The Messenger - Christ The King Catholic Community


The Messenger - Christ The King Catholic Community
Christ the King Catholic Community
A Roman Catholic Parish
of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Las Vegas
4925 S. Torrey Pines Drive, Las Vegas NV; 89118 ~
(702) 871-1904 ~ Fax: (702) 251-4935
June 21, 2015 ~ Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today’s Readings
First Reading —
The Lord said to
Job: Who shut
within doors the
sea? And who
said: Thus far
shall you come
but no farther!
(Job 38:1, 8-11).
Psalm — Give
thanks to the
Lord, his love is
everlasting (Psalm
Second Reading
— Whoever is in
Christ is a new
creation (2
Corinthians 5:1417).
Gospel — Who is
this whom even
wind and sea
obey? (Mark 4:3541).
4:00 pm
7:30, 9:30,11:30 am,
1:30 pm (Misa en Español)
4:00 pm
Mon - Sat ~ 8:00 am
8:00 am and 7:00 pm
Living along the shores of Lake Superior—the
“big lake,” as the locals call it—you can often
hear the advice, “Respect the lake; don’t take it
for granted.” People who know Lake Superior
respect its power and watch out for its many
moods. Sunken ships and boats crushed into
kindling are testimonies to what the lake can
The readings of this Sunday evoke our
memories of the lake, of the mighty Mississippi River, or of the ocean
itself. Who but God can control these mighty waters and set limits to their
advance? The lake described in today’s Gospel was a body of water
subject to sudden storms and churned into dangerous waves by terrible
But these mighty agents are subject to God. The sailor and the fisher all
respect the water. Even more, they respect the awesome power of the
Maker of wind and sea.
Los que conocen bien el Lago Superior le tienen un saludable respeto, y
siempre están alerta sobre sus caprichosos cambios de ánimo. Muchos
barcos hundidos y muchos botes hechos astillas son testigos de lo que el
lago puede hacer cuando está de mal humor.
Las lecturas de este domingo nos evocan memorias de ese lago, del
poderoso río Mississippi o del océano mismo. ¿Quién, fuera de Dios,
podrá controlar esas aguas poderosas, o imponerles límites, diciendo
“Hasta aquí llegarás”? El lago que describe el Evangelio de hoy era un
lago en el que se levantaban súbitas tormentas, en las que los vientos
huracanados agitaban olas enormes.
Pero estas fuerzas tan poderosas se someten a la voluntad de Dios. Los
marineros y los pescadores le tienen un saludable respeto al poder de las
aguas. Pero más todavía respetan el poder del Creador del viento y del
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
The Community in Action
Parish Administrator
Rev. Ray Rioux
Parish Deacons
Administrative Assistant & Hispanic Ministry
Deacon Jacob Favela
Hospital Ministry
Deacon Rich Green
Gina Pignatello
Director of Pastoral Ministries Jane Fransioli
Religious Education Department
Director of Christian Formation
Beth Thompson
Youth Minister
Jason Ealy
Administrative Assistant
Robyn Runco
Liturgy Department
Director of Liturgy
Mary Ryan
Directors of Music
Ellen & Ken Lerum
Liturgy/Music Assistant
Cathy Bruzzese
Director of Parish Finance Roseann Tabick
Maintenance Department
Mark Medina
Michael Roberts & Dave Clow
Anna Sy
Suzy Jones
Baptism: ALPHA PROGRAM (Infants or young
children) - Contact parish, (702) 871-1904, during
pregnancy or at least 3 months in advance to
arrange for preparation program. Parents must
complete program before baptism can be
First Communion/First Reconciliation
Beth Thompson - (702) 871-1904
Teens: Jason Ealy Adults: Beth Thompson
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Inquiry sessions for non-Catholics interested in
learning more about the Catholic faith every
Thursday at 7:00 pm in Room 5, Activity Center.
Call Beth Thompson - (702) 871-1904
Marriage: Contact the parish office 8-12 months
in advance. Call Deacon Jacob for details of the
6-month preparation program. For annulments
also call Deacon Jacob Favela - (702) 871-1904
Anointing of the Sick - Call office if you or a
member of your family seek the Sacrament.
Please try to call before loved one is in the active
process of dying.
Remembering Community: A welcoming
process for Catholics who have been away. More
information call Beth Thompson - (702) 871-1904
Visit our new and
improved website:
Scan me with your
Smartphone to go
directly to:
Victim’s Advocate - Ron Valance
(702) 235-7723
Al-Anon - Thursdays, 7:30 pm, Room 2
Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada
Business phone: (702) 385-2662
Emergency Assistance: (702) 383-2291
Catholic Charities Adoption:
(702) 385-3351
Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial
José & Hortencia Martínez, (702) 436-8605
Family Promise (formerly IHN) Jane Fransioli, (702) 871-1904.
Funeral Ministry - Ministry to bereaved
families at time of death. Please call the office
(702) 871-1904, before making
arrangements with the mortuary of your
GriefSHARE - Help and Healing for those
who have lost a loved one. Find a meeting
near you
Hands of Christ - Ministry to the homebound,
Jane Fransioli, 702) 871-1904
Saturday Mass: 4:00 pm
Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:30
11:30 am and 4:00 pm
1:30 pm ~ Spanish Language
Daily Mass:(Mon-Sat) 8:00 am
HOLY DAYS: 8:00 am
Monday ~ Thursday
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
(Closed Noon - 1:00 pm)
Friday ~ Closed
By appointment only,
(702) 871-1904
Hospitality Ministers
Teresa Fawley, (702) 953-6332
Hospital Ministry - Rich Green, (702) 2489199, Jeanette Lombardo, (702) 882-8750
Inch for Life - Help available for unwanted
pregnancies. Pro-Life Office: (702) 212-6472
Gail Lehtinen, (702) 565-3459
Flowers Eva & Les Iwafuchi,
(702) 332-2865
Manna Cupboard - Food pantry for the
hungry, Jane Fransioli, (702) 871-1904.
Luanne Wagner, (702) 279-2137
Marriage Encounter - Jim & Mary,
(702) 263-2004
Retrouvaille - A lifeline for troubled marriages,
Chuck & Carol Moore,
(702) 604-1006
Social Concerns Board - Deals with parish
outreach & social justice issues,
Dale Devitt, (702) 871-1642
Extraordinary Ministers of
the Eucharist
Mike Dunegan, (702) 362-8490
Sacristan - Elvie Insorio &
Annabelle Trajano
Bread Baker Coordinator
Kay Dunegan, (702) 362-8490
Martha & Mary Guild
Suzy Jones, (702) 340-8148
Bob LaPorte, (702) 454-1952
Small Church Communities Chris & Sharon Sellman - (702) 257-2511
Spiritual Direction
Deacon Rich Green
Jane Fransioli, B.A.
Please call parish office to schedule
appointment with Deacon Rich Green or Jane
Fransioli. (702) 871-1904
Southern Nevada Women’s Resource
Center: (702) 366-1247 - Pro-Life counseling
and ministry to the unwed mother.
Project Rachel - Post Abortion Ministry,
(702) 737-1672.
Preschool - Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level I & II on Wednesdays
Grades 1 - 5: Wednesdays
Grades 6 - 8: Tuesdays
Grades 9 - 12: (see Youth Page)
For all the above programs, pre-registration is
required through the parish office. Call the
Religious Education office, (702) 871-1904
Christ the King
Pastoral Council
Hector Aguilar
Linda Dammeyer
Ramon Diaz
Vince Gorski
Rick Houle
Roze Kliese
Les Lisicki
Mary Milanowski
Maria Patino
Elizabeth Que
Roseann Tabick
Heda Taormina
Hector Vicuna
Luanne Wagner
Rob Walsh
Fr. Ray Rioux
Recording Secretary
Roseann Tabick
Email us at:
Daily Bible Readings
Monday, June 22: Genesis 12:1-9; Ps 33:12-13, 1820, 22; Matthew 7:1-5
Tuesday, June 23: Genesis 13:2, 5-18; Ps 15:2-4ab,
5; Matthew 7:6, 12-14
Wednesday, June 24: Vigil: Jeremiah 1:4-10;
Ps 71:1-6ab, 15ab, 17; 1 Peter 1:8-12; Luke 1:5-17
Day: Isaiah 49:1-6; Ps 139:1-3, 13-15;
Acts 13:22-26; Luke 1:57-66, 80
Thursday, June 25: Genesis 16:1-12, 15-16 [6b-12,
15-16]; Ps 106:1b-5; Matthew 7:21-29
Friday, June 26: Genesis 17:1, 9-10, 15-22; Ps
128:1-5; Matthew 8:1-4
Saturday, June 27: Genesis 18:1-15; Luke 1:46-50,
53-55; Matthew 8:5-17
Sunday, June 28: Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24; Ps
30:2, 4-6, 11-13; 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15; Mark
5:21-43 [5:21-24, 35b-43]
Sunday Collection May 30/31 2015
Necessary weekly budgeted amount
Plus/Minus amount for this week
$ 5,484.91
Debt Owed to Diocese
Debt Reduction - This Week - $1,547.00 Total $13,723.00
If you have an envelope # please write it on your check.
Thank you for your generosity!
When there are storms
in our life, do we have faith
and trust Jesus to protect
us? Let Jesus calm the
storms in your life – take
time away for the two of
you. The next Worldwide
Marriage Encounter
Weekends are on
September 18-20th and
November 6-8th in the Las Vegas area. Early
registration is highly recommended.
For more information, call Steve and Terri
Sharp at (702) 589-0068 or go to For
information on Spanish-language weekends,
call Javier and Maria Lopez at (702) 243-5934
or (702)206-4270.
If you want the name of your loved ones to be read
aloud during mass or written in our weekly bulletin it
must be turned in to the front desk
at least two weeks in advance.
8:00 am
4:00 pm
June 20
†Maria D Reyes
†Virginia Beltran
7:30 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
1:30 pm
4:00 pm
8:00 am
June 21
†Maria D Reyes
†Samuel Avila
People of the Parish
†Andres Corzo
8:00 am
June 23
†Russell & Angeline Miller
8:00 am
June 24
†Richard Morton
8:00 am
June 25
†Margie Rioux
8:00 am
June 26
†Brittany Trinidad
8:00 am
4:00 pm
June 27
†Nellie Rivero
†John & Frances Mangina
7:30 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
1:30 pm
4:00 pm
June 28
†Veronica Kostusak
†Jose Banales
†Jim Dammeyer
People of the Parish
†Margaret Johnson
June 22
†Paul Haley
Prayer List
Join us in Community Prayer for parishioners and their
family members who are seriously ill. If you or your immediate
family member is seriously ill and would like to be added to our prayer list
please e-mail the name to or call the office at 871-1904.
Manuel S. Alba
Pedro Alejandrino
Coral Aponte
Maritess R. Boribon
Anthony Brasich
Pat Bremer
Jacqueline T. Cagampang
Angelie A. Canto
Jose & Cora Canto
Cathy Checkler
Eleanor Constantino
Barbara Corrales
Leo Coughlin
Carol Flynn Donahue
Juan Enriquez
Sam Falbo
Bob Foti
Maria Gerlacforgione
Maureen Hart
Pat Holbury
Ellie Hunsberger
Cathy Janis
Tammy Janis
Richard Kucinski
Maria Gladio LaGadia
Bob LaPorte
Grace Leva
Tex Luminarias
Isabelle Mann
Steven Marshall
Hortensia Garcia Mesta
Bernadette Morley
Amilita & Tom Morrison
George B Noyes
Logan Noyes
Perla A. Pinuela
Romeo Pulido
Ernie Ramirez
Joseph Reynolds
Ramon Rodriguez
Remedios Rodriguez
Pacita Sabanal
Fe Sales
Andrea Sevilla
Brittany Marshall
Steven Marshall
Marcela Tumang
Ava Urrea
Glenn Vergara
A Word from Fr. Ray
Una Palabra de P. Ray
I would like to remind our parishioners
that we are already half way in our CSA
campaign, so be sure to make your
pledges for CSA 2015. We are still down
on the number of participants. Just pick
up an envelope at the welcome desk
after the Masses on Sunday or stop by
the business office during the week. Fill
out the request and either send it directly
to the Diocese of Las Vegas or drop the
envelope in the collection basket at any
of our Masses or the business office. We
still need about100 new families to make
pledges so that we can meet our CSA
goal. Again, thank you for your pledges
so far.
Me gustaría recordar a nuestros feligreses
que ya estamos a mitad del camino en
nuestra campaña CSA, así que asegúrese
de cumplir sus promesas de CSA 2015.
Todavía estamos muy bajos en el número
de participantes. Sólo tome un sobre en el
mostrador de bienvenida después de las
misas del domingo o pase por la oficina de
negocios durante la semana. Llene la
solicitud y, o bien enviarlo directamente a la
Diócesis de Las Vegas o dejar caer el
sobre en la canasta de la colecta en
cualquiera de nuestras misas o la oficina de
negocios. Todavía necesitamos100 nuevas
familias que se comprometan hacer
promesas para que podamos cumplir con
nuestro objetivo de CSA. Una vez más,
gracias por sus promesas hasta ahora.
Questions for Sunday June 28, 2015:
Preguntas para el domingo 28 junio, 2015:
What kind of death is referred to in this
pericope? WIS 1:13-15, 2:23-24
¿Qué tipo de muerte se refiere el presente
perícopa? SIO 1: 13-15, 2: 23-24
What do these particular stories mean
about faith and why does Jesus dismiss
the people surrounding him upon
entering the house? MK 5:21-43
¿Qué significan estas historias particulares
acerca de la fe y por qué Jesús descarta
las personas que lo rodean al entrar en la
casa? MK 5: 21-43
With much love and gratitude, Fr.
Con mucho amor y gratitud,
P. Ray
Do we have your current information? Please fill out the form below
and drop it in the collection basket or bring it to the office.
¿Tenemos su información correcta? Por favor llene la forma y
deposítela en la canasta de ofrecimiento o llévela a la oficina.
Name/Nombre: __________________________________________________ Phone/Teléfono:
Address/Domicilio: ____________________________________City/Cuidad:
Zip Code/Código Postal
E-mail address/Correo Electrónico:
Do we have your current information? Please fill out form and drop it in the collection basket or bring it to the office.
June 08 to June 11
44 Households
72 Adults and 39 Children
Hours: Monday to Thursday 10:00 am until noon
Located in the Parish Office
JULY 12th
8:00 until 1:00 pm
At our last blood drive in early May, we
collected 30 units of blood which was the most
we have collected in over five years. Thank
you Christ the King! Please drop by our table
next weekend, Sunday, June 28th, to make an
appointment for our upcoming drive in July. We
hope we can continue our high number of
Each summer as parishioners take
vacations or are out of town, our food
donations go down. Please give to the poor
box located in the gathering space of the
church to empower us to purchase those
missing foods for our food pantry shelves.
Thank you.
The concert features entertainers who have
appeared at Smith Center and in productions
such as "Phantom", "Forever Plaid:, and “EFXAlive."
Tickets are $10 for children under 12. All other
tickets are $20 in advance or $25 at the door. For
more information or to purchase tickets, contact
Jane Fransioli in the CTK Parish Office or
Barbara Paulsen,
Nevadans for the Common Good is a nonpartisan organization of congregations and
groups across the Las Vegas valley working
together to provide a “voice for the voiceless”
which address current social issues. We have
been effective supporting new legislation to
oppose human trafficking and to improve elder
care programs, and we have worked tirelessly to
support Governor Sandoval’s recently passed
education bill AB483.
Families experiencing homelessness will stay at
our church overnight the week of August 23 –
30th. During that week we house the families
supplying them with all their meals. The families
leave here early each morning to go to their day
site where they work on finding jobs and
housing. If you would like to participate in this
worthy ministry during that week, please call
Jane in the office at (702) 871-1904 or email:
When you are thinking about traditions in the
Church, 1563 is a “watershed” year. The Council
of Trent began a reform of the liturgy that put an
end to old practices and set many of our present
practices in place. For the first time, engaged
people were absolutely required to appear before
their parish priest, and to exchange consent in
his presence along with two witnesses. To this
day, Catholics are obliged to this form, namely: to
marry another Catholic in the presence of a priest
(or deacon) and two witnesses, unless dispensed
from the law. The Council really didn’t forbid
customs and ceremonies that added life to the
celebration, but the mood of the times was dark
and somewhat austere. Practices like the
blessing of the marriage bed or using a canopy
for the nuptial blessing started to fade away, as
did the custom of bringing the presents for the
couple to the church and the addition of fiddlers
and jugglers to the procession. The Council of
Trent tried to preserve local customs, but the
long term effect was to standardize celebrations
everywhere in the world. Rev. James Field, Copyright ©
Reserve a space now for our
First Annual Parking Lot Sale
When: Saturday, September 19th
7:00 am until noon
Where: Christ the King Parking Lot
Cost: $40.00
We provide the space and
you reap the rewards!
Call (702) 871-1904
and ask for Gina or Beth
J. S. Paluch Co.
Jesús promete a sus discípulos una vida en
abundancia (Juan 10:10). Él desea lo mejor para
nosotros y quiere que estemos bien en todos los
aspectos de nuestra vida: familia y amistades,
trabajo, economía, salud, etcétera. Sin embargo,
Jesús también nos promete la persecución y el
maltrato (Marcos 10:29; Mateo 5:11; Lucas 6:22;
Juan 15:18).
La vida abundante es bella pero nunca fácil. La
vida cristiana es como toda vida humana; tiene
momentos de tranquilidad y de tempestad. Así
como un día nos brilla el sol, otro día nos sacuden
los vientos y nuestras pequeñas lanchas parecen
No hay que desanimarse o asustarse cuando
lleguen estas tormentas. Más bien, hay que
recordar el Evangelio (Marcos 4:35-41) donde
Jesús duerme en la barca de sus discípulos. Es
interesante el detalle de Jesús quien, cansado y
tranquilo, duerme mientras el mar sacude a la barca
y a los discípulos. Menos mal que se les ocurrió
recurrir al Señor. Y tú, ¿qué haces cuando el viento
sopla y la vida te estremece? No temas, despierta a
Cristo a quien llevas en tu corazón. Fray Gilberto
Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
It’s on its way…
Our Annual Pumpkin Patch
Religious Education Fundraiser!
Mark your calendar now for
Saturday, Oct. 17th
Prize Raffle, Crafters, Games,
Food Villages, Bouncies
We are currently seeking donors to
help fund the Patch.
Contact Beth or Gina
at (702) 871-1904
The Week Ahead
7:00 am Just 5 Days - Community Center
1:00 pm Sack Lunches - Room 1
2:30 om Just 5 Days - Rooms 1-7
7:00 am Just 5 Days - Community Center
8:45 am
Centering Prayer - Daily Chapel
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
Auxiliary Ladies of K of C - Room 1
Lectors Reading Español - Room 5
2:30 om Just 5 Days - Rooms 1-7
7:00 am Just 5 Days - Community Center
8:30 am
9:00 am
Our Lady of Perpetual Devotion - Church
CTK Seniors - Gathering Space
2:30 om Just 5 Days - Rooms 1-7
7:00 am Just 5 Days - Community Center
2:30 om Just 5 Days - Rooms 1-7
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
YMAC - Jr., Sr. and College age students Youth Lounge
Readers Study - Room 3
Al Anon - Gathering Space
7:00 am Just 5 Days - Community Center
8:30 am
In today’s Gospel, Mark says that the invitation to
journey to a new and different shore comes from
Jesus. He is the one who suggests, “Let us cross to
the other side” (Mark 4:35). Yet that invitation comes
as evening draws on, as so often happens in life. It
comes amid the shadows of life where clarity of
action is seldom sharp or distinct. Then to step into
the boat is indeed an act of faith. Who would ever
choose a crossing at such a time? Yet it was “as
evening drew on” that Jesus said to his disciples, “Let
us cross to the other side.” And so they go.
It is at this point that they take Jesus into their boat,
which is always what is expected of the disciple—that
the Lord be invited on the journey, and that the
journey to the other side be made together. The
Jesus story ends in calm and stillness, but that is not
its promise. What is assured is that faith can bring
one to the other side, which is also the assurance
given to Job out of the storm—that it is God who
made the thick darkness and put limits on the sea, all
along knowing its ability to burst forth. It is God who
knows creation and is in control, it is Jesus who
knows the human journey and accompanies us, and
it is faith that sustains us in the midst of storms.—Rev.
Joseph J. Juknialis Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights
Divine Mercy Devotion
1:30 pm
Misa en Español
El Evangelio de hoy dice que la invitación de pasar a
una orilla nueva y diferente la extiende Jesús. Él es
quien sugiere: “Pasemos a la otra orilla” (Marcos 4:35).
Sin embargo, esa invitación llega al caer la tarde, como
sucede tan a menudo en la vida. Llega en medio de las
sombras de la vida donde la claridad de una acción
raramente es marcada o perceptible. Por tanto, entrar
en la barca es decididamente un acto de fe. ¿Quién
decidiría hacer una travesía en un momento así? No
obstante, fue “al caer la tarde” que Jesús le dijo a sus
discípulos: “Pasemos a la otra orilla”. Y en ese
momento se van.
Es en ese momento que ellos se llevan a Jesús en su
barca, que es lo que siempre se espera de un discípulo,
esto es, que el Señor sea invitado para acompañarle en
la travesía y que esa travesía hacia el otro lado la
hagan juntos. Esta historia sobre Jesús termina en
calma y sosiego, pero eso no es lo que se promete. Lo
que sí se garantiza es que la fe puede llevar a una
persona a la otra orilla. Esto es también lo que se le
asegura a Job desde la tormenta, esto es, que es Dios
quien hizo los nubarrones y le puso límites al mar, aun
sabiendo que éste podía salir precipitadamente a
borbotones. Dios es quien conoce la creación y la
controla; Jesús es el que conoce la travesía humana y
nos acompaña, y la fe es la que nos sostiene en medio
de las tormentas. —Padre Joseph J. Juknialis Derechos de autor ©
2014, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados.
Inspirations Gift Store
Christ the King Catholic Community
Our 2015 Annual Auction
is fast approaching
Saturday, November 21st,
at Christ The King
We are looking for people to be
chairman of the
different committees.
If you are interested please
contact Maureen at (702) 364-8411
Wonderful selection of:
Bibles, both children and adults
Angels and other sculptures
Crosses of all styles
Inspirational Books and Rosaries
First Holy Communion Gifts
Confirmation Gifts
Mother’s Day Gifts
Father’s Day Gifts
Volunteers are needed for our Gift Store on the
weekends. This will only take about a half an
hour to 45 minutes of your time after your mass.
We would also like to staff the store a few
mornings during the week. Come join us and
have some fun meeting new people and helping
our customers find just the right gift for their
special occasion or loved one.
Call the parish office to leave your name and
phone number. You will be contacted by the
volunteer coordinator regarding all the details.
Christ the King Fundraiser
at Spanish Trail Golf Club
Friday, September 11, 2015 at 8:30 am
$125 per person
Come out and support your parish!
For more information
contact Rob Walsh at
(702) 683-2889
High School Happenin’s
Jason Ealy - Director of Youth Ministry
871-1904 x 291
Join us on
Facebook - CTK Youth LV
Instagram - CTKYouthLV
Twitter - CTKYoughLV
Summer Activites
for incoming 9th graders and High School
Sunday, June 28 5:30pm-9pm
Pizza and Game Night $2 Youth Lounge
Youth Ministry
Jason Ealy
Youth Minister
Beth Thompson
Director of Christian Formation
Explore Calendar
All classes are on Tuesday nights
Registration will Start July 7
See Robyn in the Religious Ed
office in the Main Offices.
Confirmation Registration
Starts July 7
If you were in Conf. I last year you will need
to re-register for Conf. II
Conf. I - you must be 9th grade or higher to enter
Conf. II - you must have attended Conf. I in a previous year
See Robyn in the Religious Ed Offices.
We are looking for help with all
areas of Youth Ministry.
Confirmation (High School)
Middle School
Please contact Jason Ealy if you
feel like you are being called by
God to work with our youth.
Please Pray for the
Middle Schoolers and
Adults that will be
attending Just5Days.
A Catholic
Service Work Camp
June 22-26
(Youth Ministry After Confirmation)
6:30pm - 8pm
in the Youth Lounge
For all juniors, seniors,
college-age students.
We meet every Thursday
If your Middle School Aged student
needs either/both First Communion
or Baptism…. This is the program
they need to be in to receive these
Christian Formation
Religious Education Grades 1-5
First Communion
Baptism of older children
How do I enroll my child?
If you think you would
like to become Catholic,
or if you would just like
to learn about
Catholicism, we offer
weekly opportunities to
learn about the Catholic
faith. These informal
gatherings for coffee
and conversation are
held 7:00 pm each
Thursday (except major
holidays) in Room 5 of
the Activity Center. If,
due to your schedule,
you can’t join us at our
regular Thursday night
sessions, please call the
parish office at (702)
871-1904 and leave
your name and phone
number. We will do our
best to accommodate
you. Please contact
Beth Thompson at
(702) 871-1904 ext. 230
if you have any
Elementary Registration for 2014/15 year
Grades 1-5 in the Religious Ed Office
M-TH 8-4:00 pm - Closed from 12-1:00 pm
each child being registered.
• • Family must be registered at Christ the King
• • Family must be worshipping at Christ the King at
our weekend liturgy
• • Past due balances from the previous Religious
(702) 871-1904
ext. 230 or 232
No Baptisms may be
scheduled until sessions and
requirements are completed.
Next class start date TBA
Adults who are age 18 and above
A senior in High School or above
Adults who have been baptized in the Roman
Catholic Faith
Adults who are attending Christ the King
If you are not registered at CTK, please
stop by the Parish Office during regular
business hours to register.
Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
(closed 12-1:00 pm)
Education year must be paid prior to registering
When are classes held?
Classes are held on Wednesdays at either 4:00 or
6:00 pm
(1st Communion, Baptism)
• • Same as for Religious Education Registration
• • Child is in second grade or above
• • Child is enrolled in and attending weekly age-
level Religious Education classes on a regular
• • Unbaptized children must attend one full year of
Religious Education first
Our sacrament preparation is a family preparation
process that requires the participation of the child and
a parent or guardian in monthly sessions.
Religious Education
Registration for the Fall 2015/16
will begin Tuesday, July 7th
Registration Hours
Religious Ed Office Hours M-Th 8:00
am to 4:00
(Closed 12-1:00 pm)
Please contact our office
for information.
Beth Thompson
Family must be registered at
Christ the King
Family must be worshipping at
Christ the King at our weekend
Past due balances from the
previous year must be paid prior to
If you have any questions please
contact Robyn in the Religious Ed
Office at (702) 871-1904 ext. 232
RCIA - Non Catholic Inquiry
will NOT meet over the
summer months.
Please mark your calendar for
Thursday, September 10th
and plan to attend a
reception for all those
individuals who are
interested in becoming
Please remember to recycle your
old cell phones, ink and toner
cartridges with us weekly when
you attend mass.
Collection containers are in the
Gathering Space of the Church
and in the North and South
entrances of our Activity Center
You can also drop them off
Monday - Thursday
8:00 am to 4:00 pm (closed 12-1pm)
in the Parish Office