Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina
Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina
Overview of YERBA MATE (Ilex paraguariensis) Chain in ARGENTINA Infusions Chain Coordinator: Ing. Agr. Patricia A. Parra Buenos Aires, Argentina July 2013 Yerba Mate – general features Scientific name: name Ilex paraguariensis. Origin: Origin is a native of the subtropical regions of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Basic features: features evergreen tree. In its natural habitat can reach up to 20 meters high, but under cultivation, the prunings let to a shrub of less than 4 meters high. This facilitates the harvest. Remarkable properties: properties the infusion of yerba mate leaves has high concentration of polyphenols, with great antioxidant capacity and energizing properties due to the content of xanthines-caffeine and thebromine content. It also provides satiety and possesses considerable amounts of potassium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and magnesium, and contains vitamins (A, B complex, C and K). Also, a number of therapeutic applications have been claimed for Yerba Mate infusions, such as hepatoprotective, choleretic, diuretic, hypocholesterolemic, antirheumatic, antithrombotic, anti-obesity or anti-ageing among others. Yerba Mate – general features Nutritional content Several studies have reported the presence of xanthines such as caffeine and theobromine, saponines, and several phenolic compounds, mainly chlorogenic acids and dicaffeoylquinic acid derivatives. It has also been reported that maté extracts have an in vitro antioxidant capacity (AOC) which is due to the presence of chlorogenic acids and dicaffeoylquinic acid derivatives that have an antioxidant capacity equal to or higher than that of ascorbic acid and vitamin E. Yerba Mate – general features Nutritional content (cont.) The total polyphenol content (TPC) of Yerba Mate beverages under typical consumer conditions in Argentina were determined. TPC was measured by the Folin-Ciocalteu method and expressed as gallic and chlorogenic acid equivalents (GAE and CAE, respectively). In Hot Mate, the intake would be 5.15 ± 0.55 g CAE /500 mL and 2.9 ±0.4 g GAE/500 mL; in Cold Mate, the intake would be 1.9 ± 0.4 g CAE /500 mL and 1.1 ± 0.2 g GAE/500 mL; one cup of Mate bag infusion (200 mL) contains between 0.55 ± 0.05 g CAE and 0.295 ± 0.015 g GAE. Comparison of the TPC of several beverages provided evidence that beverages of Yerba Mate are rich sources of antioxidant phenolics. Among several ways of consumption, the Hot Mate provides the highest intake of total polyphenols. Yerba Mate – general features Yerba Mate cultivation is concentrated in only three countries in the world: Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. Yerba Mate is a crop of great importance in the regional economy. It has a high rate of domestic consumption and also generates revenue from sales abroad. According to local research, penetration reaches 98% of households and 76% of individuals in Argentina. Mobilizes the productive, industrial and commercial sectors, being a strategic crop from labor occupation. Its consumption is an habit for million of people of all socio-economic levels of South American countries and of some Arab countries in which it was introduced. We are working on promoting this product to expand markets. Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina Production area: Misiones and northeastern of Corrientes provinces. It is an important regional agribusiness. About 85% of the volume produced is destined for domestic consumption, but it also generates significant revenues from sales abroad. American Continent Argentina and it´s Yerba Mate producing area. Yerba Mate in Argentina - Pictures Yerba Mate in Argentina - Pictures Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina Consumption Methods “Mate cebado” or Hot Mate It is the traditional way of consumption in our country and in most of consumers countries of Yerba Mate in the world. Yerba Mate is placed inside a container on which hot water (may range from 70° to 95 ° C) is poured and the resulting infusion is suctioned with a straw (sorbet), called “bombilla”. Traditional container is a gourd that undergoes a curing process, although other materials such as glass or ceramics are used too. Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina Consumption Methods “Mate cebado” or Hot Mate – ceremony To enjoy a delicious Mate, follow these steps: Pour yerba mate into tha mate (container) until about 80% of it. Cover the mate with your hand, put it upside down and shake vigorously so finer yerba mate is up, and in that way the straw is not obstructed when mate is served. Yerba mate should be at an angle of 45 ° into the container leaving a cavity in one side. Wet the yerba mate of the cavity with a small amount of warm water and then add hot water. Wait until the yerba mate absorb water and only then enter the straw in the moistened area so that it is fixed and laid it on the container wall. Pour small amounts of water at a temperature between 70 ° and 80 ° C and enjoy sharing a delicious Hot Mate! Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina Consumption Methods “Tereré” or Cold Mate It is consumed in warm seasons. It is prepared similarly to the “mate cebado”, but cold water is used (5-10 °C). Yerba Mate can be used alone or with the addition of herbs like mint, to achieve an even more refreshing drink. Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina Consumption Methods Mate in cup or Mate Bags It is prepared with Yerba Mate in bags, similar to tea. The bags usually contain 3 grams of Yerba Mate. Of the total national consumption of Yerba Mate, between 2% and 3% corresponds to this modality. Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina Consumption Methods Mate “cocido” Also consumed in cup, but it requires a different preparation. Yerba Mate is poured over hot water, it remains untill boiling and then it is filtered. Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina Sensorial descriptors infusion of Yerba Mate infusion A variety of flavors and aromas are distinguished, according to harvest areas and differences in the making of the product. In general, the aroma is that of dried herb, the color is bright green or yellowish and the flavor is pleasant with slight toasty accents. In our country there are specialized Sommeliers in Yerba Mate and specialists in various technical areas engaged in the study and promotion of Yerba Mate. Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina Other Consumption Methods and Uses Soluble Yerba Mate. Ready to drink beverages, soft drinks, beers, spirits. Food ingredient. Perfumery and toilet. Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina Argentine Food Code (Summary) CHAPTER XV. Stimulants or fruitive products •Art 1193 - With the name or Yerba Mate is defined the product consisting in dried leaves, lightly toasted and crumbled of Ilex paraguariensis Saint Hilaire (Aquifoliácea) alone, or mixed with fragments of young dried branches, petioles and flower stalks . Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina Argentine Food Code (Summary) CHAPTER XV. Stimulants or fruitive products •Art 1194 - (Res. Conj. N ° 43/2013 SPRei and 59/2013 SAGyP) With the following meanings the products that continues are defined below: 1. Yerba Mate Canchada: is yerba zapecada, dried and coarsely ground. 2. Elaborated Yerba Mate: the yerba mate has been subjected to processes of sifting, crushing and grinding, just to fit the following classifications: 2.1 Elaborated Yerba Mate or Elaborated Yerba Mate with Palo. 2.1.1 Elaborated Yerba Mate with Palo with Low-Dust. 2.1.1 Elaborated Yerba Mate with Palo for Tereré. 2.2 Elaborated Yerba Mate Despalada or Destemmed. 3. Toasted Yerba Mate. 4. Soluble Yerba, Instant Mate, Mate Extract Powder, Mate Concentrate. Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina Argentine Food Code (Summary) CHAPTER XV. Stimulants or fruitive products •Art 1195 - (Res 307, 11/29/90) The yerba mate on deposits, exhibited or expended must conform to the following characteristics: a) Humidity (100-105 ° C): max 9.5% b) Total ash (500-550 ° C): max 9.0% AOAC method (on dry product). c) Insoluble ash in hydrochloric acid 10% w/v 1.5% max d) Caffeine: 0.6% min, Method Cortes (on dry product). e) Aqueous extract min 25%, AOAC method (on dry product). f) Extraneous vegetable substances: 1.0% max g) Yerba mate seeds: max 1.0% h) There shall be blazed, altered or depleted. Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina Argentine Food Code (Summary) CHAPTER XV. Stimulants or fruitive products •Art 1197 - (Res 307, 11/29/90). Defines the Yerba Mate Bag (Yerba Mate bags or saquitones). •Art 1198 - (Res 307, 11/29/90). Defines The composite Yerba Mate or Flavored Yerba Mate. •Section 1198 tris: (Res. Conj. 86/2012 sprei and 273/2012 SAGyP). Defines the possibility of adding healthy, clean and dry leaves Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) Bertoni to the Yerba Mate. In these cases "sweetened with stevia leaves“ must be added to the denimination. Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina Process Harvest or "tarefa" Branches with many leaves (this is the Yerba Mate raw material, called “green leaf”) are collected by manual procedure. It takes place during autumn and winter, from April to October. “Zapecado” It consists of a very fast drying, with the direct action of fire flame. The enzymes responsible for biological degradation processes are inactivated. The product gets its characteristic aroma and loses green leaf flavor. Drying Thermal process that reduces the moisture content to a value of between 3% and 6%, with reduction in weight. There are several types of dryers machines. Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina Process (cont.) “Canchado” Coarse crushing process. Yerba Mate is fractionated into pieces of about one square centimeter. The aim is to facilitate bagging and transportation. Aging or seasoning -Natural: Yerba Mate canchada remains stored for a period of 6-24 months in deposits, where spontaneous transformation processes occur, and yerba mate acquires the different characteristics of flavor, aroma and color required by consumers. -Accelerated: it is stored for a period of 30-60 days with controlled temperature, humidity and air circulation, so that Yerba Mate acquires the organoleptic characteristics, similar to those generated by natural aging. Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina Process (cont.) Grinding The canchada and aged Yerba Mate is the raw material of the grinding industry. Grinding involves successive crushing, sifting and mixing, resulting the suitable Yerba Mate taste for of each region. Packing Containers with several sheets are used to preserve the organoleptic characteristics of Yerba Mate. In our country half a kilogram of capacity packaging is preferred. Packages of one, two and a fourth of kilograms are also sold. Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina Socio-economic data •More than 17.000 producers. •More than 200.000 cultivated hectareas. •More than 650.000.000 kilogrames of green leaf. (*) •More than 210 drying industries (“secaderos”). •More than 110 grinding industries (“molinos”). •More than 250.000.000 kilogrames of Yerba Mate. (*) •More than 30.000 families .(**) (*) Average anual values. (**) Directly and indirectly from planting to harvesting and selling of the product. Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina Statistics - Raw material Raw material production (tons) Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Green leaf input to drying industries 679.593,1 652.853,9 721.660,9 701.140,6 717.401,4 Interannual variation -3,9% 10,5% -2,8% 2,3% Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina Statistics - Domestic consumption Yerba Mate for domestic consumption (tons) Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Yerba Mate output of grinding industries 232.948,4 246.189,0 250.723,1 248.977,6 245.184,8 Interannual variation 5,7% 1,8% -0,7% -1,5% Estimated consumption: 6 kg / inhabitant / year Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina Statistics - Exports Evolution of Yerba Mate exports. Period 2003 – 2012 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2.500 1.500 1.000 500 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 0 Year Va lue Volume Avera ge export pri ce USD FOB/Ton 2.000 2005 Average export price (USD FOB/Ton) 474,0 616,0 718,9 825,0 861,4 923,3 1.009,6 1.102,7 1.337,5 2.039,5 2004 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Value Volume (USD FOB Million) (Thousand tons) 18,6 39,2 18,9 30,6 20,5 28,6 24,3 29,4 30,4 35,2 34,7 37,6 38,1 37,8 41,2 37,4 46,8 35,0 67,9 33,3 2003 Year USD FOB Million and Thousand tons Volume, value and average export price performance Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina Statistics - Exports Evolution of Yerba Mate exports. Period 2003 – 2012 Volume, value and average export price annual changes Comparison Period 2004 vs 2003 2005 vs 2004 2006 vs 2005 2007 vs 2006 2008 vs 2007 2009 vs 2008 2010 vs 2009 2010 vs 2011 2013 vs 2011 Interannual value change 1,6% 8,8% 18,1% 25,1% 14,3% 10,0% 8,0% 13,5% 45,2% Interannual volume change -21,9% -6,7% 2,9% 19,8% 6,6% 0,6% -1,1% -6,4% -4,8% Interannual average export price change 30,0% 16,7% 14,8% 4,4% 7,2% 9,4% 9,2% 21,3% 52,5% Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina Statistics - Exports Destinations in 2012: a total of 46, on five continents. Export destination. Volume and value share (%). Year 2012 Destination country Syria Chile Lebanon U.S. Spain Uruguay France Republican Korea United Arab Emirates Others Total Volume (tons) 23.668,9 4.784,6 1.278,6 610,6 537,2 313,1 225,0 214,5 189,8 1.456,4 33.278,7 Share (%) 71,1 14,4 3,8 1,8 1,6 0,9 0,7 0,6 0,6 4,4 100,0 Destination country Syria Chile Lebanon U.S. Spain Republican Korea France United Arab Emirates Uruguay Others Total Value (USD FOB million) 44,4 10,9 3,2 1,7 1,3 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 4,2 67,9 Share (%) 65,4 16,0 4,7 2,5 2,0 1,1 0,9 0,7 0,6 6,1 100,0 Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina Statistics - Exports Average export price. Year 2012 Destination country Syria Chile Lebanon U.S. Spain Uruguay France Republican Korea United Arab Emirates Total USD FOB/ton 1.874,4 2.275,1 2.500,4 2.829,0 2.469,5 1.260,1 2.744,4 3.442,5 2.458,9 2.039,5 Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina Statistics - Exports Main export destination: Syria At the same time, Argentina is the largest supplier of Yerba Mate of Syria. Evolution of Syria imports of Yerba Mate and participation of Argentina as its origin. Year 2008 2009 2010 Syria total imports (Kg) 16.891.624 21.289.300 22.894.120 Source: COMTRADE Imports from Argentina (Kg) 16.891.624 21.284.700 22.887.800 Argentina share (%) 100,00 99,98 99,97 Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina Main export destination: Syria - Features of this market The introduction of yerba mate in such a distant destination as Syria would have begun with the great immigration from that country to Argentina, recorded between 1850 and 1860. These immigrants took root throughout the territory and over the years got used to drink Yerba Mate. When many of them returned to their land, they brought this custom. They shared this infusion with relatives and friends and, over time, the Syrians became regular consumers of Yerba Mate. They drink it in small glasses, traditional for tea, and with the straw or sorbet. Each consumer has its own glass. Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina Statistics - Imports Evolution of Yerba Mate imports. Period 2003 – 2012 Volume, value and average import price performance Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Value (USD CIF) 90.291,3 74.463,7 147.158,9 432.631,4 675.893,4 790.973,0 318.417,3 598.009,8 408.866,7 399.457,5 Volume (Tons) 62,0 83,1 119,6 280,3 441,2 507,1 145,7 276,6 196,0 166,0 Average import price (USD CIF/Ton) 1.456,3 896,2 1.230,3 1.543,6 1.532,1 1.559,9 2.184,7 2.161,7 2.085,8 2.406,1 A small amount of Yerba Mate is imported. Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina Statistics - Imports •The total of the Yerba Mate imported in 2012 was originated in Brazil, where the making process is different to that applied in Argentina •Most imports (87%) were fractionated mate. Yerba Mate value chain in Argentina National Institute of Yerba Mate (INYM) By the law N°25 564, February 21st, 2002, this non-state public entity was created with jurisdiction over the entire territory of Argentina. Main objectives: promote, encourage and strengthen the development of production, processing, manufacturing, marketing and consumption of Yerba Mate and its derivatives in the various forms of uses and consumption, seeking to ensure the sustainability of all sectors involved with activity (rural workers, producers, drying and grinding industry) in conjunction with the chains of distributors and consumers, designing and implementing programs that improve competitiveness. Thank you for your attention! Ing. Agr. Patricia A. Parra Information Sources: INDEC, FAO, INTA, Código Alimentario Argentino, Cámara de Comercio Argentino Árabe, INYM, Referentes sectoriales, Cadena de Valor INFUSIONES, MAGyP, “A Total Polyphenol Content of Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) and Other Plants-derived Beverages”, V. Hartwig, L. Brumovsky & M. Fretes. “LC/MS characterization of phenolic constituents of mate (Ilex paraguariensis, St. Hil.) and its antioxidant activity compared to commonly consumed beverages”. L. Bravo, L. Goya, E. Lecumberri.