Church Newsletter - Christ Episcopal Church, Nacogdoches, Texas


Church Newsletter - Christ Episcopal Church, Nacogdoches, Texas
Jesus said “He has
sent me to proclaim
release to the captives and recovery of
sight to the blind, to
let the oppressed go
of Christ Episcopal Church • Nacogdoches, TX
Season after Pentecost
Finance Committee Meeting, Monday
Sept 12, 1:30 pm in Parish Hall.
Breakfast with Brotherhood of St. Andrew is Sept 11 in the School Hall. Eggs
benedict, pancakes, sausage, bacon, juice,
coffee, everything but the kitchen sink!
DOK, Wed, Sept 14, 2—3:30 pm in the
Bailey House. Park on the north side of the
Bailey House and utilize the new entrance
with a fully ADA compliant ramp! Coffee
and snacks provided.
Vestry meets Sept 20, 6 p.m. in the Parish
Hall. Last minute planning for Back to
Church Sunday.
Join us for Movie
Night is Sept
16th. Socializing
at 6:30 pm, movie
starts at 7. “Saving
Mr. Banks” will
air for the adults,
and “The Boxtrolls” for the kids. Child
care is provided, with pizza for the kids and
appetizers and some drinks for the adults.
(BYOB is suggested). See you there!
Holy Lands Cruise Still Available - Sept
22nd to Oct 2nd. Join Fr. Howard and Joanne for a 10-day tour of Israel and land of
the antiquities, in a very safe way aboard
Oceania Cruises. If you are interested, call
Sonda Coote at 954-514-6205.
Pastoral Notice: If you are in need of pastoral care, please notify the church office at
You may also email the rector 24 hours a
day at
September, 2016
From the Rector
The Byrds did a
cover of a Pete
Seeger song titled
“Turn! Turn!
Turn!” which made
it to #1 on the Billboard chart December 4,
1965. This song has the distinction
of being the number 1 song with the
oldest lyrics of any song in history
because they came from the Bible,
taken almost verbatim from the
Book of Ecclesiastes (King Solomon
- 10th century BC).
It goes like this:
To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time to every purpose, under
A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep
easy to accept when things go well,
but difficult when life gets bumpy.
The Greeks had “The Seven Stages
of Life.” The Jewish Midrash has
“The Seven Ages of Manhood.” Right now, I am in the season of “Kids Off to College,” which I
thought would be an easy time but
instead has me wandering around
the house a bit mopey, missing my
two oldest children.
There are other seasons– for example, when tragedy strikes and a
young life taken seemingly too
soon. It is a testing of faith that
strengthens our core.
This is never easy, yet in the temporary chaos there is someone in control. Whatever season you are in–
joy, tragedy, sunrise or sunset, remember God knew you before your
existence. “Before I formed you in
the womb I knew you” (Jer. 1). And
when it feels like you are stumbling,
These words of Solomon speak vol- remember Proverbs 20:24- “A perumes to humanity. Everything- all
son's steps are directed by the
of life- is subject to “turning”; the
LORD. How then can anyone unprovidential movement of our lives
derstand their own way?” To every
on earth. Do we believe this? It is
season, turn, turn, turn.
Crowd Sees Crocket Statue Dedication
Nearly 100 people attended this event and a reception afterwards. Sr. Warden Karen Mast and
sculptor Harry Weber (right) unveil the artwork.
Sunday Service Schedule
Holy Eucharist
8:00 a.m. 1928 Prayer Book
9:15 a.m. Christian Ed Hour
10:30 a.m. 1979 Rite I
with full choir and organ
Christ Episcopal Church
1430 N. Mound St.
(936) 564-0421
See What’s Happening in your Church!
Do not neglect to show hospitality to
strangers, for by doing that some
have entertained angels with out
knowing it.
Hebrews 13:2
The folks of Christ Church have been busy serving
others this summer. Our first project was filling 200
bags of weekend food for the kids at Briar Forest,
which were delivered on two weekends. Many
thanks to Amy Nixdorf, Kathy Greer, Toluwani Soares, Ann Wilder, and Rachel, Jud and Charlie Ripper,
and Ava Cozaad, plus friends from Austin Heights
Baptist Church. Our next project was the DOK Ice
Cream Social at Independence Manor. And then last
week our DOK discussed a project called We plan to sew special hygiene
bags for girls in developing nations. We are heading
to Conroe in October for a Sew Day! You do not
have to be a Daughter to help with this project. Contact Deacon Wanda,
Texas Trivia Fun!
Over 30 folks from Christ Church gathered on July
22 for fun and fellowship at the Texas Trivia &
Chicken Soiree. They enjoyed fried chicken and delicious pot luck dishes, then competed as teams in
Texas Trivia and had a blast! There was a lot of
laughter and at times it got a bit competitive!
Stop and Pray…
We need people to pray for our church. Stop what
you are doing at noon and/or at 9pm every day for
our church to grow; that God sends us people who
need a church home; that God will send to us His
people so that we might minister to them!
5 - Walker Oliver
6 - Bill Skinner, Bard Moore
8 - Helen Daniel, Paul Davis, Forrest King,
Paige Brown,
9 - John Pack, Wilson Vineyard
11 - Diana Frink
September, 2016
Fr. Howard teaches the Book of James - On the surface, James is all about doing. How do we balance our
“doing” in a world of terrorism? How do we love and serve
our neighbor under threat? Parish Hall from 9:15 - 10:15
am join us for coffee, doughnuts, and great discussion.
Men’s Breakfast Group Thursdays, 6:30-7:45 a.m. in the
Parish Hall, studying the Book of Job using “The Gospel
according to Job” (by Mike Mason). Kolaches, doughnuts
and coffee- join us! It’s a great way to start your day.
"Come As You Are" Bible Study with Joanne
Castleberry, will begin Thurs, Sept 8 from 10-11:30 am.
We will be studying the book of Psalms. If you need
babysitting, contact for any information. Invite your friends and come as you are.
Baily House Discussion Group begins a new study with
the book, “All is Well, Julian of Norwich - Revelations of
Divine Love” by Ellyn Sanna. Join us at 9:15AM, Sep 11.
For more information, contact Joan Davis at 560-2526.
Pray without ceasing, give thanks in all
circumstances; for this is the will of
God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonians 16 - 17
Your prayers are needed for:
Our family: Sharon Davis, Lil Johnson, John Mast, Betty
Vanover, Mark Porter, Len Neff, Ann Phillips, Walt Morris,
Bill & Clara Skinner
Our military: David Sorensen, Sean Sorensen
All prisoners of Terrorists Organizations: Stephen
Our friends: Campbell Cox, Andrea & Greg Tate, Gina
Tate, David Smith, Denise Sorensen, Craig Wood, The
Bradburn Family, Rev. Lani Rousseau
13 - Jody Ryan, Kathleen Blake
14 - Ann Hurst
15 - Todd Garrison, Patricia Mast
17 - Linda Whiting, Ian Morgan,
Sarah Oliver
22 - Tom McKinney
23 - Bill Patton, Nelson Klein
25 - Nathaniel Blakley
26 - Barbara Patton, David Carrington
27 - Janice Ledet, Nola Schmidt
28 - Joanne Castleberry
29 - Linda Mitcham, Jordan Scott
30 - Joel Morgan
The contemplative meditation formerly held on Tuesdays is now being held on Mondays at 5:30 p.m.
Hope to see you there—
Christ Church
“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over,
will be poured in your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
Luke 6:3
Jesus went out again beside the sea; the
whole crowd gathered around him,
and he taught them. Mark 2:13
SFA Students Need Spring Meals
Splish Splash
Summer Bash at
Splash Kingdom!
Fall meals are scheduled, but can you provide dinner for 15+
students on a Sunday evening for Spring Semester? Register online: enter or a sign-up sheet is in the Narthex.
Not a cook? Donate $$$! Thanks for your support.
STUDENTS! Join Gus and Jill for a shared meal and Bible
study, Sundays from 6:30-8:30 P.M., second floor youth area above the Parish Hall, during the school year schedule.
Fr. Michael
New Times!
6 through 12 grades
Wednesdays –6 - 8:30 pm
Food, fun and fellowship– hope to
see you there! Calendar on website.
All other
Service for
September 4
Proper 18
September 11
Proper 19
September 18
Proper 20
September 25
Proper 21
Altar Guild
Team 2
Team 3
Team 4
Team 1
N Taylor
M Pack
A Wilder
R Wilder
J Huey
J Fleming
A Russell
GL Ashcraft
A Sowards
E Morgan
J Summers
M Aikin
B Davis
N Collins
C Ashcraft
F Spruiell
S Aikin
T DeRise
GW Scott
T DeRise
GW Scott
T DeRise
GW Scott
T DeRise
GW Scott
Christ Episcopal Church
1430 N. Mound Street
Nacogdoches, TX 75961
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Service for
September 4
Proper 18
September 11
Proper 19
September 18
Proper 20
September 25
Proper 21
Philemon 1-21
Luke 14:25-33
Exodus 32:7-14
1 Timothy 1:12-17
Luke 15:1-10
Jeremiah 8:18-9:1 Jeremiah 21:11 Timothy 2:1-7
3a, 6-15
Luke 16:1-13
1 Timothy 6:6-19
Luke 16:19-31
8:00 am
A Russell
P Russell
J Ryan
B Lindsey
10:30 a.m.
W Cuniff
W Cuniff
W Cuniff
W Cuniff
1st Lesson
J Fleming
F Spruiell
A Wilder
T Baker
2nd Lesson
B Watkins
D Moore
L Kennedy
D Mercer
W Cuniff
W Cuniff
W Cuniff
W Cuniff
J Scott
A Summers
C Meisenheimer
Mn Kennedy
D Mercer
D Wilder
C Culpepper
Ms Kennedy
J Castleberry
C Castleberry
R Wilder
J Summers
Kr Culpepper
Kt Culpepper
M Stokes
P Franks