Spring 2015, issue 1.indd
Spring 2015, issue 1.indd
Non-Profit Org. Pre-Sorted U.S. Postage Paid Altoona, PA Permit No. 122 a UPMC Company 201 Chestnut Avenue, P.O. Box 352 Altoona, PA 16603-0352 1.800.445.6262 www.homenursingagency.com a UPMC Company GIVING Spring 2015 | Issue 1 options GIVING RECOVERING AT HOME I didn’t know I could get therapy at home after my knee replacement. At 65 years old, Susan was scheduled for a total knee replacement and was planning her stay in a local rehab facility after the procedure. A few weeks before her surgery, she attended an educational presentation by Home Nursing Agency and learned that she could get therapy in the comfort of her own home. Susan changed her plans and went home the day after surgery, relying on Home Nursing Agency’s team of therapists and nurses to help her regain strength and mobility. As she became more mobile and was able to leave home, Susan was discharged from Home Nursing Agency services and able to complete her rehabilitation with outpatient therapy. “I would have spent weeks in a nursing home surrounded by people I didn’t know,” Susan shares. “With Home Nursing Agency, I was able to be in my own home with the support of my husband and family. My dog was great encouragement for me to get up and moving. Recovering at home was the right choice for me!” Spring 2015 | Issue 1 DONATIONS RECEIVED JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 Celebrate Giving is a bi-annual publication of Home Nursing Agency’s Marketing Department and the Home Nursing Agency Foundation. Editor: Kim Helsel Designer: Jennifer Jones Contributors: Natalie Depto-Vesey Carol Galioto Christina Morrell Stephanie Roefaro Sandra Sangiorgio Pam Seasoltz Contact us at: Home Nursing Agency Marketing Department 201 Chestnut Avenue PO Box 352 Altoona, PA 16603-0352 Email: celebrategiving@ homenursingagency.com Home Nursing Agency Foundation Pam Seasoltz, Director of Development Email: foundation@ homenursingagency.com Welcome Phil Freeman, Agency President Home Nursing Agency welcomes Phil Freeman of Cresson as the new President after the retirement of Robert Packer in December 2014. Phil served as Chief Operating Officer since 2011 and has more than 28 years of leadership experience in operations, finance and human resources, primarily with Sheetz, Inc. A graduate of Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, Phil and his wife Shealia have three children: Taylor (20), Erin (16) and Christopher (14). “I am honored to assume the role of President, following a legacy of strong leadership which built Home Nursing Agency into one of the elite 500 home health care providers in the country,” Phil says. “I hope to continue expanding delivery of first-class, post-acute products and services by our team of passionate and caring professionals.” Phil is working to align Home Nursing Agency resources as part of the world-class care of UPMC, as HNA is a UPMC Community Provider Services company. “The rate of change in healthcare is profound,” Phil shares. “Being a UPMC company helps secure the future of Home Nursing Agency’s long-standing mission to the community through enhanced operational efficiencies, new models of care and additional business development opportunities.” 1.855.GIVE.HNA (1.855.448.3462) The Home Nursing Agency Foundation is a nonprofit community benefit organization whose purpose is to provide financial and advisory support to create, improve or enhance the programs and services of Home Nursing Agency that ultimately results in a benefit to the individual, family and our community. Home Nursing Agency Home Health was named to the Top 500 of the 2014 HomeCare Elite™, a recognition of the top-performing home health agencies in the United States. Home Nursing Agency’s team has earned a place in the HomeCare Elite list for nine years straight. Janie Christner, Vice President of Home Health, credits the Agency’s ability to achieve this recognition to exceptional, individualized patient care designed to ensure each patient achieves his/her maximum potential; comprehensive education program for clinicians and an interdisciplinary, collaborative approach to patient care. Home Nursing Agency Private Duty Home Care has been recognized with Home Care Pulse’s “Best of Home Care” distinction for the third straight year. Home Nursing Agency’s program is the only non-medical home care provider in the area to earn this national award. “We are extremely proud to recognize our staff and their efforts to help us achieve the Best of Home Care again in 2015,” says Bill McManus, Vice President of Private Duty Home Care and Home Health Resource. “Our team is committed to working with clients, caregivers and healthcare providers to develop individualized personcentered plans that provide the best quality non-medical home care services in Central Pennsylvania." Ms. Celeste A. Twardon Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Twardon Mrs. Edna J. Udine Mr. & Mrs. Foster G. Ulrich Ms. Janice Umbower Mr. William F. Unrath Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Urban Ms. Jacklyn F. Valentine Mr. Carl B. Vallow Mr. & Mrs. James W. Van Buren Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Van Buren Mr. & Mrs. M. Dale Van Horne Mr. John S. Vancas Ms. Kelly VanOrmer Ms. Lori D. Vantosky Mr. Lee G. Varner Mrs. Mabel L. Varner Mrs. Janet Vegoda Ms. Annette Vella Mr. Timothy Vescovi Mr. & Mrs. Scott Vinglas Mr. Michael Vladic, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lester C. Vonada Mr. & Mrs. Ernie J. Voth Mrs. Barbara R. Wachter Mrs. Kathleen Wachter Mr. & Mrs. Jack K. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Wagner Ms. Katherine M. Wagner Mrs. Rosemary A. Wagner Mrs. Susan K. Wagner Mrs. Sylvia Wahler Mr. & Mrs. John T. Walizer Mrs. Carlene M. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Walker Mrs. Gladys A. Walter Mr. Herman D. Walter Ms. Margaret A. Walter Ms. Denise A. Walters Mrs. Ethel Walters Rev. John Walters Ms. Katie B. Walters Mr. & Mrs. John V. Waltman Mrs. Carolyn W. Ward Mrs. Delores G. Wassam Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Watson Mrs. Esther V. Watson Ms. Lynn Watt Mrs. Helen M. Watters Mr. & Mrs. George R. Weamer Mr. Dennis W. Weaver Ms. Erdine F. Weaver Mr. Michael Weaver Mr. & Mrs. Shawn C. Weaver Ms. Linda Weber Ms. Meredith A. Weber Ms. Kim Weir Mr. Albert Weireich Mrs. Susan W. Weist Mrs. Linda F. Weko Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Welham Mr. & Mrs. Mark K. Wennell Mrs. Sabrina M. Wert Mrs. Clara A. Wertz Ms. Joyce A. Wertz Ms. Amanda R. Westover Mr. Douglas M. Westover Mr. & Mrs. James E. Westrick Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Weyandt Mrs. T. Naomi Weyant Ms. Karin G. Weyl Mr. & Mrs. Wesley M. Weymers Mrs. Melva Whalen Mr. Thomas H. Wheeland Mr. & Mrs. Charlie M. Wheeler Mr. Donald Wheeler Mr. William L. Wheeler, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Whetstone Mr. Charles R. White Mrs. Jane White Mr. & Mrs. Jay S. White Mrs. Nancy L. White Mrs. Doreen White-Lockwood Mr. Gary Whitfield HNA NUMBERS by the $1,164,563 Foundation Mission Grant dollars dispersed to Agency programs and services since 2005 Mr. & Mrs. Denver H. Whitsel Mrs. Peggy A. Whittington Mr. John N. Wiberg Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Wigfield Mr. & Mrs. Francis Wiley Ms. Robin L. Wilkinson Ms. Carol R. Wilkison Ms. Ann L. Williams Mrs. Bernadette K. Williams Mrs. Shirley M. Williams Mrs. Marilyn Williamson Mrs. Linda S. Willis Mr. & Mrs. David J. Willnecker Ms. E. Keturah Wilson Mrs. Janice W. Wilson Mrs. Leslie P. Wilson Ms. Lois Wilson Mrs. Lorraine J. Wilson Mr. Rodney M. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Myron D. Wilt Mrs. Mary D. Winder Mrs. Amy B. Winegardner Mr. James E. Wineland Mrs. Judy Winfield Ms. Kay Ann Winkler Mr. & Mrs. George F. Winters Ms. Jessie L. Wise Mrs. Marjorie B. Wise Mr. Gerald Wiser Mr. David G. Witherite Mr. & Mrs. James R. Woeste Ms. Arlene J. Wojno Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Wolf Mr. Henry J. Wolf, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Wolf Mr. Edward J. Wolfe Ms. Pearl A. Wolfinger Mrs. Patricia F. Wolford Mr. & Mrs. Dave A. Woodle Mr. Thomas Woodrow Ms. Tshana Woods Ms. Diana Woy Mr. & Mrs. Loren A. Woy Mr. Bernard E. Wright Mrs. Phyllis B. Wright Mr. Kenneth E. Wyland Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Wysocki Ms. Susan J. Yahner Mr. & Mrs. Tony Yaniello Mr. & Mrs. Randall C. Yarnall Mr. & Mrs. George W. Yarnell Mrs. Melissa J. Yarnell Mrs. Ann M. Yartin Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Yeager Mrs. Patricia J. Yearick Mrs. Brandi L. Yearick-Brodzina Mr. Edward C. Yingling Mrs. Shirley A. Yingling Mrs. Wanda M. Yingling Mr. & Mrs. Earl Yoder Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Yoder Mr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Yohn Ms. Peggy A. Young Mr. & Mrs. Travis B. Young Mr. William R. Young Ms. Susan C. Youtz Mr. & Mrs. David F. Zakrzwski Mr. W. Robert Zaph Ms. Ashley L. Zeak Ms. Karen Zelinsky-Kite Mr. & Mrs. James M. Ziegler Mr. Robert P. Zimmerer Ms. Betty K. Zimmerman Mr. John N. Zitzlsperger Ms. Lorraine M. Zodl Mr. & Mrs. Ray E. Zook Mr. John W. Zook Ms. Susan Zook Mrs. Rita V. Zupon $3,089,116 0 # off d days ays to wait for an assessment for HNA’s mental health treatment services 24,733 People served last year 9 Consecutive years to HomeCare Elite (made it every year since inception) Charitable and uncompensated care to patients in FY 13-14 91% of patients/family members surveyed in FY 13-14 would highly recommend HNA services to friends and family DONATIONS RECEIVED JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 Mr. & Mrs. R. A. Ruterman Mr. Paul V. Ruth Mrs. Bertha J. Rutherford Mr. Fred I. Rutherford Mr. Gary Rutter Mr. & Mrs. George H. Rutter, Jr. Mrs. Bonnie Salo Ms. Teresa Salome Mrs. Karen M. Sampsel Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sanderbeck Ms. Jane Sanderbeck Dr. & Mrs. Frank E. Sangiorgio Mrs. Rosemarie SantaCroce Rev. William Santre, TOR Mrs. Barbara B. Sarra Mrs. Donna P. Satow Mrs. Dona J. Savine Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Savino James Savory, MD Dr. & Mrs. Roger V. Scanlan Mr. M. V. Scanlon Mr. Robert J. Scannell Mr. Regis W. Schall Mrs. Dulcita B. Schatanoff Mrs. Theresa M. Scheidell Ms. Jane M. Scherden Mr. Richard R. Scheske, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Schiappa Mrs. Elizabeth A. Schimminger Ms. Terri L. Schleiden Mr. John W. Schock Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Scholl Mr. & Mrs. Rex Schramm Mr. & Mrs. David W. Schreffler Mr. Rayford C. Schrock Ms. Jennifer A. Schroen Mr. Kerry D. Schultz Mr. Luther Schwartz Ms. Mathena Scollon Mr. & Mrs. Dennis E. Scott Mr. Robert J. Scott, Sr. Mr. James W. Seacrist Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Searer Ms. Kaitlin Seasoltz Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Seasoltz Mrs. Amanda Sechrist Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Segada Ms. Amy Seltzer Mr. Steven S. Seltzer Ms. Vivian Selwyn Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Servello Mr. Joseph D. Servello Ms. Linda Servello Ms. Norma R. Sevel Mr. & Mrs. Gregory T. Seymore Mr. & Mrs. Geary Shade Mr. & Mrs. Jack D. Shafer Mrs. Louise Shaffer Mr. Patrick Shaughnessey Mrs. Patricia D. Shaw Ms. Glenda L. Shearer 21 Mrs. Sherrie K. Shearer Mrs. Brigid Sheedy Mrs. Mary A. Sheedy Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Sheetz Ms. Tina Sheetz Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Shellenberger Mr. & Mrs. Ernest A. Sheppard Mr. & Mrs. John W. Shepps Mr. James M. Sheridan Ms. Barbara Sherlock Mr. Anthony C. Sherron Ms. Paula Sherry Mr. John W. Shinham Mrs. Andrea C. Shirk Mr. & Mrs. John Shirock Mr. Herbert F. Shoenfelt Mr. J. Douglas Shook Mr. Charles W. Shoop Dr. & Mrs. Edward C. Shore Mrs. Lillian A. Shore Mr. Ronald J. Short Mr. & Mrs. Paul Q. Showalter Mr. & Mrs. John Q. Showalter Mr. & Mrs. William Showalter, Jr. Ms. Peggy Shuff Ms. Linda Shuma The Honorable & Mrs. William F. Shuster Ms. Mary Ellen Sichler Ms. Helen Sicktich Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Siemon Ms. Donna A. Silvis Mr. Donald E. Simmons Mr. Edward J. Simon, II Mrs. Leona J. Simpson Mr. Jack Sinclair Ms. Nancy C. Sinesi Mrs. Barbara A. Singer Ms. Birdessa Singer Ms. Megan Skewers Ms. Lisa Skiles Ms. Ruth E. Skupien Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Sky Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Slagel Mr. Frank Slenker Ms. Carmen B. Slep Mrs. H. June Slep Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Slick Mr. Donald L. Slippey Mrs. Celeste M. Slothower Mr. & Mrs. Kerry Small Mrs. Barbara J. Smith Mrs. Candy L. Smith Ms. Carole L. Smith Mr. Dennis A. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Smith Honorable Judge & Mrs. D. Brooks Smith Mrs. Margaret E. Smith Mrs. Mary J. Smith Mr. & Mrs. R. Leroy Smith Ms. Mona G. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Otho L. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Perry M. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Smyder Mr. & Mrs. Barry Snook Mr. & Mrs. David A. Snyder Mr. Gregory C. Snyder Mr. N. Don Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Sobieski Mrs. Ruth A. Soliday Mr. Paul Solley Mr. & Mrs. Charles Solomon, Sr. Ms. Elaine Solomon Ms. Catherine M. Sopp Mrs. Lois Sorensen Mr. Ken L. Soyster Mrs. Mildred I. Spade Mrs. Carmelina C. Spahn Ms. Cheryl J. Spicher Mrs. Lilia J. Sprankle Mrs. Mary J. Sprouse Mr. James R. Stafford, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Stake Mr. & Mrs. Glenn A. Stampfle Ms. Joan A. Starcovic Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. States Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Staub Mrs. Anna E. Stayer Mr. & Mrs. Martin L. Steach Ms. Cheryl Steberger Ms. Kathy L. Steel Mr. Gilbert R. Steele, Jr. Mrs. Rose Stefanon Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Stefanon Mrs. Joyce L. Steinbauer Ms. Carolyn M. Stenger Ms. Heather Stepanski Mr. & Mrs. Marty A. Stern Mrs. Greta M. Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Stevens Mr. Arthur Stine Mr. & Mrs. David H. Stine Mrs. Allison Stockley Ms. Karen M. Stockley Mrs. Charlotte J. Stoltz Mr. Steven Stoner Mrs. Theresa Storm Mr. & Mrs. Lester E. Stover Mrs. Kay L. Stover Mrs. Linda Stover Mr. Charles E. Strandquest Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Strange Mrs. Joanne M. Straw Mr. Edward Strong Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Strong Mrs. Janet I. Strouse Mrs. Joan E. Strunack Mr. & Mrs. James D. Stuart, Sr. Mrs. Betty J. Stuckey Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Stuckey Mrs. Grace Stultz Mrs. Isabelle C. Suchta Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Sullivan, Jr. Ms. Kathrine S. Sullivan Atty. & Mrs. Timothy M. Sullivan Mrs. Lois E. Summers Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Summerville Mrs. Lelia W. Suomela Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Swanson Ms. Suzanne Swartzwelder Ms. Evelyn Sweitzer Dr. Amy Swindell-Cummings & Mr. Timothy J. Cummings Mrs. Kimberly Swistock Mrs. Barbara A. Szczechowicz Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Szczesny Ms. Sarah Tabb Mrs. Lorraine P. Tallon Ms. Elizabeth W. Tanabe Mrs. Donna B. Tarzian Mr. Charles M. Taylor Dr. & Mrs. Edward Taylor Mrs. Kathryn A. Terrizzi Mr. Aaron Tesler Mrs. Erchall H. Tetwiler Ms. Elizabeth A. Thomas Mr. Jeffrey E. Thomas Ms. Paige M. Thomas Mrs. Roxie A. Thomas Mrs. Susan A. Thomas Ms. Tonia L. Thomas Mrs. Vera W. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. William Thomas Ms. Evelyn A. Thomchick Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Thompson Mr. Charles Thompson Mr. Donald Thompson Mrs. Joan Thompson Ms. Linda C. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Steven Thompson Ms. Tammy M. Titter Ms. Carolyn Todd Mr. & Mrs. Ernest D. Tomassetti Ms. Sally B. Toner Mr. & Mrs. George A. Toth Ms. Rita L. Townsend Ms. Judith A. Townsley Mr. & Mrs. Victor R. Tracey Mr. & Mrs. Duane D. Traxler Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Tremblay Mr. & Mrs. Terry Tresise Mr. Thomas Trimer Mr. & Mrs. Christian A. Tronzo Ms. Anna Maise Trostle Mrs. Valeria Trovato Ms. Sharon Troy Mrs. Janet Tulley Mrs. Jennie M. Turner IN THIS ISSUE 3 Giving Purpose with the Titanic 6 Award-Winning Employees 8 Giving Help through tribute gifts 9 Giving Direction, Meet Dr. Amy Swindell 5 Giving Recognition to their “Angel” 10 Giving Voice through art therapy 11 Giving Hope, community members helping HNA 7 13 Spring 2015 | Issue 1 Giving Matters to families in our communitites Back cover Giving Options, recovering at home Giving Thanks to our donors 2 DONATIONS RECEIVED JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 Mrs. Patricia Morgan Mr. Warren G. Morgan Mrs. Christina C. Morrell Mrs. Charlotte B. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Morrison Mr. S. Horace Mowrer Mr. & Mrs. William W. Moyer Mrs. Patricia A. Mraovich Ms. Roxanne Mueller Ms. Bonnie Mulauski Ms. Dorothy Mullen Mr. Hugh E. Muller Mrs. Diane M. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Murphy Ms. Denise Murray Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. Murray Mrs. Phyllis C. Murray Mr. & Mrs. John W. Musser Mrs. Marlene J. Musser Ms. Genevieve H. Musto Ms. Betty M. Myers Mr. D. Elwood Myers Mrs. Jane D. Myers Ms. Jean P. Myers Mr. & Mrs. John A. Myers Mr. Donald Nace, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Nagel Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Naginey Mrs. Mary K. Nardozza Mrs. Alice F. Naugle Mrs. Donna J. Nearhoof Ms. Kay A. Nedimyer Mr. Richard E. Nedimyer Mr. & Mrs. James R. Negley Ms. Lisa D. Neidigh Mr. Ronald Neidigh Ms. Deanna J. Nelson Mrs. Dorothea D. Nelson Ms. Jean F. Nelson Ms. Dorothy A. Nesbella Mrs. Betty Neshteruk Mrs. Geraldine L. Neumann Mr. John L. Nivison Mrs. Alice M. Noel Ms. Carol Noll Ms. Nancy Noll Ms. Susan E. Nollau Ms. Bonnie Noll-Nelson Mr. Lynn D. Norman Ms. Judith F. Norris Mrs. Mildred K. Norris Mrs. Kathy A. Noye Mr. Wilden L. Nuss, Jr. Ms. Shirley A. Nycum Mrs. Cathy O’Brian Mr. Thomas D. O’Leary Mrs. Nancy B. Olson Ms. Nannette O’Neal Mrs. Deanna O’Polka Ms. Dorothy M. Oren Ms. Audrey C. Orner Spring 2015 | Issue 1 Mr. John H. Orr Mr. John Osmolinski Mr. Daniel T. Ostrowski Dr. Kathleen M. O’Toole Mr. Larry Otto Ms. Helen Overly Mrs. Mary J. Owen Rev. & Mrs. Irvin S. Owens Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Packech Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Packer Mrs. Michele L. Page Mrs. Carolyn B. Painter Mr. & Mrs. John F. Palovchalk Mr. Nicholas J. Panaro Mrs. Margaret A. Pannebaker Mr. & Mrs. Fred H. Park, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George E. Park Mr. & Mrs. James A. Park Mrs. Marie P. Park Mrs. Bertha E. Parker Ms. Stacy Ann Parrish Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Parson Mr. & Mrs. William Parsonage Ms. Jo-Ann Parsons Mrs. Ramona M. Parsons Ms. Dorothy M. Pas Mr. & Mrs. James V. Pastore Mrs. M. Roberta Patterson Mrs. Betty J. Patton Ms. Glenna G. Patton Mr. Richard T. Paul Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Pavlic Mrs. Elizabeth M. Peachey Ms. Janice Pearce Ms. Joan R. Pecht Mr. Richard S. Pechter Mrs. Shirley A. Pechter Mrs. Miriam Pellegrine Mr. Juan Pena Mr. & Mrs. William H. Penn Ms. Judith A. Pennepacker Mr. & Mrs. Eugene D. Pentz Ms. Carmen L. Pequignot Mrs. Mary L. Perman Mr. Joe Peroni Mrs. Helen A. Perry Mrs. Audrey J. Peterman Mrs. Deborah Peterman Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Peters Mrs. Jeanine D. Peterson Ms. Wendy D. Pfahler Dr. & Mrs. J. Richard Pfeffer, Jr. Mr. David F. Phillips Mr. Edwin M. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Phoenix Ms. Alice I. Pielmeier Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Pierce, Jr. Ms. Susan Y. Pierotti Mr. Gary T. Pierwola Mrs. Shirley R. Pike Mr. Frank Pina, Jr. Ms. Ruth A. Pinkas Mrs. Jacksie C. Pitts Mrs. Paula M. Plageman Ms. Charlotte R. Pletcher Ms. Kimberly K. Plummer Ms. Shirley A. Plunkett Mr. & Mrs. Neil M. Port Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Port Mr. John M. Porta, Jr. Mr. Richard Porter Mr. & Mrs. John K. Potter, III Mr. & Mrs. Larry Powell Mr. & Mrs. Ray Powell Mrs. Sandra B. Powley Mrs. Rosemary T. Pratt Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Previte Mr. Salvatore Previtera Ms. Pauline C. Price Mr. Richard F. Prince Mr. & Mrs. David L. Pritts Mr. L. William Proctor Ms. Pamela F. Prosser Mrs. Linda Prough-Shuey Mr. Ronald Pruznak Mr. & Mrs. Homer Putt Mrs. Nancy Pyle Mrs. Audrey T. Querry Mr. & Mrs. Pete Quintili Mr. Bryan H. Rabbett Mr. & Mrs. Allan J. Rabold Mr. & Mrs. Willard J. Race, Jr. Mr. Nelson Radel Mr. & Mrs. Herbert A. Rader Mrs. Pernigia C. Rahm Mrs. Arlene R. Rainelli Mr. James Rainey Mrs. Barbara J. Raker Ms. Pamela D. Ramagano Mr. Salvatore M. Ramondelli Dr. & Mrs. James W. Ramsay Mrs. Donna J. Ramsey Mr. Robert R. Ramsey Ms. Robin O. Rawdon Mr. Carl I. Ray Mr. Patrick Ray Mr. & Mrs. Robert Raycroft Dr. & Mrs. Gary A. Raymond Mr. & Mrs. David F. Reeder Mrs. Virginia C. Reeder Mrs. Eva M. Reese Ms. Gail A. Reese Ms. Judy A. Reese Mrs. Peggy A. Reese Mrs. Andrea Reffner Mr. & Mrs. John T. Reffner Ms. Patricia Rehm Mrs. Ruth V. Reighard Mrs. Kaye M. Reilly Mr. Richard J. Reilly Mr. Terrence M. Reilly Mrs. Theresa M. Remacle Dr. & Mrs. James E. Renney Mrs. April Ressler Ms. Carol A. Restauri Mr. & Mrs. R. Joseph Reynolds Mr. Kendall C. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Reynolds Mrs. Pamela L. Rhine Mrs. Jessie L. Rhoades Ms. Elsie S. Rhoads Mrs. Ann M. Rhodes Mrs. Donna Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. Earl P. Rhodes, Jr. Mrs. Lois L. Rhodes Mr. R. Drew Rice Mr. Delaun C. Richards Mrs. Betty M. Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Samuel D. Rickabaugh Mrs. Carol Riley Mrs. Shirley F. Riley Mr. Paul J. Risban, II Ms. Alonza Ritchey Mrs. Doris J. Ritchey Mr. Harry T. Ritchey Mr. & Mrs. Dan Ritchey Ms. Melinda L. Ritchey Mr. Robert Ritchey Mr. Greg Ritter Mrs. Luella M. Ritzman Dr. Victor J. Rizzo Mr. & Mrs. Todd N. Roadman Ms. Ann L. Roarabaugh Mrs. Doris J. Roberto Mrs. Joyce L. Roberts Mr. Joseph A. Robeson, Sr. Ms. Rosemarie S. Robinson Mr. William Rodgers Ms. Carol D. Rodkey Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Roefaro Mrs. Gloria S. Rogers Mrs. Donna F. Rohrer Ms. Jennifer R. Romano Mr. & Mrs. James N. Roney Ms. Becky L. Ropp Mrs. Ella May Rose Ms. Janet H. Rose Ms. Mary C. Rose Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Ross, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. David Glenn Rossman Mrs. Lois E. Roth Atty. James S. Routch Ms. M. Jean Rowan Mr. Allen L. Rowe Mrs. Barbara M. Rowe Ms. Sandra K. Rowles Mr. Carl Royer Miss Rose M. Ruggeri Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Ruggiere Mrs. Susan B. Rumbaugh Mr. Charles A. Rummel, Sr. Mr. Jeffrey Rupp Mr. J. H. Russell 20 DONATIONS RECEIVED JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 Mr. & Mrs. Brian S. Kendall Ms. Judy E. Kendall Mr. Earl L. Kennedy Ms. Joanne N. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. G. Fred Kensinger Ms. Kathryn Kensinger Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Kephart Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Kepler Mr. Robert C. Kepner Mr. & Mrs. Earl M. Kesler Mrs. Frances C. Kessler Ms. Mary A. Kessler Mr. Kenneth Ketenheim Ms. Joan Kibler Mr. C. David Kimmel Mrs. Claire A. Kimmel Ms. Naomi Kimmel Mrs. Maryann S. Kinsey Mr. & Mrs. William L. Kinzer Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Glazier Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Kirk Mrs. Donna Kirkpatrick Mr. Richard M. Klesius Mr. & Mrs. Stanley H. Kline Mr. & Mrs. John F. Kling Mrs. Kristi A. Klinger Mrs. L. Jean Klinger Mrs. Emma S. Kneidinger Mrs. Louella Knepp Ms. Joan E. Knotts Mrs. Joyce A. Knowles Mrs. Grace Knox Mr. Kendall K. Koelle Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Kohler Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Kohler Ms. Catherine Kontorchik Ms. Dorothy T. Koontz Hon. Jolene G. Kopriva & Mr. Thomas Kopriva Ms. Lisa Korman Mrs. Sheila Kosanovic Ms. Denise Kost Ms. Elizabeth J. Kovach Mr. & Mrs. John Kowalchuk Ms. Mary Kay Kraft Mrs. Alice M. Kraus Mr. Martin J. Krentz Mr. Jim Kretchman Mrs. Nancy M. Kriek Mr. Ronald F. Krout Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Kuhn Mr. & Mrs. Alex Kulmatycki Ms. Ann M. Kveragas Mrs. Joan S. Kyper Ms. Lois V. Kyper Mrs. Ann Kyper Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lafferty Ms. Paula Lamb Mr. & Mrs. Adrian D. Lane Mr. Jemmings M. Lantz Mrs. M. Joanne Lascoli 19 Mrs. Winifred G. Lauder Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lauer Mr. & Mrs. Gregg A. Laverick Mr. Joshua Lavine Mrs. Olga H. Lawruk Mrs. Margaret L. Leach Mrs. Donna Leamer Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Learn Mrs. Tammy L. Leathers Ms. Diana S. Lee Ms. Kim E. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Adam P. Lee Mr. Joseph J. Lee-Civalier Mr. William R. Legdon Mrs. Eileen W. Leibowitz Mr. & Mrs. Keath Leidich Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Leoniak Ms. Barbara G. Leopold Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Levine Mr. & Mrs. Russell Lewis Ms. Lacinda G. Lewis Ms. Christine Lichtig Ms. Martha L. Liebegott Lt. Col. & Mrs. George Lightner Mr. & Mrs. W. James Lightner Mr. Edward R. Lillibridge Mr. Terrance R. Lindquist Ms. Janice Lindsey Mrs. Mary E. Lindsey Ms. Donna L. Litke Mr. Norman H. Little Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Lobb, II Ms. Carol M. Lockard Ms. Sally R. Loercher Ms. Nancy Logue Ms. Cheryl Long Ms. Dorothy J. Long Mrs. Dottie Long Mr. Jeff Long Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Long Ms. Rosemary A. Long Ms. Penny Longo Ms. Beverly A. Lopresti Ms. Sue E. Lounsbury Ms. Julie Love Mr. Robert W. Lovegreen Ms. Mary M. Lovette Mrs. Margaret Lower Mr. & Mrs. John W. Lowery Mr. & Mrs. James Luciano Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Luciano Ms. Lucille Lukasiewicz Mr. & Mrs. John Lupyan Mr. Primo V. Lusardi Mr. Charles W. Lutchko Ms. Dorothy C. Lutz Ms. Briley B. Lyle Ms. Elizabeth B. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Frederick R. Lynch Mrs. Georgette Maccinile Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Maceno Ms. Louise Machowski Ms. Cynthia L. MacNab Mr. Michael J. Macovitch Mrs. Brittany Madden Mr. Barton Maddox Mr. Richard E. Madsen Mrs. Anna L. Magee Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Magee Mr. Ralph C. Mahute Mr. Andrew D. Maier Mr. & Mrs. Willibald O. Maier Ms. Sabrina Maines Mrs. Hilda C. Mallory Mr. & Mrs. Rolland E. Malott Ms. Carmeline L. Maniglia Mr. Peter Manion Mrs. Elsie M. Mansberger Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Marasco Mr. & Mrs. Norbert P. Markowski Ms. Mary J. Marlett Ms. Louisa J. Marshall Ms. Stephanie J. Marshall Ms. Cindy L. Martin Mr. & Mrs. James O. Martin Mrs. Marilyn A. O. Martin Ms. Rebecca Martin Mr. Simeon Martin Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Martin Mrs. Josephine A. Martino Mr. & Mrs. Francis Maruska Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Massaro Ms. Terry L. Mathers Mrs. Doris Mattern Dr. & Mrs. Stanley P. Mayers, Jr. Mrs. Brenda Mayhue Ms. Dorothy M. Maykovich Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mazur, Jr. Mrs. Phyllis J. McAndrew Ms. Helen E. McCabe Mr. Robert K. McCahan Mrs. April McCall Mrs. Roselyn C. McCartney Mrs. Justina McCaulley Mr. & Mrs. James L. McClellan Rev. & Mrs. Stewart McClelland Mr. & Mrs. Regis S. McCloskey Mr. & Mrs. David J. McConnell Mrs. Jolene McConnell Mrs. Lois E. McConnell Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. McConnell Mr. William H. McConnell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter S. McCoy Mr. & Mrs. Earl E. McCulloh Ms. Leslie A. McCurdy Mrs. Edna M. McDaid Mrs. Betty J. McDermott Ms. Marcee McDermott Mrs. Melissa S. McDonald Ms. Gloria J. McGarry Mrs. Margaret T. McGarry Ms. Jean McGeary Ms. Eunice McGraw Mrs. Dorothy M. McKee Mrs. Goldie McKinley Mr. Freddie McKnight Mr. & Mrs. Michael McLanahan Mr. William McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. William McManus, Jr. Mr. Ralph McMullin Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. McNeal Ms. Beverly A. McNelis Ms. Brenda McNelis Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. McPhee Mrs. Geraldine F. McTaggart Mrs. Nancy McTigue Mr. Raymond G. Mecca Dr. & Mrs. Marvin Meisner Ms. Karen H. Meister Mr. Randy Meister Mr. Michael P. Melotti Mr. Curtis Melton Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Merilli Mr. Ronald R. Merritt Mrs. Jayne Mertens Mr. & Mrs. Norman R. Metz Mr. Stanley R. Metz Mr. Gerald H. Meyer Mr. Scott R. Meyers Mrs. Sharon K. Michael Mr. & Mrs. Jerry W. Michelone Mr. & Mrs. Val Mignogna Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Miller Mrs. Doris L. Miller Ms. Dorothy Miller Mr. Emanuel Miller Mrs. Janet L. Miller Mrs. Lois M. Miller Mrs. Mildred S. Miller Mr. Noel L. Miller Dr. & Mrs. Russell Miller Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Miller Mrs. Shirley L. Miller Ms. Tobie A. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mills Mr. Jan D. Mills, Sr. Mr. Richard L. Mills Mr. Charles Miriello Mr. John Mitchell Mrs. Linda J. Mitchell Ms. Helen Mock Mrs. Lori A. Mock Mrs. Mary F. Montague Mrs. Elouise D. Moore Mrs. Judi A. Moore Mr. Terrance Moore Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Moran Ms. Nona Morealli Mr. & Mrs. Todd B. Moreland Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Morello Mr. Edward B. Morgan Ms. Emily Morgan Mr. & Mrs. George A. Morgan purpose GIVING HIS PASSION BECAME HIS PURPOSE Norman Little of Waynesboro thought his life in retirement would be smooth sailing. And it was for many years as he tinkered with his boyhood passion for anything Titanic, including building a 15-foot navigable model. But then the ship that he built and loves so much took him on a very different journey – one he never imagined taking and one that he will never give up. “I never dreamed that it would be like this,” said the retired National Institutes of Health manager whose job was to design, develop and maintain medical research instruments. “This is filling a hole in my heart.” Norm spent ten years building the replica and housed it in his garage. Neighbors tipped off the local newspaper and soon he was offered a museum exhibit at the Discovery Station in Hagerstown including his expansive Titanic memorabilia. The backyard-to-museum story is still a great adventure for Norm. He gives tours to schoolchildren and Titanic buffs, but it was the illness and passing of his oldest son, David, in April 2013 that gave this shipbuilder’s passion a new purpose – taking Titanic on the road to educate others and support Home Nursing Agency Hospice, which cared for his son. Today, he dons a custom tailored captain’s suit to portray the Titanic commander and travels with a Molly Brown suitcase and smaller Titanic replica. He continues to lecture about the ‘ship that couldn’t sink’ but purposely adds a final chapter to the ill-fated voyage’s legacy – his personal journey with hospice. Spring 2015 | Issue 1 “People ask me all the time how I got involved in hospice, and I tell them my story,” he said. “Through my passion for the Titanic, I want others to learn what hospice is about and what they have done for us and what they could do to help others.” comfortable because of their care and that is all that we wanted. Hospice is in every community, and there are hospice nurses who are unsung heroes in every neighborhood.” “David was David,” he said with a smile of his 60-year-old son who passed away from colon cancer. “He wanted to be in his own home. He wasn’t married, and I lived 80 miles away from him, and so did his brother and sister. Finally, I said we ‘have to do something’, and we were referred to Home Nursing Agency Hospice. It was an education for me and my family because I didn’t know anything about hospice. I thought hospice was about psychological not physical help. Only after David, that I saw what they did and how they helped.” For the past year, in addition to the goodwill offerings he receives for speaking, he also donates proceeds from the sale of his new book Navigating the Waters of My Dreams to the hospice cause. a “Tholehis isin fimyllingheart. ” “They took over my son’s life; the caseworker, nurse and pastor visited several times a week,” he said of the Agency’s Hospice staff. “He was After his son was in the Agency’s Hospice program for three months and then at Casey House, a hospice residence, for the last two weeks of his life, Norm realized he could honor David’s memory and help hospice through his love for the Titanic. “For the rest of my life I will not touch a cent of it,” he said. “That way I know my son can rest in peace. This is for all the people who helped him and for all the families that are touched by cancer.” He added, “Like the Titanic, there is a mystique about hospice. I want to tell Titanic’s story, hospice’s story and my story – all which will honor David.” You can visit the Discovery Station Titanic exhibit at: discoverystation.org. DID YOU KNOW that hospice care is not for just the last few hours or days of life? “The earlier we can get in to see the patient, the better off it is,” explains Kathy Baker, Director of Hospice. “It helps us to get to know the patient and their family, develop a relationship and really get to know what that patient’s needs are so we can help them through the process.” WHO can enroll in hospice? WHEN? At any time during a life-limiting illness, it is appropriate to discuss all of a person’s care options, including hospice. If you are concerned about a loved one, talk with his/her physician about hospice eligibility, or call us at 1.800.445.6262 to set up a one-time assessment at no charge by one of our experienced nurses. If eligible, care can begin immediately to focus on the patient’s quality of life by managing symptoms and fulfilling life goals. The patient’s caregiver also benefits from education, support and respite. 4 recognition DONATIONS RECEIVED JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 GIVING “GRATITUDE IS THE HEART’S MEMORY” Sometimes, someone special is there, at just the right time... Melanie Hindinger is known as many things - a mom, a wife, a nurse. However, the one special title that is bestowed upon her by many of her patients is that of ‘an Angel.’ One of those patients was Jim Luciano of Altoona, who, along with his wife Rita, was happy to have received inhome care to assist him in recovering from an illness. Melanie was part of the team that helped Jim return to health and get back on his feet in the comfort of his own home. Jim and Rita can’t say enough about the wonderful care he received from Melanie and her fellow co-workers. “She makes me laugh, she is so funny!” Jim says of his ‘Angel.’ Often appreciative Home Nursing Agency patients and families, like Jim and Rita, wish to give something back to recognize their caregivers. The Home Nursing Agency Foundation’s Grateful Angel program encourages this recognition while supporting the future work of the Agency’s programs. Pictured below from left are nurse Melanie Hindinger, RN, with James and Rita Luciano of Altoona. 4 5 WHAT IS HOME HEALTH? Home Health offers care when an injury, chronic illness or surgery affects the quality of life. Care from our professional team of nurses, therapists, home health aides and specialists is available wherever you call home. If you or a loved one needs home health care, call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1.800.445.6262. Ms. Carol A. Gordon Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gorski Ms. Patricia C. Gorski Ms. Lila J. Goshorn Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Gottshall Mrs. Pamela A. Gowans Ms. Ann E. Graeff Mrs. Jean E. Graffius Mrs. Minnie M. Grannas Mrs. Barbara Grappone Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Grassa Ms. Janice M. Green Mr. & Mrs. Wendell K. Green Mr. & Mrs. Loren G. Greene Mr. & Mrs. Rickey L. Gregg Mr. George W. Greiner, III Mrs. Mary Pat Griffin Mrs. Catherine Griffith Ms. Kaitlin Grimes Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Grove Ms. M. Patricia Grove Mr. & Mrs. Ronald O. Grove Mr. Steven M. Grove Mr. & Mrs. Jay A. Grubb Ms. Beatrice Gruneberg Ms. Barbara R. Guarnaccia Ms. Marie C. Guerrini Mr. & Mrs. David L. Gustine Ms. Betty L. Guyer Mrs. Frances I. Guyer Ms. Pierrette C. Guyer Dr. & Mrs. Leonard Haduck Ms. Jean A. Hagan Mr. Harold Hagie Ms. Lynne L. Hainsey Mr. & Mrs. Barry J. Halbritter Mr. H. Dennis Hall Mrs. Marjorie N. Hall Ms. Pauline B. Hall Mr. William H. Hall Mr. M. David Halpern Mr. George Haluska Mrs. Rita A. Haluska Ms. Brenda Hamilton Ms. Jennifer Hammerstedt Mrs. Nancy S. Hampton Ms. Helen T. Hanlon Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Hanson Ms. N. Jean Hardin Mr. Manuel E. Hardsock Mr. Eugene R. Harker Ms. Lee Ann Harlow Mrs. Etta B. Harman Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Harman Mrs. Kyran E. Harper Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Harper Mr. Allen W. Harpster Mr. & Mrs. Roy F. Harpster Ms. Mary A. Harr Mr. & Mrs. Jason Harrington Mr. Marc L. Harris Spring 2015 | Issue 1 Ms. Phyllis M. Harris Donna G. Hartford Mrs. Ruth J. Hartley Mr. James S. Hartman, Jr. Mr. John P. Hartsock Mrs. M. Rosalie Hartsock Mr. Nathan L. Hartwig Mrs. Greta J. Hassinger Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Hassinger Mr. William E. Hastings Mr. & Mrs. Keith D. Hatch Mr. & Mrs. Earle W. Hawn Ms. Sharon D. Hawn Mrs. Mary C. Hawthorne Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hayford Ms. Cindy L. Hays Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Hazard, Jr. Mr. James S. Hazelette Mrs. Barbara L. Hazenstab Ms. Lori Hazenstab Mrs. Mary Ellen Hazenstab Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Hearn Mr. & Mrs. Oliver J. Heaster, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Sidney M. Heaster Ms. Ruth L. Heaton Mr. Dwayne Heckert Mr. & Mrs. Blair W. Heffner Mr. & Mrs. John L. Hefright Ms. Paula A. Heimbach Mrs. Beverly J. Heisey Mrs. Kim Helsel Mrs. Colette Henault Mr. & Mrs. Earl Hendershot Mr. & Mrs. Edward Henderson Mrs. Teresa A. Henderson Mrs. Carole Hendricks Mrs. Patricia A. Herald Mrs. Cynthia Hershey Ms. Georgeanne A. Hershey Ms. Patricia J. Hess Ms. Lorrie J. Hetager Mrs. Lori Hetrick Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Hetrick Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Hicks Ms. Linda C. Higginson Mrs. Eileen Hileman Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hileman Mr. & Mrs. James L. Hilling, Sr. Dr. Joy Himmel, Ph.D. Mr. Steven Hinckley Mrs. Mary E. Hinish Ms. Cynthia Hinkle Mrs. Elaine H. Hinkle Mr. & Mrs. William R. Hinton Mr. James D. Hitchings Mr. & Mrs. R. Lee Hite Ms. Esther M. Hockenberry Mr. & Mrs. John M. Hockenbury Ms. Audrey J. Hoffer Mrs. Mary E. Hoffer Ms. Angelia L. Hoffman Ms. Barbara A. Hogan Mr. & Mrs. John H. Holbert Dr. & Mrs. Barry L. Holden Mr. Eric C. Holdren Mr. Steven T. Holesa Mrs. Lillian D. Hollen Ms. Veronica T. Holmberg Mr. Richard Holmes Mr. Jeffrey E. Holter Ms. Laura D. Homan Ms. Minette S. Homan Mrs. Janet Hommer Mrs. Kathleen Hooder Mrs. Dorothy A. Hoover Mr. James E. Hoover Ms. Kelly Hoover Mr. Martin E. Hoover, Jr. Mr. Sheldon Hoover Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Hoover Mr. & Mrs. Burton F. Hopkins Mr. & Mrs. Fred Hopkins Mr. Bradley E. Horne Mrs. Cheryl Horner Mr. Robert W. Horner, Jr. Mrs. Barbara A. Hornung Mr. & Mrs. Jack Horton Ms. Kay H. Horton Mr. & Mrs. David H. Hostetter Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. Houck Ms. Lucille J. Houck Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Housel Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Houseman Mr. William E. Howard Mrs. Sharon L. Howell Mr. Jack Howsare Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Hoy Mrs. Sara K. Hoy Mrs. Ruth A. Hubler Mr. John E. Huff Mrs. Elizabeth A. Hufford Ms. Ardyth P. Hughes Mr. Douglas Hughes Ms. Florence I. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Humes Ms. Elizabeth J. Humphreys Mr. Robert L. Hunt Ms. Frances H. Hunter Ms. Kathleen Hunter Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Hussong Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Huston Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Huston Mrs. Jane Hutzel Ms. Katherine R. Iachini Mr. & Mrs. Herman V. Ianniello Mr. & Mrs. Cletus W. Illig Rev. Lynn & Sue Illingworth Mr. & Mrs. G. Michael Imes Ms. Ella I. Imler Mr. & Mrs. Fred N. Imler Mr. George H. Inman Mr. & Mrs. John B. Iorio Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Irwin Mr. & Mrs. Michael Irwin Mr. Russell R. Irwin Mr. & Mrs. Chester P. Isett Mrs. Marilyn E. Isett Mrs. Janet B. Ishler Mr. & Mrs. Mark Ison Mr. & Mrs. David J. Itell Mr. & Mrs. Russell Itell Mr. Joseph R. Itle, III Ms. Marjory A. Ivory Mrs. Helen B. Jabco Ms. Marilyn K. Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Jadlocki Mr. & Mrs. Klaus Jaeger Ms. Emogene C. James Ms. Betty J. Jaroneski Ms. Huguette Jenkins Ms. Mona Jennings Mrs. Norma Jennings Ms. Heidi Jerome Ms. Mary V. Johns Mr. & Mrs. Lewis F. Johnson Mrs. Lola D. Johnson Ms. Patricia A. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Johnson Mr. Richard L. Johnson Mr. Robert M. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. Johnson Mrs. Doris L. Johnston Mr. William J. Johnston Mr. & Mrs. William E. Jones, Sr. Mrs. Lydia K. Jones Price Ms. Erlene K. Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Melvin A. Kadane Ms. Beth A. Kalenak Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kaminsky Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kane Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. Kann Dr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Kaplan Mrs. Ariel N. Karetas Ms. Diane P. Karikas Ms. Laurie Karstetter Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Kauffman Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kauffman Mr. Ronald L. Kaullen Mrs. Marianna Z. Keagle Mr. & Mrs. Dale E. Kearns Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Keefer Mr. & Mrs. Edwin G. Kehr Ms. Barbara C. Keith Mr. Merrel A. Kellander Ms. Madeleine l. Keller Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Keller Miss Beverly J. Kelley Mrs. Collette L. Kelly Ms. Dorothy C. Kelly Mrs. Josephine Kelly 18 DONATIONS RECEIVED JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 17 Ms. Donna L. Dionis Mr. & Mrs. Peter P. Dionis Mrs. Esther Y. Dively Mr. Terry L. Dively Mrs. Elsie Dixon Ms. Pauline D. Dixon Mr. & Mrs. Vincent L. Dodson Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Doersam Mr. & Mrs. David A. Dolinger Mrs. Joann M. Dombroski Mrs. Linda C. Domin Atty. & Mrs. Robert S. Donaldson Ms. Judy A. Donaldson Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Donlan Ms. Renee L. Donow Mr. Richard J. Donoway Mrs. Patricia Dorner Mrs. Mildred Dorty Mr. Glenn Dougal Mr. Stephen H. Dougherty Mrs. Virginia B. Dougherty Mr. Robert C. Downs Mr. J. Mark Doyle Mr. John T. Doyle Ms. Lula G. Dreibelbis Gerald D. Drenning, USN Ret. Mr. J. W. Drenning Mr. Keith Driftmier Ms. Deborah N. Duffield Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Dumars Mr. William G. Dumm Ms. Tina M. Dunlap Mr. Hugh J. Dunlop Mrs. Carolyn Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Dunn Dr. Patricia A. Dunn, DVM Ms. Wanda M. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Hampton H. Durbin Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Durham Ms. Jewell C. Dysard Ms. Monica Eakin Mrs. Kathy M. Early Mr. & Mrs. William E. Earnest Ms. D. Lorraine Earon Ms. Ashley Eastep Ms. Barbara J. Eberhart Ms. Cheryl L. Eberle Mrs. Donna W. Eberle Ms. Jacqueline F. Eckert Mrs. Erin L. Eckley Mr. & Mrs. Roy A. Edmundson Ms. Doreen M. Edwards Ms. Mary Jo Eger Mr. Coolidge Eichelberger, Jr. Ms. B.J. Eicher Dr. & Mrs. Craig A. Eisenhart Ms. Virginia P. Ellenberger Ms. Ruth A. Elliott Ms. Teresa M. Emigh Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Enck Ms. Ann Enderle Mrs. H. Virginia Endres Ms. Carolyn J. Endress Mr. William Engelman Mr. & Mrs. William R. England Ms. Elizabeth English Mr. William C. Entrekin Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Epple Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Erb Mr. Kenneth Ertley Mr. S. Dale Erwin Ms. Linda Sue Esch Ms. Mary E. Esposito Ms. Mary Estep Mr. Gregory J. Evans Mr. Robert P. Everhart Mrs. Miriam Fagley Mr. Donald E. Fahnline Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Fain Ms. Karen Fairbanks Ms. Abbie G. Faircloth Miss Diana M. Fanale Mr. Don Farabaugh Ms. Agnes F. Farster Ms. Patricia A. Fasick Mr. & Mrs. Elwood P. Fasnacht Mr. & Mrs. Jack M. Faupel Mrs. Betty J. Fawcett Ms. Marilyn J. Fawcett Mr. William D. Fawcett, Jr. Ms. N. J. Feaster Mr. & Mrs. Gary Feather Mr. & Mrs. James R. Feathers Mr. T. Scott Feathers Mrs. Nicole Fedeli-Turiano Ms. Betty J. Fedorko Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Feerrar Mr. & Mrs. David R. Felker Ms. Diana M. Ferrazza Mr. Roy Fetterman Ms. Julia Filer Mrs. Bonita Fink Mrs. Sara L. Fiore-Gunnett Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Fishbaine Mrs. Alexandra Fishel Mrs. Anna J. Fisher Mrs. Elaine C. Fisher Mr. James A. Fisher Mr. John B. Fisher Mrs. Ruthanna M. Fix Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Fix Ms. Carolyn F. Fleming Ms. Theonas E. Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Walter Fleming Mrs. Elizabeth Flick Commr. & Mrs. Roy Dean Fluke Miss Nancy R. Fogel Mrs. Lois M. Folmar Dr. & Mrs. Bradley K. Foor Mrs. Laura A. Ford Mr. & Mrs. William H. Ford Ms. Helen M. Fornwalt Atty. & Mrs. R. Thomas Forr, Jr. Mr. James D. Foster Ms. Megan Foster Mrs. Isabel L. Fouse Ms. Anna L. Franco Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Franger Mrs. Janet L. Frank Mrs. Virginia A. Frazer Ms. Margaret Freeberg Mr. James W. Freeman Mr. & Mrs. William A. Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Philip Freeman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Justin French Mr. & Mrs. H. Kenneth Frye Mr. Leonard L. Fuoss Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Furiga Ms. Alice M. Fyock Ms. Susan Gabriel Ms. Carol Galioto Ms. Josephine E. Gallace Ms. Stephanie J. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Dominic A. Galloro Mrs. Nancy S. Gamble Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Garach Ms. Ashley Garcia Mrs. Charyl M. Gardner Mrs. Dorothy B. Gardner Dr. & Mrs. Harry W. Gardner Mr. Kenneth L. Garman Mr. J. Robert Garner Ms. Marcella Garwood The Honorable & Mrs. Rick Geist Mr. & Mrs. John W. Gentry Mr. Carl F. George Mrs. Debra D. George Ms. Teri Gergely Mrs. Barbara J. Gerhart Mr. & Mrs. Henry D. Gerhold Ms. Betty E. Gerlock Ms. Lisa German Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Gherrity, Jr. Mr. G. Colin Gibboney Ms. Linda Gibson Mr. Robert F. Gicking Ms. Ann Gillespie Ms. Margie A. Gillespie Mr. Carl M. Gilligan Mrs. Ruth E. Ginter Mrs. Marilyn C. Ginther Ms. Victoria Glacken Mr. John Q. Glasgow, Sr. Mrs. Agnes Glenn Ms. Mary L. Gobert Mr. & Mrs. David P. Gold Mr. & Mrs. Donald Goldberg Mrs. Sara J. Golden Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Goltz Mr. & Mrs. Antonia Goncalves Ms. Ruth A. Good Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Goodhart Ms. Marjorie W. Goodman AWARD-WINNING EMPLOYEES HOME NURSING AGENCY’S 2014 EMPLOYEE AWARD WINNERS Each year Home Nursing Agency recognizes outstanding employees and volunteers who go above and beyond to deliver the highest quality of customer service. In 2014, we were privileged to honor the following people with awards recognizing their dedication and service (pictured from left with former President Robert Packer, second from right): Ted Hildebrand Volunteer of the Year Award A retired United States Army nurse and dedicated member of the Bedford County Hospice team, Ted goes “above and beyond” as a volunteer in several roles. He energizes others, reminding them, “It should all be about the patient. The few hours, days and months that he or she has with us must count.” Betty Shankle – Hands & Hearts Award With 13 years of service as a Hospice Home Health Aide primarily in Bedford County, Betty is willing to serve wherever and however needed with an upbeat attitude. Her coworkers share that “her care to the patients is exceptional!” Donna Hershel – Extra Effort Award An RN/Case Manager on the Cambria County Hospice Team, Donna frequently makes visits beyond her normal “working hours” to assure patients and their families have the care and support they need. A coworker shared that Donna is “a gift to her patients and families”. Arlene Wojno – Spirit Award A 20-year employee, Arlene has been described as the “consummate Nurse Home Visitor” for Blair County NurseFamily Partnership® with caring, compassion, and professionalism rolled into one. She is an amazing mentor for teaching young mothers in difficult circumstances, and her clients know she is their advocate. Diana Packech – Commitment to Community Award As Director of Adult Behavioral Health Services, Diana is committed first to people and making sure they have the services they need. With two decades of service to the Agency, she is a true leader whose actions and attitude set the bar for her team members. Her service to others extends far beyond her role at HNA, as she is a member of the Mental Health Provider Association, serves as a Certified Teacher for Mental Health First Aid and is also a Certified Disaster Outreach and Referral Professional. DIGNITY G & RESPECT C Mr. Donald F. Criste Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Criswell Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Croft Ms. Carolyn B. Croll Mrs. Cheryl Cronemiller Rev. Raymond G. Crosser Mr. & Mrs. Robert Crosson Mr. & Mrs. C. Kenneth Crotsley Ms. Sandra Crum Mr. Curtis M. Cuff Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Cullen Ms. Paula M. Cullison Ms. Patricia A. Cummings Ms. Angelique Cygan Ms. Tammy Dalton Mr. John B. Danella, II Ms. Florence G. Darby Mrs. Gail Datesman Mr. & Mrs. William E. Datres Ms. Denise P. Daugherty Mrs. Pamela J. Daugherty Ms. Chrisa Davis Ms. Yvette Davis Mr. & Mrs. J. Samuel Dean Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Dean Ms. Sue Carol Deardorff Miss Geraldine J. Decker Mr. Clifford M. Deckman, Sr. Mr. Steven J. DeCriscio Dr. Bethany G. Deeds Mrs. A. Lorraine Deeter Mr. & Mrs. Jacob P. DeKoning Mr. Leo J. DeLozier Mrs. Sylvia H. DeLozier Mrs. Arlene H. Delp Mr. & Mrs. James Deluca Mr. David M. Demko Mrs. Lois Depp Ms. Natalie D. Depto-Vesey Mrs. Sara Deremer Mr. & Mrs. Michael X. DeStefano Mrs. Mary Ann Detterbeck Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Detwiler Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Detwiler Mrs. Ruby L. Detwiler Ms. Dolores Devault Mrs. Jean A. DeVecchis Mrs. Marie H. DeVinney Mr. & Mrs. Donald Devorris Mrs. Ellen DeYulius Ms. Linda Dickson Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Diebold Mr. & Mrs. Barry F. Diehl Ms. Wanda Diehl Ms. Anne M. Digruilles Mr. Joseph R. Dilkes Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Dillen Mr. & Mrs. J. Ardie Dillen Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Dillon Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Dingeldein Dr. J. Michael Dinger & Ms. Josephine Christen Home Nursing Agency is proud to announce Dona Fitzgerald, Blair County CareGiver for the Agency’s Private Duty Home Care program, was chosen as the Dignity & Respect Award winner for the Community Provider Services division of UPMC. UPMC recognized one person from each business unit as a recipient of the Dignity & Respect Award. From a workforce of more than 60,000, these 20 employees are champions who exceed expectations daily, helping to make UPMC a better place for all to work because of how they promote excellence in the workplace; model behavior that supports inclusion and treat others the way they want to be treated. “Dona has truly made a difference in her clients’ lives,” shares Bill McManus, Vice-President of Private Duty Home Care and Home Health Resource. “Her caring and selflessness is an inspiration to us all.” Pictured below is Dona at the Dignity & Respect Award Ceremony with Jennifer Romano, Care Supervisor. 6 matters DONATIONS RECEIVED JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 GIVING COMMUNITY PARTNERS - INDIVIDUALS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN OUR COMMUNITIES Foundation Mission Grants have a face, a story, a purpose. As a not-for-profit, community benefit organization, the Home Nursing Agency Foundation believes in helping individuals and families in our care and our communities. One way that is accomplished is the awarding of Foundation Mission Grants each year to programs and services that provide additional help to patients and families in need, support for those who have little or no resources, and necessary community programs that are offered free of charge. The dollars that support Mission Grants come from contributions from individuals, businesses, local government, United Ways, grants and Agency fundraisers such as our signature event, Mercedes Moment. Following are personal stories of how your financial support changed a life. Your gifts really are at work! NURSE-FAMILY PARTNERSHIP® GRANT Funding to help sustain the Nurse-Family Partnership program, an evidence-based community health program that transforms the lives of first-time mothers. Nurse-Family Partnership serves seven counties, providing care to 460 families each year. A YOUNG FAMILY’S FUTURE When Mariah found out she was pregnant at 17, she quit school and, with limited family support, she also left home. Together with her boyfriend Travis, the young couple faced tremendous obstacles and had an uncertain future. Mariah knew that they would need help as new parents and enrolled in Home Nursing Agency’s NurseFamily Partnership® program to get education and support. Her visits with Nurse Home Visitor Lynn Watt started with the basics. “I was never around babies much before,” Mariah shares. “It sounds silly, but she brought a baby doll, and we practiced changing diapers and everything.” Lynn provided a solid foundation for Mariah and Travis as they gained confidence and prepared for the delivery of a healthy baby girl in December 2011. 7 Lynn continued to mentor the family until Adabelle turned two, offering guidance for Adabelle’s well-being and encouragement for Mariah and Travis to create a solid future for their family. “Whenever Lynn first started to come see me, I wasn’t going to school and didn’t have my life together at all,” Mariah says. “And now, I have my GED, a job and my own apartment. Once Adabelle starts school, I am going to study nursing. Lynn truly inspired me, and I hope one day I can be as great of a nurse as she is!” Mariah and Travis have become wonderful parents to Adabelle and are an example of how, with the support of the Home Nursing Agency Foundation, Nurse-Family Partnership is making a difference in our communities – one family at a time. Anonymous (7) Ms. Donna J. Abraham Mrs. Ruby L. Ackerman Ms. Barbara J. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Clark R. Adelman Ms. Susan D. Agee Dr. & Mrs. Frank Aigner Mr. Robert V. Aiken Mr. Frank Ake Mr. & Mrs. John M. Akers Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Albarano Ms. Lois M. Albright Mr. & Mrs. James Allison Mr. Reynold G. Altberg Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Amert Mr. & Mrs. John C. Ames Mrs. Betty L. Amrhein Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Anderko Mr. Paul F. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Anderson, Jr. Ms. Nancy Jane Andrews Mrs. Diane K. Ansley Mr. William R. Anslinger Ms. Chrissa M. Ansman Mr. Richard C. Antes Dr. Joseph L. Antonowicz & Ms. Lori J. Wilson Ms. Tiffany Appel Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Appleby Mr. Luis Araneda Ms. Lorraine D. Araquistain Ms. Janet Atwood Mr. & Mrs. Harold R. Auker, Jr. Mr. William G. Aull Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Auman Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Aurand Mrs. Donna Ayers Mr. James F. Ayers Mr. John E. Ayers Mrs. Patricia Bahniuk Mr. & Mrs. Jordan S. Bailinger Mrs. Elizabeth R. Baish Ms. Joan A. Baisley Ms. Ashley Baker Ms. Barb Baker Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Baker Ms. Frances M. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Baker Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Baker Dr. Robert A. Baker Mr. Robert L. Baker Mrs. Barbara A. Ballos Mrs. Marguerite Bambling Ms. Leona M. Baranik Mrs. Dona K. Bardell Ms. Grace Bardine Ms. M. Suzanne Barkman Mr. Robert Barley Mr. Jodi C. Barone Spring 2015 | Issue 1 Ms. Elizabeth Barry Mr. Raymond K. Barry Mrs. Cherie Bartos Mrs. Susan Bathgate Mrs. JoAnne Batzel Ms. Ann Baughman Mr. & Mrs. David L. Baumgartner Mr. & Mrs. Carl H. Baxter Mr. H. John Beamer Mrs. Christine N. Beaver Dr. Lori J. Bechtel-Wherry & Mr. Timothy Wherry Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Beck Mrs. Laveral L. Beck Mr. Robert S. Beck, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Beckel Mr. Clarence A. Becker Mrs. Linda Becker Ms. Pamela S. Beckwith Ms. R. Arlene Beers Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Behe Mr. James A. Beichler Mr. Robert W. Beichler Ms. Velma F. Beightol Mr. & Mrs. Edmund L. Bellotti Mr. & Mrs. Steven Benda Ms. Karen Benjamin Mrs. Sara J. Benner Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Bennett Mrs. Kristin A. Bennett Mrs. Clara V. Bennetti Ms. Bonnie L. Benson Ms. Kay L. Benton John L. Berardinelli, MD Ms. Julie Bertanzetti Mr. Norman Berzonsky Mr. & Mrs. James P. Bettwy Mr. & Mrs. Arthur S. Beward Col. & Mrs. John R. Beyer Mrs. Marianne Beyer Mr. Louis C. Bice Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Biddle Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Biem Mrs. Lorraine A. Bieniek Mrs. Judith E. Binus Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Biram Ms. Alice C. Black Ms. Courtney Blair Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Bloom Ms. Cindy L. Blough Mr. & Mrs. Carl J. Bocek Mrs. Doris Bock Mr. Francis X. Bones Mr. Bruce B. Boob Mr. & Mrs. Bernard D. Booher Mr. James Booher Mrs. Kimberly S. Boonie Mrs. Melissa A. Boswell Mrs. Lois E. Bottomfield Mr. Donald L. Bousum Mr. Jeffrey L. Bowers Mr. Thomas W. Bowers, Jr. Mrs. Vivian E. Bowman Mrs. Joyce M. Bowser Ms. Mary T. Boxler Mr. & Mrs. Daniel D. Boyles Mrs. Lois Bozzo Ms. Zoe A. Bracci Mrs. Edith C. Bradford Mr. Charles V. Brady Mr. Eugene S. Brawley Mrs. Sarah Braxton Mrs. Gerilyn R. Bridenbaugh Mr. & Mrs. William R. Broadbent Mrs. Chloe I. Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Robert Brouse Mr. Joseph T. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Russell Bruce Mr. Lancy Brunetto Ms. Norma Bryan Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Bubb Ms. Tannis T. Bugaj Ms. Kathie Burchfield Mrs. Lucille Burchfield Mr. & Mrs. William P. Burget Mrs. Mary B. Burichin Mrs. Betty Ann Burket Mrs. Betty L. Burket Ms. Elda J. Burket Mrs. Evelyn Burns Ms. Patricia F. Burns Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Burris Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Burtnett Mrs. M. Yvonne Buser Mr. Donald Bussard Mrs. Elizabeth M. Butler Mr. Gene M. Butler Mr. & Mrs. James H. Butler Mr. & Mrs. James L. Butler Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Cain Mr. Garry L. Calhoun Mr. & Mrs. Tom Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Gary Calvert Mr. Daniel R. Campbell Ms. Margaret F. Campbell Mrs. Marilyn Campbell Mrs. Marlene A. Campbell Ms. Naomi Campbell Mrs. Marilyn Capone Mrs. Marian A. Carey Mr. David Carothers Mrs. Karen Carp Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. Carr Mrs. Elizabeth N. Carrieri Mr. & Mrs. Manuel P. Casado Ms. Sandra G. Casey Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Casillo Mr. James R. Casner, Sr. Mr. Charles Cawthern Ms. Gloria E. Cernic Mr. Robert S. Chambers Mrs. Judith Charles Ms. Robyne M. Cherry Mrs. Edna Chester Mr. Charles M. Chestney Ms. Jeanine C. Chestney Mrs. Rozella M. Chestney Ms. Evelyn L. Chianelli Ms. Pamela Chiverton Mr. John R. Choby Mr. & Mrs. Monty L. Christiansen Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Christner Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Christopher Mr. Michael Christy Mrs. Elizabeth L. Churella Mrs. Mary Ciarrocca Mrs. M. Eileen Civiello Marie A. Civiello Mrs. Alyssa Claar Mr. Joseph H. Clapper, Jr. Mrs. Lois G. Clark Ms. Nellie Clark Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Larry L. Claton Mr. Jeffrey Claycomb Mr. & Mrs. Dennis G. Close Mrs. Molly Clouser Ms. Patricia Cochrane Mrs. M. Patricia Codd Mr. & Mrs. Scott Cody Dr. & Mrs. Michael L. Cohen Ms. Sandy Cohenour Mr. & Mrs. Morley A. Cohn Ms. Nani M. Coleman Mrs. Phyllis Colledge Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Collins Mr. Alvin L. Confer Ms. C. Louise Conner Ms. Susie Conrad Mrs. Miriam J. Conway Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Cooney Mr. Norman P. Cooper Mrs. Mimi B. Coppersmith Mrs. Madeline Corbin Mrs. Janice E. Corl Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Corl Mrs. C. Marie Corle Ms. Jamie Corman Mr. & Mrs. Victor Costlow Mrs. Dorothy E. Couch Mr. John S. Coutts Mr. Richard W. Cox Ms. Paula A. Coyne Mrs. Betty L. Craig Ms. Alicia D. Cramer Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Crawshaw Mr. Lester C. Crebbs Ms. Delores A. Cree Mr. & Mrs. Bernard L. Creppage 16 DONATIONS RECEIVED JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 Fox 8/ABC 23 Franklin Township Supervisors, Tyrone Frederick's Lock & Key, Inc. Freedom Township Supervisors, East Freedom Friends' Central School Corporation Gazette Printers Giant Food Stores, Inc. Haines Township, Aaronsburg Harrison Township Supervisors, Manns Choice HNA Foundation Development Department HNA-Mifflin Office Hollidaysburg Area School District Home Health Resource Home Health Section APTA Human Resources Management Association of Blair County Huntingdon Cinema, Inc. Huntington Township Supervisors, York Springs Huston Township Supervisors, Julian Huston Township Supervisors, Martinsburg Improved Dwellings for Altoona, Inc. Jarden Plastic Solutions Jones Funeral Home Joyce Electric, Inc. Juniata Gap Elementary School Juniata Township Supervisors, Duncansville Juniata Valley Education Association Keller Engineers, Inc. King's Custom Lawn Service Kopp Drug, Inc. Lake Raystown Resort Lampire Biological Laboratories, Inc. Landscape Design & Construction Lang Real Estate Laura M. Higgins Trust Lee, Thompson & Fawcett Company Lena's Cafe Letterkenny Township Supervisors, Orrstown Liberty Township Supervisors, Howard Licking Creek Township Supervisors, Needmore Life O'Riley Memorial Ride Event Lincoln Township Supervisors, James Creek Lutheran Community Foundation M & T Bank, Corporate Office Marion Township Supervisors, Howard Marklesburg Borough Council, James Creek Martha United Methodist Church Martin G. Kyper Insurance Martinsburg Area Community Fund Mason Dixon Region AACA McLanahan Corporation Meadows Psychiatric Center Mercedes Benz of State College Mid Penn Legal Services Millheim Borough Morris Township Supervisors, Alexandria Mount Nittany Health Mountain Research, LLC Mountain Top Sportsmen's Association 15 Mt. Olivet Lutheran Church Mt. Zion U.C.C. Sunday School Napier Township Supervisors, Schellsburg New Franklin Ruritan Club New Look Uniform Shop, Inc. New Pig Corporation Nittany Office Equipment, Inc. Nittany Valley Umpires Association North Woodbury Township, Martinsburg Omni Bedford Springs Resort Orbisonia Borough Council Otterbein United Methodist Church Party Town & Novelty Patched Together, Inc. Patchway Holdings, LLC d/b/a Marzoni's Restaurant Penn State Berks Police Services Penn State Football Letterman's Club Penn's Manor Pennsylvania State University Office of Physical Plant Pennwood Ophthalmic Associates, P.C. Port Family Foundation Porter Township Supervisors, Alexandria Press Box Printing Price Motor Sales Principal Financial Group PRN Medical Staffing of Lewistown, Inc. ProCare Hospice Care Providence Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Pyramid Healthcare, Inc. Quality Services Quemahoning Township, Stoystown Raystown Beverage, Inc. Reilly, Creppage & Co., Inc. Reliance Bank Repco II, Inc. Roaring Spring Water Rockhill Borough Council, Rockhill Furnace Rocky Gap Casino and Resort Ronald McDonald House Charities of Mid-Penn Region, Inc. S & T Bank S. J. McCloskey Builders, Inc. Sacred Garden Fellowship, Inc. Saltillo Boro Council Santella Funeral Home Seltzer Financial Strategies, LLC Shade Gap Borough Council Shady Trail Riding Club Sheetz, Inc. Shirley Township Supervisors, Shirleysburg urg Shirleysburg Borough Council Showalter Apartments Smithsburg Historical Society, Inc. Snyder Township Supervisors, Tyrone Sons of American Legion, Post #107 Sons of American Legion, Squadron 516 South Hills Business School South Woodbury Township, New Enterprise rise Spring Cove School District St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Paul's U.C.C. Sunday School Stevens Mortuary, Inc. Stocker Chevrolet Subaru, Inc. Taylor Township Supervisors, Roaring Spring Tell Township Supervisors, Blairs Mills The Bruno and Lena Degol Family Foundation The Hershey Company The Hite Company The Lakemont Partnership The Samuel & Rose Port Philanthropic Fund The Teeter Group The Ward Foundation The Warren A. Gingrich Agency, Inc. Three Springs Borough Council Todd T. Thompson Funeral Home, Inc. Top to Bottom Interiors, Inc. Truist Tunnelhill Borough Council, Gallitzin Turner Enterprises Tyrone Borough Council UHS of Delaware, Inc. Union Township Supervisors, Huntingdon Union Township Supervisors, Warfordsburg United Methodist Women of Mill Creek United Way of Allegheny County United Way of Bedford County United Way of Blair County United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey United Way of Huntingdon County United Way of Indiana County United Way of Summit County United Way of the Laurel Highlands, Inc. United Way of the Shippensburg Area University Orthopedics Center UPMC Health Plan Veeder-Root Company VFW Charles Nitterhouse Post #1599, Ladies Auxiliary VFW Home Association Post #1599 VFW Post #4440, Ladies Auxiliary W.R. Straw/All-Chem Distributors, Inc. Walker Township, McConnellstown Walker Township, Bellefonte Warriors Mark Township Supervisors West Providence Township, Everett West Taylor Township Supervisors, Johnstown Wood Township Supervisors, Robertsdale Woodbury Borough Council Woodbury Township Supervisors GIVING help Honor or Remember Someone You Love with a Tribute Gift This heartfelt message was shared on the Lights of Love online tree as a tribute to Robert & Virginia Ewing, both HNA Hospice patients who passed away within six weeks of one another last year. When their marriage anniversary approached in January, some of their remaining family members turned their grief into action by choosing to make a tribute gift to the Home Nursing Agency Foundation. “We love & miss you, Mom and Dad. Happy 74th Wedding Anniversary in Heaven!!” This act of remembrance not only celebrated the lives and marriage of Robert and Virgina, but also extended their legacy by offering hope and help to others in their names. HOME HEALTH EMERGENCY GRANT Emergency funding for life’s basic necessities such as medications, nutritional supplements, bathing/safety aides, bedding and heat, for those receiving services in the home due to injury or illness. HOW CAN YOU HELP? • Make an outright donation by calling 1-855-GIVE-HNA, going online at www.homenursingagency.com or by mailing a donation to: Home Nursing Agency Foundation 201 Chestnut Avenue Altoona, PA 16601 • Consider remembering Home Nursing Agency in your will with a gift of a specific property, dollar amount or percentage of your estate. • Volunteer to share your time and talents through hospice, the Healing Patch children’s grief program, ACEL (Adult Center for Exceptional Learning) for individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities or other Agency programs/services. Learn more about volunteer opportunities by checking out our website at www. homenursingagency.com. PROVIDING VITAL MEDICATION At 40 years old, Henry was admitted to the hospital with severe breathing issues. As a result of his illness and subsequent recovery time, he was unable to work and lost his job and ultimately his health insurance. Without insurance, he could not afford his prescribed medications and tried to manage his condition on his own, causing three more hospitalizations. Your support through a Foundation Mission Grant was able to step in to pay for his medications until he was able to get enrolled into another health insurance plan that covered the cost. Having access to the medications he needed kept Henry out of the hospital and on his way to recovery. For more information about Ways You Can Help, please contact: Pam Seasoltz, Director of Development: 814-946-5411 ext. 2565 or pseasoltz@homenursingagency.com. The official registration and financial information of Home Nursing Agency may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. If you would like to be removed from our mailing list please contact the Home Nursing Agency at 1-800-992-2554. Spring 2015 | Issue 1 8 direction thanks GIVING GIVING MEET THE DOCTOR EVERY DOLLAR MAKES A DIFFERENCE Meet Dr. Amy Swindell, DO, HMDC Home Nursing Agency Hospice Medical Director, Huntingdon County Born and raised in Huntingdon County and still living there, Dr. Swindell joined Home Nursing Agency in 2003 and is one of only six Hospice Medical Director Certified (HMDC) physicians in the state of Pennsylvania. Q Why did you choose to become a Medical Director for HNA? A My father was a patient of Home Nursing Agency Hospice prior to my becoming a Medical Director. He passed away from Multiple Myeloma. I wanted to be involved with a team of people who really looked after the well-being of the patient and the family in every respect. Q How does your certification as Hospice Medical Director benefit patients/families? A I believe that board certification Medical Director? and Hospice Medical Director Certification (HMDC) guarantee an expertise for the treatment of symptoms at the end of life. It also provides an expertise in providing options for patients who are facing life-limiting illnesses and assistance for decision-making that is unique for each individual and family. A I oversee the treatment plan for Q What makes Home Nursing Q What do you do as a Hospice all Home Nursing Agency Hospice patients in Huntingdon County, as well as take over the Primary Care Physician (PCP) duties for any patients who do not have a PCP while in hospice. Agency unique as a service provider? A Home Nursing Agency provides excellent care, hand delivered just as the commercials say. In Huntingdon County, Home Nursing Agency is part of the community. We are caring for our family, friends and neighbors! Q Who has inspired you? A So many people inspire me every day from my coworkers and team members to my patients. Everyone has a struggle and the fact that people get their head off the pillow and smile is an inspiration! Q Why did you become a doctor? A I believe God has a purpose for everyone, and for me my purpose was to become a doctor! Q When you’re not working, what do you like to do? A I enjoy my family. God has blessed me with a devoted husband, Tim, and two children, Mikayla and Isaac. Additionally, I am lucky to still have my mom and both of my inlaws, who are all very much a part of our lives on a daily basis. And hockey – I love Penguins hockey! a UPMC Company Whatever W hate ever your need. W herever you y Wherever call home. 9 Anyone Can Make a Referral. 24 Hours A Day,, 7 Days A Week. 1.800.445.6262 DONORS REACH OUT TO HELP OTHERS For more than 46 years, Home Nursing Agency has depended upon the generosity of community partners – individuals, businesses, local governments and organizations – to help ensure that our mission of providing care and services for those in need will continue. Charitable dollars are necessary to help care for individuals and families who have limited resources; and support many of the Agency’s community-valued services like the Healing Patch children’s grief program and bereavement support groups for adults and families – both of which are offered free of charge. Every dollar truly helps so many. Every gift truly has a story. The following donations were received July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014. We apologize for any errors or omissions to this list. Every effort is made to assure that proper information is recorded. Please call Carol Galioto at 1-800-992-2554 to make us aware of any corrections or changes. Thank you to the following donors who have helped make a difference in the lives of our neighbors. COMMUNITY PARTNERS - BUSINESS/ORGANIZATIONS ABATE of PA Highlanders Chapter Abundance Wealth Counselors, LLC Adams Township Supervisors, Sidman Advanced Regional Center for Ankle and Foot Care Ago Vita Allan Hancock Agency, Inc. Alto Model Train Museum Association Altoona Area School District Sunshine Fund Altoona Blair County Development Corp. Altoona Hospital Nurses Alumnae Assn. Always A Party Rentals American Legion Post 245 Ladies Auxilary American Legion Post 444 Ansley RV Arrow Land Solutions, LLC Beale Township, Port Royal Beaver Creek Anglers Bedford Township Supervisors, Bedford Belfast Township Supervisors, Needmore Bellefonte Little League Bernard Albert Good VFW Auxiliary Post 8685 Bethel Township Supervisors, Warfordsburg Blair County Assistance Office Blair Tower Resident's Council Blair Township Supervisors Blue Knob Auto, Inc. Blue Moon Farm & Forge Borough of Mont Alto Council Spring 2015 | Issue 1 Brady Township Supervisors, Mill Creek Bratton Family Revocable Trust Bratton Township Supervisors, McVeytown Broad Avenue United Methodist Broad Top City Church of God Broad Top Township Supervisors, Defiance Burgmeier's Hauling, Inc. Burnside Township Supervisors, Karthaus Cambria Heights Elementary School Cambria Thrift Captain Jack High School Class of 1964 Carothers Investigative Services, LLC Catered Affairs Central High Class of 1964 Centre Hall Borough Chartwell Membership, Inc. Christ United Methodist Church Christians Gathered to Jesus Name Ciocca, Benton & Okonak, P.C. City Beverage of Altoona, Inc. Clapper's Wholesale Florist, Inc. Colerain Township Supervisors, Bedford Conemaugh Township, Saltsburg Continental Courts Cornerstone Advisors Asset Management, Inc. Cresson Area Lions Club Cresson House Bed & Breakfast CSI International, Inc. Curtin Township Supervisors, Howard Daisytown Borough Council, Johnstown Dale Borough Council, Johnstown Dean Township Supervisors, Dysart Delta Health Technologies, LLC Derry Township Supervisors, Yeagertown Director of Residential Services for John Norris Donald Devorris Realty Drenning Leasing Co., Inc. Du Mor, Inc. Dublin Township Supervisors, Shade Gap Dutch Hill Chocolates E P Bender Coal Co., Inc. East St. Clair Township Supervisors, New Paris Ehrenfeld Borough Council, South Fork Empire Communication Systems, Inc. English Meadows Condominium Association Escapade, Inc. Estate of Evangeline R. Hare Estate of Jean L. Kistler Estate of Melva Collary Estate of Mildred Port Fine Line Homes, LP First National Bank of Mifflintown First National Bank Wehnwood Office First National Trust Company First United Methodist Church Unity Sunday School Class Fix JB Sports Committee FOREVER Broadcasting 14 voice GIVING THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2015 MENTAL HEALTH EXPRESSED THROUGH ART TO BENEFIT ALL PROGRAMS & SERVICES OF HOME NURSING AGENCY TAKE A CHANCE, CHANGE A LIFE Home Nursing Agency’s Foundation proudly presents the 2015 Mercedes Moment, our signature fundraiser to support charitable needs through inhome and community-based services. Healing Art: Creativity Supports Mental and Emotional Well-Being “How you climb a mountain is more important than reaching the top.” Win a 2015 Mercedes GLA250 4Matic SUV or a $30,000 Cash Prize!* (*Taxes are not included.) ONLY $100 A TICKET! -Author Yvon Chouinard In the same way that the climb is more important than reaching the top, clients of Home Nursing Agency’s art therapy program are focused more on the journey of healing through the creative process than the finished work of art. For the client whose works are pictured, art therapy became the outward expression of his inward walk through the darkness of mental health to discovering hope in the future. Contact Home Nursing Agency Foundation at: 1-855-GIVE-HNA or email foundation@homenursingagency.com As Home Nursing Agency Mental Health Counselor Trista Conway explains, “The creative process involved in artistic self-expression helps people to resolve conflicts and problems, develop interpersonal skills, manage behavior, reduce stress, increase self-esteem and self-awareness and achieve insight.” Supplies for healing art therapy are funded by a Home Nursing Agency Foundation Mission Grant, thanks to your generous support. Spring 2015 | Issue 1 10 hope GIVING COMMUNITY GROUPS WORKING FOR THE FUTURE “It takes a village to raise a child.” - African proverb Thank you for being part of the village and investing in the future as we support children and their families! Because of the support of individuals, community groups and organizations like these pictured, we are able to offer hope in the midst of difficult circumstances to children and their families through our children’s programs including the Healing Patch children’s grief program; Nurse-Family Partnership® program for first-time mothers; Women, Infants and Children (WIC) and various Children’s Behavioral Health Services. The 1st Annual Life O’Riley Memorial Ride raised $3,166.50 for the Healing Patch in memory of Michael Patrick Riley, who passed away in April 2013 at age 34. “After the unexpected loss of my brother, I felt it was extremely important to turn our family’s loss into something positive for others. My brother left behind three young daughters, and we feel the work of the Healing Patch is extremely important for our community,” said Michael’s sister, Nicole Riley Earhart. The Lee Initiatives Health and Wellness Endowment (LIHWE) invested $15,000 in the Healing Patch and $10,000 in Nurse-Family Partnership® last year. Pictured from left are Lisa Ritchey, Director of Nurse-Family Partnership; Anita Faas, Lee Initiatives Executive Director and Allison Stockley, Healing Patch Manager. Pictured above, from left are: Mark Earhart, Nicole Riley Earhart, Kathryn Riley, Brandy Riley Gregg and Bernard Riley. Also pictured at left are two of Michael’s three daughters with his photo. The Ward Foundation recently presented a $5,000 donation to the Healing Patch. Pictured from left are Andrea Ward, Ward family member; Michael Ward, Trustee of the Ward Foundation; Allison Stockley, Healing Patch Manager; Debra Yahner-Golby, Healing Patch family member and Kent Tonkin, Healing Patch volunteer. Absent from the photo are G. William Ward and William T. Ward, Ward Foundation Trustees. Above: Pictured from left are 2014 Patched Together planning committee members Jordanna Gerraughty; Sue Richard; James Gerraughty; Allison Stockley, Healing Patch Manager; Rebecca Keefe; Kent Tonkin; Melissa Tonkin; Debra Welch; Sue LeCrone; Phil Freeman, HNA President; Melody Ray, HNA Volunteer Coordinator and Grief Specialist; and Nicole Fedeli-Turiano, UPMC Community Provider Services Director of Policy and Government Relations. The committee included many other members and helpers to bring the event to life. The planning committee for Patched Together recently presented $19,000 to the Healing Patch from the 2014 event. Started in 2011, Patched Together was created by a passionate group of volunteers who want to ensure grieving children have access to the resources of the Healing Patch. Fueled by the volunteers’ love of music and desire to showcase local talent for a great cause, Patched Together was born. Beyond raising funds for the Healing Patch, Patched Together also raises awareness about the prevalence of children’s grief and the importance of supporting those children and their families. Patched Together has raised nearly $50,000 since 2011. 11 H&R Block employees graciously donated various items for children served through Home Nursing Agency. Donations included winter coats and cold weather accessories for young children, as shown (top picture) by Lisa Ritchey, Director of Nurse-Family Partnership®, and Diana Wallace, Director of Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program. Employees also donated essential baby items for Nurse-Family Partnership families and many personal care items for children receiving Behavioral Health Services, as shown (bottom picture) with Diane Yost representing H&R Block and Stephanie Gallagher, Team Manager, Children’s Case Management. Spring 2015 | Issue 1 Inspired by the story of Batman’s experience as a grieving child, Healing Patch volunteer Kent Tonkin, Saint Francis University and sponsor Yerty Auto Service brought the real life Batman, Lenny Robinson, to Central PA to share his message of resilience, determination and hope for BatFlash 2014. All money raised during BatFlash events at St. Francis was donated to the Healing Patch. Pictured above Rod Yerty, from Yerty Auto Service, with grandchildren Jeremy and Emily Jones, present a check to the Healing Patch with Batman and Allison Stockley, Healing Patch Manager. 12