June 20th, 2015 - Sandyford Parish
June 20th, 2015 - Sandyford Parish
SANDYFORD PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr Andrew, Fr Gerry, Gráinne & Pat PARISH OFFICE Phone 2956414 Email office@sandyfordparish.org 21st June 2015 Dear Parishioners, Our Parish recently embarked on a special fund-raising initiative entitled LIVING THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL. Based on the Holy Father’s calling for us all to become missionary disciples, this is an unprecedented campaign that in coming together, we will fund three core aspects of our faith community: LOCAL PARISH PRIORITIES – parishes are at the heart of our Church and many have pressing needs. Here in Sandyford our project for this campaign will be the extension and enlargement of the parish room so that we can promote better building up of our community. Space is a real issue and this would go a long way in resolving that problem. It would also offer the very practical benefit of allowing more meetings to take place on campus. CLERGY – planning and investment now will ensure we provide on-going support to our working clergy. Additionally, we need to focus on priestly formation, especially the promotion of vocations. LAY FORMATION – in encouraging greater involvement of the laity in the life of our Church, it will be important to strengthen our commitment in this area and the faith development of our parishioners, at all stages of their faith Over the course of the next few weeks, you will have the opportunity to learn more about this campaign. Realising we have ambitious – but necessary – plans, I am confident – with your help, prayer and God’s will, together we will be successful. Fr. Andrew ST. MARY’S CHURCH ST. MARY’S Sandyford 6.00 pm (Saturday Vigil) Sunday 9.00 am 11.00 am 6.00 pm ST. PATRICK’S Glencullen Sunday 10.00 am OUR LADY OF THE WAYSIDE , Kilternan Sunday 12 noom First Friday 7.30pm EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT EVERY SUNDAY from 4:00pm 5:00pm, concluding with evening prayer of the Church. EVERY TUESDAY You are invited to spend one hour in Adoration between 10.30am to 9pm concluding with guided Holy Hour 8pm. Adoration Meeting First Thursday of Every Month after 10am Mass. Catholic Papers in Church . Cleaning Rota B Rosters for Baptism Team, Eucharistic Ministers and Readers— please collect from the Church Porch and Sacristy. Weekend 14/6/2015 Diocesan : First Collection : € 1,615. Goes to the Diocese for distribution towards the livelihood of all its Priests including those sick or retired. Second Collection : € 1,197. Goes to Diocese to fund Diocesan, Administration, Pastoral Workers and the upkeep of Church Property. Family Offering Envelopes € 468. This third collection goes entirely to our own Parish for the upkeep and running of our three Churches and all parish projects and expenses. PARISH MASS INTENTIONS ST. MARY’S CHURCH, SANDYFORD Sat 20th June 6pm Thomas Collins Nora Bradshaw Sun 21st June 11am Dermot King Kitty Mellon-Thompson Mon 22nd June 10am Mary Mullholand Brian Hennessy Tues 23rd June 10am Linda Martin Wed 24th June 10am Do Barnes Thur 25th June 10am Anna Kerrigan ST. PATRICK’S CHURCH GLENCULLEN Sun 21st June 10am Eddie Bloomer. Ray Lucy. Josie O’Neill. James & Agnes Mulvey OUR LADY OF THE WAYSIDE KILTERNAN Sun 21st June 12noon Marie Arnold Rose Donnelly Robert McKenna REST IN PEACE We extend our sympathy to the family and friends of Derek Campbell who died recently. Eternal rest grant unto him. O Lord and may perpetual light shine upon him. P A R I S H NOTICES Postponed www.sandyfordparish.org Sandyford Parish Youth Child Safeguarding and Adult Protection Thursday 25th June 2015 Please note the planned Child Safeguarding session on June 25 has now been postponed until the Autumn. Visiting the Wise Every week, a number of dedicated parish volunteers offer a little companionship to some of our housebound/semi housebound parishioners. If you would like to join this ministry course, we are taking names now for a preparation group we plan to run during September. Please leave your name with the parish office/sacristan in the coming weeks. “Visiting the Wise” is a beautiful way to extend a little of the parish’s care and compassion to those of us who are no longer God, bless all the fathers in the world. Guide them to be good role models and loving to all their children. Help them to be a father like You are. Give them grace and patience to handle situations in a loving way. Amen! SPONSORED SOCCER BLITZ IN AID OF ST MICHAEL’S HOUSE IN LEOPARDSTOWN. SANDYFORD PARENT AND TODDLER GROUP BABYTALK We break for the Summer from Wednesday On Sunday the 21st of June, in the grounds of Wayside Celtic, 24th June (our last Wednesday) until Wednesday the 2nd of the Altar Servers will host a sponsored soccer blitz to benefit September, when we will reopen. We wish all the St Michael’s House in Leopardstown. parents/carers and their little ones a safe and happy Summer. A big thank you to all who have helped build the group over the Teams from the Confirmation Year classes of our local past year – the parents and carers who attend - the members of schools will participate. the Baptism Team and the “Babytalk” volunteers who so much Kick-off is at 3pm. for the group week in and week out. Further information from Leanne 086 1744036; Gráinne 2956367. Spectators welcome. Ministers of the Word We have set aside Monday, 29th June and Monday 6th July at 7.00pm – 8.00pm in St Mary’s for preparation for this important ministry in the Church. If you are interested, please let us know in advance which evening suits you best. With people taking holidays over the Summer, there is always a big call on all our liturgical ministers. Sandyford Village Clean Up Days Sandyford Village Initiative is looking for volunteers to take part in Clean Up Days in advance of the Pride of Place Competition (3rd July). Please support this event through tidying your own gardens and coming out to clean up the village. Gloves, pickers and bags will be provided but please come equipped with brushes and shovels etc if possible. Look forward to seeing you. Clean Up Dates: Sunday 28th June (122pm) & Wednesday 1st July (7-9pm). Assembly point: Coleman’s MASS & BLESSING OF GRAVES St Patrick’s Cemetery 12th July 2015 at 3pm (No 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s ) Kilgobbin Cemetery 26th July 2015 at 3pm THANK YOU FOR THE MUSIC!!! As we approach the summer holidays we would like to extend our deepest appreciation to all who have participated in the music ministry throughout the year. Especial thanks are afforded to the Parish Choirs of Sandyford and Glencullen. To our Sunday Evening Folk Group - to our many individual singers, soloists, cantors, and musicians in all our three churches.May the Lord refresh them over the summer and we look forward to hearing them again in September. St Joseph’s Young Priest Society Please support the Harold’s Cross Hospice Pilgrimage to Knock Sat 27th June Bus departs Goat Grill Car Park 8am & Bank Of Ireland Dundrum at 8.10am. Spiritual director on bus. €45 incl tea/coffee & dinner in Radisson Hotel, Athlone. Contact Parish Office for further information. The Annual Wine and Cheese at the Garda Rowing Club, Islandbridge, is on Thursday 9th July. Plenty of music and finger food and fruit in wonderful surroundings.Free bus from Stepaside and Sandyford. Tickets from Eamonn Barnes, Audrey Crimmins or Bob Gahan. Donations for Auction and Raffle also welcome. CAMP VERITAS : June 28-July 4th, 2015, Gormanston College in Co. Meath. For 12-18 years olds. Cost €320 (but don’t let cost be an issue). For more details go to www.campveritas.com. Youth Summer Festival Roscrea 13th-16th August For all young people aged 16-35 the Youth 2000 summer festival, is a lively 4-day festival.The retreat is free (donation only) and there is a free bus running from Dublin. 0 www.youth2000.ie Anchor – New Young Adult Leadership Program for young adults (18+) who are interested in training to become a leader for the World Youth Day in Krakow & also for future parish-based opportunities . Please inform Parish office if you are interested in attending. More information : www.evangelisation.ie/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2015/05/flyer-19th-of-may-20161.pdf