All American Tag Sale


All American Tag Sale
Mr. & Miss Johnson County Candidates
The 4-H’er candidates for Miss Johnson County are Sabrina Graham,
Amanda Harra, Natalie McCracken & Jesse Gunkel (not pictured). Colton
Hamilton is the only candidate for Mr Johnson County at the Annual
Johnson County Fair
Meet Me at the Johnson County Fair
In Gardner, Kansas July 27 - August 3
Something for Everyone
See Back Page for Schedule
From Darci Hamilton
Four girls and one boy are in the
running for Mr. and Miss Johnson
County 4-H 2014. All applicants
are outstanding 4-H’ers who have
demonstrated contributions to Johnson
County 4-H in the areas of leadership,
citizenship and participation.
variety of activities and
achievements in all areas are of
particular importance in selecting Mr.
and Miss 4-H. They will serve as a
role model to younger 4-H’ers and are
viewed as outstanding youth leaders
in their communities.
The four Miss 4-H candidates are
Sabrina Graham, Jesse Gunkle,
Sabrina Graham, 17, is the daughter
of Joe and Michelle Graham. She
will be a senior at Olathe North High
School and is a member of the Comets
Tech Club.
Amanda Harra, 18, is the daughter
of Lance and Marianne Harra. She
(Continued on Page 6)
On-line Video Gaming Can
Become A Health Hazard
By Joann LaCerte
Back in the 1970s and 1980s, the
original video games weren’t rocket
science. Of course they required some
hand-eye skills. But, intellectually
speaking, they were marketed to young
people, not Ph.D.s (though plenty of
Ph.D.s played them at night after their
children were in bed.)
Video games were never of interest
to me – I thought I had more important
ways of spending my time. But, after
I happened upon a story in Turning
Points magazine, I became motivated
to learn the extent to which video
games have evolved. For starters,
Pong (1971) was a black-and-white
game of v-e-r-y slow Ping-pong.
Space Invaders (1978) was a shooting
game, destroying never-ending waves
of digital invaders. Frogger had a
hapless frog trying to cross a ten-lane
freeway. But, Pac-Man (1980) was a
step up – he chomped his way through
a maze, eating pac-dots while avoiding
four enemies. Victory took the player
to a new level requiring the player to
watch for appearing and disappearing
game aides.
Finally, Mario Brothers (1983)
required a whole different mental
level. There were so many hidden
features that the player’s mind became
involved as much as his or her hands.
The Mind is Critical
Now, compare the simplicity of those
early games with the unbelievable
complexity of a game called Eve
Online (2008) – an international,
multiplayer, role-playing Star Wars-
Edge SEL Impala SS
type game. A recent session, the Battle
of B-R5RB (lasting 22 hours) involved
7,548 people around the world and cost
$300,000 in real money – money spent
by players to purchase positions and
armaments! Ever hear of such a thing?
Eve represents a giant getaway. But, the games go on indefinitely
and require constant attention as they
Reading about the Battle of B-R5RB
is enough to give me a headache. It
makes D-Day – The Allied Landing At
Normandy - seem small by comparison.
Of course, these are games, not
real events. But the intellectual
horsepower needed to conceive, build
and then play these complex games is
no less impressive than other major
intellectual accomplishments in life.
They remind me of the 1983 Matthew
Broderick movie War Games that
featured a military super computer
called WOPR.
Your Life Is Not a Game
In case you missed it earlier this
(Continued on Page 9)
Olathe’s Only
Locally Owned
In Our 37th Year
July 15, 2014
Number 12
Grand Caravan
Fusion SE
Advertising Hot Line 913-782-1133 or e mail us at We’re friendly!
Buy a Wreath,
Honor A Vet
KC Auto Museum
Opens in Olathe
Near Strangline Rd.
By Staff writers
In a sincere, heartfelt effort to honor
our deceased US military veterans, a
national organization, Wreaths Across
America was organized several years
It has grown to now 900 cemeteries
across the USA where thousands of
the museum has opened.
volunteers, many of them Veterans
The cars on display at the place the beautiful wreaths on graves
museum will rotate every four of fallen men and women who were
to six months, along with a US soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen,
special area that will feature and coast guard.
a different themed set of cars Beginning in 2010 patriots started
each month.
doing the wreath laying at Ft.
“All the cars belong to Leavenworth National Cemetery.
private collectors,” said Vreni Money is being raised to purchase
Cars similar to those pictured are on display.
Fernandez, KCAM public relations the wreaths as the charity receives
By Steve Baska
and marketing director. “The Kansas no federal funding but receives gift
Senior Contributing Editor
The Kansas City Automotive City car community has been very donations from individuals, corporate
Museum (KCAM) opened to the supportive. There are about 200 car donors and volunteer truckers.
public on May 9 in north Olathe, clubs in the area and we estimate about
MOKAN Gold Star Families is the
featuring 30 cars in a 12,000 square 10,000 antique cars sitting in garages. sponsorship group for Ft. Leavenworth.
We want to feature them and allow the The local coordinator is Diana Pitts
foot display space.
The museum also has four race car public to learn about these historically and the sponsorship group leader is
driving simulators, 28 informational significant cars. There is no charge to Betty Wright.
boards that describe Kansas City’s the owner to display them.”
“Our mission, Remember, Honor,
The oldest cars on display include Teach is carried out in part by
car history, and more. The museum
is on the east side of I-35, near 116th a 1910 Stanley Steamer and a 1912 coordination wreath laying ceremonies
and Strang Line Road, at 15095 West Model T (which was likely made in a specified Saturday in December at
116th Street. It is open daily for visits Kansas City). The newest car is a 1993 Arlington as well as cemeteries in all
Dodge Viper.
by individuals and groups.
50 states and beyond,” said volunteer
The idea for an automotive museum The museum also has four driving Don Churchill.
in Kansas City began among a group simulators, where visitors can virtually “We also organize a week of events
of car enthusiasts led by Jeff Wagoner, experience driving on a famous race including international veteran’s
an attorney whose bankruptcy law firm course. “It really brings out the kid in tributes, ceremonies at State Houses
has offices in the two story building our visitors,” Vreni said.
and a weeklong “Veterans’ Parade”
also houses the car museum. After The museum also has 28 between Maine and Virginia where
three years of planning and promoting, informational boards, called reader we stop along the way to spread
(Continued on Page 4) our message about the importance
of remembering our fallen heroes,
Keep Your Muscles
Strong as You Age
Experts Are Looking Into
Promising Treatments for Muscle
Decline. But There Are Things You
Can Do About It Now.
Laura Landro - Wall Street Journal
Contributed by Tony Otrosko
Muscle strength is one of the keys
to healthy aging, yet after we achieve
peak mass in our early 40s, it's pretty
much downhill from there. Most
people begin to lose modest amounts
of muscle at that point and experience
progressive deterioration as the years
go by, especially if they are sedentary.
Now, with a growing population
of aging baby boomers, experts are
turning their attention to interventions
to help stem the loss of muscle
mass, quality and strength, known as
sarcopenia. It is caused by a number
All American
Tag Sale
Tommy Hall
Leaves Us at 106
honoring those who serve, and teaching
our children about the sacrifices made
by veterans and their families to
preserve our freedoms.
The National Website is
Ft. Leavenworth NC FB is;
Locally you can send donations to
Wreaths Across America
%Betty Wright
7312 Bond,
Shawnee, Ks 66203-4330.
Each wreath is $15. There is a special
offer, “4 for 2” where, if you sponsor
two wreaths, the wreath company will
send a third for FREE.
You can e mail local volunteers
Diana Pitts at
Or Betty Wright at
You can organize your own group or
your service club to raise funds also.
You can order online with a debit or
credit card at;
De Soto’s Valley Springs Senior
Housing Community Phase II is
Now Open for Business
of complex factors that are not entirely
understood, including decreasing
amounts of testosterone in men.
Muscle decline often goes hand
in hand with frailty, a decline of
physical function that leads to falls,
hospitalization and the need for
nursing-home care.
Researchers are looking at promising
treatments including inhibiting a
(Continued on Page 9)
Expires 8-31-14
By Jennifer Persing
Ten years ago, Commercial Group
Inc. of Topeka opened Phase I of
Valley Springs Senior Apartments
which consists of 52 one & twobedroom apartments.
At the time, they had an idea that
those 52 units would soon fill up and
there would still be a demand for
affordable senior housing there.
“Studies showed that there was a
need for senior housing in De Soto,”
said Valley Springs’ owner/developer,
Dave Sandir. “Because the property
has done so well and there is always
a waiting list, we continued with our
original plans to expand and build
Phase II, which consists of adding 28
new two-bedroom apartments.”
“We only have four apartments
left to lease”, said executive assistant
Cathy Feriend. Valley Springs Senior
Housing is an apartment community
built specifically for seniors 55 and
better or persons with disabilities.
Building the community on top of
a hill with only one way in and out
provides a measure of security to
the residents, she explained. Another
factor is that the De Soto location is
(Continued on Page 8)
Take a Lunch Break
Exp 8-31-14
The Wraps with fries are great for
lunch at Jeffersons, new to Olathe,
North on Ridgeview near K-10.
A family friendly restaurant.
See us at
Jumpin’ Catfish
Catfish is the specialty at Jumpin’
Catfish Restaurant. Also shown,
salad bar and super coleslaw.
Located at 151st & Ridgeview.
Charles Thomas Hall, 106, died
peacefully in his sleep on July 11,
2014 in Colorado Springs, Colorado,
surrounded by his loving family.
In lieu of flowers contributions
are suggested to Hospice of Olathe
Medical Center, Grace United
Methodist Church, Olathe Library, or
Salvation Army.
Charles T. “Tom” Hall was born in
New Albany, KS to the late Chloe and
Charles Hall on January 26, 1908. He
had three sisters, Mary, Anna Ruth,
and Isabelle who preceded him in
death. He grew up on a farm and went
to school initially in New Albany and
later Fredonia, KS. He then graduated
from Kansas State University in 1932
in Agricultural Management.
Tom worked as the County
Agricultural Agent in Wilson County,
KS, his home county, directly out
of college. He then transferred to
Jefferson County, KS where he met
and married, Hazel Margaret Brown
on May 4, 1935 in Perry, KS. She
preceded him in death on May 22,
Tom and Hazel moved to Olathe, KS
in 1939 where he became the Johnson
County Agricultural Agent. Two of
David Can Still
Slay Goliath
By Oswald Ortega
It all began in 2001 when Kansas
City, Missouri proposed a light rail
plan. This is the struggle on which
Wade Fillips and his team would hone
their skills.
They learned quickly the many tricks
and subterfuges the local government
and it's friends had in their arsenal.
They were taught an expensive lesson
the hard way - by engaging the enemy
and getting their collective noses
bloodied on more than one occasion.
Lessons learned that way stay with
you for a long time - maybe even
forever. Those lessons served them
well as the city lost the light rail vote
in 24 out of 26 wards. It remains the
worst defeat in the history of Kansas
City tax proposals.
Three million dollars is a lot of
money, especially when your opponent
Tommy Hall at 106
his passions as county agent were
working with the American Royal and
the Johnson County Fair. He remained
in that position until he retired in 1973
and shortly thereafter, went to work
for the First National Bank of Olathe
as the agricultural representative. He
enjoyed his time there working with
the people and meeting new clients on
a daily basis and retired from the bank
at the age of 96.
Tom was a proud citizen of Olathe
and was always a passionate advocate
not only for the city but also for his
4-H groups, his farmers, and his
church. He has been a member of the
(Continued on Page 4)
Wade Fillips
has it in his war chest. The author and
five of his friends faced that situation
in 2004 when politicians in Jackson
County, Missouri joined forces with
their political friends in neighboring
Johnson County, Kansas.
Their plan was to convince the
voters in three local counties to fund a
tax called Bi-State II. They structured
the proposal so that only three counties
would be allowed to vote.
If successful, the three counties
would fund the tax. Key to the
(Continued on Page 11)
Hotels, tax breaks and morons
By David Chartrand
In its quest for a first-class conference
hotel, Olathe awarded humongo tax
breaks for a new Embassy Suites with
only 25,000 square feet of meeting
space. RESULT: Olathe must keep
looking for a first-class conference
Awaiting the new film about J.D.
Salinger favorite “Catcher in the Rye.”
Quote: “All morons hate it when you
call them a moron.”
* * *
Second favorite “Catcher” quote:
“I don’t exactly know what I mean by
that, but I mean it.”
* * *
The number of daily newspapers in
the US has dipped below 1,400, and is
still dipping. The number of Denny’s
restaurants holds steady at 1,100.
* * *
Americans are split down middle
on ObamaCare: Those who know
the name of something v. Those who
know something.
* * *
The wrangle over privacy protection
needs a timeout so we can all agree on
Humorist David Chartrand
the line between the right to privacy
and the right to keep secrets.
* * *
Actual web post by Kansas
City restaurateur angered over an
unfavorable customer review: “I’m
going to sue you for definition of
* * *
The good news is that the Obama
administration wants the rich
to shoulder more of the cost of
government. The bad news is the
Obama administration thinks you’re
(Continued on Page 4)
Page 2 Johnson’s County Gazette
In our 37th Year Serving Olathe and Southern Johnson County
From The
From The Publisher appears
in every issue of the GAZETTE
in order to bring you information Keith Johnson
about Olathe; its people, businesses, activities and
events of interest to you. We invite your contributions to this column. We hope you will
consider our advertisers when you are in need
of their products or services. 782-1133
Santa Fe Price Chopper Closed
For Two Months
Pharmacy to Stay Open!!!
The Ball’s Price Chopper at Santa
Fe and Mur-Len has closed for two
months to open in late August after a
remodel and name change.
It will be a ‘deep discounter’
rivaling Aldi and Wal-Mart with a
name change.
We got to meet Mr. Ball himself,
a very personable and enthusiastic
young man who was really excited
about the new concept.
It is thought most present employees
will be retained and return to this
store. The Pharmacy will stay open
throughout the entire remodeling.
Russell Stover’s Candies
This chocolate company founded
in KC in 1923, by a man of the same
name, has sold to a Swiss chocolate
company Lint and ?????? who being
smug Swiss must have had to really
bite their lips and swallow their pride
to buy an American chocolate firm.
Most Europeans think US chocolate
to be quite inferior to theirs.
I grew up in a time that my Dad,
every Mother’s Day and Mom’s
birthday, stopping at Bickley’s
Drugstore in North Leawood to buy
a big box of Stover’s, that we might
each get one of, if we could keep the
family dog from eating the entire
Chocolate is poisonous to dogs but
Cedric and Cedrica both survived
back in the 1960’s.
Short Shots
Most experts will tell you reverse
mortgages are a bad idea. Talk to
a trusted and experienced banker.
** Pew survey of 1,500 in USA,
March 2014 28% say US best in
world, 58% say US is one of the best;
12% say other countries are better .
Same poll 56% often feel proud to
be an American and 44% made no
selection, or no response. **
Worst President
In Quinnipiac survey, conducted
6/14 of 1,500 US voters, 33% said
Obama worst, 28% G.W. Bush; 13%
Nixon; 8% Carter.
Ford F-150 Trucks
The Ford F-150 truck has for the
second year running won the honor for
“Most American” vehicle meaning it
has more American-made parts than
any other vehicle. You may not know
that although we build many cars
and trucks here, many are made from
parts imported from Mexico, Canada
or elsewhere.
Anthony Zamperini
A decorated war hero has died at
95, this WW II vet was shot down
and drifted for 47 days in the Pacific
until picked up by the Japanese
enemy and imprisoned for two years.
A movie is being made of his life.
40% of today’s college grads
cannot find a job in their chosen
career field. ** Mason and Olivia are
the most popular names right now.
It is no longer correct to call them
‘duplexes”, they are single family
attached living units. ** Beautiful Lisa Teachman who was
with Channel 9 is with Channel 5 now
doing the weather in the mornings.
40% Do
A study shows 40%, 4 out of 10
women have married the first man
they fell in love with. Evidently that
didn’t work out real well as 50% got
divorces. My own study shows that
50% of men marry the first woman
who can stand them for more than 5
Nature’s Alley
A health foods store on S. Chester,
just behind Chux Trucks off Santa
159th Street Opened
just west of I-35 is closing and
159th Street opened to Traffic Fe,
EVERYTHING is 75% off. No
on Monday, July 14, 159th Street exceptions. Closes in a few days. See
at US 169 (K-7) opened to traffic. ad this issue. Thanks
Temporary lane reductions on US169 (K-7) will continue as Phase 5
Tommy Hall
of construction continues on the east
Mr. Hall died last Friday, July 11 at
side of the intersection. The final 106+ years young in Colorado. He
phase of construction is expected to was the Agriculture Extension Agent
be completed by mid-August, weather in Johnson County for many years.
See front page story.
‘Josh Earnest’
Oxymoronic Name
47% of those surveyed in USA said
That hysterically is the actual name they could NOT live one day, not one
of Obama’s new press secretary. We day without their cell phones. 9 of 10
didn’t make this up. Think about said their phone was as important as
his name, ‘Josh’, ‘to tease, to kid or their car and a deodorant.
tell a story’. ‘Earnest’‘to be honest,
New Theatre Restaurant
forthright, serious’. Humbug.
To Remodel
These press secretaries can’t be
But Still Has Five
and aren’t very straight forward about
many things they say. If they were,
New Shows
they’d be fired. They all spin their
Our favorite thing to do in KC, the
news to tell you what they want you New Theatre Restaurant in Overland
to know, so you will form the opinion Park will remodel early next year and
they want you to form. It’s their job. close for about a month January 18 Like ‘If you like your doctor you February 19.
can keep your doctor,’ ‘If you like Remodeling includes theatre
of 4 million LED lights, new
your plan, you can keep your plan,’ décor
with swivel bases
‘the IRS did not do anything wrong,’ and lumbarchairs
support, inspired lobby
‘we are going to shut down the featuring walls that move with color.
border,’ ‘we are not listening in on A new lounge features intimate
your conversations.’
spaces to meet and greet, state of the
In case you didn’t know already, an art smokers to feature the best BBQ
oxymoron is a self contradictory term brisket in KC.
Before the makeover begins they
like Jumbo Shrimp.
have two international stars in two
wildly funny mysteries ‘Murder
Among Friends’ with Morgan
Fairchild Aug 27-Nov 2; then ‘Shear
A new documentary movie entitled Madness’ with Jamie Farr Nov 5-Jan
‘America’ by film maker Daneesh 18; Remodel time Jan 18-Feb 19.
D’Souza, Indian by birth, has viewers On Feb 19-May 3- Forever Plaid
standing and cheering at the end. One with great music from the 1950’s
audience stood and sang the national with a singing foursome. ‘Hairspray’
May 7-July 12; ‘The Addams Family’
Folks are so sick of hearing the July 16-Sep 20.
Hollywood bash America, that they
Grievances, Is It You?
are supporting this pro-America film On KMBZ
980-A.M. weekday 2-6,
(PG-13). Hope to see it soon.
in the street but
called leaving your driveway
‘Cinemascope,’ has rated movies ‘coming to a complete stop’
at yield
for the last 26 years, two movies on signs and traffic circles when
average get an A+ rating, ‘America’ traffic is visible at all. ‘Bumper
was one of them.
on radio programs’ where
Other movies getting this rating music
is played in the transition from
were King’s Speech, Titanic, Forest music
to the talking heads,
Gump, Dancing with Wolves, commercials
in the passing
Schlinder’s List, Driving Miss Daisy, lane’; ‘slow pokey drivers
going 10Gandhi.
15 miles below a speed limit on two
lane roads’.
Johnson County Fair
The Annual JC Fair in Gardner, KS
Making Friends
starts soon. A great way for your kids
Let people know if you learned
to see where some of our food comes something
from talking to them. If
from. Rides for the kids, a building they think you
been acting like
full of booths with some freebies. a ‘know-it-all’ have
will feel good
Stuff to eat. Animals, 4-H displays, to know that you, for
once, didn’t
plants, crops, flowers, crafts. Tons know something. Repeat
of activities. See the ad on the back they said to you earlier, verbatim,
page, please.
you can. It shows you were really
“Warehouse Sales Outlet”
Just Off Kansas City Road
“These folks will save you money.
I priced some items at other stores
and these folks are CHEAPER,” said
Gazette Publisher Keith Johnson.
Tools of all sorts and kinds,
household and domestic, kitchen
items, assorted hardware things,
gadgets of all forms, almost one of
everything possible.
It’s worth the trip, just to satisfy
your curiosity. They are like the old
General Stores you used to see in
small towns across America.
They are likeable and personable
folks like you used to find in small
Warehouse Sales Outlet, 899 N.
Jan Mar Ct, just east of Ridgeview,
off KC Road has almost everything
you can think of but clothing and
groceries at really low prices.
They’ve been there six months and
are making lots of friends with their
good deals and low prices. Tell Susan
and Kelsey, the Gazette sent you.
829-1172. Thanks, folks.
Hours are M-F 9-6 ; Sat 9-5; Sun
“They have nicely priced, quality
items for just about everybody,” said
Gazette Editor Robert MacLean.
Alexana Leinbach; Phil, Pinky, and
Scott Johnson, Helen West, Mary
Lou Hodges, Barbara Metcalf, Alice
Hartley, Dave Teel, Jesse Yocum.
Making Friends
When listening to someone’s story
about their accomplishments or
they’re telling how much they know
about one topic or another, resist the
temptation to try to better them or show
them up with your superior knowledge
or greater accomplishments.
This is true if you want to make a
friend of this person. No one enjoys
being put in their place, being shown
they’re stupid or being told what
they’ve done is not all that great.
Gazette Howdies
To Jefferson’s Restaurant owner Patti
Duncan (Ridgeview & Hwy 10).
President Obama says it’s the law
so he has to allow all these unwanted,
illegal immigrants to come into the
US. The law was created during the
Bush era to try to control and prevent
child trafficking (for prostitution). It
has backfired on us.
Obama breaks laws and promises
of his choosing.
Affordable Care Act. Promise to have
the most transparent administration
ever (now most opaque). Why not
this one?
These people need to be sent back.
We cannot afford to take care of
the world’s tired, poor and huddled
masses. We can’t even take care of
the ones who are already here.
conservatives say Obama loves these
laws, because they allow-in more
folks who eventually will become
Democrats, thus ensuring there will
never be anything but Democratic
These children are being forced
on communities who cannot afford
to feed, clothe and shelter these
unfortunate souls. One California
town came out in mass to try to stop
the chartered buses from delivering
them to their small town.
July 15, 2014
Banning Homework
The Swedes (I am half-Swede)
have banned ‘homework’ in their
school system. That may be a good
thing, if it has gotten so excessive that
kids can’t be kids. However, I think
the reviewing of something learned
earlier that day will help in recalling
and remembering.
They used to tell Dumb Swede
jokes like they tell blonde jokes now.
If these Swedes stop doing their
homework, we may see a resurgence
of Dumb Swede jokes.
KFC Fraud
A three year old was mauled
by the family pit bull (not too
surprising, anymore. It cost her an
eye). Grandparents supposedly took
the bandaged up little tyke to KFC
(Kentucky Fried Chicken) some
time later.
They say they were asked to leave
as the injured girl’s looks offended
some of the customers. Hogwash.
So they sued the chain, but it turned
out it was all a fraud. No one asked
them to leave. After receiving
strangers, they are being forced to
determine how or when they will try
to return the donations.
The Parliamentary System
In this system of governing, a
Prime Minister is forced to resign if
he does not get a vote of confidence
from the legislative body, the
Parliament. Some say that might be
an improvement over what we have
where you are stuck with a leader for
four years, even after the Congress is
very disapproving of what he or she
is doing.
Steven Spielberg has been
photographed with the Jurassic Park
uncanny and realistic movie prop,
the animatronics triceratops dinosaur.
Remember that scene from the
Animal Rights people are now
criticizing him for his wanton
slaughter of this 65-million-year-old
Shame on you, Mr. Spielberg.
Animal rights people, they have
Another KC Icon Hit
remedial high school courses you can
Another of Kansas City Metro take.
attractions has been hit by bad
elements mobbing, fighting, knocking Miscellany
people down. KMBZ-AM 980 Radio Stressed women gain an average
reported that unruly groups of teen of 11 pounds a year unlike unstressed
kids were angering visitors to Worlds ladies. ** Proseco champagne
of Fun during the July 4 activities at being recalled as the bottles are
the 40 year-old themed amusement spontaneously exploding.
Sad, very sad, most people like the
theme park where a steep entrance
fee kept low-lifes from getting in and
causing problems like has happened at
several now closed area malls, Indian
Springs, Bannister Mall and now the
internationally known Country Club
Worlds of Fun maintains a large
force of security guards, usually off NEW EATING PLACE !!
duty law enforcement officers, for
Jefferson’s Restaurant
this very problem. Amazingly, no
Hwy 10 & Ridgeview
arrests were made (too many, too fast
and too uncontrollable), but there
10540 S. Ridgeview
were lots of scared, angry and “never
Burgers, Oysters
coming back” guests. Never go to
Several days ago we met owner
these parks, the zoo, or other similar Patti
Duncan veteran of the restaurant
venues on ‘Free Days’, big weekend business
and a high school teacher in
holidays, or 2 for 1 days. These Iowa many
always seem to bring in the thugs. So
A very nice lady she is dedicated to
senseless and sad.
have the Olathe area’s best restaurant.
Go meet her and tell her you read
Wounded Warriors
They advertise heavily on TV pulling about Jefferson’s in the Gazette.
Thomas Jefferson himself would be
at your heartstrings. Sad thing is only
58% of their funds go to actually proud to have possibly inspired the
help US Vets. Their top exec, Tony name of this new Olathe eatery.
We dined at this fun, family sports
Nardizzi, makes $300,000 a year and
ten other big shots make $150,000 or grill (lots of TV’s) near Hwy10 and
Ridgeview in North Olathe and had
More and more we see people helping a great time.
We had the Special of the Day,
folks they know personally or people
they have had a friend suggest to Wraps. Mine was the Buffalo Wing
them. That’s better than helping pay Wrap and Editor MacLean had the
big salaries of execs in big national Chicken Wrap. Both we felt were
Our personable server, Mandy, had
17 years experience and knew how
Driving Courteously
On a side street with parked cars to keep our drinks filled, our orders
when you are meeting another car, right, and was very informative
you should yield if the parked car about the new Olathe eatery with full
is on your side of the street. It is service bar.
You may recall Zeppo’s, Corporate
sometimes risky to try to meet an
oncoming vehicle in a crowded part Café and Johnny Brusco’s were there.
of the street. This is especially true if With their experience in Lawrence,
these folks will make it; they are that
it’s a big truck.
Try them soon. They also have a
restaurant in Lawrence and plan on
Nature’s Alley
A health foods store on S. Chester, expanding to two more in the KC
just behind Chux Trucks off Santa Metro area. Managers are Brittany
Fe, just west of I-35 is closing and and John. 913-227-0977
EVERYTHING is 75% off. No “Our food was great”
Open daily at 11:00.
exceptions. Closes in a few days. See
ad this issue. Thanks
Facebook Jefferson’s Olathe
Twitter Jeffersons-K10
Rev.Carl Erwin
Ted W. Stillwell
David Chartrand
July 15, 2014
Someone went to a hell of a lot of
trouble to go to Normandy and match
up the locations - then and now - from
the Normandy area of D-day.
Americans killed in that war - and
our soil was never attacked - and had
FDR not been trying so desperately
to get us into the war we could have
stayed out of it - Hitler would still be
dead, Japan would still be selling us
cars - how did we profit one proton
from the loss of 400,000 men?
I always say its insane to be a
pacifist, there always has been war,
there is war, and there always will be
war. But look back on US History other than the revolution we celebrate
today, were any of the other conflicts
worth the cost of one life?
Do all of our "friends" in France
and Italy and Germany and Belgium
and the Phillipines all show their
So in honor of Independence Day,
God Bless John Adams and Ben
Franklin and George Washington
and Tom Paine and Daniel Morgan
and Nathaniel Greene and Lafayette
and von Steuben - and most of all
Robert Morris (check him out) and
thank you for risking your lives, your
property, your good names to give us
the United States.
Shame we don't know what to do
with it.
"Posterity! You will never know how
much it cost the present generation
to preserve your freedom! I hope you
will make a good use of it. If you do
not, I shall repent in Heaven that I
ever took half the pains to preserve
it." - John Adams
Gazette Humor
From Diane Hart
Phyllis Diller Laughs
The reason the pro tells you to
keep your head down is so you can't
see him laughing.
You know you're old if they have
discontinued your blood type.
Gazette Humor
Blonde Man
From Tom Marsh
Two blonde men find three
grenades, and they decide to take
them to a police station.
One asked: "What if one explodes
before we get there?"
The other says: "We'll lie and say
we only found two."
Gazette Humor
If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge,
would they call it Fed UP?
------------ Do Lipton Tea employees take
'coffee breaks?'
Johnson’s County Gazette
Olathe’s Paper for 37 Years
Alzheimers Detected
With Eye Exam
Simple regular eye tests could be
used to identify Alzheimer's disease
at a very early stage, new research
Early trials of two different By Robert Parrish MacLean
techniques show that a key biomarker Last time I discussed how Medicare
for the disease can be identified in the may become KanCare in Kansas.
retina and lens of the eye.
I have been visited at my door by
Both methods were able to distinguish two Republican candidates for state
between healthy volunteers and legislator; one a moderate and one a
those likely to be suffering from
Alzheimer's patients with a high level far-right conservative. Both confirmed
to me that if the Republicans take
of accuracy.
Experts said the findings could be control of the Senate in Washington,
a “game changer” in treatment of the they will surely vote to send what
amounts to a block grant to several
So far attempts to find drugs to halt states that have already passed laws
progression of Alzheimer’s disease to turn Medicare into a state run
have failed because patients receiving system. Kansas is one of those states.
treatment already suffered too much KanCare will be given the job that
damage to the brain. One hour of the Federal government now handles
exercise a day can half the chance of
quite well.
If you know anything about
Escape from Taxes
KanCare, you will know it borders
A major drug store chain and on disaster. Kansas is not prepared
other companies are moving their to handle a program as large as
corporate offices to Switzerland, Medicare. People over 65, should be
Ireland and other countries seeking worried. Also, GOP folks I’ve talked
lower tax rates. They reincorporate in to want to pare down benefits and
those other countries to avoid U.S.A. raise premiums and co-pays. The
taxes. They still accept the protection premiums will come right out of your
of things you and I pay for such as social security checks, before you
police protection, fire departments, even see them.
streets and highways, water, U.S. Kansas general fund revenues
Mail, air travel safety provided by were $338 million below projections
the FAA, and so many, many other for the fiscal year that just ended. The
things. They make money here, so state has a reserve fund of nearly $700
why not support the country that million. Over half will be eaten up
this year. The already approved 2015
provides them with so much?
budget leaves us short another $300
Gazette Humor
million by the state’s own estimate.
So, there goes the reserve fund. We’ll
With Typewriters
be sort of bankrupt.
From Bill Jacobs
They're Back! Those wonderful Here is something else you won’t
Church Bulletins! Thank Goodness hear on Fox News. The Federal
for the church ladies with typewriters. government ran a monthly surplus
These sentences actually appeared in
church bulletins or were announced in June! This, under a president who
is supposed to be a tax-and-spend
at church services:
liberal. Source: U.S. Treasury and
Weight Watchers will meet at 7:00
p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church.
Please use large double door at the
side entrance.
------------------ And this one just about sums them
all up...
The Associate Minister unveiled
the church's new campaign slogan
last Sunday:
'I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours’
Gazette Humor
Airline Announcements:
From Diane Hart
Part of a flight attendant's arrival
“The Gazette really
announcement: 'We'd like to thank
helped us get started in
you folks for flying with us today.
And, the next time you get the insane
our first Culver’s
urge to go blasting through the skies
in a pressurized metal tube, we hope
you'll think of US Airways.'
Culver’s of Olathe
Gazette Humor
Why do they put pictures of
criminals up in the Post Office?
What are we supposed to do, write to
“I have been very surthem? Why don't they just put their
pictures on the postage stamps so
prised at the response we
the mailmen can look for them while
got from our Gazette car
they deliver the mail?
Farmers’ Market
The downtown Olathe Farmers’ Market is set up at the new Olathe
Community Center, Kansas City Road and Ridgeview, across from
Mahaffie Farmstead. See ya there.
The Wednesday and Saturday Morning Farmers’ Market starts in
the mornings at 7:30 a.m. and open rain or shine till sold out. The BlackBob
wash coupons. Thanks”
Page 3
Associated Press.
Governor Brownback announced
publicly that we would have had
a $600 million deficit if he hadn’t
taken the extreme measures he did.
He was wrong and later admitted
he meant $60 million. Oh, well, we
printed billion (with a b) when we
meant million (with an m) a couple
of issues back. But, ours was a typo.
I’m not sure that what our governor
said would fit into that category.
Moo Cluck Moo, a hamburger
chain of two restaurants in Michigan
starts everyone who works there at
$15 an hour. Other burger places in
California and elsewhere start out
employees at $9.50 to $10.50. And
they’re all profitable.
A bill to make those who help
people sign up for health insurance
submit to criminal background checks
and more was provided to several
state legislatures, including Kansas,
by a group called ALEC (American
Legislative Exchange Council). But,
there was a typo in it. Other states
caught the error. Missouri didn’t.
Kansas Senate didn’t catch the error
and passed the bill. The House ran out
of time to vote on it. These bills are
provided, verbatim, by a right-wing
group to thwart Obamacare. Even
your tax preparer doesn’t have to go
through criminal background checks,
and they learn everything about you.
Shouldn’t our lawmakers write
legislation and hold hearings on what
will happen if such bills are passed
into law? Who is running the show
and for whom? Anyway, Republicans
have eased off their criticism of
Obamacare, since it’s working well
now and most people are satisfied
with it. A survey (not sure whose)
shows that even 74 percent of
Republicans are okay with it. True or
not, let’s move on to something pithy,
like, how about, immigration. /-/
“We have loved
the response to
our ads”
The Hairem
“We’ve run ads very
successfully for 35
years in the
Park in east Olathe has the same two times.
Olathe Girls Softball Assn.
The Pink Sox Olathe Girls’ Softball Assn. Under 8 Division team came
in third in their division. Pictured are top row left to right, Montgomery,
Mikayla, Madisyn, Kayla, Elle, Gwen, Abby, Mia, Emily.
Front row left to right, Greyson, Katie, Kayla, Kaitlyn, Ann. Not pictured
Each year several thousand young girls participate in the forty year-old
Olathe Girls Softball Association which has its own seven lighted fields cosponsored by Olathe Parks and Recreation. Enroll your daughter next year.
Dave Jones is President of the Board of Governors.
Now Se
Buffet S ving
Thursdaers on
5 - 8 p.m y Nights
. $15.00
Gazette Advertising
or email
Donald C. Nielson, D.D.S.
Hollie Pfeffer-Flack, D.D.S.
Page 4
Johnson’s County Gazette
Olathe’s Very Own Newspaper for 37 Years
Other Sheep
July 15, 2014
By Rev. Carl Erwin
Remember an Andy Griffith show
where Aunt Bee was gone for a few
days. Andy and Opie cleaned and
straightened up the house before her
return. When Aunt Bee came back and
walked in and saw everything so neat
and tidy, she was sad and thought she
wasn't needed.
So Andy and Opie rushed upstairs
and messed up the rooms so when
Aunt Bee saw it she was glad.
We need to be needed, wanted and
We need a fulfillment in life.
I met a lady who worked in the
expires 8-31-14
expires 8-31--14
Folks At The Market
Rain or Shine
Both Open at both places at 7:30 A.M.
Now Also
Blackbob Park
Wednesdays And
until sold out
Tomatoes, Honey, Watermelon,
Cucumbers, Baked Goods,
Fresh Eggs, Smoothies, Jams & Jellies, Peaches, Sweet Corn, Cantelope,
Green Beans, Onions, Potatoes
Beginning July 5 at Olathe
Comunity Center
Kansas City Road & Ridgeview
Visit our Second Location at
Blackbob Park (East of 151st & Blackbob, North Side)
Rev. Carl Erwin
hospital in Columbus, Ohio, and
she was happy and pleasant. She got
married and her husband asked her
to quit her job and stay home. After
a while, he noticed she was different.
The truth was she did not feel needed
and it changed her life. He had robbed
her of the blessing of helping others
and being needed.
Hope 4 Single Moms
By RJ Thesman
One of the most difficult things we
have to do is discipline our children,
because it’s important that they learn
boundaries and rules.
I’m not sure if someone told me
about this or if I invented it one day
when I was a frustrated parent. For
whatever reason, we had a series of
difficult days and I had to discipline
my son. He had broken several rules
and didn’t seem to care. I needed to
teach him the consequences of bad
behavior so that he would feel secure
within my boundaries but also learn
some life lessons.
Then he did something so terrible that
I wondered how in the world to make
him understand the consequences.
I don’t remember now what that
behavior involved. But I was hurt and
disappointed, shocked and puzzled.
Then some type of motherly instinct
kicked in or possibly a divine whisper
reminded me to, “Show him grace.”
Olathe Noon Rotary News
Geoff Neufeld is the new club
president. At the recent annual meeting
it was announced Joe Keller of Brother
hood Bank is the Rotarian of the Year
and Ernie Hicks is the Silent Rotarian
of the Year. Paul Harris Fellowships
were awarded to Brad Cornell of the
Olathe Chamber and Representative
and City Councilman Larry Campbell
President of Merit Bank. The club now
meets at the new Olathe Community
Center Kansas City Rd and N.
Hotels, Tax Breaks...
(Continued from Page 1)
Theory A: It’s better to be kind
than to be right. Theory B: The tough
decisions don’t involve right against
wrong, but right against right.
* * *
Pope Francis sends us to the archives.
When was the last time a prominent
Christian leader said publicly, “Who
am I to judge?”
* * *
A survey finds that most college
I said, “Son, you’ve done a really
terrible thing and you should be
punished severely. But this one time,
I’m not going to punish you. I’m not
going to scold you. I’m going to give
you grace, forgive you and remind you
how much you are loved.”
He didn’t respond, but he learned the
concept. So wait until your child does
something terrible and then – let it go.
To teach God’s grace, we sometimes
must allow grace to be the example in
our home.
RJ Thesman is the author of “The
Life at Cove Creek” series. Thesman
lives in Olathe with her son and an
elderly cat. She enjoys gardening,
reading and cooking. Her website
and blog address is: www.rjthesman.
net. Other helpful websites include:;;;
New Olathe Community Center
The new facility at Kansas City Road
held its Grand Opening with 4-5000
in attendance for free food, games,
tours and more. The new facility had
hoped to have 475 members before it
opened but it had already enrolled 750
members, we heard.
A Gazette Hello to...
Curtis Walters, George Bentley,
Vernon Avant, Joann & Harry LaCerte,
Dave and Judy Teel, Carol and Joe,
Bill and Lois, Jesse Yocum.
students automatically accept all
Facebook “friend” requests, including
those from total strangers. One
respondent said that she, “didn’t want
to hurt anyone’s feelings.”
* * *
American’s don’t understand global
climate change for the same reason
we don’t understand home radon
inspections. We get intestinal cramps
every time the government tries to
scare us about things we can’t see,
smell or hear.
Both Wed. & Sat. at 7:30 AM
Let these
people helpe
you find thlly
best in loca e
grown produc
Locally grown
The natural
Super Savings Sale
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We buy Silver Plate and Silverware
Employment Opportunity
Now accepting applications for Light Duty
Rollback Drivers. MUST live within Johnson County,
must be well groomed, customer friendly, knowledgeable
with the metro area, pass DOT physical and have a good
driving record. Benefits offered are Health, Dental, Vision,
Life, 401K, Vacation and Holiday pay. Experience preferred
Will train right individual. Looking for hire immediately!
Apply in person at 226 S Blake Street, Suite B,
Olathe KS 66061
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. or Saturday 9 a.m. till
noon. Resumes submitted by email are also welcome.
Applications available online at
Scholarship Winners Announced
At the 25th Annual Briarwood Neighborhood July 4th Independence Day
Parade are the contest winners. (l to r) Emory was Most Patriotic, Shelby
was Best Bike and Samantha was Best Outfit. gazfoto
Olathe’s Fourth Friday’s Return July 25
By Kai Blakeborough
Fourth Friday returns on July 25
Celebrate the end of the week with us
on Friday, July 25th from 4:30 to 6:30
p.m. in the Johnson County Courtyard!
Enjoy live music from Frank and Stove
Pipe (4:30-5:30) and the Metropolitan
Strings Academy (5:30-6:30).
Save room for some free cold drinks,
and enjoy half priced kettle corn and
ice cream (while supplies last)! While
you're at it, take a minute to enter to
win one of five gift cards to Dub V's
Bar and Deli.
Dane J. Stapleton Awarded
National Merit Scholarship
Probable career field:
Computer Programming
Olathe East High School National
Merit University of Nebraska Lincoln Scholarship
The University of NebraskaLincoln, founded in 1869, offers
over 100 undergraduate and some 15
pre-professional areas of study in the
Colleges of Agriculture; Architecture;
Administration; Law & Education;
Engineering & Technology.
Product ReUse Program
From Erin Vader
The City of Olathe Product ReUse
Program has changed facilities and is
now open to shoppers five days per
week. The facility is now located at
1436 S. Robinson Drive, directly east
of the HHW Disposal Facility. Hours
of operation are 10:00 a.m. to 3:00
p.m. Monday - Friday. No appointment
is necessary to shop.
View free items often available
for Johnson County residents, at
Auto Museum
(Continued from Page 1)
boards, that tell the automotive history
of Kansas City. There are also several
interactive areas for children, as well
as many photo-opportunities.
The museum tells stories of both
local and national significance: how
the first African-American car dealer
was located in Kansas City, how the
first Cadillac dealership west of the
Mississippi was in Kansas City, how
the Plaza shopping area was specially
built to accommodate cars, and the
history of the local GM and Ford
manufacturing plants.
The Kansas City Automotive
Museum is a 501(c)(3) non-profit,
charitable organization. The current
space in Olathe is an interim museum.
A larger site, six times as large, is being
sought near the Kansas Speedway in
Kansas City, Kansas.
“We plan for it to have a car
restoration shop, gift shop, several car
galleries, a library and archives where
people can do research, and much
more,” Vreni said. “We’ll also have
many interactive areas, such as a recreation of an auto shop for children
and a GM assembly line robot arm
that will be able to be controlled by
Tours are available for 10 people or
more, for which a historian will discuss
Kansas City automotive history as
well as other information about cars in
the museum. Car clubs, school groups,
civic groups and others are invited.
Volunteers are also needed to answer
questions on history of the cars and
local car community. “The volunteers
help make it more of an educational
experience for visitors,” Vreni said.
Operating hours of the museum are
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Admission
prices are: Adult $11.00, Military
$9.00, Senior (over 65) $9.00, Student
(13-17 or with ID) $8.00, Youth (4-12
years), $8.00, Children (3 and under)
free. On-site parking, street parking
and handicap parking are available. The museum is located off I-35
(Exit 220). Travel east on 119th street
until you come to Strang Line Road.
Turn north on Strang Line Road until
you reach 116th street. The Kansas
City Automotive Museum is located
on the right side of 116th street.
For more information, visit
or contact the museum at info@
We have a lot of fun in store for
this week's event. We'll be hosting
jam sessions around the courtyard for
musicians of all abilities, as well as a
disc golf putting contest at 5:30. On
top of all that, we'll have more yard
games for you and your friends to play,
as well as booths from various local
organizations for you to check out.
Downtown Olathe is the place to
be on Fourth Fridays. We hope you
join us and come see everything that
makes this area great!
“Simply Reinspired
Café & Treasures”
Sisters Debbie and Janice have
opened a great new breakfast &
lunch cafe/shoppe in downtown
Olathe. Great food, great setting.
We were flagged down almost
a year ago by a really enthusiastic
lady, Debbie Mann, near Cedar and
Kansas. She said she and sister Janice
Mann-Harris have opened a café with
gifts you can buy. We tried it and it’s
really good. They’re just between
Kansas and Cherry at 108 W. Cedar.
It’s a breakfast and lunch cafe with
decorating items for sale and located in
a house on Cedar Street. We ate there
and agree with friend Wes McCoy. It’s
a delightful place with great service
and wonderful food. 768-1177 Visit
their website: www.simplyreinspired.
com. Go just to see how cool it is.
See their ad on Page 3 for more.
Price Chopper Pharmacy
The Santa Fe and Mur-Len Price
Chopper has closed for two months,
but the popular pharmacy with Jim,
Linda, Stewart, Rita, Kathy, Bonnie,
and Chase will remain open to serve
those of us needing our prescriptions.
Tommy Hall
(Continued from Page 1)
First United Methodist Church all of
his life and served the church in many
capacities. He has been a member of
the Olathe Rotary for over 70 years
and has served as president of the
organization as well as chairmen of
multiple committees. He has also been
a member of the Masons for over 75
years. He worked on many local boards
including the Olathe Library Board,
the Salvation Army, the First National
Bank, and the Olathe Hospital Board.
He was also honored by the Chamber
of Commerce in 2004 as Citizen of the
He is survived by his daughter,
Joan Roda of Colorado Springs
and her husband Dan, as well as his
granddaughters Korri Thibault and
husband Martin, Kristen Genson and
husband Andy, and great grandsons,
Brady and Brendan Thibault and
Jarek and Maddox Genson. He will be
missed by all.
“An amazing icon of Olathe has
left us. I remember seeing him for
the last time when we at the Olathe
Noon Rotary Club had a FaceTime
video chat with him after he moved
to Colorado Springs. He was just as
chipper, lively and spry as he was in
his 70’s, 80’s or 90’s. They don’t make
folks like Tommy anymore. Truly a
goal to shoot for, living a righteous,
honorable, complete and full life like
Tommy Hall.” said Gazette publisher
Keith Johnson.
Local Dump Truck Driver -
Coins - Gold - Silver
DVDs - Games - Jewelry
Game Systems &
Parts, Working or Not
U.S. Silver Dollars $10.00 each & up
Immediate Openings
Class A or B $ Signing Bonus
Benefits include:
Cash Safety Bonuses $
Overtime Pay 40+ hours
Health Insurance and Aflac
(913) 390-8384.
10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The young ladies names are Courtney Harris and Tobi Gbile - Courtney is from
ONW and Tobi from Olathe North. They each were awarded a $500 scholarship
from The Friends of the Olathe Public Library in memory of Curtis Gilmore.
The awards were presented by Colette McGee, president of the Friends group.
Email resume to:
or fax resume to (913) 390-4962.
Apply in person at 604 W Main St Gardner KS 66030
July 15, 2014
Johnson’s County Gazette
Piaget & Cognitive Development
Did you know there was a time
when children were regarded
as "little adults"? Jean Piaget, a
Swiss developmental biologist and
psychologist, is credited as being the
first expert to suggest that until a child
is at least 11, she is not capable of
thinking and reasoning like an adult.
revolutionary research
began early in the last century
and introduced four stages of
• The Sensorimotor Period, from
birth to 2 years
• The Preoperational Period, from 2
to 6 or 7 years
• The Concrete Operational Period,
from 7 to 11 years
• the Formal Operational Period,
from 11 on.
Your preschooler falls under
the Preoperational Period, when
kids develop language and have an
understanding of symbols. A child in
this stage begins to understand that a
drawing of a dog, or the word "dog,"
represents an actual dog.
This is also the stage when pretend
play begins, and children frequently
use certain objects to represent other
objects (for example, a piece of paper
becomes a plate; a box is the table).
Children are able to understand the
basic concepts of past and future but
the concrete idea of time is still beyond
them. In terms of their character and
personality, kids at this stage are very
self-oriented and, as any parent can
tell you, egocentric.
Grace’s Goodies
These recipes are ones used by 67 year long
Olathe resident, Grace Armstrong Moody,
(Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother,
Aunt, Sister and Dear Friend) over the years
and fondly remembered by her family and
friends as some of their favorites.
Grace learned to cook from her mother
while living on the farm as a girl in
Columbus, Kansas, and continued to cook
for her husband, Edward, former Olathe
Mayor, and their daughters Ann, Charlene
and Alice.
She has entered and won several Grange
cookie, pie and cake contests. Her pies have
been known to bring up to $140 at a charGrace Moody
itible auction.
Now at age 99, living at Good Samaritan of Olathe , she reminisces
about the great cooking times-gone-by and encourages you to try some of
her favorite recipes, some of which we reprint here. Enjoy
Olathe’s Hometown Community Newspaper for 37 Years
In-Home Day Care
& Day Care Centers
There are many people who provide
child care in their own homes:
• Young mothers who need some extra
• Older women whose own children
have grown.
• A grandparent or other blood relative
with the time.
The benefits of day care in another's
home is that your child is likely to have
other children to play with. She will
also have the consistency of having
one caregiver. Plus, some babysitters
are flexible with hours, so you don't
have to panic if you have to work
The Drawbacks
• If your sitter or your child gets sick,
you'll need to find alternate care. Some
day care providers will not take sick
• Your child is likely to pick up illnesses
from the other kids.
• A sitter may take in more children
than she can handle.
• Your sitter may not have a day care
license (not all sitters are required to
be licensed).
The benefits of this type of situation
is that often it's the least costly for the
Day Care Centers
Day care centers are typically run
by a church group, for-profit agencies,
or, in certain circumstances, your
employer. A center that cares for more
than 12 children is required to be
licensed in most states. This means the
center must meet minimum guidelines
for health, safety, and caregiver
training. Be sure to inquire about this
as you interview places.
The Drawbacks
• Increased exposure to illnesses.
• High staff turnover at some centers.
• Inflexible hours. If you can't be there
on time, you may be charged extra.
Sand Mosaics
This beach project is a sort of natural
version of glitter designs -- except
unlike glitter, your supply of sand is
practically inexhaustible.
Black construction paper
Shoe box lid
White glue
Assorted seashells
1. Cut a sheet of construction paper so
that it fits inside the box lid -- this will
be the portable canvas.
2. To make a picture, draw with the
tip of the glue bottle, then sprinkle on
loose sand.
3. Once the sand is dry, shake off the
excess by gently tapping the side of
the lid.
4. For added detail, glue on shells,
pebbles, sea glass or any other nottoo-aromatic finds.
Shell Paintings
Seashells make great palm-size
canvases for painted seascapes.
Seashells (chalkier, white shells work
Jar of freshwater
Watercolor or acrylic paints and
1. Rinse a few shells with fresh
water and let them dry in the sun.
2. Paint pictures on the inside of each
shell, being careful to let each color
dry before adding the next for a crisp
picture, or letting the colors blend for
an abstract splash of color.
3. Set finished shells out in the sun
until dry.
New Outlet Store
With Just About
Everything You Need
We at the Gazette love supporting
small businesses, as they successfully
compete against the big box behemoths.
We like to help the little guy or little
gals in this case. Visit Warehouse
Sales Outlet on Kansas City Road at
Jan-Mar, just east of Ridgeview. They
have a little bit of everything and the
prices are great. They have closeoutbig discounted items of remarkably
good quality. -/-
Owner Susan with her daughter,
Kelsey at Warehouse Sales Outlet
just east of Ridgeview off KC Rd.
Watch For Red Light Runners
Page 5
Page 6
Johnson’s County Gazette
Serving Olathe, Overland Park, Gardner, Spring Hill for 37 Years
“A smile is contagious.”
“Success is a journey,
not a destination.”
Everybody Reads
Hot weather, fast driving, rough
roads are prime conditions for blow
outs and accidents. Recently, we
drove from Memphis to St. Louis on
Highway 55 that carries many trucks
and lots of traffic. We counted an
average of four tire carcasses per mile.
Many were retreads. If you plan on a
trip, check your tires, pressure, wear
and alignment. Tire problems can
cause a lot of grief that could cost you
and ruin a trip.
The Fourth of July celebration is
a beautiful sight to see Old Glory
waving in the breeze. The flags on
Olathe’s Santa Fe Street mark the
patriotic heritage of our city.
Mid-term elections bring out
politicians we seldom see during the
year. Some don’t even live in their
districts or state. Let’s be well read on
the qualifications of those we vote for.
There are too many who vote along
party lines. Ask yourself the question,
“Is he or she representing me and my
beliefs?” Or are you voting strictly
along party lines?
The old airplanes that were located
where the Veterans Memorial Park
is now have prompted a request for a
picture of them. If you have or know
someone who could share a copy,
please call 780-6155. It will be greatly
Many charity phone calls have
become a real nuisance. Most people
have chosen the charities that they
support on a regular basis. We don’t
need all of those solicitors.
It will soon be time for teen athletes
to get their check ups before school
starts. Make sure that your son or
daughter gets a good physical. The
heart should be checked. There
have been too many deaths and near
deaths because of an inadequate
physical. A careful check for possible
concussions that could have happened
from a previous injury should also be
I encourage everyone who enjoys
our beautiful trees to take a stroll
through the park. Thanks to our Parks
Department, we can be proud of this
heritage. Boy and Girl Scouts visit
the park to earn a merit badge. What
a great learning opportunity for our
young and older people to visit our
Veterans Memorial Park.
Recently my wife and I attended
the “winging” ceremony of our
grandson Lt. J.G. Jon Bernard Pro
in Meridian, Mississippi. Jon Bernard
is a graduate of Embry-Riddle
Aeronautical University with a degree
in aeronautical Science. He is aircraft
carrier qualified in the T-45c aircraft on
board the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt
as of June 9, 2014. Lt. JonBernard
Pro completed advanced Jet Flight
Training with Training Squadron
Seven. The ceremony was touching
Dee and Bob Millbern with their grandson
Lt. J.G. Jon Bernard Pro after the Navy
ceremony in which Pro was awarded his
for our great family. Jon Bernard’s
father, Bernard Pro and wife Erin put
his wings on him. What an honor!
He will now begin training to fly the
F18 Hornet. Jon Bernard’s uncle from
France attended with his family as did
his two brothers and their wives and
children. We all were very proud of
J.B., as we call him.
The Historical Society is pleased
that the fliers they put out at the
Veterans Park promoting the Olathe
Tree Program have been a real success
as many of the fliers have been
picked up. This is a great program
that does a fine job in describing the
many species of trees that are in the
Veterans Memorial Park and in our
community. The immigration problem with
young children being encouraged to
come to America to escape living
conditions in their homelands has
reached epidemic proportions. The
exploitation of these children by
“coyotes,” taking money from those
who trust that the trafficker will
lead the children to a better place
must be stopped in the countries of
origin. Government officials in these
countries must be confronted by
our U.S. authorities to capture and
prosecute those who are promoting and
encouraging the terrible conditions that
the children are enduring. Let’s use our
voices to encourage our government
to work with the countries involved to
stop this horrible crime on humanity.
The use of electronic devices has
taken over the conversation time
we used to spend with our children.
The passage of knowledge from
generation to generation is consumed
by these electronic gadgets. I am not
against progress, but out of respect for
those around you, arrange your games
and other devices and listen to when
you are spoken to. You might learn
The amount of money that
Governor Brownback offered to the
G.O.P. to come to Kansas City seems a
bit curious when our Kansas budget is
suffering. Over $3 million was pledged
to help finance the convention. This
amount, or at least a portion, could
sure be used to solve some of our
budget needs.
What Is It? Win a Prize
Store Closing
All Store Merchandise
Tips for avoiding the
stresses of marriage and debt:
Before the wedding, show all of
your cards. Tell your spouse about
your income, debts, issues you have
with money, how your parents raised
you to handle money, your strengths
and weaknesses with money, and
admit if you are a spender or saver.
Have a wedding
that you can afford. This is not the time to start running
up large credit card bills and still be
paying for your wedding on your fifth
Each of you should get a copy of
your credit reports. This will give
you a clear picture of how you both
handle money and it will help avoid
any future surprises. Aim to get your
Save Money on
Your Summer Vacation
Ensure that your tires are
properly inflated.
Properly inflating your tires can
improve fuel efficiency. Check the
owner's manual or look inside the
driver's side doorframe for your
vehicle's tire pressure rating. In the
summer heat, tires that are not properly
inflated are also more likely to blow.
Check your coolant system.
The coolant system works overtime
in the summer to make sure your
vehicle's engine doesn't overheat.
It is suggested to flush and refill the
coolant systems every other year. An
engine that runs too hot or too cold can
reduce fuel efficiency.
Get an oil change.
Regular oil changes help prevent
engine wear and can even save on
gas money. Mobil 1 Advanced Fuel
Economy, for example, provides
up to two-percent fuel economy
Get a basic tune-up.
A poorly tuned engine can reduce
Your mother told you to clean up
your plate because there were little
children starving in China?
There was a clothing store on the
west end of the Dillon’s Store building
(now Johnson County government
office building) on east Santa Fe in
An Olathe newspaper ran a Pixie
Contest? Lots of Olathe people
submitted Pixie drawings, which were
published in the paper. I expect that
Marion Eisele remembers this.
Snappy’s Drive-In at 530 East
Santa Fe reduced the price of their
July 15, 2014
score over 750 to receive the lowest
interest rates for your first mortgage
and other loans.
Avoid credit card debt. The best
rule of thumb is simply, "If you can't
pay for something with cash, you can't
afford it." Don't fall into the trap of
buying something with a credit card
with the intent of paying it off in just a
few months.
Get one or two credit cards and stick
with them. Building a good payment
history with one or two credit cards is
a positive factor in your credit score.
Each spouse should have a credit
card in his or her own name to build
your own credit score.
If you have a balance, pay off as
much as you can over the minimum
each month. If you get gift money,
tax refunds, etc., use this to pay off
your debt. The faster you pay it off,
the faster you can focus on saving and
getting ahead.
Before the first bills come in,
make a plan for how the bills will be
paid and who will pay them. If you
have separate accounts, know which
account pays each bill.
fuel efficiency. To ensure your
vehicle's performance, be sure to get
a tune-up once a year. It also provides
an opportunity to check out your
vehicle's systems, such as brakes and
fluid levels.
Don't speed.
Fuel efficiency quickly decreases
when you drive faster than 60 miles
per hour. Sticking to the speed limit
is not only safer, but can save you
Roll down the windows.
Try rolling down your windows
instead of cranking up the airconditioning.
reduces fuel economy, especially
when driving around the city. On the
highway, however, it is actually better
to use air-conditioning. Having your
windows down affects aerodynamics
and causes you to burn more fuel.
Park in the shade.
Not only will this keep the inside of
your car cooler, but also it helps save
gas and reduce the workload on your
air conditioner.
hamburgers to ten cents during Old
Griff Crawford owned and operated
the Ford business in Olathe? Although
he had lost his sight, he could do a
great job in evaluating a pre-owend
The Julien Flaming Amos Funeral
Home was operated out of a new
building across the road form the
old Waid’s Restaurant (Now Old 56
Restaurant) on 56 Highway?
Nell Bowen and Francis Tainter ran
two of the nicest Antique Shops in
Olathe’s history? We still own some
pretty items purchased from them.
of Darci Hamilton and Amy Hamilton.
He will be a junior at Spring Hill.
(Continued from Page 1)
Candidates completed an application
will be a senior at Olathe North High and resume, gave a public presentation
School and is an 11-year member
and were interviewed by a panel of
of the Prairie Moon 4-H Club.
Natalie McCracken, 17, is the Mr. and Miss 4-H will be named at
daughter of Sheri and Tom Catania, the Public Fashion Revue July 24th,at
and Steve McCracken. She will be a Wheatridge Middle School, Gardner
junior at De Soto High School and is a Kansas.
member of the Johnson County Horse Olathe Fireworks
Olathe Police responded to 91 illegal
Jesse Gunkel is a member of the fireworks shooting calls. It is illegal to
Great Plains 4-H club. (No photo shoot off fireworks in the city limits.
I wonder how many hands, eyes
and bodies that have been saved by
Colton Hamilton, 16, is the only that law. Thank you for banning this
candidate for Mr. 4-H. He is the son
dangerous activity.
Meet Me at the Fair
10:00 to 6:00 Mon. - Fri.
In the Gazette publisher’s travels we come across many interesting things. If
you are among the first ten to tell us what this is, you will win an ice cream from
Olathe’s favorite burger and custard restaurant, Culver’s. If you can tell us the
owner of this machine and where it is located exactly, we will come to your
home and autograph your Gazette. Clue, it is in the USA-. lol gazfoto
Watch for Red Light and Stop Sign Runners
Yield to Traffic in the Traffic Circles
Expires 12-31-14
Expires 12-31--14
Now days
180 S. Parker, Olathe 2137 E. 151 St., Olathe
12705 N. Mur-Len, Olathe
619 E. Main, Gardner
34080 Commerce Drive, DeSoto
July 15, 2014
Johnson’s County Gazette
Olathe’s Only Locally Owned Newspaper for 37 Years
Page 7
Mortgage Foreclosure, Divorce,
Probate, Wills, Real Estate, Medicaid
See us on
Leonard Hall
t of
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Julius & Meredith Galvan
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Stylist, Massage Therapist,
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Healing Rooms of Olathe
Billie Jo Gruber
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Beauti Control Cosmetics
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16170 W. 135 St. 780-4455
913 829-4422
Beauty Body Spirit
120 So. Parker
Olathe, Kansas 66601
2111 E. Crossroads,
Suite 200
Olathe, Kansas 66062
913 563-2413
or 913 397-0895
“Ann & I have used these guys a lot,
1900 E, Santa Fe
Olathe, KS 66062
Behind Perkins off Santa Fe
Used by the Gazette
Rick Peck Remodeling
Donald C. Nielson, D.D.S.
Katherine Nielson-Stanley, D.D.S.
Donald C. Nielson, D.D.S.
Hollie Pfeffer-Flack, D.D.S.
913 575-6887
Spring Hill Resident Dies
from Rare Infection
An extremely rare brain-eating
amoeba has killed a nine-year-old girl
from Johnson County.
Hally Yust, 9, from Spring Hill was
an avid skier and died on July 9.
The amoeba is found in fresh water.
A county disease investigator tells
FOX 4 that Yust had several potential
exposures in fresh water in Kansas,
so the actual source of infection
cannot be determined. She was taken
to a hospital with meningitis-like
symptoms and testing revealed the
amoeba infection.
It’s called Naegleria fowleri. It’s in
lakes, rivers and hot springs. Infection
is extremely rare. There have been
fewer than 200 cases in the U.S. in
more than 50 years.
There was also a death in a Wichitaarea resident in 2011.
Hally “Bug” Nicole Yust
Hally “Bug” Nicole Yust, 9, of
Spring Hill, KS, passed away on
Wednesday, July 9, 2014.
A Celebration of Life in Hally’s
honor was held at 4:00 pm Monday,
July 14 at Life Church, 16111 S. Lone
Elm Rd., Olathe, Kansas.
In lieu of flowers, memorial
contributions may be made to the
Hally “Bug” Yust K-State Women’s
Fund, 1800 College Ave., Suite 138,
Manhattan, KS 66502. More personal
contributions of balloons or stuffed
animals will be donated to Children’s
Mercy Hospital. Condolences may be
left at
Hally was born on March 14, 2005,
to Shon and Jenny Yust. She is also
survived by siblings Parker, Macy
and Zoey; and many loving extended
family members. Hally was home
schooled and attended Mighty Oaks
Enrichment Center in Gardner. With
a lifelong passion to be a college
basketball player, Hally knew no
stranger and lived life to the fullest,
sharing her love for Jesus. She enjoyed
waterskiing, water sports of any kind,
farming with Dad, video making,
song writing, and spending time
with friends and family. As a giver,
caretaker, sister, daughter, and friend,
Hally was the light to the world and a
blessing to all.
His Handyman Services
Used by the Gazette.
We’re very happy
with his work.
Page 8
Johnson’s County Gazette
Olathe’s Oldest Newspaper
Fourth Friday returns on July 25
From Kai Blakeborough
Celebrate the end of the week with
us on Friday, July 25th from 4:30
to 6:30 p.m. in the Johnson County
Enjoy live music from Frank
and Stove Pipe (4:30-5:30) and the
Metropolitan Strings Academy (5:306:30). Save room for some free cold
drinks, and enjoy half priced kettle
corn and ice cream (while supplies
last)! While you're at it, take a minute
to enter to win one of five gift cards to
Dub V's Bar and Deli.
We have a lot of fun in store for
this week's event. We'll be hosting
jam sessions around the courtyard for
musicians of all abilities, as well as a
disc golf putting contest at 5:30.
On top of all that, we'll have more
yard games for you and your friends
to play, as well as booths from various
local organizations for you to check
Downtown Olathe is the place to
be on Fourth Fridays. We hope you
join us and come see everything that
makes this area great!
Flower Show
Submit your entry to the contest
The Olathe Garden and Civic Club
is sponsoring a juried flower show
in conjunction with the Old Settler's
Celebration Sept. 4, 5 & 6th. The
theme of the celebration and the
flower show is the Big Top. Anyone
interested in entering a floral design
should call Sheila Chusuk at 894-9684
or Kim Pegel at 782-9089. The public
is encouraged to enter designs or
horticulture from their gardens. The
show schedules are available at both
Olathe libraries. Horticulture could
include flowers or vegetables grown
in your garden.
Islamic Terrorists Planned to Bomb
Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Nuclear Plant
France foiled an Islamist terrorist
plot to target the Eiffel Tower, the
Louvre and even a nuclear power
plant, it emerged on Wednesday, as the
country unveiled new, tougher antiterror rules.
French police stumbled on the
plans after decrypting coded messages
between a 29-year-old Algerian
butcher living in the Vaucluse, southern
France, known only as Ali M, and one
of the highest-ranking members in
al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, or
Obamacare and VA Care
Both are run by the government.
If you have been watching the news,
reading the paper and/or not living
under a rock, certainly you know about
the horrible treatment of our Veterans
at some of the nation’s Veteran’s
In recent reports patients have
been put on secret waiting lists that
have forced them to wait months for
medical procedures. Sometimes, they
have waited a month or more just to
see a doctor at all. As a result several
deaths have been blamed on the long
waiting periods.
Whistle blowers (people working
at VA Hospitals reporting on abuse,
incompetence and waste) have been
fired. Files have been destroyed.
Big bonuses have been paid to VA
executives. The big mess is continuing
to unravel more and more. Hope you
don’t have a loved one getting (or not
getting) VA Care.
Some experts are now saying if you
think Veterans Administration care
is bad, just wait till we are all under
government care. We bet the rich and
the bureaucrats will always have a
separate medical system like they had
in Russia during the communist era.
Flash Flood Season is Here;
Helpful Tips to Remember
From Erin Vader, City of Olathe
With flash flood season upon us,
remember these helpful tips if you
encounter flash flooding:
• Do not drive through flooded
areas; vehicles can be swept off the
• Move to higher ground if you are
in a low-lying area.
• Stay away from streams, concrete
channels, and other drainage
• Watch for flooding at road dips,
bridges and low areas.
• Report any road flooding to 911.
My Wish
I wish there was a news source that
didn’t have an axe to grind or a story
to spin. It would be great, if they had
a left wing reporter and a right winger
each report the story, kind of like being
on a jury. One would tell their version
and the other could tell his or her side.
Then, you could decide which side to
Everybody Reads
July 15, 2014
Valley Springs
(Continued from Page 1)
important to other family members
because it is easily accessible from
nearby communities such as Kansas
City and Lawrence. Adult children are
wanting their parents to move out of
the larger cities, because of traffic and
crime, but still have them close. Feriend
lists safety and affordability, groundlevel access and good construction as
factors that have contributed to Valley
Spring’s success.
“It is a community in another sense
as well”, added the property manager
Bob Harrelson. “The clubroom is very
active,” he said. “It is a place where
residents can meet for Bible studies
and coffees, have one-on-one visits,
celebrate holidays and birthdays,
watch the big games and when the
Red Hat ladies meet, things can get
The clubroom is furnished with a
computer lab and a library. For those
who want to exercise, there are a
couple of treadmills and a stationary
bicycle. In addition to the units having
washer/dryer connections, an on-site
laundry facility is available and the
community is pet-friendly.
The clubroom is also the place
where people sign up for group
activities “Four times a year, bus tours
originate out of there,” compliance
manager, Renee Befort said. “They
go to see things like historical places
or Christmas lights. The community
sends out flyers/brochure and people
can sign up at the clubroom, where the
bus picks them up as well.”
Valley Springs also maintains ties
with the larger De Soto community. In
addition to De Soto residents attending
Valley Springs events such as Bible
studies and Red Hat meetings, Valley
Springs residents support the larger
De Soto community through projects
like holding food drives so that they
can donate to the local food bank.
Valley Springs Senior Apartments
is a beautiful property built with large
green areas, nice landscaping and
The homes have front-door parking,
private ground-level entry, covered
garden patios and central heating
and air. The spacious bedrooms and
extra storage closets come in handy
as well for seniors who are needing to
downsize but don’t want to get rid of
everything. The large eat in kitchens
are well appointed with range,
refrigerator, built in microwave,
dishwasher, garbage disposal, pantry
and washer/dryer connections. Limited
units do offer walk in showers in the
Valley Springs is located at 31605
W 83rd Circle in De Soto, southeast
of the 83rd Street and Kill Creek Road
For more information, call 913585-9998 or 913-206-2943 for your
personal tour.
June Obituaries
Lawton- Pattison, Colleen (Roeckers)
Lynde, Isaiah Ray
Miller, Penelope “Penny” J.
Moldrup, Weldon “Moldy”
Peck, Victor Ivan, Jr.
Perkins, Evelyn
Richards, Merrylu
Rodgers, Brock
Saunders, Alicia
Shaw, Willie (Bud)
Stevens, Raymond “Arch”
Stevens, Samuel Lester
Toomay, Laura Mae
Trager, Eleanor A. (Renner)
Webb, Larry Dean
Gazette Humor
Kids in Church
From Diane Hart
After a church service on Sunday
morning, a young boy suddenly
announced to his mother,
"Mom, I've decided to become a
minister when I grow up."
"That's okay with us, but what made
you decide that?"
"Well," said the little boy, "I have to
go to church on Sunday anyway,
And I figure it will be more fun
to stand up and yell, than to sit and
Atkinson, Eva Frances
Baker, George F.
Bird, Ann M.
Clark, Francis “Frank” Sr.
Consiglio, David A.
Donham, Jared
Finlan, Richard
Forester, Terry
Frame, Ralene Fern
Haynes, Robert “Andy”
Jackson, Timothy R.
Jenkins, Donald “Don”
Jones, Sharon
Kleinbeck, Charles E.
Kunz, Richard Michael
Kurien, Mathen K.
July 15, 2014
Johnson’s County Gazette
Video Games
Ceiling Fans, Part II
Like everything else, ceiling fans
are not maintenance free. Be sure to
keep yours clean and in good operating
condition. Consider repairs at the first
sign of something wrong.
If your fan no longer has three
distinct speeds, first check the pull
chain switch. A broken speed or light
switch is fairly easy to replace. Your
local hardware store has both kinds
of replacements. If your fan has both
a pull chain for speed and a remote
control, always be sure the pull chain
is left in the high speed position.
Otherwise the remote will try to make
three speeds out of the lower setting
resulting in loss of speed.
If your fan has excessive wobble,
vibration, or noise, especially on high
speed, check the following items:
*Be sure the blades are clean.
It is surprising how much dirt can
accumulate on fan blades.
*Check for loose screws. Blades
must be firmly attached to the blade
irons and the blade irons firmly
attached to the motor housing.
*Be sure none of the blades are
warped. They should lie flat when laid
on a flat surface. If you find one that
is warped, replace all the blades. They
come in factory matched sets.
*Check to see if any of the blade
irons are defective. If you find one that
is cracked, doesn’t match the others,
or that no longer has the 12 degree
angle, change that iron with a proper
*Check for a defective motor.
Remove the blades and irons. Turn the
motor on high. If it still has excessive
wobble, vibration, or noise, look for a
repair center or just go shopping for a
new fan!
*If the motor is fine and you still
have a problem, consider rebalancing
the blades. Most fans come with
instructions and a small kit with
weights to use when doing so.
One last tip, if your fan’s motor
housing visibly tries to turn every time
the fan is first turned on, your fan is
no longer safely installed. Check your
installation guide and do not use the
fan until repairs are made.
If I can help you with any of your
home repairs, please give me a call at
Around The House Home Repair,
LLC is a professional handyman
service owned and operated by Joe
Huddleston of Olathe, Kansas.
Keep Your Muscles
promising results in mice.
More Protein
In addition to the mounting evidence
of the benefits of physical activity in
stemming decline, Dr. Walston says
there is an emerging body of research
that suggests older people should eat
more protein, with a focus on leaner
According to guidelines published
in 2010 by the Society on Sarcopenia,
Cachexia and Wasting Disorders, a
nonprofit group, as many as 41% of
women and 35% of men age 50-plus
ingest less than the recommended daily
allowance of 0.8 grams of protein per
kilogram of body weight (0.36 grams
per pound). The group recommends
that total protein should be higher in
that age range, or 1 to 1.5 grams per
kilogram per day (0.45 to 0.68 grams
per pound), spread equally through
three meals.
The group also says low vitamin D
levels are associated with low muscle
strength, and supplementing it in those
cases has been shown to increase
strength and function and reduce falls.
But it's best to talk to a physician
before starting any supplements such
as protein or vitamin D.
As for exercise, the group notes
that resistance exercises can improve
strength, while aerobic exercise can
improve overall health and quality
of life. The group recommends a
combination of the two for 20 to 30
minutes three times a week.
Building Up Reserves
Evidence continues to show the
benefits of exercise at any age. Last
month, a study in the Journal of the
American Medical Association found
that an exercise program reduced the
onset of major disability for at-risk
older adults by 18% over about 2½
years. The study, the largest of its
kind, was conducted by a consortium
of major aging research centers and
funded by the federal government.
Known as the LIFE study—
for Lifestyle Interventions and
Independence for Elders—it compared
a supervised, moderate-intensity
physical activity program with a health
education program on aging in 1,600
sedentary older adults. The activity
portion included aerobic, strength,
flexibility and balance training, based
on individual levels of fitness, while
the education arm had only limited
focus on physical activity.
The study defined major mobility
disability as the inability to walk 400
meters within 15 minutes without
sitting, leaning against a wall, or
getting assistance from another
person or walker. Roger Fielding, a
co-author of the study and director
of the Nutrition, Exercise Physiology
and Sarcopenia Laboratory at Tufts
University, says the study shows that
"even as we advance into very old age,
physical activity can help preserve
independence." The study group hopes
to follow the subjects for three more
years to gauge longer-term benefits.
There is some inevitability to
declining strength and muscles in
aging, "but whatever we can do to
mitigate that by building up the health
reserve can pay off in dividends later,"
says Karen Bandeen-Roche, another
researcher at the Johns Hopkins aging
center. "We can't say frailty can be
prevented in all people, but we can
compress it to a smaller proportion of
the end of life."
(Continued from Page 1)
naturally occurring protein called
myostatin that curbs muscle growth.
Pharmaceutical companies already
have drugs in the pipeline that act by
blocking myostatin or blocking the
sites where it is detected in the body,
potentially rebuilding muscle.
For now, however, the best
medicine available to maintain muscle
mass and strength is less complicated
and costly - namely, exercise and a
healthy diet. Yet about 60% of people
over 65 are insufficiently active or
overtly inactive, and many have poor
nutrition, says Nathan LeBrasseur,
a researcher who directs the Muscle
Performance and Physical Function
Laboratory and the Healthy Aging
and Independent Living Initiative at
Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. Dr.
LeBrasseur estimates that most people
will lose approximately 30% of muscle
mass over their lifetime, and as much
as 50% by the time they reach their
80s or 90s.
Keep Your Motor Running
Muscle is also central to metabolism,
or the rate at which fat and calories
are burned, and can help improve
resiliency to the stressors of aging, Dr.
LeBrasseur says. By simply stepping
up activity like walking, gardening
and household tasks, "we can slow the
loss and prevent crossing that critical
threshold that leads to functional
limitations and metabolic issues."
Chronic diseases such as diabetes,
which inhibits the metabolism of
nutrients in the body, are believed
to contribute to age-related muscle
loss, and older obese individuals with
decreased muscle mass or strength are
at special risk for adverse outcomes,
according to research funded by the
National institute on Aging. Related
conditions include cachexia, a state
of general physical decline and
malnutrition associated with chronic
disease and cancer, and wasting
disorders that can be associated with
nerve disease or injury.
There is still debate about how best
to define and measure sarcopenia, and
doctors caring for the elderly may not
even be aware of the term, which was
derived from Greek words for poverty
of the flesh and was introduced in
the late 1980s. Researchers have a
better handle on frailty, a syndrome
of decreased strength reserves,
reduced resistance to physical
and psychological
stressors, and
cumulative decline across multiple
systems of the body, including the
brain. A number of frailty scales are
available to help doctors evaluate
Jeremy Walston, a professor of
geriatric medicine and co-director of
the Biology of Healthy Aging program
at Johns Hopkins University's Center
on Aging and Health, says a major
goal of research is to understand the
complex interplay of molecular and
physiological declines in multiple
systems of the body with advancing
age - a mix that may increase general
vulnerability in frail, older adults.
His team is studying changes in
mitochondria, the energy-generating
components of cells, and the impact of
chronic inflammation in the body.
The Johns Hopkins researchers
are also studying whether the drug
losartan, commonly used to treat
high blood pressure, can slow muscle
decline in adults 70 and older, after
Jim and Sandy Gifford traveled to the Badlands in South Dakota and took a
Gazette with them to read. Sean Gifford, their son was a Gazette carrier over
twenty-five years ago. Take a paper on your trip, and send us a picture.
Olathe’s Very Own Newspaper for 37 Years
(Continued from Page 1)
year, the universe erupted in the
largest galactic battle ever fought.
It was Virtual Reality, a massive,
international, multiplayer game. The
crisis began when a player failed to
pay rent on the space station housing
his fleet. When another party swooped
in to capture the spot, thousands of
players around the world stopped in
their tracks and engaged in the battle.
People skipped work and classes.
Computer servers were strained and
the ensuing 12-hour war was ruthless.
The outcome was unbelievable.
Seventy giant ships were destroyed $5,000 each in real money. The losing
participants forfeited $300,000 – the
value of their virtual fleets. This event
shocked the world of online-videogaming because it showed how costly
and mesmerizing the industry has
become. It also proved that the mind
is critical – there is so much to learn
and remember.
The Power of Passion
Don’t you think video games can be
addictive? The editors of the widelyquoted medical information site would beg to differ with
you. They devote an entire section of
the website to the growing problem.
Video addiction can have deadly
◘ In 2007, a man in China died after
playing video games for two weeks
during the Lunar New Year holiday.
Later that same year, another Chinese
man died after playing for three days
◘ In 2005, a South Korean man went
into cardiac arrest and died after
playing a video game for 50 straight
◘ In 2009, a three-month old South
Korean child died from malnutrition
when her parents spent their free time
in an Internet café raising a virtual
child in an online game.
◘ An American father’s ten-monthold sons drowned in a bathtub while
he went into another room to play a
video game.
We all know the consequences
of addiction to drugs, alcohol and
tobacco. But today, the news stories
associated with addiction are talking
about a new threat – video games.
Be On The Alert
Gary Haran was so committed to
playing a video game called World of
Warcraft (WOW) that he decided he
had to quit in order to reclaim his life.
And he discovered that many of his
friends wanted to do the same thing,
but couldn’t tear themselves away
from the game. So, Haran started a
Page 9
website devoted to World of Warcraft
addicts who needed a place to talk
anonymously about their compulsive
game playing.
When Haran’s website went live,
the first day there were about 20 posts.
The second day there were 400 and by
the third day, over 900. By the time he
sold the website, there were 20,000
posts daily from WOW players who
wanted to talk about their obsessive
dedication the to game.
Be Vigilant Against Time Bandits
Online video gaming can occupy
big chunks of time. Earlier this year
researchers from Brock University
reported that 88 percent of teenagers
play video games and most play every
day. Just think of how many hours
we all invest daily with our screens,
whether watching movies or television
– or on our computers, tablets, or
phones. And, I’m just as guilty as the
next person. Some of the time is wellspent but much of it isn’t.
Many parents feel pangs of concern
when they see their children so
absorbed in texting or gaming that
they’re seemingly oblivious to their
environments. One survey found that
children and teens spent more than
seven hours a day in media use! But
there are some real benefits, such
as kids using their video screens to
enhance things like hand-and-eye
coordination and collaboration skills.
They can acquire much knowledge
about history, science and geography,
too. Also, it can help the brain make
quick decisions. So, many benefits can
be attained from using computers in
the classroom. They are helpful tools
used by many educators.
Truly, we must be vigilant against
time bandits – those activities that
rob us of our greatest resource, the
moment and minutes that fly past us
in swift succession. Oliver Wendell
Holmes once wrote, “Pick my left
pocket of its silver dime, but spare the
right – it holds my golden time.”
Olathe writer
Joann LaCerte
Deep Thoughts
From Larry Manemann
Marriage changes passion. Suddenly
you're in bed with a relative.
Why is it that most nudists are
people you don't want to see naked?
Snowmen fall from Heaven
Every time I walk into a singles bar
I can hear Mom's wise words: Don't
pick that up, you don't know where it's
Isn’t having a smoking section in a
restaurant like having a peeing section
in a swimming pool
Amazing Golf Facts
From Diane Hart
** The word golf does not
mean "Gentleman Only, Ladies
Forbidden". This is an internet
myth. It is thought the word golf
comes from the Dutch word
"kolf" or "kolve", meaning "club".
Historians believe this was passed
on to the Scottish, whose own
dialect changed this to "golve,"
"gowl" or "gouf". By the sixteenth
century, this had evolved into the
word we know today.
** Don't feel bad about your high
handicap - 80% of all golfers will
never achieve a handicap of less
than 18.
Page 10
Johnson’s County Gazette
A Publication Of Olatheans, By Olatheans, For Olatheans for 37 Years
Gazette Puzzles
2 Bedroom Duplexes
1 Bath
Starting at $650
includes garage
We’ve Moved. We are now at
14106 W. 135th St.
Next to Main Street Credit Union (East Branch)
Over 37 Years Experience
Duane Moody
764-1960 764-1963
Duane Moody, C.I.C.
Now Offering Life Insurance
Tips for Handling Telemarketers
Three Little Words That Work!!
(1)The three little words are: 'Hold
On, Please...'
Saying this, while putting down your
phone and walking off (instead of
hanging-up immediately) would make
each telemarketing call so much more
time-consuming that boiler room sales
would grind to a halt.
Then when you eventually hear the
phone company's 'beep-beep-beep'
tone, you know it's time to go back
and hang up your handset, which has
efficiently completed its task.
These three little words will help
eliminate telephone soliciting.
(2) Do you ever get those annoying
phone calls with no one on the other
This is a telemarketing technique
where a machine makes phone calls
and records the time of day when a
person answers the phone.
This technique is used to determine
the best time of day for a 'real' sales
person to call back and get someone
at home.
What you can do after answering, if
you notice there is no one there, is to
immediately start hitting your # button
on the phone, 6 or 7 times as quickly
as possible. This confuses the machine
that dialled the call, and it kicks your
number out of their system. Gosh,
what a shame not to have your name
in their system any longer!!!
(3) Junk Mail Help:
When you get ads enclosed with your
phone or utility bill, return these ads
with your payment. Let the sending
companies throw their own junk mail
When you get those ‘pre-approved’
letters in the mail for everything from
credit cards to 2nd mortgages and
similar type junk, do not throw away
the return envelope.
Most of these come with postage-paid
return envelopes, right? It costs them
more than the regular postage, ‘IF’ and
when they receive them back.
It costs them nothing if you throw
them away! The postage was around
50 cents before the last increase and
it is according to the weight. In that
case, why not get rid of some of your
other junk mail and put it in these cool
little postage-paid return envelopes
July 15, 2014
July 15, 2014
Memory Care Facility Approved
for Olathe Medical Park
From Lacey Kane
A new option for families dealing
with memory care needs will be
available in the near future.
The Cedar Lake Village Board of
Directors and the Olathe Medical
Center Board of Trustees have both
approved the launch of a new memory
care assisted-living facility dedicated
to the treatment of dementia and
Alzheimer’s disease. Olathe Medical
Center and the Evangelical Lutheran
Good Samaritan Society are joint
owners of Cedar Lake Village, where
the new facility will be added.
“We currently serve the needs of
individuals with early stages and
the most severe stages of memory
care needs,” Frank H. Devocelle,
President/CEO of Olathe Medical
Center, said. “This expansion will
allow us to take care of people at all
stages of dementia and Alzheimer’s.”
The new building is expected to open
in early 2016. It will be connected
to the main building of Cedar Lake
Village, providing very safe, secure
and comfortable households and
“We believe the proximity is
important to allow spouses and
friends to easily visit each other if
also residing at Cedar Lake Village,”
Joanna Randall, Cedar Lake Village
Executive Director, said.
dining rooms, access to courtyards,
entertainment rooms, and other
“We have designed this to be a
home where the residents have the
privacy and independence of their own
bedroom and bathroom in addition to
the shared amenities,”
Randall said. “Our goal will be to
help each resident feel loved, valued
and peaceful.”
Conceptual drawings are complete
and the architects will immediately
begin working toward final drawings.
The construction timeline will be
determined soon.
Blood Drive
The next Olathe Blood Drive will
be Aug. 14 7:00 - 4:00 at the OMC
Bldg. 2 Suite 315. Reserve a time by
calling 791-4380.
Gazette Humor
Children Are Quick
From Cousin Loren Johnson
composition on 'My Dog' is exactly
the same as your brother's..
Did you copy his?
CLYDE: No, sir. It's the same dog.
(I want to adopt this kid!)
---------------TEACHER: Harold, what do you
call a person who keeps on talking
when people are no longer interested?
HAROLD: A teacher
--------------- TEACHER: Now, Simon, tell me
frankly, do you say prayers before
SIMON: No sir, I don’t have to, my
Mum is a good cook.
Furniture Mall of Kansas
Remember the giant Benchmark
Home Furnishing complex on KC Rd.
Furniture Mall of Kansas is opening
their 3rd location there, 160,000 sq. ft.
Other locations in Topeka, Lawrence.
Good luck againtt Nebraska Furniture
Upcoming Activities in Olathe
From Diane Gossage
Olathe Comm. Org. Minutes
July 17 – Historical Society Films –
Heritage Center 7:00 p.m.
July 18 – Community Organization
Meeting – New Century Airport
July 18 – Summer Concert – Paul
Thorn + Brody Buster
July 22 – Evening Optimist Bunco –
NLSC – 6:30 p.m.
July 25 – Teresa James +The Rhythm
Tramps + Mark Selby
July 28-August 2 – Johnson County
Fair – Gardner Fairgrounds
July 30 – Trails West – JoCo
Fairgrounds – 7:00 p.m.
August 1 – Liverpool + Last Chance
August 2 – Back to School Outreach
August 8 – Optimist Childhood
Cancer Golf Tournament – Falcon
Ridge Golf Course
September 4, 5, 6 – 2014 Old Settlers
Days- Downtown Olathe ‘them’
Under the Big Top for parade
September 12 – OMC Charitable
Foundation Golf Tournament –
Sycamore Ridge Golf Course
September 17 – Chamber Ribbon
Cutting – Hospice House
September 20 – Trails West – MNU
September 21 – Public Open House
for Hospice House
September 26 – Holiday of Hope
event - JCCB
October 1 – Wall of Honor – Ball
Conference Center
October 1 – Patients move in Hospice
October 7 – REA Bunco – 6:00 p.m.
November 13 – REA Movie Day –
Olathe Film Series
December 5 - Winterfest - Community
Center and Heritage Center
Old Settlers Food and
Commercial Booths
The best and cheapest way to reach
thousands of Olatheans with your
business, arts and crafts, club or
organization is through and a Johnson
County Old Settlers Booth.
The 116 year old event is always the
first weekend after Labor Day. That
makes this years on September 4,5,6.
Call Jay or Justin Lang for
Commercial Booths at 782-5254 for
questions. First, go to the web site.
there is an application there, rates, etc,
$400 for 10 x 10 spot with electricity.
Get going now as the best spots go
fast. Fewer than twelve commercial
booths are left at press time.
At press time, there was only one
food booth spot is available, must
be Johnson County not-for-profit
Nearly 100,000 folks will attend the
three day event if weather is good and
it is anything like last year.
Johnson’s County Gazette July 2014 Deaths
from View from the Midwest blog
From Chuck Kurtz
Askins, Matthew W.
Babich, Christine Eileen
Bassam, Juzdan
Blackwood, David D.
Brookhouser, Austin
Burley, Sebastian James Martz
Cope, Dolly Francis
Dalrymple, Vera
Edmondson, Leone
Eidson, Donald
Gross, Christopher James
Hall, Charles Thomas “Tom”
Hall, Emily Elizabeth
Harnett, Maurice L.
Kearny, Margaret Jo
Kellar, Esther Mae
Lang, A.J. “Tony”
Lattner, Wendolyn “Van”
Lee, Mark
McDonald, Ruth Ann
Milloy, James A.
Mustain, Carl Dean “Pete”
Obry, Katherine
Pinkleman, Mary “Gertie”
Sloan, Gary Lawrence
McKinley, Virginia Louise
Yust, Hally “Bug” Nicole
Deep Thoughts
From Larry Manemann
18. No one ever says, "It's only a
game!" when their team is winning.
19. Ever notice that people who spend
money on beer, cigarettes and lottery
tickets are always complaining about
being broke and not feeling well?
Gazette Humor
I have questions!
If lawyers are disbarred and
clergymen defrocked, then doesn't
it follow that electricians can be
cowboys deranged, models deposed,
tree surgeons debarked, and dry
cleaners depressed?
Gazette Humor
These are classified ads, which were
actually placed in Newspapers
From Diane Hart
set of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 45
volumes. Excellent condition, $200
quid or best offer. No longer needed,
got married, wife knows everything.
David and Goliath
(Continued from Page 1)
proposal was Johnson County, one of
the wealthiest counties in the United
States. If successful, Johnson County
taxpayers would have contributed $440
million to the project while receiving
back a total of only $40 million from
the 25 year tax.
Just what was the tax to be used
for, you ask? Half of it was to pay
for renovations to the Kansas City
Chiefs and Kansas City Royals sports
stadiums. That explains why the 2
teams contributed a total of $3 million
in support of the tax.
The exact uses were a closely guarded
secret (but we found out anyway). The
other half of the tax was to be spent
by various entertainment venues in
Kansas City, Missouri.
Much of it would have wound up
in a new performing arts center in
downtown Kansas City. Little would
have wound up in Johnson County and
practically nothing in Clay County,
Missouri, the third county facing the
The Joy of Rabble Rousing is the
story of how the author and five of
his compatriots prevailed against $3
million dollars with only a meager
$30,000 to spend.
To be sure they were not the only
people in the fight - but they carried
the brunt of the opponent's wrath. The
author has seen firsthand the power of
ingenuity when people are faced with
a seemingly insurmountable problem.
The team which defeated BiState II didn't even have a name.
They met every Monday morning,
analyzed problems, discussed possible
solutions, and came to a consensus
without ever taking a single vote. Most
importantly they engaged the enemy
at every opportunity and learned from
every engagement. What they learned
is documented in The Joy of Rabble
Rousing. Intended as a how-to book,
it is also a gripping story how the little
guy prevailed. Author Wade Fillip's
book is practical, informative, and just
plain engrossing.
Old Settlers
Arts & Crafts Booths
If you would like to display your
arts and crafts items at the September
4,5,6 Johnson County Old Settlers
contact Pam Hall 816-835-2391 for
questions. At press time, fewer than
12 spots are left for arts and crafts.
The event web site has applications Booth
items have to be 90% hand-crafted.
Go to at the web site. Booths are
$150.00 for 10 x 10. You provide all
your own tables, chairs, lighting, tent,
sides, etc. They had 110 booths in
2013 and things are going great again
this year, Pam told us.
Nearly 100,000 people will attend the
three day event if it is like last year.
Old Settlers Parade Entries
One of the cheapest and best
ways to get your company, club, or
organization’s name out there is to
have an Old Settlers float or entry.
-75,000 people line the parade route.
This year’s parade is September 6 at
10 a.m.
See the event web site at for the
application form.
For questions, call Sheila Reitmeyer
at 782-5551. The theme for the parade
this year is “Under the Big Top” as
in the famous expression of the Circus
Big Top.
Olathe’s Very Own Newspaper For 37 Years
Cathy Maxwell
Letter to God
From Diane Hart
There was a man who worked for
the Post Office whose job was to
process all the mail that had illegible
One day, a letter came addressed in
a shaky handwriting to God with no
actual address.
He thought he should open it to see
what it was about.
The letter read
Dear God,
I am an 83 year old widow, living
on a very small pension.
Yesterday someone stole my purse.
I t had $100 in it, which was all the
money I had until my next pension
Next Sunday is Christmas, and I
had invited two of my friends over
for dinner.
Without that
money, I have
nothing to buy food with, have no
family to turn to, and you are my
only hope...
Can you please help me?
Sincerely, Edna
-- The postal worker was touched.
He showed the letter to all the other
workers. Each one dug into his or
her wallet and came up with a few
By the time he made the rounds,
he had collected $96, which they
put into an envelope and sent to the
The rest of the day, all the workers
felt a warm glow thinking of Edna
and the dinner she would be able to
share with her friends.
Christmas came and went.
A few days later, another letter
came from the same old lady to
All the workers gathered around
while the letter was opened.
It read:
Dear God,
How can I ever thank you enough
for what you did for me?
Because of your gift of love, I
was able to fix a glorious dinner for
my friends.
We had a very nice day and I told
my friends of your wonderful gift.
By the way, there was $4 missing.
I think it might have been those
jerks at the post office.
Sincerely, Edna
Brent Stackhouse Running for
KS Dist. 14 Representative
Brent Stackhouse is the 2014
Libertarian Party Candidate for State
Representative – District 14.
The campaign is focusing upon the
issues of: Education & Educational
Choice, Respecting Rights within
Legal Issues, Sound & Sensible Tax
Policy, and Free Market Productivity.
Brent was nominated at the State
Libertarian Party Convention in
Brent Stackhouse is a graduate of
The College of William & Mary (BA,
International Relations) and Troy
University (MBA, Management). He
also completed legal administration/
law library studies at The University
of Virginia SCPS. Informative links
include -
Brent Stackhouse is a Member
of the Libertarian Party of Kansas
and is a Member of the Libertarian
Party, nationally, with its new office
headquartered in Northern Virginia.
Brent resides in Olathe, KS and
began The Stackhouse Agency, LLC
in Olathe, KS.
Campaign Site – www.VoteBrent.
Campaign Phone – 913-815-1663
Paid for by Brent Stackhouse,
(Continued from Page 1)
Olathe Ford Outlet
“The Gazette really helped
us get started in our first
“We’re selling lots of burgers from our coupons in the
Used Cars
PF9271A 2006 Jeep Liberty
F3859 2005 Highlander
F31506A 2007 Ford 500
BS0186 2007 Lincoln Navigator
C2533B 2007 Infiniti G35
F3400A 2005 Lincoln
Town Car White
BS0169 2007 Chrysler Town &
Country White $11,995
PF9242A 2002 GMC Yukon XL
BS0148 2007 Dodge Ram
F3682A 2003 VW Beetle
B1994 2007 Chrysler Sebring
Silver $10,970
BS0171 2007 Jeep Wrangler
Blue $18,995
B2023 2007 Chevy Avalanche
White $22,995
F31161B 2003 Toyota Avalon
White $9.995
B2053 2007 Chevy Malibu
B2021A 2006 Lincoln Zephyr
Charity Flying
(Continued from Page 1)
913 782-0621
Sweet Perfection
“My new bakery is doing
fantastically. I owe part of
my success to
Page 11
Gazette ads really
make the phone ring
at the Outlet
Olathe Ford Outlet
Sonic of Olathe
“The Gazette has helped me
establish my business.
Now I don’t have to
advertise quite as much.”
Rusty’s Carpet Cleaning
Page 12
Johnson’s County Gazette
Johnson County’s Only Locally Owned Newspaper Enjoyed by Johnson Countians July 15, 2014
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