salobreña dossier english 2009


salobreña dossier english 2009
dossier 2009 will love it!
History and nature,
by the Mediterranean Sea.
Plaza de Goya, s/n
Tel. 0034 958 61 0314
Salobreña, Costa Tropical,
Andalucía, España.
Salobreña, an attractive tourist destination
Salobreña is located in the heart of the Costa Tropical, between the
Costa del Sol of Malaga and the Costa of Almería. This village sum up
like no other one the singularity of the charming little towns, full of
history and located into beautiful spots. Salobreña break the Andalusia
stereotype, it is neither dry nor very tourist. Here you can get the
ambience and the taste of Andalusia and Granada.
Salobreña municipality is situated on a coastline of rugged mountains
which descend abruptly to the sea in places creating attractive cliffsides
dotted with small urbanisations of houses facing towards “Mare
Nostrum”. It is also enclosed by numerous mountain ranges which
descend towards lush, verdant valleys of plantations and subtropical
fruit trees, unique in Europe (mango, banana, papaya, custard-apple, avocado, guava and sugar
cane). A scattering of cortijos, country roads, pathways and tracks appeal to outdoor sports
The Old Town of Salobreña offers a great view to the traveller’s eyes. White washed houses are
spread over the hill like sugar cubes crowned by an Arab Castle, around 110 metres over the sea
level. This big rock was in other time a peninsula flanked by two nature refuges or harbours, before
known by the Cartaginenses, Phoenicians, Punicos, Greeks and Romans sailors.
The climate of the Costa Tropical, with the natural resources are the great partners of this odd
tourist destination, becoming one of the most faithful guarantee for breaking with the onlysummer-tourism ,to offer tourist products in all the seasons of the year.
In Salobreña you can enjoy a place in Europe with no Winter
Salobrena offers lots of resources and activities to the visitors
who choose this beautiful place as their holiday resort. The long
days with sunshine and the morning temperatures that always are
almost upper 20º C, show delighted visitors who decide to
discover this new tourist place in Europe.
Salobrena is provided with the necessary tourist facilities to
become a village with activities for
all ages and for all the
seasons of the year.
Cultural Tourism
The history of Salobreña and its odd nature, attract the travellers interested in cultural tourism and
in the old town history of a municipality that shows by own the vestiges of other times, when was
the administrative centre of a large region, formed by numerous city centres or alquerías, with a
dozen of towns.
The singpost routes along the quarters in the old town let the visitor discover buildings of the XIII
century like the Arab Castle, the XVI century Mudejar style Church of the Rosary , promenades
and vaults of the XVI or quarters of the XVII y XVIII centuries, where the Arab influence
impregnates all the spots of this beautiful white town near the Mediterranean Sea. Quiet little
squares, balconies and andalusian facade decorated with ceramics
plates of Granada and flowers show delighted legends
Big investments to improve the paving, construction of parks and
getting better gardens like The Postigo
viewpoints as The Hoyo of the
Viewpoint of Albaycín -the balcony over the highest sea in Andalusia,
to 98 metres high over the Tajo in Salobreña, have became Salobreña in
one of the most beautiful towns in the Andalusian Coast.
The Green Salobreña: Natural Environment and People
Part of the uniqueness of Salobreña lies in its natural
environment of subtropical plantations accessible by country
roads and pathways which allow the visitor to appreciate the
wide variety of botanical species. Camino del Canal, Camino
de Lobres and Camino del Gambullon Pathways are short easy
walks which allow the visitor to observe at closehand the
custard-apple, mango, avocado and papaya plantations and
have the opportunity to take in panoramic views of the valley
and Salobreña.
A natural environment and an abundance of pathways cut through the valley, mountains and
clifftops, provide the ideal setting for both hiking and cycling. Many of the routes pass through
plantations of exotic fruit trees such as the custard-apple, mango, banana, guava, avocado. In
addition, there is a wealth of Mediterranean flora and both seabirds and small birds of prey are of
particular interest in this area.
More than 200 species of wild and garden plants are in flower throughout the year making this a
haven for nature lovers. The almond tree blossom towards the end of January is particularly striking
as are the numerous blossoms in November and December of plants such as the poinsettia, oxalis
and bougainvillaea.
Hiking is becoming one of the favourite activities for the people
who visit Salobreña. Many options are offered to the traveller,
through the lower fertile plain, cliffs, archaeological sites, get
delighted the walkers, searching pure air, nature and sport.
Another routes between Salobreña and Motril, Salobreña and
Lobres, or from Salobreña to Molvízar, Ítrabo along the
plantations and the ascent to La Guidalera, are proposals for
the more and more numerous amateurs of cycling and the BTT.
To motivate this activity, almost always requested out of the summer time, the Tourism Area of
the Council of Salobreña, has installed a group of display stands with maps and information about
every routes proposed in different parks and gardens in the town. Also it has published a Guide of
Countryside Paths and Walks including information in English and Spanish, in colour about seven
routes from Salobreña (detail maps, road map, photos in colour and information about History,
plants, birds and Geography).
Salobreña’s fertile plain itinerary
The gentle nature of this walk makes it suitable for all age groups due to the flat nature of the terrain
with stretches of asphalt alternating with dirt-tracks through the plain. In Summer it is advisable to
avoid the hottest part of the day and choose, either early morning, or late afternoon when the sea
breeze and warmth of the sun’s setting rays highlight the vivid contrasting colours. During the rest
of the year, the walk can be done at any time of the day.
Our point of departure is in Goya Square. From here we head south along Mediterranean Avenue in
the Paseo Marítimo direction until we come to the local park La Fuente where we turn left along a
dirt-track which leads us to the first section of the walk through the fertile plain and along the
plantations, subtropical
market gardens (crops
beans, etc.) until it comes
del Molino (mill path),
the river Guadalfeo.
we begin the coastal
along the beach until we
Granada development and
Club. Close to the
the few remaining marsh
Species of birds include
kingfisher, wagtail and
through sugar cane
fruit trees and
such as potatoes,
out at the Camino
urbanisation with
Crossing the river,
stretch of the walk
reach the Playa
Los Moriscos Golf
rivermouth some of
areas can be found.
the marsh harrier,
wading bird.
Past the Golf Club we leave behind a large seafront residence surrounded by extensive vegetation.
This is Villa Astrida, the former residence summer of the monarchs of Belgium, Balduino and
Passing Punta del Santo we come to Pelaillo and Poniente Beach and we carry on until we reach
Charca de Suarez and Charca del Pelaillo (located behind the Gran Hotel Motril). Continue left
along Camino de Patria path and Camino de Rio Seco (asphalted) until the road access to Playa
Granada is reached. Crossing the road, we find ourselves in the last remaining European sugar cane
area. It has been cultivated for thousands of years in the coastal area of Granada and was introduced
by the Moors in the ninth and tenth centuries gaining major agricultural and industrial importance
from the twelfth century onwards. From here we take the Camino de Pescadores Path which once
again leads us to the bed of the river Guadalfeo and back towards the town of Salobreña.
Botanic walks around Salobreña
When talking about the flora in Salobreña, we must talk about extraordinary botanical contrasts.
The first thing that attracts our attention when we come near it is how many different habitats can
coexist in a relatively small terrain. The craggy walls of the south side, with vegetation that lives on
the rocks, are only a few metres apart from the populated and fertile lowlands. This alluvial plain,
created by the Guadalfeo River, stretches down on both sides of the rocky hill. The sugar cane
plantations take up a very high percentage of the farming land, alternating with little market gardens
and increasingly more extensive terrains of fruit trees.
As expected, the special
climate enjoyed by
and since long has
introduction of many
cultivations native to
These cultivations,
like the custard apple,
the avocado or the
sugar cane, are now
deeply rooted in the
area. The absence of a
temperature over 59º
F, together with the
amount of rain, the
humidity degree, etc.,
not only favours the
development of these
plant species, but
also alters the cycle of
the indigenous plants
regarding other geographic areas. This can be detected clearly by observing the flowering stages of
some woody species, which are much longer than it would under normal conditions. This way, we
can enjoy all the year the flowering of species like the rosemary, the tree tobacco or the paper
flower, to cite but three, each one belonging to a different type according the classification
suggested in this guide. Also, a great amount of plants from other parts of the world used in
gardening, as the common lantana, the ocean blue morning-glory and even some palm trees, have
acclimatized perfectly to the area and can be seen sprouting spontaneously thanks to the action of
the different pollinators.
Other easy walks by the Valley
Sea bound
This route, starting at Salobreña, will take us to the La Fuente
Park and its beautiful ponds and Gardens populated by abundant
plants, flowers and tropical birds. Then we take the Camino del
Gambullón track into the floodplain, passing through fields
cultivated with sugar cane, to arrive in La Caleta where we can
enjoy magnificent panoramic views of the Mediterranean
coastline from the Mirador de la Caleta. Following the road
along the coast, we come to the end of the route at the El Caletón
cliffs, where it is possible to spot indigenous bird species such as
black headed, herring, and lesser backed gulls (Larus ridibundus,
argentatus and fuscus).
Through the lower floodplain
This route allows us to explore the typical agricultural landscape
of Salobreña’s floodplain. Beginning at La Fuente Park we then
follow a track leading to the Camino del Molino path which in
turn passes through fields growing sugar cane and subtropical
fruits (such as medlars and chirimoyos). Arriving at the path
known as the Camino del Molino, we continue on our way
following the banks of the River Guadalfeo towards the Lower Floodplain – where the route comes
to and end.
A stroll through time
Leaving Salobreña on the Camino de los Barreros path, this
route allows us to see the fields of sugar cane and exotic
fruits, such as chirimoyos, avocadoes, papayas, whilst also
visiting the remains of Monte Hacho archaeological site. The
route climbs to 100 metres before joining the Camino del
Canal pathway, which affords magnificent views of the
floodplain, the town itself and the sea as it takes us towards
the Monte de los Almendros residential area. We then cross
the N-340 road near to La Caleta to arrive at La Guardia
beach, where our journey ends.
Cultural Guided Tours: a propose to improve the quality and discover new
tourist products for all seasons.
The Municipal Tourist Office of Salobreña offers a programme of
guided tours that satisfy the demand of organized products, and is
having a great success in tourism. Tours are conducted in Spanish,
English, French or German.
Historical guided tour
The visits programme offers a Historical Guided Tour, through an
itinerary designed for clients of all ages to enjoy through the old town
of Salobreña and to discover picturesque corners, monuments and
viewpoints .
The Roman settlements and their pottery industry, Salobreña and the
Nasrid Kingdom of Granada and the incorporation of Salobreña into
the Kingdom of Castille, are some of the contents of the visit.
The route starts in Plaza de Goya Square in Salobreña, and covers art
and history routes of the village, the Loma, Brocal and Albaycín
quarters, the Arab Castle (13th century), History Museum, Mudejar Church of the Rosary (16th
century), Craft Centre and Floral Promenade.
Agricultural tour
In the programme “Nature Salobreña, an unique experience...”, it is possible to enjoy an
Agricultural Tour , through the valley’s subtropical fruit trees and
provides the opportunity to learn about the climate, geological
formation of the valley, history of the sugar cane (in existence
since the 10th century), harvesting and production methods of
fruits such as the custard-apple, avocado, mango, papaya, guava
and banana, the artificial pollination and the Regulatory Board of
the chirimoya .The bus arrives to the beginning of the plantation.
At the end of the visit, there is an opportunity to sample fruit juices
and seasonal exotic fruits in the town’s La Fuente Park.
Duration: 2 hours.
Guided Cycling Tour
It is offered a Guided Cycling Tour through the Salobreña fields in
BBT cycle, knowing the lower fertile plain, its plantations of
tropical fruits, the climate, formation of the valley, geographical
features, and visiting a fish farm of dorada and lubina, also a visit to
La Caleta viewpoint garden.
Mediterranean Coastal Path Tour
Another tourist product is the Mediterranean Coastal Path
Tour. The route is linear and follows the GR 92 section, and
part of the Roman road which connected Malaka and
Carthage. Walking via Tajo de Salobreña Gorge, the cliffs are
reached where the path alongside the beaches and coves is
taken. Birds, flowers, shrubs, and viewpoints looking out to
sea are our companions along the way. Numerous
watchtowers dating from the 13th, 16th, 17th and 18th
centuries are dotted along the route and bear witness to the
time when the coastline lived “on constant alert”. Each watchtower has its individual features,
legends and history which the accompanying tour guide will explain. The route ends at Pozuelo
Beach, meeting point with the bus of the group.
Duration: 3 ½ hours.
Guided Theatrical Tours
Theatrical tours through the old town of Salobreña provide an
opportunity to get to know the town’s history and legends.
The old town and Arab Castle area the settings for interactive
performances in which the clients themselves can take part.
A group of 5 actors represent characters from the Middle
Ages and dramatise important historical events. Tours are
suitable for all age groups; the meeting point is in Plaza de
Goya square adjacent to the tourist office.
Duration: 2 ½ hours.
Itinerary for bird-watching on the Costa Tropical
The Granada coastline is more than 60 kms long with
almost 40 kms of beaches, coves, valleys and cliffs.
Rocky areas with sheer drops to sea-level alternate with
flat narrow stretches of coastline where beaches can be
found. Other places offer a number of possibilities as far
as the fauna is concerned, providing shelter and food
during the different seasons of the year, in addition to
nesting places and migratory stops. Small islands such as
Alborán and Las Chafarinas have cliffs similar to those
along our coastlines which provide breeding grounds for seabirds. Seabirds along the cliffs,
nightbirds in the valleys and even exotic birds of African origin in addition to birds from
ornithological parks can be observed in different places along the Costa Tropical.
Duration: 3 hours.
Salobreña: 320 days to sunbathing in calmness
320 days of sunlight a year and the tranquility of
enjoying the sun in the sand, almost alone, is
often a luxury in visitor´s hands. 6 Kilometres of
beaches, and numerous coves, show delighted the
travellers who appreciate the calmness and silent
break by the sea waves.
La Guardia with almost one kilometre of beach,
is a mild place surrounded by
Sunbathing and reading will be the best reasons
to have a great day, and eating well-fried fishes and a delicious salad
of avocado and mango in a town bar, is possible anytime of the year,
in this journey of sun and lecture. The Peñón Beaches, Molino,
Punta del Río in the Sea Promenade, with almost 2 kilometres, the
coves El Caletón, Pargo or Cambrón, or 1200 metres of beaches that
the municipality of Salobreña has got after the mouth of the River
Guadalfeo, near the aquatic birds of the humid sites, allow to enjoy
sun, sea, and the relaxation in an unique place, surrounded by
reedbeds, next to the Los Moriscos Golf Court in Playa Granada
Beach in Motril. Salobreña, sunbathing near the sea, under the far
view of the Sierra Nevada snow, is not a dream.
Salobreña, for Sport
Thanks to a superb climate and Mediterranean location, opportunities abound for sports enthusiasts.
The Municipal Sports Centres in Salobreña, Lobres and La Caleta are equipped for tennis, athletics
and basketball. A pavilion allows for competitions to be held
indoors. An indoor swimming pool is is open throughout the year.
Salobreña also have an
artificial grass football pitch,
associations, clubs or federated
international, teams to perform
trainning sessions in sporting installations of the highest quality,
made available by the town of Salobreña for used by interested
Cliffs and rocky shores with a rich variety of underwater flora and
fauna make the coastline ideal for scuba diving. The artificial fishing
reefs are home to a multi-coloured colony of underwater species;
cephlapods, molluscs, seaweed and rockfish such as sea bass and sea
bream are protected and fishing is not permitted.
Angling from Pargo and Caletón coves or Plaza del Lavadero
Square and diving in the rocky coastal areas are other activities
enjoyed by visitors.
Given the proximity of the sea to the mountains and valleys,
multiactivity adventure holidays can be arranged for federations
or sporting organisations.
Gliding is an sport activity that welcomes numerous enthusiasts
from all Europe, especially in winter when is not possible to practise this sport in their origin
countries or areas. Paragliding and hang gliding are available. It is possible from different points to
take off in the municipality of Salobreña. Sport practise of horse riding, tennis, golf...and ski to less
an hour, are also possible from Salobreña.
Main sports activities throughout the year includes: Tennis open, Provincial Beach-volley
championship, a number of soccer championships, pethanque, mountainbike racing and athletics are
some of the options available for enthusiasts.
Conventions Supply and Cultural Programming all year
Auditorium “Villa de Salobreña”
The facilities of the Auditorium Villa de
Salobreña, a hall with 376 seats dotted with the
most modern multimedia technology, allow the
organizations of Conventions, commercial
presentations, incentive meetings, business
journeys, etc. A folding 40-square-metres screen
allows the showing of any kind of audio-visual
format, video, cinema or computer applications
with the Auditorium facilities. Are important the
Education Journeys every year in September,
and the National Meeting of Mus Card Players.
The Auditorium Villa de Salobreña is also the place where take place more than hundred theatre
plays, concerts, talks, movies, opera, including the
cultural activities programm of the month of
Salobreña village.
Cultural activities programme
The Municipal Exhibition Centre located on the first
floor of the Municipal Library of Salobreña, offers
temporary samples of pictures, sculpture, crafts, also
works and hand-made art of the town formation
centres, and anothers of artists of interest. So it is
become the place for walking through culture and art.
The new amphitheatre in the Fuente Park will provide another setting for shows and entertainment.
Amongst the recommended activities are: New Age concerts, Flamenco Festival “Lucero del Alba”,
Programme of summer concerts in Salobreña, childrens activities, blues concert in La Caleta,
Cultural Week in Lobres, Andalusian Cinema Tour, Andalusian Theatre Tour...
Medieval Dinners
The castle is the perfect framework for the organisation of the
famous Cenas Medievales (medieval
dinners) of Salobreña, which take place
during the summer months. Inspired in the
muslim’s occupation period, it’s an event
where the gastronomy, life music, dancing
and theather get mixed up. It is necessary
to buy the tickets in advance to assist to this medieval dinners, so that’s the
reason why we suggest you to contact with the tourist office of Salobreña,
where they will give you the dinners calendar and the way to make the
New technologies for the 21st century tourists
Free Wifi for everyone
Salobreña has three areas for free wifi Internet access. The system
allows any user with a laptop computer, or any other electronic device
with Internet access via the system, to connect freely and free of charge
to the signal on communicate via the web. This is an interesting
initiative offered by Salobreña and one which allows visitors and
residents alike to read the email, or look up any information they want
on the Internet, totally free of charge.
For free access to the Internet, go to the following points:
Salobreña: Plaza Ayuntamiento (Town Hall Square), Plaza Juan Carlos I.
Lobres: Plaza Casa de la Cultura (Cultural Centre Square).
La Caleta: Plaza Casa de la Cultura (Cultural Centre Square).
Tourist information via
Useful information
Water Board
Alsina Graells
Emergency Service
Social Worker
Town Hall
Fire Brigade
Cultural Centre
Health Centre
La Caleta Health
Lobres Health Practice
Post Office
Red Cross
Civil Guard (Police)
Pensioner’s Club
Regional Hospital
Historic Museum
Tourist Office
Indoor Swimmingpool
Local Police
Sports Centre
Civil Protection
Local Radio Station
Radio Taxi
Hubara Veterinary
Natura Veterinary
958612800 / 958612575
958601920 / 958601744
902505060/902505061 Urg.
958825959 / 958222222 Em.
958610423 / 900101062
958828875 / 625657082
Web / Email will love it!
Plaza de Goya, s/n
Tel. 0034 958 61 0314
Salobreña, Costa Tropical,
Andalucía, España.