Moccasin Telegraph - Edmonton Aboriginal Seniors Centre


Moccasin Telegraph - Edmonton Aboriginal Seniors Centre
Moccasin Telegraph
May 2015
May 2015
Edmonton Aboriginal
Seniors Centre
Cottage E,
10107-134 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T5E 1J2
Phone: 780-476-6595
Fax: 780-475-7959
Staff list
The Edmonton Aboriginal Seniors Centre is a
registered, charitable organization. We are
unique in that we are the only Aboriginal
seniors centre in Canada that is self-governed
by a board of directors elected annually. It is
also the City of Edmonton’s major resource
for Aboriginal Seniors. This profile is
maintained through continued efforts as a
seniors advocate, through partnership and
collaborations with other senior serving
agencies, and through participation in
projects, events and services offered to the
Edmonton Community.
Edmonton Aboriginal Seniors Centre
Moccasin Telegraph
May - Egg Laying
Annual General Meeting
On March 28, 2015 the EASC held its Annual General Meeting
and elected a new Board of Directors. You—the members voted,
here is your new Board!
Special points of
 AGM - New
 Programs
 Staff messages
Jori Hunter—Executive Director
 May Calendar
Amanda L’Hirondelle - Resources and Services
Norma Collins - Housing Services
Ruby Pruden - Outreach Services
Jennifer Allan - Bookkeeper
Tracy Minoose - Cook
Membership is available to everyone!
Age 50+
$10.00/year Age under 50
Includes monthly newsletter
Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday
(excluding statutory holidays)
Thank you to Gail
“Francine” Doy for
taking the pictures
at the AGM, and to
Tim Collins who
kindly paid for the
Newly Elected Board
(From left to right) Director—Ed Lavallee; Secretary - Beatrice
Pambrun; Director Lorraine Savard; Treasurer - Doreen
Wabasca; Chairperson - Jane Woodward; Vice President Ruth Cook; Director Joe Callihoo; Director Gwen L’Hirondelle;
and (Not in picture) Director Gail “Francine” Doy
May 2015
Moccasin Telegraph
From the Board of Directors…
It’s been about a month since we were elected and we’ve been busy doing the business we were elected to do on your behalf.
Thanks to all of you who came and participated at the annual meeting on March 28.
We had a pretty good turnout and we did all the business of the Centre including passing
our financial statements with a $12,000 or so surplus, receiving our Chair’s annual report
and the minutes of the 2014 annual meeting.
A major task was passing the changes to the Bylaws of EASC and we thank the members for sharing their wisdom as we struggled through it. A summary is elsewhere in this
We removed sections that took away our ability to speak directly to one another and
we kept the sections which allow members to contact the Board numerous ways with their
news, views, issues and concerns. Another avenue is contacting the Executive Director either directly or in writing or even by email.
We hope these changes will improve communication among us. We are making
efforts to let you know what we’re up to and want to keep the door open so you can tell us
what you think of how we’re operating your Centre and how we’re treating each other. An
example is this monthly column where we let you know what decisions the Board has made
and how it’s likely to impact what you receive as members of EASC. Let us know what you
You may have received phone calls announcing upcoming programs, our phone system has been upgraded to include an events hotline, our newsletter will be published
monthly, weekly announcements are provided every Wednesday at Soup and Bannock, and
posters announce our activities and programs.
Let us know if there is more we can do to better communicate with you.
Another major thing we did at the annual meeting was to elect a new Board of Directors. Actually, many were familiar faces – Lorraine Savard who retired as Chair now returns
as Member-at-Large along with Ed LaVallee; Doreen Wabasca returns as Treasurer; Ruth
Cook moves from Member-at-Large to Vice-Chair; Beatrice Pambrun moves from Memberat-Large to Secretary replacing Jane Woodward who moves to Chairperson.
New members include Joe Callihoo, Gwen L’Hirondelle and Gail “Francine” Doy. We’ll
be printing their stories in upcoming issues in case you don’t get to meet them in person.
We can’t thank the previous Board enough for their commitment to EASC in working
through a budget deficit and many staffing issues, not to mention funding insecurity. They
hung in there and we thank those who have chosen to continue with us and those who have
contributed during our past year: Dorothee Morin, Garth Haugen, Sarah Skwarchuk, Elsie
Paul, Norma Collins and Lyle Donald.
A huge vote of thanks goes to Lyle who took on the task of our Centre Chair when
we had little to work with and who volunteered his time as our manager until rules… cont.
Moccasin Telegraph
required him to resign.
A topic which wasn’t discussed at length at our AGM was the alleged fraud perpetuated by our former executive director, Will Belcourt. As our auditors explained, their definition
of fraud was as auditors and not as legal experts. However, last year’s Board attempted to lay
fraud charges to recover the $41,000 or so identified by the auditors as fraud but there was
little or no chance of a conviction according to the Crown Prosecutor. The Board is discussing
fundraising to hire a lawyer and we’d really like to hear from you on this…...Until next month…
Special Resolutions Amending Bylaws March 28, 2015 Annual General Meeting
Some changes passed at the meeting were simply numbering corrections, grammar
corrections, word placements and redundancies; others were more substantial.
In order to make our documents consistent, we proposed changing the age of eligibility to 55 but this was voted down in favour of age 50 for Members. Affiliated Members
must now be younger than 50 years of age but over the age of 18.
Members having achieved the age of 80 are now entitled to free annual memberships.
The section, Member Suspension/Expulsion/Termination was revised so Members
would lose their privileges for basically failing to abide by these bylaws.
Under Board Member Disqualification, if a Board Member misses three meetings or
fails to follow Bylaws and Board policies and procedures they will no longer be required to
resign but will be removed automatically upon Board motion.
Due to a lack of clarification on Filling Vacancy, we added a clause where the ViceChair will assume the Chair’s position in the case of a vacancy.
We removed the preference of a six-month membership from Qualifications.
Board Meetings are no longer the last Tuesday of the month but at the call of the
Chair during the last week of the month. We have decided on the third Thursday at 1pm.
We changed the Quorum from five Board members to a majority of those present for
In making Decisions, the Chair will only cast the deciding vote to break a tie and will
otherwise not have a vote.
We took out the section on Conflict of Interest since it more appropriately belongs
with Policies and Procedures.
We removed the entire section on Petitions since there are many methods that exist
whereby Members may present concerns and issues.
Finally, we reverted to the Membership appointing the Auditor at the annual general
We remain under the old rules until these are accepted by the Corporate Registry.
Remember, it’s up to the Membership to decide on changes to Bylaws. Let us know
early in the new year if you want to change any Bylaw as we have to provide 21 days’ notice
to the membership.
May 2015
Moccasin Telegraph
Crib Tournament
Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) Footcare
Friday May 8, 2015
$10.00 per person
The EASC hosts Footcare Clinic twice a month.
Our next VON dates are:
May 7, 2015 12:00-3:30pm
May 21,2015 12:00-3:30pm
Call to sign up!
Monthly Mass will be held on May 8, 2015
Mass from 11:00am-12:00pm
Potluck lunch 12:00-1:00pm
Thank you!!! Father Jim for performing Mass
here at the Centre!
Craft Corner
We are making all kinds of crafts including
beaded flowers that we can give to Aboriginal Elders and Seniors in the hospitals as part
of our outreach services. Come help us every
Monday from 10-2pm during craft corner.
Registration at
Game at 6:30pm
This month we
will have a MEAT DRAW! Some
lucky person will win Steaks and
BBQ sauce for 2!!!
Nutritional Program
Join us at the EASC for soup and
bannock!!! We make a new
dishes each week!
As always this is hosted every
Wednesday from 12-1pm. Hope
to see you there!!!
VAN pick up & drop off
Please contact us for a ride to the
Centre for programming. Call
Amanda at least one day in
Don’t forget that you can hear the weeks events when you call in by pressing “0”
May 2015
Mosom and Me Woodworking
Mosoms bring your grandsons and join us to
construct a wooden flower boxes!
Saturday May 9, 2015 10:00-12:00pm
Moccasin Telegraph
Open Jam is back!!
We will be hosting a birthday open Jam
after our soup and bannock on May 27,
2015 !! Please join us from 1:153:00pm to celebrate our May babies
and hear some good ole fiddle and
Saturday May 16, 2015 10:00-12:00pm
Radio Bingo
Saturday May 23, 2015 10:00-12:00pm
May 21, 2015 from
Children must be over 8 years old to help.
Doors open at 5:00pm
Contact Amanda - Resources
Purchase your cards here until 6:00pm
to sign up!!
We will have a 50/50 as well as a
concession. Please contact Amanda–
resources for details.
Beginner Computer Training
Our Friends over at Bent Arrow
Traditional Healing Society will be here
offering Basic computer training!
Mondays in May 2:00-4:00pm starting
May 4, 2015
Leanne will show you how to set up
email, use facebook, write a letter, make
a budget using excel and lots more!!!
Don’t be afraid— the only thing you
have to remember is don’t hit delete!!!
Contact Amanda - Resources to sign
Medical Support Groups
Every Thursday from 3:00-4:30 we will
be hosting group information sessions
on health related issues. Please see calendar each week to see what’s going to
be covered.
Birthday Open Jam!
The Edmonton Aboriginal Senior Centre
would like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY
to all our May babies at our open jam
Wednesday May 27, 2015
From 1:15-3:00pm
May 2015
Moccasin Telegraph
NEW PROGRAMS and Special events
We are working with
Holes Greenhouse—
Enjoy Centre to learn
how to grow flowers, herbs and medicines. Please join us Tuesdays from
Save The Date October 24, 2015
The EASC is pleased to announce that we will
co-host a Traditional Round Dance in partnership with Enoch Elders Centre and the community of Enoch. The Round Dance will be
held on October 24, 2015 at the Enoch recreation Centre. We will need help cooking, and
serving. We will be hosting a number of
fundraising activities leading up to the event,
so if you are interested please contact us for
more information!
Special Events/Outings
We are OUT OF HERE because we have a
new van!!!! We will be going to places like
the Markerville Creamery, by Red Deer,
Ukrainian Village (east of Edmonton) Fort
Edmonton Park, Fort Heritage Precinct, pow
wows and more, Please come to the Centre
or call us to see what’s happening!!!
Mother’s Day Tea
May 11, 2014
Come join us for lunch and some pampering at our Mothers Day Tea!
Seniors Spring Dance
Calders (Northwest) Senior Centre
12963-120 Street NW
Friday, May 22, 2015
$15.00 entry
Donations accepted
May 2015
EASC History project
As the only Aboriginal Seniors Centre
in Canada, we have a long and very
colourful history – 30 years of it, in
fact. Information will be gathered
from members, previous and current
Board and staff, volunteers, and stakeholders to be put into a booklet which
will be launched on our 30th anniversary in October 2016. If you have photos or other records we can use in this
project, please let us know!
“Pikiskwetan” Let’s Talk
Are you being challenged by your children,
grandchildren? Is something troubling you
at home—financially, emotionally, mentally,
spiritually or physically?
We have a social worker who can connect
you with the right people. Call Outreach
and schedule an appointment for the next
Friday between 10-12pm
We will be fundraising for various
events over the summer!
Contact us for more details
Our Casino is June 12 & 13, 2015
EASC will be at the Century Casino on
June 12 & 13, 2015. We need bankers,
cashiers, chip runners, count room
volunteers. Come and join us, bring a
friend, family member, or neighbour
too. Call Jori for more information,
ext. 6.
Moccasin Telegraph
We are looking for you!
We are continually looking for
volunteers to help out the Centre
and its seniors. We can guarantee
you’ll have a good time, meet new
people and maybe acquire a new
Fine Option is another way we
recruit for volunteers. If you or
anyone you know has a fine to
pay through community service,
We can set you up with a project.
Often, we can offer field trips and
other programs in exchange for volunteer hours. We need help each
day of the week if you need something to do please come in and set
up a schedule with me. We got lots
on the go! Hope to see you soon!
Often, we can offer field trips and other
programs in exchange for volunteer hours.
Thank You!
With the arrival of spring it reminds
us to be thankful. A big shout out of
thanks to Jean Papin and her partner
Ron for the rich soil they brought
from their own garden to enrich our
flower beds last year. The bricks and
flowers they donated over the years
are truly a gift that keeps on giving!
May 2015
Moccasin Telegraph
Executive Director
Jori Hunter
Well, hello all you beautiful
seniors. May is going to be
such a great month for us at
the Edmonton Aboriginal Seniors Centre. We have so much
news to tell you about. Firstly,
you will now be receiving your
newsletter every month. And
we are looking forward to driving our new VAN. The 2015-16
EASC Board has been selected
and they are a great group of
concerned members. Our com-
Housing Coordinator
The past two months has become as
busy as it can get. The month of
March started out with a conference
on Historical Trauma. Historical trauma has left its devastating footprint
on the lives of many Aboriginal Peoples. The conference was very helpful in that I was able to understand
the cause and effect of historical negative events. The conference also
showed positive ways to counteract
intergenerational trauma so people
can begin to heal. Becoming trauma
informed will assist in planning for
change. Talking about the process is
healing in itself. According to the
writer, Waldram, 2013, more research needs to be done regarding
historical trauma. Historical trauma
has its beginning in the past and
wants to walk right into the future.
Understanding this negative system
will help us create processes that will
mittees are forming. Let’s
get ready to spruce up the
Centre so that we can
begin the transformation
of flowers and greenery
that we have planned. Every month we are securing
more new volunteers and
our membership is flourishing at +200 already. The
first of 4 quarterly dances
will be held on May 22,
2015. If you haven’t been
Moccasin5 Telegraph
May 2015
Resource and Service Coordinator
to the Centre for a while
come and check us out and
see what we are doing.
Jori Hunter
Norma Collins
heal the wounds of history and we will
make changes going forward. On March
9, I attended a conference offered by
Homeward Trust. This informational conference depicted the beginning of homelessness in Edmonton. The government
of the day, in the year 1876, began the
process of replacing indigenous Peoples
of Papaschase band with people of European ancestry. This was the beginning of
homelessness according to Daniel Johnson, (writer, --Colonization in Edmonton-Book in process.). Despite the negative
impacts, the indigenous people’s spirit
has not been destroyed. Today there is
resurgence in language, dance, cultural
activities, and art. As for work, we are
getting more applications for housing unfortunately there is always a wait lists for
housing at the different housing agencies.
The government will have to build more
affordable housing for seniors or give
more rent subsidies. When someone
comes to my door asking for
my vote I tell them—“when
you start talking about housing for seniors I will vote for
you”. I remind you once again
I do not work on Monday; I
am here the rest of the week.
I wish you all the best in your
endeavours and keep on loving life.—
Norma Collins
Well Spring is finally here, and what a
whirlwind of activities we have!!! I
have been out in the community busy
recruiting new volunteers and
contacting people for new
programming. Id like to thank all of
our volunteers who come and help us
each week. This includes our
members who come for programming
that lend a hand where they can. I am
very happy that our members had the
opportunity to make baby star quilts
they are beautiful!! Great job ladies!
We also have been working with Holes
greenhouse and a carpenter that has
made us some window boxes and
flower boxes, we will be learning how
to grow herbs, medicines and flowers
Outreach Coordinator
Amanda L’Hirondelle
with the team
from Holes. I am
so excited to be
working with the
EASC in partnership with Enoch
on a Traditional
Round Dance.
These are teachings that I truly
value and look forward to a great event honoring my Elders.
If you have ideas for programming or know
of events you want us to go to, please
come and see me and we will see what we
can do!!
Hiy hiy -
Amanda L’Hirondelle
Ruby Pruden
Ruby Pruden is away taking care of her health needs. Ruby, take good care of yourself and get lots of rest! We will
see you soon!!
In the meantime, the EASC will be hiring a temporary
Outreach worker to assist with the Outreach caseload
until she returns.
May Birthday Shout out!! Happy Birthday !!!!
Kathleen B—May 24
Allan G - May 17
Eva L - May 19
Liz P - May 19
Susan B - May 31
Lorna I - May 27
Pat M - May 13
Will S - May 17
Rod B - May 18
Elizabeth L - May 5
Joseph N - May 3
Daniel C - May 10
Dolly L - May 16
Doris P - May 10
May's birthstone is the emerald which is emblematic of love and success.
The zodiac signs for the month of May are Taurus (until May 20) Gemini (May 21 onwards).
Thank you to Audrey Poitras - President of the Metis Nation
of Alberta and James Atkinson Region 4 Vice President from
the Metis Nation of Alberta for attending our AGM this year!
LORNA - top right picture - “Honouring Our Seniors”
During our AGM, Lorna Isbister was honoured for her dedication to the
Centre through her volunteerism and support of our programs and activities. We appreciate all members whose presence makes our Centre

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