April 14 Preview: “Minnesota Sports Facility – Viking`s Stadium” Guest


April 14 Preview: “Minnesota Sports Facility – Viking`s Stadium” Guest
Bloomington Noon—April 7, 2014
Weekly Meetings
12:00 Noon
Hilton, France Ave & 494
An organization of leaders working
together to make a difference in our
community and the world.
2013-2014 Officers:
Chris Guarnera
Phone: 651-492-1035
Board Meetings:
Third Mondays
President Elect:
Dave Walock
Vice President:
Open position
Bob Erickson
Sergeant at Arms:
Benjamin Theisen Escobar
Program Chair:
Becky Amble & Andrea Specht
Past President:
James Casserly
District Governor:
Diann Kirby
Executive Secretary:
Kathy Koehler
Directors: Phyllis Karasov, Jim
McDonald, Andrea Specht, Brian
Emerson, Brett Mortenson, Pady
Regnier, Josie Hardy, Kurt Hagen,
and Deb Newman
April 14 Preview: “Minnesota Sports Facility – Viking’s
Stadium” Guest: Rotarian Michele Kelm-Helgen
Join us on April 14 for an update on the new Viking’s stadium. Our guest will be Rotarian Michele Kelm-Helgen who
was appointed Chair of the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority in June of 2012. She leads the Authority in its role of
planning and designing the new stadium as well as operating the current Metrodome.
Michele began her career as an aide in the Office of Mayor
Albert J. Hoftsede for the City of Minneapolis. In 1979,
Michele became Director of Control Data Corporation’s (now
Ceridian) City Venture division and later became a partner
with North State Advisers, a governmental affairs/public relations consulting firm. From 2006-2010, she served as
Chief of Staff for the Minnesota State Senate under Senate Majority Larry Pogemiller
where she managed the operation of the Minnesota State Senate and staffed budget
negotiations between the Governor, House and Senate. Michele then served as Deputy Chief of Staff for Legislative Affairs, in the Office of Governor Mark Dayton, from
2010 to 2012.
Michele has been a community leader for many years including Chair of the Eastern
Carver County School Board for 10 years. She is currently a member of the Minneapolis #9 Rotary Club. Michele received her B.A. (Summa Cum Laude) from the College
of St. Catherine, and her M.B.A. with honors from the University of St. Thomas.
April 7 Review: “Update International Village Clinic”
Guest: Rotarian Abul Sharah
Contributed by: Becky Amble
Our surprise speaker was Abul Sharah! Our scheduled speaker was not able to come
and Abul graciously agreed to give us an off-the-cuff update on the International Village
IVC has 2 programs in 60 villages. The Curative program for treating diseases and the
Preventative program for educating and providing nutrition. The Curative program
treated 50,000 patients last year. This includes both outpatient
and inpatient treatment. The hospital has a 12-bed ward, six
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Rotar y in Bloomington
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for men and six for women. IVC has 24/7 emergency services. Before IVC there were no qualified doctors or
hospitals in the area.
April Birthdays
In India, Abul said that 5-10% of the population live very
well, maybe better than the top tier in America. The
rest of the population, 80-90% are at the bottom and
live in villages. For that reason, prevention is near and
dear to Abul's heart because it gives such a big bang
for the buck. The Prevention program is an integrated
program. Nutrition services start the first day a woman
knows she is pregnant. She is provided vitamins and protein for the term of the pregnancy. This continues for the first year of the baby's life. At 1 year of age, the nutrition program
shifts to the child. The child is followed for 5 years. Pictured Left: DG Diann Kirby administering polio vaccine with the prevention program at IVC.
18 Becky Amble
01 Sharon VanWinkel
14 Jack Carlson
18 Karen Nordstrom
18 Karen Zeleznak
19 Dave Walock
20 Brian Emerson
23 Linda Jewell
23 Jim McDonald
April Anniversaries
01 Kathy Koehler 15 yrs
Health Education is another aspect. This includes an IVC staff person going to a village to
show videos educate people on nutrition and healthcare. Family planning is also provided as
often in India there are 5-10 children in a family. Abul says at this size, the families will always be behind the eight-ball. Women from the villages are hired to work in the villages. They serve 200-500 homes in a typical village. They keep a record of all women in each
village of child-bearing ages and work a rotating schedule to see all of them.
Often girls get married at 16-17 years of age and there is a strong cultural push for them to
produce a child. In the Indian culture there is strong
pressure for male children as they become the "social
security" for the parents. Family planning is very important as well as challenging due to this cultural issue.
IVC also provided 30 tricycles last year to people with
disabilities. Pictured Right: the tricycle distribution.
In addition IVC distributed blankets. Winter temps in
India can get as low at 32F and generally hit a low of 3540F. Without heated homes, this is very cold.
Abul is delighted with visitors and this past year hosted
a group from our Rotary District. Other groups were
from Plymouth Congregational Church in Minneapolis,
and a group from Japan, that stayed for 2
weeks. Pictured Left: the 2013 District 5950 Team
who traveled to India.
08 Stephen Bariteau 1 yr
09 Derek Henze 2 yrs
11 Bob Erickson 3 yrs
18 Brett Mortenson 3 yrs
23 Patty Schulz 2 yrs
27 Terry Stirewalt 10 yrs
30 Jim McDonald 29 yrs
Greeter Schedule
Apr 14: Jim Casserly
Apr 21: Kurt Hagen
Apr 28: Jeff Potts
Invocator Schedule
Apr 14: Bob Erickson
Apr 21: Jim Casserly
Apr 28: Kurt Hagen
Vocational Talks
April 14: Mark Fabel
Abul started the first village in 2001 and currently
serve 60 villages. Abul is diligently seeking additional
funding. He would like to expand to additional villages. We can all help Abul if we can connect him to people at various foundations who could assist in funding the operations and
growth of IVC.
Apr 28: John Houle
May 12: Chris Arndt
Rotar y in Bloomington
Upcoming Meetings
Apr 14: “Minnesota Sports Facility-Viking’s Stadium” Guest: Michele Kelm-Helgen
Apr 21: “Run, Hide, Fight: Surviving an Active Shooter Event” Guest: Sheriff Stanek
Apr 28: “VEAP” Vocational Visit Host: Rotarian Susan Freeman
May 5: NO NOON MEETING “Loaves & Fishes Service Project”
May 12: “How Israel Came to be Known as the Start-Up Nation” Guest: Sally Abrams
Calendar of Events - SAVE the following DATES on your calendar!
Apr 17: Thursday, “Club Social” France Avenue Hilton 4:30 to 6:30
Apr 22: “Hunger Free Minnesota” Bake bread at VEAP
Apr 24: Thursday, “Vocational Ethics Day with STRIVE Students” See page 6 RIB
Apr 28: “VEAP” Vocational Visit
May 2: “District 5950 Conference” Bloomington’s Radisson Blu
May 3: “Shredding Day” City of Bloomington North Parking Lot 9:00 to Noon
May 5: “Loaves & Fishes” NO REGULAR MEETING
May 15: Thursday, “Club Social” France Avenue Hilton 4:30 to 6:30
June 23: “Club Awards Ceremony”
Rotary on Cable
Page 3
The 4-Way Test
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all
3. Will it build
4. Will it be
all concerned?
RIB Editor:
Karyn Arazi
Backup Editor:
Jeanette Purcell
Karen Nordstrom, Stephen Bariteau, Benjamin
Theisen Escobar
The Bloomington Channel - TBC14 or live streamed at blm.mn/tbc14 (click on “Watch Live”)
“Namgyal Dorjee, Tibetan American History and Culture”
Bloomington Noon
Sunday, Apr 13: 6:00 PM
Monday, Apr 14: 12:00 AM, 6:00 AM, 12:00 PM
P.O. Box 20300
“Diann Kirby Installation as DG”
Bloomington, MN 55420
Monday, Apr 14: 7:00 PM
Tuesday, Apr 15: 1:00 AM, 7:00 AM, 1:00 PM
Web Addresses:
Wednesday, Apr 16: 9:30 PM
Bloomington Noon Rotary
Thursday, Apr 17: 3:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 3:30 PM
Rotary International
“Nari Gunjan—India Update”
Monday, Apr 14: 9:00 PM
Rotary District 5950
Tuesday, Apr 15: 3:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 3:00 PM
Wednesday, Apr 16: 8:00 PM
Meeting Make-ups
Thursday, Apr 17: 2:00 AM, 8:00 AM, 2:00 PM
Rotary eClubs:
“Worksite Wellness”
Monday, Apr 14: 10:00 PM
Tuesday, Apr 15: 4:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 4:00 PM
Wednesday, Apr 16: 9:00 PM
“Like” us on Facebook and “Join” our group on
Thursday, Apr 17: 3:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 3:00 PM
Linkedin. In both cases the search keyword
“Bloomington Noon Rotary MN”
Announcements and other Highlights...
Hunger-Free Minnesota Grant Seeks Sweat Equity on April 22, 2014
Hunger-Free Minnesota donated $40,000 to Rotary District 5950 which was paired with
another $25,000 from the District to be split among 18 Rotary Clubs to help expand the
capacity of our Minnesota food shelves. Bloomington Noon has received $4,000 from
Hunger-Free Minnesota and another $1,000 from Rotary District 5950 to match the
Bloomington Rotary's $1,000. Total funds of $6,000 will be used to help VEAP purchase new kitchen equipment for its teaching kitchen under the Nutrition, Education,
And Teaching (NEAT) program. In addition, Rotarians will provide "sweat equity" on April 22 by baking banana bread using bananas whose shelf life is expiring, and then packaging and labeling this bread for the VEAP food shelf clients. In
addition, Rotarians will clean up the kitchen for future use. Bloomington Cable TV will be recording this fun event of
"Rotarians at Work" for future broadcasting.
District Conference Volunteer Opportunities on Friday May 2, 2014
Sing up before April 15. 26 Volunteers are needed from the District. This is our District Governor Diann Kirby’s conference...let’s be there to support her. Sign up form on Page 7 RIB!
Shredding Day—May 3, 2014
Our annual shredding day fundraiser is set for Saturday, May 3. 9:00 AM to Noon at
the Bloomington City Hall, NORTH of the Public Works Building off 98th Street. $5.00
per box. Mark your calendar and begin to pull together your shredding. And, mention
it to your friends. If you have a business, consider bringing your business shredding in.
About 8 volunteers are needed. Contact Fil Ruzzi fillip.ruzzi@usbank.com
Vocational Ethics Day—April 24 Sign up electronically. See page 6 RIB
Loaves & Fishes—May 5 Creekside Community Center From 1:30 through clean-up around 7:00 PM Mark your
calendars and plan to sign up for one of the tasks. Look for signups at upcoming meetings and through Club Runner.
Outreach Minnesota
Eighteen volunteers...Rotarians, family, and prospective Rotarians gathered this past Saturday for benefit of Outreach
Minnesota. We donned hairnets, aprons, and plastic gloves to pack meals of rice or macaroni and cheese. All together we packed over 70,000 meals. Because of our help with this project, we were able to bring back 15 boxes of the
meals to VEAP. That’s 3,240 meals for people in our community. The other communities who volunteered also took
meals back to their respective food shelves. Everyone had great fun and we even got a little competitive between the
teams who were packing. Thank you to all who volunteered!
Mahendra Nath Rotary International Foundation Challenge
This is the 8th year for our Every Rotarian Every Year Challenge. District 5950,
under the leadership of Diann Kirby, has set a District goal of $1,000,000 total from
all the clubs in our District. That is an average of $365 per Rotarian. Again, in 2013
-2014, Bloomington Noon has achieved 100% participation and $394 per member,
surpassing the District Goals. Mahendra Nath has again matched $400 for each
team that reaches their 100% goal. Congratulations to all. If you have not already,
please send your pledged dollars into Kathy or turn in at an upcoming meeting.
As of 4/7/2014...
Congratulations! We
made the goal of
100% participation.
We also reached 108%
of the District goal.
Pledge Amount
Total Pledg- Total Mem-
We have a great Club
with Rotarians who
are committed to
“Service Above Self.”
April is the month to
turn in those contributions to Kathy or your
team captain.
Thanks to all...Jim Lucas, Jim McDonald, &
Jim Casserly
Current Participation
Club Financial Goal
Area 3 Vocational Ethics Day Sign up NOW!
The Area 3 Rotary Club Vocational Ethics Luncheon is
going to be at the Edina County Club this year on April
24th from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. The cost is $25 per
Rotarian. Terry Stirewalt is coordinating. Kathy has
sent out an electronic invitation so you can sign up
We host our STRIVE students at this luncheon so we
need a pretty good turnout. Help to support this event
and sign up this Monday!
Strategic Planning
Past President Jim Casserly announced that the
planning team for the Strategic Plan has developed
several strategies that they will be sharing with the club
in the near future .
The Strategic Plan that was presented last year was
adopted by the Board of Directors and this will be the
second phase of the effort.
Look for more information in the near future.
Distinguished Guest
Rotarian John Degelmann, Edward Jones Representative, Woodbury Rotary
Sunshine...Share your news
Karen Nordstrom shared: “Old Swede, the gimp, Bud, has returned to work today after six
weeks recuperating from the “great fall”. He received a paycheck last week of $140 (He was
surprised to get even that!) He is still on crutches and has said that he will take up biking and
give up the jogging that he has done for the past 40 years.
We welcome back Abul Sharah from his winter stay in India.
John Swaney asked for our prayers for his wife, Debera as she undergoes treatment for a repair
of her reconstructive surgery. We will keep you in our thoughts, Debera.
Chris Arndt is completing his final exam today for his work as a Financial Advisor. He indicated that he was excited because he also met all his goals this quarter and Spring is here!
Becky Amble announced that she is planning a trip with a friend to Alaska in August. She is now working on all the planning!
Jim McDonald is excited for his daughter and son-in-law who are planning a vacation to Mexico. He is even more excited because he and his wife will have the great fun of taking care of their two year old grandson while mom and dad are
Susan Freeman sent her Thanks to all who attended the visitation for her grandson this past week and for all who sent
her cards.
District Conference Volunteer Opportunities...
Print out this form and complete it. Turn in to Kathy Koehler before April 15.