February 21, 2016 - St. John the Baptist


February 21, 2016 - St. John the Baptist
Saint John the Baptist Church
A Parish of the Diocese of Greensburg - A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust
3332 Pittsburgh Road, - PO Box 606 - Perryopolis, PA 15473
Second Sunday of Lent
February 21, 2016
Parish Staff:
Rev. Anthony W. Di o, Pastor
adi o@dioceseofg eensburg.org
Sco Mar in, Director of Spirit al & Faith For ation
smar in@dioceseofg eensburg.org
Adelle Slebodnik, Office Manager
aslebodnik@dioceseofg eensburg.org
Pat icia Filak, Director of Music
pfilak@dioceseofg eensburg.org
Dee Vang ra, Pastoral Minister
dvang ra@dioceseofg eensburg.org
P.J. Stefanick, Custodian
pstefanick@dioceseofg eensburg.org
Tina Mahallick, Domestics
t ahallick@dioceseofg eensburg.org
Office Information
Monday -Thursday 9am to 4pm Friday 9am to 3pm
Closed Daily for Lunch Noon to 1pm
Parish Office Phone: 724-736-4442 Fax: 724-736-8403
Spiritual & Faith Formation Office Phone: 724-736-0158
Email: sjbperry@dioceseofgreensburg.org
Bulletin Deadline: Tuesday at 11am
Church is locked after Masses, please see Parish Office to open.
Rosary is recited before Daily Mass beginning at 7:30am
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament ~ Monthly First Friday 9am to 10am
Baptism - Preparation can be scheduled by contacting the Spiritual &
Faith Formation Office. Baptisms can be held during any weekend Mass or
after Vigil Mass or 10AM Mass.
Marriage - Contact the Parish Office to schedule date and preparation at
least nine months in advance. If you are already married and would like to
have your marriage blessed (validated), contact Fr. Tony.
Confirmation - If you are an adult that has not received this Sacrament of
Initiation, contact the Spiritual & Faith Formation Office.
Anointing of the Sick - Available any time by contacting the Parish Office.
Eucharist - Communion calls to the sick and homebound and those in
nursing homes are made regularly. If you know of someone in need, please
contact Dee Vangura, Pastoral Minister.
Reconciliation: Wednesday 6pm / Saturday 3pm / by appointment
Faith Formation
Religious Education (K-6) - Tuesdays 6:15pm to 7:30pm
Youth Ministry (7-12) - 2nd & 4th Sunday 6pm to 7:30pm
Adult: Lenten Bible Study—Wednesdays 7pm beginning March 2
Parish Website: www.sjbperry.org
“This is my chosen Son; listen to Him.”
~Luke 9:35
Jubilee Year of Mercy
The Most Reverend Edward Malesic, Bishop of Greensburg has designated five Churches
of Pilgrimage in the Diocese of Greensburg, that will have Doors of Mercy for the
Jubilee Year, in which the faithful can gain a plenary indulgence.
The Five Churches of Pilgrimage are: Blessed Sacrament Cathedral – Greensburg;
Saint Vincent Basilica – Latrobe;
Christ, Prince of Peace – Ford City;
Saints Simon and Jude – Blairsville; Saint Francis of Assisi – Footedale Site
To gain the plenary indulgence, the faithful are called to make a brief pilgrimage to one
of the Churches of Pilgrimage, pass through the Holy Year Door, participate in the
Sacrament of Reconciliation at another time after passing through the Door of Mercy,
and attend a celebration of the Holy Eucharist with a reflection on mercy. It will be
necessary that these sacraments be accompanied by the profession of faith and prayers
for the intentions of the Holy Father.
Parish Mission Statement:
St. John the Bap st Parish, located in historic Perryopolis, serves the people in the
surrounding communi es of Northeastern Faye e County. We are a community of
caring, hardworking people with strong family es. Our Mission is to spread the Good
News of Jesus Christ by prac cing, sharing and evangelizing our faith on life’s journey,
with our family of faith and local communi es throughout all stages of life; leading all
to Christ’s Kingdom. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the intercession of Saint
John the Bap st m we strive to become evangelizers, leaders and steward of Christ
with a desire to grow in our physical and spiritual rela onship with God.
Facebook: St. John the Baptist (Perryopolis)
Sacrament of Reconcilia on
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available weekly:
Wednesday: 6:00 pm
Saturday: 3:00 pm
The Sacrament is offered by appointment by
contacting the Parish Office.
Regional Penance Services - 7pm
Wednesday, March 1 - Church of the Epiphany, Monessen
Thursday, March 3—St. John the Baptist
Thursday, March 10—Holy Family, West Newton
Thursday, March 17—St,. Anne , Rostraver
Tuesday, March 22—St. Sebastian, Belle Vernon
Jubilee Year of Mercy
24 hours of Reconciliation will be offered beginning at Noon on
Friday, March 4 through Noon, Saturday, March 5 at any
Pilgrimage Parish :
Blessed Sacrament Cathedral – Greensburg;
Saint Vincent Basilica – Latrobe;
Christ, Prince of Peace – Ford City;
Saints Simon and Jude – Blairsville;
Saint Francis of Assisi – Footedale Site
The devotion of The Stations of the
Cross began as the practice of
pious pilgrims to Jerusalem who
would retrace the final journey of
Jesus Christ to Calvary.
Later, for the many who wanted to pass
along the same route, but could not make the trip to Jerusalem, a
practice developed that eventually took the form of the fourteen
stations currently found in almost every church.
Journey with us in Christ’s steps
each Friday in Lent at 7pm.
This Friday’s Journey will be led by
Bishop Malesic
February 21, 2016
Saturday, February 20 – Vigil: Second Sunday of Lent
Living & Deceased Members of the
Sons & Daughters of Italy
Sunday, February 21 – Second Sunday of Lent
St. John the Baptist Parish Family
Living & Deceased Members of the Altar Society
Monday, February 22—The Chair of St. Peter the Apostle
No Mass
Tuesday, February 23—St. Polycarp
John Crans (Daughter, Susanne)
Wednesday, February 24
Dorothy Labuda (Theresa Constantine)
Thursday, February 25
Elva (Pacione) Grubbs (Gen & Evie Noschese)
Friday, February 26
Deceased of the Schlagel Family (Bob & Family)
Saturday, February 27 – Vigil: Third Sunday of Lent
Deceased of the Louis Zupanich Family
(Jim & Judy Rosa)
Sunday, February 28 - Third Sunday of Lent
Natale Sassi (Family)
St. John the Baptist Parish Family
This is my chosen Son; listen to Him — Luke 9:35
1 Pt 5:1-4; Ps 23:1-3a, 4-6; Mt 16:13-19
Is 1:10, 16-20; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23;
Mt 23:1-12
Jer 18:18-20; Ps 31:5-6, 14-16; Mt 20:17-28
Jer 17:5-10; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 16:19-31
Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a; 17b-28a; Ps 105:16-21;
Mt 21:33-43, 45-46
Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32
What better way to listen than through His own words
Chrism Mass - Holy Thursday, March 24 - 10am
The Mass of Chrism comes once a year to your cathedral…..Blessed Sacrament
Cathedral in Greensburg. If you've never celebrated it, you're missing one of
the most solemn and significant liturgies of our church. During the Mass, Bishop
Malesic will bless the Oil of Catechumens, the Oil of the Sick, and the Oil of
Chrism. Also, the priests of the Diocese will renew their ordination promises.
If interested, we would like to take a group to this special Mass. If enough
interest, we will use a school bus for transportation (40 people), otherwise we
will car pool. Contact the Adelle in the Parish Office to sign up.
Sanctuary Candle
In Memory of Joe & Ann Lafko
Love, Joe & Bernie
Readings and Daily Meditations are available in the Word Among Us
books available in the vestibule.
Mass with Anointing of the Sick
Sunday, March 13, 2016 at 3pm
All are invited to join us at a special Mass for those who
are pregnant, chronically ill, suffering from depression,
anxiety, mental illness, take medication, physically
disabled or facing surgery. The Rite of Anointing is
intended for anyone regardless of age or condition.
If you or someone you know would like to attend but
need transportation, please contact the Parish Office and
we will help. A light meal will be served following.
Second Sunday of Lent
Wednesday - February 24, 2016 - Liturgical Ministers
6:30 PM
Altar Servers
V. Muccioli
A. Muccioli
Ministers of
E. Sokol
R. Vargo
A. Miskanin
B. Leyda
Weekly Offering
February 27/28, 2016 — Liturgical Ministers
A. Ciliberti
O. Martin
V. Muccioli
A. Muccioli
R. Power
L. Giovannelli
Ministers of
J. Rosa
BA Rock
T. Babyak
B. Barth
L. Cernuska
L. Jellick
C. Coldren
J. Monahan
K. Katic
D. Maiolini
D. Wilson
M. Molnar
D. Domonkos
B. Mehalov
K. Monahan
L. Ewing
Altar Servers
S. Martin
Liturgy of the
Money Counters
This Week: Team V - Next Week: Team I
February 14, 2016
$ 4,621.75
Children & Youth
Building Fund
Catholic Accent
Cemetery Care
Votive / Sanctuary / Home Candles
Second Collection - Home Missions
Thank you for generously sharing your treasure
P. Layton
Session 6: February 22 7pm
“Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the
world” ~ 1John 4:4
GIFTS RECEIVED: 4 out of 883 Families
Give your life completely to the Lord Jesus Christ by
accepting, by personal decision, the saving sovereignty
of Christ and becoming His disciple and share the Good
News to all!
Following Christ Participants can sign up now for Sharing
Christ beginning April 4. Contact the Parish Office to register.
Paint n Sip
Saturday, April 30 6:30pm
Social Hall
Mark your calendars for this awesome new fundraiser
Tickets will go on sale March 5
Tickets are $40 - painting, appetizers, and great fellowship
Perryopolis Ministerium Ecumenical Services are held
each Wednesday in Lent at Noon.
February 24—St. John the Baptist Church
March 2—Star Junction Baptist Church
March 9—Perry United Methodist Church
March 16—Harmony Presbyterian Church
(Father Tony will be the speaker)
Please Remember in Your Prayers all those who are suffering and in need of healing. May God bring peace and healing of mind and
body to all those in need of His mercy. Should you know of someone who is in need of pastoral care or to add someone to our prayer
list, please direct the family to contact Fr. Tony in the Parish Office.
Lenten Fish Fry
Every Friday during Lent, February 12 through March 18 in
the Social Center.
Menu includes: Baked or Fried Fish Dinner, Fish Sandwiches,
Pierogies, Haluski, Green Beans, Macaroni & Cheese and Cole
Dine-in or carry-out from Noon to 6pm
(Containers: Bring your own or available for purchase)
To place a take out order please call 724-736-0675
The Knights of Columbus Greensburg Chapter invite all
men of the Diocese to a Lenten evening of Reflection &
Recollection at St. Emma’s Monastery, Greensburg on
Thursday, March 10 from 3:30pm to 8:15pm. The evening will
consist of a conference, Sacrament of Reconciliation,
Benediction, Evening Prayer, Dinner, Stations of the Cross &
Night Prayer. Donation is $20., For additional information or
to make a reservation contact Don Granata at 724-468-1808 or
St. Edward Parish in Herminie will re-enact the final days in
the life of Jesus on Friday, March 11 at 7pm as members of
their Youth Ministry present the Living Stations of the Cross.
St. Sebastian Parish invites you to participate in a Lenten Mission
featuring Catholic Inspirational Speaker, Paul Koleske.
Theme: “Igniting the Light of Christ Within You”
Sunday, February 28: “Connection with the Light of Christ”
Monday, February 29: “Experiencing the Light of Christ”
Tuesday, March 1: “Living the Light of Christ”
All evenings begin at 6pm
Perryopolis United Methodist Church
Join us in helping our local food bank. An “Empty Bowl”
event will be held on Sunday, March 13 from Noon until 2pm.
Come share in a simple meal of delicious homemade soup,
bread, dessert and drink for $15. Children 10 and under Free.
You will also take home a bowl of your choice to be reminded
of the many “empty bowls” across our nation every day.
100% of the proceeds benefit the Perryopolis Food Bank
which serves approximately 72 families each month.
Limited number of tickets sold. To purchase a ticket contact:
Mary Lee 724-736-0528
Adrienne 724-812-3125
Leslie 724-366-2978
Have you or someone you know not received
the Sacraments of Confirmation or Eucharist or
would like to consider entering the
Catholic Church?
Ask them to call Scott at the
Faith Formation Office
Palm Sunday
March 20th at 7:30
A Service of Shadows
The service of Tenebrae,
meaning “darkness” or
“shadows,” Tenebrae is a prolonged meditation on
Christ’s suffering. Readings trace the story of Christ’s
passion, music portrays his Journey, and the power of
silence and darkness suggests the drama of this
momentous day. As lights are extinguished, we ponder
the depth of Christ’s suffering and death; and through the
return of the small but persistent flame of the Christ
candle at the conclusion of the service, we anticipate the
joy of ultimate victory.
God calls us during Lent to Prayer, Fasting
and Almsgiving. How simple a sacrifice we
are called to give compared to the sacrifice
of Christ. The call to these are given to us
in Christ’s word in Scripture. Answer His call.
Have you made any changes to your contact information?
Are you new to the area and would like to join our Parish?
Fill out the information below and drop in the basket or
contact the Parish Office.
Bulletin #406550.Feb212016 page 6
St John the Baptist
PO Box 606
Perryopolis Pa 15473
Contact: Adelle
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