Complete Exhibitor Prospectus (includes all forms and
Complete Exhibitor Prospectus (includes all forms and
DEDICATED TO HELPING BUSINESS ACHIEVE ITS HIGHEST GOALS. NBAA 21st Annual Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference Exhibitor Prospectus January 26 – 29, 2010 San Antonio, Texas Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center 1 61357_MA.indd 1 8/4/09 5:28:40 PM The 21st Annual Schedulers and Dispatchers Conference, hosted by the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) January 26 - 29, 2010 will be at the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas. The NBAA Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference provides NBAA Associate Members an opportunity to meet those individuals directly responsible for the scheduling and dispatching of aircraft from various-sized corporate flight departments throughout the world. Be a part of the 2010 Conference and guarantee your placement in the lottery. The Lottery Deadline is October 2! 6’ TABLE TOP EXHIBIT ALLOWED FLEX TABLE TOP EXHIBIT ALLOWED YOUR NAME HERE FLOOR UNIT NOT ALLOWED YOUR NAME HERE New this year exclusively for Exhibitors Pre-Conference Exhibitors Meeting Tuesday, January 26, 2010 5:15 pm – 6:00 pm (location TBD) The Schedulers and Dispatchers Conference Committee and NBAA will host an informative Pre-Conference Exhibitors Meeting prior to the Welcome Reception. Attendance by at least one representative from each Exhibiting company is strongly encouraged. We will briefly review important information for the week and highlight key events and Exhibitor opportunities. We want you to be fully informed and prepared to gain the most you can from your conference and your exhibit time. Questions are encouraged whether openly or privately during Q&A. Each Exhibitor must be an active NBAA Member and is allowed one booth space. If a company holds multiple active memberships with NBAA, they may purchase booths for each membership they hold. A company holding multiple memberships and that requests multiple booths may request that those booths be next to each other. This does not mean that the booths may be linked together. The dividing pipe and drape between the two booths must remain in place and the booth structures may not extend from one booth to the next. Each booth must remain separate from the booth next to it. NBAA reserves the right to deny space to any Company whose products and/or services are not relevant. NBAA makes every effort to accommodate each Exhibitor’s preferred location. If, however, all Booth choices indicated by Exhibitor have been allocated, NBAA will assign the best available space. All Exhibit Applications must be accompanied by payment in full. NBAA Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference 2010 Exhibitor Rules & Regulations TYPES OF EXHIBITS Exhibit displays will be limited to products or services directly involved with scheduling and dispatching business aircraft. A total of 378 exhibit spaces are available, with each consisting of one 10’ by 10’ tabletop space. This is strictly a Tabletop Show – no fullheight displays of any kind will be allowed on the exhibit floor. All display materials and demonstrations must be confined to the limits of the Exhibitor’s purchased display space. Therefore it cannot exceed the 8 foot high drape. Exhibitors in violation of the tabletop rule will be required to make adjustments on-site at their expense and will not be eligible for the Priority-One, Two or Three Lotteries in 2011. PRIORITY FOR SPACE ASSIGNMENT Priority-One Exhibitors are those Companies who have exhibited at the NBAA Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference on a continuous basis for over eight years, and whose applications and payments are received by October 2, 2009. Space assignments for Priority-One Exhibitors will be determined by lottery drawing. 2 61357_MA.indd 2 8/4/09 5:28:41 PM social events, continental breakfasts, lunches, morning and afternoon energy breaks, and the Thursday, January 28, 2010 evening event near the convention center). Priority-Two Exhibitors are those Companies who have exhibited at the NBAA Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference on a continuous basis for between five and eight years, and whose applications and payments are received by October 2, 2009. Space assignments for Priority-Two Exhibitors will be determined by lottery drawing. EXHIBITOR ON-SITE BOOTH DISPLAY RULES • All booths must be set-up by 2:00 pm Tuesday, January 26, 2010 • All booths must be table-top displays • Only 2 banner stands are allowed per booth space • Any banners stands or other signage higher than the 3-foot side drape must be placed 4 feet back in the booth so it does not block site lines to the next booth • Nothing in the booth may be over 8 feet high - the height of the pipe & drape • NBAA Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference’s is business casual attire both on the exhibit floor and in the sessions • No balloons of any type are allowed in the booth • No Piñatas are allowed in the booth • No Sounds to entice people to your booth are allowed (i.e. horns, whistles, bells, etc.) • No alcohol allowed in booths • No give-aways or props at booths can be flown in the exhibit hall (i.e. paper airplanes, balls, etc.) • Exhibitors may not hold prize drawings during session times; they may only be held during the designated exhibit hours, continental breakfasts or breaks • Exhibitors may not teardown prior to 5:00 pm on Thursday, January 28, 2010 • Exhibitor photos may not be taken from ladders or stop the flow of aisle traffic • Exhibitors may not distribute materials Booth-to-Booth or outside of their assigned Exhibit Space Priority-Three Exhibitors are those Companies who have exhibited with NBAA but for less than five years and whose applications and payment are received by October 2, 2009. Priority-Two Exhibitors will be placed after Priority-One qualifiers have been assigned space. Space assignments for Priority-Three Exhibitors will be determined by lottery drawing. Priority-Four Exhibitors are those Companies who have not exhibited with NBAA in the past and whose applications and payment are received by October 2, 2009. Priority-Four Exhibitors will be placed after Priority-One, Priority-Two and Priority Three qualifiers have been assigned space. Space assignments for Priority-Four Exhibitors will be determined by lottery drawing. Priority-Five Exhibitors are those companies whose applications and payments are received after the October 2, 2009 deadline. Priority-Five Exhibitors will be placed once Priority-One, -Two -Three and Four Exhibitors have been assigned, space permitting. Priority-Five Exhibitors will be placed in the order in which their applications are received. BOOTH PRICE NBAA Members Only: One 10’ by 10’ booth $1950 BOOTH SPACE CONFIRMATION CANCELLATION POLICY Priority One, Priority Two, Three and Four Exhibitors will be notified of booth placement no later than November 12, 2009. NBAA has a long-standing policy of no refunds for cancellations at any time. Due to the increasing demand for booth space at the Schedulers and Dispatchers Conference, Exhibitors must pay in full in order to retain exhibit space. If NBAA does not receive complete payment by the stated deadlines, the Association will assume that the Exhibitor has canceled the space. BOOTH SPECIFICATIONS Booth spaces will consist of one 10’ by 10’ tabletop display. Please remember this is strictly a tabletop show. This year’s colors are red, white and blue. The carpet will be blue inside the booth as well as the aisle carpet. The booth price includes: Note: If Exhibit Space in the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center is not occupied by 2:00 pm on Tuesday, January 26, 2010, NBAA Management will consider it canceled by the Exhibitor. If Exhibit Space remains unoccupied at the 4:00 pm walk-through of the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center on Tuesday, January 26, 2010 NBAA Management will use such space as it deems appropriate. This rule must be strictly enforced, since lateness in setting up causes difficulties with cleaning crews and jeopardizes the Welcome Reception and the opening of the Exhibits. If additional time is required for set-up, please contact Dina Green at NBAA (202) 783-9357 or • 8’ High Back Drape (red, white and blue) • 3’ High Side Rail (red) • One 6’ or 8’ Draped Table – Exhibitors Choice (red) • One wastebasket • Two Plastic Side Chairs • One 7” by 44” One-line booth identification sign with the Company name and booth number. • One 10’ by 10’ carpet (blue) • Basic Electrical package which includes a 500 watt outlet. • One Conference Registrations (includes entrance to all scheduled seminars and 3 61357_MA.indd 3 8/4/09 5:28:41 PM can from your conference and your exhibit time. Questions are encouraged whether openly or privately during Q&A. ADDITIONAL BADGES One Conference registration is included with the booth price. Additional personnel badges will be $425 per badge. This allows admission to all scheduled seminars and social events. Once your booth space is confirmed, you will receive information on registering your exhibit booth personnel online. Exhibits Open: 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Welcome Reception is located in the Exhibit Hall Wednesday, January 27, 2010 Exhibits Open: 10:00 am – 5:30 pm All Exhibitors are invited to lunch. (Exhibit hall closed from 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm for lunch) INSTALLING & DISMANTLING EXHIBITS To ensure orderly and efficient installation, operation and removal of Displays and to eliminate confusion, NBAA Management has designated Freeman and other firms (listed in the Exhibitor Service Kit to be distributed in mid-November 2009), as official service contractors. NBAA Management holds these firms responsible for quality service and fair prices and will intercede on behalf of an Exhibitor in the event of faulty work or unfair charges. NBAA Management encourages all Exhibitors to place orders with these firms unless a permanent arrangement has been established with a display house or outside contractor to set-up and dismantle Exhibits. There will be an Ice Cream Social and Dedicated Exhibit Time from 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm. Thursday, January 28, 2010 Exhibits Open: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm All Exhibitors are invited to lunch. (Exhibit hall closed from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm for lunch) There will be a specially designated Exhibit Time from 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm during the afternoon break. Tentative Conference Agenda Monday, January 25, 2010 7:30 am – 8:00 am Continental Breakfast and Registration for SPDP Classes Move-In Schedule: Move in for the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center is Monday, January 25, 2010 from 12 noon to 5:00 pm and continues Tuesday, January 26, 2010 from 8:00 am until 2:00 pm. All Exhibits must be set and in place by 2:00 pm on Tuesday, January 26, 2010. 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Dispatch Recurrent Program - 2 day course Tuesday, January 26, 2010 7:30 am – 8:00 am Continental Breakfast and Registration for SPDP Classes 8:00 am – 5:00 pm SPDP/PDP Class Getting the Most Out of Your Training Dollars (L4) “NEW” Move-Out Schedule: New this year, move out for the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center will begin at 5:00 pm, Thursday, January 28, 2010. Teardown must be completed by 10:00 pm. Please note the NBAA evening networking event begins at 7:00 pm allowing 2 hours for tear down and a chance to freshen up. Specifically sessions of interest to exhibitors have been scheduled for Friday morning to provide even more value to your conference experience. We encourage you to participate. 8:00 am – 5:00 pm SPDP/PDP Class Aircraft Capacity Utilization & Flight Operations (FO4 & FO5) 8:00 am – 5:00 pm SPDP/PDP Class Value Proposition Analysis for Corporate Aviation (BM1) 8:00 am – 1:00 pm Schedulers & Dispatchers 6th Annual Golf Tournament 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Catering Working Group Meeting 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Ambassador Meeting Exhibitors found in violation of the NBAA Rules & Regulations, as outlined in this brochure, will forfeit placement at next year’s Conference. 5:15 pm – 6:00 pm First-Time Attendee Meeting 5:15 pm – 6:00 pm Exhibitor Pre-Conference Meeting 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Welcome Reception in Exhibit Hall DISPLAY HOURS Tuesday, January 26, 2010 Pre-Conference Exhibitors Meeting 5:15 pm – 6:00 pm (location TBD) Wednesday, January 27, 2010 7:30 am – 8:00 am Continental Breakfast 8:00 am – 10:00 am Opening General Session All exhibitors are encouraged to attend. The Schedulers and Dispatchers Conference Committee and NBAA will host an informative Pre-Conference Exhibitors Meeting prior to the Welcome Reception. Attendance by at least one representative from each Exhibiting company is strongly encouraged. We will briefly review important information for the week and highlight key events and Exhibitor opportunities. We want you to be fully informed and prepared to gain the most you 10:00 am – 10:30 am Break in Exhibit Hall 10:30 am – 11:45 am Sessions (Exhibitors are welcome to attend; a more detailed schedule will be available in September) 11:45 noon – 1:15 pm Lunch (All Exhibitors are invited) 1:15 pm – 2:30 pm Workshops (Exhibitors are welcome to attend; a more detailed 4 61357_MA.indd 4 8/4/09 5:28:41 PM loss, theft, damage, injury or destruction, or for loss of good will (whether or not in relation to any property). The Exhibitor understands that neither NBAA, Freeman nor the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center maintain insurance covering the Exhibitor’s property and it is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor to obtain such insurance. It is suggested that Exhibitors obtain insurance covering such losses as theft and damage to property. Exhibitor assumes entire responsibility, and by requesting to exhibit, thereby agrees to protect, indemnify defend and hold NBAA, Freeman and the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center and the affiliates and subsidiaries of each harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, injuries and damages to persons or property, governmental charges or fines and attorney’s fees arising out of or caused by Exhibitor’s installation, removal, maintenance, occupancy or use of the exhibition premises or any part thereof, or any part thereof, or arising out of or caused by Exhibitor’s participation in the exhibition activities. schedule will be available on the web site in September) 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm Ice Cream and Networking Social in the Exhibit Hall 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm Workshops (Exhibitors are welcome to attend; a more detailed schedule will be available on the web site in September) Thursday, January 28, 2010 8:00 am – 8:30 am Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Hall 8:30 am – 9:45 am Sessions (Exhibitors are welcome to attend; a more detailed schedule will be available on the web site in September) 9:45 am – 10:15 am Break in Exhibit Hall 10:15 am – 11:30 am Sessions (Exhibitors are welcome to attend; a more detailed schedule will be available on the web site in September) 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm Lunch featuring Ed Bolen, NBAA President & CEO, Scholarship presentations and SPDP award presentations (All Exhibitors are invited) 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Sessions (Exhibitors are welcome to attend; a more detailed schedule will be available on the web site in September) Certificate of Insurance All Exhibitors are required to provide NBAA with a Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability and Workers’ Compensation and Employers Liability prior to event set-up. The certificate must be issued from an insurance company that has A.M. Best ratings of at least A – (VII) or better. 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm Break in Exhibit Hall 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm Workshops (exhibitors are welcome to attend; a more detailed schedule will be available on the web site in September) 6:30 pm – 10:00 pm Evening Event (All Exhibitors are invited) Certificates of Insurance must be provided to NBAA by December 17, 2009. Certificates should be sent to: Friday, January 29, 2010 (No Exhibits) 8:30 am – 9:00 am Continental Breakfast NBAA Attn: Dina Green 1200 18th Street, NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036-2527 Tel: (202) 783-9357 Fax: (202) 862-5552 E-mail: 9:00 am – 10:15 am Sessions (Exhibitors are welcome to attend; a more detailed schedule will be available on the web site in September) 10:15 am – 10:30 am Break 10:30 am – 11:45 am Sessions (Exhibitors are welcome to attend; a more detailed schedule will be available on the web site in September) General Information 12:00 noon – 2:00 pm Grand Prize Luncheon (All Exhibitors are invited) HOTEL INFORMATION San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter 101 Bowie Street San Antonio, TX 78205 (800) 648-4462 Single rate: $179; Double rate: $199 Cut-off Date: January 4, 2010 Liability Exhibitor is solely responsible for the safeguarding of materials, equipment and the display at all times. General security will be employed by NBAA when the exhibit hall is closed, but neither the NBAA, Freeman nor the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center will be responsible for any loss, theft, damage, injury or destruction of Exhibitor’s property or the property of its agents or employees, by or from any cause whatsoever, and Exhibitor expressly releases NBAA, Freeman, the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center and their respective officers, employees, members and agents from any and all claims for such San Antonio Marriott Riverwalk 711 Riverwalk San Antonio, TX 78205 (800) 648-4462 Single rate: $179; Double rate: $199 Cut-off Date: January 4, 2010 5 61357_MA.indd 5 8/4/09 5:28:41 PM Grand Hyatt San Antonio 600 East Market Street San Antonio, TX 78205 (210) 224-1234 Single/Double Rate $209.00 Cut-off Date: December 25, 2009 NBAA events and Seminars conclude by 8:30 pm on Tuesday, 5:30 pm on Wednesday, 10 pm on Thursday and 2:00 pm on Friday. The Hilton Palacio del Rio 200 South Alamo Street San Antonio, TX 78205 (210) 222-1400 Rate $186 Cut-off Date: December 25, 2009 All Exhibitors are invited to participate in Friday’s “Grand Prize Luncheon” by donating a prize or gift to be given away during lunch. For those who have not participated before, and as a refresher for the veterans, the process is: GUIDELINES FOR THE GRAND PRIZE LUNCHEON During the show, please collect business cards from the Attendees as they visit your booth. Prior to lunch on Friday, please select four of those cards (one for the winner and three extra in the event your original winner is not present or has already won something). Our rules require that you must be present to win. As Attendees finish lunch, we will assemble all participating companies in alphabetical order at the stage. One representative from each company will come to the podium and announce their winner: Once the winner is identified, the company representative will step off the stage to present the winner their prize. Exhibitors are asked to submit a description of their prize to Dina Green ( no later that January 8, 2009, and should bring their prize along with them to the lunch on Friday. SECURITY NBAA will hire security services during the hours the exhibits are closed. However, in doing so, NBAA assumes no liability for providing this service. It remains the ultimate responsibility of Exhibitors to protect their property, and it is suggested that Exhibitors obtain insurance covering such losses as theft and damage to property. CHILDREN NBAA Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference is a business event. Children under 12 are never permitted on the Exhibit Floor – under any circumstances. Children ages 12 to 18 will be permitted into the Exhibit Hall during official Exhibit hours only, provided that they register, pay appropriate fees and are accompanied by an adult at all times. NBAA will not be held responsible by or for any cause whatsoever. • Exhibitors may contribute only 1 prize per company. • All paid Attendees, as well as Exhibitors, are eligible to participate in the drawing. • Attendees may win only one prize during this event. • Attendees may not refuse any gift in order to wait to win another prize of their preference. FOOD AND BEVERAGE SERVICE Food and Beverage service in the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center is available exclusively from: The RK Group or (210) 225-4535 FIRST-TIME ATTENDEE OR VETERAN? Exhibitors may provide bite size food samples (2 ounces or less) of their individual brand-name products. The serving of generic products (i.e. popcorn, cookies, coffee, bottled water, hard candies etc.) by exhibitors for the purpose of drawing attention to their booth is permitted only when the product being served is purchased from the exclusive caterer. Whether you are a First-Time Attendee or a Veteran Attendee, there are great opportunities for you to become involved in one of NBAA’s most successful conferences. Exhibitors who have attended past conferences are invited to participate in the Ambassador Volunteer Program. Ask anyone who’s been to the Schedulers & Dispatchers conference: our volunteers are the key to our success! With over 2000 Attendees expected this year, it is even more vital that we have your help. Take advantage of this opportunity and help give back to the conference by answering “YES” during the registration to be an Ambassador Volunteer. SHIPPING The Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center is unable to accept any goods shipped to their facility by exhibitors. Please refer to the Exhibitor Service Kit (to be distributed midNovember 2009) for shipping information. DO NOT SHIP DIRECTLY TO THE CONVENTION CENTER UNTIL THE DESIGNATED RECEIVING DATE THAT WILL BE IDENTIFIED IN YOUR EXHIBITOR PROSPECTUS. GOLF TOURNAMENT This year’s Schedulers & Dispatchers Golf Tournament will be held on Tuesday, January 26, 2010 in the morning. There is ample time for exhibitors who wish to participate in the golf tournament to set up their booths. Exhibitors may set up on either Monday afternoon or Tuesday (before 2 pm). EXHIBITOR HOSPITALITY EVENTS NBAA requests that Exhibitors not schedule hospitality events during any NBAA published event or prior to 7:00 pm on show days. 6 61357_MA.indd 6 8/4/09 5:28:41 PM SHOW PROGRAM AND DIRECTORY OF EXHIBITING COMPANIES LISTINGS: The Quarry Golf Course 444 East Basse Road San Antonio, TX 78209 210 824-4500 The Schedulers & Dispatchers Show Program and Directory of Exhibiting Companies contains information about exhibits, sessions and social gatherings. Exhibitors are provided one complimentary listing per Booth Space. Additional listings are available for $250. Exhibitors are listed alphabetically in both the print and online editions of the Show Program with their Booth number, company address, phone and fax, web and email address and a 50-word description of the Company’s products or services, as well as a maximum of five Buyer Guide categories per Exhibitor. Tuesday, January 26, 2010 8:00 am shot gun start Cost per player $85.00 includes golf, cart, range balls, Continental Breakfast and lunch Evening Networking EVENT This year’s evening networking event is on Thursday, January 28, 2010 and is included in your registration fee. Prepare yourself again for the best networking opportunity available during this years conference. Following the success of the 20th anniversary celebration and in the spirit of Texas, this year we will continue the tradition of an entertaining evening (Texas Style – A BIG PARTY) conveniently located in the host hotel. Everyone is strongly encouraged to attend this event. Exhibitors will be sent information on accessing their directory listing with their booth confirmation. Each exhibiting company is responsible for entering and reviewing their Company’s Show Program information online by December 4, 2009 to ensure inclusion in the print edition of the Show Program. For additional information about the Show Program, please contact NBAA’s Dina Green at (202) 783-9357 or CAR RENTAL NBAA Members save an additional 10% through Enterprise Rent-A-Car. At home or away, at a General Aviation or commercial airport, Enterprise has the right car, truck, van or SUV to meet your needs. With Enterprise, you will enjoy great savings on more than 550,000 vehicles. Plus, on average, Enterprise’s rates at airports are up to 20% lower than other rental car companies. And with more than 5,500 neighborhood and airport locations, you’re sure to find a location near you. To take advantage you must book through, using the special NBAA discount number NA16100. Pick Enterprise. We’ll Pick You Up.® ADVERTISING IN THE SHOW PROGRAM AND DIRECTORY With the success of the NBAA Schedulers & Dispatchers Show Program and Directory of Exhibiting Companies don’t miss yet another opportunity for your Company to be recognized at the Show. Become an advertiser. Distributed to each Attendee at the Conference with their credentials, the Directory includes pertinent information relative to Exhibits, seminars, social gatherings and other events. The Directory is helpful in familiarizing visitors with the happenings at the 21st Annual Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference: Four-color cover position.......................... $3500 Full-page, four color, run of book.............................................. $2200 Full-page, black-and-white, run of book.............................................. $1500 Half-page, four color, run of book.............................................. $1300 Half-page, black-and-white, run of book.............................................. $1050 Belly Band.................................................. $4500 PHOTO USE PERMISSION Any person who attends an NBAA Convention, Conference, Seminar, or other program grants permission to NBAA to use and publish his or her image or likeness collected in connection with the program for any usual and customary purpose of the NBAA, including advertisements for NBAA and its programs. NBAA SCHEDULERS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (SPDP) COURSES For more information on purchasing advertising in the Schedulers & Dispatchers Directory contact Melissa Murphy at (785) 856-5111, via fax to (785) 856-5112, or via E-mail to Insertion order forms are available on the website at Exhibitors are invited and encouraged to attend any of the three NBAA SPDP Courses that are being held in conjunction with the NBAA 21st Annual Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference. These classes are an additional cost of $475 each over and above the cost of exhibiting at the conference. Detailed information about these events and online registration will be made available on the NBAA web site at Insertion Orders must be received no later than December 4, 2009. Artwork must be received by December 11, 2009. Send Insertions Orders, artwork and payments to Dina Green at, via fax to (202) 862-5552 or 1200 Eighteenth Street NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036-2527. 7 61357_MA.indd 7 8/4/09 5:28:41 PM NBAA2009 Exhibiting Companies 121 Inflight Catering 3M Company A Elegant Int’l. Limo Abilene Aero - Lubbock Aero ACCESS Assistance AC-U-KWIK / Aircraft Bluebook Administracion De Servicios Aeronauticos Corporativos S.A. De C.V. Aero Charter, Inc. AeroPremier Jet Center Air BP Air BP Aviation Services Air Chef Holdings, LLC Air Gourmet, Inc. Air Green Air Partner, Inc. Air Routing Flight Manager Air Routing Fuel Air Routing International, LP Air Support A/S Aircraft & Turbine Support, Inc. Airline Ground Schools, Inc. Airnav LLC Airtel Plaza Hotel & Conference Center Alaska Aerofuel, Inc. Alerion Ambassador Aviation America Jet at SLN American Airports Corporation AMSTAT INC Arcadia Aviation ARG/US (Aviation Research Group U.S., Inc.) ARINC, Inc. Arrow Energy, Inc. Ascent Aviation Group, Inc. ASI Group ASI Jet Center, Inc. Atlantic Aviation Corporation Aurora Jet Center (Metal Innovations Inc. Company) AVCARD Div. of Kropp Holdings, Inc. Avcenter, Inc. Avflight Willow Run Corp. Avfuel Corporation AVGROUP, INC. Aviation Information Services Aviation Integration, LLC Aviation Services Network Avinode Avitat Boca Raton Avitat Westchester AvPORTS Avsurance Corporation B. E. Princess/Princess Liquors Inc. Bangor International Airport Banyan Air Service Baseops World Fuel Batten International Airport Bellingham Aviation Services Black Canyon Jet Center Bradley Pacific Aviation Bridgeford Flying Services Burrows Aviation, LLC Business Air Center Business Jet Access Business Jet Center - Oakland Camp Systems International Carey International Business Aviation Castle & Cooke Aviation Services, Inc. CaterLink Central Coast Aviation Services Inc. Central Coast Jet Center LLC Chaparral, Inc. CharterX Corp. Chesterfield County Airport Chevron Corp. Aviation Services Chevron Global Aviation Chicago Jet Group Cirrus Flight Operations Clay Lacy Aviation CodeForward Software Colt International, Inc. Commonwealth Worldwide Chauffeured Transportation Computing Technologies for Aviation (CTA) ConocoPhillips Corporate Air LLC Corporate Angel Network Inc. County of San Bernardino Cutter Aviation Phoenix Data Transformation Corporation Davis Flight Support DB Aviation, Inc. Deer Horn Aviation Ltd. Co. Avion Flight Centre Del Monte Aviation Delta AirElite Business Jets, Inc. Denver AirCenter Denver JetCenter Determan Brownie, Inc. Dubuque Regional Airport & Dubuque Jet Center Duncan Aviation, Inc. DuPage Flight Center Edward D. Burry Ltd. Einarson Flying Service Elite Aviation Elliott Aviation, Inc. Emergency Airlift EmpireCLS Worldwide Chauffeured Services Everest Aviation Resources LLC ExcelAire Service LLC Executive Aircraft Catering Executive Controller / Charter Hub Executive Fliteways, Inc. Executive Jet Management ExpressJet Services LLC Exxon Mobil Corporation FAA FACTS Training FalconTrust Air at Kendall-Tamiami Airport FAM International Logistics, Inc Fargo Jet Center FBO Manager First Aviation Services, Inc. First Class Cars Ltd. First Class Caterers, Inc. Fivestar Gourmet Flight Explorer Flight Trak, Inc. Flightline First FlightPak FlightSafety International FlightWorks Flite Line Services, Inc. Fliteport Flower Aviation Flygprestanda AB Fortis Riders Front Range Airport FuelerLinx Future Leaders of Business Aviation G3 Visas & Passports Galaxy Air Services FBO Galaxy Aviation Galvin Flying Services, Inc. Gama Aviation Inc. Gander Aviation Gander International Airport Garsite/Progress LLC Global Aviation, Inc. Global Ground Transport Go Rentals Gourmet Inflight Catering Grob Aerospace Harrods Aviation Ltd. Hawker Pacific Pty. Ltd. Helibellule High Plains Pizza Inc. Hill Aircraft & Leasing Corp. Honeywell International, Global Data Center Horizon Business Concepts, Inc. Houston Executive Airport Services, LLC Hunt and Palmer PLC ICCS Mexico & Latin America Imperial Oil Aviation Indy Aero LLC Infinity Aviation Group In-Flight Crew Connections, LLC 8 61357_MA.indd 8 8/4/09 5:28:41 PM Inflite Engineering Services Ltd. Integrated Aircraft Services International Aircraft Management International Trip Planning Services LLC Irving Aviation J.A. Air Center Jackson Jet Center Jacksonville JetPort LLC Jeppesen Dataplan Jeppesen Sanderson Jeppesen UK Limited Jet Aviation Holdings USA, Inc. Jet Fleet International Jet Professionals, LLC Jet Source, Inc. JetDirect Aviation JetEx Flight Support Jetscape Services LLC JetSet Global Fuel, Inc. JetSet Media JetSet Premier Air, Inc. KaiserAir, Inc. Kalitta Charters LLC Key Air, LLC Kilfrost, Inc L.J. Aviation Lake Texoma Jet Center LLC Landmark Aviation Le Bas International Limolink, Inc. London Biggin Hill Airport M & N Aviation, Inc. M/S Quick Aviation Services Pvt. Ltd. Mac Dan Aircraft Service. Maguire Aviation Group Maine Aviation Corp. Manassas Regional Airport Mariah Fuels Ltd. Martin Management Group Martin State Airport Massachusetts Port Authority McClellan Jet Services McCreery Aviation Company, Inc. MedAire, Inc. Meridian Teterboro/Meridian Air Charter Metro Flight Services Metro North Flight Support MGAS, LLC Miami Executive Aviation, LLC Millennium Aviation, Inc. Million Air Anchorage Million Air Burbank Million Air Dallas Million Air Interlink Million Air New Orleans Million Air Richmond Million Air Salt Lake City MMUFTC LLC Monaco Air Duluth LLC Monterey Jet Center Montgomery Aviation, Inc. Morristown Municipal Airport Multi Service Aviation U.S. Bank National Air Transportation Association National Business Aviation Association National Jets, Inc. NAVPAK NetJets, Inc. New Braunfels Aero Service, Inc. Northern Jet Northwest Airport Management LP Ocean Air Aviation Ocean Sky Corporate Ltd. Odyssey Aviation Bahamas OneSky Jets Oxford Aviation Services Ltd Pacific Coast Forecasting Page Avjet Fuel Co., LLC (PAFCO LLC) Panorama Flight Service, Inc. PASSUR / Megadata Pegasus Elite Aviation, LLC Pentastar Aviation LLC Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport Pinnacle Operations Pontarelli Companies Limousine Service Port City Air, Inc. Preferred Jet Center Premier Charter Network, Inc. Premier Charter, Inc. Premier Jet Professional Flight Management ProJet Aviation Queensmith Communications Corp. RAW, Inc. Rectrix Aviation and Aerodrome Centers Red Apple Aviation Regional Jet Center Riverhawk Aviation Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport Rudy’s Inflight Catering, Inc. Savoya SeaGil Software Company, Inc. Segrave Aviation, Inc. ServiceElements, Inc. Shell Canada Products Shell Oil Co. Sheltair Aviation Services Showalter Flying Service, Inc. Signature Flight Support Signature Flight Support Silver Lining In-Flight Catering Silverhawk Aviation, Inc. Sky Connect LLC Sky Logistics International, Inc. dba Pegasus Flight Support Skyplan Services Ltd. Skyservice Business Aviation Inc. South Coast Aviation, Inc. dba Coos Aviation Southwest Airport Services, Inc. SP Aviation, Inc. St. Paul Flight Center/Avitat Twin Cities Starlink Aviation Stennis International Airport Sterling Aviation LLC Stevie’s Catering Stuart Jet Center LLC Sugar Land Regional Airport Summit Air LLC Sun Air Jets, LLC Sunset Aviation Swift Aviation Group Syn-Tech Systems, Inc. TAG Farnborough Airport Ltd. Tango One Aviation, Inc. Tastefully Yours Catering Tavaero Jet Charter Corp. Texas Jet, Inc. The Air Charter Guide The Allen Groupe The Aviation Center Threshold Aviation Group Total Aerospace Services International Trajen FBO Network Trans Energy USA Travel Management Company, Ltd. U.S. Sedan Service, Inc. Ultimate Jetcharters, Inc. Unijet United Aviation Services Universal Aviation Universal Weather and Aviation, Inc. University Park Airport The Pennsylvania State University UVair Vail Valley Jet Center Valley Airways, Inc. Village Catering Vitesse Aviation Services West Coast Charters, Inc. West Star Aviation, Inc. Western Aircraft, Inc. Western Petroleum Co. Western Shore Aviation Women in Aviation, International World Fuel Services WSI Corp. XN Air LLC XOJET, Inc. 9 61357_MA.indd 9 8/4/09 5:28:41 PM Exhibit Space Application NBAA 21st Annual Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference January 26 – 29, 2010, Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center, San Antonio, TX Please reserve one exhibit space during the NBAA 21st Annual Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference. Only one 10’ x 10’ booth space is permitted per NBAA Member Company. Please Return Application To: National Business Aviation Association, Inc. Attn: Dina Green 1200 Eighteenth Street, NW Suite 400, Washington, DC 20036-2527 Tel: (202) 783-9357 Fax (202) 862-5552 E-Mail: Booth Choice(s): 1st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choice 4th Choice 5th Choice 6th Choice Exhibitor wishes to be located adjacent to: Exhibitor does not wish to be located adjacent to: Although NBAA’s intent is to place Exhibitors in their requested space, it may not always be possible due to high demand. Booth Price: NBAA Members Only: One 10’ by 10’ booth: $1950 Exhibit Space Application deadline: October 2, 2009 for Priority-One, Priority-Two, Priority-Three and Priority-Four Placement PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT (All correspondence relating to the Exhibit should be directed to) Company Name Booth Sign Name (if not the same as Company Name) Contact Person Contact Title Street Address City State Tel Email (required) Fax Zip With this Exhibit Space Application you will receive one free entrance to the Conference. Any additional badges will be $425 each. Once your Booth Space is confirmed, you will receive information on registering your Exhibit Booth personnel online. All Exhibit Space must be paid in full at the time of application. There will be no refunds for cancellations at any time. In signing this application/contract, Exhibitor assumes entire responsibility, and hereby agrees to protect, indemnify, defend and hold NBAA, The Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center and Freeman and their respective officers, employees, Members and agents harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, injuries and damages to persons or property, governmental changes or fines and attorney’s fees arising out of or caused by the Exhibitor’s installation, removal, maintenance, occupancy or use of the Convention premises, or any part thereof, or arising out of or caused by Exhibitor’s participation in Convention activities. Furthermore, the Exhibitor agrees to abide by the Rules & Regulations for exhibiting as set forth by the National Business Aviation Association (in its own interpretation) throughout the 21st Annual Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference Exhibitor Prospectus. Date Signed Name of Exhibiting Company Payment Method: Enclosed is a check in the amount of: $ Charge my credit card in the amount of: $ Check Number: Cardholder’s Name Card Type: American Express Mastercard Visa Discover Credit Card Number Expiration Date / Approval Signature The above application is accepted by the National Business Aviation Association, Inc. and the following booth space is assigned (for NBAA use only): Authorized by Dina Green, Director Registration, Meetings & Seminar Exhibits Date Booth Number 10 61357_MA.indd 10 8/4/09 5:28:41 PM 61357_MA.indd 11 ANCE ST. FIRE EXIT FIRE EXIT 9'-2" 1527 1525 1523 1521 1624 1622 1620 RAMP 1400 1500 1401 FH 1402 1502 1403 1404 1504 1405 1505 1602 1503 FX 1406 1408 1410 1412 1414 1604 1506 1407 1508 1409 1510 1411 1512 1413 1514 1415 7'-8" 1418 1420 1422 1424 1426 1428 1507 1509 9'-8" 1518 1419 1520 1421 1522 1423 1524 1425 1526 1427 1528 1429 FH 1200 H2O Closet 10'-4" 1300 1201 1301 1204 1206 1208 1210 1212 1214 1202 1304 1205 1306 1207 1308 1209 1310 1211 1312 1213 1314 1215 9'-6" 1218 1220 1222 1224 1226 1228 1302 1203 9'-6" 1318 1219 1320 1221 1322 1223 1324 1225 1326 1227 1328 1229 1303 1305 1307 1309 1311 1313 1315 1319 1321 1323 1325 1327 1329 LOADING DOCK FX FX BADGE ENTRANCE ONLY 1606 1608 1511 1513 1612 1610 1515 1614 1618 1519 FX 1529 1626 FH FIRE EXIT FX FX 1108 1009 F&B 1122 1023 1124 1025 1126 1027 1128 1029 1008 1022 1024 1026 1028 DU R TE PS M 1000 1100 1001 1101 1004 1002 1102 1003 1104 1005 1103 1105 1107 9'-6" 1106 1007 9'-6" 1006 1109 1123 1125 1127 1129 FX FX 901 903 905 907 909 911 913 915 919 921 923 925 927 929 FS FX FS 9'-6" 13' 800 FH 801 804 806 808 810 812 814 802 9'-6" 818 820 822 824 826 828 803 805 807 809 811 813 815 819 821 823 825 827 829 17'-1" 900 902 904 906 908 910 912 914 918 920 922 924 926 928 15'-7" FIRE EXIT FX FX 701 703 705 707 709 711 713 715 719 721 723 725 727 729 FH FH 9'-6" 700 702 704 706 708 710 712 714 718 720 722 724 726 728 601 603 605 607 609 611 613 615 619 621 623 625 627 629 FIRE EXIT 9'-6" 600 602 604 606 608 610 612 614 618 620 622 624 626 628 FS FX FX FH FH OPENING GENERAL SESSION AND LUNCH 501 503 505 423 425 427 429 FS 508 500 502 504 408 422 424 426 428 FS FX 401 403 405 400 402 404 407 9'-6" 406 409 F&B 522 524 526 528 507 9'-6" 506 509 523 525 527 529 FIRE EXIT ENTRANCE 1628 FIRE EXIT FIRE EXIT FIRE EXIT FX FX 301 303 305 307 309 311 313 315 319 321 323 325 327 329 9'-6" FH 300 302 304 306 308 310 312 314 318 320 322 324 326 328 214 200 FX FX 0 10 20 30 SCALE IN FEET FH 201 204 206 208 210 212 202 9'-6" 218 220 222 224 226 228 203 205 207 209 211 213 215 219 221 223 225 227 229 101B 101A 40 101 103 105 107 109 111 113 115 119 121 123 125 127 129 102B 102A 50 FH REGISTRATION ENTRANCE 3' HIGH DRAPE NOTE: FLOOR PLAN IS SUBJECT TO FIRE MARSHAL APPROVAL. CARPET RUNNER OFFICE OFFICE SELF - REG. CARPET RUNNER TO RIVER LEVEL BELOW FH 103B FX FH ENTRANCE January 27 - 28, 2010 January 26 – 29, 2010 3' HIGH DRAPE HENRY B. GONZALEZ CONVENTION CENTER EXHIBIT HALL A SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS NBAA 21st Annual Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference San Antonio, Texas Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center Exhibit Hall A Wheelchair Ramp 11 8/4/09 5:28:42 PM Sponsorship Opportunities NBAA invites all Members to participate in the sponsorship opportunities offered. NBAA will work with each Sponsor to provide the best possible recognition. There are three sponsorship levels, Silver, Gold and Platinum, as well as some specialty item sponsorships. Each Sponsoring Company will be listed in the official program, on signs at the conference, and on the NBAA website. If you are both a Sponsor and an Exhibitor you will receive a special ribbon to display at your exhibit booth stating that you are a conference sponsor. Gold Level Sponsors will receive two free badges for entrance into the conference and Platinum Level Sponsors will receive four free badges for entrance. Sponsors from the previous year are given the first right of refusal. For more information about Sponsorship Opportunities, please contact NBAA’s Dina Green at (202) 783-9357, fax: (202) 862-5552. Title: Company Name: Contact Person: Address: City: Fax: State: Email: Zip: Address: Tel: Silver Level Sponsor $2,500 Gold Level Sponsor $5,000 (includes two free badges) Platinum Level Sponsor $10,000 (includes four free badges) Please indicate below which level or item you wish to sponsor and fax the form to NBAA’s Dina Green at (202) 862-5552 or Mail form to NBAA Attn: Dina Green, 1200 Eighteenth Street NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20036-2527. Name: Company: Name: Gold and Platinum Level Sponsors please fill in the names of those who will receive the free badges (2 free for Gold and 4 free for Platinum): Company: State: City: State: City: Name: State: Name: City: Company: State: Company: City: National Business Aviation Association 1200 18th Street NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036 PAID PRESORTED STD U.S. POSTAGE WOODBRIDGE, VA PERMIT NO. 9 PRESORTED FIRST CLASS MAIL U.S. POSTAGE PAID WOODBRIDGE, VA PERMIT NO. 9 PAID FIRST-CLASS MAIL U.S. POSTAGE WOODBRIDGE, VA PERMIT NO. 9 8/4/09 5:28:42 PM 61357_MA.indd 12
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