piecemaker - Annapolis Quilt Guild
piecemaker - Annapolis Quilt Guild
Annapolis Quilt Guild, Inc. PIECEMAKER National Quilting Association Chapter #229 www.annapolisquiltguild.org January 2016 President’s Corner Endings and Beginnings It's the beginning of a new year, and with it come opportunities to finish chapters in our lives and begin new ones. Every quilt I didn't finish gets a new chance in 2016. That Jinny Beyer block of the month from six years ago, in its nice see-thru Jinny bag, is whispering excitedly, "Maybe she'll get to me this year!" And maybe I will. But first I must lay a few things to rest. I think I must give up on the baby quilt I started almost two years ago for a baby girl who is now 1 1/2. The top is missing two borders only, but I can't seem to get them put on; maybe the age of the baby is a factor, but it's more likely the age of the quilter. It's also time to toss the aqua baby sweater I started knitting for my daughter when she was an infant. I'll never finish it since I've forgotten how to knit! Besides, she is now 38 and a bit too big to wear it. (Incidentally, this was my very first UFO.) Most important, I must set aside any thought of quilting with my mother ever again. Mom was 92 when she died in December. We didn't always have a lot in common, but when I began to quilt about a dozen years ago, Mom was right there with advice and compliments. We had quite a routine going for awhile -- I pieced a quilt and she hand-quilted it. We even won a ribbon at our quilt show one time. Our mutual love of fabric, pattern, and color flourished during our shared enterprises, and I am a better quilter today because of Mom. So it's a new day for me in quilting. No one will ever tell me as sincerely as she did how impressed they are with my work. But that's ok. I have had a firm In this issue: President’s Corner ........................... ....1 Bee Business ....................................... 2 Calendar .............................................. 2 Events and Membership News ......... 3-6 Upcoming Workshops ....................... 7-8 On the Go ....................................... 9-10 President’s Quilt................................. 11 Minutes from December Meeting ....... 12 Treasurer’s Report ............................. 12 Show and Tell Photos ................... 13-14 Block of the Month ............................. 15 foundation for my quilting, and this year, as I sew, I will remember and thank my mother with every stitch. And maybe this will be the year that I have enough gumption (very cool word) to create that masterpiece that's percolating in the back of my head. As you approach your own creativity in 2016, maybe you -- with me -- will try something new, with colors that are rich and alive, spreading your wings and flying your way into a more exciting and rewarding place in your quilting. A place where you are happy and fulfilled as the quilt artist that you are. And a place where you can think of your mother, your granny, or someone who inspired you and thought you were the most talented quilter ever. Happy New Year to you all! ―Lynn Annapolis Quilt Guild January 2016 Calendar .Open Bees (All are welcome to join) The Rusty Needles Sewing Circle will meet on January 18 from 6-9 p.m. and on January 25 from 29 p.m. at the Fairview Library in Calvert County (Intersection of Rt 4 & Chaneyville Rd, Owings). Sewing machines and all forms of handwork are welcomed. For further information please contact Sharon Fossett at slfossett@comcast.net Page 2 January Calendar Monday, January 4, 2016 - General meeting, 7:00 p.m., Knights of Columbus Hall, 2590 Solomons Island Road, Edgewater. Mini-lessons presented by members. CANNED FOODS DRIVE. Saturday, January 9 - Fabric Frenzy bus trip. See P. 3. Tuesday, January 26 - Board Meeting, 7:00-8:45 p.m., Crofton Library. The Material Girls Bee is an open bee that meets at the Severna Park Library from 9:30-4. Generally we meet on Mondays. In January we will meet on 1/4 only. New members are always welcome. For more information call Helen Hamerstrom at 410647-1720. The Quilt Book Study Group meets at the Severna Park Library from 9:30 – 4, generally on Mondays. However, there will be no meeting in December. The next meeting will be January 11, 2016. For more information call Helen Hamerstrom at 410647-1720. The Fabric Hogs Fabric Hogs meet at the South County Police station in Edgewater on the third Monday of each month. The next meeting will be on January 18 from 7 to 9 p.m. We also have a general sewing session/raffle quilt workshop from 12-6 at the same date and place. We welcome new members and visitors at any time. For info, email Kelly Dunahoo at kelly_dunahoo@yahoo.com. The Queen Bees Kent Island Bee meets on the second Thursday of the month at St. Christopher’s, Chester, MD 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The Queen Bees focus primarily on handwork, learning and practicing the various methods for adding dimensional interest to quilting. New members are always welcome. For more information and directions, please call Terri Flaherty at 443-239-2532 or Lis Cockey at 410-827-5738. NEW DATE: The Three-Inch Bee is a bee that concentrates on miniatures. The group has been meeting at the Severna Park Library, on the third Thursday evening of the month from 6:30-8:45. Starting on January 14, 2016, the group will meet at the Severna Park Library and then on the second Thursday of each month from 6:30-8:30. Contact Kelley Cunningham if you’re interested in joining. Email: Kelley@sunporchquilts.com. Benay O'Brien Be sure to welcome our new and returning members at the next meeting! A revised list of members is posted on the web on the Members page. In Memoriam Carol Kinzer 1930 - 2015 Carol was an avid quilter and a member of the Annapolis Quilt Guild since 2000. Call for More Entries There is still room for more quilts for the Greenbelt Courthouse Exhibit. Please submit the name and dimensions of your entry by email, as well as your own personal info (address, phone, email). All quilts must have a hanging sleeve and show till the end of April. You do not have to be an exhibitor in order to help with the hanging on Monday, Feb. 8, so please contact me to join the team. ―Hilke Hoefer hrhilke@comcast.net Annapolis Quilt Guild January 2016 Events and Membership News 2015-2016 AQG Challenge Quilt Competition “The ABCs Challenge” is based on the letters of the alphabet; your quilt should interpret a letter of the alphabet. We welcome members to compete and create a one-of-a-kind quilt by following the challenge rules: Each participant will be given a challenge card with one letter of the alphabet written upon it. You will interpret that letter in any quilting medium you choose. Letter cards will be available at each AQG meeting or can be obtained from Marti Phelps. You must keep the letter card and display it with your quilt. The quilt MUST measure 18” wide by 24” long finished size. The size requirement is part of your challenge. The quilt must be finished, quilted and bound. Reminders for January Make the next block for your BOM quilt. Volunteer to help hang the Courthouse Show. Make two blocks for the President’s Quilt. Page 3 From the Sunshine Lady…. A sympathy card was sent to Lynn Hollway, whose mother passed away the week before our December meeting. It’s never too late to send sunshine to guild members by sending out cards to those who are sick, recovering from surgery, or have had a loss in the family. Please call or email, (with “AQG” in the subject line please), if you know of someone who might appreciate a card from the guild. Please be sure to find some time to make some heart blocks for our members who have gone through some difficult times this past year. You may check past issues of our newsletter for any names you may have missed. Directions for making the blocks may be found on page 12 in our Membership Directory; if you have any questions regarding the blocks, please feel free to contact me at (410)7576416 or email kadams61@yahoo.com . ―Kerry Heyes Fabric Frenzy The fabric frenzy bus trip is full! We will depart from the Harry Truman parking lot off Riva Road at 7 a.m. promptly on January 9th. Please plan on being there at least 15 minutes before departure. If you cannot make it, please let us know ASAP so we do not sit and wait. Bring canned goods to the January meeting; they will be donated to the Salvation Army. Have a great time on the Fabric Frenzy trip. We will stop at Burkholder’s, Intercourse, and then the Log Cabin Quilt Store. We will NOT stop for dinner this year, so please plan to pack your food or purchase it at several of the stops. Sign up for white-gloving and raffle quilt sales at Hampton. Bring your 2015 Challenge quilt to Marti at the next meeting for display at Hampton. We will return to Annapolis by 6:30. Please contact Terri Flaherty or Lis Cockey for questions or to be placed on the waiting list. Annapolis Quilt Guild January 2016 Page 4 Events and Membership News, cont. You are cordially invited to a NEW MEMBER LUNCH Sunday, February 21, 12:30 p.m. (Back-up date is March 20) At the home of member Wendy Mays 504 Wilson Road, Annapolis, MD 21401 Please RSVP if you plan to attend to: Georgia Osterman (443) 423-3019 or Dibby Gundry (410) 533-7990 Members who joined prior to 2015 are asked to bring a dish. Contact Dibby or Georgia for more information. CARPOOLING IS ENCOURAGED Directions: From Downtown Annapolis: Take Rowe Boulevard to North Bestgate Road. Turn right and follow until North Bestgate becomes Wilson Road. Wendy’s house is on the left. VEEPNews Maryland, My Maryland Just a quick reminder in this very busy season of the year. If you have completed blocks for the President’s quilt, please bring them with you to the meeting in January. (See page 11 for directions.) Be sure to sign your name with a permanent or Pigma pen so that Lynn knows who worked on her quilt. And while you’ve got that pen out, why not sign up for selling raffle tickets and white gloving at Hampton at the next meeting in January? It’s a real honor for us to be able to display our challenge quilts at such a prestigious show, but we also have a responsibility to sell raffle tickets on our SuperNova quilt and to serve as white-glovers. So if you’re going to Hampton, please see me to sign up. ―Miki Burgnon This is the theme for a special exhibition during the 2016 Quilt Show. We are looking for quilts or quilted items that represent the beautiful state we call home. So check out what you have made in the past or get inspired to create a new piece. Because this exhibition will be composed of our members' work, we will have a box on the ballot to vote for the piece that best represents the State of Maryland. Further details regarding registration will follow. Annapolis Quilt Guild January 2016 Page 5 Events and Membership News, cont. Holiday Party Donations Committee Report The donations committee recommends the following: LOCAL (6%) Anne Arundel County Fair for awards $25 Best Hand Workmanship $25 Best Machine Workmanship $25 Best Children’s Entry Anne Arundel County Library – designated for quilting books $ 75 "Thank You SO Much!" Our Salvation Army bear project was, of course, a complete success again this year. Our guild members never cease to amaze me with the adorable quilts and outfits that they so generously create for the Salvation Army children's party. It is a shame that we don't get the time to look at them longer. Your love shows through every year!! Thank you SO much!! $100 ―Your Events Crew Marti Phelps, Lis Cockey, and Terri Flaherty REGIONAL (32%) Maryland Historical Association – designated for quilt restoration and recordation $300 Virginia Quilt Museum $500 New England Quilt Museum $100 Fiber Arts Museum $ 75 NATIONAL (62%) Alliance for American Quilters recording quilter’s stories $300 Calling All 2015 Challenge Quilts!!! Quilter’s Hall of Fame $750 American Quilt Study Group – Lucy Hilty Research Fund $800 Yes, it is time for our Challenge Exhibit at the Hampton Quilt Show in February. Marti will be collecting your quilts at the January and February meetings to assemble our exhibit for the show. She promises to take care of your "baby" and return her safely to you after the show - even through possible ice and snow!! Please do NOT bring any ribbons to turn in these do not secure well ( Marti will give credit by picture of ribbons). Respectfully submitted, ―Jeanne Hawn, Pat Holland, Prue Hoppin, Marie Murphy, and Georgia Osterman It is an honor for our quilts to be displayed! Questions? Contact Marti by email at marti@calvertquiltshop.com or phone (Cell phone: 410-610-1933, home phone: 410-5352795) Annapolis Quilt Guild January 2016 Page 6 Events and Membership News, cont. From the Guild Librarian OK, ladies, it is the new year and time for imagining all your new projects for 2016. Happily we have some fresh titles for ideas, thanks to those of you who are keeping our collection plump and happy with your donations. This month I am featuring several perky titles for those of you who love the cuteness that quilts can portray; First, is Melinda Bula's Candy Cane Lane, Quilts and More to Sweeten the Holidays. It is never too late to start these. Bead Bag Total to Date = 600 Thanks to many hours of stitching, 600 Beads of Courage Bags have been completed since July 1. To meet or exceed our last year's total of 1380, we'll need to sew even more energetically between now and the end of June. So, pull out those bag kits and make time for some relaxing stitching in-between holiday activities. They are great stress relievers! Salvation Army Food Drive Remember this scene from our holiday party? Next is Margaret Boyles Designs for Babies which includes knitting and heirloom sewing and more. Finally, my favorite, which is Wonder-Under Book of Easy Appliqué, which features the cutest chickens I have seen yet. And these? Also, I want to encourage you to open our library website. It is an easy way to pick out the books you want before meeting and we can help you find it more readily. LibraryThing .com AGQ password: Bobbins ID: Be nice to Ann Maio because I am leaving for Florida after Christmas and will be back in May. I will continue to write this column and keep adding books to fatten our collection. Happy new year to you all!! ―Alexis Now it’s time to share with those less fortunate than we are! Please bring some canned goods to the January meeting to help restock the Salvation Army’s pantry after the holidays. Annapolis Quilt Guild January 2016 Page 7 Upcoming Workshops Full-Day Workshop with Debby Kratovil Vortex Monday, February 1, 9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Location: Severna Park Community Center 623 Baltimore Annapolis Boulevard Severna Park Fee: $40 plus $15 kit fee The Modern Vortex Quilt - Using strips in two colors and a common Dresden Plate template, you can make your version of this historic quilt (see the Vortex Quilt from 1920 here). There's a lot of "ooh" and "aah" in this class with great techniques. Full-Day Workshop with Bethanne Nemish The Devil in the Details Tuesday, March 8, 9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Location: Severna Park Community Center 623 Baltimore Annapolis Boulevard Severna Park Fee: $40 Sometimes the difference between a show quilt and an AWARD-WINNING show quilt is in the details. On the judging floor, one point is often all that separates a contestant from a winner. Bethanne will share her unique finish details which have been proven winners in shows across the country. Students will make a sample that features beaded bias appliqué, beaded piping, swag piping, beaded knife edge binding, and an introduction to the use of Derwent Inktense pencils. Take your quilting to the next level with masterpiece details! Class kit required ($25) includes pre-quilted square, all beads, piping, ink, and activators for the project. Supply list includes basic hand sewing supplies, a domestic sewing machine with a zipper foot, and 3 one-yard pieces of bias 2 ½” strips in contrast colors. Use the form on the next page to sign up for these great workshops. Annapolis Quilt Guild January 2016 Page 8 Workshop Registration Sign-up: Members may sign up for workshops when the workshop is announced in the Piecemaker or on the Guild’s calendar. There are two ways to sign up: ● Mail the Workshop Registration Form with the registration fee to the Program Chair or ● Give the Workshop Registration Form with the registration fee to one of the Program Chairs at a Guild meeting. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AQG WORKSHOP REGISTRATION Workshop Name: _________________________________________________ Scheduled for: __________________________________ (Date, time) Your Name:____________________________________________ Your Address: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Your Phone: _______________________________ Your Email:______________________________ I accept the AQG Workshop Policies. Signed: _____________________________________ Date: __________________ Note: Registration is not complete until fees are received by Program Chair. Make checks payable to “Annapolis Quilt Guild.” Supply list will be provided after you are registered for the workshop and can be found on the Guild’s website. Mail to: Diana Dunaway, 1004 Lake Claire Drive, Annapolis, MD 21409, or bring the form to a Guild Meeting. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Annapolis Quilt Guild Workshop Registration Policies 2014-15 If a workshop is not filled one month before the date of the workshop, the Program Chairs will begin accepting registrations from non-members (potential members) with a surcharge of $10. Cancellation policy: Cancellations received at least one month before class will receive full refunds. If you cancel less than a month before the class you are responsible for finding a replacement: ● From our waiting list (if there is a waiting list), ● On your own if there is no waiting list, ● If no replacement is found, there will be no refund. If you forfeit your class fee, it is taxdeductible. Questions? Email Diana Dunaway at dkdunaway@comcast.net or call her at 410-349-0869. Don't Delay! Sign Up Today!! Annapolis Quilt Guild January 2016 Page 9 On the Go: Texas Hill Country by Dorothy TIffany I recently visited two charming quilts shops in the Texas Hill Country. Oak Leaf Quilts, in New Braunfels, Texas (http:// www.oakleafquilts.com/) is located in an 1890’s building that was originally a mercantile store. The store’s fixtures include the original counter and shelving installed over one hundred years ago, and are certainly a treat for anyone who appreciates antiques. The shelves go almost to the tall tin-stamped ceiling tiles and have a lot of hand-carved details. I was told that the 40-foot-long oak planks that make up the countertop are a single cut―not pieced together. The shop has a nice assortment of quilting fabric, including some adorable cowboy-themed panels and bolts. Creations, in Kerrville, Texas (http://www.creationsonline.com/home.aspx) is a shop filled with any and all quilting supplies you could desire. They have a large selection of quilting fabrics, including batiks, wools, silks, embellishments and homespun fabric. Each of their eight rooms contains a whimsical color or theme-related collection of small stuffed animals, bright colored socks, purses and hand-made jewelry to go along with the fabric. Photos courtesy of Dorothy Tiffany Have any travel plans that include quilting stops? Take some photos (with permission if you are photographing quilts) and tell us about your adventures. Annapolis Quilt Guild January 2016 Page 10 On the Go: Texas Hill Country, cont. each of those cities, and well worth a side trip to see this jewel of quilting mastery. Spend the whole day visiting La Grange’s shops and bakery if you get a chance. The current museum exhibits include: On the same trip, I had the pleasure of seeing the exhibits at the Texas Quilt Museum. The Museum in La Grange, Texas (http://texasquiltmuseum.org/) is currently exhibiting a collection of some of the most exquisite art quilts I’ve ever seen. I could have spent many hours studying the 41 art quilts. Their small gift shop is full of surprises and treats including handmade jewelry, cards and quilting notions. La Grange, home of the famous Texas Chicken Ranch that inspired the musical and movie, Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, is a charming town about in the middle of the triangle made by Houston, San Antonio and Austin. It’s an hour or two from “Contemporary Quilt Art from the Marbaum Collection”, featuring 41 studio art quilts – dating from 1984-2008 – from the private collection of Hilary and Marvin Fletcher. The couple largely acquired the works from entries in the prestigious Quilt National competition. Hilary Fletcher served as their Project Director from 1982 until her passing in 2006. “Cynthia Collier: Transformed by Tradition”, featuring 10 quilts from Texas quilter and teacher Cynthia Collier. For three decades, she has focused on exploring Baltimore Album appliqué, as well as placing her own unique stamp on making quilts in that style from the 1840s, as well as meticulously pieced medallion styles of the 1830s. The display includes blocks from our very own locals―the Baltimore Appliqué Society, Elly Sienkiewicz and Barbara Burnham. ―Dorothy Tiffany Annapolis Quilt Guild January 2016 Page 11 President’s Quilt PSSST – don’t let Lynn see! Each year the Guild makes a quilt top to present to the President of the Guild to thank her for her hard work in running meetings and coordinating all our activities. Here are the directions for this year’s President’s Quilt: President’s Block Instructions: The block is “Monkey Wrench” and if you participate you will want to do two blocks– a dark and a light – using just two fabrics. Sign the center of your light block. Be sure you use a correct ¼” seam allowance. Cutting instructions: For 2 Blocks 4 dark 2 ¾" squares and 4 light 2 ¾" squares 1 dark 2 ½" square and 1 light 2 ½" square 2 dark strips of fabric 1 ¼"x 11" strip and 2 light 1 ¼" x 11" strips Editor’s Note: A good tutorial for beginners on making half-square triangles can be found at http:// www.generations-quiltpatterns.com/half-squaretriangle.html. Sewing instructions: Sew a dark and light 11” strip together. Repeat. Press to the light. Sub-cut into 2 ½” units (8 strip units). Place one dark and one light 2 ¾" squares right sides together. Draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of the light fabric (see right). Sew a scant ¼" seam on either side of the line. Press. Cut on the drawn line. Press to the light fabric. Repeat three times to make 8 half-square triangle units. Trim to exactly 2" squares. The remaining dark and light 2 ½" squares are the center of each block. Arrange the strip units and HST units as shown below and sew together. Press seams toward the strip units. The dark strip units and triangles match the dark center; the light strip units and corners match the light center. Each completed block should measure 5 1/2". Annapolis Quilt Guild January 2016 Page 12 Minutes of the December Meeting Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm. on December 7, 2015. This was our annual holiday celebration. We had finger food and desserts to share with each other. Some of our members had items to sell for the holidays. Did you shop? Miki Burgnon (our Vice President) reminded us to make our President’s blocks for this year. Please sign up for the raffle table if you are going to Hampton. Programs: Spots are still available for all 3 workshops coming up. See your newsletter and our calendar online for information on these workshops. In January, please bring food for the food drive to the meeting. We are donating the food collected to the Salvation Army. Events: 2 spots are left on the bus for the Fabric Frenzy on January 9th. Membership: Please remember to look for the signup sheet for the new member luncheon coming up in February. Also please pick up your envelope for this year. The Salvation Army was here to accept our gifts of the bears and quilts. Hilke Hoefer mentioned about the quilt we are making for the West River facility and foundation piecing is involved. We need the kits she prepared returned at the January meeting. We had Show and Tell at 7:45. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm. ―Vickie Ward Photos courtesy of Priscilla O’Dell Treasurer’s Report Revenue for November totaled $3,362.41 and expenses totaled $6,460.51. The Treasurer’s Report can be found in full in the Members Only section of the website. ―Patti Ackerman Treasurer Annapolis Quilt Guild December Show and Tell January 2016 Page 13 Annapolis Quilt Guild January 2016 December Show and Tell, cont. Photos courtesy of Debbie Werker. Page 14 Annapolis Quilt Guild January 2016 Page 15 2015-16 Block of the Month—January (#4) Unit A (Make 4) P B = Background B P= Purple (1 or 2 fabrics) B P Cut 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" squares. Sew together as 4-patch. Unit B (Make 4) B Unit A C B D C = Focus fabric (dark). Cut 4 strips, 2 1/2" x 6 1/2". D = Contrast fabric. Cut 4 strips, 2 1/2" x 4 1/2". Assembling the block: B = Background fabric. Cut 8 squares, 2 1/2"x 2 1/2". Sew 2 Unit B units together in the orientation shown, joining the top half (if you are a row sewer) or joining the left half (if you are a column sewer). Use the Stitch and Flip method to sew the B squares onto C and D (right sides together). Sew across the diagonal, taking care to sew the left or right position as indicated. Join the B/D section to one side of Unit A. Then add the B/C section as shown. Repeat for the other half. Then join both halves. [Hint: I like to machine baste where the background triangles come together to insure a good match before sewing for real.] ―Hilke Hoefer Annapolis Quilt Guild January 2016 Annapolis Quilt Guild, Inc. PO Box 4278 Annapolis, MD 21403-6278 Annapolis Quilt Guild Officers, 2014-15 President Lynn Hollway Vice President Miki Burgnon Secretary Vickie Ward Treasurer Patti Ackerman Membership Georgia Osterman and Dibby Gundry Programs Poly Schatz and Sue Cochrane Events Marti Phelps, Terri Flaherty, and Lis Cockey Newsletter Editor Eileen Mattingly Quilt Show Marie Holmes, Stacy Lute, and Terri Flaherty Senior Advisor Jeanne Hawn Committee Chairs Please send submissions to the PIECEMAKER by regular mail or email to Eileen Mattingly 12318 Madelely Lane Bowie, MD 20715 eileenmattingly@yahoo.com Deadline for the February issue is January 15 Beekeeper Barbara Whited Community Service Projects Prue Hoppin Historian Hilke Hoefer Librarians Alexis Langner Publicity Gloria Rund Raffle Quilt Wrangler Shelly Duncan Saleables Trish Hankey Sunshine Kerry Heyes Tax Committee Nancy Yuill Technology Equipment Brenda MacQuilliam Webmaster Maggie Manalo Page 16