Christ the Redeemer Catholic Community "The Church which “goes forth” is a community of missionary disciples who take the first step, who are involved and supportive, who bear fruit and rejoice.” (Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, #24) 2nd Sunday of Lent, March 16, 2014 Lenten Suppers Please join us on Tuesday, March 18 for our first Lenten Soup and Prayer Meal. Soup will be served from 5:30-7:00 p.m. (preceding Taize) and our guest will be Elizabeth Kelly. Elizabeth is the Executive Director for Hope Hospitality and Warming Center in Pontiac. As many of you know, HOPE provides emergency shelter and meals November through April for the homeless. They also provide crucial support services, vital to this vulnerable population. Lenten PrayerJust 2014as important the staff and volunteers at Almighty, everlasting God, HOPE provide a welcoming and carout of our frail ing and atmosphere to comfort their clihelpless aloneness ents.youElizabeth has been working vigcall us to be church. orously over the past to faith secure You bring us together inyear shared funding for ongoing operations and prayer, throughout the year. Please join us shared mission and celebration, nexttoTuesday as she updates our parish find the support we need on in this exciting possibility a year order to be a church ofof hope, round shelter which would provide a light for the world. muchusneeded services for the Lead on our ongoing Lenten journey homeless. Please sign up from the darkness of in the vestibuleevery following Masses this weekend or slavery, call Karen or every tyranny, Lisa in the to the dawn of new freedom parish office. and new unity. May this light we share help Free us see Will Offering acthe hope that is in us cepted. now and forever. Amen Easter Gleaners Family Outreach Baskets The Service Commission will be coordinating the Easter Basket Program. Baskets will be donated to local needy children and adults. We ask that you pick up a paper Easter Egg, with a list of suggested items, beginning this weekend of March 15/16. Buy a basket, grass and other items and return the filled basket wrapped in cellophane by Sunday, April 13th . If you take a tag, please return the basket as each basket is pre-assigned to a specific individual. Gift card tags for Meijer or Kroger are also being collected to help provide Easter dinner to needy families. Questions: call Karen/Lisa in the parish office. We still have a few openings for our outreach to Gleaners Food Bank in Pontiac on Saturday, March 15 from 12:30-2:30. If you are interested call Susan Arends at 248-3932403. It is a great experience and they rely on volunteer groups like us to help them continue their ministry. Adopt a family This year we will again be coordinating the Adopt –A-Family Program for Easter. This includes buying a Easter meal for a family and providing some staple foods and/or paper products. We ask that you buy a Meijer gift card for the meat. An Easter basket for the family is optional. All items need to be delivered to church the weekend of April 12/13th . If you have questions or want to adopt a family, contact Karen/Lisa in the parish office. palm Sunday Passion Drama April 12/13 If you are interested in being a part of the Passion Drama on Palm Sunday, please contact Fr. Joe by email; or call, 248-391-1621. Rehearsal dates are: Thursday, March 27 at 7:00 p.m. and Tuesdays April 1 and 8 at 7:45 p.m. card workshop Several times a year we create cards that are sent to members of Christ the Redeemer community. The cards welcome, console and cheer those that receive them. Join the card making fun on Thursday, March 20 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Bethany Room. Samples, materials and instruction make the crafting easy, so no experience in necessary. Questions, call Caryl Alessi, 248-625-5852. Page 2 Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion Megan McKenna led us with deep wisdom into the Lenten wilderness. The stories she told and the Word of God that she broke open for us will continue to guide us on the Lenten road. Today we climb the Sacred Mountain in Matthew’s Gospel; it helps to keep the vision of the Resurrection before our eyes as we struggle to keep up with Jesus on the way. Megan shares a “true story that actually happened” when she was studying for a Ph.D. in scripture. “We were examining resurrection texts and had been assigned to write a three-page paper explaining resurrection. I tried. When the wastebasket was full, I gave up and went for a walk in the nearby park. I went prepared to stay the afternoon; I brought a blanket, water, a book of poetry and my journal, dried apples, and music to take me completely away from the realms of academia. I was more attuned to a flight of fancy. I got settled in my favorite spot, one that gave me a grand view of the ocean and the fog coming in. No sooner had Mozart started to fill the air than a busload of young boys on a field trip interrupted my fantasy afternoon. They poured out of the bus, equipped with packs, Frisbees, and loud voices. I rolled over on my stomach and surveyed them as I tried to decide whether to move to another spot. But there was something about them that intrigued me. They were all between the ages of six and twelve. They were sharing food out of their sacks. Most intriguing of all, each had a huge helium-filled balloon on a long string tied to his wrist. They played and I drifted, watching one boy in particular, about seven maybe. He was intent on everything he did. He unwrapped his brownie carefully, and he retied his shoelaces. In the midst of one such maneuver the string slipped from his wrist and the balloon headed for the skies. The boy stood there, a picture of absolute loss and dismay, as he watched his treasure slip away. His fists bunched up and his face contorted. He was just about to let out a good cry when suddenly another boy noticed the soaring balloon. He shouted: "Hey guys! Look what Joshua just found out! They're better if you let them go!" In a matter of seconds forty or fifty brightly colored helium-filled balloons were all lofting away with many heads upturned, intent on watching them go. Joshua's face had gone from dismay to near ecstasy. I was stunned. It was only a moment, but that vision has stayed with me ever since. It was the essence of resurrection. What appeared to be disastrous, without hope, utter loss and desolation for one person was redeemed by another. It was made into something unbelievably holy and delightful by those who saw the pain and let go of something precious themselves, urging all the others to share that gift. And the boy's name was Joshua! Too uncanny. I knew in a flash of a balloon soaring away and ~ sea of bright faces what was possible anywhere, anytime, for anyone who has eyes to see, quick reflexes, and the freedom to risk everything so another might have life. Rising helium balloons, rising hopes, and raised faces all were hints of Jesus' being raised from the dead. I am forever grateful to that unnamed child who, in a moment of tender regard, set his friend free and taught me what rising from the dead might mean. This is our vocation. This is our command in listening to the word of the Lord. This is transfiguration. This is what binds us to earth and to the kingdom of God. We have been called to live in this sacred mystery of binding and recreating all the earth to God. It is our glory and our salvation. (McKenna, Lent: The Sunday Readings, 1997. p. 82-84) Fr. Joe Upcoming Events Reconciliation Parent/Child Preparation – Tuesday, March 18 (6:30) and Saturday, March 22 (10:00) Faith Formation Sunday Program – Sunday, March 23 (2:00 – 5:00) Confirmation Retreat – Sunday, March 30 (12:00 – 6:30) – Echo Grove It’s not to late to schedule your photo session!!! The cost is FREE to parishioners. When you have a portrait taken you will receive a free 8 x 10 along with a copy of the directory. Portrait Dates: March 18-22; March 25-29; April 3 –5. For your convenience, scheduling is being done on-line. Visit our website, to schedule on-line or call the parish office, 248-391-1621. sacraments celebrated at Christ the redeemer Eucharist On Sunday, March 9, Grace Parker was welcomed to the Lord’s table. Lost & found Please claim your dishes, platters, etc. in the Bethany Room this weekend. Any unclaimed items will be donated to Bed & Blessings after March 16. Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion Page 3 Small Faith Groups Forming for Lent Small Faith Groups This Week Our Lenten Small Faith Groups will meet begin meeting this week: Sunday (10:15) in the Education Wing Monday (7:00) in the Office Area Tuesday (7:30) in Bethany; Wednesday (9:30) in Bethany Thursday (7:00) in Bethany We will share for about an hour each week based on the Sunday Gospel. Facilitators will lead these groups of 6-8 people with a similar format, the primary “content” being faith sharing about how that Gospel reading intersects with your life. (Other small groups are meeting in homes, among neighbors, with friends.) The Parish Staff challenges you to make this a Lenten resolution. Commit to four weeks…be faithful and share your faith with others…let God’s Word touch your heart and see what power it has. Want Ads for Small Faith Sharing Groups Group forming for parents of adopted children Group forming for young married couples Group forming for grandparents actively raising grandchildren Group forming for widows/widowers our teens have talent To celebrate 25 years as a parish, Christ the Redeemer Catholic Community is sponsoring an evening to honor the gifts of our teen members. If you play an instrument, sing, dance, draw, paint, act, participate in forensics, do photography, sculpture, woodwork, do computer graphics, we would love to spend an evening acknowledging how those gifts “Let Your Light Shine…” Join us on March 28, from 6:30-8:30. Setting will be casual. Applications are available in the vestibule and on our website, Questions call Nancy at 248-391-4074. Page 4 Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion Spring Break Mission 2014 Each year for mission, we head to the Old Redford district of Detroit and work with the Motor City Blight Busters. This year’s Spring Break Mission will take place Wednesday, April 9 – Friday, April 11. If you are a student in grades 9-12 consider spending one, two or all three days with us as we help remove blight from the city of Detroit. We may be cleaning up parks, clearing abandoned lots of illegal dumping, weeding, painting or demoing a house – we never quite know, but we go ready for anything. For more information, please contact Lisa Andridge in the Youth Ministry office. Lent in Youth Ministry Our faith community has been focusing more this year on small group gatherings. With this in mind, we thought we’d change it up a bit for Lent. Beginning on Tuesday, March 18 and continuing for four weeks, our youth will be participating in small group gatherings discussing the Gospel readings. We invite all teens in grades 9-12 and their parents/guardians to join us as we break open the word in a new way. We will gather to socialize from 7-7:30 and small groups will run from 7:30 – 8:30 pm in Bethany. We will end with our typical snack and social time from 8:30–9:00 pm. Please join us as we embark on this Lenten journey together. Matthew 17:1-9 A major theme in this week’s readings is “Listen to Jesus.” In the first reading, we hear how Abram trusted God and moved his entire family and all he owns from Haran to Canaan. Abram didn’t know what awaited him there, or why God wanted him to move. But, God commanded and Abram listened. In the second reading in Timothy, the writer encourages people to remain strong and confident with God, even in their suffering. Because Jesus was victorious over death, the people should not fear hardships and difficulties in their lives. They can rely on the power of God to save them. Now, in the Gospel, Peter, James and John see Jesus talking with Elijah and Moses. They are overwhelmed and in their excitement, want to build a shrine to the three great prophets. But then God speaks to them from a cloud saying, “This is my beloved Son on whom my favor rests. Listen to him.” It’s almost like God is redirecting their thinking. They have seen something wonderful and want to make it last. They are having what I’ve heard call a “mountaintop experience.” In their excitement and passion, they want to share this experience will all they meet. Jesus, however, warns them to tell no one until after Jesus has risen from the dead. We all need these “mountaintop experiences” to keep us encouraged, strong and listening to Jesus. Think about a time when you had an experience that caused you to feel very certain in your faith. Perhaps it was a retreat, an answer to prayer, or an experience at Mass. It is these experiences that help us to remember that Jesus is the answer to all we’ve ever wanted. Even those very steadfast in their faith can have moments of doubt when they wonder if all their time and sacrifice truly make a difference. We need these moments to keep us steady and strong. During this Lent ask Jesus to lead you to such an experience. Stay focused and steady in your reading of the Word. Try new faith filled experiences and give God a chance to show you something amazing. youth Ministry Gathering of the Gifts Coffee House – Every Tuesday from 7-9 pm in Disciples Gathering of the Gifts – Friday evening, March 28 Spring Break Mission – April 9-11, 2014 Graduation Mass and Dinner – June 7, 2014 Summer Mission – July 711, 2014 We are blessed to have so many gifted and talented members in our parish community. Come and join us on Friday, March 28 as we present Gathering of the Gifts, an evening to celebrate the Arts. Are you a writer, musician, singer or poet? Do you perform in theater, dance, or dabble in photography? Whatever your gifts, we’d love you to share them. Save the date and contact the church office for more details. Yoga at Christ the Redeemer Kathy Porter, parishioner and trained Yoga instructor, teaches Yoga at Christ the Redeemer on Saturday mornings at 9:00 and 10:15 a.m. and now has an intermediate class on Tuesday evenings from 5:45-7:00 p.m. No registration required, stop in any of the classes and give it a try. A free will offering will be taken and given back to church as a donation. Questions contact Kathy at Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion Mass Intentions march 15 & 16 5:00 p.m. For Robert Petitpren req. by Dorothy Wylin. 9:00 a.m. For the people of the parish. 11:00 a.m. For June Kenney req. by the Wolvin family. March 22 & 23 5:00 p.m. For Bob Nagle req. by family. For Arthur Chaff req. by Dorothy Wylin. For the deceased members of the Kowalski and Zale families req. by Stan and Dottie Kowalski. 9:00 a.m. For David Kittle req. by Tom and Jeanne Richards For Tom Weakland req. by family. 11:00 a.m. For Larry Weinert req. by the Weinert family. For the people of the parish. Lansing update Juvenile Life Legislation Signed; Cases Begin in Michigan Supreme Court Governor Rick Snyder signed two bills into law this week that will bring Michigan sentencing guidelines into accord with a 2012 U.S. Supreme Court case, Miller v. Alabama. The Supreme Court found the sentencing of minors to a term of life without the opportunity for parole unconstitutional as cruel and unusual punishment. The bills signed by Governor Snyder, now Public Acts 22 and 23 of 2014, eliminate in Michigan the mandatory sentencing of juvenile offenders in future cases to life without parole. In addition to the new laws, three cases before the Michigan Supreme Court regarding juvenile life without parole sentencing began this week. The cases address the issue of retroactivity. On Thursday, March 6, the Michigan Supreme Court began hearing oral arguments in the cases. Page 5 Looking AHEAD 2nd Sunday of Lent, March 16 9:00 a.m. Mass 10:15 a.m. RCIA 10:30 a.m. Rosary 11:00 a.m. Mass Monday, March 17 10:00 a.m. LaLeche League 6:00 p.m. FROG 7:00 p.m. 8th Grade Tuesday, March 18 2:00 p.m. Pictorial Photos 5:30 p.m. Soup Supper 6:30 p.m. Reconciliation Prep -Parent/Child Workshop 7:00 p.m. Coffee House 7:00 p.m. Taize Prayer Wednesday, March 19 9:30 a.m. Small Faith Groups 2:00 p.m. Pictorial Photos 6:50 p.m. Adult Choir 7:45 p.m. AA & Alanon Thursday, March 20 10:00 a.m. MOMS 2:00 p.m. Pictorial Photos 4:00 p.m. Teen Ensemble 6:30 p.m. Card Workshop Friday, March 21 9:00 a.m. Mass 1:00 p.m. Widowed Friends 2:00 p.m. Pictorial Photos 6:00 p.m. Lenten Pizza and Movie Saturday, March 22 9:00 & 10:15 a.m. Yoga 9:30 a.m. Pictorial Photos 10:00 a.m. Reconciliation Prep-Parent/Child Workshop 5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass 3rd Sunday of Lent, March 23 9:00 a.m. Mass 10:15 a.m. RCIA 10:30 a.m. Rosary 11:00 a.m. Mass 2:00 p.m. 1-5 Faith Formation Monday, March 24 6:00 p.m. FROG 6:50 p.m. Festival Choir 7:00 p.m. Small Faith Groups 7:00 p.m. 7th Grade Tuesday, March 25 7:00 p.m. Yoga 7:00 p.m. Coffee House 7:00 p.m. Small Faith Groups 7:00 p.m. Taize Prayer 7:30 p.m. Parish Council Wednesday, March 26 9:30 a.m. Small Faith Groups 6:00 p.m. FROG 6:50 p.m. Adult Choir 7:00 p.m. 6th Grade 7:45 p.m. AA & Alanon Thursday, March 27 9:30 a.m. Warm Up America 10:00 a.m. MOMS 4:00 p.m. Teen Ensemble Friday, March 28 9:00 a.m. Mass 6:30 p.m. Gathering of the Gifts Saturday, March 29 9:00 a.m. Yoga 10:15 a.m. Yoga 5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass Reading ahead: next Sunday's Gospel St. Paul writes that “God’s Word is alive and active.” Hoping that God’s Word takes deeper root in your life, you are invited to read next week’s Gospel and “walk around with it” for a few days. As you enter into it, our parish celebration will have more and more meaning. Discuss it at your family table, talk about it with friends. Prepare your heart to hear the Word. Gospel Reading, John 4.5-42 Page 6 Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion Lenten opportunities Do Something Different This Lent! Come to Friday Night Movies! In keeping with this year’s emphasis on Making Peace, the Peace and Justice Committee will host two Movie Nights during Lent, complete with pizza, popcorn, beverages and conversation after the films. In 1991 Hans Kung said, “There will be no peace among nations until there is peace among the world’s religions.” The films will explore how to reach the common human core that binds us as children of God, no matter where our faith traditions or culture have led us. Friday, March 21-“The Other Son”-a story set in today’s Israel where two families, one Jewish and one Palestinian, discover their 18 year old sons were switched at birth during the tumult of a missile attack. This film provides a powerful insight into the suffering of a divided city and the complicated journey we all share to discover who we really are. (Please note that this film is in French with English subtitles) Friday, April 11-“One”-a documentary recording the responses of leaders and members of many faith traditions, from fundamentalists to atheists, to 20 questions regarding the meaning of life. It is a stunning look at common threads that could bind us together instead of tear us apart. Food will be ready at 6:00, films will start at 6:30, discussion will wrap up at 9. Both films are suitable for middle school aged children to adult. We warmly invite all our teens, with or without parents. Bring your friends-especially those from other faiths-for a thought provoking and enjoyable evening. Sign ups will be in the vestibule to help us plan for food. Lenten penance service Thursday, April 10, 7:00 p.m. St. Joe's catholic church, lake Orion Support Christians in the holy land Lenten Rosary On Sunday mornings during Lent, a Rosary will be prayed in the Chapel at 10:30 a.m. Please join other parishioners in prayer and reflection. Rosaries and prayer pamphlets will be provided. CRS Rice Bowl This week, CRS Rice Bowl invites us to enter into solidarity with the people of Kenya. We are encouraged to reflect on the Catholic social teaching principle, Sacredness, and Dignity of the Human Person, and reminded that our inherent dignity comes from our creation as children of God and not from any of our own actions. Let us pray this week for our brothers and sisters in Kenya and all around the world, that we may respect and uphold the sacredness of life and dignity of all people. Rice Bowls are due back to church on Holy Thursday, April 17. Support our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land by giving to the Good Friday Collection. Habitat for Humanity Fundraiser “Raise a Glass to Raise a Roof” Raffle to be held 4/26/14 8:30 p.m. Need not be present to win! 50/50 Raffle Tickets On Sale after Masses March 22/23, 29/30 and April 5/6 or in the parish office $5.00 Christ the Redeemer, 2700 Waldon Road, Lake Orion, MI 48360 Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion COME EXPERIENCE THE HOLY LAND SUNDAY, APRIL 6 If you have ever been to Jerusalem and want experience it again or if it is a place you have always wanted to go, please join us on Sunday April 6. A group from Christ the Redeemer Church will be traveling to Dearborn to view the IMAX movie JERUSALEM following a dinner of Mediterranean cuisine at Deliziosa Bistro at 22439 Michigan Ave. Dearborn. The restaurant is just around the corner from the Henry Ford Museum where the movie is showing at 4:30pm. We will gather at the restaurant at 2:00 where we will have the entire place to ourselves. Dinner will include a variety of Mediterranean foods with drinks for $8.00 per person. You are asked to go and purchase your ticket for the 4:30 showing then email René Bryce at by March 19 so we can include you in our count for dinner. For those who may want to car pool we suggest leaving from Christ the Redeemer Church no later than 1:00. growing green expo & recycle event The month of February, Christ the Redeemer Church donated $5,918.20 to the following appeals. Catholic Relief Services Blessing International Friends of Kenyan Orphans International Medical Corps Mercy-USA for Aid and Development Baldwin Center Hope, Hospitality Warming Center, Inc. Catholic Charities (Hispanic Outreach) Catholic Community Response Team Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan Jail & Outreach Ministry Christ Child house Food Bank of Eastern Michigan St. Patrick Senior Center St. Vincent DePaul Society Salvation Army Families in Crisis Monthly Mission Love INC used book sale April 9-12 Good Shepherd Lutheran School will be having a gently used book sale this spring, April 9-12. They are taking donations of gently used books for the sale. They will accept most book categories such as cookbooks, children’s books, religious, fiction, science, arts and crafts, etc. No encyclopedias and no textbooks. Donated books can be dropped in a box in the Narthex or contact Renee Cook at 248-978-4922 or Questions or more information contact Renee. Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and School is located at 1950 Baldwin Road. Page 7 Tutors Needed! Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan’s Hispanic Outreach After School Tutoring Program is in need of tutors. If you are free one or two weekday afternoons between 3:30 p.m. and 5 p.m., this is a great opportunity to make a difference! The program needs volunteers who speak English and can help elementary and middle school students with their English homework. Tutors are not required to speak Spanish. Please contact Program Coordinator Viviana Cornejo at (248) 338-4250, ext. 3719, or for more information or to volunteer. Wednesday, March 19, 11:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Orion Center, 1335 Joslyn Growing Green Expo Includes: local green products, programs and services; green career opportunities; energy, ecology issues and information; green you home, pantry, closets and medicine cabinet; energy alternative and money savers; energy efficiency, education and conservation; green spaces, parks, trails and centers; and hands on activities, samples and giveaways. Recyclable Materials Excepted Include: CFL light bulbs, batteries, cell phones and chargers, eye glasses, hearing aids, scrap metal, electronics, Styrofoam, shred-it, and medications. Questions contact the Orion Township Community Programs at 248-391-0304, ext. 305. Oxford/Orion fish drop off locations Following is a list of drop-off locations that can be used to contribute items to the pantry. Contributions can also be dropped off at the Oxford/Orion FISH pantry in Oxford. See the website for specific hours and days of operation at the pantry and the locations listed below. • Lake Orion Post Office 611 N. Axford Street • Hollywood Market 1101 S. Lapeer Road • St. Joseph Catholic Church 714 N. Lapeer road • Lake Orion United Methodist 140 E. Flint Street • Grondins Hair Center 1041 S. Lapeer road • Oxford Post Office 52 E. Burdick Street • Oxford Village Offices 22 W. Burdick Street • Addison Township Offices 1440 Rochester road • Paul’s Barber Shop 87 W. Burdick Page 8 Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion Gospel of Life On Sunday, March 9, sixteen families registered in the parish: • Bob and Carrie Ahern • Matt and Andrea Ardelean and son Aaron. • Brad and Shannon Carlson and children Lucas and Ashlyn. • Jose and Jane Castaneda and children Cecilia and Julian. • Dan Darcatz and Justine Schrein and daughter Emma. • William and Stacy Dreisig and children Alana and William. • Chuck and Michelle Dudek and son Christopher. • Stephen and Michelle Farinola and sons Rocco and Matteo. • Jeff and Julianne Fitrzyk and children Maeghan and Logan. • Nathan Glanister • John and Shawna Gruca and daughters Carley and Jacklynn. • Cory and Erin Lewber and son Colton. • Richard and Holly Longo and children MaryKathryn, Richard, Samuel and Sarah. • Michael and Helen Owczarek and sons Joseph and Adam. • Irma Pautz • Keith and Tanya Thom and children Logan and Rachael. Visit our website, OR "Mercy without justice is the mother of dissolution; justice without mercy is cruelty." (St. Thomas Aquinas) Should the death penalty be abolished? How does a pro-lifer equate the killing of an unborn child with the killing of a convicted murderer? Conversely, shouldn’t a person of conscience who abhors the death penalty also reject killing by abortion? According to the current Catechism of the Catholic Church, capital punishment is justifiable under certain grave circumstances, and as such Catholics are free to support its use. Abortion, on the other hand, according to Catholic teaching, is always a grave moral evil. (¶ 2272) The Church's teaching is that the intentional killing of an innocent human is an intrinsic evil, against the natural moral law, and a violation of the Fifth Commandment. To reconcile capital punishment, Catholics and pro-lifers must distinguish between the order of justice and the order of mercy. Within the order of justice, for the public authority to put a criminal guilty of a capital offense to death is no wrong. It is justified by the good of retributive justice (punishment), and the public authority, as custodian of the common good. However, the order of justice is not the only order that informs the good. There is also an order of mercy. The criminal/murderer remains a human being whose fundamental dignity is unaffected despite his crimes, and is the potential subject of God's grace and conversion. (He still has a soul). It is the traditional teaching of the Church that the conversion of one soul – one lost lamb, one lost pearl - is worth the entirety of material creation. Because today's society makes possible effective means for preventing crime without execution, the Catechism declares that "the cases in which execution of the offender is an absolute necessity are very rare, if not practically nonexistent.”(¶ 2267) In Evangelium Vitae (1995), Blessed Pope John Paul II states “There is great good in mercy. The dignity of human life must never be taken away, even in the case of someone who has done great evil. Modern society has the means of protecting itself, without definitively denying criminals the chance to reform….God's mercy is our salvation, our very source of life.” The challenge to Catholics is to heed this mercy and thus become unconditionally pro-life in every situation: abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, racism, poverty, and capital punishment. In 2005, the Conference of Catholic Bishops document, entitled “A Culture of Life and The Penalty of Death,” strongly encourages U.S. Catholics to work towards the eradication of the death penalty. “Ending the use of the death penalty,” say the bishops, “would be one important step away from a culture of death toward building a culture of life.” Capital punishment is legal in 32 states. As of January 2014, approximately 3,108 inmates in 35 states are awaiting execution, including 61 women. When Cain killed Abel, God did not end Cain's life. Instead, he sent Cain into exile, not only sparing his life but protecting it by putting a mark on Cain, lest anyone should kill him at sight. (Genesis 4:15) marian-rice players present pippin (Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion) March 27-29 at 7:00 p.m. or March 30 at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are $14 for adults and $12 or students and senior citizens over 65. To purchase tickets go on line at or call 248-644-1750 ext. 1315. Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion A fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity at Christ the Redeemer Saturday, April 26 from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. $35 per person Tickets will be on sale after all Masses next weekend, March 22/23. Questions call Karen at 3248-391-1621 ext. 17. blood pressure screening FOLLOWING THE 5:00 P.M. AND & 11:00 A.M. MASSES THIS WEEKEND, MARCH 15/16 IN THE DISCIPLES ROOM. Page 9 The winter weather we’ve had recently can be symbolic of what may sometimes happen in life. A crisis hits, and we feel like we’re buried beneath a drift of snow. Relationships can become icy, or we can feel frozen by life circumstances. Little difficulties build up like slush, making us slip and slide, causing every decision to seem treacherous. Life seems dreary, and we begin to doubt that spring will ever come. We can wonder,“ Is God even there?” Stephen Ministers are trained to provide confidential Christian care, giving you the emotional and spiritual support you need to make it through a winter in your life. Stephen Ministers are ready to care for you. To learn more about how a Stephen Minister can help you or someone you know , contact Judy Bas 248 693-3047 or Kroger rewards Our parishioners, 95 households, who shopped at Kroger between November 1, 2013 and January 31, 2014, have contributed $764.49 to our parish which will be applied to the parish debt. To enroll visit our website Kroger Rewards Program information can be found under Stewardship. activities committee needs members Our catechumens and candidates journeyed to the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament for the Rite of Election. Please pray for: Darlene Elder, Samantha Terryah, Dana Parker, Becky Lyzen, Beth Donetti, Chelsea Bigelow and Jonathan Brown. (not pictured: Connor O'Dea, Brandon Day, Joan Lewis and Jeff Draft) Hey you fun, party planning people, the Activities Committee needs you. Currently, this committee has only 5 members and is looking for individuals to join their exciting group. If you are interested or have questions call Ryan Smith, 734-6520153. Page 10 Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion The following is the entire prayer list of Christ the Redeemer Church. If you would like someone added to the prayers please call the parish office. For Our Parishioners Lesley Suveges Audrey Doherty Carey Chappell Rick Ecklund Ken Rooney Carol Kuszewski John Jarvis Ed Gizowski Sylvia Garland Milo Valascho Cody Baert Mary Jane Dewey Tony Gibbs Ted Mazur Karen Rawski Ellen Higgins Jim Sulinski Greg Fischer Paula Sulinski Donna Olson Mary Stoner Dorothy Mazur For the Military …..our country’s military personnel especially those connected to our parish. For the Deceased …..please remember in our prayers the family of our parishioner Connie Malace who died. the family of MaryEllen Soroka whose husband Charles Slabe died. For Loved Ones Who Are Ill Bonnie Hacker friend of Maryalice Tomei Christine Feurig friend of Sue Watson Zoe Doherty daughter-on-law of Zoe Doherty Leonor Salazar mother of Maria Harper Sister Suzanne Skowronski Marge Emick aunt of Bob Emick Grace Bushey neice of MaryBeth Boucher Mark McCarthy brother of Rick McCarthy William McGill infant nephew of Suzanne McGill-Anderson Virginia Paul sister of Jim & Paula Sulinski Noah Garcia nephew of Ann Albrecht Julia Petrosky mother of Flo Weakland Mark Hoffman brother-in-law of Mary Skorupski Kevin Lyon son of Carol Lyon Sam & Marge Loiacano parents of Ann Loiacano Michelle Tubbs friend of Pat Nolf Carol Elmo mother of Lisa Andridge Bob Kruk brother-in-law of Barb and Gary Kish Richard Chuck, Sr. father of Richard Chuck Christy Herrera sister of Mary Sipes ,Z/^dd,ZDZ d,K>/,hZ, ϮϳϬϬtĂůĚŽŶZĚ͕ >ĂŬĞKƌŝŽŶ͕D/ϰϴϯϲϬ &ƌ͘:ŽĞĂŝůĞLJ͕WĂƐƚŽƌ ĞͲŵĂŝů͗ĐƚƌƉĂƐƚŽƌΛĂŵĞƌŝƚĞĐŚ͘ŶĞƚ WZ/^,K&&/ Ϯϰϴ͘ϯϵϭ͘ϭϲϮϭ͕;&ĂdžͿϮϰϴ͘ϯϵϭ͘ϯϰϭϮ Administrave: Sue Enjaian, ext. 10 ĞͲŵĂŝů͗ĐƚƌƉĂƌŝƐŚΛĂŵĞƌŝƚĞĐŚ͘ŶĞƚ ĞͲmail: Administrave: Dawn Cejka, ext. 11 ĐƚƌƐĞĐƌĞƚĂƌLJΛĂŵĞƌŝƚĞĐŚ͘ŶĞƚ Finance: Chris Spencer, ext. 12 ĐƚƌĮŶĂŶĐĞΛĂŵĞƌŝƚĞĐŚ͘ŶĞƚ Chrisan Service: Karen Swietlik, ext. 17 ĐƚƌƐĞƌǀŝĐĞΛĂŵĞƌŝƚĞĐŚ͘ŶĞƚĂŶĚ Lisa Pra&, ext. 13, ^ƚĞƉŚĞŶDŝŶŝƐƚƌLJ͗:ƵĚLJĂƐϮϰϴ͘ϲϵϯ͘ϯϬϰϳ DƵƐŝĐDŝŶŝƐƚƌLJ͗DĂƌŝZĞLJĞƐ͕ϮϰϴͲϲϳϰͲϰϰϵϯ ! ,ŽƵƌƐ͗ϵĂ͘ŵ͘ƚŽϰƉ͘ŵ͕͘DŽŶĚĂLJƚŚƌƵdŚƵƌƐĚĂLJ ϵĂ͘ŵ͘ƚŽϭϮ͗ϬϬEŽŽŶ͕&ƌŝĚĂLJ ! tĞďƐŝƚĞĚĚƌĞƐƐ͗ǁǁǁ͘ĐƚƌĞĚĞĞŵĞƌ͘ŽƌŐ Ponac Vicariate Website: K&&/K&&D/>zD/E/^dZz Ϯϰϴ͘ϯϵϭ͘ϰϬϳϰ ĞͲmail: EĂŶĐLJůĂŶĐLJ͕ŝƌĞĐƚŽƌ͕Ğdžƚ͘ϮϬ DĂƌŝůLJŶ>ŝŶĞƐ͕ŽŽƌĚŝŶĂƚŽƌ͕Ğdžƚ͘ϭϵ Maryalice Tomei, Administrave, ext. 14 &ĂŝƚŚŽŽĚLJΘĞď<ŝĞĨĞƌ͕DŝĚ^ĐŚŽŽů͕Ğdžƚ͘ϭϴ >ŝƐĂŶĚƌŝĚŐĞ͕zŽƵƚŚDŝŶŝƐƚĞƌ͕Ğdžƚ͘ϯϯ ƌŝƐƐLJ^ŝŶŐĞƌ͕WƌĞƐĐŚŽŽůͬůĞŵĞŶƚĂƌLJ͕Ğdžƚ͘ϯϮ D^^^,h> ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJͲϱ͗ϬϬƉ͘ŵ͘ ^ƵŶĚĂLJͲϵ͗ϬϬĂ͘ŵ͘Θϭϭ͗ϬϬĂ͘ŵ͘ ĂŝůLJͲCheck weekly bullen ^ZDEdK&ZKE/>/d/KE !"#$%%&'()*+()# KhE/>EKDD/^^/KE^ WĂƌŝƐŚŽƵŶĐŝů;DĞĞƚƐϰƚŚdƵĞƐĚĂLJͿ ŚĂŝƌ͗:ŽĂŶŶĞǀŽůĂ͕Ϯϰϴ͘ϯϵϭ͘ͲϬϭϭϯ ! ;ŽŵŵŝƐƐŝŽŶƐŵĞĞƚϮŶĚdƵĞƐĚĂLJͿ Acvies ŚĂŝƌ͗ZLJĂŶ^ŵŝƚŚ͕ϳϯϰ͘ϲϱϮ͘Ϭϭϱϯ ! Educaon ŚĂŝƌ͗ŶĚƌĞĂŚŽĂƚĞ͕ϯϭϯ͘ϲϭϳ͘ϰϱϱϲ ! WZ/^,D/^^/KE^ddDEd͗ We are a welcoming Chrisan community sharing in the mission of Jesus to proclaim the Kingdom of God. tĞƐƚƌŝǀĞƚŽΗŵĂŬĞĂĚŝīĞƌĞŶĐĞΗǁŝƚŚŝŶŽƵƌůŽĐĂůĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJĂŶĚƚŚĞǁŽƌůĚŝŶǁŚŝĐŚǁĞůŝǀĞ͘ dŚƌŽƵŐŚŽƵƌŐĂƚŚĞƌŝŶŐƐĨŽƌƉƌĂLJĞƌ͕ƐĂĐƌĂŵĞŶƚƐĂŶĚƐŚĂƌŝŶŐƚŚĞtŽƌĚŽĨ'ŽĚ͕ǁĞĂƌĞĨŽƌŵŝŶŐĂŐƌŽǁŝŶŐ ĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJ͘ Recognizing the importance of each individual member, we call forth the variees of gi!s, talents and ŵŝŶŝƐƚƌŝĞƐŽĨĂůů͘ tĞƐĞĞŬƚŽũŽŝŶǁŝƚŚŽƚŚĞƌƐǁŚŽƐŚĂƌĞŝŶƚŚŝƐŵŝƐƐŝŽŶ͘;ϳͬϮϯͬϬϯͿ WĂƌŝƐŚ&ŝŶĂŶĐĞŽƵŶĐŝů Chair: Ma& Leuchtman, 248.783.3562 ! ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞ ŚĂŝƌ͗ŚƌŝƐ&ŽŐŐ͕Ϯϰϴ͘ϳϯϬ͘ϯϱϲϮ ! ^ƚĞǁĂƌĚƐŚŝƉ ŚĂŝƌ͗ŽďŵŝĐŬ͕Ϯϰϴ͘ϯϵϯ͘ϭϵϬϭ ! tŽƌƐŚŝƉ ŚĂŝƌ͗ŚŝƉ&ĂƌƌĂƌ͕ϱϴϲ͘ϵϮϱ͘ϮϬϴϵ Kate “Z” DENIS A. SIMMONS, D.D.S. PHYSICAL THERAPY AND MEDICAL FITNESS Specializing in Orthopedic & Sports Injuries 248-393-7707 Welcomes New Patients to His Practice Complete Dental Care For the Entire Family Saturday Appts. Available (Zacharevich) REALTOR® LET US PLACE YOUR AD HERE. 3009 Baldwin Road (Waldon Pond Shopping Center) PHIL KRAUSE, P.T. OCS DANIEL CADY, MPT, OCS MONDAY-FRIDAY 6AM-8PM SATURDAY 8AM-NOON 4&--t#6:t3&-0$"5*0/t-&"4& Local & Dedicated to Your Real Estate Success Ranked in Top 5% of Realtors Nationally 248.933.3473 ,BUF;!3FBM&TUBUF0OFDPNtXXXLBUF[TFMMTDPN Your Smile is Our Only Business! 4.BJOt$MBSLTUPO CTR Parish Finance Council Member Presidents Council of Excellence 2005-2013 4IPQTPO8BMEPO1POE #BMEXJO3E 0SJPO.* 391-2244 248-391-9790 3385 Waldon Road Lake Orion Just West of Baldwin Road Full Service Quality Dry Cleaner & Shirt Service 4NPLF3FTUPSBUJPOt8FEEJOH(PXOTt"MUFSBUJPOTt7BMFU4FSWJDF Pickup & Delivery Hotline: 248-393-1203 MENTION AD WHEN BRINGING IN AN ORDER FOR 15% DISCOUNT *OEFQFOEFOU-JWJOHt"TTJTUFE-JWJOH "M[IFJNFST$BSFt4IPSU5FSN3FIBC -POH5FSN$BSF 8BUFSGPSE.JDIJHBO G’s Pizzeria Bar and Grill 248-673-1720 CLAVENNA INSTITUTE The Most Trusted Care In Sight CARL F. CLAVENNA, M.D. GREGORY B. FITZGERALD, M.D. PARISHIONER FAMILY FRIENDLY OPHTHALMOLOGISTS 600 S. Adams, Birmingham 248-646-3733 METROPOLITAN TREE INC. We offer a Banquet room for all parties and events, catering, as well as dine in, carry out, & delivery Discount Tree & Stump Removal )UHH(VWLPDWHV47 YRS. EXP. 248-627-6316 800-753-1633 248-393-0000 ENJOY 10% OFF 10% Senior & Angie’s List Discount $5DWLQJZLWK%%%$RQ$QJLH·V/LVW any parties of 25 plus or half off a meal when one of equal or greater value is purchased. Connie Garner For Advertising Information call Terry Sweeney today! !"#"$%&'((#)&*&+",%)&*&+%#-./% Residential & Commercial Serving our customers for over 45 years 248.207.1949 BUY - SELL - LEASE 1.800.477.4574 ext. 6323 Oxford Overhead Door Sales Co. Parishioner Christ The Redeemer discounts or donations 45 W. Flint St., Lake Orion in Celtic Cove corner of Flint & Lapeer St. 248-693-8450 !"#$%&'(')*+,-$".'!--/& 0%$"1"-2&'3--4&'(')5&'('565& 7'82&".'9-:';$$';1%& Tue-Fri 10am-6pm Sat 10am-4pm !"#$#%&'()#*)#+#,-./#01'2( 248-705-7500 Coldwell Banker Professionals MUFFLER MAN OF LAKE ORION Major & Minor Repairs 89 N. Lapeer Rd. (M24) )PVST5VFTEBZ'SJEBZt4BUVSEBZ CATHOLIC BOOKSTORE Call Darlene Hendrix Direct 2118 Metamora, Oxford Books, Bibles, Religious Goods, Videos & Music for all ages. Know Someone Buying or Selling? !"#$$"%&$"'#'%()(*+#"'*#"+&&& CATHOLIC BOOKSTORE 248-693-8450 For more information contact Terry Sweeny at 800-477-4574 x 6323 or 248-814-9292 TIMOTHY ENGLISH - OWNER We Do More Than Just Exhaust 4-D-5-3 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 ©2014 Liturgical Publications Inc 15-0237/i TINA M. MARSHALL D.D.S. Family Dentistry 248-391-1200 2951 Baldwin Corner of Baldwin and Waldon “We take your smille to heart” Thomas G. Griffin Gregory T. 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