March 13, 2011 - Christ The King Catholic Community


March 13, 2011 - Christ The King Catholic Community
Christ the King Catholic Community
A Roman Catholic Parish
of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Las Vegas
4925 S. Torrey Pines Drive, Las Vegas NV; 89118 ~ (702) 871-1904 ~ Fax: (702) 251-4935
March 13, 2011
First Sunday of Lent
Dylan Berduo
Snowden Hughes
Jade Davila
Chantal Davila
Jessica Cabrejos
Cynthia Munoz
Liz Oceguera
Mario Gonzalez
Stephanie Guardado
Jason Cabrejos
Kenneth Real
J P Downs
Sara Caraveo
Oscar Diaz
Today we are confronted with two stories of temptation: Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden
were tempted by the serpent to be like God. Jesus in the desert was tempted with immediate
gratification, power and wealth. We too are tempted in many ways, by many things. When we
give way to temptations they become the rocks and weeds in our lives that hinder our spiritual
growth. By resisting temptation our gain is faithfulness to God. We are freed, like Jesus, to be
persons led by the Spirit. What is the biggest temptation in my life at the moment?
The Community in Action
Rev. William J. M. Kenny
Parish Deacons
Administrative Assistant
& Hispanic Ministry
Jacob Favela
Hospital Ministry
Rich Green
Margaret Cardona
Director of Pastoral Ministries Jane Fransioli
Religious Education Department
Director of Christian Formation
Beth Thompson
Director of Youth Ministry/Jr. Hi
Debbie Hasterok
Director of Youth Ministry/Sr. Hi
Jason Ealy
Pre-School Director
Gina Pignatello
Robyn Runco
CGS Coordinator
Teresa Chisholm
Liturgy Department
Director of Liturgy/Music
Mary Ryan
Liturgy/Music Assistant
Cathy Bruzzese
Director of Parish Finance
Susan Wheeler-Nesmith
Facilities Manager
Ron Calabria
Maintenance Department
Mark Medina
Michael Roberts
Gift Shop Manager
Shella Davila
Director of Social Functions & Fundraising
Maria Carrabis
Gym & Recreation Director John Bartleson
Baptism: ALPHA PROGRAM (Infants or young
children) - Contact parish, 871-1904, during
pregnancy or at least 3 months in advance to
arrange for preparation program. Parents must
complete program before baptism can be
First Communion/First Reconciliation
Beth Thompson - 871-1904
Teens: Jason Ealy Adults: Beth Thompson
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Inquiry sessions for non-Catholics interested in
learning more about the Catholic faith every
Monday at 7:00 PM in Room 5, Activity Center.
Call Beth Thompson - 871-1904
Marriage: Contact the parish office 8-12 months in
advance. Call Dcn. Jacob for details of the 6-month
preparation program. For annulments also call
Dcn. Jacob Favela - 871-1904
Anointing of the Sick - Call office if you or a
member of your family seek the Sacrament. Please
try to call before loved one is in the active process of
Remembering Community: A welcoming process
for Catholics who have been away. More
information call Beth Thompson.
Visit our website:
Join us on Facebook:
search for Christ the King Catholic Community
Page 2
AA - Thursdays, 7:30 p.m., Room 4 and
Fridays, 7:30 p.m. Room 4
Al-Anon - Thursdays, 7:30 p.m., Room 2
Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada
Business phone: 385-2662
Emergency Assistance: 383-2291
Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial
José & Hortencia Martínez, 436-8605
Family Promise (formerly IHN) Jane Fransioli, 871-1904.
Funeral Ministry - Ministry to bereaved
families at time of death. Please call the
office 871-1904, before making
arrangements with the mortuary of your
GriefSHARE - Help and Healing for those
who have lost a loved one. Jim & Linda
Dammeyer, 595-0120
Hands of Christ - Ministry to the
Jane, 871-1904.
Hospital Ministry - Anne Corcoran, 8977704, Rich Green, 248-9199,
Jeanette Lombardo, 882-8750
Manna Cupboard - Food pantry for the
hungry, Jane Fransioli, 871-1904.
Marriage Encounter - Jim & Mary, 2632004
Recent Widow Support Group - Mondays
at 2:00 p.m. in Room 2, Activity Center
Nancy Gulick, 873-0445.
Retrouvaille - A lifeline for troubled
marriages. 615-4339.
Social Concerns Board - Deals with parish
outreach & social justice issues.
Dale Devitt, 871-1642
Small Church Communities Antonio & Jane Davis - 615-8232
Inch for Life - Help available for unwanted
pregnancies. Pro-Life Office: 212-6472
Catholic Charities Adoption: 385-3351
Southern Nevada Women’s Resource
366-1247 - ProLife counseling and ministry
to the unwed mother.
Project Rachel - Post Abortion Ministry,
Preschool - Ages 3 - Kindergarten, at 9:30
and 11:30 AM Sundays. Gina, 870-2440
Grades 1 - 5: Wednesdays (see page 12)
Grades 6 - 8: Tuesdays (see page 9)
Grades 9 - 12: See Page 9
Advocacy is available through the Diocese for any individual who has been sexually and/
or physically abused. The 24-hour hotline number is: 702-235-7723
Saturday Mass: 4:00 pm
Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:30
(signed for hearing impaired)
11:30 am, 5pm & 7pm Spanish.
Daily Mass:(Mon - Sat) 8:00 am
HOLY DAYS: 8:00 am & 7 pm
Monday - Friday
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
(Closed Noon - 1:00 pm)
By appointment only,
Hospitality Ministers
Teresa Fawley, 953-6332
Gail Lehtinen, 565-3459
Desiree Saporito, 875-2668
Extraordinary Ministers of
the Eucharist
Paul Fransioli, 256-8012
Linda Smith, 655-8517
Al & Lucia Yabut
Bread Baker Coordinator
Matthew Hiu, 374-9950
Martha & Mary Guild
Suzy Jones, 340-8148
Bob LaPorte, 454-1952
Christ the King
Pastoral Council
Penny Baratta
Laura Castro
B J Comstock
Linda Dammeyer
Carmencita Fiesta
Anthony Incorvia
Pat Jackson
Suzy Jones
Ann Marty
Joe McKenna
Ronnie Tabick
Jackie Thornhill
Judy Vandever
Al Wagner
Rob Walsh
Fr. Bill Kenny
Sheri Rios, Recording
Daily Bible Readings
Monday: March 14, Leviticus 19:1-2, 11-18; Psalms 19: 8-10,15;
Matthew 25:31-46
Tuesday: March 15, Isaiah 55:10-11; Psalms 34: 4-7,16-19; Matthew
Wednesday: March 16, Jonah 3:1-10; Psalms 51: 3-4,12-13,18-19;
Luke 11:29-32
Thursday: March 17, St. Patrick, Esther C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Psalms
138: 1-3,7c-8; Matthew 7:7-12
Friday: March 18, St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Ezekiel, 18:21-28; Psalms
130: 1-8; Matthew 5:20-26
Saturday: March 19, St. Joseph Husband of the Blessed Virgin
Mary, 2 Samuel 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Psalms 89: 2-5,27,29; Romans
4:13, 16-18, 22; Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Luke 2:41-51a
Sunday: March 20, Genesis 12:1-4a; Psalms 33: 4-5,18-20,22; 2
Timothy 1:8b-10; Matthew 17:1-9
Prayer List
Join us in Community Prayer for
parishioners and their family members
who are seriously ill.
If you or your immediate family member is seriously ill and
would like to be added to our prayer list please e-mail the
name to or call the office at 871-1904.
Please remember to obtain the permission
of the person who is to be listed.
Patti Anderson
Gloria Badalewski
Adam Baruka
Carol Beall
Dennis Campton
Chernay Family
Bill Coleman
Cathie Collins
Christopher Condon
Patricia Condon
Margaret Curtis
Diane Di Fiore
Ursula Di Fiore
Bob Dotts
Jack Fitzgerald
Jonathan Garcia
Geraldine Giotto
Liliana Gonzalez
Meleah Grauer
Windy Grauer
Estelle Kaminski
Maureen Hart
Patricia Henrich
Christian Katindig
Lori Kinum
Raven Rose Kruger
Jim McCarty
Sylvia McQuade
Bernadette Morley
Silvia Miller
Alita Nañagas
Susan Nelson
Fr. Alex Ortiz
Kim Pischner
Daniel Pedroza
Carl Pelton
James Pronio
Liam Rooney
Shirley Ryan
Roberto Santos
Clara Spears
Carol Spencer
Ava Urrea
Cathy Vritt
Helen Yourshaw
Week of March 5/6, 2011
Weekly budgeted income for 2010/2011:
Sunday Collection March 5/6:
E-Tithing Previous Week
Ordinary Income (Sundays, Holy Days, Christmas) to Date: -$1,008.00
March 6th, Easter Decorations
Pastoral Council Corner
Your pastoral Council has published the first
newsletter called Christ the King Communicator!
March 5/6, 2011
Donated by
Pat Jackson
In Loving Memory of
Carson Jackson
The newsletter will be included in the bulletin or you
can read it on our website, the first weekend of each
month. The newsletter will showcase one of our staff
members or a volunteer, who donates their time and
talents to our parish.
Penny Baratta is our editor and will
happily accept your comments at
“” We hope
you will enjoy learning about the people
who help to make this an outstanding
search for
Christ the King Catholic Community
If you already “like” us, be sure to
stop by for the latest news. You can
even leave a comment!
Page 3
I’m writing this on Ash Wednesday
morning — the morning after our “Mardi Gras”
celebration! It was a great party: fabulous food,
delightful drinks, marvelous music, exciting
environment and a crazy crowd! (Notice the
alliteration!). If you missed it, put it on your
calendar for next year: Tuesday, February 21,
If you cannot wait that long for a party, then plan to
attend ……
The Week Ahead
MONDAY, March 14
8:30 am
Devotion Holy Infant Jesus - Daily Chapel
2:00 pm
Bereavement Group for Widows - Room 5
6:00 pm
Capacitación de Liturgia - Room 1
6:00 pm
Hispanic Music Rehearsal - Music Room
6:00 pm
Holy Week Rehearsal - Church
7:00 pm
Boy Scouts - Room 2
7:00 pm
Readers Study - Room 3
7:00 pm
Non Catholic Inquiry - Room 5
TUESDAY, March 15
8:45 am
Centering Prayer - Daily Chapel
1:00 pm
SNAP Food Program - Room 7
4:00 pm
Elementary First Holy Communion - Community Ctr.
5:30 pm
Explore! Jr. High Youth Ministry - Child Care Wing
Rooms 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
6:00 pm
Elementary First Holy Communion - Community Ctr.
6:00 pm
Holy Week Rehearsal - Church
7:00 pm
Charismatic Prayer Meeting - Daily Chapel
7:00 pm
Social Concerns Board - Outreach Office
9:00 am
Our Lady of Perpetual Devotion - Church
10:00 am
CTK Seniors - Community Center
4:30 pm
Elementary Religious Ed - Child Care Wing
Rooms 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
4:45 pm
Manos a Manos - Office Conference Room
6:00 pm
Elementary Religious Ed - Child Care Wing
Rooms 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
6:00 pm
Music Rehearsal - Music Room
6:00 pm
Holy Week Rehearsal - Church
Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend as I will be at
the Religious Education Congress in Anaheim, California; in
fact, that night, some of us will be in the audience of “Jimmy
Kimmel, Live!”. (Recall that Jimmy grew up in Las Vegas and
at Christ the King. I am his sponsor for Confirmation and have
remained friends with him over all these years.) So, as I’m
celebrating St. Paddy’s Day in southern California, probably with
a Guinness(!), I’ll give a toast to all you back at CTK as you
celebrate this great holiday: REMEMBER: there are only
TWO types of people in the world — 1) those who are IRISH
and 2) those who wish they were (and are GREEN with
envy!). Of course, I’m in the first preferred group — THE
I hope that you took a ‘rock’ home with you this
weekend. As Lent happens in the springtime — a time when
many get rid of the rocks and weeds in their outdoor gardens, we
are asked to get rid of the ‘rocks and weeds’ in our lives: those
things that are obstacles to us on our spiritual journeys. Even in
the Gospel for the First Sunday of Lent, Jesus was tempted by
Satan to turn rocks/stones into bread. Put that ‘rock’ somewhere
in your home where it will be a constant reminder of what
changes you want to make during Lent. Lent is a time of change,
conversion, growth and renewal.
Have a great Lent. HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY!
Page 4
THURSDAY, March 17
1:00 pm
Sack Lunches - Community Center
6:00 pm
Holy Week Rehearsal - Church
7:00 pm
Little Rock Scripture Study - Community Center
7:00 pm
Little Rock Scripture Study en Español - Room 1
7:30 pm
Al - Anon - Room 2
7:30 pm
Alcoholics Anonymous - Room 4
FRIDAY, March 18
8:30 am
Divine Mercy Devotion - Church
9:00 am
Little Rock Scripture Study - Community Center
9:00 am
Little Rock Scripture Study en Español - Room 1
4:00 pm
Lenten Fish Fry - Community Center
4:00 pm
T de O. V. - Room
7:00 pm
Gay/Lesbian Small Church/Mass - Room 3
7:30 pm
Alcoholics Anonymous - Room 4
SATURDAY, March 19
5:00 pm
St. Patrick’s Dinner/Dance - Community Center
SUNDAY, March 20
6:30 pm
Confirmation I & II - Child Care Wing, Rooms
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 & Youth Lounge
7:00 pm
Misa en Español - Iglesia - Church
Visit Christ the King Mall
Many of your favorite National Retailers
are part of the Mall.
A percentage of your purchases through
our Mall are rebated back to us!!! Our Mall
links you to the retailer’s web page.
By accessing the link from our web page at
Click on Christ the King Mall
Inspirations Gift Store
Christ the King Catholic Community
Wonderful selection of:
Bibles, both children and adults
Angels and other sculptures
Crosses of all styles
Inspirational Books and Rosaries
Did you know that at Christ the King,
we rent our Community Center for
parties and receptions?
The Community Center becomes an
elegant banquet facility for all kinds of
4925 S Torrey Pines
SW corner of Tropicana and Torrey Pines Dr
Phone 871-0947
First Communion & Confirmation
Mon: 10 - 12, 1 - 3
Tue., Wed., Thur: 9 - 12, 1 - 4
Friday - Closed
Open after all weekend masses.
We’re looking for volunteers after
each Saturday & Sunday Mass.
Graduation Parties
Retirement Parties
Corporate Meetings
Anniversary Parties
Wedding Receptions
and more!
Our facilities can accommodate over 200
people. We offer our own full service and
liquor catering with customized menus at
affordable prices.
For more information, please call Maria at
871-1904, ext. 245 or e-mail at:
Page 5
Lenten Almsgiving
March for Life
During Lent, we suggest the Poor
Box in our Gathering Space for your
Lenten contribution. Funds from
the Poor Box will be used for Manna
Come out and support
First Choice Pregnancy
Services at the 6th
Annual Las Vegas
March for Life!
For global awareness, please consider one of your
favorite charities or a donation to help the crisis in Haiti:
WATER FOR LIFE Needs Your Help. Your
Single gift or monthly pledge will continue to give
and bear fruit for many years to come. Like clean,
fresh water, your care will flow into the lives of so
many grateful children and their families, if we are
to build a brighter tomorrow by reversing the cycle
of poverty on this earth, every little step is important.
You CAN help stop hunger, heal diseases, and save
thousands of lives in Haiti— with the precious gift of
WATER! More important still, you will be helping
to share the message of “living water” with people
who are spiritually thirsty for life in Jesus Christ?
“And whoever in the name of a disciple gives to one
of these little ones even a cup of cold water to drink,
truly I say to you he shall not lose his reward.”
Matt. 10:42
March 26, 2011
Registration at 9 a.m.
March at 10 a.m.
Baker Park
1020 E. St. Louis Ave.
Located a block west of the St. Louis Ave/
Maryland Pkwy intersection.
Get your FREE T-Shirt
with just $75 in pledges!
Yes! I would like to help WATER FOR LIFE in
Recovery from the earthquake in Haiti.
I/We are contributing ____$50 ___$100 ___$250 ___$500
___$1000 ___$1500 ___ (Other) $__________ to aid
Water For Life in recovery from the earthquake.
State___________________ Zip Code ____________________
Please print this form and mail to: Water For Life
P.O. Box 456 Kalona, IA 52247
Help raise awareness for the struggles facing
unborn children while helping to support First
Choice Pregnancy Services! Participate in the
fun 2 mile march as a team or as an individual.
Prizes for the top fundraisers!
Water For Life is a 503 (c) (3) nonprofit organization.
Personal and contact information is protected and will
not be sold.
Week of February 28 – March 4
69 requests
Fed 133 adults and 66 children
If you wish to donate money for flowers in memory or in celebration of loved ones. DONATIONS MUST BE FOR WEEKEND LITURGIES.
Name of donor: ______________________________________________________ Phone #: ________________________
Name to be honored: _____________________________________________________ Memory or Celebration (circle one)
Date for flowers to be displayed: ________________________________ Alternate Date: ___________________________
We can only accept 3 names per weekend.
Please select an alternate date in case 1st choice is unavailable.
A donation of $25 & 2 weeks notice is requested.
If less than 2 weeks, please bring your request to the office to ensure availability.
Page 6
Prayer Meeting
Tuesdays, 7 pm
(Check weekly for
location.) We are
joining our friends from
Faith Chapel
Fellowship in praising
the Lord. For more
information please
contact Pastor Robert
Domis at 771-1772
CTK Seniors Club
Have Fun With Us!
The CTK Seniors group meets each
Wednesday at 10 am, and usually
wraps up around 2 pm in the
Community Center. Our group is
open to people over 55 years of age.
The charge for Bingo is $1 per
person. Activities include card
games, trips and parties. Lunch will
be served on the last Wednesday of
each month for $3 per person. For
more information, call Genie
Williams, 243-4944 or Walter
Johnson, 227-6616. New members
ALWAYS welcome!
Centering Prayer
every Tuesday at 8:45
am is a method of
prayer, which prepares
us to receive the gift of
God’s presence,
traditionally called
contemplative prayer. It
consists of responding
to the Spirit of Christ by
consenting to God’s
presence and action
within. For more
information please call
Gil Canlas at 365-9948.
• Holy Infant Jesus
Novena every
Monday following
the 8 a.m. Mass.
• Our Lady of
Perpetual Help
Novena every
following the 8 a.m.
• Divine Mercy
Friday morning
following the 8 a.m.
Christian Men’s Ministry
The Christian Men’s Ministry is a
Christ-centered ministry dedicated to
uniting men through vital
relationships to become Godly
influences in their world. If you’d like
more info about this ministry please
call Mark Vincent at 645-0858.
Grief Recovery Support Group
The regular classes for this group
will meet every Friday evening at
6:30 pm for eleven weeks in the
Activity Center in Room 1. For more
information concerning GriefSHARE,
contact Linda Dammeyer at (702)
595-0120. You may join at any time
during the series. You don’t have to
wait until the class starts again.
All is possible through Christ.
Contact Gil Canlas at 365-9948.
Bereavement Group for Widows
We meet every Monday at 2 p.m. in
Room 5 except holiday Mondays
when the parish offices are closed.
Join us for friendship and support,
new members are always welcome.
For more information call:
Nancy Gulick, 873-0445
YACHT Club ~ Young Adults
Catholics Hanging Together
This group has been formed for young adults
in their 20s and 30s, married/single, kids/no
kids. It‘s a group that will provide you the
opportunity to partake in spiritual, service
and social events each month. Whether you
choose one event or all, we hope to see you
there! Any questions, please contact Jason
Ealy at 871-1904 x 291 or email: Visit us at:, and
Facebook (Search for Christ the King
Yacht Club) and each week on page 12
where you will find our calendar of events.
Babysitting can also be arranged by
contacting Jason.
Knights of Columbus
A Catholic Christian men's fraternal
organization. We work for CTK and our
community. Are you Interested in becoming a
member? Contact Ray Troik: at 871-9083 or Greg Abernathy: 6040468
We are Christian Men Making a Difference!
CTK San Lorenzo Ruiz Filipino
If you would like more information or would
like to join us, please call us or stop by after
daily Mass.
Contact: Angga Cordero, 366-1554, Roze
Kliese 889-9478, Emma Santini 368-3586.
Se invita a la comunidad de habla
hispana a un TALLER DE ORACION Y
VIDA. Una nueva evangelización.
Fundador: Padre Ignacio Larrañaga,
basado en la Biblia, con Cristo como
centro; taller liberador y sanador, a
través del conocimiento de Dios y de uno
mismo. Consta de una reunión de
apertura y 15 sesiones, una sesión por
semana, con 2 horas de duración c/u. La
inscripción y costo son gratuitos. Las
sesiones de apertura empezaron el
Viernes 14 de Enero de 4:00 a 6:00
pm. Y de 6:30 a 8:30 pm.. Para mayor
información, favor de llamar a Cristina al
702-951-1874 Y Elizabeth al 236-4839.
Page 7
Childcare is available
for all masses except
Sunday at 7:30 a.m.
and 7:00 p.m. We urge
you to use this service
out of respect to other
parishioners. Our
caregivers are
fingerprinted and
background checked.
If you are a business,
your cartridges can
be picked up. Call
Gina at 871-1904.
For young adults
married/single, kids/no kids
(Young Adult Catholics Hanging Together)
Calendar of Events
16th wed. - Volleyball @ CTK
8:30 pm CTK Gym
No skills needed, just come out and have
some fun!
25th fri. - Line Dancng at Stoneys
7pm ~ Stoney’s is just north of the South Point
$5 cover
Free Line Dancing Lessons at 7:30 pm
If you would like to be put on our
mailing list please contact Jason Ealy.
Any questions, please contact
Jason Ealy
871-1904 x291
and on facebook
Babysitting can also be arranged by
contacting Jason Ealy
For Gym Rental
Activities &
please visit us at
then go to the
Gym News,
Activities &
If you have any ideas for
different events for the
YACHT Club to do
please email us!!
You can also
email John at:
Sunday Class:
3/13 - No class
Page 8
High School Happenin’s
Jason Ealy - Director of High School Youth Ministry
871-1904 x 291
Join on ~ Search for CTK Youth
Jr. High School Youth Ministry Team
Service Projects:
(Youth Ministry After Confirmation)
Stew Nights
Child Care
Hospitality at Mass
Nevada Partnership for
Homeless Youth
Thursdays 6 - 8:00 pm
IN the Youth Lounge
For all juniors, seniors,
college-age students.
Confirmation II Retreat
April 1, 2, 3, 2011
Mark your calendar.
This is a mandatory retreat.
Debbie Hasterok
Director Jr. High Youth Ministry
Jr. High Youth Ministry Office
Registration hours are 8:00 pm-4:00pm M-F
Classes are on Tuesday from 5:30 to 7:00 pm
Registration fees for 2010/11 are:
Religious Ed - $75.00
For students in their second year of preparation
Religious Ed and First Holy Communion - $100.00
Religious Ed and Full Initiation - $125.00
A Baptism Certificate is required for all new
students. A $25 deposit is required for each
registration and all balances are due from the
previous year.
Confirmation Calendar
Second Sunday - March 12/13
Please check-in After Mass in the Community Center
13th: Week #13 6:30 - 8 pm
Youth Lounge/Activity Center
Rite of Covenant ~ 5pm mass
Confirmation II Student and Sponsor
20th: Week #14 6:30 - 8 pm
Youth Lounge/Activity Center
27th: Week #15 6:30 - 8 pm
Youth Lounge/Activity Center
Confirmation II - Night of Reflection/Dinner
with sponsor
Please help out
Recycle Program
Bring in your old/unused
CELL PHONES and empty INK/
Please write
on these items.
You can drop them off in the
Youth Lounge or the Religious
Education Office.
“Take the Trail”
Red Rock Canyon
Saturday, March 26, 2011
9am to 3pm
7th and 8th Grade Boys*
• $10.00 includes lunch, sign-up for retreat during class
• Required for all First Holy Communion Students (7th & 8th
grade boys)
Parents Corner:
Faith, Hope & Love
Discussions on Parenting Teens
This is a series of monthly
seminars on raising preteens and
teens with a family and faith focus.
Topics include family
communication, family unity,
internet safety, the temptations
your child faces and family
This is a FREE seminar!
Seminars will be held on the
following Sundays @ 6:30 - 8 pm in
Room 1 ~ Mar. 13, Apr. 10
3/15 - Regular Classes
Outreach Opportunities
Fridays in Lent: Fish Fry Servers. Please sign-up in class.
*This is a great opportunity for students making their First Holy
Communion or Full Initiation.
The 8th Grade Retreat
Friday, April 29 - Sunday, May 1
Please watch for information
and opportunities on how to
earn money towards your retreat.
Page 9
Christian Formation
Religious Education Grades 1-5
First Communion
Baptism of older children
If you think you would like to
become Catholic, or if you
would just like to learn about
Catholicism, we offer weekly
opportunities to learn about
the Catholic faith. These
informal gatherings for coffee
and conversation are held
7:00 pm each Monday
(except major holidays) in
Room 5 of the Activity
Center. If, due to your
schedule, you can’t join us at
our regular Monday night
sessions, please call the
parish office at 871-1904 and
leave your name and phone
number. We will do our best
to accommodate you.
Please contact Beth
Thompson at 871-1904 ext.
230 if you have any
Seeking Baptism
for your child?
How do I enroll my child?
Elementary Registration for 2010/11 year Grades
1-5 is available in the Religious Ed Office M-F
8:00 am - 4:00 pm A BAPTISM CERTIFICATE is
required for each child being registered.
• Family must be registered at Christ the King
Family must be worshipping at Christ the King at
our weekend liturgy
Past due balances from the previous Religious
Education year must be paid prior to registering
When are classes held?
Classes are held on Wednesdays at either 4:30 or
6:00 pm
• Religious Education Classes $75.00 per child.
Tuesday, 3/1 Adult Confirmation Meeting in Room 1 at 7:15
(1st Communion, Baptism)
• Same as for Religious Education Registration plus:
Adults who are age 21 and above
Adults who have been baptized in the Roman Catholic
• Adults who are attending Christ the King .
(If you are not currently registered at CTK, please plan to
attend one of our monthly Newcomers’ Sessions which are
held on the first Monday of the month at 7PM in the Activity
Center, to register in our parish.)
Elementary First Holy
Mandatory Meeting
Full Initiation $150.00 per child.
$25 non-refundable deposit is required to
register. Payment plans are available.
Child is in second grade or above
Our Manna Cupboard is in need of baby
diapers. If you would like to make a donation
please bring them to class with you on
Wednesday and drop them in the North
Lobby . Thank you.
Tuesday, 3/15 - Parents and
Students to attend at either 4:00 or 6:00 in the
Community Center.
Meetings are for Elementary Students
registered in their 2nd year of
Sacramental Preparation.
Child is enrolled in and attending weekly age-level
Religious Education classes on a regular basis
• Unbaptized children must attend one full year of
Religious Education first
Our sacrament preparation is a family preparation
process that requires the participation of the child and
a parent or guardian in monthly sessions.
March Outreach Project
Page 12
Sessions for Confirmation this year began in September
2010. New Sessions for Confirmation next year will begin
will begin September 2011. See you then.
First Holy Communion $125.00 per child.
Those NOT registered in the
parish MUST attend the
Attendance at these sessions is mandatory.
monthly Newcomers
Meeting, held the 1st
Elementary Religious Education
Monday of every month at
7:00 pm in the Activity
• 3/16 - Regular Classes
Center. We require that you
worship with us for at least
CGS Level I and Level II
six weeks before you call to
register for the Alpha/
Wednesday Class:
Baptism sessions. Please
• 3/16 - Regular Classes
call Robyn at 871-1904 ext.
232, M-F 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Sunday Class:
to register for the sessions.
• 3/20 - Regular Classes
No Baptisms may be
scheduled until sessions and
requirements are completed.
Pre-registration is required
for Alpha/Baptism
Adult Confirmation
Recycle Corner
Please remember to recycle
the following:
Ink or toner cartridges - any type or size
Cell phones - any type
Empty Capri Sun or like juice pouches
Bring them to Mass or class with you weekly.
You may drop them off in the Religious Ed
Office M-F 8:00 am to 4:00 pm during the week
or leave in the collection bins located in the
Gathering Space of the Church or in the North
Lobby of the Activity Center.
Thank you for your support