even though the players on average
earned a net profit, their self-reported
happiness did not increase between the
beginning and end of the experiment.
In fact, there wasn’t any significant
earnings and happiness. What did
contribute to happiness was having
a good chance of earning money or
getting an unexpected reward.
“We’re happy when we have a rosy
view of the future, but we’re also
happy that the present exceeds what
our expectations were,” Loewenstein
Also, quite unsurprisingly, the
model found that past rewards had less
of an impact on contentment as time
Using the MRI data, the researchers
determined that signals from a region
of the brain called the striatum could
be used to predict how happy people
would be at any given time during the
They then created a smartphone app
to test their model on a much wider
audience – a total of 18,420 online
The app featured the same decisionmaking game as the MRI experiment.
Although the subjects were remote
and anonymous, the results were still
consistent with the model.
“All models are simplifications of
reality,” said Loewenstein. “But their
central insight that happiness depends
on how reality plays out relative to
expectation is a correct one, in my
He noted that, while the idea behind
the happiness equation isn’t new, the
study is a “strong and interesting”
piece of supportive evidence.
But can we use this knowledge to
boost our own well-being? Lowering
expectations as a tactic has already
been ruled out, but the study does hint
at why you might not feel as elated
after reaching an expected goal as you
might think.
Everybody Reads
Olathe’s Very Own Newspaper For 37 Years
Cathy Maxwell
(Continued from Page 1)
was the sweetest kiss. Why can’t I say
his name?”
It was a long time ago, I said.
“Was he a good father?”
The newspaper tumbled from my lap
to my ankles. I bent over and studied it
the way you eyeball a carpet stain that
wasn’t there yesterday. I retrieved the
obituary page. These days it’s called
“Death Notices” and next of kin are
charged by the word. Memories come
at a price.
Most of us expect to be remembered
after death in stories fondly told with
facts fondly edited. Until then we
expect to be keepers of our own past,
thank you very much. We do not
expect to lose the memory of kisses or
kissers, or have them stolen from us.
The old woman’s eyelids began to
droop. “Somebody’s sleepy,” I said,
and offered an elbow.
Her bare feet scraped along the
carpet at roughly the speed of a setting
sun. An eternity later we reached her
bedroom. I released her carefully onto
a large, low bed. There ensued another
eternity of arranging pillows and
bed sheets and water glasses and the
afternoon’s medications.
“Anything else?” I asked.
She asked again. I swallowed hard.
“Arthur,” I said. “My father’s name
was Arthur. Big and shy. He was a good
father and, legend has it, a darned good
kisser. He died seven years ago.”
The old woman smiled and tugged
the bed sheet to her neck, grinning like
a little girl on Christmas Eve.
“Arthur - of course. Why couldn’t I
remember that? I must be losing it.”
I said she hadn’t lost anything. Then
I leaned over and kissed her forehead.
Outside the bedroom I scooped
up the remains of my newspaper.
My mother’s house smelled of baby
powder and cheap perfume. The
walls were littered with framed
pictures of children and weddings and
holidays past. One of them captured a
diminutive, radiantly beautiful woman
gazing into the eyes of a man much
You could tell she wanted to
be kissed. You could tell he was
handsome and shy.
David Chartrand writes humor and
commentary from his home in Olathe.
davchart@icloud.com and
Robin Williams
Robin Williams was depressed for a
long time, had used drugs and alcohol
for years and had tried to quit. He felt
he was possessed with demons, he
could not control. Being in movies to
make more money after devastating
financially divorces, hastened his
self-destruction. He was heard to say
“when I become someone else I am
free, but I still have to come back
to the abject horror of my demons.”
(Continued from Page 1)
Page 11
Olathe Ford Outlet
Used Cars
PF9271A 2006 Jeep Liberty
F3859 2005 Highlander
F31506A 2007 Ford 500
BS0186 2007 Lincoln Navigator
C2533B 2007 Infiniti G35
F3400A 2005 Lincoln
Town Car White
BS0169 2007 Chrysler Town &
Country White $11,995
PF9242A 2002 GMC Yukon XL
BS0148 2007 Dodge Ram
F3682A 2003 VW Beetle
B1994 2007 Chrysler Sebring
Silver $10,970
BS0171 2007 Jeep Wrangler
Blue $18,995
B2023 2007 Chevy Avalanche
White $22,995
F31161B 2003 Toyota Avalon
White $9.995
B2053 2007 Chevy Malibu
B2021A 2006 Lincoln Zephyr
Gazette Humor
Airline Announcements:
From Diane Hart
An airline pilot wrote that on this
particular flight he had hammered his
ship into the runway really hard. The
airline had a policy which required
the first officer to stand at the door
while the passengers exited, smile,
and give them a 'Thanks for flying
our airline.' He said that, in light of
his bad landing, he had a hard time
looking the passengers in the eye,
thinking that someone would have a
smart comment.
Finally, everyone had gotten off
except for a little old lady walking
with a cane.
She said, 'Sir, do you mind if I ask
you a question?'
'Why, no, Ma'am,' said the pilot.
'What is it?'
The little old lady said, 'Did we
land, or were we shot down?'
Free Registration
August & September
Se habla Español
ads very
“My new bakeryfor
is doing
fantastically. I owe part
in theto
my success
“The Gazette really
helped us get started in
our first Culver’s
Culver’s of Olathe
We have
had many
say us
ofin the
fill our apartment
We apburgers
in getting the
the help
word out about our businss off
Kansas City Rd & Ridgeview”
Sales Outlet
King’s Court
Sonic of Olathe
“We have loved
the response to
our ads”
The Hairem
“I have been very surprised at the response we
got from our Gazette car
wash coupons. Thanks”
“ Gazette ads
have surprised me,
ladies are coming to see
Avon Mega Stores
were delighted with
the response our ads for
our Simply
Cafe & Treasures had in
the Gazette.”
“ We have been very pleased
with the number of customers who have mentioned they
heard about us in
the Gazette”
Junque Drawer Boutique &
Studio -- Jane Hosey Stern
Charity Flying
(Continued from Page 1)
Page 12
Johnson’s County Gazette
Johnson County’s Only Locally Owned Newspaper Enjoyed by Johnson Countians August 15, 2014
Grass Pad People
Old Settlers -Coming Soon
Plan to Attend in Downtown Olathe Sep 4,5,6
Everybody Reads
“The Grass Pad at I-35 and
Santa Fe, just north and west
of the intersection has the
best flowers, the best trees,
the best of everything green,
and we love answering
your questions and making
suggestions if you want.”
44 Years”
On the Corner of
This tribute sponsored by
Dale’s Body Shop - Olathe
For 40+ Years in Olathe 300 W. Park
782-2247, and 15345 S. Keeler 782-5651