2009 December - The Danish Club in Brisbane, Australia


2009 December - The Danish Club in Brisbane, Australia
Den Danske Forening
December 2009
Ambassador Susanne Shine and Grace Grace MP
Photo: Aage Christoffersen
Newsletter for the Danish Association ‘Heimdal’ – Established 1872
PHONE: 0437 612 913
If you would like to share your news, you are
welcome to send emails and other material to the
editor for publication. The closing date for the
January issue is 15 December 2009. We will
endeavour to publish all material submitted but
reserve the right to edit or not publish your
contribution. Any material published does not
necessarily reflect the opinion of the Danish Club or
the Editor.
Webmaster: Aage Christoffersen
18 Boardman Street
Kallangur QLD 4503
Phone: (07) 3204 5761
Skype: lydatronic
Email: aage@tpg.com.au
From the Editor
It was a pleasure to
welcome Susanne
Shine, the Danish
ambassador, back
to Heimdal and to
have Grace Grace,
our local MP for
Brisbane Central,
attend the same
function. They
showed genuine
interest in the club
and its work and I
believe it’s
important for us to
remain visible both
in relation to our
‘old’ country and
Queensland by engaging actively at various
levels. The club and all members represent
Denmark, so be proud of your heritage! We
were also invited to the 33rd AGM of the
Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland
where Anna Bligh was the guest speaker
(with hail and rain pounding the roof), who
praised the ECCQ for their many
programmes to assist migrants to cope with
the challenges of their new life in
At the Julestue last Saturday young Danes
(and Aussies) helped us prepare for
Christmas: heaps of cookies were baked
and promptly eaten and new Christmas
decorations were made for the tree:
Photo: Aage Christoffersen
Lone Schmidt
Phone: 07 3359 2026
Email: hoimark.schmidt@bigpond.com
Aase & Andy Brodersen, Collingwood Park
Poul Erik Christensen, Bundamba
Natalie Alexapoulos & Jens Gønget,
Hanne Schoitz, Maroochydore
William & Ellen Slade, Indooroopilly
What’s on at the Danish Club?
Café Danmark
27 November 2009
from 6 pm
Try our tasty homemade ‘smorrebrod’: the menu varies from time to time, but you’ll often find
‘rullepølse’, fish wedges, roast beef, pate, roast pork and ‘Esrom’ cheese. Or have a hot dog and get
a drink in the bar. The bar stocks a variety of Australian beers as well as mighty strong Elephant
beer brewed in good old Denmark. If you like a glass of wine with your food, there’s a good variety of
whites and reds on offer.
It’s also an opportunity to buy delicious Danish pastries, specialty breads and organic biscuits direct
from Britt’s Danish Delights . Clive will be there with smallgoods and quality meats from Flemming,
the Danish butcher at Woolloongabba. It’s a good idea to order in advance and pick up at the café.
And don’t forget the Christmas markets with Christmas decorations, nisser, beads, toys, cards – even
marcipan from bagermester Rene.
Kids’ Play Group
Every Friday
from 10-12
See contact details in the newsletter – give your children a chance to speak Danish and play with
other children in their age group.
Christmas Party
12 December 2009
2-5 pm
Enjoy gløgg and æbleskiver and dance around the Christmas tree before Santa Oz turns up all the
way from the North Pole with presents for all the kids - check the newsletter for booking details and
price. ‘KUPALEJA’ will provide entertainment and get us all into the Christmas spirit.
Christmas Markets
by Carlie
16 December 2009
3-8 pm
More details in the newsletter
After the Christmas break, we spring back into action with
Folk Dancers’ Special Event
See more inside – open house event
29 January 2010
from 6 pm
Danske Juletraditioner
Danskerens jul begynder med adventskransen, der tændes den første
af de fire søndage før juleaften den 24. december. Adventus er latin og
betyder komme, og det er naturligvis nedtællingen til Jesusbarnets
fødsel, der med denne skik markeres i næsten alle danske hjem.
Omkring århundredskiftet blev adventsskikken, der startede med et
enkelt lys, afløst af en ny mode fra Østrig og Tyskland, nemlig en
krans med fire lys, der nu efterhånden blev brugt op til jul. Senere
blev kransene pyntet på forskellig vis - i kirken ofte med violette bånd.
Først i 1930’erne blev skikken indført i alle danske hjem.
Adventskransen er traditionelt bundet i gran, eventuelt pyntet med grankogler og røde
bær og forsynet med hvide stearinlys og røde bånd til ophængning. De fire lys tændes
ét ad gangen hver søndag, så fjerde søndag i advent brænder alle fire lys på én gang.
Adventskransen suppleres meget ofte af et kalenderlys. Det er inddelt
i 24 felter, ofte dekoreret med nisse- og granmotiver. De tændes fra
den 1. december i de fleste familier hver dag som et hyggeligt og beroligende midtpunkt ved morgenbordet. Som regel er det børnenes opgave at puste lyset ud, inden det når at brænde for langt ned.
Samtidig dekoreres vinduerne med lys og blomster, oftest julestjerner,
hyacinter eller julekaktus, og, efterhånden som december skrider
frem, suppleres pynten med glaskugler, kravlenisser og hjemmelavede
juledekorationer bestående af mos, grankogler, gran og lys holdt sammen i et fundament af ler. Også i alle børnehaver, skoler, institutioner og arbejdspladser pyntes der til
jul, og på Rådhuspladsen i København opsættes hvert år det største udendørs pyntede
juletræ af alle.
Ifølge katolikkerne er Lucia lysets helgeninde (lux = lys på latin). Hun
fejres natten mellem 12. og 13. december, især på skoler, alderdomshjem og institutioner over hele landet, i form af optog med sang,
glögg og julebag. Ifølge legenden bar Lucia en krans af lys om sit hoved, således at hun havde begge hænder fri, når hun ulovligt ville give
sine kristne trosfæller mad og drikke, mens de gemte sig i
katakomberne i det gamle Rom.
Lillejuleaften den 23. december har sin helt egen juleatmosfære. For mange er det den
første egentlige juledag. Mange benytter lejligheden til at jule med de venner og familiemedlemmer, som man ikke skal se i juledagene. Der udveksles ofte små pakker,
børnene får æbleskiver og saftevand, og på menuen står risengrød med kanel, sukker
og en velvoksen smørklat i midten. Som tilbehør drikker de allermest hårdføre nisseøl
(hvidtøl) til grøden, men det er også tilladt at springe over!
Kilde: www.visitdenmark.com
Christmas Party
Saturday 12 December 2009 2 – 5 pm
Santa dances around the Christmas tree at last year’s Christmas party
The Christmas tree is ready to be admired, the elves are busy making
Christmas presents and Santa is preparing his special lightweight
Christmas outfit for his visit downunder.
We invite members, friends and their children and grandchildren to celebrate
Christmas at the Danish Club together with ‘KUPALEJA’ who will entertain us
with traditional Danish Christmas songs. There’ll be gløgg and æbleskiver
on the menu and Santa Oz will make an appearance with presents for all the children.
Make sure that Santa knows you’re coming by booking a ticket @$12 for each child by
Monday 7 December 2009. Send an email to hoimark.schmidt@bigpond.com or ring
Lone on 3359 2026 with their names
and age (Santa wants to know).
Payment by EFT to Suncorp BSB 484-799 Account 02495 1468
Payment details 12-12-09, your name and membership number
Or send a cheque made out to ‘Heimdal’ to the treasurer: Lone Schmidt
24 Ashley Road
Chermside West QLD 4032
Get all your Danish Baked Goodies from Britt’s Bakery at Café DANMARK
4th Friday of each month
Authentic Danish Pastry & Organic Bread Products
Kringler, Smørtærter, Kanelstænger, Birkes, Rundstykker, Fuldkornsrugbrød,
Kransekagekonfekt, Småkager, Knækbrød og bagerens dårlige øje.
For information, order forms and delivery details, go to our website: www.brittsdanishdelight.com.au
Unit 5/10 Energy Crescent, Molendinar QLD 4214
Ph: 07 5571 6881 Fax: 07 5571 6947
Email: order@brittsdanishdelight.com.au
Masser af ideer fra ‘The Bead Lady’ (Lis) til julemarkedet
Cafe Danmark Friday 27 November 2009 6 pm
As usual, there are many things happening at the last Cafe Danmark of the year: it’s an opportunity
to meet old friends, make new ones, taste Danish ‘smørrebrød’, sample genuine Carlsberg in the
bar (or how about an invigorating Gl Dansk), buy delicious Danish pastries and breads from Britts,
browse the library, buy presents and Christmas decorations at the many stalls, pick up a t-shirt with
a Danish motif and now you can even buy pickled herring! Falkeskog Onion Herring or Anchovy
Spiced Herring (630 g jars) in limited quantities for $9. We’ll buy more if you want them! NOW
there’s also Torskerogn (cod roe) at $5.50 and Makrel i tomat (mackerel in tomato sauce) at $3.50.
Christmas beer and snaps
Royal Copenhagen Ice Cream
A shipment of beer and snaps is on its
way from Denmark to Brisbane (see
details on the last page) – we’re aiming
for 12 December 2009 as the release
Membership Renewal
Have you received your new membership
card for 2009/2010 yet? If not, maybe
you have forgotten to pay your membership.
B&O celebrates Danish Day
5 December 2009 is Danish Day all day
at B&O’s impressive venue in James
Street (cnr Doggett St)
Julen nærmer sig
Den danske Kirke i Mount Gravatt holder
julegudstjeneste lørdag 19. december
2009 kl. 14-15. Adressen er 71
Newnham Road – læs mere på deres
TIL LYKKE til klubbens fødselarer i
18/12 Den gamle redaktør bliver ældre
23/12 Diamantbryllup: Jean & Frank NissenWiis
Skriv eller ring til redaktøren, hvis du kender
nogen, der fejrer fødselsdag eller jubilæum
eller sølvbryllup, guldbryllup, fødsel, dåb – vi
vil vide det hele.
Show your membership card to Ron, the
owner of the Royal Copenhagen Ice
Cream stall in the Queen Street Mall
(Myer Centre entry) and get two ice
creams for the price of one. Ron
supplied ice cream to our stall at the
QLD Multicultural Festival.
There are new rules in the pipeline
regarding passport applications. Norway
has already advised her citizens abroad
that from 1 December 2009, honorary
consulates will no longer be in a position
to process passport applications. If your
passport is getting close to expiry, give
Lars Kirk, our honorary consul in
Brisbane, a ring.
Need some reading material for the
Christmas holidays? Why not have a
look in Heimdal’s library on the
mezzanine floor behind the secret door
in the corner.
Hall Hire
Planning a birthday party,
christening, wedding or corporate
function? Need a training venue?
36 Austin Street is available for hire
at reasonable rates:
Full day: $250 (members)/$350 (nonmembers)
Deposit for cleaning and breakage: $300
If you need more information, ring Lone
Schmidt on 0437 612 913.
Get your orders in for Christmas snaps and beer – release date: 12 December 2009
Price list
Bitters and snaps
Gammel Dansk 1000 ml
Gammel Dansk Citron 1000 ml
$ 60
$ 60
En Enkelt Bitter (new item) 700 ml
$ 50
Jubilæumssnaps 700 ml
$ 53
Taffel Snaps 700 ml
$ 50
Brøndumssnaps 1000 ml
$ 65
Porsesnaps 700 ml (new item)
$ 50
Aalborg Export Snaps (new item)
$ 50
Danish imported beer
Carlsberg Beer – 24 x 33 cl bottles
$ 50
Tuborg Beer – 24 x 33 cl bottles
$ 50
Carlsberg Sort Guld - 24 x 33 cl cans $ 55
Tuborg Gold Beer – 24 x 33 cl cans
$ 55
Tuborg Classic Beer – 24 x 33 cl cans
$ 55
How to order and pay:
By email soren.hoimark@hotmail.com
By phone (07) 3359 2026
Payment by direct credit to Heimdal’s account at Suncorp
BSB 484 799 Account 02495 1468
(Please use as reference your member number and ‘snaps’)
Payment by cheque issued to Heimdal and mailed to treasurer:
Lone Schmidt, 24 Ashley Road, Chermside West QLD 4032
Photo: Alan Przybylak
The festival just keeps getting bigger and better! The club was thrilled to participate again this year with a new
food offer: coffee, Danish pastries, ice cream and soft drinks. It was an amazing success, the weather was
just right and visitor numbers were up compared to last year.
Henrik and Jacque were extremely busy all day serving aromatic and delicious coffee from Veneziano, the
pastries were delivered by Britt’s Danish Delights and the crowds appreciated Rene’s spandauere with a
choice of apple, blueberry and custard. And with icecream supplied by Royal Copenhagen Ice Cream, what
can I say, the queues got quite long from time to time when the kids had to decide whether they wanted Viking
Vanilla, Fairytale Strawberry, Copenhagen Chocolate or maybe butterscotch & honeycomb. In the end I
think Danish cookies & cream was the most popular!
In the end the event generated close to $5,000 for the club thanks to a lot of time and effort by many
volunteers and particularly Henrik and Jacque put in an almost inhuman effort for us.
A big thank you to all the people, who helped out on the day (it’s true what they say, we couldn’t have done it
without you) including:
All our volunteers, who set up the stall Saturday – and pulled it down again Sunday evening – and manned it
throughout the day: Karen Skou, Leif, Gitte & Gorm Teper and Vanessa, Lis Larsen and Sara, Yrsa
Christoffersen, Gitte Rasmussen and Nicolai Wilcken, Anders, Camilla Westhausen, Manuela & Steen Dall,
Lone Lambourne, Kurt Christensen, Lise Kopittke and Jacque Caspersen.
All our suppliers, who also helped serve: Britt & Rene (pastries), Henrik & Jacque and the barista (Veneziano
coffee) and Ron (Royal Copenhagen Ice Cream). Ron even organised more ice cream and cones for us
during the day.
In addition, of course your tireless committee: Alan Przybylak, Henrik Caspersen (his name keeps coming up),
Jørgen Skov, Kim Tvede, Peter Hansen, Lone Schmidt and Soren Hoimark
Also thank you to members and many other Danes who visited the stall to support us on the day!
Det Store Kolde Bord 14 November 2009
Photos: Aage Christoffersen
Frank Nissen-Wiss opened the event with a welcome speech to her Excellency Susanne
Shine, our ambassador and the honourable Grace Grace, the MP for Brisbane Central.
As usual, Frank made everybody smile and relax. In her speech Susanne Shine thanked
the Gambling Community Benefit Fund for helping the club with funds for the roof
project and she also commended the club committee on its hard work. Grace Grace,
who is of Italian descent, mentioned that the Italian clubs had found it difficult to keep
going and congratulated the Danish club on providing a meeting place for Danes of all
ages and backgrounds. Susanne Shine and Grace Grace then unveiled the plaque
before we sang the national anthems.
There were many hungry guests and members, who enjoyed a smorgasbord of pickled
herring, roast pork, rullepølse, medisterpølse, smoked salmon, fish wedges, potato
salat, leverpostej and many other favourites including ris ala mande with cherry sauce
for dessert. It was also an opportunity to enjoy a cool Carlsberg with an icy cold snaps
and to show our guests just how well it goes with pickled herring.
We had a huge raffle with generous prizes donated by Bang & Olufsen (thank you,
Rachel and Julius, what a hit) and Dyrberg Kern (Carlie, you’re a star). Nobody was
more surprised than Alan, when he won the
B&O A8 earbuds. Flemming won the other
set of B&O A8 earbuds and Natalie Taylor got
the Dyrberg Kern bracelet. After dinner,
cheese, coffee, dessert and chocolate, it was
time to get out on the dance floor and enjoy
music by Scott Sinclair, who entertained us
throughout the evening.
Who, me? I won the B&O earbuds! Surprise all
round when Alan won the raffle.
(Carlie, Alan, Soren)
Contender VM – Moreton Bay, January 2010
Vi er to danske sejlere, der kommer til Brisbane omkring nytår for at deltage i det australske
mesterskab og verdensmesterskab i Contender joller i Brisbane fra 3.-12. januar. Lars Rasmussen
fra Jyllinge er 47 år og Henning Wermuth fra Århus er 53 år. Vi har begge sejlet fra barnsben, i
mange forskellige jolleklasser og kølbåde. Vi kommer til Brisbane med håbet om en god oplevelse og
ikke med forhåbninger om at blive mestre, placeringer i den bedste halvdel af feltet må være
Vore joller bliver pakket i container i Hamburg den 2/11 og vil være i Brisbane den 10/12. Vi selv
ankommer den 29 og 30. december. Der vil være mulighed for camping på havnen, dette regner vi
med at benytte os af.
Vi vil under vort ophold i Brisbane gerne i kontakt med danske sejlere, der evt. kan lære os noget om
Efter VM har vi ca. 10 dages ferie hvor vi formentligt vil bruge noget af tiden på snorkling på Great
Barrier Reef. Vi rejser hjem den 20 og 22 januar.
Henning Vermuth
Lars Rasmussen
I kan kontakte Henning og Lars gennem klubben (0437 612 913), vi har deres
Wednesday 16 December 2009
3 – 8pm
at the Danish Club, 36 Austin Street, Newstead
Danish designer jewellery label DYRBERG/KERN will showcase current
season styles at great prices.
Traditional hand made Danish crafts : Christmas decorations, beads and
glassart to discover.
Swiss skincare specialist range Arbonne - share the secret to organically
beautiful skin.
• Stella and Marco are a local business success story offering a gorgeous
mens and womens grooming range.
• Morgan and Wacker Harley Davidson have some Christmas gift ideas for
the motorcycle enthusiast.
• Playboy and Myka jewellery provide the perfect gift for the fussy teenager.
Join us for an evening of Christmas shopping, cake and coffee or Christmas
For more info contact Carlie Wacker 0419 760 771 or eventsbycarlie@yahoo.com.au
- Planning to Travel? Flights to Scandinavia from $1747 (plus taxes)
Excellent Cruise Deals / Car Hire / Rail Passes / Tours
Phone Hannelore (07) 3841 1444
Global Active Travel • P.O. Box 230 • Springwood QLD 4127
Please visit us on the web: www.globalactivetravel.com.au
or send your requests by e-mail: info@globalactivetravel.com.au
Study & Stay in Australia?
Your door to the best in Australian Education & Training….
We are Danes, with a strong background in both Danish and Australian education & training.
Though we work with people from any country, we run some especially exciting programs
between Denmark and Australia, including:
• Guiding would-be migrants to courses for recognition in 60-Point occupations
• Assisting students enter the very best course, school/college/university for their needs
• Study Tours – customised to meet the particular needs of the Danish schools/colleges/universities
• Semester Study Abroad – individuals or classes come to undertake one semester of
study, and get credit back into their secondary school/undergraduate programs in Denmark
• Placing students into workplaces in Australia for Occupational Training, which is part
of their studies in Denmark
• Consulting services for Danish institutions wishing to establish links with Australian
We’d be delighted to assist you in any of these areas. Please do not hesitate to contact us:
Riborg Andersen
Ph: 07-5442 9588
Joern Christoffersen
Ph. 07-54739917
Aftale om social sikring mellem Australien og Danmark
Ved du, at du kan søge om pensionsydelser gennem Centrelinks international servicecenter? Ring til Centrelink på 13 16 73 og find ud af, hvilke pensioner du er berettiget
til – de taler endda dansk. Deres hjemmeside er www.centrelink.gov.au
Sherlock Heimdal
Vi fortalte sidste gang om Sherlock Heimdal, som fandt John Nielsens onkel. John har
lige sendt os en opdatering, han besøgte sin onkel tidligere på måneden og de regnede
ud, at det var 31 år siden, at de havde set hinanden!
Dansk legegruppe
Hver fredag 10-12 i Heimdals lokaler, 36 Austin St, Newstead
6. december 2009 10-12 i New Farm Park (find os på Facebook)
Vi vil meget gerne også mødes 1. søndag hver måned, hvis det kan friste flere nye
medlemmer, som pga arbejde og øvrige forpligtelser ikke kan deltage i vores ugentlige
legestue om fredagen.
Da vores lille faste gruppe svinger lidt i deltagere pga ferier oftest til Danmark og
arbejde mv, vil vi meget gerne se flere medlemmer. Vi tror trods alt det gavner
børnene at mødes og lege samt høre, at vi alle taler dansk.
Vi starter normalt med noget fri leg og ca kl 11 sidder vi alle omkring et bord og spiser
vores medbragte mad – og slutter gerne dagen med nogle danske børnesange.
Med venlig hilsen
Tea, Morten, Charlotte, Tina
0405 730 252
E-mail: chartiefalk@yahoo.com
0419 659 837
E-mail: depoulsen@hotmail.com
0410 215 300
E-mail: morten@simianosis.com
0403 838 663
E-mail: tina@onskedrom.com
#4 Teddy Party
by Hardy Bang Sørensen
On Sunday 15th November a barbeque was held at the home of Hardy and
Denise Sorensen to welcome Teddy Pedersen back to Australia. He was
accompanied by his friend, Inez.
Teddy lives in Lolland but returns every 5 years or so to visit family and friends.
Invitations were sent to many of his friends from the time he lived in Australia in the
There were a few apologies but many of the old crowd rolled up to make it a
memorable occasion, some coming as far away as N.S.W.
The weather was warm and so were the reminiscences. There was plenty of
catching up during the day and much laughter over the odd grey hair or wrinkle that
caused a few recognition stumbles.
Everyone appeared to enjoy the day and we are already looking forward to #5.
Below is a group photo. Niels, Joanne and Fiona had already left by then.
Searching for information:
Grønning / Grenning
Ron Anderson would like to know if anybody has any knowledge of his great grandparents who left
Denmark in 1871:
Christian Peter Grönning (Grenning is the Australian version) and Mette Marie Svendsen along
with children Mette Marie, Charlotte Otterine and Jens Peter left Kolding in 1871 and emigrated via
Hamburg aboard the Shakespeare for Queensland. They settled on the site of the current Zillmere
State School, and had 3 more children: Annie born 1878; Helena Dorthea (Ron’s grandmother)
born 1874 and Christian Peter born 1881.
If you have any knowledge of this family please contact Ron Anderson via the club (0437 612 913
or 3359 2026, we have his contact details).
Christmas decorations by Hanne and Kirsten – see them at our
Christmas markets
Scandinavian Bookclub
Hello all the Scandinavian booklovers
**Final Scandinavian Booklovers
meeting for 2009
Café Danmark at the Danish Club,
Library on the “Mezzanine level”
Friday 27rd November 2009
Book club starts at 7.30 pm
(Book club will be in recess till Feb/March)
Discussion points:
Review of Smilla’s feeling for Snow
by Peter Høeg
2. Favourite Scandinavian title for
2009? Is it crime or historical
fiction? True stories or
psychological thriller?
3. Suggested Scandinavian summer
Suggested read for November:Smilla’s Feeling for Snow by Peter Høeg
Were you aware that the Eskimos or Inuit
people of Greenland have many different
words to describe snow? Just as English
uses a variety of terms for water eg:
(liquid, lake, river, brook, rain, etc), so
Eskimo uses the aput 'snow on the ground',
gana 'falling snow', piqsirpoq 'drifting
snow', and qimuqsuq 'a snow drift to name
just a few. The intimate connection or
“feeling” for the characteristics of the
harsh arctic landscape is central to the
story of crime, intrigue, and romance in
“Miss Smilla’s feeling for Snow”.
Like Greenland, the central character
Miss Smilla is cool, distant and reserved
and gives off this feeling of loneliness.
Growing up in the Arctic environment
means that Smilla is a strong woman who
struggles with trusting anyone, but who has
also developed certain skills that enable
her to solve a murder Police are convinced
was as ‘accident’. A young boy falls from
the roof of an apartment building in
central Copenhagen. Did Isaiah jump or was
he pushed? Secondary to the intriguing
plot is the relationship between Danes and
Greenlanders and it is an area that Høeg
considers in this novel. The reasons for
Smilla’s reserved nature slowly develop
throughout the book by revealing pieces of
her childhood in Greenland amidst the
Inuits and the different social
backgrounds from which each of her
parents come.
“This novel is more of a feeling than
anything else. Feeling of coldness,
blinding whiteness and some fantastic
warmness in between the two. It’s like a
journey to far North where nothing but
your senses remain. It’s as if you are
sitting on Smilla’s coach wearing warm
woollen socks and drinking hot cup of tea
while contemplating the snowflakes
whirling outside the window and feeling
the intense cold of the winter.” (review)
Høeg’s novel was so surprisingly popular, it
was made into a motion picture in 1997
starring Julia Ormond
Hope you enjoy it.
Amanda McLaughlin
News from the Committee
The committee meets once a month
and at our October/November meetings
we discussed:
Parking meters have been installed in
Austin Street and an hourly payment of
$1.50 applies between 8-5 MondayFriday in front of our building.
Grant Applications
Project Kitchen: No new applications
have been lodged.
We’ve had a plumber in to fix various
niggling problems including the problem
with overflow in the ladies’ toilets. A
good clean of the pipes seemed to solve
the problem for now, but it may have
to be done every year. Otherwise it’s
the camera again. Also there is now
hot water for shower.
New events include the first Folkies Old
& New Concert at the club on 21
November. The FOAN concerts take
place in February, May, August and
November. We also have a new
Christmas market event on 16 December from 3-8 organised by Events by
Carlie. We have applied for a liquor
license for 12 December to allow us to
release snaps and beer to members.
This is a new initiative which could be
repeated during the year if it’s
The treasurer has presented both the
September and October accounts for
approval. The period to date (JulyOctober) shows a profit of approx
$13,000 following the success of the
Multicultual Festival. This is a good
improvement on last year.
A total of 7 new memberships in
October and November, which is very
promising. 19 members have not yet
paid their membership fees for
2009/2010. Please help our membership officer by paying your fees.
Committee members
Roy Schack has decided to resign from
the Committee. We’ll miss you, Roy.
Jens Gønget, who has recently moved
to Brisbane from Melbourne, has joined
the committee and attended the
meeting on 19 November.
Thanks to Worldwide Online Printing in
Eagle Street for printing the newsletter.
Come along for a free evening of dancing and entertainment hosted by the Danish Folkdance
Group in conjunction with the Danish Club.
Date: Friday 29 January 2010
Time: 6pm onwards
Where: Danish Club, 36 Austin Street, Newstead
The theme for the evening will be Danish and other Scandinavian dances. For those who are
interested there will be opportunities to participate and join in the fun.
Food and beverages will be available at reasonable prices from 6pm.
We look forward to seeing you on the dance floor!
What else is happening at the Danish Club?
(put the events in your calendar)
13 February 2010
2 - 5 pm
Time for the kids to dress up and ‘slå katten af tønden’. Check the next newsletter for details
Folkies Old & New at Heimdal 20 February 2010
6.30 pm for 7.30 pm start
The arrangement is held by the Folk Rag and members of the Danish Association are invited to
enter at concession rates. See the ad in our January newsletter.
Cafe Danmark
26 February 2009
6 pm
COMMITTEE 2009/2010
Committee Member:
Søren Høimark
Phone 07 3359 2026
Kim Tvede
E-mail: kim.tvede@gmail.com
Vice President:
Committee Member:
Alan Przybylak
Mobile: 0402 691 435
Treasurer :
Peter Hansen
Phone (02) 6680 3574
Lone Schmidt
Phone 07 3359 2026
Membership Officer:
(not on the committee)
Lone Lambourne
Phone 07 3822 4476
Committee Member:
Committee Member:
Jens Gønget
Henrik Caspersen (Rick)
Phone 0418 776 277
Committee Member:
Committee Member:
Vivian Lindup
Phone 0411 084475
Jørgen Skov
Phone 07 3103 6535
E-mail: jorgen@qldaus.com
E-mail: vivandmikelindup@hotmail.com