11-01-2015 - St. Bonaventure – St. Benedict the Moor


11-01-2015 - St. Bonaventure – St. Benedict the Moor
Morning Mass 8:30 AM – St. Benedict the Moor
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 1, 2015
10:00 AM ~
In Memory of Michelle Washington
Req. Brandon Woo & Maria Lewis
12 Noon ~
Altar Bread & Wine In Memory of Lollie Moore
Req. Joanne Moore
Happy 49th Wedding Anniversary
Carolyn & Richard Johnson
Birthday Blessings Vanita Dotson
Req. Juanita Dotson
In Memory of ~
o Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Osuji
o Sydney Guity Req. Ivanna Rodiquez
Wis 3:1-9/Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9/Jn 6:37-40
In Memory of ~
Edamante Thomas Req. Marie Romelien
Mary Lewis Req. Maria Lewis
5:00 PM ~
Shamar Olivas Req. Deacon Pascaul
Parish Evangelization
Anima Christi
Rom 12:5-16b/Lk 14:15-24
Rom 13:8-10/Lk 14:25-33
Rom 14:7-12/Lk 15:1-10
Rom 15:14-21/Lk 16:1-8
Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27/Lk 16:9-15
Soul of Christ, make Me Holy.
Let us Remember In our Prayers ~
Donation $15.00 refer to Blue envelopes
Mass Cards Available
Please submit your Mass Intentions
In a timely manner – one (1) week
Celestine Gbovi, Llyod & Pearl Harrison, Cecila Delgado,  Gloria
Clark, Cecil Renwick, Rosa Souso, Doris Plummer, Ruth Smith, Doris
Colon, Isaac Polite, Gloria Manning, Hazel Jeffers, Mary Williams,
Alberta Mayfield, Mildred Guy, Pam Blue, Marissa Hernadez, Francessa
Romero, Gwen Pruden, Linda Hazel, Beverly Correia, Marjorie Major,
Pam Blue For the end of gun violence, Peace in our Communities
Body of Christ, Save Me.
Blood of Christ, Fill Me with Your Love.
Water from Christ’s Side, Wash Me.
Passion of Christ, Strengthen Me.
Good Jesus, Hear Me.
Within Your Wounds, Hide Me.
Never Let Me Be Parted From You.
From the Evil Enemy, Protect Me.
Memorial Mass for Elizabeth Boxill
before requested date of intention or
At the Hour of My Death, Call Me,
Saturday, November 7th ● 10:00 AM
Tuesday of the Sunday requested.
and tell Me to
St. Benedict the Moor Church
For your love ones Health, Birthday’s,
Come to You, That with Your Saints
Anniversary, Blessings, Congratulations or
In memory of dearly departed.
Also consider donating flowers $30.00 or
Altar Bread $60.00 or Altar Wine $60.00
I May Praise You
Through All Eternity. Amen
Next Sunday:
1 Kgs 17:10-16/Heb 9:24-28/Mk 12:38-44 or 12:41-44
Rv 7:2-4, 9-14/1 Jn 3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12a
On this Solemnity of All Saints, let us turn to
the saints' reflections upon Christ's beatitudes.
Blessed are...
... the poor in spirit: "Not even God can put anything
in a heart that is already full"
--Blessed Teresa of Calcutta.
... they who mourn: "They who weep for their own
sins are blessed"
--St. Thomas Aquinas.
... the meek: "There is nothing as strong as true
meekness; there is nothing as gentle as true strength"
--St. Francis de Sales.
Thank you for your parish support!
“Of everything you give me, I will faithfully
return a tenth to you” Genesis 28:22
The use of your assign envelopes shows strength
within our faith community.
Be Thoughtful
Committed Givers
Together let’s meet our weekly goal of $5,000.00
Last Sunday’s Contributions
 10:00 AM: 177 - $ 1,337.00
College Tour
Medgar Evers College &
Kingsborough Community College
Tuesday, November 3rd (Election Day)
Bus departs 8:30 AM
St. Bonaventure Church
$5.00 for round trip on coach bus & lunch
See DFF for Permission Slip
VIRTUS WORKSHOP will be held on
Saturday, November 7th
1:00 PM SHARP– 3:00 PM
At Our Lady of Light – St. Catherine of Sienna
Church Hall ● 118-22 Riverton Street
(entrance side door from parking lot)
All employees, volunteers and moderator’s
working with children on the parish grounds
and have not attended a Virtus Workshop are
... they who hunger and thirst for righteousness:
 12 Noon: 112- $ 1,050.00
urge to attend according to Diocesan Guidelines
"First of all, we must be just towards God. Let this
 5:00 PM: 46 - $ 408.00
and Policy.
fact be firmly impressed in our hearts, so that it
Consider using Parish Pay
shows in our behavior, for it is the touchstone of the
ParishPay is the easiest and most effective way
true 'hunger and thirst for justice'"
to give back to our community on a consistent
--St. Josemaría Escrivá.
... the merciful: "If a soul does not exercise mercy in
one way or another, it will not obtain Christ's mercy
on the Day of Judgment" --St. Faustina Kowalska.
and supportive basis.
www.ParishPay.com  Diocese: Brooklyn 
Our Parish on page 3  Enroll to give!
... the clean of heart: "The pure soul is a beautiful
rose, and the Three Divine Persons descend from
Heaven to inhale its fragrance"
--St. John Vianney.
... the peacemakers: "Peace is not just the absence of
2015 Annual Bishop Appeal
Please continue to pay towards your pledge.
--St. John Paul II.
... they who are persecuted for the sake of
righteousness: "This is the teaching of Jesus Christ in
the Gospel. How, then, can it be said, that those
believe in the Gospel who say: 'Blessed are those who
have money; blessed are those who suffer nothing ...
St. Benedict the Moor Meeting Room
We will be reflecting & sharing on the
following scriptural topics:
Take away this pain ● True Colors ● …Change my
name The Learning Curve ● Any Way, Who &
If you haven’t made a pledge we welcome any
Whose are you? ● Ouch!! ● We are Family ● There is
small amount by November 15 !!!
a Balm in Gilead ● Move over, you’re touching me!
war ... Like a cathedral, peace must be constructed
patiently and with unshakable faith"
of God’s Word
Has the Power to Transform Our Lives.
Bible Study Monday’s ● 7:00 PM
Unidos En Una Sola Fe
Mass for St. Martin de Porres
Sunday, November 15th ● 3:00 PM
St. Benedict the Moor
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Fellowship to follow in Church Hall
pitiable is the man that suffers persecution and illtreatment from others'? ... Either they do not believe
the Gospel, or ... they believe only a part of it"
--St. Alphonsus Liguori.
Show me in this Mass how I can be a
Better Version of myself this week.
Classes held on Sunday’s at 8:45 AM
St. Bonaventure Rectory
Liturgy Prayer Service &
For All Ministry of Music (Choir),
Liturgical Dance, Ministers of the Word
Ministers of Holy Communion
Saturday, November 21st ● 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
St. Benedict the Moor Church
Rosary Society
Gift Program
Our campaign to provide parishioners the
opportunity to sponsor our new 2016
Breaking Bread Missal.
Please donate $5.00 in honor of a loved one (living or
deceased) or to commemorate an event (birth of a child,
holy day, etc.). Both the donor's name and the name of
the loved one/event will be neatly printed on a
bookplate, and then adhered to our Breaking Bread
Missal. Please Use Commemorative Gift Envelopes
Or Fill out Form with $5.00 donation
Is returning to Lancaster, Pa.!
Saturday, June 18, 2016
greatest Biblical epic of the Hebrew Testament…
Sunday, November 8th
Come join us as we witness Samson strength & devotion.
The trip includes: Round trip bus transportation on
coach bus / Tickets to Sight and Sound Theatre
production of Samson / Family Style lunch at Plain
and Fancy Restaurant / Shopping
Name: _____________________________________
Reservation with deposit
Check made out to
From: ______________________________________
 St. Bonaventure  St. Benedict the Moor
Thank you!
We will visit Sight and Sound Theatre to see the
 In Memory of  In Honor of
The Church of St. Bonaventure-St. Benedict the Moor
Food Pantry
2 & 4 Tuesday’s ● 10:00 – 11:30 AM
November 10th & 24th
Bring acceptable identification
Put in collection basket BY
Extremely Important Check Box &
Write Legible
Thank you for your generosity
Please continue to bring in your food donations:
Brown Rice, Can Vegetables, Can Meats, Can
Fruits, Dry Milk & Cereal
Donation $15.00 refer to Blue envelopes
Mass Cards Available
Please submit your Mass Intentions
In a timely manner – one (1) week
before requested date of intention or
Tuesday of the Sunday requested.
For your love ones Health, Birthday’s,
Anniversary, Blessings, Congratulations or
In memory of dearly departed.
St. Bonaventure-St. Benedict the Moor
Also consider donating flowers $30.00 or
Rosary Society
Altar Bread $60.00 or Altar Wine $60.00
Name: ____________________________________
Address: __________________________________
Telephone #: _______________________________
Adults: $150.00
Youth (3 – 12 yrs.) $140.00
 Adult _____
 Youth ____
Recommended Payment Schedule
Beginning November 1st (deposit) to May 1st
Adults $21.43 per month / Youth $ 20.00 per month
We welcome full payment
Please bring food
to share
Greaves- Hawkins
Memorial Funeral Services, Inc.
email: ____________________________________
116-08 Merrick Boulevard
P.O. Box 340158
Jamaica, New York 11434-0158
718-712-1900 ~ 718-481-6524 Fax
Thelma L. Greaves Hawkins,
Licensed Funeral Director & Manager
Email: Hawkins-greaves@verizon.net
Thank you for allowing us to serve
12 Noon – 1:30 PM
Pantry at St. Benedict the Moor