piecemaker - Annapolis Quilt Guild


piecemaker - Annapolis Quilt Guild
Annapolis Quilt Guild, Inc.
President’s Corner
As I stand staring at a badly puckered seam on my
latest quilt in progress, I am reminded that mistakes
can happen no matter how long I have been quilting
and regardless of how good I think I am. Humble
pie, it's called. So here are some of the quilting mistakes I have known all too intimately. Maybe reading
about them will help some of our members to avoid
them. Then again, maybe making mistakes makes
us better quilters!
Inexact cutting. Failure to
cut pieces to size can
cause your seams to come
together badly and will create rows and sides that are
not even. If one side of your
quilt is an inch or two
longer than the other, it will
never hang well. To ensure well-cut pieces, don't
use an old blade in your rotary cutter, and make
sure your cutting table is the right height so that you
can look down on your ruler while cutting.
Failure to maintain a quarter inch seam. This is
not easy. You might want to put a piece of tape
down to mark the edge of your fabric. Make sure you
use a quarter-inch foot. Go easy at intersections
and guide your fabric securely. Sometimes I even
piece with my walking foot; since it feeds top and
bottom of the fabric evenly, you will be less likely to
have seam overlaps and "underlaps."
Distractions. I know we need to be available to everyone at all times, but try to sew without interruption.
Not that my closed door will keep my grandson out,
but I try. Every time we get distracted, it takes a
while to refocus. And if we are watching Say Yes to
the Dress on TV while we sew (yes, I admit it), it's
March 2016
In this issue:
President’s Corner ........................... ....1
Bee Business ....................................... 2
Calendar .............................................. 2
Events and Membership News ............. 3
Treasurer’s Report ............................... 3
Quilt Show......................................... 4-6
Community Service .............................. 7
Spring Retreat ................................... 8-9
Upcoming Workshops ................... 10-11
On the Go .......................................... 12
Minutes from February Meeting ..... 13-14
Show and Tell Photos ................... 14-16
Block of the Month ........................ 17-18
guaranteed that we won't be as efficient and errorfree as we would like.
Sewing the wrong pieces together. I still do
this! If I don't lay them out on my sewing table exactly as I should sew them, all is lost. Just last week
I managed to sew three layers of fabric together instead of two. Yikes! How annoying. It's a good thing
I have a drawer full of seam rippers.
So, beginning quilters and experienced ones alike,
you are not alone in this error-prone quilting world.
Always remember two things: First, if a mistake
cannot be seen by a rider on a galloping horse, it's
not one to worry about. And second, our mistakes
are just little reminders from the universe that we are
not perfect, nor should we be. Happy Spring sewing,
with or without perfection!
Annapolis Quilt Guild
(All are welcome to join)
The Rusty Needles Sewing Circle will meet on the
fourth Monday of each month from 6-9 p.m. The
next meeting will be on March 28 at the Fairview
Library in Calvert County (at the intersection of
Route 4 and Chaneyville Road, Owings).
Sewing machines and all forms of handwork are
welcomed. For further information please contact
Sharon Fossett at slfossett@comcast.net or 443964-6451
The Material Girls Bee is an open bee that meets
at the Severna Park Library. Generally we meet on
Mondays from 9:30-4 p.m. In March we will meet on
3/7 from 9:00-2 p.m. and 3/21 from 9:30-4:00 p.m.
New members are always welcome. For more information call Helen Hamerstrom at 410- 647-1720.
The Quilt Book Study Group meets at the
Severna Park Library from 9:30 – 4, generally on
Mondays. In March we will meet on 3/22. For more
information call Helen Hamerstrom at 410- 6471720.
The Fabric Hogs Fabric Hogs meet at the South
County Police station in Edgewater on the third
Monday of each month. This month we will meet on
March 21 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. We welcome new
members and visitors at any time. For info, email
Kelly Dunahoo at kelly_dunahoo@yahoo.com.
The Queen Bees Kent Island Bee meets on the
second and fourth Thursday of the month at St.
Christopher’s, Chester, MD 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
The Queen Bees focus primarily on handwork,
learning and practicing the various methods for adding dimensional interest to quilting. New members
are always welcome. For more information and directions, please call Terri Flaherty at 443-239-2532
or Lis Cockey at 410-827-5738.
For Sale
Husqvarna Viking long-arm with sewing machine and
stitch regulator, 2004 model HVPQF101, never been
out of box. Best offer. Call Lonnie (410) 267-9502.
March 2016
Page 2
Bethanne Nemesh Workshop, The Devil in the Details, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Severna
Park Community Center.
Monday, March 7 - General
meeting, 7:00 p.m., Knights
of Columbus Hall, 2590 Solomons Island Road,
Edgewater. Bethanne Nemesh will lecture.
Thursday, March 10 - Reception for the Courthouse Quilt Show, 5:00-6:30 p.m. at the Greenbelt
Courthouse, 6500 Cherrywood Lane, Greenbelt.
See page 4 for more details.
Friday, March 18–Sunday, March 20 - Maryland
Day. See members’ quilts hanging in shop windows in West Annapolis.
Monday, March 21 - Beads of Courage Sew-In,
12:00-5:00 p.m., Edgewater Police Station
Monday, March 21 - Board Meeting, 7:00-8:45
p.m., Crofton Library.
Be sure to welcome our new and returning
members at the next meeting! A revised list
of members is posted on the web on the
Members page.
Reminders for March
Make the next block for your BOM quilt.
Come to the reception for the Courthouse Show.
Make two blocks for the President’s Quilt.
Be part of the Beads of Courage sew-in at the
Edgewater police Station on March 21.
Annapolis Quilt Guild
March 2016
Page 3
Events and Membership News
A Note from Debby Kratovil
From the Sunshine Lady….
The following is an excerpt from a note that Debby
sent to Polly Schatz after our abbreviated meeting in
February; there’s lots here for you to enjoy:
If you care to pass on my blog address and Facebook address (both all about quilting only), your
members can get a lot of FREE patterns, tutorials,
and I even have TWO free Block of the Month projects running for 2016. And the free block of the
month for 2015 (Galaxy of Stars) is still up.
I still feel bad that they didn’t see the rest of the
quilts in the bottom of the suitcase! But since I have
so much happening on these two internet sites, they
could get some inspiration for using their stash without having to buy
I also have a Pinterest board that
shows a LOT of
my quilts, and
that’s an option,
With holiday commitments behind us,
now is the perfect time to work on a
heart block to send to someone in
need of sunshine. This lovely tradition in our guild
consists of you creating a pieced or appliquéd heart
sewn or fused to a 6-1/2" muslin square (unfinished
edges). Sign and date it. It’s that simple! It’s a great
way to try new techniques and/or designs on a small
scale, with the benefit of sharing it with someone
who might need some cheer.
If you know of someone
who might appreciate a
card (and a heart) from
the guild, please call me
(410-757-6416) or email
(with “AQG” in the subject
line please). If you have
any questions regarding
the blocks, please feel free to contact me.
―Kerry Heyes
Blog: http://debbykratovilquilts.blogspot.com
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/QuilterbyDesign
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/quilterbydesign/
Treasurer’s Report
Mark your Calendar
for the Alphabet Quilt Challenge!
Revenue for January totaled $ 2,614.00 and expenses totaled $ 4,116.05. The Treasurer’s Report
can be found in full in the Members Only section of the website.
All challenge quilts are due at the May meeting.
For more information and the challenge rules, see
last month’s newsletter.
―Patti Ackerman
Annapolis Quilt Guild
March 2016
Page 4
Quilt Show Entry Application
AQG 2016 Quilt Entry Form
Due no later than April 15, 2016 to:
Patti Ackerman
7053 Barbara Road
Alexandria, VA 22315
The item entered must have been made primarily by the person entering the quilt. No purchased or inherited quilts.
This form may be sent electronically to thumpersmom2@verizon.net. Patti Ackerman will send a receipt for all
electronic submissions. If you have not received a receipt, your form has not been received. If you include your email
address on your manual submission (mail to address above) a receipt will be sent for those as well.
If the quilt is a Challenge, Maryland, My Maryland or child made entry, please check the applicable box below.
Name of AQG Member _______________________________________________________________________________
Name of Quilter ____________________________________________________________________________________
E-Mail Address _____________________________________________________________________________________
Phone# ____________________________________________ Cell#___________________________________________
Name of Quilt ______________________________________________________________________________________
Width _______________ Length ____________ Perimeter (W + W + L + L) _____________________________________
Check technique used on the quilt: Appliqued ☐ Pieced ☐ Hand Quilted ☐ Machine Quilted ☐
Quilted By: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Special Display Needs: _______________________________________________________________________________
Pattern Source or an Original Design: ___________________________________________________________________
All quilts must have a label which gives the quilter’s name. Please attach permanently to the back of your quilt.
Quilts are to be dropped off at the auditorium of Annapolis High School between 4:00 and 6:00 PM on the Friday before
the show. Quilts are to be picked up after the show between 5:00 and 5:30 on Sunday after the show closes. No quilts
will be given back until all quilts are in the auditorium and accounted for. If a quilter enters multiple quilts, she may be
asked to withhold one or more for another year if space is limited.
☐ Long quilts on display must be kept off the floor. If it is NOT OK for your quilt to be pinned up with safety pins, check
the box. If your quilt is not pinned, the extra length will be placed on sheets on the floor.
Write about your quilt in 50 words or less. Why did you make it? What did you learn? What makes it special to you?
☐ 2016 Challenge: These entries will be voted on in a viewer’s choice category.
☐ Maryland, My Maryland theme quilt: These entries will be voted on in a viewer’s choice category.
☐ Quilt Made by a Child 12 or under DISPLAY ONLY: These will not be on the ballot form.
Quilt picked up by ________________________________________________Owner or authorized person (Card must be
Annapolis Quilt Guild
March 2016
Page 5
Quilt Show
Country Store/Boutique
Hi Ladies,
At our annual AQG quilt show, you can sell quilting
and craft supplies, books, and magazines in the
Country store and hand-crafted items in the Boutique. So get busy and start culling and crafting
now. The quilt show will be here before you know it.
The guild will be collecting a
mere 10% commission from
sales of your items. We are
asking that you fill out the
Seller Registration Form
and forward it to Connie
Doster so we have some
idea of the number of tables
and displays we will need to
display items for sale. The form is available in this
newsletter (page 7) and on the website. The deadline for seller registration is April 30.
We will again be using the tag and inventory system
to identify your items and track sales. Seller codes
will be assigned by Connie or Amy. Tag files will be
provided to you. Please let us know if
you already have a seller code and/or
tags from previous years.
We are also accepting donations. 100%
of proceeds from sales of donated items
goes directly to the guild. If you have
items to donate that are hand-crafted,
please contact Connie for inclusion in the
Boutique. If you are donating quilting/
sewing related items, books, magazines,
etc., please contact Amy.
Sellers are expected to help with setup, volunteer at
least two hours during the show, and help with
cleanup. If you are selling in both the Country Store
and the Boutique, please plan to help in both areas.
We really need your support to make these areas
work smoothly as they get very busy.
Thanks for your support.
Amy Van Rite
(Country Store)
Connie Doster
...with a business ad in this year’s Quilt Show program. Take advantage of an offer to advertise your business at a discount! For Guild
members, a quarter-page ad is only $20. It’s a great way to let
quilters know all about your business acumen and skills. Contact
Stacy Lute for more information at bdtrinity@hotmail.com.
Annapolis Quilt Guild
March 2016
Page 6
Quilt Show Country Store and Boutique Registration
AQG Country Store and Boutique – 2016 Quilt Show
Name: _________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
Phone #: __________________ Cell phone#: __________________
Email: ___________________________________________________
Selling in: Country Store (Yes/No)
Boutique (Yes/No)
Do you already have a seller code? Code: ________ Need tags? (Yes/No)
Types and approximate number of items you plan to sell: ________________________
How much and type of space do you expect to need? _____________________________
Do you have any racks, shelves, hanging stands, etc that you can supply for display of items?
Size of each? ________________________________________________________________
Set up items 4-6pm on Friday, June 10. Seller must volunteer at least 2 hours in each area
where items are sold and help with setup and cleanup. Unsold items and display pieces need to
be removed from Boutique and Country Store at 3:00 pm on Sunday.
Work in Country Store:
Work in Boutique:
Saturday – Time? _____________ Sunday – Time? _____________
Saturday – Time? _____________ Sunday – Time? _____________
We are also taking donations. Proceeds from sale of donated items goes directly to AQG. Guild
commission on sales of your items is 10%.
CONTACTS: Country Store – Amy Van Rite amy.vanrite@comcast.net
Boutique – Connie Doster bcdoster941@msn.com
Send or hand form to Connie Doster -- Deadline: April 30, 2016
Annapolis Quilt Guild
March 2016
Page 7
Community Service
What hearts; what hands! Look at the amazing
number of items that have been collected since the
start of the year.
Recent donations:
Monday March 21 from Noon to 5:00 p.m.
Location: Edgewater Police Station,
35 Stepney Lane
The total bag count to date for our guild year (July 1June 30) is an impressive 847. To boost those numbers even higher, let’s make March a month of overthe-top production and have more bags turned in at
the April meeting than ever before!
Blankets, knitted hats and mastectomy pillows for
Anne Arundel Medical Center
Bring your machine, threads and sewing supplies
and join fellow guild members for an afternoon of
production sewing, refreshments, door prizes, conversation and laughter. Or, leave your machine at
home and come to iron, pin, etc. Kits will be provided.
RSVP to Prue Hoppin. (443) 607-8345 or pruehoppin@comcast.net
Create some special time this month to devote to
outreach. Get together with several others for the
day or go into solo production mode. Make bags (as
always, kits will be available at the guild meeting) or
pillows, blankets or knit hats for Anne Arundel Medical Center (guild contact person is Louise Myrick).
Directions for Beads of Courage bags and information about our other projects can be found at our
website at http://annapolisquiltguild.org/communityservice/
240 Beads of Courage Bags – bundled in bags of
30 each and ready for mailing
Bring your creations to the March meeting and let’s
once again see the community service table piled
―Prue Hoppin
Annapolis Quilt Guild
March 2016
Spring Retreat
Spring Retreat 2016 – Register Now
Wednesday – Sunday, April 20-24, 2016
There are 35 spaces and they fill up fast! To guarantee your participation for our
retreat at the West River United Methodist Center in West River. Send in your registration and check now or bring your form and payment to the February, March or April
2 NIGHTS = $145. Arrive Friday, April 22 (Dinner not included); 5 meals in dining hall
provided Saturday and Sunday
3 Nights = $234. Arrive Thursday, April 21 (Dinner not included); 8 meals Friday,
Saturday and Sunday
4 Nights = $312. **Arrive Wednesday, April 20, after 2 pm (Dinner not included). 11
meals will be provided for over 20 people that come. We are including the extra
meals as the past two retreats we have had over 20 participants and this way we will
only have to collect one check.
**If fewer than 20 participants sign up for Wednesday night, the extra $34 will be refunded to you.
Registrations will be accepted in the order received and are considered complete
when payment is received.
Cancellation deadline is April 10, 2016, for a refund. No refunds after that date.
Non-Members will be placed on a waiting list and may attend if there are places available after the cancellation deadline.
Additional Information, such as information about the retreat block, Silent Auction,
and recommended items to bring will be sent out by individual email.
Questions? Call the Retreat Coordinators:
Sue Cochrane (Cell) 410-703-5528.
Adele Foshay (Cell) 410-474-2965.
Heather Buckley (Cell) 410-458-2324.
Page 8
Annapolis Quilt Guild
March 2016
Page 9
Spring Retreat Registration
PHONE(S): HOME____________________ CELL___________________
AQG Member? Yes
No (Circle One)
Have you attended before? Yes
I plan to attend for:
2 nights/5 meals
($145) _____ (arrive Friday)
3 nights/8 meals
($234) _____ (arrive Thursday)
4 nights/11 meals
($312) _____ (arrive Wednesday)
Roommate Preference
1. ____________________________
2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________
Dietary Restrictions:
I will bring:
a big board to share _____ an ironing board to share ____
I will sign up for a massage ($15 for 15 min.) on Saturday Yes___
Payments: Make check payable to Annapolis Quilt Guild and send with this form to:
Sue Cochrane
404 Saddleback Ct.
Millersville, MD 21108
Annapolis Quilt Guild
March 2016
Page 10
Upcoming Workshops
Full-Day Workshop with Bethanne Nemish
The Devil in the Details
Monday, March 7, 9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m.
Location: Severna Park Community Center
623 Baltimore Annapolis Boulevard
Severna Park
Fee: $40
Bethanne will share her unique finish details which have been proven winners in shows across the
country. Students will make a sample that features beaded bias appliqué, beaded piping, swag piping, beaded knife edge binding, and an introduction to the use of Derwent Inktense pencils. Take
your quilting to the next level with masterpiece details!
Class kit required ($25) includes pre-quilted square, all beads, piping, ink, and activators for the project. Supply list includes basic hand sewing supplies, a domestic sewing machine with a zipper foot,
and 3 one-yard pieces of bias 2 ½” strips in contrast colors.
Three-Day Workshop with Hollis Chatelaine
Dye Paint Your Images/
Bring Them to Life With Quilting"
Saturday, April 2 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Sunday, April 3 1: 00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Monday, April 4 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Location: Severna Park Community Center
623 Baltimore Annapolis Boulevard
Severna Park
Fee: $120
Lab fee $35
In this workshop, you will first learn how to paint images with Procion dyes on cotton. Learning to
control the dyes will be emphasized. Among other things, we will cover blending, layering, special
effects and painting without bleeding.
Important: See Hollis’s website for the extensive list of supplies needed for this class at
Use the form on the next page or on the website
to sign up for these great workshops.
Annapolis Quilt Guild
March 2016
Page 11
Workshop Registration
Annapolis Quilt Guild
Workshop Registration Form & Policies 2015-2016
Sign-up: Members may sign up for workshops when the workshop is announced in the newsletter
or on the Guild’s calendar. There are two ways to sign up:
● Mail the Workshop Registration Form with the registration fee to the Program Chair or
● Give the Workshop Registration Form with the registration fee to the Program Chair at
a Guild meeting.
If a workshop is not filled one month before the date of the workshop, the Program Chairs will begin accepting registrations from non-members (potential members) with a surcharge of $10.
Cancellation: Cancellations received at least one month before class will receive full refunds. If you
cancel less than a month before the class you are responsible for finding a replacement:
● From our waiting list (if there is a waiting list),
● On your own – if there is no waiting list,
● If no replacement is found, there will be no refund.
If you forfeit your class fee, it is tax deductible.
Questions? Call Polly Schatz 443-223-7069 or email pschatz40@gmail.com / Sue Cochrane at scochranern@hotmail.com or call 410-703-5528
Don't Delay ***** Sign Up Today!!
Workshop Name:
Scheduled for:
(Date, time)
Your Name:
Your Address:
Your Phone:
Your Email:
I accept the AQG Workshop Policies.
Note: Registration is not complete until fees are received by Program Chair. Make Checks payable to “Annapolis Quilt Guild”. Supply list will be provided after you are registered for the workshop and can be found on the Guild’s website.
Mail to: Polly Schatz 710 Pin Oak Road, Severna Park, MD 21146
or bring the form to a Guild Meeting and hand to Polly Schatz or Sue Cochrane
Annapolis Quilt Guild
March 2016
Page 12
On the Go: Albuquerque
Debbie Werker has kindly sent us these photos from
her trip to Albuquerque, New Mexico, where she attended the Gail Garber quilt show. Gail uses the
brilliant colors of the Southwest and swirling lines of
flying geese in her quilts. If you would like to see
more of Gail Garber’s work, check out the video
from the show at this website:
Gail has also written three books that give patterns
and directions for these streams of flying geese.
Annapolis Quilt Guild
March 2016
Page 13
Minutes of the February Meeting
February 1, 2016 General Meeting
ruler is very easy to read and has large numbers so
you can see them!
The President called the meeting to order at 7 pm.
President's welcome and comments - Lynn Hollway
We have a new home! Starting this September at
the Knights of Pythias. They are located across the
street from where we are now. Their address is: 10
Pythian Drive, Edgewater, MD. 21037. Our intent is
to use this location for a couple years while the KOC
is constructing their new building on Bestgate Road.
Board update: no December meeting as usual or
January meeting due to weather. The board agreed
via email that the quilt show committee has authority
to make changes. Thimbles will continue to be
awarded to 1st place winners. We will add the
quilter’s name (if different from member who submits
the quilt) to the Quilt Show Entry form. These
quilters will be acknowledged on the quilt cards and
receive a certificate for ribboned quilts.
Stash sale next month: Ann Lewin is moving and
selling her stash in March - before, during and after
the meeting.
A Nominating Committee is needed at this time.
We need a chairman and 2 people to help them.
The following people volunteered: Tori Thompson,
Katie Grillsneider and Kathy Kelm. Kathy Kelm will
be the chairperson.
New member luncheon is Sunday, February 21, at
12:30. Details are in your newsletter. Let Georgia
Osterman know if you are coming.
Maryland Day celebration is March 18-20 in West
Annapolis in various shops. Lynn has committed
the guild to hang 8 - 12 quilts small to medium in
size. Let Lynn know if you have one that can be
Lynn's Hot Tip:
Ruler by Creative Grids. Each
Greenbelt Courthouse Show - Hilke Hoefer: The
quilts will be hung Monday the 8th of February.
There is a crew of 14 this year to hang quilts.
Please arrive at 10 am to help. The reception is
March 10th and you must RSVP to Ann Kelsall or
Hilke Hoefer. The inclusive dates are February thru
April Monday to Friday. We have 62 quilts this year
in the show. (All details about this show are in your
Programs: Polly Schatz: March 8 is our next
workshop with Bethanne Nemesh. It is called “Devil
in the Details”. There are 2 slots left. 4 spots are
available in April 2-4 for Hollis Chatelain. The fee is
40.00 per day for this instructor. The details for both
programs are in the newsletter.
Vice President - Miki Burgnon:
We need your
president's quilt blocks! Shelly Duncan is taking
names for volunteering at the Hampton Quilt Show.
Please consider volunteering while you are there!
Membership - Georgia Osterman & Dibby Gundry: We currently have 270 members. Please pick
up your envelopes - they are getting heavy to bring
back and forth each month! The new member
luncheon is for all, not just new members. Door
prizes were won by: Sandy Greenberg, Lynn Hapchuk, Laura Knowal, and Judy Doyle.
Spring Retreat - Sue Cochrane: the spring retreat
is fast approaching and it is April 20-24. The details
are in your newsletter. See Sue Cochrane to sign
Quilt show - Stacy Lute/Terri Flaherty: The postcards are in - please see us if you would like any to
distribute in your community.
Volunteers are
Continued on next page
Annapolis Quilt Guild
February Meeting Minutes, cont.
needed for many positions. Sign up sheets will be
available in April. Please read your newsletter for
further details. There will be no theme for the silent
auction this year. We need large baskets for the
raffle baskets. If you have one to donate please let
us know. If you submit a form online to enter your
quilt and you do not receive a response from Patti
Ackerman, that means she did not receive it. May
2nd is the deadline for the challenge quilt form. All
others are April 15th.
Show and tell: Those who took the class today
from Debbie Kratovil, also Brenda MacQuillam,
Cheryl Hack, Barbara Whited, Georgia Osterman,
Patti Ackerman, Vera Pflum, Pat Poffel, Jackie
Mattingly, Bernerdett King, Adrienne Randall, Connie Doster. and Phillis Walden.
Break was called at 8 pm.
8:10 pm Special Guest Speaker: Debbie Kratovil. She was last here in 2010.
She had a lovely presentation on her many variations of the Dresden plate block, her flying geese
ring (paper pieced!) other paper pieced quilts, and
hexagon blocks.
8:30 pm Meeting adjourned abruptly due to the
smell of gas coming from the kitchen.
Thanks to the Anne Arundel Fire Department for
their prompt response! Almost a dozen pieces of
fire equipment responded for a very exciting, if
abrupt, end to the meeting.
March 2016
Show and Tell
Page 14
Annapolis Quilt Guild
February Show and Tell, cont.
Photos courtesy of Debbie Werker
March 2016
Page 15
Annapolis Quilt Guild
February Show and Tell, cont.
March 2016
Page 16
Annapolis Quilt Guild
March 2016
Page 17
2015-16 Block of the Month—March (#6)
Diagram A
Cutting Directions
X = Background Fabric
16 squares 2 1/2"x 2 1/2" for Unit B
4 squares 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" for Unit A
2 squares 3" x 3" for Unit A
D = Darker Fabric
8 rectangles 2 1/2" x 4 1/2"
L = Lighter Fabric
4 rectangles 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" for Unit B
4 squares 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" for Unit A
2 squares 3" x 3" for Unit A
F = Focal Print
1 square 4 1/2" x 4 1/2"
Unit A
Unit B
Unit A
Unit B
Unit A
Unit B
Unit B
Unit A
Diagram B
Annapolis Quilt Guild
March 2016
Page 18
2015-16 Block of the Month—March (#6), cont.
Unit A - Make 4
Part 1 Draw a diagonal line on each:
4 X 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" squares.
2 X 3" x 3" squares
4 L 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" squares
2 L 3" x 3" squares
With right sides together (RST) , lay X on
D and sew on diagonal using stitch and flip
method. Be sure to sew in the angle direction as shown. Press up and cut. Repeat
for L; press to L.
Part 1
Part 2
Unit A
Part 2
With RST, lay X on L. Sew half-square triangles by sewing 1/4" away from each side of
the drawn diagonal. Cut on the diagonal.
Press to L. Trim to 2 1/2" x 2 1/2".
to X (2 1/2" x 2 1/2" square
as shown.
Join Part 1 to Part 2.
Unit B - Make 4
Sew as Part 1 but with 2 of X on each of D and L rectangles. Be sure to sew on the diagonal as shown.
Sew Parts 3 and 4 together. Press seam open.
Part 3
Completing the block:
Sew all units into rows. (See Diagrams A and B)
Sew rows together.
Unfinished block should measure 12 1/2" x 12 1/2".
Part 4
Unit B
Annapolis Quilt Guild
March 2016
Annapolis Quilt Guild, Inc.
PO Box 4278
Annapolis, MD 21403-6278
Annapolis Quilt Guild Officers, 2015-16
President Lynn Hollway
Vice President Miki Burgnon
Secretary Vickie Ward
Treasurer Patti Ackerman
Membership Georgia Osterman and Dibby Gundry
Programs Polly Schatz and Sue Cochrane
Events Marti Phelps, Terri Flaherty, and Lis Cockey
Newsletter Editor Eileen Mattingly
Quilt Show Stacy Lute and Terri Flaherty
Senior Advisor Jeanne Hawn
Committee Chairs
Please send submissions to the
by regular mail or email to
Eileen Mattingly
12318 Madeley Lane
Bowie, MD 20715
Deadline for the April
issue is
March 15
Beekeeper Barbara Whited
Community Service Projects Prue Hoppin
Historian Hilke Hoefer
Librarian Alexis Langner
Publicity Gloria Rund
Raffle Quilt Wrangler Shelly Duncan
Saleables Trish Hankey
Sunshine Kerry Heyes
Tax Committee Nancy Yuill
Technology Equipment Brenda MacQuilliam
Webmaster Maggie Manalo
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