Den Danske Forening - The Danish Club in Brisbane, Australia
Den Danske Forening - The Danish Club in Brisbane, Australia
Den Danske Forening Heimdal Medlemsblad Newsletter for the Danish Association ‘Heimdal’ – Established 1872 Photo: Soren Hoimark August 2009 THE DANISH ASSOCIATION “HEIMDAL” Inc. 36 AUSTIN STREET NEWSTEAD QLD 4006 PHONE: 0437 612 913 ========================================================= Contributions If you would like to share your news, you are welcome to send emails and other material to the editor for publication. The closing date for the September issue is 14 August 2009. We will endeavour to publish all material submitted but reserve the right to edit or not publish your contribution. Any material published does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Danish Club or the Editor. Webmaster: Aage Christoffersen 18 Boardman Street Kallangur QLD 4503 Phone: (07) 3204 5761 Skype: lydatronic Email: From the Editor The new Club year is off to a great start with two new events coming up and the committee is busy making plans for the coming year. Funding is always an issue, but the grant from the Gambling Community Benefit Fund has inspired the committee to approach some of the Danish companies represented in Australia, including Lego, B&O, SAS, Vestas, Maersk, Nilfisk (just to name a few). Let’s see if the Club can get some support from them. If you have any ideas or can help, talk to a committee member. We may even be able to apply for grant funding from Denmark and spend it on Danish books and toys or furniture for the Club. Speaking of businesses, many of our members run businesses and we’ll be introducing you to them in coming issues of the newsletter. Photos by Alan Przybylak Editor: Lone Schmidt Phone: 07 3359 2026 Email: NEW MEMBERS IN JULY Catja Watson, Holland Park Bjarne Sørensen & Aine Chambers, Kirra Jytte Kronborg Pedersen, Banksia Beach Leeanne & Michael Schmidt, Daisy Hill Sue & Torben Marcussen, Highfield Read about the membership drive in the newsletter What’s on at the Danish Club? Café Danmark 24 July 2009 from 6 pm Try our tasty homemade ‘smorrebrod’: the menu varies from time to time, but you’ll often find ‘rullepølse’, fish wedges, pate, roast pork and ‘Esrom’ cheese. Or have a hot dog and get a drink in the bar. The bar still offers genuine Carlsberg in cans imported direct from Denmark. There is also a good variety of whites and reds. It’s also an opportunity to buy delicious Danish pastries, specialty breads and organic biscuits direct from Britt’s Danish Delights or order in advance. You can also order smallgoods and quality meats from Flemming, the Danish butcher at Woolloongabba and pick up at the café. Legestue Kids’ Play Group Every Friday from 10-12 See contact details in the newsletter – give your children a chance to speak Danish and play with other children in their age group. Folk Dancers Special Event 31 July 2009 from 6 pm Come along for a free evening of dancing and entertainment hosted by the Danish Folkdance Group in conjunction with the Danish Club. Cafe food will be available and the bar is open. The theme for the evening will be court dances such as The Lancer and Princess Alexandrine Quadrille. The dance performers will be dressed in period ballroom dresses from the mid1800s. For those who are interested there will be a chance to do some participation dances. Annual General Meeting 8 August 2009 1 – 4 pm Come along to the AGM, enjoy a free hot dog, a cup of coffee and a pastry before getting into the serious business! There’s still a seat for you on the Committee. Dyrberg Kern Fashion Show Special Event 22 August 2009 2 – 4 pm Dyrberg Kern presents its stunning selection of current and new season jewellery to the Brisbane market. Café Danmark 28 August 2009 from 6 pm Project Roof Thanks to a generous grant of $8,140 from the Queensland Gaming Commission we were able to have our roof repaired and treated. We hope that this marks the end of our problems with water damage and thanks to the heat insulating qualities of the material applied during the treatment process, we should also notice a drop in our electricity consumption from running the airconditioning system. The difference is staggering! The company appointed for the treatment was Advanced Asbestos Coating and the coating has extended the lifespan of the roof plus improved insulating qualities, and in general the condition of the roof is sound, so well worth the investment. A warm thank you very much to Queensland Gaming Commission for the helping hand. Photo: Søren Høimark Cafe Danmark Friday 24 July 2009 6 pm As usual, there are many things happening at Cafe Danmark: it’s an opportunity to meet old friends, make new ones, taste Danish ‘smørrebrød’ a la Australia, sample genuine Carlsberg in the bar (or how about a heart-stopping snaps), buy delicious Danish pastries and breads from Britts, browse the library, pick up a t-shirt with a Danish motif and now you can even buy pickled herring! Falkeskog Onion Herring or Anchovy Herring (630 g jars) in limited quantities for $9. We’ll buy more if you want them! Folk Dancer’s Special Event 31 July 2009 6 pm Come along for a free evening of dancing and entertainment hosted by the Danish Folkdance Group in conjunction with the Danish Club. The theme for the evening will be court dances such as The Lancer and Princess Alexandrine Quadrille. The dance performers will be dressed in period ballroom dresses from the mid-1800s. For those who are interested there will be a chance to do some participation dances. Food and beverages will be available at reasonable prices from 6pm. Get all your Danish Baked Goodies from Britt’s Bakery at Café DANMARK 4th Friday of each month Authentic Danish Pastry & Organic Bread Products Kringler, Smørtærter, Kanelstænger, Birkes, Rundstykker, Fuldkornsrugbrød, Kransekagekonfekt, Småkager, Knækbrød og bagerens dårlige øje. For information, order forms and delivery details, go to our website: Unit 5/10 Energy Crescent, Molendinar QLD 4214 Ph: 07 5571 6881 Fax: 07 5571 6947 Email: President’s Challenge Let’s share our culture and traditions – and the good food – with friends and family. Encourage them to become members of the Danish club and we’ll reward you with a $20 voucher for food and drink at Café Danmark. 5 new memberships in July was a good start, but the president wants more. TIL LYKKE til alle klubbens fødselarer i juli/august 15/7 fyldte Jørgen Skov 65 20/7 Henrik Caspersen Skriv eller ring til redaktøren, hvis du kender nogen, der fejrer fødselsdag eller jubilæum eller sølvbryllup, guldbryllup, fødsel, dåb – vi vil vide det hele. Membership Renewal Hall Hire Renewal letters for 2009/2010 have been posted. At the July Cafe Danmark a lucky member will win the special prize for payment before 15 July 2009: a $100 dining voucher for 2 Small Rooms at Milton. Remember that you have to pay your membership to be entitled to vote at the AGM. Committee 2009/2010 Nominations for the committee are due by 24 July and there are 3 vacancies to fill. It would be great to have members from all age groups and in particular we need committee members with young children to inspire input for functions for youngsters. Any master chefs or cooks out there, we also need you on board. If you think it’s daunting to organise a party for 40 people, come and join us and you’ll quickly become an expert. It’s good experience. Scandinavian Book Club Next meeting to be held at Cafe Danmark 28 August. The book is Stieg Larsson: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Man som hatar kvinnor). Give Amanda McLaughlin a ring on 3266 4538 or email to let her know that you’ll be attending. Planning a birthday party, christening, wedding or corporate function? Need a training venue? Or a dance studio? 36 Austin Street is available for hire at reasonable rates: Friday or Saturday: $250 (members)/ $350 (non-members) Deposit for cleaning and breakage: $300 If you need more information, ring Soren Hoimark on 0437 612 913. Library Visit the library upstairs, check out the new red bookcases filled with books in Danish by Danish authors or translations. Feel free to borrow the books and please bring them back at your next visit. And if you need to look something up, there’s Lademanns Leksikon, Gyldendals Opslagsbog and Nordisk Konversationsleksikon. Frederik & Mary’s Wedding Do you have a video or DVD with the wedding? We have an inquiry. Mærkedage Der skal være guldbryllup i år! Her er en beskrivelse hentet fra Københavns Bibliotekers netsted: Når man har været gift i 50 år, kan man fejre guldbryllup. Dagen fejres på samme måde som ved sølvbryllup, men i mindre omfang og lavere tempo, da guldbrudeparret er blevet ældre og omgangskredsen snævrere. Også ved guldbryllup sættes der æresport op omkring døren. Æresporten er lavet af gran og pyntet med årstidens blomster. Øverst sidder et skjold med guldbrudeparrets navne og årstal. der viser, hvor længe de har været gift. Skjoldet er holdt i vinrødt og guld. Guldbrudeparret vækkes af familie og venner med hornmusik og sang, men de får lov til at sove lidt længere end ved deres sølvbryllup. Ligesom til sølvbrylluppet synges "I østen stiger solen op" og "Det er så yndigt at følges ad", hvorefter gæsterne bydes ind på morgenbord. Guldbryllupsfesten former sig omtrent som sølvbryllupsfesten, men er knap så løssluppen, og den både starter og slutter lidt tidligere af hensyn til de ældre festdeltagere. Familien, som ofte er vokset med flere generationer, tegner sig for den største del af gæsterne. Påklædningen er almindeligt festtøj. Bordet er pyntet i dybrøde og gyldne farver som symbol på anseelse og værdighed. Under middagen er der taler og lejlighedssange. Hvis gaverne ikke er pakket ud på forhånd, gøres dette under kaffen. Da guldbrudepar som regel har alt, hvad de har brug for, er gavebordet præget af ting, som de kan få glæde af i hverdagen. Det kan være en rejse, tidsskriftabonnementer, teaterbilletter og lignende. Efter kaffen spilles der op til dans, og guldbrudeparret åbner ballet med Niels W. Gades brudevals, medens gæsterne slår kreds om dem og klapper takten. Kredsen gøres mindre og mindre, indtil guldbrudeparret står helt tæt og kysser hinanden. Festen slutter efter natmaden. Kilde: ooOoo Ferielæsning i Danmark netop nu: Romaner Läckberg, Camilla: Tyskerungen Aamund, Jane: Smeltediglen Grue, Anna: Kunsten at dø Rushdie, Salman: Fortryllersken fra Firenze Ragde, Anne B.: Arseniktårnet Hastrup, Julie: En torn i øjet Läckberg, Camilla: Mord og mandelduft Ejersbo, Jakob: Eksil Hesseldahl, Morten: Natten er lige begyndt Jungstedt, Mari: Den døende dandy Københavns Bibliotekers Top 10 liste over reserverede bøger (15. juli 2009) Filmen ’Original’ vinder prisen for bedste spillefilm ved Shanghai International Film Festival i juni 2009. SpongeBob SquarePants: Hedder på dansk SvampeBob Firkant ... Mecon-gruppen, ejer af Berlingske Media, der udgiver Berlingske Tidende, BT, Weekendavisen og en lang række andre publikationer, er tæt på konkurs, forlyder det i en artikel i Jyllands-Posten. Mecons administrerende direktør siger, at det er rent opspind. Danmark er Europas dyreste land: I 2008 lå de danske priser 41 procent højere end gennemsnittet i de 27 EU-lande, de tre EU-kandidatlande Makedonien, Kroatien og Tyrkiet, de fire Balkan-stater Albanien, Bosnien-Herzegovina, Montenegro og Serbien samt de tre frihandelslande Norge, Schweiz og Island. Det viser tal fra Eurostat, der er EUs statistiske kontor. Det billigste EU-land er Bulgarien, der ligger 49 procent under EU-gennemsnittet. Eurostat har undersøgt priserne på 2500 varer med mere i de 37 lande i hele Europa. Og her ligger Makedonien i bund med priser, der er 53 procent lavere end snittet i EU. På pladserne efter Danmark følger Norge og Schweiz (der begge dog ikke er medlem af EU), Irland, Finland, Island, Luxembourg, Sverige, Frankrig, Belgien og Italien. I bunden ligger Makedonien, Bulgarien og Albanien. (DR 16. juli 2009) 13. juli 2009: Elitecyklist Jette Fuglsang omkom efter sammenstød med en camper i de franske alper. Hun blev straks overført til et hospital i Grenoble, men kunne ikke reddes. Få danske nyheder online via,,,,, - Planning to Travel? Flights to Scandinavia from $1747 (plus taxes) Excellent Cruise Deals / Car Hire / Rail Passes / Tours Phone Hannelore (07) 3841 1444 Global Active Travel • P.O. Box 230 • Springwood QLD 4127 Please visit us on the web: or send your requests by e-mail: Festival time in Brisbane: 17/7-26/7 Jumpers & Jazz in July – keep warm in Warwick 4/7-26/7 Jan Jørgensen exhibits new works at the Kiln Gallery, The Substation, 150 Enoggera Terrace, Paddington. Find more details at Jan Jorgensen Rainbow Garden, Red Hill, Surrey St. Oil on Belgian linen 40 x 30cm AVAILABLE $1,500 17/7-2/8 Queensland Music Festival 25/7 Red Hill Fair 25/7-26/7 Centenary Rocks! Festival 30/7 Brisbane International Film Festival 2009 (BIFF) opening night: ‘An Education’ directed by Danish Lone Scherfig (“Italiensk for Begyndere’) – story is set in the early 1960s in Twickenham, London. 4/8 and 7/8 showing Danish movie ‘Little Soldier’ (Lille Soldat) featuring Trine Dyrholm. 6/7-15/8 EKKA 2/8 Ambiwerra Festival, Corinda 8/8 and 15/8 "Det lille Turneteater" from Denmark performs at Sydney Opera House. An ensemble of puppets and actors/musicians play out Shakespeare's timeless tragedies Hamlet and Romeo & Juliet. For more information visit: and Sunday afternoon at 2 pm: Enjoy a free film or documentary at the State Library of Queensland (see details at Jul Sun 19 Jul 27A (Danish director Esben Storm) Sun 26 Jul Goodbye Paradise Aug Sun 16 Aug Buddies Sun 23 Aug Travelling North Sun 30 Aug Swimming Upstream Sep Sun 6 Sep Chocolat Sun 20 Sep Yabba Sun 27 Sep Turumba Dyrberg Kern at the Danish Club Date: Saturday 22 August 2009 Time: 2-4 pm Event: Dyrberg Kern Fashion Jewellery on Parade The Dyrberg Kern story began in 1985 in Denmark and has since established a popular brand highly desired internationally. Dyrberg Kern is the epitome of international accessories for any occasion: classic, trendy, modern contemporary daywear, evening wear, for parties, leisure, office etc. The collections include extremely well crafted jewellery, watches and eyewear, featuring elegant, timeless designs which go hand in hand with global fashion trends. In conjunction with the Danish Club Brisbane, Dyrberg Kern would like to present its stunning selection of current and new season jewellery to the Brisbane market. Dyrberg Kern Fashion Jewellery on Parade: Champagne, coffee & cake $15 Bookings to Lone Schmidt on 3359 2026 or 0437 612 913 or by email to Dyrberg Kern will offer an exquisite piece of jewellery to give away at the event. Irish Logic So Paddy asks Murphy: "Why do Scuba divers always fall backwards off their boats into the water?" To which Murphy replies: "You thick shite - If they fell forwards,they'd still be in the friggin boat." A very confident James Bond walks into a bar and takes a seat next to a very attractive woman. He gives her a quick glance, then casually looks at his watch for a moment. The woman notices this and asks, "Is your date running late?" No," he replies, "Q has just given me this state-of-the-art watch. I was just testing it." The intrigued woman says, "A state-of-the-art watch? What's so special about it?" Bond explains, "It uses alpha waves to talk to me telepathically." The lady says, "What's it telling you now?" "Well, it says you're not wearing any knickers …" The woman giggles and replies, "Well it must be broken because I am wearing knickers!" Bond smirks, taps his watch and says, "Bloody thing's an hour fast." A 10-year-old girl was walking home from school one day, when a big man on a black motorcycle pulls up beside her. After following along for a while, the biker turned to her and asks, "Hey there little girl, do you want to go for a ride?" "NO!" said the little girl as she keeps on walking. The biker again pulled up beside her and asks, "Hey little girl, I will give you $10 if you hop on the back." "NO!" said the little girl as she hurried on down the street. The biker pulled up beside the little girl again and said, "Okay kid, my last offer! I'll give you 20 bucks and a big bag of candy if you will just hop on the back of my bike and we will go for a ride." Finally, the little girl stopped, turned toward him and screamed out... "Look Dad" "You're the one who bought the Honda instead of the Harley"! "YOU RIDE IT!" Little Johnny was in the classroom bored to the back teeth on a Friday afternoon, and the teacher decided to have a game for the kids to get them thinking. 'Okay class. Now I'm going to say a famous quote, and the first person to tell me who said that quote, can have Monday off' said the teacher. 'Who is credited with writing the phrase 'To be or not to be, That is the question,' asked the teacher. Little Pham Lam Nguyen at the front of the class called out, 'Shakespeare'. 'Well done!' said the teacher, 'You can have Monday off. 'No thank you Miss. I am of Vietnamese origin and it is in our culture to study as hard as we can, so I will be here on Monday studying hard,' said Little Pham Lam Nguyen. 'Well okay,' said the teacher. The next quote is, 'I had a dream! “ Little Fri Sum Kat also at the front yelled out 'I bereiva it was Martin Ruther King!' 'Well done!' said the teacher. 'You can have Monday off' 'No thanka you miss. I am of Chinese oligin and we also do not take time offa school. Education is evelything to us, so I will be in on Monday studying hard too,' said little Fri Sum Kat. 'Okay,' said the teacher. Then she heard a voice from the back of the classroom, 'F#^*ing > Asians!' 'Who said that?' yelled the teacher in an angry tone.. 'Pauline Hanson!' yelled little Johnny. 'See ya Tuesday!!!! Thanks to Erik Lindhardt for the laughs! The Danish Association Heimdal Inc. Est 1872 36 Austin Street, Newstead QLD 4006 Phone 0437 612 913 Celebrating and fostering the Danish language, culture and traditions MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 1 July 2009 - 30 June 2010 Membership Number: Occupation Name Date of Birth / / Partner’s Name Address Date of Birth / / Phone (Home) Postcode Suburb & State E-mail Phone (Work) Phone (Mobile) Children: Date of Birth / / (Under 18 years of age) Date of Birth / / Date of Birth / / Please send the newsletter via e-mail ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEES Ordinary*) Member/Family $60.00 Associate Member/Family $60.00 Ordinary*) Member/Single Associate Member/Single $40.00 Cheque or money order enclosed Signature $40.00 Paid by EFT $ Date / / *) Ordinary member: Danish born/descendant of a person whose father, mother, grandfather or grandmother was born in Denmark or was a Danish citizen at the time of that person's birth The membership fee may be paid by EFT to Heimdal’s account with Suncorp-Metway. BSB NO: 484-799 Account No: 02495 1468 using your membership number and name as reference. Please send the form to Lone Lambourne if there are any changes in your details. If paying by cheque, please make it payable to “The Danish Association Heimdal” and post it to the Membership officer: Lone Lambourne 3 Dartmouth Court BIRKDALE QLD 4159 Phone 07 3822 4476 Email Business Details. Business Name Contact Person Address Phone Fax Mobile Email Website News from the Committee The committee meets once a month and at our July meeting we discussed: Hall Hire Our new ‘for lease’ sign has gone up and we hope to get good tenants. No news from our local councillor on the parking issue. Annual General Meeting The AGM will be held on Saturday 8 August 2009 at 1 pm – there will be free hot dogs, coffee and pastries. The nomination form needs to be returned to the Secretary by 24 July 2009. We need more people on the committee – please join up if you are interested in any aspect of the club’s work. Grant Applications Project Roof: The contractor was able to complete the job quickly and we can now complete the acquittal documentation for the Gaming Commission shortly. We’re expecting the Danish ambassador at the Store Kolde Bord in November and hope that she will unveil the plaque. In the meantime, the Committee will press on with the next application for a reconfiguration of the kitchen to comply with health and safety and new energy-saving whitegoods. We’ll also do some research into Danish grants to see if we can get funding for books (Gyldendal), toys (Lego), etc. We hope that Maersk can help with freight costs. Maintenance Soren has talked to the other clubs using the facilities to ensure that the premises are left in a clean condition. We’ll have a look at the verticals to see if they may be salvaged or whether we should buy some ready-made curtains. Events The Store Kolde Bord was a good event and we’re looking forward to a couple of busy months with Cafe Danmark and the Folk Dancers’ Special Event in July followed by the AGM and the Dyrberg Kern fashion jewellery parade in August before Cafe Danmark. Liquor License One or more committee members will need to complete RSA training. Currently only Henrik (and Jacqui) have been through RSA. Money The treasurer presented the June accounts, which showed a small deficit, as well as the full year accounts showing a profit before capital expenditure of approx $5,000. Both income and costs are down compared to last year, but the committee was comfortable with the result. The annual accounts are now with the auditor. Membership 5 new memberships in July – but the President wants more new members. Membership renewal letters for 2009/2010 were mailed end of June and nearly half of the club’s members have paid their membership fees so far. The prize for payment by 15 July 2009 will be drawn at Cafe Danmark on 24 July: dinner to the value of $100 at Two Small Rooms at Milton. Library Two new RED bookcases have been set up - and filled. Roy will buy one more. There are now two lounges and a table in our library, nearly all boxes with book donations have been unpacked – now they just need to be sorted. Annual General Meeting 2009 Saturday 8 August 2009 at 1 pm Notice of Annual General Meeting The Secretary hereby gives notice that the Annual General Meeting will be held at 36 Austin Street Newstead at 1.00 pm on Saturday 8 August 2009 AGENDA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Welcome by the President Approval of minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting President’s Report Treasurer’s Report and annual accounts Auditor’s Report Appointment of Chairperson to conduct the election of the Management Committee Election of the Management committee for the year 2009/10 Assumption of Chair by the elected President Appointment of Auditor for 2009/10 General Business -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nomination form for the Committee of the Danish Association Heimdal Inc. I, ................................................... nominate and I, ..................................................second (name of nominee) ............................................................................................................... for the position(s) of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Committee Member (circle relevant position) Signature .................................................... Signature ......................................................... Date ............................ Date ................................................ I accept the above nomination(s) to the Committee. Signature ................................................. Date ................................................................... See the club rules at www.danishclubbrisban Send or hand to the Secretary by 24 July 2009. See the club rules at under ‘Membership forms’ Study & Stay in Australia? Your door to the best in Australian Education & Training…. We are Danes, with a strong background in both Danish and Australian education & training. Though we work with people from any country, we run some especially exciting programs between Denmark and Australia, including: • Guiding would-be migrants to courses for recognition in 60-Point occupations • Assisting students enter the very best course, school/college/university for their needs • Study Tours – customised to meet the particular needs of the Danish schools/colleges/universities • Semester Study Abroad – individuals or classes come to undertake one semester of study, and get credit back into their secondary school/undergraduate programs in Denmark • Placing students into workplaces in Australia for Occupational Training, which is part of their studies in Denmark • Consulting services for Danish institutions wishing to establish links with Australian partners. We’d be delighted to assist you in any of these areas. Please do not hesitate to contact us: Riborg Andersen Ph: 07-5442 9588 Joern Christoffersen Ph. 07-54739917 Dansk legegruppe Fredag 10-12 i Heimdals lokaler, 36 Austin St, Newstead QLD 4006 Vi er en gruppe forældre, der taler dansk med vores børn – vi ved, at de lærer dansk af os, men hvad de kan lære gennem leg med andre danske børn er en anden ting. Legegruppen er for børn i alderen 0 til skolealder og det koster $2-3 pr familie pr gang (pengene går til udgifter i forbindelse med afholdelse af gruppen). Find os på Facebook under gruppen: Heimdal Brisbane Families w/kids Hvis du er interesseret eller mangler oplysninger så kontakt: Charlotte Tlf: 3396 4950 / mob 0405 730 252 E-mail: Morten Tlf: 3855 9597 / 0410 215 300 E-mail: Tea Tlf: 3379 1667 / 0419 659 837 E-mail: Det Store Kolde Bord 11 July 2009 After singing the national anthems (with some technical difficulties), 60 members and friends sat down at the beautifully set tables (flowers from Tove’s Flowers at Alderley Plaza) to sample a traditional Danish smorgasbord starting with onion herring, red herring and herring in a curry dressing. And a cool Carlsberg beer and a snaps. The herring was followed by smoked salmon, ‘rullepølse’, kasler ham, potato salad, chicken salad, warm fish wedges with remoulade, liver pate, meatballs, roast pork, baked apple and bacon. And a snaps. Or a glass of red. The cheese selection included Esrom, brie and blue cheese. The menu barely left room for coffee and the French chocolate mousse cake, which still vanished fairly quickly together with a rhubarb and raspberry crumble. And a Gammel Dansk. Numbers were up from previous events and we had live music again. After the grownups had twisted and turned on the dance floor to popular tunes from the 50s through to the 90s performed by Pete Fitzgerald, the 3 girls from Toowoomba took over the dancing floor and put on a great show – thank you very much to the Marcussen family from Toowoomba. Several members used the opportunity to bring along their friends and introduce them to the Danish concept of ‘smørrebrød’ downunder and all seemed to have a great time and enjoy the food. President: Committee Member: Søren Høimark Phone 07 3359 2026 E-mail: Kim Tvede Phone: E-mail: Vice President: Committee Member: Alan Przybylak Mobile: 0402 691 435 E-mail: Peter Hansen Phone (02) 6680 3574 E-mail: Treasurer : Membership Officer: Lone Schmidt Phone 07 3359 2026 E-mail: Lone Lambourne Phone 07 3822 4476 E-mail: Secretary: Committee Member: Roy Schack Phone 07 3289 3559 E-mail: Flemming Brinkmann Phone 07 5463 4468 E-mail: Committee Member: Committee Member: Alf Berg Phone 07 3389 2034 E-mail: Henrik Caspersen (Rick) Phone 0418 776 277 E-mail: Committee Member: Committee Member: Could this be you? If you would like to join the Committee, make sure you nominate before the AGM. Jørgen Skov Phone 07 3341 0911 E-mail:
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Heimdal Medlemsblad - The Danish Club in Brisbane, Australia
lollies. There will also be lots of party games. Bring all your friends.
When: Saturday 13 June 2009
Time: 2 pm
Cost: $7 (pay at door)
RSVP: By Thursday 11 June 2009 to Lone
Lambourne 3822 4476
2009 December - The Danish Club in Brisbane, Australia
Get all your Danish Baked Goodies from Britt’s Bakery at Café DANMARK
4th Friday of each month
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Get all your Danish Baked Goodies from Britt’s Bakery at Café DANMARK
4th Friday of each month
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If paying by cheque, please make it payable to “The Danish Association Heimdal” and post it to the
Membership officer: