Here for good. - Amherst H. Wilder Foundation


Here for good. - Amherst H. Wilder Foundation
Amherst H. Wilder Foundation
We have
two hands.
One for helping others;
the other for
helping ourselves.
In touch with the need.
– Audrey Hepburn
451 Lexington Parkway North
Saint Paul, MN 55104
Contains 10% Post Consumer Waste
FSC Certified (Forest Stewardship Council)
Sheet is made locally.
Here for good.
A Message from the President and Board Chair
About the Wilder Foundation
Our Vision
The Wilder Foundation is here for good! The Foundation’s vision for the greater
Saint Paul area is that it will be a vibrant community where all individuals, families
and neighborhoods can prosper, with opportunities to work, to be engaged in
their communities, to live in decent housing, to attend good schools and to
receive support during times of need.
The Amherst H. Wilder Foundation is a nonprofit
health and human services organization that has
served the greater Saint Paul, Minnesota area since
1906. The Foundation offers a wide range of programs
and services to help children succeed in school,
troubled youth and families overcome barriers to
successful living, individuals and families maintain
stable, long-term housing, and older adults remain
independent. Wilder leadership development programs
work to build skills of emerging community leaders and
renew the energy and commitment of experienced
leaders. Wilder Research is one of the nation’s largest
nonprofit research and evaluation centers dedicated
to the field of human services.
Our Mission
Amherst H. Wilder, a wealthy Saint Paul businessman,
his wife, Fanny and their daughter Cornelia Day Wilder
Appleby created the Foundation in 1906, funded by
$2.6 million in trusts left by the family. Their wishes
have been carried out for over 100 years, fulfilling
the following mission:
Our Values
To accomplish our stated mission, Wilder is committed to being responsive,
innovative and effective. We will meet that commitment by:
listening, communicating and engaging respectfully;
honoring diverse perspectives and cultures;
behaving ethically, compassionately and responsibly;
taking action to create positive change.
A Message from the President and Board Chair . . . . . . . . 3–19
Board of Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Second Century Capital Campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Programs and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Financial Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Gifts and Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Legacy Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
The mission of the Amherst H. Wilder Foundation
is to promote the social welfare of persons resident
or located in the greater Saint Paul metropolitan
area by all appropriate means including:
Relief of the poor
Care of the sick and aged
Care and nurture of children
Aid of the disadvantaged and otherwise needy
Promotion of physical and mental health
Support of rehabilitation and corrections
Provision of needed housing and social services
And, in general, “the conservation of human
resources by the provision of human services
responsive to the welfare needs of the community,
all without regard to, or discrimination on account
of, nationality, sex, color, religious scruples or
For 102 years, Wilder has worked to
fulfill the social, emotional and living
needs of Saint Paul’s most vulnerable
people. Our annual report theme this
year is “in touch with the need,”
because after 102 years of serving
Saint Paul, we’ve learned that you
can’t serve the community without
first understanding it.
The carved stone “word band”
encircling the newly constructed
Wilder Center captures that
understanding through words from
the Wilder family wills. Those words
demonstrate how Wilder is and has
been in touch with the growing needs
of Saint Paul, based on a mission that’s
been cultivated for the past century,
a mission to support individuals and
families in attaining quality housing;
to nurture and prepare children and
families for success; to honor and
improve the quality of life for elders;
and to develop the knowledge and
leadership that inspires progress.
Wilder programs and services are
designed to grow with community
challenges and circumstances, thereby
always remaining in touch with those
who need us most.
Sandy M. Kiernat, Board Chair
Tom Kingston, President
A Message from the President and Board Chair
Youth Leadership Initiative
The Youth Leadership
Initiative (YLI) is a
multicultural program designed
to help youth develop strong,
effective leadership skills to work
in diverse community settings.
The program assists youth in
learning about themselves,
working with others, and
engaging in meaningful action.
YLI is part of Wilder Center
for Communities, which
works with individuals of
all ages to strengthen civic
engagement and community
leadership by nurturing and
building the skills of emerging
leaders, and renewing the
energy and commitment
of experienced leaders.
The success of young people is a
primary focus for Wilder. Our Youth
Leadership Initiative (YLI) develops
strong personal skills as participants
work with others to make positive,
meaningful contributions to their
For Charissa, 16, YLI was the impetus
she needed to face her problems and
start believing in herself. Since joining
YLI, Charissa has learned the value
of giving back and the importance
of stepping up as a leader.
In touch with tomorrow’s leaders.
She now uses her voice and knowledge
to effect community change, and is an
advocate for youth who struggle with
similar backgrounds and cultures.
“I do believe that I can make a
difference in my community,” said
Charissa. “I want every child to grow
up believing in him or herself.”
from the President and Board Chair
Wilder champions the elderly, too,
providing dignified and compassionate
in-home health care to thousands of
Saint Paul’s older adults through the
In touch with independent living.
Home Health Agency. George, 89,
has been living independently for three
years after suffering a stroke. His Home
Health Nurse, Sue, visits every two
weeks to organize his medicine, check
his blood pressure and arrange what
needs taking care of.
“Sue does everything I need and I’m
lucky to have her as a consistent help,”
said George. “I don’t know how I’d
keep living here without her.”
An avid sports enthusiast in his youth,
George helped establish many high
school sports leagues around the
Twin Cities and is a neighborhood
institution. Without Wilder’s home
health services, a loving group of
friends and strong community support,
George’s independent lifestyle would
not be possible.
Home Health Agency
Wilder offers one of the area’s
oldest and most respected home
health care agencies, and its
ongoing quality assurance plan
helps ensure that it retains the
highest of standards. Wilder has
been providing safe, reliable and
compassionate in-home health
care to Saint Paul’s older adults
for more than 20 years.
The Home Health Agency
is part of Wilder’s Community
Services for the Elderly, which
serves thousands of people
each year. Wilder’s services help
provide the chance for these
clients to live with independence
and dignity, and to remain active
in their own communities. For
family caregivers, it can bring
peace of mind knowing that
their loved ones are receiving
quality care and services.
A Message from the President and Board Chair
Bush Memorial
Children’s Center
Bush Memorial Children’s
Center provides residential
treatment and an on-site school
for children ages 5 to 14 who
currently cannot live at home,
either because of their own
behaviors or because of abusive
or neglectful home situations.
Within a 24-hour-a-day
therapeutic environment, these
youth and their families work
toward a healthier, safer and
more productive future.
The Bush Center is part of
Wilder’s Children and Family
Services and is one of more than
a dozen Wilder programs that
assist children, families and
adults who are having serious
problems functioning in their
homes, schools and other
community settings.
Bush Memorial Children’s Center
is in touch with families and children
who cannot live at home because of
neglectful environments or their own
abusive behaviors. One of those
children is Hannah, 8, who suffered
from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and
physical abuse from her biological
mother. Adopted at age three, her
new parents brought her to the Bush
Center after many other therapeutic
interventions failed.
Hannah and her family made excellent
progress in therapy sessions that
focused on helping Hannah reframe
her negative outlook, control her
tantrums, accept caring touch from her
parents, build trusting relationships,
and learn how to stay safe.
In touch with troubled youth.
Now back at home, Hannah and her
parents use the tools they’ve learned
to help Hannah feel safe, make friends,
and spend an entire day in the
classroom without incident.
from the President and Board Chair
Wilder Square Hi-Rise
Safe housing is a vital concern and
Wilder believes in affordable housing
solutions that provide support
for families and individuals.
In touch with affordable housing.
Wilder Square Hi-Rise offers
affordable housing for seniors and
families in need. Its oldest resident
is Henry, 101, a former associate
minister with a flair for poetry.
Henry spends his days drinking coffee,
visiting with his daughter and family,
and writing poetry, a passion he picked
up in high school, where his creative
writing teacher was the sister of
famed author Willa Cather.
Wilder Square has allowed Henry to
stay independent. “I get housekeeping
service, I get my apartment cleaned,
I get my washing done,” says Henry.
“I can still take care of my own
person, but Wilder helps me out
with day-to-day tasks.”
Wilder Square Hi-Rise, a
Thomas-Dale neighborhood
landmark, has provided safe,
affordable housing for seniors
since 1974. Since 2005, in
addition to seniors, one- and
two-bedroom units are now
also available to young adults
and families.
Wilder Square Hi-Rise is part
of Wilder’s Supportive Housing
and Employment Services,
which is one of the area’s
largest providers of affordable
housing, with nearly 1,200
owned or managed units in
greater Saint Paul. Wilder’s
supportive housing team
works with area communities
to increase affordable housing
options, support low income
individuals and families with
housing needs, and develop
innovative housing solutions.
Wilder believes that effective,
affordable housing solutions
include not only a decent place
to live, but also providing the
supportive services necessary
to help people gain and retain
long-term, stable housing.
A Message from the President and Board Chair
JobsFirst is an innovative
program funded by the
Minnesota Department of
Corrections and implemented by
the Wilder Foundation. It serves
offenders residing in, or being
released from, correctional
institutions in Central Minnesota.
The purpose of the program
is to increase public safety
and decrease recidivism by
helping persons with criminal
backgrounds find and keep
gainful employment.
JobsFirst’s innovative
programming and services
are also a part of Wilder’s
Supportive Housing and
Employment Services
(as described on page 11).
Stability is often not familiar for those
exiting the corrections system. Through
JobsFirst, Wilder strives to make that
transition to stability possible.
In touch with transition.
In 2006, Nina came to the JobsFirst
Job Club after her release from prison.
She had very little work history and
had never held a job for more than
a few months. At Job Club, she
enhanced her interview skills,
developed computer literacy,
updated her resume and learned
to talk about her past mistakes.
Now successfully employed for more
than two years as a manager at a
catering company in Saint Paul, she
credits the work of JobsFirst. In the
coming year, she aims to continue her
education by learning data entry skills
and then applying those skills at work.
Her advice to people starting over is
“Don’t give up. Somebody somewhere
is going to be willing to give you a
A Message from the President and Board Chair
Making wise, effective spending choices
in human services is the focus of
Return on Investment (ROI) studies
In touch with effective solutions.
conducted by Wilder Research. ROI
studies can serve as a tool to identify
the financial impact of nonprofit
programs and to prioritize where
to invest financial resources.
For example, Scott Beaty, executive
director of Minnesota Youth
Intervention Programs Association
(YIPA), wanted to measure the effects
of programs that counsel and redirect
young people involved in truancy
or criminal behavior. Paul Anton,
chief economist at Wilder Research,
working with Professor Judy Temple,
University of Minnesota, developed
an ROI framework and estimated a
well-run early intervention program
can yield $4.89 in benefit for every
dollar invested. The State of Minnesota
increased its funding for YIPA by
45 percent after the study was
Return on Investment
Return on Investment (ROI)
studies can serve as a tool
for understanding whether
programs that seem to make
a difference in the lives of
people and communities also
have financial benefits. ROI
studies examine programs (or
policies) that have demonstrated
positive impacts. They total the
costs of a program, estimate
the dollar and cents value of
the program’s outcomes, and
then compare them. In an era
of scarce resources, today’s
taxpayers, policymakers,
philanthropists, and all of us
who care about our community
need ROI studies to help us
make wise spending choices.
Return on Investment is one
way Wilder Research provides
greater understanding of our
community, its needs and
possible solutions. Wilder
Research, one of the nation’s
largest nonprofit research and
evaluation groups dedicated
to practical research in the field
of human services, works with
more than 100 organizations
each year.
A Message from the President and Board Chair
Community Gatherings
One of the primary design goals
for the new Wilder Center
was to develop a community
hub, where individuals and
organizations could come
together to work on important
community issues.
The Amherst H. Wilder
Auditorium at Wilder Center
provides this opportunity,
with meeting space that can
accommodate community
groups of up to 300 people.
Since opening in January 2008,
Wilder Center has hosted more
than 17,000 visitors, with more
than 4,000 attending formal
convening events.
Since January 2008, many outside
organizations and community groups
have used Wilder Center’s convening
space for a variety of purposes,
including Saint Paul’s State of the City
Address; the Governor’s Summit on
Afterschool Programs; Minnesota
Council on Foundations; Saint Paul
Public Schools; Rock-Tenn Community
Advisory Panel; Met Council; Walker
West Fundraiser; and a HealthPartners
BioEthics Conference. More than
4,000 people have attended events
at Wilder Center to discuss important
community issues.
In touch with community answers.
A recent event, pictured here, featured
a HealthPartners conference on health
care reform. The event brought national
speakers and health professionals from
around the state of Minnesota to discuss
how current ethical issues relate to
health care reform.
The Wilder Foundation is proud that
Wilder Center has so quickly become
a premier Saint Paul gathering point
to work on vital community issues.
from the President and Board Chair
Wilder Foundation
Board of Directors
Wilder’s broad experience in research,
services and convening keeps us in touch
with the needs of the East Metro. Those
needs have never been stronger. In the
year to come, Wilder will remain focused
on how to best achieve the mission that
the Wilder family envisioned. It is for this
reason that Wilder is committed to this
community’s strongest needs – respecting
the contributions of the past by caring
for seniors, preserving the stability of the
present by serving families at particularly
vulnerable times, and ensuring the future
by nurturing youth and children.
Barbara Roy
Joan A. Grzywinski
Ann Wynia
Xoua Thao
Malcolm W. McDonald
Sandy M. Kiernat
James P. Steiner
Fred Harris
Robyn Hansen
In touch with
The Wilder Board of
Directors and staff are proud of all that
has been accomplished over this exciting
past year. As we continually search for
innovative solutions to the increasing
challenges faced by our community, we
offer our deepest gratitude to our friends
and partners who generously ensure the
Wilder Foundation remains in touch
with its mission and vision for the future.
Elizabeth (Sandy) M. Kiernat
Community Volunteer
First Vice Chair
Fred Harris
Retired VP, 3M Community Affairs
and Workforce Diversity
Second Vice Chair
Joan A. Grzywinski
Retired Wells Fargo Executive
Malcolm W. McDonald
Retired Space Center, Inc. Executive
Sarah J. Andersen
President, SRI
the need.
Stan K. Dardis
CEO, Bremer Financial Corporation
Maria Gomez
Retired State Commissioner
of Human Resources
Robyn Hansen
Leonard, Street and Deinard
Barbara Roy
Community Volunteer
James P. Steiner
Managing Principal, Lowry Hill
Xoua Thao, M.D.
Xoua Thao Medical Center
Tom Kingston, President
Sarah J. Andersen
Stan K. Dardis
Maria Gomez
Elizabeth (Sandy) M. Kiernat
Wilder Board Chair
Ann Wynia
President, North Hennepin
Community College
Second Century Capital Campaign
Organization Donors
Individual Donors
3M Community Foundation
American Artstone Company
Andersen Corporate Foundation
Hugh J. Andersen Foundation
The Katherine B. Andersen Fund
of The Saint Paul Foundation
Applied Business Communications, LLC
F. R. Bigelow Foundation
The Boss Foundation
Otto Bremer Foundation
Bush Foundation
Ecolab Foundation
Edwards Memorial Trust
B.C. Gamble and P.W. Skogmo Fund
of The Minneapolis Foundation
Hardenbergh Foundation
Hubbard Broadcasting Foundation
Joyful Women Fund
Peter J. King Family Foundation
The Kresge Foundation
R.C. Lilly Foundation
Mardag Foundation
The McKnight Foundation
McNeely Foundation
Meyer Contracting
The Minneapolis Foundation
Morning Foundation
Piper Jaffray Foundation
Elizabeth C. Quinlan Foundation
RLK Incorporated
The Saint Paul Foundation
St. Paul Saints
Securian Foundation
TCF Foundation
Toro Giving Program
Travelers Foundation
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
Wells Fargo Foundation Minnesota
Trustees of the 2001 Irrevocable Trust
of Frederick T. Weyerhaeuser
Xcel Energy Foundation
Sarah J. Andersen
Carol A. Barnett
Thomas J. Barry
Craig and Kathy Binger
The Edgar W. and Jean H. Blanch, Sr. Fund
of The Saint Paul Foundation
Norrine M. Bohman
John Bottomley
Mae Brooks
Carolyn Brusseau
Page and Jay Cowles
Andrew C. Currie
Stan and Sharon Dardis
Ken and Abby Dawkins Family
The Dietz Family Fund
of The Saint Paul Foundation
Elisabeth and Humphrey Doermann
Frank and Pat Dutke
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Frels
Dennis and Marian Furlong
Stephen and Margaret Gadient
Rhonda Gautschi
Marjorie and Don Griffing
The Joan and Bob Grzywinski Fund
of The Saint Paul Foundation
Lorraine and Harry Hammerly Fund
of The Saint Paul Foundation
Robyn Hansen and John Clarey
Fred and Archie Harris
Ann and Terry Huntrods Fund
of The Saint Paul Foundation
Paul and Lillian Jacobson
Elizabeth and Bruce Kiernat
Tom and Mary Kingston
Brad E. Kruse and Kimberly K. Faurot
Daniel and Constance Kunin
April Lott
Dusty and George Mairs
Paul and Tara Mattessich
Malcolm W. McDonald
Mary Bigelow McMillan
Carol McWalters
Mrs. Audrey C. Mears
Colleen Mlecoch and Janet Anderson
John and Renee Nagel
Mark and Jackie Nolan Family Fund
of The Saint Paul Foundation
Constance S. Otis Fund
of The Saint Paul Foundation
The dream was to construct a highly visible
and accessible center for expanded program
services delivery, research and public
convening. To help make the dream a
reality, Wilder launched its first-ever capital
campaign in 2005, with a goal of raising
$10.4 million to assist in the construction
of the 100,000 square foot Wilder Center
at University Avenue and Lexington Parkway
in Saint Paul. In June 2008, the campaign
surpassed its goal and received a prestigious
Kresge Foundation Capital Challenge Grant
of $750,000.
Margaret T. Peterson
George and Diane Power
Ken and Nina Rothchild Family Fund
of The Saint Paul Foundation
Barbara and Phil Roy
Anders and Ewa Rydaker
William and Susan Sands
Garry and Harriet Sayre
Mathias F. Schroeder
Jeff and Mary Scott
Emily F. Seesel
Marilyn E. Seglem
Julie and Tom Shannon
James and Tracy Steiner
Dr. Xoua Thao and See Vang Thao
Lynnell Thiel
Rolf Thompson and CJ Jacobson
Sandra M. Wesely
John T. Westrom
Leonard H. Wilkening
Jerry F. Woelfel and Becky Garthofner
Ann Wynia
After 100 years of relying on funding its
programs and services primarily from the
Wilder family endowment established in
1906, the Second Century Capital Campaign
signaled to the community the Wilder
Foundation needed support to continue
its mission of serving the community’s most
vulnerable citizens. Over 100 individuals,
families, foundations, businesses and
corporations responded, generously
investing in Wilder’s second century
of services to the East Metro area.
Over 1,200 neighbors and friends attended
Wilder Center’s public grand opening
celebration in May 2008 (the peace pole
installation ceremony pictured at right). The
celebration showcased Wilder’s new “home,”
which provides resources for expanded
programs and services, research, outreach
and policy leadership, as well as the potential
for increased community partnerships and
education in its convening space.
The Wilder Foundation is profoundly grateful
for the overwhelming response to its capital
needs, and also very confident that Wilder
Center will return countless dividends on the
community’s investment for generations to
■ CFS Clinical Services
The clinical services of Children and Family Services
provides mental health services for children at the Wilder
Child Guidance Clinic and other community locations,
including schools and homes; community-based violence
prevention and intervention services; and culturally
competent services designed to address social adjustment
and mental health needs of Southeast Asians.
• Child Guidance Clinic (CGC)
– Child Guidance Clinic
- Achievement Plus
- Case Management
- Primary Mental Health Project
- Incredible Years
- Family Service Provider
- Project Assist
- Functional Family Therapy
- Psychiatric Services
– Project Kofi
- Project Voice
• Wilder Violence Prevention
and Intervention Services
– Adult Services
- Domestic Abuse Men
- Domestic Abuse Women
- Women’s Anger Management
– Children Services
- Domestic Abuse Children
- Parenting Support Group
- Strong and Peaceful Families
- Youth Services
• Southeast Asian Services (SEA)
– SEA Adult
- Adult Services
- Case Management
- Family Connect
- Hmong Odyssey
- Assertive Community Treatment
– SEA Youth
- Adolescent Violence Prevention Programs
- Youth Program
- Children’s Case Management
- Family Community Support Services
- Functional Family Therapy
- Project Assist
■ Child Development Center
The Wilder Child Development Center provides child care
for children ages 2-1/2 to 5 years while their parents work
or continue their education. The program, accredited by
the National Association of Education for Young Children
(NAEYC), is a State Licensed and Head Start co-location
site.The program is developmental in structure and content,
and focuses on cognitive, emotional, social and physical
growth, with an emphasis on preparing children, and their
parents, for success in school.
• Child Development Center
■ CFS Residential Services
Children’s Residential Services provides a 24-hour-a-day
therapeutic environment for children and youth (ages 5 to 18)
at three residential treatment facilities in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
An evening treatment program and a network of foster homes
are also available.
• Bush Residential Services
– Bush Memorial Children’s Center
– Bush Evening Treatment
– Center for Children with Reactive Attachment Disorder
– Holcomb House
– Spencer House
• Foster Care
– Center for Children with Reactive Attachment Disorder
• Intensive Supervision Program
Supportive Housing and Employment Services works
with low-income individuals and families to increase
opportunities for obtaining and maintaining decent,
affordable housing, and preparing for, finding and
keeping a job.
• Supportive Housing Management
– Family Housing
- Jackson Street Village
- St. Philip’s Gardens
- Wilder Square, Inc.
- Wilder Square Hi-Rise
– Senior Housing
- 508–510 and 516 Humboldt
- Concordia Arms
- Elders Lodge
– Single Adult Housing
- American House Apartments
- Redeemers Arms
- Wilder Apartments at Snelling
• Employment and Family Housing Services
– The ROOF Project
– Project Quest
– Jackson Street Village Services
– JobsFirst
– Mobile Resource Center
Wilder Research improves the community’s
understanding of major social issues and identifies
effective ways to strengthen individuals, families
and communities.
– Community trend studies
– Cost-benefit analysis
– Evaluation of human service programs
– Needs assessment
– Online searchable archive of research reports
– Survey research
FINANCIAL SUMMARY Year Ended June 30, 2008
Sources of Dollars Used to Finance Operations
Government Contracts, Grants and Fees
Wilder Foundation Endowment
Private Gifts
Private Fees and Other Revenues
Private Grants
Achievement Plus is an educational reform effort
that works to improve academic achievement by
strengthening instructional programs and student
and family support. It is a partnership with
Saint Paul Public Schools, the City of Saint Paul,
Ramsey County, the State of Minnesota and three
Saint Paul neighborhoods.
• Cleveland Achievement Plus
Junior High School
• Dayton’s Bluff Achievement Plus
Elementary School
• John A. Johnson Achievement Plus
Elementary School
• Monroe Achievement Plus
Community School
Total Operating Dollars
$ 46.0
Expenditures by Service Group
Wilder Programs
Wilder Research
Total Operating Dollars
$ 46.0
Community Services for the Elderly provides an array of services
with the goal of supporting healthy aging in the community.
• Adult Day Health
– Adult Day Health Services
– Health & Wellness Programs
– Memory Loss Program
• Assisted Living Programs
– Dunedin Terrace
– Edgerton Hi-Rise
– Hamline Hi-Rise
– Ravoux Hi-Rise
• Elderly Supportive Services
– Home-Delivered Meals
– Homemaker
– Senior Outreach and Consulting and Care Coordination
• Home Health Agency
• Senior Dental Clinic
Wilder Center for Communities (WCC) is dedicated to
fostering leadership, learning, and service that strengthens
individuals and communities and helps the Wilder
Foundation effectively pursue its mission. WCC offers
a variety of leadership programs that, taken together,
address a broad continuum of learning opportunities
for people at all stages of development.
• Leadership Programs
– The James P. Shannon Leadership Institute
– The Neighborhood Leadership Programs (NLP)
– The Youth Leadership Initiative (YLI)
Fiscal Year 2008
Persons served:1
Persons trained:2
Organizations served:
Achievement Plus students:
Research reports:
Number of employees:3
Number of volunteers:
Number of interns:
1 Unduplicated count
2 Includes persons trained individually and through
organizations and may include some duplicated counts.
3 Includes part-time and temporary
Year Ended June 30, 2008
Liabilities and Net Assets
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Accounts and Pledges Receivable
Bond Proceeds for Construction of Building
Accounts Payable
Accrued Expenses and Other Current Liabilities
Long-term Debt and Other Long-term Liabilities
Land, Buildings and Equipment, Net
Other Assets
Total Assets
$ 297.7
Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
$ 297.7
Contributions to the
Wilder Foundation
July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008
The Wilder Foundation
gratefully acknowledges
the following individuals,
families, foundations,
organizations and businesses
that supported our clients
and programs with financial
contributions or donated
goods and services during
the past fiscal year. We have
made every effort to ensure
the accuracy of our donor
lists. If a name has been
inadvertently omitted,
please contact the Office
of Resource Development,
Individuals and Families
Anonymous (9)
Steve Aamodt and Barbara Gorski
Adrianna K. Abariotes
Grant Abbott and Elaine Tarone
Timothy and Dorothy Abrahamson
Dana R. Abrams
Stefanie Adams
Mary Jane Addison
Kemi Adenodi
Athena and Daniel Adkins
Sohila Aghai and
Seyed Morteza Sadat Hendi
Janet L. Allen
Terry Allen
Sarah J. Andersen*
Eric Anderson
Mary and David Anderson
Mike Anderson
Raymond Anderson
Sheryl L. Anderson
Stephen Anderson
Teri and Chuck Anderson
Timothy and Suzanne Anderson
Patty Andreini Arnold
Jessica L. Andrews
John R. Andrews
Mark R. Anton
Paul A. Anton*
Babette Apland
Jean King and Stuart Appelbaum
Maria A. Arabbo
Nina Archabal
Julie Arko
Chuck Armstrong
Carolyn Arvin
Maggie Arzdorf-Schubbe
Fred and Patricia Auch*
Tom and Sharon Auth*
Carl Awalt
Carol Backstrom
Gregg and Mary Backstrom
Mary Beth Backstrom
Lisa and Jacob Baer
Walter and Ginger Bailey
Thomas W. Balcom
Stephen D. Barberio and
Lori B. Suvalsky
Carol A. Barnett
Bradley C. Baso
Gloria D. Batchelor
Alain Baudry
Shane Bauer
Individuals and Families
Rose Baynard
Robert Beck
Victor Beck
Megan Becker
Cecile M. Bedor
Rick Beeson
John Belisle
Mr. Peter Bell and
Ms. Sharon Bottorff
Tanya L. Bell
John and Anne Bendt
Bonnie Bennett
Duane and Melissa Benson
David Bergstrom
Lisa and Alan Bernick
Jesse Bethke-Gomez
Margaret M. Betts
Jane E. Bicker
Craig and Kathy Binger*
Peg Birk
Barry and JoAnn Birkholz
Edward and Lois Black
Jean H. Blanch
Cam and Bonnie Blodget
Dean H. Blomster
Fran Bly
Rae Bly
Signe and Bruce Bobbitt
Janet P. Boehlke*
Laurel Boerger
Norrine M. Bohman
William and Diane Boitz
Donita K. Bolden
Patricia H. Bolger
Mary E. Bolkcom
Steven and Mary Bolton*
Andrea Bond and Charles Skrief
Teresa Bonner
Nancy and Paul Borzo
Carol and David Bosley
Andy and Linda Boss
John Bottomley
Kim and Laurie Boyce
Mary K. Boyd
Thomas and Liz Boyd
Nitasha Boyer
James H. and Jayne M. Bradshaw*
Jason Bradshaw
Dr. and Mrs. Wilson G. Bradshaw
C. Sue and Thomas Brady
Nancy and David Brady
William and Julie Brady
Mary and Dick Brainerd*
Nikeisha Brathwaite
Gerald D. Brennan
Tom and Cindy Brinsko
Rawley and Ginny Brodeen
John Brodrick
Douglas and Jean Broman
Ellen Bromley
Mae Brooks
Ronnie and Roger Brooks*
Christopher and Sally Brown
Peter and Ellen Brown
Sally A. Brown
Douglas and Dana Bruce
Harry Brull and Myra Barrett*
Julie Brunner
Carolyn Brusseau
John M. Bryson and
Barbara C. Crosby
Carol Bufton
Darrel Bugel
Susan D. Bugel
Ellis F. Bullock, Jr.
Mike Burbach
William and Kathleen Burch
Charlotte Burke
Rosemary Burt
Darrell D. Butterwick Family*
Carolyn and Robert Bye
Rem Cabrera and
Christopher Schram
Katherine A. Cairns
Ben Cameron
Rich Cammack
Sue Cammack
Susan and Jon Campbell*
Andy and Heather Capistrant
Brian and Jaclyn Carey*
Mary D. Carter
Toni and Melvin Carter
Greg Carufel
Sarah and Jerry Caruso
Lynn Casey
Calvin and Ann Caturia
Nancy Cerkvenik and David Norrgard
Kathleen Cerveny
Mary B. Chapman
Karen L. Charles
Karen M. Charlson
Ka Chatham
Shirley Chelsvig
Peg Chemberlin
Sherwood Chen
Judy Cherry
Elizabeth Childs and Todd Larson
David Chisholm
Peter Christensen
David Christiansen
Heidi Neff Christianson
Rose Chu
Christine and Stephen Cirks
Tom and Deb Clanin
Sharon and Bill Clapp*
Lisa M. Clark
Steven and Jean Clausen
John Clawson
Connie L. Clay
Douglas and Kathleen Clock
Matthew and Diane Clysdale*
John Cody and Ronald Oveson
Dan and Kate Cole
Emmett and Carrie Coleman
Jay Z. Colond
John Conlin
Stephen Connelly
Martin A. Conover
Dave and Deborah Cook
Edward H. Cook
Richard G. Cook and
Steven Kent Lockwood
Thomas B. Copeland
Bill and Maureen Cosgriff
Alice Cottingham and David Beard
John and Peggy Couchman
Jimmie Lee and Catherine Coulthard
Sue Courteau
Elizabeth Cowan
Page and Jay Cowles
Rita K. Cox
Dr. James and Roberta Craig
Zach Crain
David and Gretchen Crary*
Sara Criger
John Crippen and Sheila Stuhlman
Katherine and William Cullen
Andrew C. Currie
Paul and Catherine Dadlez
Kathy Dahlen
Eileen and Bill Daly
Sheldon and Carol Damberg*
Stan and Sharon Dardis*
Marilyn J. and Terence J. Davern
Teri Davids
Blake and Sandy Davis
Ken and Abby Dawkins*
Carol J. Dawson
Ruth Ann DeFrang
Leo H. Dehler and Janis M. Dehler
Vanessa Delisle
Louis Demaio
Diane and Joel Demarais
John and Mary DeMoss
Claudia Dengler and Alan Saltzman
Keith A. Denison
Samantha DeRooy
Susan DeShon
Marigrace Deters
Glenna Dibrell
Adrienne Diercks
Charlton and Dottie Dietz*
Sally Foy Dixon
Susan and Jim Dockman
Cecelia Dodge
Elisabeth and Humphrey Doermann*
Geraldine K. Donnelly
Patrick and Christine Donovan*
Jan Dropik Dorn
David Doth
Bruce and Sue Downey
Jennifer Downham
David and Patricia Drew*
Bonnie Driggs
Joan R. Duddingston
Michael Dunn
Frank and Pat Dutke
Mike Eardley
Wilfred O. Easter, Jr.
Joan and Jeffrey Eaton
Ryan K. Ebert
Kareen and William Ecklund
Dr. Kyle and Beth Edlund*
John and Ann Edwardson
Drs. Phillip and Sandra Edwardson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Eibensteiner
Louise Eidsmoe
Yvonne R. Ekdahl
Jeanne Ekholm
James and Joyce Elam
Dave Ellis
Jerimiah Ellis
Dale and Denine Emter
Nancy and Donald Engle
Rebecca J. Enos
Matt Entenza and Lois Quam*
Craig and Diane Erickson
Paul Erickson and Elizabeth Saul
Renee Erickson
Rondi C. Erickson
Scott Erickson
Mark A. Eustis
David Ewald*
Becca Ewing
Cait Falck
Jerry and Kathy Faletti
Tim and Jennifer Farley
Thomas and Florence Farnham
Thomas Farnham
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Farrell
Lisa Faul
Song Lo Fawcett
Natalie Fedie
Rebecca Fee
Frank Feinberg
Nancy Feldman
Barbara Felker
Dan and Jane Fesler*
David A. Fey
James Field — Figs Unlimited
Mr. and Mrs. Litton E. S. Field, Jr.
Justin J. Fier
Linda and Bruce Finley
Eleanor “Honey” Finn and
Henry Oselka
Vickie Finnegan
Michael J. Fischer
Tim and Susan Flaherty*
Tom Flake
Bill Flanary
Elizabeth Flinn
Rebecca Flood
Amy M. Flusemann
Thomas Joseph Foley
Dan Foote*
Karen and Donald Ford
Harold Fotsch
Bill Foussard
Al and Frannie Franken*
Susan G. Franson
David and Sandra Frauenshuh*
Dennis and Barbara Frederick*
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Frels*
Eugene and Mary Frey
James and Mary Frey*
William M. Fullerton
Connie Fullmer and Jimmy Longoria
Dennis and Marian Furlong
Stephen and Margaret Gadient
David Galligan
Dennis Galligan
Mike Galvin, Jr.
Rosa Garcia-Oektibuenu
Don and Pat Garofalo*
Tom and Linda Garrett
Becky Garthofner and Jerry Woelfel
Rhonda J. Gautschi
Dorii Gbolo
Jill Gebeke
Deb and Phil Gelbach
Tom Geskermann
Susan Gillette
Charles and Mary Lynn Gillin
Molly K. Gillin
Mary Beth Gilmore
Nicholas A. Giuliano, Jr.
Terrence W. Glarner*
J. and Sue Glasnapp
Joseph and Kimberly Glowac
Bob and Phyllis Goff
Nina B. Goldberg
Debbie and Chad Goldenberg
Dorothy Goldie
Lou Gomez
Maria R. Gomez
Norman A. Good*
Joan Gooden
Terri Goodfellow-Heyer and
Vincent Heyer
Anne Kerstin Gorham
Edith M. Gozali-Lee
Richard Graham and Patricia Powers
Marjorie and Don Griffing*
Terry Grinsteinner
Joan and Bob Grzywinski*
Betsy and Howard Guthmann
Larry and Pamela Guthrie*
Brian Habendank
Lari Hacker
Marc and Ellen Hadley
Ann M. Hale
Sue Hall
Trudy J. Halla
David and Judy Hallett*
Matthew F. Halley
John W. Halloran and Dianne Wright
Peter Hames
Harry and Lorraine Hammerly*
MayKao and Lao Lu Hang
Pakou Hang
Jack and Joan Hansen*
Kathy and David Hansen
Laurie J. Hansen
Robyn Hansen and John Clarey*
Linda and Laird Hanson
Penny Hanson
Robert Hanson
Becky Harasyn
Donna L. Harrington
Craig R. Harris
Frances Harris
Fred and Archie Harris*
Pat and Laura Harris
Mark and Trista Harris
William E. Harrison
Patricia S. Hart
Nancy Q. Hartzler
Jennifer Hawkins
Judy Hawkinson
Renee Hayes
Christopher and Cathy Heck
Peter and Anne Heegaard*
Theresa and Kevin Hefel
Diana Heim
Shirley Heitzman
Karen and Jon Helgason
Craig Helmstetter and
Kristin Peterson
Dean Hempel
Ann Hengel
Jennifer L. Henningson
Ray and Marilyn Henningson
Karen Hering
Jan Herrera
Frances and Herbert Hesch
Tuesday Hewitt
Rick and Beverly Heydinger
Dr. Bonita L. Hill
Louis F. and Kathrine E. Hill
Shannon and Corey Hoagland
Amanda Hoehn
Michael B. Hoffman
Ruby Hokanson
Ellen and David Holden
Tom and Kim Holman*
Nancy Homans
Peter Honerman
Leticia Hoppenrath
Gayle J. House
Dan and Louise Hoxworth
Jerry C. Hromatka
Heidi and Rob Hubbard*
James and Mary Huber
Melanie Huggins
Annie Huidekoper and
Joanne Swanson
Scott and Penny Hults
Jennifer Hummel
Jim Humphrey
Lisa M. Humphreys*
Mary and Stan Hunter
Ann and Terry Huntrods
Sandra Hurley
John and Ruth Huss*
Scott and Pam Hutton
Vincent L. Hyman
Susan K. Irwin
Francis Ivory
Beth and Peter Jackson
Rebecca and Rex Jackson
Robert M. Jackson
Julie and Robert Jacob
Paul and Lillian Jacobson
Lori L. Jacobwith
Norma Jaeger
Louis and Carol Jambois, Jr.
Frank Jandric*
Howard Jang
William Jarrett
Vernon and Beverly Jellum
Beth Roy Jenkyn and Oliver Jenkyn
Wayne B. Jennings
Shaila Jensen and Family
C. and L. Jergenson
Gary and Mary Jeub
Adam T. Johnson
Carol Johnson
Heather Johnson
Dr. Kenton and Deborah Johnson
Kris and Katie Johnson
Marlene E. Johnson
Nancy L. Johnson
Rod and Lil Johnson*
Ruth Johnson
Tina Johnson
Charlotte and Ward Johnson*
Chris Jones
David and Julie Jones
Louise and Dick Jones
Erin Joyce
Mary Judge
Virginia M. Juffer*
Thomas B. Kabesh
* Denotes Wilder Legacy Builder – individuals, families or businesses who have pledged $5,000 or more to be given over five or fewer years to support Wilder programs.
Individuals and Families
Art and Martha Kaemmer*
Brian Kamin
Phyllis Karasov
Alice Karel
Dennis Karel
Kathleen and Lawrence Karel
Nancy A. Karlin
Connie Kasella
Mary and Thomas Keeley
Thomas Keeley
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Kelleher
Shannon Keller
Suzanne Kelly
Kate Kelsch
Mary Kennedy and Mark Larson
Mary and Steven Kennedy
Amy Kerber
Peter Kern
Nancy Ketchel
Megan E. Kettunen
Elizabeth and Bruce Kiernat*
Robert B. Kiernat and
Courtney C. Cushing
Janet M. King
Russell King
Joseph and Kathleen Kingman
Mary Cranston Kingston*
Tom and Mary Kingston*
Karolyn Kirchgesler
Gerald and Lisa Kissell
Allan Klein and Harriet Lansing
Keith Klein and Colleen Doyle
Peter and Patricia Klein
Bill Kleinman*
Paul Knapp
Cheryl Volkman Knight
Marilyn S. Koch
John H. Kohring
Sarah Kolar and Eric Tennessen
Linda and Robert Kollasch
Wes Kooistra
Keevan J. Kosidowski
Rob Kost
Bob and Cindy Kranz
Susan Kratz
Debra Krause
Debra and William Krause
Jane F. Kretzmann
Julie and Frederick Krieger
Daniel Krocheski
Randy and Rachel Kroll
Brad E. Kruse and Kimberly K. Faurot
Mike Kuenster
Individuals and Families
Erin Kuether
Diane and Bill Kuhlmann
Carl and Janet Kuhrmeyer*
Daniel and Constance Kunin
Brenda Kyle
John and Julie Labosky
Kimberly A. Labuz
David B. and Joanne Laird, Jr.
Gregory J. Lais
John and Nancy Lambros
Janis Lane-Ewart
Elizabeth G. Lange
Gary L. Larson
Jon Larson
Julie Larson
George Latimer
Debbie and Andy Lee
Patti D. Leisinger
Irving and Gwen Lerner
Cyndi Lescher
Charles and Paula Levenberg
Jackie Levin
Diane Dovenberg Lewis
Steve and Karen Lewis
Stephen and Judith Lewis
Candy Lewis-McComb
Peg and Dick Lidstad*
Susan M. Lindstrom
Dr. Scott Lingle
Bryan and Brittany Lloyd
Deborah Locke
Peggy A. Locke
Korwin and Marilyn Lockie
Nancy Lofton
Jean and Arnie London*
Steven T. Loosbrock*
Barbara Lorinser
April Lott
Lorrie Louder
Garry and Carole Loufek
Keith and Judith Luebke
Francis and Sharon Luikart
Jo Ann and Lee Lundblad
Pam and Doug Lundell
Lucille M. Lundgren
Sarah Lunneborg
Virginia R. Lupo, M.D.
Mark S. Lutwak and Y. York
Pam and Joe Lux
Charles G. MacDonald
Gina Mackintosh
Julie Maendel
Charlie Maguire
Charlie and Terri Mahar*
William M. Mahlum and
Donna Allan*
Lawrence C. Mahoney
Dusty and George Mairs*
Dusty Mairs*
Robert and Helen Mairs
Jill and Wade Malcolm
Richard Mann
Steve Marino
Cindy Marsh and C.W. Vandersluis
Ruth and David Marshall
Nancy D. Martin
Tim and Monica Marx
Lisa and Pat Mascia*
Patrick and Karin Mascia, Sr.
Mary Ann Mastel
Paul and Tara Mattessich*
Brian Maxwell
Sherla and Dave Mayer*
Pat and Barbara Mazorol
Mark and Katey McCabe
Fiona C. McCrae
Malcolm W. McDonald*
Patricia McDonald
Jim McDonough
Reverend Kevin M. McDonough
Maureen McDonough and
Roger Kapsner
Rep. Carol McFarlane
Jerome McGivern
Michael P. McGrail and
Kristen McGrail
Michael McGrane
Galen S. McKay
Nancy McKillips
Millie McKoskey
Laura McLain
Shannon McLevish
Bruce McManus
Mary Bigelow McMillan
Heather McMoore
Harry G. McNeely Jr.*
Mary McNellis*
Terry McNellis*
Carol McWalters
Mrs. Audrey C. Mears
Robert and Debra Meath*
June Medernach and
Peter Medernach
Roberta and Robert Megard*
Scott Melter
Tommy and Laura Merickel
Lucille Mertens
Rolf and Karen Middleton*
David Miller
Melinda and F. Miller
Sarah and Jeffrey Milligan-Toffler
David and Karen Minge
Pat and Gertrude Mingo
Deborah K. Mitchell
Colleen Mlecoch and Janet Anderson
Caryn Mohr
Laura and Corey Moore
Michael Moore
Richard and Valerie Moore
Donna Moores
Howard R. Morgan
Bruce A. Moritz
Stan Mork and Carrie Williams Mork
Teresa Morrow and Dale Pippin
Christopher Moses
Xong Mouacheupao
Arch Mrkvicka
Dan Mueller
Karen P. Muller
James and Franchelle Mullin
Melissa and Jonathan Munce
John and Nina Mundschenk
Joseph and Annalise Munnich
Erin Murphy
Karen R. Murphy
Mary Ellen Murphy
Michael P. Murphy
Marcia Murray
Richard H. Musser and Diane J. Miller
George and Holly Myers
Nancy Myers
Laura Mylan and Steve Pearson
John and Renee Nagel*
Steve Nagle and Debra Carpenter
Dava Nasby
David and Karen Nasby
Rosanne Nathanson
James and Judy Neece
Charlie and Jane Neimeyer
Amy Nelson
Brock and Martha Nelson*
Clyde and Judy Nelson*
Karen M. Nelson
Paula Nelson
Bauz Nengchu
Thanh Son T. Nguyen-Kelly
Dick and Nancy Nicholson*
Todd and Martha Nicholson*
Bill and Michelle Nielsen
Mark and Jackie Nolan*
Karen and Paul Norell
Carol North Evans
Glyn R. Northington
Mary Ann Novotny
David Nyberg
Daniel and Sarah O'Brien
John O'Brien
Dan and Sallie O'Brien
John and Jean O'Connell
Marcie and Mike O'Connor
John and Cynthia O'Halloran
Judy G. Ohm
Ferd Ohnsorg
Dorothy W. Ohnsorg Memorial
Jerry and Nancy Okerman
Anita Olson
Keith and Mary Olson
Wayne Olson
Wendy and Rick Olson
Dan and Ruth Olthoff*
Kathleen R. Oman
Walter and Lois Ortman
Charles and Victoria Osborne*
Constance S. Otis
Ginger and Jack Overbye
Gregory and Phyllis Owen
Diane Paauwe
Mary Kay Palmer
Judith B. Parr
Mary M. Patterson
Tom and Sally Patterson*
Carla Paulson
Pamela and Gregory Paulson
James A. Payne
Toni Payne
Stephen N. Peacock and
Kathryn A. Seng
Andrew Pearson
Patrick Pechacek
Kathleen Pechuman
Gloria A. Pederson
Lynne Pederson
Stacie and Michael Penn
Roseanne M. Pera
Kathryn and Michael Peters
Jacqueline J. Peterson
Margaret T. Peterson
Cindy J. Petrie
Peter L. Petrulo
Mary Thornton Phillips
Herb and Anne Pick
Mary E. Pickard
Sandi Pierce
Doug and Deb Pierce
Brian L. Pittman
Sue Piva and Laurie Keate
Julian G. Plante
Pat and Anita Plunkett
P.J. Pofahl and Charlie Nauen
Jack and Martha Pohl
Janet L. Polach
Martha Pomerantz
Jodene Pope and Tim Wong
J. Otis Powell!
George and Diane Power*
Dennis and Kay Prchal
Robert N. Prentiss, Jr.
Kristine R. Preston
Jane Prohaska and
William P. Donohue
Joanie Putz
David Quigg
Denise Quinlan
Linda and Dominic Ramacier
Mike and Nancy Randall
Jane Ranum
Ela J. Rausch
Bill and Barbara Read
James and Renee Reagan*
Paul and Laura Rebholz
Christopher Reedy
Donald and Jean Regan
Kelly Regan
Korie Regan
Sue Rehbein
David and Kerry Reiling
Colleen and David Reitan
Carleen Rhodes
Par and Sara Ridder*
Paula Riel
Kathryn Ringham
Mark Ritchie and Nancy Gaschott
Othonneil M. Rivera
Michael Robins
Paul Robinson
Randy Rollison
Dr. Stanley E. Romanstein
Karin and Richard Roof
Barbara Roseberry
Hamilton and Sally Ross
Nicole M. Ross
Sally Ross
Jack and Marty Rossmann
Ken and Nina Rothchild*
Michelle Rousseau
- Rousseau/Davis Family*
Rudolph J. Rousseau and
Jackie Levin*
Barbara and Phil Roy*
Chris Roy
Jennifer J. Roy and
Marc C. Thompson
Margaret Rubbelke
Wendy and Steve Rubin
Allen and Dianne Rudd*
Jeffrey A. Ruehle
Lori D. Rukstales
Martha and David Russell*
Sheelagh Frost Russell
Elizabeth A.W. Rutter
Thomas and Eve Rutter
Barbara Ryan
Tom and Kim Ryan
Anders and Ewa Rydaker
Gregory D. Rye
Holly Sabelman
Kathy and Ted Saltzman
Timothy Salwei
Conradine Sanborn and
Chris Colantti*
Anita and Timothy Sandberg
Richard Sandquist
William and Susan Sands
Denise Sarles
Jyoti Sathyanarayana
Cindy K. Satre
Garry and Harriet Sayre
Timothy J. Scallen and
Catherine C. Scallen
Dale and Bette Schenian
Debbie Stewart and Jim Schilling*
Greg Schlichter and Jennifer Forbes
Barbara Schmidt
Christopher and
Catherine Schneeman
Jocelyn Schowalter
John Schreier
Marty Schreier
Ernie Schroeder
Mark and Lisa Schroeder
Mathias F. Schroeder
Kate and Roy Schroeder
John and Linda Schroepfer*
Polly and Jay Schrom
Christine and David Schwebel
Janet Schweigert
Donovan and Myma Schwichtenberg
Sally Scoggin and Donald Brunnquell
Jeff and Mary Scott
Penelope D. Scott
John and Sharla Scullen
Emily F. Seesel
Marilyn E. Seglem
Ted Selbitschka
Robert and Pam Senkler*
Luz Maria Serrano
Elizabeth M. Shadeko
Paul Shaffer
Julie Shannon
Christine Shaver
Ellen Shelton
N. Diane Shelton
Stan Shepard and Lucy Hobart
Bernice and Donald Shipley
Dr. Steve Shuman and
Martha McCusker*
Joan Siewert-Cardona
David and Cecilia Simpson*
Marge Simpson
John L. Sims
Lynn Sims
Paul Sinclair
Dianne S. Sjolander
Thomas Skalitzky
Juanita Slagerman
Jeffrey and Helene Slocum
Barbara and Michael Smith
Craig and Merritt Smith
Kendall and Debra Smith
Maureen Smith
Roger and Carmen Smith
Sheila Smith
Karen J. Snedeker
Steve and Sue Snelling
Andrea E. Snyder
William R. Snyder
Larry Soderholm
Jeff and Paula Bergin Soholt
Rebecca A. Soler
Philip Soran and
Margaret Selby-Soran*
April Spas and Kris Burhardt*
Steve Sprint
Gail M. St. Martin
Connie and Byron Starns
Joanne E. Stately
James and Tracy Steiner*
Tom Stella
Gerald Stenson*
Allen and Kathleen Steppa
Randolph and Peggy Stewart
Dawn Stimmler
Nancy and Bradley Straw
David and Elona Street-Stewart
Shelley and Jay Strohmaier*
Theresa B. Sullivan
Amy and David Sunderland
Dinah Swain Schuster
Tom and Arlene Swain
Doreen Swanson
Jane and Gerald Taffe
Beth Taylor
John D. Taylor
Kris Taylor
Donald and Mary Tehven
Pat Teiken and Susan Harris
Barbara Telander
Bruce and Barbara Telander
Jon and Lea Theobald
Lynnell Thiel
Gael A. Thompson
Jamal R. Thompson
Janet and Terrie Thompson
Joan Thompson
Kaj Thompson
Luther Thompson and
Kathleen McCall Thompson
Rolf Thompson and CJ Jacobson*
Gaylord and Diane Thormodsgard
Folasade M. Tiamiyu
Judy and Daniel Titcomb
Richard Todd and Patricia Haswell
Robert Tomaschko
Paula Tomei
Natasha Tong
Roger Toogood
Cynthia J. Toppin
Jennifer M. Torgerson
Thomas N. Torkelson
Charles C. Torrey
Raeanne Tossey
Imogene Treichel
Randall and Christa Treichel
Barbara E. Tretheway*
Jim Tripp
Beverly Turner
Mark Turpin
Donald and Kathleen Turvold
Umo Udo
Jan Unstad
Kelly P. Urista
Paola Urrutia
Maureen and William Utz
Maxime Valbrune
Charles and Evelyn Van House
James Van Iwaarden*
Kim Van Wie
Sidney VanDyke
Chay and Christine Vang
Nhia Vang
Yamy Vang
Arlana Vaughan
Eric Vercauteren
Paul and Carolyn Verret*
Estela Villagran Manancero
Ed Vogel
Anthony and Marie Wagner
Fred and Nora Wagner
Patricia Walker, M.D. and
Rebecca Enos
Diane Wanner and Allan Malkis
Kathy and David Wanous
Mary S. Ward
David M. and Mary Ann
Barrows Wark
James and Connie Warner
Maureen E. Warren*
Claudia Wasserman and Ernie Olin
Kelly Weber
Richard E. Weber
James and Sharon Weinel
Mary Welfling
David and Amanda Welliver
Steve Wellvang
Jonathan and Sheila Werder
Paul W. Werner
Sandra M. Wesely
Tom and Gloria Wesely
Arlene West and Kevin Bevis
Pete Westberg
John T. Westrom
Catherine Weyerhaeuser Morley
Frederick and Nancy Weyerhaeuser
Jack and Sue Whitaker
* Denotes Wilder Legacy Builder – individuals, families or businesses who have pledged $5,000 or more to be given over five or fewer years to support Wilder programs.
Individuals and Families
In Honor Of
Steve and Shannon Whitaker
Christy and Philip White
Leni and George Wilcox*
Thad Wilderson
Joseph W. Wilhelmy
John and Jan Wilke*
Lori Wilke
Robert R. Wilke*
Leonard H. Wilkening
Lori-Anne Williams
Barbara J. Wills
Mark and Nancy Wilson*
Paul and Cara Wilson
Willie Mae Wilson
Joseph and Mary Winter
Agitu Wodajo-Lemu
Jerry F. Woelfel and
Becky Garthofner
Dan and Carol Wolfe
Joan and Jeremy Wolff
Dave Wood
Jerry Woods
Patricia Woodward
Ethel Wortmann
Tom and Brenda Wright
Mimi Wright and Dan Schmechel
William G. Wright
Ann Wynia*
Chris Koua Yang
Youa Yang
Rebecca Yanisch
Marcia and Jerry Yanz*
Anthony and Ruth Yocum*
Alex Young
Jay and Carolyn Zack
Betsy and Peter Zakrajsheck
Robert Zalk*
Kathy Zanner
Steve and Trottie Zeece
Richard and Janine Zehring*
Barbara J. Zeis
Dale and Claudia Zellmer
Henry Zellmer
Debra and Allan Zembal
Donna Zimmerman and
Phil Ditmanson*
Mike Zipko
Owen A. Zobel
Sara M. Zoff
Tony Zosel
Holly Zulpo
Calvin L. Caturia
Louise Eidsmoe
Rita K. Cox
Louise Eidsmoe
Kenneth Dawkins
Carolyn Brusseau
Elisabeth and Humphrey
Maggie Arzdorf-Schubbe
Norrine M. Bohman
Andy and Linda Boss
Christopher and Sally Brown
Ellis F. Bullock, Jr.
Sarah and Jerry Caruso
John Crippen and
Sheila Stuhlman
Andrew C. Currie
Charlton and Dottie Dietz
Joan R. Duddingston
Kareen and William Ecklund
Rondi C. Erickson
Patricia S. Hart
Art and Martha Kaemmer
Elizabeth and Bruce Kiernat
Tom and Mary Kingston
John H. Kohring
Linda and Robert Kollasch
Jane F. Kretzmann
David B. and Joanne Laird, Jr.
Irving and Gwen Lerner
Stephen and Judith Lewis
Dusty and George Mairs
Robert and Helen Mairs
Nancy D. Martin
Paul and Tara Mattessich
Mary Bigelow McMillan
David and Karen Minge
Daniel and Sarah O'Brien
Sallie O'Brien
Mary Thornton Phillips
William Pierskalla
James and Renee Reagan
Dr. Stanley Romanstein
Hamilton and Sally Ross
Kennon and Nina Rothchild
Barbara and Phil Roy
Penelope D. Scott
Emily F. Seesel
Stan Shepard and Lucy Hobart
Joanne E. Stately
Theresa B. Sullivan
John D. Taylor
Rolf Thompson and CJ Jacobson
Frederick and Nancy
Leonard H. Wilkening
Mary S. Heiserman, Ph.D.
Louise Eidsmoe
Sarah Keener
Sohila Aghai and
Seyed Morteza Sadat Hendi
Teri and Chuck Anderson
Gregg and Mary Backstrom
Lisa and Jacob Baer
Megan Becker
C. Sue and Thomas Brady
Douglas and Jean Broman
Christine and Stephen Cirks
Katherine and William Cullen
Diane and Joel Demarais
Joan and Jeffrey Eaton
Linda and Bruce Finley
Joseph and Kimberly Glowac
Christopher and Cathy Heck
Theresa and Kevin Hefel
Ellen and David Holden
Julie and Robert Jacob
C. and L. Jergenson
Mary and Steven Kennedy
Debra and William Krause
Sarah Lunneborg
Jill and Wade Malcolm
Melinda and F. Miller
Minneapolis Auto Auction
Laura and Corey Moore
Karen and Paul Norell
Progressive Auctions, Inc.
Timothy Salwei
Jane and Gerald Taffe
Maureen and William Utz
Kathy and David Wanous
Jonathan and Sheila Werder
Debra and Allan Zembal
Jackie Levin
Peggy A. Locke
Dave Mayer
Louise Eidsmoe
Donna Mody
Cummins Power Generation
The Piva Family
Sue Piva
Barbara Roy
Barbara Telander
Barbara and Phil Roy
Heidi and Rob Hubbard
Beth Roy and Oliver Jenkyn
Chris Roy
Jennifer J. Roy and
Marc C. Thompson
Mary A. Russell
Margaret Rubbelke
SevenHills Benefit
Partners' Clients
Christopher and
Catherine Schneeman
Leah Spillane
Janet M. King
Dr. Xoua Thao
Stan Dardis
Teri Davids
Maria R. Gomez
Joan Grzywinski
Robyn Hansen
Elizabeth Kiernat
Tom Kingston
Malcolm W. McDonald
Barbara Roy
Ann Wynia
In Memory Of
Business and Community Organizations
Clarence "Clary" Anderson
N. Diane Shelton
Master Sergeant Brett E. Angus
Jacqueline J. Peterson
Audrey G. Bjorke
Nancy A. Karlin
Marian P. Donovan
Gail M. St. Martin
Melva Helgason
Mary D. Jerry
Erin Kuether
June Medernach and
Peter Medernach
Christine Shaver
Bernice and Donald Shipley
Barbara and Michael Smith
Richard E. Weber
Lillian R. Kabesh
Mr. Thomas B. Kabesh
Sophie Kleidon
Carol McWalters
Ruth Kunesch
Eleanor Finn and Henry Oselka
Ann Larkin
Carol Johnson
Lorretta Looney
Howard R. Morgan
Earl Lovelace, Jr.
Dean H. Blomster
Bernice L. Morgan
Howard R. Morgan
Dorothy W. Ohnsorg
Trudy Ohnsorg and
John Oberhausen
Herb Treichel
Imogene Treichel
Randall and Christa Treichel
Pearl Ward
William and Diane Boitz
Shirley J. Chelsvig
Charles and Evelyn Van House
Joseph and Mary Winter
ADR Holdings
Ameriprise Financial
Ameriprise Financial Employee Gift
Matching Program
Andersen Corporation**
Anderson Race Management
Apple Automatic Food Services
Boulder Pointe Golf Club
Boy Scout Troop - No. 141
Briggs and Morgan**
Campfire USA
Cayana Salon
Community Shares of Minnesota
Crowne Plaza Hotel
Cummins Power Generation*
Deloitte Consulting
Drake Bank
Duke Realty and Construction**
E.G. Insight, Inc.
Encompass Textiles and Interiors
Entegris Matching Gift Program
Executive Group, Inc.
Fair Isaac Corporation
Family Supportive Housing Center, LLC
Festival Foods Bakery
Flaherty’s Arden Bowl
Girl Scout Council of St. Croix Valley
- Forest Lake Unit
Harris Companies
HealthEast Corporation
In the Event, Inc.
Jimmy John’s
Kaposia Tree Service
Kern Landscaping Resources
Keystone Search
League of MN Cities
LeeAnn Chin Chinese Cuisine
Leonard Street and Deinard
Loffler Companies, Inc.
Lowry Hill**
Macalester Plymouth United Church
MADA Charitable Lead Trust
Meghan’s Baby Ballroom
Midway Lions Club Foundation, Inc.
Minneapolis Auto Auction
Minnesota Association
of Volunteer Administrators
Minnesota Swarm
Minnesota Timberwolves
Minnesota Twins
Minnesota Wire & Cable Company*
Modern Press
Multiply Communications
Northwestern Health Sciences
Old Homes Food, Inc.
Old Timers Fastpitch Softball
Omicron Boule
of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity
Padilla, Spear and Beardsley
Paisano’s Pizza
Park Midway Bank
Pediatric Home Service
Penzey Spices
Peregrine Capital Management**
Perkins + Will**
Pioneer Press**
Premier Banks
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
Progressive Auctions, Inc.
QI International, Inc.
Ramsey County Community
Rapid Recovery, Inc.
Regions Hospital**
Rosemount, Inc.
Roxy Cleaners
Sharrett's Liqour
Spalon Montage
Speece Thorson Capital Group, Inc.**
St. Paul Radiology
St. Paul Saints
** Denotes 2007 Building on the Legacy Sponsor
Heritage Partners
Tavern on Grand
TDS Metrocom
The Great Pumpkin Chase
The Saint Paul Hotel
The Summer Fund
Tix For Tots
Twin Cities Marathon, Inc.
UBS Financial Services, Inc.**
United Properties**
Greater Twin Cities United Way
University Bank
University Capital Strategies Group**
Van Iwaarden Associates
Washington County Fun Committee
Wells Fargo Bank**
Whole Foods Market - St. Paul
Xcel Energy**
Yocum Oil Company, Inc.
Heritage Partners are individuals who have established named
endowments or included the Wilder Foundation in their estate plans
through outright gifts, life-income arrangements, wills, trusts, insurance
policies and other means. Estate gifts may be designated for the Wilder
Endowment Fund or for a specific Foundation program, project or facility.
An annual recognition event celebrates and thanks these special friends.
Please contact the Office of Planned Giving ( to discuss
your interest in becoming a Wilder Heritage Partner.
Brenda B. Becker
John and Anne Bendt
William J. Benzick
Margaret M. Betts
Charles R. Betts
Craig and Kathy Binger
Jean H. Blanch
Patricia H. Bolger
Charlton and Dottie Dietz
Elisabeth and Humphrey Doermann
Drs. Phillip and Sandra Edwardson
Judith Gavin
Bob and Elaine Golberg
Nancy Hauschild
Mary S. Heiserman, Ph.D.
John and Violet Hertog
Katharina Hertog
John and Catherine Hill
Rod and Lil Johnson
Nancy Kachel
Elizabeth and Bruce Kiernat
Tom and Mary Kingston
Laurence J. Kress
Verona LaBelle
John and Nancy Lambros
Dusty and George Mairs
Irene Maistrovich
Philip C. Manz
Paul and Tara Mattessich
David and Mary Jo Monson
John and Renee Nagel
Constance S. Otis
Gregory and Phyllis Owen
George and Diane Power
Kennon and Nina Rothchild
Barbara and Phil Roy
David and Cecilia Simpson
Jean Teigland and Russ Felkey
Rolf Thompson and CJ Jacobson
Paul and Carolyn Verret
Paul W. Werner
Richard and Florence Wickworth
Robert R. Wilke
Robert and Kathy Yaeger
Richard and Janine Zehring
In Memoriam
We honor the following Wilder
Heritage Partners who passed
away this fiscal-year:
William G. Gilbert
Mary D. Jerry
L. Frank Maistrovich
Norman M. Rose
Reta G. Youngman
Shannon Institute Alumni and Friends
Grants to the Wilder Foundation
2007 Building on the Legacy Sponsors
Andriana K. Abariotes
Janet L. Allen
Eric Anderson
Jessica L. Andrews
Maria A. Arabbo
Thomas W. Balcom
Stephen D. Barberio
Nancy Borzo
Kim Boyce
Ronnie Brooks
Carolyn Bye
Rem Cabrera
Ben Cameron
Kathleen Cerveny
Sherwood Chen
Elizabeth M. Childs
Rose Chu
John Clawson
Richard G. Cook
Thomas B. Copeland
Alice Cottingham
Jimmie Lee Coulthard
Adrienne Diercks
Fred Easter
Dave Ellis
David A. Fey
Rebecca Flood
Dorothy Goldie
Terri Goodfellow-Heyer
Kerstin Gorham
Ann M. Hale
Matthew F. Halley
Peter Hames
Craig R. Harris
Renee Hayes
Anne and Peter Heegaard
Family Fund of The
Minneapolis Foundation
Karen Hering
Frances L. Hesch
Jerry C. Hromatka
Vincent L. Hyman
Howard Jang
Mary Judge
Debra L. Krause
Jane F. Kretzmann
Gregory J. Lais
Janis Lane-Ewart
Bruce Lilly
Keith Luebke
Mark S. Lutwak
July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008
The Wilder Foundation gratefully acknowledges the grants and program support received
from the following foundations, designated funds, organizations and agencies.
The Wilder Foundation thanks these sponsors of our annual Building on the Legacy fundraising breakfast.
Chuck MacDonald
Gina Mackintosh
Estela Villagran Manancero
Ruth B. Marshall
Fiona C. McCrae
Sarah M. Milligan-Toffler
Minnesota Association
of Volunteer Administrators
James A. Mullin
Mary Ellen Murphy
Michael P. Murphy
Richard H. Musser
George Myers
Steve Nagle
David Nasby
Carol North
Glyn R. Northington
Wayne Olson
Pamela N. Paulson
James A. Payne
Stephen N. Peacock
Mary E. Pickard
J. Otis Powell!
Jane Prohaska
Jane Ranum
Michael Robins
Randy L. Rollison
Gregory D. Rye
Paul Shaffer
Sheila M. Smith
Andrea E. Snyder
Nancy R. Straw
The Summer Fund
Amy Sunderland
John D. Taylor
Luther K. Thompson
Paula Tomei
Cynthia J. Toppin
Umo Udo
Maxime Valbrune
Tony Wagner
Diane Wanner
Lori-Anne Williams
Shannon Institute
Matching Gifts
Doris Duke
Management Foundation
TCF Foundation
Allianz Life Insurance
of North America
Andersen Corporate Foundation
Elmer L. and Eleanor J.
Andersen Foundation
Fred C. and Katherine B.
Andersen Foundation
Hugh J. Andersen Foundation
The Katherine B. Andersen Fund of
The Saint Paul Foundation
F. R. Bigelow Foundation
Edgar W. & Jean H. Blanch Fund of
The Saint Paul Foundation
Blandin Foundation
Blue Cross Blue Shield
of Minnesota Foundation
The Wilson and JoAnna
Bradshaw Fund of
The Saint Paul Foundation
Otto Bremer Foundation
J. Peter Brull Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Bush Foundation
The Patrick and Aimee
Butler Family Foundation
Cargill Foundation
John Clarey and Robyn Hansen
Family Fund of The Saint Paul
ClearWay Minnesota
Comcast Foundation
Corporation for Supportive Housing
Cummins Foundation
Cummins Power Generation
Frank M. DeForce Fund
The Christine and Patrick
Donovan Family Fund of
The Saint Paul Foundation
Doris Duke Management Foundation
Ecolab Foundation
Edwards Memorial Trust
Mary and Louis Eisenmenger
Memorial Fund of the Minnesota
Community Foundation
The Craig and Diane
Erickson Family Fund of
The Saint Paul Foundation
F. M. Farrell Family Fund of the
Catholic Community Foundation
Family Homelessness Prevention
and Assistance Program
Family Housing Fund
Frey Foundation
Laura and Anna E. R. Furness Fund of
The Saint Paul Foundation
General Mills Foundation
Cecelia M. Goswitz Fund of
The Saint Paul Foundation*
Grant Opportunities Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Lorraine & Harry Hammerly Fund of
The Saint Paul Foundation
Mary L. Hammerly Fund of
The Saint Paul Foundation
Hardenbergh Foundation
Anne and Peter Heegaard
Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
The Joyce Foundation
Joyful Women Fund*
Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund
of HRK Foundation
Leah Kayless Ingber Fund of the
Jewish Community Foundation
Peter J. King Family Foundation
Kathy and Joe Kingman Fund of
The Saint Paul Foundation
Kuhrmeyer Family Foundation of
The Saint Paul Foundation
R.C. Lilly Foundation
Marbrook Foundation
Marquette Financial Companies
McNeely Foundation
The McKnight Foundation
Medica Foundation
Metro Meals on Wheels
Midway Lions Club Foundation, Inc.
Minnesota Community Foundation
Minnesota Department
of Human Services
Minnesota Early Learning Foundation
Minnesota Housing
Morning Foundation
The Nicholson Brothers Fund*
Nicholson Family Foundation
The Todd and Martha Nicholson Fund
of the Nicholson Family
Mark and Jackie Nolan Family Fund
of The Saint Paul Foundation
NorthStar Education Finance, Inc.
Opportunity Housing
Investment Fund
Pierskalla Family Fund
The Pentair Foundation
Pohlad Family Foundation
George C. Power, Jr. Family Fund of
The Saint Paul Foundation
Ramsey County Children's Mental
Health Collaborative
Ramsey County Housing and
Redevelopment Authority
RBC Foundation
The Rodman Foundation
Ruth Ann and Norman Rose Fund
St. Paul Children's Collaborative
The Saint Paul Foundation
The William and Susan
Sands Foundation of
The Saint Paul Foundation
Securian Foundation
Soran Family Foundation Fund of
The Saint Paul Foundation*
Stevens Square Foundation
Target Foundation
3M Community Foundation
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Toro Giving Program
Transitional Housing Program
Travelers Foundation
UBS Foundation
UPS Foundation
U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD)
Greater Twin Cities United Way
Wells Fargo Foundation Minnesota
The Frederick and Margaret L.
Weyerhaeuser Foundation
Mark L. & Nancy C. Wilson
Family Fund of MN
Community Foundation
Xcel Energy Foundation