

Figure skater
returns home
Zsa Zsa tells
Gusto ko na
maging lola
See page 12 for details.
- page 12
-page 13
Fil-Ams press TPS drive
FEB 27, 2014- MAR 05, 2014
Hayward attorney brings
campaign to Manila
Attendees at the New York panel discussion on Temporary Protected Status.
AN FRANCISCO -Filipino community
leaders are pressing the
US government to grant
Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to thousands of
undocumented Filipinos
in the United States in
the wake of the devastation wrought by super typhoon Yolanda on several
provinces in the Philippines in November.
TPS is a law that authorizes the President of
the US to designate the
nationals of certain countries to have relief from
deportation. The country
must have suffered from
armed conflict or major
calamity. The Philippines
qualifies for this relief because of the heavy damage caused by typhoon
TPS, if granted, provides
Filipino nationals protection from deportation, authorization to work, and
eligibility to travel. TPS
is an administrative measure that does not require
congressional approval.
(Cont. on Page 8)
Disputed sea is ours -- China
Rejects PH protest on water cannon use
ANILA, Philippines China declared yesterday it has “indisputable sovereignty” over South China
Sea islands being claimed by
its neighbors and rejected the
Philippine protest over an incident where the Chinese coast
guard reportedly fired a water
cannon at Filipino fishermen
in Panatag (Scarborough)
Shoal last Jan. 27.
In a statement, the Chinese
embassy in Manila said China’s sovereignty also covers
Huangyan Island, its name for
Panatag Shoal.
“The Chinese side does not
accept the so-called ‘protest’
by the Philippine side. We
urge the Philippine side to
work with the Chinese side to
resolve differences through bilateral consultations and negotiations,” Zhang Hua, deputy
chief of Political Section and
spokesman of the Chinese embassy in Manila, said. “Chinese government vessels are
conducting regular patrols
within China’s jurisdiction,”
he said.
At Malacañang, President
Aquino demanded an explanation of the incident
from China. The Department of Foreign Affairs
(DFA) summoned yesterday and handed a note verbale to Charge d’Affaires
Sun Xiangyang of the Chinese embassy to protest the
Jan. 27 incident and other
acts of aggression by China
in the West Philippine Sea.
“The Department likewise
strongly protests the acts of
harassment and the manner
by which these were committed by China to forcefully drive away Philippine
fishing vessels from Bajo
de Masinloc,” DFA spokesman Raul Hernandez said.
“The Department vehemently protests the acts
of China when its law enforcement vessels drove
(Cont. on Page 15)
Solons got P5B during
Corona impeachment
ANILA -- The
Aquino administration used P6.5 billion from the littleknown Disbursement
Program (DAP) before,
during and after the
impeachment trial
of then Chief Justice
Renato Corona to
bend Congress to its
will, two members
of the House of Representatives told the
The sources estimated that the House
got as much as P5
billion in DAP funds,
while the senators re-
ceived the remaining
P1.5 billion, as admitted by the Department of Budget and
Management (DBM)
The sources, who
did not wish to be
of the confidential
involved, said the
DBM released to
the representatives
at least P10 million
each from the DAP,
supposedly a novel
scheme to stimulate
the economy.
(Cont. on Page 15)
Truck ban paralyzes PH port operations
Story on page 15
USD to PHP Rate
$1.00 = P44.65
as of Feb. 26, 2014
The San Francisco Post
Feb. 27, 2014 - Mar. 5, 2014
Mysterious polio-like illness affects kids
in California
PALO ALTO -- A mysterious polio-like syndrome has
affected as many as 25 California children, leaving them
with paralyzed limbs and little hope of recovery.
“What’s we’re seeing now is bad. The best-case scenario
is complete loss of one limb, the worst is all four limbs,
with respiratory insufficiency, as well. It’s like the old
polio,” said Keith Van Haren, a pediatric neurologist at
Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital in Palo Alto, Calif.
The first known case appeared in 2012. Sofia Jarvis in
Berkeley began to experience wheezing and difficulty
breathing. The 2-year-old spent days in the intensive care
unit at Children’s Hospital Oakland. Doctors thought she
had asthma.
On a follow-up visit, her mother Jessica Tomei, 37, realized something else was wrong.
“As we were leaving the doctor’s office, I noticed that she
went to grab something with her left arm and she stopped,
midway,” Tomei said.
Eventually Sofia was brought to Van Haren’s clinic with
“a unique set of symptoms.” She was treated with steroids and intravenous immunoglobulin therapy, used to
reduce the severity of infections by giving the body antibodies to protect against bacteria and viruses. “None of
it helped,” said Van Haren, a neurology professor at the
Stanford University School of Medicine.
“He told us right away that the prognosis was really poor
and that she’s not going to get better,” Tomei said.
The diagnosis proved correct. Today, at age 4, Sofia’s
left arm is paralyzed and she has some
weakness in her left leg as well as slight
breathing issues.
Still, parents shouldn’t panic. “This is really very rare,” Van Haren said. “But we are
asking any families who notice a sudden
onset of weakness to see their doctors immediately. Their doctors should contact the
California Department of Public Health.”
Plan to split California into six states
closer to a vote
SAN FRANCISCO – A plan to divide California into six
states is one step closer to a vote.
Silicon Valley venture capitalist Tim Draper got the goahead this week to collect signatures for his “Six Californias” plan, according to the California Secretary of
State’s Office.
Draper needs more than 807,000 signatures of registered voters by July 18 to get his proposal on the
November ballot.
With 38 million people, California is too big
and diverse to properly represent all of its
residents, according to Draper’s plan.
“Vast parts of our state are poorly served
by a representative government dominated
by a large number of elected representatives from a small part of our state, both
geographically and economically,” the
plan says.
Draper is a founding partner of Draper
Fisher Jurvetson, a venture capital firm
based in Menlo Park, Calif. The firm has
cashed in on some well-known start-ups,
including Skype and Baidu, China’s largest search engine company.
Beyond venture capitalism, Draper has
also served on the California State Board
of Education, according to his online bio.
In November 2000, Draper launched a
statewide school voucher initiative, spending $20 million of his own money, the
Contra Costa Times reports.
With his “Six Californias” proposal, Draper points to a need to address the state’s
troubled public schools and outdated and
overmatched infrastructure systems.
Feb. 27, 2014 - Mar. 5, 2014
Governors erupt in partisan dispute at White House
The San Francisco Post
WASHINGTON - The nation’s governors emerged
from a meeting with President Barack Obama on Monday claiming harmony, only to immediately break into an
on-camera partisan feud in front of the West Wing.
Louisiana Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal lashed out
first, saying if Obama were serious about growing the
economy he would approve the Keystone XL pipeline
project and take other executive actions.
Instead, Jindal said, Obama “seems to be waving the
white flag of surrender” on the economy by focusing on
raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10, up from
$7.25. “The Obama economy is now the minimum wage
economy. I think we can do better than that,” Jindal said.
Jindal’s statements were the kind that Republicans often
make on television appearances or at partisan events, but
don’t usually come from potential presidential candidates
standing yards from the Oval Office. Other governors had
been instead expressing wide agreement and appreciation
for the president’s time. As Jindal spoke, some of his colleagues began shaking their heads, and Hawaii Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie began audibly mumbling
to others around him.
Connecticut Democratic Gov. Dannel Malloy took over
the microphone from Jindal and responded sharply, “Wait
a second, until a few moments ago we were going down
a pretty cooperative road. So let me just say that we don’t
all agree that moving Canadian oil through the United
States is necessarily the best thing for the United States
Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin, a Republican who chairs
the National Governors Association and supports Keystone, earlier said she asked Obama when the administration would decide whether to allow it and he told her
there would be an answer in the next couple months.
Malloy said Jindal’s “white flag statement” was the most
partisan of their weekend conference and that many governors support a minimum wage increase.
“What the heck was a reference to white flag when it
comes to people making $404 a week?” Malloy snapped.
“I mean, that’s the most insane statement I’ve ever
Jindal did not back down.
“If that’s the most partisan thing he’s heard all weekend,
I want to make sure he hears a more partisan statement,”
the Louisiana governor responded. “I think we can grow
the economy more if we would delay more of these
Obamacare mandates.”
As the news conference broke up, Colorado Democratic
Gov. John Hickenlooper, vice chair of the governors association, called Jindal a “cheap shot artist” as he walked
off the White House grounds.
The public dispute came after Obama appealed to the
governors for their help to advance his economic policies that stand little chance of winning passage on Capitol
“Even when there’s little appetite in Congress to move
on some of these priories, on the state level you guys
are governed by practical considerations,” Obama told
the governors during remarks in the State Dining Room.
“You want to do right by your people.”
The President pressed in particular for states to act on
US seeks to extradite ‘El Chapo’
US to shrink army to pre-World War II level
WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel
plans to shrink the United States Army to its smallest
force since before the World War II buildup and eliminate an entire class of Air Force attack jets in a new
spending proposal that officials describe as the first Pentagon budget to aggressively push the military off the
war footing adopted after the terror attacks of 2001.
The proposal, described by several Pentagon officials on
the condition of anonymity in advance of its release on
Monday, takes into account the fiscal reality of government austerity and the political reality of a president who
pledged to end two costly and exhausting land wars. A
result, the officials argue, will be a military capable of
defeating any adversary, but too small for protracted foreign occupations.
The officials acknowledge that budget cuts will impose
greater risk on the armed forces if they are again ordered
to carry out two large-scale military actions at the same
time: Success would take longer, they say, and there
would be a larger number of casualties. Officials also
say that a smaller military could invite adventurism by
“You have to always keep your institution prepared, but
you can’t carry a large land-war Defense Department
when there is no large land war,” a senior Pentagon official said.
Outlines of some of the budget initiatives, which are
subject to congressional approval, have surfaced, an indication that even in advance of its release the budget is
certain to come under political attack.
For example, some members of Congress, given advance notice of plans to retire air wings, have vowed
legislative action to block the move, and the National
Guard Association, an advocacy group for those parttime military personnel, is circulating talking points urging Congress to reject anticipated cuts. State governors
are certain to weigh in, as well. And defense-industry
officials and members of Congress in those port communities can be expected to oppose any initiatives to slow
Navy shipbuilding.
Creditors may not go after your Social
Security Income in bankruptcy?
f you file for Chapter 7
all, of their personal propbankruptcy, your ongoing By Atty. Crispin C. Lozano erty.
social security income are
exempt, which means you keep them. Social Question: What would happen to my retiresecurity payments you received before you file ment account if I file bankruptcy?
for bankruptcy are also exempt, with one im- Answer: Most legitimate retirement accounts
portant exception. If you comingled (mixed) are protected from your creditors. Usually,
the social security money with other money, the retirement account must be an IRA or an
you may lose the exemption.
ERISA qualified retirement plan.
Income from the Social Security is protected
and is not included in the Means Test calcu- Question: What if I have a property that is
lation to qualify for bankruptcy. The Ninth above the State exemptions?
Circuit held that “Congress’s adoption of the Answer: If you have non-exempt property
BAPCPA forecloses a court’s consideration of and you don’t want to lose it, you may have to
a debtor’s Social Security income or a debt- give to the Trustee the cash value of that propor’s payments to secured creditors as part of erty in a Chapter 7 case. If you file Chapter
the inquiry into good faith under 11 U.S.C. § 13 you can keep it as long as you will pay the
1325(a).” Drummond v. Welsh (In re Welsh), creditors the proposed monthly payment that
No. 12-60009 (9th Cir. March 25, 2013). is confirmed by the court.
Thus, the court in Suttice was “persuaded that
Congress intended social security benefits to Question: How could I determine which exbe protected from inclusion in a § 707(b)(3) emptions apply to protect my assets?
(B) analysis, based upon § 407(a) of the So- Answer: To determine which exemptions
cial Security Act and as shown by the Debt- apply to your property it is best to consult a
ors’ social security income being definitively bankruptcy attorney because there are legal
excluded from the means test of § 707(b)(2).” complications involved.
Therefore, while the means test was not found
to have supplanted the totality of circumstance Bankruptcy Basics
test, social security income could not be con- 1.Bankruptcy will actually improve your
sidered under the analysis.
credit within one year because your unsecured
debts are discharged. Although the bankruptQuestion: How much property can I keep if I cy will be in your records for 10 years, not
file bankruptcy?
filing bankruptcy will make your credit even
Answer: Most personal properties are exempt worse until most your debts are paid.
from being taken by the creditors if you file 2.If you are being sued by your creditors, most
bankruptcy. This includes retirement accounts money judgment can be eliminated in bankand social security income.
If you are filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you 3.Collection actions continue and you can be
keep everything because you are repaying sued if you are in debt settlement.
your debts. This includes your house and ve- 4.Chapter 7 will eliminate all unsecured debts.
hicle if you can keep up with the payments. In If you are near retirement age, you must elimia Chapter 7 bankruptcy, most of your assets nate most of your debts.
may be protected through the California bank- 5.Bankruptcy will stop foreclosure actions. If
ruptcy exemptions.
your trustee sale date is 10 days before, you
can still file for bankruptcy.
Question: What would happen to my personal
Crispin Caday Lozano is an active member of the State
property during bankruptcy process?
Answer: Most personal property such as Bar of California, the American Immigration Lawyers
cash, bank accounts, furniture, clothes, and re- Association and the National Association of Consumers
tirement plans can be protected by exemptions Bankruptcy Attorneys. He specializes in immigration
allowed by each state. Most people that file law and bankruptcy law.
bankruptcy are allowed to keep most, if not
their own to raise the minimum wage and expand access
to early childhood education, two initiatives that have
gained little traction in Congress since Obama first introduced them last year.
Several governors are seen as potential presidential
candidates in 2016. Obama made light of the speculation
about the race to replace him, saying he “enjoyed watching some of you with your eyes on higher office size up
the drapes, and each other.”
Not every governor met Monday with the president.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie left the NGA meeting
early to attend his daughter’s birthday and prepare for a
budget address.
MEXICO CITY—US authorities announced
plans to seek the extradition of Mexico’s most
powerful drug lord after his capture in a USbacked operation that included a drone,
cellphone intercepts and elite Mexican
As prosecutors in New York prepared
their request, new details emerged Sunday from the manhunt
that led to the capture
of Sinaloa cartel boss
Joaquin “El Chapo”
Guzman, whose empire
has smuggled drugs to
the United States, Europe and Asia.
The US surveillance drone
was used for two weeks
between mid-January and
mid-February to back up
a massive operation in the
northwestern city of Culiacan, a US government
official told AFP on condition of anonymity.
slipped out of Culiacan, the capital of Sinaloa
state, after escaping through tunnels under one
of his safe houses as the marines closed in on
him, Mexican and US officials said.
Under pressure, the 56-year-old drug capo,
who had been on the run since escaping from
prison 13 years ago, fled further south to the
beach resort city of Mazatlan.
It was there that the elite marine unit captured
him on Saturday, in the fourth floor of a condominium, with a surprisingly small entourage that included one lookout, one bodyguard
and a woman believed to be
his beauty-queen wife, the US
official said.
“Cellular telephone intercepts
were involved in the arrest,”
the official said, stressing that
no drone was used in Mazatlan.
The US official said the remote-controlled aircraft was
used in Culiacan to corroborate other intelligence and
that Mexico’s military had
authorized its use.
Despite being one of the
world’s most wanted man,
Guzman had been spending
most of his time in the bustling city of Culiacan, living in a network of
safe houses with escape tunnels, extra thick
walls and steel-reinforced doors, officials said.
US health insurers brace for new steep
Medicare cuts
WASHINGTON - The U.S. government is
expected to announce this week the proposed payment rates for insurer-run Medicare plans in 2015, but industry officials
say the anticipated cuts will mean higher
co-pays and fewer benefits for seniors.
Of the more than 50 million older Americans who receive coverage through Medicare,
about 15 million are enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans offered by companies such as
UnitedHealth Group Inc, Humana Inc and Aetna Inc. The rest use Medicare fee-for-service
programs, in which doctors are reimbursed by
the government for patient visits and procedures.
Each February, the Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services proposes reimbursement
rates that it agrees to pay insurers for managing
the privately run programs. It publishes a final
rate 45 days later.
Insurers are bracing for a proposed cut of
around 6 to 7 percent when the government
makes the information public in an announcement expected on Friday, according to the latest industry and analyst forecasts. Health
insurance executives have been lobbying
against cuts of that magnitude, saying they
would have no choice but to pass on a significant part to seniors to keep their busi-
ness intact.
Aetna, which has about 1 million Medicare
Advantage members, said that to keep costs in
line with cuts in recent years, it has changed its
network of doctors and hospitals to be more
cost-effective, among other efforts.
“If you can’t solve the reduction based on
those activities, then you have to resort to things
that are much more visible to the beneficiaries,
which can range from benefit reductions, and
either premium increases or the introduction of
a premium,” said Fran Soistman, executive vice
president and head of Government Services at
Another possibility for insurers is eliminating
plans and withdrawing from certain markets.
Many did that last year after the government
cut rates by nearly 6 percent.
“The concern is that a second consecutive 6
percent cut to the program will be devastating
for seniors,” said Robert Zirkelbach, spokesman for the healthcare industry’s key trade
and lobbying group, America’s Health Insurance Plans. Their campaign has included TV,
print and online advertising as well as a sign
on Washington city buses, telling viewers that
“Seniors are Watching” when it comes to
Medicare Advantage benefits.
Feb. 27, 2014 - Mar. 5, 2014
The San Francisco Post
When thieves fight
among themselves
Betrayal of EDSA
he Supreme Court
has an uncanny way
of commemorating the
28th anniversary of the
People’s Power Revolution. On a day when the
whole nation was celebrating the restoration
of freedom in the country with the downfall of
strongman Ferdinand
Marcos following four
days of massive protests
Val Abelgas
on EDSA in February
1986, twelve justices
of the Supreme Court
opted to curtail freedom of speech when they upheld the constitutionality of the libel provision of the Cybercrime Law.
On September 12, 2012, almost exactly 40 years after Marcos curtailed the people’s freedom with the declaration of
martial law, President Aquino cracked down on one of the
freest internets in the world when he signed the Cybercrime
Prevention Act, which, among other things, penalizes online
libel with imprisonment of up to 12 years and a fine of P1
The high tribunal upheld most of the provisions of the cybercrime law, including the contentious provision on online libel.
And Aquino, the only son of the eminent icons of democracy
– the martyred former Sen. Benigno Aquino Jr. and the late
President Cory Aquino – was quick to defend the SC ruling.
He said the new law does not curtail freedom of expression.
“As responsible journalists, you have your rights, and those
rights like all other rights have limitations,” the President
said. “We were taught in school that our rights end when we
impinge on the rights of others.”
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Associate Justice Marvic Leonen, Aquino’s latest Supreme
Court appointee and the youngest among the justices, disagrees. He said, rightfully, that the continued criminalization
of libel, especially in platforms using the Internet, “unqualifiedly produces a chilling effect that stifles our fundamental
guarantees of free speech.”
Leonen is the lone SC justice who dissented to the majority
decision of 12 other magistrates declaring the libel provision
in the cybercrime law as constitutional.
Leonen not only opposes online libel but also supports the
decriminalization of libel — both online and under the Revised Penal Code — which he describes as “an anachronistic
tool that may have had its uses in older societies: a monkey
wrench that will steal inspiration from the democratic mob.”
“Criminalizing libel contradicts our notions of a genuinely
democratic society… The constitution requires that libel… be
struck down as infringing upon the guarantee of freedom of
expression,” he stressed in his opinion.
With the stiff penalties against defamation committed online, journalists, bloggers and ordinary individuals will be
constrained from expressing their opinion against people,
particularly wealthy businessmen, politicians and government bureaucrats, who, in their belief, are committing acts
that are inimical to the country and the people’s interests.
Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago, an acknowledged expert
in constitutional law, urged netizens to stage protests against
the SC ruling. She cited a provision in the Constitution that
guarantees absolute freedom of speech, which states: “No law
shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech.” She said
the constitutional language was absolute about the protection
of the freedom of speech.
There is now a move, led by Santiago and four administration senators, to decriminalize libel, following examples in
other countries, including most of the states in the US.
“Libel in many countries is no longer criminal. Here, it’s
criminal and worse, it’s now considered a crime on the Internet. The Cybercrime Law can really stifle the use of technology and threaten the right to free press and freedom of
expression,” said Bayan Muna partylist representative Neri
Sen. Teofisto Guingona III, who has filed Senate Bill No.
2128 to decriminalize libel by repealing Article 355 of the
Revised Penal Code, said the right to freedom of expression
is guaranteed by the Bill of Rights in the 1987 Constitution
and Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
Sen. Sonny Angara has also filed a measure that would impose lighter penalties for libel. Senate Majority Leader Alan
Cayetano and Sen. Chiz Escudero said the cybercrime law’s
provision on Internet libel should be repealed like all libel
The Washington DC-based advocacy group Freedom
House rated Filipino netizens the freest in Asia and sixth
in the world when it comes to Internet freedom. Not
anymore. With the Cybercrime Law placing a Sword of
Damocles on every Filipino netizen’s head, I’m certain
Freedom House would rate the Philippines side by side
with China, the least free in the latest ratings. The Internet
allows the people, who otherwise would not have access
to regular media, to ventilate their opinion, which is the
very essence of democracy. Threatening the people with
stiff penalties is tantamount to curtailing their freedom, as
much as the brutal martial law stifled dissent.
For a government that rose to power on an agenda of transparency, accountability, freedom and justice, the Aquino administration has moved to the opposite side of the democratic
fence. This is clearly a betrayal of EDSA.
uby Chan
opened a can
when she testified before
bon CommitPerry Diaz
Senators Jose
“Jinggoy” Estrada and Juan Ponce Enrile in Janet Lim
Napoles’ pork barrel scam. Indeed, never
in the history of the Philippine Congress had someone testify before the legislative body accusing
incumbent lawmakers for accepting kickbacks.
Prior to Tuason’s testimony, BRC chairman
Sen. Teofisto “TG” Guingona III opened the
hearing by saying the testimony of Tuason
will be a “three-point, buzzer-beater, winning
shot.” This enraged Estrada who then rebuked
Guingona and accused Guingona of prejudging
him in the pork barrel scam. “I feel so hurt
by the parting statements made by the chairman
of the Blue Ribbon Committee. If that’s the
case, if he chooses that battle, I will give him
that battle. No problem with me,” Estrada said.
With that the word war between Guingona and
Estrada began.
A few days later Guingona took the floor and delivered a
privilege speech. He clarified Jinggoy’s concerns by saying that his “three-point shot” statement was not a reference to Jinggoy’s innocence or guilt. He said that he was
just trying to emphasize the value of Tuason’s testimony.
But Jinggoy had none of that. “If your statement was
not intentional and not to prejudge me, then what is your
intention?” Jinggoy asked Guingona.
The heated verbal exchange between Jinggoy and Guingona sidetracked the purpose of
the hearing, which was to hear the testimony
of Tuason to get a clear picture of how Napoles
worked with at least three senators – Jinggoy
Estrada, Juan Ponce Enrile, and Ramon “Bong”
Revilla Jr. – in funneling pork barrel funds to bogus nongovernment organizations (NGO) controlled by Napoles.
Tuason, who was the social secretary of former President Joseph “Erap” Estrada, was the “bagwoman”
of Napoles who delivered kickbacks to senators
who had endorsed their pork barrel allocations
to “ghost projects” of Napoles’ NGOs. Acting as the
go-between between Napoles and the senators, Tuason,
by her own admission, earned P40 million in “com-
missions” for brokering bogus projects funded from the
Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) or
pork barrel as it is commonly known. But that’s
peanuts compared to the colluding lawmakers
who received the lion’s share amounting to 40%
to 70% of the money released to NGOs.
Tuason testified that in 2008 alone she delivered kickbacks totaling at least P9 million to
Jinggoy. But Jinggoy refuted her claim saying
that Tuason merely brought him food – pancit
– and not money. She admitted that she had
brought assorted sandwiches to Jinggoy; however, she claimed that she used those occasions
to deliver Jinggoy’s kickbacks as well. But
poor Tuason, Napoles dropped her out of the
scam operation when Napoles figured a way to
directly do business with Jinggoy, which makes
one wonder: Did Tuason testify to get back at
Napoles for cutting her out of the scam operation?
Tuason also implicated Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile whom she claimed to have delivered money
to Enrile’s chief-of-staff, Jessica Lucila “Gigi”
Reyes. However, she admitted that she never
got to talk to Enrile about his pork barrel allocations. But she said Reyes showed her Enrile’s
authorization letter indicating he had “full trust”
in Reyes.
To date, three senators – Estrada, Enrile, and
Ramon “Bong” Revilla Jr. -- are among 38 individuals who are facing plunder, bribery, and
malversation charges before the Office of the
Ombudsman for their alleged participation
in the pork barrel scam. But Jinggoy insisted that there were more senators who
were involved in the scam, which begs the
question: Who are the other senators who
had schemed with Napoles to steal the taxpayers’ money?
During his word war with Guingona, Jinggoy asked Guingona why didn’t he ask
Tuason whether she also requested other
senators -- incumbent as well as former
senators -- for project allocations? Guingona replied that he had indeed asked her
but Tuason denied any involvement with
any of them. But Jinggoy claimed that he
had received information proving Tuason’s
involvement in transactions between Napoles and other senators. This prompted
Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV to chastise
Jinggoy that he shouldn’t resort to “blind
items” and instead should name names.
Without conviction, exposes are for naught
or the past several months, we
have been appalled by numerous
revelations about billions of pesos of
people’s money lost to scams involving the two pork barrel funds – the
Priority Development Assistance
Fund (PDAF), which the Supreme
Court has ruled unconstitutional, and
the Disbursement Acceleration Program, the presidential pork that the
high tribunal still has to rule on.
There was a brief lull when the nation paused to grieve with the survivors of super typhoon Yolanda and
to help them try to recover from the
disaster. And then more revelations
came from whistleblowers and the
Commission on Audit about the
misuse of the congressional and
presidential pork barrel funds. New
witnesses emerged who shocked us
even more about the extent of corruption in government.
Malacanang bristled as President
Aquino said that more witnesses
would come out to boost allegations of misuse and abuse by certain
lawmakers. Indeed, more witnesses
By Atty. Crispin Lozano
surfaced – Ruby Tuazon, the former appointments secretary of former President Joseph Estrada, who
claimed delivering bags of cash to
the latter’s son, Sen. Jinggoy Estrada; and former Technology Resource
Center chief Dennis Cunanan, who
exposed more shenanigans by both
senators and congressmen and
tagged two presidential allies, former congressmen Ruffy Biazon and
Joel Villanueva in doling out pork
funds to NGOs formed by prime
pork suspect Janet Lim Napoles.
The exposes are good because now
we are getting a good picture of
how politicians pocket the people’s
money in connivance with unscrupulous businessmen. We now know
how the pork barrel funds are being
used by Malacanang to make senators and congressmen toe the Palace
line, as when DAP funds were used
to obviously influence the lawmakers into impeaching and convicting
former Supreme
Court Chief Justice
Renato Corona.
The San Fancisco Post
But months after
1290 B Street, Suite 203 Hayward CA 94541
voluminous docuPh: (510) 885-8827 Fax: (510) 538-7115 Email:
ments and testimonies have been gathered and exposed to
the public through
the media, not one
raignment has been
held on the allegaName: _________________________________________________ tions.
The Department of
Email (required): ____________________________________________ Justice insists that
they have enough
Other Email Add: __________________________________________ evidence to convict
certain characters
__________________________________________ linked to the biggest
political thievery in
Send this filled up form to us and we will email
you a digital copy of our publication weekly.
the country’s history. The National
Bureau of Investigation has gathered tons of documents from the
witnesses. The Commission on Audit has already revealed its audits of
the PDAD and DAP and all showed
the rampant misuse of these questionable funds. The Senate has heard
from several witnesses who all testified to the fact that certain congressmen and senators connived with
Napoles to rob the people’s money.
It has also become obvious from
both the witnesses’ testimonies and
the COA findings that the scam continued into the tenure of President
So what now?
Does the Ombudsman need more
evidence to prosecute the suspects?
Is the DOJ still awaiting more witnesses to come out? Or is Malacanang, as Vice President Joseph
Binay said the other week, resorting
to “trial by publicity’ to destroy the
image of several opposition leaders
leading to the 2016 presidential and
senatorial elections?
The time for talking should be over
by now. It’s time to get some action done to prosecute the suspects
and jail them immediately, if found
guilty. Or is it true, indeed, that all
these are just political moves – a
grand “palabas” -- to destroy the opposition?
If it is not, and I hope it is not, then
by all means, start prosecuting them
now. If these corruption scandals go
the way of all other previous anomalies that were eventually dragged
into the dustbin of history to be forgotten, then all those exposes and
hearings are just for naught.
We’ll be back to Square One.
The San Francisco Post
Egypt’s military-backed government resigns
CAIRO — Egypt’s interim prime minister announced Monday the resignation of his Cabinet, a surprise move
that could be designed in part to
pave the way for the nation’s military chief to leave his defense minister’s post to run for president.
militarybacked government was sworn in
on July 16, less than two weeks after
Field Marshal Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi,
the defense minister, ousted Islamist
President Mohammed Morsi after
a year in office. Its ministers will
remain in their posts in a caretaker
capacity until the president picks a
prime minister to form a new Cabinet.
The government’s resignation, announced by el-Beblawi in a live
TV broadcast, came amid a host
of strikes, including one by public
transport workers and garbage collectors. An acute shortage of cooking gas has also been making front
page news the past few days.
Egypt’s political system gives most
powers to the president. The prime
minister usually handles day-to-day
economic management, but does
not set key policies. Under deposed
President Hosni Mubarak, who had
ruled Egypt for nearly 30 years until
his 2011 ouster, the prime minister
was perceived as a scapegoat for
government failings.
It was not immediately clear whether
el-Beblawi will stay at the helm of
a new government or will step aside
for a new prime minister. Local media has repeatedly reported that he
planned to reshuffle his government
but not resign.
He said the Cabinet’s decision to
resign was made during Monday’s
weekly government meeting, but he
gave no details.
Freed opposition leader granted presidential
powers in Ukraine
KIEV, Ukraine - A top Ukrainian op- and more dedicated demonstrators SunShe may want to focus her energies inposition figure assumed presidential day, setting up new tents after two days stead on campaigning for president and
powers Sunday, plunging Ukraine into that saw a stunning reversal of fortune in building up strength after her imprisonnew uncertainty after a deadly political the political crisis.
ment. She spoke to an excited crowd of
standoff - and boosting long-jailed Yulia
“We need to catch and punish those 50,000 in central Kiev Saturday night
Tymoshenko’s chances of a return to with blood on their hands,” said Artyom from a wheelchair because of a back
Zhilyansky, a 45-year-old engineer on problem aggravated during imprisonThe whereabouts and legitimacy of Independence Square on Sunday, refer- ment, her voice cracked and her face
President Viktor Yanucareworn.
kovych are unclear after he
A spokeswoman for Tymoshenko,
left the capital for his supMarina Soroka, said Sunday it’s too
port base in eastern Ukraine.
early to talk about a presidential run.
Allies are deserting him one
Tymoshenko met with several foreign
by one, even as a presidendiplomats Sunday, then headed to visit
tial aide told The Associated
her mother and will return to work afPress on Sunday that he’s
ter that.
hanging on to his presidenSusan Rice, President Barack
tial duties.
Obama’s national security adviser, said
The newly emboldened parhe and Russian President Vladimir Puliament, now dominated by
tin agreed during a telephone converthe opposition, struggled
sation Friday that a political settlement
Sunday to work out who is in
in Kiev should ensure the country’s
charge of the country and its
unity and personal freedoms.
ailing economy. Fears percoBut Rice also said on NBC’s “Meet
lated that some regions such Former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko addresses anti-gov- the Press” Sunday that it would be a
protesters on Independence Square on February 22, “grave mistake” for Russia to interas the Black Sea peninsula ernment
2014 in Kiev, Ukraine. The leader of the 2004 Orange Revoof Crimea might try to break lution against current embattled President Viktor Yanukovych vene militarily in Ukraine.
away. Three months of po- traveled to Kiev to address the crowd immediately after being
European diplomats helped negotilitical crisis have left scores released from prison on what many claim were politically mo- ate a short-lived peace deal last week
of people dead in a country tivated charges
and the chief EU diplomat is coming
of strategic importance to
to Kiev on Monday.
the United States, European
Russia’s position will be important
nations and Russia.
ring to those killed in clashes with police for the future of this country because
Ukraine is deeply divided between east- last week.
the two have deep and complicated ties.
ern regions that are largely pro-Russian
Tymoshenko, the blond-braided and Moscow in December offered Ukraine a
and western areas that widely detest Ya- controversial heroine of Ukraine’s 2004 $15 billion bailout, but so far has providnukovych and long for closer ties with Orange Revolution, increasingly appears ed only $3 billion, freezing further disthe European Union.
to have the upper hand in the political bursements pending the outcome of the
Yanukovych set off a wave of protests battle, winning the backing Sunday of a o n g o i n g
by shelving an agreement with the EU in leading Russian lawmaker and congratu- p o l i t i c a l
November, and the movement quickly lations from German Chancellor Angela crisis.
expanded its grievances to corruption, Merkel and U.S. senators on her release.
human rights abuses and calls for Yanu- Tymoshenko’s name circulated Sunday
kovych’s resignation.
as a possibility for acting prime minister
The Kiev protest camp at the center of the pending May 25 presidential elections,
anti-Yanukovych movement filled with but she issued a statement Sunday askm o r e ing her supporters not to nominate her.
by: Alvin C. Maglan, CPA
nce a taxpayer had
filed his return, the
IRS in general has three (3)
years to audit or make assessment of your taxes.
Exception to this rule is
if it has been established
that there was an omission
of 25% of gross receipts on
filed returns.
The burden of proof is
on the IRS , but if this had
been established, the statute
of limitation is extended to
6 years.
It should be noted, however, that there is no expiration on the statute of limitations for tax returns that has
not been
filed, no matter how old it
was. The criminal fraud
statute is 6 year for most
income tax cases related
crimes and the IRS usually
will make assessment for
civl tax purposes after the
criminal case is resolved
and they could go back to
the same years stated in the
plea agreement or information. There is no requirement on the taxpayer to
extend the statute of limitations, the decision is up to
the taxpayer to do it or not.
In general, the statute of
limitations is a tool that can
utilized to benefit the taxpayers. So, it is very important for any taxpayer to
determine when the statute
of limitations will expire on
the year of the audit as well
as the prior and subsequent
This article was provided
by the IRS to help consumers on making tax preparation choices.
Al Maglan is a CPA licensed in California and
Nevada. You can contact
him @ 510 432 7438. You
may e-mail tax questions at or
Feb. 27, 2014 - Mar. 5, 2014
Maduro seeks peace talks
after deadly Caracas riots
CARACAS, Venezuela -- Embattled
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro called Sunday for a national
peace conference this week to
end three weeks of rioting that
have claimed at least 11 lives
in the South American country.
The conference Wednesday
will bring together all sectors
of society -- including political opponents, businessmen,
unionists, senior citizens and
others -- to seek a peaceful conclusion to the violence that has
wracked the country, Maduro
said during a nationally televised government rally of senior citizens supporting his
“I say to the opposition that it
is the time for us to work on the
big issues,’’ Maduro said. “It isn’t the
time for small gestures.” The talks
will be the first since rioting began
on Feb. 2.
Despite his call for national reconciliation, Maduro repeatedly called
his opponents fascists and right-wing
“These far right groups want (to
turn) the people against each other,’’
said Maduro. He also blamed international news network CNN for
flaming divisions.
The country’s opposition didn’t
immediately respond to Maduro’s
invitation, nor did the president give
details about the format of talks.
Maduro will address the nation again
later in the evening, he said.
Maduro said that government efforts to bring an end to violent protests are working. Violent acts were
only reported in six municipalities
Saturday night, compared to 18 the
night before, he said.
Maduro will meet opposition leader
Henrique Capriles Radonski on
Monday as part of a meeting of the
country’s governors. Capriles, who is
the governor of Miranda state, called
for Maduro to rein in governmentbacked paramilitary groups,
and said at least 18 students
have been tortured by the
country’s security forces.
Maduro denies the charges.
Before the meeting with governors, Maduro will address
a rally of motorcyclists who
support the government.
Opposition leaders have repeatedly charged that many
motorcyclists belong to the paramilitary groups beating up students.
The riots are confronting Maduro
with the biggest political challenge
to his presidency since he was inaugurated in April 2013 to finish the
term of the late Hugo Chavez
Thai PM leaves Bangkok
BANGKOK — Thai Prime
Minister Yingluck Shinawatra,
the target of anti-government
protesters who have blocked
parts of Bangkok for weeks,
has left the city and is staying
150 km away, her office said on
Monday, without specifying the
The protests, punctuated by
occasional gunfire and bomb
blasts, including one on Sunday
that killed a woman and a young
brother and sister, are aimed at
unseating Yingluck and erasing
the influence of her brother, former premier Thaksin Shinawatra
who is seen by many as the power
behind the government.
Yingluck’s office told reporters she
was not in Bangkok and asked media
to follow a convoy outside the city to
where they said Yingluck was
“undertaking official duties.”
The office would not confirm
how many days Yingluck had
been working outside the capital. She was last seen in public
in Bangkok nearly a week ago,
last Tuesday, and is due to attend
a corruption hearing there on
Foreign Minister Surapong
Tovichakchaikul said Yingluck
would hold a cabinet meeting on
Feb. 27, 2014 - Mar. 5, 2014
US Pacific Fleet commander in PH
MANILA -- The com- The embassy said that
mander of the United States aside from a meeting with
Pacific Fleet arrived in the US Ambassador to Manila
M o n day to
w i t h
Philipp i n e
and naval officials the
implications of
the US
re-balance to Admiral Harry B. Harris Jr., Commander of the United
the Pa- States Pacific Fleet, marches past the Honor Guard
during his visit to the Philippine Navy Headquarters
yesterday. Harris is in the country to discuss with PhilAccord- ippine military and naval officials the implications of
to the USD rebalance to the Pacific.
the US
Embassy in Manila, this is the first Philip Goldberg, Adm.
official visit of Admiral Harris is also scheduled
Harry B. Harris, Jr. to the to make an office call on
Vice Admiral Jose Luis M.
Alano, at the headquarters
of the Philippine Navy.
He will likewise visit
Armed Forces of the
Philippines (AFP) Chief
of Staff Gen. Emmanuel
Adm. Harris is the 34th
officer to command the
US Pacific Fleet since it
was established in February 1941 with headquarters at Pearl Harbor,
Hawaii. He is the highest
ranking Asian-American
in the history of the U.S.
The US embassy said the
commander of the US Pacific Fleet plans to use this
opportunity to discuss the
strong and enduring relationships between the US
and Philippine navies and
the importance of naval
engagement and cooperation for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.
Valencia found guilty of graft
MANILA -- The Sandiganbayan has convicted former
Oriental Mindoro governor of graft and corruption and
sentenced him to a maximum of 10 years in prison,
court officials said.
The Sandiganbayan First
Division, in a 27-page
decision, said Valencia
conspired with Edelbert
Uyboco, president of Gaikoku Trading Company,
for direct purchase of 10
reconditioned dump trucks
for more than P6 million,
which were overpriced by
more than P2 million.
“These acts of accused
Rodolfo Valencia constitute not only fraud but also
indicate a dishonest purpose or some moral obliquity, the conscious doing
of a wrong, and a breach of
sworn duty through some
bad motive or intent or illwill,” the decision said.
A report by the Commission on Audit showed the
trucks were purchased without public bidding and the
province was the direct importer and was tax-exempt.
Gaikoku was paid the full amount despite the tax exemption of more than
P2 million, which was
considered as an overpayment.
The court said the procurement of the overpriced dump trucks was
a conspiracy between
Valencia and Uyboco
and it “could not have
been made possible
without each other’s
participation and cooperation.”
The court ordered Valencia and Uyboco to
pay the provincial government the amount of
P2,400,166, which represents the excess payment made to Gaikoku.
Carlo Maramot, then
Officer-in-Charge of
the Provincial government Services Office, was acquitted of the chafges due to lack of merit.
$8.17-B ‘Yolanda’ plan baffles UK
MANILA — The $8.17-billion package that the Philippine government is asking from the international community for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of areas affected by super-typhoon “Yolanda” (Haiyan) is so large,
according to the top British diplomat in Manila, that it
requires careful thinking.
“You can’t rush something and recreate the same problems,” said British Ambassador Asif Ahmad when asked
by reporters in an interview at his residence in Makati
City on how the UK will contribute to the Philippine government’s Reconstruction Assistance on Yolanda (RAY)
which was launched by President Benigno S. Aquino III
last Dec. 18.
RAY is a strategic plan to guide the recovery and reconstruction of the economy, lives, and livelihoods of
people and communities in the areas affected by Typhoon
Based on the plan, the Philippines will need a total of
$8.17 billion for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of
the devastated areas. About $0.78 billion will be spent for
critical immediate actions, $2.05 billion for short-term
interventions throughout 2014, and the rest, about $5.34
billion, for medium-term needs from 2015 to 2017.
However, Ahmad pointed out that providing food, shelter and sanitation is a very different phase from restoring the economic and social conditions of the affected
areas at the very least to their pre-typhoon levels and to a
higher level of disaster resilience.
In fact, during a recent meeting between officials from
the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) and donor partners, he said he raised two things relative to the government’s call for additional international financial assistance.
The San Francisco Post
Chinese drive away Pinoy fishers from shoal
MANILA -- Chinese ships used water cannons to drive Filipino fishermen from the Panatag Shoal, a disputed territory, the military reported
on Monday, even as the commander
of the US Navy Pacific Fleet arrived
in Manila to discuss with government officials, among others, the
country’s territorial dispute with
China as well as the “implications”
of the US’ military rebalance to Asia
Armed Forces Chief of Staff General Emmanuel Bautista said the
Panatag incident which happened
last Jan. 27 is now being investigated
by the military.
Bautista said that Chinese coast
guard and fishing vessels remain
in the Panatag areas as well as in
Ayungin Reef in Kalayaan Group of
Islands in Palawan, which the Philippine Navy is purposely steering clear
of to minimize the risk of a clash.
But Bautista said government
troops will come to the aid of fishermen if “military force” is used
against them.
“In the event that violence is used
against our fishermen, then we
would have to react consistent with
our mandate to protect the people
and the state.”
Bautista, however, said that government policy is “to avoid confrontation.”
“We do not want any confrontation
with anybody, in this case, Chinese
Coast Guard. And it’s a matter policy
also, we want to resolve the issue
through peaceful means and that is
through international arbitration,”
he said.
Meanwhile, Admiral Harry Harris
Jr. is in Manila for his first official
visit to the Philippines, one of Washington’s most important allies in the
Asia Pacific region.
Harris is the 34th officer to command the US Pacific Fleet since it
was established in February 1941
with headquarters at Pearl Harbor,
Hawaii. He is also the highest ranking Asian-American in the history of
the US Navy.
In a statement, the US Embassy in
Manila said that Harris will discuss
the “strong and enduring relationships between the US and Philippine
navies and the importance of naval
engagement and cooperation for humanitarian assistance and disaster
He would also discuss the “implications” of President Barack Obama’s
repivot to Asia policy, which had
opened negotiations for the increased presence of American troops
on Philippine soil.
The policy was announced during
Obama’s first term, and stretched
to his second term as US president
and commander-in-chief of the US
The US military and the country’s
Department of National Defense are
currently discussing the creation of a
framework agreement that would reactivate a strong presence of American forces in the country.
People Power ideals betrayed by PNoy,
militant bloc says
MANILA -- The leftist Bagong a provision on online libel in the CyAlyansang Makabayan on bercrime Protection Act, saying that
Sunday accused President journalists who were reporting
Benigno Aquino III of betray- the truth had nothing to worry
ing the spirit of People Power about.
by supporting measures that
“As responsible journalwould stifle press freedom and ists, you have your rights, and
for appointing a retired po- those rights like all other rights have
lice general to
head the claims
board for victims of human
rights violations
during Martial
“The anniversary
of EDSA 1 will
be marked with
such great irony
this year with the Former President Fidel Ramos re-enacts his
President support- victory leap during the EDSA people power
ing online libel and revolution in a commemorative gathering on
threatening press Sunday.
freedom, and at
the same time defending his appointment of a limitations,” the President said. “We
police general to the Martial were taught in school that our rights
Law compensation board,” end when we impinge on the rights
Bayan Secretary General Re- of others.”
nato Reyes Jr. said in a stateThe President also drew flak
for appointing retired police
“Both instances are betrayals general Lina Sarmiento, who
of what the people stood for in served in the forensics section unEDSA – freedom and justice,” der the Philippine Constabulary, as
head of the Human Rights Victims’
Reyes added.
Aquino earlier defended the deci- Claims Board.
sion of the Supreme Court upholding
Former senator and known human
rights lawyer Rene Saguisag said
Sarmiento did not meet the criteria set by law for the chairman of the claims board -- that
one must have “a deep and
thorough understanding and
knowledge and involvement
in efforts against human rights
violations committed during
the regime of former President
Ferdinand Marcos.”
“Both instances show the disconnect between EDSA and
Aquino—how the latter has
become the antithesis to People Power. The President has
only succeeded in highlighting the unfulfilled promises
of EDSA-1, reminding us that
many things have remained
the same or have worsened
under the second Aquino regime,” Reyes said.
“EDSA, however, also reminds us that true power lies
with the people, and that they
must use this power in the face
of oppression,” the Bayan official added.
The Palace remained adamant that the President made
the right choice in appointing
Sarmiento despite calls for
a recall of her appointment
not only from human rights
groups but also from former
senator Joker Arroyo.
Pinoy optimism on economy dips
MANILA - Filipinos’ optimism about the economy
and their quality of life
dropped in the last quarter
of 2013, a recent Social
Weather Stations (SWS)
survey showed.
Optimism about the economy declined from “very
high” to “high” in the SWS
nationwide survey taken
from Dec. 11 to 16.
Results of the poll, which
were published in the
newspaper BusinessWorld
yesterday, showed 30 percent of adult Filipinos saying the economy will likely
get better this year while 21
percent said otherwise, for
a net score of eight percent.
SWS said December’s
“high” net score of eight
percent was a “downgrade”
from September’s “very
high” 17 percent.
Net optimism about the
economy has been “very
high” since June 2011, the
survey research institution
Net optimism about the
economy fell to a “high”
four percent in both Mindanao and the Visayas, down
by 12 and seven points, re-
It also dropped by 10 points
to 13 in balance Luzon but
remained in “very high”
territory. It stayed “high”
in Metro Manila, up by two
points to seven.
By socioeconomic class,
optimism about the economy dropped to “high”
among the masa (down by
eight points to nine) and
the E (down by 11 points
to two).
It fell by eight points to
20 but stayed “very high”
among the ABC, the SWS
Quality of life
The SWS poll, meanwhile,
found 41 percent of the respondents claiming their
quality of life would likely
improve in the next 12
months, compared to eight
percent who declared otherwise, for a net score of 33
The new net score was
down by two points – within the poll’s margin of error – from September but
remained “very high,” the
SWS said.
Net personal optimism fell
six points to a “high” 29 in
It also dropped by seven
points to 22 in the Visayas
but remained “high.”
Metro Manila’s score was
unchanged at a “very high”
35, while it improved by
two points in balance Luzon to similarly “very
high” 39.
By socioeconomic class,
net personal optimism fell
by 23 points to a “high”
26 among the ABC and
12 points to a “high” 24
among the class E.
It stayed “very high”
among the class D or masa,
up by two points to 35.
The survey also showed
23 percent of the respondents saying their lives had
improved in the past 12
months while 37 percent
said otherwise, for a “mediocre” score of -13.
This was basically unchanged from the -12 percent seen three months earlier, the SWS said.
The fourth quarter SWS
survey used face-to-face
interviews of 1,550 adults
The San Francisco Post
Feb. 27, 2014 - Mar. 5, 2014
Temporary Protected Status for Filipinos in USA
uestion: What is Temporary Protected Status (TPS)?
nswer: Under INA section 244, The Secretary of the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) may designate a country, or
portions of a country, for TPS when conditions
exist such as an ongoing armed conflict or an
environmental disaster in the country that temporarily prevents the country’s nationals from
returning safely. While not required, typically a
country must first request TPS before the Secretary will make a designation. Once a country
receives a TPS designation, nationals of that
country residing in the U.S. receive a temporary, humanitarian form of relief from deportation that does not include the granting of permanent residence. The initial TPS designation
lasts for a period of 6 to 18 months and can be
extended if conditions continue to support the
uestion: Who is eligible for TPS?
nswer: To be initially eligible for TPS,
an individual must:
1.Be a national of a country designated for TPS,
or a person without nationality who last habitually resided in the designated country;
2. Register for TPS status during the initial registration period;
3. Demonstrate continuous physical presence in
the U.S. since the effective date of the designation; and
4. Demonstrate continuous residence in the
U.S. since the date specified in the designation.
uestion: Who are not eligible for TPS?
nswer An individual is not eligible for
TPS if the person has been:
1. Convicted of any felony or two or more misdemeanors committed in the U.S.;
2. Found to be inadmissible to the U.S. based
on grounds listed in INA section 212(a), including non-waivable criminal and security-related
grounds; or
3. Subject to any of the mandatory bars to asylum.
4. A person can also be deemed ineligible for
TPS if they fail to re-register or fail to maintain
continuous physical presence and continuous
residence in the U.S.
uestion: What are the benefits of TPS?
nswer: A person who receives TPS or
is found to be preliminarily eligible for
TPS is not removable from the U.S., can obtain
work authorization, and may be granted travel
. On November 4,
authorization. Once granted
By Atty. Crispin C. Lozano
2013, we received an
TPS, an individual cannot
approval of waiver of
be detained by DHS on the
misrepresentation from
basis of his or her immigration status in the U.S., unless the individual the Immigration Judge for a client who entered
becomes ineligible or the country loses its des- the U.S. as single but actually married.
. On October 24, 2013, we received an apignation.
proval by an Immigration Judge on the reuestion: What countries have received view of I-751 Application to Remove Condition on Residence that was previously denied
nswer: The current TPS designated coun- by USCIS.
tries include El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras,
. On October 2, 2013, we received an approvNicaragua, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan and
al of adjustment of status based on SAME
uestion: How would the Philippines get a
. On AuTPS designation?
gust 14,
nswer: The decision to designate a country 2013, we
for TPS rests with the executive branch of r e c e i v e d
the federal government. Congress does not vote a grant of
on it, though members of Congress may ask waiver of
the President to designate a particular country. m i s r e p r e However, it is up to the President and his agen- s e n t a t i o n
cies to make the final determination.
To start the process the Philippine government Los Angeles
should make the request of the U.S. govern- Immigration
ment through its diplomatic channels. After Court for an
the request is made, the Secretary of Homeland alien who
Security, in consultation with the appropriate entered the
agencies such as the Department of State, will U.S. as sinthen decide whether to grant the request. The gle but actudesignation only becomes effective once it is ally married.
published in the Federal Register.
uestion: Why should the Philippines be C a d a y
designated for TPS?
Lozano is
nswer: On Friday, November 8th, Typhoon an active
Haiyan - one of the most powerful storms member of
ever recorded on land - hit the Philippines, the State
bringing sustained winds of 147mph and waves Bar of Calas high as 45ft. An estimated 6.9 million people ifornia, the
have been affected by the storm. Relief efforts American
are just beginning as debris is slowly being I m m i g r a cleared from access roads and airports begin to tion Lawre-open. The death toll is estimated to be in the yers Assothousands while the number of people displaced ciation and
by the massive storm rises into the hundreds of the Nationthousands. The long term impacts of the storm al
Assoare still yet unknown.
ciation of
Bankruptcy Attor. On November 14, 2013, we received an ap- neys. He
proval of adjustment of status from Immigra- s p e c i a l tion Judge for a client who was originally de- izes in imnied adjustment by USCIS.
law and bankruptcy law. He earned his
Juris Doctor at Western State University
College of Law in Fullerton, California.
He is also a Certified Public Accountant, a
Real Estate Broker and a Bachelor of Business Administration Cum Laude graduate.
He has offices in San Francisco, Hayward,
San Jose, and Cerritos, California. You
can contact him at 1-877-456-9266. Email
questions to
Visit our website at www.crispinlozanolaw.
Feb. 27, 2014 - Mar. 5, 2014
Lozano said it is important that top US officials realize that Filipinos, both in the US
and in the Philippines,
really feel the need for
the granting of TPS
status to the country to
help the typhoon survivors recover fast from
the devastation.
“We need to barrage
White House, the State
Department and the
Department of Homeland Security with
mails, phone calls,
petitions and even rallies to make them act
on the formal request
Shown above are Jake Maderazo , Arlyn dela Cruz radio anchors at DZIQ made by the Philippine
990 am with Atty Crispin C. Lozano during TPS interview on Feb 26, 2014. government, through
the Department of For(Continuation from page 1.... Fil-Ams press TPS)
eign Affairs, for Temporary Protected Status,” Lozano
Although the authority to grant TPS resides with the De- said.
Lozano was interviewed by Jake Maderazo and Arlyn
partment of Homeland Security (DHS), it has communiVillanueva
on DZIQ, the Philippine Daily Inquirer’s siscated that it will not do so without a positive recommenter
by Alex Tinsay on TV5; and on PTV-4.
dation from the Department of State that is expected to
no immigration reform since 2001, and
make its decision by next week.
at this time for the close to 500,000
A national movement has been launched through the
undocuUS to push for TPS to
be granted. In WashFilipinos to
ington D.C., leaders of
attain legal
the movement have met
status in the
US,” said
from DHS and have been
informed that one arguwho has
ment against TPS being
granted is a concern that
as early as
the entire country of the
Philippines is not afa petition
to the DHS
Meanwhile, Haywardfor
based US Immigration
Attorney Crispin C. LoTPS.
zano brought the cam- Interview of Atty. Crispin C. Lozano at PTV5 Aksyon Solusyon regarding TemLozano
paign for granting of TPS porary Protected Status for Filipinos by radio host Alex Tinsay. On photo are
status to the Philippines
last week. The immigraObama
tion lawyer appealed to Filipinos in several TV and radio
able to atinterviews in Manila to write a letter to US State Secretain
and pertary John Kerry requesting Temporary Protected Status
the US.
for the Philippines, addressed to the US Embassy at 1201
Roxas Blvd., Manila.
The San Francisco Post
through the State Department on Dec. 16 last year, more Filipino groups this week the Philippines’ request for
than a month since typhoon Yolanda struck on Nov. 8. TPS.
On Jan. 28, Filipinos in New York, led by Fil-Am busiPilipino Workers Center Executive Director Aquilina
nesswoman Loida Nicolas-Lewis, started a movement to Soriano Versoza said DHS Deputy Secretary Alejandro
rally support from DHS for TPS. Filipino-Americans also Mayorkas and DHS Refugee and Asylum Law Division
staged rallies in San Francisco and Los Angeles. Because Chief Molly Groom confirmed they will sit down with
of these rallies, the TPS campaign has received official Filipino groups to tackle the issue on Thursday, Feb. 27,
support from the New York City Council, the San Fran- in Washington DC.
also said
of Suthe DHS
pervim a y
m e e t
a n d
w i t h
20 US
coalia n d
tions and
gresst h e y
Degiven us
a specifa l l
ic deadt h e s e Philippine Television Channel 4 interview of Atty. Crispin C. Lozano line, a
e f - about Temporary Protected Status for undocumented Filipinos.
date [on
L o when
zano said, the US government continues to say they are the decision will come], they did tell us that they’re acstill assessing the situation. The DHS, he said, has offered tively [involved] in the decision-making process,” Veran extension of stay and expedited processing of work au- soza added.
thority for those who qualify. But this would benefit only
Because of this, she said the participation of the Filia few Filipinos, he said, unlike TPS, which would benefit pino community in advocating for the TPS is crucial. She
tens of thousands of undocumented Filipinos.
urged Filipinos across the US to join local and national
Early this month, Fil-Am leaders from the Migrant movements to push for the granting of TPS.
Heritage Commission (MHC), NAFFAA, FALDEF, US
An awareness campaign has been launched by Filipinos
Pinoys for Good Governance, US Medicare Philippines, in the US, including the following:
PNA and other groups presented arguments to US De- • February 22: Volunteers promoted awareness about TPS
partment of State officials on the objective and subjec- at the Island Pacific on N. Vermont St. in Los Angeles and
tive conditions that justify the granting of a Temporary on Roscoe and Van Nuys in Panorama City. - February
Protected Status (TPS) for the Philippines.
23: Interfaith photo action at the University of Southern
When the Washington D.C.-based Migrant Heritage California.
Commission (MHC) initiated the TPS campaign a few • February 24: Social Media Action Day, where advodays after super typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan hit the Philip- cates and supporters can engage with the US government
pines, it was a voice in the wilderness. Now it has become about TPS through social media.
a national movement.
• February 25: TPS awareness campaign at the Philippine
MHC and other other Fil-Am groups are very hope- Consulate General in Los Angeles.
ful that TPS designation for the Philippines will be an- • February 26: Community groups to hang massive TPS
nounced soon after recommendations from different advocacy banners from buildings in Los Angeles and
agencies of the US government, especially the US De- New York.
partment of State, have been reviewed.
• February 28: Virtual Town Hall Meeting with US ConMeanwhile, DHS officials will discuss with US-based gressman Mike Honda.
The San Francisco Post
Feb. 27, 2014 - Mar. 5, 2014
Feb. 27, 2014 - Mar. 5, 2014
What does your work stress feel like? Is it a
100-pound chain securing you to your chair?
Is it a handful of coffee-fueled jumping beans
in your chest? Is it buckets of ice water sweat,
melting you through the chair and into the carpet? Are there tears? That sounds pretty stressful.
And speaking of stress, of course, it’s not all
bad. Stress can make you perform better and
work harder, but sometimes too much of even
“good” stress can be overwhelming. And instead of producing android-like efficiency, that
stress can lead to flashing fantasies of curling
into the fetal position under the desk, familiarizing co-workers with a specific finger or simply
walking out the door forever.
Try these solutions below instead. These expert tips will help you find calm, focus and even
a little happiness during those stressful “maybe
I should just quit” moments.
Switch tasks. “If you have the flexibility to
do something else, get into a task that’s going
to take your attention away from whatever is
frustrating you,” says David Reiss, a psychiatrist based in San Diego. And this can apply to
co-workers, too. Is that email thread with Bob
exasperating you? Put it aside. If you’ve been
working on the same project for the last few
hours, stewing and mumbling expletives, then
Beat work stress in a minute or less
guess what? In a few more hours, you’ll probably still be stewing and
mumbling expletives. If
possible, take a break and
work on another task. Or
Help out. It feels good to
be nice, so Gretchen Rubin, author of “The Happiness Project,” suggests
doing a good deed to ease
workplace frustrations.
Email a co-worker helpful information, make an
introduction or simply
lend a hand to whoever
is changing the copier paper, she says.
Meditate. Familiar with
that workplace contradiction in which you want with all your heart
for the day to be over, but simultaneously, you
long to stand on your chair and urge everyone to
slow the heck down? If only you could unplug
the phones, delay the email rate to about one an
hour and convince your boss to postpone, well,
everything. That 5 p.m. deadline – how about
next Monday?
Chances are, you’ve yet to perfect spacetime manipulation (you’ve just been so busy
at work!), and shouting to your colleagues to
change pace won’t go over well. But there’s
another way to slow down and refocus: mindful meditation. And just about anyone anywhere
can do it. Try this technique called Instachill,
from Victor Davich, author of “8 Minute Meditation: Quiet Your Mind. Change Your Life.”
First, close your eyes and take a big breath
in, and then sigh it out. Now relax, breathing
naturally, and “get in touch with your body,” as
Davich puts it. Locate where in your body you
The San Francisco Post
feel stressed – maybe your back, shoulders or
neck. Focus on this spot, while allowing those
muscles to move naturally. When another
thought drifts into your head (and it probably
will), gently return your focus to the stress
spot, and stay there. After a few minutes,
slowly open your eyes and note how you
feel now, after you’ve made yourself slow
down. Hopefully, you’re feeling slightly
less frazzled, and for better or worse, the
office is (probably) still standing and your
tasks are right there where you left them.
Stretch. An unfinished report. A poorly
timed meeting.. Co-worker drama. It just
keeps piling on, doesn’t it? One thing after
another, falling onto your shoulders with
heavy thuds, like 50-pound free weights
onto a barbell. No wonder you feel tight
and achy in your shoulders and neck.
Luckily, while stretching the report deadline may be a no-go, stretching your muscles is
an easy, effective way to de-stress. Not only is
stretching a way to get moving –how long have
you been sitting in that same position, anyway? – but it also eases the office tension that’s
seeped into your muscles. Plus, these stretches
might shift your focus onto your breathing and
away from that scathing, tell-all exit memo
you’ve been fantasizing about.
What Else Is New
seem to
be traditionally celebrated
I People
RevoluDon Augusto Orozco
tion, the
Act No.
10175 or better known as the Cybercrime
Prevention Act of 2012 is turning and maybe
revolutionizing the February 25 celebration
into a “Black Tuesday” protest rally. The protesters are planning a huge rally and march at
the EDSA Shrine to denounce what they refer
to as “E-Martial Law.” Lawyers representing these protesters describe the online libel
provision of the law as “Draconian.” In this
day and age, and the kind of governance we
have observers believe that the bill will come
to pass with an imprimatur of the Supreme
Court. So now, What Else Is New.
TRUCK BAN. Truck ban has always been a
way of life in Manila. Manila has imposed a
stiffer longer hours of truck ban in the city.
This ban took effect Monday and prompted
a lot of truckers to stop their operations and
protest the ordinance. The new ordinance that
took effect this week will only allow truckers
to travel from 10am to 3pm. Violators of the
provision will be slapped a P5,000 fine and
the cost of towing their vehicle. The President
of the Confederation of Truckers Association
of the Philippines has suggested that Manila
should instead set up a single lane for truckers. Where do we go now? Everybody knows
most of Manila’s street are just 2 lanes. What
a suggestion! What Else Is New.
TECHNICAL FOUL. Secretary Leila
De Lima call it a Slam Dunk. Senator
TG Guingona calls it a 3 Point winning buzzer beater. For Senator Jinggoy Estrada, this is Technical Foul.
That is how Jinggoy describe the new
supposedly state witness on the Pork
Barrel Scam issue. Former Technological Resource Center ( TRC)
Deputy Director General Dennis Cunanan has come out to accuse Senator
Jinggoy and Senator Bong Revilla of
their involvement in the scam. Senator Jinggoy declared that he has never
talk to and met with Cunanan at anytime in his life. What is unbelievable
is that considering the amount of
money involved, Cunanan washes his
hands cleanly and says he never dip his into
the funds. Amazing! What Else Is New.
NO SACRED COWS. Deputy Presidential Spokesperson Abigail Valte has clearly
stated and echoed the marching orders from
PNoy. Thus, there will be no sacred cows in
the governments investigation into the Pork
Barrel Scam. In the latest revelation of TRC
Deputy Director General Dennis Cunanan, he
said that both Technical Education and Skills
Developement Authority or TESDA Director
General Joel Villanueva and former Bureau of
Customs Chief Ruffy Biazon have links to the
scam. In the case of Biazon, he immediately
resigned from his post out of delicadeza and
has promised to cooperate with the investigations. The same is true with Villanueva but
has not shown any sign of relinquishing his
post just yet. What Else Is New.
SHORTS. There are reports reaching the central government that Chinese Coast Guard
vessels fired water cannons on a Filipino
fishing vessels at the disputed Scarborough
Shoal. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail to
avert any armed confrontation on that part of
the Philippines….Contrary to what others say,
our lone athlete that represent our red, white
and blue flag in the person of Michael Martinez in the recently concluded winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia made us all proud
of his presence. Yes indeed just his
presence carrying our colors made us
all proud to be Filipino. Great Job and
Kudos to you Michael….The Iglesia
Ni Cristo is again in the Guinness
Book of World Records. This time
it is for the “Most number of hunger
Relief Packs Given in 8 Hours.” An
estimated 302,311 hunger relief packages were given with over a million
attended the event in Nueva Ecija.
This is INC’s 6th Guinness recognition award. Congratulations. For
comments please email me at don.
Cost of owning a home is spiking in 2014
The sharp rise in home prices in 2013 caused
two conflicting results: The return of positive
home equity for hundreds of thousands of
borrowers and considerably weaker affordability for an
pool of potential
While positive
equity allows
more borrowers
to move, weaker
affordability keeps them in
place. So which
will be the greater driver of housing this spring?
“There’s going to be a reality check in the spring in terms of realizing
that what we saw in 2013 is not a real market,” said Daren Blomquist of RealtyTrac, a
real estate sales and data website. “It’s a nice
bounce-back market, but ultimately you need
the biggest pool of potential homebuyers out
there to be able to afford those homes.”
In an analysis of housing affordability, RealtyTrac found that the estimated monthly
house payment for a median-priced, three-
bedroom home purchased at the end of 2013
was a whopping 21 percent higher than it was
at the end of 2012 in more than 300 U.S. counties. That includes mortgage, insurance, taxes,
and the subtracted income
tax benefit.
The rise is the
result of higher
home prices
mortgage rates.
RealtyTrac used
a 30-year fixedrate mortgage
with an interest rate of 4.46
percent and a 20
percent down
payment. That is versus a 3.35 percent interest
rate the previous year.
Some metro regions, especially in California and parts of Michigan, saw monthly house
payments rise about 50 percent from a year
“Home prices were boosted by cash buyers in
2013, and as the cash buyers move out of the
market in 2014, the buyers left are not going
to be able to afford the home prices as readily
in some of these markets,” added Blomquist.
It will now take far higher incomes in these
markets for potential buyers to afford a purchase. In Los Angeles County, for example,
the minimum qualifying income needed to
buy a median-priced home is now more than
$95,000, compared with about $68,000 a year
ago, according to RealtyTrac. Income growth
in the U.S. has not been robust to say the least
in these last few years.
While it is still cheaper to own than to rent
in the vast majority of U.S. housing markets,
the scales have tipped the other way in some
major metros, like Seattle, Los Angeles, San
Francisco, Chicago, Denver and Suffolk
County, N.Y. (the Hamptons). The 29 counties
where RealtyTrac found it more expensive to
own than rent account for 20 percent of the
population of the 325 counties it analyzed.
The good news, perhaps, is that home price
growth is moderating. National home values
rose just 0.2 percent from December to January, according to a new report from Zillow.
That is the smallest monthly increase since
May of 2012. This may be due to a rise in
inventory. While real estate agents still report
tight supply, Zillow says it saw an 11 percent
jump in the number of homes listed on its
site in January, on a seasonally adjusted basis.
The San Francisco Post
Feb. 27, 2014 - Mar. 5, 2014
Vallejo Grill: For food that fit all Americans
VALLEJO -- For 12 years, Mohammad ingredients are there. “We serve healthy food,”
Ali served as general manager of a famous he added.
Vallejo Grill attracts hundreds of people daily
chain of restaurants in Northern California.
He was very successful at it.
Then one day, he
asked himelf: “Why
not put up my own restaurant?” With the experience and knowledge
that he has gained from
running a very successful chain of restaurants,
he was certain he could
also succeed in his own
In October 2012, Mohammad opened the
Vallejo Grill at 758 Admiral Callaghan Lane in
Vallejo with one goal in
mind – to create a res- Customers and patrons of Vallejo Grill
taurant that would be
different from the competition and would offer
and has been a regular hangout of customers
food that would fit the taste of all Americans, regardless who love the aroma of their famous steak
of race or origin.
that are being grilled.
“All the food in our menu was carefully chosen by
Another thing that customers like about
my trusted chef, who has a long experience Vallejo Grill is the friendliness of the ownin the
j u s t
l i k e
m y self.
All the
a r e
a l s o
to ens u r e Mohammad Ali with his crew, Erick Ballard, Rebecca Hernandez and Tiffani Murrieta
t h e
b e s t
er and the staff. Once a customer enters the
quality of our food,” Mohammad said.
Mohammad said the food in his diner-type res- very clean and artfully decorated restautaurant have high quality but are offered at very rant, the staff greets him with a smile and
treats him with the hospitality often given
affordable prices.
The restaurant has a char broil and grill that to a house guest.
Vallejo Grill serves breakfast, such as the favorite
makes it different from the competition. He said
most of the food offered by Vallejo Grill is pro- Mighty Breakfast composed of three large eggs any
cessed from scratch to see to it that the secret style, two pieces of bacon, one sausage patty, ham
and two pancakes with
hash browns
or country
potatoes. It
also offers
sandwiches, burgers
and omelettes, for
lunch and
the favorites in its
long list of
salads is
the Chicken
Fajita Salad
with crisp
in SalsaRanch
Dressing and
topped with
lightly spiced
grilled chicken
breast, Mohammad Ali, owner of Vallejo Grill
sautéed bell
guacamole, sour cream and an olive.
onions and
But the biggest reason customers visit every day is
mushrooms, tomatoes, cheddar cheese, green onion,
its long list of sumptuous steaks and ribs. “Our
tender, aged prime rib is slow-roasted in our
special oven, then carved to order,” Mohammad boasts.
Vallejo Grill also has several seafood dishes in
its menu, including the Fresh Atlantic Salmon
Fillet, a half-pound fillet of Atlantic salmon
and lightly seasoned, served cajun, teriyaki or
Hawaiian style; and Fillet of Sole Amandine,
an egg batter-dipped filet of sole, grilled and
topped with toasted almonds.
There is also a long list of delicious appetizers and desserts to choose from. Come in and
bring the entire family.
We have daily specials Tuesday Tacos,
Wednesday Nachos with Beef and Chicken.
One of their famous French Dip Sandwiches, only
Friday homemade Fish and Chips.
$9.99 with your choice of french fries, coleslaw or
mixed fruits.
Birthday celebrant Tatay Moses with lovely wife nanay Claring with Brenda and Alex Zima.
The Zima family of Fremont. Meet Brenda, Alex, AJ and Crystal Zima celebrating the 85th birthday of Tatay Moses.
Feb. 27, 2014 - Mar. 5, 2014
Figure skater Michael Martinez returns home
MANILA -- Michael Christian Martinez
received a warm welcome when he arrived
at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport
terminal 1
on Sunday.
A smiling
finished 19th
in the medal round of
the men’s
figure skating competition in
the Winter
in Sochi,
Russia, and
Olympic figure skater from Southeast Asia,
told reporters at the airport that he is very
happy over such a warm welcome.
“Masayang-masaya po at nandito na ako,”
Martinez said, who arrived with his mother
Maria Teresa Cuyo Martinez and Manuel
Vitan Veguillas, Philippine Skating Union
Veguillas said that Martinez did his best
against top athletes from countries that
actually have a winter season. “Maganda
itong nangyari sa atin dahil nakilala tayo
sa buong mundo. Ang Pilipino pala kahit
walang snow gumagawa ng maganda.”
The 17-year-old from Muntinlupa City
earned the admiration and respects of the
country’s sports officials albeit bowing
out of the
medal position
the men’s
figure skating finals,
earned the
world’s attention. He
also placed
fifth among
male figure
skaters in
the world.
and his group were fetched by SM representatives at the airport where he was
given a motorcade in the SM Mall of Asia.
Martinez in an earlier interview said he is
looking forward to the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in Korea where he hopes to win
a medal.
In one of his interviews during the competition, Martinez said that skating with
veterans and top world skaters is really different. “I feel really happy to be with them,
it feels like I’m already a champion and
yeah, skating here with them and competing here with them, it feels really great.”
The San Francisco Post
Pacquiao-Marquez fight still in
Arum’s agenda
MANILA -- It looks as if Hall of Fame
promoter Bob Arum is setting the stage
for a fifth fight between Manny Pacquiao
and Juan Manuel Marquez even though
the Mexican maestro has been adamant
that facing his
for a fifth time
him drool anymore.
But the handwriting is on the
Pacquiao is facing
Bradley in a rematch on April
12 in Las Vegas,
while Marquez
is poised to meet
Mike Alvarado Pacquiao and Marquez
of Denver, Colorado, sometime in mid-May.
If Pacquiao emerges victorious and exacts
payback against Bradley and Marquez
gets the job done against Alvarado, there
will be no other recourse but to pair them
Of course, it will only be discussed if
Floyd Mayweather continues to shy away
from meeting Pacquiao in a super fight everyone is salivating over.
Before Arum finalized the deal for the
Pacquiao-Bradley rematch, Marquez was
very vocal about not having to square off
with Pacquiao since he had already proven
in the fourth fight that he is the superior
Besides, Marquez, who will turn 41 this
August, said
he would like
to spend the
rest of his life
relishing his
knockout win
Speaking to
the Mexican
media a few
said he won’t
probably forgive himself
if he ends up facing Pacquiao a fifth time
and losing to him on points.
Still, Arum obviously has something in
And should Pacquiao and Marquez score
smashing wins in their next fights, there
would simply be no escape for Marquez
but to give in to the pressure – and money
– to have a change of heart.
We’ll see in a few months if Marquez
sings a different tune.
Former PBA coach, player passes away
MANILA -- Former
PBA coach and player
Eliezer “Ely” Capacio passed away early
Sunday hours after
suffering a massive
stroke. He was 58.
“It is with greatest
regret that my brother,
Ely Capacio, left us
this morning… Thank
you for your continued
prayers,” said younger
brother, Glenn Capacio, in a text message.
Capacio’s remains lie
in state at the Manila
Memorial in Sucat,
Internment will be on
Thursday afternoon.
He won a title as Purefoods coach in the 1991
All-Filipino Cup against
Sarsi, 3-2, in the best-offive finals.
PBA Commissioner
Chito Salud expressed his
condolences to Capacio’s
family, saying in a Twitter
message posted by @pbaconnect: “Ely, you will be
missed. Your PBA family condoles with your
wife Vickey and your
children on your passing.
You have touched and enriched our lives as a great
basketball player, coach,
corporate executive and
former chairman of the
PBA Board of Governors.
Join our Creator in peace.
Farewell, our dear friend.”
Sonsona leads charge of PH boxers in
Macau card
Coverage for Business Grand
Opening, Advertising Promotions
and other
private functions.
Call us at
or email us at
TOP Rank promoter Bob KO punch could be an early our observation that SonsoArum, who was enamored candidate for “Knockout of na would need one or two
with Marvin Sonsona when the Year.”
more fights before he goes
he saw the lanky southpaw He said the 23-year-old after a world title.
in his pre-fight, press pub- Sonsona, who captured the Arum, who didn’t really
lic workout in
know the style
Macau, said
his knockout
or his gamepunch
plan noted that
flattened for“in the first
mer World
Boxing Ashe looked like
a mismatch,”
before he exAkifumi Shiploded
moda on Sata devastating
urday night
uppercut that
was “ one
knocked Shiof the best
moda out cold.
punches I’ve
It was a great
ever seen in
day for the
50 years of
Philippines in
Marvin Sonsona’s hands are raised after a spectacu- Top
Arum spoke lar knockout victory over Japan’s Akifumi Shimoda in “Ring of Gold”
to the Ma- Macau.
fight card at the
nila Standard
Coti Arena in
from Macau
before leaving by ferry to WBO International feather- Not only did all three FiliHong Kong and then taking weight title “ can be a su- pino boxers win handsomea flight to Las Vegas.
ly, led by former world
He said the attendance at Arum said that promotional super flyweight champion
the Cotai Arena was “tre- partners Sammy Gello-ani Sonsona, who scored a
mendous and everybody and Sampson Lewkowicz spectacular, one punch,
loved it.”
“want to have him work third-round knockout over
Arum was ecstatic. “What with us which is fine. They former world super bana left uppercut. It traveled both seem like nice fellas tamweight champion and
such a short distance with so we are going to integrate No. 2-ranked featherweight
such power. It was an in- him (Sonsona) into future Shimoda, even trainer Alcredible punch.”
cards both in Asia and the joe Jaro, who handles Hong
Jake Donovan of boxings- United States.”
Kong’s Rex Tso, was a big suggested that the However, he agreed with winner.
The San Francisco Post
Maricel now a Kapuso
BY TURNS candid and reticent, jovial and pensive, actress Maricel Soriano took listeners on a
roller-coaster ride of emotions.
At a small media gathering last Wednesday,
she would crack jokes one minute and then turn
wistful about departed loved ones the next.
She had just signed a
contract with GMA 7, for
a new primetime show
(tentatively titled “Ang
Dalawang Mrs. Real”)
that would also feature
Dingdong Dantes and
Lovi Poe.
The station’s top executives, led by chair and
chief executive officer
Felipe L. Gozon, were on
hand, to welcome Maricel
to the Kapuso network.
Although this was a
major cause for celebration, Maricel couldn’t
help feeling a bit jittery.
“Of course, I felt nervous Maricel Soriano
at first,” she told the Inquirer. “But there’s also
She explained that she was with ABS-CBN
for quite a long time before moving to TV5 (in
2010) and then to GMA 7.
“Everything is new to me. This is a new workplace. There are new coworkers. I’d have to feel
my way around at first,” she said.
She admitted, however, that she shed tears after receiving the Kapuso offer.
“You have to let go of whatever heavy baggage
you’re carrying. It’ll take a toll on your heart [if
you don’t],” she said in a mixture of English,
Filipino and swardspeak.
When she turned her back on past hurts, things
fell into place, she recalled. “When I let go, I
met with GMA 7 soon after. On cue! Ang bongga! I really prayed for it intently. That made me
cry. Then I prayed to give thanks for this blessing.”
What was the reason behind the tears?
“This was unexpected. I was caught by surprise,” she quipped. “Not everyone would be
given this kind of importance after all that had
Sensing that she might divulge too much, she
stopped herself.
Perhaps rephrasing the question would do the
trick: What were the lessons from those experiences?
“I have a question,” she turned the tables on
her inquisitors. “What kind
of lesson would you learn
if you gave your all, if you
were totally loyal, but still
it was disregarded? It would
hurt ’di ba?”
Reminded that she was
with ABS-CBN for over
two decades, she asserted:
“I was there as long as (network president) Charo (Santos). Is that enough?”
Again sensing that she had
disclosed too much, she
pleaded with the interviewers: “Tama na … I might
reveal everything and end
up getting sued. That’s more
than enough. What’s the use
of moving on, if you have a
pending case!”
All she wanted, she implored, “was to be happy. In any case, I’ve already prayed about it. I
just want everything to be positive.”
On that note, she said she is looking forward to
working with Dingdong. She recalled meeting
Dingdong through her late manager Wyngard
“Actually, I asked Wyngard to introduce us,”
she recounted. “I never imagined he would become my leading man someday.”
She also hopes to share the screen with Dennis Trillo. “His acting in ‘My Husband’s Lover’
was nuanced. They were all good in that show.”
She was a self-confessed MHL fan. “My friends
were always talking about it. So I checked it out
and was hooked.”
So much so that she was uncharacteristically
tongue-tied when she met Dennis and Tom Rodriguez at the “Bekikang” premiere last year.
Apart from the new GMA 7 soap (which will
start taping next month and will debut in
May), there is also a new Viva movie in
the works.
FilAm Malaya Watson makes it to
‘Idol’ Top 13
ONLY one of the two girls with Filipino
roots remain in American Idol Season 13.
Malaya Watson made it to the reality
show’s Top 13
along with Ben
Briley, Emily Piriz, Alex Preston,
Jessica Meuse,
Dexter Roberts,
Caleb Johnson,
Majesty Rose,
MK Nobilette,
and Sam Woolf.
Judges Jennifer
Harry Connick
Jr., picked Jena
Irene, C.J. Harris, and Kristen
for Malaya Watson
the Wild Card.
Of the Top 13 ‘Idol’ finalists, 10 of the contestants were chosen via text votes, while
the remaining three were saved by judges
with wild cards.
However, Filipina Marrialle Sellars, who,
during Rush Week sang Katy Perry’s
“Roar,” didn’t make it to the cut. Sellars,
from Indianapolis, auditioned in Detroit.
Her mother, Luzviminda, is Filipina. Her
parents were penpals before they got married and started a family in America. Sellars’ father Frederick unexpectedly passed away in 2009.
Sellars said she joined American Idol to honor his memory.
Watson, known as the tuba
player from the Southfield
High School in Michigan,
performed “Hard Times” by
Ray Charles which earned
the judges’ nods during Rush
Week. She earned the 10th last
spot during that night.
“There is no doubt that you are
one of the big powerhouses of
this competition. Every time
you get up there, for me it’s
just epic… I just want to say
that you did a great job tonight.
I have to say you’re amazing
and I really hope we have you around for a
long time,” Lopez said to Watson after her
Rush Week performance.
Watson said her Filipino grandfather is one
of her singing inspirations.
On Twitter, Connick Jr., said “We made it!
Top 13 are gonna bring it next week!”.
Feb. 27, 2014 - Mar. 5, 2014
Zsa Zsa tells Karylle: Gusto ko na maging lola
MANILA – Zsa Zsa Padilla’s only wish long,” she said.
now that her eldest daughter Karylle is set Karylle also made special mention of
to marry Spongecola lead vocalist Yael Yuzon next month
is to have a grandchild soon.
An emotional Padilla said she
is very happy that Karylle
found a responsible man like
Yuzon, adding that she wants
her daughter to have a blissful
married life.
“Congratulations K, my first
born child. Alam mo naman
ang wish ko, isa lang, apo.
Gusto ko na maging lola. I’m
really happy that you found a
very good guy, si Yael. I love
him as much as I love you.
I wish you all the best and a
very long, blissful and happy Zia, Karylle and Zsa Zsa
marriage. I love you very
much. We are always here sa
tabi mo,” the veteran singer said.
Paolo Valenciano, who introduced her to
Karylle, for her part, thanked her friends Yuzon.
who have been helping her prepare for the “Gusto ko talaga magpasalamat dahil ang
upcoming wedding.
star po ng wedding na ito ay si Paolo Va“Siguro sinasabi nila planning a wedding lenciano, ang cupid namin ni Yael. Siya
is stressful but it’s actually been smooth lang talaga ang sure na sure na sure from
sailing. I’ve been so relaxed that all my the very beginning na meant to be kami ni
good friends and my family have been Yael,” she said.
stressed for me. I’m so relaxed. I’m just “ASAP” threw a bridal shower for Karylle
really thankful kasi ang daming tumutu- on Sunday.
No wedding bells yet for Geoff and Carla
EVERY TIME they meet with the media, it
(According to local tradition, a person cannot get marseems the persistent question is the possibility ried in the same year as a sibling or risk misfortune.)
of tying the knot this year.
“My brother AJ got married in a civil ceremony in the
GMA 7 actors Geoff Eigenmann and Carla United States last year and would like to have another
Abellana, however, are the first to dismiss the ceremony in the Philippines this year. Carla’s sister Erica
talk as empty hype.
is getting married this year, too,” Geoff volunteered.
“It only gets talked about at press cons,” Geoff
In any case, Geoff is certain he has found the one in
quipped. “But Carla and I don’t really discuss Carla.
“Carla is one of a kind. I’ve
Wedding bells are not
never met anyone who can
ringing—just yet—for
come close to her,” he rethe Kapuso pair this
lated. “She may have quirks
that other people find differ“There are no concrete
ent … like she can be outplans yet,” Geoff told
spoken … but those traits are
the Inquirer. “It’s not a
precisely what I love about
priority as of now.”
“I can wait. We still
Carla, for her part, stood by
have to save up for the
him, throughout his weightfuture,” Carla told the
loss journey. After receiving
Inquirer in a separate
a “fat memo” from GMA 7,
Geoff lost 40 pounds in four
Especially since they
months through diet and exare both busy with
their respective careers,
“I witnessed his hard
Geoff explained. As
work,” Carla recalled. “He
soon as he wraps up
went to the gym early in the
work on the primetime Geoffrey Eigenmann and Carla Abellana morning. He even took naps
series “Adarna,” he will
there, to wait for the next jiu jitsu
start work on a new
Carla invited Geoff to try her Bikram yoga and
Although Carla is not visible on television Zumba classes, “but he prefers boxing, weightthese days, she is juggling three movies under lifting and martial arts,” she said.
Regal. She just finished work on Aloy AdlaCarla admitted that she would often act as
wan’s thriller “Third Eye” and is shooting two Geoff’s diet police. “I would tell him to avoid
romantic comedies, Jun Robles Lana’s “Let’s certain unhealthy food. When we dine out, he
Take a Chance on Love” and Jose Javier Reyes’ tends to order a lot of dishes. We often bring
“Somebody to Love.”
home lots of take-out bags.”
“I’m not really on vacation. I’m very busy
Geoff agreed: “She is always there to stop me
now,” Carla remarked.
from eating junk food. She is very supportive.”
A trip to the altar is virtually impossible, in light of their
In spite of the glare of the limelight, Geoff said
hectic schedules .
that the secret of their relationship was rather
In the first place, they couldn’t get hitched this year be- simple: “Communication. We’re like other norcause of the Filipino superstition of sukob, Geoff pointed mal couples. It’s just that our job requires us to be on
TV. In the end, we’re like everyone else.”
Feb. 27, 2014 - Mar. 5, 2014
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To solve a Sudoku puzzle, place
a number into each box so that
each row across, each column
down, and each small 3x3 square
within the larger diagram (there
are 9 of these) will contain every number from 1 through
9. In other words, no number
will appear more than once in
any row, column, or smaller
3x3 square. Working with the
numbers already given as a
guide, complete each diagram
with the missing numbers that
will lead to the correct solution.
Aries March 20 - April 18
There are plenty of opportunities out there,
and you’re tempted to seize every one of
them. Well, Aries, a bit of discrimination is in
order if you’re going to make the best use of
the auspicious atmosphere.
Taurus April 19 - May 19
You’re likely to receive a windfall of some
sort today. Be cautious with it, Taurus. If you
invest it wisely, it will serve you long and
well. Your curiosity has been piqued about
some rather esoteric subjects, perhaps the
dark arts.
Gemini May 20 - June 19
A change of scene is in store for you,
Gemini. It’s unclear whether or not this is
a voluntary move, but it’s clear that chaos
and confusion reign over the next few days.
There is much to be done.
Cancer June 20 - July 21
It’s possible that you could fear for your
job today, Cancer. Fortunately, those
fears are unfounded. There is a lot of
upheaval occurring at work. You’re best
advised to steer clear of it, if you can.
Leo July 22 - August 21
It’s hard to deny the power of a chemical
reaction to another person. You’ll likely meet
someone today or perhaps you’ve just met
someone who has a strong influence on
you, Leo. You can’t get this person out of
your mind.
Virgo August 22 - September 21
“The person who dies with the most toys
wins” may well be your philosophy, Virgo.
And today you certainly move ahead in the
race as you add yet another technological
wonder to your home.
Libra September 22 - October 21
Today you could sit down at the computer for
just a minute to research something on the
Internet and wind up spending most of the
afternoon entranced by what you’re reading,
Scorpio October 22 - November 20
You’ve always had a knack for all things
financial, Scorpio, but today your ability is
especially enhanced. You’ve discovered all
the free investing information available over
the Internet, and you absorb it like a sponge.
Sagittarius November 21 - December 20
Keep your eyes wide open today, Sagittarius, as you may meet the person of
your dreams! Or you could stumble,
literally, upon a stack of cash. It’s likely
to be a most unusual day, so keep your
wits about you and your mind open to
all possibilities.
Capricorn December 21 - January 18
A change of profession may be in the stars
for you, Capricorn, or a change of hobby at
the very least. The latest technological advances have really captured your interest.
Making films, in particular, gets your creative
juices flowing.
Aquarius January 19 - February 17
You’re likely to be feeling the tug of distant
lands, Aquarius. Today you could stop at the
travel agent’s office, the one you’ve walked
by countless times, and stare at the pictures.
Pisces February 18 - March 19
Change, even when it’s for the better,
can sometimes be a little scary, Pisces.
You could feel some hesitation about
taking a new job or upgrading your
home. Nevertheless, you’re being given
a terrific opportunity.
Feb. 27, 2014 - Mar. 5, 2014
The San Francisco Post
(Cont. from page 1..DISPUTED SEA)
shelter in the Philippines’ Bajo de Masinloc during inclement weather,” he said.
He said that based on information received by the DFA,
the Jan. 27 incident involved a Chinese coast guard vessel with bow number 3063 and two Filipino fishing boats.
“The CCG vessel continuously blew its horn and thereafter doused the fishing vessels with water cannons for
several minutes,” he said.
The Filipinos, he said, were on boats F/B P8 and F/B
Kin based in Zambales.
Hernandez said they received reports of nine other cases
of harassment of Filipino fishermen by Chinese civilian
maritime law enforcement agency (CMLEA) vessels last
year. He said harassment occurred even during inclement
“They (fishermen) reported it (water cannon incident) to
the authorities and they expected us to make this protest
against the Chinese,” he added.
“As far as the Filipino fishermen in the area, our fishermen have every right to pursue their livelihood in Bajo
de Masinloc which is an integral part of the territory over
which the Philippines exercises sovereign rights and jurisdiction,” Hernandez said.
“We call on China to respect our sovereignty and the
rights of our fishermen in that area,” he said.
President Aquino, for his part, wants Beijing to explain
the Jan. 27 incident and spell out its policy in dealing
with similar situations.
“Now, the first step will be... a diplomatic message...
There are various terms for these diplomatic messages
directed at the People’s Republic of China to ask them to
explain what this incident was all about and what their directions are,” the President told reporters in Cebu where
he led the 28th anniversary celebration of EDSA People
Power Revolution.
Aquino reiterated there are diplomatic means to settle
the matter and that Manila has actually turned to the
United Nations for arbitration to peacefully assert the
country’s claim over Panatag Shoal, which is well within
the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone.
The President said he just learned about the incident
recently and would like to have confirmation by getting
more information from the people involved.
He said this would provide sound basis for corresponding Philippine action.
“We are not sure at this point in time if we can call
it their (Chinese) standard operating procedure because
as of (Monday), we have fishermen inside the shoal who
are not being harassed nor intimidated by any entity,” the
President said.
He said he did not want to react to an incident which
Beijing could easily dismiss as having been carried out
by coast guard personnel following orders from their
commanding officer.
“But be that as it may, I think it is proper for us to ask
them exactly what this incident was all about, what their
intentions are,” he said.
He added the DFA and the Department of National
Defense are now “drafting the appropriate communications” after “conferring and after getting the necessary
Panatag Shoal, also locally known as Bajo de Masinloc,
is a traditional Filipino fishing ground just 220 kilometers
off Zambales and 650 km from Hainan island, the nearest
major Chinese land mass.
The shoal has been under virtual occupation by the Chinese since April 2012 when they prevented Philippine authorities from arresting Chinese poachers on eight boats.
For the Armed Forces of the Philippines, the international community should condemn the Chinese coast guard’s
use of force on unarmed fishermen.
“The international community can now be aware of
what is the real situation there, that it really merits an
international response and condemnation,” AFP public
affairs chief Lt. Col. Ramon Zagala said yesterday.
He called the incident “alarming” considering the “already volatile situation” in the area.
“We are supporting the pursuit of government in the
path of international tribunal to solve the problem here
and the best really is a code of conduct so that it will not
happen again,” he said in a press briefing.
When asked by the media what incident would merit
military action, Zagala said: “That’s speculative. Don’t
let me talk about deploying forces there if that’s what you
want to hear.”
He reiterated his call for local fishermen to continue
with their normal activities despite China’s aggressive
acts. “We cannot let an aggressor stop our way of life,”
he said.
Zagala also said the Palawan-based Western Command
(Wescom) has assumed supervision over Panatag Shoal
from the Northern Luzon Command in Tarlac.
“This is to enhance our external defense capabilities,
which are now being concentrated at the Western Command, unity of effort and unity of command, so that our
external defense efforts will just be under one commander,” he said.
“The Western Command has the necessary assets that
can address territorial defense and monitoring. They have
the necessary aircraft that can fly to all these areas for the
purpose of monitoring and reporting to higher government office,” he added.
Air Force Lt. Gen. Roy Deveraturda leads the Wescom.
The Nolcom is headed by Army Lt. Gen. Gregorio Catapang. Zambales, which has jurisdiction over Panatag
Shoal, is under Nolcom.
Other West Philippine Sea areas being claimed by China
and under Wescom’s jurisdiction are Ayungin (Second
Thomas) Shoal, Recto (Reed) Bank and Panganiban
(Mischief) Reef off Palawan.
When asked whether Wescom already has its hands full,
Zagala said: “Yes, but that is their core competency. Remember, Western Command traditionally is commanded
by an Air Force or a Navy officer primarily because of
external (defense) and that the battle space is at sea and
Truck ban paralyzes BOC,
port operations
MANILA —The Bureau of Customs
(BOC) said private businesses as well as
the government’s revenue collections had
been hurt by the extension of the truck ban
in Manila.
In a statement, the BOC said that on the
first day of the ban on Monday, the release
of container vans from the Manila International Container Port (MICP) dropped
from an average of 2,150 per day to just
Also, the release of container vans from
the Port of Manila (POM) fell from an average of 1,200 per day to zero.
Under the new policy, trucks and other vehicles with gross weight of at least 4,500
kilograms, except those carrying petroleum and perishable goods, are not allowed
in the streets of Manila from 5 a.m. to 9
p.m. This is seven hours longer than the
previous scheme.
The move is intended to ease traffic congestion in the city that is expected to worsen as two major road projects—one linking
South Luzon Expressway to North Luzon
Expressway and another connecting Ninoy
Aquino International Airport to the Entertainment City—were launched last week.
Potential income losses from traffic jams
amount to P2.4 billion daily, according to a
study by the Japan International Cooperation Agency.
The BOC, however, said the new policy
was bad for business and for the government’s coffers.
In a statement, the bureau said that the drop
in the release in the number of container
vans had resulted in the “dramatic decline
in revenue collections” in the two ports.
The MICP and POM are two of the biggest
ports in the country, accounting for about
48 percent of the BOC collections.
The BOC said on Monday collections at
the MICP dropped by 27 percent from a
daily average of P360 million to P262.8
million, while those at the POM fell by 47
percent from a daily average of P253 million to P134.4 million.
Customs Commissioner John Phillip Sevilla said the BOC would find ways to
address the adverse effect of the extended
truck ban in Manila on businesses.
“While there are conditions and factors
that are beyond the control of the BOC, we
are ready to adjust to the needs of importers and other stakeholders,” he said without mentioning specific measures.
The impact of the extended truck ban is
expected to pose a challenge to the BOC’s
efforts to ramp up revenue collections.
The BOC, which the Aquino administration claims to have just entered the “reform
period,” last year fell short of its revenue
collection target of P340 billion, collecting
only about P304 billion.
This year, the BOC is tasked to collect
P408 billion.
Last month, the bureau failed to meet its
P31.3-billion revenue target with collections of only P29.36 billion, or a shortfall
of P1.94 billion. The collections were 6.2
percent off the agency’s goal for the 21day trading period.
Still, the revenues were P4.82 billion, or
19.6 percent more than the P24.54 billion
the bureau collected during the same period in 2013.
There is no truck ban on Saturdays and
Sundays. Exempted from the ban are
trucks carrying perishables and petroleum
products, as well as vehicles carrying materials intended for government projects.
A senior BOC official said Mayor Joseph
Estrada’s move was a “lose-lose situation,”
noting the “decline in the agency’s revenue
collections and income losses for trading
firms with the delay in the release of their
imported goods.”
(Cont. from page 1..SOLONS GOT P5B)
The amount represented P7 million for farm-tomarket roads and P3 million for soft projects, such
as milk-feeding programs, under the DAP—an impounding mechanism supposedly for government
savings that shifted funds from projects identified
by Congress to those chosen by the executive
branch in 2012.
The funds released to congressmen from the DAP,
whose constitutionality has been questioned in the
Supreme Court, were on top of the P70 million in
annual allocations from the Priority Development
Assistance Fund (PDAF), or pork barrel.
The sources said that the House leadership and its
impeachment team were rewarded between P25
million and P50 million in DAP funds after Corona was convicted in May 2012, or seven months
after Budget Secretary Florencio Abad announced
the P70.5-billion spending plan for the DAP, including a P6.5 billion augmentation for the PDAF.
They said they were asked by the DBM to give
their preferred LGUs and beneficiaries for their
DAP allocations.
Asked for comment, Speaker Feliciano Belmonte
said: “I cannot remember the incident. Haven’t
heard of DAP back then. We will check.”
In a text message, Abad said: “I don’t have the
information right now, it’s a Sunday. But I am sure
that the rest of the funds did not go exclusively to
representatives. Some were requested by and allocated to national government agencies, some were
requested by local government units. Not all (DAP
funds) were, I think, disbursed.”
Abad was adamant that the DAP was not meant
to bribe lawmakers into ousting Corona whose
midnight appointment by former President Gloria
Macapagal-Arroyo was widely reviled.
“The allocations, if I recall correctly, were made
irrespective of whether the representatives were
for or against the impeachment,” Abad said.
Corona was convicted for dishonesty in his statement of assets, liabilities and net worth.
Special purpose
In a statement, Navotas Rep. Tobias Tiangco said:
“Based on reports and by its own admission, the
DBM used the DAP before, during and after the
Corona impeachment trial between 2011 and 2012.
“Corona was impeached on Dec. 12, 2011, endorsed by 188 congressmen. Based on the timeline, the DAP was created in October 2011 and
fund requests made by legislators were already in
order in November 2011—or exactly during the
time they were cooking up and gathering support
for the Corona impeachment.
“It’s a puzzle that only a few knew about DAP
Tiangco, the United Nationalist Alliance (UNA)
secretary general, said the DAP was “used as an
excuse to cover the P50-million bribe to senators
and P10 million given to congressmen for the conviction” of Corona.
“The DAP was designed and created as a piggy
bank to fund persuasive missions with a very special purpose,” Tiangco said.
The DBM earlier claimed that DAP funds were
released after Corona’s conviction because it was
wary it could be seen as an attempt to influence
Corona’s removal.
“No one knew about the DAP until September
2013 when Sen. Jinggoy Estrada disclosed that the
administration tapped the funds to ‘bribe’ lawmakers to oust Corona. Until now, the Administration
is not telling everything about the DAP—they’re
twisting the facts to cover it up because they know
it’s illegal and unconstitutional,” Tiangco said.
In a phone interview, Agrarian Reform Secretary
Virgilio de los Reyes said that when his agency
received several special allotment release orders
(Saros) and notices of cash allocations (NCAs) on
Dec. 6, 2011, he was unaware that these were DAP
funds. He said supporting documents identified
the funding from the 2011 budget for beneficiaries
of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program
The Inquirer has copies of the DAR’s Saros and
NCAs for six senators worth a combined P475
million—P100 million each for Estrada, Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and Ramon Revilla Jr.; P70 million for Vicente Sotto III; P55 million for Juan
Ponce Enrile; and P50 million for Loren Legarda.
De los Reyes said Abad had asked him to accommodate the release of the funds for the senators
whose beneficiaries turned out to be fake foundations used by detained businesswoman Janet
Lim-Napoles in the alleged P10 billion pork barrel
He said he told the budget secretary that the DAR
was yet to spend the P1 billion lump-sum funds
that the DBM had allocated for 2011 and that he
insisted that the new funds go through the required
“We spent lots of time and manpower to spend
the P1 billion by the book, we couldn’t just accept
fresh funds and just release [the money] without
putting it through the same process,” De los Reyes
Abad washes hands
The DBM had a different version. In a statement,
it claimed that Estrada, Marcos, Revilla and Sotto
had requested the realignment of the funds from
the DAR to state-owned National Livelihood Development Corporation (NLDC). (The DBM has
not yet revealed where the DAP funds of Enrile
and Legarda went, although a government source
said these were diverted to LGUs).
“The requests—which were made by the senators’
offices in late December 2011 and early February
2012—were received by the DBM in early February and March 2012. The four senators essentially
asked us to change the implementing agency from
“In their requests, Senators Marcos, Estrada, Sotto
and Revilla changed their nominated projects to
programs for displaced or marginal families, for
which NLDC was specified by the senators’ offices as the implementing arm. We thus withdrew the
earlier Saros for the DAR and issued these instead
to NLDC in March 2012, exactly as the senators
requested,” the DBM said.
In their letters to NLDC, the senators were adamant on the immediate release of the funds as
these would be used for the victims of recent natural calamities.
Feb. 27, 2014 - Mar. 5, 2014
The San Francisco Post