Complete Exhibitor Prospectus (includes all forms and
Complete Exhibitor Prospectus (includes all forms and
N B A A 2 0 T H A N N U A L SCHEDULERS & DISPATCHERS CONFERENCE JANUARY 13–16, 2009 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA LONG BEACH CONVENTION & ENTERTAINMENT CENTER EXHIBITOR PROSPECTUS The 20th Annual Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference, hosted by the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) January 13-16, 2009 will be at the Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center in Long Beach, California. The NBAA Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference provides NBAA Associate Members an opportunity to meet those individuals directly responsible for the scheduling and dispatching of aircraft from various-sized business flight departments throughout the world. The 2008 Conference in Savannah, Georgia was another record breaker with 391 Exhibiting Companies and more than 2,600 registered Attendees. An even greater turnout is expected for 2009. Be a part of the 2009 Conference and guarantee you placement in the lottery. The Lottery Deadline is October 17! NBAA SCHEDULERS & DISPATCHERS CONFERENCE 2009 EXHIBITOR RULES & REGULATIONS TYPES OF EXHIBITS Exhibit displays will be limited to products or services directly involved with scheduling and dispatching business aircraft. A total of 565 exhibit spaces are available, with each consisting of one 10’ by 10’ tabletop space. This is strictly a Tabletop Show – no full-height displays of any kind will be allowed on the exhibit floor. All display materials and demonstrations must be confined to the limits of the Exhibitor’s purchased display space. Therefore it cannot exceed the 8 foot high drape. Exhibitors in violation of the tabletop rule will be required to make adjustments on-site at their expense and will not be eligible for the Priority-One, Two or Three Lotteries in 2010. 6’ TABLE TOP EXHIBIT ALLOWED 8’ TABLE TOP EXHIBIT ALLOWED FLEX TABLE TOP EXHIBIT ALLOWED YOUR NAME HERE FLOOR UNIT NOT ALLOWED YOUR NAME HERE BANNER STANDS 2 ALLOWED Each Exhibitor must be an active NBAA Member and is allowed one Booth space. If a Company holds multiple active memberships with NBAA, they may purchase Booths for each membership they hold. A Company holding multiple memberships and that requests multiple Booths may request that those Booths be located next to each other. This does not mean that the Booths may be linked together. The dividing pipe and drape between the two Booths must remain in place; and the Booth structures may not extend from one Booth to the next. Each Booth must remain separate from the Booth next to it. NBAA reserves the right to deny space to any Company whose products and/or services are not relevant. NBAA makes every effort to accommodate each Exhibitor’s preferred location. If, however, all Booth choices indicated by Exhibitor have been allocated, NBAA will assign the best available space. All Exhibit Applications must be accompanied by payment in full. PRIORITY FOR SPACE ASSIGNMENT Priority-One Exhibitors are those Companies who have exhibited at the NBAA Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference on a continuous basis for the past five years, and whose applications and payments are received by October 17, 2008. Space assignments for Priority-One Exhibitors will be determined by lottery drawing. Priority-Two Exhibitors are those Companies who have exhibited with NBAA but for less than five years and whose applications and payment are received by October 17, 2008. Priority-Two Exhibitors will be placed after Priority-One qualifiers have been assigned space. Space assignments for Priority-Two Exhibitors will be determined by lottery drawing. Priority-Three Exhibitors are those Companies who have not exhibited with NBAA in the past and whose applications and payment are received by October 17, 2008. Priority-Three Exhibitors will be placed after Priority-One and Priority-Two qualifiers have been assigned space. Space assignments for PriorityThree Exhibitors will be determined by lottery drawing. Priority-Four Exhibitors are those Companies whose applications and payments are received after the October 17, 2008 deadline. Priority-Four Exhibitors will be placed once Priority-One, -Two and -Three Exhibitors have been assigned, space permitting. Priority-Four Exhibitors will be placed in the order in which their applications are received. BOOTH PRICE NBAA Members Only: One 10’ by 10’ booth $1950 BOOTH SPACE CONFIRMATION Priority-One, Priority-Two, and Priority-Three Exhibitors will be notified of booth placement no later than November 7, 2008. 2 BOOTH SPECIFICATIONS Booth spaces will consist of one 10’ by 10’ tabletop display. Please remember this is strictly a tabletop show. This year’s colors are navy and white. The carpet will be grey inside the booth spaces with navy aisle carpet. The booth price includes: ; 8’ High Back Drape (blue and white) ; 3’ High Side Rail (blue) ; Choice of One 6’ or 8’ Draped Table – Exhibitors Choice (blue) ; One wastebasket ; Two Plastic Side Chairs ; One 7” by 44” One-line booth identification sign with the company name and booth number. ; One 10’ by 10’ carpet (grey) ; Basic electrical package, which includes a 500 watt outlet. ; One Conference Registration (includes entrance to all scheduled Seminars and social events, continental breakfasts, lunches, morning and afternoon energy breaks, and the Thursday, January 15, evening event near the Convention Center). EXHIBITOR ON-SITE BOOTH DISPLAY RULES ¼ All booths must be set by 2:00 pm Tuesday, January 13 ¼ All booths must be tabletop displays ¼ Only 2 banner stands are allowed per booth space ¼ Any banner stands or other signage higher than the 3-foot side drape must be placed 4 feet back in the booth so it does not block site lines to the next booth ¼ Nothing in the booth may be over 8 feet high – the height of the pipe and drape ¼ Dress for the NBAA Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference is business attire both on the exhibit floor and in the sessions ¼ No balloons of any type are allowed in the booth ¼ No Piñatas are allowed in the booth ¼ No Sounds to entice people to your booth are allowed (i.e. horns, whistles, bells, etc.) ¼ No alcohol is allowed in booths ¼ No give-aways or props at booths can be flown in the exhibit hall (i.e. paper airplanes, balls, etc.) ¼ Exhibitors may not hold prize drawings during session times; they may only be held during the designated exhibit hours, continental breakfasts or breaks ¼ Exhibitors may not tear down prior to 10:00 am on Friday, January 16 ¼ Exhibitor photos may not be from ladders or stop the flow of aisle traffic ¼ Exhibitors may not distribute materials Boothto-Booth, outside of their assigned Exhibit Space or in meeting rooms CANCELLATION POLICY NBAA has a long-standing policy of no refunds for cancellations at any time. Due to the increasing demand for Booth space at the Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference, payment in full must accompany application for exhibit space. If NBAA does not receive complete payment by the stated deadlines, the Association will assume that the Exhibitor has canceled the space. Note: If Exhibit Space in the Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center is not occupied by 2:00 pm on Tuesday, January 13, NBAA Management will consider it canceled by the Exhibitor. If Exhibit Space remains unoccupied at the 4:00 pm walk-through of the Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center on Tuesday, January 13, NBAA Management will use such space as it deems appropriate. This rule must be strictly enforced, since lateness in setting up causes difficulties with cleaning crews and jeopardizes the Welcome Reception and the opening of the Exhibits. If additional time is required for set-up, please contact NBAA’s Dina Green at (202) 783-9357 or ADDITIONAL BADGES One Conference registration is included with the booth price. Additional personnel badges will be $425 per Badge. This allows admission to all scheduled seminars and social events. Once your Booth space is confirmed, you will receive information on registering your Exhibit Booth personnel online. INSTALLING & DISMANTLING EXHIBITS To ensure orderly and efficient installation, operation and removal of Displays and to eliminate confusion, NBAA Management has designated Freeman and other firms (listed in the Exhibitor Service Kit to be distributed in mid-November 2008), as official service contractors. NBAA Management holds these firms responsible for quality service and fair prices and will intercede on behalf of an Exhibitor in the event of faulty work or unfair charges. NBAA Management encourages all Exhibitors to place orders with these firms unless a permanent arrangement has been established with a display house or outside contractor to set-up and dismantle Exhibits. Move-In Schedule: Move in for the Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center is Monday, January 12, from 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm and continues Tuesday, January 13, from 8:00 am until 2:00 pm. All Exhibits must be set and in place by 2:00 pm on Tuesday, January 13. Move-Out Schedule: Move out for the Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center will begin at 10:00 am, after the Continental Breakfast, Friday, January 16. Tear down must be completed by 6:00 pm. All Exhibitors are invited to attend the Grand Prize Luncheon, which begins at 12:00 noon Friday, January 13. Exhibitors found in violation of the NBAA Rules & Regulations, as outlined in this prospectus, will forfeit placement at next year’s Conference. DISPLAY HOURS Tuesday, January 13, 2009 Exhibits Open: 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Welcome Reception is located in the Exhibit Hall. Wednesday, January 14, 2009 Exhibits Open: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm All Exhibitors are invited to lunch. Exhibits Closed: 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm Lunch There will be an Ice Cream Social and Dedicated Exhibit Time from 2:15 pm – 3:30 pm. Thursday, January 15, 2009 Exhibits Open: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm All Exhibitors are invited to lunch. Exhibits Closed: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Lunch There will be a specially designated Exhibit Time from 2:30 pm – 3:45 pm during the afternoon break. 3 Friday, January 16, 2009 Exhibits Open: 9:00 am – 10:00 am Continental Breakfast will be served inside the Exhibit Hall along with a designated Exhibit Hour. All Exhibitors are invited to lunch. TENTATIVE CONFERENCE AGENDA Monday, January 12, 2009 7:30 am – 8:00 am Continental Breakfast and Registration for SPDP Classes 8:00 am – 5:00 pm SPDP Class #1 (Topic to be determined) 8:00 am – 5:00 pm SPDP Class #2 (Topic to be determined) Tuesday, January 13, 2009 7:30 am – 8:00 am Continental Breakfast and Registration for SPDP Classes 8:00 am – 5:00 pm SPDP Class #3 (Topic to be determined) Thursday, January 15, 2009 8:00 am – 8:30 am Continental Breakfast 8:30 am – 10:15 am Sessions (Exhibitors are welcome to attend; a more detailed schedule will be available on the web site in November) 10:15 am – 11:00 am Break in Exhibit Hall 11:00 am – 12:00 noon General Session featuring Ralph Hood and Scholarship Presentations (Exhibitors are welcome to attend) 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm Lunch (All Exhibitors are invited) 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Sessions (Exhibitors are welcome to attend; a more detailed schedule will be available on the web site in November) 2:30 pm – 3:45 pm Break in Exhibit Hall 8:00 am – 5:00 pm SPDP Class #4 (Topic to be determined) 3:45 pm – 5:00 pm Workshops (Exhibitors are welcome to attend; a more detailed schedule will be available on the web site in November) 8:00 am – 5:00 pm SPDP Class #5 (Topic to be determined) 6:30 pm – 10:00 pm Evening Event (All Exhibitors are invited) 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Schedulers & Dispatchers 5th Annual Golf Tournament 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Catering Working Group Meeting 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Advisory Council Meeting 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Ambassador Meeting 5:15 pm – 6:00 pm First-Time Attendee Meeting 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Welcome Reception in Exhibit Hall Wednesday, January 14, 2009 7:30 am – 8:00 am Continental Breakfast 8:00 am – 10:00 am Opening General Session 10:00 am – 10:45 am Break in Exhibit Hall 10:45 am – 12:00 noon Sessions (Exhibitors are welcome to attend; a more detailed schedule will be available on the web site in November) 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm Lunch (All Exhibitors are invited) 1:00 pm – 2:15 pm Workshops (Exhibitors are welcome to attend; a more detailed schedule will be available on the web site in November) 2:15 pm – 3:30 pm Ice Cream and Networking Social in the Exhibit Hall 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm Workshops (Exhibitors are welcome to attend; a more detailed schedule will be available on the web site in November) 4 Friday, January 16, 2009 9:00 am – 10:00 am Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Hall 10:00 am – 11:45 am Sessions (Exhibitors are welcome to attend; a more detailed schedule will be available on the web site in November) 12:00 noon – 2:00 pm Grand Prize Luncheon (All Exhibitors are Invited) LIABILITY Exhibitor is solely responsible for the safeguarding of materials, equipment and the display at all times. General security will be employed by NBAA when the Exhibit Hall is closed, but neither the NBAA, Freeman nor the Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center will be responsible for any loss, theft, damage, injury or destruction of Exhibitor’s property or the property of its agents or employees, by or from any cause whatsoever, and Exhibitor expressly releases NBAA, Freeman, the Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center and their respective officers, employees, members and agents from any and all claims for such loss, theft, damage, injury or destruction, or for loss of good will (whether or not in relation to any property). The Exhibitor understands that neither NBAA, Freeman nor the Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center maintain insurance covering the Exhibitor’s property and it is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor to obtain such insurance. It is suggested that Exhibitors obtain insurance covering such losses as theft and damage to property. Exhibitor assumes entire responsibility, and by requesting to exhibit, thereby agrees to protect, indemnify defend and hold NBAA, Freeman and the Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center and the affiliates and subsidiaries of each harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, injuries and damages to persons or property, governmental charges or fines and attorney’s fees arising out of or caused by Exhibitor’s installation, removal, maintenance, occupancy or use of the exhibition premises or any part thereof, or any part thereof, or arising out of or caused by Exhibitor’s participation in the exhibition activities. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE EXHIBITOR HOSPITALITY EVENTS All Exhibitors are required to provide NBAA with a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability and Workers’ Compensation and Employers Liability prior to event set-up. The certificate must be issued from an insurance company that has A.M. Best ratings of at least A – (VII) or better. NBAA requests that Exhibitors not schedule hospitality events during any NBAA published event or prior to 7:00 pm on show days. NBAA events and Seminars conclude by 8:30 pm on Tuesday; 5:30 pm on Wednesday; 10:00 pm on Thursday; and 3:00 pm on Friday. Certificates of Insurance must be provided to NBAA by December 22, 2008. Certificates should be sent to: GUIDELINES FOR THE GRAND PRIZE LUNCHEON NBAA Attn: Dina Green 1200 18th Street, NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036-2527 Tel: (202) 783-9357 Fax: (202) 862-5552 E-mail: GENERAL INFORMATION HOTEL INFORMATION There are a number of hotels with special Conference rates for the NBAA 20th Annual Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference. They are available this year on our web site at SECURITY NBAA will hire security services during the hours the exhibits are closed. However, in doing so, NBAA assumes no liability for providing this service. It remains the ultimate responsibility of Exhibitors to protect their property, and it is suggested that Exhibitors obtain insurance covering such losses as theft and damage to property. CHILDREN The NBAA Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference is a business event. Children under 12 are never permitted on the Exhibit Floor – under any circumstances. Children ages 12 to 18 will be permitted into the Exhibit Hall during official Exhibit hours only, provided that they register, pay appropriate fees and are accompanied by an adult at all times. NBAA will not be held responsible by or for any cause whatsoever. FOOD AND BEVERAGE SERVICE Food and Beverage service in the Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center is available exclusively from: Catering by SMG (562) 499-7706 No food or beverage items are permitted in the facility without the express written consent from Catering by SMG. The serving of generic products (i.e. popcorn, cookies, coffee, bottled water, hard candies, etc.) by Exhibitors for the purpose of drawing attention to their booth is permitted only when the product being served is purchased from the exclusive caterer. More information will be available in the Exhibitor Service Kit. SHIPPING The Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center is unable to accept any goods shipped to their facility by Exhibitors. Please refer to the Exhibitor Service Kit (to be distributed mid-November 2008) for shipping information. DO NOT SHIP DIRECTLY TO THE CONVENTION CENTER UNTIL THE DESIGNATED RECEIVING DATE THAT WILL BE IDENTIFIED IN YOUR EXHIBITOR PROSPECTUS SERVICE KIT. All Exhibitors are invited to participate in Friday’s Grand Prize Luncheon by donating a prize or gift to be given away during lunch. For those who have not participated before, and as a refresher for the veterans, the process is as follows: During the show, please collect business cards from the Attendees as they visit your booth. Prior to lunch on Friday, please select four of those cards (one for the winner and three extra in the event your original winner is not present or has already won something). Our rules require that you must be present to win. As Attendees finish lunch, we will assemble all participating companies in alphabetical order at the stage. One representative from each company will come to the podium and announce their winner; once the winner is identified, the company representative will step off the stage to present the winner their prize. Exhibitors are asked to submit a description of their prize to Dina Green no later that December 29, 2008, and should bring their prize along with them to the lunch on Friday. ¼ Exhibitors may contribute only one prize per company. ¼ All Attendees, as well as Exhibitors, are eligible to participate in the drawing. ¼ Attendees may win only one prize during this event. ¼ Attendees may not refuse any gift in order to wait to win another prize of their preference. FIRST-TIME ATTENDEE OR VETERAN? Whether you are a First-Time Attendee or a Veteran Attendee, there are great opportunities for you to become involved in one of NBAA’s most successful conferences. Exhibitors who have attended past Conferences are invited to participate in the Ambassador Volunteer Program. Ask anyone who’s been to the Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference: our volunteers are the key to our success! With over 2600 Attendees expected this year, it is even more vital that we have your help. Take advantage of this opportunity and help give back to the Conference by answering “YES” during the registration to be an Ambassador Volunteer. First-Time Attendees, welcome to one of the best conferences NBAA has to offer! The First-Time Attendee meeting kicks off Tuesday afternoon, January 13, prior to the opening reception. The meeting starts with a short mixer, followed by an overview with helpful tips to get the most out of your Conference experience. At the meeting you will also receive a First-Time Attendee Passport – your entry to win TWO ROUND TRIP TICKETS! The Passport is filled with information about the Conference, the host city, and space for notes and contact names – not to mention the entry form and instructions on how to win. If Long Beach is your first Conference, be sure to answer “YES” when asked if you are a First-Time Attendee during the online registration process. 5 BOOKSTORE The bookstore allows Attendees and Exhibitors an opportunity to purchase books and other resources that relate to aviation, personal growth, career development and Conference sessions. NBAA will consider books and resource recommendations by Conference Exhibitors, speakers and participants. Recommendations for books must meet at least one of the following criteria: 1) aviation-related 2) personal growth 3) professional development, and include the following information: Title; Author; Publisher; and contact information of the person making the submission. All recommendations are subject to NBAA/Committee approval and publisher availability. Please e-mail recommendations to, no later than December 1, 2008. 2009 S&D GOLF CLASSIC Tuesday, January 13, 2009 8:00 am Shotgun Start Skylinks at Long Beach: In 2004, Skylinks Golf Course was deemed the premiere golf course in Long Beach, California. A championship 18 hole links-style course designed by Cal Olsen, Skylinks boasts rolling fairways scattered throughout and is uniquely the only course in Long Beach lining the fairways and rough with Bermuda Grass and the greens with Bent Grass. Skylinks Golf Course is a total package for golfers of any level who are looking for a superior golfing experience. Cost: $95.00 per player (Includes Greens fees, cart fees, range balls, 7:00 am Continental Breakfast and Awards Luncheon following the Classic). EVENING EVENT This year’s evening event is a reunion celebrating 20 years of the Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference on Thursday, January 15. It will be held at the Long Beach Hyatt and is included in your registration fee. More information will be available soon on the web site. All Exhibitors are encouraged to attend this great networking event. JETBLUE SPECIAL OFFER JetBlue is extending a 5% discount on airfare to the NBAA 20th Annual Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference for anyone flying into Long Beach or Burbank Airports. Attendees wishing to take advantage of this special offer need to use the web site below to book tickets, and must travel to Long Beach or Burbank airports between Saturday, January 10 and Tuesday, January 13 and depart from Long Beach or Burbank between Thursday, January 15 and Sunday, January 18. Once you are logged on to the web site, you can click on “where we jet” for departure cities into Long Beach or Burbank. Link: Code: Discount: Valid Cities: NBAASD09 5% Any City to Long Beach, CA or Burbank, CA Travel Dates: Outbound: January 10-13, 2009 Return: January 15-18, 2009 Promo Valid: July 10, 2008-January 8, 2009 CAR RENTAL 6 NBAA Members save an additional 10% through Enterprise Rent-A-Car. At home or away, at a General Aviation or commercial airport, Enterprise has the right car, truck, van or SUV to meet your needs. With Enterprise, you will enjoy great savings on more than 550,000 vehicles. Plus, on average, Enterprise’s rates at airports are up to 20% lower than other rental car companies. And with more than 5,500 neighborhood and airport locations, you’re sure to find a location near you. To take advantage you must book through, using the special NBAA discount number NA16100. Pick Enterprise. We’ll Pick You Up.® PHOTO USE PERMISSION Any person who attends an NBAA Convention, Conference, Seminar or other program grants permission to NBAA, its employees and agents (collectively “NBAA”) to record his or her visual/audio images, including, but not limited to, photographs, digital images, voices, sound or video recordings, audio clips, or accompanying written descriptions, and, without notifying such person, to use his or her name and such images for any purpose of NBAA, including advertisements for NBAA and its programs. NBAA SCHEDULERS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (SPDP) COURSES Exhibitors are invited and encouraged to attend any of the five NBAA SPDP Courses that are being held in conjunction with the NBAA 20th Annual Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference. These classes are an additional cost of $475 each over and above the cost of exhibiting at the Conference. Detailed information about these events and online registration will be made available on the NBAA web site at SHOW PROGRAM AND DIRECTORY OF EXHIBITING COMPANIES LISTINGS: The Schedulers & Dispatchers Show Program and Directory of Exhibiting Companies was a huge hit at the 2008 Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference. It contains information about exhibits, sessions and social gatherings. Exhibitors are provided one complimentary listing per Booth Space. Additional listings are available for $250. Exhibitors are listed alphabetically in both the print and online editions of the Show Program with their Booth number, company address, phone and fax, web and e-mail address and a 50-word description of the Company’s products or services, as well as a maximum of five Buyer Guide categories per Exhibitor. Exhibitors will be sent information on accessing their Show Program listing with their Booth confirmation. Each Exhibiting Company is responsible for entering and reviewing their Company’s Show Program information online by November 28, 2008 to ensure inclusion in the print edition of the Show Program. For additional information about the Show Program, please contact NBAA’s Dina Green at (202) 783-9357 or ADVERTISING IN THE SHOW PROGRAM AND DIRECTORY With the success of the NBAA Schedulers & Dispatchers Show Program and Directory of Exhibiting Companies don’t miss yet another opportunity for your Company to be recognized at the Show. Become an advertiser. Distributed to each Attendee at the Conference with their credentials, the Show Program includes pertinent information relative to Exhibits, seminars, social gatherings and other events. The Show Program is helpful in familiarizing visitors with the happenings at the 20th Annual Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference: Four-color cover position Full-page, four color, run of book Full-page, black-and-white, run of book $3500 $2200 $1500 or via e-mail to Insertion order forms are available on the web site at Half-page, four color, run of book Half-page, black-and-white, run of book $1300 $1050 Belly Band $4500 Insertion Orders must be received no later than December 1, 2008. Artwork must be received by December 12, 2008. Send Insertions Orders, artwork and payments to Dina Green at , via fax to (202) 862-5552 or 1200 Eighteenth Street NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20036-2527. For more information on purchasing advertising in the Schedulers & Dispatchers Show Program contact Melissa Murphy at (785) 856-5111, via fax to (785) 856-5112, EXHIBIT SPACE APPLICATION NBAA 20th Annual Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference January 13-January 16, 2009, Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center, Long Beach,CA Please reserve one exhibit space during the NBAA 20th Annual Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference. Only one 10’ x 10’ booth space is permitted per NBAA Member Company. Please Return Application To: National Business Aviation Association, Inc. Attn: Dina Green 1200 Eighteenth Street, NW Suite 400, Washington, DC 20036-2527 Tel: (202) 783-9357 Fax (202) 862-5552 E-Mail: Booth Choice(s): 1st Choice ________ 2nd Choice ________ 3rd Choice ________ 4th Choice ________ 5th Choice ________ 6th Choice ________ Exhibitor wishes to be located adjacent to: ________________________________________________________ Exhibitor does not wish to located adjacent to: _____________________________________________________ Although NBAA’s intent is to place Exhibitors in their requested space, it may not always be possible due to high demand. Booth Price: NBAA Members Only: One 10’ by 10’ booth: $1950 Exhibit Space Application deadline: October 17, 2008 for Priority-One, Priority-Two and Priority-Three Placement PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT (All correspondence relating to the Exhibit should be directed to) With this Exhibit Space Application, you will receive one free entrance to the Conference. Any additional badges will be $425 each. Once your Booth Space is confirmed, you will receive information on registering your Exhibit Booth personnel online. COMPANY NAME BOOTH SIGN NAME (if not the same as Company Name) CONTACT PERSON CONTACT TITLE ADDRESS CITY STATE PHONE FAX ZIP/POSTAL CODE E-MAIL (REQUIRED) All Exhibit Space must be paid in full at the time of application. There will be no refunds for cancellations at any time. In signing this application/contract, Exhibitor assumes entire responsibility, and hereby agrees to protect, indemnify, defend and hold NBAA, Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center and Freeman and their respective officers, employees, Members and agents harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, injuries and damages to persons or property, governmental changes or fines and attorney’s fees arising out of or caused by the Exhibitor’s installation, removal, maintenance, occupancy or use of the Convention premises, or any part thereof, or arising out of or caused by Exhibitor’s participation in Convention activities. Furthermore, the Exhibitor agrees to abide by the Rules & Regulations for exhibiting as set forth by the National Business Aviation Association (in its own interpretation) throughout the 20th Annual Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference Exhibitor Prospectus. DATE: ________ SIGNED: _________________ NAME OF EXHIBITING COMPANY: _____________________ Payment Method: Enclosed is a check in the amount of: $ ________ Check Number: _____________ Charge my credit card in the amount of: $ ________ Cardholder’s Name:____________________ The above application is accepted by the National Business Aviation Association, Inc. and the following booth space is assigned (for NBAA use only): Card Type: ?q American Express ? q MasterCard? CREDIT CARD NUMBER q Visa? q Discover EXPIRATION DATE SIGNATURE (For Credit Card Only) Authorized by Dina Green, Senior Manager Seminars ____________________ Date: _________ Booth Number: ____________________ 7 NBAA 20TH ANNUAL ULER & DISPATCHERS CONFERENCE SCHEDULERS January 13–16, 2009 8 LONG BEACH BEAC CONVENTION & INM ENTERTAINMENT CENTER Long Beach, h, California C 9 121 Inflight Catering A Elegant Int’l Limo Abilene Aero - Lubbock Aero AC-U-KWIK Addison Airport Aero Center, Inc. Aero Charter, Inc. Aero Toy Store Aero Ways, Inc. AFS Aviation Aiken Aviation Enterprises, Inc. Air BP Air BP International Air Center One - New Zealand The Air Charter Guide Air Culinaire Air Gourmet, Inc. The Air Group, Inc. Air Partner, Inc. Air Routing Flight Manager Air Routing International Air Service Hawaii Avitat Destin Avitat Gander Avitat San Juan Avitat Twin Cities Avitat Westchester AvServe Avsurance Corporation B.E. Princess Inc./Princess Liquors Banyan Air Service Basops World Fuel Batten International Airport Beyond & Above Corporate Flight Attendant Training Black Canyon Jet Center Bradley Pacific Aviation Bridgeford Flying Services Burrows Aviation LLC Business Air/Jet Works Air Center Business Jet Access, Ltd. Business Jet Center - DAL/OAK CAMP Systems International Carey International Inc. NBAA2008 EXHIBITING COMPANIES Air-1 FBO LLC Air-Sur, Inc. AirCare Crews/Quality Resources AirCenter Aircraft & Turbine Support, Inc. AirFlyte, Inc. Airline Ground Schools, Inc. Airtel Plaza Hotel & Conference Ctr. Alaska Aerofuel, Inc. Albemarle-Stanly County Airport Alerion, Inc. The Allen Groupe Alpha Aviation, Inc. Ambassador Aviation America Jet at SLN Ameristar Jet Charter, Inc. AMSTAT, Inc. ARG/US ARINC Arrow Energy/Air 10 Jet Center Ascent Aviation Group, Inc. ASI Group ASMCORP Atlantic Aviation Corporation Avantair Elite Services AVCARD Avflight Avfuel Corporation The Aviation Center Aviation Information Services (AIS) Aviation Services Network Avinode Avion Jet Center Avitat Baltimore Avitat Bangor Avitat Boca Raton Avitat Concord 10 Castle & Cooke Aviation Services, Inc. CaterLink Central Coast Aviation Services Central Coast Jet Center LLC Central Flying Service, Inc. Chaparral Jet Center, LBB Charter Hub/Executive Controller Chartermatrix CharterSearch, Inc. CharterX Corp. Chevron Global Aviation Chicago Jet Group Clay Lacy Aviation Co-Mar Aviation CodeForward Software Colorado JetCenter Colt International, Inc. Columbia Air Services, Inc. Comlux Aviation Commonwealth Worldwide Chauffeured Transportation Computing Technologies for Aviation (CTA) Conklin & de Decker Associates, Inc. ConocoPhillips Coos Aviation Corporate Air, Florence, Italy Corporate Air, LLC Corporate Angel Network Craig Air Center, Inc. Crystal Air Aviation Cutter Aviation Dav El Chauffeured Transportation Network DB Aviation, Inc. Delta AirElite Business Jets, Inc. Denver JetCenter Donaldson Jet Center DTC Duat Service Dubuque Jet Center Duncan Aviation, Inc. DuPage Flight Center Eaglejet Aviation Eastway Aviation, Inc. Edmonton Airports - Canada Edmonton City Centre Airport Canada Einarson Flying Services, Inc. Elite Aviation Elliott Aviation, Inc. EmpireCLS Worldwide Chauffeured Services Encore FBO LLC Enterprise Jet Center Enterprise Rent-a-Car Epic Aviation, Inc. Epps Aviation Events 20 - 20 Everest Aviation Resources LLC ExcelAire, LLC Execujet South Africa Executive Aircraft Catering Executive Flight Center Executive Flightways, Inc. Executive Jet Management ExpressJet Corporate Aviation ExxonMobil Aviation FAA - System Operations Facts Training/Access Assistance FAM International Logistics, Inc. Fargo Jet Center FirstFlight, Inc. Five Star Jet Center Fivestar Gourmet Flight Explorer Flight Options LLC Flight Trak, Inc. Flightline First New Orleans Flightline Group Inc. FlightPak FlightSafety International Flightview/RLM Software, Inc. Flightworks Florida Jet Service, Inc. Flower Aviation Fort Collins - Loveland JetCenter Fortis Riders Front Range Airport FuelMaster - SynTech Systems G3 Visas & Passports Galaxy Aviation/Boca Aviation Galvin Flying Services, Inc. Gander International Airport Authority, Inc. Gemini Flight Support Global Ground Transport Global Security Associates LLC GoPicnic, Inc. Gourmet Inflight Catering Great Circle Flight Services LLC Greater Binghamton Airport Greenwood’s Oklahoma Jet Haggan Aviation Harrods Aviation Ltd. Hawker Pacific Pty. Ltd. Hill Aircraft & Leasing Corp. Holiday Inn, Hasbrouck Hts. NJ Honeywell Flight Support Services Hooks Airport Hop-A-Jet Worldwide Jet Charter Horizon Business Concepts Houma Jet Center, LLC Houston Executive Airport Services, LLC HRD Aero Systems, Inc. Hunt and Palmer PLC IAM Jet Centre ICCS Mexico Imperial Oil In-Flight Crew Connections, LLC Indianapolis Jet Center Indy Aero, LLC Infinity Aviation Group Interflight Irving Aviation Jackson Jet Center Jeppesen Jeppesen Dataplan Jeppesen World Fuel Service Jet Aviation Jet Center of Tyler Jet Center South Jet Fleet International Jet Professionals, LLC Jet Source, Inc. JetDirect Aircraft Services JetEx Flight Support JETFINITY Aviation Catering Jetfueling Jetscape Services LLC Jetset Media Juliet Sierra LLC KaiserAir, Inc. Kalitta Charters LLC Kemp Jet Services Key Air / Keystone Aviation Services Kissimmee Gateway Airport L.J. Aviation Lake Texoma Jet Center, LLC Lakeland Linder Regional Airport Landmark Aviation Le Bas International Air Division Leirich LimoLink, Inc. LodgeX Airline Solutions London Air Services London Biggin Hill Airport Lyddon Aero Center, Inc. M & N Aviation Inc. Mac Dan Aircraft Service, Avitat CDW Maguire Aviation Group, LLC Maine Aviation Corporation Manassas Regional Airport Marathon Jet Center Mariah Fuels, Ltd. Massachusetts Port Authority McClellan Jet Services McCreery Aviation Co., Inc. MedAire, Inc. Meridian Teterboro Metro Flight Services Metro North Flight Support Miami Executive Aviation, Inc. Midcoast Regional Airport Millennium Aviation, Inc. Million Air Anchorage Million Air Burbank Million Air Dallas Million Air East Million Air West Monaco Air Duluth LLC Monterey Jet Center Montgomery Aviation, Inc. Morristown Municipal Airport Multi Service Aviation NATA - Safety 1st National Jets, Inc. NAV Canada Navigance Technologies Group, Inc. NAVPAK Netjets, Inc. NewspaperDirect Inc. Northern Jet Management Oakland Air - PTK Ocean Air Aviation Ocean Sky Jet Center Odyssey Aviation Odyssey Aviation, The Bahamas One Mile Up, Inc. OneSky Jets Oscar Gulf Gulf, Inc. Pacific Coast Forecasting PAFCO LLC Panorama Flight Service, Inc. Paris Air, Inc. PASSUR Peachtree City Falcon Field Airport Pegasus Elite Aviation, LLC Pegasus Flight Support Pentastar Aviation, LLC Phazar Flight Support Phoenix Fuel, LLC Phoenix Japan Aviation Group Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport Pinnacle Airlines, Inc. Pinnacle Operations Pontarelli Companies, The Limo Center Port City Air, Inc. Precision Avjet Preferred Jet Center Premier Charter Network, Inc. Premier Jet Priester Aviation PrivatAir Professional Flight Management Professional Pilot Magazine PS Air, Inc. QT Technologies LLC Rapid Air Rectrix Aerodrome Centers, Inc. Red Apple/727 Exec - Jet Regional Jet Center, Inc. Riley Aviation, Inc. Rock Hill-York County Airport Rocky Mountain Airport Investments LLC Rocky Mountain JetCenter Rudy’s Inflight Catering, Inc. SAFETECH Salt Lake JetCenter Satcom Direct, Inc. Savoya Sea Gil Software Co. - BART SecureTRANSIT Segrave Aviation Sensations Inflight Catering Sentient Flight Group Charter ServiceElements, Inc. SevenBar Aviation Shell Aviation Shell Aviation Canada SheltAir Aviation Services Showalter Flying Service, Inc. Signature Flight Support - Europe Signature Flight Support - US Silver Lining Inflight Catering Silverhawk Aviation Skydini Skyplan Services Ltd. Skyservice Business Aviation Southwest Airport Services, Inc. Sovereign Flight Support SP Aviation, Inc. Starflight Aviation LTD Starlink Aviation Stennis Flightline Services Sterling Aviation, Inc. Stevie’s Stuart Jet Center, LLC Sugar Land Regional Airport Sun Air Jets, LLC Superior Air Charter, Inc. Supermarine Swiss Business Airports Sycamore Air Center TAC Air TAG Aviation Europe Tampa Jet Center Tango One Aviation, Inc. Tastefully Yours Catering Tavaero Jet Charter, Corp Teterboro Airport Texas Jet, Inc. Threshold Aviation Group Tradewind Aviation Trajen FBO Network Transportation Safety Apparel U.S. Sedan Service, Inc. UniJet United West Airlines, Inc. Universal Aviation Universal Weather and Aviation, Inc. University Park Airport UVAir UVavemex Vail Valley Jet Center Valley Airways, Inc. Village Catering Virgin Charter Vitesse Aviation Services Volo Aviation, Inc. Voyager Jet Center West Coast Charters, Inc. West Star Aviation, Inc. Western Aircraft, Inc. Western Petroleum Company Western Shore Aviation Westfield-Barnes Airport White Towel Services, Inc. Wilson Air Center Wiseman Aviation, Inc. Women in Aviation International World Fuel Services WSI Corp. Wyvern Consulting, Ltd. XJet World XN Air, LLC XOJET Inc. Yellowstone Jetcenter 11 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES NBAA invites all Associate Members to participate in the sponsorship opportunities offered. NBAA will work with each Sponsor to provide the best possible recognition. There are three sponsorship levels, Silver, Gold and Platinum, as well as some specialty item sponsorships. Each Sponsoring Company will be listed in the official program, on signs at the Conference, and on the NBAA web site. If you are both a Sponsor and an Exhibitor, you will receive a special ribbon to display at your exhibit booth stating that you are a Conference Sponsor. Gold Level Sponsors will receive two free badges for entrance into the Conference and Platinum Level Sponsors will receive four free badges for entrance. Sponsors from the previous year are given the first right of refusal. For more information about Sponsorship Opportunities, please contact NBAA’s Dina Green at (202) 783-9357, fax: (202) 862-5552. CONTACT TITLE $2,500 $5,000 (includes two free badges) $10,000 (includes four free badges) FAX E-MAIL STATE ZIP/POSTAL CODE Please indicate below which level or item you wish to sponsor and fax the form to NBAA’s Dina Green at (202) 862-5552 or Mail form to NBAA Attn: Dina Green, 1200 Eighteenth Street NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20036-2527. COMPANY NAME ADDRESS 1 CONTACT PERSON ADDRESS 2 CITY Silver Level Sponsor Gold Level Sponsor Platinum Level Sponsor PHONE Name: _______________________________________ Company: ____________________________________ City: _________________________ State: ___________ Name: _______________________________________ Company: ____________________________________ City: _________________________ State: ___________ Name: _______________________________________ Company: ____________________________________ City: _________________________ State: ___________ Gold ?and Platinum Level Sponsors ?please fi?ll in the names of those who will receive the free badges (2 free for ? Gold and 4 free for Platinum): Name: _______________________________________ Company: ____________________________________ City: _________________________ State: ___________ 1200 Eighteenth Street, NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036-2527
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