piecemaker - Annapolis Quilt Guild


piecemaker - Annapolis Quilt Guild
Annapolis Quilt Guild, Inc.
National Quilting Association Chapter #229
President’s Corner
Alphabet Soup
Aack! My quilting cup is runnething over. I have baskets, bags, and boxes of potential masterpieces all
over my sewing room. They used to be on top of my
fabric shelves only, then they snuck into even bigger
baskets and now have oozed onto the floor so I can
trip over them. How clever of my UFOs to remind me
that they are here.
Among the many (and I do mean many), are partially
completed projects (PCPs) from the
various AQG classes I have attended. You see, I'm slow in class. When
others finish our projects then proudly
display them at Show & Tell, I park
mine in a corner when I get home
and there they stay. I usually have
good intentions (GIs), but somehow
the allure of newer quilts sucks me
right in.
A peek into my tote bags reveals Hawaiian appliqué that I designed during a class with Paula Golden. Another bag contains the most beautiful
fabric for a small whole cloth quilt that
Joanie Zeier Poole taught us to
make. I have the hand appliqué,
which I am terrible at, from Karen Kay Buckley's
phenomenal class; I do use her methods still when
I'm forced to appliqué. And the list goes on and on.
But here's the thing...I learned from every class I
took. I have gleaned a bag of hot tips and nifty tricks
that help me with my sewing every day. I have tools
and fabrics and threads (oh, those hand-dyed
September 2015
In this issue:
President’s Corner ........................... ....1
Calendar .............................................. 2
Bee Business ....................................... 2
Events and Membership News ......... 3-5
Fall Retreat ....................................... 6-7
Community Service ........................... 8-9
Members’ Bulletin Board .................... 10
Block of the Month ............................ 11
Upcoming Workshops ................... 12-13
threads -- HDTs) to dream on. I had great times and
good chocolate (C) from every class I've taken. I've
met wonderful quilters and friends (F), both teachers
and learners. And you, too, can accumulate more
quilting knowledge and more stuff (S).
We have amazing teachers and classes coming up.
Terry Kramzar will be here in October with an exciting art quilt technique. Cindy Needham comes in
November with heirloom linens and quilting feathers.
A grand two day with Hollis Chatelaine comes in the
Spring. Polly Schatz and Sue Cochrane are your goto people for these and other programs. At the very
least, you can tell them what or who you would like
to have for us in the future. Then you, like me, can
eat C, make F, and have more UFOs and PCPs with
HDTs than you know what to do with. Here's to
And here's to the classes that create it!
With GI,
—Lynn Hollway
President, AQG
Annapolis Quilt Guild
September 2015
Page 2
Bee information
.Open Bees
(All are welcome to join)
New Bee! The Rusty Needles Sewing Circle
meets the 4th Monday from 6:00 p.m.-9 p.m. or on
the 5th Monday if the month has 5 Mondays from
2:00p.m. – 9:00p.m. The bee is held at the Fairview
Library in Calvert County (intersection of Rte. 4 &
Chaneyville Rd, Owings). Sewing machines and all
forms of handwork are welcomed. For further information please contact Sharon Fossett at slfossett@comcast.net
September Calendar
Monday, September 14 - General meeting, 7:009:00 p.m., Knights of Columbus Hall. Pat and Arlan
Christ lecture on “Pennsylvania Dutch Quilts: Folklore and Superstition.”
Monday, September 28 - Board meeting, 7:008:45 p.m., Crofton Library.
The Material Girls Bee is an open bee that meets
at the Severna Park Library from 9:30-4. Generally
we meet on Mondays. In September we will meet
on 9/14 and 9/28. New members are always welcome. For more information call Helen Hamerstrom
at 410- 647-1720.
The Quilt Book Study Group meets at the Severna
Park Library from 9:30 – 4, generally on Mondays. In September, we will meet on 9/21. For more
information call Helen Hamerstrom at 410- 6471720.
Jane Mendez-Wisniewski
Be sure to welcome our new and returning
members at the next meeting! A revised list
of members is posted on the web on the
Members page.
The Fabric Hogs meet at the South County Police
station in Edgewater on the third Monday of each
month. Our next meeting is on September 21. We
welcome new members and visitors at any time. For
info, please contact Kelly Dunahoo via email at
The Huntingtown Hive meets in Prince Frederick
on the second and fourth weekends of the month at
Linda Murphy’s house at 2384 Sixes Road, Prince
Frederick, MD 20678. For more information please
contact Linda at 410-414-3118 or 443-532-1970.
The Queen Bees, an Eastern Shore Bee, meet on
Kent Island the second and fourth Thursdays of the
month at St. Christopher’s, Chester, MD from 5:30
p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The Queen Bees focus on individual quilting projects, sharing new quilt books, techniques, tools and love of quilting. We take road trips
to shops and shows. New members are always
welcome. For more information and directions,
please call Terri Flaherty at 443-239-2532 or Lis
Cockey at 410-827-5738.
DATE CHANGE: The Three-Inch Bee is a bee that
concentrates on miniatures. The group now meets
at the Severna Park Library on the first Thursday of
the month from 6:30-8:30. Contact Kelley Cunningham if you’re interested in joining. Email: Kelley@sunporchquilts.com
Reminders for September
Come early to the September Guild meeting to
get your Member Guide and membership card
before the meeting begins.
Start your Block of the Month quilt with one or
more Log Cabin blocks.
Sign up for the Fall Retreat.
Register now for one of the great quilt workshops coming up.
Pick up your teddy bear to dress for the Salvation Army’s teddy-and-quilt project.
Still have time on your hands? Make a few
more Beads of Courage bags.
Annapolis Quilt Guild
September 2015
Events and Membership News
Membership Guides and Cards
The new 2015-2016 AQG Member Guides and
membership cards have been printed and are ready
for distribution. Be sure to come early to the September meeting to pick them up before the meeting
starts. There will be a table set up near the main
If you have not yet paid your
dues, please print the membership form from the website, and
then bring your completed form
and a check made out to “AQG.”
Blank forms will also be available at the membership table.
Raffle tickets are included in each member packet. If you elected to prepay for your tickets, you
will receive only the receipt portion of the tickets. The stubs were completed with your name
information and given to
the raffle quilt wrangler. If you have not
yet paid for your raffle
tickets, your member
packet will contain
both parts of the tickets. Each member is
asked to sell or purchase at least 12 tickets to
help support the Guild raffle quilt. This year’s
raffle wrangler is Shelly Duncan.
Be sure to wear your AQG member badge and stop
by the membership table to fill in a door prize ticket
to be eligible for great door prizes during the meeting. You must be present to win.
See you at the September meeting!
and Georgia
Page 3
Thanks to the raffle quilt committee members who
were at the Sit and Sew on the 3rd. We had a good
session and were able to get all the block colors assigned. If you were not able to attend, I will
have your “kit” for you at the Guild meeting on September 14.
We are shooting for November completion of the
appliqué blocks. If you can get them to me by the
Guild meeting on the
2nd, that would be great;
if not, as soon as you
can before Thanksgiving. Then, Phase 2: setting the blocks. I hope to
get together with you
for a group session
in early December.
Take a sneak peek at
some of the fabrics at
From the Sunshine Lady….
It’s never too late to send sunshine to
guild members by sending out cards to
those who are sick, recovering from
surgery, or have had a loss in the family. Please call or email, (with “AQG” in the subject
line please), if you know of someone who might appreciate a card from the guild.
Please be sure to find some time to make some
heart blocks for our members who have gone
through some difficult times this past year. You may
check past issues of our newsletter for any names
you may have missed. Directions for making the
blocks may be found on page 12 in our Membership
Directory; if you have any questions regarding the
blocks, please feel free to contact me at (410)7576416 or email kadams61@yahoo.com .
―Kerry Hayes
Annapolis Quilt Guild
September 2015
Page 4
Events and Membership News
From the Guild Librarian
And there she goes—summer, in all her colorful finery and with September gaily chasing
after her. My summer was spent exploring New England where I visited my sister and I
also had a go at the Outer Banks with my grandkids. Now I have been hitting all the consignment shops in order to furnish my new Florida condo.
However, that does not mean that I will be absent from guild all the time. Yes, I will miss
the first two meetings due to renovation duties BUT, my illustrious co-librarian, Anne Maio, will be bright and chipper and awaiting your book requests both in September and October. I shall return to her side in November and while I'm gone I expect Anne to report
back to me your enthusiastic interest in our new approach to book display.
You might note that sections of the book cart are labeled and check out the new books
we purchased this summer. With a look ahead, I hope more book purchases will occur;
so Anne and I will certainly need your suggestions. Also take a special look at "Great
Sets" by Sharon Craig and " Stretching Tradition" by Lynn G. Kough. I'm bummed I will
miss you all at the start, but keep an eye out for me. I shall return with hot titles from Florida!
Your guild librarian,
Alexis Langsner
Marine Moms
The Queen Bee quilt
bee received a letter
acknowledgement for
the donation of four
quilts to the Marine
The letter thanked the bee for helping wounded
Warriors and also for honoring Marine MomsBethesda at the Annapolis Quilt Show. Author Jane
LeCompte added, “Knowing they are being thought
of by complete strangers makes a huge impact on
the patients and families. Thank you for being the
caring ladies that you are.”
The Queen Bee quilt bee meets in Chester on Kent
Feel Like Traveling?
Infinity Tours in Columbia is offering daily transportation to the Original Sewing & Quilt Expo in Fredericksburg, Virginia, on October 1, 2, and 3. The price
is only $40 for a round trip ticket, and a light breakfast and evening snack are included. Such a
deal! If you are interested, contact Infinity Tours at
(301) 974-42217 (Joyce or Chantal) or email at Infinitytours22@gmail.com.
If you want to go a little farther afield, a Dedicated
Quilting Weekend in Falmouth, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, is being held on October 30 - November 1,
2015, and again on March 11-13, 2016. It’s an opportunity to work on your own projects with food and
lodging included at the Shoreway Acres
Inn. Contacts are Penny (508) 477-8559 or Pam
(508) 477-2102 or email at
Closer to home and happening soon is Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza on September 17 to
20. It is held at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center, in Oaks PA. There are lots of workshops still
open, and always lots of quilts to see and stuff to
buy. Info at www.quiltfest.com.
Annapolis Quilt Guild
September 2015
Page 5
Events and Membership News
New items are available for purchase this year. A
super-sized canvas tote to bring you quilts in for
Show and Tell ($22) and a personalized Tervis tumbler ($27),
both with guild logo, will be available to see and order. Patches with
the guild logo can be purchased
separately for $8. The canvas bag
would cost $50 at L. L. Bean, so
this is a bargain!
Notes from our
Quilt Wrangler
I was lucky enough to
help in the making of the
2016 Raffle Quilt,
“SuperNova” and now I
get to take it around Maryland and show it off!! And
hopefully sell some raffle tickets in the process. Lots
of tickets!!
Selling tickets is a significant way that we raise money for our Guild. We use the funds to subsidize our
programs and events and to pay for the items used
during our Christmas potluck and our end of the year
dinner. As a member, we are all expected to sell at
least 12 tickets or $10.00 worth. (It is a $1.00 for
one ticket and 6 tickets for $5.00) . Please do your
bit to keep our Guild vibrant!
At the Sept meeting, Shelly Duncan will have a water bottle and 16-ounce tumbler that have the AQG
patch inserted and have been personalized so that
members can see what they look like. We are hoping to get 25 orders so that we can get a 15% discount from TERVIS for a bulk purchase. Bring cash
or checkbooks to the meeting if you would like to
buy these items.
Our quilt spent two weeks in August hanging out at
Capital Sew and Vac – thanks Diana!! And Pat Holland is taking the quilt to four different guilds on the
Eastern Shore during the month of September! Then
I will be at the First Sunday Arts Festival on West St
in Annapolis on October 4th and then onto four guilds
later that month. (Whoo-hoo! Road trips ahead with
perhaps some side trips to quilt shops!)
At this time we have two guilds scheduled to visit our
meetings to sell tickets for their raffle quilts. Faithful
Circle Quilt Guild will be at our October meeting and
Uhuru Guild is coming in November. Please support
these folks and buy some tickets!
—Shelly Duncan
Annapolis Quilt Guild
September 2015
Page 6
Fall Retreat
AQG and West River Camp
During the Fall AQG retreat, I had a long talk with Bev Ames, one of our Founding Members (1980) and a
major catalyst in starting our AQG retreats at West River United Methodist Center (henceforth referred to as
West River or "the camp").
Bev's sister was associated with the camp and suggested that a small group of quilters could come for the
weekend to work in the peaceful and unique setting.
In the spring of 1985, the cabins were barely finished and there were some considerable hardships. In fact,
the quilters had to bring in several of their own campers to sleep in! However, the view won everyone over
and has had hundreds of quilters coming back for 30 years and ever longer sessions.
During the 1990s, the retreat accepted 50 eager quilters for a 2-night/3-day stay; now we limit it to 35 quilters
over 5-days/4-nights or a portion thereof. Thru all those years, AQG has supported West River with many
monetary donations, which helped improve the camp for quilters as well as other visitors. Better mattresses
were a major upgrade we all cheered, as were the better showers!
In Oct. 2014 West River dedicated their Peace Pole Pavilion. Many donors helped make it possible by buying
bricks inscribed with words of their choice.
In 2013 the Annapolis Quilt Guild donated 3 bricks with the following inscriptions:
Celebrating 28 years of pieceful retreats!
—Annapolis Quilt Guild Retreaters
Our lives are like quilts,
bits and pieces, joy and sorrow,
stitched with love
Dedicated to the Founding Members
of the Annapolis Quilt Guild
—AQG 1980
If you are coming to
the Retreat Gala Dinner
on October 16, please
take a few minutes to
enjoy the pavilion and
hear more stories of retreat adventures.
Annapolis Quilt Guild
September 2015
Page 7
Fall Retreat, cont.
2015 Fall Retreat
Friday Night Gala Dinner
This year's fall retreat, October 14-18, marks a special anniversary for AQG and West River Methodist
Camp. It will be our sixtieth retreat and, as with many milestones of that number, a celebration is in order.
That was the suggestion and kind offer of Andy Thornton, the camp's director, at the 2014 AQG fall retreat.
He greatly appreciates the close relationship that AQG and West River have nurtured over the last 30
years (x 2 retreats per year = 60 retreats).
Here are the guidelines we decided on so far:
Dinner at 6:30 pm on Friday, October 16, in the camp's large dining hall.
All AQG members are invited, as long as they properly sign up in advance.
There will be sign-up sheets at the Sept. and Oct. meetings.
Reservations are due to Hilke by email or phone by Monday, October 12.
Actual retreaters arriving prior to Friday will have their dinner already figured in.
Dinner will be finer than our usual fare, even with tablecloths! West River hosts many large events/
weddings/anniversaries. We are working on some special entertainment, too.
There will be 2 entrees to choose from at the dinner and the price will be determined soon ($15-20).
—Hilke Hoefer
Founding member Nina Lord
Photos by Hilke Hoefer
Annapolis Quilt Guild
September 2015
Page 8
Community Service
Light House Quilts
for November Meeting
Ahoy, Mates!
It's September in Annapolis and time for the arrival
of our Salvation Army Bears!!!
Each September we receive a hundred or more
teddy bears from the Salvation Army, all dressed in
nothing but their birthday suits, and each December we give them back, all dressed up. Along with
an outfit, we create a child-sized or bear-sized quilt
to accompany each bear.
If you would like to participate again this year,
please pick up your bear at the Events table sometime during our guild meeting on September
14th. We have had LOTS of fun doing this for the
Salvation Army for many years. See you in September!!
—Marti Phelps
Lis Cockey
Terri Flaherty
We will have a show and tell of
the first round of Light House
quilts at the start of our November meeting--before they
go to grace the beds of those
who are in the center’s transitional housing. Michele Martin,
Associate Director of Development-Volunteer Services, will
attend the meeting and receive
the quilts made so far.
If you are working on a quilt now, please bring it to
the November meeting or get it to me before then.
Not quite finished?? Bring it along anyway. Michele
will love knowing that there are more “in the pipeline.”
And, there is still time
to make one! We are
looking for twin sized
60” by 85”. The greatest need is for quilts in
masculine or gender
neutral colors that are
appropriate for adults
or grade school children and teens.
Questions? Call Prue Hoppin at 443-607-8345.
Anne Arundel Medical Center
Needs Your Help
Louise Myrick reports that there is a continuing need for knitted
hats and mitts for newborns and scarves (good projects for knitters) and mastectomy pillows (finished at 12-14” square and
moderately firmly stuffed) for cancer patients. The pillows are
wonderful stash/large scrap busters and a great way to give new
life to completed blocks that haven’t found homes.
Annapolis Quilt Guild
September 2015
Page 9
Community Service, cont.
with this CHRISTMAS STOCKING PROJECT for our vets
And what better way to do just that, than to
make a special one-of-a-kind Christmas stocking
(or possibly two!) for recovering military members who become sick, injured or wounded during their tour of duty.
Stitches of Love….a group of dedicated ladies,
who sew, knit and crochet items for the troops
during their hospitalization at Landstuhl Regional
Medical Center in Germany as well as Combat
Support Hospitals in Afghanistan and Iraq, is
reaching out for help with their Christmas Stocking Project. Now is your chance to take part in
sending homemade comfort and holiday cheer
to those so far away from home and family during this Holiday Season. Most recipients are
men, so “less flowery” Christmas fabrics are preferred. Non-Christmas fabrics are acceptable
also — such as military and sports team themes.
And of course, there are women too. These are
easy-sewing, non-cuff variety 18” stockings with
fusible fleece batting, lining, and a sewn in loop
for hanging. Be creative, add a contrasting cuff,
some quilting or embroidery…but please tuck
those really cutesy kiddie fabrics back in your
stash for those wonderful grandchildren!
Start by selecting fabric that speaks to you of
Christmas and home. Plan today to do a little
extra stitching this fall to bring big smiles during
the coming Christmas season. Stop at our table
at the September 14 AQG meeting to see sever-
al finished stockings and pick up your Stocking
Project guidelines, pattern, and pre-printed label to attach to your stocking. Draw from your
lovely stash of Christmas and theme fabrics,
add a lining, iron on a bit of fusible fleece batting, stitch down the length and around the toe,
flip that sucker right side out, and... TA DA! A
Christmas memory is born!
If you wish to donate fabric with appropriate
themes for this project or can’t attend the meeting and would like me to e-mail the pattern,
please call Linda Dickinson, 301-262-3859.
We will have a limited amount of pre-cut
lengths of stocking fabric available at the September meeting. (All you will need to supply is
the lining fabric and fusible fleece). Finished
stockings must be returned by the November 2
meeting. Drop off boxes will be at the October
12 AQG meeting and at Capital Sew & Vac,
2116 Forest Dr., Annapolis, Md. Happy sewing!
—Linda Dickinson
Annapolis Quilt Guild
September 2015
Page 10
Members’ Bulletin Board
Barbara Dahlberg is now teaching at Spring Water
Designs! I'm pleased to be joining the teaching staff
at this lovely shop in Columbia. Check out the
shop's website www.springwaterdesigns.com for my
classes for the fall - Autumn Leaves Art Quilt and A
Bowl For Every Season - and all the other great
classes being offered. On line registration is available or stop by and see the samples.
Dear Quilting Friends,
I received many lovely hearts after my recent
surgery. I really appreciate the expressions of
concern and the good wishes for returning
health. I want all of you to know I am recovering well, and am back quilting. I hope to see
many of you at the next guild meeting.
Lynn Hapchuk
For Sale HQ16 HandiQuilter
Featherweight for Sale
HQ16 HandiQuilter with Stitch Regulator longarm quilting machine.
Upgrade 12’ Studio Professional Frame Pro
Guide System with precision-glide track
Instruction manual for machine and frame set up
and User Instructions CD
Extra Heavy Marked Leaders, Ruler Base, Stylus for Groove Board ($125 Value)
Laser, Extra 12 LED Lights added, 10 large “M”
Class Bobbins, Bobbin Winder
HandiQuilter Club transfer with machine at Cottonseed Glory in Annapolis
Handi-Quilter website has excellent tutorials,
videos, and tips.
For more details contact Bernerdett King at 410451-0660 or email bernerdett@gmail.com
I am looking for a new home for a '56 Featherweight. The machine is circa 1956. It is in very
good condition & runs beautifully. The case shows a
good bit of wear. It has the original instruction manual, attachments, and stitch plate. Oh, and even the
original tube of lubricant. It is possible that the foot
pedal has been rewired, but I cannot say for sure.
I have purchased and will include with the machine:
a 1/4" foot, a walking foot, a new stitch plate w/ 1/4"
1/2" etc. markings, & an acrylic extension "table"
that increases the sewing work area.
The price is $400. I can be reached at home, 410721-1355, on my cell, 443-306-3214, or by email,
—Carolyn Dixson
Annapolis Quilt Guild
September 2015
Page 11
Block of the Month - Log Cabin Block
The 2015-16 Block of the Month program starts this month, so choose your color scheme and get started.
This year’s designer is Hilke Hoefer. The basic block is a traditional 12-inch Log Cabin, shown here. Future
issues of the newsletter will bring you Hilke’s designs for 12 pieced blocks to be inserted in the black spaces;
the blocks will be suitable for beginning or intermediate quilters. When they are finished, you can arrange
them in a design like the one below (left) to make a twin-size bed quilt 66” by 90” or arrange in a design to
suit yourself. The quilt below requires 23 Log Cabin blocks. Make them of the same fabrics or all scrappy.
Make one or two log cabins each time you piece a block and you’ll soon be done.
Cutting directions: Arrange colors as you like. (Hilke
suggests cutting A and C patches in the darkest
colors, creating a good frame for the blocks as shown.)
A: Cut two patches 2" x 11"
B: Cut two patches 2" x 9 1/2"
C: Cut one patch 2" x 12 1/2"
D: Cut two patches 2" x 8"
E: Cut two patches 2" x 6 1/2"
F: Cut two patches 2" x 5"
G: Cut one patch 2" x 3 1/2"
H: Cut one patch 3 1/2" x 3 1/2"
Sewing directions:
Join H to G with a 1/4 inch seam. Press. Then join one patch F to G-H. Continue adding patches according
to the diagram until block measures 12 1/2 inches square.
If you don’t wish to cut exact size patches, an excellent tutorial on a different way of piecing a Log Cabin
block is at https://search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?p=how+to+make+a+log+cabin+block+tutorial&ei=UTF8&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-001.
Annapolis Quilt Guild
September 2015
Page 12
Upcoming Workshops
Workshop with Terry Kramzar
“Quilting in Layers”
Tuesday, October 6
9:30 a.m.- 4 :00 p.m.
We were happy to be able to reschedule the workshop “Quilting in Layers” that we had to cancel last
March due to bad weather. In this workshop, Terry
Kramzar will present her method for creating a pictorial quilt from pre-quilted squares. I hope you all
remember the beautiful sample she sent last
See more of Terry’s work at
Cost: $50.00
Location: Severna Park Community Center
Workshop with Cindy Needham
“Linen Ladies”
Sunday, November 1
9:30 a.m.- 4 :00 p.m.
Learn how Cindy repurposes antique linens to create beautiful quilts. In this design workshop you
will create a pattern for a small whole cloth quilt.
No sewing required!
“Heirloom Feathers”
Monday, November 2
9:30 a.m.- 4 :00 p.m.
Your day will be spent learning how to design and
quilt gorgeous heirloom feathers and how to add
personal touches to make them your own. I will also
be teaching you how to create heirloom style backgrounds. You will practice these techniques on the
provided Cherrywood quilt sandwiches.
Cost: $50.00 for each workshop plus kit fee for
Heirloom Feathers
Location: Severna Park Community Center
See more of Cindy’s work at
There will be more information and a chance
to sign up for these workshops at our meetings or call Polly Schatz or Sue Cochrane.
The fee for most workshops is $50. See our
website for more information.
Annapolis Quilt Guild
September 2015
Page 13
Workshop Registration Form
Annapolis Quilt Guild
Workshop Registration Form & Policies 2015-2016
Sign-up: Members may sign up for workshops when the workshop is announced in the newsletter
or on the Guild’s calendar. There are two ways to sign up:
● Mail the Workshop Registration Form with the registration fee to the Program Chair or
● Give the Workshop Registration Form with the registration fee to the Program Chair at
a Guild meeting.
If a workshop is not filled one month before the date of the workshop, the Program Chairs will begin
accepting registrations from non-members (potential members) with a surcharge of $10.
Cancellation: Cancellations received at least one month before class will receive full refunds. If you
cancel less than a month before the class you are responsible for finding a replacement:
● From our waiting list (if there is a waiting list),
● On your own – if there is no waiting list,
● If no replacement is found, there will be no refund.
If you forfeit your class fee, it is tax deductible.
Questions? Call Polly Schatz 443-223-7069 or email pschatz40@gmail.com / Sue Cochrane at
scochranern@hotmail 410-703-5528
Don't Delay ***** Sign Up Today!!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AQG WORKSHOP REGISTRATION
Workshop Name:
Scheduled for:
(Date, time)
Your Name:
Your Address:
Your Phone:
Your Email:
I accept the AQG Workshop Policies.
Note: Registration is not complete until fees are received by Program Chair. Make Checks
payable to “Annapolis Quilt Guild”. Supply list will be provided after you are registered for the
workshop and can be found on the Guild’s website.
Mail to: Polly Schatz, 710 Pin Oak Road, Severna Park, MD 21146
or bring the form to a Guild Meeting and hand to Polly Schatz or Sue Cochrane
Annapolis Quilt Guild
September 2015
Annapolis Quilt Guild, Inc.
PO Box 4278
Annapolis, MD 21403-6278
Annapolis Quilt Guild Officers, 2014-15
President Lynn Hollway
Vice President Miki Burgnon
Secretary pro tempore Vickie Ward
Treasurer Patti Ackerman
Membership Georgia Osterman and Dibby Gundry
Programs Polly Schatz and Sue Cochrane
Events Marti Phelps, Terri Flaherty, and Lis Cockey
Newsletter Editor Eileen Mattingly
Quilt Show Marie Holmes, Stacy Lute, and Terri Flaherty
Senior Advisor Jeanne Hawn
Committee Chairs
Please send submissions to the
by regular mail or email to
Eileen Mattingly
26 Turnberry Road
Bourne, MA 02532
Deadline for the October
issue is
September 15
Beekeeper Barbara Whited
Community Service Projects Prue Hoppin
Historian Hilke Hoefer
Librarian Alexis Langner
Publicity Gloria Rund
Raffle Quilt Wrangler Shelly Duncan
Saleables Trish Hankey
Sunshine Kerry Heyes
Tax Committee Nancy Yuill
Technology Equipment Brenda MacQuilliam
Webmaster Maggie Manolo
Page 14