piecemaker - Annapolis Quilt Guild
piecemaker - Annapolis Quilt Guild
Annapolis Quilt Guild, Inc. PIECEMAKER www.annapolisquiltguild.org June 2016 President’s Corner I'm not too good with deadlines. That's a kind-to-me way of saying I'm just terrible with getting things done on time. I barely snuck my way into the quilt show entries with two quilts not yet complete. I missed the deadline for our magnificent challenge in May and my little quilt with big intentions is still not done. Last year my bear quilt wasn't quilted in time and my sweet fuzzy polar bear sits in a basket in my sewing room forlorn, no child to play with. In this issue: President’s Corner............................ ....1 Bee Business ....................................... 2 Calendar .............................................. 2 Events and Membership News .......... 3-6 Treasurer’s Report ............................... 3 Membership Form ................................ 7 Minutes of the May meeting ................. 8 Challenge Quilts .............................. 9-14 Show and Tell Photos ........................ 15 Block of the Month.............................. 16 It's a pattern. One I would like to, no, one I MUST ditch for a new and improved version. "How?" you ask. Maybe I can work on one project at a time. New motto: Finish one, then start another. I think Jeanne Hawn told me that one. But if I do that, how can I participate in blocks of the month? What if I need a quilt for a new baby who won't wait for me to finish my current masterpiece? What if, what if, what if. Don't think this one-at-a-time thing will work. How about if I decline to participate in bee or guild projects? That would give me more time to finish my WIPs (works in progress) and UFOs (unfinished objects). But then, how do I resist the fun, the frenzy, the fabulous times we have together? Hmmm. Not happy with that idea either. Let me think….I will wear horse blinders when I enter my sewing room! This way I won't see all of my projects on my visual periphery, thus not be tempted to play with the other horses. Er, that should be "secondary projects." No, no, and no. None of these ideas will work. They are all cruel and unusual punishment. But I do believe I know what I can do to improve my productivity and meet those pesky deadlines. I think I will...complete my AQG presidency! As much as this has been a bundle of fun, I'm ready for the hand-off. Miki and your new Executive Board are ready to lead you into the next funderful year. You have all been amazing friends and faithful members this year. And I thank you. ―Lynn P.S. Thanks, too, for laughing at my stand-up routines. You are a great audience. Annapolis Quilt Guild June 2016 Page 2 Calendar .Open Bees (All are welcome to join) The Rusty Needles Sewing Circle will meet on the fourth Monday of each month. The next meeting will be on June 27 from 2:00-9:00 p.m. at the Fairview Library in Calvert County (at the intersection of Route 4 and Chaneyville Road, Owings). Sewing machines and all forms of handwork are welcomed. For further information please contact Sharon Fossett at slfossett@comcast.net or 443964-6451. Next month we will return to our usual time of 6:00-9:00 p.m. The Material Girls Bee is an open bee that meets at the Severna Park Library. Generally we meet on Mondays from 9:30-4 p.m. In June we will meet on 6/13 and 6/27. New members are always welcome. For more information call Helen Hamerstrom at 410 - 647-1720. June Calendar Friday, June 10 - Set-up for the quilt show, Annapolis High School, 2700 Riva Rd, Annapolis. June 11-12 - Quilts by the Bay Quilt Show, Annapolis High School, 2700 Riva Rd, Annapolis. See p. 17 for hours. June 20 - Guild End of the Year Banquet, Knights of Columbus, 2590 Solomons Island Rd, Edgewater, 6 p.m. June 27 - Board Transition Dinner at Lynn Hollway’s house. The Quilt Book Study Group meets at the Severna Park Library from 9:30 – 4, generally on Mondays. In June we will meet on 6/6 and Tuesday, 6/28. For more information call Helen Hamerstrom at 410-647-1720. The Fabric Hogs Fabric Hogs meet at the South County Police station in Edgewater on the third Monday of each month. This month we will meet on June 20 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. We welcome new members and visitors at any time. For info, email Kelly Dunahoo at kelly_dunahoo@yahoo.com. The Queen Bees Kent Island Bee meets on the second and fourth Thursday of the month at St. Christopher’s, Chester, MD 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The Queen Bees focus primarily on handwork, learning and practicing the various methods for adding dimensional interest to quilting. New members are always welcome. For more information and directions, please call Terri Flaherty at 443-239-2532 or Lis Cockey at 410-827-5738. The Three-Inch Bee is a bee that concentrates on miniatures. The group will meet at the Severna Park Library on the second Thursday of each month from 6:30-8:30. The next meeting is June 9. Contact Kelley Cunningham if you’re interested in joining. Email: Kelley@sunporchquilts.com. Pat Arnett Ellie Coleto Lori Anne Mayers Betsy Miller Theresa Webb Kristen Zorica Be sure to welcome our new and returning members at the next meeting! A revised list of members is posted on the web on the Members page. Reminders for June Pay your membership dues by June 30! Make the next block for your BOM quilt. Sign up to help at the June Quilt Show. Get those Beads of Courage bags done. Make a donation to the Silent Auction. Buy a few extra raffle tickets. You never know! Annapolis Quilt Guild June 2016 Events and Membership News Wrapping Up Our Year Let's wrap up the year at the June dinner by continuing the amazing and generous giving you have done all year. Finish up those bead bags so we can reach our stretch goal of 1500. We only need 87 more!! Bring a twin-sized quilt (new or gently used) for the Light House. Knit up a scarf or some baby hats for the medical center. Or use some orphan blocks to make a few mastectomy pillows (approximately 12" square). It has been a privilege and a joy to coordinate our Community Service projects these past years--and to witness, month after month, the outpouring of gifts you give away to brighten the lives of others. Kathy Canno, who joined the guild in 2015, will coordinate our projects this coming year and will also be the contact person for the Beads of Courage project. Page 3 From the Sunshine Lady…. A sympathy card was sent to Marjorie Johnson, whose husband Dick has passed away. Get-well wishes were sent to Georgina Schultz who was suffering from pneumonia shortly before she passed away recently, and to Polly Schatz, who had ankle surgery May 20th. If you know of someone who might appreciate a card (and a heart) from the guild, please email me at kadams61@yahoo.com (with “AQG” in the subject line please) or call me at 410-757-6416. If you have any questions regarding the blocks, please feel free to contact me. ―Kerry Heyes Treasurer’s Report Revenue for April totaled $1,695.50 and expenses totaled $12,508.72. The Treasurer’s Report can be found in full in the Members Only section of the website. Happy stitching over the summer. And let's greet Kathy in her new role by overwhelming her with all of the items we bring to the September meeting. ―Patti Ackerman ―Prue Treasurer Sending Out Messages Membership Reminder This is just a reminder that if you want anything posted to the Annapolis Quilt Guild website or sent in an e-Blast: The annual AQG membership year runs from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017. Renewals are being accepted now. Member dues MUST BE RECEIVED by June 30, 2016 in order for your name to be included in the Annual AQG Member Guide. The 2016-2017 membership form can be found on Page 7 and on the Guild web site. Send wording, photos, and/or documents to AnnapolisQuiltGuild@gmail.com. Send at least one week in advance. (If less than a week, I will do my best to get it out as soon as I can.) Please note, in an effort to not overload inboxes, e-Blasts are sent about twice a month, typically one with the newsletter and one mid-month. If you have any questions or concerns, send them to AnnapolisQuiltGuild@gmail.com. Regards, Maggie Annapolis Quilt Guild June 2016 Page 4 Events and Membership News AQG End of the year dinner A Note from Your Program Chairs The annual "end-of-the-year" dinner will be June 20th at the K of C (our normal meeting place). This will be our chance to say "Sayonara" to the K of C as we move to a new meeting place in the fall. Doors will open at 6 p.m. There will not be a program in September as our new President, Miki, would like to make this time available for all the “Show and Tell” that has happened over the summer. Members are asked to bring a food item to share. Those with last names starting with A- O, please bring main dishes or salads. Those with last names P-Z please bring desserts. The guild provides drinks, utensils and paper products. The speakers for the evening, Cheryl Hack and Helen Hamerstrom, will share their "Oriental Adventure." They will present information on silk and cotton indigo production, weaving, fabric surface patterning and the Tokyo Quilt Show of 2016. They and several of their friends traveled to Japan for a oncein-a-lifetime experience. From bento boxes to high speed trains, they will share the fun and fabrics they found on their way to the quilt show. Please come and help us wrap up this quilting year with an enjoyable evening of food and fun with friends! On Monday, October 3, Jacquie Gering from Kansas City will present a workshop called “Precision Lines” and lecture on “Quilting Modern Honoring Tradition.” In 2017 we are featuring Jane Sussman and Linda Hahn (The 1-Pin New York Beauty). ―Polly and Sue The 2016 Raffle Quilt continued its travels to the American Quilters Society Quilt Week in Paducah, Kentucky. Quilters Miki Burgnon, Hilke Hoefer, Lynn Hollway, and Shelly Duncan caravanned all 814 miles to the quilt show there. SuperNova was a semi-finalist among this year’s group quilts. Have you bought your raffle tickets? This really special quilt could be yours on June 12! Annapolis Quilt Guild June 2016 Page 5 Events and Membership News Our new home in September The Knights of Pythias Lodge is on the northbound side of Solomons Island Road near Wilelinor Estates. Turn right onto Grand Oak Drive if you are coming northbound, and left if you are driving south. (It’s clearly marked on the street.) Then quickly turn left onto Pythian Drive. Editor’s Note: The Lodge’s address is sometimes given as 2529 Solomons Island Road, Edgewater MD 21037, and sometimes as 10 Pythian Drive. Trust the directions above, not your GPS. Annapolis Quilt Guild June 2016 Events and Membership News Come join the fun at this summer’s Sit ‘n’ Sews, July 11 and August 1, 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. at Annapolis Friends Meetinghouse 351 Dubois Rd, Annapolis, MD 21401 Page 6 Annapolis Quilt Guild June 2016 Page 7 Membership Form Annapolis Quilt Guild Membership Form (2016 to 2017) Annual Membership runs from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017. Dues must be received by June 30, 2016 for Member inclusion in the Annual AQG Membership Directory. NAME for inclusion ____________________________________________________ ADDRESS_________________________________________________ CITY________________________ STATE_______ZIP CODE________ PHONE: (with area code) HOME: __________________ WORK: __________________ CELL: __________________ E-MAIL:______________________________________________ Website:_____________________________________________ The membership directory is always available on the web site; it contains the most recent information as it is updated every month. Printed directories only contain the information for members that have paid their dues before the directory is printed. Do you want a printed copy of the directory? Yes___ No___ DUES: Please make checks payable to Annapolis Quilt Guild ____ $30.00 Annual Membership Dues Are you a ____ New Member? ____ Renewal OPTIONAL: Do you want to pay for your 12 raffle tickets now with your dues? Yes___ No___ ____ $10.00 2017 Raffle Tickets Do you want your Member Guide and card mailed to you? Yes____ No____ ____ $3.00 To mail the membership book and card Do you want your Membership Card early? Yes____ No____ Please provide a self-addressed stamped envelope with your membership form. Volunteer Opportunities Each member is expected to volunteer at least two hours per year for guild activities and also help with our annual quilt show. How would you like to help? Check all that apply: ___ Events ___ Programs ___ Quilt Show (Challenge Quilt, bus trips, Holiday Party) (escorting speakers, hospitality, teaching, demonstrations) (hanging & take down, demonstrations, silent auction, white glovers, manning entry tables, publicity) ___ Membership (mentoring new members) ___ Other Activities (Library, Raffle Quilt, Charity Quilts) Bees If you are interested in joining or starting a Bee, check the monthly guild newsletter and the website. You may also contact the Bee Keeper. Mail form to: AQG Membership Committee at this address: Georgia Osterman, 2831 Berth Court, Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis Quilt Guild June 2016 Page 8 Minutes of the May Meeting 7 pm meeting called to order. you to those that donated items for door prizes this year. President’s Welcome and comments – Lynn Hollway: This is our last formal meeting until September! Don't forget our June quilt show on the 10th through the 12th, and then our June dinner on the 20th. We also have our Sit-n- Sews on July 11 and August 1 at the Friends Meetinghouse on Dubois Road in Annapolis. Community Service - Prue Hoppin: We have a very generous group and receive scarves, pillows, quilts and Beads of Courage bags almost every month. Just tonight some 200 Beads of Courage bags were turned in. Thank you so much and please keep sewing. Paducah report: Shelly Duncan, Hilke Hoefer, Miki Burgnon and Lynn Hollway got in a van last week and drove for 13 hours. There were reservations at an old cabin, and we had some interesting times. We almost drove into a lake, and there was a bloody nose involved. We got our money back and found a Hampton Inn. Our raffle quilt didn't win but it was a semifinalist. We left on Sunday and went home by way of Nashville - haha! Voting for New Officers: President: Miki Burgnon Vice President: Trish Hankey Secretary: Vickie Ward Treasurer: Patti Ackerman Programs: Polly Schatz and Sue Cochrane Newsletter: Eileen Mattingly Events: Katie Thompson and Kelly Dunahoo Membership: Cynthia York and Debbie Varner Quilt Show: Vote taken, unanimously approved. The following members have come forward to chair our committees: Beekeeper - Barbara Whited Community Service - Kathy Cannon Historian - Hilke Hoefer Librarian - Marie Murphy Publicity - Gloria Rund Rafael Quilt Wrangler - Maureen Griffith AQG Merchandise - Brenda MacQuilliam and Rebecca Musliner Sunshine - Kerry Hayes Tax Expert - Nancy Yuill Technology - Georgia Osterman with help needed Webmaster - Maggie Manalo A 20 minute break was called to view and vote on your favorite challenge quilt. Membership – Dibby Gundry & Georgia Osterman: don't forget to sign up early for next year. The door prize winners were Cheryl Petro, Terri Flaherty, Connie Doster, Adeline Jorgenson, Tori Thompson, Brenda Shriner, Laura Kowal, Nancy Alford, Bev Ames, Delores Burgess, and Liz Pringles. Whew! Thank Vice President - Miki Burgnon: FYI, we are in the catalog of quilts entered at Paducah. Our quilt was appraised at $3300.00. Treasurer - Patti Ackerman: Please review the quilt show entry spreadsheet to see if your information is correct. She will be printing the quilt cards the end of May. Quilt Show - Stacy Lute and Terri Flaherty: We need volunteers, volunteers, and volunteers. We need help measuring boxes and boxes of fabric for the show. Tonight was the last night to sign up for the Country Store and Boutique. We need no money for hospitality but if you wish to donate you may if you are feeling guilty. Sign-ups will be posted on our website for the show. There will be a separate location to check in for volunteering at the show. Be sure to wear your badge to the show or you will need to pay admission. The Silent Auction Committee still needs donations; see Brenda MacQuilliam if you have anything. Show and Tell: Robyn Case, Dorothy Tiffany, Carolin Head, Diana Dunaway and Nancy Alford. Events – Lis Cockey & Marti Phelps: Winners of the challenge quilts: 1st: Marsha Law, D is for Dragon 2nd: Mary Kennedy, The Letter K 3rd. Diana Dunaway, Acrobatic Armadillo Judges Choice: Mary Kennedy, D is for Dragon Our June meeting is our annual dinner on June 20th and last official meeting at the KOC. Members with last names beginning A-O should bring a main dish or salad, and everyone else (P-Z) should bring dessert. Meeting adjourned at 8:20. Respectfully submitted, ―Vickie Ward Annapolis Quilt Guild June 2016 Page 9 Challenge Quilt Winners 2016 First Place: Marsha Law, D is for Dragon Thank you for voting for my "D is for Dragon" Challenge Quilt. It is an honor to be recognized by the talented members of AQG. This is my first Art Quilt and my first time participating in a Challenge Quilt event. Making my quilt was a challenge for me at each and every step, from conception to hanging it for display. My biggest challenge was working with the brocade fabric I chose for the border. I was not able to use pins or tape. It frays, it melts, it shifts, it snags. But, I love it, and I accepted the “challenge” to make it work without destroying it. I hand pieced all the brocade, used my seam roller and weights over a pressing cloth to get flat seams. Preparing the quilted background fabric forced me to get better acquainted with the decorative stitches Congratulations to ALL of the participants in our Challenge Quilt 2016! We were super-pleased with the turn-out: 38 quilts!! Hope you have submitted a quilt show form to Patti so that we can have great participation in our exhibit at the quilt show. We wish ALL of you could have shared what you learned creating your little quilt on Challenge night!! You ALL are winners!!! Happy Quilting, Your Events team, Lis and Marti and use of specialty threads in my fancy (newish) Pfaff sewing machine, a goal I had set for myself for 2016. I combined several techniques to achieve my vision. The puffed appliquéd dragon on the slightly textured background involved trapunto-wool batting over the stitched cotton batting, warm water, blocking and air drying, without backing fabric at this point. The process was different from anything I have seen or done. Keeping it the right size and proportion to meet the challenge requirements was very hard! The biggest lesson I learned from this challenge is how satisfying it is to make a small artsy quilt that allows you the freedom to take risks, try different techniques and stretch your boundaries. My Dragon Art Quilt serves no utilitarian purpose. It's only purpose is to be admired and to make me smile. ―Marsha Law Annapolis Quilt Guild June 2016 Page 10 Challenge Quilt Winners 2016, cont. Second Place and Judge's Choice: Mary Kennedy - "K" The first thing I learned from completing this challenge was how to organize and remain patient. The quilt has numerous elements such as birds, kangaroos, etc.; each needing a design and details regarding colors, size and various construction schemes. A folder with separate sections for each element allowed me to stay organized and manage the multiple elements, so that they could be worked on separately, but still remain focused on the over-all design of the quilt. I also learned how to make a lot of corrections to the numerous unsuccessful attempts to sewing pieces that did not initially work out in a satisfactory way. Besides learning patience and how to stay organized, I discovered that using EZ-Steam II, a fusible adhesive, was a great help in holding the pieces of the project together. I would recommend its use to everybody! ―Mary Kennedy Third Place: Diana Dunaway "Acrobatic Armadillo" I drew the letter A for the 2016 AQG challenge. “Armadillo” immediately came to mind because the logo for my company called Enterprising Artist was an armadillo. For challenges I always do some technique I haven't tried before. I wanted to see if I could construct an animal out of fabric and to try Gloria Loughman's technique using squares for the background. The techniques worked but unfortunately I hadn't read the instructions correctly. My armadillo was horizontal but needed to be vertical. To solve the problem I added a pole and turned the piece vertically to create Acrobatic Armadillo. ―Diana Dunaway Annapolis Quilt Guild Challenge Quilts, cont. June 2016 All photos courtesy of Debbie Werker Page 11 Annapolis Quilt Guild Challenge Quilts, cont. June 2016 Page 12 Annapolis Quilt Guild Challenge Quilts, cont. June 2016 Page 13 Annapolis Quilt Guild June 2016 Page 14 Challenge Quilts, cont. FOR SALE: My singer was born on November 18th, 1949, it is a 3-120, serial #AJ 214389. She has her original case, a new quilted hard case, feet and accessory case. She is looking for a new home, I'm willing to help her find that home for $400, or make an offer. ―Pat Holland 443-262-9829 pholland21617@gmail.com Annapolis Quilt Guild Show and Tell June 2016 Page 15 Annapolis Quilt Guild June 2016 Page 16 2015-16 Block of the Month—June (#9) Z Z Center X X X X P X P Z P X Z Cutting directions: Sewing directions X = background Cut 8 squares 2 7/8" x 2 7/8" (6 for Unit A). Draw one diagonal on wrong side (WS). Unit A Make 6 of X on Y (yields 12 half-square triangles) Make 2 of X on P (yields 4 HST) P = Print Cut 2 squares 2 7/8" x 2 7/8" (for Unit A). Cut 8 squares 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" for Unit B. Cut 4 rectangles 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" for Unit B. Sew 1/4" on each side of drawn line. Cut on drawn line. Y X P Y = Mauve Cut 6 squares 2 7/8" x 2 7/8" (for Unit A). Z = Green Cut 4 rectangles 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" for Unit B. Y X Y Press toward darker fabric. Sew Unit A as shown at left. X X Unit B - Make 4 X P Center = Focus fabric Cut 1 square 4 1/2" x 4 1/2". P Z Make Flying Geese with stitch-and-flip method as in previous issues of the newsletter. X P Sew 2" geese together as shown. A B A B C B A B A Sew all units together as shown at left. Block = 12 1/2" x 12 1/2" unfinished. Annapolis Quilt Guild June 2016 Page 17 See you there! Annapolis Quilt Guild June 2016 Annapolis Quilt Guild, Inc. PO Box 4278 Annapolis, MD 21403-6278 Annapolis Quilt Guild Officers, 2015-16 President Lynn Hollway Vice President Miki Burgnon Secretary Vickie Ward Treasurer Patti Ackerman Membership Georgia Osterman and Dibby Gundry Programs Polly Schatz and Sue Cochrane Events Marti Phelps, Terri Flaherty, and Lis Cockey Newsletter Editor Eileen Mattingly Quilt Show Stacy Lute and Terri Flaherty Senior Advisor Jeanne Hawn Committee Chairs Please send submissions to the PIECEMAKER by regular mail or email to Eileen Mattingly 12318 Madeley Lane Bowie, MD 20715 eileenmattingly@yahoo.com Deadline for the Summer issue is July 1 Beekeeper Barbara Whited Community Service Projects Prue Hoppin Historian Hilke Hoefer Librarian Alexis Langner Publicity Gloria Rund Raffle Quilt Wrangler Shelly Duncan Saleables Trish Hankey Sunshine Kerry Heyes Tax Committee Nancy Yuill Technology Equipment Brenda MacQuilliam Webmaster Maggie Manalo Page 18