hanstholm center news - Hanstholm Asylcenter


hanstholm center news - Hanstholm Asylcenter
Nr. 2
Marts 2014
New School
The school has moved to Ræhr.
Both teachers and pupils seems
happy with the change.
Maria på oplevelse
Lille Maria var sammen med 60 andre børn på en sjov
tur til Leos Legeland i Ålborg.
Learn to run
Elie wants you to join the runining tema
Magasinet for og om Hanstholm Asylcenter henvendt til beboere, venner af asylcenteret samt personale.
Hanstholm Center News
Forandringens vinde
The winds of change
Centeret har oplevet store interne forandringer gennem de sidste par måneder.
Our center has experienced major internal changes
over the last few months and other changes is on its
The Center School has been moved into the abandoned school in Ræhr. The school has been renovated by the teachers and not least a large number
of residents who voluntarily took a good workload.
Centerskolen er rykket til den nedlagte skole i Ræhr, der er blevet istandsat af lærere
og ikke mindst et stort antal beboere, der
frivilligt har taget fat og knoklet igennem.
Resultatet er imponerende og fremviser
hvordan centerets forskellige medarbejdere arbejder flot sammen, for selvom det er
lærergruppen, der har trukket læsset, har
det været i tæt samarbejde med både netværker og pedeller.
Det har frigivet nogle lokaler på centeret,
som betyder at bl.a. Kreativ Værksted kan
få den plads de har brug for.
Det betyder at Babyschool kan få bedre
plads, og det har været tiltrængt længe.
Heldigvis benytter langt de fleste mødre sig
af vores unikke tilbud til denne gruppe,
hvor de ikke kun får samvær, men også undervisning. Som fortalt i sidste nummer har
babyschool mindsket et uhyggeligt højt forbrug af antidepressiv medicin med over
Vi kan, og bør, være stolte af det arbejde.
Det betyder ikke kun noget for den enkelte
asylansøger, men det betyder også, at hvis
asylansøgeren får ophold, at de ankommer
til deres nye kommune som hele og raske
mennesker , der har langt større chance for
vellykket integration i det danske samfund.
Lars Andersen
Find os på Facebook
Ansvarshavende redaktør: Kim Ursin
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
The move of the school has freed up some space in
the center, which means , among other things Creative Workshop can get the space they need .
This means that the Baby School can get more space
and it's long overdue .
Fortunately almost all mothers take advantage of our
unique services for this group . They have not only
fun together but also learning. As told in the last issue, the baby school has decreased a high consumption of antidepressants by over 80% .We can , and
should , be proud of this accomplishment
This is not only good for every asylum seeker, but it
also means that if the asylum seeker can arrive at
their new kommune as whole and healthy people
who have a much greater chance for successful integration in the Danish society.
Lars Andersen, Chief
Cosmopolitan udgives af
Hanstholm Asylcenter
Nørbyvej 1, 7730 Hanstholm
Tlf.: 99 17 30 70
The result is impressive and shows how the center's
various employees work together. Even if it is the
teacher who has taken most of the workload, the
group have been working closely with both networks
and caretakers.´
Mail: ku@thisted.dk
Korrektur: Søren og Jesper
Hvis intet andet fremgår er artiklen
skrevet af redaktøren.
Forside/frontpage: Maria er i Leos
Næste nummer:
Uge 14
Deadline: 28. marts 2014
Next issue:
Week 14
Deadline: 28th of March 2014
Hanstholm Center News
Nyt løbehold oprettet
Af Elie
Vores første løbetur blev afviklet den 6. januar ved Hanstholm Asylcenter. Der var stor
opbakning fra beboerne. Holdet bestod af 9 deltagere fra
blandt andet Afghanistan, Syrien og Somalia.
Hensigten med løbeprogrammet er at udfordre beboerne
positivt, og motivere dem på
en sjov måde. Der blev taget
armbøjninger, mavebøjninger,
rygbøjninger og ikke mindst
lavet en del englehop.
Har du lyst til at være en del af
løbeholdet? Mød op udenfor
office kl 13:00 hver mandag.
New running team
HUSK relevant tøj, så som løbesko og tøj. Hvis du har nogle
spørgsmål, er du mere end velkommen til at kontakte Elie.
There was a strong support
from the residents. We were 9
participants, including people
from Syria, Afghanistan and
Hanstholm Asylcenter sælger
løbesko til 50 kr.
Er du interesseret i dette tilbud, kontakt Elie.
”Løbetøj” kan købes i Second
Our first run was held on 6
January at the Hanstholm Asylum.
The purpose of running the
program is to challenge the
residents positively and motivate them in a fun way.
We took a lot of push-ups, sit
ups and made some jumping
Would you like to be a part of
the running team? Meet up
outside office at 13:00 every
Running stuff, such as shoes
and clothing. If you have any
questions, feel free to contact
Runing shoes
Hanstholm Asylum center sells
running shoes for 50 kr. Are
you interested in this offer,
please contact Elie.
You can buy running “clothes"
in Second hand.
Torsdag i lige uger, er der afgang fra Vigsø kl. 13.30, til indkøbscenteret i Hanstholm.
Thursday in even weeks, there is an extra bus 13.30 from Vigsø to the mall
in Hanstholm.
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
En tur til Leos Legeland
Tirsdag d. 11. februar tog Inga, Rie, fire frivillige og 8 mødre sammen med 60 børn til Leos Legeland i Ålborg.
En fik slået en tand ud, men
den sad løst i forvejen, fortæller Inga, der betegner turen
som en stor succes. ”De morede sig og havde en rigtig dejlig
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
Hanstholm Center News
A trip to Leos Legeland
Tuesday the 11nd of february Inga, Rie,
four volunteers and eight moms went to
Leo Legeland in Aalborg. They had 60 children with them. Leos Legeland is a playhouse for children between 6 and 15, and
from the center (and Vigsø) there were 60
A tooth was the only victim at this trips,
says Inga, but it was loose anyway. Inga
says, that the trip was a big success with
lots of fun.
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
Hvad laver Beboerrådet?
Ibrahim Mohammed er det
længst siddende medlem af
beboerrådet på Hanstholm
Asylcenter, og jeg mødtes til
en snak med ham omkring
hvad beboerrådet laver I
det daglige arbejde.
Ibrahim kom til Danmark i april
2013 og blev umiddelbart efter
medlem af beboerrådet. Han
fortæller at de først og fremmest har tre opgaver, arrangere forskellige begivenheder,
hjælpe nye asylansøgere på
centeret og hjælpe medarbejderne med at holde ro og orden.
Sport som smeltedige
Sport er med til at smelte de
mange forskellige kulturer
sammen, fortæller han. Han
har været med til at træne et
fodboldhold, som
jævnligt spiller kampe. Desværre er
centeret ikke længere tilmeldt en almindelig dansk turnering og det synes
han er ærgerligt.
”Mange havde stor glæde af
holdet. Det gjorde at mange
forskellige nationaliteter arbejdede sammen om et fælles
Open House
De var også drivkraften bag
Open House, hvor alle i centeret kunne smage hinandens
mad, opleve dele af hinandens
kultur, og specielt er han glad
for at så mange danske lokale
borgere tog sig tid til at komme forbi.
Nye asylansøgere
Et andet vigtigt mål er at hjælpe nye asylansøgere. Derfor er
det en stor fordel at beboerrådet har mange forskellige nationaliteter. ”Det er nemmere
for en somalier at få hjælp af
en somalier, da vi taler samme
sprog og forstår hinanden”,
forklarer Ibrahim. ”De ved intet, når de kommer her. Vores
opgave er primært at hjælpe
med oversættelse og hjælpe
medarbejderne med at få dem
installeret. I staten ved de intet
om hvordan centeret virker,
hvordan man får vasket sit tøj,
hvordan man får sin post,
hvordan man kommer i skole
osv. Vi hjælper med at bygge
bro mellem asylansøgerne og
De ulmende konflikter
Beboerrådet hjælper også med
at holde ro i centeret, på den
måde at forstå at de hjælper
med at løse konflikter internt i
de forskellige grupper. ”Hvis
der er optræk til sammenstød
kan en neutral mægler også tit
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
Hanstholm Center News
være en god løsning,” fortæller
Ibrahim, der mener at konflikter oftest hurtigt bliver land
mod land og ikke person mod
person. På det punkt er vi meget aktive for at forhindre at
det eskalerer. Ofte opdager
personalet det ikke, da konflikten bliver løst inden den bliver
stor. Ibrahim vender tilbage til
sport: ”Sport er så vigtigt i
denne sammenhæng, når en
afghaner, somalier og en tjetjener spiller på samme fodboldhold, så er det med til at
nedbryde barrieren mellem
landene. Jeg tror folk begynder
at se mennesker og ikke lande”.
Videns udveksling
Sammen med Bjarne var hele
beboerrådet ude og se Brovst
Asylcenter og derefter rådhuset, hvor de mødte Thisted
borgmester. Ibrahim var meget glad for at borgmesteren
tog sig tid til at tale med dem.
”Vi bliver taget alvorligt og det
giver selvrespekt og respekt i
centeret generelt”.
Da de var i Brovst opdagede
han, at Hanstholm Asylcenter
på mange områder, efter hans
mening, er bedre end Brovst.
Pengeudbetalingen virker mere strømlinet og det virkede
også på ham, som om at interview og afrejse til København
virkede mere organiseret.
”Værelserne er store og flotte i
forhold til Brovst, og her er det
gratis at vaske tøj”.
Det Ibrahim er mest glad for
på Hanstholm Asylcenter er
dog at medarbejderne behandler asylansøgerne med
værdighed og som hele mennesker. ”Vores råd arbejder
sammen med personalet om
det samme mål, vi føler os
værdsat og der er god sparring
imellem personale og beboerne”.
Tak til danskerne
Beboerrådet har snakket meget om de spændinger der er
imellem grupper i centeret.
90% er gode mennesker efter
Ibrahims mening, og de sidste
10% burde forlade landet igen.
”Nu er vi i Danmark, og alle
vores problemer stammer fra
terror, terrorister og ekstrem
nationalisme. I Somalia er det
fx Al-Shabaab gruppen, en del
af Al-Qaeda, der står bag landets ødelæggelse, sammenbrud af mit land og i den sidste
ende er skyld i at vi somaliere
er her i Hanstholm. Det er så
vigtigt at alle her begynder at
tænke demokrati, og det er vores opgave at bekæmpe terrorisme og arbejde for demokratiet. Det værste, der kan ske er
at vi tager alle vores problemer
med til Danmark. Det fortjener
Danmark ikke. Danmark og
danskerne fortjener tak for at
de har taget imod os”, slutter
Ibrahim fortæller at en af de
ting, der virkelig imponerede
på Brovst Centeret var et fælles beboerområde med
bordtennis, fri
kaffe, pinball
maskiner osv.
vil se om man
kan lave noget
lignede her.
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
What is the job of The Residents council
Ibrahim Mohammed is the
longest-serving member of
the Residents Council at
Hanstholm Asylum, and I
met up for a chat with him
about what the residents
council doing in their daily
Ibrahim came to Denmark in
April 2013 and joined the Residents' Council I Hanstholm
Asylum center. He said that
they mainly have three tasks,
organize various events, help
new asylum seekers at the
center and help employees to
keep order in the center.
many local Danish citizens
took the time to come by.
Mixed nationalities
Another important part is to
help new asylum seekers.
Therefore, it is a great advantage of the residents' council
has many mixed nationalities.
“It's easier for a Somali to help
a Somali because we speak the
same language and we understand each other”, explains
Ibrahim . “They know nothing
when they come to Denmark.
Our job is primarily to help
with translation and help the
staff to get them installed. In
the start the newcomers know
nothing on how the center
Sport helps to melt the many
different cultures together, he
says. He is coach for a football
team that regularly plays
games. Unfortunately, the center no longer is enrolled in an
ordinary Danish tournament
and that makes him a bit sad.
“Many enjoyed the team. It
made many different nationalities working together for a
common goal.”
Open House
Resident Council organized
“Open House” where all residents could taste each other's
food, experience the parts of
each other's culture and specifically he is happy that so
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
Hanstholm Center News
same football team, it helps to
break down the barriers between countries. I think people
are starting to see people, not
Open House was a big succes, here we see the Somali area of the party.
Ibrahim tells that there were 60 different kind of meals - just in the Somali area.
works, how to do simple things
like washing clothes, how to
get your mail, how to get to
school etc. We help to build
bridge between newcomers,
asylum seekers and staff.”
conflict because it is solved before it becomes a big issue.”
Ibrahim returns to the sport:
"Sport is so important in this
context. When an Afghan , Somali and Chechen plays on the
Together with Bjarne the residents council was on tour to
exchange knowledge with
Brovst Asylum Centre and later
to the City Hall, where they
met the mayor of Thisted.
Ibrahim was very happy that
the mayor took the time to
talk to them. "They take us seriously and it gives self-respect
and respect in the center in
When they were in Brovst he
discovered that Hanstholm
Asylum in many areas , in his
opinion, is better than Brovst.
Cash payout seems more
streamlined and it also seem
Keep the peace
Resident Council also helps to
keep the peace in the center.
“You have to understand that
we help to resolve conflicts
within the various groups. If
there is an imminent collision
a neutral mediator often seem
to be a good solution”, says
Ibrahim, who tells that conflicts often is country against
country and not individual
against individual. “I think we
are very active to prevent it
from escalating . Often the
staff doesn't even discover the
The Councill from rigt to left: Muhammed, Ibrahim, Rami, Bjarne (staff), Zabi, Ramin
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
that employees
treat asylum seekers with dignity
and as human beings.
"Our council is
working with the
staff on the same
goal, we feel valued and there is
good sparring between staff and
Football in Hanstholm.
to him that interview and departure to Copenhagen was
more organized.
"Our rooms are large and
beautiful compared to Brovst
and here it is free to wash
clothes ."
What he like the most about
Hanstholm Asylum Center is
Ibrahim says that
one of the things
that really impressed at Brovst
center was an
area with table
tennis, free coffee, pinball machines, etc. Resident Council
will see if they can do something similar here.
Denmark deserves thanks
Resident Council has talked a
lot about the tension that exists between groups in the
center. 90% are good people
after Ibrahim's opinion, and
Har du en god ide?
De frivillige søger ideer til spændende, sjove
eller hyggelige aktiviteter.
Kontakt Pia Keller eller
Brian Duborg, frivilligkoordinatorer
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
the remaining 10% should
leave the country again.
“Now we are in Denmark, and
all our problems come from
terrorism, terrorists and extreme nationalism . In Somalia,
for example, the Al- Shabaab
group , part of Al- Qaeda is behind the country's destruction ,
collapse and in the end is to
blame for us Somalis are here
in Hanstholm.
It is so important that every
single asylum seekers starts
thinking democracy, and it is
our job to fight terrorism and
work for democracy. The worst
thing that can happen is that
we take all our problems to
Denmark. Denmark deserves
better. Denmark and the
Danes deserve thanks for the
way they have taken us in”,
ends Ibrahim .
”Vi skaber et trygt og
godt center gennem
beboeransvar, klare
rammer og tydelig
Hanstholm Center News
Sov godt - det er sundt
God og nok søvn er vigtig
for børns udvikling og
Af May, leder af klinikken
Det er vigtigt at få nogle gode
sovevaner. Det kan gøres ved
hjælp af regelmæssighed og
gode rutiner omkring sovetid,
og ved at den vågne tid i sengen ikke trækkes ud.
Faste sove og spisetider er
med til at sikre en god døgnrytme.
Lige inden sengetid frarådes
vild leg, motion samt tv, computer og PlayStation, hvorimod rolige og hyggelige ritualer som badning, tandbørstning og godnathistorier hjælper barnet med at falde til ro.
Desuden er et godt sovemiljø
Et godt sovemiljø er passende
temperatur (ikke for varmt) og
1-3-årig: har behov for at sove
12 – 14 timer i døgnet, heraf
1 – 2 lure i løbet af dagen.
3-6-årig: 10 – 12 timer/nat, de
fleste børn stopper med at sove til middag , når de er mellem 3 og 5 år.
Når barnet stopper med at
sove til middag , har det brug
for at komme tidligere i seng.
7 -12-årig: 9 – 12 timer/nat,
sengetiden bliver gradvis senere. Barnets og familiens mange
aktiviteter kan øge risikoen
for, at barnet kommer for sent
i seng til at få dækket sit søvnbehov tilstrækkeligt.
13 – 18-årig: 8 -10 timer/nat,
Tilstrækkelig med søvn har
fortsat stor betydning for
sundhed og trivsel.
Også for de unge anbefales det
at undgå elektronisk underholdning (tv, computer, mobiltelefoner) op til sovetidspunktet og at sørge for at de ikke
bliver forstyrret, når de er gået
i seng af (sms’er og lignende).
frisk luft. Mørke/ vågelampe,
her anbefales rødt lys, da det
virker mindst vækkende, hvis
barnet skal spise eller trøstes
om natten.
Manglende søvn eller dårlig
søvnkvalitet kan have indflydelse på børns vækst , immunforsvar, koncentration og indlæringsevne.
Manglende eller utilstrækkelig
søvn kan medføre træthed,
irritabilitet, dårligt humør,
koncentrationsbesvær og nedsat indlæring.
At sove for lidt er associeret
med øget risiko for blandt andet overvægt.
God søvn er afgørende for barnets udvikling.
Fotos: Modelfotos Kilde: Pricerunner, brugt med tilladelse
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
A good night sleep
Its important for children
to have a good night sleep.
By May, chief of the clinic
It’s important to have some
good sleeping habits. You can
do that by thinking of routines
around bedtime.
If you go to bed at the same
time each night and eat at the
same time each day you will
develop a good daily rhytm.
Just before bedtime it is not
adviced by doctors and specialist to play wild, exercise
hard or watch TV or play computer. On the other hand quite
and cozy rituals like brushing
teeth, a bath and bedtime stories will help the child to calm
down and fall asleep easier.
A good place to sleep is also
important. Not to warm, not
to cold. If the child need a bed-
1-3 years old needs to sleep
12 – 14 hours daily. In this 1-2
naps during the day.
13 – 18 year old needs to sleeo
8 -10 hours. The good night
sleep is still important for your
3-6 year old needs to sleep
10 – 12 hours daily, most children stop napping between
the age of 3 to 5. When this
happens it is necessary to
sleep more in the night.
Be aware of electronic entertaiment around bedtime and it
is adviced to make sure they
dont use mobile phones after
7 -12 years old needs to sleep
9 – 12 hours daily. Bedtime
will often be a bit later.
Many activities can do that the
child have difficulty sleeping
or go to bed at the right time.
time light the best one is with
red light.
Lack of sleep or bad sleep can
(and will) spoil the concentration, make you more sick and
make it more difficult to learn
new things.
You will get more tired, angry,
remember less good and it is
easy to become overweight.
Scientist in Norway has discovered a clear link between
sleeping bad and watching
television in bed. Turn off the
TV and read a book, says the
Norwegian scientists.
A good night sleep is important for both grown ups and children.
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
Hanstholm Center News
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
Can you save your soul in Afghanistan?
We talk about war but what
if you can't save your soul in
By N.Milad Mahmudi
Bacha bazi is an old Afghan tradition of taking young boys,
dressing them up like girls,
with bells tied to their feet,
and let them dance at parties
and weddings. Generally dancing men are relatively common
in Afghanistan, where the
sexes are strictly segregated
and women is not allowed to
participate in such activity.
The boys are owned by single
or married men who trade or
keep the boys as concubines.
the boys ages are mostly from
8 years old to 24.
The bacha (dancers) are often
abused and sometimes bacha
bazi is a business for powerful
people, in which the boy slaves
are seen as important status
symbols of the elite. Everyone
tries to have the best, most
handsome, and good-looking
I have heard many things like
this when I was in my country
Afghanistan. I have seen in a
news report where a 50 years
old man is saying: "I was married to a woman 20 years ago,
she left me because of my boy.
I was playing with my boy
every night and was away
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
from home, and my wife decided to leave me. I am happy
with my decision because I am
used to sleep and with my
young boy."
The boys, who often know no
other life but as chattel, call
the men my lord.
Attempting to escape could
result in severe physical punishment or even death. They
can't go to police. People in
Afghanistan don't trust the police - and often with good reason.
In another news report a man
called Allah Daad, once a mujahedin commander in the
northern Afghanistan, explains
how the boys are enticed into
the arrangement:
“First we select boys in a village and later on we try to
trick them into coming with
us,” he said.
“Some of them stay with us for
money; they get a monthly alHandlekraftige
lowance, and in return we can
have them any time we want.
They don’t stay with us all the
time - they can do their own
jobs and then just come to parties with us.”
Large halls provide the venues
for the weekly parties where
the boys’ owners, invite their
friends to watch them dance.
Several different types of
dances are popular, Daad says.
If the boy refuses to dance or
performs badly, his master
beats him with a long stick.
He explained: “we have to do
that, We spend money on
these boys, so they have to
Later into the night, when the
dancing is over, the boys are
frequently shared with close
friends, for sexual favours and
by the end of the evening it is
not at all uncommon for the
boy to have a new owner, as
Hanstholm Center News
the parties often provide the
opportunity for buying and
Both prestige as well as poverty are the main motivators
for the revival of bacha bazi. A
beautiful boy who is also the
best dancer becomes a status
symbol for his master.
A guy who didn't want to tell
his name is saying in a news
report: “I was only 14 years old
when a former Uzbek commander forced me to have sex
with him, Later I quit my family
and became his secretary. I
have been with him for 10
years, I am now grown up, but
he still loves me and I sleep
with him.”
But at 24, he is getting far too
old to remain a dancing boy.
He says: I am grown up now
and do not have the beauty of
former years. So, I proposed to
marry my lord's daughter and
he has agreed”.
Another little boy, only 14
years old, spoke crying: “I have
been doing this for the past
year. I have no choice - I’m
poor. My father is dead in a
bomb blast and this is the only
source of income for me and
my family. I try to dance well
especially at huge parties. The
men throw money at me and
then I gather it up. Sometimes
they take me to the market
and buy me nice clothes.”
My point of view
As human I am really ashamed
of these people who rape
these little boys, punish them
and force them to dance and is
selling them and it’s increasing
day by day. Unfortunately I
have to say that this type of
dancing, sexual abuse and
even the sale of boys has been
going on for years. It’s a despicable culture.
The boys involved are usually
poor, underage or orphans and
they are forced into it by their
economic circumstances.
The government has failed to
do much about the practice of
bacha bazi and police force do
little to encourage public confidence. Local officials do admit
the practice is prevalent but
seem to have no idea how to
fight it.
And Taliban commanders also
abuse young boys as sex
slaves, whom they are training
to carry out terror acts.
Nematullah, a former wouldbe suicide bomber, told Afghanistan’s National Directorate of Security (NDS) that
young men, including himself,
endured sexual abuse by their
trainers, according to a September 23 NDS statement.
Doctors and activists in Pakistan and Afghanistan have
medically confirmed that such
abuse occurs.
It’s by no means a human act.
… Drugging and forcing them
into such acts are condemnable by all social norms and human values.
Danish version on page 18 by
the editor.
I Afghanistan abuse of children and young boys are still common.
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
Relevant information for beboerne i Hanstholm Asylcenter
Clinic/klinik Opening Hours
Åben: mandag - fredag 09.00 - 11.30
Open: Monday - Friday 09.00 - 11.30
IT Support - Brian Duborg (Kontoret ved fitness - The office by the fitness studio)
Opening hours:
Mandag, tirsdag, torsdag, fredag: kl. 11.30 – 15.00
Monday, tuesdag, Thursday, Friday: 11.30 - 15.00
Onsdag/Wednesday: lukket/closed
This is a free service, but you may have to pay for spare parts. Gratis IT support, du skal kun betale for reservedelene.
If your own private computer, laptop etc. needs a check-up, this is the place to bring it. (Not for your room computer.)
Hvis din egen private computer, laptop osv. har brug for et check-up, bring den her. (Ikke for din værelsescomputer.)
Extern Work-experience Office
Open Tuesday 10 - 12 & 12.30 - 13.30
(Office beside Fittness studio)
Opening Hours / Åbningstider
Alle hverdage: 9.00 - 12.00
Get a practik outside the camp, talk to Brian
School: Lesson Plans / Skole, skoleskema
Nye elever: skoleinspektør Anders Brolev modtager alle nye elever på sit kontor i Ræhr.
New students: Headmaster Anders Brolev receives all new students in his office in Ræhr.
Alle ændringer af dit skema: Kontakt Anders/ Change of lesson plan? Contact Anders
Open: Tuesday & Thursday: 11-12
Åbeningstid: Tirsdag og torsdag 11-12
Take the bus to Ræhr at 8.40 (Hanstholm), 8.20 (Vigsø). You can have class until you can talk to the
headmaster, just contact a teacher in the morning and we find a place for you.
Lommepenge / Pocket Money Payout
Lommepenge: Torsdag i lige uger. Du skal have en underskrift efter hver time/periode af din lærer eller din praktik ansvarlige.
Hvis du ikke mener du får det beløb, du burde få, kan du klage over dette.
Pocket money payout takes place on Thursdays in even weeks.
You must have a signature from your teacher after every class you join, and from the praktik
responsible, if you are working in a praktik, .
If you think you are not getting the amount of money you should have, you can complain at the:
Lommepenge klagekontoret / Pocket Money Complaints Office
Åbningstid/Opening Hours: onsdag kl. 13.00 / Wednesday 13.00
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
Hanstholm Center News
Info Pages
Relevant info for inhabitants at Hanstholm Asylcenter
Bicycle Workshop
Vi reparerer og sælger cykler
We repair and sell bicycles.
Åbningstider/Opening Hours:
Responsible: Henrik
Second Hand Shop
Fitness studio
Alle hverdage: 9 - 22
Åbningstider : Tirsdag 14.00-15.00
Opening Hours: Tuesday 14.00-15.00
All week days: 9 - 22
More info: Inga
Mandag - fredag: 10.00 - 12.00
Monday - Friday: 10.00 - 12.00
Alle nye beboere skal henvende sig her for at få en kontrakt samt praktik.
All new residents must visit the jobcenter to get a contract and praktik.
Det Kreative Værksted
Åbningstid: 10 - 15 alle hverdage
Mandag til fredag 9.00 - 18.00
Opening hours: 10 - 15 all week days
 Mulighed for reparation af eget tøj
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 9.00 - 18.00
 Indlevering af tøj til reparation
 Mulighed for at lave egne produkter.
Responsible: Brian Duborg
You can repair your own clothes, get your clothes repaired for
a small amount or make your own products.
Ansvarlig/responsible: Mary-Ann
Børnehave / Kindergarten
Fyrvej 60
Mandag til fredag: 9.00-15.00
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday: 9.00-15.00
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
Kan man leve i Afghanistan, hvis man har en sjæl?
Vi taler altid om krig i Afghanistan, men Afghanistan
har andre hemmligheder.
Af N.Milad Mahmudi
Oversat og forkortet af
Bacha bazi er en gammel afghansk tradition, hvor man udklæder unge drenge som piger
og lader dem danse ved fester,
bryllupper og lign.
Drengene ejes af enlige eller
gifte mænd som sexslaver og
dansere. Drengene er typisk
mellem 8 og 24 år.
Hvis de forsøger at flygte kan
det have meget alvorlige såsom afstraffelse og nogle gange død. Da der er stor korruption i politiet tør kun de færreste søge hjælp hos politiet.
drengene stå til rådighed for
alle deltagerne og ofte skifter
de ejer i løbet af aftenen.
I et nyhedsmedie forklarer Allah Daad, engang mujahedin
commander fra det nordlige
Efter min mening
Som menneske kan jeg kun føle skam over at folk i mit hjemland voldtager og misbruger
børn systematisk. Det har forgået i århundreder og det er
en foragtelig kultur.
”Først udvalgte vi de smukkeste drenge, og så forsøgte vi at
lokke dem med os. Nogle blev
hos os for penge, vi gav dem
lommepenge en gang om måned, til gengæld var de til vores rådighed 24 timer i døgnet.
Regeringen (i Afghanistan) har
ikke gjort meget for at bekæmpe den kultur. Selvom flere og
flere deler min holdning også
blandt politiet og regeringen,
så synes de ikke at vide, hvad
de skal gøre ved det.
Taliban bruger også sexslaver
som selvmordsbombere.
Nematullah, en tidligere ”ville
være” selvmordsbomber fortalte Afghanistan’s National
Directorate of Security (NDS),
at unge mænd, inklusiv ham
selv, oplevede massivt seksuelt
misbrug af deres trænere. Læger har siden bekræftet dette.
Danserne er en forretning for
velhavende mænd i Afghanistan, slaverne ses som symbol
på magt og rigdom. Derfor er
de kønneste og bedste dansere
Drengene kender ikke noget
andet liv og de kalder deres
ejer for herre.
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
Det er dog ikke sådan at de er
hos os hele tiden. De fleste er
kun med til fester og har et andet job ved siden af dette ekstra job.”
Han forklarer at de skal danse
fordi de bliver betalt for det.
Desuden skal de også lave andre ydelser som deres herrer
kræver det. Efter en fest skal
Det er simpelthen ikke menneskeligt. Man giver dem stoffer,
misbruger dem seksuelt fra de
er helt små, og når de bliver
for gamle til dette, bruges de
som selvmordsbomber. Det er
udenfor enhver menneskelig
forstand, at nogle kan opføre
sig sådan.
Hanstholm Center News
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
The school in Ræhr is started
The new school in Ræhr is off to a flying
start. More students attend the classes
and the teachers talk about the good
spirit in the school.
The school has been painted and works well,
even though there are a lot of small things
that needs to be done over the next months.
On the 27th of January the school opened
for the first time in years. Two busses full of
students came on the first day. “It’s very
positive,” says the teachers.
Along side her job in the babyschool Joan has
been the engine of the café area, and she
tells Hanstholm Center News that people
flock to the area. They talk to each other regardless of their nationalities. It’s very positive.
A student , who wanted to be anonymous,
said: “It is okay to learn Danish, but I come
for the coffee, the nice teachers and to talk
to others”.
Jette is happy to announce that the riding
team starts up again. There are a few places
in the class, but you have to be fast, she says.
You can talk to either Anders or Jette about
this. Both can be found in the school in
In the future there will be praktik in Ræhr
also, we want people in the café area and
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
From top to buttom: The change from the first floor to a
nice looking new school, where there is classes.
Hanstholm Center News
people to clean, says Anders. And the paintjob inside is still not completely
In a few months spring
comes and the school can
start to focus on the outside
The schools’ outside area
needs some attention, the
old playground and the windows desperately need
some oil.
You can talk to the Jobcenter if you want to help.
How do I get in school?
It’s very simple to get a lesson
plan and go to school.
Everyone can learn Danish or
English. The school also has
Intro (for newcomers) and
Turbo (for people who get
positive) and a few other
Alle teachers worked like handymen i January and more than 30 people helped by painting, cleaning and a lot more.
First of all you need to talk to
headmaster Anders. Anders
has office time Tuesdays and
Thursdays 11-12 in Ræhr
You take the Bus from
Hanstholm 8.40 (Vigsø 8.20).
When you arrive at the school,
just tell the first teacher you
see, that you want to go to
school. In a flick of an eye you
start in a class at 9 o’clock.
When the clock is around 11,
you have a short meeting with
headmaster Anders where you
get your lesson plan.
Lektiecafe - voksne
Starts again the 2nd of april
Ræhr school on a summer day.
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
Live Music In "The Cafe"
Every Friday.
From 13:00 to 15:00
This Event is totally FREE.
We Offer: Tea, Coffee & Cake for 2 Kroner.
If You Have Any Question, Fell Free To Ask/Call Brian.
At The Cafe You Can Play:
Card Games
We Hope To See You On Next Friday.
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
Hanstholm Center News
Hanstholm Bibliotek
Biblioteket i Hanstholm ligger i indkøbscenteret,
hvor bl.a. Rikke er bibliotekar.
Hun fortæller til Center News at alle asylansøgere (naturligvis) er meget velkomne på biblioteket. Der er endda lavet et hjørne af bøger på forskellige fremmedsprog, det er bl.a. somali, arabisk, dari, russisk osv. Samtidig kan de skaffe forbløffende mange bøger hjem, hvis man blot
spørger bibliotekaren efter dem. Rikke hjælper
også med at finde de rigtige bøger både i form af
indhold og i form a sværhedsgrad.
På biblioteket kan man også finde sig et stille
hjørne og læse i et magasin om fx computer, videnskab, sundhed eller noget helt andet.
Engang imellem er der også salg af kasseret bøger. Det er bøger, der er i god stand og måske
også er gode bøger, men de bliver bare ikke lånt
ud. De kan købes for få kroner.
Hanstholm Library
The library in Hanstholm is in the shopping Center. Here we find Rikke, who is a librarian. All
asylum seekers are of course very welcome to
use the library, she says. We have a corner with
books in Arabic, Russian, Dari and many other
languages. And we can get almost any book
from Thisted, she adds.
At the library you can also find a
cozy corner to read magazines
about science, health, computers and other subjects.
Rikke and the other librarians
will always help you find books
about the subjects you find interesting.
Sometimes you can also buy old
books for a small amount.
It is free to borrow books at the
library, but if you forget to bring
them back, you will get a fine.
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
Julefrokost or “Christmas Dinner” with
185 people from different countries.
Text: N.Milad Mahmudi
Photos: Anna og Jørgen
Julefrokost or Christmas Dinner
is a tradition in Denmark. When
people having a Danish traditional Christmas meal, these
meals are mostly in the evening
and often they invite the grandparents, and the family to eat
Christmas Dinner can also be a
company of people,colleagues
and friends.
Usually the christmas dinner
held is in the month of Christmas, but sometimes also in No-
Usually every association/club/company has a
yearly julefrokost for its
This year I had my first
Julefrokost of my life. It
was organized by volunteers of Hanstholm Asyl
center. These volunteers
were Jørgen Krogh, Lisbeth, Anne marie, Lukas,
Rita, Margith,
Eli Hundahl and Anna
Larsen (hope I didn't forget any).
The tickets cost only
20kr, and it was the first
time almost for all people who came to Julefrokost.
There was a welcome
speech and a closing
speech. Speeches contain introduction of volunteers and about the
julefrokost. The
speeches were in four
different languages.
vember and January.
Christmas is just a month ago,
and with it comes one of the
most awaited Danish traditions
of this year or the Julefrokost
(Christmas lunch, although I
think it’s pretty much always is a
There was many people
and a chance to meet
each other. You eat for
hours, until you’ve eaten
way more than you
should have. You really
are full halfway through
it, but feel the strong
need to continue putting
food down your throat
for a couple more hours.
There was some danish
foods like herring with
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
The old centerschool were filled to the point
of bursting at the ”julefrokost”. Everyone
had a very good time, said our reporter.
Hanstholm Center News
curry salad and dark bread,
eggs with shrimp, fillet plaice
fish with tartar, chicken breast
fillet beef with Italian salad
and some other....
to make all these dishes? He
said: No absolutely not I love
to make food.
He said: “we made some Danish food (sild and karrysalat,
Rødspættefilet, rejer with æg
and kaviar, roastbeuf, kalkunpålæg, ænder with rødkål and
There was live music also.
Talking with people and having danish food. It was enjoyable for every one, especially
when you meet people from
different countries around
the table.
Mr. Jørgen Krogh one of the
volunteers said for
“Hanstholm Center News”:
“Julefrokost is a Danish tradition, and I got this idea the
first year I was here that we
should make julefrokost in the
center for all the people. Normaly we celebrate it in christmas month (December) but
there were a lot of other activties so we moved to January.
He said to Hanstholm Center
News that there were 185
people from different countries.
Most of the time Mr. Jørgen
Krogh was in the kitchen.
When I ask him if it was hard
There was some “moneycards”
that I have bought from afghan shop so the lucky person
who found the almond in
risalamande will have a card
so that they can buy whatever
they want from that shop.
A special Danish dish: fish, dark bread
and remulade on the top. Dark bread is
common in Denmark, but can be hard to
find outside the Danish borders. Even
though that it is a lot healthier that light
We think it was the best choice
because some people want to
buy toys for their children and
some people want to buy food
or …
And for lotteries me and Anna,
we went to Hanstholm and
asked the shops for presents
and we got a lot.”
The thing that I always will remember is the fun, when we
served the first meal and
looked at the people's face.
Some didn't like it and some
tried it for the first time, and
there was so many funny faces
when they were testing the
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
con, flæskesteg with rødkål,
grøn langkål with medisterpølse and brunede kartofler.
food for the first time and didn't
like it.
There is some lotteries, Anna Larsen was selling the lotteries. It
costs only 2kr.
Helle Mikkelsen who was at the
Christmas dinner said for
Hanstholm Center News:
“Christmas dinner is a chance to
meet your family members and
friends and it is mostly before
Christmas. Normally we start
Christmas dinner with herring fish
and eat it with dark bread and
there will be duck and other fish
and boiled eggs, if it is only Danish people there will be some
Danish food called ( varm leverposteg with champignon and ba-
The fun is to hide the fact that
you have found the almond as
long as possible so that people
will keep getting second and third
helping in a futile attempt to find
the almond and claim the prize.
And in the end we always
have risalamande. It is rice
with milk cream and suger
and some almonds. She
also add it was very nice to
introduce other
people to our
Risalamande (or “ris a la mande”) is a delicious, traditional Danish rice dessert based on rice, cream, and alculture and that she
monds served with hot cherry sauce. Risalamande is
really enjoy it.”
Risalamande is the
dessert that is traditionally served with
Christmas dinner in
typically enjoyed at Christmas time, but is recommended for dessert lovers all year through.
To cook you need the following ingredients (4 portions)
Portioned from a large 
bowl at the end of
dinner, a whole al
mond is hidden some- 
where in the mix and 
the lucky person to
find it receives a special gift. in this julefro- 1.
kost there were 10
almonds which were 3.
in different bowls.
½ liter milk
¾ dl rice
25 gram almonds (~ 1 oz.)
1 tablespoon sugar
Vanilla sugar
2 teaspoon potato starch
2 dl cream (~ 1 cup)
4 dl cherry juice (~ 2 cups)
½ dl bottled cherries (without pips) (~ ¼ cup)
Pour the milk into a casserole and boil gently
Add the rice while gently stirring
Let it boil gently for 45 minutes while frequently
Cool down the pudding
Secondly, prepare the cherry sauce
1. Make the cherry juice simmer
2. Mix the potato starch with a little cold water
3. Remove the cherry juice from the heat and add the
potato mix at once
4. Add the cherries
Thirdly, prepare the risalamande:
1. Clean and chop the almonds into medium sized pieces
2. Mix the rice pudding with the almonds
3. Whip the cream and mix it very gently with the rice
And finally, enjoy the risalamande with the hot
cherry sauce
You will love it!
Risalamande is a European dish and eaten it is almost a
ritual in all .
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
Source: http://risalamande.com
Hanstholm Center News
Once a month we have the BIG house cleaning.
You get a signature for being af part of this exciting part of
Hanstholm Asylcenter.
Ca. en gang om måneden har vi den store rengøringsdag. Du modtager lommepenge for at deltage i denne spændende del af Hanstholm Asylcenters liv.
All are helping each other to make
the camp a better place.
On this day:
Jobcenter is closed
Clinic is closed
E.W.O*. is closed
School is closed
Alle offices are closed!
Excuses not to be a part of this:
- You have an official appointment
outside the camp.
- You are (almost) dead
* Extern Workexperience Office
We start at 9 o’clock
Alle hjælper til med at gøre vores center til et rart og rent sted at
være, derfor er det meste lukket denne dag.
Skolen er lukket. Alle kontorer er lukket. Jobcenter og klinikken er
lukket. Extern Workexperience Office (E.W.O.) er lukket. Hvis du
ikke deltager er det fordi: Du har en officiel aftale i byen eller du er
(næsten) død.
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
By .Milad Mahmudi
Taliban attack: killed 21 Including Foreigners in
Kabul Restaurant.
nadians, Lebanese and a Briton were
among the 13 foreign victims; the
other eight were Afghans. Ari Gaitanis,
UN Spokesman in Afghanistan said
they had lost four UN staff members in
the attack, and were "very
shocked and very sad"
The UN Secretary General Ban Kimoon condemned the attack,
calling it a "horrific attack".
"Such targeted attacks against
civilians are completely unacceptable and are in flagrant
breach of international humanitarian law. They must
stop immediately.”
A suicide bomber detonated explosives at a Lebanese restaurant frequented by foreigners in central Kabul
late Friday, while two other bombers
managed to get inside the restaurant
and opened firing at the guests, according to officials.
Two others, including the chef of the
restaurant has been wounded.
The victims include the Afghanistan
head of IMF (International Monetary
Fund) Wabel Abdallah, and four UN
employees. A British national is also
killed in the attack.
The first explosion happened at 19:30
in the diplomatic district of Wazir Akbar Khan. Security forces reached the
area and engaged in two hour gunfire
with the two gunmen, said Kabul police chief Gen Zahir Zahir.
The restaurant is known for high security and for serving foreign diplomats
and aid workers.
A senior IMF official and four UN employees were among 21 people killed
in a suicide bomb and gun attack, CaHanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
An estimated two million people
have fled the country and
around 6.5 million have been
internally displaced.
The coalition's leader, Ahmad
Jarba, said it was going to the
talks "without any bargain regarding the principles of the
revolution and we will not be
cheated by President Bashar alAssad's regime.
The Taliban's spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid claimed responsibility
for the attack, which he said was
targeting foreign officials.
There have been a number of highprofile Taliban attacks in the capital
since the start of 2014, after the country saw one of the bloodiest fighting
seasons of the 13-year war last year.
The United Nations has attributed
over 70 percent of all civilian casualties
in Afghanistan to Taliban attacks.
Peace talks in Geneva
about Syria
Syria's main political opposition
group, the Syrian National Coalition (SNC), has agreed to attend
next week Geneva II peace talks,
to be held in Switzerland.
The aim of Geneva II is to start
the process of setting up a transitional government to end the
war in Syria.
The three-year conflict has
claimed the lives of more than
100,000 people.
Mr Kerry said in a statement:
This is a courageous vote in the
interests of all the Syrian people
who have suffered so horribly
under the brutality of the Assad
regime and a civil war without
UK Foreign Secretary William
Hague also praised the SNC's
"difficult decision", adding: As I
have said many times, any mutually agreed settlement means
that Assad can play no role in
Syria's future.
Last week, Syria's National Reconciliation Minister Ali Haidar
said no-one should expect a
breakthrough at the talks, he
said: "The solution has begun
and will continue through the
military victory of the state."
Hanstholm Center News
However, Syria on Friday did offer
a prisoner exchange with rebels.
Foreign Minister Walid Muallem
said he had also presented a
ceasefire plan for the second city
of Aleppo during talks with his
Russian colleague, Sergei Lavrov.
Mr Kerry had previously urged
the opposition to join the 22
January talks, arguing that they
were aimed at establishing a
process necessary for the formation of a transitional governing
body in Syria.
Mr Lavrov is eager for Iran to be
part of the peace talks, but Mr
Kerry has said that Iran must first
agree to the Geneva I communique which calls for a political
transition in Syria.
But UN chief Ban Ki-moon has
invited Iran to take part in preliminary Syrian peace talks this
week in Switzerland, an offer Tehran has accepted.
MPs in Damascus, "If
we wanted to surrender we would
have surrendered
from the start"
Pakistan's Taliban said they had
carried out the attack as part of a
"fight against a secular system"
and promised "many more such
The government,
opposition groups
and Western diplomats will take part in
peace talks in Switzerland next week.
Soldiers and paramilitary Frontier
Corps were preparing to leave
Bannu, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
province, for Razmak in North
Waziristan when their convoy
was rocked by the blast.
Opposition groups have previously demanded the removal of
Mr Assad as a condition of any
discussions on a possible transitional government.
And on 28-01-2014 opposition
spokesmen has said: Syrian peace
talks being held in Geneva have
broken up. But UN officials have
expressed optimism over the progress in the next round.
At least 20 have been killed
in north-western Pakistan.
At least 20 soldiers have been
killed in north-western Pakistan
in a bomb blast that struck an
army convoy, sources in the security forces say. At least 24 others
were injured in the explosion
near the town of Bannu, with
fears the death will rise. The
source of the explosion is still being investigated.
The explosion took place in one
of the vehicles of the convoy, an
unnamed senior security official
told AFP.
"We are trying to ascertain the
exact nature of the explosion,
whether it was a planted device
or a suicide attack."
Taliban spokesman Shahidullah
Shahid said for media: "With the
help of God we claim responsibility for this, "The army is our enemy. We will carry out many
more attacks like this again."
Last week, a senior police officer
known for campaigning against
the militants was killed in a bomb
blast in Karachi.
Mr Ban said he had received assurances that Iran would play a
positive role in securing a transitional government.
On 19 of january which is a few
days for peace talk Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has said he
has no intention of quitting, and
the issue is not up for discussion
at next week's peace talks.
According to Interfax news
agency. Mr Assad told Russian
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
Skolen i Ræhr er startet
Skolen i Ræhr er kommet
godt i gang, fremmødet er
øget markant og fra lærerstaben forlyder det at der er
forrygende stemning.
havde alle stole
fyldt og måtte endda finde flere i andre lokaler.
Skolen er malet, er funktionel
og flot, selvom der er mange
småting, der skal laves hen
over de kommende måneder,
fortæller lærergruppen samstemmende. I Cafe området er
lamperne fx indkøbt og sat op,
men er endnu ikke tilsluttet
strøm, der er også et toilet,
der skal males osv. Men det er
noget, som der må komme
hen af vejen.
Joan har de første
par uger været motoren for cafeområdet (udover den almindelig undervisning i Babyschool),
og området er meget velbesøgt og der
er en god stemning.
Første skoledag
På centerskolen gik
eleverne oftest til
undervisning og derefter hjem igen og
det tog lang tid at
lære nye mennesker. Her holder de
pause sammen mellem undervisningen, De sidste forberedelser blev gjort og så var alle
og de lære langt fle- klar til at modtage klasserne.
re at kende på tværs
af nationaliteter, huse og køn.
genoptaget som fag, det populære fag har ligget stille fra
midten af december, så hun
forventer, at der hurtigt komJette er glad for at kunne former venteliste til holdet.
tælle at ridning også bliver
Den 27. januar kunne skolen
for første gang i årevis åbne
dørene for elever. Lærergruppen havde forventet at de første par uger blev en opstartsfase, hvor holdene kunne slås
sammen, mens de lærere i
”overskud” kunne lave de sidste ting på skolen.
Sådan gik det på ingen måde.
To busser fyldt til bristepunktet har væltet ind fra første
Det er meget positivt, fortæller Jette, der på førstedagen
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
Alle snakker med
alle, fortæller hun
Hanstholm Center News
Hvis man er interesseret er det
Jette man skal tage kontakt til.
Jette er at træffe på skolen.
Det er meningen at skolen skal
have praktikanter tilknyttet,
både til cafeområdet og rengøring.
Om en måned eller to skal der
også kigges på de ydre områder. Græsset skal slås, der skal
ryddes op på den gamle legeplads og det gamle SFO område, ligesom de gamle vinduer
skal træbeskyttes så snart vejret tillader det.
Åbent hus
Den 3. februar var der åben
hus arrangeret af for Ræhrs
borgere og der var fremmødt
omkring 50-60 borgere, der fik
en rundvisning og fik fortalt
om den nye skole. Stemningen
var meget positiv, enkelte var
lidt skuffende
over at beboerforeningen i
Ræhr ikke havde
inddraget byen i
men de var ikke
tilfredse med selve skolen.
Alternativet for
Pia er få dage før åbningen i gang med at male
skolen havde i
øvrigt været ned- den sidste dørkarm.
rivning. Skolen
8.20 fra Vigsø. Når man komstod allerede på listen over
mer til skolen er der mulighed
bygninger, der skulle forsvinde
for at deltage i en ”tilfældig”
i 2014.
klasse, indtil du får samtalet
med Anders omkring din fremFlyttet til Ræhr
tidige skolegang.
Anders har også flyttet sit kontor ud til Ræhr, og selvom han
sammen med bl.a. Pia
Til trods for alle de positive
(frivilligkoordinator), Joan
ting, så lyder der dog også kri(babyschool) og jeres redaktør,
tiske ryster fra andre medarvil have et fælles kontor på
centeret, så er det begrænset
hvor meget tid, han er på cenKarin udtrykker en blanding af
teret. Derfor er tiden slut, hvor
forundring og vantro over at
man ”bare lige
resten af centeret ikke er budt
forsøger” at se
ud til kaffe, kage og officiel åbom han er på
ning af skolen. Mette supplekontoret, for at få
rede: ”Kage, hvem sagde kage
ændret sit skema.
og hvornår?”
I en enkelt klasse krævede lydforholdene at der
måtte lægges gulvtæppe.
Hvis man er ny i
skolen eller vil
have ændret sit
skema, skal man
derfor tage bussen til Ræhr. Den
kører 8.40 fra
Hanstholm og
Center News lader spørgsmålet gå videre til lærergruppen,
så hold øje med mailboksen.
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
Kontakt Hanstholm Asylcenters frivilligkoordinatorer:
Brian: bdu@thisted eller Pia: pkes@thisted.dk
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt: