2011 Annual Report - Amherst H. Wilder Foundation


2011 Annual Report - Amherst H. Wilder Foundation
2011 Annual Report
The mission of the Amherst H. Wilder Foundation is to promote the social welfare of persons resident or located in the greater Saint Paul metropolitan area by all
appropriate means including: Relief of the poor; Care of the sick and aged; Care and nurture of children; Aid of the disadvantaged and otherwise needy; Promotion of physical
and mental health; Support of rehabilitation and corrections; Provision of needed housing and social services; Operation of residences and facilities for the aged, the infirm
and those requiring special care; And, in general, the conservation of human resources by the provision of human services responsive to the welfare needs of the community,
all without regard to, or discrimination on account of, nationality, sex, color, religious scruples or prejudices.—Wilder Mission
The Amherst H. Wilder Foundation continues to proudly
build and deliver services that help vulnerable people living
in the greater Saint Paul metropolitan area. Integrating direct
services, research, and capacity-building activities, we are using
our strengths to respond to vital community and human service
issues. From addressing disparities in school achievement to being
proactive in identifying support for overwhelmed caregivers, we are
translating research into action and adapting what already works
from our programs to create community impact.
Leadership Team (front) Morris Goodwin, Jr., MayKao Y. Hang,
Paul Mattessich
(middle) Jill Petsel, Kristine Martin, Polly Schrom
(top) Nan Upin, Bobbi Cordano
The enterprise and work of the Wilder Foundation includes
more than just our staff. Volunteers, clients, donors and many
stakeholders fuel our mission. Together we work to transform the
lives of families struggling with poverty and health issues, children
experiencing difficulty, and older adults and their caregivers who
may require support.
Board of Directors (left to right) Robyn Hansen, Joan Thompson, Alex
Cirillo, Jr., Ann Wynia, Fred Harris, Maria Gomez, Gary Christensen,
Xoua Thao, M.D., Sandy Kiernat
(not pictured) Barbara Roy, Michael Monahan, James P. Steiner,
Malcolm W. McDonald
2011 Wilder Foundation Board Members
Robyn Hansen (Chair); Attorney, Leonard, Street and Deinard, PA
Michael Monahan; Senior Vice President, External Relations, Ecolab
Barbara Roy (Vice Chair); Community Volunteer
James P. Steiner; President, Abbot Downing
Gary Christensen; Vice President, Law, Securian Financial Group
Xoua Thao, M.D.; Director, Xoua Thao Medical Center
Alex Cirillo, Jr.; Retired Vice President, 3M
Joan Thompson; Executive Vice President/CFO, Minnesota Wire
Maria Gomez; Retired State Commissioner of Human Resources
Ann Wynia; President Emeritus, North Hennepin Community College
Fred Harris; Retired Vice President, 3M
Malcolm W. McDonald (Board Member Emeritus); Retired
Executive, Space Center, Inc.
Elizabeth “Sandy” Kiernat; Community Volunteer
Wilder Programs helps children and families achieve their full potential
through direct services. Working across the community, in homes and at
schools, Wilder Programs build resiliency, hope, and wellness by addressing
some of the most severe effects of poverty, homelessness, trauma and
health issues. We provide over 40 programs in the areas of children and
family mental health, housing, early childhood education, aging services,
and caregiving services.
We have developed expertise for Southeast Asian mental health and for
African-American youth, including Assertive Community Treatment and our
Center for Social Healing. Wilder’s Clinical Training Institute is developing
multi cultural accredited mental health professionals, helping to reduce
health disparities and improve outcomes. Our school-based mental health
programs, including Hlub Zoo and Kofi Services, provide home and school
opportunities for understanding and addressing challenging situations youth
may be facing.
The Wilder Foundation’s Child Guidance Clinic is one of the few community
mental health centers that make up the safety net for low-income, uninsured
and underserved populations, especially children. We also made gains to
increase psychiatric access for troubled children and to implement a new
electronic health records system.
This past fiscal year, 3,025 individuals received mental health, early childhood
development or culturally specific social adjustment services through the
Wilder Foundation’s programs. The Wilder Foundation provided 58,545 hours
of service through its programming for children and families.
For families who have experienced homelessness, Wilder’s Family Supportive
Housing Services staff work closely to tackle the barriers families may have
to maintain stable housing. In FY 2011, 904 individuals and their families
were served. Wilder increased access to rental, employment and health care
information through the expansion of its Mobile Resource Center, which
teaches and connects people to technology.
Achievement Plus, a collaboration with Saint Paul Public Schools and many
community organizations, is in three Saint Paul elementary schools located
in high poverty neighborhoods and facilitates a continuum of services on site
for our community’s most transient families. In FY 2011, 1,365 students were
served at Achievement Plus schools.
20 Years of Kofi
In 1991, the Wilder Foundation initiated Kofi Services (an Akan Asente
word meaning “child of growth”) to provide cultural affirmation, mentorship
and role modeling for African-American students. The program improves
behaviors in the classroom and at home, increases parental involvement,
and inspires hope for the future. 88% of Kofi participants demonstrated
improved mental health status on standardized clinical behavior tests. Kofi
Services staff work with students in grades 3–8 at nine Saint Paul Public
Schools who have been identified by teachers and counselors as needing
support. Kofi’s is successful because it gets at the root of behavioral and
academic issues through culturally specific mentorship, counseling, and
support. “These young people already have the potential for greatness,
Kofi just gives them the push to find it,” says Kofi Director Rudy Rousseau.
Kofi graduates don their new leather jackets.
In 2011, Wilder opened its renovated Community Center for
Aging to help older adults and adults with disabilities maximize
their quality of life. This past fiscal year, 1,024 individuals received
services through adult day health, assisted living, caregiver
support, Meals on Wheels, and health and wellness programming.
Ninety-five percent of Wilder Community Center for Aging clients
are low income. Volunteers in the Meals on Wheels program
delivered 33,762 hot meals to seniors and adults with disabilities in
Saint Paul.
The redesigned backyard at the Community Center for Aging.
Minnesota will be experiencing a huge change in the senior
population as baby boomers continue to age, and as the number
of people age 65 and older doubles in the next 20 years. As a
community-based solution, the Community Center for Aging
provides on-site medical and nursing services, nutritious meals,
and opportunities for engagement in art and music therapy as well
as with other people. This helps older adults remain independent
longer and will lower costs to the public health system.
dad a few
You or someone you know may be a caregiver.
The “Capacity to Care” campaign is a series of public service advertisements
and a website that provides valuable resources and information for caregivers.
The campaign was created in partnership with agencies who are connected
to larger community efforts aimed at supporting caregivers. These partners
include the Alzheimer’s Association of Minnesota-North Dakota, the
Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging, and the Metropolitan Caregiver
Services Collaborative. The caregiver awareness initiative is funded with
generous support from The Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation in
partnership with Wilder’s own investment in aging services.
Almost 90% of older adults rely on friends or family to provide caregiver services. Yet most of these
friends and family do not identify as caregivers, making it difficult for them to access available
resources. By raising awareness of the important role that caregivers play, the “Capacity to Care”
campaign seeks to increase the number of current caregivers who seek support, the number of
community and family members who offer help to those providing care, and the number of future
caregivers who begin preparing for their role as a caregiver before crisis strikes.
Wilder Research provides research, evaluation, and consulting services
Reports of note include:
to improve the lives of vulnerable individuals and families and enrich the
communities in which they live.
New Age of Immigrants: commissioned by The Minneapolis Foundation,
describes characteristics of Minnesota’s immigrant population; economic,
social, and cultural effects of immigrants; and policy considerations.
In FY 2011, under the leadership of Executive Director Dr. Paul Mattessich,
Wilder Research brought attention to key issues such as health inequities,
lack of access to quality child care among low-income populations, and the
rise in homelessness. Minnesota Compass, a quality-of-life indicators project
led by Wilder Research and supported by a collaboration of funders, was
expanded and is quickly becoming recognized as the “go-to” resource for
unbiased facts and information about trends that affect Minnesota’s
quality of life.
Over the course of the year, Wilder Research produced 257 reports and
engaged 4,301 individuals in events, trainings, and presentations. Wilder
Research also worked closely with the Wilder Foundation to evaluate
Foundation programs including Hlub Zoo, Project Kofi, Achievement Plus,
and the Child Development Center.
hild Care Use in Minnesota: a report of the 2009 statewide household
child care survey, commissioned by the Minnesota Department of Human
Services, paints a detailed picture of child care choice, satisfaction, and
he Unequal Distribution of Health in the Twin Cities: commissioned by
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Foundation, reveals disturbing
health inequities by income, race, and neighborhood in the seven-county
Twin Cities region.
• Promise Neighborhood Community Assessment: funded by the U.S.
Department of Education, provides demographic characteristics of residents
and describes needs and assets of the Frogtown and Summit-University
tatewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP): project evaluations and
surveys for SHIP grantees around the state who are working to improve
healthy behaviors.
Hmong Mental Health: Wilder Research Proactively Assess and Identifies
Service Gaps
Despite being twice as likely to experience mental health issues, members of the Hmong
community are less likely to use mental health services. A study released last year by Wilder
Research is increasing awareness of Hmong mental health needs and helping the Wilder
Foundation and others better serve the Hmong community.
The Wilder Foundation commissioned the report, which was also supported by Ramsey County
Human Services, Children’s Mental Health. The report identified barriers to mental health services,
including providers not recognizing unique symptoms, a shortage of Hmong providers, a lack of
culturally relevant screening and assessment tools, and inadequate reimbursement for such services.
Many of the recommendations from the study are already incorporated in Wilder’s mental health programming, including
the innovative Hlub Zoo school-based mental health program designed for elementary-age Hmong girls and boys. A forum
held last fall for school personnel, health providers, and others who work with the Hmong community increased awareness
of symptoms and culturally focused services. Ramsey County has noted the number of Hmong seeking services has risen
since the study was released.
Wilder Center for Communities engages citizens and
leaders to address vital community issues. Through leadership
programs, volunteerism, convening, and community initiatives, we
are helping to build capacity and develop the next generation of
engaged and involved residents.
The Wilder Foundation’s core areas of research, direct service
programs, and capacity-building integrate in the Wilder Center for
Communities, helping to identify challenges and gaps that can be
addressed through new or expanded work.
An example this past year is the Saint Paul Promise Neighborhood,
a vision to have 4,000 children be successful in school and life by
weaving together supports from cradle to career. Key partners and
staff engaged 652 Saint Paul residents and 77 partners signed on
to make a strategic investment toward this collective effort.
Wilder offers three main leadership development opportunities.
The James P. Shannon Leadership Institute, a unique program that
incorporates self-reflection with leadership development, works
with experienced nonprofit leaders who leverage the insight and
learnings into high impact for their mission-driven fields. Both the
Youth Leadership Initiative and the Neighborhood Leadership
Programs engage multi cultural groups in identifying and building
on their strengths and experiences to improve current and future
generations of leaders. In FY 2011, 283 individuals participated
in Wilder leadership programs. These groups, as well as over
240 nonprofit partners, convened meetings at the Wilder Center
in 2011. Over 38,000 people participated in events, meetings,
and discussions held in the Wilder Center, a hub in Saint Paul for
problem solving, information sharing, and learning with like-minded
Saint Paul Promise Neighborhood
Saint Paul was one of 21 communities across the nation
selected to receive a Promise Neighborhood planning grant
from the U.S. Department of Education. The Saint Paul
Promise Neighborhood encompasses a 250-block area in the
Summit-University and Frogtown neighborhoods. Nearly onethird of the residents are younger than 18; 56% of households
have incomes below $35,000; 89% of students are eligible for
free or reduced-price lunch.
Adult and youth Saint Paul Promise Neighborhood residents
provided initial input to help determine indicators for success
and to ensure a meaningful community assessment. Nearly
700 residents participated in a needs assessment. Six Solution
Action Groups made up of community members and service
providers worked together to develop solutions based on
evidence-based practices. In the next year, more than 70
partners are committed to advancing:
• Family Resource Centers in Jackson and Maxfield
elementary schools
• A shared data system
• Expanded learning time during the school day and through
a new summer learning program
Promise Neighborhood planning at Wilder Center.
• Early childhood education
Financial Reports July 1, 2010–June 30, 2011
sources of dollars
Sources of Dollars Used To Finance Operations (In Millions)
Government Contracts, Grants and Fees Wilder Foundation Endowment Private Gifts Private Fees and Other Private Grants Total Operating Dollars 13.5 11.5 5.7 9.6 3.2 43.5
sources of dollars
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position (In Millions)
Cash and Cash Equivalents Accounts and Pledges Receivable Investments Land, Building and Equipment, Net Other Assets Total Assets 15
Liabilities and Net Assets
expenditures by service
Accounts Payable Accrued Expenses and Other Current Liabilities Long-term Debt and Other Long-term Liabilities Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets 1.6
expenditures by service
Expenditures By Service Group (In Millions)
Wilder Programs Wilder Research Administration Interest and Financial Expense
Fundraising Total Operating Dollars 10
25.7 7.1 6.5 2.6 1.6 43.5 59%
Endowment Accounts Report – Fiscal Year 2011
Current Investment Policy
Over time, the investment goal
for the Endowment Fund is to
achieve a total return (current
income plus market gain) of
5.0% plus the rate of inflation.
Investment Performance
The original $2.6 million
bequest that started the
Wilder Foundation has grown
to more than $167 million
because of sound investment
Current Spending Policy
When a donor makes a gift
designated for endowment,
the Amherst H. Wilder
Foundation holds the funds
in perpetuity. Wilder invests
the principal and a portion of
the return is available each
year to support the designated
program. The Foundation
changed its policy on use of
endowment funding from 5%
of a five-year moving average
to a spending formula based
on a 70% factor for prior
expenses adjusted for inflation
(60% from the previous year,
30% from two years ago and
10% three years ago) plus a
30% factor based on 5.5%
of the endowment balance.
The Foundation transfers
anything remaining back to
the endowment so that it
continues to grow and provide
future funding for the purpose
designated by the donor.
The Foundation manages
the endowment in order to
maintain the inflation-adjusted
purchasing power of the
Amount Used
New gifts/
Principal Balance
For Donor
Supporting Funds
Total Return
to Principal
Amherst H. Wilder Family Endowment
$150,470,275 $30,678,469 ($13,911,517)
Wilder Foundation General
Board Designated Fund (General)
34,198 (7,651)
4,812 Hildegarde H. Conkling Fund
28,623 (6,607)
Lorraine M. Ellingsen Fund
219,581 (51,536)
John Hauschild Corporate Administration Fund
2,453 (573)
Adriana & Herman Hertog Memorial Fund
1,987 (482)
Kingston Fellowship Fund
82,224 (5,095)
137,242 L. Frank & Irene Maistrovich Fund
5,885 (1,489)
Charles Naumann McCloud, M.D. Memorial Fund
7,030 (1,659)
Dorothy K. Merrill Fund
2,100,000 Jeanne & George C. Power, Jr. Fund
1,849 (431)
Robert H. Tucker Fund
3,234 (788)
Paul W. & Lucille O. Werner Fund
1,660 Anonymous Fund In Honor of Staff
3,358 (540)
Services to Children & Families
Board Designated Fund (Children & Families)
12,022 (2,693)
1,158 Board Designated Fund (Children’s Residential)
13,695 (3,324)
Board Designated Fund (Housing)
4,395 (934)
1,234 Board Designated Fund (Mental Health)
138 (24)
108 Children’s Health Care Fund
6,623 (1,563)
Amy Benzick Memorial Fund
7,183 (1,692)
Center for Children with Reactive Attachment Disorder
167,112 (38,398)
Elisabeth W. Doermann Fund
92,922 Dr. Phil Edwardson Fund for Children
2,119 (493)
120 Mary E. Gillis Fund
9,865 (2,309)
Dale A. Hoover Fund
8,933 (2,107)
Mary D. & Irving J. Jerry Endowment
4,117 (978)
Kofi Forever Endowment Fund
11,857 (2,147)
7,859 Frances & Verona LaBelle Children’s Health Care Fund
3,419 (452)
Roberta A. Mundschenk Children’s Fund
14,356 (3,412)
Harry T. & Helen I. Nagel Children’s Fund
10,920 (2,369)
Walter & Eleanor Nyberg Endowment Fund
9,632 (2,415)
Sister Helen Louise Roth Fund
917 (214)
Leonard H. Tesmer Fund
40,347 (9,480)
Victor M. Watkins Fund
180,138 (42,587)
Services to Older Adults
Board Designated Fund (Older Adults)
8,151 (1,811)
165 Elizabeth Bogared Elderly Services Fund
11,281 (2,639)
Otto Link Elderly Services Fund
34,288 (7,468)
Wilder Center for Communities
Board Designated Fund (WCC)
1,184 (280)
150 Ronnie Brooks Leadership Fund (Shannon Institute)
35,794 (8,066)
12,026 Wilder Research
Anonymous for Community Research
Board Designated Fund (WR)
5,316 (1,004)
3,432 Community Research Associates Fund
4,864 (1,230)
Louise & George Mairs Fund for Community Research
161,750 (39,267)
Reta G. Youngman Research Fund
149,416 (36,356)
775 Additions to Wilder Endowment- Subtotal
6,434,613 1,311,914 (292,563)
4,892,693 Total Wilder Foundation
156,904,888 31,990,383 (14,204,080)
4,892,693 Bank Trust Companies
US Bank-Frank M. DeForce Fund
45,656 (10,642)
Total Funds Supporting Wilder Foundation Programs
$157,085,794 $32,036,039 ($14,214,722)
$4,892,693 Principal
Here for Good
We thank the following individuals, families, foundations, organizations and businesses that supported our clients and programs with financial contributions or donated goods and
services during the past fiscal year. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of our donor lists. If a name has been inadvertently omitted, please contact the Office of
Resource Development, laura.brown@wilder.org.
Heritage Partners
Heritage Partners, through their gifts to Wilder’s endowment, work to sustain the
Wilder vision to enrich the Saint Paul community and improve the lives of its vulnerable
citizens. They express their deep commitment by making a gift through their wills, life
income arrangements, beneficiary designations, and other estate plans that benefit the
Amherst H. Wilder Foundation. We gratefully acknowledge our Heritage Partners for
their lasting support.
Heritage Partners in Memoriam
Irving J. Jerry
Robert H. Tucker
Louise Albrecht
March 5, 1905 – April 12, 1995
April 3, 1911 – August 1, 1998
December 31, 1915 – August 1, 2010
Mary D. Jerry
Lucille O. Werner
Richard Bartsch
October 24, 1909 – August 22, 2007
October 20, 1913 – August 16, 2004
February 18, 1924 – September 16, 2010
David B. Kachel
Paul Werner
Edgar Blanch
May 13, 1931 – September 20, 2004
August 3, 1913 – June 4, 2010
May 24, 1911 – January 22, 2004
Laurence J. Kress
Winnie Wickworth
Jean Blanch
December 8, 1923 –October 14, 2010
June 5, 1929 – February 1, 2001
April 12, 1912 – November 21, 2011
Francis LaBelle
Jean Wilkening
Elizabeth Bogared
January 27, 1910 – August 6, 2001
October 1, 1926 – November 23, 1996
November 23, 1900 – November 13, 1997
Martha A. Larson
Reta G. Youngman
Hildegarde H. Conkling
June 21, 1908 – June 15, 1996
September 20, 1934 – May 21, 2008
October 26, 1901 – March 18, 1996
Alice Leach
Robert A. Crowe
September 21, 1911 – October 19, 1998
January 12, 1916 – March 25, 1996
Roger Lenzmeier
Dottie Dietz
April 28, 1928 – April 3, 2000
Heritage Partners
April 7, 1930 – December 11, 2008
George A. Mairs, III
Elisabeth Doermann
June 15, 1928 – May 28, 2010
February 2, 1931 – January 22, 2011
Irene Maistrovich
Lorraine M. Ellingsen
July 22, 1917 – December 30, 2008
October 30, 1904 – September 12, 2001
L. Frank Maistrovich
Arthur R. Emmerich
November 13, 1916 – October 5, 2007
June 12, 1909 – January 10, 1995
Charles Naumann McCloud, M.D.
Irma Gilbert
May 20, 1912 – December 10, 1998
October 21, 1918 – September 6, 2010
Dorothy K. Merrill
William Gilbert
November 2, 1916 – November 17, 2009
October 14, 1908 – October 13, 2007
Roberta A. Mundschenk
John Hauschild
January 30, 1944 – May 26, 2007
June 2, 1935 – February 4, 1998
Eleanor Nyberg
Mary S. Heiserman
April 24, 1918 – February 3, 2004
July 12, 1942 – April 8, 2010
Walter T. Nyberg
Herman Hertog
May 31, 1919 – February 27, 2007
September 12, 1930 – September 1, 2006
George C. Power, Jr.
Catherine J. Hill
March 31, 1914 – July 18, 1995
October 1, 1915 – November 9, 2008
Norman M. Rose
John Lindsay Hill
May 6, 1920 – August 4, 2007
December 14, 1909 – August 30, 2009
Philemon C. Roy
Martha E. Hoover
July 9, 1940–January 30, 2011
October 31, 1909 – February 13, 2006
Leonard H. Tesmer
John and Anne Bendt
William J. Benzick
Charles R. Betts
Margaret M. Betts
Craig and Kathy Binger
Tisha Bolger
Roger and Ronnie Brooks
Charlton Dietz
Drs. Phillip and Sandra Edwardson
Judith Gavin
John and Ruth Goelz
Bob and Elaine Golberg
Nancy Hauschild
Adrian and Nancy Hertog
John and Violet Hertog
Katharina Hertog
Bernice Jessen
Rod and Lil Johnson
Nancy Kachel
Elizabeth and Bruce Kiernat
Tom and Mary Kingston
Verona LaBelle
August 27, 1924 – December 7, 2000
The Amherst H. Wilder family established
the Wilder Foundation Endowment Fund
through a bequest of $2.6 million more
than 105 years ago. At the end of fiscal
year 2011, the endowment principal was
$167 million. Sound investment policies
are responsible for the substantial
growth of the original bequest. Heritage
Partners add their own generous planned
gifts to the original endowment to help
Wilder impact even more lives of Saint
Paul residents in need today and for
generations to come.
John and Nancy Lambros
Dusty Mairs
Philip C. Manz
Paul and Tara Mattessich
Deborah T. McCloud
David and Mary Jo Monson
John and Renee Nagel
Constance S. Otis
Gregory and Phyllis Owen
George and Diane Power
Ken and Nina Rothchild
Barbara Roy
David and Cecilia Simpson
Jean Teigland and Russ Felkey
Rolf Thompson and CJ Jacobson
Paul and Carolyn Verret
Richard and Florence Wickworth
Leni and George Wilcox
Robert R. Wilke
Robert and Kathy Yaeger
Marcia and Jerry Yanz
Richard and Janine Zehring
Amherst H. Wilder Foundation
Legacy Builders
Legacy builders are individuals who have pledged $5,000 or more over five years to sustain and enhance the Wilder mission.
Sheryl Anderson
Jessica L. Andrews
Tom and Sharon Auth
James and Kathie Bellus
John and Anne Bendt
Craig and Kathy Binger
Colleen and Patrick Bollom
Steven and Mary Bolton
Andy and Linda Boss
Jim and Jayne Bradshaw
Mary and Dick Brainerd
Roger and Ronnie Brooks
Harry Brull and Myra Barrett
Julie Brunner and
Dale Ulrich
Michael and Kathryn
Mary Lou and Allan Burdick
Darrell D. Butterwick
Jon and Susan Campbell
Brian and Jaclyn Carey
Mary Carter
Cassandra and Kip Chaffee
Leslie J. Chapman
Gary and Paula Christensen
Bill and Sharon Clapp
Diane and Matt Clysdale
Roberta Cordano and
Mary S. Baremore
Page and Jay Cowles
David and Gretchen Crary
Cummins Power Generation
Sheldon and Carol Damberg
Stan and Sharon Dardis
Sandra and Lynn Davis
Ken and Abby Dawkins
Charles M. Denny
Charlton Dietz
Donna DiMenna and
Rosann Cahill
Patrick J. Donovan
David and Patricia Drew
Nancy and Jerry Driessen
Frank and Patricia Dutke
Dr. Kyle and Beth Edlund
Bruce Engelsma
Matt Entenza and
Lois Quam
Gerald and Kathleen Faletti
Dan and Jane Fesler
Litton and Anne Field
Tim and Susan Flaherty
Phillip and Jeanne Foussard
David and Sandra
Dennis and Barbara
James and Mary Frey
Robert and Caroline
Don and Pat Garofalo
Daniel and Mary Grace Garry
Maggie Shannon George
and Rebecca Voelkel
Terrence W. Glarner
Norman A. Good, Jr.
Morris Goodwin, Jr. and
Donna Lindsay Goodwin
Cecelia M. Goswitz Fund of
The Saint Paul Foundation
Marjorie and Don Griffing
Joan and Bob Grzywinski
Dave and Judy Hallett
Harry and Lorraine
MayKao and Lao Lu Hang
Jack and Joan Hansen
Robyn Hansen and
John Clarey
Fred and Archie Harris
Jeffrey and Lucy Heegaard
Peter and Anne Heegaard
Karen Heintz
Craig Helmstetter and
Kristin Peterson
Pat Hess
Chris and Ann Hilger
Tom and Kim Holman
Linda and Ken Holmen
Heidi and Rob Hubbard
Lisa M. Humphreys
Ann and Terry Huntrods
John and Ruth Huss
Frank Jandric
Beth Roy Jenkyn and
Oliver Jenkyn
Neel and Pegge Johnson
Rod and Lil Johnson
Shotsy and Ward Johnson
Scott and Anne Jones
Virginia M. Juffer
Nancy Kachel
Art and Martha Kaemmer
Roger and Patricia Kerber
Elizabeth and Bruce Kiernat
Russell S. King
Mary Elizabeth Kingston
Tom and Mary Kingston
Alexandra Klas
Carl and Janet Kuhrmeyer
Daniel and Constance Kunin
Kevin Lawler
Peg and Dick Lidstad
Bruce A. Lilly
Jean and Arnie London
Steven T. Loosbrock
Gina Mackintosh
Charlie and Terri Mahar
William M. Mahlum and
Donna Allan
Dusty Mairs
Lisa and Pat Mascia
Paul and Tara Mattessich
Dave and Sherla Mayer
Lohini and Chapman Mayo
Malcolm and Patricia
Paul McGinley
Mary Bigelow McMillan
Heather and Greg McMoore
Harry G. McNeely, Jr.
Mary McNellis
Terry McNellis
Priscilla McNulty
Robert and Debra Meath
Roberta and Robert Megard
Colleen Mlecoch and
Janet Anderson
Nneka Morgan
John and Renee Nagel
Brock and Martha Nelson
Clyde and Judy Nelson
Dick and Nancy Nicholson
Todd and Martha Nicholson
Mark and Jackie Nolan
Charles and Victoria Osborne
Mary Kay Palmer
Michael M. Parish
Tom and Sally Patterson
Daniel R. Pennie
Jill Petsel
Sue Piva and Laurie Keate
Judy M. Poferl
George and Diane Power
Kristine Preston and
Dan Schiltz
James W. Reagan
Carleen Rhodes
Marna Ricker
Bryn S. Roberts
Ken and Nina Rothchild
Michelle Rousseau
Rudolph J. Rousseau and
Jackie Levin
Barbara Roy
Martha and David Russell
Jim and Tomi Ryba
Conradine Sanborn and
Chris Colantti
Jim Schilling and
Debbie Stewart
Stephen and Katie Schmidt
Jocelyn Schowalter
John and Ellen Schreier
John and Linda Schroepfer
Charlotte Sebastian
Robert and Pam Senkler
Jeffrey A. Shopek
Dr. Steve Shuman and
Dr. Martha McCusker
Anne Simpson
David and Cecilia Simpson
Philip and Margaret Soran
April Spas and Kris Burhardt
James and Tracy Steiner
Gerry and Kris Stenson
Sara Sternberger and
Howard Epstein
Jay and Shelley Strohmaier
Judy K. Stromback
Jon and Leah Theobald
Joan Thompson
Rolf Thompson and
CJ Jacobson
Paula Tomei
Barbara E. Tretheway
James Van Iwaarden
Paul and Carolyn Verret
Mary M. Walser and
Lynne E. Meyer
Warners’ Stellian
Maureen E. Warren
Leni and George Wilcox
John and Jan Wilke
Robert R. Wilke
Mark and Nancy Wilson
Dan and Carol Wolfe
Douglas and Sara Wolff
Tom and Brenda Wright
Ann Wynia
Marcia and Jerry Yanz
Ruth and Anthony Yocum
Richard and Janine Zehring
Brad Ziemkowski
Donna Zimmerman and
Phil Ditmanson
Here for Good
Individuals and Families
The Wilder Foundation gratefully acknowledges the following individuals and families who supported our clients and programs with financial contributions or goods and services.
Andriana Abariotes
Salvatore A. Abbate*
Grant Abbott and
Elaine Tarone
David Abrams
Jean Adams*
Mary Jane Addison
D.S. Aho*
Clay Ahrens*
Laurie Ahrens
Ta-coumba Aiken
Lawrence and Mary Alberts
Mary Alberts
Christine Albrecht
Jennifer E. Albrecht*
Lisa Albrecht and
Pat Rouse
Brian Allar*
Calvin and Melanie Allen*
Roger Allmendinger*
Brian and Bonnie Alton
George Anastos
Jocelyn L. Ancheta
Amy H. Anderson*
Dorothy Anderson*
Eric Anderson
Matthew L. Anderson
Matthew Anderson*
Mike Anderson
Richard Anderson*
Sheryl Anderson
Timothy and Suzanne
Glenn and Jennifer Andis
Jessica L. Andrews
Maureen Andrews
Mark and Laura Anton
Eliza Appert and
Colin Chlebeck*
John and Nina Archabal
Todd Arens
Andy Arlotta*
Marjorie and Kevin Arndt*
Bruce and Catherine
Pamela Arnold
Rebecca and Mark Arnold*
Caroline Aspenson
Julie Atella
Marvaleen Atlas
Tom and Sharon Auth
Marcia Avner
Nina Axelson
Bo Aylin*
Courtney Baechler*
Ronald J. Bagnall*
Walt and Ginger Bailey
Sheila Baillargeon and
Jim Marty*
John Baird*
Chanda Smith Baker*
Tom Balcom
Megen Balda*
Christopher and Alfrieda
Timothy Ball*
Michael Bamonti*
Scott Banas*
Roger Banks
Allison Barmann*
Carol A. Barnett
Andy Barr*
Thomas Barrett*
Dorothy M. Bartell*
John N. Bartunek*
Bradley C. Baso
Lin Batts*
Alain and Linda Baudry
Carol and James Bauer
Rebecca Baumann
Tim and Ann Baur*
David and Dena Bawek
Eric Beazley*
Annmarie Becker
Alyn Bedford
Cecile Bedor
Rick Beeson
Brian Behm*
Beth and Paul Behrens*
John Belisle
Guy Bell*
Hamilton E. Bell*
Tanya Bell
Jim and Kathie Bellus
James and Linda Bendt
John and Anne Bendt
Diane Benjamin*
Lynda V. Bennett
Mary Bennett
W. K. Bennis*
Eric J. Bentley*
Gary and Vicki Berdan*
Glenn Berdan*
Jennifer Zalk Berendzen*
Jesse and Britta Bergland*
David P. Bergstrom
Allen Bernard*
Alan and Lisa Bernick
Peter Berrie*
Chuck and Nancy Berry
Paul and Kirsten Berry*
Jesse Bethke Gomez
David J. Betz
Claire P. Bey*
Dereje T. Beyene
Justin M. Bieganek*
Jack Bilski*
Craig and Kathy Binger
Roland Birkebak*
Greg Bistram and
Becky Hartman
Anne and Nicholas Bjerken*
Edward and Lois Black
Patricia K. Blanch*
Dean Blomster
Gary and Lee Blount
Bill Bluhm and
Christine Sand
Brenda Blumenberg*
Frances Bly
Rae Bly
Holly Boehne
Lee and Barbara Boerbon*
Norrine Bohman
Tisha Bolger
Colleen and Patrick Bollom*
Steven and Mary Bolton
Michele Bonaiuto
Tom Bonfe*
Ron Bongard
Blaine Bonham
John Bonifaci
James F. Bonilla*
Lorene Bonine
Harald and Mary Borrmann*
Matt Bostrom*
Tom and Liz Boyd
Michael Boyle*
Sarah M. Boyles*
Carole Boyum*
Will and Margee Bracken*
Jim and Jayne Bradshaw
Jason Bradshaw
William Brady
Thomas L. Bray
John and Beth Bredemus*
Ryan Brengman*
Gerald D. Brennan
Jacqueline Brenner*
Joan Briccetti
Kathryn Martin Briem
Collin Brinkman
Tom and Cindy Brinsko
Pam and Phil Broat*
James Brockberg*
John Brodrick
David J. Bromelkamp*
Ann and Dave Brookman
Christina Brooks*
Conley and Marney Brooks
Ronnie and Roger Brooks
Darin Broton*
Andy Brown*
Consuella L. Brown
Julie Schultz Brown*
*We welcome the support of these donors who made their first gift to the Wilder Foundation in FY 2011.
Sally A. Brown
W. Gregory Brown*
Sharon Brown-Rowe*
Douglas and Dana Bruce
Steve Brunn
Julie Brunner and
Dale Ulrich
Carolyn Brusseau
Suzanne Brust and
John Shepard
John M. Bryson and
Barbara C. Crosby
Tavyer and Kim Buechler
Michael and Kathryn
Karla Buerkle
Susan F. Bullard*
Mike Burbach
William and Kathleen Burch
Mary Lou and Allan Burdick
Laurie Burns*
Lon M. and Irana L. Burns
Nancy L. Burns and
Scott Harrison
Scott Burns*
Trudi G. Busch
George Butkovich*
Darrell D. Butterwick Family
Carolyn and Robert Bye
Jennifer Byers*
Mary Byrne*
Richard Caligiuri
Vivian M. Callaway*
Armando Camacho
Jackie and Dan Campeau
Kari Canfield*
Andy and Heather
Dr. Terrence and Jacqueline
Brian and Jaclyn Carey
Albert and Maxine Carlson
Craig Carlson*
Laura Carlson*
Ron and Joy Carslon*
Scott B. Carlson
Anne Carroll and
Bruno Franck
Claudia Carson
Mary Carter
Ross Carter*
W. Toni Carter
Jay Cascalenda*
Frank Caulfield
Julie and Christopher
Thaly Cavanaugh
Cassandra and Kip
Penny and Cecil Chally
Cindy Chandler*
John and Pamela
Leslie Chapman*
James Chase*
Using social media to connect, Wilder
Foundation CEO MayKao Hang is
sharing regular observations on Twitter
at @MayKaoHang.
“Hmong Mental Health Report
delivered at Wilder to 150 people.
Change decision makers and systems
change. Hope lies here.” —8-30-11
Visit us at www.facebook.com/wilderfoundation
or on our website at www.wilder.org
Amherst H. Wilder Foundation
Individuals and Families
Richard Chase and
Nancy Devitt*
SueEllen Chastan
Peg Chemberlin
Chris and Quinn Cheney*
Ching-Meng Chew*
Elizabeth Childs and
Todd Larson
Suzanne Chochrek*
John Choi*
Gary and Paula Christensen
Heidi Neff Christianson
Sandra Christie*
Rose Chu
Margaret Chutich*
Jon and Ann Cieslak*
Alex and Judy Cirillo
Dan and Tracey Citron*
Bill and Sharon Clapp
John Clawson
Connie Clay
Joan Cleary and
Jerry Helfand
Caroline and Scott Clemens
Doug and Kathy Clock
Diane and Matt Clysdale
Gary and Chris Cohen*
Norman Cohen
Dan and Kate Cole
Ed Coleman*
Emmett V. Coleman
William and Maria Theresa
Andrew Collins*
Stephan Coltart*
Edward Conley*
Chip Connelly
Dale Connelly*
Evans E. Connelly, Jr.
Joyce M. Conway*
Norbert and Mary Ellen
Richard G. Cook and
Steven Kent Lockwood
Robinson Cook
Barb Cooley
Katelin Coonce*
Kathleen Cooney and
Robert Labomard*
Kelli Corcoran*
Roberta Cordano and
Mary S. Baremore
Philip Corriveau*
Bill and Maureen Cosgriff
Alice Cottingham and
David Beard
John and Peggy Couchman
Sue Courteau
Page and Jay Cowles
Rich Cowles
Adam D. Cox*
Barbara Cox*
Francis Coyne and
Connie Hilliard
Adam Cozine*
Zach and Beth Crain
Cassie and Dan Cramer
Steve Cramer*
Jake and Angel Crandall*
David and Gretchen Crary
Amy K. Crawford
Dr. Martyn Crook*
Alex Crosby*
Terry Crowson*
Chris Crutchfield
Patricia A. Cummings
Peter and Jim Cunningham*
Andrew C. Currie
Brian Dahl*
Jody Dahl
Kathy Dahlen
Gregory Daigle, Jr.*
Sheldon and Carol Damberg
Greg and Janice Dames
Al Danforth*
Maryann D’Angelo*
Tim Datwyler, Beth Voight
and Caitlin Voight*
Mark and Katey McCabe
Terence and Marilyn Davern
Teri Davids
Blake S. Davis
Sandra and Lynn Davis
Ted Davis and
Andrea Casselton
Ken and Abby Dawkins
Gina G. DeConcini, Esq.
Paul DeGeest
Leo and Janis Dehler
Mary and Dale Deitchler*
Kori DeJong
Love Yiel T. del Puerto*
Jennifer and Gerald
Louis Demaio
John and Mary DeMoss
Kari Denissen Cunnier*
Charles M. Denny*
Carl and Jennifer Denys*
Russell Depuydt*
Marcia DeValk
Paul Devereaux
Robert F. Devolve*
Charlton Dietz
Kristin A. Dillon
Loralee and Gene DiLorenzo*
David and Gail Dimond
Gina Dingman
Paul J. Dinzeo*
Carmen DiPrima*
Dylan C. DiPrima*
Jennifer Ditlevson*
Clint and Denise Dixon*
Linville Doan*
Susan and Jim Dockman
Elisabeth and Humphrey
David Dominick*
Philip and Julie Donaldson
Dan and Dawn Donovan*
George Donovan*
Laura and Tim Donovan*
Mary and Paul Donovan
Jacqueline Dorsey*
James and Anne Dougherty
Mary Gilbert Dougherty
Bruce Downey
Mary Sue and Gary Dreier*
Helping One Click
at a Time
Kathy Donovan wanted
to build her computer
skills, but she didn’t know
where to start. “I was in
the dark—I didn’t even
know how to turn on a
computer.” She started attending classes through the
Wilder Foundation’s Mobile Resource Center, a mobile
employment readiness and technology training program.
“I didn’t feel confident about it at first, but the staff were
very encouraging. They lit the fire under me and made
me feel like I could really learn the skills.”
Kathy has taken several courses through the Mobile
Resource Center and now talks about all the things she
enjoys doing with her computer, such as surfing the
internet and working with spreadsheets. With her newfound skills and confidence, she hopes to pursue a
career in health education. “It’s a gold mine of
information…I’m only scratching the surface!”
Nancy and Jerry Driessen*
Bonnie Driggs
Cynthia B. Driscoll*
Leah Driscoll*
Rebecca Driscoll
George and Jo Anne Droubie
Jill Droubie*
Charles Duddingston*
Caitlin Duff*
Lindsey Duffy*
Patty Dunn
Mary Dunnavan and
Roger Gross
Frank and Patricia Dutke
David F. Duvick*
John and Caron Dwyer
Stephen Dwyer
Karen Dye*
Ralph D. Ebbott
Nancy L. Edgerton*
Claire Edlebeck*
Patricia and Donald
Amanda Eggers
Louise Eidsmoe
Yvonne R. Ekdahl
James W. Elam
Stephen and Diane Elliott*
Sondra Elliott*
Diane S. Elwood
Dale and Denine Emter
Bruce Engelsma
Donald Engle
Walter Enloe*
RoseMary Enslin
Craig Erickson
Gary Erickson*
Paul Erickson and
Elizabeth Saul
Sarah Erickson*
Betsy Bockstruck Erlien
Julie Esch and
John Young
Here for Good
Joseph A. and Susan C.
Cardina M. Esparza*
Barbara Evangelist*
Jil Evans*
Greg Fair*
Adrienne Falcon and
Dave Geist*
Gerald and Kathleen
John Fandrey
John and Pearl Fantle*
Thomas H. Farnham, II
Thomas Farnham
Bret Farrington*
Paul and Ann Fate*
Alex M. Faust*
Dinah Faust*
Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Favorite*
Elizabeth Fedor*
Frank Feinberg
Randy and Karen Feld*
Judd Fenlon
Laurie Fenwick*
Julio Fesser*
Michael and Marilyn Fetsch
J. Marie Fieger, Nemer
Lynn Field and Kelly Storla
Bruce Field
Litton and Anne Field
Leroy Fingerson
Bruce Fink*
David G. Finke*
Joseph M. Finley
Vickie Finnegan
Christopher J. Fischbach
and Katie Dublinski
Kathryn DeSpiegelaere
Mike and Ann Fischer
Tracy Fischman
Linda Fisher*
Tim and Susan Flaherty
Readus Fletcher*
Bob Fletcher*
Daniel J. Flicek
Forrest Flint*
Bonnie Jean Flom
Steven Flucas*
Carol L. Fogarty*
Angela Fogt*
Pat Foley*
Holly Forsberg*
Debra and Kevin Forster*
Taylor Forsythe*
Harold Fotsch
Phillip and Jeanne
Bill Foussard
Kristi Fox*
Allison Frailich*
Bruno M. Franck*
Kara Frank*
Jennifer Franklin
Bob Frawley*
James Frazee
Dennis and Barbara
Sharon Freeman
Genevieve and David
James and Mary Frey
Mary Friedmann*
Craig and Melissa Frisvold*
Stephanie Larkin Frost
P. Gayle Fuguitt*
Sherri Gebert Fuller*
Dennis and Marian Furlong
Nancy Fushan*
Stephen and Margaret
Alan Gaffaney*
David Gaiser*
Frederick and Barbara
Eric Galatz*
Clare Gallagher*
David Galligan
Dennis Galligan
Michael J. Galvin, Jr.
Maryo G. Gard
Don and Pat Garofalo
Tom and Linda Garrett
Daniel and Mary Grace
Tom Gau and Becky Dale*
Ann Marie Gaus*
Rhonda Gautschi
Britt Geiger*
Greg Geiger*
Deb and Phil Gelbach
Gary Geller*
Maggie Shannon George
and Rebecca Voelkel
Susan George*
Julie and Mike Gerend
Andrew Gesell*
Jim and Teddy Gesell*
Mary Beth Gilmore
Jim Gilroy*
Terrence W. Glarner
Gail Glockner*
Stephen C. Glover
Julie Glowka*
Rick Gobell
Brien Godfrey
Marian A. Godfrey
Phyllis Rawls Goff
Trixie Ann Girtz Golberg*
Dorothy Goldie
David and Mary Goldstein*
Maria R. Gomez
Marlina Gonzalez
Norman A. Good, Jr.
Morris Goodwin, Jr. and
Donna Lindsay Goodwin
Kerstin Gorham
John Gottskalkson
Lori Goulet*
Edith Gozali-Lee
Henry T. Grabowski and
Nanne M. Carroll*
Richard Graham and
Patricia Powers
Todd and Jennifer Graham
Mark A. Granquist*
Patricia A. Grans*
David Grant*
William R. Gray*
Jill Greenhalgh*
John and Virginia
Laurie and Edward Greeno*
Aretha Green-Rupert
Douglas Gregory*
Sara Grewing*
Terry Grinsteinner
Don and Rosemary Gruber
Joseph Gryskiewicz*
Joan and Bob Grzywinski
E.A. W. Gunderson*
Susan Gunderson*
Michael Gustafson
Betsy and Howard
Lari Hacker
Robert Hacker*
Marc Hadley
Mary Jane Haemig*
John Hagen*
Paul L. Hager
James Haggar*
Kathryn Hahne
Susan Haigh
A. M. Hale
Trudy J. Halla
David and Judy Hallett
LaVern L. Halling*
Stan and Debra Hamann*
Peter Hames
Christine Hammes
Beth Haney*
Kaying Hang
MayKao and Lao Lu Hang
Andrew Hansen, Esq.
Jack and Joan Hansen
Laurie Hansen
Robyn Hansen and
John Clarey
Robert A. Hanson
Barbara R. Hanssen*
Keith Hardy*
Shawntera Hardy*
*We welcome the support of these donors who made their first gift to the Wilder Foundation in FY 2011.
John M. Harrington
Craig Harris
Fred and Archie Harris
Pat and Laura Harris
Trista Harris
William E. Harrison
Jim Hart and Maureen Reed
Roxanne Hart*
Allyson J. Hartle*
Nancy and Robert Hartzler
Jilien and Craig Harvey*
Alice Hausman*
Jennifer Hawkins and
David LeGarde*
Jennifer A. Hawkins
Renee Hayes
Margaret Hayes
Charles and Diane Haynor*
Harry J. Haynsworth*
Jeffrey and Lucy Heegaard
Peter and Anne Heegaard
Karen Heintz
Karen and Jon Helgason
Ollie Helmbrecht*
Craig Helmstetter and
Kristin Peterson
Dean Hempel
Deborah L. Hendricks*
Shelly and Matthew
Michael J. Henley*
John and Mary Ann
Bob and Mary Ellen
Ray and Marilyn
Samantha Henningson
Joanne Henry*
Jim Hentges*
Angie D. Heo*
Peggy Herbst
Karen Hering
Thomas Herr*
Frances and Herbert Hesch
Eric Hesse
Garry W. Hesser*
Terry Spencer Hesser
Nancy Heuer
Steven H. Heurung
Liam J. Higgins
Joan Higinbotham
Chris and Ann Hilger*
Louis F. and Kathrine E. Hill
Mary Hill
Robert M. Hill*
Jennifer G. Hines, M.D.*
Juliette and James Hipple*
Paul and Michelle
Yvonne Cheung Ho
Debra A. Hoag*
Shannon and Corey
David Hoffman*
John Hoffman*
Carolyn Holbrook
Dawn C. Holler*
Linda and Ken Holmen
Robert Holst
Catherine Holtzclaw*
Bonnie and John Holub
Kathryn Holum and
Glenn Baron*
Nancy Homans
Mark and Andrea Honda*
Chris Hood*
Leticia Hoppenrath
Lynda Horan
Janet Horvath
Steve Hosier*
Brad W. Houghton*
Scott House*
John and Judy Howe*
Jerrold Hromatka
Heidi and Rob Hubbard
James R. Huber
Mark and Marsha Huber*
Stewart Hudnut*
Mia Hudson*
Maria Huerta-Lopez*
Amherst H. Wilder Foundation
Individuals and Families
Jerome and Audrey
Joe Hughes*
Ann R. Huidekoper and
Joanne M. Swanson
Lisa M. Humphreys
Ruby Hunt*
Paul Huot, Huot Mfg. Co.*
Kjeld and Karen Husebye*
Roger G. Huss
Deborah Hutterer*
Jen-Syan Hwang*
Vincent L. Hyman
Jim and Molly Ibister
Cheryl K. Ikemiya
Beth and Peter Jackson
Karen Jacobson
Nancy K. Jacobson*
Paul and Lillian Jacobson
Scott and Cynthia Jakel*
Louie Jambois
Beth Roy Jenkyn and Family
Richard and Theresa Jenkyn*
Wayne Jennings and
Joan Sorenson
Catherine Jenny*
Shaila Jensen and Family
Jon Jepko*
Franklin and Lucretia Jesse*
Willie Jett*
Lisa Jirele*
Jean Jirovec
Bradley and Pamela Joern
David Johnson*
Douglas A. Johnson
Heather Johnson
Heidi Johnson*
Jim and Jill Johnson*
Kirsten M. Johnson
Mark Johnson and
Laura Provinzino*
Marlene E. Johnson
Neel and Pegge Johnson*
Mr. Bob W. Johnson*
Rod and Lil Johnson
Shotsy and Ward Johnson
Xy Vang Johnson*
Maggie and Brad Johnston
Donald and Millie Jones*
Louise Jones
Amy M. Jongerius
Catherine Jordan and
Steve Lick
Joan Jorgenson*
Virginia M. Juffer
Molly Jungbauer*
Phil Jungwirth
Nancy Kachel
Art and Martha Kaemmer
Mark Kahn*
Christine RM Kain
Loree K. Kallianen*
Amy Kamenick*
Brian Kamin
Paul Kaminski*
Phyllis Karasov
Vicki L. Karr
Dara C. Kasouaher*
Gina Kastel
Anne Katz*
Joanna Kauppila*
Yumi Kayama*
Greg and Susan Keane
Kathy Kehrberg
Brad Keil, Esq.
Mary Keirstead and
Edward Swain*
Kathryn Keisling*
Dave and Shannon Keller
Monica Kelley
Dennis and Mary Kelly
Kate Kelly and Ben Taylor
Suzanne Kelly
Catherine Kelsch
Craig Kempcke*
Cathryn Kennedy
William O. Kenney and
Margaret E. Kilpatrick*
Brandi S. Kerber
Jerry Kern
Peter and Anna Kern
Daniel Kertzner*
Nancy Ketchel
Megan Kettunen
Patricia M. Keyes*
Tom and Patricia Keyes
Elizabeth and Bruce Kiernat
RB and Courtney Kiernat
Linda V. Kim*
Karen Kimball*
Susan W. King and
Lawrence R. King*
Russell S. King
Joseph and Kathleen
Laura J. Kingston*
Mary Elizabeth Kingston
Tom and Mary Kingston
Barbara Derus Kinsey*
Steve Kirby*
Vivian Kirch*
Karolyn Kirchgesler
Ken and Phyllis Kirwin*
Judy and Edward Kishel*
Pat and John Kjosa
Alexandra Klas
Louise A. Klas*
Peter and Patricia Klein
John and Carol Kline
Senator Amy Klobuchar and
Mr. John Bessler
Chris Knight*
Janet Knipe*
Randall and Janet Knoll*
Bob Knutson
Ronald Knutson
Julie Koch
Lee Koch
Marilyn S. Koch
Brian Koehn*
Michael and Tamera Koenig
Scott R. Koenig*
Craig and Nancy Koester*
Weston Kooistra
Peggy Korsmo-Kennon*
Bill and Jeanne Kosfeld
Mike and Keevan Kosidowski
Katie Kosseff*
Lori and Dennis Koutsky
Joe and Kathy Kovarik*
Stephen Kowalke*
Mary J. Kowalski*
William F. Krake
Liz Kramer*
Matt Kramer*
Robert J. Kranz
Debra Krause
Jeremy and Molly Krehbiel
Thomas J. Kremer*
Laurence J. Kress
Paul and Caroline Krier*
Randall and Rachel Kroll
Laura A. Kropp*
Brad Kruse and
Kimberly Faurot
Daniel and Rebecca Kruse*
Joanna Kuehn*
Michael and Kevin Kuenster
Bob Kuhlman*
Daniel and Constance
Greg Kuntz*
Brenda L. Kyle
Le Ann G. La Course*
John and Julie Labosky
James and Gail LaFave
John and Nancy Lambros
Gloria J. Lamphear*
Pat Landy*
Wendy Lane
Kirsten Langohr*
Craig Lapsley*
John E. Larsen
Brandon Larson*
Eric D. Larson*
Heidi Larson*
Jack Larson
James and Marjorie Larson
Jeremy Larson*
Julie Larson
Kelly, Brian, Stone, and
Kennedy Larson*
Velma Lashbrook*
Lori Lauber*
Kevin Lawler*
Ann M. Lawson*
Bernadine M. Leach
Lars and Maren Leafblad*
Jane Lebens*
Ann Ledy
Debbie and Andy Lee
Jack and Laura Lee
Linda Lee
Kristal Leebrick*
May Lee-Yang*
Senta and Mitch Leff
Mr. Peter E. Leggett*
Melissa Lehmann*
Cynthia Lehr*
Karen and Dan Leighton
Vivian Leith*
Ron Lenz*
Irving and Gwen Lerner
Cyndi and Dennis Lesher
Alan Lessik*
Michael J. Lethert
Jackie Levin
Carolyn Levitt
Candy Lewis-McComb
Lisa Li*
Peg and Dick Lidstad
Susan Lieberman*
Roger and Ellen Lillemoen*
Eric Lind
Mark and Jennifer Lindberg
Joe and Anne Lindell*
Peg Lindlof*
Brian and Sari Lipschultz*
Nancy Livingston*
Mike Logan*
Jean and Arnie London
Steven T. Loosbrock
Kia Lor*
April Lott
Lorrie Louder
Anna Lovegren*
Jo Lovegren, NEI
Electric MN
Brian and Sue Lubben*
Keith and Judith Luebke
Here for Good
Craig W. Luedemann and
Mary E. Robischon
Reverend Patricia J. Lull*
Jay R. Lund
Lee and Jo Ann Lundblad
Laura Lundin*
Virginia R. Lupo, M.D.
Diane Lutwak
Mark Lutwak
Maria Munoz Lyon
Patrice Machalek, Esq.
Mary Mackbee*
Gina Mackintosh
Alan and Jeanne Maclin
Finette and Richard
Charlie and Terri Mahar
William M. Mahlum and
Donna Allan
Steven G. Mahon*
Mike and Linda Mahoney*
Don Maietta
Helen and Bob Mairs
Matt Majka
Lennie Major*
Diane D. Malfeld*
Emily Maltz*
Andrea Marboe
Steven Marchese and
Jodi R. Sandfort
Amy E. Marga and
Uwe E. Bilger*
Steve Marino
John I. Marshall*
Mary Marso
David Martin*
Jana Martin and
David Fredrickson*
Kristine A. Martin*
Ruth Martinez*
Nicole MartinRogers
Laurie H. Martinson
Tim Marx, Catholic Charities
Patrick and Karin Mascia, Sr.
Jeffrey Masco*
Susan Mason
David Mathison*
Rachel K. Mathre*
Paul and Tara Mattessich
Louise Mattson
Tracy Maurer*
Jennifer L. Maxfield*
Brian Maxwell
Nate Maydole*
Dave and Sherla Mayer
Lohini and Chapman Mayo
Patricia Lee Mazurkiewicz*
Linda McAdam
Julia Fabris McBride and
William McBride
James McClean*
Linda McCormick
Linda McCracken-Hunt
and Thomas E. Hunt
Stephen and Andrea
Stephanie Richards
Kathleen McDonald*
Malcolm W. McDonald
Patricia McDonald
William E. McDonald, Esq.
Lynda McDonnell*
Alyssa M. McDonough
Jennifer McDonough
Father Kevin M.
Maureen McDonough and
Roger Kapsner
Thomas E. McEllistrem*
Bob and Terri McEnaney
Ernie McFadden
Carol and Patrick
Paul McGinley
Chris and Julie McGlincey*
Michael F. and Ann
Mary Jo McGuire*
John McGuirk*
Bert McKasy
Galen S. McKay
Daniel and Heidi McKeown*
Nancy McKillips
Jeanne and Jeff McLean*
Malcolm and Wendy
Shannon McLevish
Bruce McManus
Mary Bigelow McMillan
Amy and Marek Mino*
Jerome Miranowski*
Katie Misukanis*
Patricia A. Mitchell
Colleen Mlecoch and
Janet Anderson
Donna Mody
Mark P. Moeller*
Wilder’s Family Supportive
Housing serves families
facing complex challenges
such as homelessness,
mental illness and chemical
dependency through a
successful, cost-effective combination of affordable
housing with services that help families live more stable,
productive lives. The primary program goals are for
families to maintain stable housing and to increase
economic stability. Last year 96% of families living in
Jackson Street Village stayed there for twelve months
or moved to permanent stable housing. In addition, 90%
of the families were employed and earned income.
Heather and Greg
Judy McNamara*
Harry G. McNeely, Jr.
Priscilla McNulty
Carol McWalters
Mrs. Audrey C. Mears
Robert and Debra Meath
Roberta and Robert
Caroline and Scott
Mary K. Melgaard
Estate of Dorothy Merrill*
Sara Merz*
Michael Meyer
Alison Midden
Rolf and Karen Middleton
David Miller
David R. Miller*
David and Karen Minge*
Patrick and Gertrude Mingo
Stephen and Diane Mog*
Linda and Dave Mona*
Michael J. Monahan*
David and Mary Jo Monson*
Naomi R. Montgomery*
Mike and Lisa Moore
Rick and Val Moore
Donna Moores
Bonnie Morris
Christie Moua*
Sandy Moua*
Xong Mouacheupao
Sue Moyer*
Jerry Moynagh*
Brent Mueller*
Dan Mueller
Keith and Jennifer Mueller
Ann Mulholland
Ellen Muller*
Karen Muller
Matt Mullins*
*We welcome the support of these donors who made their first gift to the Wilder Foundation in FY 2011.
Joseph and Annalise
Lee and Kevina Munnich*
Delores Murphy*
Ed Murphy*
Mary Ellen Murphy
Robert B. Murphy*
Elizabeth A. Myers*
George and Holly Myers
Nancy Myers
Clay Myers-Bowman*
Dava Nasby
David and Karen Nasby
Rosanne Nathanson
Mark Nathe*
Demetrius Neal*
Francis E. Neir, III*
Andrew and Kelly Nelson
Brock and Martha Nelson
Clyde and Judy Nelson
Jeff Freeland Nelson and
Alisa Blackwood*
Karen M. Nelson
Krista Nelson*
Russell C. Nelson
Simone Nelson*
William M. Nelson*
Eric Nesheim*
Susan Nestegard*
Bruce and Susan
Joseph Neuberger*
Anna Neumann*
Michael and Debra
Corky Newton*
Barbara Nichols
Bill Nichols*
Dick and Nancy Nicholson
Sheryl Niebuhr*
Jean Nierenhausen
Dr. David P. Norden
Rolf Nordstrom*
Paul Notermann*
Dick Nowlin
John Nuechterlein
Connie Nyman
Constance C. Oace*
Roy R. Oberhamer
Mark K. O’Brien*
Michael R. O’Brien*
Jean and John O’Connell
Pat and Kathy O’Connor*
Marcie O’Connor
John and Cynthia
Mike Ohlhauser*
Judy Ohm
Juli Okal*
Astrid Ollerenshaw*
Nancy B. Olsen*
Bennett and Jane Olson
Gary and Nancy Olson*
Laura Olson*
Douglas and Mary Olson*
Kathy Oman
Angela O’Neill*
Roger Opp*
Ernest and Mary Orr*
Walter M. and Lois E.
Matt Osberg*
Charles and Victoria
Donna Osterbauer
Jack and Ginger Overbye
Cheryl R. Overvig*
Gregory and Phyllis Owen
Matthew C. Oyen*
Diane Paauwe
Richard Pakonen*
Julie A. Paleen Aronow*
Mary Kay Palmer
Alleluia Panis*
Rick A. Pantera*
Senator Sandy Pappas*
Steven Paprocki
Michael M. Parish Family
Jan Parker*
Tom Parker*
Julia Parnell*
Judy Parr
Amherst H. Wilder Foundation
Individuals and Families
Dorothy M. Parrott and
James A. Hughes, Jr.*
Amy Woog Patnode*
Judith A. Patrick*
Mary M. Patterson
Tom and Sally Patterson
Jon Paulsen*
Brian S. Paulson*
Brian Paulson*
Pam Paulson
Rolf and Linda Paulson*
James A. Payne
Steve Peacock and
Kate Seng
John Pearson
Patrick Pechacek
Jeanette Pechuman*
Kathleen Pechuman
John L. Peloquin*
Daniel R. Pennie
Tim Pepera*
Robert Peskin
Wayne and Kelly Petersen
Susan Petersen*
Bradley Peterson*
Chris Peterson*
Diane Peterson*
Heather and Craig Peterson*
Jacqueline J. Peterson
Jeffrey and Michele
Karen Kolb Peterson*
Margaret Peterson
William and Mary Ellis
Neal N. Peterson and
Deanna A. Thompson*
Randy Peterson*
Brenda Petry*
Kenneth R. Petschel*
Jill Petsel and
Ashley Gotelaere*
Kate Pexa*
Pamela Peyton*
Jay Pfaender
Jim Pfau and Denise Kania
Todd M. Phelps*
Jason and Heather Phillips*
Anne and Herb Pick
Mary E. Pickard
Eric Pihl*
Cindy Pikala
Beth Pinkney*
Sue and Jeff Piper*
Brian Pittman
Sue Piva and Laurie Keate
Dr. Julian G. Plante
Amanda J. Platson*
Marion Podany*
Nancy L. Podas*
Richard Podvin
Judy M. Poferl
Jack and Martha Pohl
Meredith A. Poland*
Jodene Pope and
Tim Wong
George and Diane Power
Jon Pratt and
Deborah Clemmensen
Mary Ella Pratte*
Candace and Brian
Dennis and Kay Prchal
Dan Preiner*
Kristine Preston and
Dan Schiltz
Laura E. Preus*
Ronald L. Price*
Jane Prohaska and
William P. Donohue
Daniel and Molly Prokott
Steven C. Pundt*
Joan and Norm Purrington*
Joanie Putz
Barbara C. Quade-Harick*
Irene Quarshie*
Tim Quello*
Denise Quinlan
Joseph J. Radosevich
Neelesh Raheja*
John Rajkowski*
David Rakowczyk*
Joan Raleigh
Linda and Dominic Ramacier
Joe and Jan Ramsey*
JoBeth Ranfranz*
Susan P. Rani*
Sandy Kiernat
Service Award
The Sandy Kiernat
Service Award
recognizes and
volunteers that most exemplify the spirit of community
service demonstrated by Wilder Foundation Board
Member and previous Chairperson Sandy Kiernat.
This year’s recipients of the Sandy Kiernat Community
Service Award were named at the 2011 Contributor’s
Luncheon: Meals on Wheels volunteers Bill and Kit
Burch and Child Guidance Clinic volunteer Lois Eckstein
were presented with the Award to commemorate their
many hours of volunteer work with the Wilder Foundation.
Congratulations and thanks to Bill, Kit and Lois!
Brian Rank and Joyce
Jeff and Mary Rathmanner
Mark Ratta*
Jane Rauenhorst, Ph.D., LP
James W. Reagan
Jerry E. Redmond*
Chris and Jennifer Reedy
Sara and Dusty Reese*
Michael and Kathleen
John and Barbara Regal
Donald and Jean Regan
Victoria A. Reinhardt
Barb Renner*
Charles W. Repke
Janell Repp
Dave and Sue Reuss
Carleen Rhodes
Trudy Richter
Marna and Erick Ricker*
Paula R. Riel
Kathryn Ringham
Darin Ringuette*
Jeff Risberg and
Margaret Jones*
Mark Ritchie and
Nancy Gascott
Tony Rivera
John Rizzardini*
Koleen M. Roach*
Bryn S. Roberts
Paul Robinson
Ronel Robinson*
Carolyn H. Roby*
Daniel A. Rodriguez
Susan Roeder and
Mike Wilhelmi
Julie Rohovit*
Randy Rollison
Art and Cheri Rolnick*
Philip and Jane Rolnick*
Dennis Rosemark*
Melissa Rossow*
Randi Ilyse Roth*
Ken and Nina Rothchild
Michael J. Rothmeier*
Brigette M. Rouson
Barbara and Phil Roy
Jennifer J. Roy
Russ Rubin*
Shelly and Steve Rucks
Virginia M. Rueter*
Ann Ruff
Lori Rukstales
Juliana Rupert*
Helen Rush
Martha and David Russell
Sheelagh F. Russell
Julia Rust*
Jim Rustad*
Mike Ryan*
Jim and Tomi Ryba
Anders Rydaker
Greg Rye
Anita Rylander
Bonnie K. Rymer*
David P. Saar
Vinayak Saklani*
Mary Sample and
Bob Goepel*
Ellen G. Sampson*
Jacqueline Samuel
Conradine Sanborn and
Chris Colantti
Deanna Sande*
Cathryn Sandifer
Sarah Sanfilippo*
Rupesh Santoshi and
Sarada Sangameswaran*
Dick Sarafolean*
Jyoti Sathyanarayana
Cindy and Dave Satre
Andrea and Joseph Satter*
Laura and Jon Savin*
Mark and Alison Savin
Garry R. Sayre
Timothy and Catherine
John and Dorothy Scanlan
Paula M. Schaefer
Mike W. Schaffer*
Here for Good
Honor Schauland and
Jeff Mitchell*
Laura Schauland*
Dale and Bette Schenian
& Family
Phil and Susan
Kathleen Schmidlkofer*
Barbara Schmidt
Stephen and Katie Schmidt
Cathy J. Schmit*
Sandy Schmitt*
Dr. and Mrs. Nick and
Erin Schneeman
Karen M. Schneewind*
Jocelyn Schowalter
John and Ellen Schreier
Marty and Jennifer Schreier
Matt Schroeder
Polly and Jay Schrom
Shawn Schuette*
Christie Schulte*
David Schultz and
Trudi Trysla*
Helene and David Schultz
Kayleen Schultz*
Paul Schulz*
Erica Schumacher*
Jon Schumacher and
Mary Briggs*
Judy Schumacher
Julia Schumacher*
Glen Schumann
Lea A. Schuster*
Steve Schwanke*
Mary Schwappach
Christine and David
Janet Schweigert
Donovan Schwichtenberg
Steve Scobee*
Suzi and Dan Scott*
Jeff and Mary Scott
Patrick J. Seeb
Louise Seeba*
Emily F. Seesel
Marilyn E. Seglem
Arne Selbyg*
Lisa Sell*
Joseph K. Selvaggio
Mary E. Senkus, Esq.
Gregg S. Senter*
Jane Sevald*
Jill Shannon
Julie and Tom Shannon
Ruth C. Shannon
Norah Shapiro and
Andrew Harrison
Naveen P. Sharma*
Matt Shea
Judith A. Sheehan*
Paul and Amy Sheehan*
Ellen Shelton
Stan Shepard and
Lucy Hobart
Rose Sherman*
Nihal Shetty*
Damon D. Shoholm
Jacqui Shoholm*
Jeffrey A. Shopek
Shelley Shreffler
Holly Sidford and
John Englund
Ann Siegfried
Joan Siewert-Cardona
Valeria Silva*
Deb Simerlink*
Tony Simmons*
Anne Simpson
David and Cecilia Simpson
Gary M. Simpson and
Sharon K. Geiger*
John L. Sims
Paul A. Sinclair
Thomas Skalitzky
Rodger and Karin Skare
Steve and Corilee Skildum*
Deborah A. Skinner*
Elin Malmquist Skinner
Glen and Anna Skovholt
Maggie Skrypek
Carolyn Smallwood*
Craig and Merritt Smith
Jack Smith*
Jeff and Robin Smith
Ken Smith*
Kendall and Debra Smith
Patrick J. Smith*
Rebecca L. Smith*
Rich Smith*
Sheila Smith
Terrie Smith
Tomás Smith
Melanie Snead*
Karen J. Snedeker
Paul Snyder*
Conrad Soderholm*
Becky Soler
Nancy and Tim Sommers
Philip and Margaret Soran
Andrea Specht*
James Spencer
Valerie Spencer*
Paul Spies
Paul and Nellie Sponheim*
Nancy Stachel
Eileen V. Stack*
Marla M. Stack*
Clarence Stallings*
Joel Stamp*
Jennifer and Jim Stanley*
Russ Stark and
Betsy Murray*
Byron and Connie Starns*
Steve Stecker*
Erin Stein*
James and Tracy Steiner
Robert and Judy Steiner
Molly Steinke*
Daniel and Suzanne
Gerry and Kris Stenson
Sara Sternberger and
Howard Epstein*
Sonya Steven
Rachel Stock Spilker*
David Stokes
Patty Stolpman and
Jerry Wallace*
Ken and Margaret Stone
Richard C. Strand*
David and Elona
Judy K. Stromback
Barbara T. Stromer*
Bradley Struemke*
James and Janice Stubbs
Vicki Stute*
Mark O. Stutrud*
Connie Suchta
Julie M. Sullivan*
Kevin Sullivan, Transcend
United Technologies*
Amy and David Sunderland
Sonya M. Sustacek*
William J. Svrluga
Arlene and Tom H. Swain
Angela and Benjamin
Dan Swanson*
Donald J. Swanson*
Jan Gibson Talbot*
Dorine Tarbet*
Kathy Tauer
Shehla Tauscher
Beth Taylor
Don W. Taylor
Helen Taylor*
Kris Taylor
Mark A. Tebelius*
Donald and Mary Tehven
Bradley E. Teichroew*
Barbara Telander
Nancy Tellor
Mihailo Temali*
Rebecca Thaisen*
Mao Thao and
Lee Jacobson*
Mai and FueThao*
Paj Thao*
Poua Thao*
Terri Thao
*We welcome the support of these donors who made their first gift to the Wilder Foundation in FY 2011.
Dr. Xoua Thao and
See Vang Thao
Jon and Lea Theobald
Matthew Thiede*
Lynnell Thiel
Claire A. Thoen
Robert Thomasser*
Tom Thomasser*
Dave and Lane Thompson*
Gael Thompson
Jack Thompson
Jay Thompson*
Joan C. Thompson
John L. and Deborah A.
Luther Thompson and
Kathleen McCall
Rolf Thompson and
CJ Jacobson
Tara Tierney*
John and Amy Tillotson
Jerry and Sylvia Timian
Lynette Todd*
Richard Todd and
Patricia Haswell
Steven B. Toeniskoetter
and Katrina Budde*
Paula Tomei
Jay R. Tonsfeldt*
Robin Torgerson*
Hakon and Karen Torjesen*
Charles C. Torrey
Edward Toussaint*
Paul Traczyk*
Paula Tressler
Robert Trevis*
Tom Triplett
Tara Troiano*
Terrence Troy*
Jane and Paul Tschida
Victor H. Tschida*
Dale S. and Judith E. Tucker
Debi Tucker*
Jackie Turner*
Bill Udelhofen and
Marla deNiord*
Karen M. Ulstad
Dr. Al Uniacke and
Dr. Sue K. Hammersmith*
T.J. Upchurch*
Andrea Upin*
Jodi and Jeff Upin*
Nan Upin*
Kelly Urista
Nancy Utoft
Lynet Uttal*
Terry Valentine
Jennifer Valorose
Kathleen M. Van Bergen*
David and Nancy Van Dyke*
Bob and Meg Van Why*
Bernadette P. and Phetsy
Chria Vang*
Ge Vang
Mai H. Vang*
Michelle Vang*
Yamy Vang
Yeu M. Vang*
Zer Vang*
Peter and Elaine
DeDee Varner
Vallay and Christopher
Arlana Vaughan
Kathleen Vellenga
Richard Venegar*
Joellyn J. Veninga*
William D. Venne
Patti Jo Verdeja
Paul and Carolyn Verret
Tamara J. Villegas*
Claire Vincent*
Reverends William and
Marguerite Voelkel
Joan M. Voight*
Beth L. Voigt
Tom von Sternberg
Andy Voorhees*
Amherst H. Wilder Foundation
Individuals and Families
Mary Vradelis
Ryan Wagenman*
Amy E. Wagner and
Charles Witzke
Nancy Wagner*
Fred and Nora Wagner
Liz and Bob Wahlberg*
Robert Wahlstrom*
Michelle J. Walker*
Dr. Patricia Walker and
Rebecca Enos
Wesley Walker*
Yaneque Walker
Andrea Walsh
Kerry Walsh
Shelly Walsh*
Linda Walton*
Amy Ward and
David Campana
Gail Ward*
Jean W. Ward
Jeanine Ward
Larry and Nancy Ward*
David M. and Mary Ann
Barrows Wark
Elizabeth Warner
Maureen E. Warren
Richard P. and Kathleen K.
Thomas P. Wasmoen*
Michael Wassenaar
Marcy Weatherspoon*
Mary L. Weber
Kurt Weeding*
Darrill Wegscheid*
Paul and Lynn Weiler
Sarah Fossen Weimar
James and Sharon Weinel
Steve Weinreich*
Deborah and Bernard Weiss*
Mary Welfling
Charlie Wendler
Susan Wenz
William Wenzel*
Paul and Lucille Werner
Sandra Wesely
Arlene West and Kevin Bevis
Gretchen and David
Erik and Barbara Westgard*
Edward M. Weston
John Westrom
Frederick and Nancy
Barry Whalen*
Tom and Kathleen Whaley
Pamela Wheelock
Lance Whitacre*
Steve and Shannon Whitaker
Nancy and Bill Whitaker*
Ann White
Dr. and Reverend Joyce A.
Philip and Christy White
Rolf L. White*
Thomas Whitlock*
Sandra and Gary Wiese*
Leni and George Wilcox
John and Jan Wilke
Robert R. Wilke
Deb Wilkens-Costello*
Colleen R. Willhite*
Lori-Anne Williams
Twana Williams*
Barbara J. Wills
Bill L. Wilson*
Leonard and Adelia Wilson
Stephen A. Wilson*
Lucia Spencer Winegar
Clark and Sharon Winslow
Dan Winter*
John and Barbara Winters*
Tammi J. Winters
Jerry Woelfel and
Becky Garthofner
Anita Wohlk*
Jean and John Wolf
Dan and Carol Wolfe
Douglas and Sara Wolff
Donald Z. Woods*
Pat Woodward
Sheila Wright and
Richard Stamm*
Tom and Brenda Wright
John Wuorinen*
Kathy Wuorinen*
Peter and Suzanne Wyckoff
Barbara Wylde*
Ann Wynia
Chee Xiong*
Sheng M. Xiong*
Tabyim Xiong*
Yoeuth Yan
Blong Yang and
Mai Neng Moua*
Jack H. Yang
Kenneth Yang*
Kong Yang*
Monica P. Yang*
Moua Yang*
Naly Yang and Doua Xiong*
Nou Yang
Tony Yang
Youa Yang
Marcia and Jerry Yanz
Sarah Yates*
Terri Yearwood
Ruth and Anthony Yocum
Jon and Kirsten Yocum*
Tim and Shannon Yocum*
Biloine Young
John and Cleo Young*
Estate of Reta Youngman*
Peter Zakrajsheck and
Betsy Kiernat Zakrajsheck
Kathy Zanner
Max Zarling*
Steve and Trottie Zeece
Richard and Janine Zehring
Barbara Zeis
Dale and Claudia Zellmer
Bart Zibrowski*
Donna Zimmerman and
Phil Ditmanson
Larry and Victoria Zobel*
Sara Zoff
Gregory Zoidis
Ellie Ulrich Zuehlke*
Ted and Kathy Zwieg*
Wilder’s Adult Day
Health program received
the distinguished Aging
Services of Minnesota
Excellence and
Innovation Award in
recognition of its
Transforming the Dementia Journey program. Key
elements of this work included partnerships with
professional artists to provide creative arts programming
for memory loss patients.
The Wilder Foundation would like to thank all of
the volunteers who gave their time this past year.
Volunteers play a crucial role in every aspect of
the Wilder Foundation’s life-changing work to
improve lives, including:
• delivering nutritional meals to our older adults
and those unable to prepare and cook meals
• helping our youth learn skills and develop
as leaders
• teaching computer skills to community
• motivating older adults to improve their health
through exercise
• assisting teachers by reading to children
In FY 2011, more than 23,000 hours donated to
the Wilder Foundation by almost 700 volunteers
was valued at $373,879. We would like to
recognize the gifts of time, talent, and energy
donated by our volunteers throughout the year.
Your efforts helped serve those most in need in
our community.
Thank You!
Here for Good
Businesses and Community Organizations
The Wilder Foundation gratefully acknowledges the following businesses and community organizations that supported our clients and programs with financial contributions or
goods and services.
3M Stationary Products
A Lucky Rice
Aaron Lissarrague Agency
ALJ Consulting
American Engineering
Testing, Inc
Ameriprise Financial
Ameriprise Financial
Matching Gift Program
Andersen Corporation
Arlene West
Aspen Waste Systems
Aspire Chiropractic
Beganik Strategy & Design
Bongard Corporation
Boston Scientific
Briggs and Morgan
Brookfield Properties
BTC Management, Inc.
C and V Management LLC
Campfire Blackbear Boys
Troop, St. Paul Summit
Carnival Characters
City of Burnsville, MN
Community Action
Partnership of Ramsey
& Washington Counties
Community Shares of
Crowne Plaza Hotel
Cummins Power Generation
Cyber Advisors, Inc.
Datalink Corporation
Davis Communications
Management, Inc.
Deloitte Consulting LLP
DFG Inc.
District Energy St. Paul, Inc.
Drake Bank
Duke Realty and
Duke Realty Corporation
Edward H. Cook and
Associates, PA
Elite Homecare, Inc.
Erickson and Associates, PA
Faegre & Benson
Fair Isaac Corporation
Figs Limited, Inc.
Friends of Finland
Girl Scout Troop 11685
Greater Twin Cities
United Way
Half Price Books
HealthLink Minnesota
Management Group
Henry Schafer Partners
Hey Man Productions
Highland Federal
Finance, Inc.
Hmong Minnesota Senior
Center, Inc
Hmong Village Bakery
and Deli
HR Strategy Partners, LLC
Izzy’s Ice Cream Cafe
JPMorgan Chase & Co.,
Employee Giving
Kiwanis Club of North
Suburban Golden K
St. Paul
Kraus-Anderson Companies
League of Minnesota
Leonard, Street and Deinard
Life Innovations, Inc.
Loffler Companies, Inc.
Loucks Associates
Lowry Hill
Lubrication Technologies,
Luther Seminary
MacPhail Center for Music
Maguire Agency, Inc.
Mall of America
Marketing Incentive
Resources, Inc.
Marquette Real Estate
Mars Carpet Sales
Mary Ellen Murphy
Evaluation & Planning
Midway Lions Club
Foundation, Inc.
Midway Men’s Club
Mile High United Way
Minnesota Environmental
Minnesota State Fair
Minnesota Wild
Minnesota Wire
MKB & Associates, Inc.
Moore, Costello & Hart
My Choice Productions, Inc.
NALCO Printing Company
NEI Electric MN
Nelson Tietz & Hoye
Old Timers Fast-Pitch
Softball Association
Olivet Congregational
Omicron Boule of Sigma
Pi Phi Fraternity
Oppenheimer Wolff &
Donnelly, LLP
Owen Auction Service
Padilla, Spear and
Paleen Consulting, Inc.
Paramount Real Estate
Park Midway Bank
Pioneer Press
Pope Architects
Premier Banks
Pro Staff
Regions Hospital
RICOH Americas
Ron McKinley Consulting,
Saint Thomas Academy
Securian Financial Group
Seven Corners Printing
Speece Thorson Capital
Group, Inc.
St. Paul Saints
Success A New
Beginning, Inc.
Target - Midway
Tarrant & Liska, P.L.L.C.
Tennison for County
Terrific Toys
The Caring Tree
The Clifton Group
The Design Company
The Kitchenette
The Macro Group, Inc.
The Summer Fund
Top Dog PC Services, LLC
Trestle Inn
Tunheim Partners
UBS Employee Giving
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
United Properties
Unity Church - Unitarian
of Saint Paul
Van Iwaarden Associates
Van Paper Company
Vanguard Investments
Warners’ Stellian
Wells Fargo Bank
Wells Fargo Institutional
Retirement & Trust
Wisconsin Assisted Living
Xcel Energy
Xcel Energy Employee
Involvement Programs
Yocum Oil Company, Inc.
The Wilder Foundation thanks these generous sponsors for their support of our Building on the Legacy fundraising breakfast. Their critical support helps build awareness of
Wilder’s work in the community and ensures that all contributions to the Wilder Foundation directly benefit Wilder programs.
Speece Thorson Capital Group, Inc.
Investment Managers
Amherst H. Wilder Foundation
Grants to the Wilder Foundation
The Wilder Foundation gratefully acknowledges the grants and program support received from the following foundations, designated funds, organizations
and agencies.
3M Community Foundation
Allianz Life Corporate Giving
Allianz Life Insurance
Company of North America
American Cancer Society
Andersen Corporate
Hugh J. Andersen Foundation
Elmer L. and Eleanor J.
Andersen Foundation
The Katherine B. Andersen
Fund of The Saint Paul
Beim Foundation
Bell Family Charitable
Gift Fund
Glen and Harold Bend
Foundation of The Saint
Paul Foundation
Best Buy Children’s
F.R. Bigelow Foundation
Blandin Foundation
Blue Cross and Blue Shield
of Minnesota Foundation
Blue Rock Charitable
Fund of The Minneapolis
Otto Bremer Foundation
Ronnie and Roger Brooks
Fund of The Saint Paul
J. Peter Brull Fund of The
Minneapolis Foundation
Burdick-Craddick Family
The K.K. Burhardt and
A.L. Spas Fund
Bush Foundation
The Patrick and Aimee
Butler Family Foundation
Charlson Foundation
The Comcast Foundation
Cassie and Dan Cramer
Fund of the Schwab
Charitable Fund
Cummins Power Generation
Frank M. DeForce Fund
The Dietz Family Fund of
The Saint Paul
Donor Advisor Co-Investment
Fund of The Minneapolis
Doris Duke Management
Ecolab Foundation
Mary and Louis Eisenmenger
Memorial Fund
The EkoForss Fund of The
Saint Paul Foundation
Family Housing Fund
F.M. Farrell Family Fund
of the Catholic
Community Foundation
Max M. & Marjorie S.
Fisher Foundation
Eugene U. and Mary F.
Frey Family Fund of The
Saint Paul Foundation
Frey Foundation
Laura and Anna E.R.
Furness Fund of The
Saint Paul Foundation
General Mills Foundation
Rosemary H. and David F.
Good Family Fund of The
Saint Paul Foundation
Norman A. Good, Jr. Fund
of The Saint Paul
Goodwin-Lindsay Family
Fund of The Minneapolis
Cecelia M. Goswitz Fund
of The Saint Paul
Joan and Bob Grzywinski
Fund of The Saint Paul
Guthmann Family Fund of
The Saint Paul Foundation
Lorraine and Harry
Hammerly Fund of The
Saint Paul Foundation
Mary L. Hammerly Fund of
The Saint Paul Foundation
Hands On Twin Cities
HealthEast Care System
Anne and Peter Heegaard
Family Fund of The
Minneapolis Foundation
The William and Flora
Hewlett Foundation
The Chris and Anne Hilger
Fund of The Saint Paul
Hilmerson Safety
Services, Inc.
The Holman Fund of The
Saint Paul Foundation
Hosier Family Fund of The
Minneapolis Foundation
Ann and Terry Huntrods
Fund of The Saint Paul
Huss Foundation
Independent School
District 709
Leah Kayless Ingber Fund
of the Jewish Community
Initiative Foundation
Joyful Women Fund
Art and Martha Kaemmer
Fund of HRK Foundation
Roger & Patricia Kerber
Family Fund of Schwab
Charitable Fund
Peter J. King Family
Knowledge Fund of The
Minneapolis Foundation
Dr. James W. LaFave and
Gail O. LaFave Fund
R.C. Lilly Foundation
Linder’s Garden Center
The John D. and Catherine
T. MacArthur Foundation
Marbrook Foundation
Mardag Foundation
Marquette Financial
Judy and Malcolm W.
McDonald Family
Charitable Account
Dick and Joyce H. McFarland
Family Fund of The
Minneapolis Foundation
The McKnight Foundation
McNeely Foundation
Medica Foundation
Metro Meals on Wheels
Metropolitan Area Agency
on Aging
Metropolitan Regional Arts
The Minneapolis Foundation
Minnesota Department of
Human Services
Minnesota Department of
Labor and Industry
Minnesota Historical Society
Minnesota State Arts Board
Minnesota Wire & Cable
Company Charitable
Giving Fund of The
Saint Paul Foundation
Morning Foundation
Nicholson Family Foundation
Richard and Nancy
Nicholson Fund of the
Nicholson Family
The Todd and Martha
Nicholson Fund
Mark and Jackie Nolan
Family Fund of The
Saint Paul Foundation
Roger and Violet Noreen
Charitable Trust
Northern Clay Center
Northland Foundation
Northwest Minnesota
Open Your Heart to the
Hungry and Homeless
Von and Julie Peterson
Fund at Schwab
Charitable Fund
Jay and Rose Phillips
Family Foundation
Piper Jaffray Foundation
Pohlad Family Foundation
George C. Power, Jr.
Family Fund of The
Saint Paul Foundation
The Rapids Fund of The
Saint Paul Foundation
William & Barbara Read
Charitable Fund of the
River Road Foundation
Catharine G. Rosen Fund
of The Saint Paul
The Saint Paul Foundation
Saint Paul Public Schools
Saint Paul Public Schools
Here for Good
Grants to the Wilder Foundation
The William and Susan
Sands Foundation of The
Saint Paul Foundation
Sauer Children’s Renew
The Richard M. Schulze
Family Foundation
Bromelkamp Family
Charitable Fund
Schwab Charitable Fund
Securian Foundation
The Sheltering Arms
Monroe, Charlotte and
Barbara Shine Family
Fund of the MCF
The Mortenson Family
Shire Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Soran Family Fund of The
Saint Paul Foundation
Clifford C. & Virginia G.
Sorensen Charitable
Trust of The Saint Paul
Southwest Initiative
The Gerald and Kristin
Stenson Family Fund of
The Saint Paul
Stevens Square Foundation
Jay and Shelley Strohmaier
Charitable Fund
Sundance Family
Sundance Pay It Forward
Target Foundation
Thrivent Financial for
Lutherans Foundation
Travelers Foundation
Trillium Family Foundation
U.S. Department of Health
& Human Services
U.S. Office of Refugee
Administration for
Children and Families
Greater Twin Cities
United Way
University of Minnesota
Center for Personalized
Prevention Research in
Children’s Mental Health
Archie D. and Bertha H.
Walker Foundation
Walser Family Fund of
The Saint Paul
Wells Fargo Community
Support Campaign
Wells Fargo Foundation
West Central Initiative
Wilford Family Foundation
Mark L. & Nancy C. Wilson
Family Fund of MN
Community Foundation
Winslow Family
Lillian Wright and C. Emil
Berglund Foundation
Xcel Energy Foundation
YWCA of Saint Paul
Catherine Jordan and
Steve Lick
Anne Katz
Daniel Kertzner
Janet Knipe
Peggy Korsmo-Kennon
Debra Krause
Wendy Lane
Kirsten Langohr
John E. Larsen
Bernadine M. Leach
Ann Ledy
Jack and Laura Lee
Bruce A. Lilly
Mark and Jennifer Lindberg
Keith and Judith Luebke
Craig W. Luedemann and
Mary E. Robischon
Diane Lutwak
Maria Munoz Lyon
Emily Maltz
Steven Marchese and
Jodi R. Sandfort
Laurie H. Martinson
Louise Mattson
Julia Fabris McBride and
William McBride
John McGuirk
Ronald and Devin McKinley
Harry G. McNeely, Jr.
Bonnie Morris
Karen Muller
James Murphy
Mary Ellen Murphy
George and Holly Myers
Clay and Karen
David and Karen Nasby
Eric Nesheim
Rolf Nordstrom
John Nuechterlein
Constance C. Oace
Friends of the James P. Shannon Leadership Institute
Andriana Abariotes
Jah’Shams Abdul-Mu’min
David Abrams
D.S. Aho
Laurie Ahrens
Lisa Albrecht and
Pat Rouse
Jocelyn L. Ancheta
Amy H. Anderson
Matthew L. Anderson
Jessica L. Andrews
Bruce and Catherine
Pamela Arnold
Marcia Avner
Tom Balcom
Megen Balda
Scott Banas
Roger Banks
Rebecca Baumann
Blaine Bonham
Mary K. Boyd
Joan Briccetti
Kathryn Martin Briem
Andy Brown
Consuella L. Brown
Tavyer and Kim Buechler
Lon M. and Irana L. Burns
Nancy L. Burns and
Scott Harrison
Carolyn and Robert Bye
Vivian M. Callaway
Elizabeth Childs and
Todd Larson
Rose Chu
John Clawson
Richard G. Cook and
Steven Kent Lockwood
Robinson Cook
Philip Corriveau
Alice Cottingham and
David Beard
Rich Cowles
Amy K. Crawford
Dr. Martyn Crook
Patricia A. Cummings
Jil Evans
Christopher J. Fischbach
and Katie Dublinski
Bonnie Jean Flom
Carol L. Fogarty
Taylor Forsythe
Bob Frawley
P. Gayle Fuguitt
Maryo G. Gard
Maggie Shannon George
and Rebecca Voelkel
Stephen C. Glover
Marian A. Godfrey
Trixie Ann Girtz Golberg
Dorothy Goldie
Marlina Gonzalez
Morris Goodwin, Jr. and
Donna Lindsay Goodwin
Kerstin Gorham
Jill Greenhalgh
Laurie and Edward Greeno
Paul L. Hager
A. M. Hale
Peter Hames
Christine Hammes
MayKao and Lao Lu Hang
John M. Harrington
Craig Harris
Renee Hayes
John and Mary Ann Hennen
Frances and Herbert Hesch
Terry Spencer Hesser
Joan Higinbotham
Yvonne Cheung Ho
Carolyn Holbrook
Janet Horvath
Jerrold Hromatka
Jerome and Audrey Hughes
Deborah Hutterer
Vincent L. Hyman
Cheryl K. Ikemiya
Karen Jacobson
Bradley and Pamela Joern
Douglas A. Johnson
Re-energizing Leaders in the Community
The James P. Shannon Leadership Institute offers personal and
professional renewal for experienced leaders of philanthropic,
civic, and community service organizations. Long-time public
policy leader Marcia Avner reflected on her Shannon experience:
“The Shannon Institute is unlike any other leadership program
because it is genuinely focused on the individual. It’s an extraordinary experience
for personal awareness and growth. I participated in the Institute at a time where I
needed to think about how to be more focused around my passion for public policy.
It helped me think about where I am, where I want to be, and I have actually acted
upon the plan that I developed in the program. There is great joy in taking time to
say ‘Who am I? What do I want to do? How can I fulfill that dream I have of what
I’m going to give to the world and to myself?’”
Amherst H. Wilder Foundation
Friends of the James P. Shannon Leadership Institute
Alleluia Panis
Judith A. Patrick
Brian Paulson
Pam Paulson
James A. Payne
Steve Peacock and
Kate Seng
John Pearson
Robert Peskin
Angela Johnson Peters
William and Mary Ellis
Mary E. Pickard
Jon Pratt and
Deborah Clemmensen
Laura E. Preus
Ronald L. Price
Jane Prohaska and
William P. Donohue
JoBeth Ranfranz
Paul Robinson
Brigette M. Rouson
Russ Rubin
Ann Ruff
Greg Rye
David P. Saar
Jacqueline Samuel
Lea A. Schuster
Joseph K. Selvaggio
Jill Shannon
Ruth C. Shannon
Norah Shapiro and
Andrew Harrison
Shelley Shreffler
Holly Sidford and
John Englund
Deb Simerlink
Elin Malmquist Skinner
Tomás Smith
Paul Snyder
Paul Spies
Marla M. Stack
Sonya Steven
Amy and David Sunderland
Terri Thao
Claire A. Thoen
Jack Thompson
Luther Thompson and
Kathleen McCall
Paula Tomei
Kathleen M. Van Bergen
Peter and Elaine VanWieren
William D. Venne
Reverends William and
Marguerite Voelkel
Mary Vradelis
Amy E. Wagner and
Charles Witzke
Wesley Walker
Michael Wassenaar
Paul and Lynn Weiler
Eric Werner
Barry Whalen
Dr. and Reverend Joyce A.
Lori-Anne Williams
Peter and Suzanne Wyckoff
Blong Yang and
Mai Neng Moua
Terri Yearwood
Gregory Zoidis
Gifts in Honor of
Jim Bradshaw
John and Dorothy Scanlan
Ronnie Brooks
Alan Lessik
Robert Peskin
Glenace E. Edwall
Ann Wynia
Maggie George’s Retirement from
General Mills
D.S. Aho
Vivian M. Callaway
Dr. Martyn Crook
Taylor Forsythe
P. Gayle Fuguitt
Laurie and Edward Greeno
Kirsten Langohr
JoBeth Ranfranz
Russ Rubin
Ruth C. Shannon
Reverends William and
Marguerite Voelkel
Barry Whalen
Donna Gilligan-Arendt
Claire Edlebeck
Nell Goepel
Mary Sample and Bob Goepel
Marj and Don Griffing
Jean Jirovec
MayKao Y. Hang
Erica Schumacher
Tracy, Edward, Piper, and Harper
John and Carol Kline
David Hill and Shirley Swenson
Jane Lebens
Kirsten Johnson
Bonnie K. Rymer
Sandy Kiernat
RB and Courtney Kiernat
Tom and Mary Kingston
Terence and Marilyn Davern
Mark and Katey McCabe
The wedding of Lois Malcolm and
David Watkins
Rebecca and Mark Arnold
Paul and Kirsten Berry
William and Maria Theresa
Mary Sue and Gary Dreier
Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Favorite
Frederick and Barbara Gaiser
Henry T. Grabowski and
Nanne M. Carroll
Mark A. Granquist
E.A. W. Gunderson
Mary Jane Haemig
Angie D. Heo
Scott and Cynthia Jakel
Craig and Nancy Koester
Ann M. Lawson
Reverend Patricia J. Lull
Jana Martin and
David Fredrickson
Bruce and Susan Neubauer
Owen Auction Service
Rolf and Linda Paulson
Neal N. Peterson and
Deanna A. Thompson
Steven C. Pundt
Joe and Jan Ramsey
Philip and Jane Rolnick
Karen M. Schneewind
Gregg S. Senter
Judith A. Sheehan
Paul and Amy Sheehan
Gary M. Simpson and
Sharon K. Geiger
Paul and Nellie Sponheim
Hakon and Karen Torjesen
Larry and Nancy Ward
Larry and Victoria Zobel
Malcolm W. McDonald
Patricia McDonald
Malcolm McLean
MayKao and Lao Lu Hang
Malcolm W. McDonald
Board Member Emeritus
Malcolm W. McDonald joined the Wilder Foundation
Board of Directors in 1970. Malcolm brings incredible
passion to identifying and responding to the needs of
the people in our community. After serving 41 years
on the Wilder Foundation Board of Directors, Malcolm retired from
the board in 2011 and was honored as Wilder’s first Board Member
Emeritus. Malcolm’s generosity of spirit will live on as he gives his time
and talent moving forward in this special role. As with other trustees of
Wilder, he served as a champion of our mission, and exemplified the
values of the Foundation.
Here for Good
Cari Michaels
Catherine Jordan and
Steve Lick
Christian Montgomery
Maria Huerta-Lopez
Joseph Munnich
Lee and Kevina Munnich
Krista Nelson
Bradley Struemke
Ron Nygard
Karen Kimball
Sally and Tom Patterson
Irving and Gwen Lerner
Susan M. Phillips
Garry W. Hesser
The Piva Family: John Piva,
John Henry Piva, Julie Piva,
Nicole Piva, Jake Piva, Mike
Piva, Mike Ferrari
Sue Piva and Laurie Keate
Paul P. Robinson
Trixie Ann Girtz Golberg
Dorothy Goldie
Ronald L. Price
Marla M. Stack
Barbara and Phil Roy
Beth Roy Jenkyn and Family
Jennifer J. Roy
Barbara Roy
Barbara Telander
Ruth C. Shannon
Peter and Elaine VanWieren
Damon Shoholm
Erica Schumacher
Joan Thompson
UBS Employee Giving
Chria Vang
Jen-Syan Hwang
Zong Vang
Monica P. Yang
Leni Wilcox
Susan Petersen
Nou Yang’s birthday
Claire P. Bey
Catherine Kelsch
Jackie Levin
Christie Moua
Sandy Moua
Mao Thao and Lee Jacobson
Paj Thao
Matthew Thiede
Nou Yang
Gifts in Memory of
Master Sergeant Brett E.
Jacqueline J. Peterson
Julian Baird
John Baird
Bob Bartell
Dorothy M. Bartell
Joyce M. Conway
Jeanette Pechuman
Everard and LaVerne Berdan
Gary and Vicki Berdan
Glenn Berdan
Juliette and James Hipple
Sara and Dusty Reese
Jocelyn Schowalter
Jean H. Blanch
Judy and Edward Kishel
Sue and Jeff Piper
Anne Simpson
Patrick Davern
Terence and Marilyn Davern
Jeremy and Molly Krehbiel
Elisabeth Doermann
Elizabeth and Bruce Kiernat
Ken and Nina Rothchild
Marie Droubie
George and Jo Anne Droubie
Ronald T. Finnegan
Jacqui Shoholm
Jean E. Gehan
Charlton Dietz
Paul and Pauline Gibson
Jan Gibson Talbot
Mary S. Heiserman
Louise Eidsmoe
Robert Kirch
Vivian Kirch
Lawrence La Course
Le Ann G. La Course
Sidney R. Lange
Charlton Dietz
Lois Oberhamer Nye
Roy R. Oberhamer
Allan C. Orensteen
John and Pearl Fantle
Ruth M. Quast
Marion Podany
Philemon C. Roy
Dorothy Anderson
Marjorie and Kevin Arndt
Walt and Ginger Bailey
W.K. Bennis
Roland Birkebak
Patricia K. Blanch
Lee and Barbara Boerbon
Will and Margee Bracken
Pam and Phil Broat
James Brockberg
Carolyn Brusseau
Mary Byrne
Dr. Terrence and
Jacqueline Capistrant
Ron and Joy Carslon
Gary and Paula Christensen
Caroline and Scott Clemens
Norb and Mary Ellen
Conzemius Fund of The
Saint Paul Foundation
Jake and Angel Crandall
Sheldon and Carol Damberg
Cynthia B. Driscoll
Stephen and Margaret Gadient
Gary Geller
Jim and Teddy Gesell
William R. Gray
Don and Rosemary Gruber
MayKao and Lao Lu Hang
Robyn Hansen and
John Clarey
Barbara R. Hanssen
HealthLink Minnesota
Management Group
Bob and Mary Ellen Hennessey
Robert M. Hill
Kjeld and Karen Husebye
Nancy K. Jacobson
Richard and Theresa Jenkyn
Shotsy and Ward Johnson
Donald and Millie Jones
Joan Jorgenson
Patricia M. Keyes
Elizabeth and Bruce Kiernat
Tom and Mary Kingston
Judy and Edward Kishel
Louise A. Klas
Joanna Kuehn
James and Gail LaFave
Roger and Ellen Lillemoen
Paul and Tara Mattessich
Dave and Sherla Mayer
Stephen and Andrea McCue
Judy and Malcolm W. McDonald
Family Charitable Account
Nancy McKillips
Harry G. McNeely, Jr.
Minnesota Wire & Cable
Company Charitable Giving
Fund of TSP
Michael J. Monahan
Ernest and Mary Orr
Jack and Ginger Overbye
Dorothy M. Parrott and
James A. Hughes, Jr.
Sue and Jeff Piper
Meredith A. Poland
James W. Reagan
Barbara and Phil Roy
Juliana Rupert
The Saint Paul Foundation
Polly and Jay Schrom
Emily F. Seesel
Anne Simpson
Steve and Corilee Skildum
James and Tracy Steiner
Richard C. Strand
James and Janice Stubbs
Dorine Tarbet
Barbara Telander
Lea A. Theobald
Joan Thompson
Joan M. Voight
Maureen E. Warren
Frederick and Nancy
Leonard and Adelia Wilson
Barbara Wylde
Ann Wynia
Marcia and Jerry Yanz
John and Cleo Young
Max Zarling
Margaret E. Sayre
Garry R. Sayre
James P. Shannon
Peter and Elaine VanWieren
Leroy G. Thomas
Sheryl Anderson
Teri Davids
Herb Treichel
Robert H. Zalk
Jennifer Zalk Berendzen
Margaret Zeglin
Kathryn DeSpiegelaere
451 Lexington Parkway North, Saint Paul, MN 55104
651-280-2000 • www.wilder.org • www.facebook.com/wilderfoundation

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