Issue 26 Fall 2014 - We give where we live


Issue 26 Fall 2014 - We give where we live
Issue twenty-six — Autumn 2014
community ambassadors
community corner
The newsletter for TELUS retirees and team members
Thank you for giving
back at TELUS Day
of Giving
On Saturday, May 31, 2014, we came
together to make our biggest impact
ever through TELUS Day of Giving. Our
ninth annual national day of service had
more active participation than ever before,
with more than 15,000 team members,
retirees, Community Ambassadors and
their families and friends taking part. With
more than 1,000 projects and thousands
of hands working side by side, we made a
meaningful difference in communities from
coast-to-coast. Here’s how we helped:
2,702 bags of waste collected from
17,043 meals prepared or served to
river valleys, parks and fields
the homeless and those in need
235,267 pounds of food sorted at
food banks
8,680 trees and plants planted in
parks and gardens
10,500 Kits for Kids assembled to
provide school supplies to students in
inner city schools
Helping kids start the
school year right
2,407 Comfort Kits and charity relief
kits assembled for the homeless and
Every parent wants their child to have all the tools they need to have a
others in need
successful school year. However, for some families, the financial pressure
188,600 breast cancer ribbons tied
that comes with back to school shopping can be a burden. Just in time
for the Canadian Breast Cancer
for the new school year, 10,500 students across Canada will receive a
backpack, courtesy of our TELUS Community Ambassadors, to help
8,056 charity calls made and
ensure they have all they need for a successful 2014/2015 school year.
answered at telethons
Toronto Central Community Ambassadors delivered 150 Kits for Kids to Peel Children’s Aid Foundation on August 11. From left to
right: Sherry Warford, Lindsey Stuckless, Peel Children’s Aid Foundation and Community Ambassador Tanya Endert
187 cans of paint used to enliven and
refresh local community organizations
79,500 books sorted for book drives
116 charitable organizations’ facilities
“Starting the school year on the right foot goes a long way towards helping
a child learn and grow. Every student deserves the same opportunity, and
we’re determined to provide it to them,” says Crystal Brummell, President
of Toronto Central Community Ambassadors.
and grounds refurbished
TELUS Community Ambassadors helped
out in many other ways, including:
Weeding the vegetable garden at the
Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden
Society in Sechelt
Sewing fleece blankets for the Stollery
Children’s Hospital in Edmonton
Painting, gardening and maintaining
the grounds at Christie Lake Camp for
Kids in Ottawa
Painting and refreshing the interior
of La Joujouthèque Basse-Ville,
Working together to support
Kits for Kids
across Canada
Distribution by province:
Atlantic Canada
children in our communities
Every year, our Community
Ambassadors assemble Kits for Kids
as part of their TELUS Day of Giving
activities. Backpacks are filled with
essential school supplies for each
grade: pencils, notebooks, looseleaf sheets, pencil cases, rulers and
much more.
Since 2007, nearly 78,750 Kits
for Kids have been distributed to
hand and give where we live.
TELUS in our
3 TELUS talk
4–9 Club updates
10 Lotteries
service in Québec City
offering their time and talents to lend a
children in need throughout Canada.
a children’s toy and game lending
Thank you to everyone who joined us by
10 In memoriam
If you’d like to join one of our 23 TELUS Community
Ambassadors Clubs across Canada, please email
10 Calendar of events
11 Key contacts
TELUS in our communities
Helping community
champions give back to
their community
At the beginning of June, we launched our Give
Stepping up for a cure:
to Cure Diabetes
Recognizing your efforts to give
back: Dollars for Doers and
Team TELUS Charitable Giving
Every step counts in our efforts to improve
Our Dollars for Doers and Team TELUS
Where We Live campaign inviting Canadians to
the health of thousands of Canadians. That’s
Charitable Giving programs underpin our give
join us in building a stronger, healthier Canada.
why TELUS is proud to support the Juvenile
where we live philosophy. And, we are proud
The campaign encouraged Canadians to share
Diabetes Research Foundation’s (JDRF) flagship
to reward your efforts to help make a positive
how they care for their community or favourite
fundraising event.
difference in the communities where we live, work
cause through photos and stories they shared
through social media and on our website,
This year, more than 4,500 team members,
friends and family came together in more than 70
communities across Canada at the TELUS Walk
and serve.
Dollars for Doers
Please remember to track your volunteer hours
We received thousands of inspiring stories, but
to Cure Diabetes – raising more than $565,000 to
there were two in particular that stood out.
support those living with the disease.
Giving sick kids comfort
When diabetes hits close to home
Angel is a passionate, vibrant 18-year old
Katie Francis, a Client Care Representative in
Once you record 50 volunteer hours in a year,
from Port Alberni, B.C. Angel shared with us
Prince George, says the day her son Braeden
TELUS will donate $200 to the eligible Canadian
that through her non-profit business, Hugginz
was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes was the
registered charity or local non-profit sports
by Angel, she sews special hospital pajamas,
most terrifying time in her life.
organization of your choice. As a retiree, if you
blankets and hats for sick kids and kids with
special needs.
In March 2009, Katie and her husband started to
notice changes in their five-year-old. A trip to the
“I want every sick child to have a fun set of
Hugginz hospital pajamas or a cozy, cuddly lovefilled Hugginz blanket to cuddle with when they
are sick and have to be at the hospital,” she says.
Angel frequents the hospital for her own surgeries
and knows how scary it can be, so she has made
it her life’s mission to help other sick kids.
We were so moved by Angel’s generosity, we
wanted to help. The one thing holding Angel back
from helping even more people was her lack of
sewing machines, materials and a wheelchair
accessible space. Our TELUS team set out to
make her wish come true by donating $50,000 to
build Angel her own sewing studio equipped with
everything that she needed.
doctor and a blood test confirmed the diagnosis.
“Over the next week we had to learn how to give
our son needles, how to feed him and basically
how to live a completely different life,” says Katie.
“I took a seven-month leave of absence from work
to learn all of the things I needed to know. Every
day for Braeden is like a snowflake; no two days
are the same.”
Katie was introduced to JDRF shortly after
Braeden’s diagnosis.
“I thought it would be a way to meet other parents
and let TELUS reward you and your favourite
charity for the good you do in your community
through the Dollars for Doers program.
record more than 200 hours, TELUS will donate
$400 to your charity.
To register your hours, log into the Team
TELUS Cares registration website at
community/register, choose Dollars for Doers and
input your volunteer hours.
Please record your total 2014 volunteer hours
and claim your grant by December 31, at
midnight (eastern). This is a firm deadline; your
volunteer hours will automatically be reset to zero
on January 1, 2015.
Team TELUS Charitable Giving
Through our Team TELUS Charitable Giving
program, TELUS matches team member and
and kids dealing with the day-to-day life of Type
retiree donations to eligible Canadian charities, up
1 diabetes. Little did I know that it would grow to
to a maximum of $2,500 per year per individual.
be a passion of mine.”
A small donation can make a big difference for
your favourite charities.
A community hero
Katie now supports the TELUS Walk to Cure
André Courchesne is the co-director of Camp
Diabetes as a regional co-lead and encourages
To make your donation for 2015, please register
du Lac Simon in Quebec. As it has for the
everyone to participate.
at Deadline:
past 58 years, Camp du Lac Simon welcomes
approximately 40 children, mostly from singleparent families with limited resources, to summer
camp for two weeks.
André has been involved in the camp for 37 years,
starting as a volunteer counsellor when he was
just 16 years old. Since then, he hasn’t missed a
summer at Lac Simon.
“The greatest gift you can give someone is
“I want to find a cure for my son and every little bit
gets us closer to that goal.”
TELUS has been the title sponsor of the JDRF’s
If you need help registering your Dollars
signature fundraising event for seven years.
for Doers hours or Team TELUS
Since 2000, TELUS, our team members and
Charitable Giving donation, please
retirees have contributed more than $7 million
to JDRF to help fund research to cure, better
treat and prevent Type 1 diabetes. By 2015,
we expect TELUS and team member and
your time,” André says. “The camp’s goal is
retiree contributions to JDRF to total more than
to offer children a chance to spend time in the
$10 million.
country, away from the harsher realities of the
city. It’s a chance for families to experience
something different.”
Dollars for Doers paper forms were
mailed to you with the Team TELUS
Charitable Giving forms. If you did
not receive them, please email Please note
Whether you volunteered, or stepped up for
the submission deadline for paper forms
diabetes by walking or fundraising, every action
for Dollars for Doers is November 15.
made a difference for others. Thank you to
We were deeply moved by André’s commitment
everyone who helped make this year’s TELUS
and wanted to do our part. With a $20,000
Walk to Cure Diabetes a great success.
donation, TELUS will support the charity for a
full year.
Visit to watch Angel and
Andre’s stories and see how we supported them
and the amazing work they do.
Page 2
October 24.
Community Corner – TELUS Community Ambassadors
TELUS talk
Almost four decades of CEOs: Joe Natale, Darren Entwistle, Gordon McFarlane, Brian Canfield and Don Calder.
TELUS leadership progression
Did you know?
When Brian began his career with
Thank you, Brian Canfield
Congratulations, Joe Natale
Following our Annual General Meeting on May
On May 8, Joe Natale became TELUS’ President
8, 2014, our friend and colleague Brian Canfield
and CEO. Joe has been part of the TELUS team
retired as the Chairman of the TELUS Board of
for over a decade, starting as an Executive Vice-
Directors, ending an incredible six decades with
President in 2003, and progressing through
our company! Many Community Ambassadors
increasingly expanding roles, including President
joined TELUS when Brian was at the helm, and
of TELUS Business Solutions and President of
we are all very proud of the role Brian has played
TELUS Consumer Solutions. Beginning in 2010,
not only in growing TELUS from a regional carrier
Joe began serving as TELUS’ Chief Commercial
into a national communications leader, but also in
Officer, leading a team of over 25,000 responsible
revolutionizing the way our society communicates,
for providing consumers with innovative wireless
conducts business and accesses information.
voice and data services and home phone,
Brian is truly a pioneer in the telecommunications
Internet and television, as well as leading-edge
industry and his unbelievable passion for our
communications, data network and IT solutions
industry, his undeniable gift for giving back to our
for business. Joe will continue to work out of our
communities, and his unwavering commitment
York Street office in Toronto.
to the success of TELUS has earned him the
distinction of Chairman Emeritus.
Congratulations, Darren Entwistle
TELUS has a world-leading succession
planning process, and it is no surprise that
Darren Entwistle, our President and CEO
since 2000, has assumed the role of Executive
Chair. The Executive Chair has a broader set of
responsibilities than a traditional Board Chair,
which means that Darren will continue to play a
role in the strategic management of our company,
as well as lead the operations of our Board
and oversee TELUS’ financial and operating
performance on an ongoing basis. Darren will
us in 1956…
apprentice equipment installer,
with a daily rate of $8.15!
A long distance call from
Montreal to Vancouver cost
over a dollar a minute – an eight
minute phone call would take all
of Brian’s salary for one day
passionate champion of our long-held philosophy
Soulpepper Theatre and United Way Toronto.
The cover of Time Magazine
featured Marilyn Munroe
and helping our fellow citizens in need. Joe is a
serving on the Board of Directors for both
Ian Fleming published
Diamonds are Forever
TELUS will continue our legacy of giving back
across the Greater Toronto Area, including
Elvis released his first hit,
Heartbreak Hotel
Under Joe’s leadership as President and CEO,
numerous grassroots and high-profile initiatives
Gas cost 20 cents a gallon and
a pound of coffee cost 85 cents
we give where we live, having supported
His first job was as an
Perhaps most significantly for
Brian and all of us at TELUS:
the first transatlantic telephone
cable was laid between the U.K.
and Newfoundland
We will have an opportunity to get to know our
new President and CEO a little better in our
next edition of Community Corner where we will
include a feature story about Joe.
continue to work out of our TELUS office on
Robson Street and attend many company events
as he always has. For us, that means we will still
have the good fortune of seeing him at social
gatherings throughout the year.
We embrace change and initiate opportunity
TELUS Community Ambassadors – Community Corner
Page 3
Community Ambassadors club updates
Volunteering never ends for our faithful
TELUS Ambassadors. If they aren’t
working on TELUS projects, they are busy
volunteering in the community.
The ninth annual TELUS Ambassadors Convention
was held April 3 and 4 at the River Cree Resort
in Edmonton. Four Calgary executive members
attended. The objectives of the convention were to
Barrie Community Ambassadors hosted a
lasagna dinner for the homeless on TELUS Day
of Giving.
celebrate accomplishments, develop action plans
and support TELUS’ business objectives.
Here’s a snapshot of what we’ve been up to:
One of the hardest times for any family
is when a child needs hospital care. The
hotels, parking and food make it even
April Loyst understands this challenge.
Her twins, a boy and a girl, stayed at the
prematurely. To help support other families
transitional homes.
coast tour that plays ball hockey for local
food banks.
TELUS Day of Giving, whereby volunteers filled
the Kits for Kids and made sensory aprons for
money was spent on gift cards, parking
passes and care items for families whose
serve 350 chicken dinners at the
Mustard Seed shelter.
Several volunteered in various positions for the
TELUS Walk to Cure Diabetes held at Stanley
Park. It was a beautiful day for all.
Volunteers prepared and served another meal
at the Mustard Seed.
Volunteers participated in the TELUS Battle of
the Breeds at the Masters at Spruce Meadows.
We had eight volunteers prepare and
children are receiving care at the hospital.
year’s TELUS Day of Giving. Our events
Members volunteered at the Five Hole For
Food event, which is an annual coast-to-
Several members volunteered at the
and their families took part in this
volunteers. A good time was had by all!
of course there was some, and distributed to
bake sale that raised more than $500. The
55 members attended the annual stampede
luncheon, which was prepared and served by
120 Easter baskets were filled with more
Alzheimer’s patients.
with children in the NICU, April organized a
More than 500 Barrie team members
Mother’s Day Run.
Comfort Kits were sent to Medicine Hat for
distribution to flood victims.
Royal Victoria Hospital neonatal intensive
care unit (NICU) after they were born
healthy and useful items than chocolate, but
financial burden of added costs, such as
more challenging. Barrie team member
Calgary Community Ambassadors’ weekly sewing group.
In closing, please remember to purchase your
Christmas Luncheon tickets (see Calendar of
Events), at which time we can renew friendships
with those we have not seen in some time.
included a big lasagna dinner for the
homeless, gardening at Gilda’s Club and
Simcoe Hospice, making holiday cards
for seniors, a school yard revitalization,
assembling Kits for Kids, tying pink
ribbons for cancer and many more! Also,
150 people took part in the annual TELUS
Walk to Cure Diabetes around Barrie’s
beautiful waterfront, and more than
Twenty-three Ambassadors sewed 38 fleece blankets for
the Stollery Children’s Hospital for TELUS Day of Giving.
Upper Island Community Ambassadors filled 240 Kits for
Kids for less fortunate children in Courtenay.
Upper Island
In April, the Edmonton Ambassadors club
The Upper Island Ambassadors have had a busy
was pleased to host the TELUS Community
year. Here is an overview of a few of the things
Ambassadors 2014 Convention at the River Cree
that we have been involved in this year:
$4,400 was raised!
As a cancer survivor, Ambassador
Victoria Grzybala wanted to show her
support for others who have conquered
the disease. She created a BBQ basket
to be raffled off to raise money for cancer
research. She bought all of the items
herself and boosted sales by coming into
the office on her days off to sell tickets.
She raised $300! All of the proceeds will
go to the Canadian Cancer Society.
Animal lovers Andrea Cerswell, Jennifer
Woods and Ashley Anderson held a bake
sale that raised more than $500 for the
Hotel. It was nice to see familiar faces and meet
members from the new clubs. A great turnout
engaging Convention.
Crocheting lap robes for senior’s care facilities
The Edmonton ladies continue to keep busy
Delivering TELUS critters to social services
200 patients each month, and now also make a
comfort pillow for breast cancer patients.
were a huge hit.
of life as it was between 1846 and 1930. Our
Edmonton club is proud to continue our support
of the 1920s phone system used in the park.
have raised more than $5,454 for the
TELUS Day of Giving was a fun day with 23
community and you’ve shown that it’s
Ambassadors volunteering. In no time, we made
truly in our nature to care!
38 fleece blankets for the Stollery Children’s
Hospital. We were also proud to participate in
National Aboriginal Day in June.
Page 4
making heart and lung pillows for approximately
Fort Edmonton Park provides an experience
has given back so far in 2014. We
Filling and delivering baby bags to Campbell
River and Comox Hospitals
from our 23 clubs across Canada made for an
local SPCA. The homemade dog treats
Thank you to everyone in Barrie who
Community Corner – TELUS Community Ambassadors
Volunteering on TELUS Day of Giving where
17 Ambassadors assembled 240 Kits for
Kids and delivered them to three local school
We are looking forward to our annual Christmas
Dinner. Once again, it will be held on December
7, 1 to 4 p.m. at the Filberg Centre, 411 Anderton
Rd. Courtenay.
Community Ambassadors club updates
Fraser Valley Community Ambassadors spent TELUS Day of Giving at Fleetwood Park, with 50 volunteers, painting, weeding, washing, scraping, edging and collecting garbage.
Fraser Valley
The Fraser Valley Club has been busy looking
Foundation, including a golf tournament and
at ways to fundraise for various organizations
Wheels to Heal bike ride; a golf tournament
in need. We have been doing bottle drives and
for Night Shift Street Ministries to feed the
selling BC Tel memorabilia donated by one of our
homeless; the Canuck Place golf tournament;
Ambassadors. We will also be selling fall bulbs at
Langley International Festival; Aldergrove Fair;
our September meeting in time for fall planting,
and Giro-di-Burnaby Bike Race
as well as picking up empty water bottles at the
CIBC Run for the Cure in the fall.
Other activities have included:
Place in Abbotsford.
Ongoing activities include book sales, knitting
(preemie toques, finger puppets and blankets)
and sewing hats for cancer patients. Our book
Donating food and money to the
Centre, 6th floor. To donate books, yarn or fabric,
Langley Food Bank
call Linda at 604-461-9892.
Participating in TELUS Day Of Giving at
Fleetwood Park with 50 volunteers who
sponsored by Langley Meals On Wheels
painted weeded, washed and edged the
and Homeless at Holy Trinity Church in New
gardens, and collected garbage
Presenting a cheque for $ 500 to Canuck
sales are held once a month at the Brian Canfield
Serving meals to seniors twice a month:
The Fraser Valley Club meets on the fourth
Tuesday of the month at the Centennial Centre,
65 E-6th Ave, New Westminster 11:30 a.m.
Helping out at the TELUS Walk to Cure
Volunteering at Canadian Food for Children;
Diabetes in Abbotsford and a golf tournament
Pineapple Express for the Lymphoma and
at North View Golf Club
Leukemia Society; Eagle Ridge Hospital
South Island
The South Island TELUS Community Ambassadors
Taking it to the Streets hockey tournament
club supported the following events or causes:
Help Fill a Dream Foundation:
ORCCA (Oral Care for Children and
Adolescents) Dental Clinic Society
Kits for Kids — benefiting three school districts,
Various TELUS Day of Giving events
as well as Lau Welnew Tribal School
TELUS Walk to Cure Diabetes
Spectrum: TELUS’ resource group for lesbian,
gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and allied
(LGBTQA) team members
South Island Community Ambassadors filled over 700 Kits
for Kids, backpacks filled with essential school items for
less fortunate children in the Victoria area.
Central Island
Spring saw our Ambassadors busy putting on a
for distribution. The rest will be given out later
dinner for the clients of the Salvation Army. We
this fall to elementary schools, Haven House
served more than 200 people and gave Comfort
Women’s Shelter and other groups that need
Kits to those who needed them.
cozy handmade hats.
In June, 16 volunteers stuffed 250 backpacks
For TELUS Day of Giving, a group of
with supplies for a new school year. The Kits for
Ambassadors worked as lane timers and officials
Kids were distributed to schools in Nanaimo and
at the Riptides Sprint Challenge swim meet.
Port Alberni. Baby bags have been also delivered
to the Port Alberni Hospital. The maternity staff
were very appreciative and say the bags have
been well received by the new moms.
Our knitting ladies have been very busy during
the first half of this year. They have knitted more
than 500 hats and toques since January. Our
This July, about 20 volunteers helped out for
three days at the BC Children’s Summer Games
hosted by Nanaimo.
Christmas lunch will be held on Thursday,
December 4 at the Nanaimo Golf and Country
Club. Please see the details in the events section.
chapter has sent some of the hats to Vancouver
Central Island Community Ambassadors served over 200
meals at the Salvation Army for TELUS Day of Giving.
We have a passion for growth
TELUS Community Ambassadors – Community Corner
Page 5
Community Ambassadors club updates
Kamloops Community Ambassador Jennifer Ebenstiner volunteering at the club-hosted book sale fundraiser as part of
TELUS Day of Giving.
Okanagan Community Ambassadors presenting their most
recent care item – activity boards designed for patients
with Alzheimer’s, dementia and other disabilities. From left
to right: Pat Moore, Rich Forester and Harvey Pearson.
The Kamloops Community Ambassadors
club executive and volunteers would like to
congratulate Jennifer Ebenstiner for being named
the 2013 Volunteer of the Year recipient. At
the Ambassadors Gala and Convention held
in Edmonton, Jennifer was recognized for her
volunteer efforts, including helping with all of our
club projects throughout the year and making the
personal all-occasion cards for seniors.
This year we have given several baby bags to
young mothers in need, which included baby
blankets, baby jackets and snugglies that our
sewing club makes, along with various baby care
items. The Kamloops club also provided 135
heart pillows for patients at St. Paul’s Hospital
in Vancouver.
TELUS Day of Giving was a success once again.
We made a donation to the Kamloops Hospices
Association to help pay for flowers and plants,
which our volunteers planted in the gardens.
Other activities included:
Serving 150 meals at the New Life Mission
Giving 100 greeting cards to seniors
Volunteering and supporting the TELUS Walk
The Okanagan Community Ambassadors club
to Cure Diabetes and Habitat for Humanity
is always looking for new ways to keep our
Providing the material for 1,173 Comfort Kits
members busy and have fun while giving back
for the international program, Days 4 Girls
to the community. Team Lead Harvey Pearson
Holding a successful book sale, with proceeds
and his crew have created activity boards. The
going to our local charities
boards were originally designed to be used in
We also gave a $300 donation to the Barriere
Food Bank and $500 to the Interior Community
Living program.
longterm care units for patients with Alzheimer’s
or dementia, but our Ambassadors have
discovered that the boards are useful for people
with other disabilities as well. The Okanagan
Once again we provided volunteer judges for
club has supplied these boards to the Central
the Kamloops/Thompson Regional Fair. It is an
Okanagan Child Development Association for
event that is always enjoyable and a learning
their autism program. Organizations that have
experience for us all. The Grade 4 to 7 students
received the activity boards have said they are
have wonderful presentations and displays of their
very well used and really help their clients.
personal heritage and/or of our Canadian Heritage.
If you would like to be part of this project,
In June, 40 TELUS Ambassadors toured the new
or if your club would like details on how to
TELUS Data Centre in Kamloops. Thanks very
create these boards, contact Linda Hayes at
much Scott Mattock for all your help.
Keep your calendar open for Friday, December 5
for the TELUS Ambassadors Christmas Dinner/
Dance at the Colombo Lodge (details located in
the events section).
Kootenay East
Since the TELUS Community
Ambassadors Convention in April, our
club has been busy. We hosted a lunch
at the end of April for our volunteers.
Once again, we were involved in the East
Kootenay Children’s Festival, helping out
with the baby change tent and looking
after the green room.
For TELUS Day of Giving we had
three projects — packing Kits for Kids,
cleaning up at the Railway Museum and
helping out at the SPCA.
June was a very busy month, starting
Kootenay West Community Ambassadors filled 260 Kits for Kids for less fortunate children in Nelson.
Kootenay West
Congratulations to Bobby Scott for winning the
Delivering Comfort Kits to the Nelson women’s
Volunteer of the Year award. Here is a snapshot
shelter and the Stepping Stones shelter for
of some initiatives that we have been involved in
the homeless.
this year:
with a successful spring garage sale. We
also participated in the Sam Steele Days
Continuing our Baby Bag program.
Looking forward, the Ambassadors will be delivering
for baby jackets and gardening at the local
Meals on Wheels throughout July and volunteering
hospital for TELUS Day of Giving. Our
at the annual MS Bike Ride in August.
member collection for the food bank.
dart tournament and barbecue.
Filling 260 Kits for Kids, cutting out material
Ambassadors also contributed to a team
parade and, of course, our annual lawn
Presenting our first annual $1,000 bursary to
Jordan McClelland, son of Kevin McClelland,
current TELUS team member and grandson of
retiree Ken McClelland.
Page 6
Community Corner – TELUS Community Ambassadors
Our Christmas dinner will be held on Saturday,
December 13 at the Best Western. Happy hour is at
6 p.m. We look forward to seeing everyone there!
Community Ambassadors club updates
Medicine Hat Community Ambassadors
got into the “sauce” and netted
proceeds of $854, exceeding
expectations by more than $350.
Montreal Community Ambassadors assembled
and delivered Kits for Kids to Tyndale St-Georges
Community Center.
Celebrating at the TELUS Community Ambassadors Awards Gala. From
left to right: Darren Entwistle, Terry Wright, Joe Natale, Tom Donohue
(award winner) and Josh Blair.
Medicine Hat
Medicine Hat club President
Our Montreal Community Ambassadors aim
The Ottawa Community Ambassadors have seen a great
Sandy Hart suggested that our
to lend a hand in the community on a monthly
deal of enthusiasm in 2014 — our volunteer membership
TELUS Medicine Hat TELUS
basis. Each member of the executive team
has increased to more than 70 members and we have
Community Ambassadors
drives an activity and generates visibility and
participated in many events.
help the most vulnerable
momentum while building synergies with TELUS
citizens in any communi-
Quebec Marketing, TELUS Health and Customer
ty — homeless youth. Within a
few days the club organized a
program that was forecasted
to raise $500 to help furnish
an apartment for the McMan
Inn Between shelter for youth.
Ambassadors led a variety of activities throughout
at wholesale cost, profiting
$2 per bottle. Ambassadors
hosted a table at the annual
the inventory arrived, indicating a high level of interest.
To help spread the word, we
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario
Repairing a playground at la Maison Tangente
Gardening at Le Phare Enfants et Familles
Guiding blind children from La Fondation Des
sell sauce and 50/50 tickets.
Made 75 pairs of slippers to be donated to the
Serving lunch at the Salvation Army for
200 individuals
Giant Indoor Garage Sale to
Orders were coming in before
Montreal. Some highlights include:
The club purchased locally
manufactured BBQ sauce
Telethon, raising more than $6.8 million
On TELUS Day of Giving, Community
Took pledges at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute
Terry Wright (President), Tom Donohue (Vice-President)
and Jayne MacDonald (Reporter) attended the TELUS
Community Ambassadors Convention in Edmonton
where Tom was awarded Volunteer of the Year.
Volunteered at the breakfast fundraiser and silent
Aveugles Du Québec on their annual visit to
auction where Michael Sangster, Vice-President, Federal
the amusement park
Government Relations donated a Team Canada hockey
jersey, raising $820 for the Ottawa Education Foundation
Hosting a BBQ for L’Itinéraire
Volunteering during the annual telethon in our
($500) and Miriam Centre ($320).
TELUS call centre for Opération Enfant Soleil,
May — TELUS Day of Giving
which raised more than $18 million
Filled Kits for Kids and Comfort Kits — 15 volunteers
helped fill 332 backpacks, which were donated to
were able to secure a televi-
Members of our club were thrilled to collaborate
sion interview, two newspaper
with the TELUS Marketing team and TELUS
articles and McMan posted
Montreal Community Board to host a group of
details of the fundraiser on
local charities at a Montreal Alouettes football
Facebook and Twitter. In ad-
game in the TELUS booth. Even more exciting,
dition, garage sale organizers
each organization received a surprise donation
and Central Health Foundation in Newfoundland and
advertised the event.
of $1,000.
presented a $17,500 cheque.
Ambassadors getting into
Our Ambassadors have also recently supported:
the sauce netted proceeds of
Le Phare Enfants et Familles, La Foundation du
$854, exceeding our expec-
Dr. Julien, L’Itinéraire, La Fondation Des Aveugles
tations by more than $350.
Du Quebec, provided Kits for Kids to the Tyndale
There was a lot of sauce and a
St-Georges Community Center and raised
lot of fun for Medicine Hat.
funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
the Lanark School Board, Woodroffe High School,
Grand-Falls Windsor region in Newfoundland and
Ottawa Education Foundation
Gail Strickland took part in a radiothon for the South
Thirty volunteers helped clean, paint, repair and renovate
at Christie Lake Camp for Kids.
Volunteered at a Five Hole for Food hockey game
In July, we hosted the Youville Centre BBQ. Youville Centre
is a home for young mothers who are attending school.
These young mothers need assistance to ensure they
of Canada.
continue their education and the Centre gives them the
support they need.
Join us as we participate and volunteer in the
Light the Night Walk on October 18. And, look
out for upcoming opportunities to volunteer
In September, the Ottawa Ambassadors provided
volunteers for the Comtech golf tournament and
at Montreal’s first-ever mobile clinic run by
Doctors of the World Canada in partnership with
TELUS Health. Join us to help those in greatest
fundraiser. Proceeds go to Opportunity International and its
microfinancing initiatives in Ghana.
need — people living on the streets.
We have the courage to innovate
TELUS Community Ambassadors – Community Corner
Page 7
Community Ambassadors club updates
Prince George Community Ambassadors enjoy a
year-end luncheon.
Prince George
The Prince George Community
Ambassadors have been very busy.
We meet every Tuesday morning from
Québec City Ambassadors were out in force for TELUS Day of Giving as 20 volunteers impressed “La Joujouthèque BasseVille” with how fast the team was able to paint its premises.
September through June to work on
Québec City
There are jobs for all skill levels and it’s a
baby bags, Christmas stockings, heart
pillows and whatever else needs doing.
great time to reconnect.
Our first activity in 2014 was a painting project for
Our Ambassadors were out in force on for TELUS
La Table de Quartier l’Engrenage in Québec City
Day of Giving 2014. Our 20 Ambassadors
We raised more than $1,200 with
on February 22.
impressed Joujouthèque with how efficiently we
a 50/50 draw and donations at the
were able to refresh and paint its premises.
Christmas party for the local Parkinson’s
This year, it is our pleasure to support La
Joujouthèque Basse-Ville in Québec City. This
Our club also helped with Kits for Kids — filling
non‑profit organization offers toy and game
and delivering 120 backpacks to underprivileged
lending services to people of all ages, as well as
students for TELUS Day of Giving.
activities for children and their families. We look
forward to helping Joujouthèque with upcoming
projects and a future fundraising event.
Please welcome our club’s new Fundraising
Coordinator, Michel Jean, taking over from MarieClaude Dallaire. We are grateful to Marie-Claude
for her tremendous dedication.
disease group and are participating in
their event in September with a hot dog
sale. We also collected a van full of food
for the food bank.
We signed up several new Ambassadors
at a very successful open house held in
TELUS Day of Giving was a huge
success, with a sea of green shirts
sweeping the city and cleaning,
painting, feeding the homeless, packing
backpacks with school supplies and
making Comfort Kits. A BBQ wrapped
up our events and was enjoyed by our
We look forward to another year of
helping to give where we live.
Surrounded by executive members of the Rimouski Ambassadors, Kathleen Julien (second from the left), general manager
of La Débrouille, accepts a donation of $ 1,250.
On May 31, the Rimouski TELUS Community
thanks to the generosity of our community and
Ambassadors held our annual garage sale.
TELUS team members.’’
Dozens of volunteers participated, helping raise
$1,250 for La Débrouille, a local charity.
“The annual Ambassadors garage sale is a great
opportunity to get together with friends and
colleagues and to help people in need. What a
great way to shop knowing that the profit will be
distributed to our community,” says Jean-Pierre
Paradis, member of the Rimouski Community
Ambassadors executive and garage sale leader.
“We are thrilled to announce that in two years
we have raised $3,000 for La Débrouille
Page 8
In total, nearly 500 visitors contributed to the
success of the garage sale and gave a second
life to various used objects, including books,
clothes, kitchen tools and children’s toys.
The garage sale took place during TELUS Day
of Giving in Rimouski, an annual tradition where
employees give back to the community. More
than 500 Rimouski team members and TELUS
retirees, along with their families and friends
participated in approximately 15 activities
organized to help local charities.
Community Corner – TELUS Community Ambassadors
Community Ambassadors club updates
Toronto East
The Toronto East club continued to promote
engagement through multiple initiatives
encouraging spirited volunteerism. In August,
we raised more than $500 for Autism Canada
with a basketball shootout and stuffed over
300 backpacks with school supplies for kids.
We made a splash at our dunk tank fundraiser
to launch the annual United Way Campaign.
Toronto Central Community Ambassadors hosted a volunteer recognition event entitled “We Love Our Ambassadors.”
Ambassadors Zelma Kelly (Emerging Leader) and
So far, 2014 has been an active year for the
grateful we are for the time, spirit, energy, and
Toronto Central Community Ambassadors team!
heart they put into every volunteer activity.
a clothing and toiletries drive for organizations,
including Dress for Success and New Circles’
prom boutique, and working together towards
our pledge of $10,000 in sponsorship of a child
in need of an organ-transplant through the David
Foster Foundation, we wanted to take the time
to thank our wonderful volunteers and share how
at multiple events.
The 2013 CHLOE Awards honoured our
Toronto Central
Between our many TELUS Day of Giving activities,
We raised more than $7,000 for the United Way
We hosted a recognition event called We Love
Our Ambassadors to bring together the stories,
Julia Palatino (Community Champion).
Our team also participated in We Day, fundraisers
supporting the Philippines and Movember and
the David Foster Foundation Miracle Gala.
smiles and laughter our volunteers share with
the Toronto community every day. It was a wellattended event, filled with joy and the passion
that unites us all — giving back to the community
where we live and love.
Sunshine Coast
Every Monday, our TELUS Community
Ambassadors van is used to collect a wide range
of usable items from a local drug store and deliver
them to the St. Bart’s Food Bank.
Vancouver Community Ambassadors served over 5,000 hot dogs at the TELUS Walk to Cure Diabetes on June 8. From left
to right: Merrilee Berg, Patsy Malcolm, Barbara Lancaster, Melodie Castelein, Lenita Levine and Jennifer Baroni.
The van is also used in the yearly Kits for Kids
assembly and delivery. Kits are assembled in St.
Bartholomew’s Church Hall with the help of many
volunteers and delivered to schools from Powell
The Vancouver Community Ambassadors
many years and also manages all of the ordering
remained active with the following activities:
of supplies for both national and provincial
Assembling Kits for Kids — backpacks with
school supplies
Preparing and filling Comfort Kits with toiletries
Knitting toques, scarves, socks and blankets,
and sewing walker bags
Serving meals at the Salvation Army and
Union Gospel Mission
Selling daffodils for the Canadian Cancer
Directing traffic at the GIRO di Burnaby
bike race
The Vancouver club volunteered at the following
golf tournaments: NightShift Street Ministries,
Canuck Place, Children’s Hospital, Canadian PGA
Tour, Boston Pizza Foundation Invitational, ALS,
Arts Umbrella and more.
Congratulations to Bobby Farr, Vancouver’s
volunteer of the year.
After retiring from TELUS in 1996, Bobby
began volunteering with the TELUS Community
Ambassadors. Bobby has served as treasurer for
River to Langdale. Thanks to Jim McLeod for the
Powell River delivery.
Ambassador Programs, such as Comfort Kits and
Our club members were joined by many
Kits for Kids. Bobby was awarded the TELUS
volunteers at our TELUS Day of Giving activity,
Legends Award in 2011.
weeding the vegetable garden at the Sunshine
In addition to her work with the Ambassadors,
Bobby has been past president of her golf club
and strata council. She also served on the
TELUS Vancouver Community Board and has
been actively involved in her community through
dragon boat events, ALS Society of BC, Chimo
Community Services and various walkathons.
Bobby is caring and compassionate. She is
always looking for new opportunities to help
those less fortunate. As busy as she is, Bobby
still finds the time to enjoy the theatre, the
symphony and even a glass of wine.
A special thank you is extended to Irene Olm
Coast Botanical Garden Society in Sechelt. Each
year the Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden
Society donates more than 1,000 pounds of fresh
vegetables to the local food bank, so working in
the vegetable garden has special significance for
the local community.
Every year, Gibsons has a children’s get together
called the Duck Pluck. It is held in a local park,
and is focused on making kids happy. Many
outreach and business organizations have a
tent at the site, including our Ambassadors club.
This year we gave out TELUS WISE brochures
to promote Internet safety for kids and a TELUS
stuffed owl.
for her contribution over the years to the TELUS
Community Ambassadors. For health reasons,
Irene is unable to attend the weekly Wednesday
workshops or volunteer in the Tee Pee store.
We believe in spirited teamwork
TELUS Community Ambassadors – Community Corner
Page 9
Team member Pay Day
Lottery winners
Calendar of events
Charitable Giving deadline
October 24, 2014 (paper and online)
March 06
Kira Kirk Calgary
March 20
Becky Fogo
April 03
Walt Fillier
April 17
Michel Jolicoeur
May 01
Kevin Harris
May 15
Purple Kumai
May 29
Bakhshinder Sandhu Edmonton
June 12
Petra Lemke
June 26
Elizabeth Marini
July 10
Michael Bevans
July 24
Charles Magno
August 07
Craig Samborn
British Columbia
March 06
Kathy Skoczylas
March 20
Brian Dorman
April 03
Sarah Ueland
April 17
Seng Ooi Vancouver
May 01
Gwen Suter
Prince George
May 15
Ian Burca Vancouver
May 29
Ryan Hindley
June 12
Chris Cheung Vancouver
June 26
Kwaku Ashong Burnaby
July 10
Sean Barnard Burnaby
July 24
Reed Johnson
August 07
Max Kolganov
Gwendoline Bartell Edmonton
E. Hunter
John Hanlon Medicine Hat
Marvin Cotton
Kenneth Jacek
Sherwood Park
British Columbia*
Arlene Ungaro Richmond
Donald Mar Vancouver
May Management
Gordon Drummond Victoria
May Bargaining Unit Carol Hansen June Management
June Bargaining Unit Doreen Rosberg Jack Reid
July Management
John Pearson
Port Coquitlam
July Bargaining Unit
Gloria Secora
West Vancouver $1,172.50
* Please note that in May the BC Gaming Commission required us to split the BC Retiree
draw into two draws: one for Management and one for Bargaining Unit, which means
that in BC there are now two retiree winners per month.
In memoriam
If you would like to include the name of a TELUS retiree
who has passed away, contact Stephanie Franco at or 1-866-697-8184.
Permission from the family is required before we can post a name.
Name of retiree
Date of death
Place of residence
Roy Drewitt
January 5, 2014
Port Coquitlam
Doreen Moreton
May 21, 2014
Lillian Dowes
May 23, 2014
Ralph Ayers
June 27, 2014
Page 10
Community Corner – TELUS Community Ambassadors
Paper form: November 14, 2014
Online registration: December 31, 2014,
Midnight EST
Upcoming club events
TELUS Fall Breakfast: Vernon
TELUS Children’s Christmas Party
Saturday, October 25
Army & Navy Club
Contact Bev Fester at 250-542-7668 or
Disney’s Beauty & the Beast
Calgary: November 25 at 6:30 p.m.
Edmonton: December 2 at 6:30 p.m.
Grande Prairie: December 10 & 11
at 7 p.m.
Ticket Info:
2014 holiday luncheons and dinners
Calgary Christmas Luncheon
Vernon Retiree Christmas Luncheon
Wednesday, December 3
Centennial Legion Branch #285
9202 Horton Road SW
Doors open at 11:30 a.m. (lunch at noon)
Tickets are $15 and available at:
Elbow Park Exchange
3601 7A Street SW
■■ October 8 and 15:
10 a.m. to noon
■■ Mondays and Wednesdays from
October 20 to November 12:
10 a.m. to noon
Contact: Wendy Hoflin at 403-603-3366
Accepting food donations for the
Veteran’s Food Bank
Sunday, December 7
Doors open at noon (lunch at 1 p.m.)
Army & Navy Club, Vernon
Contact: Bev Fester at 250-542-7668 or
Central Island Christmas Lunch
50/50 retiree lottery
Dollars for Doers deadline
Thursday, December 4
Time: 11a.m. (lunch at 12:30 p.m.)
Nanaimo Golf and Country Club, Nanaimo
Cost: b
y donation
(proceeds to a local charity)
Contacts: K
aren Conway at
250-758-2288 or
Glen Husband at
250-390-6616 or
First come, first served — only 150 spots!
East Kootenay Holiday Dinner
Saturday, December 6
Bavarian Chalet, 600 Cranbrook ST N
Time: Cocktails 5:00 p.m.
Dinner 6:00 p.m.
Contact: E
dith LeClair or
Pat Wheeler
Edmonton Community Ambassador
Christmas Party
Friday, November 28
St. Josaphat’s Parish Hall
9637-108 Ave. NW, Edmonton
Time: Cocktails: 6 to 7 p.m.
Dinner: 7 p.m.
Dance: 9 p.m. to 1a.m.
Contact: L
anny Graham at
Kamloops Christmas
Dinner and Dance
Friday, December 5
Colombo Lodge
814 Lorne Street, Kamloops
Tickets go on sale November 4 at
300 Paul St. 9:30 a.m. to noon
Kelowna Retiree Christmas
Sunday, November 30
Doors open at 11 a.m. (lunch at noon)
Ramada Hotel
2170 Harvey Avenue, Kelowna
Contact: R
ick Docking at 250-861-1950,
Penticton Retiree
Christmas Luncheon
Sunday, December 7
Doors open at 11 a.m. (lunch at noon)
Penticton Lakeside Resort
Contact: Rogie at 250-492-6122 or
John Wilson at 250-498-6612
Prince George Holiday Dinner
Saturday, December 6
Reception 6:00 pm
Prince George Civic Center
Contact: Lorri Kidd
Sunshine Coast Holiday Luncheon
Thursday, December 4
Time: 11:30 a.m.
Sunshine Coast Golf & Country Club
South Island Retiree
Christmas Lunch
Friday, December 5
Time: 11:30 a.m.
Uplands Golf Club
3300 Cadboro Bay Road, Victoria
Contact: Cathy Brankston at
Upper Island Christmas Luncheon
Sunday, December 7
Filberg Centre, Courtenay
Time: 1 to 4 p.m.
Contact: Gordon Cromer at
250-923-4668 or and
Kirsten Jeffrey at
250-757-9776 or
Vancouver Christmas Dinner
Saturday, November 29
Brian Canfield Centre, Burnaby
West Kootenay Community
Ambassador Christmas Dinner
Saturday, December 13
Best Western Baker Street Inn, Nelson
Time: Happy Hour at 6 p.m. Dinner at 7 p.m.
Contact: Isabel Wiese at 250-352-3418
Key contacts for
TELUS Community Ambassadors
Corporate contacts
British Columbia
TELUS Community
B.C. 50/50 lottery
Patti Armstrong
6 – 768 Seymour Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3K9
Stephanie Franco
1-866-697-8184 (toll free)
Team TELUS Cares
Dollars for Doers and Team
TELUS Charitable Giving
1-855-697-8183 (toll free)
Pension contacts
AB/B.C. and QC pension
B.C. TWU pension
Jane Olsen
Payment clerk
Retiree Customer
Service Concerns
SOS support team will respond within 48 hours
Club contacts
Alberta 50/50 lottery
Alberta provincial programs
Gary Silsbe
Marilyn Papp
Lesley Ritchie
Calgary workshop
Bonnie Frederick
Linda Ardiel
Edmonton workshop
Ross Simpson
(Tues. and Thurs.only)
B.C. provincial programs
Bobby Farr
Central Island
Glen Husband
Karen Conway
Kootenay East
Edith LeClair
Les Radcliffe
Fraser Valley
Linda Jackson
Evelyn Finlayson
Pat Bauer
Judy Haynes
Al Tiller
Prince George
Jean Brien
Lorri Kidd
Salmon Arm
Pat MacLeod
South Island
Kootenay West
Marge Witton
Bette Craig
Need more information?
Please contact Stephanie at
stephanie.‌franco@‌telus.‌com or at 1‑866‑697‑8184
Brenda Simpson
Terry Wright
Toronto Central
Go green:
Get TELUS bills and Community Corner
Crystal Brummell
Toronto East
online and by email
Did you know you can receive your TELUS bill and
Community Corner newsletter online and by email?
Vonnette Cooper
Going paperless will save you time and money
and reduce the amount of paper used by TELUS.
Here’s how:
Join the 1.28 million TELUS customers who
have gone paperless.
Fatima Atik
Quebec City
Visit to sign up for TELUS eBill.
Jo-Ann Bourque
Get Community Corner delivered
straight to your inbox — contact us at
Josée Lévesque
Atlantic Canada
Jaye Lisson
Sunshine Coast
Manjit Kang
Red Deer
Upper Island
Tim Mearns
Gordon Cromer
Shirley Harris
Sandy Hart
Colleen Dix
Robert Hope
250-658-0171 | 250-213-2669
Maureen Yip
Medicine Hat
TELUS Community Ambassadors – Community Corner
Page 11
See inside for the complete story
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Helping kids start
the school year right
your inbox.
com to have the online version of Community Corner sent directly to
version only. Send an email to teluscommunityambassadors@telus.
Our spring issues of Community Corner will be available in an online
Don’t want to miss a newsletter?
community ambassadors
community ambassadors
What’s inside: Thank you for giving back at TELUS Day of Giving > Helping
kids start the school year right > Helping community champions give back
to their community > Stepping up for a cure: TELUS Walk to Cure Diabetes >
Recognizing your efforts to give back: Dollars for Doers and Team TELUS
Charitable Giving > TELUS leadership progression >
Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to:
TELUS leadership progression
(see page 3)
TELUS Community Ambassadors
Community Investment and Engagement
6 – 768 Seymour Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3K9
Publications Mail Agreement No. 41273519
Registration No. 7235595