2nd Infantry Division - 1950 - General Orders 100 Thru 109
2nd Infantry Division - 1950 - General Orders 100 Thru 109
2nd Infantry Division Korean War Awards General Orders 1950 100 Thru 109 Korean War Project Record: 2ID Generals Orders File - GO-15 PID: 11 National Archives and Records Administration College Park, Maryland Records: United States Army Unit Name: Second Infantry Division Record Group: RG407 Editor: Hal Barker Korean War Project P.O. Box 180190 Dallas, TX 75218-0190 http://www.koreanwar.org Search 2nd Division Awards Database REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES -· '-' 'I ..... .) HELJI c"(;_ -. '''-' ~:'. ,'.' . . 2d Infant r y D1v ~~J . OJ - , _-_-"' .. - ..'~-.,1.·1'' v. 2t-.. . . s o11o l ·.po • l l c: • . : t ... San :2r ano i ;;oo~ La1 Hornia 1 • \ ~· ~ GEl-lBRA L ORDERS 100 mnJBER SECTI ON X ORDER OJi' .. T.EE DAY • · r t is wi th hUl]'lb le rever ence that I than k God f or the deliver ance '" 1 .. .·· r.:c·~·:· ct y· of' ·Gl1e 2ct Inf antr y Division per s onnel ,.,,~ "l.O hav~ _ ·3C:, anf fou r-;lrc the e nemy in our r e c~n t vp"':r"t i on . 1'"\t:-, - -~ L~l... c:.-'Oo-..;:o-fu JlY. -. To t h ose Yrho f aile d to r et urn ·w it h u s, we of the Di v isi on n ow pr c s<:U;,t :~i ve our heartf elt gr at itude an d t hank s f or t h e i r sacrifice, The i r ,'job vra s well d on ei t he y u pheld t h e gl orious trad iti ons of ou r Di v ision and their va l or ,-;ill, lone; b e r ememb er ed end rev er e d in our hi c;tur~r . 'l'hc Divi sion n on regrou p s and re-equ ips to con·c1nue il:unediate ope:t ation . T i me is s l1ort, andall eff orts must b e d ire ct e d t oward effec-Ginc eff i c i ent r e or ganization, r -e su pply _a nd rec ond itiqning of: ' our pers onnel and e qui pme nt. I 1:n ow that t;1e 2d Di vi sion and its n~vly a s si gned person nel will c o11tinue ·l:;o f i ght a s va.li 1:1.~1tl y and courageously as d id t he Division in the po. s t . I ·c has alwa ys b e en i!S econd to Hone 'i 1 and it will continue to live u ;1 to the.t proud boaat, Eay G-od b le s s u s i n our end e av ors, I I I (Y;j !1~ . ;tf~,·~~ Illi I ER Hlijo:r General,. u .s • .Army Commanding -------· Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100001 I DECLASSlF!ED =iEJ.ol Authority _NNf> ;_~Y $1"-· Reproduced at the National Archive$' t:A/tftl/dj 1 . R.. B. ijcCLURlt < - I Majox•. ·den.e:r·a:,.,~ : uSA· '-, DISTRIBUTION: _. , "C" . , ;i 5 Cys to EUSAK o~s to TAG, Wash 25, DC 4 gttn: AGAD-I ,, 1!.E4~1J.e.E T""".iRS fd I _n fantry Divisi9n ;p:'O · 24~ c/o Postmaster_ Satl ;Francisco California 11 December GENhlP..AL OF.DEP. ~-m,m.zR 1950 102 A1'1NOUNC~r·.:ill1i~ 0:5' AID::!}-DE-CAl1.1P ).ST LT JOlUJ \v l~.Al~C]l 028602 lnfantry, Hq 2d Ipi'antry Divlsion is announced' as Aide-De-Camp to Major General Robert B 4·icClure 010356, vP.itea,. States .Army. BY COlvji~l;AND OF N.AJC:R ·. G]l~~ McCLu'"3E~ G.i!JRALD G. - EPLEY Colonel, GSC Chief of Staff DISTRIBUTION: 4 3 nell plus cys to TAG, i'i'ash .25, DO Attn: ,A.G.A()-.1 .eys to' CG EUSAK J\XO 301 .Attn: KAG Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100002 , i -=""'l>ECLASSIF!ED - r' ~uthoniy' Ntlb • - : ~- By - =l8ol tJ..I/i"/1 cys 3 cys · m.-.n~I.Rl'Ens '2d·· f.nfantry Division AF6 ?48 ,c/9 Sa~{ Postmaster .Francisco California . I ·,, GENEF.tiL ORDERS NUMBER 104 '1: ...'t ANNomt~ oF sr..lFF om C!ER COLONEL J~S P B.:.RNEY JR 012796, ..-.rtillery, I{uudqu~rte.rs, 2d Infantry Division is announc<.Jd c.s Division. ~puty ~.. ssisknt Division Commander, 2d InfEmtry . BY COlvlr:i..ND OF 1vl,.JOR GEllliru..L McCLURE: OF.FICI•.L: /~ -!.-"~ ·-~:w. · GEfi;..LI) G-• .· EPLEY Colonel, GSC Chief- 'of· stuff *• Tm.R'- . Colonel, ii}C • ' ~djutant Genortl ·ntSTRIBUTION: "C" plus . 4 cys tOt T.i~oG Wash 25, DC J.TTN: ..~0-I ·oo ~Eti's,~ .;~0 301. ! .;.,TI'N: UG 3 cys to Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100003 ::;;ecrJdLcec a: ·re \aucna1 ~rcn1ves :t.E;J)Q.TJ•.RT3RS 2d Infnntry Division ,. ~0 24B• c/o P;«Js~!lJVste.l' · · ·: · ·· :. . 5 · .san irari.hhl~'d c~ii:toa'nia l < ' .. . :: :,., ,; :2 ~ ' \....\ ' . Gm.~~ ORP~9 ~. ·. l(t5 . :t:.·. '" I . . ~- ,;,. .,. ' :' · ·· • t • : • • .' t , ., ~ . .• . . ', ~ - .-._., • · l· .. ~ ·.r · - ' 1 • ~; . '!' ,. . -·· ,_, . '• l' .·/· "f ' \· ' : ."~ - ·, 1- 'l y • t ' ·~ .: . ' ~ ~· ' .· ,:: ~ ~ ~ ' ;,f"" . : ; :l ~. . ' • -<-. . • ' •. .' .'':- :-. : 16 Decempo;r 1950. "'1\ .,. - •> ~-· .f ( - t :. : . ;: r . . :_· ,'· ·; . · •·Se·ct:i:0n I· :· o'; •· ". / / ' (' " -~ , ', · • ..e r • - ,, .,. ' . ;· ~ • . ,; • ~ •.;':;:' .. :."·· . ._ · ~ .;: ·; ;.' ·-: ~ c : ~- • :· • .• :?;· :~, • ' ' " • . t,~WM4? :o-t :~ · ~I~JER .~1.1} .-~~(:pqs~ous) ~Y' , diJ;"ecti~n ~'f,'t~ !l?r~si'det;itL, :. und,~.r '\he· .Pr9vi.~ions f?f 'll;o . M.'t ~f Congress ~. flpprovod' 9 ··J:-1dy •1918 ·.•(WD''!3ul 43; •l918) ~d . ~.~su't;J.i'lt. -,I(Q "a,uthq:rity eontained ·in ~ 66~-45 1 the .S{l!ver.: Star f:O'r g~llall*lry i~,· a'~t,i,Qn.:J.,s ~:~wa*.q~·d ·p~s1;.~tuhdusly to thel' tollowi·tlg '1:etnod · 't:infHrtod :tnon: • • • 1 .• •. ~- l. ~: ·~·, , ; .. · .. ·' ' ·. , ,'1 ;·;..·..'.~itG~~;1r~fu.~f~9L!,ps- :6~Jll.. . cq~~~ ; . •) \ } . 'I ·1.. · .' ' ),, , _".·, ·.,.~ ,il. j, 1W39~s~~5,J~ri,fihltry1. _untto~ .ste.~· s ·JutyiY,, a m9m'Po~ ·Qf ,.Ooril..F,~l ·Kf ' 2~d . ~nf.e.nt;oy. · RCgimcnt, 2d Ill'tant,_y ti'V'f:Si~>'n:; 'di~ple.ycd· ' · gnlla.nti"y 'iii action .agciinSt 1'an etrited enemy 7 Soptorftr}e£. ):'950 .tn ·the vidinity!·ot Myrang•. .,I~o~ba. Or. ti:i:a(· q~tc' . ~cr~cant· ·o~sen wa~· · leaqi~ . ~ '~r.·f~l} .;a<;l.'uad/ 0f . tit~ ~'om.;. , pe.ny in mi ntta·ek aga:inst a woll-entrenchUd enemy fo~.O"o · wl'lic'h was locat.o.d. on.higli g:1;o~d, .. In ~:O.e ini~ial. _J?.h~sc. .J)f the attack ~he cor::pe.ny ,rocoivod oxtremolr heavy atf'to~ati<f 'W!3.epc:Qa tiro Wh~c~ halted. tho assault 'rind ph~ed down SGrgoent- Olsen's sq_Ut~d~ . :R¢al:tzlng· t~at the ohtirc· ·attc;C1t wr'cs iri. d.cnger i)f' fr>tiuro,., . he fearlessly . exp6.$ed himso+:f nnd e.dvencod aldno lrito tho devo.sta.hrig hosti lo fi::::-o; firing his WOSlP9n e.s he tnovod forwnrd. 'l'l1is intrepid ecti0n s0 , inspired his mon thnt · they ' ion'awdd . hi.m 'c:ri,o. ~uccoedod 1n driving :thc onor.i.y from their p0,9i tions, thus in'- . SUri~ the . succdss dt his C0rripany' S r:tission. Tho gr?.lbntry dispJi:.yod by Sergelirtt o!'s on :rotieats' great :· credtt upon hlmsel:f' end is in keeping with tho highe st · · tradi:tiozw of tho m1li te.rf service .. Entered tho mili t~:ry service fr()Jl W2.shington. on : ~· .. ' . . -,. ' .. . ). . ' ~. . . . . . ,· . SERQE..J>."T :r!~OK H:.NLEY, Ri.3933'7077t i.rtillcry, Vili~od Stntcs i>:m.Y,~ n member of i-., 1 37th Fi-eld J.:rt1llery l3e.tteo.l1on;. 2d Infc.ntry' Divisionr· d~splayed gallan-· t;ry ' in a<?tion · e.g~inst an annod·. onom;y on 51 ~ugust and l So~tpmbor 1950 in tho vihinit? of · Changnyong, Korea. Dti.rir.g thfs ~eriod SergeE-.'nt Hanley wes ih e for"" We.:ta .obse'rvati~n;post dirocti.nS' a:rtiilory in c\l~port of an i'nfentry regimen~.• The efi:omy l.p.unehod ' 2. strong atteck whieh :toroe.d tho il;\fP.n try tO'. ~.-n:thdre.w. During tho ensuing . aetibh the ottic'o'r ()ccup$rlng tho obecrvat·ion IJos:~ wi.th Sergennt Hnh).ey wns wounded~" \~hilo. ~ombers ' or e. ~ii:thdrt..w1ng rH1o company.'t:ore romo"tlng tii.e; viounded officer, Sc.rgo ~n~ . Hc.nloy volunt2.ri~Y,. P.nd oourc.goously elected to ror.1dn nt his post in an E;ttompt to cover their· viithdrc.wc.+ .. Ho held of'f tho s:-:dvcmoir..g onemy while the ovacme.tion of' the wounded 0ff'ieDr wr~s off'oct.c.d P.Il.d t.horccftQr· co.ntinued · to deli vor fire against. tno oncmy' unt11 his position ··Wn_s QVOrTUn and he wr,s killed .. The gc.ile.ntry i>.nd P.ovotion to. t:r f.tlllo:h eonrndo dispH·,yod by ·sorgc:mt Ifunloy . · ., . reflect grc r:: . t credit upon' himself 2,nd e.ro in kcopi-h.g wt't h tho highest. traditi.ori~ of the rnili t:; ry 's c rv~c.e. Entered the m1lltery servi.co fr0~ W~shington~ · B$tt.o~ Section or :tt '. . ' J3y • ,bliiJID: 'T.H;E SILVER o?~ - direction of the P...Osi_den~, under tho pro...: visions ~f t .h e: ~ct ot · Congr6ss apprpv:ed ·9 July 1918· (i,~} Bu;l 4~, : 1?·18) and purs1.1:nnt t0. ~uthori'ty ' contr.ine d in; ...R 60Q..o4q• tho S_ilver Stn.r fQr gf\:tlr.n~;r.:f in :c_ctio:n is ~,~S:f.dod . ~o t_ho following. n?.mod orilist od nio~; ·· · · · : , • . · ~ .· . · .. - ... _. . ' · : · M~R f . • . -' • ~ ~ . : '.I ' .. ' ' .. ,._. ~~~ .mo~V.JxD$i.FRIDRJ;rro6o~~ Ri~7sd'52??r. inr o:ntrr.r'tJnt~_~ d..~~~~.tJ-s krriy .. a member of Be cdquartors Compimy• 2d Battnlio!l,;'· 38th Infantry :&_g~mo~Xi~ 2d . ' Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100004 ~eorooucec i~O GO No 105 1 Hq 2d Inf Div 0 • ' • ~ • -, .,. • • • ' • t' .:. 3! ·re '<a!lonal ~rchrves 248, 16 De c 00 (C()nt) •,• • ', •· ' • ' ,.. ! ' • ' .r,. ""': • t ' ' .• ' - . _: ' t . ..- 'i \ • ~ • • ~ " .. I Ihfe.ntry_I?~ v·~~~q·tJ.,, :d}~P.Jmt;o~~- $~_r!-:~~~~1. ...f~. ~,c~to~' - ~ ~-i!lJ31i, _[In ~~ · crrpfn·l i5lf; 2,? ;._ Soptcmber · l95f'>· in ··"th'c vtetntty "df . · K():Ch~Jig~· lfure~. · ·on; the.t ·d ~ -eo ·sergc'dnt ... .F~d-rl;;. ~ason .. was loadi~ ~ ::1otori~~ d . J;>l?.t.rol., v.n~~)l wea r oconnoi t Jring ro!".ds and bf1dge 8 .:bo t:v-o~ ~ K07h~·-· e:n~ ¥il:iu~- -~o. I}~.f W.'l_o . ~· ~o-~t}l .~()f . ~_o.c~P:~ : ~be:. l>,f•~ol o no~UJ}~?l.'f)~' a~ onony .1"?.~e~ .?r. epp~oxif.fa_tO'J:Y . ?5, oqui~'F.~~:, wi't:lt .stn~~l;· ?-~1!,,. Q ~-34 t~.hk. ·a_rpi ~ 'flo ~<?.. P.J? c~~- §c,~gc~n:t ·_Ft'l~r.P.res2n ..~_ :bol;dly_ ~~iat-q<::_~.•J;? At~C.ek..w..~~h; . his . o~~n~ttdreif · patrol ( nd foarlo·ssl:v· moved fQrwo~~ Iif J;l:l_ c .,ensuing · action th'o ericiny 'was driven off l oc.v1ng their o ~uipmont bohi~~.€~~*t~t~~~.:~~~~.~1tehod a .sq,uad to pursue the retreating anomy• while he direct ed 't"'B;tf <tJ1~~Jhon of the onomy meturiel. His skill:"!' full . dopJOYJilqp.t oJ'..hi~•. ~()r.~ o. e~d .1;>~:1,.4. ,iP.j. t.~r;t~%) in. r-rli.tr:-,cking p. . n~q;ricdly s!l.Po?:'i.or _rc;·:tia~: ~~1-l~ v d _ irt ·2~ ,~_no~y 'doni:f; . ·~ · en'oPft. :so.:J..d~·ors.. ·ce.p~~rci.a• ;!;pq dtJ.s~~et.].o'n -~~ nU ..~.ricri):r ·.b"CJ..litt>ffo,Iit~).n~l~d.i~ . ~e.lJ ~rn;;- }i'l?, e n!l~·ilo<i, ·by 'tho rfqo·:r~:~numy~ · .~:thou~..e. ' si:ng'lb,.... e ti S_u:;:l~y 't ?· hi~ ·~)a;t,~01: • . :'J.'?P _ g a lb~~rt ertd.· ~.Kp.u·u} lc Pxt ~rs}lJ.~. .. : -~d~~p-leyt;d· ~~ -i~h~.~ .?·c~.S'lon by. i?O~$ o~>,n:t . F.T.idr~~;!)p: · t~ flci c~ :~tee,~ ···c~~·d,tt·. ·u_p?n~ -~~L" · ·: ~t};tf. :~.nd p.r?:' .in.~ _- ~e-?.:P.~~ ·.tt,~t].i ·t~~ ~i.no s~t'' tr§\diti_o.ns.~ t _he, tjl~:fi t~r~:s s'f-vl~'e't',-Etit!:lred thc:f militc.rt suni'l) b fl'otri~ IY!'inntoota:-- · . " • . . ) < • .. • • ·· ~ ; ' r ., _ t:::. . .-.-.~ ;;t · .· - .~ .; · ·.~:·. :·· ·. ·; · ·; ·~·-.·. · .""' . ·:.r. \ ·:~ ~ . . · ·~ '"_; .. - : ~, - ·:: ·.. ·:;, ..~· . ~ · . .·. ;.. ... :·-,. · . . . •· .#' · :...~.. ·- ~ : .;.· . 'cORPoR:.L 'Vvl:LLIE ::RO\fu: ., lb.1:3'i6~4o0 .. rni'ofitry.. 'uilitcd·. States'··~· . ~ ~rlbt;J)i..'i;r ' i d~s~e.tiy r:~~· ~ft1l ·:f~tf:'l1t~~ -~~gtt.fc~t~~ 2d:. IFd'rclit~r:· DJ.V:isf~~} 9:~s.p1~yd~.. ~jn_r.: p.:tr~ ·~in . a et io~ .:~~Ur;s~ an . -~ :;d~ ·~n.c~. o~~ ':lB sc~~ otlb-er. . ~J..~;~_C: iu_'· th\:J'' yi_cin~:~Y ·.0t . ·:Yo~spn.~: . : ~o:~e.~: ~.' ~th~t . de~?· ·_hf:s ~ ~1t, . 1t! o.:?njunett.c n v:i t :h 'i>.ndtho'r c~tp~ n_Y.'Was a~ta:~tn.et: · 'H1'n • '20! ·aga:lns-t t he · dot c:t't.lined · ot>u0si t i'on c0r·-th o wi:;ill- e n~re tich ed . encny. · ·H0-s~fle ,. k~~lij.n~ Jiun_· r:t ~:~had -~·.o ~~r~O::: ~~? ~; rn.~-~d.:.cio_yo~onr -9 ~'. ·o_ri~. O'f·. yhp:'u h;its -~~ ·tile }l~k, · thc ~y e xpO'S·ingt' h i s ottn, company 's f)..~nk to th,o· o·nur.1y • . ~vi th' compl~t.c di srogaTd ·fOr his ' p C.i?~ona1 's'C.rc'ty ~ ·he: m oved' hi~ 59mci'~c<lillc·ss'• i1f'lo fl' oin e c6ver cd ·poeii t'ioti . ._.to_q~ .? ~o~~d•.nr e a_ ~n " ~z:~e ~ .t(). _b_z:~~ fire on t he on .~:~y empl e c one n~s. Fr~ th.~a. · --~~·s.'t~:1:~. h~y:e.l'ld . his_ a~sis.: e~nt .we~.e _en~:.blc-d t 0 de'St~y an o ne~y t;lti'ChiiJ.e ·~~ - by . e~curate t1TG. The- r11'1El''a bae1k. ble st wtis _spotte d by cnqthe'l"·machino gun >erew ~h-~ ·~e d!titoiy ··~l£~o ed -:_t t1~9 upoti: tho· wc·~pon. /.ga in: h? · ir..d.il e.~ · .f0~~rd! t'enrio_s elf ' 'disrcgard1fng thO iritc riric nUtoJ'rio:tfiO W~~po ns end SJhalf ar:1s ~rO'· .d ire cted ' toward him~· · and dest:~c·yb d '· tl1{;' ·se'~ond~ ~~ch_inc _ guno·: ·Tho e.limf~~ti.im , or • thc,s'o. t:'nc!hr_:st;-o_ng p0il1Y~. e1J;o_w? d . his ·.?cmpeny ·.~o : ~onrtnU:b its edv~D:e o·. · 'Th_e ' ga~a~tn _displ~,~~.q , o~ · thiS occa_s iOh. by' _co:~p·or?-~. ~')Y'8. ' l;'b1'l_oct/3 . ~ro~t .' Ol.'P dit UlJO!i hitn;s ~ li' ·and ,~ho :. r~o~ _Fo~cc.s of tb.o' t]ili t.o1l.S~a1;_9, s • . ~~or o'd ~lie. mtli"tery.. S.~vi C? f~om :V;i.'~gi rife,. ,. ; ~ ' · _. • · 1! • __ • ' 0 •. • .; , • ;" • · . .. .~-· • • .•. .. •• a · ' ; • ' ·; • •· • \• • I • ~ ·, • • } . .· .. ~··. :.. •_J?RIVRffi. , FJ:'~ c;L::Ss .. ~.'i'iT,~~M·. :OOW~·~-~~.142.~?£66·,._. :Lhf~".ti.try~ U.#~~·d' ~~t diJ;· {.rxD1;, . e:~· ~9.m~qr · ·9r . 9?ci~ ~ny_ ~.: 3.8~~h ·:rn.rarltlj ~gpc;nt .~ _2a 'lnt:-n.:trr· Di v,ts1o~, --di~plf3.~~: :·gaD,.:~l1trt iri ·a.~~~o~, 1eg~i trs~ :an ~rric;.~ enemy~ pn: · 12 . ~Pt.~moo r 1'9~0 : ~~;t thO 'rte~'htty•. of ~:f~i~; .!n;r?.~~.. ·o~ . t}fE'.t . d_:~to: y·~ .i!nt;o -~-"~ ~~s . ~- ~u~cm;a.p .t:f.ecbol:)·f.myi'r.g \lfs .~.q~.~ whic'h v.P.s enc1tel'irig a s troilg enemy forc e in · ett atter.rpt t'6 "leurtdh ·a S'Urprl s<f' · ·.. att a ~k,. IJt t ~ .. 1nitia~. ph ~;. so of.. tpo atta~k he ,9bsorvod f0ur. ~cpcm.y s()).di c rs pre. pari~n~ ~to at;t &ck'ht~ ll;~l\ r7?in ·t~~ r c1::rr ·.~ call~~ - t~e: p~s.s~li-~\i ~~:·or ..w():und.~-~ h_is. ~()nre.:db s . if. _ho O JLO n.~d fire on:· ~n o yr~(Jmy, ,ho h () ~d. bi·s _ .fi:.~o end· ch; rgoTI,}b,~ .. · o ner~y· _\yj.th -~fi)ce_d . ' p qyo~<;:'t~ . Vl.)t b Mp.J? l ~ t·q i i1a.if tt r6Ji~ c.. fo~ h~s p()_rs0na:l·saf cyy he ' da shed f0~vkrd intre pidly en<f o rigagod t he 0TLcrriy "tri hnn'd;..to-bn:rtd Mmb.e.t, killing a ll f 0ur with his ba yo ne t. His h:::r0.ic. .?he_;rgo· we.s undoubt edly r e sponsible for provc nting s erious ce sualtios anong· h;is cnnrf' dos. Tho gnllrmtry nnd de votion to qut.Y.. d i s:p l e.y : : d by Pri vet e Gol! r cfl : : ct gro P.t cr udi t upnn hims elf e.nd fully uphold th e !'i ne: st· '- ire.ditions 0f t ho n ilitc ry s ervi •:JO. Ent e red tho m1lit8ry s : : rvico from ·:FiO:fide:J7 ·.: ··.. :·;Co :. :. ~. · .,. :: PRIV; ..TE FIRST CUSS ~E~'.f~i~~:~ ;R/;~-52_~?7:28, Intm1try, United Stat e s h:rmy, a mer.:bcr of Compe.ny L, 9th ~P:fent_ry ~ ~~ ~nic'~~. ~,~~ - Inf cntry Pi vision, displayed ;, -: ~ ;- . . . .. ·. . : . '~ . . ·- ··· •, _.-_. 2 · ~·· .... I Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100005 Reproduced at the NatJonal Archives Int Di.v, _ 0 248, 16 Dco 50 (Cont) '~ '- ~ -. .. : .. ' - 'f a · ~ - Siii~EiJ'f.t'.t$0~.f·R.'._liltF.ftl ttR/.33402564, Inf ~mtry $ Unite d States l..:r.my, _mcmber : ot ~ Oompa.ny .D 9 9th:,:-nt'ntitry;. Ro·giin.o:rrl>l 2d Ini'an·~ry Division~ dist;ingu1shcd.,-- hti:l8.oU' >by. hcraiQ· aoM.ovooont - of>, ·a $Eiptol:tbo:r. 1950 in ·tho vicinity of' · il'l~ai o ·,Y~hhl1 dO..'t;o. t~e·,; oll.ctn¥ Yongsan~ 1··~ ho.d \ pbngtx·atcd tho defensive lines or tho · rog1m.Q~1; ~ h_~ .(>VEl~ ht $ ~!.3mpanf'- S.~ position~; : Sorgcan·t Hopfl i?.r0:..;.ptl:r a~?senbl~d {_'~~l: t 1il:l~, ~ompel.nf' · -vG~~e].Gs; . and~1od tthe!11 · ~~~- (illol!ly;o.hold torr-itoi-y to the ' battalion :, · ·~ $otmn~(1. Post~ . ~4o»o · .bo: :p~bizoa a hett ~ino .or dercnae to· pli'.otoct · tho" coninat!.d rp6st from being - ove~un~ His - :Ln!tiat'1,\ro;·.and. coolness in tho f~cc ..: or tho r·epidly a~ir8.n- . ~ing ,,;<}tlemy -wa~:J,1-nstrutlc ntal ~nt p~c'V'onting_ his ~ompany 1 s V'enicJ;os ·e nd .o the;tt . v8.l\iable ' ~q~ipmc-tit' 1't>Qll1 ~lil.ling into··;onomy~;ht¢dEJ• '''r_ho hoimi:Sni nnd lo!il.del>ship 'd!ap1;ayea ~on ~h1s oocreaMii/ byr:·..~t·goant;:Hcpi()Jr0ttoti1S gi!ca.t t~cdi t " upon hll.m.Solt and ' the..,rfl!!ltt.a.ry -: sarvieo. Eni o·~o. the . m1iit~f so·:t?tioo f'i"IXn· 'l?'e:nnsylvania~. ., ~-- -~ ."t ~'..~~-1~:., 1 --~·~ ) . ) •• ~ :. J_'".' ~:'-:-~ · ~ "'}.~ }J :~. _.,;'*-.••·• ~: •. -,~ · Y·:"J ~- • ·r. _ . __... .. . . .. . ·;; · ~ • 1'"' .· ·-~· · -1:~· l IF-AN T..'~YLOR, ~g6l,2, 720~ Infantry~ U_ni_tod -sta:tos Army.-, a 9th ;Ententry F.Qgimcttt, -2d Infantry Division p disttnguishod ·. - ~i:tti8q+f A~y h~~ta :aohtavomeirtr- ~n l'F SOptombor 1950 bi the< Vio·~nity.-of· Yong~anf:-- ~~~-. ::-- . Koroa. _:.On'·th.at:··aa.ts his compa.ny: ~ was :a.tto.tiking Hill 201 whieh was 'l:iold ; by. strortg · apd · w_e1·1...entz>onohod onomy :t-o reo so ~ViP-9i1 hts Mmpany ce1ttc UJ:idot hon'Vf enani.y f~ir~ ·; : and a nuni'bor of ··men> in ono or tho ·: p'latoons were wounded he 1mmediatoly ·l eft his _pqsi tion _at the _cbmpany· observation post i fought his way f0rward and wont f';rOm p.ositidn to.-; poei tion· aiding his wounded C'<mtl'a<los end bringing thetl. to safety. During t-ho s~e"' aetion twl) .rttlomcn 'had been ·wdundod a:na o ncrily snipers were ' still t'iring at them.. With col!lpletc disregar-d for his p crs0na~ safety Sorgo ant Teylfi?'t ·.~. ~xpoacd,_ h:lmse:l:f to drc.w 1!ho ·O:nomy fi:ro, thus di vor:ting th\.3 onomyt s attention ;trom · ~ho wounde d :so;Lqtq~a - and allowing them to c;L'eWl out ot tho line .of tiro to ,·.· sa.tety-'; rb,o ·.horo.-ism - di.splaycd on this occe.sion by . ~rgoant ·Taylo-r :r.et;toots groat credit up9~ ·l linlsel.t ·and; thooilitary service. Ent orod thomilitacy· sc~vicc f:~m :f,loiaG~ . , . MJ$.r.ER .SERGEANT zflcmbe~ or O,bmpe.ny: L ~ t; ..... ', «:-~: . 4 ,·''.• • . : 'I' . .. . '' 1 ' .' . 'l Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100006 DEC'LASSTF!ED Auth0rity By _NNf> 3fEloJ I Reproaucea at me National Archrves $7- --. - tJ.Vif,{f1? GO No 105, Hq, 2d In:t' Di w' .APO 248, 16 D~c 50 (Cont) P~IVi..TE F~ OLJ,.SS CIJ.PK A JUDD, ~290460, - •_ states · . ~y., · a nt~be:t",: ot . ·M.e_ C:-ic~ _ ~tac~~~~·e . ~ :. · ···Intantrr-D-iv:Isto~~ -dUit i~uis~?d - hima~J; .br. .he':t"~). ... .J.rrrri Medical Servi t%11~~~r~~~l'l'i:} ... .- ;1.950.).!J. tne...,vi~i~ty-.- .Qf· ·Yb,ngs_~, _ _ _ , attach~ . ·alf~~dica_:i t11d. man:~was - ~ub · , Ql"der ·-to : aid · 'the-. Wl)unde'd merifb~rs ---t)r ·. ,- ~ btense mortar; ~ut•n~tic.:· · -· <_ eng~ement he d-iapl.Q.yO!l' ~ ,_ ,r~m.-,l.a~t.:l!t"'t :... mo~d tll;.-otl$h the_:-t tiw.,;.'s~p.t te_!ol.'ai~~ _ ""'_-•.,-......... ::- :Q.eto-~o:· J)eb,aVior - ~n-. :~ha - tac·~ _. fl,#·-' .the tiei"CCe .b.h~:tiit3' -r4~e}1~~~- ~~~. · . - ·~ o~~~o'S.· ~· -~s inatr\lo~_ni;ieJ.; i1~3ilE,tlvf~·;~y · ~l!.()B:~:~~~~:(~p, . · ', ·to :the -'s ueoess:l Of the platt>t)n" s . mission; ·:'The -n.Gr.QliJ!Il. displayed by P.rivAl;~x;:~t.rllld ,::rotJ:e?t~ great---o~_d.it :-.upon/·h~~1.t ·and tll.Ei:-~ilitaty- ·s~'i·.J~~~ { En~e~e'd \ ~~~. . ·,. s_ervice tri'»t! New' '!Or,k0 .. . . ....._. • .::-· .· . _.. ,. ''· ' . . · , ..;.;· · -- ~-~ '; : ' . - ~ ,'. \ ~ - - ·· : .: • •. ;/{, . . -. ~-; :· , ;_ ;·. ., ·...._" . . . .. \ . . ·i:. .... ... ·.! • • • · • •. · • ·· ·.~.. , ·•• · · .· : . _,-- ,,- . ~ .. ~~'~~- \:..# >(. .-: FlPSi CI..ASS WILBUJ'i W:I.IJJ-liE;t,·,,'RtJ.5409824 Int.a ntry·, United St"ates , ·2d.-Intantry Divisi'?~, - di~ti~ . ' - guished hims~U' ._ by : he~qic Mhiovemen~ t)p 18 · Beptoriibor 19q0 in -~ tho vicini'ty1'0t.''.\ -"· · · ·l"9ngsal';l, .K 0rea. On tnat ·date_ ~is.' 'compa.ny · we.s t'orced t, withdraw .' frrnil':liJ.U 20i · · :"t?ecausc Qf' · 'in~cnse CnE?my .mqrt!U!,' and : e.utQm~a.tic viEiapbns. fire.; ·:DUril"'_g -elie"· wili_lid,rii,Wa._~, -·a ·-:m.ember. t)f': tpe ·company wa~ sovore1y w•mnJ.ed and :f'ell .at tho base : or tL.o hill. • PrivO:to _le_sh1<5y voiunteored o.s a. nienibe'l!' bt a litter team -tQ 'rescue the wi?@.ded':, aQl-dtpr. ·With ·-enmplete disregard ~.tfor his .persl)nal .safety, hEi ·crGssed the J't;re- · ·swept te;t'~f~Jn and aided }n :the -GVAC~o.ti0n 0~ the wo'4naod man tQ tho aid station, : ·.whore tll() prompt. me_d ica1 attention he -rccci vcd undr>ubtedly .saved · his life,. The :·heroism . and . !ie"'1.61i~Qn to a ~allen Ct)mrade disP,lay-Qd by Pri vat$ Lashley re:t'lect · g~oat . Qredit. UpQn · himsel.1' ond ·'tiheJ.rmod F0rce s Qf th~ Unit0d · States~ Ent~rod the mntt-au --.:s~r-vic~ t·.."rqro rrost :Vii-gl!+iao·. . · ·. .. . . . :: PRIViil$ ·· ..fU'my, ~ a: ,mem~t: or Cr)~pany·· *, 9t~ ·lntantl:'Y :-~gim~rtt ·~ : PIUVJ.XE FIR?~ CIJ.SS ISSUH 'I'HO:ML..S, ~8275731, Infantry, United St~tes /J:m.y, a member Q:t\Comp~y I, 9th Illf'antry Reg;imcnt) 2d · Infantry Pi visiori:, distinguished himse_i1' by hel'oic achicveniont on 18 . Septembe r l950 in the vicinity 01'. yongsan, Kt'}r~a~ On :I; qat date his conpany. Was. t0rcod tt) wi t _ hdra,w frQm Hill 201 .-poo~us~ ·or· i~~e~se - on~_my mQrtar and autQtnatic woapons .:tire. During tho wi~qQ.r!l~l, ,a membcl' Qf tha company. was sovor.ely vn\mdod .e.nd fell at tho baoe t)t the 1'1111. Priva~e Th0ffias V'Ql'Unteerod aS a member Qf a litter to em tQ rescue the -Wrmnded SQ1diere With comp10te disregard f0r his por~na1 - safety, he Cr"Qssed the :t'iro-svrept terrain and aided in the e vacuation of tho wounded man tQ tho aid stati0n, where the prompt- medical_attentiQn he re()oive& undoubtedly sa.ve-d..his H:f'e. l'he hcrQism and -devQtit)n to a :Callen Mmrade d 1sp1ayod by' Private . Thomas re-tlect great crodi t _uppn hir.J.sel1' .and tho J..rm.ed Forces. Qf 'tho Unit t~ .S tates. Entered tho milftary · ~er. vice :t'~om L!uisiana. · · · · · .· · Scctio~ IV ,, -: · / ..iu..RD OF THE COI1J3l..T INF/.NTRY STREJJI-!ER __:.~ Under tho :pr0vtsions 0! Se c-t-iQn :tv, . ~-:. 260· -..lo;', :tho Combat Infantry Str~a.mer is aWarded t0 tho :t'ol10wi~ indicated - uni ts-_:_of the 2d Inf antry Di vis~ 0n : 'I 9th . In:t'a)ltry· ~gi!_llent · . ,. . · ·.-..-1 : - .:l•' .. .... i 23~ .. . ' ,. .· ~giment · .··. 38th_ Infentcy ~giment~ .:r ~ ,.... . . . Inf'antry '' }: . ' 4. ·, ' 1- ' Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100007 ~1 DECLASS~l _Ntd> -~~-=--" $7_ --· - tJ.J/t(,/f/7_ !Authority iBy -/ GO No 105·· Hq 2d lnt Div~ kPO 2<..-8 1 16 Dec 50 (Cont) Secti0P- V DISTRIBU!IION: 0-l?lus the ~ol 4 ~~G ~ttn: AGAO-I 3 TJIJ Attn: JJ;ll>D 2 <fiNCfll; i~tt.tn; JP-PA (J.t&l'} 3 EU~ ,lt.ttn; K4GM . . 4 Per-s 0nnel Officer 2d Engr .0 .\>tm ·~ ~ ll Personnel Officer 9th Int ·, r !; ; 7 pers0nnel Oft'ica·r ~~d ;tnt : \·~f·~;'{. 4 Personnel Officer 37th F.A :f3p. :.) _;· .: 7 I?or~onnel Otfioer, .c38tll. ' ._, •.' •.. Gm Q HliUH.U <lk ~ Jiii": HU . . · ·. ~· ..•.. . .HiMXW..;J'{fi.RB 2d ~nfentry P~vision . .,0 248 'J /o :P.ostii8atsr ~n F.r3neisoo California ~UNCEMENr OF 4CTXNG ~~1$fST<MIT ...y;I~ -W~·~ Bm:G4:tlil9 'G~ GEORGE Cc $rU{-.-qr, 0l5,3.49·s U$4., i~ apnouneea as ~et:!M ;.ssistant :Phl$ion 5/ommanllf;!r, 21 Infantry DiviatOlll• BY OOMttu.ND OF .W.J'Oll G~ Mc~a • I "'-t. _ _, . q __. . ~ ;~~~ Col.oiifllt ~ · J.djutant ~t~l. ·.mmiMX2 •o• 111~•ifl 4 oy-a. ..'\lQ. ~ WaSh i$, :rw ·~· t0 OG~<>-! .$U&4C ..ro ~ eye J.TW·, !U.S. 301 . Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100008 . ' ~ '"'/ • • c .;P.·Y - ~~ · . ,_~~---r~~ ~- -· , ,.,._f /·~-~. / ... , • . t"! ~ ~.·~~,:·..1t· 'J'":·.-w' ·4~ ~ f~~ t 'I (_ ... .,_, •. ('•'···tr I .- ·: .... •f-4 ' -'J'! -~-..-· ... •• '- .. 4't ··.;: •• .,.i~,;'' '!'\ i-~""• ~ ~r,! ~ ~; 1t~' , •. -~·\~ ·~-,;<~~~..>·· ·~ ~.-( ,h'.. ).!JJ.l'~f•'t: ' ' "\~~, i I ,,. ' '* --·j,~ ;· -• :._.-- ~.·t,t · ·.. J ••. (;_) 1 ... ; • ~u $ • '. , .. . ~ -. •,,4: ~ ... \ r,_,,_._ . .f ._.·,·.• :t'Ji'·'''· '-t ·, ·''· '-' ·l·.., ·;. , .. I'• ·i ... 2d.·.>~~"~#ttV:-- hft!iitlld ~'~P:-•t .,.·,,,, ·~ ,.,. I' l .. \' i! . le: '(f. - ~ ; :lf!~'""'p',f;,. ' 'f:.. • . f· ' '•:.~ '(_ •J ' .:· · f"" . c·.. ! , _: < •' '. t" • ·, ' . • ' ;,r,i;j J.#, 1 .' a I ,, ' .• -"'{(l~f • •f :t~"' ~ .. .__..-n. ..,.. ~ _·ttl" _ .. r' ,.; ...I ~ _,.,.l; fp' ,.} ... •"'.• ;·.· ..• • . ••.. , .,.-.li'BOM · il..Q · . ~.--n~ F.J;;n . ~~,qt.rna-$ eJ~:. ··.~· .... /·· •..... · !· • .": •• , ·••t'\ '.Jj ~ -~ 1:' ~ .-·~ M:~~·-,- ~ .... ';·'. "-. •-4> qi. •:~ ~ .jl • 1 1 ·V,b ~~:··~·'ti:tlf:, '; t. r' '• ' r ,· -~: :•• ;-'l>~ft'£ .~~·~~~~~~~{! ;jJ. .~PJl~~- ·~:··l·~- .1'./!, fA,; ..·i . \ • -•IJ·•J'_!~ ···.r~F ··..; ; jfl 11 ,. • . O'. ·'.'" .· • 4- -(f._ \ -.... • .. I f"I)'.T','' 1[\'• "'-f'"' • ro.L'Il\11:'~ o F~~ ""h-r!.-r.,-., ~..., . ~'!}~. .f:~t~ ~ .. . - ' . ' ~ ,,. '~~. ~ •, '~~•"•' I~. ''"l.bf' ~· ~ {~t 'I • : ' • ·: ·~ • I ' •• ·· ... :.; "''f' • ( :'·. ' • , ...,., •. .. . ·; ' ',•',.1 v l { ~· ' '"t • '\ ••,t ~~ 'c'~ ' . t· \ ' r ott ! c·, ! -~ ... •• T • {~ j;· /• '· · f'< r ·. . · ,.. - .,., · ·-'"."" 1• '":if.•' ' ' , ! : .,. , ,. J;_ '-fo.of.4, \,.~ . '' ... , .. -.. • ···~\ '••'"! I,,:- •" _ If·~~,~-:+:·.-.· ·:~ .<:~ j\ilt_''' tr,! .:i;'J,•'se'ctil6n'b 'fil·}(..f • •• •, C·~:i \ ~·~~ , tJ , '1 • ..'~j l' :t,;l,;. •~ ·' . .• ' ' ~ ·'·"' !' ~-·- ·. ... . . '~~· ' .. ~- :._'...· -~ _1 :.-·· • ...... I • '10.: ' :.· • -: _, { - .. ~.'(. ·; . : .· ; ,I tt\_~; ........u • .., "'£.t.'~-· 'I ...'1: - De ·.' cemb e11 ,.. 8_ ~ ~ . :.ps,;_ .~ , t ·.·.··~. .· t . , .... t • '\~, r r4! !·~··4f·t'~ ~:t··.•. · :;_;.~,:_,;' • 1' "" -~·'I --~':-; '<fO;,$ ~ I ..... " •t;ot t] f>-,:r\. l' ;If 'il' .1 '1: • 1-• I ~tl N ;f)~f,1 1>.;' • \1 ,,.·~;:, ... ;f•:of,kO'.·i. 1·r-v °"'0 r •• •• q t;l ···~. • \':~. : ~ ot,_itrE &ItVJ!{R.. STAR .i-;1;2 By ii'.f,feo~b;h. bi"lthe·' Westdettt 1• un'der the ~ ;p~;~l#"dt~ · bt ·_the . ~~ e<>~~;P-~~p~· e,~~-~: gl''Jul.y -~_91~ .l(¥J?':·~~, ~,; ·f.~1s1 ~a.~d·-~ _::.: j>ul:-euant· to· ~tttno;d.t7 cohta'itted"' tn AR··~oo·-4-o, the Sit~l- .;,tgr'· f<>to'· gallantry- n atitf on 'ts a;wai-d.eci' 'to the f-~~~~ng nahle·di.eni1st~tfmen\ r. "'· ', ~. ' · .• •.;' .. ~ \~ .~ ... ot ... • • , ; t : , . .., ('\ ' • ;~. -:_· L· • .. ' ·,_ 4 .. /;: f ~-;1 ; ~~ r . .... " ' t . .. !ilkS~ SERGEANT clinf o ~m:Jcri~SOli: •it439'710?73 , .. <lnr~n:~i-y, Uri1_ted States Ai'rily, a !nem.ber ·_of:~~adqu~r.t'e:r~ C?m-P.atri',: ~3d "t'nrah!try R;egijriep~. · 2<f· In'fa71try D.~vi~'ion, d,is~l~;r~~;.'~f:IJ..a~~~ in actio-n . a¢~',1-!l;B~ ·an· artne_d enen:y '!'!l 24 &eptef!ibe~ 1~~ ··-in ''t~e{\ ~1-c~nitf. ~If': ~~pchq;n, · KoJ:e·~· · 0~ 'that .date his . reg~ent~ · s·u ppt')rt_ed by-· tai'l.l{.s ;l>- ha"d the n11~~~<1tf..t1r · crossing the:t livn=:-~ Riv?r ~nd sec~~pg ·the town 0f Hyopc!lfm. • · 'Elements of.;;t'fie regiment had. succe·eded in cross-ing the river and ·had seiZed c0Ii'l.-4' · r, < mand~ng ground. 'l'he tanks ,were de_::Jloyed along t he river and v•er~ suppor·~ing the Wantry on the opposite side., ., ;;;uddenly enemy fire ·was directed from the . r .e ar upon, the tanks .and the ;regimental c0mmmd gr0up ~ of wh ich f;,crgeant ; ilki~pon was a membe.ro· En~y machine gun and. small ar-ms fire, delive r ed by an estimat ed force of 200 ,enemy, :V¥as steadly grow~~ ,in s e%r e. ty p Att empts we r a made to infoim our ·· tanker:s <or ~the . situati0n bu~, bec~s~ .fl.f the n0 is.:. and the fa ct that th e~~¥. ,~uns were all pointed across the river, .fir e could not be placed upon t:1e enemy .,. Real... izing the critical situati0n &erge&J:+t i.Ukins nn l eft his position of cr_,m parati ve safe ty and dashed across the exp~sed t e rrain~ Cl imbing aboard a tar.k, he co.omenced . to +fe} ~ver fire against t.he. enemy with the ,.53 cc libe r machine gun mounted on _th ~ - tAllk·'J3 ·: +ear ( deck~ :a:011ow i. nfi; hi~ acti0ns the tanks directed th ei;r guns against t~e: ,e,ne.my: ~os i tions t des~toying and disp e:rsing th.o enemy an_d enabling the reg~,en't to. succe_ss~ull,Y aocomplisp. its miss~on. ~'he gallantry and .ini ti~: .. ' ti V'e under fire displayed by &crgeant ·,, ilkinsrm refle ct g~reat cred:i, t upon h~mself . and the Armed forces 0f the United St~teso ~ntered t he _ ~i litary. ser~ice from - . . . 1 '' ~ . .. Ne b~aska~ bEll.G:&ru.~'r N~LSC.N J>., 'I'P..Bt;R', .R<U2005167~ lnf.a rttry, United btates A;riny, a memb er of Head~uarters C0mpany: 2d Battali0nr 38th Infant~y gegtm~ntr _ 2d Infantry PiV'1sion, disJ>lay.Sd ga,l lantry in a~tion against an armed · enen.1 op. 27 SepteJ'!lb c r,):- ~PP in the vicinity oJ; Kochang, A.Qtea, On that dat.e he vms aes1.stant ;J..eader o;f a , motorized p~tl,:'ol v.rhich was r e connoi t 8ring roads and oridg e ~ betwe en Kochang and !v.iuju. Twenty miles north of Ko.chang th e pa trol encounter ed an enemy force of : · approxima"tely _75.r . e-1uippe d ni th small a rms: ~ f -;--34 tank and a field pi ec e.. The pat+0l, in 0rder to- tc.ke advantagy of t he c; l em0nt of surpris e , imme di a ~ e,ly attack8d the e_rn:m1rp Sergeant Tab0.lr ..-killfully hd a p art o.f the patrol in. a fla nk,tng rrianev.ver aga inst the enemyp w!J.o ab~~don o d the tank <;md fi eld piece a nd withdrew to ..t:he hii:~s. Pursuing the fl ee i.ng enemy he ird'J.icte d s ev0N . l.Qs.ses . " Upon them, . personally killing thre e enurr.y sold i e rs Gnd capturing two Others : ~ a r e su_l.t of ~.is_, dafl_pg and _P.Qld le·s.~ e;r~hip the ;putrol $Ucceeded in routing a -num7rica~~: f!U~ pr~();r O?n,ez;ty f0fC~ · ~d d·~stroy~np ·~~9~i.9altY: :valu~pl \3 . ep.rmy tpa t er1el., buring· this engagemcmt a t0tal of 25 ?Deroy wore killed and S pr.isone rs were c~pt(:;.r e$_: k T~e ~alJantjl"jT and skJlUul J,e~deJsh.i~ · ~J,. splaye d by Sergeant Tab er . . Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100009 I l i 1 ! GO No 1e7, Hq 2d Inf Div, APO 248, 17 Doc 50 (Cont) rcf1~ct great" credit~ ul'on himself enQ. the Armed .Fo:r~os ot __the United States. Ent(;Jr'cd the military service .from Naw York$ ' • • •• ' I • • : :~RPQRAL DALE E 1iliirrT':- RAl54:}.'1qQ2,_ Cor.;s of Ensin~ara 1 Un1 ted St_a tes Army, a mt..'Inbcr of Company· D1 2d i!..ngineer Com'Qat Battalion, 2J. :~ofantr·y Division,_ displayed'gallantry in action ' c.gaJ.nst .'~n 'armed -enemy on 2 September 19.5 0 in the vicinity of 'Yotlgsan, ISoreae On that ,da_te he 'was_· €1 . • 50 caHber machine gunner in a def.ensive position.., -. .'J'ha enemy launched .e. s-trong _r...ttack, egB-inst -his ti.nit which had the mission c.f holding e. ridge and e. v:l t~l road junction adjacent thereto. Alth'oukh his weapon wc:.s J.o,~atod. {n-an exposed position he continued to fire until he was'' ;wnundcd • . After re0"LJ.'i.1.!lg fi:c'3t aid he reft;.s~d to b.e evacUated but returned to- . h~s g~n.: The at.t~.cking_ cmemy . suppoptc.;d by intense mort9.r ~ tank and automatJc Wf;lapbn;:; fire 1 had penali:r·aT.ed •.p_0 lines c-;nd was 3.bo·ut to o·irer.run his plc.toon., ReaH~ing the- importcnce nf :th-e_ fi:ra ·which ba could dalfv\Jr frr)m his o.xpDscd posit'ion hef9ar'Lt:s::Jy remained in ple.cc c:.r:d pnured·devestating burst3 of fire into --the adv2.nt::u:g onc:n:;., 'I'l:e accurc:te fi:::-e del:..verud by C0rpnre1 1hhitt enabled hi~ p~e.toon to withd:r·:::w: wi thi)'J.-:. sustni njng more serious casu2.lties, to n. new defen~_.> _ive pQsition where th ey wcro c.b1e tn r ef0rm. be'}t Qff th3 enemy r- ttcck, <::nd aecompi1sh the· miss:t0n of holding tho ridg e , During the l~st phases of the ettack Corpo'r.a 1 ~·hitt was' once mo~e. \lOUlldGd ~nd W" S ElV::;.c'l..l.e. t ed . The 'g~.il®try e nd high devotion to duty dispJ,.?..yad by Cnrp0rel Vhitt r eflect great credit upon hims ;)lf r>nd the ,Armed Forces of tb.·J Uni t ad Stetesr E:1tG't''" d t.hc- :-r,i:J ~-"; : r.y ·s ervic> e :f:rn:n I:ndi :::ma ., O.F THL BRONZE ·STAR NillDAL ·-~- By dire cti0n 0f the ~resident, ·under tne of . Ezecutiva Order 9419, 4 }'ebru:;.;ry 1944 (Sec II, ~iD Bul 3, 1~44) and purstia:~.t to authori t _y co'ntained in AR 60:)-45 7 tho Br0nze f::>kr I'.~cdnl with "V'' ·· Dev-i ce for heroic c.chi~vement in connactinn v:ith m~li tc.ry npernti nrJ.s e.g~inst an armed ·~ nem· Y ;f the United Stc.tes during the. !Jeriod indic 2.t c d is awarded to the foliowing named enlist'e; d men: AWARD provis~ons . SERGEANI' JOHN E JOI-::NSCJ.-.!, RA20320482, IIif'antry~ ·. Unit-ad StG-tes Jl,rmy, a member 0f Headquarters Cnmp e.ny r 23d Infantry Regiment/ 2d Infantry Divis inn, distin-. guishcd·- himself by h crnic c.chi e v..m~ent on 1 Septumber l95o ne~;~ ,C hang:rnng, Korea • . On the morning of · this date the rogiment8.l · c0rnrmmd p0st w~. s · e:ttecked by the enemy and t'oi'ccd "tn withdraw t0new ~nsitions. It was thcn-discov&red that several of ourwnunced qnds()mO :I".utnmctic. wcupnns hud boen.13ft ntthc aba.nd0ncd p0si-ti0n. Sergef\nt Jnhns·nn immedietcly _vnlunt o er~d t0 r-eturn tn the· nld 'p0sitinn, despite the l - .~1V7 Anomy fire:, in 0rder tn evacuate the men and recover tho automatic weaprms,. · 'Alttnugh th'e ·r ·os c'J.o pl~ty vr>.s subjected tn direct. enemy fire, Serge13:-nt Jnhnsnn p:r0ceedad ccltnly ~nd ef-ficiently to carry 0ut the details nf his mission. His c0nd.uc·~ under fire was a:'n inspira~i 0n tn' all whn witnessed 1t - and h e was instrUci0nt.al in savi'rig i; ,; vc r S. l lives e.nd r.:uch v~_ lue.bl a eq_uipmont. Sergeant J0hns•m's h0rnic actions nn tl:.is occe.sinn r eflect greet credit upon himse lf and ar e in keeping with the highest traditinns 0f th.J military service . Ent er ed the ~ilita~y s e rvice from Tex~s. COlu~ORrl.L nOnili'I .u c.rtOt"D.KR, RA.1?227450, Inf c:>.ntry, United State s Army, a inomtler nf Re adqu ~rt o rs Co~pony: 23d I:~.fantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, distinguished himself by h eroic achie v.::.nent on ,1 , s .,!}tc.:r..b.er- 195;) . ne·1r Chsngny0ng, K0roa. On the morning of this da t e the r eg-imont J. l c0mmcnd pos1; was c.ttncked by the enemy and forced to wi thdrc.w to n ew pos~ t ions. , It w9-s tpon discover od that scver e l 0f our wounded and some eutom&tic wGa)0ns · hnd . been_left a t th d old positions. Cnrporcl 2 Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100010 I DECLASSIF!ED Authority By Ntlf> 3fiS/.ol $1--·. Reproduced at the Nattonal Archtves tJ.¥1"/~. ~~~~==r~~~~~i~~,t~~~·:~i:~~~:i: -l ·...........<-'-'-•""' imonQritc.l i~ Qns. It was th~n d · had b'e eXllef~.;- t · tn return tQ the ' ord:or, to men and nl~ l :r:ocoyor 'the .-\!~~~~~ ~~n~~~~\\fWc;,ue ~arty' WEt~ ~,\ll:l'.jectod tn diroct enemy fire·, . Cori>o~a.l . , -·'?_7!()_.. f.:UcientlY. .td carry out tho dctcila of his I!).bs1,cm. Hi.~ _ co~· <iue. und~r 0. was en ~n~pirq,ttm to ell who wi,tnesscd it ®<'1, P.lil wo,s inst.~UIJlon- . t .ai- 1n saving s c;y.or.a;t U, vos · nnd niueh vc.lunblo O•i,Uipmo nt a Corpo;eJ. Love's herQ.io; i ,q , pn thi~ occnsion r 9tl6P)~-~ot;tt crodi t up?n bifnse_;J,i', qnd n:~;0 in ~Qopi.ng - . W,it;h ~he highqst t~cild~t~.on,s or ·:,_~},t~ ml.l.it2ry sorv~_cfp• ; ~nt~· ;!.Qd tm mil~tacy_. ·· . ··· ::sorv1co f~om ~~EU,'leo.sli!; · , ·. ,; · · ·~ · ~; .~ :. -~· ;. . . ... · ;.. e tho 4 ( . ~... . . . ... __l, ' .... . . ·~.:. f. J .. .;I .,.. ·• "' Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100011 I DEC~ASSIF!ED Authority By Nflb 3fla.ot -J6J --·- Reproduced at the N a~onal ArchiVes tf..l/1(,/fP/. . . I •· . ~·. ·r ,.. ' .~ ' ; . ~~~-~~~- :~ ~ .·. .. . . ,,. . . '• ,. . <ERALD G EPIEY ."'. ,• . ... ..,. Oolo:nel Oh,iot G$) Of · S~~t ..r:. . ,. '• .. . ": ; . :, ,• • • I . DISTRIJVnONt · . c :P,1ua ·rl)i ·, . - 7 , 4:. TAG Attn~ 4\GAO;_] . .... v. • .-t •. ' ' • _: 3 .TAf2- At\n.-:, ~D . . , ... 2 CIN~ ~;.t~t~: .. ~A (~Il) ·' · ~··,.,, ~ ~ ~- 3' Et1SAlr Attn: • u<lt · ·. ·· ·~·~t · ., 5 Eaob. . i.nd1 vidual ·cllnearned 9 . Parsorll;1~l .~Otf1~e.r 23d ltlr i Personnel O~f1cer 62d AAA Bil' . . 4 Per~9m;tel . Officer -~ :J!lngr · C Bn . 4 Personna~ etficer :38th Inf' .' . .. ' ' . ~ . -· ... 4 '' ., I 1 ' '. ;. 1 • ' .· - ~- -: . .. . '. 4; Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100012 I DEC'LASSTF!ED Authority .Ntlf> 3(SSLol Reproduced at the Nauonal Archrves t:J..I/1"(f/7 By 2d . ~"' --~-~J1 '~~~~.. --··. . ' ~ ; : i ', :-..... .,_.",i,. _ ~(~JJN~ ;.¢.tk~n' q~CEB:Jt ' ~-· ,.. '-,.~4'. ~.• ",·;~,·-~ · ·. 'J.,~pw~IJ'LI. roJr ;;UJ1E·~"'~~~ ~ . .... r_ • • o' 'r' ' ~ ~ - _' . I <' I ' • ~ • ' ·, 1 \' ,.'I • > 1' ~ >- '_ ' o' I , ' ~1No:qn~~ ~ .~ ... .-~ %.('\·.,~.'~-~ --: , ~"- -·.· ·~~s-,-~·· • . '"" • ' . . .. · ~• ' .,.• ••;_,.- -.,.•\.-h , :,;.;,•.~~,·~;.:~1'-:.~.-;;.~~:.~, \J\"} j' ',' ' ''• •'{> '~- -~· l ;!' ; t:,_ .•,;:-~· ·.,• . •• ••••. ,.' ' ,K:· .r,"' !~ :'<\ .. I,: ( ·' ,~' ' . .~.< ~ . ' ~ .. \I ' ~ \'.1_· .. ·h•·. . J ,\. ·.·i· ,;_.:r~~-~--··:·~·· . \f l ; V 1 . .' '· \ ·~·.,w '~:~~ . -~,~ . co~~~,-'i~(~$1>~t.a~r. oomma~dlnt_ ~n~-~al)~i ~PV?mber -19$.@~ . -~~ ·0, • ..f-• ~. ~1~~:1?91 GS<h H~adqUB;I'-~~:r:'~~ -~4..[p~try ~¥ , announcad as IUblic Info~!-ion. ():f'f1cer, 2d tnf'~tt~·: pi.vi~lon ·cr~~c.. , 0324772, Ihl'a.ntry, f(. , Novem'Der 1950! v~ce ;~J'PR . Gr.!~JID R. Bt.T~, _ 2d Infantry ' J: •. DJ.vi~1.on . relieweq.- . .· ·· ' · ~ ·. · . . ~;: 1t'··h·~·. \ .) (1. . ' \ '. -~ _-'" .-'·· ~ ' .~J)J Q~.•/ iOOr1-,f·ti'IIlj.ng Vti!rl>a~ ::P,rder · Commanding Ganeralr . 24 NOvember l950r":r·:AJ~ ,. ~-~; . •, ' ' ~y t~ J,>~'\TY, Q12896~7·,>~~~ Headquarters, 24 Itita~try · y1viaion, :l-t~; ~~O,\inced as ·,Troop Information an~ lD~v,cet'-on Officer, . 2d Infantry D1visiop, ef£~ct~v!3· , ., 24 ..November 1950, vice cW?'.i'J.IN BE.RN..RD 0. 4. Bd.ILF.:¥, 0184.5729, GSO, iread·qUa,~.t9rf3 -r · 2d Infantry Piv1sion reiiQve~. ~OUN@v)11'T Oll' ~m~ti~w.MP II .FIRsr Lll:.~"l' JO~ li• V~ E..t.TON 060497, Infantry, is announced as ct.id.e-~ ... caml( to · BiU:G..Dil'JL~ GLORG:E. c. &'TEit.Jn', 015349, us... . ' ,;·:'~~-~~; l, ;~.. ; ,· ' <\> ,, BY OOMl~ OF W..J"O_a G~"'IDi~ McCLtTRE.~ .· ~ ', • . J. ~ ' ,l ~· ' G~D G. EPLEY COlonel, GSC Chief of staff Pifft'RIBUTIONl 4 •c• plus cys to T.Ad- Wash 25. ncr J.'ITN' ~·c-r ~Tr'Ns KJ.G 3 cys to CG EUSAK J.P0 301 Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100013 '<eproauceo a11he Na110n ai Arch 1ves .., i-f" - o&~##!V/J e~ 2.-'J Jto)f>!' ,,. , , : -, f~Q,UART':iR~ 2d Intantrt :n:r"Vision · ~o 2AB :c/o' JJA·a ., ..... -Sfili "Fileno t'S<lt!I':::GaJ~'if'10i:'IICi--A:I· . :1':·· · ; , . 'SERGlSANT: ..."""'""'"' 'tQ:i$Ss:·'lol~ Ariny, .a ...mern).:>er ·<:1t:':«~onme:n~n'Rt.1~,2~~· .,,,,,,,,_,.• '"'•'"-· 'I:ht'!t.nt;ey'·•·w:,lume:nt·~ pleY~d · mlli<r·''et:..am•i-r:f.O~n.:"~r¥setJt(&ni1bei' vicinity ot O!Ufug'tt§ct'n gj h(f ,() onunanded hEid ·; · :wa1.oh -was phase~ -de:t~xuli!bg,;'hlgn 'Sl~1fnd··~at1ist: ~ra:ji-f;:i;e~o-G Qf litlJ' actlon:.:he'1 . . . .. . d_t hie.~ f\h~~i'd'·~t'd· ···11 ·>t-1 tney had an-~ excellent' 'f·le'ld;;:~f ~1~~. He then . . . _ remaining e-xposed to· hea'V't: ~nenw::8,utCEatic we arid ' small ai-ms tiNt~ , . to locate targets for his gunne:rs. At this time he vras wounded, but ·disregarding his personal safety he :JlioveO. ·his~·section forward once more and locat~~ an ~nemy . machine gun emplacement. In m..-qer to dj_rect the fire of his guns ne' delibe~eHiely ;remained exposed to the tnt~n~!;~nerny fire until he was ·once more·woundedr ,1nlll.s time mortally. l'he :f'fre ·•hei:' ~rected on the enemy wa:s · inatrument.at ill. .'t';..,-r&p~:..-1 .. • "·'it tng. the attack. ·? Ttte -galld;iln' d '• selfless- devotio.n to duty displayed by; ··1 .i · Sergeant .;Langeberg'..retilijcitl~ · . .. ,. ' ttedi~up:on ·himsel.f ·ana · are inkeeping with the : ' finest tradi tiona o,t· the ·rniU, ·~:}~ervice. -Entered tlle military !3errvice from. . . '" South Dakota. · 1' . _- ·!._ ' " . . _ - . . - ..g.,_ - .~ -"• Section II AV~ {)Ji' . ·'lEE SILVE!l STAR--- By direction ot the President •.- under. the pro.;. '{ V.isions·' ot the ACt of Oong:ress approved 9 July. l91B . (WD Bui 43, 1918) and: -p~~. · 1 suant to authority contained in iJ1. o00-45• tbe Silver s~·a:J.' for gallantry' lri · . . . action is awarded -t o the following named officers% · " · · •' . ,. I..·' 'I. . FIRST LI~N.AN'l' WILLIAM L NICHOLS, 058987 ~ . lntElr!tl'y, l,J~ited St!itte'; ·tAi1ny~ e. member of· Company D, 2d Engineer Combat Be.t.talio,n , 2d_: :tnfantry .~iV'ie,i~t}~ --dis-· .· played gallantry .in action '·against an armed e'nehiy· on 2'"SeptembeJ;' l95o '· tn ).the ·r. , "'' vicinity of Y,ongaan, ~orea. On that date the platoon commanded by Lh~ut'eneilt . Nichols. was subjected to a fierce enemy attack suppOrted by mort'a.r, tank, au't omatic weapons . and small arms fire. During the initial phases of the S.t'tMk ·he ordered and executed an orderly withdrawal to new defensive 'positione. While th.~ machine guns were be.ing moved to the new platiJc:m posi'tion h~ remained · behind covering the crews' withdrawal with rifle grenades. ··He the~ . assumed a pos'ition forward ot his platoon and directed their defens'i ve fil-e~ . I1f an attenip~ to · ·-. ' neutralize an enemy machinegun he we:.s severe,l f vvoimded. _. -~ile waiti~ to be evacuated ·he · continued to ,gite his· pla:to-"on directions~ ' His'" lie~-o'~sm and ' superior . l~ad,~rship enabled -~is ~latop11 to ..r~j>el t~-e enpm.t. ~t~a.cts ;~~p,d ~OC~I!lpli~b it~ ,.~· / .. ml.s_slon. The gall~t:x:-;r.·and h~Sb. devt>yion to duty·· di'sp:l,~Y,~jil.,.bY: ~.~~ut~n!;int Niohq,:ts, . re,fleot great cred1 t upop n:Unsalt · a.nd are in: J:<eQping m, th::\tP,e ftties~ ~: J;r-adi-tions '' . I . ' . . l "- ) . ' '-\ ,:'\ . ::.·: ·?~~>:'· '.. •' < '' ., • .. - 1 ' '· Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100014 DECLAS~l~ AuthC'rity 13 y ::(eoroouceo a1 :re '<a11onar Archrves NNf> -~~--=--~ -J67- . - tJ-Vi"'d7 . .- - (}0 No 109, Hq 2d Inf Div, .APO 248j 18 Dec 50 (Cont) of the military servic~. -> Entered ,. t~e m1lttary service from Floridao ' . t' FIRSI' LIEUTENANT JOHN E DONM103~ 0204~.950~ Corps of E~ine·ers, Army of the United States~ a ·member of .-Compe:.ny D ~; 2d E:ig ·.inee:~, 00mbat BatvAf.l c·n 1 2d Infa::ltry Division, displayed gallF.ntry j_n ae+;ion against an a::"ID<?.G e:nem~~ on 2 Ssptem.be:r: , · ).950 in the vicinity of ::.·ongsa..""lJ Ko:rea. .; ·~ ''Or1 ,·chat '·da~:e the :plat;oPn c0:rcmar,ded b'y Lieutenant Donahue was St;.bjec-Ged to a tfe:rce enei;1y· at-vc:,r.·k sl;.pr-o::::~:ed by mo:r-tar, automatic weapons and grEnade fn·e , During the at C<iek, to ins:pi:t•e his mens he manned a light· machfne gnn fJ.'CY.a an expose0. p0aHion w'u.1ch W3S rec:eivi!lg Withering enemy fire. With complete dts:r·egar:c. for.· :h.Js pe.rson3.l sa1'ety ~e n.:-•ntinued to fi;.a his weapon, inflictLig hea'r:" c-asuCt.1:;1es u:p o~;. the en~;;my,. H:U.1 int:repedi ty und.er fire inspired the members 0f ' his pJ.a\;<.;0'11 tc grea"~t>.r effo'rr;s> · During tl:e "lame ~ngagement an enemy aut0mati.c weapon :tJinnJd dr;wn. ills platoon .. · A.1.one he mo7ed forward with his macl1ino gun and n2~1t:·.~ 'Ol.J.ized the en~.r.J.f weapon.. 'I;ld.s action alloweq the platoon to c0ntin.ue the ftre figh·~ ::u:1. was insii~~u,_nental jn halting tr_e enemy ~ttacko The gallantry and jnr;piJ"':i.:ng lt1ada:~·~:;h ~ p (1j "~J?.l'1.yed by l ·i 8utona:yl; Donah·!.le on this occasion reflEJct g::-:eat cr.ed:i.t upon hil:-H:>~lf and are in keeping wi-ch the finest traditions of the military service. Entered the military S3.rvice fr0m Mass~ achusettso Section III AWARD OF THE BRONZE ST.AR 1-:EDAL --- (PO.s'ffil.JHOUS) By direction 0f the Pre sident, under the pr0visi0ns 0f Executive Order 9419 ~ 4 Foor·G.a:c-y 1944 (Sec II v;n Bul 3, 1944} and pursuant t0 auth0rity c0nt~ined in Pi/. 600·-45 .. the Br0nze Star Medal with "V" Device f0r her0ic a•~hiovement in connection Hith military ope rations against an armed enemy of the United States during the period indicated is awarde d posthumously to the f0llowing n~ed enlisted men: SERGE.AI."'fr r.LOYD L HALDRIP, RA19114261, Infantry, United States .krmy, a member of Company H, 23d Infantry Regiment~ .2d _Infantry Division, distinguished himself qy her0ic achievement on 4 September 1950 in the vicinity of P0nc~oj K0rea. On ~hat date Sergeant Waldrip was forward 0bserver f0r his c0mpany: s Blrnr:l m0rtar ~latoon which was rend G:r.ing supporting fire to a rifle c0mpanyo The rifle company &t this time was under attack by a numerically supori0r enemy f0rcee Alth0ugh the e'n tire area was under intense enemy artillery, mortari automatic weapons and small arms fire, he moved his observation post to an exp0sed position from which he could better direct the fire of his m0rtars~ With CQffiplete disregard for his personal safety he c0ntinuod to observe enemy positi0ns and relay firing data until he was no:r-cally woundodc The h 3roism and de votion to duty displayed by Sergeant· Waldrip ref·lect groat credit upon himself and tho Armed Forces of the United StatesQ Entered the military service fran Washington. ... CORPORAL NESTOR C SANDSTROM, RA39744318, Infantry~ United State s Army, a nembor o:C Com)any H» 23d Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, distinguishe d himself by heroic achievement on 5 Sept ember 1950 in the vicinity of Poncho, Korea. )n tllat date Corporal Sandstrom voluntarily vJGnt forward t0 a rifle cr.mpa:b.y to replac e a wound ed f0rwa..rd observer f0r his company's Sl mm mortar plato0n. The rifle company at this time was under attack by a numerically supe rior enemy forc:e . £i?.though the e ntire area was subjecte d t0 severe enemy artille ry, m0rtar, autOmatic 11bapons and small arms fire, he m0ved to an exposed forward 0bse rvation post. :>ur lng the ensuing acti0n he calmly and efficiently adjust e d m0rtar fire even · th0ugh at t:L."llos small 0ups 0f enemy penetrated to wi in a row yards of his p0st • ( ... . 2 Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100015 - I - DEC'LASSlF!ED AuthN ity By _NNI> 3feiot -J67--- ~ecrocccec at :l'e "<auonal ~rcn1ves t:J.Vt(,/{1? •,, ,• qo No 109, liPo Hq 2d I:ilf' Div' 2_48 1 18 Dee 50 (_Cont) -.. ' ' ' ifith complete dis~eg~ for ~i~ p~rso~;t -!3afo~ty he , o_ on~~nued to d~re9t, ~~- P~-· ing _1 fires until he was m~rtally ~~ded • . The he~o~~- ~d. aev9~~on. t? ~ du~y 4;_fPlfi~d ·~y Corporal ~~ds~ . rot~cc\i grea~ o.~~J_t- upon ~~sel,-1" -and ,t~e Arr!led. F~~d-~ ?t~, ~he - United States. Entored tho _milite.ry serVice -~~ : e~11torn~a~ . . ,_,. :.. .r. ~· -£.A1· , ' " , ·.~. · . . ' - O.o}W. · " aENNiE · ~~ • ··'· · -. ,.. · "'-:.'.,.' ., . .'.v · ._: , ;· ..:_.·~~.,':~!~:f. - ~l ~ . B~, RA44058052' I~an~7d;- un_ited . $tates -~• ~ 1:9:9-~.(11~ _o t: Qhin~a~y H~ _:9th· '~~~ry ~~~e~t~ ·?.d.: _Int~trY PivJ ~ipri, .l(~f.~t;. ~uJJined ·:~jffit'~1 ·.~r{.~ ~eroic ~ohtewm~-!lt Q~ , 1!,3' SeptQ~b,e_J.r ~950 in _ th~·,_yl:<t~~liiY. ·ot; Y.:<?~!'~.~i ~~:a,.,;~¥"~~·;~; . 'hat ~~te · ~he 7~ - l;.ecoil;~:a.~:~.~ ~~~Je s~c:ti!)~ ot _' ~t,~li'' h$ was ~;~e,ntbe~ ~ - itte;p~~t ~o a .ritl~ -- oOOlpany Which was -being subJetctad to a '··aevere enemy attack. ~~ause Qf darkness the recoiilesa rif'le could not be employed in · support of the ' ~n.tantry. ~()Ughout the ':lttack CorJ,>ora.;)}~1;14 engag~d . the ~~my in . the ti:r~ . t~~~ ;WitJt~~is title~ ·DUring a lull in thE! at.~ac_l( it became evident th?-t _,the rifle elemep.~~ bad withdraWn. laa:ving hi's ·section ~exp_o.~e~- to the enemy. ·'l)le ~nomy · ii:innedi~tel~ ~en_yen ~rated. their .-ettorts to destroy ·the _section. A slow and ardu0us withdra~ ~ - ~egun and the 7tlnm recoilless rit'le ~was 1Ifchod along the grotmd by tW() ·m~berS:t o~ the section· while ·Corporfil iland - ~nd , tw.o other. men , }l.~ld ott tpe· enemy wft~ }\~le . !).nd ·grenada tire; -During th9 w:J.thdl'awal they were _'almost cOiil,pletely surround,e'd by the enem:r hut . aarkness·;and ac6ui-e.'t0 . fir~ sav-ed t11eni' rrQil be trig cut orr~·: ·.-· • :. . . . .. . . . . ' . . . . . · 1he~ . '·. section :t:inally reaehbd ·-rrienC,ly l1nos ·without a single o~sualty ~nd. with ~h~ .· weapbh· in their- · p'o sscaston.· The · coUrageous actions · and perf'eot team w->rk • di~pl,ayed 6n this oecasi'l)n by 0f>rporal Bknd. retle ct great credit upon · himse l:t and ifhe milt... lary service. Entorod the ·military sorvice trQm Virginia. ' I ~ ( . ~ ~· , . ' •.•' }·· Section IV ~WARD OF THE BRONZE STAR MEQ~ --- By dir e ct ~ on of the President, und~r the provisions .· of Exec~;tive OrO.or 9419 .~ ·1 4· february 1944 (Sec II WP Bul 3, 1944} and ~ursuant to authority contained: ' in·:AR' 600-.45, the Bronze Star Medal with "V" Device tor lieroic achievement in connGotici'n with mili tacy operat i ons against an anried · Qncmy at -the United States during ·tho period indicated is awarded to the tollnwfng IltiiiilCd. officers and enlisted man: . · -. . · CAPTAIN .LYNN W ~ORRIS~ . oJ q45772, Medical Service C0_rps~ Army ~f' the U:~~ ~ed States~ Commanding 6tri6e~, Medibal __ Oomp-any, 23d Infantry ~g~ment, 2d In:hintry Division, distinguished himself by 'herc-)ic achi'evembnt on· 2 Septembe;- 1950 in the v:icinity or Mosan.~n1, Ko~ea._ On that date the collecting station of h~s re$~ent Wa.s under heavy enemy artillerY. and morta~ fire, and ·nad reo61 ved orders ~o with~ draw to · a safer · location~ During -~he ettti~ operS:t16n . Captain Nt)rris exposed , h1mselr ~·conat 1mtly · 'with comple.te disregdrd tor his pe-r sonal 'safety as he super- · vised the displacement of' the collecting station with .its casualties and vehicles. Fhe calm ef'flciency · demon~t:rateQ. by Captain Norris "wb.no ·unde1' f'il'e was a gre_a t . inspiration to his men and his courageous and oontident maiL~er throughout the _ withdrawal was instrume ntal in the succe ssful evacuation of his unit. The heroiam ~nd l eadership displayed on this occasion by Captain Norris r eflect great credit 11pon himse lf an:d ,t he :.miHt·a.ry service. - Enter ed the mili te.ry service from Te xas. ~ . • • ' ' • ' I · ·:.. FIRST LIEU'l'l);N.ANT .ALFRED I COLEivi.AN• 02109;687; (then Second Li~utenant) ArtillerY', ~y of' the United States, a member ·o:e _Battery B, 38th ll'idld ptill~ry 1atte:l1on1 2d Intantry Division, disti:pguishod himsEl'lf by heroic achie~ment on 21 ;September 19oO riear· Chogyo 1 Koreao On the morriilig of thfs date '1io was a forward obse~ve~ attached t ~ a _rifle _comp~ny whoso defensive positions was bei~ SU:bjel'cted to intense on-emy "small arms, mortar ·and -artillery fire. In order to Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100016 DECLASST~ .NNI> -~~-=--~ $7-- ~ fJ.Vt(,{fJ'? Authority By I l ,·i l ~ _1 } • . , vmcn 'it{' . . . 'tfas bei,ng .3-aubjectett ~o .hoa'gy_~11 e.rms, mnttta~, automatic wee.pons rtre~· !he' oon(j.\ic':te~ , a . f~i-e ,<tt~,~~i~h th? , ~nemy, 11-nd ,. s~Cr~e~~d_, ~n t $ituiltion' to ~ia · o?mtiiiul~1ngt~ttt~ef! .H~ Qfde~d_. the'. ~~st . o:(h~~ ·! r d.raw, but ·remained with}·tha11ti4$litng:·tan'k until ' all ot' 'thQ . wounaca had *ate d. L~cut<mant.' C?u~tn,of~'.s;..}.f)ad~f.iihip and· ~o~~go r~{ioc:t $.:r;e-~t _ . himself and the · mi~t,tar~ a·~w~'i.~:tEnt~rod t~e m~u tary serVlce ·from < <• • SERGEANT GRANT W CHRIS~sEN, BA17257793, Artillery, United States ~y, a member 9! Battery_.A, 82d J.ntiait~:tat't · .A-utomatic Weapons Battalion (Self Propelled), 2d ~nf~~ry. Di vislo:'"~ . disti~~t~~e,a . h~~c~ by hero.i c e.y}?.ievoment on 7 Qe~t~mber ~950 near ChangnY'?11g, '" :I(?rQ~!;* ,~ 0~\:jli~. attorno<?n of tn;s., ~Ett~ he, '!!as .t h,l3 ~e~~~.o~, . , qhief of ·two Lf.-19 • filr'ing ·· ~h1~~($s~ ·'"Tho 'infantry \mit ~ to·· 'wnich ~ his ' #3e~1ort 'llast ' ,j~ .') '·~··· attached was attacki!ng hoe.vi.l~· aorcnded enomy posit~ons on , a hill. '+'h.~ .miaston of • ~he section was to ·turnisb. - ~oM . ~U~lJOl't to the int',ari:tri'ari& ~ire on ~£· t~ots of qpportunity•. ~ it'ifp ~att~ek~;i~n~f~~~?q " the . area l;:l1'0~d-~the . \iring veh~~~p;s ~-,~~.. , ~bjocted to an in~erise:.~ar,r~o:·o~ :-~nszn;y m0rtar .:pr.e( 'P\ sregf:lrdipg the :~~a~~Y'~, ·· · ~1re1 ·and a~ . great ; dan~~~:J t:~ ; li~~- ?wn, life,: ho· remai~cd . ~n; an_,oxpC)sed l!o~l't,,.~o~; · ,., ~ro.m Which ho could most· ctroctivoly observe the effect atid control tb~ rtre of . ~J:le h,is guna, until the eriemy mdrt'iirs"\.,ei-c siii:mce'd ®q. tb:ct ilitintrY. ''Qoi,;tci '·tes~e:' ·;>;·'1 { ad~ance. Sc~_geant Ch:dstense~1 ~ ~~rt)ic'. ac~ion on th!( occa~ihh ., rot.'.lerts;r~Eil~'tt~. ~ ~~~~t u~on. ~ims~ If and · tlle militarr serv,ioo. EntE?red • the military·,, ~~·:xryic_y_~:~m~ I ' • • • ' ' " - , ' ,_., .. , r;, .~ , '· •• < - t . ~ , , , • •· •· . -..-·~ J. .~ ~ .... , , • "" ..~· f , •, II• ,' '> , 'I , ., · · • < •' • '.. > • . •• 'l , ' f ' , ' ' I~ ~,...... • • • 1 • • , ' •· ' ' • I' ' ~·,·:: .(' Jl.> l" ,':J '$f.· !_ : ' '\ ,,. . -lT.:'l'· '.,, !·-.'' .., , 1 1:. , i. · ' SERGEANT MACK A WHITAKERr ~9909261, Infantry, United States ./irmy, a .member of Com:pany. D, 9th Infantry ·Regiment, 2d Infantry i>i vision, distinguished hiinB~lf · · by horoi~ a<6-hievement from 10 to 15 August 1950 fn ·tb:~· vi,'cini'ty of Yongs~n, korea.• During this period tiro c·nomy launched five det~l,'Iilined c·ount~ratta9k$ in ' the vicinity of ·Ht:tl 165 whicl1 was the cor:imanding terrain in the sect'or. The 8l.mri:l mortar platoon of Sergeant Whitaker's company was called upo~ constantly to fire missions to aid in repcl~ing the attacks~ Sergeant· Vv'hita~er - through~ut . ~hi~'> 11eriod was ins~umenta1 in supplying the mortar platoon with sufficient ammuhi~io~ ~o . accomplish its mission. ~ Repeatedly he ex:posed himself to' hea~ ' enemy' art;i.lie~y . and :nortar fire in performing his mission, and his tireless and courageous effort, .s . '·· under ex:~reme~y ha.~ardo~o/.~ondi~~Qns wore instfUID~ntal to the successful defe o against ·the enenyt s ·attacks• The heroia·m and ' •dcv0tion to duty displayed by Sergeant Whitaker re~ t great credit upon himself a .· he military servicer . · 4 Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100017 l' DECLASST~ Auth0rity .Ntlf> -. 8y Reproduced at the Naoonal Archrves - ~~-~ tJ..Vi"'fP/ • "< Entered the military service 'from Utah. CORPORAL.' ROBER!' CARRO~, RAJ.9322786~ IJ,tfantryp United States Arzpy, a member of Company H, 9th· I~antry ~~g#,inep.t, ; 2ji. J.P,.fan'ii:r-y Pi vision, , distinguished· !limSelt QY. heroi?,: a~~.~~~¥lent to~. ~3 ·~~t~mber,, 19?0 , +~·. the :· vlirgi:ni ty of, yongsan! · Kt>ro~. . On that date . the '7~ recQil,fos~ r~~1e )~Qet .lon, .or whaeh4).e i'>was .. a ·.manber wa~ ~ at1;a~hed t.Q. .a ri:f.~e , C?,Ijlpa~r ~q~ch.-. wa,.s.~.b.e~~ . ~ll.bjeptQd·AiQ. a .. se.;ve~ e:neJ!ly at:tacJso Bey~USP4:l · ' the rocoi}:lgss r~~4lq . c?U:J-d ..tlo~ , bll) i9mi>l'?yed '', t~ suppbrt of thp infsptey,. ThrQ~ho.u~,: the attack · 9C?~:p,qr~.,l ·\ 9,a~r();l.l'· 6tlg~ed :f?.h~ >-AAP;n1(· ltn ·the fj.re 'fight. wit~ , his rifl~~. ~ing a , lull. in. t~~ a't!tac.k at pe~,am.o ; ~Vi~nt ;~h~t tho ri'fle. ,,ol.0mcn1;s had wit~df'awn leaving his scg~i~n e~p0~~d ~ tl') ·:.the ~ enero.y,. The enemy immediate+y concontr~ted . the 1~ otf~~ts to . dp~~roy(. thQ .-sa,cti~n. ! ~·~·s;tf}W a~q. ardu0us wi th~awal was begun - ~ :tho 75rmn recoilless rifle w~s inqhed · a~'9~ the grr)Und by two members •men held ·off thG enemy .with and tw0 oth.::r Carroll of tho soct10n while. 00.rn0ral: _. . ' ... rifle . c.n~ grenade fire., 'D~i~ the_ wi thd:rawal ·they were almost cqmpletely surr0unded by the oriemy but darkriess and accm?c.tc fire saved them frr;m being cut 0ff. The section finally roayhcd fr],endly lines with0ut a single casuc.lty, and with thq weap0n , in their 'p0ssessiq4~.~:;,_ The u0u1.·agc0us ao.ti0ns and perfect team work displayed 0n this · occ~sion by C0rporal Carroll reflect great credit upon hiraselt and the military. service. Entered tho military sorvioo fr<lm Arizona. ot d~~ess ~ CORPORAL JOSEPH C HOWARD, RA57218022, Military Police Cr;rps, United State s Army, a member of 2d MilitaryPnlice Company 7 2d Infantry Division, distinguished himself by heroic achievement frQm 1 September 1950 to 3 September 1950 in the t0wn 0f Y0ngsan, Korca 8 On tho morning of 1 September 1950 he wns assigned to a traffic and . straggler c0ntro~ point which wc.s located at an int e rsection in the . south end of Yongsan. An enemy breakthrough had caused tho withdrawal of all artilleryj engineer and r.1odi6al \!.,nits throug:t."this control p0ir~t on 2 :.S~r>~er~ber 1950. Despite this fact and tho . onemy mortar and artillcr~ fire that was falling in tho area, Corpor~l H0\~ remained at his posto In tho afternoon, when the infantry and tanks withdrew thr0ugh his control point, he was forced by enemy and friendly small arms and machine gun fire t0 withdraw with thomo On tho morning 0f 3 SeptembeD.. 1950 1 he returned with the infantry as thoy launched a counter-~ attack and assisted in driving the enemy from tho vicinity nf his control point., , He then resmned his duties at the_ intersecti0n despite . the fact that he was subjected t0 enemy sniper fire. The c0urage exhibited by Corporal Howard on this t occasion reflects groat crodi t upon himsGlf and is in keeping with the highest -traditions of the military service. Entered the nili tary service from Virginia. CORPORAL CLEOFAS HUERTA, RAl8355678, Artillery, United States Army, a member 0f Battery A, 62d .Antiaircraft Automatic Weapons ·Battalion (Self Propelled) • 2d . Infantry Division, distinguisJ,led himself by her0ic achievement on 7 September ~ 1950 near Chengnyong, K0rea. On the afternoon of this date he was the squad leader of an M-19 firing vehicle which was attached t0 an infantry unit that was attacking heavily defended eneny positions on a hill. Tho missi0n 0f the squad was t0 furnish clo'se supp0rt to the infantry and fire 0n ali targe ts 0f -op!J0rtunity •.: As the attack pr0gressed the area around tho firing vehicle was subjected t0 an intense barrage of enemy mortar fire. Disregarding the deadly fire, and great~y endangering his own life, he remained in an exp0sed p0s~ti0n from which he could most effectiv:ely obser.v e the effect, and c0ntrol the fire . 0f his guns · until the enemy mnrtars were silenced and the infantry could rcsUrie the advance. C0rp0ral Huerta's heroic action on this occasion reflects great cre dit upon hbnself and the military s e rvice. Entorod the military service from T<::; xas. 5 Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100018 DE CLASS~ Auth0rity _f!lllf>-~---:_1 By A-- - t:A/1""d? GO No 109, Hq 2d Inf Div, APO 248, 18 Doc 50 (Cont) CORPORAL HE~ RIOS~ RA.l93265~3: Infantry, United States A~y, a member of Company H, 9tll Infantry Rog:ir.:en+.~ 2d Infant!.'Y Divisionr disting, .1shed himself byheroic achie~ment 0n 11 November l950 in the vicinit¥ 0f Ir:h tme;n.l··:facham, K0rea .. On that date the machine g1m sq_uuti o.f whj_ch C_o~~p0ral tUns wC:::. leade ~~ was supp0rt1ng tho advance of two :rii'lo sq_uads who were . p:;~obing t0 the f;rnnt r1f our -lines ·for enemy resistance. The maehtno gun squad placed :i,n positi0r. upon a small hill to cover tho advance 0f the r·ifleoen u.p.->:n a ·- ·lai·ger hill.. The :r.ifle squads had advanced 150 yards wllon tW0 enemy tJachino guns 0ponod. fire from their. front and· pinned them dnwn 0 Cot>porsl Rios ordered his squad to . open f':.rc ir.ltncdiaiieiy· upon the enemy emplacements a·t which ti6e three mor~ hoetilo r..ach:~nc guns opened fire upon his squad fron the flank und wounded h1n. Roe.Uzing that tho two guns to· his frrmt were the pricq.:::·y tax-gets he 0_t'jercd ris squad_to c·;::.1t.i:rnie direct1ng their fire Up0n them, ratli3r thr.n diYert~_ng fi~.'O .t o tl+o guns_.his :t'l~r]{. A~ a result the tw0 onony, oachino guns we'!'e UE-lu.t-;-:e.lized and the -rifl01:1en were enabled t0 withdraw t0 safety under his c0ve:,:-1ng :f deQ His calr.l juC.g·~ient undo)~' fire was soloy resp0nsible for extr·icating-·the r1f'lo ·sq_·u.aC'.~ ft0m . a prcca.ri'0us situat.i0n without the loss 0f a single nan,. ·r ho horoisn e.nd skillful use of his weapons reflect great credit up0n GQJ•:porai Rins end tho Arned Forces 0f the United States. Entered the military service ..fr?O Califnrnia. was 0n CORPORAL EDWARD A SOLOMON, RA16315g5o, Infe..'ltry, (then Private First Class) United StatGs Amy, a oenbcr 0f Hcadqu~rters Cnnpany, 2d Battr->.lion, 9th Infantry Regment, 2d Inf.e.ntry Division, distir.guished himself by· horoic nchievcnent on ' 31 August 1950 in tho· vicinity nf Yongsan, Koreao -- On ttat date a n.).IDericRlly superil)r eneoy force attacked Corporal Solor:10n' s bati;ialion .with heivy art illo:ry and morte.r supp0rt .. Tho cor.rrnand post 0f a rifle conpcny receivcd 'hoqvy artillery· fire and CQtJI:lunica't;i0n fr00 tho be.ttcli0n to tho COl:J.pany was seve red by this fire • With cor:1plete disre·g?-rd for his personal snfety Corpor11l- Solonon volun·~oerod t0 enter the c0mpany conmand p0st to . restore comnunicati0ns 0 Disregirding the heavy artillery fire falling about him he continued his nissi nn: until he had succeeded in splicing tho broken line, thereby re~tnring con~unicatinns t~ the company's forward platnons and be.ttali0n hondquarter_so '!'he heroim displayed · 0n this occe.sion by C0rporal S0l110.on reflects groat credit upori himself and the military service. Entered the nilftary ser;ri'ce frDO Illinois" , . YDUNG, CORPORAL CHARLES RA13271083, Infantry, United States Amy, a nernber Cnopany L, . 9th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, distingu~shod himself by heroic achievement on 17 Septenber 1950 ncar Yongsan, Korea. ' On this date he was an aut0matic riflonan in a rifle c0npany whi~h was attacking enemy positions o~ Hill 201. When all no.r:1bors of the coop any were pinned d0wn by intense fire fr0Iil cneoy machine guns and mortars, which CI)Uld nnt be lneatcd by air 0r gr0und observation, C0rp0ra.l Young v0luntnrily made his way th!•l)ugh the f0rward oleoents of his unit t0 attonpt t0 ·s ilence tho enony weap0nso With c0nplote dis~egard for his own safety, he advanced to within seventy five y~rds 0f the enemy oachine gun and silenced it with his autonatic rifle. This ~cti0n p~rmitted' the rest of the c0npany to advance and successfully accoMplish its oission with a tJinioun of casualties. ··Tl:.e ~1or0ish displayed by C0rporal Young 0n this occasion reflects greet credit_ upon himself end the nilit.<>..ry service. Entered the oilitary service fr0o MC.ryland. nt PRIVAXE ¥IRsr CLASS CH.i..RLES S F..JillRINGTON~ RAl5270622, Infantry, United States krny; a nember nf C0npany H, 9th Infantry Regioent, . 2d Infantry Division, dist inguished himself by he r0ic achievenont 0n 5 Septenber J q50 in the vicinity 01' 6 Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100019 00 No 109, Hq 2d Inf Div~ l.IPO 248, 18 Dec 50 (Cont) Yongsan, Korea. On that date his C0mpcny was ~tt~cked by a numerically superior enemy force which by sheer weight of numbel'a f0rc.ed the cn::npr:.ny t0 wit hdr~w t0 the top ·rrr···. a ·. hlp they were 0cqupying., Pri vete Harringt0n, a light machine gunner• renained at his weap0n end c0-- tinued t0 deliver dev~stP.ting fire up0n the f;'.dvandirtg ,enemy. · The eneny' s forwP.rd r:ovoment WP.s tenpo.rarily halted end the dompany was able t0 0rgc.nize in its new pnsi tion. His sque.d ler:.d~Sr then crP.wled t0 his pnai ti0n t '9 ·nrder him t0 retire , 11t which tine b()·i;h 0f them were vrl)unded by an enemy grenedee. Disregr-.rding his 0Wil pers0n11l safety Pri veto Harrir,gton e.idod his W0Unded cnrnrado tri the safety l)f C. ditch pnd then returned to the hill and £'.ided another WI)Unded co~o.dc t'> cov·e:c-. Enery r..nc.hine gun fi:re prevented hir.J. from further. evacuating the tv10 wounded nen s0 he . ~ec.a'ined with then and protected them unttl help arrived. The hornic efforts and 'dt;lvnt·i 0n to 'his c0 r.1 rr.des displayed lin this -occasion by Private Harrington reflect great credit upon hinself and the Armed F0rces 0f the United Stet us. E!ltored the rr,ili tnry service fron Ohi0. PRIVATE lvl:ffi.E U JORANKO, R1J.42???61; ttl.fnntry, Unitad Ste.tos hrny 1 a nenbor 0! Hee.dq,uartor~ 9f!mpeny, 23d Infrntry Reginent; 2d Infantry IlivisionJ distinguished himse~ by. het"0ic · a.ch~eVQfi1Cnt on 1 September 1950 nelll" Chongny0ng, K0rea. . On the. rnnrning 0f thnt date the regif:lental C0rnm~nd pnst WD.S attacked by the CnCI;ly a11d forced to wi.t hsiraw t0 new p0si ti0ns. It VP.S then di scoverod thct several 0f 0ur W0unded e.n,d, s<Jne auton1J.t!O WO~p0nS hRd b0en left- .at the abend0nod p0Si ti0n. Private . J0r~ko ir:n:J.ediately volunteered t0 return. t0 t.he old posHi0n, : d:cs":Pite the .heavy cne:::ty fire, . in 0rder to evccueto the Ro n c.nd recover the c.ut0no.tic wee.p0ns • .Uth0Ugh the re.scue .Pa~ty wr-.s subjected t0 dir·ect.ener,1y fire; Prive.te J0ro.:r...kn proceeded cal.r.lly end cfficientiy t0 cnrry . 0ut the. det nils. 0f his nissi0n,. His crmduct under fire ~san inspriati0n t0 all \mo witnessed it and he ~-s instr~~ontal in saving s,e V'cral .lives and nuch valunb.lc equipment. Pri vete J0rauk0' a her0ic actions 0n ·this ~JCcasi0n ·reflect great cred'i t · upon hinself. end the r..ili tary ser.vi~?-· . El'l:t er.cq the m1li tary service fr~Jn Gc0rgia. Sectinn.V AVU.RD OF 'IHK. FIRST BRONZE OAK LEiJ' CLUSTER TO THE BRONZE ST!.R :tviED/J.. --- By direction 0f the President, under tr.e pr0visf0ns 0f Executive Order 9419, 4 Feb:t.uary 1944 (Sec II, \~D Bul 3, 1944) and pursuant to e.uth().ri ty c0.n tai ned in AR 6to;.. 45, the First Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster t0 the Bronze Star Modal with "Vi'." Device f0r her0ic €'.chievel:lBnt in c0nnecti0n with milit~.ry 0pereti0ns against an P.rned eneny 0f the United St!':tos during the porf0d indicated is awardc;d t0 the foll0wing nem.ed enlisted n£ln: rYif..S!'ER SEIDEJ.;..W FR/.NK J TUCCI.II.RONE, R/.12088611, Infantry, United States .Arny, a member nf C0npe.ny A., 9th Infantry Reginent, 2d Infantry Di vi si0n, distinguished . himself by heroic achievenent on 9 August 1950 in the vicinity 0f .Ag0k, K0rea. o'n' that date his c0npany, which was 0ccupying def ensive p0siti0ns on Hill 165, was su,bject t: d' t0 a i'ierce uneny atteck. With chnplete indifference f0r his pers0nnl safety he r.:nved .t0 an exp0sed positi0n which wes subjected t0 intunse enem:r mo.chinc gun fire. in 0rder t0 better dire ct tho fire 0f his C0Dpo.ny ugc.inst , the enorJy. Thr0ughr:mt the ccti on he porsone.llyc led r.er.ibers 0f the · unit t0 be tter p0si ti ons 0n the hill fr0n where they had better fields 0f fire. As a result of his leadership and skillful use 0f his fire power three , oncm.y nachine guns were destr0yed and the enemy . at.to.ck was repuls e ~. The courageous acti 0n and aggressive leadership of S11rgcnmt Tucc~er0ne rofloct g.ro e.t credit upon hinse1.f and the Armed F0rces 0f tho Uni tc;d States. Enterud the n ili tary service from Vie.shingt0n. 7 Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100020 I DECLAS~!lF~ED Auth0rity By Nt.Jf> 3fi5Lol -Jh7- t:J..¥1 h{f/? ~--........... ~• , ' ,....>:-=----.:. • -- ., · ~ ~.> " • " .j Secti0n VI ·.. ._-. • J - -... -......._-- _ ,_, ...;.~-~tr--· -·-- · ·• . ,. ·'· ' ~ . -. 4 • -~ . • fC ' ,. "' · ~ . ' · ·· ,~:. • ·"'~ ~t-Y.J.i.·"'-~·J-~i~¥'t';\'· t\ ~ "''t •·' :r·- w: -:. • "'~~:-!~O)I~ATiyN RIBBON Willi. MRTJJ...PEND..;NT . :"'"':f~ ~y dill'ecif/io:fil'??~~th,~ ~ . S.ecretary _nr ~lie. /;irrly 1 ) L'.Ud0r •tre pr01Jj Sil);::s oJ . :pi:U'agraph :~20f~ r _Afr. E.OOM5;~_thel;i(Jom. · ~e.nd'1-ti-0n R!~bo~ wi·~h Metal- Pendan~ fn1· .me;pi·Gof':i.rjus 'set·vfcfi du::•:l.ng ::th~ ~,.~er~'n:~ ~~r.~ ·~ . indicated ~s awarded t0 the f0llnwi ng named 0frice~: : ... . -'' · · ., · '- :..,~~·: l -1 ---=---:" __ - i • . • : • J. <! • ' ~ • . ~,t· '··-\;· ~'.:;. }_.rft SECOND LJ:EfqTENf.NT EARL .B Mi..1'HRW.S, ;02QQ'i05't; fth~m -.Master Se::.'geant) . -!Tifehtry~ Jil'I:ly . ~~ the United States~ 31 July 1.950 t0 tj_'j J..ugust 1950 0 : E~·tored the~tnil!'rilt~i·(\. serv~~)from New Y0rko ' 1, 'i;, ~c 11 ·1!{.;-i '' · SeCti0nVII I -~- . ->~ }· J,_WJJlD OF THE CO:tvJMENDJ..TION RIBBON WI'l'H METAL PENDJNT -·-- By directi0n\'. t. · tne -r. Secretary 0f the Arn'y, u:ador tho :p::-0-vi.sinns 0f·parag:r·aph 20, ATt 600-4'5, (th3'JCt)th};;.r·· r.J.endpti0n Hibb0n with Metc.l Pendnni: fnr nerit0ri0us achievement or. the date }.···(~ ~ indicated is nwerdcd t0 the f0llnwing naned enlisted men! "~ ·~ ', SEEGEi.NT FIR..S'r CLJ.SS GEOBGE E SCHW,'..HTZ: R.t-.19322579~ Artillery; United States icr:TJ.y, 3 Oct0bcr 1950~ _ ·Er;.tc;:1 od the nilHn.ry s e rvice fr0::n. Viashingt0n2 1 SERci:EJ..NT ~IRST CLl.SS J.LLj.N W SUIViJ\iEPS 1 Ri~91849_03, h.i·tillery, United States J.:r:::n.y, 3 Oct0be;r 1950., EntGred the nili tcry service frnn Wash ingi0no ._SERGEANT RJ.LPH R EVERE'I'~~, RJ..'39462C78 ~ l.:rny Medical Servi co, United Sti:tos i.rr-.y; 17 Septer.lber 1950 0 En~erod the military s e rvice fr0n Maii1Co CbRPORJi.L LEONJ.J'tD J KLJMOWICZ, R.kl3296793 1 krtill~ry, United States JJ:my;, 3 Oct0bor 1950. Entered .the nili'tery s-ervice fr0m Pennsylvania:' PRIVI.Ti FIRST-., CLhSSHU_GH,J RR:,DY"; Rh21735025, J..rtillery, J,Jnitod States A:r'r;ly, 3 Oct0·' bor 195_1'\. ··Entered tho nili.te.r·y service fr0m New Jersey. · . BY COMM.(,ND OF rxM.JOR GENERJ.L McCLURE: OFF IG I.iili: GERJ.D G. EPlEY __ C0l<mol, GSC . Chief nf Stei)' DISTR'!:~TJ'riON: c \. 8 Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100021