2012 Jan - The Danish Club in Brisbane, Australia
2012 Jan - The Danish Club in Brisbane, Australia
Den Danske Forening Heimdal January/February 2012 photo: Søren Høimark Medlemsblad Newsletter for the Danish Association ‘Heimdal’ – Established 1872 THE DANISH ASSOCIATION “HEIMDAL” INC 36 AUSTIN STREET NEWSTEAD QLD 4006 Contact details: 0437 612 913 www.danishclubbrisbane.org Contributions We would love to share your news and stories. You are welcome to send emails and other material to the editor for publication. The closing date for the March issue is 16 February 2012. We will endeavour to publish all material submitted but reserve the right to edit or not publish your contribution. Any material published does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Danish Club or the Editor. Editor: Lone Schmidt Phone: 0437 612 913 Email: treasurer@danishclubbrisbane.org Webmaster: Peter Wagner Hansen Phone: 0423 756394 Skype: pete.at.thebathouse Email: admin@danishcclubbrisbane.org From the Editor HAPPY NEW YEAR GODT NYTÅR thought that many members have known each other since they first came to Australia and still keep in touch. 2012 will be another big year for Heimdal with the 140th anniversary coming up in September. Various initiatives have already been planned to make it a memorable event! WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS IN DECEMBER & JANUARY Kate Telfer, Tarragindi Christina & Jan Degn Anette & Kenneth Siesing, Albany Creek Trine Barfod Jensen & Dale Auld, Albany Creek Merete Larsen, Taigum Anne Birgitte Søe & Bent Kirkeby, Wellington Point Lise & Peter Robertson, Sandgate Ingrid Brinkmann, Booval Janice & James Nixon, Ashgrove Jan & Jennifer Rasmussen, Morayfield THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST AND SUPPORT photo: Alan Pryzbylak After the countdown to 2012, the guests at the New Year’s Eve party sang Auld Lang Syne (Skuld gammel venskab rent forgå) to welcome in the New Year. To me, New Year’s Eve is always a little sad, a time to reflect on what’s happened in the past year. The club is a great place to meet up with people, it provides an opportunity to keep in touch with old friends and meet new people. It’s a nice 16/2 Lis Larsen 17/2 Marilyn Bowen What’s on at the Danish Club? 70th Birthday Bash 4 February 2012 6 pm for 6.30 start See invitation inside the newsletter. Café Sverige 10 February 2012 The Swedish Club is introducing their version of the popular cafe night at the Danish Club – if you know any Swedes, make sure you let them know. Check their website for updates www.swedesdownunder.org.au Fastelavnsfest with KUPALEJA 11 February 2012 1 – 4 pm See more inside the newsletter and read about the traditional Fastelavn activities going back to the violent and superstitious Middle Ages. Please book. Valentine’s Day Dinner Dance 11 February 2012 Dinner dance organized by the Swiss Club, go to their website www.swiss.org.au for details. Booking and payment by 1 February 2012. Folkrag Old & New 18 February 2012 6.30 for 7.30 start The quarterly musical event in support of the ’Folkrag’ monthly newsletter offers a great opportunity to listen to live folk music - see their advertisement for the line-up. Café Danmark 24 February 2012 from 6 pm Come in and wish new and old friends ‘Happy New Year’. Try our tasty ‘smørrebrød’: the menu varies from time to time, but you’ll often find ‘rullepølse’ (spicy rolled pork), smoked salmon, roast beef, pate, roast pork and ‘Esrom’ cheese. And yummy hot dogs. The bar is stocked with Tuborg beer imported from Denmark just for us as well as your favourite Australian brews, but if you prefer a glass of wine with your food, we have a good variety of whites, reds and sparkling on offer. It’s also an opportunity to buy delicious Danish pastries, rye bread and other specialty breads and organic biscuits direct from Britt’s Danish Delights. Tea offers smallgoods and quality meats from Flemming, the Danish butcher at Woolloongabba, as well as her own goodies including remoulade. It’s a good idea to order in advance and pick up at the café. Legestue / Play Group Every Friday 9.30-11.30 Need any beer, snaps or other Danish or Scandinavian classics? We can help you source it. Price list Beer Tuborg Grøn 24x33cl (bottles) Tuborg Classic 24x33cl (cans) Tuborg Gold 24x33cl (cans) Carlsberg 24x33 cl (bottles) Carlsberg Black Gold 24x33 cl (cans) $ 50 $ 50 $ 60 $ 50 $ 60 Snaps Jubilæum 100 cl Jubilæum 70 cl Taffel (Rød Aalborg) 100 cl Taffel (Rød Aalborg) 70 cl Aalborg Porse 70 cl Aalborg Export 70 cl Brøndum 100 cl Brøndum 70 cl Lysholm Linie Akvavit 100 cl O P Anderson Akvavit 100 cl $ 70 $ 55 $ 70 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 $ 65 $ 50 $ 70 $ 65 Bitters Gammel Dansk 100 cl En Enkelt Bitter 100 cl Dr Nielsens Bitter 70 cl $ 65 $ 70 $ 50 How to order and pay: By email treasurer@danishclubbrisbane.org By phone 0437 612 913 or 3359 2026 Payment by EFT to Heimdal’s account at Suncorp BSB 484-799 Account 02495 1468 Payment by cheque issued to Heimdal and mailed to treasurer: Lone Schmidt, 24 Ashley Road, Chermside West QLD 4032 ONLY AVAILABLE TO MEMBERS OF THE DANISH ASSOCIATION HEIMDAL INC Now we have also sourced herring, cod roe, Danish lumpfish caviar and other goodies for our members – buy them at the next cafe. Look out for ‘Poletter’, ‘Blue Jeans’, ‘Skolekridt’, ‘Familie Guf’, Evers Schweizerdrops, Evers Kongen af Danmark bolsjer and ‘saltpastiller’. Fastelavn Party Saturday 11 February 2012 1 – 4 pm Get the kids dressed up and ready for action. If you have no ideas at all, check out the suggestions in the side bar (ask your local Dane for translations). Adults may dress up too! There’ll be a prize for best-dressed boy and girl, start up the sewing machines now and get into the face paint. ‘KUPALEJA’ will entertain young and old with songs and games from Denmark and lead us up to the big event: bashing the barrel to get the black cat off and get to the goodies inside. There’ll be delicious fastelavnsboller available from Britt’s on the Gold Coast to go with your afternoon coffee or maybe you prefer a hot dog with a cold beer. Send an email to Lone on hoimark.schmidt@bigpond.com by 8 February 2012 to let her know that you and the kids are coming or ring on 3359 2026 or 0437 612 913 with details. photo: Søren Høimark In the courtyard for Fastelavn 2011 Hvad vil du være til fastelavn? Baby Bager Ballerina Bokser Brandmand Cowboy Djævel Engel Fe Gangster Haremspige Havfrue Hawaiipige Heks Hippie Hulemand Indianerhøvding Klovn Konge Mexicaner Mumie Munk Musketer Nar Ninja Nisse Nonne Pirat Politibetjent Popsanger Prins Prinsesse Ridder Rummand Skelet Soldat Spøgelse Straffefange Sygeplejerske Sørøver Trold Troldmand Tryllekunstner Vampyr Viking Dyr Bi Bjørn Drage Edderkop Flagermus Frø Giraf Gris Hest Hund Kanin Kat Ko Kylling Løve Mariehøne Mus Skildpadde Sommerfugl Get all your Danish Baked Goodies from Britt’s Bakery at Café DANMARK 4th Friday of each month Authentic Danish Pastry & Organic Bread Products Kringler, Smørtærter, Kanelstænger, Birkes, Rundstykker, Fuldkornsrugbrød, Kransekagekonfekt, Småkager, Knækbrød og bagerens dårlige øje. For information, order forms and delivery details, go to our website: www.brittsdanishdelight.com.au Unit 5/10 Energy Crescent, Molendinar QLD 4214 Ph: 07 5571 6881 Fax: 07 5571 6947 Email: order@brittsdanishdelight.com.au 70th Birthday Bash at the Danish Club Many members have already celebrated their 70th birthday in the past year or are hitting that particular milestone in the new year and the folk dancers decided to invite everybody to join in the party at the Danish Club. It’s going to be the birthday party of the year so come celebrate with friends and family. The menu includes a 3 course dinner followed by coffee, tea and birthday cake. Live entertainment by Ronnie Christie, ensuring a full dance floor and heaps of laughs! WHEN: 4 February 2012 6 pm for 6.30 pm pm start HOW MUCH: $35 covers the lot Please contact Lone on 0437 612 913 or 3359 2026 for any questions or simply email your booking with the number of people to treasurer@danishclubbrisbane.org and pay in the amount due to the club account marked 4Feb12 and your name. The club’s account details are 484-799 (Suncorp) 02495 1468 (account number). Cut off for bookings 20 January 2012. New Years Eve 2011 at The Danish Club NYE at The Danish Club was the first event for our new furniture from Denmark – the new Fritz Hansen Danish design tables, birch chairs and fresh table cloths provided a lovely setting for the evening. Per Neergaard, Lis and Tom Larsen (love the hat) Pia Neergaard and Ruth Milwright show off their feathers Whilst the bulk of participants were Danish Club members, the event was also well supported by members of the Swiss and French Clubs. Jakob , the Swiss chef, worked tirelessly in the kitchen to prepare the main course and a scrumptious dessert buffet, and there was ample time for a bit of dancing between courses. Scott Sinclair entertained the crowd all night and we welcomed in 2012 with champagne and kransekage at midnight – and then the dancing continued! Time to go home! Photos: Søren Høimark, Ruth Milwright and Alan Pryzbylak www.danskvintage.com.au info@danskvintage.com.au 04 1129 7236 dansk vintage's shop 37 at the Woolloongabba Antique Centre, 22 Wellington Road, Woolloongabba QLD 4102 (07 3392 1114) is OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9am-5pm HOLIDAY UNIT Miami, Gold Coast: 2 brm, 50 m to beach Fully renovated, ocean views. Pool/Spa/BBQ. Park/Playground. Quiet. Ph: 0402 398 515 hanne.paust@optusnet.com.au SKULD GAMMEL VENSKAB RENT FORGÅ – AULD LANG SYNE Skotsk folkemelodi - Tekst: Jeppe Aakjær Skuld gammel venskab rejn forgo og stryges fræ wor mind? Skuld gammel venskab rejn forgo med dem daw så læng, læng sind? De skjønne ungdomsdaw, åja, de daw så swær å find! Vi' el løwt wor kop så glådle op for dem daw så læng, læng sind! Og gi så kuns de glajs en top og vend en med di kaw'. Vi' et ta ino en jenle kop for dem swunden gammel daw. De skjønne ungdomsdaw ... Vi tow - hwor hår vi rend omkap i' æ grønn så manne gång! Men al den trawen verden rundt hår nu gjord æ bjenn lidt tång. De skjønne ungdomsdaw ... Vi wojed sammel i æ bæk fræ gry te høns war ind. Så kam den haw og skil wos ad. Å, hvor er æ læng, læng sind! De skjønne ungdomsdaw... Der er mi hånd, do gamle swend! Ræk øwer og gi mæ dind. Hwor er æ skjøn å find en ven, en håj mist for læng, læng sind! De skjønne ungdomsdaw... Fundet på netstedet www.festklaveret.dk, der kan levere pianisten til at ledsage festsangene! Povl Dissing Tidligere på ugen underholdte Povl Dissing med søn på restaurant Gourmet Viking i Sydney. Stadig fuld fart på, lyt til det fremragende interview på SBS fra 24. december 2011. Robert Ørsted-Jensens bog er nu udkommet: Frontier History Revisited Brisbane 2011 Lux Mundi Publishing Colonial Queensland and the ‘History War’ ISBN 978-1466386822 For purchase, further contact and additional information: http://orstedjensen.weebly.com/the-history-war.html See also: http://www.amazon.com/Frontier-HistoryRevisited-QueenslandWar/dp/1466386827/ref=sr_1_1?s=books &ie=UTF8&qid=1321934755&sr=1-1 (tak til Erik Thorup/Young Vikings for disse oplysninger) Let’s go party: Lene og drengene i det danske danseband Aqva optræder på Coolangatta Hotel den 9. marts – billetter via oztix. How many national flags are red and white? Good question, and Wikipedia has the reply: Austria, Bahrain, Canada, Denmark, England, Georgia, Greenland, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Latvia, Monaco, Peru, Poland, Qatar, Switzerland, Singapore, Tonga, Turkey and Tunisia. Not sure about Qatar ...it’s a very deep dark red. The Danish Association Heimdal Inc. Est 1872 36 Austin Street, Newstead QLD 4006 Phone 0437 612 913 www.danishclubbrisbane.org Celebrating and fostering the Danish language, culture and traditions MEMBERSHIP FORM 1 July 2011 - 30 June 2012 Membership Number: Name Partner’s Name Address Suburb & State E-mail Occupation Date of Birth Date of Birth / / / / / / / / / / Phone (Home) Phone (Work) Postcode Phone (Mobile) Date of Birth Date of Birth Date of Birth Children: (Under 18 years of age) Please send the newsletter via e-mail ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEES Ordinary*) Member/Family $60.00 Associate Member/Family $60.00 Ordinary*) Member/Single Associate Member/Single $40.00 Cheque or money order enclosed Signature $40.00 Paid by EFT $ Date / / *) Ordinary member: Danish born/descendant of a person whose father, mother, grandfather or grandmother was born in Denmark or was a Danish citizen at the time of that person's birth The membership fee may be paid by EFT to Heimdal’s account with Suncorp BSB No: 484-799 Account No: 02495 1468 using your membership number and name as reference. Please send the form to Birte Schmidt if there are any changes in your details. If paying by cheque, please make it payable to “The Danish Association Heimdal” and post it to the Membership officer: Birte Schmidt 35/192 Hargreaves Road MANLY WEST QLD 4179 Phone 07 3348 4979 Email birlosch@iinet.net.au Study & Stay in Australia? Your door to the best in Australian Education & Training…. We are Danes, with a strong background in both Danish and Australian education & training. Though we work with people from any country, we run some especially exciting programs between Denmark and Australia, including: Guiding would-be migrants to courses for recognition in 60-Point occupations Assisting students enter the very best course, school/college/university for their needs Study Tours – customised to meet the particular needs of the Danish schools/colleges/universities Semester Study Abroad – individuals or classes come to undertake one semester of study, and get credit back into their secondary school/undergraduate programs in Denmark Placing students into workplaces in Australia for Occupational Training, which is part of their studies in Denmark Consulting services for Danish institutions wishing to establish links with Australian partners. We’d be delighted to assist you in any of these areas. Please do not hesitate to contact us: Riborg Andersen riborg@studyinaustralia.com.au Phone 07 3852 5511 Dansk legegruppe for medlemmer af Heimdal Fredag 9.30-11.30 i Heimdals lokaler, 36 Austin St, Newstead QLD 4006 Første søndag i måneden 10-12 Vi er en gruppe forældre, der taler dansk med vores børn – vi ved, at de lærer dansk fra os, men hvad de lærer gennem leg med andre danske børn er en anden ting, hvilket er grunden til, at vi startede den danske legestue. Gruppen er for børn i alderen 0 til skolealderen og det koster $2 pr familie pr gang (pengene går til udgifter i forbindelse med afholdelse af gruppen). Hvis du er på Facebook, kan du også finde os under gruppen: Heimdal Brisbane Families w/kids Hvis du er interesseret eller mangler oplysninger, så kontakt: Tea Tlf: 3379 1667 / 0419 659 837 E-mail: depoulsen@hotmail.com Tina Tlf: 3191 0411 / 0403 838 663 E-mail: tina@kinkead.com.au Iben Mob. 0434 933 953 E-mail: igk1972@hotmail.com Der er også en søndagsgruppe, som mødes den første søndag i måneden fra 10-12 – for dem, som ikke kan om fredagen Kontakt Iben, hvis du/I er interessserede – den bliver aflyst, hvis der er for mange afbud Nordisk Film har netop afsluttet optagelserne til en ny dansk thriller - Kapringen. Filmen er bygget op omkring en tænkt kapring af et dansk skib, hvor man følger de trængsler besætningen og rederiet går igennem i forbindelse med kapringen Optagelserne er foregået ud for Kenya, med et hold af skuespillere, der blandt andre omfatter Pilou Asbæk som skibskok på det kaprede skib, Søren Malling som skibsreder, Dar Salim og Roland Møller Filmen, der er instrueret af Tobias Lindholm har et budget på 15 millioner kroner og har modtaget en produktionsstøtte på 7 millioner kroner fra Det Danske Filminstitut. ”Projektet er elementært spændende, og filmen kan blive én af næste års kunstneriske og publikumsmæssige succeser”, siger Kim Leona, der konsulent for spillefilm på Det Danske Filminstitut, til Ritzau. Tobias Lindholm har selv skrevet manuskriptet til filmen, som er hans anden spillefilm som instruktør. Den første var fængselsdramaet "R", som blev belønnet med en Bodil for bedste danske spillefilm i 2010. Kapringen ventes at få biografpremiere i slutningen af 2012. Kilde: kristeligt-dagblad.dk – 1. December 2011 94 år efter at Odense Staalskibsværft afleverede sit første skib, forlod den sidste nybygning lørdag aften (26. novmber) værftet. Ved midnat var det så de nuværende og tidligere medarbejderes tur til at forlade værftet for sidste gang Mere end 3.000 nuværende og tidligere medarbejdere på Lindøværftet så til i fakkelskær, da værftets sidste nybygning L716 fregatten Niels Juel - kl. 17.30 gled ud fra kajen, efter at værftets bestyrelsesformand Lars-Erik Brenøe havde holdt en afsejlingstale. Fra dokområdet begav alle medarbejdere og de inviterede gæster sig til værftets Hal Øst, hvor der var dækket op til fest. Aftenen bød på mange taler, men også på underholdning af Sebastian, Lis Sørensen og Copenhagen Drummers. Kl. 23.45 slog det store selskab op, og gik til hovedindgangen hvor man i samlet flok forlod det hæderkronede værft for sidste gang. Kilde: Maritime Danmark De danske skatteydere kan se frem til en gigantisk milliardregning for at rydde op efter olieeventyret i Nordsøen. Tidligere skulle olieselskaberne selv rydde op efter sig, men det blev ændret, da Nordsøaftalen blev revideret i 2003 ”Det er en fantastisk aftale for olieselskaberne. Først løber de med vores olie, og bagefter vil de have os til at betale for at rydde op”, siger Enhedslistens finansordfører Frank Aaen til Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten. Nordsøaftalen sætter ikke beløb på regningen for oprydningen, men af tal fra Nordsøfonden fremgår det, at den samlede regning ventes at blive på omkring 40 milliarder kroner. Den statsejede fond Nordsøfonden har en ejerandel i DUC på 20 procent, og en særlig skatterabat til olieselskaberne betyder ifølge avisen, at fonden - og dermed de danske skatteydere - kommer til at hænge på i alt 62 procent af regningen for at rydde op i Nordsøen, svarende til 24 milliarder kroner. Det er ikke lykkedes Jyllands-Posten at få en kommentar fra klima- og energiminister Martin Lidegaard, men De Radikales klimaog energiordfører, Rasmus Helveg Petersen, finder aftalen rimelig. ”Jeg synes ikke, at konstruktionen er urimelig. Og det er vigtigt, at der er gode og ordnede vilkår for oprydningen, når vi er færdige med olieeventyret i Nordsøen” siger Rasmus Helveg Petersen til avisen. Kilde: Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten Special offer for Scanpan Puff Dumpling Pan Æbleskivepande Did you miss out on getting a Scanpan Puff Dumpling Pan before Christmas? Don’t worry, the club bought some more from Scanpan – the pans are still available at $79. For only $79 you get a solid pan – made in Denmark – with a recipe book for not only for Danish æbleskiver but also exciting recipes for traditional dishes from Thailand, Holland, India, France, China, Norway and Japan suitable for the æbleskive pan. You can also order via email to soren.hoimark@hotmail.com and transfer funds to the club account as usual and your pan will be ready for pick up at the next Cafe. Please note that if we make ample use of this fantastic offer, we will be able to negotiate other special deals for the great Scanpan products, so please support the initiative and make the most of this opportunity Thank you to pandora At the end of November, Søren contacted PANDORA to ask for a donation for our Christmas Market raffle. We were overwhelmed to receive a beautiful PANDORA bracelet with charms valued at over $300. And Krystal bought a lot of raffle tickets and was rewarded with not just the bracelet, but also Christmas decorations from Georg Jensen. Third prize was a Georg Jensen keyring, which went to Inez. Thank you to PANDORA for their support and to the raffle ticket buyers. At its January meeting the committee discussed: Correspondence - Liquor licence renewed up to August 2012 - Thank you letter received from Salvation Army for 76 chairs - 47 chairs sold to Absoe - Donation from PANDORA for Christmas market raffle - Invite for Australia Day Flag Raising Ceremony - Insurance renewal quote is expected shortly and we have already been advised of an increase. Events November and December events were strongly supported and the committee went through the events calendar for the next couple of months. Alan thinks the barrel may take one more beating at Fastelavn! New equipment and maintenance The current sound system may need to be replaced – Peter and Alan will check the loudspeakers and find out if they can be fixed or replaced – the sound is pretty scratchy. The cash register is on its last legs. The bread slicer needs to be replaced before the next cafe. Soren would also like a meat slicer. Alan advised that the banner advertising the Scandinavian Festival has been donated to the club – marvellous. The new lamps will be coming in March and we’ll need an electrician to install them. Lone had bought new green table cloths (the new tables are longer) and suggested that we also buy red. Alan will replace ceiling tiles in the kids’ room once it’s been cleaned up. Lights in courtyard need replacement and the box around the alarm light has nearly rusted away. Alan will attend to this. Alan also pointed out that the fascia is in poor condition. Soren will continue to investigate quotes etc for replacing the asbestos roof. He will also obtain quotes for an awning or similar for the court yard. Money Accounts for first six months showed a small surplus of $1,000 which is very satisfying considering the purchase of new furniture. Membership 12 new members came on board in the last period. Reaching the 200 member mark is still proving elusive, with about 20 members who haven’t renewed their membership for 2011-2012 yet. H.M. Dronningen fejrer 40-års Regeringsjubilæum som Danmarks Regent den 14. januar 2012 Ved Frederik 9.’s død den 14. januar 1972 overgik tronen til Hendes Majestæt Dronning Margrethe 2. Tronskiftet blev bekendtgjort den 15. januar fra balkonen på Christiansborg Slot af statsminister Jens Otto Krag. Et 40-års regeringsjubilæum er en yderst sjælden begivenhed i danmarkshistorien. I hele kongedømmets over 1000-årige historie er der før Dronning Margrethe II kun to monarker, om hvem man uden forbehold kan sige, at de har beklædt tronen i 40 år: Christian 4. i 1628 (eller 1636 hvis man regner fra kroningen) og Christian 9. i 1903 (konge af Danmark 1863-1906). Dronningens program i weekenden omfattede STATSRÅD Statsråd på Christiansborg Slot, Statsrådssalen Overrækkelse af gave fra Regering og Folketing i KRANSELÆGNING Christian IX’s Gemak, Christiansborg Slot. Kranselægning ved monumentet for Kong Frederik IX’s og Dronning Ingrids grave, Roskilde VAGTSKIFTE på Amalienborg Domkirke KARETKØRSEL Karetkørsel fra Amalienborg via Strøget med eskorte af Gardehusarregimentet til Københavns Rådhus FROKOST Frokost med Kronprinsparret som værter for udenlandske gæster og familien i Frederik VIII’s Palæ, Amalienborg. FESTGUDSTJENESTE SLOTSKIRKEN MODTAGELSE PÅ KØBENHAVNS RÅDHUS Festgudstjeneste i Christiansborg Slotskirke GALLATAFFEL PÅ CHRISTIANSBORG Gallataffel på Christiansborg Slot for det officielle FESTFORESTILLING I DR's KONCERTHUS Danmark, udenlandske gæster og familien
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