scecina story | 2013-2014 annual report


scecina story | 2013-2014 annual report
Scecina veterans have spent several years raising funds
to create a bust of Father Scecina (See “A Labor of Love &
Loyalty” on pages 4-5). In 2014, the Veterans Committee
worked with local sculptor Ryan Feeney to create the bust
before it was bronzed in January 2015. The final bronze bust
will be installed in the school’s rotunda area.
If you are a Scecina alumnus who has served in the military,
the committee invites you to join them. They continue
to work with the school to develop opportunities for students
to honor the brave men and women of our armed forces.
Your help is needed for us to accomplish this mission.
Please visit to complete a
questionnaire. For more information about the Scecina
Veterans Committee, contact Walt Linne ’60 at
317.697.4697 or, or Tom Griffin ’62
at 317.373.1807 or
Veterans Committee members (L-R) Tom Griffin’62, Walt Linne’60, Mike McCoy ’61,
Tom Blandford ’65, John Spotts ’60, and Jim Lynch ’60 review the clay sculpture of the Father
Thomas Scecina bust with sculptor Ryan Feeney (right front) before it is finalized for bronzing.
An additional $20,000 is needed to complete the Father
Thomas Scecina bust and enclosure project. If you would
like to donate, please send contributions to Scecina
Memorial High School, 5000 Nowland Ave., Indianapolis,
IN 46201, ATTN: Advancement Office.
John Edson ’65, USMC
Honorary Chair (In Memoriam)
Rita (Dichmann) Edson ’67
Honorary Co-Chair
Ray Riley, USMC
Honorary Co-Chair
Rev. Darvin E. Winters, Jr., ’91, Maj, IN ANG
Thomas R. Blandford ’65, USA
Charles P. Cleveland ’63, USNR (Ret.)
Vincent J. Delaney ’75, USAF (Ret.)
Thomas Donaldson ’66, USN
Thomas Griffin ’62, USAF
Jim Heffernan ’65, USA
Robert G. Huser ’70, USA
Timothy J. Jeffers ’83, USA
John Kennedy, USN (Ret.)
Walter Linne ’60, USAF (Ret.)
Michael McCoy ’61, USMC
Burch Nunley ’65, USMC/USAFR (Ret.)
John Schneider ’61, USA
John Spotts ’60, USAF (Ret.)
Andrew “Andy” Unsworth ’67, SMC
The Father Scecina Magazine
is published by the
Office of Advancement
Scecina Memorial High School
5000 Nowland Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46201
Copyright 2015
President | Joseph S. Therber
Principal | John Hegarty
Vice President of Advancement | Bob Golobish
Vice President of Finance and Operations | Cindy Hemmelgarn
Athletic Director | Jason Kehrer ’88
Director of Marketing Communications | Beth Murphy
Director of Development | Jim McGuinness ’68
Director of Enrollment Management | Kelsey Abelein
Layout | Kelly Kijovsky
Contributors | Kelsey Abelein, Tom Branson ’01, Jean (Kriech) Donlan ’85,
Cari (Roembke) Gallagher ’93, Beth Murphy, George Newhart ’60, Gia Spaulding,
Rose Timpe
Photography | Gary Yohler ‘63 (Tiffany Studio), Kimberly (Gross) Felten ’83,
Jon Smith (Wide Eyed Illuminations), Angela Brizendine ’15, Destiny Crafton ’15
Our Scecina Story
Labor of Love & Loyalty: Father Scecina Bust
Sisters of Saint Francis Documentary
Power of Influence: Ott Hurrle ’70
Nowland News
Crusader Athletics
Strategic Growth Plan Progress Report
Message from Board of Directors
2013-14 Financial Review
2013-14 Honor Roll of Donors
In Memoriam
Alumni News
This special edition of the Father Scecina Magazine focuses on
history. History fascinates almost everyone. We love the History
Channel. We love watching movies like “Unbroken” and television
documentaries on the Roosevelts. Books like “American Sniper,”
recently made into a feature film, fascinate us.
Our new Scecina Story project satisfies our desire to learn about
our origins and traditions. More importantly, they inspire us.
I invite each of you to visit the school, see our tributes to Father
Thomas Scecina and the Sisters of Saint Francis Oldenburg on the
first floor of the main building and reflect on the stories that are told.
So why do we study history? And why are we making a big deal out
of the life and death of Father Scecina, the school’s namesake, and
the decades of service from the Sisters of Saint Francis Oldenburg?
After all, Father Scecina never stepped foot on this campus and the
Sisters are no longer here. Why now?
The answers are pretty straightforward, and at Scecina we think history will help our students understand
their place as Christians walking in a world of constant change.
The study of history shows us what it means to be human. Through history we see the good and the bad
aspects of humanity. To paraphrase the historian R.G. Collingwood, “History is for human self-knowledge.
The only clue to what women and men can do is what women and men have done.” In telling the stories of
Father Scecina and the Sisters of Saint Francis Oldenburg, we are calling attention to them. Most importantly,
we are saying it is possible to live in service to God and others.
History helps us be better citizens. Thomas Jefferson thought history was very important for educating
citizens. As citizens, it is important to remember that 1,792 American prisoners of war died on the Arisan Maru
at the end of World War II. Father Scecina administered last rites to many U.S. POWs before the ship sank.
He died with them. These men were the heroes of Bataan, Corregidor, and the Philippine campaign.
What does this teach us about being citizens? Freedom is not free.
History helps us see things over time. It helps us see ourselves as part of something bigger than we are.
For Christians, the Incarnation—Christ coming into the world—is the most important event in human history.
Father Scecina is part of that continuing story. He gave his life for his friends. To recognize his service to God,
country and his friends, the Archdiocese of Indianapolis named our high school after him. Over 800 years ago,
St. Francis of Assisi founded the Franciscan movement to follow Christ by living the Gospels. The Sisters
of Saint Francis Oldenburg are part of that story. The Scecina community, all 7,500 plus, are part of these
continuing stories.
I am grateful to the sponsors of the Scecina Story project. Without their support we would not be able to tell
the stories of Father Scecina and the Sisters of Saint Francis Oldenburg. I also am grateful for the support of the
Scecina Veterans Committee and its efforts to raise money for the bust of Father Scecina. These are your stories,
my story, our stories.
God Bless,
Joseph S. Therber
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
“The more
you know
about the past,
the better
you are for
the future.”
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
This statement by Teddy Roosevelt
captures the inspiration for our Scecina
Story. If you haven’t visited your school
in the last six months, you would be surprised by the exciting changes
taking place. Years of planning, designing and implementing have
culminated in the completion of three new displays on the main level
that honor our school’s mission and history.
The seed for this idea was planted in 2006 when the Archdiocese of
Indianapolis was awarded a $5 million grant from the Lilly Endowment
for use in urban Catholic schools. Scecina received $1 million from this
generous grant for capital improvements. Maribeth (Taylor) Ransel ’61,
then-Scecina President, and Chairman of the Board Phil Kenney developed
a plan for renovation of the school’s three hallways and Music Room.
Ransel and Kenney envisioned multiple displays in the school’s public areas
that would include images representing Scecina’s past, present and future.
A planning team suggested these images should reflect our Catholic identity
and values, our history and traditions, school mission, and our student
success stories. The result is an ongoing project known as the Scecina Story.
In the summer of 2014, the first “chapter” of the Scecina Story was installed—a wall display honoring our school’s
namesake, Father Thomas Scecina. This display includes photos of Father Tom and his family, artifacts from his
military service, and a biography of his inspiring life and legacy. Father Tom’s chapter is located just east of the
rotunda, which has been renovated to feature a bronze bust commissioned by the Scecina Veterans Committee
and sculpted by Eastside native Ryan Feeney. The result is a beautiful tribute to Father Tom and his life of service to
God and our country.
Since our doors opened in 1953 until 2010,
the Sisters of Saint Francis Oldenburg
served as teachers, administrators,
counselors and support staff. These
dedicated servant-leaders enriched the lives
of thousands of Crusaders with faithfulness,
grace and good humor. This second
“chapter” is an homage to these inspiring
women whose influence continues to bless
our school culture and our many alumni.
The Sisters of Saint Francis wall, located just
west of the rotunda, was completed in early
November 2014. This display includes a
history of the Sisters of Saint Francis
Oldenburg, a listing of the Sisters who
ministered at Scecina, and pictures of
some of the Sisters in action at school.
Father Thomas John Scecina
Born to George and Anna Scecina on September 16, 1910, Thomas John Scecina (Father Tom) was
the fourth of five sons. He was reared in the town of Linton (in southwestern Indiana). Bishop Joseph
Ritter ordained Thomas Scecina a priest of the Diocese of Indianapolis on June 11, 1935.
Father Tom then served as Associate Pastor of Holy Trinity Parish on the westside of Indianapolis,
earned a degree in Canon Law from the Catholic University of America in Washington, D. C., and
served as Associate Pastor of Saint John the Evangelist Parish in downtown Indianapolis.
To serve God and his beloved country, Father Tom enlisted in the Chaplain Reserve Corps of the
United States Army on October 5, 1939. Father Tom was assigned to the 57th Infantry Division at
Fort Luzon in the Philippine Islands during World War II and rose to the rank of Captain.
Father Tom’s military ministry touched countless lives during his service in the Philippines.
Day after day, he consoled American and Filipino soldiers and families, stood in the line of fire
to tend to soldiers’ physical and spiritual needs, helped move orphans to safety, and said daily Mass
for everyone, including the soldiers who could be briefly spared from the battle lines.
The Battle of Bataan in the Philippines resulted in the infamous Bataan Death March in 1942, when
the Japanese Imperial Army forcibly transferred more than 60,000 captured soldiers to a prison camp.
Father Tom endured excruciating pain and humiliation during this 80-mile march, during which the
Japanese army beat, starved, and even murdered prisoners. After the war, an Allied Forces military
commission declared the Bataan Death March a war crime.
Father Tom survived the Bataan Death March and then endured two years of imprisonment in a
Prisoner of War camp. In October, 1944, the Japanese decided to transport a group of prisoners to
work in Japanese mines. Although weak from torture and hunger, Father Tom freely elected to make
this fated journey so that he could minister to his fellow soldiers’ spiritual needs.
The Arisan Maru was the Japanese ship that transported Father Tom and approximately 1,800 fellow
Prisoners of War. The ship was considered a “hell ship,” known for horrible living conditions and
cruelty from the crew. Disregarding the rules of war, the Japanese did not mark the Arisan Maru
as a Prisoner of War ship.
Tragically, a United States Navy submarine fired upon the unmarked Arisan Maru on October 24, 1944.
As the ship sank, the Japanese took all life boats and life preservers and locked down the exits from
the ship. Over three hours, the Arisan Maru sank and nearly 1,800 soldiers awaited their inevitable
and horrible deaths at sea.
Father Tom chose to hear confessions, give absolution, and provide consolation to his friends until the
ship completely sank. At the age of 34, Father Tom went to his death with his men.
Father Thomas John Scecina was officially declared dead by the War Department on June 16, 1945.
He posthumously received the Purple Heart, Silver Star Medal with one Oak Leaf Cluster, and
Bronze Star Medal.
Since 1953, Scecina Memorial High School has educated students to give all that they can and to then,
in the words and spirit of Father Thomas Scecina, “Give that Little Extra.”
The Father Thomas Scecina wall of the Scecina Story project features two 4' x 2' photos
of the Archdiocesan priest—one in his clerical collar (left) and one in his army chaplain
uniform (right). Also featured on the wall are a biography panel (center), photos of his
family, and artifacts from his military service.
The main entrance and east gym lobby provide the backdrop for the third “chapter” of the Scecina Story. All who
enter are welcomed by our school’s inspiring mission statement and an invitation to become part of the Scecina Story.
Future chapters of the Scecina Story will celebrate our student and alumni successes, chronicle our graduating classes
with composites of student photos, express our Catholic identity and presence on the Eastside of Indianapolis, and
much more. We hope you are able to stop by the school and experience the first three chapters of the Scecina Story. n
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
Artist Ryan Feeney
A Labor of
Scecina alumni who are military veterans went “a little extra” to make sure Father Thomas Scecina’s service to his
country would be honored at his namesake school.
The veterans spent several years talking and raising the funds to create a bust of Father Scecina. The now-finished bust
will take its special place of honor in the school’s rotunda as part of the Scecina Story on the walls of the school’s halls.
It was the veterans who made it happen: veterans like Walter Linne ‘60, retired Air Force veteran, who didn’t want
Father Scecina’s military story to be forgotten. He remembered being told that Father Scecina always did a little extra
in his service to others as a priest and chaplain and as a captain in the U.S. Army. “The first day of school when I was a
freshman at Scecina we were told to go a little extra because that’s what Father Tom did,” Linne said. “So that’s what we
wanted to do in creating this bust, we wanted to go a little extra for Father Tom.” “We wanted to do this to give glory to
the school,” said another Veterans Committee member, Tom Griffin ’62, an Air Force veteran.
Linne said hearing about Father Tom’s military service when he was a freshman cemented his ties to Scecina immediately.
“I had a connection right there, because I lost my dad in World War II, and I had a classmate who lost his dad,” said
Linne. “That phrase—giving a little extra—that carried us as Scecina grads. Father Scecina did not need to volunteer
to go (on the Japanese POW transport ship), but he did.” Linne said he gets emotional thinking about Father Scecina
tending to the men aboard the Arisan Maru as it sunk. “He was giving absolution and all that. It’s giving me goose
bumps. The chaplains had to take care of themselves plus everyone else,” he said.
Father Scecina was among the 1,792 military prisoners who perished when the ship went down in 1944. Only eight survived.
Linne and Griffin credit the late John Edson ’65, and a Marine veteran, for pushing the plan for the Father Scecina bust
forward. “John was probably one of the more vocal people about this,” Linne said. “He said, ‘Let’s get together and let’s
talk about getting something done.’ “ John died in October 2006, and his wife, Rita (Dichmann) Edson ’67, took up
the cause too. “The veterans have really taken this over, and their hearts are really into paying tribute to Father Tom’s
military service, as well as his service as a priest,” said Rita Edson.
The Veterans Committee reached out to other Scecina veterans and raised $20,000 to pay for the bust. The fundraising
is now moving into the second stage and will give additional veterans and friends the opportunity to raise $20,000 more
to complete the project. Col. Dan Bruno ’77 has agreed to volunteer his time and talent to help the school in this phase.
Col. Bruno served as Garrison Commander at the United States Military Academy at West Point before retiring from the
Army. He is now chief operating officer for Duke Health Technology Solutions at Duke University Health System.
Indianapolis firefighter and artist Ryan Feeney sculpted the bust. Feeney created the “Peace Dove” sculpture, a memorial
to Marion County homicide victims at the Central Library. After Feeney’s Father Scecina sculpture was made into a
mold, it was cast into bronze at Sincerus Bronze Art Center on the Eastside, owned by Steve Giese.
Feeney said creating a likeness of Father Scecina was a challenge because he did not have many photos to work with.
He was pleased with the finished bust. “I love it,” Feeney said. “I like all the insignia on the stole, and all the detail.”
The veterans had paid special attention to Father Scecina’s clothing for the bust. “We went to the Army historical
society, and the director sent us a picture of him in fatigues and his stole, with his cross on one side and his rank
of captain on the other,” Linne said.
Rita Edson and Tom Griffin were thrilled to be present in January for the pouring of the bronze into the bust mold,
and later for the finishing patina work. They could see their dream finally coming alive. “It was just the whole process
of seeing something that started out as this little plan being solid now,” Rita said.
“I can’t wait for the day it’s unveiled,” said Griffin. n
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
Sisters of Saint Francis Oldenburg
by George T. Newhart, CPA, ‘60
“It can be said…that in the shadows of American history…there are stories about women pioneers
that have never been told. “ This is an excerpt from the documentary in production by Ever Film
Productions owned by Andy (Jeannine Andersen) Murphy ’60 (photo, left). “In the Garden of
Innocents…” is being filmed to tell one such story about a courageous 24-year-old woman who
crossed an ocean alone to answer America’s call for help. The film is narrated by Indianapolis TV
news anchor Debby Knox.
Although Sister Theresa Hackelmeier lived only nine
years after arriving in Oldenburg, Ind., in 1851, she left a
legacy that will never be duplicated. This documentary
is about courage, faith and a belief in serving others.
It traces a remarkable woman’s journey, and the journey
of those who would follow in her footsteps for generations. Their little-known
yet astounding accomplishments are illustrated in the documentary, which
shares their stories, their joys, their visions, their sacrifices and their secrets.
Sister Theresa Hackelmeier left her convent in Vienna, Austria, in 1851, to
travel across a rough winter Atlantic Ocean to New York City. From there
she proceeded down the Erie Canal and the Ohio River to an American
wilderness in Oldenburg, a town not even recorded on any map at the time.
Sister Theresa Hackelmeier, founder of the Sisters of the Third Order of Saint
Francis in Oldenburg, Ind. (left); A historical marker indicates the history of the
Sisters of Saint Francis at the Motherhouse (center); Sister Lavonne Long, O.S.F. and
documentary narrator and Indianapolis news anchor Debby Knox (right).
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
Her mission was to teach the children in this small but growing settlement of German farmers to read and write, and
to develop a curriculum for educating the mostly illiterate population of immigrants who were beginning to settle in
the Midwestern United States. In addition to the school, Sister Theresa was charged with establishing a convent for
women who wanted to enter the Franciscan Order, as well as developing a teaching academy for young women.
She did all this and much more.
Sister Theresa’s story and courageous spirit set the stage for a 163-year legacy of remarkable accomplishments that
today can be traced across the world. The Sisters of Saint Francis Oldenburg have provided over 160 years of unselfish
service in teaching, caregiving, administration and community service throughout the United States, as well as
carrying out ministries in China, Korea, Mexico and New Guinea. Their story transcends the rich and poor, rural
and urban communities, nationalities and cultures, and appeals to all age groups.
The documentary includes interviews with many of the Sisters, who range in age from 50 to over 90, as they tell their
individual stories. They discuss their lives both before and after joining the convent. Interviews are also included with
people who were taught by the Sisters, with people who were helped by the Sisters in some special way, and with
people who interacted with the Sisters, either as fellow educators, professional associates or community leaders.
The documentary shows the places where the Sisters spent much of their time in their ministry. These areas include
the beautiful and historic buildings and grounds in Oldenburg, Marian University and, of course, Scecina Memorial
High School.
The documentary seeks to tell their story, to honor these remarkable women by giving some insight into their amazing
accomplishments and to show their influence on the education and spiritual and personal growth of children and young
adults. It also recognizes their outstanding contributions, commitment and dedication to the Catholic Church and to the
people and communities they served.
For those of us who were fortunate enough to have been taught by, or who have been involved with, the Sisters
through professional, community or family associations, we have a wonderful opportunity to contribute to the legacy
and preserve the memory of the Sisters of Saint Francis Oldenburg.
If you would like to make a contribution to help cover the production and distribution costs of the documentary,
“In the Garden of Innocents…Lies the Last Frontier of Goodness”, please forward your contribution to:
Ever Film Productions, LLC, c/o George T. Newhart, CPA ’60, 12043 Edgefield Drive, Fishers, IN 46037-3826. n
Photo courtesy of Ever Film Productions
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
Photo courtesy of AFCA
Power of Influence
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
The Crusader Community knows head football coach Ott Hurrle ’70
as a person of integrity and quality and a longtime servant-leader of
students, athletes and colleagues at Scecina Memorial High School.
Now we know that others in the football world throughout the
country share our regard for the coach as he is the 2014 Power of
Influence award winner, given jointly by the American Football Coaches
Association and American Football Coaches Foundation.
Hurrle is the first coach from Indiana to win this award since it was
initiated in 2002. He was honored during the AFCA convention on
January 13, surrounded by family, Scecina colleagues and former
classmates and players who drove to Louisville to watch the special
ceremony and hear Hurrle’s speech to the gathering. Hurrle said
five of his six siblings and 10 nephews and nieces were present
at the award ceremony.
Photo courtesy of AFCA
“It’s the only national award I’ve ever won, so that makes it pretty special,”
Hurrle said. “What also makes it special is that I was nominated by the
Indiana Football Coaches Association, and there are so many good
qualified coaches here in Indiana to choose from.”
The Power of Influence award was created to recognize a high school
coach for his impact on his team and players, as well as the legacy he
leaves with the school and community. “This award is not based on wins
and losses; however, it is noted that coaches of powerful influence have
longevity and success,” according to the AFCA website.
It is the first AFCA award specifically designed to honor a high school
coach. Hurrle previously had been a finalist for the award. Hurrle started
as an assistant at Scecina in 1974 under head coach Kenneth Leffler,
became head coach in 1988 and then spent three years as defensive
coordinator at Butler University in the 1990s, later returning to Scecina.
He won Class 2A state championships with Scecina in 1990 and ‘91
and also took the Crusaders to state title games in 2011 and ‘12.
Scecina head football coach Ott Hurrle delivers
his address before the American Football Coaches
Association convention Jan. 13 as he receives the
Power of Influence Award (opposite page, top photo);
Coach Hurrle with his Power of Influence Award (top
photo) and in his early coaching days with Scecina
coach and mentor Kenneth Leffler (right) (lower photo).
“Coaching is a noble profession, which I believe attracts people who care,
on a daily basis, about the young student-athletes with whom they come into contact,” Hurrle told the AFCA.
“It requires the best you have every single day.”
Hurrle has enjoyed much success on the football field over 40 years of coaching and won many awards for football.
But the AFCA noted his impact on community in choosing Hurrle for the Power of Influence honor. One of the many
examples provided in Hurrle’s nomination by the Indiana association is how he reached out to a student who lost his
parents. And he obviously has touched many other lives.
“Ott’s success comes as no surprise, and is well founded and earned,” John Gudas ’64 and former Crusader football,
baseball and basketball player, commented on Scecina’s website.
“Coach Ott is such a strong leader and influence on all those Crusaders young and old,” wrote Jim Galbo ’64.
“His best role models were his parents. I had the privilege of knowing them both as a young person growing up
with Ott’s older brother. The Hurrles know what service and paying it forward is about. Congratulations, Ott,
on a very deserving award. Thanks for leading the Crusaders.”
“Coach Hurrle instilled in me accountability, discipline and great work ethic which has carried over to my everyday life,”
Donald Winston ’96, 1995 Indiana Mr. Football nominee for Scecina, told the AFCA. Hurrle said he is thankful to
know his work has left such an impression on the Crusader Community, so much that he’s getting recognized
beyond Indiana’s borders. “I guess it brings back that thought that you don’t think about it while you’re coaching,
but you never know how people are going to remember you,” Hurrle said. n
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
Archbishop Joseph W. Tobin celebrates Mass with Scecina students on the 2104 Father Tom Day (photo, above left ); Scecina President Joe Therber
(left) and the archbishop with the Rev. Bob Gilday (right), Father Tom Scecina Award recipient (photo, above right).
The 2014 Father Tom Day celebration was particularly special when The Most Reverend Joseph W. Tobin, C. Ss. R.,
Archbishop of Indianapolis, led the Scecina community in Mass concelebrated by East Deanery pastors, associate
pastors and other priests who have served at Scecina Memorial. Not only were Scecina students, faculty and staff present,
but also many others from the Scecina Community: alumni; parents; grandparents; principals and teachers from the East
Deanery schools; nearly 200 future Scecina Memorial students from the East Deanery schools; representatives of the
Sisters of Saint Francis Oldenburg; Scecina Board of Directors; Archdiocese of Indianapolis leaders, and U.S. military
veterans. After Mass, President Joe Therber presented the Father Tom Scecina
Award to Father Bob Gilday, pastor at Little Flower, for representing the values
“This was one of the biggest
of Father Thomas Scecina, placing a high degree of importance on Scecina
surprises of my life! Even when
Memorial High School in his life, and for “giving that little extra” through the years.
Father Bob is an alumnus of Little Flower Catholic School and a leader in the
East Deanery. “His gifts of time and talent through his insights and ideas about
Catholic education have been very helpful to us during the last 10 years,”
said President Therber at this year’s presentation. “He cares deeply about
students’ growth and well-being, primarily their spiritual and moral
development. As pastor of Little Flower Parish, he is a strong Scecina
supporter and a spiritual leader for his parishioners and school students.
During his time as pastor, Little Flower Parish has developed and sustained
a number of important ministries. A member of our Board of Directors, he gives
freely of his time and offers very constructive advice, questions, and suggestions.”
We thank Father Bob for his dedication to Scecina Memorial, Little Flower
Parish, and the Catholic community on the Eastside of Indianapolis. n
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
the award was being presented,
I still did not know whom they
were talking about. I could not
believe so many people knew
about the award and kept it
a secret for so long. Even the
eighth-graders at Little Flower
knew about the award and
didn’t want to spoil the surprise.
I was very touched by it all.”
- Father Bob Gilday
The music program has flourished under
director Donnie Glowinski. With 40 percent of
students participating, it is one of the school’s
largest programs. It has grown from offering
Beginning Choir, Advanced Choir and Band to
include Orchestra, Music Theory and Music
History and Appreciation. The extracurricular
Rock Band of six members has grown to three
bands with 20 members.
“Aside from the numbers, the level of musicianship
is also growing,” said Donnie. “Students are
starting to buy into the expectations that
I have set forward and rising to the challenge
of the music that I set. We are playing and
singing pieces this year that we would not
have been able to in past years.”
Donnie Glowinski
Donnie is bringing in music experts. Marian
University professors are coaching the band
and choirs, and local violinist, composer and
performer Cathy Morris is working with
the orchestra.
Some musical highlights:
lThe Pep Band performs at all home football
games and some home basketball games.
lThe Orchestra and Advanced choir played a
sacred music concert at Little Flower Church.
lThe Advanced Choir performed at the
Marian University Catholic Choral Festival.
lThe Beginning Choir, Advanced Choir,
Orchestra and Concert Band each performed
four or five pieces at the school’s Christmas
Concert, showcasing the hard work of the
first semester.
Upcoming events:
lEast Deanery Band festival concert with
partner grade schools (March).
lIndiana State School Music Association
(ISSMA) contest: The band will perform in the ensemble contest for the first time (March).
lSpring musical: Students will act, sing, play
music, build sets, direct lighting and sound
for “Into The Woods” (April 10 and 11).
lICC Art Showcase at Cardinal Ritter High
School: Scecina’s orchestra will provide
entertainment (April 28).
lSpring Music Concert at Scecina (May 17). n
Scecina Choir
Scecina Orchestra
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
Remember that popular U.S. Army recruiting slogan, “Be All That
You Can Be”? The Army used it for over 20 years. That’s a good
long run. For over 60 years, Scecina Memorial High School has
encouraged all students to develop their God-given talents to the
fullest, to be all that they can be.
Teachers and staff are focused on the success of each student in
school and preparing them for success later in life, whatever path
they choose. “We want students to attain educational excellence,
be lifelong learners, and start living as servant leaders,” explained
President Joe Therber. “To do that in four years is very challenging
in today’s world. That’s why we have assembled a top-notch team
of guidance professionals to complement what is happening in
our classrooms.”
Front Row (L-R): Jeremy Corn, Kalynn Huntoon, Therese Joyce.
Back Row: Tracy Foor, Bridget Zobel, Michelle Woodward.
Principal John Hegarty added, “Our guidance team is committed to the success of every student. It is fantastic to see
them working together to provide students with the help they need, whether that be dealing with personal issues,
learning differences, planning a career, or finding a college.”
Academic Performance
Kalynn Huntoon, MS, Director of Guidance, leads the
six-person team.
“I love working with students. I learn every day from them
and hopefully they learn from me, too! Every day is different.
I love that I don’t do the same thing day in and day out.”
She also meets with grade 9-11 students regarding
academics. “I hope to be able to help our students
improve their grades if they are struggling. I’ve always
had a passion for helping students with study skills
and test-taking anxiety,” she said.
The goal is to get the students to graduation and beyond.
“Once they reach their senior year they have a counselor
to help them with college planning or a career after high
school, wherever their path should take them. Parents
should not be afraid to ask for help with their student’s
academics. Our teachers have tutoring hours either
before or after school and there are plenty of resources
to help their student succeed.” She summed up,
“We are definitely here for students.”
Tracy Foor, Registrar, is responsible for maintaining
students’ past and present records. She also reports data
to the Indiana Department of Education. She noted that
parents trust Scecina “to do our very best to help their
student develop in Mind, Body, and Spirit. This is very
important to me as a mother of two. I also want what is
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
best for my daughters and want people around them
who are encouraging them to be their best and to do
their best.” She added, “I feel as if all students at Scecina
are sort of an extension of my own family, wanting and
willing them to be their best.” She offered this advice for
parents, “Be involved, ask your student what he or she is
learning in class and be supportive of his or her activities,
be it football or the baking club.”
Personal Issues
Bridget Zobel, LCSW, is the school’s Social Worker. She
has been helping teens deal with issues for years. She has
seen and heard it all. “I love helping students solve their
problems. I want them to have the problem-solving and
coping skills that they can use all of their lives,” she said.
Students are referred to her from the guidance staff,
others in administration and teachers. She noted that
students can refer themselves. She wants parents to
know that they also can refer their child to her.
Standardized Tests
Shelley Woodward, MS, NCC, is the Testing and Special
Education Coordinator. She is in charge of coordinating
all school standardized testing (AP, ECA, SAT, PSAT), and
she is in charge of completing the initial testing process
to identify students with learning differences. She works
closely with the Special Education department at Scecina
and Indianapolis Public Schools to ensure all students
with learning differences receive their accommodations.
“I have always had a passion for testing and
assessment. Identifying student needs is a top
priority for me. I love the chance to develop
a plan to help a struggling student be successful.
It is very fulfilling,” she said. “I strive to help
identify each student who requires additional
learning support in the form of a formal
education plan.“ If parents think their child
may have a learning issue, she wants them
to know that it is not uncommon and
help is available.
Career and College Counseling
Jeremy Corn, MS, NCC, is the Career Counselor.
“I enjoy the variety that comes along with the
job. A counselor gets to complete many different
tasks throughout the school year and also gets
to deal with a wide range of situations. Every
day is different.” He added, “I get to assist students
in achieving their goals and to assist in connecting
them to the next path in their lives. The vast
majority of students will make a successful
transition from high school to their next personal
endeavor. That’s exciting to see.” He noted that
there are many things that change for students
throughout high school. He encourages parents
to stay involved and aware of what’s going on
with their student’s academic career.
Therese Joyce has been the College Counselor
at Scecina for four years. She has loved talking to
our students about planning for their next steps
after they leave Scecina. Therese, an attorney,
recently accepted a position at the NCAA as
assistant director of High School Review and
we wish her well in her new endeavor. Jeremy
will become the interim College Counselor to
ensure a smooth transition.
Therese leaves with some special advice to
parents: make your student own the college
search and planning process. The student, not
the parent, is the one going to college. “Make
sure you are helping your student become
independent to ensure the best possible
success after high school,” she remarked.
New Offices and Technology
The Guidance Department recently moved into
new office space. Construction of Phase 1 of a
comprehensive Guidance Center was completed
as part of our Facility Master Plan. The new office
space is located on the southwest corner of the
main floor of the school. n
David Dellacca
Over the past two years, the Scecina Memorial Technology
Committee and many other people have been instrumental in
laying the foundation for a new technology era at Scecina.
This era has begun in earnest with President Joe Therber’s
announcement that David Dellacca has been hired to serve
as the school’s first Vice President of Technology.
“David’s Catholic faith, his experience, and his collaborative
style make him an excellent fit for this newly created
administrative position within our school,” said President Therber.
His robust background and set of experiences in educational
technology include:
lState of Indiana K-12 education license in School
Media Services
lMaster of Science degree from Ball State University
in Information and Communication Sciences
lOwner of First Wave Technology Solutions
lTeacher at the McKenzie Center for Innovation
and Technology for M.S.D. of Lawrence Township
lAssociate Professor at IUPUI
lDean of Information Technology at Harrison College
lNetwork Administrator for Beech Grove City Schools.
David also has a strong familiarity with Scecina Memorial High
School through his recent volunteer work with the school’s
Technology Committee. He has served alongside Board
member Rick Pfleger and alumnus Jeff McMahon ‘80 as
Vice Chair of the committee since its inception in 2012. This
committee has been actively engaged during Strategic Growth
Planning and during the first year of the plan’s implementation.
Scecina Memorial High School welcomes David to our
school community! n
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
The Indiana State Board of Education has awarded Scecina
Memorial High School with an “A” letter grade, the state’s
highest academic rating.
The state reviews the academic growth of a school’s
students and the school’s graduation rates, as well as
college and career readiness, in making its assessment.
“I am so proud of the students, their families, faculty, staff and
administrators at Scecina who worked so hard to achieve this
rating,” said President Joe Therber. “Everyone was involved.
And I am grateful to the alumni who have supported the
school with their gifts of time, talent and treasure.”
The state started issuing the A-F letter grades in 2010-11 to improve transparency about school performance so that
parents and community members could gauge how well schools are educating children.
Kelsey Abelein, Scecina’s Director of Enrollment Management, said that “being an “A” rated school just reaffirms
something that we, at Scecina, already know and what we want to convey to the community.”
Scecina is a high-quality, college-preparatory school attracting some of the best students from our East Deanery
Partner Schools and 60 other schools in the Greater Indianapolis area. Continuing to receive an “A” rating assures
prospective parents and students that Scecina will provide them with high-quality academics. “The ‘A’ rating is proof of
the opportunities for students to excel throughout their high school careers here at Scecina,” said Abelein.
The Crusader Community of students, faculty, parents and alumni is over 7,500 persons strong. President Therber
encourages every member of the Crusader Community to share the news of the school’s “A” rating. “Every Crusader
should be proud of this achievement. Let’s spread the news far and wide,” he said. n
Alison Bachus ’15 was awarded the Emerald Society Scholarship by the Indianapolis
Firefighters Emerald Society Chapter. President Rob Field ’82 presented the $1,000
scholarship to Alison, a deserving student, who “is loyal, proud, and goes above and
beyond for her school, much like in the image of firefighters, who go above and beyond
for others.”
Alison, an Our Lady of Lourdes graduate, comes from a lineage of Scecina alumni,
including parents Kevin ’80 and Mary (Shackelford) Bachus ’82 and sisters
Kaleigh (Bachus) Day ’06 and Courtney Bachus ’08.
Alison is very involved at Scecina. She is a member of National Honor Society, participates
in A Promise to Keep and the spring musical, and competes in swimming, cross country,
and track. Alison has applied to St. Mary’s of Notre Dame, Purdue University and Marian
University with hopes to major in nursing or criminal justice, depending on where she decides to attend.
The Indianapolis Firefighters Emerald Society chapter was established in 1994 and has about 340 members throughout
the Indianapolis metropolitan area. The mission of the Emerald Society of Indianapolis “is to provide a fraternal
organization and a benevolent society for the firefighters of Marion and surrounding counties who share a common
bond, ‘firefighting related interest,’ that wish to continue the fine traditions that have made firefighting what it is today.”
For more information, please visit n
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
Our vision for Scecina Memorial High School is “Welcoming all
who desire our Catholic education. We are the school of choice for
students and families seeking unique moments to learn, grow and
go forth to transform the world inspired by the light of Christ,”
says President Joe Therber. “Every day we pursue this vision.
I think that our Office of Enrollment Management has made
a great leap forward by welcoming new leadership this fall.”
Kelsey Abelein is the new Director of Enrollment Management.
She began in this role in July 2014 after an extensive search to
recruit the ideal candidate to welcome future Crusader families
as they apply for admission to Scecina.
Kelsey Abelein (L) and Cari Gallagher ’93
Kelsey comes to Scecina from Providence Cristo Rey High School
in Indianapolis, where she worked in the Enrollment Office as
part of an internship through AmeriCorps. After her AmeriCorps service, she taught Catholic Theology at Providence
Cristo Rey. Ultimately, her desire to return to admissions and enrollment led her to Scecina.
Kelsey, a native of Rochester, N.Y., attended Our Lady of Mercy High School, an all-girls Catholic high school, before
moving on to Assumption College, a Catholic college in Massachusetts. She pursued her love of education, sports and
leadership at Assumption College, where she played soccer, and participated in leadership groups such as the Student
Athletic Advisory Committee and Phi Alpha Theta. She graduated from Assumption in 2011 with a degree in history
and secondary education. Kelsey then joined AmeriCorps, which prompted her 2012 move to the Indianapolis area.
She lives in the Broad Ripple area and is a parishioner at Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Joining Kelsey in the Office of Enrollment Management is Scecina graduate Cari (Roembke) Gallagher ‘93. Cari began
work in a dual role at Scecina in November 2013. As the Enrollment Management and Athletics Assistant, she supports
enrollment management and athletic activities. In the Athletic Department, Cari supports Jason Kehrer ’88, athletic
director, and Scecina’s coaching staff.
Cari is a familiar face to Scecina families. She has been coaching the Crusader cheerleaders since 2011. She accepted
her current position after retiring from the dental field after 16 years. She has a degree in dental hygiene from the
Indiana University School of Dentistry. She often can be seen at Scecina events supporting her daughter Elizabeth ’15
and son AJ ’18. Cari and her husband, Tim Gallagher ’93, also are parents of two future Crusaders, Maggie ’22 and
Nate ’25. The Gallaghers are members of Holy Name of Jesus parish.
Kelsey and Cari work hard to recruit, enroll and retain students from a variety of schools throughout the Indianapolis
area. Scecina currently serves students and families from 60 elementary and middle schools. Kelsey noted, however,
that “Students from our Catholic partner grade schools — Holy Cross, St. Philip Neri, Little Flower, Our Lady of Lourdes,
Holy Spirit, and St. Michael — are and will continue to be the core of our enrollment. These students are very
important to us.”
Cari believes the key is to make students and families feel engaged in the Crusader Community right from the beginning.
“We strive to communicate with and plan events for students as young as third and fourth grade. It is our hope that
they will feel connected to, and part of, the Scecina family so that when they choose their high school, Scecina is the
next natural step,” she said.
Admitting students to Scecina, however, is not the final goal. It is equally important to ensure that every student feels
welcome and is successful at Scecina, and then graduates as a morally, spiritually and academically prepared servant
leader in the footsteps of Father Thomas Scecina. n
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
After his first season back at his
alma mater as head baseball coach,
Dave Gandolph ’68 won an
impressive recognition: He was
selected as the 2014 Division III
Regional Coach of the Year by
the American Baseball Coaches
Association. There are over 24,000
schools in Division III, and Gandolph
was one of only eight coaches from
the division to receive the award.
He represented Region 4 (Illinois,
Dave Gandolph
Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio
and Tennessee) at the ABCA Convention in Orlando, Fla., in January.
All-State (honorable mention), new school record holder
Jenna Nosek ’16 2014 Regional Qualifier, All-Conference
The 2014 Crusader baseball team boasted a 17-8 record, including
an exciting extra-inning victory over Cathedral High School.
Jackie Kennedy ’17 2014 Regional and Semi-State Qualifier, All-Conference,
Caroline Sausser ’15 2014 Regional Qualifier, 1st Team Academic All-State
Justice Carmichael ’15 2014 Regional Qualifier
Mitchell Donlan ’15 2014 Regional Qualifier
Andrew Clegg ’17 2014 Regional Qualifier
Henry Egan ’18 2014 Regional Qualifier
Sam Barnard ’16 2014 Regional Qualifier
Nate Canterbury ’15 All-Conference, All-City, AP All-State,
Coaches All-State, Academic All-State, Indiana Super Team-Offensive
Lineman (honorable mention)
Nick Newhart ’15 Academic All-State
Chris Wilson ’15 Academic All-State
De’Von Motley ’16 All-Conference
Luke Frain ’15 All-City, AP All-State, Coaches All-State, Academic All-State,
Indiana All-State Kicker, Indiana Super Team-Kicker (honorable mention)
“It is a great honor to receive this award,” said the longtime high
school coach. “Many thanks to the ABCA, a first-rate organization
that has a national membership with thousands of coaches.
It is much appreciated.”
“Coach inspired these young men to confidently compete to the
best of their ability, and that is the mark of a great coach,” said
Athletic Director Jason Kehrer ‘88. “The award is well-deserved.”
Coach Gandolph has an impressive list of achievements including
over 700 wins, induction into the Indiana High School Baseball
Coaches Hall of Fame in 2008 and winning NFHS Indiana Baseball
Coach of the Year in 2005. n
Hector Velasquez ’15 All-Conference
Natalie Donlan ’17 Conference champion (3200 meter run)
Jackie Kennedy ’17 All-Catholic Champion (100 Hurdles)
Katie Suiters ’14 Conference and City Champion (Shot put); Regional qualifier
(Shot put and discus)
Abby Crump ’15 2A All-State Team, 1st team All-City, 1st team All ICC
Mitchell Donlan ’15 2014 City Champion, 138 lb. Weight Class
Congratulations to the following Crusader athletes for signing
to play college sports!
Nate Canterbury ’15 (Football) Hillsdale College
Justice Carmichael ’15 (Softball) Taylor University
Luke Frain ’15 (Football) Western Kentucky University
TJ Henderson ’15 (Basketball) Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI)
Josh Rutland ’15 (Basketball) Huntington University
Zach Rutland ’15 (Basketball) Huntington University
Front Row (L-R): TJ Henderson, Zach Rutland.
Back Row: Luke Frain, Justice Carmichael, Josh Rutland, Nate Canterbury.
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
Catholic Culture
SCECINA STRONG We are a vibrant community
of more than 7,500 students, faculty, staff,
alumni, and friends involved in a transformative
Catholic mission, operating a great Catholic
high school on the Eastside of Indianapolis.
As an important community member, you have
helped us be the school that we have become.
Grateful to you, I want to update you twice
a year on the progress we are making as we
implement our Strategic Growth Plan.
We named the planning process, “Uniting
People. Faith. Vision.” We sought to Unite
the people of our community, based on the
faith of our Church, to develop a vision for the
future. Unity is still what we seek. Unity brings
strength to do what needs to be done to
advance the mission of the school.
Through your involvement and support, we are
making things happen. The progress report,
which is on our website (,
summarizes many advancements that we have
made as a community since November 2013,
which marks the month when the Archdiocese
of Indianapolis approved the plan.
Because we grow and improve as a school
together, I would like your feedback. After
reviewing the progress report , please complete
the confidential feedback survey found on our
website. Again, thank you very much for your time
and support. Please continue to be involved!
Joe Therber
Expand Campus Ministry impact by implementing
recommendations from the independent Catholic
Culture assessment.
Held the first in a series of annual retreats for faculty,
staff, and administrators with a focus on the themes
of “Being God’s Co-Workers” and Servant Leadership.
Instituted underclass retreats for all freshmen,
sophomores, and juniors.
Began an independent review of the Extra Service
Program to update the way in which Catholic Social
Teaching and the Gospels are proclaimed and lived
through the program.
Develop opportunities to honor the legacy and
values of the Sisters of Saint Francis Oldenburg.
Designed a visual tribute in the main school hall
to celebrate the Sisters’ ministry and influence at
Scecina Memorial High School.
College & Career Preparation
Establish Scecina as an innovative, mission-based
academic leader.
Earned the 2013–2014 State of Indiana “A” school
rating for academic performance and growth
measured by standardized test scores, college
and career readiness, and graduation rate.
Incorporated a resource period into every student’s
daily schedule for academic study, meetings with
counselors, and/or tutoring.
Created a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Math) Coordinator role, and hired an experienced
teacher, Dr. Charles Sinclair ’67, to serve in this role.
Develop counseling services, resources, and facilities
to ensure all students’ success.
Beginning with the Class of 2019, began
implementation of a Student Success Plan program
that engages students in academic, college, and
career exploration and goal setting.
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
Created a full-time Career Counselor role, and hired
a licensed counselor, Jeremy Corn, to begin
a Career Counseling program that will include
partnerships with businesses and organizations.
An Inspiring Campus
Develop a mission-based Facility Master Plan that
supports the attainment of school ministry priorities.
Maximizing Enrollment
Establish a target enrollment goal for the
next 5 to 10 years.
Gained Board of Directors approval for the target
enrollment to be 475 students and to determine
annually whether to adjust or maintain the target.
Began the 2014–2015 school year with a student
enrollment of 430, a 35 percent increase since 2009.
71 percent attended Catholic grade schools or are
Catholic, 62 percent are from East Deanery parishes
or schools, and 40 percent are members of racial or
ethnic minorities.
High Expectations and High Support
Established a 2015–2016 freshmen class enrollment
goal of 135 students.
Began recruitment of a full-time, bi-lingual
professional who can incorporate Latino customs
and themes into our school environment.
Continually develop a culture of excellent
customer service and continuous improvement.
Created the role of Vice President of Technology
and hired a credentialed administrator,
David Dellacca, to serve in this role.
Wrote and began implementation of a four-phase
Technology Plan with emphases on technology
policy development, infrastructure improvements,
professional development, and staff computing
Implemented the Net Promoter Score Survey
with school parents and staff, and incorporated
suggestions for improvement in yearly school
planning and budgeting.
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
Designed and began construction of Phase 1
of a comprehensive Guidance Center in the
main hall of the school.
Unite the Scecina staff, students, and Board in
reflecting on and living the school mission, vision,
and core values.
Garnered community input to develop the “10 Great
Things about Scecina Memorial High School” and
began preparations to integrate them into school
programs and marketing activities.
Develop technology as a critical enabler of effective
teaching, learning, and administration.
Begin implementation of the Facility Master Plan.
Set and achieve yearly target enrollments that align
with the future enrollment vision.
Garnered input from multiple stakeholder groups
and developed a Facility Master Plan for Board of
Directors approval in December 2014 and which
includes a new chapel; co-curricular practice,
performance, and competition facilities; classroom
renovations; landscaping renovations; increased
parking; and re-located administrative offices.
Designed a visual tribute in the main school hall to
celebrate Father Thomas Scecina’s inspiring life and
death as our school namesake.
Displayed the updated school mission statement,
core values, and vision statement in all classrooms,
offices, and co-curricular areas.
Established that the four focal areas of a new Parent
Ambassador Team (Parent Organization) will be:
School-Parent Communication, Events and Activities,
Staff Affirmation and Support, and Legislative Affairs.
Completed the first phases of the Archdiocese of
Indianapolis school accreditation renewal by
completing student, staff, and parent satisfaction
surveys; an analysis of student academic performance
data; and starting an institutional assessment
according to the National Standards and Benchmarks
for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary
Schools (
Develop and utilize a mission-based, comprehensive
profile, or vision, of the Graduate at Graduation.
Developed the first draft of the profile to reflect the
school mission statement and the attributes of Father
Thomas Scecina.
Strategic Partnerships
Develop strategic partnerships through networking,
education, and collaboration.
Engaged East Deanery Catholic school Principals
and identified a series of outreach opportunities
to enhance their school programs.
Began a partnership with the University of Notre Dame
ECHO Program, through which we received
a graduate-level student, Angie Pometto, to serve
as a Campus Ministry apprentice from 2013-2015.
Identified and began to implement partnership
opportunities with the internationally acclaimed
Museum of Science and Industry (Chicago, IL) for
implementation in 2015.
Innovative, high-quality
Accepted the invitation from Community Hospital
East for President Therber to co-chair a project
to develop an Eastside community vision for
Emerson Avenue from 10th Street to 16th Street.
Commitment to all
Retain 90 percent of annual appeal donors, and
attract 100 or more new or lapsed donors annually.
Increased annual financial support every year
to fund current and future improvements.
Created a Donor and Alumni Relations Coordinator
role, and hired Rose Timpe to implement
communication strategies, develop accountability
reports for donors, and support alumni class
gatherings and reunions.
Established a team of Annual Appeal Ambassadors
involving alumni from the 1950s through the 1990s
to thank, involve, and invite fellow alumni to support
the school.
Conduct a capital campaign feasibility study based
on school ministry priorities, and determine next steps
based on the study results.
Presented to the Board of Directors a preliminary
timetable for conducting a capital campaign feasibility
study during 2015.
Future Viability
Develop and utilize a multi-year viability model based
on financial and non-financial metrics, annual operations,
and strategic priorities.
Established a modeling sub-committee to assist
the school administration and faculty in developing
financial and non-financial key performance indicators
and measurable targets for long-range planning. n
academic programs
students’ success
Diverse student body
Educating the Spirit,
Mind & Body
Opportunities to develop
life skills and grow in
character and leadership
Community spirit
Effective and accessible
faculty and staff
Generous and spirited
alumni and friends
Catholic identity
Forming servant-leaders in
the inspiring footsteps of
Father Thomas Scecina
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
Dear Friends of Scecina,
As you’ve read through the pages of this special edition of Father
Scecina Magazine, you’ve seen how remaining in touch with our
past helps us have a clear vision for who we are and where we
want to go.
The Board of Directors keeps its eye on the past, present and
future to chart a path that will continue the Scecina Story for years to come.
Our Strategic Growth Plan, approved by the Archdiocese of Indianapolis in
November 2013, gives us a shared vision for moving forward.
This theme of honoring our history is tied to our Strategic Growth Plan. One of our
goals was to design a visual tribute in the main school hall to celebrate Father Thomas
Scecina’s inspiring life and death. Thanks to the hard work and perseverance of our
Veterans Committee, alumni, other donors and staff, this goal is now a reality.
We’re also strengthening our connections with the Sisters of Saint Francis Oldenburg.
The new wall to the west of the Father Scecina tribute accomplishes this goal by
telling the history of the Sisters of Saint Francis Oldenburg, and the many Sisters
who ministered and labored here at Scecina. These recent additions to our school
bring the Catholic faith even more to life for students, staff and visitors.
In this issue, you’ll see how we are progressing with other Strategic Growth Plan goals.
Again, the efforts of many have brought us this far.
As Chairman of the Board, I sincerely thank all of you. Your financial and moral support,
as well as your prayers, keep the Scecina Story relevant today and for the future as we
fulfill our mission to help students attain educational excellence, be lifelong learners,
and live as servant-leaders in the inspiring footsteps of Father Thomas Scecina.
Thank you, and Go Crusaders!
J. Barry Schneider
Chair, Scecina Memorial High School Board of Directors
Barry Schneider, Chair
Kevin Johnson ’77, Vice Chair
Mike Delaney ’83, Treasurer
Rev. Robert Gilday, Secretary
Sr. Jean Marie Cleveland, O.S.F., ’59
John Duffy ’86
Steve Hodgson ’74
Jerry Jones ’68
Jim Joven ’85,
Immediate Past Chair
John Kennedy
Nancy (Wagner) Leming ’85
John Manley
Ron Mead
Jim Moloy ’77
George Newhart ’60
Rick Pfleger
Martin Pierce ’77
Jim Roe ’68
Julanne Sausser
Rev. Monsignor Paul Koetter,
East Deanery Dean
Joseph Therber, President
Christopher Felts ’87
Tim Jeffers ’83
Phil Kenney
Phil Wilhelm ’59 (dec.)
Lou Zimmerman
Beginning Balance 7/1/2013
New Contributions
Distributions for intended purposes $(43,369)
Ending Balance 6/30/2014
Scecina’s endowments are managed by the Catholic
Community Foundation of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis.
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
Scecina Memorial High School Endowment Fund
Joe McNelis Endowment Fund
Father Thomas SMHS Godparent Program Endowment Fund
Ray Riley Educational Endowment Fund
John Edson Educational Endowment Fund
Timothy and Jane McGinley Family Endowment Fund
SMHS Facilities Endowment Fund
Sister Hortense Endowment Fund
Joe Ajamie Donor Advised Endowment Fund
Class of 1959 Scholarship Fund
Fred and Patty Gause Endowment Fund
Steve Farrell Endowment Fund
William F. Kuntz We Care Scholarship Endowment Fund
2013-2014 REVENUE
2013-2014 EXPENSES
These figures represent funds accrued in the 2013-2014 fiscal year.
Restricted gifts pledged in prior years are included if expended in 2013-2014.
Tuition and Instructional Fees 45%
Parish and Archdiocesan Support 14%
Advancement Gifts, Grants,
and Special Events 20%
Instructional and Administration 56%
Athletics, Co-Curriculars, and Other 12%
Facilities 12%
Capital Improvements 11%
Cafeteria and Bookstore Expenses 6%
Reserves for School Improvements 3%
Gifts Restricted for Capital Improvements
and Strategic Planning 7%
Athletics, Co-Curriculars, and Other 3%
Reserve funds from future needs
and deferred maintenance 3%
Cafeteria and Bookstore Sales 7%
Endowment Distributions 1%
* The Fund for Future Needs was established in 2011 as a means to formally reserve
funds for the future needs of the school. The funds are held in a separate account and the
Board of Directors established a policy for the use of and expenditure of those funds.
Annual Fund 58%
Capital Improvements 23%
Other Restricted Purposes 18%
Endowment Contributions 1%
These figures represent gifts pledged or received in the 2013-2014 fiscal year through the school’s advancement efforts. Advancement
includes alumni relations, communications, development, enrollment management, fundraising events, publications, and special events.
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
(Fiscal Year July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014)
Dr. James T. and Patricia S. (Woods) ‘59
Janet (Mueller) Bartram
Anne (Griffin) Blackburn
Charlotte Carter
Jim and Donna (Delaney) ‘61 Clifford
Manuel E. and Judy H. (Clager) ‘59
David and Judy (Klein) Felts
Jeanie (Pohlman) Fentz
Ed, Jr. and Val Fillenwarth+
Douglas E. and Mary Jo (Burns) ‘58 Finn
Edna (Laham) Guedel
Dale Haller
Bob and Donna (Hannan) Johnson
Joan K (Kirkhoff ) Leucht
Joseph D. and Kathy L. (Kiesel) ‘63 Lyons
Jeanne (Moorman) and David Moran
Judy (Bevan) and Jim Moran
Linda (O’Neill) and James Schwarz
Marilyn (McGlinchey) Schwegman
Patsy A. (Love) and Nick W. Seats
James and Kay Troy
Barbara E. (Seal) Welch
Jerry and Mary Ellen (Whitsett) ‘61 Yetter
Diane (Collins) Beasley
Dr. Lawrence and Margo Bowman
Jo Ann K. (Konerman) Brackett
Nancy (Nees) Carr
Michael J. and Nancy (Bray) ‘59
Mary Jo (Burns) and Douglas E. ‘57 Finn
Daniel J. and Sherilyn L. Hagan
Thomas and Bev Heneghan
Butch and Sharon Kennedy
Joseph and Mary Ann (Kelly) ‘64 Klein+
Wayne and Eleanor (Luthman) ‘60 Kolbus
Catherine A. (Nunley) Kramer
Jeffrey L. and Miriam S. Lazo
Shirley A. (Golay) and Jack N. Marsella
J. Timothy and Jane McGinley+
Patricia S. (Woods) and Dr. James T. ‘57
Emanuele L. and Jean M. Bomben
David G. and Gale Busemeyer
John and Phyllis (Winkler) Cardis
Thomas J. and Carolyn M. Carroll
Richard G Cook
Judy H. (Clager) and Manuel E. ‘57 Corpuz
Nancy (Bray) and Michael J. ‘58
E. Tim and Patricia A. Foley
Clarence Guinan
Robert L. and Eleanor M. Hammond
David W. and Joyce A. (Duncan) Johnson
Darlene (Heidelberger) and Richard Lime
Marilyn A. (Myers) and Martin W.
Rev. Don Munro
Noreen (Sheehan) and Dennis Murphy
William and Ellen (Breinlich) ‘60 Rodgers+
Maureen (Dinn) and Jim Ross
Joanne (Jordan) Sarjent
William and Barbara Ann Schnorr
Jerry and Elaine (Christen) ‘62 Trumpey
Dick and Cecelia (Thie) ‘58 Turner
Charles Walker
AJ and Dorothy (Sitzman) ‘60 Weidekamp
Morey Doyle
Paul F. and Alice Evans
Gerald and Melinda (Lynch) ‘61 Finn
Sally (Reece) and Joseph Fougerousse
Robert C. and Carolyn Freeland
Robert A. and Donna S. Fulton
David Gehrich
Kathryn (Dick) Goodman
Patricia (Sauter) Hoop
Pamela M (Salvatore) and Douglas
John J. Kelly
Eleanor (Luthman) and Wayne ‘58 Kolbus
Louis Kossmann
Tony and Rita (Urrutia) Loesch
Margi (Carr) and Mike Logan
Carolyn (Herron) and Marty Lynch
James J. and Sue A. Lynch
Kenneth J. and Lynn A. Meier
Mary Rose (Mazza) Miller
Sharon A. (Wilson) and Robert A. Nester+
George T. Newhart, Jr.
Jinny B. (Atkinson) O’Dell
Nancy (Bevan) and Larry Pullam
Ellen (Breinlich) and William ‘59 Rodgers+
Barbara (White) Roth
John E. and Diane Schmidt
Mary Ellen (Nunley) and Thomas R.
Bernie and Rosalie (McGloon) Shepard+
John C. and Kathleen M. Spotts
Thomas A. and Judith A. Steiner+
Kenneth M. and Anne C. (White) ‘64
Richard L. and Shirley A. Wehrel
Dorothy (Sitzman) and AJ ‘59
Gloria (Kiefer) and Amos Mills
Jack V. and Martha (Dinn) Moriarty+
Vincent J. Noe
Charles and Diane Robinson
Michael F. Troy
Cecelia (Thie) and Dick ‘59 Turner
Rebecca A. Baker
William T. and Patti Bokermann
Sheila (Barton) Bosron
Cornelia Lucy (Kaza) Bross
Philip K. and Ann R. (Dewees) ‘63 Cramer
Charles J. and Patricia A. Damler
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of the information in this report. We apologize for any error.
If there are questions about your listing, please contact Gia Spaulding, Advancement Coordinator,
at 317.356-6377, ext. 1308, or
* Denotes matching gift from employer.
Denotes a portion or all of donation made to Scecina through CHOICE Charitable Trust.
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
Mary A. (Robinson) and David S. Allen
Andrew Baase
Rosie E. (Morris) Bulkin
Donna (Delaney) and Jim ‘57 Clifford
Joseph F. Doll
George E. and Melinda C. Douglass
Gregg and Patareka Dwyer+
Melinda (Lynch) and Gerald ‘60 Finn
Margaret Flack
Sharon (Graf ) and Daniel Keilman
David A. and Margaret M. Kelley
Michael and Mary Kempf
Robert E. and Barbara J. Lentz
Paul A. Linton, Jr.
Catherine (Heitmann) Mears
Robert and Ann (Steiner) ‘63 Melloh+
Judith (Della Penna) Nichols
Lawrence and Sueann M.B. O’Brien
Richard M. and Cheryl S. Prickett
F. Joseph Rettig
Lorraine Riegner
Connie (McGlinchey) Schneeberger
John and Marilyn Schneider+
Dick and Martha (Fuss) Schneider
Mary (McGavern) and John Sockrider
Morris Tolly
Daniel J. and Susan K. (Thompson) ‘62
Mary Ellen (Whitsett) and Jerry ‘57 Yetter
Jane (Strutner) and Dennis Cuppy
Mary F. (Hren) Dorris
Thomas Griffin
David M. and Marilyn J. Hess
Kathleen (Kelly) and David Kaplan
Patrick McNelis
Earl L. Powers
Philip and Barbara (Brothers) Prieshoff
Evelynn U. (Looney) Putnam
Patricia (Caito) Schreiber
John T. and Kathy J. (Shaver) ‘66 Steele
Rose A (Walker) Sterger
Susan K. (Thompson) and Daniel J. ‘61
Elaine (Christen) and Jerry ‘59 Trumpey
Joan A. (Parsons) and James H. Voyles
Kathleen P. (Rogers) White
Richard Aldrich
Paul R. Bauer
Marie L. Beltrame and Ernie Montogomery
Bill and Sheryl Bevan
M. Sue (Steele) and Paul Brady
Joan P. (Killila) and Jerry W. Burgin
Judy A. (Haller) Moore Burke
Joseph and Kathleen J. Caito
Class of 1963
Dr. Thomas J. Commons
Susan L. (Jones) and Thomas W. Cook
William A. Cook and Margaret
(Heitmann) Litzelman-Cook
Ann R. (Dewees) and Philip K. ‘60 Cramer
Mary Kay (Corey) and Larry Daly
Catherine C. (Corsaro) and Joseph Dezelan
Carol A. (Baker) Duncan
Sharon (Strange) Ellington*
Margaret F. (Goff ) Foster
Madonna M. (Doyle) Hasty
J. Dennis Hynes
Samuel W. and Viki (Dufour) ‘69 Jenkins
Herbert F. and Linda A. Katzman
William J. and Kathy A. Laham
Kathy A. (Kolbus) and Dane Lantz
Jim and Bernadette (Dufour) ‘64 Lathrop
Margaret (Jones) Litz
Kathy L. (Kiesel) and Joseph D. ‘57 Lyons
Lynda C. (Giles) Martin
William R. McMahon
Ann (Steiner) and Robert ‘61 Melloh+
Fred and Valeria Jean Meyer
Stephen A. Morris
John Parsons
Lynnda M. (McGinty) and Joseph A. Regan
Suzanne (Brake) Rhea
Terry and Martie (Schneider) Rodgers
Paula (Nugent) and Dee Saul
Dr. Patricia Sheehan
Mary Ann (Tinder) and Richard Wagner
Joseph A. and Diane L. (Whittinghill) ‘66
Judy (Ullrich) and Ernest Weber
Barbara J. (Harbor) and Robert F. Widmer
David and Sherlee Wilson
Frederick L. and Stacy L. Wiltshire
Gary and Pam Yohler
Ann (Suesz) and David Babcock
Judith (Geiker) and Richard Beeson
Thomas J. Casey
Cynthia A. (Morris) and Ronald W.
Mary (Hart) Donnelly
Barbara (Deardorff ) Ellis
Mary Ann (Arszman) and John Engstrom
James M and Brenda Galbo
James and Jeannie Green
Barbara E. Grote-Kemp
Thomas Hudgins
Nancy J. (Saunders) and Douglas Jenkins
Joanne D. (Donlan) Kinsman
Mary Ann (Kelly) and Joseph ‘58 Klein+
Bernadette Dufour and Jim ‘63 Lathrop
M. Kathleen (Rettig) Locke
Markey’s Rental & StagingMr. Chuck Markey ‘64
Jennifer (Bordenet) Matthews
Dr. John and Janet Nease
David and Jeanne O’Donnell*
Patricia J. (Shanahan) and Terry J. Paas
George and Susan Parker
Margaret E. (Moseman) and Steven Roser
Elizabeth A. (McCormick) Ross
Patricia (Dangler) and Louis Sharp
Deacon George H. Sisson
Steven and Rita Smith
Irene (Joyal) Thrasher
David and Shirley Walker
Anne C. (White) and Kenneth M. ‘60 Walker
Jo Ann (Firsich) Weiker
Kathleen M. (Birch) Willis
Ann (Kingsbury) Zimmerman
Peggy (Branson) and Michael E. ‘67
Michael R. Cecil
Frank H. Crafton
Philip A. Doyle
Kevin P. and Beverly J. (Walke) Farrell+
Thomas J. Felts
Dr. Eli and Susan Hallal
J. Gary and Katherine L. Hoefle+
Thomas Kafoure
Linda A. (Lyons) and Jonathan M. Lawrence
Susan (Sheehan) and Roger Oldham
Rosanne Taylor and Ed Ripperger
Patricia C. (Cook) and Warner A. Young
Mary Margaret (Mulhern) and Fred Beyne
Patricia (Kelly) and Derry Condon
G. Patrick and Jeanne E. (Davidson)
Theresa L. (Ross) and Robert Desautels
John A. Fisher, Jr.
Anne L. (Schonecker) Flanagan
Nancy J. (Walpole) and Joe W. Hogan
Louis, Jr. and Patty Horton
Elaine (Veerkamp) and Patrick Jerrell+
Kathryn (Kinney) and Steven Painter
Deette M. (Bennett) Schmidt
Barbara K. (Hibbert) Schrader
Kathy J. (Shaver) and John T. ‘62 Steele
George L. and Sharon Walker+
Diane L. (Whittinghill) and Joseph A. ‘63
Thomas J. Williams and Helen F. Steussy
Michael E. and Peggy (Branson) ‘65
Performance Marketing Group, Inc.John ‘67 and Colleen (Cook) ‘67 Dangler
Katherine M. (McGinty) Dullaghan
The John Edson Family
Stan R. and Melinda K. Epperson
Ann (McAtee) and David ‘68 Gandolph
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
(Fiscal Year July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014)
Helen (McLaughlin) and Leslie Hinshaw
Donald and Kathy (Spista) Hurrle
James Metzger and Deborah Baldwin
Michael D. and Victoria L. Reese
Stephen and Barbara Sahm
Paul D. and Cindy K. Scheibelhut
Charles and Beverly Sinclair
John W. and Nancy A. Sullivan
Gary and Sheilah (Murdock) Summers
Barbara T. (Turner) Williams
L. James and Ginny Allen
Linda A. (Heede) and Gregory Cress
Harry J. Dearing
Glenda L. (Reynolds) and Michael R. Fisher
David and Ann (McAtee) ‘67 Gandolph
Nancy (Carter) and Bill Glawatz
Pat J. and Patty M. (Mahoney) Hurrle
Michael J. and Jane Huser
Brian Jennings
Jerry R. and Margaret M. (Kegeris) Jones+
Leo and Deborah Kiemeyer
James and Vickie (Mayo) Roe
Joseph Saunders
Daniel J. and Diane Sullivan
David L. Swift
John and Nora Teipen
Janis (Page) and Gordon Becker
Sue Bowron-White and Gordon White
Mary E. (Tepe) and Matt A. Chinchar
Cathy Clager
Melissa (Bogeman) and Robert ‘70 Fleck
Fernanda Girolami and Steve Grohovsky
Cathy (Barman) and Charlie Hightower
Viki (Dufour) and Samuel W. ‘63 Jenkins
Jim McGovern
Paul M. and Kathleen A. Oler
James A. Priller
Mark R. and Jeanine T. Rattermann
Richard J. and Patricia A. (Nonte) ‘71
Stephen E. and Linda J. Sullivan
Debra D. (Driscoll) and Gerald S. Zore
Carren Cadick
Mary K. (Davidson) and Ron Clark
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
Geralyn R. (McMahon) Davis
Robert and Melissa (Bogeman) ‘69 Fleck
John E. and Jane Gilmore
Mary Hellmer
Ann B. (Bower) and Michael J. Holmes
Gene Humbles
Ott Hurrle
Robert G. and Kimberly Huser
Marianne T. (Reilly) and Dr. Robert D. Jansen
Mary (Schaub) and Michael Marinaccio
Debbie (Kiesel) and Larry Peters
Rita (Dowling) Richardson
Lee (Fangman) and Steve Roseman
Dave Wyciskalla
Richard C. Youngstafel
Terry Dearing
Frank and Denise (Delaney) ‘73 Hagerty
Lee and Adele Schluge
Joseph P. and Josephine A. Simon
Patricia A. (Nonte) and Richard J. ‘69 Smith+
Mark and Betty Sullivan
Eileen M. (Griffin) and Gary Walters
Susan M. Werner
Barbara M. Dearing
Diana (Presutti) and Salvatore DeMore
Daniel W. Harbor
Joe and Diane (Hehmann) Hollowell
Angie (Smith) and Lloyd Matthews
Kevin M. and Jennifer Monaghan
Ann (Branson) and David ‘76 Ruhmkorff
Anne C. (Youngstafel) and
Gary S. Thompson
Fred and Nancy Amberger
Sherry (Lutz) and Mark Anderson
Jim and Stormy Baecher
Greg Bauer
Richard W. and Debra Bosley
Denise (Lazo) and Brian Boyer
Karen (Naughton) and Tom ‘74 Branson
Michael W. and Debra L. Buckel
Mary (Rehak) Donceel
Jim Duvall
Mary Beth (Gause) and Wesley Ginther
Denise (Delaney) and Frank ‘71 Hagerty
Peggy (Steger) and Dan Henthorn
David W. and Cheri Hood
Joe Jarboe
Peter A. Koers
Sunny L. Lake
Barb (Fiddler) Lewis
Mark Mathias
Kathleen (O’Hara) and Mark McConahay
Joe McCormick
Maureen (O’Brien) and Allen Merkley
Theresa (Baase) Monaghan
Elizabeth C. (Krug) Mundell
Kathy (Krackenberger) and Ronald Noerr
Steve Pierce
Scott Ratterman
Alice (Aull) and Larry Sauer
Nancy Schalk
Trish (McMahon) and Frank Sergi
Kathie (Cannon) and Steve Simpson
Cheryl (Smith) and Raybob Spencer
Patti (Galm) Starr
Dewey and Dawn Swanson
Brian and Janet (Wilhelm) ‘80 Warrenburg
Mark and Mary (Berlier) ‘74 White
Tony Wilson
Tom and Karen (Naughton) ‘73 Branson
Theresa A. (Okerson) and Charles R. Hadley+
John Page
Colleen (Brown) and Joseph Shikany
Mary (Berlier) and Mark ‘73 White
Michael Zengel
Christina G. (Graham) and Bruce V. Ayers
Timothy M. and Marguerite L. Commons
Scott and Mary (White) Curren
Vincent J. Delaney
Joan M. (Gause) and David R. Fletcher
Cecilia A. (Rikke) and James P. Fohl
Beverly J. (Veerkamp) and Mark Moore
Michael A. and Brenda Pfarr+
Paul S. Ruegamer
David W. and Cynthia L. Thomas
Susan E. Torzewski
Denise (Suesz) and Howard VanHorn
A. Patricia (O’Connor) and Gerritt M. Bates*
Kevin A. and Maureen O. Griffin+
Paul and Ivy Heazeltine
Rita (Branson) and Lawrence Parsons
Kevin and Elizabeth Reese
John and Carol (Traub) Richardson
David and Ann (Branson) ‘72 Ruhmkorff
Santina (Corsaro) and Stephen Sullivan
Alpha Graphics-Martin Pierce ‘77
Col. and Mrs. Dan Bruno
Mary Ann (Griffin) and Jim Burkhart
J. Kevin and Lori K. (Watts) Johnson
Theresa Kulczak
Jim and Judy (Priesmeyer) Moloy
Patty (McNeely) and Rob Rash
Tony and Julie (Cangany) ‘78 Schmoll
Karen (Remmetter) and Mike Smeltzer
Linda W. (Walpole) and David O. Taylor
Elaine T. (White) and Michael T. Ford
Marta M. (Wuest) and James R. McCoy
Julie (Cangany) and Tony ‘77 Schmoll
Theresa (Eckerle) and Jim Walker
Tom Brassie
Sheila (McNelis) Gamache and
Robert Bates
Anne (Ajamie) Hall
Tim Kirk
Thomas P. and Delisa Lafave
Gregg and Kay Neidlinger
Michael D. and Diane Norton*
Dr. David J. Seay
Angela F. (Felts) Cathcart
Joseph D. Cathcart+
Apex Benefits Group, IncJohn ‘80 and Jennifer Gause+
Patricia A. (Myers) and Michael Perry
Suzanne (Pierce) and Joe Rauh
David and JoAnn Schisla+
Janet (Wilhelm) and Brian ‘73 Warrenburg
Brian T. and Regina G. Dew
Joseph E. and Heather Gallagher*
Michael and Angela (Greiner) McNelis+
David and Rita Moriarty
Joseph and Cynthia (Riley) Rosswurm
and Family
Telephone Wiring & InstallationTony Yaggi ‘81
James and Robin Erlenbaugh
Kelly A. (McAndrews) and Philip T.
Dan and Betsy (Catton) Babcock
John and Ronni Guilfoy
Albert T. Kohout
Jennifer (Hedrick) and Michael ‘85 Sullivan
Robert and Kristeen Brafford*
Kelly A. (Bossom) and Andrew D. Scheid
Class of 1983-Kevin Corcoran*
Michael F. and Lisa (Speth) ‘84 Delaney+
Kathleen M. (Tilley) and Kyle D. Fluke
Russell C. and Linda M. (Russell) ‘84 Miller
Aidan and Karen Moriarty*
Kathleen A. (Meredith) and Tom J. Pearson
Julie A. (Deck) and Vincent A. Thomas
Paul and Cammy (Lamonaca) Ward
Lisa (Speth) and Michael F. ‘83 Delaney+
Lisa (Sabotin) and John Hoffman
Coralee D. (Carver) and Franklin C. Hunt
Lynda (Newhart) and John Manley
Robert and Theresa M. (Ritzi) Mayer*
Linda M. (Russell) and Russell C. ‘83 Miller
John C. and Kim Rowe
Angela (Leffler) and Joseph Therber
Jay Wurz
Jean (Kriech) and James Donlan
John Hawkins
James and Carol Joven
Rich and Maria Layman
Nancy (Wagner) and Kris Leming*
Michael and Jennifer (Hedrick) ‘89 Sullivan
John and Melissa Duffy+
Kathleen (Hammond) and Karl Miltz
Teresa (Cox) and Mike Branson
Carol A. (Kolbus) and David Czaplicki
Christopher P. and Paje Felts
Amy McFadden and Michael Marack
Chris and Madonna Wagner
Anthony C. and Mary Whalen
Joseph and Candice Whisler
Dan and Patrice Greene
Tommi J. (Hutt) and Joseph D. Lavelle
Thomas F. and Elizabeth W. O’Gara
Kristine (Markovich) and Jeffery Alpi
Dominic and Holly Eble
Kathleen T. Hagan
Mary C. (Adams) McFadden
Cherie Mennel
Jon D. and Raeann Pfeiffer
Amy (Bewsey) and Scott Treida
Michael V. and Jill K. White
Class of 1993
Brian and Rhonda Gallagher
Kim Ridenour
Brian P. and Indira Duffy
Jeffrey J. and Jennifer Lathrop
Christy A. VanHorn
Kathleen (Tucker) and Danny Tamayo
Christina (Lathrop) and Ben Harpring
Stephen Flanagan
Dr. Jennifer Walker
Tom M. Branson
Courtney E. (Lord) Pavletic
Jessica Wall Schmidt
Justin Alexander
Lucas and Christine Robinson
Nicholas A. Felts
John P. Okerson
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
(Fiscal Year July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014)
Jack and Sandy Abel
Archer Daniels Midland Company
Marion and Barbara Arnold
Chris J. and Andrea L. Arvin
Russell L. and Linda R. (Sparks) Asher
Randall W. and Mary B. Ayers
James Babcock Electrical Contractors, Inc.
- Dan Babcock ‘89
Stephen W. and Susie Baranyk+
Rita A. Barras
Sister Carmen de Barros, O.S.F.
Major Maggie Benge
James P. and Angie Bewsey
Robert and Mary Ellen Bossom
Deacon Mike and Wendy Braun
Robert E. Buck
Jerome and Joan Bullock
Thomas and Julie Bullock
Sister Patty Campbell, O.S.F.
Therese Cangany
Cannon IV-Jerry Jones ‘68
Thomas J and Patricia A Catton
John R. Chenault
Michael R. and Genevieve W. Coffey
Ellen M. Cronin
Indiana University Vascular Surgeons PC
David E. Day
Ed Day
Debbie Kissinger Benefit
Richard and Crystal L. Deering
Michael A. DeJohn
James M. and Stephanie D. Diblasio
Douglas P. Donahue
Anne Duncan
James and Pat Dunn
Mary Helen Eckrich
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Eichholtz
Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity
Herman and Elizabeth A. Feldhake
Donald D. and Lisa K. Flick
Patrick and Martha Fogarty
Eli Lilly and Company Foundation
Franciscan Alliance Foundation
St. Francis Health
Patricia Fuller
Furniture for Less-Jason Bledsoe
Little Flower Parish-Rev. Robert J. Gilday
Rev. Robert J. Gilday
Richard A. and Linda J. Gilliam
Dr. Margaret and Les Gisler
Phil Golobish
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
Robert and Nancy Golobish+
Gordon Food Service
Melodi and Mike Greene
Joseph Hammond
Matthew T. and Allison M. Hanselman
Hare Family Charitable Trust
Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Harnden
Dick and Dallene Harpold
Harrison & Moberly, LLP
Garth F. and Louise A. Hayes
Tom and Martha Heazeltine
Lawrence and Teresa Heil+
Cynthia and Gerald Hemmelgarn+
Jack Hertz and Suze Frank
Cecilia (Scecina) and Charles Hoelscher
Don and Lynn Holliday
James J. and Bernice Hopp
Richard and Kim L. Howard
Chris Hutt Memorial Golf Outing
Ann Adinamis Impicciche
Indiana Irish Fam Fest Org
Indianapolis Firefighters Emerald Society
James and Carol Jenks
John Lorenzano Memorial
William L. and Joanne C. Johnson
Flora Joven
John M. and Cris Kennedy
Thomas J., Jr. and Barbara Kennedy
Steve Key and Gayle Porter-Key+
Mary M. Kimberlin
Rev. Gerald Kirkhoff
Thomas O. Kissinger
Frank, Jr. and Kathy Klinkose
Martha and Frank Kolda
Thomas R. and Kathleen L. Kozenski
Kraft Foods
Joseph and Amy Kuntz
Colleen and Mark Lahr
James Larson+
Karen and Robert Layton
Frank M. Lee and Susan Spilly-Lee
David and Amy Leising
Ms. Annette (Mickey) Lentz
Dr. and Mrs. Pat Logan
Scott C. and Amanda K. Long
Sister Lavonne Long, O.S.F.
Tim and Ruthann Lord*
Lumina Foundation for Education
Carol D. Martin
Michael P. and Yolanda L. McCormick
Ann M. and Robert J. McCurdy
Dr. and Mrs. James McGahey
Michael P. and Heather A. McGinley+
Thomas M. and Barbara S. McLaughlin
Marie McNelis and Peter Noreika
Mr. Ron Mead
Brian R. and Kathy P. Mears
Scott Mencer+
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Miles*
Denis and Ita Moriarty
NBA Builders, LLC
Judy Neidlinger
Irma Nulton and Christopher Nulton
Daniel P. and Virginia L. O’Brien
Ray and Kathleen Okerson
David K. and Sandra M. Pasotti
Gerry Pater
Rhonda and Larry Peffer
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Pfleger+
Edward A. Porten, Jr. and Julie L. Richardson
Jason A. Potter and Hye-Suk Min
Archdiocese of Indianapolis Growth
and Expansion Grant
Rexnord Foundation Inc.
Rev. Joseph G. Riedman
Right to Life of Indianapolis Educational
Trust Fund, Inc.
Raymond F. and Barbara M. Riley
Robert N. and Melanie D. Robertson
Bruce Robinson
Diana Rodriguez
Greg and Jane Roembke
Robert L. Ross
Nick and JoAnne Rutigliano
Leo and Beth Rutski
Christopher and Debbie Ryan
Dorothy Ryan
Saint Francis de Sales Committee
Mark and Julanne Sausser+
David L. Sausser
Thomas G. and Margaret T. Scecina
Michael Schiewer
Barry and Krista Schneider
Ronald and Diane M. Sharp
Louis M. and Mary Sifferlen
Robert E. and Mary E. Sitzman
Roy L. and Barbara J. Snyder
Patrick K. Sparks
St. Bernadette Church
St. Francis Healthcare Foundation
St. Vincent Health
Tom and Barbara Stader
Juliana Stefancik
Mark and Patricia Steinmetz
Team Image
David and Victoria Schneider Temple
Terry Fahey Memorial Golf Tournament
The Schneider Corporation-Barry Schneider+
Stephanie Thibo
Jeanette and Thomas Tuttle
Valspar Corporation
LeeAnn Van Benten
Julian Wagner
Eugene Wallace
Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program
Jeffrey and Dawn Wendel
Carmen and Nancy Wethington*
Sophia J. Whalen
Philip J. Wilhelm Foundation, Inc.
Patricia A. Wilson
Greg and Mary Beth Zolezzi
(Fiscal Year July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014)
Gregg ‘61 and Patareka Dwyer+
Apex Benefits Group, IncJohn ‘80 and Jennifer Gause+
Hare Family Charitable Trust
NBA Builders, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Pfleger+
James ‘68 and Vickie (Mayo) ‘68 Roe
John ‘61 and Marilyn Schneider+
St. Vincent Health
George L. ‘66 and Sharon Walker+
Joseph D. Cathcart ‘80+
David E. Day
Stan R. ‘67 and Melinda K. Epperson
Sheila (McNelis) Gamache ‘79 and
Robert Bates
Kevin A. ‘76 and Maureen O. Griffin+
J. Timothy ‘58 and Jane McGinley+
Marie McNelis and Peter Noreika
Archdiocese of Indianapolis Growth
and Expansion Grant
Philip J. Wilhelm Foundation, Inc.
James Babcock Electrical Contractors, Inc.Dan Babcock ‘89
Deacon Mike and Wendy Braun
Performance Marketing Group, Inc.John ‘67 and Colleen (Cook) ‘67
Anne L. (Schonecker) Flanagan ‘66
Eli Lilly and Company Foundation
Thomas Griffin ‘62
Lawrence and Teresa Heil+
Jerry R. ‘68 and Margaret M.
(Kegeris) ‘68 Jones+
Michael P. and Heather A. McGinley+
Michael ‘81 and Angela (Greiner) ‘81
Robert ‘61 and Ann (Steiner) ‘63 Melloh+
Scott Mencer+
Russell C.‘83 and Linda M. (Russell)‘84 Miller
Jim ‘77 and Judy (Priesmeyer) ‘77 Moloy
Jack V. ‘58 and Martha (Dinn) ‘58 Moriarty+
Earl L. Powers ‘62
Rexnord Foundation Inc.
Bruce Robinson
Lucas ‘03 and Christine Robinson
Bernie ‘60 and Rosalie (McGloon) ‘60
Richard J. ‘69 and Patricia A. (Nonte) ‘71
Rosanne Taylor ‘65 and Ed Ripperger
The Schneider CorporationBarry Schneider+
Anonymous ‘65 & ‘66
G. Patrick ‘66 and Jeanne E. (Davidson) ‘66
Debbie Kissinger Benefit
Michael F. ‘83 and Lisa (Speth) ‘84
John ‘86 and Melissa Duffy+
Kevin P. ‘65 and Beverly J. (Walke) ‘65
Christopher P. ‘87 and Paje Felts
Ed, Jr. ‘57 and Val Fillenwarth+
Patrick and Martha Fogarty
Robert and Nancy Golobish+
Daniel W. Harbor ‘72
J. Gary ‘65 and Katherine L. Hoefle+
Indiana Irish Fam Fest Org
J. Kevin ‘77 and Lori K. (Watts) ‘77
John M. and Cris Kennedy
Nancy (Wagner) ‘85 and Kris Leming*
Lynda (Newhart) ‘84 and John Manley
Markey’s Rental & StagingMr. Chuck Markey ‘64
Maureen (O’Brien) ‘73 and Allen Merkley
James Metzger ‘67 and Deborah ‘67
George T. Newhart, Jr. ‘60
David ‘64 and Jeanne O’Donnell*
William ‘59 and Ellen (Breinlich) ‘60
Nick and JoAnne Rutigliano
Mark and Julanne Sausser+
Barry and Krista Schneider
Joseph P. ‘74 and Josephine A. Simon
Thomas A. ‘60 and Judith A. Steiner+
David and Victoria Schneider Temple
Angela (Leffler) ‘84 and Joseph Therber
Mary A. (Robinson) ‘61 and David S. Allen
Alpha Graphics-Martin Pierce ‘77
Anonymous ‘57
Anonymous ‘60
Andrew Baase ‘61
Ann (Suesz) ‘64 and David Babcock
Stephen W. and Susie Baranyk+
Janet (Mueller) Bartram ‘67
A. Patricia (O’Connor) ‘76 and Gerritt M.
Diane (Collins) Beasley ‘58
Janis (Page) ‘69 and Gordon Becker
Col. and Mrs. Dan Bruno ‘77
Thomas J. Casey ‘64
Barbara M. Dearing ‘72
Terry Dearing ‘71
Catherine C. (Corsaro) ‘63 and
Joseph Dezelan
The John Edson Family
Mary Ann (Arszman) ‘64 and
John Engstrom
Margaret Flack ‘61
Furniture for Less-Jason Bledsoe
Joseph E. ‘81 and Heather Gallagher*
David ‘68 and Ann (McAtee) ‘67 Gandolph
Rev. Robert J. Gilday
Theresa A. (Okerson) ‘74 and
Charles R. Hadley+
Dale Haller ‘57
Cynthia and Gerald Hemmelgarn+
Donald ‘67 and Kathy (Spista) ‘67 Hurrle
Robert G. ‘70 and Kimberly Huser
Chris Hutt Memorial Golf Outing
Indianapolis Firefighters
Emerald Society
Samuel W. ‘63 and Viki (Dufour) ‘69
David W. ‘59 and Joyce A. (Duncan) ‘59
Bob ‘57 and Donna (Hannan) ‘57 Johnson
Flora Joven
James ‘85 and Carol Joven
Butch ‘58 and Sharon Kennedy
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
(Fiscal Year July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014)
$1,000+ (cont.)
Steve Key and Gayle Porter-Key+
Rev. Gerald Kirkhoff
Joseph ‘58 and Mary Ann (Kelly) ‘64 Klein+
Frank, Jr. and Kathy Klinkose
Albert T. Kohout ‘89
Joseph and Amy Kuntz
James Larson+
Karen and Robert Layton
Jeffrey L. ‘58 and Miriam S. Lazo
Margaret (Jones) Litz ‘63
Lumina Foundation for Education
Jennifer (Bordenet) Matthews ‘64
Robert ‘84 and Theresa M. (Ritzi) ‘84 Mayer*
Marta M. (Wuest) ‘78 and James R. McCoy
Jim McGovern ‘69
William R. McMahon ‘63
Mr. Ron Mead
Rev. Don Munro ‘59
Dr. John ‘64 and Janet Nease
Michael A. ‘75 and Brenda Pfarr+
Jason A. Potter and Hye-Suk Min
Rev. Joseph G. Riedman
Charles ‘58 and Diane Robinson
Terry ‘63 and Martie (Schneider) ‘63
David ‘76 and Ann (Branson) ‘72 Ruhmkorff
Paul D. ‘67 and Cindy K. Scheibelhut
David ‘80 and JoAnn Schisla+
Mary Ellen (Nunley) ‘60 and
Thomas R. Schuman
Louis M. and Mary Sifferlen
Steven ‘64 and Rita Smith
St. Francis Healthcare Foundation
Terry Fahey Memorial Golf Tournament
LeeAnn Van Benten
Mary Ann (Tinder) ‘63 and Richard Wagner
Wells Fargo Educational
Matching Gift Program
Anonymous ‘79
Michael E. ‘67 and Peggy (Branson) ‘65
Jim ‘57 and Donna (Delaney) ‘61 Clifford
Timothy M. ‘75 and Marguerite L.
William A. Cook ‘63 and Margaret
(Heitmann) ‘63 Litzelman-Cook
Class of 1983-Kevin Corcoran*
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
Indiana University Vascular Surgeons PC
Mary Kay (Corey) ‘63 and Larry Daly
Geralyn R. (McMahon) Davis ‘70
Richard and Crystal L. Deering
Vincent J. Delaney ‘75
Jean (Kriech) ‘85 and James Donlan
Mary Helen Eckrich
Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity
David ‘57 and Judy (Klein) ‘57 Felts
Gerald ‘60 and Melinda (Lynch) ‘61 Finn
Stephen Flanagan ‘99
Donald D. and Lisa K. Flick
E. Tim ‘59 and Patricia A. Foley
Margaret F. (Goff ) Foster ‘63
Franciscan Alliance Foundation
St. Francis Health
Paul ‘76 and Ivy Heazeltine
Thomas ‘58 and Bev Heneghan
Ann B. (Bower) ‘70 and
Michael J. Holmes
Thomas Hudgins ‘64
Ott Hurrle 70
Pat J. ‘68 and Patty M. (Mahoney) ‘68
Michael J. ‘68 and Jane Huser
J. Dennis Hynes ‘63
John Lorenzano Memorial
William L. and Joanne C. Johnson
Tim and Ruthann Lord*
Lynda C. (Giles) Martin ‘63
Fred ‘63 and Valeria Jean Meyer
David ‘81 and Rita Moriarty
Stephen A. Morris ‘63
Vincent J. Noe
Susan (Sheehan) ‘65 and Roger Oldham
F. Joseph Rettig ‘61
Suzanne (Brake) Rhea ‘63
Raymond F. and Barbara M. Riley
Christopher and Debbie Ryan
Saint Francis de Sales Committee
Dr. Patricia Sheehan ‘63
Kathie (Cannon) ‘73 and Steve Simpson
Deacon George H. Sisson ‘64
John C. ‘60 and Kathleen M. Spotts
Daniel J. ‘68 and Diane Sullivan
John ‘68 and Nora Teipen
David W. ‘75 and Cynthia L. Thomas
David ‘64 and Shirley Walker
Eileen M. (Griffin) ‘71 and Gary Walters
Tony Wilson ‘73
Jay Wurz ‘84
Ann (Kingsbury) Zimmerman ‘64
Richard Aldrich ‘63
Kristine (Markovich) ‘91 and Jeffery Alpi
Dr. James T. ‘57 and Patricia S. (Woods) ‘59
Sherry (Lutz) ‘73 and Mark Anderson
Anonymous ‘59
Anonymous ‘70
Anonymous ‘82
Anonymous ‘82*
Anonymous ‘83
Archer Daniels Midland Company
Christina G. (Graham) ‘75 and Bruce V. Ayers
Jim ‘73 and Stormy Baecher
Rebecca A. Baker ‘60
Rita A. Barras
Greg Bauer ‘73
Paul R. Bauer ‘63
Judith (Geiker) ‘64 and Richard Beeson
Marie L. Beltrame ‘63 and Ernie
Major Maggie Benge
Bill ‘63 and Sheryl Bevan
James P. and Angie Bewsey
William T. ‘60 and Patti Bokermann
Emanuele L. ‘59 and Jean M. Bomben
Sheila (Barton) Bosron ‘60
Robert and Mary Ellen Bossom
Dr. Lawrence ‘58 and Margo Bowman
Robert ‘90 and Kristeen Brafford*
Teresa (Cox) ‘87 and Mike Branson
Tom M. Branson ‘01
Robert E. Buck
Rosie E. (Morris) Bulkin ‘61
Thomas and Julie Bullock
Judy A. (Haller) Moore Burke ‘63
Mary Ann (Griffin) ‘77 and Jim Burkhart
David G. ‘59 and Gale Busemeyer
Carren Cadick ‘70
Joseph ‘63 and Kathleen J. Caito
Cannon IV - Jerry Jones ‘68
John ‘59 and Phyllis (Winkler) ‘59 Cardis
Thomas J. ‘59 and Carolyn M. Carroll
Michael R. Cecil ‘65
John R. Chenault
Cathy Clager ‘69
Class of 1993
Michael R. and Genevieve W. Coffey
Dr. Thomas J. Commons ‘63
Richard G Cook ‘59
Susan L. (Jones) ‘63 and Thomas W. Cook
Cynthia A. (Morris) ‘64 and
Ronald W. Costello
Frank H. Crafton ‘65
Ellen M. Cronin
Michael J. ‘58 and Nancy (Bray) ‘59
Jane (Strutner) ‘62 and Dennis Cuppy
Carol A. (Kolbus) ‘87 and
David Czaplicki
Ed Day
Harry J. Dearing ‘68
Michael A. DeJohn
Diana (Presutti) ‘72 and Salvatore DeMore
Theresa L. (Ross) ‘66 and Robert Desautels
James M. and Stephanie D. Diblasio
Joseph F. Doll ‘61
Mary (Rehak) Donceel ‘73
George E. ‘61 and Melinda C. Douglass
Philip A. Doyle ‘65
Brian P. ‘94 and Indira Duffy
Carol A. (Baker) Duncan ‘63
Dominic ‘92 and Holly Eble
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Eichholtz
Barbara (Deardorff ) Ellis ‘64
James ‘82 and Robin Erlenbaugh
Paul F. ‘60 and Alice Evans
Thomas J. Felts
Glenda L. (Reynolds) ‘68 and
Michael R. Fisher
John A. Fisher, Jr. ‘66
Robert ‘70 and Melissa (Bogeman) ‘69
Joan M. (Gause) ‘75 and David R.
Kathleen M. (Tilley) ‘83 and Kyle D. Fluke
Cecilia A. (Rikke) ‘75 and James P. Fohl
Sally (Reece) ‘60 and Joseph Fougerousse
Robert C. ‘60 and Carolyn Freeland
Brian ‘93 and Rhonda Gallagher
David Gehrich ‘60
Little Flower ParishRev. Robert J. Gilday
John E. ‘70 and Jane Gilmore
Fernanda Girolami ‘69 and
Steve Grohovsky
Dr. Margaret and Les Gisler
Nancy (Carter) ‘68 and Bill Glawatz
James ‘64 and Jeannie Green
Dan ‘88 and Patrice Greene
Barbara E. Grote-Kemp ‘64
John ‘89 and Ronni Guilfoy
Clarence Guinan ‘59
Frank ‘71 and Denise (Delaney) ‘73
Dr. Eli ‘65 and Susan Hallal
Joseph Hammond
Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Harnden
Dick and Dallene Harpold
Christina (Lathrop) ‘98 and
Ben Harpring
Harrison & Moberly, LLP
Madonna M. (Doyle) Hasty ‘63
John Hawkins ‘85
David M. ‘62 and Marilyn J. Hess
Cecilia (Scecina) and Charles Hoelscher
Lisa (Sabotin) ‘84 and John Hoffman
Don and Lynn Holliday
Joe ‘72 and Diane (Hehmann) ‘72
David W. ‘73 and Cheri Hood
Patricia (Sauter) Hoop ‘60
James J. and Bernice Hopp
Louis, Jr. ‘66 and Patty Horton
Gene Humbles ‘70
Ann Adinamis Impicciche
Marianne T. (Reilly) ‘70 and
Dr. Robert D. Jansen
Brian Jennings ‘68
Elaine (Veerkamp) ‘66 and Patrick Jerrell+
Kathleen (Kelly) ‘62 and David Kaplan
David A. ‘61 and Margaret M. Kelley
Michael ‘61 and Mary Kempf
Thomas J., Jr. and Barbara Kennedy
Leo ‘68 and Deborah Kiemeyer
Joanne D. (Donlan) Kinsman ‘64
Thomas O. Kissinger
Wayne ‘58 and Eleanor (Luthman) ‘60
Martha and Frank Kolda
Louis Kossmann ‘60
Thomas R. and Kathleen L. Kozenski
Kraft Foods
Theresa Kulczak ‘77
William J. ‘63 and Kathy A. Laham
Jim ‘63 and Bernadette (Dufour) ‘64
Jeffrey J. ‘96 and Jennifer Lathrop
Tommi J. (Hutt) ‘88 and
Joseph D. Lavelle
Linda A. (Lyons) ‘65 and
Jonathan M. Lawrence
Rich ‘85 and Maria Layman
David and Amy Leising
Ms. Annette (Mickey) Lentz
Paul A. Linton, Jr. ‘61
M. Kathleen (Rettig) Locke ‘64
Tony ‘60 and Rita (Urrutia) ‘60 Loesch
Margi (Carr) ‘60 and Mike Logan
Dr. and Mrs. Pat Logan
Sister Lavonne Long, O.S.F.
Carolyn (Herron) ‘60 and Marty Lynch
Amy McFadden ‘87 and Michael Marack
Mary (Schaub) ‘70 and Michael Marinaccio
Shirley A. (Golay) ‘58 and Jack N. Marsella
Carol D. Martin
Ann M. and Robert J. McCurdy
Marilyn A. (Myers) ‘59 and Martin W.
Thomas M. and Barbara S. McLaughlin
Patrick McNelis ‘62
Cherie Mennel ‘92
Mary Rose (Mazza) Miller ‘60
Gloria (Kiefer) ‘58 and Amos Mills
Kathleen (Hammond) ‘86 and Karl Miltz
Kevin M. ‘72 and Jennifer Monaghan
Beverly J. (Veerkamp) ‘75 and Mark Moore
Jeanne (Moorman) 57 and David Moran
Aidan ‘83 and Karen Moriarty*
Denis and Ita Moriarty
Noreen (Sheehan) ‘59 and Dennis Murphy
Gregg ‘79 and Kay Neidlinger
Judy Neidlinger
Sharon A. (Wilson) ‘60 and
Robert A. Nester+
Judith (Della Penna) Nichols
Irma Nulton and Christopher Nulton
Lawrence ‘61 and Sueann M.B. O’Brien
Jinny B. (Atkinson) O’Dell ‘60
Thomas F. ‘88 and Elizabeth W. O’Gara
Ray and Kathleen Okerson
Paul M. ‘69 and Kathleen A. Oler
Patricia J. (Shanahan) ‘64 and Terry J. Paas
John Page ‘74
George ‘64 and Susan Parker
Gerry Pater
Courtney E. (Lord) Pavletic ‘01
Kathleen A. (Meredith) ‘83 and
Tom J. Pearson
Rhonda and Larry Peffer
Patricia A. (Myers) ‘80 and Michael Perry
Debbie (Kiesel) ‘70 and Larry Peters
Steve Pierce ‘73
Richard M. ‘61 and Cheryl S. Prickett
Philip ‘62 and Barbara (Brothers) ‘62
James A. Priller ‘69
Patty (McNeely) ‘77 and Rob Rash
Mark R. ‘69 and Jeanine T. Rattermann
Suzanne (Pierce) ‘80 and Joe Rauh
Kevin ‘76 and Elizabeth Reese
John ‘76 and Carol (Traub) ‘76 Richardson
Rita (Dowling) Richardson ‘70
Right to Life of Indianapolis Educational
Trust Fund, Inc.
Robert N. and Melanie D. Robertson
Diana Rodriguez
Lee (Fangman) ‘70 and Steve Roseman
Margaret E. (Moseman)‘64 and Steven Roser
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
(Fiscal Year July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014)
$100+ (cont.)
Maureen (Dinn) ‘59 and Jim Ross
Robert L. Ross
Barbara (White) Roth ‘60
John C. ‘84 and Kim Rowe
Paul S. Ruegamer ‘75
Dorothy Ryan
Stephen ‘67 and Barbara Sahm
Paula (Nugent) ‘63 and Dee Saul
Joseph Saunders ‘68
Thomas G. and Margaret T. Scecina
Kelly A. (Bossom) ‘90 and
Andrew D. Scheid
Kelly A. (McAndrews) ‘82 and
Philip T. Scheidler
Michael Schiewer
Jessica Wall Schmidt ‘01
Tony ‘77 and Julie (Cangany) ‘78 Schmoll
Dick ‘61 and Martha (Fuss) ‘61 Schneider
Barbara K. (Hibbert) Schrader ‘66
Patricia (Caito) Schreiber ‘62
Dr. David J. Seay ‘79
Patricia (Dangler) ‘64 and Louis Sharp
Ronald and Diane M. Sharp
Colleen (Brown) ‘74 and Joseph Shikany
Charles ‘67 and Beverly Sinclair
Robert E. and Mary E. Sitzman
Karen (Remmetter) ‘77 and Mike Smeltzer
Mary (McGavern) ‘61 and John Sockrider
Patrick K. Sparks
Cheryl (Smith) ‘73 and Raybob Spencer
St. Bernadette Church
Tom and Barbara Stader
Patti (Galm) Starr ‘73
John T. ‘62 and Kathy J. (Shaver) ‘66 Steele
Juliana Stefancik
Mark and Patricia Steinmetz
Rose A (Walker) Sterger ‘62
John W. ‘67 and Nancy A. Sullivan
Mark ‘71 and Betty Sullivan
Santina (Corsaro) ‘76 and Stephen Sullivan
David L. Swift ‘68
Kathleen (Tucker) ‘97 and Danny Tamayo
Linda W. (Walpole) ‘77 and David O. Taylor
Team Image
Telephone Wiring & InstallationTony Yaggi ‘81
Stephanie Thibo
Julie A. (Deck) ‘83 and
Vincent A. Thomas
Anne C. (Youngstafel) ‘72 and
Gary S. Thompson
Morris Tolly ‘61
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
Daniel J. ‘61 and
Susan K. (Thompson) ‘62 Torzewski
Susan E. Torzewski ‘75
Amy (Bewsey) ’92 and Scott Treida
James ‘57 and Kay Troy
Michael F. Troy ‘58
Jerry ‘59 and Elaine (Christen) ‘62
Valspar Corporation
Joan A. (Parsons) ‘62 and
James H. Voyles
Chris ‘87 and Madonna ‘87 Wagner
Julian Wagner
Charles Walker
Dr. Jennifer Walker ‘99
Theresa (Eckerle) ‘78 and Jim Walker
Joseph A. ‘63 and Diane L.
(Whittinghill) ‘66 Walsh
Paul ‘83 and Cammy (Lamonaca) ‘83 Ward
Judy (Ullrich) ‘63 and Ernest Weber
Richard L. ‘60 and Shirley A. Wehrel
Jo Ann (Firsich) Weiker ‘64
Jeffrey and Dawn Wendel
Susan M. Werner ‘71
Carmen and Nancy Wethington*
Anthony C. ‘87 and Mary Whalen
Joseph ‘87 and Candice Whisler
Kathleen P. (Rogers) White ‘62
Barbara J. (Harbor) ‘63 and
Robert F. Widmer
Barbara T. (Turner) Williams ‘67
Thomas J. Williams ‘66 and
Helen F. Steussy
Kathleen M. (Birch) Willis ‘64
David ‘63 and Sherlee Wilson
Frederick L. ‘63 and Stacy L. Wiltshire
Dave Wyciskalla ‘70
Jerry ‘57 and
Mary Ellen (Whitsett) ‘61 Yetter
Gary ‘63 and Pam Yohler
Richard C. Youngstafel ‘70
Michael Zengel ‘74
Greg and Mary Beth Zolezzi
Debra D. (Driscoll) ‘69 and
Gerald S. Zore
Jack and Sandy Abel
Justin Alexander ‘03
L. James ‘68 and Ginny ‘68 Allen
Fred ‘73 and Nancy Amberger
Anonymous ‘57
Anonymous ‘59
Anonymous ‘68
Anonymous ’70 and ’72
Anonymous ‘76
Anonymous ‘80
Marion and Barbara Arnold
Chris J. and Andrea L. Arvin
Russell L. and Linda R. (Sparks) Asher
Randall W. and Mary B. Ayers
Dan ‘89 and Betsy (Catton) ‘89 Babcock
Sister Carmen de Barros, O.S.F.
Mary Margaret (Mulhern) ‘66 and
Fred Beyne
Anne (Griffin) Blackburn ‘57
Richard W. ‘73 and Debra Bosley
Sue Bowron-White ‘69 and
Gordon White
Denise (Lazo) ‘73 and Brian Boyer
Jo Ann K. (Konerman) Brackett ‘58
M. Sue (Steele) ‘63 and Paul Brady
Tom ‘74 and
Karen (Naughton) ‘73 Branson
Tom Brassie ‘79
Cornelia Lucy (Kaza) Bross ‘60
Michael W. ‘73 and Debra L. Buckel
Jerome and Joan Bullock
Joan P. (Killila) ‘63 and Jerry W. Burgin
Sister Patty Campbell, O.S.F.
Therese Cangany
Nancy (Nees) Carr ‘58
Charlotte Carter ‘57
Angela F. (Felts) Cathcart ‘80
Thomas J and Patricia A Catton
Mary E. (Tepe) ‘69 and Matt A. Chinchar
Mary K. (Davidson) ‘70 and Ron Clark
Class of 1963
Patricia (Kelly) ‘66 and Derry Condon
Manuel E. ‘57 and
Judy H. (Clager) ‘59 Corpuz
Philip K. ‘60 and
Ann R. (Dewees) ‘63 Cramer
Linda A. (Heede) ‘68 and Gregory Cress
Scott ‘75 and Mary (White) ‘75 Curren
Charles J. ‘60 and Patricia A. Damler
Brian T. ‘81 and Regina G. Dew
Douglas P. Donahue
Mary (Hart) Donnelly ‘64
Mary F. (Hren) Dorris ‘62
Morey Doyle ‘60
Katherine M. (McGinty) Dullaghan ‘67
Anne Duncan
James and Pat Dunn
Jim Duvall ‘73
Sharon (Strange) Ellington ‘63*
Herman and Elizabeth A. Feldhake
Nicholas A. Felts ‘05
Jeanie (Pohlman) Fentz ‘57
Douglas E. ‘57 and
Mary Jo (Burns) ‘58 Finn
Elaine T. (White) ‘58 and Michael T. Ford
Patricia Fuller
Robert A. ‘60 and Donna S. Fulton
James M ‘64 and Brenda Galbo
Richard A. and Linda J. Gilliam
Mary Beth (Gause) ‘73 and
Wesley Ginther
Phil Golobish
Kathryn (Dick) Goodman ‘60
Gordon Food Service
Melodi and Mike Greene
Edna (Laham) Guedel ‘57
Daniel J. ‘58 and Sherilyn L. Hagan
Kathleen T. Hagan ‘92
Anne (Ajamie) Hall ‘79
Robert L. ‘59 and Eleanor M. Hammond
Matthew T. and Allison M. Hanselman
Garth F. and Louise A. Hayes
Tom and Martha Heazeltine
Mary Hellmer ‘70
Peggy (Steger) ‘73 and Dan Henthorn
Jack Hertz and Suze Frank
Cathy (Barman) ‘69 and Charlie Hightower
Helen (McLaughlin) ‘67 and Leslie Hinshaw
Nancy J. (Walpole) ‘66 and Joe W. Hogan
Richard and Kim L. Howard
Coralee D. (Carver) ‘84 and Franklin C. Hunt
Joe Jarboe ‘73
Nancy J. (Saunders) ‘64 and
Douglas Jenkins
James and Carol Jenks
Pamela M (Salvatore) ‘60 and
Douglas Johnson
Thomas Kafoure ‘65
Herbert F. ‘63 and Linda A. Katzman
Sharon (Graf ) ‘61 and Daniel Keilman
John J. Kelly ‘60
Mary M. Kimberlin
Tim Kirk ‘79
Peter A. Koers ‘73
Catherine A. (Nunley) Kramer ‘58
Thomas P. ‘79 and Delisa Lafave
Colleen and Mark Lahr
Sunny L. Lake ‘73
Kathy A. (Kolbus) ‘63 and Dane Lantz
Frank M. Lee and Susan Spilly-Lee
Robert E. ‘61 and Barbara J. Lentz
Joan K (Kirkhoff ) Leucht ‘57
Barb (Fiddler) Lewis ‘73
Darlene (Heidelberger) ‘59 and
Richard Lime
Scott C. and Amanda K. Long
James J. ‘60 and Sue A. Lynch
Joseph D. ‘57 and
Kathy L. (Kiesel) ‘63 Lyons
Mark Mathias ‘73
Angie (Smith) ‘72 and Lloyd Matthews
Kathleen (O’Hara) ‘73 and
Mark McConahay
Joe McCormick ‘73
Michael P. and Yolanda L. McCormick
Mary C. (Adams) McFadden ‘92
Dr. and Mrs. James McGahey
Brian R. and Kathy P. Mears
Catherine (Heitmann) Mears ‘61
Kenneth J. ‘60 and Lynn A. Meier
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Miles*
Theresa (Baase) Monaghan ‘73
Judy (Bevan) ‘57 and Jim Moran
Elizabeth C. (Krug) Mundell ‘73
Kathy (Krackenberger) ‘73 and
Ronald Noerr
Michael D. ‘79 and Diane Norton*
Daniel P. and Virginia L. O’Brien
John P. Okerson ’08
Kathryn (Kinney) ‘66 and Steven Painter
John Parsons ‘63
Rita (Branson) ‘76 and Lawrence Parsons
David K. and Sandra M. Pasotti
Jon D. ‘92 and Raeann Pfeiffer
Edward A. Porten, Jr. and
Julie L. Richardson
Nancy (Bevan) ‘60 and Larry Pullam
Evelynn U. (Looney) Putnam ‘62
Scott Ratterman ‘73
Michael D. ‘67 and Victoria L. Reese
Lynnda M. (McGinty) ‘63 and
Joseph A. Regan
Kim Ridenour ‘93
Lorraine Riegner ‘61
Greg and Jane Roembke
Elizabeth A. (McCormick) Ross ‘64
Joseph and Cynthia (Riley) Rosswurm
and Family
Leo and Beth Rutski
Joanne (Jordan) Sarjent ‘59
Alice (Aull) ‘73 and Larry Sauer
David L. Sausser
Nancy Schalk ‘73
Lee ‘71 and Adele Schluge
Deette M. (Bennett) Schmidt ‘66
John E. ‘60 and Diane Schmidt
Connie (McGlinchey) Schneeberger ‘61
William ‘59 and Barbara Ann Schnorr
Linda (O’Neill) ‘57 and James Schwarz
Marilyn (McGlinchey) Schwegman ‘57
Patsy A. (Love) ‘57 and Nick W. Seats
Trish (McMahon) ‘73 and Frank Sergi
Roy L. and Barbara J. Snyder
Michael ‘85 and
Jennifer (Hedrick) ‘89 Sullivan
Stephen E. ‘69 and Linda J. Sullivan
Gary ‘67 and
Sheilah (Murdock) ‘67 Summers
Dewey ‘73 and Dawn Swanson
Irene (Joyal) Thrasher ‘64
Dick ‘59 and Cecelia (Thie) ‘58 Turner
Jeanette and Thomas Tuttle
Christy A. VanHorn ‘96
Denise (Suesz) ‘75 and
Howard VanHorn
Kenneth M. ‘60 and
Anne C. (White) ‘64 Walker
Eugene Wallace
Brian ‘73 and
Janet (Wilhelm) ‘80 Warrenburg
AJ ‘59 and
Dorothy (Sitzman) ‘60 Weidekamp
Barbara E. (Seal) Welch ‘57
Sophia J. Whalen
Mark ‘73 and Mary (Berlier) ‘74 White
Michael V. ‘92 and Jill K. White
Patricia A. Wilson
Patricia C. (Cook) ‘65 and
Warner A. Young
Annual giving is calculated by donations made during the fiscal year of Scecina Memorial High School, which
is July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014. All gifts received during this period are reflected in this report. Any gifts
received after July 1, 2014 will be reflected in the fiscal year 2014-15 (July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015).
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
Sister Carmen de Barros, O.S.F.
Sister Laurencia (Helen) Listerman, O.S.F.
“When the end comes, I want peace and quiet so I’m ready to
meet my God.” Sister Carmen de Barros, O.S.F., wrote these
words about her preferences for the time of her death.
They were fulfilled as, surrounded by many who loved
her, she very quietly, peacefully, took her last breath on
Tuesday evening, June 3, 2014. Hearing her final “si,”
the God whom she loved and had served for 91 years,
welcomed her to her eternal home.
Sister Laurencia Listerman, O.S.F., began her new eternal
life on November 20, 2014 at the age of 101. Sister
Laurencia taught at Scecina from 1956-1963 and
again from 1969-1975.
Sister Carmen de Barros, was born in Havana, Cuba, in
1923. Carmen was just 5 years old when her father died,
leaving her mother and extended family to raise Carmen
and her younger brother. Carmen was offered a scholarship
and moved to the United States in 1940, becoming one
of the first international students at Marian College
in Indianapolis. Carmen entered the Sisters of Saint
Francis Oldenburg, professing her final vows on August 12,
1951. Sister Carmen spent 43 years in Catholic schools in
Illinois, Indiana and Ohio, teaching Spanish, biology and
religion as well as serving as a school counselor. While
teaching at Scecina Memorial from 1954-1967, and
again from 1975-1977, she was lovingly nicknamed
“Sister Pancho” by her students.
Following her ministry in Catholic education, Sister Carmen
founded the Casa Franciscana de Alegria in Chicago in
1988. She ministered at the Casa for 14 years and then
retired to the motherhouse. Sister Carmen served
faithfully as a Sister of Saint Francis for 69 years before
her death on June 3, 2014.
In her memorial letter, Sister Maureen Irvin, O.S.F., wrote,
“Carmen is no doubt asking “the Lady,” Mary of Guadalupe,
to intercede for our community, her family and for all
those in need. She is probably speaking Spanish with
anyone who will listen. And we know she is enjoying the
wonderful peace and quiet of union with her God.”
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
Helen Listerman, the fourth of five children, was born on
April 25, 1913, to Henry and Helen Listerman. She graduated
from St. Clement Elementary School in 1927 and from Our
Lady of Angels High School in 1931. In September of 1931,
she became the first graduate of Our Lady of Angels to
enter the community of the Sisters of Saint Francis.
Sister Laurencia served for 12 years as an elementary
teacher, parish organist and choir director, and the next 37
years were spent teaching high school English and
journalism at St. Mary Academy (Indianapolis) from 19491956 and 1975-1977; Scecina Memorial High School from
1956-1963 and 1969-1975; Immaculate Conception
Academy (Oldenburg) from 1963-1969; and Our Lady
of Angels (St. Bernard, Ohio) from 1977-1984.
When she retired to the motherhouse in 1984,
she delighted in sharing life with the other Sisters.
Sister Laurencia was on a never-ending quest to be a
learner throughout her life and was always interested in
making life better, more interesting and more challenging
for the other Sisters. She read continuously, was always
open to attending lectures and workshops, and was
eager to supply her friends and students with books and
articles that would enhance their lives.
“Sister Laurencia and Sister Carmen, close friends of mine
for many years, loved Scecina High School. How blessed
we were and are, by their loving presence among us.”
- Sister Lavonne Long, O.S.F.
Sister Constance (Loretta) Smith, O.S.F.
Sister Constance Smith, O.S.F. died peacefully on February 1, 2014.
Constance attended Catholic schools all her life and was taught
by the Sisters of Saint Francis from first grade through college.
After graduating from high school, she enrolled at Marian College
(now Marian University).
She spent two years at Marian and worked at a drug store in Cincinnati
before she entered the Community on September 15, 1942.
After entrance, Constance began her teaching career in grade
school and attended Marian on weekends and during the summer.
She received her bachelor’s degree in 1948 and her master of
science degree from Xavier University in 1959. She also studied
at Cornell University and frequently participated in National
Science Foundation programs at various colleges and universities.
She taught mathematics and science at Scecina from 1962-1966.
Patricia (McAtee) Beeler ’57
Dorothy J. (Woerdeman) Lynch ’57
Barbara (Ragan) Peoni ’57
Julie Ann (Rhinesmith) Anderson ’58
William J. Bordenkecher ’58
T. Carolyn (Gaither) Doss ’59
Phyllis A. (Firsich) Duncan ’59
David Ross Gruner, Sr. ’59
Palmira “Pam” Mastropaolo ’59
Larry McCoy ’59
Jinny Beth (Atkinson) O’Dell ’60
Jon W. Rosner ’60
Domenic Louis Angelicchio ’62
Roderick P. Hughes, III ’62
Donald L. Billerman ‘63
Nancy L. (Kelsch) Roll ’64
Mark A. Whitworth ’64
Dr. Thomas J. Kiebach ’65
Catherine (Koers) Wenzler ’65
Ron Richmond ’68
Donna (Kaiser) Pursel ’69
Anthony Vincent “Tony” Piazza ’72
Karen (Johnson) Somers ’77
Anthony “Tony” Rogers ’78
Annette Marie Froehlich ’79
John W. Naughton ’84
Brady Allen Bishop ’05
Sr. Carmen de Barros, O.S.F.
(1954-1967; 1975-1977)
Sister Laurita Kroger, O.S.F.
Sister Laurita Kroger passed peacefully at the age of 99 on March 9,
2014. Sister had spent almost 78 years as a Sister of Saint Francis.
Sister Laurita attended Catholic grade and high schools in Dayton,
where she was taught by the Sisters of Notre Dame and the
Oldenburg Franciscans.
Brian Hawkins (1995-2014)
Sr. Laurita Kroger, O.S.F. (1954-1960)
Sr. Laurencia Listerman, O.S.F.
(1956-1963; 1969-1975)
Sr. Constance Smith, O.S.F. (1962-1966)
* Years listed indicate time spent teaching at
Scecina Memorial High School.
On October 2, 1936, Ruth entered the Sisters of Saint Francis. She was given the religious name of Sister Laurita
and professed her perpetual vows on the Feast of St. Clare of Assisi on August 12, 1942. Her ministries included
several teaching assignments, service on the General Council of the community, and as treasurer of Marian College
(now Marian University). Sister Laurita taught at Scecina from 1954-1960.
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
Chris Wilson ‘02 has a dream job that everyone wishes they had.
In his important and challenging role at WISH-TV 8 in Indianapolis,
Chris oversees all the activities of “Daybreak,” the station’s morning
show, a responsibility that includes the direction and coordination of
a team of producers, photographers, news anchors, reporters and
Chris’ first two loves always have been communications and music.
At Scecina, he had the opportunity to explore these two areas
of interest, and made long-lasting friendships in the process.
The academic offerings, the nurturing environment and
encouragement of the Scecina community enabled Chris to pursue
and achieve his career goals and dreams in network broadcasting.
“At Scecina I learned
that a high school diploma
and a college degree
weren't going to be
handed to me. Academic
expectations were set.
It was there that I learned
I had to work to get what
I wanted professionally
and personally.”
Executive Producer | WISH-TV
B.A. in Telecommunications (News) | Ball State University
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
“Scecina gave me a well-rounded high school experience. The
close-knit Scecina community provided the perfect blend of fun
and motivation to work hard,” Chris said. “My closest friends today
are the friends I met at Scecina. The times I spent with them are what
I remember most. From lunch, to euchre games, to plays and musicals,
and cheering on the football team, we grew up together.”
Chris realized early in his Scecina experience that he would have
to put forth the extra effort to achieve his goals. Scecina taught
him that worthwhile accomplishments require dedication,
commitment and hard work. Relative to the development of a
strong value system, Chris says, “Scecina inspired selflessness.
You always knew someone had your back. We are always encouraged
to ‘give that little extra’.”
Chris believes that Scecina has many advantages over other
schools. Academic expectations as well as personal conduct
requirements are high. Everyone within the Scecina community
has the same primary goal, and that is for every student to succeed.
Chris also believes that Scecina provided a unique opportunity for
his personal growth. Coming to Scecina, Chris was somewhat shy
and reserved and not into sports. However, owing to the nurturing
and supportive environment, he was able to step out of his comfort
zone, and pursue his areas of interest. This led to Chris’ enrolling in
Media/Telecommunications/Broadcasting at Ball State University.
And, of course, eventually to Chris’ “dream” job. n
Class Notes
Scott McNevin ’75 reported the death of his
wife, Marchell “Marty” L. McNevin on April 13,
2014, at the University of Iowa Hospitals and
Clinics in Iowa City Iowa.
William Steinhauer ’77 was blessed with
a beautiful granddaughter, Isla, on
September 5, 2013.
From John “Jack” Gillespie’59: The Class
of 1959 had a gathering at Manley’s Irish
Mutt on October 7 that included 58 alumni,
spouses, and friends. Classmates came
from as far away as Wyoming and Georgia!
The planning committee consists of about
10 people who have fun just meeting to
plan their get-togethers!
Prayers are offered for David Renn ’60, father
of Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Officer
Perry Renn, who was shot and killed when
responding to a report of shots fired on July 5,
2014. Officer Renn was a U.S. Army veteran
and had served with the IMPD for 22 years.
Sandra Stack-Reeves ’61 reports, “We moved
to Florida in 1961 and lived there until 1972.
We then followed my husband’s career to
South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia and
retired back to Florida in 2003. I was mostly
a stay-at-home mom until our sons left for
college and then started my own antique
shop in Fredericksburg, Va., Richmond, Va.,
and Charlottesville, Va., for several years until
we returned to Florida in 2003. We know
many wonderful people here and live as
active a life as health will allow. My husband
had two strokes just prior to retirement from
the Federal Reserve in 2003 and was then
diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2004.
All things considered, we live a very busy life.
We have two sons, one in Atlanta and one in
Colorado, and three fabulous grandchildren.”
Pat Catterson ’64 staged four dance works
by Yvonne Rainer with 12 dancers in London
for a performance/exhibit at Raven Row
Gallery that ran for a month in the summer
of 2014. Find a link to a review at
She presented her 106th choreographic work,
“Comment Dit On...” in a Dance Festival in
Socrates Park in New York City in August 2014.
Class Notes and In Memoriam
reflect notices received on or before
February 1, 2015. To update your
information (home or email address),
submit a class note, or report an alumni
death, please contact Gia Spaulding,
Advancement Coordinator, at, or submit
information via the online form at
Linda Ostendorf Stratmann ’67 and her
husband Rick Stratmann ’62 (Photo 1) reside
in Pensacola, Fla., where she is an RN, COHN
nurse for Exxon Mobil. She was the first nurse
hired by Exxon Mobil, and alone set up their
medical clinic. “This division never had any
medical presence since the division site was
opened. Setting up the medical clinic was
a huge undertaking,” said Linda. She was
commended on her accomplishment by the
Exxon Mobil’s head doctor based in California.
Linda gives all her credit to her education at
Scecina and St. Vincent School of Nursing.
Bill Unsworth ’67 was inducted into the
Franklin College Athletic Hall of Fame on
October 9, 2014.
Monica (Roberts) Folske ’68 retired from
Central Michigan University in October 2014
and moved back to the Far Eastside of
Marie Kingsbury ’68 recently retired after 25
years as executive director of The Women’s
Center, Inc., a domestic violence and sexual
assault service nonprofit agency in Waukesha, Wis.
Cathy Barman-Hightower ’69 lost her
beloved husband, Charlie, on July 9, 2014.
Sherry (Lutz) Anderson ’73 shares that her
dad, John Lutz, passed away. John was also
the father of John Lutz ’60 and Susan (Lutz)
Young ’62.
Diane Richmond Sheets ’74 shared that
her brother Ron Richmond ’68 passed away
January 31, 2014. Ron was also the brother
of Katherine (Richmond) Bemis ’67,
Joe Richmond ’72, and Dave Richmond ’72.
Mark Allen ’75 completed the CIT Crisis
Intervention Training program presented by
the Hamilton county Sheriff Department in
March 2014.
Kevin Lathrop ’75 married Toni Smith on
September 6, 2014.
Dana Osswald Harrison ’78 announced that
her second grandson was born on November 14,
2014. She also reports that she successfully
completed NHA, Inc. as a Certified Phlebotomy
Technician in June 2014, and is engaged to
Lawrence Sparks.
Tim McCarthy ’78 reports that thanks to
the many advanced placement classes offered
at Scecina Memorial High School, his son
David McCarthy ’14 started his first year at
St. Joseph College in Rensselaer, Ind., as a
sophomore. David received 27 undergraduate
credit hours for the Advanced Placement
classes he took while at Scecina. “Thank you,
Scecina Memorial faculty and staff, for the
Advanced Placement classes you offer; it has
truly paid off,” said McCarthy.
Keith ‘79 and Bonnie (Ritzi) Wood ’81
congratulate their daughter, Liz, who won her
second consecutive NCHSAA State Track & Field
Title in the pole vault with a vault of 11’-6”.
Dr. Angela (Greiner) McNelis ’81 announced
that as part of its 100th Anniversary Celebration,
the Indiana University School of Nursing
recognized the outstanding contributions
of 100 of more than 30,000 living alumni with
the Alumni Legacy Leaders award. Dr. McNelis
received this recognition for demonstrating
exceptional contributions to nursing through
education, clinical practice, leadership,
and research.
Nancy (Harris) Brown ’82 reports that her
daughter Stacey Brown ’02 donated a kidney
to her little sister, Becka Brown ’18. Both are
doing very well.
Jim Cangany ’84 announced the publication
of his second novel, “Lucky Star”, book two in
the North Star Trilogy. Look for it at e-book
retailers everywhere.
Lisa Jones ’84 shared that her mother died
on February 7, 2014.
Nancy (Wagner) Leming ’85 was promoted
to Vice President Senior Products Manager for
The National Bank of Indianapolis.
Maureen Roney ’85 married Tony Walker on
November 3, 2012.
Sonya Winkler ’86 married Keith Settles II on
November 9, 2013.
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
John Tindall ’87 and his wife, Dawn, announce
the graduation of their son Richard “Stephen”
Tindall ’08 from the University of Southern
Indiana in May 2014.
Rob Coop ’88 was elected National Vice
President of Alpha Phi Omega National
Service Fraternity for a two-year term.
Laura Wakeland ’89 married Ronnie
Moore ’89.
Jeremiah Jett ’90 announces that his second
oldest daughter, Emily Jane, married Jake
Yardy on August 1, 2014.
Victoria Henninger-Hendley ’91 reports,
“In 2012, my rock cover band, Radio Patrol, was
formed and we continue performing around
Indianapolis and surrounding areas. We invite
you to “Like” our Facebook page: and
Emily Lockridge ’07 announces the birth of
her daughter, Victoria Mable, born April 23, 2014.
Martin Waddick ’09 earned his first career
National Special Teams Player of the Week
award when he was named NAIA National
Special Teams Player of the Week for Week 7
on October 20, 2014. Martin is a senior kicker
at Marian University in Indianapolis.
He helped to lead then-No. 21 Marian to a 37-14
win over then-No. 6 William Penn (Iowa). The
win was the program’s second victory against
a top-10 opponent in the 2014 season. He
converted a season-long 43-yard field goal to
give Marian a 10-0 first-quarter lead, and also
connected on field goal attempts of 26 and
22 yards. He finished the game 3-for-3 on field
goal attempts and 4-for-4 on PATs. (Photo 3)
Amanda Johnson-Adams ’95 graduated
from the University of Indianapolis in May
2014 with BS in Athletic Training and is
working for St. Vincent Sports Performance.
Denise Stockdale ’96
married Stephen R.
Bain on September 21,
2013 in Indianapolis.
She also completed
coursework in
Behavior Analysis
in February 2014.
(Photo 2)
Shannon (Kennedy) O’Day ’97 shares
that her son Jeremy is in his junior year
at Scecina. She also had a baby, Jeramyah,
in the summer of 2014.
Sarah (Routh) Loftus ’97 and her husband,
Patrick, are pleased to announce the birth
of their first child, daughter Alainnah Jordan,
on June 11, 2014.
Erin (Hammans) Carpenter ’98 and her
husband, Sean Carpenter, welcomed their
first child, Scarlett Anne, on February 15,
2013. They live in Chicago, where Erin is a
marketing communications consultant.
Tyler Douthitt ’10
is the goaltender
coach for the
Carmel Blue
Icehounds hockey
team (Carmel
High School).
The team won
the 2014 1A State
(Photo 4)
Patrick Singleton ’10 graduated from
Wabash College in May 2014 and is employed
in Operations with The Justus Companies
corporate office in Indianapolis.
Jacob Bakemeyer ’12 graduated from the
United States Marine Corps, San Diego on
July 25, 2014. He resumed his training in San
Diego in August 2014. (Photo 5)
Ross Erlenbaugh ’06 graduated from
Indiana University- Bloomington in July 2013.
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
Kate Carrico ’06 married Neil Broshears
of Evansville, Ind., in June 2014 at
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church.
Michelle Rogers ’14 was honored at the
North South Softball All-Star Banquet.
Michelle played for the South Team, who
won both games against the North Team.
Scecina coaches Cory Gray and Pat Miles
were in attendance to support Michelle
(Photo 6).
Bailey Shrum is a senior at Saint
Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Ind.,
majoring in Communication Studies,
with minors in Business Administration,
PR/Advertising, and Gerontology.
She recently accepted a Marketing
Coordinator position at FlashPoint as
an Orr Fellow. The Orr Fellowship is a
unique two-year post graduate
opportunity allowing recent graduates
the opportunity to work in Indiana
high-growth tech companies. During
the program, fellows receive executive
mentorship at host companies
as well as a great professional
network through monthly business
leader meetings, and a strong peer
network with other fellows.
The program focuses on recruiting
talent from various backgrounds to
help develop Indiana’s next great
entrepreneurs and business leaders.
For 2015, over 800 students from
Indiana applied for about 50 positions.
HOMECOMING 2014 The Class of 1990 was honored for their 25th anniversary at halftime of the Scecina vs. Beech Grove Homecoming football
game on September 12, 2014 (above left). Also honored for their 50th anniversary were members of the Crusader football squad from the Class
of 1965 (above right).
On Saturday, November 15, Scecina’s annual Club 53 event brought together 460 alumni, parents, faculty, staff,
and friends to socialize, listen to live music, enjoy local food and beverages, win cash door prizes, and bid on
exciting auction items. The event raises funds to support tuition assistance, student life, and athletic programs
at Scecina Memorial. Special thanks to Theresa (Ritzi) Mayer ’84, Ticket Sales Committee Chair; Judy (Joson)
Higgins ’84, Silent Auction Chair; Julanne Sausser, Event Setup Committee Chair; Chuck Markey, ’64, Markey’s
Rental and Staging; Paul Murphy, ’93, Shiel Sexton; and platinum sponsors Managepoint, Maple Creek Golf &
Country Club, and Furniture For Less for their help in making the 2014 event a success!
FATHER Scecina Magazine | WINTER 2015
5000 Nowland Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46201
FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 2015
Registration: 10:30 a.m.
Tee Time: 11:30 a.m.
10955 Fall Road, Fishers, IN 46038
317.842.0551 |
Player Passes: $90 per player
Includes cart, green fees, lunch, beverage tickets, and dinner
For more information, please contact Ott Hurrle ’70 at 317.352.3274 or