Seven states send troopers to hurricane
Seven states send troopers to hurricane Seven states send troopers to hurricane-ravaged New Jersey Troopers from seven states – 280 in all – traveled to New Jersey to assist with ongoing security, patrol, and recovery operations in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, as part of the Emergency Management Assistance Compact. Thank you to the troopers who traveled from these states to assist with the disaster in New Jersey: Louisiana State Police, Maine State Police, Maryland State Police, Michigan State Police, Mississippi Highway Patrol, Pennsylvania State Police, and Vermont State Police. Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey Volume 22, Issue 1 Winter 2013 reminded residents that when Hurricanes Katrina and Andrew struck, many New Jersey officers selflessly helped with rescue and recovery efforts in Louisiana, Florida, and other hard-hit areas, stating that the mutual support and service has come full Mississippi Troopers are sworn in as New Jersey troopers. circle as officers from those states came to New Jersey in the aftermath of Sandy. These deployments were made under An officer with the Montoloking, N.J., Police Department points out storm damage to Tpr. Jim Gillespie and Sgt. Richard Dragomer of the Michigan State Police. Sandy is estimated to have caused more than $20 billion in damage to areas in the Northeast. the provisions of the EMAC mutual aid agreement between the states. Visiting troopers reported to the Joint Base at McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst for a swearing-in ceremony with New Jersey Attorney General Jeffrey S. Chiesa and then began helping local, county, and state law enforcement officers. “As Americans we have always found a way to come together during times of hardship, and in the past New Jerseyans have stepped up to help when called upon,” Chiesa said. “There is a brotherhood in law enforcement and a spirit of service, both of which are exemplified by these officers from state police agencies, who are standing shoulder to shoulder with New Jersey officers to protect our residents.” The emergency deployment of Louisiana troopers in the early morning hours of Election Day, Nov. 6, threw a kink in their voting plans, but the Louisiana Secretary of State’s Office solved the problem for the absentee voters by allowing them to fax their vote back from New Jersey. “This was huge. Our troopers Continued on page 3 © American Association of State Troopers, Inc. 2013. All Rights Reserved. From the President’s Pen Keith Barbier Fellow Troopers, Highway Patrol Officers, and State Police Officers: a minority with the patrol was often difficult in the 60s, which made Claude work even harder, determined to help those coming behind him realize their This issue of the dreams as well. In fact, the commissioner Connection is dedicated to assigned Claude the task of recruiting two Tennessee troopers who more black officers. Thanks to efforts that have provided unyielding began with Claude Johnson, today about leadership to AAST, giving a 11 percent of the THP’s commissioned combined 39 years of service troopers are minorities. to your Association. Claude has always supported and Claude Johnson, an AAST member promoted the AAST Scholarship since 1991, began serving AAST as Foundation. Several years ago he national second vice president in 1995 invited his good friend, Isaac Hayes, a and was then elected in 2005 to his songwriter who won an Academy Award most recent position of national third for writing the music for the movie Shaft, vice president. to contribute to the Foundation. Isaac Claude was hired in September 1965 was a regular contributor until his death by the Tennessee Highway Patrol as the in 2008. first black trooper in the South. He served Claude decided to step down from in every DPS position until 1990, when the AAST board of directors but will he retired as the assistant director of the continue serving on the AAST Trooper Tennessee Bureau of Investigation after of the Year selection committee and will 27 years of service. be available any other time he is needed. He served as assistant chief of Claude is a dedicated public servant, even security at the governor’s office and 22 years after his retirement from the served over 20 years as chief of security Tennessee DPS. for the Legislative Caucus. Of all his One thing that stands out when I think accomplishments, Claude will tell you of Claude is that at every board meeting, that he is most proud that he retired with without fail, Claude made sure the board 100 percent conviction rate while serving recognized the hardworking staff at as investigative coordinator, in which AAST HQ. He didn’t consider the high capacity his job was to assist agents rank he achieved in his career or with having difficulties attaining convictions AAST a place to rule over people, but with some of the toughest cases. a place to work alongside people for a Claude’s childhood dream was to common goal. become a Tennessee trooper. Being Thank you, Claude, for your many years of wisdom, input, and thoughtfulness. We are honored that you will still be involved with AAST as we have the daunting task each year of selecting a national Trooper of the Year from a vast pool of extraordinary candidates. Robert F. “Bob” Yoakum is another Tennessee state trooper who provided invaluable leadership and service to AAST. Bob Johnson 2008 Johnson 1965 began serving as AAST’s Ten- nessee state director in 1990 and served in that capacity until his Oct. 21 death at the age of 75, becoming the longest-serving state director in AAST history. He also served on the AAST Scholarship Foundation board of directors and for several years reviewed every single scholarship essay submitted by potenYoakum tial scholarship recipients. Bob fought a tough battle with cancer for two years and during his illness was a constant reminder of hope, dignity, and courage. Until two weeks before his death, Bob was working on AAST scholarship business. He was passionate about the Scholarship Foundation. Bob retired from the Tennessee Highway Patrol in 1995 with the rank of lieutenant after 35 years of service. He was tough as nails, stuck to his convictions with vigor, but was a soft teddy bear any time anyone mentioned his granddaughters. Bob is survived by his son, daughter, son-in-law, and two granddaughters. His passing has left a hole in many areas of AAST. We will miss Bob and his keen sense of humor, and we deeply appreciate his giving so willingly to his country, his state, and to AAST. Always remember: Every day’s a holiday, and every meal’s a feast. Fraternally, Keith Barbier President Follow AAST on Facebook! Get important news feeds and interesting links on our Facebook page, and stay connected with troopers around the country. Become a fan today! 2____________________________________________________________________________ AAST Trooper Connection Winter 2013 HURRICANE-RAVAGED NEW JERSEY Continued from front page volunteered to take this duty. We simply could not disenfranchise them for making a choice to help the suffering citizens of New Jersey,” said LSP superintendent Col. Mike Edmonson. “The ability to cast a vote is at the heart of our democracy. Being allowed to do so while on emergency deployment shows the commitment of Louisiana citizens both here in Louisiana and in the devastated communities of New Jersey.” Other state police and highway patrol agencies were on standby at press time, in A Vermont case storm-torn areas needed trooper surveys damage in a additional state troopers. New Jersey shore community devastated EMAC enables a by Sandy. Troopers from several states took disaster-impacted state a temporary oath of office in New Jersey to to request and receive uphold state laws. assistance from other member states quickly and efficiently. All costs associated with deploying resources under EMAC are paid for by the requesting state. Members of EMAC include all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. New Jersey’s wintry weather created a different type of hurricane recovery scene for Louisiana troopers, who are all too familiar with the devastating effects of hurricanes. National Officers Keith Barbier President Trooper Connection® is the official publication of the American Association of State Troopers, Inc. and is published quarterly as a service to AAST members in conjunction with American Graphics & Design, Inc., President: Jenny DeBack Graphic Designer: Emily McKenna Bylined articles contain opinions of the writers and do not necessarily reflect AAST policy. AAST Trooper Connection AAST Headquarters 1949 Raymond Diehl Road Tallahassee, FL 32308 (800) 765-5456 Angie Ishee, Editor We want to hear from you! Trooper Connection® welcomes your comments, articles, and article ideas. We also encourage you to send photographs along with your articles. Please contact the Public Relations Department: AAST Public Relations Dept. (800) 477-9860 E-mail: Visit AAST online: © Copyright American Association of State Troopers, Inc. 2013 Jeff Lane First Vice President Chris Ricks Second Vice President Bubba Blue Third Vice President Kenneth Musick Secretary J.D. Johnson Treasurer Winter 2013____________________________________________________________________________ 3 AAST salutes Trooper of Year nominees The AAST Trooper of the Year award is presented annually to a state trooper who exemplified traits of an outstanding law enforcement officer in the previous year. As we reported at length in the Fall 2012 issue of the Connection, Sgt. Gregory L. Stalnaker, 43, of the West Virginia State Police was named the American Association of State Troopers 2012 Trooper of the Year for his selfless act of courage in the line of duty on Feb. 16, 2011, when he shot and killed a suspect who was firing at officers attempting to serve a warrant. In July Stalnaker and his wife were treated by AAST to an all expense paid trip to Atlanta to receive his award and a cash gift of $1,000. We recognize the nominees for the Trooper of the Year Award by describing the efforts for which each was nominated. Each nomination is submitted by someone in the agency and is endorsed by the head of the agency. Arkansas State Police – Chris Goodman Tpr. Goodman is known for his outstanding work as a member of the ASP Criminal Interdiction Team, consistently locating large amounts of drugs and currency. In one event alone in 2011, he seized $2.3 million in U.S. currency, a seizure linked to a major drug trafficking organization. California Highway Patrol – Joseph Heightman On Oct. 30, 2011, Ofcr. Heightman rescued a victim from a burning vehicle following a traffic crash. Heightman suffered smoke inhalation when he entered the burning vehicle and extricated the man by cutting his jammed seatbelt and unpinning his legs from the steering column. Delaware State Police – Troy Ralston Cpl. Ralston was en route to court Jan. 11, 2011, on his day off when he suffered second degree burns while rescuing the driver of a burning vehicle following a crash. The seatbelt had to be cut from the driver and his legs unpinned from the steering wheel before the trooper could move him to a safe location to administer CPR, moments before the vehicle exploded in flames. Florida Highway Patrol – Stanley Rice Tpr. Rice helped save the life of his distraught neighbor Aug. 9, 2011, when he observed that the man’s behavior was awry. Aware that a handgun was in the home, Rice did not hesitate to enter the house and voluntarily take an annual leave day to help the man deal with his problems and to seek professional help. Rice’s cognizance of a person’s desperate state and his communication skills likely saved the neighbor’s life. Indiana State Police – Daniel Avitia, Michael Carroll Sr. Tpr. Avitia encountered a series of events in 2011 to which he responded decisively, professionally, and in an exemplary manner. On June 20, 2011, he and another trooper helped save the life of a choking man, and in August, with the assistance of his bilingual skills, he provided extensive help to an elderly man attempting to make his way to New York. In November he dealt successfully with a suicidal woman. Tpr. Carroll was off duty Jan. 16, 2011, when he helped rescue a woman from a burning van following a crash. With the help of a passerby, Carroll removed the woman after unpinning her burning leg. After the men rolled her in the snow to extinguish the flames, they moved her a safe distance from the vehicle, which was then fully engulfed in flames. Kentucky State Police – Scott McIntosh Det. McIntosh enlisted the help of the Drug Enforcement Administration as he led an intense narcotics investigation with perseverance from Dec. 2007 through Nov. 2011 in Estill County, after which time 18 arrests were made involving numerous federal indictments for distribution of a controlled substance. Several federal search warrants were executed, resulting in a 100 percent conviction rate. Massachusetts State Police – Stephen Gregorczyk Tpr. Gregorczyk and three police officers approached a vehicle where a murder suspect was hiding in the trunk. The suspect opened the trunk and fired at the officers, with a shot striking Gregorczyk in the chest and a shot hitting another officer. Both officers were saved by ballistic vests. Using striking techniques, Gregorczyk helped wrestle the gun away from the suspect and take him into custody. Missouri State Highway Patrol – D. Mark Hedrick With the help of a fellow trooper and local officers, Cpl. Hedrick devised a plan to search for a dangerous fugitive. Following the suspect attempting to run over Hedrick and a subsequent vehicle pursuit, the suspect crashed his vehicle. The suspect brandished a gun, causing Hedrick to respond with gunfire. The suspect had shot himself, as well as being shot by Hedrick. The fugitive died at the scene. New Mexico State Police – Thomas Long Ofcr. Long executed an emergency landing in NMSP Aircraft 606 when the helicopter experienced mechanical problems and began to spin almost uncontrollably. Long’s outstanding aerial skills allowed the helicopter to land without damage and all crewmembers to escape without injury. New York State Police – James Conway Sgt. Conway was off duty when he saved the life of a 71-year-old woman when he rescued her from a vehicle that had crashed into a pond. Without hesitation, Conway entered the chilly water to reach the vehicle, but the doors would not open. The passenger’s air supply was quickly diminishing when Conway broke a window and rescued her. The vehicle then sank. 4____________________________________________________________________________ AAST Trooper Connection Winter 2013 North Carolina State Highway Patrol – Bennie Grady Tpr. Grady’s extensive off-duty involvement in the community of Goldsboro, N.C., totaled over 200 hours in the summer of 2011. He enlisted the help of local businesses and organized a Community Day for children’s safety and child seat awareness, which raised over half a year’s funding in donations for the local Safe Kids chapter. Grady’s continued civic efforts and community service help ensure the safety of children in his community. Ohio State Highway Patrol – William Elschlager, Timothy Gossett, Anik LePage While off duty in March 2011 Sgt. Elschlager was unarmed when he helped a local officer apprehend an armed suspect using takedown techniques learned at the OSHP Academy, as well as pressure point techniques, to control the suspect, who was later determined to have a loaded handgun and a pocketknife on his person. Tpr. Gossett rescued an intoxicated driver from a burning vehicle on Dec. 6, 2011. The vehicle was soon engulfed in flames, and while the driver received burns to his feet, Gossett helped save his life. Tpr. LePage was offduty on July 6, 2011, when she helped apprehend a kidnapping and attempted aggravated robbery suspect. When a vehicle sped erratically into a parking lot where LePage was talking to a friend, she helped locate and apprehend the passenger who attempted to rob the driver at gunpoint and then fled into nearby woods. Oregon State Police – Gregory Costanzo Sr. Tpr. Costanzo, a dedicated drug detection canine handler, helped the department obtain its first detection canines in 2004, and the OSP currently has seven across the state. He and his canine partner are in high demand by the OSP and other agencies and intercept large amounts of controlled substances and currency on a regular basis, including 177.5 pounds of marijuana and 83 pounds of cocaine in 2011 alone. AAST Trooper Connection Rhode Island State Police – RISP Violent Fugitive Task Force The Task Force, which receives assistance from the U.S. Marshals Service, is responsible for tracking and locating subjects wanted for predominantly violent felony crimes. In 2011 the Task Force was extremely productive, effecting 111 arrests. South Carolina Highway Patrol- Anthony Fox Sr. Tpr. Fox’s reaction and attention to detail during a November 2011 DUI traffic stop led to the arrest of a suspected murderer and burglar. Fox suspected the offender might be involved in other criminal activities, which led to the discovery of a murder, for which the DUI suspect was charged. Tennessee Highway Patrol – Dwayne Stanford Tpr. Stanford conducted a traffic stop on Sept. 28, 2011, when a passenger shot him in the chest. Stanford, protected by his ballistic vest, returned fire and killed his assailant. It was later learned that these subjects were wanted in Kentucky for arson and in Tennessee for armed robbery and kidnapping. Texas DPS – Christopher Cash, Adam Sweaney, Texas Rangers Company “E” Tpr. Cash exhibits a strong work ethic and drive to work criminal patrol, with a daily goal of apprehending criminals and making his community safer. In 2011 Cash arrested 96 criminals with 21 criminal interdiction arrests, resulting in the seizure of 439 pounds of marijuana, 3,171 grams of hydrocodone, 1,142 grams of cocaine, and many other drugs. Throughout 2011, Tpr. Sweaney was a significant factor in removing illegal drugs and currency from Texas roadways, becoming the single most active Commercial Motor Vehicle interdictor in the state. In 2011 he was responsible for six drug seizures totaling 14,582 pounds of marijuana, 25 kilos of cocaine, and a currency seizure of $173,190. He received several awards for his efforts in 2011. From 2008-2011, Texas Rangers Company “E” was instrumental in the intense investigation of the 1,700-acre Yearning for Zion Ranch, led by Warren Steeds Jeffs of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter – Day Saints. The investigation resulted in the most evidence seized in a Texas DPS investigation in the agency’s history: 928 boxes of evidence resulting in the removal of 468 children from the ranch and the grand jury indictment of 12 members on 25 felony charges of aggravated sexual assault of a child, bigamy, and performing illegal marriage ceremonies. Virginia State Police – Becky Curl, Jason Hypes On May 30, 2011, Sgt. Curl and Tpr. Hypes shot and wounded an off-duty deputy sheriff who had just shot and killed his ex-wife and led police on a pursuit. The deputy shot and injured another VSP trooper before being confronted by Curl and Hypes and had begun shooting at the troopers with an assault rifle. AAST salutes the men and women who were nominated for this prestigious award. The deadline to submit nominations is March 30 each year. Nomination details are mailed to each state police and highway patrol director. For further information, call 800-765-5456. Winter 2013____________________________________________________________________________ 5 News from Connecticut H Connecticut State Police fires new weapons The Connecticut State Police says criminals are footing the $280,000 bill for replacing state troopers’ 16-year-old weapons with new, highercaliber handguns. CSP troopers traded their .40-caliber Sig Sauer pistols for 1,250 new .45-caliber Sig Sauer guns in the fall. These weapons are made in New Hampshire, and the Connecticut Troopers Firearms Training News from indiana Unit has started the training and distribution of the new weapons. CSP spokesman Lt. J. Paul Vance says the entire cost is being paid for with money seized in federal and state investigations of drug dealers and other criminals, under the federal asset forfeiture program. Vance says CSP replaces their handguns every 10 to 12 years. P Officers repay troopers in time of need Thin Blue Line unites The year was 2005. The date: Aug. 29. Hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast, killing nearly 2,000 people and wreaking immeasurable destruction along the Gulf Coast from central Florida to Texas. Following the hurricane, many states sent troopers to aid in recovery efforts. One state has been paid back during their own time of need. The Indiana State Police sent over 100 troopers to Biloxi, Miss., to assist the citizens, patrol the streets and neighborhoods, and to provide much-needed relief for the Biloxi Police Department so their officers could get their lives back together following Katrina. Fast forward to March 2, 2012, when a tornado outbreak devastated southern Indiana, chiefly Henryville. The homes of two troopers were destroyed, while two other troopers’ homes sustained substantial damage. When the national media attention of the destruction reached Biloxi, officers who had benefited from the assistance of Indiana troopers almost seven years earlier wanted to return the favor. The Biloxi Police Department held fundraisers and collected over $9,000 for the four Indiana troopers. On Oct. 16, two officers from the Biloxi PD hand delivered a check to the ISP Alliance at the ISP Post at Sellersburg, who Indiana troopers whose homes were destroyed or severely damin turn distributed the aged by March tornadoes stand with the Mississippi officers who money to help the helped raise thousands of dollars for the troopers. affected troopers. Indiana troopers take first, second in SWAT contest The Indiana State Police proved their prowess in a September SWAT competition. Teams came from around Indiana, as well as two teams from Illinois, for a threeday SWAT competition, in which the ISP Emergency Response Section North Squad finished number one, and the ISP Central Squad finished number two. The competition included five team events involving marksmanship, physical agility, and endurance, and four events geared toward individual marksmanship, agility, and endurance. In addition to winning the team competition, Indiana state troopers finished in first place in the individual obstacle course, pistol competition, and sniper competition. “The greatest benefit from the competition is the opportunity to interact with other tactical teams from throughout the state,” said Lt. Mark French of the Emergency Response Section. “This familiarity pays dividends when it is necessary to come together in a mutual aid situation.” French added that the competitive environment is also beneficial in allowing teams to check and adjust their training standards. These members of the U.S. Army asked Indiana troopers to take a photo with them at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway following the Two teams of Indiana troopers took top honors among Brickyard 400 last summer. the state’s SWAT teams. Heroes in uniform 6____________________________________________________________________________ AAST Trooper Connection Winter 2013 Mississippi remains top gun Representing AAST, Odie Hitt of the Texas DPS, left, presents Dan Rawlinson of the Mississippi Highway Patrol a certificate from Sig Sauer for a pistol of his choice. Rawlinson is the three-time winner of AAST’s High Scoring State Trooper Award. For the third straight year, M/Sgt. Dan Rawlinson, 37, of the Mississippi Highway Patrol claimed the High Scoring State Trooper Award in the National Police Shooting Championships, winning a pistol provided by Sig Sauer. Rawlinson’s score of 6,095 with 332x earned him first place among state trooper competitors in the annual NPSC, held Sept. 16-20 in Albuquerque, N.M. His score placed him 6th overall among 300+ competitors. “I’m proud to again receive the AAST award presented to the high-scoring trooper,” Rawlinson said. “It’s humbling to be recognized among such outstanding competitors at the national matches.” News from Alabama First held in 1962, the NRA-sponsored matches incorporate real law enforcement shooting skills. Competitors start with guns holstered and fire timed matches with both revolvers and semi-automatic pistols from varying distances and positions. The aggregate scores from the revolver and semiautomatic pistol matches are used to crown a national champion, with center shots known as Xs being used as tie-breakers. Other troopers also placed in individual matches, including Odie Hitt, Texas DPS, first place in the service revolver match; and Kevin McPherson, New Mexico State Police, third place in the revolver match. Troopers who placed in team events included McPherson and Andy Baldridge of the NMSP who placed second in the two-officer semi-automatic match. The Mississippi Highway Patrol team of Rawlinson, Gregory Barfield, George Brown, and Dennis Weaver placed third in the four-man semi-auto match. AAST sponsored its annual dinner, where state troopers gathered the night before the matches to enjoy remarkable camaraderie and great food. AAST was proud to once again sponsor the High Scoring State Trooper Award for the NPSC, widely considered the world’s most prestigious law enforcement shooting competition. We thank Sig Sauer for their generosity in providing the AAST High Scoring Trooper Award this year. Ofcr. Mike Jerd of the California Highway Patrol reloads during a match. Elizabeth Whitfield of the New Mexico State Police team fires during a match. B Patrol captain honored for civil rights role In August, Amelia Boynton Robinson celebrated her 101st birthday by presenting her 2012 Legacy Award to a member of the Alabama Department of Public Safety’s family for her role in furthering civil rights. During a presentation in Tuskegee, Boynton Robinson presented the prestigious award to Capt. Agatha Windsor, commander of the Highway Patrol’s Troop D (Selma and Tuscaloosa). “This special award will deeply serve as a reminder to me of the long and difficult moments, days, years and lifelong struggle – endured – to make a better life for my generation, those behind me, and for the future generations to come,” Windsor said. “My career as a troop commander with the Alabama State Troopers and this award could not have been achieved without the inspiration I have received from such people as the students who AAST Trooper Connection ‘sat in’ at the lunch counters, four little girls of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, Rosa Parks, the sanitation workers, Phillip Paradise, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the unknown and unsung heroes – and the event’s honoree, Mrs. Amelia Boynton Robinson. Thank you, Mrs. Robinson, for your vision and labor to make a better world for all people.” Boynton Robinson, a Tuskegee University alumna, is a leading civil rights activist who played a key role in efforts that led to the passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Windsor was selected for her personal achievements within the DPS and her humanistic and professional efforts on behalf of civil rights. Capt. Agatha Windsor, left, stands by Amelia Boynton Robinson upon receiving the prestigious Legacy Award. Winter 2013____________________________________________________________________________ 7 New troopers across U.S. AAST congratulates the new state troopers who have completed months of rigorous training in their respective states. The departments below have welcomed new troopers recently. In spite of budget cuts affecting all departments nationwide, we are proud to see that new troopers are being added in numerous states. Virginia State Police Michigan State Police Florida Highway Patrol New Mexico State Police New York State Police 8____________________________________________________________________________ AAST Trooper Connection Winter 2013 Delaware State Police South Dakota Highway Patrol Montana Highway Patrol Oklahoma Highway Patrol Georgia State Patrol Trooper has date with destiny Four men with prior law enforcement experience started their careers as Alaska State Troopers in October, with one of the men starting his second career wearing trooper blue. After 10 years as a trooper, Eric Olsen’s first career was cut short by a terrible car crash while in Kodiak in 2005. He spent seven long years recuperating – first learning how to walk again, and then trying to get to a point where he could rejoin his “brothers and sisters in blue,” Olsen said. He first returned to the Alaska DPS as an investigator for the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board. However, his heart was set on wearing the uniform again. Olsen got that wish when he and other lateral hires Pete Steen of the Palmer Police Department, Charles Withers of the Ted Stevens International Airport Police and Fire Department, and James Eyester of the Chester Field County, Va., Police Department underwent training as Alaska troopers. The four Tprs. Eric Olsen, Charles Withers, Pete Steen, and James Eyester, proudly show their Alaska State Troopers badges following their graduated Nov. 16. November graduation. AAST Trooper Connection Winter 2013____________________________________________________________________________ 9 Shots from Around the Country Proud daddy in uniform Troopers work political conventions More than 500 members of the Florida Highway Patrol were assigned to the 2012 Republican National Convention detail, held in August in Tampa. Sworn troopers, along with auxiliary troopers, support personnel, and duty officers from the FHP regional communication centers participated in mobile field force, transportation, security, patrol operations, communications, and support functions. A smaller contingent of Florida troopers worked vehicle traffic screening at the Democratic National Conventional in Charlotte, N.C. Troopers secure debate Les Williams, KSP, photo Tpr. Ramiro P. Contreras of the Colorado State Patrol holds his 5-day-old baby girl, Cadence, Kentucky State Police troopers review traffic plans for the vice presidential debate, held in Danville on Oct. 11 who is his and wife, Robin’s, first child. between Vice President Joe Biden and Congressman Paul Ryan. KSP worked with local law enforcement in support of federal agencies to provide security and traffic control services for the event. Wounded warriors welcomed M/Tpr. Dusty Arnold and R/Sgt. Chip Bedingfield of the Florida Highway Patrol welcomed wounded service members when Florida State University hosted members of the Wounded Warrior Project at a September football game. Famous face Tpr. Michael McDonald of the Michigan State Police was recently featured in a statewide “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” drunk driving enforcement campaign. McDonald could be seen on billboards and in television ads across Michigan. 10A�������������������������������������������������������������������������� AAST Trooper Connection Winter 2013 Troopers carry Honor Flag 9/11 event honors Kansas troopers attended the Honoring Heroes event that took place in Topeka, Kan., on 9/11. Various first responders, including the Kansas Highway Patrol, were honored at the event. Trooper provides football safety Sr. Tpr. Jason Stedman of the Oregon State Police works the crowd at the Oregon State University/Arizona State University football game on Nov. 3, where OSU picked up the win. With an OSP patrol office on its campus, OSU is the only Oregon college with OSP coverage at athletic events. An Oklahoma trooper hands off the U.S. Honor Flag to a Kansas trooper in June as it was en route to Denver for a police officer’s funeral. For more details about the flag program, visit Child seat safety Motor troopers take first Officers Mike Cruz, left, and Johnny Vijil of the New Mexico State Police received first place in the category of Motorcycles and Motorcycle Clubs at the 2012 state fair parade, being judged on the appearance of both themselves and their motorcycles. Vehicle variety TFC Justin Bertrand of the Louisiana State Police explains the proper usage and installation of a parent’s child safety seat during National Seat Check Saturday in September in Alexandria, La. While every LSP troop is a NHTSA child seat inspection station, troopers and various local partners participated in National Child Passenger Week by sponsoring child safety seat check events throughout the state, when over 400 seats were evaluated. AAST Trooper Connection College teams honor troopers Marshall University and West Virginia University football teams honored slain troopers Cpl. Marshall Bailey and Tpr. Eric Workman during a September game with decals on their helmets depicting the troopers’ unit numbers. This fully marked Dodge Charger is one of the many vehicles in the South Carolina Highway Patrol arsenal, which also includes Crown Vics, Chevy Impalas, motorcycles, and a fully equipped pick-up truck for the department’s Multi-disciplinary Accident Investigation Team. Winter 2013___________________________________________________________________________ 11 News from missouri a Golf tourney, book bring in bucks for trooper group A Missouri trooper is using a creative way to help raise funds for the MASTERS. Tpr. Terry Bible spent News from CAlifornia countless hours gathering stories and photos to create the book I Am the Guy Who Is the Boss on This Highway, an unofficial compilation of funny, enlightening, and entertaining stories from retired Missouri troopers. Proceeds from the book are donated to the MASTERS. Books are $10 each, plus $3 shipping for one book, and $1 extra for each additional book shipped to the same address. To order The Boss while helping support the MASTERS, call or e-mail Terry: 417-527-1598 F Maj. Thomas Roam chips onto the green as Capt. Randall Beydler (ret.) watches. The 41st Missouri State Highway Patrol Golf Tournament hosted the largest number of teams in recent memory, raising $3,400 for the Missouri Association of State Troopers Emergency Relief Society. Over the past three CHP cadets give back to community Community service is an integral part of training to become a CHP officer. Safety, Service, and Security is more than just a motto for the California Highway Patrol; it is a way of life. As part of their training curriculum, cadets from the CHP Academy in West Sacramento experienced firsthand the positive impact service can have within the community. This summer cadets from the CHP Academy’s senior class donated their time and energies to the Sacramento Children’s Home, performing general clean-up and maintenance tasks throughout the grounds, as well as painting and landscaping. The cadets built picnic tables, put up a basketball hoop for the children, and installed a sprinkler system. “These men and women joined the CHP to serve their community,” said CHP Commissioner Joe Farrow. “The opportunity decades, the MASTERS organization has provided extensive support for families of troopers killed in the line of duty. First place winners in the championship flight included Lt. Michael W. Cross and Tpr. Jason M. Cross. tional program includes a community project as part of the training curriculum. “The cadets’ hard work really enhances the quality of life for the children,” said Roy Alexander, Chief Executive Officer for the Children’s Home. “We really appreciate all of their efforts; these young men and women bring an infectious, positive attitude to the Children’s Home.” The class of nearly 70 cadets graduated from the academy in October, becoming officers assigned to CHP area offices throughout California. to do that begins before they even take the oath. Throughout their time spent at the CHP Academy, cadets develop an even greater appreciation of that commitment to service.” To reinforce the importance of contributing to the community in which the cadets serve, the academy’s 27-week instruc- CHP cadets install a basketball goal at the Sacramento Children’s Home. 12A�������������������������������������������������������������������������� AAST Trooper Connection Winter 2013 News from Mississippi Z Troopers run for children Mississippi troopers were part of the law enforcement group running to raise money for hospitalized children. News from new york h New York troopers first to train on electric vehicle safety In October New York state troopers became the first police officers in the nation to receive training on the safety of electric and hybrid-electric vehicles. More than 40 New York State Police collision investigators received training aimed at preventing injuries or deaths when responding to motor vehicles involving electric vehicles, and the investigators will subsequently train all New York State Police troopers statewide. The Electric Vehicle Safety Training Program for Law Enforcement, developed over the past year in conjunction with the National Fire Protection Association, will be offered by NFPA to police agencies nationwide. NFPA’s training was developed as part of a nationwide effort to help prepare first responders for the growing number of electric and hybrid vehicles on the road today, providing information on how to most effectively deal with emergency situations involving extended-range, hybrid, and electric vehicles. While all motor vehicle crashes are potentially hazardous, electric and hybrid- Hundreds of law enforcement graduates of the Mississippi Law Enforcement Officers’ Training Academy converged on the Capitol City to raise money for the Blair E. Batson Children’s Hospital at the University of Mississippi Medical Center September 7. MLEOTA Assistant Director Lt. Thomas Tuggle said the third annual run had 115 participants and donations from other officers who could not attend this year’s event. The group, which consisted of several Mississippi state troopers, raised over $1,600. “Our officers not only care about our communities; we care about the future of our electric vehicles are characterized by high voltage electric propulsion systems, which are significantly different than those found in conventional vehicles. Although they are designed with a variety of safety systems, electric and hybrid-vehicles present unique concerns for emergency responders if those systems are compromised as a result of a motor vehicle crash. The New York State Police has joined forces with the NFPA to ensure that its troopers will be prepared to recognize those potential hazards. “Our troopers are often the first on the scene of motor vehicle crashes, so it is critical they are cognizant of any hazards to themselves, the vehicle occupants, or other emergency responders,” said Maj. Robin H. Benziger, NYSP director of training. “I’m grateful to the NFPA for sharing their knowledge with the New York State Police and the broader law enforcement community.” The department began working with specific manufacturers to distribute electric vehicle safety information to police agencies in 2009, but had no formal training in place until now. communities as well,” Tuggle said. “And this is about the children. Raising money for the Batson Children’s Hospital is yet another way our law enforcement officers dedicate their time and money to protect our futures.” The one-mile run began at Millsaps College and ended on the UMC campus at the children’s hospital where patients and staff greeted the runners. Mississippi Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann Jr. led the run and carried the MLEOTA flag. Operated by the Mississippi DPS, MLEOTA provides training for state, county, and local law enforcement agencies in the state. Troopers in New York train on the safety of electric vehicles, which are growing in popularity across the U.S. Numerous media outlets covered the event as New York troopers became the first police officers in the U.S. to receive this training. Visit us online! See interesting trooper news and photos from around the country, and also track news within AAST. AAST Trooper Connection Winter 2013___________________________________________________________________________ 13 News from Virginia v Female troopers blazed trail Wartime gave women chance to join Virginia State Police By Tonia Moxley, The Roanoke Times handles examinations for drivers’ licenses.” By Dec. 9, 25 women including Carr were in training in Chesterfield County. There they took classes in physical fitness, military, courtesy, and traffic codes and were required to attend three hours of church every Sunday, according to the original training manual kept in Richmond. The women graduated on Christmas Eve, and were given four days of leave before taking up their posts across the state, including in Roanoke and Christiansburg. The women officers didn’t chase speeding motorists or break up fights like their male counterparts. For a monthly salary of $100 each, they did other white knuckle tasks, such as climbing into unfamiliar vehicles with new drivers eager to qualify for their first operator’s license. The women’s police auxiliary experiment came to an end in 1946, with the announcement that the state police would accept no more female applicants. Women were urged to leave the civilian, military, and police jobs they had mastered and return home. Carr didn’t leave the work force, though. She was recruited to the Arlington Police Department, where she worked in the office. By 1948, all remaining women in the auxiliary program were transferred to the Department of Motor Vehicles, which in addition to licensing vehicles took over licensing of drivers. Women weren’t seen in the state police ranks again until 1976, when Cheryl Nottingham of Charlottesville became the first female state trooper in the agency’s history. Of the 1,870 sworn officers who serve in today’s state police, 109 are women. There are no quotas for recruitment of women and minorities to the state police, agency spokeswoman Corinne Geller said. But diversifying the ranks is a major priority for the recruitment division. Much has changed in law enforcement in the 81 years since the fledgling agency that eventually grew into the Virginia State Police was established in 1932. Since then, bootlegging, rampant license plate fraud, and coal strike unrest have largely given way to drug interdiction, cyberthreats, and counterterrorism. But Evelyn Carr, pictured in 2012, was one the trooper’s pledge chanted of the first women to join the Virginia by police academy graduates State Police in 1942. today is the same one Evelyn Carr, 95, of Roanoke recited on Christmas Eve 1942, when she became one of the first women ever to join the ranks of state police. “I shall aid those in danger or distress, and shall strive always to make my state and country a safer place in which to live,” the graduates declare. “I shall wage unceasing war against crime in all its forms, and shall consider no sacrifice too great in the performance of my duty.” And while their uniforms had skirts instead of pants, Carr and her classmates were sworn law officers of the commonwealth. “We had full authority as far as police work was concerned,” Carr said. Except in one way. “Having a gun, that was the only thing,” Carr said. “They wouldn’t let us shoot.” The United States entered World War II in 1941, and a year later the need to replace workers lost to military service for a time swept away the social conventions that had kept women at home. Women were called on to fill not only civilian jobs in factories and offices, but military jobs, too. According to the nonprofit Women in Military Service Memorial, nearly 400,000 women served in special branches of the military formed in WWII to fill noncombat roles that allowed more men to be sent to the front lines. In 1942 the authorized strength of the state police was 248 men, but more than half had gone to war or left for better paying jobs. Just over 100 sworn officers remained for police duties, which in those days included patrol work and the testing and licensing of automobile drivers. In October 1942, then state police superintendent Maj. C.W. Woodson was considering the “advisability of establishing A class of the Virginia Women’s Auxiliary State Police stands a Women’s Auxiliary State Police service, for a graduation picture in their skirted uniforms. members of which would serve as examiners for the operators’ license section, which 14A�������������������������������������������������������������������������� AAST Trooper Connection Winter 2013 Virginia troopers train on unique track After decades of planning, the Virginia State Police dedicated its new, state-of-theart Driver Training Complex Oct. 20. The only one of its kind in Virginia, the track features an Urban Response Course complete with railroad tracks and a roundabout, a 1.5-mile interstate course in both concrete and asphalt, and a one-mile rural gravel and dirt track that all follow the natural lay of the land. The troopers now also have access to a 25,000 square foot skid pan and 342,000 square foot precision driving course, along with an on-site maintenance garage and storage facilities. Flanked by 30 trooper-trainees of the 118th Basic Session, state and local dignitaries along with active and retired VSP personnel participated in the ceremonial ribbon-cutting outside the training building that features classrooms, meeting space, offices, squad rooms, and a full-service cafeteria. The entire facility was built with asset forfeiture monies. News from Alabama B Troopers prep for raging winds News from arizona D DPS awarded for military employee support DPS Deputy Director Dennis Young, right, accepts the Patriotic Employer Award, with DPS Officer/Paramedic Troy Hayes. Arizona DPS Deputy Director Dennis Young was recently presented with the Patriotic Employer Award in August from the Employer Support for the Guard and Reserve. The award was given to Young on behalf of the entire DPS organization in recognition of the agency’s continued support of its employees in the military. “I am proud of the way DPS has supported its service members,” Young said. “We owe our service members a great deal and, as an agency, we will always be looking for additional ways to support them.” The prestigious award was based on a nomination from Troy Hayes, a DPS officer/paramedic assigned to Southern Air Rescue and a flight medic in a medevac unit of the Arizona Army National Guard. In his nomination, Hayes stated that the DPS has always been supportive of his work in the National Guard. “Leading up to my most recent deployment to Afghanistan, the agency helped me transition to military status seamlessly,” Hayes said. “DPS made sure there were no major hiccups related to my paychecks or benefits coverage. Human resources handled those details and several others. As a result, I didn’t have to worry about those things as I prepared for the challenges of deploying overseas.” While on deployment, Hayes was also thankful that his DPS coworkers kept in touch with him via e-mail and encouraged him. The department then made his transition back into the department upon his return to the states flawless and easy. The patriotic award is one of the major awards given by ESGR, a Department of Defense organization established in 1972 to promote cooperation and understanding between Guard and Reserve component members and their civilian employers. The Alabama Department of Public Safety joined other agencies for Operation Raging Winds, a hurricane preparedness exercise Sept. 17-18 in Orange Beach, a tourist town on Alabama’s Gulf Coast. The event included simulated long-line helicopter rescues, beach patrol, and other training activities to prepare for hurricanes and other emergencies along Alabama’s coastline. The exercise was funded by a grant from the Alabama Department of Homeland Security. AAST Trooper Connection Winter 2013___________________________________________________________________________ 15 2012/13 scholarship recipients named AAST Scholarship Foundation officials approved 185 scholarships totaling $123,500 to be awarded to AAST members’ children for the 2012/13 term. Of those, 124 were first-time recipients of an AAST scholarship, while 44 were awarded a $1,000 scholarship for maintaining a minimum 3.5 grade point average during the first scholarship period. A third AAST scholarship of $1,000 was awarded to 17 students who maintained a minimum 3.8 GPA during the second scholarship period. AAST has awarded Alabama Logan Balandrin** Jon Dean** Justin Peak Meredith Tucker Arizona Jessica Jarvis Alexis McPike California Jordan Francescon Bailie Hagerman** Regan Leonard Connecticut Max Brereton Ashley Caruso Mario Caruso Casey Foley Kristen Garbedian Emily McGlynn Melissa Meraviglia Shane Olsen** Kathryn Rowe** Sarah Thermer Michael Thomas Florida Austin Bass Loren Cataldo Jerrod Crews Jennifer Dixon** Julie Harrison Emily Hudson*** Garrett Jackson Alyssa Johnson Mary Johnson Heather McDonald** Bridget Riordan Caitlin Salter*** Travis Sapp Benjamin Shumate Chelsea Stacy Meghan Steele Michael Thomas Nicole Thomas Jabe Weaver*** Brianna Wigfall Steven Williams, Jr. Georgia Mark Badding Melanie Badding** Gayla Bell Tabitha Bentley** Hannah Howard Jamie Leopold Jonathan Shanks*** Iowa Joseph Leinen Isaiah Miller** Breanna Scott Demi Yeager Joel Yeager Idaho Ryan Summers Illinois Matt Copple over $2.2 million in scholarships to 3,152 students since the program’s inception in 1990. Scholarship applications are processed each year by the AAST Scholarship Foundation to determine applicant eligibility. Scholarships are to be used at approved post-secondary institutions for the 2012-13 term. For additional information about the AAST scholarship program, visit AAST salutes the members’ children listed below who have displayed scholastic excellence. Moli Copple Elizabeth Foster John Tolliver Nevada Brian Hagedorn** Kaitlen Koch Indiana Jamie Faust Tori Havens Michael Hole Matthew Hurley Traci Miller New York Aaron Baxter Alexander Baxter William Carey Scott Colello Logan Corey James DePlato Jonathan Diaz** Jennifer Dombroski Maddison Dorward Sarah Ferritto** Jared Flagler Stafanie Fresenius** Christopher Hennessy** Kevin Howard** Christopher Jablonski Danielle Kealy Matthew Kealy** Logan Marshall Kelly McDarby Douglas Morgan Lauren Murray Keri O’Mara Maxwell Parker Alexa Patnaude** Nicole Ramos*** Amanda Raub David Rougeux Mackenzie Smith** Nicole Thompson Kentucky Whitney Antle*** Louisiana Camryn Morgan*** Victoria Reggio Massachusetts Grace Delmolino William McNamara Maryland Rachel Herron** Minnesota Derek Thooft*** Missouri Madison Lyon** Mississippi Samuel Henderson*** Sarah Henderson Logan Lyles Montana Michael Lavin Awards exceed $2.2 million Oklahoma Loren Fox** Taylor Thomas Michael Witmer Utah Gabriel Meyr** Oregon Bret Carter Tyler Cochell Stacy Duman Adelaide Guerra David Hanson Anna Markee** Alix Melton** Eric Olson** Marq Randall Michaela Willis** South Carolina Stephanie Brock India Grice Bradley Hughes Jacob Reome Virginia Skyler Bolt Joshua Crawford*** Benjamin Lane Morgan Lewis Jordan Mitchell Larissa Moore Kristopher Musser Melinda Webb Pennsylvania Abigail Brown** Tyler Diggan Edward Dorunda Ian Gayman** Andrea Gilpin Alexandria Gustaitis Nicholas Gustaitis Alexander Hill Kelsey Hooker Brendon Ignatz** Christopher Ignatz** Kayla Josephson Samantha Locke Michael Ludwig** Amanda Polca** Angela Ravotti Derek Shields Joshua Sibbald Kristen Taylor*** Tennessee Brittany Broadway*** Jamison Edwards Laurel Everett Dalton Hunt Kendall Jackson Taylor Mansfield** Megan Massengill Morgan Massengill Lauren Prater Texas Lauren Carpenter Mycah Druesedow** Marisa Gamboa Taryn Kelm*** Taylor Kelm** Megan Matthews Annie McMurray Tareyn Morris*** Nole Opperman** Kyle Weber Laura Weber*** Alisha Windham** Vermont Hannah Cornell Kaylie Ann Flannigan Washington Matthew Cooper Aaron Dingle*** Nicole Divis** Kayla Haas** Kurt Hickman Kyle Hickman Katie Rupke West Virginia Derrick Bramer Alexander Butcher** Haley Cahill** Allison Helmick** Mackenzie Long Hope Roberts** ** Second-time scholarship recipient *** Third-time scholarship recipient New directors take lead of departments AAST proudly introduces the new leaders of the following departments. We wish you the best as you take on the challenges of your new position. Arkansas State Police Witt Col. Stan Witt, 56, was appointed director of the Arkansas State Police on Aug. 27. Witt began his law enforcement career in 1975 as a telecommunication/ radio operator for the Walnut Ridge Police Department. In 1983 Dave Garrison, a 23-year veteran of the Iowa DPS, was appointed colonel of the Iowa State Patrol on Nov. 1. Garrison’s lengthy experience in the field includes serving as a road trooper in southwest Iowa and later as a trooper pilot in Des Moines. He has served in numerous roles, including the department’s public information officer, commander of the ISP Vehicle he was appointed chief deputy for the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department and one year later was elected sheriff. He became a Arkansas state trooper in 1985 and served 27 years with the department, including seven years in Highway Patrol, 15 years in the Criminal Investigation Division, and five years assigned to headquarters administration. He was named the Administrative Services Division commander earlier in 2012. He attended Black River Technical College and Arkansas State University. Iowa State Patrol Theft Unit, governor’s security detail, district commander for the Capitol complex, and most recently in the department’s Professional Standards Bureau. Garrison, 51, completed Drake University’s Certified Public Manager’s course, Northwestern University’s School of Police Staff and Command, and the International Association of Chiefs of Police Leadership in Police Organizations training course. Col. Patrick J. Hoye, former director of the ISP, was named head of the Iowa Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau. 16A�������������������������������������������������������������������������� AAST Trooper Connection Garrison Winter 2013 Paying tribute for the ultimate sacrifice AAST pays tribute to the troopers recently killed in the line of duty. We honor those who have given their lives in service to their departments and their community. AAST was proud to make a donation from its Brotherhood Assistance fund to the surviving families of these troopers. Tpr. Blake Coble, 47, of the Pennsylvania State Police was killed just after 10 a.m. on Oct. 4 when his patrol car collided with a tractor trailer at an intersection in South Beaver Township. According to reports, his patrol car was struck after the semi ran a stop sign at a high rate of speed. Coble was transported to a local hospital where he succumbed to his injuries. Coble, who was preparing for retirement, Sgt. Paul Hernandez, 67, of the Texas Highway Patrol died Oct. 4 after collapsing during physical readiness testing at the DPS regional office in San Antonio. Hernandez had been with the DPS for more than 35 years, serving in the Highway Patrol Division, Driver License Division, and Criminal Law Enforcement Division (now Criminal Investigations Division) Coble Texas Pennsylvania had served with the PSP for 24 years and was assigned to Troop D, Beaver Station. He is survived by his wife and two children. His wife serves as a dispatcher for the agency. during his career. He is survived by his wife and son. Hernandez Tpr. Andrew D. Fox, 27, of the Virginia State Police was killed Oct. 5, when he was struck by a Jeep Cherokee while directing traffic in Hanover County on special assignment at the Fox state fair. Fox was wearing his reflective traffic safety vest and was using his issued illuminated baton flashlight to direct traffic through the intersection. Troopers and bystanders lifted the SUV off the trooper and immediately began administering CPR. Fox was transported to a local hospital where he succumbed to his injuries. No one in the Cherokee was injured in the crash. The driver was an adult female with a juvenile passenger. Alcohol was not a Virginia factor in the crash. Fox graduated February 2007 from the VSP Academy and at the time of his death was assigned to Pulaski County. He is survived by his wife, parents, and siblings. Relics from the Road First SRT trains The Kentucky State Police’s first Special Response Team gathered in 1981 for training in London, Ky. Team members, left to right: Tpr. Bruce Hatfield, team leader Sgt. Allen Scharf, and Tprs. David Dick, Ronnie Turner, Eddie Peirce, G.A. Tomlinson, Bill Stewart, Mike Faulconer, Cletus Brown, and Roland Huckabee. AAST Trooper Connection Winter 2013___________________________________________________________________________ 17 Humor on the Highways Funny photos on Washington Roads Troopers see all types of odd and funny things on the road, and this quarter’s Humor on the Highways hails from the state of Washington, with two funny photos that made their way around the country via social media sites. Sgt. Bill Ashcraft, Washington State Patrol K-9 Division, recently stopped this motorcycle on SR-16 in Kitsap County. The dog was standing on the rear seat, with no support whatsoever! The driver had driven about seven miles on the freeway at freeway speeds before being stopped by the trooper. This was obviously not the dog’s first ride; he appeared to be enjoying himself, and his tremendous balance indicated he had experience. The trooper cited the driver for transporting the animal in an unsafe manner, but was generous by allowing the driver push the vehicle to a parking lot rather than impound the bike, as is usually done by WSP troopers when the driver has no endorsement or permit. In the other photo, a cow fell out of a moving trailer on SR-3 in Kitsap County, Wash., and was running down the roadway. After much effort the stubborn beef was corralled by law enforcement and helpful motorists. The cow was slightly injured and had been on the way to the slaughterhouse when the incident happened. Both photos were shared on Twitter and quickly picked up by media nationwide. Send your humorous on-the-job story (300 words max), along with your photo, for consideration in the Trooper Connection newsletter: or by mail: AAST Humor on the Highways 1949 Raymond Diehl Rd. Tallahassee, FL 32308 JOIN US TODAY! AAST invites all active and retired troopers to join AAST and receive valuable benefits and services. AAST offers four categories of membership: Active Trooper Member - $75 per year Retired Trooper Member I - $75 per year Honorable Service Member - $75 per year Full-time currently active troopers and state police officers •AAST ID Card •Insurance Package (after six-month waiting period) •$5,000 term life insurance •$5,000 accidental death and dismemberment benefit •$5,000 line of duty benefit •$5,000 seatbelt benefit •$5,000 airbag benefit •Accidental Death and Dismemberment Family Benefits Package •MedEx Travel Assistance Program •Up to $2,500 in scholarships for trooper members’ qualifying dependents •Trooper Connection newsletter Retired troopers and state police officers Application for this category must be received by AAST within 12 months of your official retirement date. Those who have been retired more than 12 months qualify for membership in the Retired Trooper Member II category. •AAST ID Card •Insurance Package (after six-month waiting period) •$5,000 term life insurance •$5,000 accidental death and dismemberment benefit •$5,000 seatbelt benefit •$5,000 airbag benefit •Accidental Death and Dismemberment Family Benefits Package •MedEx Travel Assistance Program •Up to $2,500 in scholarships for trooper members’ qualifying dependents •Trooper Connection newsletter •Special optional vision insurance benefit Former troopers with at least 10 years of honorable service Application must be received by AAST within 12 months of leaving employment. •AAST ID Card •Insurance Package (after six-month waiting period) •$5,000 term life insurance •$5,000 accidental death and dismemberment benefit •$5,000 seatbelt benefit •$5,000 airbag benefit •Accidental Death and Dismemberment Family Benefits Package •MedEx Travel Assistance Program •Up to $2,500 in scholarships for trooper members’ qualifying dependents •Trooper Connection newsletter AAST is a not-for-profit organization and is not a union. It is a fraternal-type organization providing camaraderie and needed supplemental benefits to help improve troopers’ lives. For more information call 1-800-765-5456 (ext. 204) or visit Benefits are reviewed periodically by the National Board of Directors and are subject to change without notice. Retired Trooper Member II - $35 per year Retired troopers and state police officers who have been retired more than 12 months •AAST ID Card •Up to $2,500 in scholarships for trooper members’ qualifying dependents •Trooper Connection newsletter 18A�������������������������������������������������������������������������� AAST Trooper Connection Winter 2013 American Association S tate T of roopers, INC. American Association of State Troopers, Inc. Membership Application To be considered for membership, application must be received by AAST within 12 months of your official retirement date. To be considered for membership, application must be received by AAST within 12 months of leaving employment. Retired for more than 12 months. No insurance benefit offered in this category. 1949 Raymond Diehl Road, Tallahassee, FL 32308 • (800) 765-5456 • FAX (850) 385-8697 • AAST Trooper Connection Winter 2013___________________________________________________________________________ 19 American Association S tate T of roopers, INC. PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID MILWAUKEE, WI PERMIT NO. 5654 1949 Raymond Diehl Road Tallahassee, FL 32308 AAST wishes you a safe and prosperous 2013! Troopers among elite FBINA group The 268 members of the 250th session of the FBI National Academy graduated Sept. 21 after 10 weeks of training. Eighteen state troopers and state police officers were among the graduates of the prestigious program. The state troopers included, front row, left to right: Marc W. McHenry, Alabama State Troopers; Bill Reese, Idaho State Police; Karen Dewitt, Washington State Patrol; Tim Weese, West Virginia State Police; George Anderson, Arizona Department of Public Safety; and Jarrett Ramsey, Tennessee Highway Patrol. Back row, left to right: Ed Bednarz, Connecticut State Police; Keith Edgell, Montana Highway Patrol; Brent Johnson, Indiana State Police; Scott Donn, New York State Police; Todd “Chip” Garr, California Highway Patrol; Kevin Marce, Louisiana State Police; Sean Cormier, Illinois State Police; Tom Kish, Michigan State Police; Mark Perry, Georgia State Patrol; Dale Hinz, Michigan State Police; Joe Geleta, New Jersey State Police; and Ed Hoke, Pennsylvania State Police.
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