Janaury 4, 2015


Janaury 4, 2015
Christ the King Catholic Community
A Roman Catholic Parish
of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Las Vegas
4925 S. Torrey Pines Drive, Las Vegas NV; 89118 www.ctklv.org ~
(702) 871-1904 ~ Fax: (702) 251-4935
January 4, 2015 ~ The Epiphany of the Lord
Today’s Readings
First Reading —
Rise up in splendor,
Jerusalem! The
Lord shines upon
you and the glory of
the Lord appears
over you (Isaiah
Psalm — Lord,
every nation on
earth will adore you
(Psalm 72).
Second Reading
— The Gentiles are
coheirs, copartners
in the promise in
Christ Jesus
through the gospel
(Ephesians 3:2-3a,
Gospel — Magi
from the east
arrived, looking for
the newborn king of
the Jews (Matthew
4:00 pm
7:30, 9:30,11:30 am,
1:30 pm (Misa en Español)
4:00 pm
Mon - Sat ~ 8:00 am
8:00 am and 7:00 pm
As a society, during these days we can
be in something of a “postpartum”
depression. Our celebrations of Christmas
and the New Year are over, and after
today many of us will put away the
decorations and the last visible remnants
of the celebrations of the past weeks. The
apostle Paul today uses the expression
“partners in the promise.” This is an
uplifting phrase for us to reflect upon, and
to think of as our own calling in these days
following the birth of the Lord. What is this
promise? We can find it in the gifts the magi bring: it is a promise of being
a royal priesthood (gold), a holy nation (frankincense), a people set apart
for self-giving (myrrh). We find more of the promise in Isaiah—a light
shines upon us! In the psalm we know a promise of a world of flowering
justice, profound peace, the poor rescued, pity for the lowly and the poor.
This is the promise; and one of the best ways for us to lift ourselves out of
any possible low spirits we may be suffering is to live out our partnership in
this promise each and every day.
Las celebraciones de Navidad y Año Nuevo se han terminado, y
después de hoy Día de los Reyes Magos, muchos de nosotros
guardaremos las decoraciones y los últimos vestigios de las celebraciones
de las semanas pasadas. El apóstol Pablo usa la expresión “participantes
de la promesa”. Esta es una frase digna de reflexionar, y de pensar que es
nuestro llamado en estos días después del nacimiento del Señor. ¿Cuál
es esta promesa? Podemos encontrarla en los regalos que traen los
magos: la promesa de ser un sacerdocio real (oro), una nación santa
(incienso), un pueblo escogido para dar de sí (mirra). Encontramos otro
aspecto de la promesa en Isaías ¡una luz que nos alumbra! En el salmo
encontramos la promesa de un mundo en donde florece la justicia, la paz
profunda, los pobres rescatados, piedad para los humildes y los pobres.
Esta es la promesa; y una de las mejores maneras de continuar el espíritu
de generosidad navideña es vivir día a día nuestra parte como
participantes en esta promesa.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
The Community in Action
Parish Administrator
Rev. Ray Rioux
Parish Deacons
Administrative Assistant & Hispanic Ministry
Deacon Jacob Favela
Hospital Ministry
Deacon Rich Green
Gina Pignatello
Director of Pastoral Ministries Jane Fransioli
Religious Education Department
Director of Christian Formation
Beth Thompson
Co-Director of Christian Formation
Beth Thompson & Jason Ealy
Administrative Assistant
Robyn Runco
Liturgy Department
Director of Liturgy
Directors of Music
Liturgy/Music Assistant
Mary Ryan
Ellen & Ken Lerum
Cathy Bruzzese
Director of Parish Finance Roseann Tabick
Maintenance Department
Mark Medina
Michael Roberts & Dave Clow
Anna Sy
Suzy Jones
Baptism: ALPHA PROGRAM (Infants or young
children) - Contact parish, (702) 871-1904, during
pregnancy or at least 3 months in advance to
arrange for preparation program. Parents must
complete program before baptism can be
First Communion/First Reconciliation
Beth Thompson - (702) 871-1904
Teens: Jason Ealy Adults: Beth Thompson
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Inquiry sessions for non-Catholics interested in
learning more about the Catholic faith every
Thursday at 7:00 pm in Room 5, Activity Center.
Call Beth Thompson - (702) 871-1904
Marriage: Contact the parish office 8-12 months
in advance. Call Deacon Jacob for details of the
6-month preparation program. For annulments
also call Deacon Jacob Favela - (702) 871-1904
Anointing of the Sick - Call office if you or a
member of your family seek the Sacrament.
Please try to call before loved one is in the active
process of dying.
Remembering Community: A welcoming
process for Catholics who have been away. More
information call Beth Thompson - (702) 871-1904
Al-Anon - Thursdays, 7:30 pm, Room 2
Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada
Business phone: (702) 385-2662
Emergency Assistance: (702) 383-2291
Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial
José & Hortencia Martínez, (702) 436-8605
Family Promise (formerly IHN) Jane Fransioli, (702) 871-1904.
Funeral Ministry - Ministry to bereaved
families at time of death. Please call the
office (702) 871-1904, before making
arrangements with the mortuary of your
GriefSHARE - Help and Healing for
those who have lost a loved one. Find a
meeting near you www.griefshare.org
Hands of Christ - Ministry to the
homebound, Jane Fransioli, 702) 871-1904
Hospital Ministry - Rich Green, (702) 248
-9199, Jeanette Lombardo, (702) 882-8750
Manna Cupboard - Food pantry for the
hungry, Jane Fransioli, (702) 871-1904.
Marriage Encounter - Jim & Mary,
(702) 263-2004
Retrouvaille - A lifeline for troubled
marriages, Chuck & Carol Moore,
(702) 604-1006
Social Concerns Board - Deals with
parish outreach & social justice issues,
Dale Devitt, (702) 871-1642
Small Church Communities Chris & Sharon Sellman - (702) 257-2511
Inch for Life - Help available for
unwanted pregnancies. Pro-Life Office:
(702) 212-6472
Catholic Charities Adoption:
(702) 385-3351
Southern Nevada Women’s Resource
Center: (702) 366-1247 - Pro-Life
counseling and ministry to the unwed
Project Rachel - Post Abortion Ministry,
(702) 737-1672.
Preschool - Catechesis of the Good
Shepherd - Level I & II on Wednesdays
Grades 1 - 5: Wednesdays
Grades 6 - 8: Tuesdays
Grades 9 - 12: (see Youth Page)
For all the above programs, pre-registration is
required through the parish office. Call the
Religious Education office, (702) 871-1904
Visit our new and
improved website:
Scan me with your
Smartphone to go
directly to:
Saturday Mass: 4:00 pm
Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:30
11:30 am and 4:00 pm
1:30 pm ~ Spanish Language
Daily Mass:(Mon-Sat) 8:00 am
HOLY DAYS: 8:00 am
Monday ~ Thursday
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
(Closed Noon - 1:00 pm)
Friday ~ Closed
By appointment only,
(702) 871-1904
Hospitality Ministers
Teresa Fawley, (702) 953-6332
Gail Lehtinen, (702) 565-3459
Flowers Eva & Les Iwafuchi,
(702) 332-2865
Extraordinary Ministers of
the Eucharist
Luanne Wagner, (702) 279-2137
Mike Dunegan, (702) 362-8490
Sacristan - Elvie Insorio &
Annabelle Trajano
Bread Baker Coordinator
Kay Dunegan, (702) 362-8490
Martha & Mary Guild
Suzy Jones, (702) 340-8148
Bob LaPorte, (702) 454-1952
Christ the King
Pastoral Council
Hector Aguilar
Linda Dammeyer
Ramon Diaz
Vince Gorski
Rick Houle
Roze Kliese
Les Lisicki
Mary Milanowski
Maria Patino
Elizabeth Que
Roseann Tabick
Heda Taormina
Hector Vicuna
Luanne Wagner
Rob Walsh
Fr. Ray Rioux
Recording Secretary
Victim’s Advocate - Ron Valance
(702) 235-7723
Roseann Tabick
Email us at:
Daily Bible Readings
Monday, January 5: 1John 3:22 — 4:6;
Ps 2:7bc-8, 10-12a; Matthew 4:12-17, 23-25
Tuesday, January 6: 1John 4:7-10; Ps 72:1-4,
7-8; Mark 6:34-44
Wednesday, January 7: 1John 4:11-18;
Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13; Mark 6:45-52
Thursday, January 8: 1Jn 4:19 — 5:4;
Ps 72: 1-2, 14, 15bc, 17; Luke 4:14-22a
Friday, January 9: 1John 5:5-13;
Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Luke 5:12-16
Saturday, January 10: 1John 5:14-21;
Ps 149:1-6a, 9b; John 3:22-30
Sunday, January 11: Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7 or Isaiah
55:1-11; Ps 29:1-4, 3, 9-10 or Isaiah 12:2-3, 4bcd
-6; Acts 10:34-38 or 1 John 5:1-9; Mark 1:7-11
Sunday Collection December 20/21, 2014
$ 3,551.68
If you want the name of your loved ones to be read
aloud during mass or written in our weekly bulletin it
must be turned in to the front desk
at least two weeks in advance.
8:00 am
4:00 pm
January 3
†Margie & Tony Zappa
7:30 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
1:30 pm
4:00 pm
January 4
†Socorro Domdom
Maria Thomas
†Amparo Colosi
8:00 am
January 5
†Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pellegrino
8:00 am
January 6
8:00 am
January 7
†Silvano Catolico
8:00 am
January 8
Martha Riehmann
8:00 am
January 9
Hans Riehmann
8:00 am
4:00 pm
January 10
†Mrs. Patricia Mary
†Joseph Gaeton Lopez
7:30 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
1:30 pm
4:00 pm
January 11
†Harald GP Messer
†June Galloway
†Eva & Vicente Diezmo
†Benita Abarilla
If you have an envelope # please write it on your check.
Thank you for your generosity!
“Put on, as God’s chosen
ones, holy and beloved,
heartfelt compassion,
kindness, humility,
gentleness, and patience,
bearing with one another
and forgiving one another.”
Bring God’s graces into
your marriage. Learn now
on an upcoming Worldwide
Marriage Encounter
Weekend. The next weekends are on February
13-15th and May 1-3rd in 2015 in the Las Vegas
area. Early registration is highly recommended.
For more information, call Steve and Terri Sharp
at (702) 589-0068 or go to
www.lvloveyourspouse.org. For information
on Spanish-language weekends, call Javier and
Maria Lopez at (702) 243-5934 or (702) 2064270.
Prayer List
Join us in Community Prayer for parishioners and their
family members who are seriously ill. If you or your immediate
family member is seriously ill and would like to be added to our prayer list
please e-mail the name to jacobf@ctkccnv.org or call the office at 871-1904.
Manuel S. Alba
Salvador S. Alba Jr.
Margaret Anderson
Mary Baratta
Stephan A. Barski
Deacon Jacob
Bashma Family
Victor Bolano
Maritess R. Boribon
Anthony Brasich
Ann (Dolly) Busacca
Jacqueline Cagampang
Joe & Cora Canto
Kelly Cessna
Jeanie Clark
Jim Clark
Eleanor Constantino
Isaura Cruz
Valerie DeLaRosa
John Devlin
Mary Dowler
Judy Drissel
Jessica Duran
Don Gibson
Marilyn Elsenbast
Dr Robert Etor, Sr
Maryann Evangelista
Tommy Ferriolo
Dave Ganacial
Geraldine Giotto
Blanca Garcia Gomez
Matt Grimaldi
Christopher Halstead
Christi Harcourt
Maureen Hart
Elvira Hernandez
Debbie Hitchcock
Harold Hitchcock
Pat Holbury
Kimberlee Johnson
Eddie Kawal
Pierre Keyser
Robert Legaspi
Melencio Manalaysay
Joan McCoy
Vicki Maynard McCubbin
Leonila Meneldrez
Hortensia Garcia Mesta
Rondi Mills
Bernadette Morley
Adriana Navarette
Susan Nelson
Kaitlyn O’Connor
Chidi Onyirimba
Lenilita Papa
Perla Pinuela
Maria Luisa Pulido
Romeo Pulido
Rose Reynolds
Ramon Rodriguez
Remedios Rodriguez
Ronnie Rioux
Liam Rooney
Angelo Runco
Christina Runco
Patrick Russell
Pacita Sabanal
Hermino Salamat
Fe Sales
Concordio Sales, Sr
Samantha Salvador
Kirk C Schoeb
Raymond Schoeb
Louise Shadwick
Toni Slingerland
Trock Family
Marcela Tumang
Julie Ulibarri
John Unick
Ava Urrea
Pacita Uy
Michael Valentine
Judy Vandever
Storee Verchick
Sammy Washington
Warren Welch
Steve Williams
Felix P Yuzon
Francisca P Yuzon
Theresa S Zervoulakos
A Word from Fr. Ray/Una Palabra de P. Ray
My column will be back next Sunday, January 11th.
Have a blessed week,
Father Ray
Mi columna estará de regreso el próximo domingo, 11 de enero.
Que tengan una semana bendecida,
Padre Ray
All kings shall pay
him homage, all
nations shall serve
— Psalm 72:11
Small Church Communities; a way of being church
Small Church Communities are groups of 6 to 8 people who gather in homes to
reflect on the scriptures of the upcoming Sunday and their significance in their lives.
All ministries and organizations connected to Christ the King are asked to use a
simple formula for prayer as they gather: Read one of the scriptures for the
upcoming Sunday. Take a few moments to reflect on one of the questions related
to the scripture (in Fr. Ray’s column). Invite individuals to share their response with
the person next to them; encourage people to share with someone they do not
know well. Before we know it we have grown closer as a community!
Please call Chris at (702) 378-5622
Month of November 2014
323 Households
511 Adults and 295 Children
Every year, a mysterious visitor stops by our
office after a spending spree at Toys R Us. No
one knows exactly where he comes from, and
we're not even quite sure of his name. We just
call him Santa. Each year, he unloads his overburdened vehicle of bags and bags of toys.
There are baby dolls and skateboards, Legos
and Transformers, coloring books and crayons,
basketballs and baseballs and mitts. Santa
forgets nothing as he scours the isles at Toys R
Us. Once his vehicle is unloaded into our
conference room, he quips a short greeting and
off he goes. Every year for over ten years, this
man has made Christmas a reality for people
who only come in for food. To their surprise,
they leave with presents for their children and a
big grin on their faces. Thank you, Santa, for
coming again this year!
Wednesday, January 7th
Please join us on Wednesday at 4:00 until 6:00
pm to help us make our monthly meal for the
Catholic Worker soup line. We will be in the
Community Center kitchen. Please bring your
knives as we will chop 150 pounds of potatoes.
8:00 am until 1:00 pm
We will be outside at a table this weekend
taking appointments for our blood drive next
Sunday, January 11th. Stop outside, if you
have time and are eligible to donate
blood. It usually takes about 45 minutes to
give blood.
2014 has been a very successful year for
our blood drive ministry:
There were six blood drives held during the
year at our parish which gave us a total of
118 blood donations collected. 29 of those
were first time donors! Congratulations,
Christ the King Catholic Community!
The NCG Elder Care Strategy Team has scheduled a training session for parishes wanting to know
more about supporting their seniors. Anyone interested in helping our own parishioners through
our NCG fledgling group here at Christ the King Catholic Community can attend this meeting to
learn how parishes are proposing to proceed. This is a good opportunity to gain additional skills
and get questions answered concerning their issues.
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
7:00 – 8:30 pm
St. Andrews Catholic Church
1399 San Felipe; Boulder City, NV 89005
If you plan to attend, RSVP to Jane Fransioli at (702) 871-1904 or email: janef@ctkccnv.org
Dedicated to the good works of the
catholic church and its growth, we
strengthen our personal faith by
serving the church.
New Dates for our Book Club
Our book club, centered on “The US
Catholic Catechism. For Adults” will
be held on Tuesday, January 27th at
6:30 pm and on Thursday, January
29th at 10:00 am. We will meet in the
Yellow Room of the Kids Care Center.
We will do chapter 13. See you
♦ Knights provide financial and spiritual
support of religious education,
outreach and vocations
♦ Demonstrate our dedication to the
Pope and his teachings
♦ Ensure future development and growth
of the Church
♦ Promote evangelization through our
catholic advertising
Membership is open to all catholic
men in good standing who are 18
years of age or older
Call Rick Houle (702) 524-1669 or
Pablo Payumo (702) 823-4454
Inspirations Gift Store
Knights of Columbus
next Sunday, January 11th
8:00 am until 1:00 pm
Christ the King Catholic Community
Wonderful selection of:
Bibles, both children and adults
Angels and other sculptures
Crosses of all styles
Inspirational Books and Rosaries
We are still looking for volunteers for
the 9:30 and 11:30 Masses on
The Week Ahead
1:00 pm Sack Lunches - Room 1
7:00 pm Alpha Baptism Class - Room 1
8:45 am Centering Prayer - Daily Chapel
6:00 pm Catechism Middle School - Community CTR,
Rooms 1-7
6:30 pm Liturgy Meeting - Office Conference Room
7:00 pm Adult Confirmation - Yellow Room - Activity
• Holy Infant Jesus Novena every Monday following the
8 am Mass.
• Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena every Wednesday
following the 8 am Mass.
• Divine Mercy Devotion ~ every Friday following the 8
am Mass.
8:30 am Our Lady of Perpetual Devotion - Church
9:00 am CTK Seniors - Room 1
4:00 pm Stew for Catholic Worker - Comm. Center
4:00 pm Catechism Elementary - Childcare Wing Rooms 1-7
CTK Seniors Club Have Fun With Us! The CTK
Seniors group meets each Wednesday at 10 am,
and usually wraps up around 2 pm in the Community
Center. Our group is open to people over 55 years
of age. The charge for Bingo is $1 per person.
Activities include card games, trips and parties.
Lunch will be served on the last Wednesday of each
month for $3 per person. New members ALWAYS
6:30 pm YMAC - Jr. Sr. and college age students Youth Center
7:00 pm Reader’s Study - Room 3
7:00 pm Non Catholic Inquiry - Room 5
7:30 pm Al Anon - Room 2
Christian Men’s Ministry
The Christian Men’s Ministry is a Christ-centered
ministry dedicated to uniting men through vital
relationships to become Godly influences in their
world. If you’d like more info about this ministry
please call Mark Vincent at (702) 645-0858.
8:30 am Divine Mercy Devotion
CTK San Lorenzo Ruiz Filipino Group If you
would like more information or would like to join us,
please call us or stop by after daily Mass. Please
contact: Nadia Jurani - (702) 240-6600.
8:00 am Blood Drive - Community Center
8:00 am K of C - Pancake Breakfast - Community
1:30 pm Misa en Español
5:30 pm Confirmation I & II - Childcare Wing
Rooms 1-7
Knights of Columbus
Won’t you join us? We are a group of catholic men in
good standing who strive to practice the principles of
faith, fraternity and service. Knights worldwide
contribute to the mission of the Church at every level.
We make a difference by building a community of
brothers and sisters who accept and care for one
another here at Christ the King and elsewhere. For
information about membership in the Knights of
Columbus call Rick Houle (702) 524-1669 or Pablo
Payumo (702) 823-4454
If you wish to donate money for flowers in memory or in celebration of loved ones. DONATIONS MUST BE FOR WEEKEND LITURGIES.
Name of donor: ______________________________________________________ Phone #: ________________________
Name to be honored: _____________________________________________________ Memory or Celebration (circle one)
Date for flowers to be displayed: ________________________________ Alternate Date: ___________________________
We can only accept 3 names per weekend.
Please select an alternate date in case 1st choice is unavailable.
A donation of $25 & 2 weeks notice is requested.
If less than 2 weeks, please bring your request to the office to ensure availability.
This weekend as we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany we reflect upon the Christmas “story” and
the arrival of the “three kings.” We have heard the Epiphany story year after year through dramatic
presentations, songs and of course scripture readings. Sentimentally we’ve prayed by manger
scenes and gotten all “warm and fuzzy” thinking about the “baby Jesus” being presented with gold,
frankincense and myrrh.
Just what do we really celebrate today? An “epiphany” is being able to recognize and “see”
something or someone in a different light. We ask ourselves if we can see and recognize the
complete and self-emptying love of God in the human form of Jesus? Does that extend to seeing
Christ in others?
So too, as the kings brought their gifts and presented them to the babe, we are also challenged to
bring our gifts, whatever they may be, however big or small, to Christ, through our service to one
As we go through the remaining days of the Christmas season, we are challenged to go deeper, to
recognize and live-out “self-emptying” love for others as did Christ.
Happy Epiphany!
Epiphany celebrates the wake up calls of life, the
showings of God’s majesty and power in the person
of Jesus. The feast alerts us to look for signs of the
Lord’s grace and action in our lives today. In this context, the call of the Second Vatican Council to reform
the sacramental life of the Church, including our pattern of care for the sick, is indeed a holy awakening.
Prior to the 1960s, our care for the sick had collapsed in the popular imagination into something everyone called “last rites.” An immensely complicated
ritual, with anointing accompanied by quickly muttered Latin prayers, was enacted for a marginally conscious person at “death’s door.” By the time a priest
was called, the sick person might not be able to receive viaticum, or derive much personal benefit from
the ritual. The healing effects of the sacrament, investing suffering with the dignity of a link to Christ’s
cross, and the immense assurance of forgiveness for
a person reviewing the life journey, were hidden. Suddenly, an epiphany swept through the Church, and
the way we care for the sick was utterly transformed.
It took several centuries, however, for the Church to
reach that moment of renewal.
El Evangelio de san Juan comienza con una extraña revelación. Nos declara que al principio, Jesús no sólo estaba con Dios, sino que Jesús es
Dios (Juan 1:1). Dependiendo de nuestra traducción de las Sagradas Escrituras, Jesús es nombrado ya sea “Palabra” o “Verbo” en el primer pasaje
de Juan. Según una canción de Ricardo Arjona
“Jesús es verbo, no sustantivo”. Y tiene razón. Hay
que recordar que Juan no escribió en español, ni
siquiera en inglés. El evangelista escribió en griego y aplicó el concepto filosófico del logos a Jesús.
El logos, de la filosofía griega se manifiesta en Jesús de Nazaret. Para los griegos esta noticia era
asombrosa, porque logos quiere decir palabra activa, es decir, el verbo que actúa y por el cual todo
es creado. Juan declara que Jesús es este Verbo,
él es el Dios que lo hizo todo y en el cual todos
tenemos vida si actuamos como él. El Evangelio
de Juan nos desafía a vivir el verbo que es Cristo,
no sólo diciendo que somos cristianos, sino actuando como Jesús, cual Verbo Divino. —Fray Gil-
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
berto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
High School Happenin’s
Jason Ealy - Director of Youth Ministry
871-1904 x 291
Join us on
Youth Ministry
Facebook - CTK Youth LV
Instagram - CTKYouthLV
Twitter - CTKYouthLV
Confirmation Calendar
Jason Ealy
Youth Minister
Beth Thompson
Director of Christian Formation
Explore Calendar
4th: No Confirmation. Christmas Break
11th: Week #9. 5:30 - 7:00 PM
Conf I: Invitation 4
Conf II: Reflection 5
18th: No Confirmation ML King Jr. Weekend
25th: Week #10 5:30 - 7:00 PM
Conf I: Invitation 5
Conf II: Parent/Student meeting for retreat
All classes are on Tuesday nights
6th: Week #10. 6:00-7:30pm
Community Center/Activity Center
Sunday 11th: Sacrament Class 2:30-5pm
Room 1
13th: Week #11. 6:00-7:30pm
Community Center/Activity Center
20th: No Class. Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend
27th: Week #12 6:00-7:30pm
Community Center/Activity Center
(Youth Ministry After Confirmation)
6:30pm - 8pm
in the Youth Lounge
For all juniors, seniors,
college-age students.
We meet every Thursday
Parent Corner:
Please help out
Please start
thinking about how
you can walk side
by side with your
Recycle Program
Bring in your old or unused CELL
Please write:
on these items.
You can drop them off in the
Youth Lounge or the Religious
Education Office.
Please Register
Your Middle Schooler
There is still time!
See Robyn in the Religious Ed
Office Mon-Thurs 8am-4pm
Closed for lunch 12-1
If your Middle School Aged student
needs either/both First Communion
or Baptism…. This is the program
they need to be in to receive these
Christian Formation
Beth Thompson
Religious Education Grades 1-5
First Communion
Baptism of older children
Tuesday, January 6, at 7:00 pm
Yellow Room of the Activity Center
Bring a photo copy of your baptismal certificate
How do I enroll my child?
If you think you would
like to become Catholic,
or if you would just like
to learn about
Catholicism, we offer
weekly opportunities to
learn about the Catholic
faith. These informal
gatherings for coffee
and conversation are
held 7:00 pm each
Thursday (except major
holidays) in Room 5 of
the Activity Center. If,
due to your schedule,
you can’t join us at our
regular Thursday night
sessions, please call the
parish office at (702)
871-1904 and leave
your name and phone
number. We will do our
best to accommodate
you. Please contact
Beth Thompson at
(702) 871-1904 ext. 230
if you have any
Elementary Registration for 2014/15 year
Grades 1-5 in the Religious Ed Office
M-TH 8-4:00 pm - Closed from 12-1:00 pm
each child being registered.
Family must be registered at Christ the King
Family must be worshipping at Christ the King at
our weekend liturgy
Past due balances from the previous Religious
Education year must be paid prior to registering
When are classes held?
(702) 871-1904
ext. 230 or 232
No Baptisms may be
scheduled until sessions and
requirements are completed.
Page 12
Adults who are age 18 and above
A senior in High School or above
Adults who have been baptized in the Roman
Catholic Faith
Adults who are attending Christ the King
If you are not registered at CTK, please
stop by the Parish Office during regular
business hours to register.
Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
(closed 12-1:00 pm)
Classes are held on Wednesdays at either 4:00 or
6:00 pm
(1st Communion, Baptism)
Same as for Religious Education Registration plus:
Child is in second grade or above
Child is enrolled in and attending weekly age-level
Religious Education classes on a regular basis
• Unbaptized children must attend one full year of
Religious Education first
Our sacrament preparation is a family preparation
process that requires the participation of the child and
a parent or guardian in monthly sessions.
Attendance at these sessions is mandatory.
Religious Education
Wednesday Classes:
4:00 to 5:15 or 6:00 to 7:15
Please contact our office
for information.
01/07/15 - Regular Class
01/14/15 - Regular Class
Schedules for the year are available in the
Religious Ed Office or check our online
calendar at ctklv.org
If you have any questions please contact
Robyn in the Religious Ed Office at (702)
871-1904 ext. 232
First Reconciliation/First Holy
Communion Mandatory Meetings
Wednesday , January 21, 2015 Parent/
Student Meeting in the
Community Center at either
4:00 pm or 6:00 pm
Meetings are for Elementary Students
registered in
their 2nd year only of Sacramental
If you have any questions please contact
Robyn at
871-1904 ext. 232 or robyn@ctkccnv.org
Small Church Communities;
a way of being Church
Small Church Communities
are groups of 6 to 8 people
who gather in homes to reflect on the
scriptures of the upcoming Sunday and their
significance in their lives. All ministries and
organizations connected to Christ the King are
asked to use a simple formula for prayer as
they gather: Read one of the scriptures for the
upcoming Sunday. Take a few moments to
reflect on one of the questions related to the
scripture (in Fr. Ray’s column). Invite
individuals to share their response with the
person next to them; encourage people to
share with someone they do not know well.
Before we know it we have grown closer as a
Please call Chris at (702) 378-5622
or e-mail at sellmanc@cox.net