Open - Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church
Open - Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church
CHRIST THE REDEEMER CATHOLIC CHURCH Instead of being just a church that welcomes and receives by keeping the doors open, let us try also to be a church that finds new roads, that is able to step outside itself and go to those who do not attend Mass, to those who have quit or are indifferent. Pope Francis August 28, 2016, Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time mass in the grass and parish picnic Mark your calendars for Christ the Redeemer’s annual Mass in the Grass and Parish Picnic on Sunday, September 11. The 11:00 a.m. Mass will be held outside so bring you lawn chairs or blanket, sunglasses and hats. The 9:00 a.m. Mass will be in the church. The Parish Picnic will follow the 11:00 a.m. Mass. Events for all ages will include a trackless train, clown, games and more! The entire event is FREE! Grilled hot dogs, baked beans, water, condiments and place settings will be provided. The Activities Committee asks that each family bring one of the items listed below, depending on the first letter of your last name. Please plan on serving at least 12 people. If possible, use a disposable dish. ¨ A-D Macaroni & cheese, macaroni salad, quinoa, rice, pasta salad or potato dish. The Activities Committee will provide the baked beans...please do not bring this item. ¨ E-M Fresh fruit, raw vegetable platter, green salad, slaw, or jello. ¨ N-Z Desserts Be sure to bring something to sit on. Water/lemonade will be provided, be sure to bring a reusable cup/bottle for your beverage or another beverage of choice. We need your help! Please sign up for a shift such as helping with kids activities, clean up, kitchen and food serving. To volunteer, go to or sign up after Masses. Contact Ryan Smith at or 734-652-0153 for general picnic information. Attention Parents of Middle School Children for the 2016-17 School Year Registration has begun and runs through September 7 The 2016-17 schedule and registration sheet are on the website: Classes meet bi-weekly around the holidays. *Sunday - 6th Grade 6:00-7:30 pm Monday - 7th Grade 7:00-8:30 pm *Tuesday - 8th Grade 7:00-8:30 pm *Please note - days have changed for 6th and 8th Grades Questions, please contact Ann Blizzard or Suzy Rhadigan, Middle School Coordinators, Interested in ushering Fathers, sons, mothers, daughters...all are welcome. No prior experience necessary. If you are interested, please contact Frank Kramarczyk at or 248-6306016 and he will add you to our list. Once you are on the list you can sign up for any Mass that still requires ushers. We prefer to have a minimum of 3 ushers per Mass. Frequency and dates are up to you. If you do not have access to the internet, you can check with any of the existing ushers before any given Mass and ask if they need help. Don’t be shy. We need your help. Being an usher is voluntary and it is one of the many ways you can play an active role in our parish. Elementary School-year Faith Formation Parent Orientation/ Registration dates: Tuesday, August 30, 7 pm OR Thursday, September 8, 7 pm We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming parent orientation/ children registration meetings. Cost is $90/per child. Please bring your checkbook to register. Childcare will be provided. Questions, please call Karen or Michele at (248) 391-4074 ext. 19 or email us at Page 2 Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion BLOOD DRIVE We are planning a SUNDAY Blood Drive! Opportunities to donate before or after Masses SHOW YOU CARE by giving the gift of life! It’s a gesture that’s always appropriate. If you’re healthy, 17 or older (16 with parent/guardian permission) and weigh 110 pounds or more, you may be eligible to give blood. Christ the Redeemer's next blood drive will be Sunday, September 18 from 8:30 am- 2:30 pm. If you’d like to donate, sign up after Masses. You may also sign- up at Questions, please contact Linda Guldi at or 248391-3589 Tag a Tag -Help Abused Children Please take a tag from the display board next weekend, September 3/4 to help battered and neglected boys. The tag lists an item needed by Christ Child House. Return tag and item to the Church vestibule the weekend of September 26/27. Sometimes abused boys are too badly mistreated to go straight into Foster Care System or be adopted. These boys need a lot of help because of this abuse. When this happens, boys often go to live at residential facility. Christ Child House is such a facility. Here the appropriate counselors and staff can assist the boy in dealing with his problems. The staff here is so dedicated that most boys are able to leave to function well in society. Because of cuts in governmental funding the boys living at Christ Child House need your help. “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matt 24:40 In his Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia, Pope Francis reflects on the Joy of Love and the challenges and opportunities facing families today. Francis cites this Sunday’s Gospel in paragraph 183. 182. No family can be fruitful if it sees itself as overly different or “set apart”. To avoid this risk, we should remember that Jesus’ own family, so full of grace and wisdom, did not appear unusual or different from others. That is why people found it hard to acknowledge Jesus’ wisdom: “Where did this man get all this? Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary?” (Mk 6:2- 3). “Is this not the carpenter’s son?” (Mt 13: 55). These questions make it clear that theirs was an ordinary family, close to others, a normal part of the community. Jesus did not grow up in a narrow and stifling relationship with Mary and Joseph, but readily interacted with the wider family, the relatives of his parents and their friends. This explains how, on returning from Jerusalem, Mary and Joseph could imagine for a whole day that the twelve-year-old Jesus was somewhere in the caravan, listening to people’s stories and sharing their concerns: “Supposing him to be in the group of travellers, they went a day’s journey” (Lk 2:44). Still, some Christian families, whether because of the language they use, the way they act or treat others, or their constant harping on the same two or three issues, end up being seen as remote and not really a part of the community. Even their relatives feel looked down upon or judged by them. 183. A married couple who experience the power of love know that this love is called to bind the wounds of the outcast, to foster a culture of encounter and to fight for justice. God has given the family the job of “domesticating” the world and helping each person to see fellow human beings as brothers and sisters. “An attentive look at the everyday life of today’s men and women immediately shows the omnipresent need for a healthy injection of family spirit... Not only is the organization of ordinary life increasingly thwarted by a bureaucracy completely removed from fundamental human bonds, but even social and political mores show signs of degradation”. For their part, open and caring families and a place for the poor and build friend- ships with those less fortunate than themselves. In their efforts to live according to the Gospel, they are mindful of Jesus’ words: “As you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me (Mt 25:40)”. In a very real way, their lives express what is asked of us all: “When you give a dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your kinsmen or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return, and you be repaid. But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed” (Lk 14:12-14). You will be blessed! Here is the secret to a happy family. 184. By their witness as well as their words, families speak to others of Jesus. They pass on the faith, they arouse a desire for God and they reflect the beauty of the Gospel and its way of life. Christian marriages thus enliven society by their witness of fraternity, their social concern, their outspokenness on behalf of the underprivileged, their luminous faith and their active hope. Their fruitfulness expands and in countless ways makes God’s love present in society. Fr. Joe Ch h rr ii ss tt tt h he e R Re ed de ee em me e rr ,, L La ak ke e O O rr ii o on n C Page 3 Upcoming Events Sunday, September 11 - Mass in the Grass Tuesday, September 20 – Coffee House Opener Partnering with Parents Last week I shared some insights regarding our children and our faith from a book called Soul Searching by Christian Smith. His insights really hit home with me and I thought it worthwhile to continue with a few more points from this book. “The most important social influence in shaping young people’s religious lives is the religious life modeled and taught to them by their parents.” Our children need to see God as more than rules and church attendance. We need to surround our young people with men and women of faith. We all know our kids often tend to respond better to other adults than their parents. I think it’s important for them to have different voices living the same message. Our children need to see our struggles and our doubts. They need to see that faith is not easy and even the apostles experienced their share of struggle and doubt. This is a normal part of living in faith and God gets it. He created us and knows us better than anyone. It’s through our struggles that we grow stronger. Admitting those struggles and showing our children we won’t give up, is powerful. Jesus was tempted so we know we will be too. We are disillusioning ourselves and our children if we think otherwise. Never stop praying for your children. Even if your child is a long way from God, he is always just a prayer away. My children know we pray for them constantly, even though some of them think it’s a waste of time. I firmly believe God wants to be in relationship with them and he won’t let them go. Each of my four children is in a very different place from one another in their faith journey. They are all five years apart and were raised with the same house rules and intent. That being said, some are on the narrow road and others seem way out in left field. In any cases, they are all prayed for each and every day, even the ones that don’t find it necessary. God will continue to call us all until the day he calls us home. reflection From the youth minister Luke 14:1, 7-14 Sometimes we’re friends only with those who are just like us. It’s more comfortable to be friends with those that share our opinions and ideas. This way, there is no friction or conflict. The difficulty is that it also means we limit ourselves to only one way of thinking and living. God created so many different people, each one unique, and we’re cheating ourselves and each other if we stay in our small little box. This comes to mind as I read this week’s Gospel. How many times do you go to a party or some event, and you only hang out with your friends? You don’t introduce yourself to someone new because it’s uncomfortable or you’re afraid they won’t like you. Well, you’ll never know unless you try. In living our lives as Jesus wants, we are brought into all kinds of different circumstances with all kinds of different people. Don’t be afraid to step out and say hello. After all, we were all created by the same loving God. You might be really surprised at the results. Just as in the parable in Luke where Jesus reminds us there is room at the table for all – the poor, the cripple, and the needy, so too there is room in our lives for all – the outcast, the friendless, the unpopular and the cruel. Make sure you leave room in your life for new people and new experiences. The next time you are in a group, go out of your way to meet someone new and get to know them a bit. You might just find out that you have much more in common than you thought. Or, even better, you might find yourself growing just by spending time with them. Don’t let yourself stagnate by staying in your comfort zone; your personal bubble. You have a lot to share and a lot to gain by stretching yourself and spending time with those outside of your “normal” group. Lisa Andridge Altar Server Training All boys and girls, 4th grade and older, are invited to join the Altar Server Ministry. A training will take place on Thursday, September 8 from 7-8:15pm in the church. We will train and review for all parts of the Mass and you will leave feeling confident in serving. Servers are expected to be able to serve about once a month at the Mass their family usually attends. Please sign up after Mass or email Questions, contact Pam Koczak 248-227-2372. Page 4 Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion CHRIST THE REDEEMER SERVICE , OUR FAITH IN ACTION….. Vicariate wide, Mercy in action service day, Saturday, October 1 During this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope Francis compels us to move into action and show mercy and compassion to our neighbors and strangers alike. Catholic Charities is working with vicariates in the Archdiocese of Detroit to organize a community action day of service that will uplift the downtrodden, give hope to those in despair and help build lasting relationships with those in our communities. The Pontiac Area Vicariate will host 11 sites with various service projects in and around Rochester, Auburn Hills, Pontiac and Waterford. Sign up on “Sign Up Genius” for a complete list of work sites http:// tabs/43077DD0FA5CBEC0mercyaction Further questions, call Lisa Pratt or Karen Swietlik in the parish office. “Mercy: the bridge that connects God and man, opening our hearts to the hope of being loved forever despite our sinfulness.” Pope Francis Misericordiae Vultus (The Face of Mercy) Saturday Pizza Hospitality volunteers needed Oxford/Orion FISH Oxford/Orion FISH has been selected by Meijer for the company’s 2016 Fall Simply Give Campaign. The campaign is running and will end September 24. During this time period, Oxford’s Meijer will match all donations made by shoppers who buy a Simply Give card at the store. Meijer will match the donation and make the funds available to FISH for purchasing food for the FISH pantry and clients. The cards can be picked up at any of the kiosks in the store and then scanned at the checkout lane or service desk for any amount. No additional purchase is necessary. As an added benefit, to coincide with the beginning of Hunger Action Month in September, Simply Give cards purchased September 1-3 will be double matched by Meijer. The Simply Give cards truly make a difference. Please consider participating. Picnic Help Needed! Habitat for Humanity As you know, we will begin building a home for Missy Francis and her family in Lake Orion. CTR volunteer dates will begin in October. Our fundraiser, “Raise a Glass to Raise a Roof” held in April was a huge success and CTR is donating the proceeds, $23,500, towards this home. We will begin to schedule volunteers for this build by early September. Watch the bulletin for more details. The home is at 3335 Hill St. (off Baldwin just behind Orion/Wine & Keg across from Cedar Key Subdivision). If you have any questions about this build, call Karen Swietlik in the parish office. This year our parish picnic is Sunday, September 11th. For those who have never been at our Mass in the Grass celebration and Parish Picnic, it is a day filled with music, fun, great food and fellowship! As you can imagine, it takes an army of volunteers to make this event a success. We are looking for a few more parishioners who would like to help plan and facitate with our current group of leaders. Please consider joining our team so that we can continue to offer this important community gathering. Please contact Karen Swietlik in the parish office or email to help or to answer any questions. We are looking for a few more families to help serve pizza and lemonade on Saturday evenings following the 5 pm Mass. Serving pizza and lemonade is a fun way to involve your family and meet fellow parishioners. We serve pizza every Saturday from September to April. Scheduling is done through an online website, Volunteer Spot. If you wish to join the Pizza Ministry, or have any questions, please contact Lisa Pratt in the parish office. Thank you. FREE DISPOSAL/No HAZ DAY –September 0 There will be a FREE Disposal Day on Saturday, September 10 from 7am-1pm at Eagle Valley Recycling & Disposal Facility, 600 W. Silverbell Road, Orion Township. This is for Orion Township Residents. You must have a valid I.D. There is also a No Haz day on this day at Oakland Community College Highland Lakes Campus, 7350 Cooley Lake Road, Waterford. Enter campus from Hospital Road. It is from 8am-2pm. It is FREE to Lake Orion Village and Orion Township residents, without any voucher but I.D. required. Clarkston, Independence, Waterford and Oakland Township residents- $10; Waterford residents need to get a voucher as limited quantities are available. Oxford and Lake Angelus are FREE but you need to get a voucher. Please contact your village or township for information. The next No Haz day will be Saturday, October 15. Questions, call (248) 858-1350 or go to http:// Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion Mass Intentions August 27 & 28 5:00 pm For Elba Cordero req. by the Cordero family. · 9:00 am For Betty Lacroix req. by Al and Gail Jadczak. · 11:00 am For the people of the parish. · September 3 & 4 5:00 pm For Keith Miller req. by is family. · 9:00 am For the people of the parish. · 11:00 am For the people of the parish. · St. Joseph Basketball Registration Registration and payment for basketball teams to represent St. Joseph will be online only. CYO athletes may play on one team of the same sport during our season. Registration has begun and runs through August 30. CYO is offered to boys and girls in the 5th through 8th grades and are registered members of St. Joseph, St. Ann, St. Daniel, or Christ the Redeemer, or attend St. Joseph School. Registration fee is $160.00 for 5/6 and 7/8 grade players. No registration will be accepted through the mail or school office. Late registrations may be accepted if spots are available on teams and will be assessed a $50 late fee. Questions or interested in coaching contact Sue Tyner, Thinking about becoming catholic? Our RCIA (The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is designed to welcome anyone interested in learning more about Catholicism and/or officially being initiated through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist into our Catholic Community. Contact Lisa Brown, 248-391 -4074 or for more information. Page 5 Schedule of Events, August 28-September 10 Sunday, August 28 9:00 am Mass, Fr. Tim Shepard Presider 11:00 am Mass, Fr. Tim Shepard Presider Monday, August 29 7:00 pm Sunday Scripture Tuesday, August 30 7:00 pm Elementary Faith Formation Registration 7:00 pm Latin 101 Wednesday, August 31 7:45 pm AA & Alanon Thursday, September 1 10:00 am 55+ Exercise Class Friday, September 2 9:00 am Mass Saturday, September 3 99:45 am Yoga 5:00 pm Vigil Mass Sunday, September 4 9:00 am Mass 11:00 am Mass Monday, September 5 Labor Day Parish Office Closed Tuesday, September 6 7:00 pm Coffee House 7:00 pm Mass Wednesday, September 7 9:30 am Scripture Study 7:45 pm AA & Alanon Thursday, September 8 10:00 am 55+ Exercise Class 7:00 pm Stephen Ministry 7:00 pm Elementary Faith Formation Registration Friday, September 9 8:30 am Academy of Sacred Heart 9:00 am Mass 10:00 am Nursing Home Mass Saturday, September 10 9:45 am Yoga 5:00 pm Vigil Mass Welcome new Parishioners Sunday, August 21, nine families registered in the parish. Please welcome: ·Tom and Jerilyn Altenberger and children Garrett and Gretchen. Tom and Jerilyn have lived in Lake Orion for 12 years. Garrett is a college student at the University of Toledo and Gretchen is a senior at Notre Dame Prep. ·Nicholas and Sarah Rivera and daughter Amelia. The Rivera family just moved back to the area. They are an active family that love meeting new people and are excited about being part of the community. ·Dawson Holloway. Dawson was previously involved at St. Dan’s and hopes to be involved in the RCIA program here at CTR. ·Ryan and Deanne Lynch and children Hannah and Ryan. The Lynch’s are new to Michigan. They are a military family and moved closer to family. ·Josh and Katie Jolly and infant son Elijah. The Jolly’s just moved back from Indiana. They enjoy being near family, swimming and walking the trails. ·John and Mary Ladensack. John and Mary moved from North Haledon, New Jersey to be closer to family. ·Denise Ellis and children Kara, Daniel and Kristie. Denise has lived in Troy for 36 years. She has 3 grown children and 6 grandchildren. She previously attended St. Thomas More. ·Amanda Ladensack and daughter Mikayla. Amanda and Mikayla are new to the area from New Jersey. ·Terence and Betty Haran. The Haran’s have lived in Clarkston for 48 years. Betty was a religious education director at St. Dan’s and Terry was on the Stewardship Committee. Page 6 Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion The following is the entire prayer list of Christ the Redeemer Church. If you would like someone added to the prayers please call the parish office. For Our Parishioners Helen Slipek Bob Young Dennis Banks Lou Keller Dennis Dombrowski John Germain Betty Brown Carol Lamb Estelle Barney Darlene Hart Tom Pruente Robert Glownia Ron Barney Carol Banks Bev Gall Robert Kurzyniec Jane Beckwith Stan Kowalski Donna Olson For Loved Ones Who Are Ill Liz Price Sister of Joyce Freiburger John Kielich brother of Theresa Bieser Iliana Gonzalez father of Alfredo Sosa Katherine Butterfield sister of Judy Krywick Richard Navarr Jerry Sweetland friend of Bill & Judy Schramm Armand Penission uncle of Guy Sinacola Maria Drensky daughter of Juanita Sanchez Gary Beaupre brother of Gail Dembek Lauren Sloan Kathy Ashby sister of Jane Lenox Juan Jimeno …..our country’s military personnel especially those connected to our parish. brother of Luisa Jimeno MASS SCHEDULE Saturday - 5:00 pm Sunday - 9:00 am & 11:00 am Daily - Check weekly bulletin SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION, BY APPOINTMENT Pontiac Vicariate Website: PARISH OFFICE Hours: 9 am to 4:30 pm, Mon.-Thursday 9 am to 12:00 Noon, Friday Website Address: 248.391.1621, (Fax) 248.391.3412 Administrative: Sue Enjaian, ext. 10 e-mail: Administrative: Dawn Cejka, ext. 11 Finance: Christi Spencer, ext. 12 Christian Service: Karen Swietlik, ext. 17 and Lisa Pratt, ext. 17 Stephen Ministry: Roger Buches, 248.444.5750 Music Ministry: Mari Reyes, 674-4493 Janet Yerkes sister-in law of Clint & Judy Yerkes Tom Richardson brother-in-law of Carol Lyon Barbara Whalen sister of Nancy Clancy For the Deceased 2700 Waldon Rd, Lake Orion, MI 48360 Fr. Joe Dailey, Pastor e-mail: Steve Marks, Deacon brother-in-law of Mary Munoz daughter-in-law of Monica Sloan For the Military CHRIST THE REDEEMER CATHOLIC CHURCH Trent Pence grandson of Jeanne Harmon Maxine Crandall sister of Sue Enjaian Kyle Childers son of Sherrie Arb Sister Juliann Babcock OFFICE OF FAMILY MINISTRY 248.391.4074 Director, Lisa Brown, ext. 20 Pre-K, Elementary Coordinators Karen Jbara and Michele Pinelli, ext. 19 Administrative, Gabriela Mendez, ext. 14 Middle School, Ann Blizzard and Suzy Rhadigan, ext. 18 Youth Minister, Lisa Andridge, ext. 33 friend of Marilyn Lines Carolyn Sartor daughter of Maryann & Larry Beer PARISH MISSION STATEMENT: We are a welcoming Christian community sharing in the mission of Jesus to proclaim the Kingdom of God. We strive to "make a difference" within our local community and the world in which we live. Through our gatherings for prayer, sacraments and sharing the Word of God, we are forming a growing community. Recognizing the importance of each individual member, we call forth the varieties of gifts, talents and ministries of all. We seek to join with others who share in this mission. (7/23/03) COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS ·Parish Council (Meets 4th Tuesday) Commissions meet 2nd Tuesday ·Education, Chair: David Zande, 891.6950 ·Parish Finance Council, Chair: Adam Kirklin , 506-5933 ·Service, Chair: Julie Gillette, 693-3524 ·Stewardship, Chair: Joe Buzzitta, 650-4118 ·Worship, Chair: Paul Daprai, 830-8987 Your Service Sp Specialists Since 1978 FREE INSTALLATION ESTIMATES! 1575 Imlay City Rd., Lapeer RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • SERVICE • INSTALLATION 24 HOUR SERVICE / 7 DAYS A WEEK METROPOLITAN TREE INC. 810-664-8865 Shops on Waldon Pond 3031 Baldwin Rd. Orion, MI 48359 Discount Tree & Stump Removal Free Estimates • Over 50 YRS. 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Silverbell Manor 1241 E. Silverbell Rd. 248-393-7707 CLAVENNA 3009 Baldwin Road INSTITUTE The Most Trusted Care In Sight (Waldon Pond Shopping Center) MONDAY-FRIDAY 6AM-8PM SATURDAY 8AM-NOON Garage Doors • Sales • Service Residential & Commercial PHYSICAL THERAPY AND MEDICAL FITNESS Specializing in Orthopedic & Sports Injuries PHIL KRAUSE, P.T. OCS DANIEL CADY, MPT, OCS Oxford Overhead Door Sales Co. CARL F. CLAVENNA, M.D. GREGORY B. FITZGERALD, M.D. Coney Specials Breakfast Specials PARISHIONER FAMILY FRIENDLY OPHTHALMOLOGISTS 248-391-1445 • RECEIVE 10% OFF TOTAL FOR BILLS OVER $10 600 S. Adams, Birmingham 248-646-3733 Evening & Weekend Appointments Available Individual & Family Counseling 248-595-9969 • MUFFLER MAN OF LAKE ORION Major & Minor Repairs 89 N. Lapeer Rd. (M24) 248-814-9292 TIMOTHY ENGLISH - OWNER We Do More Than Just Exhaust 4-D-5-3 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • 15-0237 Free Estimates Esti • Fully Insured Specializing in Residential/Commercial Trimming Trimming, Removal, Stump Grinding 248-941-1862 3800 LAPEER RD. LAKE ORION Jess Vettraino, Owner 393-2222 Thomas G. Griffin PSBH North - Pediatric Medicine Gregory T. Griffin Sparks - Griffin 3226 Hidden Timber Drive Suite A, Orion FUNERAL HOME “Thoughtful Service” Serving the families of Lake Orion & Oxford for over 41 years Downtown Lake Orion (248) 499-6630 (248) 693-8336 Christa Shilling, MD Pediatrician Leslie Kearfott Nurse Practitioner TINA M. MARSHALL D.D.S. phone 248.693.0500 fax 248.693.0503 cell phone 248.521.7058 Family Dentistry 248-391-1200 2951 Baldwin Corner of Baldwin and Waldon “We take your smille to heart” 1776 D W. Clarkston Road, Lake Orion, MI 48362 248-391-3400 1019 S. Baldwin in Lake Orion INDIANWOOD FINANCIAL Kenneth J. Matheis Sr, President • Complete Filtration • Complete Metal Finishing • Complete Controls Featuring CUSTOM GIFT BASKETS with our fresh bread, sweets and Michigan-made products! LEWIS E. WINT & SON FUNERAL HOME 5929 South Main St., Clarkston 248-625-5231 Jim & Louise Westcott, Owners & Operators Baldwin Rd. at Clarkston Rd., Lake Orion (248) 391-5144 FINANCIAL AND WEALTH MANAGEMENT William K Colvett, CFP® Times Square Restaurant & Deli Specializing in wealth management, retirement & college planning, & investments !"#"$%&'()&"*#&*&)&(%#+*(*,&(%#-./&.0#1..)&*'2#(/(&%($%. 15% OFF Your Bill 345657464484#9#000:&*;&(*0"";+*(*,&(%:,"1 LOCATED IN KROGER PLAZA 248-814-8100 Open 8-4 & 8-8 on Fridays Breakfast Anytime!!! !"#$%&"'()*#('$%+,+(#*&"-*+".(#,/(",*&-.+#0%1*#(%.+'(#*02(%(-*,3%0$43*5+",(4%&)*667)*89:;*<&%=(*>%0?"*@%+.()* A$+,(*BB;)*C+""(&D0=+#)*CE*BBFG;)*H;;IHJ;IJKKGI*C(/L(%*5!EMNIOA!P7I*5+",(4%&)*667*&"-*!"-+&"?00-* 5+"&"'+&=)*667*&%(*"0,*&Q=+&,(-*'0/D&"+(#I**R+==+&/*SI*70=.(,,*+#*&*M(4+#,(%(-*M(D%(#(",&,+.(*&"-*!".(#,/(",* N-.+#0%1*M(D%(#(",&,+.(*0T*5+",(4%&)*667I (Excludes Specials) We’re honored to serve this community for 25 years. Don Sherman Ins Ag Fin Svs Inc Don Sherman, President 106 S Washington • Oxford, MI 48371 Bus: 248-628-3110 !"#"$%&#'()%*+($%,-./$)%01++(234"+3)%56 401K Rollovers College 529 Plans Wills & Trusts GREGG DOLINSKI Financial Advisor Parishioner 1-800-510-8201 Call for a no cost consultation Registered Representative of Michigan Securities Member FINRA, SIPC Licensed and Insured Builder ABR, SFR, Parish Member Quality and Excellence Since 1997 To see some of our work and learn more about our company, visit our website: Top Producer Since 2009 President’s Council of Excellence Buy * Sell * Lease - 24/7! Robin W. Davis (248) 391-6644 Office (248) 935-9969 Mobile 248•709•6633 Ask about CTR donation or credit 4-D-5-3 Providing Service That Exceeds Expectations Parish Member Davis Home Improvement, Inc. KRISTINE LAMBRECHT 31 S. Main Clarkston 48346 Funeral Directors: Bill Wint • Jenni Simsack Mgr. Tim Currier • Rob Kerwin For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • 15-0237
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