Newsletter 15th June 2015
Newsletter 15th June 2015
15th June, 2015 ISSUE 6 WEEK 10 Diary Dates 2015 From the Principal’s Desk Term 2 JUNE 16th Pre-School Storytime #2 Level 3-6 Excursion Currawong Bush Park Discovery 19th 23rd 24th 26th Centre Green Team members Level 6—Toastmasters ASSEMBLY 2.45PM Parent Teacher Interviews Free Dress Day for Nepal Gold Coin Donation Parent Teacher Interviews LAST DAY TERM 2 EARLY DISMISSAL—2.30PM Term 3 JULY 13th 20th 22nd 23rd 27th 28th 29th SCHOOL RESUMES TERM 3 PA PB Gymnastics 1.15-2.00pm 1A 1B Gymnastics 2.00-2.45pm 2A 2B Gymnastics 1.15-2.00pm 1A 1B Gymnastics 2.00-2.45pm Prep 2016 Transition # 1 Kids Hope & Families Pizza Night Level 5 & 6 Indonesian Fun PA PB Gymnastics 1.15-2.00pm 2A 2B Gymnastics 2.00-2.45pm UNSW Testing—English Prep—4 Bali In Motion Pre-School Sto- Notices / Replies Due Back * * * * * Mega Working Bee!! Wow, what a fantastic Mega Working Bee we had recently with over sixty parents, students and teachers coming along and generously giving their time to transform so many areas of the school. Everything on our long list of jobs was completed including planting new shrubs, grasses, climbers and small trees along the Lantana Road boundary, replenishing the sandpit, painting and repairing the existing cubbies and creating a new cubby building area complete with a new lock up shed to store cubby building items such as sheets, ribbons, sticks, fronds, etc. This wonderful addition to our creative play spaces was funded partly by donations families made to the buildings and grounds fund and the funding for our new shed came from the generous donations made to the tax deductible Building Fund. So, a big thankyou for the generous donations to both these funds. This cubby building area still has some large rocks that will be put into place in the near future by one of our parents – so keep watching to see the transformation over the next few weeks. Prep—4 Bali In Motion L5 & 6 Indonesian Fun Prep—2 Gymnastics L3 & 4 Phillip Island Camp Green Team Currawong Bush Discovery Centre We are also very proud of our Green Team and their families who worked so hard at the working bee to create a brand new succulent garden in the garden bed between the prep classroom and the art room. Thankyou so much to the families who sent in generous donations of succulents – your contributions were greatly appreciated. A huge thankyou to the following families, teachers and Green Team Members – the Bell family, The Herrmann family, The Brown family, the Kent family, the Paton Family, The Andrews family, the Devenish/Alison family, the Hollyman family, the Bracher family, the Crockett family, the McInnes family, the Potthoff/Brown family, the Bradley/Annal family, the O’Keefe family, the Brownfield family, the Hamley family, the Garrett family, the Couzens family, the Robbins family, the Hamilton family, the Thurrowgood family, the Le Couteur family, the Eastwood family, the Brand -Starky family, the Gioia family, the Brown family, the Eckholdt family, the Evans family, the Goodwin family, the Weatherburn Family, Jenny Kelly, Mr Mac, Sean Holland, Terri Gioia and Julie Barnden. A huge thankyou to our Green Team members (and their mums and dads and siblings) for working so hard to create our new succulent garden. Thankyou to – Mackenzie B, Josh C, Jasper K., Tom H, Ben P, Mia W., Hayley E, Madison Mc., Chloe O, Sam R, Raegan T, Shiloh T and Brodie G. – you all did a wonderful job! A special thankyou to – * Matt Macreadie, Sean Holland, Jenny Kelly and Terri Gioia for all the time and effort put in to organise the working bee * Julie Evans and Jenny Kelly for providing us with a sustaining morning tea and lunch and to * Sam Bradley for coordinating a much appreciated donation of plants from Manningham Council. This was a great team effort. Thank you one and all! From the Principal’s Desk cont... District Cross Country – Congratulations! Congratulations to the students who represented the school so brilliantly at the District Cross Country recently. Well done on doing your very best on the day. Wishing good luck to all of the students who made it through to the Regional Level! ICT Update In Level 3/4, we recently replaced the interactive whiteboards with large smart TV screens. Our Level 3/4 teachers and students are loving the excellent picture quality that the new 'big TVs' provide as they use them across all curriculum areas and the students use them to share work they have produced on their iPads. Recently we hosted a visit for teachers from three primary schools who were interested in how our students are using iPads as an effective learning tool across all curriculum areas including Challenge Based Learning. In the next school holidays, Adele Brice, Marg Askew and I are attending an Apple conference in Adelaide. Representatives from Apple Distinguished Schools across Australia are meeting to share ideas about how iPads are currently being used in schools and to explore new possibilities. And in August, Adele Brice will be travelling to Singapore to attend a conference for all Apple Distinguished Educators in the Asia Pacific Region. We look forward to being able to bring new ideas back to the school from both of these conferences. Student Reports and Interviews Teachers are currently busy writing student reports that will be distributed in Week 10 of the term. Please put in your diary that the parent teacher interviews are scheduled to be held in Week 11 on Tuesday, June 23rd and Wednesday, June 24th. Parents will receive information early this week about how to make their interview booking online as in previous years. Please note that, due to the extended absence of Mrs Stark, the 5A reports will be distributed in Week 1 of Term 3 and the 5A parent teacher interviews will be held in Week 2 of Term 3. Transition There has been lots happening with our transition program with Pre-School Storytime, individual tours and a School Readiness presentation at the Burch Memorial Pre-school by our student counsellor, Jen Dooley, Julie Barnden and myself. There has been a great deal of interest in our school with lots of positive feedback about our student wellbeing focus, innovative learning programs and lovely community ‘feel’. With a strong prospect of having up to four prep classes next year, we are asking parents to have enrolment forms in by the end of term to help us with our planning for next year. If you have a sibling starting next year it would be great if you could also get the enrolment form in this term – thankyou Kids’ Hope We are very fortunate to have had the Kids Hope Program running in our school for over 10 years. Seven trained mentors from our local Parkside Church volunteer an hour per week to work with their mentored student. The mentor works with this student generally until they finish their Grade 6 year. It is such a popular and successful program that it is being rolled out in regional and remote areas of Australia. This has provided some challenges in regard to Mentor training. Kids’ Hope Aus has addressed this by launching an Online Mentoring Development Initiative. They require $20,000 of funding to ensure that their initiative is sustainable. They have launched an online crowd-funding campaign to achieve their funding goal. If you would like to make a tax-deductable donation the link is Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF) If you hold a valid means-tested concession card, you may be eligible for CSEF. The allowance will be paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child. The annual CSEF amount per primary school student is $125. Application Forms are available at the office and lodged at school by no later than Friday 26th June, 2015. Education State – Consultation Process – Responses Invited Yesterday the Education Minister, James Merlino launched the Education State Consultation Paper. Please see below the FAQ explaining the process and how you can get involved to join the conversation. We will be holding a parent forum early next term to hear what parents would like to contribute about the future of Education in Victoria. There are also other ways you can become involved – see below for details of the different possibilities. What is the Education State Consultation Paper? The Education State Consultation Paper has been prepared to start this important conversation with students, schools, families, businesses, educators and community leaders. The paper outlines some of our current key initiatives to build the Education State; Victoria’s key challenges and strengths; and opportunities to deliver on the Education State. We invite all Victorians to read the Consultation Paper to further understand the importance of the Education State. From the Principal’s Desk cont... What is the Education State Schools Consultation paper? The Education State Schools Consultation Paper has been prepared to start this important conversation with people with a particular interest in school education, including school-based staff, parents and school councils. The paper outlines some of our current strengths and challenges; what we are striving to achieve around excellence, equity and lifelong engagement in learning; and how we can work differently by valuing expertise and working in partnership with communities. We invite everyone with an interest in school education to read the Schools Consultation Paper to further understand the importance of the Education State for our schools. How can people get involved? We invite all Victorians to participate in the conversation about the Education State. We welcome all ideas, experiences and aspirations for what can be done to help make Victoria the Education State. Education State sessions will be held across the state throughout June and July. Victorians can also join in the discussion online. Details about how to register to attend a session as well as post an online comment are available on the website: education-state What happens next? Based on the input of you and others, the Government will develop a range of proposals to help deliver the Education State from later this year. Future consultation phases will focus on early childhood and vocational education and training. Where can I go for further information? If you have any further questions about the Education State consultation, please contact the Education State Consultation team at the Department of Education and Training via email: Voluntary Contributions This week, families will receive an invitation to make a voluntary contribution before the end of the financial year. At book pick-up in January, some families indicated that they would like to make a donation at a later date, so families are very welcome to complete the form and return it to the office before the end of the financial year. Donations to the Library Trust Fund are tax deductable and are used to purchase new books for our school library. Donations to the Building Trust Fund are tax deductable and are used for building projects in the school. Our recent addition of the cubby building shed was funded from our Building Trust Fund. Funds will also be directed towards larger projects, such as Phase 2 of the indoor sport and recreation facility, which will see walls, timber floor and lighting added to our current roofed area, making it an indoor facility. Donations from each family towards our Buildings and Grounds Fund help the school continue to improve the grounds, keeping it safe and attractive. Your donations go towards buying softfall, mulch, soil, rocks, plants, trees, sleepers and so on. The funds also help fund our maintenance contractors, Clive and Murray who regularly mow, clear the gutters and drains, complete maintenance jobs and undertake smaller building projects. Please consider making a voluntary donation. All contributions will be gratefully received and put to good use improving facilities, resources and grounds for your children. SAKG – HELPERS WANTED—last day of term (Friday June 26th) We are looking for helpers for 3A's kitchen class (9am-11am) and/or for an end of term kitchen clean up (1pm – 2.30pm). Mums, dads, grandparents, older siblings welcome. Please contact the office or Jenny Kelly if you are able to help at all. Your help is greatly appreciated. School Disco Thank you to all our wonderful Prep parents who co-ordinated our school disco on Friday night. The children had a wonderful time. Have a great week! Julie Around the School ... Our Stephanie Alexander Breakfast Cafe ... Around the School ... Sports News As we head into the second half of Term Two, sport at Wonga Park just keeps ge:ng more excing! On Tuesday, 26th May, we saw 45 determined runners make their way to Domeney Reserve in Park Orchards to represent our school at the Ringwood District Cross Country. It was wonderful to see our students cheering on their team mates displaying fantasc sportsmanship and trying their absolute hardest. We are very proud of all their fine efforts! Congratulaons to Jess McM , Charlo5e A , Alex R, Charlie O, Sam E and Manning B who placed in the top 10 of their age group and went on to compete for Maroondah in the Division Cross Country on June 9th at Yarra Glen Race course. We have had an incredibly excing few weeks in sport. We are very proud of our students’ sportsmanship and dedicaon in all areas. Our middle and senior students have been fortunate enough to have coaches from Athlecs Australia come and help them prepare for our House Athlecs that will be held in Week Four of Term Three. We have two amazing sporng students who were chosen to try out for their chosen sports at the Metropolitan Level. Both students were not chosen to the next level, which would have been State Level, but we are incredibly proud of their achievements and their excellent efforts at this difficult stage. Well done Lilah in netball and Sebasan in basketball! We are also very proud of our Cross Country runners who ran at the Division Cross Country at Yarra Valley Race Track on Tuesday 9th June. They were all amazing representaves for our school and should be very proud of their achievements. Alex came 1st, Charlie came 6th and Sam came 10th in the 10 year old boys’ race and will be connuing on to the Regional Trails on Tuesday 16th June. Charlo5e came 18th and Manning came 17th which is an excellent achievement. Well done to all our runners! Upcoming events… Tuesday 16th June: Regional Cross Country Enjoy your week! Lauren Goodwin & Kylie Sledge P.E. Teachers Around the School ... Mega Working Bee On Saturday the 30th of May students, teachers and parents worked together on our school grounds to make it safer and more beautiful for all to enjoy. It was our first working bee for the year and we had spectacular turn out with over 70 people. There were many areas of our school grounds that benefited and we hope that you can notice the improvements. The council donated plants and trees for our lovely gardens and we had some parents who donated some from their own gardens or gave the finance to buy other plants. We built a shed to house the new up and coming Playpod, planted all along Lantana Drive, mulched many gardens, cleared gutters, painted cubbies, pruned trees, topped up the sandpit, weeded and cleared oak leaves. We were very lucky to have a delicious morning tea and lunch with scones, cookies, hot dogs and many other tasty treats. Thank you to all the parents that gave up their time to help our school look so much better! By Cody G and Ella H Around the School ... In the Ar room, Grade 3 and 4 children leart how to make a tessellation and use it. In the Stephanie Alexander Garden ... The boys are pretty impressed with the harvest 4B harvesting the giant zucchini How could you resist fresh peas straight from the garden?! Preparing the bed for planting broccoli and spring onions 4A girls getting the hands dirty preparing to plant peas In our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen ... Autumn Harvest Look at our Monster Zucchini! Around the School (cont…) Thank you to the following companies who have generously donated to our upcoming silent auction Bunnings Warehouse Inflatable World - Croydon Club Ringwood/Club Kilsyth Luna Park Collingwood Children's Farm The Comic's Lounge Cherry Hill Tavern Hawthorn Football Club Melbourne United Basketball Club Etihad Stadium Melbourne Sports Museum Waverley Golf Club The Enchanted Adventure Garden Aqua Beauty Bar North Ringwood Gym Daisy's Garden Supplies Funfields Geelong Football Club Woodland Golf Club Southern Golf Club The Comic's Lounge Medibank Icehouse Around the School (cont…) FREE DRESS DAY FOR NEPAL!!! TUESDAY 23RD JUNE, 2015 Student Voice Teams have organised a free dress day to help raise much needed funds for the crisis in Nepal following the two earthquakes. Thousands of people were affected by the destruction of their homes and communities. We will be having a stall and students can wear free dress. We would like you to bring a gold coin donation for the free dress. We will be selling pizza, cupcakes and loom. We will sell the pizza for $1.00 and cupcakes for $1.00—$1.50. All the money we raise will help the people of Nepal to buy needs. Thanks for listening, from Student Voice Team. Feminism For My Generaon I'm going to say a word some consider dirty. A word, a lot of people find offensive. A word that starts with "F" Feminism If I asked you "are you a feminist" what would you say? Do you know what that means? Do you care? Today I want to talk about reclaiming feminism for my generaon,why I think people might have a negave a:tude towards it and how I believe it can help people my age. Feminism is the movement for the social,polical and economic equality of women. Simply put: men and women should have equal rights. Feminism has been fought for many different causes. Throughout history there have been three different waves. The first wave was in the 1920's, where women fought for vong rights. In the 1960's, I couldn't find out what that was for. In the 1980's it became about the medias portrayal of women and the language used to define them. This fight sll connues today. It seems feminism isn't as important to women as it once was, especially girls my age. Recent studies show that only 30% of women in the US, UK and Australia define themselves as feminists. I believe my generaon needs it as much as any generaon before. Recently an ad campaign called " Like a girl" was Made. The producers had girls of all ages stand infront of a camera and asked them to "Run like a girl" Two very different responses are recorded. Girls from the age 5-10 ran as they normally would, they did the best they can. But when the queson was posed to a girl my age and older they didn't run like themselves. They put on an act of appearing uncoordinated. They saw something " Like a girl" as a negave thing. That is was somehow less than. When girls get to my age the messages from the world start changing. The way we look seems to be more important than the way we think. We are the first generaon to grow up with social media. Instagram, kik, snapchat and Facebook aren't just sharing and communicaon tools but ways for us to constantly compare ourselves to our friends, strangers and celebries. I think that has a big impact on a young girls self-esteem and I think feminism can help that. I believe that part of the reason some young girls don't want to be idenfied as feminists is because many of the women they look up to have said strongly that they are not feminists. Katy Perry, Taylor SwiL and Kelly Clarkson have all said they do not see themselves as feminists. Surprisingly, Lady GaGa doesn't see herself as one either, saying " I'm not a feminist. I hail men, I love men. I celebrate American male culture. Beers, bars and muscle cars. It seems all these famous women feel that being feminist is somehow about hang men. Feminism isn't about hang men, or taking away from them either. The feminist movement has achieved a huge amount for us. Because of feminism woman can vote, open bank accounts, own property and sll be in charge of our bodies. Men can be feminists without being women. It is about your Mum, sister, girlfriend, best friend, cousin, aunts and your wife being treated equally and fairly. If you believe in that, boys there's a good chance your a feminist! Although it sll has a way to go. In Australia women earn less than men doing the exact same jobs. For every $1 a man earns a woman earns 80c. Women are 51% of the worlds populaon and only hold 30% of posions in federal parliament. The fourth wave of feminism is about to start. Our wave. I hope it's about self-empowerment. I want it to give girls my age the courage to speak out against unfair treatment without being afraid of being laughed at by their friends. I hope it teaches girls not to judge themselves an how many "likes" their recent selfie got on Instagram and that we are judged by the way we think and do not by the way we look. Finally, I will ask you again. Are you a feminist? By Charlo5e P, 6A School Community News ... First Aid Room Sick Bay Linen Roster TERM 2 TERM 2 June June Friday 19th Friday 26th Tahnya Nolet Carol Bracher Thursday 18th Friday 19th Thursday 25th Friday 26th TERM 3 July Friday 17th Friday 24th Friday 31st Canteen - Duty Roster Tahnya Nolet Susie Cole Jodie Winterton Nellie Gale Debbie Couzens Kylie Drummond Lizzy Bower Bek Ayers Kristy Brown Happy Birthday to the following students who celebrated their birthdays over the past weeks and over the coming holiday break:Brinn H, Gabe S, Luca G, Alexandra C, Anaya W, Amelia E, Lachlan C, Paris G-L, Courtney I, Lilah S, Casey G, Kai B, Joshua C, Arabella McK, Beau A, Lachlan T, Indya B, Ashley E, Occy B, Cody H, Grey B, Kayla P & Mason O. Our Transi on Program starts with Pre-school Story me for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers The dates and mes are as follows – Session 1 – Wednesday 13th May - 11.40 am – 12.40 pm Session 2 – Tuesday 16th June - 11.40 am – 12.40 pm Session 3 – Wednesday 29th July - 11.40 am – 12.40 pm Session 4 – Tuesday 8th September - 11.40 am – 12.40 pm Session 5 – Wednesday 18th November - 11.40 am – 12.40 pm Bright Beginnings — Transi on Program for the four year olds consists of four sessions during terms 3 and 4. The dates and mes are as follows – Session 1 Wednesday 22nd July 2015 9.00 am – 11.00 am (Bring play lunch) 9.00 am – 11.00 am (Bring play lunch) 9.00 am – 11.00am (Bring play lunch) Session 2 Thursday 3rd September 2015 Session 3 Wednesday 14th October 2015 Session 4 Thursday 26th November 2015 9.00 am – 1.00 pm (Bring Playlunch & Lunch) Children do not need to be enrolled at our school to a.end the first transi on session. Parents are not required to stay during the session. Children bring along their healthy morning tea snack and drink in a named container/bag. Please note — we are a NUT SAFE school. Wonga Park Primary School, Dudley Road, Wonga Park. Ph. 9722 1325 School Community News ... School Community News ... Hello my name is Noah, I am a 16 year old student from Luther College in Croydon. I run a mobile disco for younger children in Primary School. I am available throughout the year including school nights and weekends. During a set I try to include every individual child by playing a wide variety of music. Each set is very different to the last as i try my best to keep it at a high energy level that everyone will love. Prices starting as low as $200. Booking an event with my services Includes: • • • • Fully Qualified DJ Professional Sound and Lighting Equipment Range of Hours of High Energy Entertainment! Wide Variety of Music that everyone will enjoy! Contact Myself through this email. If you have any further questions or would like to see if I am available for a certain date. Noah Eckholdt 0402 397 910 Seeking girls aged 5 and up to come along to free skills training session starting in mid July 2015. Where: When: Time: Age: Experience: Cost: Contact: Oxley College Monday, 12 July 2015 for 6 weeks 4.00pm – 4.45pm Primary School - 5 years and up Not necessary, just an interest in basketball FREE Debbie: 9726 5327 to reserve a place KIDS! HORSES! HOLIDAYS! FUN! PONYLAND WINTER HOLIDAY PROGRAMS Come and spend a day at Ponyland these school holidays! Ponyland is set on 300 picturesque acres on the fringes of the Yarra Valley. We have a wonderful team of horses and ponies to suit all riding levels and capabilities. We offer day programs, 1hr trail rides and residential camps 3-5 days (min age 7 yr old). Winter Special: come and enjoy a 1hr trail ride through the bush and bring a friend along - $90 (usually valued at $110) – only valid for these school holidays (28 June – 10 July) so book today! Limited spots available. For all enquiries and bookings please contact us on ph: 9730 1334 We look forward to hearing from you!