College News - Glen Eira College


College News - Glen Eira College
Issue No.8 december 16th, 2015
College News
76 Booran Road Caulfield East 3145
Telephone: 9571 7838 Facsimile: 9571 0079
As I reflect on our achievements in 2015 I could not be more
proud of our students, staff, parents and community – we are a
fantastic team at Glen Eira College.
This term we celebrated Diwali (Festival of Lights) led by Lilly
Francis and Bernadette Ronald. There were displays, workshops,
dancing and great food. This is another example of celebrating
our wonderful culturally diverse community.
We were delighted to have the French Ambassador as our special
guest at our recent Languages Awards Assembly. It was exciting
to see so many students recognised for their success in French,
Hebrew and Chinese. The results for students participating in
the DELF (Diplome Elementaire en Langue Francaise) exams
get better every year. I am very grateful for all of the hard work
and commitment to language education provided by all of our
language teachers.
Movember Fundraising
The Music Festival was again a great success showcasing the
performance talents of our students. I am delighted with the
hard work of all of our Instrumental Music teachers, led by Robyn
Keane, and their commitment to developing the talents of each
of their students.
The Year 10 surf camp was a huge success. The students and
staff had a wonderful time and everyone learnt a few new skills.
Congratulations to our 2016 School Captains Akhil Mathew and
Katherine Aspinall and Vice Captains James Brooks and Sofia
Vamvakidou and our 2016 Junior School Captains Tuesday
Mooney and Sean Kelly and Vice Captains Seirra Danon and
Harry MacLeod-Smith
Diwali Celebrations
Congratulations to Alistair and Eitan from 7B who were invited
to represent GEC at the National Inter-School Chess Finals
recently at Queens College Melbourne University. The National
Interschool chess competition involved 17 schools and 104
students in the middle years (years 7, 8 and 9). Well done to
these 2 students who achieved great results.
Year 12 Valedictory
It was wonderful to celebrate the completion of secondary
schooling with our Year 12 graduates and families. Students
were awarded with certificates and commemorative ‘owls’. Mary
Maniatis again excelled with commemorative cupcakes and a
wonderful main cake that all students signed. I look forward to
the results of our wonderful Year 12s.
continue page 2
Languages Assembly
This newsletter is emailed home to all families twice per term. If you have any items of interest to the college
community or want to advertise your business, please contact either Penny Marks
or Gabrielle Darvell (Business Manager) on 9571 7838.
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We say farewell to:
• Dominique De Mareuil, Victoria Sapoznikoff, Yuyun Feng, Lyn Campbell, Anny Bevan, Kathleen
Pellizzer, Helen Amir, Jennifer Holden and thank them for their wonderful contribution in working
with our students in their time at GEC.
• Madeleine Stulgis who has replaced Matthew Weekes while on leave this term.
Daniel Mulligan is taking a year of leave to travel and we wish
him all the best.
As our numbers continue to grow we are in the wonderful
position of recruiting more excellent teachers and support
staff to the college. We welcome:
• Haroula Christodoulou - Leading Teacher,
Senior School
• Colin Suckling – Business Manager
• Lee Dalton – Maths / Science
• Erin Burgess – French / English
• Bernie Coghlan – Business Management / EAL / Phys Ed
• Melanie Mattsson – Legal Studies / English
• Emma Nishikubo – French / Japanese
We will also have Simon as an intern from Telecom Lille for
January to May 2016 working in the area of communications.
Finally, I wish all students and families a happy and safe
holiday and look forward to seeing you all ready for the 2016
academic year which begins on Thursday 28th January.
Sheereen Kindler
Semester 2 Reports
Semester 2 Reports will
be available on Xuno, our
communication platform, via the
Parent Portal.
(they will not be mailed home)
Junior School Highlights
Well that’s a wrap! 2015 is
finished and 2016 has begun.
We farewelled our Year 9
students as they moved
into the Senior School and
welcomed the new Year 7
students on orientation day.
The Year 9 program finished up
with Project Rockit leadership
Year 8 Girls’ Table Tennis
incursion and Peer Support
training. Congratulations to those Year 9 students who are
now Peer Support Leaders. We look forward to working
with you and seeing you blossom as leaders.
The Year 8 girls’ table tennis team competed at the SMR
regional finals. It was an intense day as they won their
way through to the grand final. Sierra, Reena, Manon and
Pauline, led by Campbell, lost in the grand final but were
the SMR Runners Up. Congratulations team – very well
Movember was another successful event with many
students and staff donning moustaches while raising
money for men’s health. Thank you to Coen and his aunt,
Marissa, for the amazing art work and preparation!
The Junior School Team wishes you a very safe and
relaxing holiday and we look forward to working with you
again in 2016.
Keira McLean
Junior School Leader
Year 7 Highlights
What a wonderful end to a fantastic year. It is very rewarding
to see the huge progress that our Year 7 students have
made since the beginning of the year – I am very proud.
We have also had a really good transition that will set our
students up for a successful start to Year 8.
There have been so many things to celebrate this term.
Relay for life at Duncan Mackinnon was a huge success
with a large number of Year 7 students getting involved. We
all had some wonderful musical performances from Sophie
Rowsell, Brittany Cooper, Michaela Butler-Brauer, Jasmine
Hobbs-Gordon, Mikki Clemans and Emma Singer.
If you require your username or password
for the Xuno Parent Portal
please contact the General Office on
9571 7838
Have you recently changed, or are about to change, address or home, mobile or work
phone number? Please remember to ring the College on 9571 7838 to keep us informed.
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Year 9 Highlights
After much excitement and preparation our Year 9 students
and staff headed off to Phillip Island Adventure Resort on
Monday 9th November. Our first stop was the San Remo
foreshore for a relaxing lunch on the beach followed by
watching the local pelicans being fed by Parks Victoria
Relay For Life
The Year 7 boys’ cricket team achieved great success at
interschool sport, only losing by 7 runs in their final game.
Well done to: Josh Agar, Harrison Ryan, Jaymin Patel, Kartik
Panikar, Hudson Messenger, Seokhyun Lee, Dante Spina,
Ben Schauder, Vansh Shah, Oscar Crick, Abhinav Tummala,
Srivanth Allaka and Alex Ellenbogen.
During transition it was very exciting to see students
showcase their dance moves during their dance routines for
PE. We certainly have some very talented Year 7s. We had a
great day on our annual trip to Melbourne Zoo. The students
used a combination of science and their language studies to
enrich their experience. A really great way to finish off a very
successful year.
Thank you Year 7 for a wonderful year. I hope you all have a
very restful summer holiday. I look forward to seeing you all
in year 8 in 2016.
Louise Baragwanath
Year 7 Coordinator
Year 8 Highlights
It has been a great pleasure to get to know and work with the
Year 8 students and I am delighted to be their coordinator
again next year. It was great to see our Year 8 students
growing both academically and personally.
As part of the Year 9 transition program they participated in a
workshop on social labels and judgement where they learnt to
develop empathy for their peers and reflected on the differing
experiences that fellow students might have of school.
I would like to congratulate all the Year 8 students who ran for
Junior School captain as I was very impressed by the effort
and the professionalism they put in writing and delivering
their speeches. Congratulations to Tuesday Mooney and
Sean Kelly who were elected Junior School Captains and
Sierra Danon and Harry MacLeod-Smith who were elected
I wish you all a well-deserved summer break and look forward
to working with you again next year.
Celine Fompudie
Year 8 Coordinator
After settling into the camp accommodation all students and
staff headed off to the various activities that were organised
over the next couple of days. During the archery we saw
some budding archers in the making with Jade Wolfson,
Tim Ruzeu and Aaron Regterschot firing off some very high
scores during their group shoot outs. The Disc Golf saw some
very accurate frisbie throwing occurring among the various
groups and Ms McLean’s group (Anna Rowsell, Mathilde
Papon, Campbell Hymans, Noah Micmacher, Chandra Windi,
Elizabeth Lindner-Craig, Binil Mathew, Adam Cosgrave, Coen
McGinniss, Kai Cappel, Alex Ide, Barney Miller, Vasundhara
Singh and Julie Robin) setting the score to beat around the
course. The canoeing saw some stylish rowing across the
lake and a few capsizing incidents with Corey Zielinski and
Dimitris Chrisoulis ending up in the lake on a few occasions.
The Laser Tag saw a lot of ducking and dodging occurring
around the bush course with all Year 9 students and staff
showing off their sharp shooter abilities.
One of the challenges of the camp was a raft building
competition. It was great to see all students enthusiastically
undertake this activity with very creative rafts being built.
Most importantly, all rafts with their passengers aboard made
it across the lake without sinking in the process. The most
challenging activity of the camp was the high ropes course
which involved students climbing up to a course which was
about 3 metres above the ground then climbing along a
challenging course. It was great to see the acrobatic efforts
of the students as they moved along the course.
After the challenges of the day we spent the night relaxing
by taking a walk to the local beach, watching a movie and
participating in a disco/karaoke night. The karaoke night saw
Year 9 talent on display with Eloise Wenborn singing “Rolling
in the Deep” and even Mr Golding sang a rendition of ‘All
about the Bass’ with back up support from Anna Rowsell,
Morgan Edwards and Berenice Mickelburough.
Unfortunately, the camp came to a quick end and we had to
return back to Glen Eira College. Over the time of the camp it
was great to see the terrific attitude of the students and that
they took the opportunity to move out of their comfort zone
to participate in activities. I would like to extend a ‘big thank
you’ to the following staff members who attended the Year 9
camp and made it possible: Keira McLean, Robyn Keane,
David Ebert, Adam Golding, Georgina Peters, Emma Power
and Radcliff Owen.
As part of the Year 9 Food technology course 9D students
undertook a cupcake design activity. During the activity
they came up with some very creative and delicious design.
Congratulations to everyone who participated in this activity!
It is hard to believe that 2015 school year has come to an
Student Absences
Parents are reminded that the College has a designated telephone line for notification of student absence – 9571 4178.
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end. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all Year 9
students and parents/guardians for support over the year.
I hope you all have a wonderful festive season and a very
relaxing holiday break.
Elizabeth Allan
Year 9 Coordinator
Chess Championship
On Sunday 29th November Alistair McCutcheon and Eitan
Nikolaevsky in Year 7 competed in the RJ Shield Chess
Finals at Queens College Melbourne University, a lead up
event to the National Interschool Chess Championship.
Eitan won 2 games and drew 2. Alistair won 6 out of 7, coming
equal first in the over 12 competition. The boys were very
happy with their results! Alistair was also presented with his
Chess Junior Master Certificate.
Alistair and Eitan are looking forward to competing for Glen
Eira College in the National Interschool Chess finals over the
next two days at Queens College.
Keira McLean
Eitan Nikolaevsky and Alistair McCutcheon
Senior School News
First of all I would like to thank the community of Glen Eira
College for supporting me this year as the Senior School
Leader. I feel very humbled and privileged to have been your
Senior School Leader. In particular I would like to thank my
team; Lou Tsarpalas, Mary Maniatis and Laura Brancatella,
who have worked tirelessly to support all of our students to
achieve their very best in everything that they choose to do.
David Shulz
I encourage all students to set the bar high, to cross that line
and achieve great things in the coming year.
Congratulations to all of our 2015 Year 12 students who
have, by now, received their results. I am very proud of your
achievements and I look forward to hearing about all of your
adventures when you come back and visit us for Aim High
Club next year.
Samuel Soultanakis and Ari Verrios
It is with great pleasure that I introduce the Senior School
Student Leaders for 2016. Congratulations on your
appointment to these positions. We all look forward to working
with you next year and know you will represent the College to
the best of your ability.
2016 School Captains
Akhil Mathew
Katherine Aspinall
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2016 Vice Captains
James Brooks
Sofia Vamvakidou
Thanks again for a great 2015! I wish you all a safe and happy
holiday season.
Emily Brown
Senior School Leader
Year 10 News
As the 2015 school year draws to an end I would like to thank
all Year 10 students for the wonderful relationships we have
formed over the last two years. I want to wish you all well as
you move into your VCE and I look forward to seeing you all
do well over the journey.
To all Year 11 students thank you for a great year, full of great
memories and I enjoyed celebrating with you all at our Year
11 function at Maxy’s Restaurant. To parents, it has been a
pleasure working in partnership with you all to see your son/
daughter successfully through the year. Happy Holidays to
you all.
May Maniatis
Year 11 Coordinator
Year 12 News
A very successful Year 10 surfing camp was held at Anglesea
on 23rd – 25th November. All 34 students and three staff got
the opportunity to “hang ten” except of course for Mr Lou who
struggled to get on the surfboard. The mind said “do it” but the
body couldn’t cope. I was very proud of our Year 10 students
whilst on camp as their behaviour was exemplary and they
did our college proud. Thank you as well to Miss Brown and
Madame de Mareuil for attending the camp, partaking in all
the activities and helping me out.
Finally, welcome to the 2016 Year 10 cohort and their families.
Please feel free to email/ring me to discuss any issues or
concerns you may have.
To all at GEC have a terrific festive season and a wonderful
Lou Tsarpalas
Year 10 Coordinator
Year 11 News
It is so hard to believe that we are at the tail end of 2015 –
where did the days, weeks and months go?
Year 12 2015 Valedictory Cake
Congratulations to the class of 2015 on finally graduating.
It was an absolute pleasure and honour to lead this group
of young people. I wish them the very best for their future
I sincerely thank all students for their cooperation and
enthusiasm this year. I especially thank the school captains,
Vincent McKeown-West, Jayde Glass, Digby Mooney and
Mailys Perfrement for their outstanding leadership throughout
the year. Special thanks also to the students on the Year 12
Executive who gave so much of their time to support and
organize functions for their peers.
I feel like it was only yesterday when we had our first Year 11
meeting and I presented the idea of Crossing the Line
(a motivational concept aimed to inspire our young people to
So what can I say about the current Year 11 cohort? Firstly, it
has been a pleasure to work with all students. We have had
times of tantrums and tears but the one thing is that, I said
it from the start, we are on a journey together navigating the
waters of 2015, in good and challenging times. This year we
farewelled many students who all sought different pathways
away from Glen Eira College – Natan Camissar, Yoad Rafael,
Andrea Medina, Andrei Panaligan, Lachlan Connor, Mikhael
Tovel, Taylor Powell, Corey Tzabari, Mike Zhang, Joshua
Woodcock, Natchaphat Phosa-Ard, Samantha Cohen and
Hung Le. At the end of the year we will have a small group
leaving the Year 11 family – Jordan Timmons, Lachlan Smith,
Farisha Sardar, David Qiu and Tristan Coomerawel – and we
thank them for their contribution to the College and wish them
all the very best in their future endeavours.
Mailys Perfrement and Digby Mooney
Student Absences
Parents are reminded that the College has a designated telephone line for notification of student absence – 9571 4178.
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I would also like to thank all of the staff at GEC for their
support during 2015, in particular the senior school staff, who
have worked tirelessly throughout the year.
Finally, I would like to wish you a very happy and safe
Laura Brancatella
Year 12 Coordinator
November, a month packed full special events. On the first
Tuesday a race stops the nation. Then, just over a week
later, we remember those who have fallen in all wars. It is
the exam and report-writing period. November signals to us
that the end of the year is just around the corner. Not only
is November the last month of spring, it is the month where
hair seems to spring up on many a man's top lip. November
sprouts into Movember!
This Movember, Mr Givogue became our resident
Smithsonian, with his mutton chop moustache. Michael Kelty
looked more like Michael J Fox in Teen Wolf, while Mr Golding
was sporting a sophisticated Errol Flynn. But no one can rival
Lou's Big Bad 'Tache!!
Coen McGinniss, who started our Movember tradition back in
2013, was instrumental again this year in leading this great
initiative. He arranged for signage to be placed around the
school promoting Movember and manned the stall supplying
all of the stick on moustaches to be sold on the day. He also
roped in a few helpers, in particular Adam Cosgrave and
Brandon Wasbutzki. Ms McLean and Ms Brown displayed
their artistic talents, painting on stylish moustaches. Many
staff and students supported the day, painting on or sticking
on a moustache. Thank you also to Ms Maniatis for providing
moustache cupcakes for sale.
Movember not only proved to be yet again successful, it
proved the continuing generous and giving nature of our
entire GEC community.
Though I must honestly say, December is a decidedly better
looking month...
Tori Mulligan
Teaching and Learning Leader
Enrichment & Enhancement
Students from Year 7 worked in teams to collaboratively
construct ‘liveable cities’ as their major project for Geography.
The results were stunning and an exhibition of works was on
view in the library to show their models. In addition to working
on current projects, students from Years 7, 8 & 9 painted
Indigenous Message Stones to depict the relationship to land
from a different perspective.
Year 7 Liveable Cities Project
This week we presented our four amazing Year 8 students
who took the initiative to compete with Australia’s best science
students with their certificates. It began as an opportunity
to enter a film competition and have some ‘science’ fun. It
proved much more than that. The fun turned to hard work and
their entry into the competition gave them great opportunities.
Movember fundraising
After working hard at school, at home and meeting the deadline
and strict conditions of the Sleek Geek Eureka Science
Competition, they became a finalist in the competition. The
team secured a highly commended award nationally. That
means that our four students were ranked the fourth best
science students across Australia. The four students received
a visit from our local member, David Southwick, and received
letters of commendation from Mr Southwick’s office and the
previous Federal Education Minister Christopher Pyne. This
week they received certificates from Sydney University.
Reena Zelenkova, Jacob Hoch, Will Stamp and Sean Kelly
Surf our internet address for information about the college and items of interest:
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are congratulated for their contribution to science using
scientific method and the medium of film explaining the weird
concept of Synaesthesia.
Congratulations to Georgia Massey, Raphael Aleksenitser,
Alanna Gray, Benjamin Durkin, Elouise Krelle, Yann Li
Fat Chuen, Morgan Edwards and Fergus Boyd who were
successful applicants of the Melbourne Graduate School
of Education Summer Program over the summer break.
We wish them well on the program and we look forward to
reading their reflections on return to school in 2016.
Congratulations Jacob, Sean, Reena and Will
Eleanor Harel, VCE Philosophy student, initiated a food
collection in the library to support the Asylum Seekers
Resource Centre as part of her moral commitment to others
while studying the philosopher Peter Singer who is promoting
the care of others as a duty rather than charity. The food was
collected in our library then taken to the Asylum Resource
Centre in Footscray and placed on shelves, like a mini
supermarket, for those in need to come and fill their baskets
to feed their families with dignity. The Foodbank was very
appreciative of our support.
Dear Glen Eira College,
Thank you for your generous donation of food and household
goods to the ASRC Foodbank. Our Foodbank ensures asylum
seeker families without work rights or income support are still
able to access groceries. We wouldn't be able to provide that
service without donations like yours.
Many thanks and kind regards,
Chony and the Foodbank Team
The philosophy class thanks everyone at Glen Eira College
for their kind generosity for those in need.
Melbourne Graduate School of Education Summer Program
Deborah Cordingley
Enrichment & Enhancement Coordinator
Green Corner
Some of the latest tips to “Tree Free your Home”
As much as possible, create a tree-free home:
• replace paper napkins with cloth napkins
• replace paper towels with a special set of cloth
towels/napkins (or cut up old t-shirts for great
towels) - store the used ones in a small container
in your kitchen and just wash and reuse
• purchase bleach-free, toilet paper that is made
from the highest post-consumer waste content you
can find (80% minimum)
• if you print documents, print on once-used paper and/or bleach-free, recycled paper with the highest
post-consumer waste content available hemp
I hope that you have enjoyed reading these environmental
tips and I look forward to providing more suggestions for you
in 2016.
Remi Hudson Year 9
Languages Corner
Languages Assembly
Words are not enough to describe our one of a kind
Languages Assembly on Friday 27th November.
Food collection for Asylum Seekers
Our students showed the audience very clearly and vividly that
languages bring us all together as one. The performances,
dances, songs, “scenes de theatre” and poetry recitation in
Hebrew, French and Chinese all spoke for themselves. We
could clearly see the happiness and the pride of our students
to showcase their talents in their languages of study.
Have you recently changed, or are about to change, address or home, mobile or work
phone number? Please remember to ring the College on 9571 7838 to keep us informed.
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The large number of students who received awards also
proves the dedication of our students to achieve excellence
in their language learning.
We were very honoured to have His Excellency Christophe
Lecourtier, French Ambassador in Australia, as our guest of
honour who congratulated our students on their high level of
Thank you to all parents who attended, showing their
commitment to their child’s language learning.
A big thank you to all teachers; Ms Tane, Ms Feng, Madame
Peters, Madame Sapoznikoff, Madame De Mareuil and
Madame Fompudie for all your work this year and for your
contribution to the success of the Languages Assembly.
Thank you also to our CNED Maths Teachers, Mme Lepetit
and Mme Deleplanque.
A big thank you to all students who got involved and went
above and beyond to make the Languages Assembly such a
unique celebration!
Immersion Excursion to the Immigration Museum and
Roule Galette Crêperie!
It was a great day out for our immersion students in Year
7 and Year 8 on Thursday 3rd December. After a visit to
the Immigration Museum where the students learnt about
personal identity and stories of refugees (all with the French
App from the Museum!), they had a delicious lunch of both
sweet and savoury crepes!
Rendez vous next year for more fun times with the French
Immersion Program.
Un Grand Merci a Mme Fompudie who organised the visit to
the Museum!
Loveena Narayanen
Head of Languages
Languages Assembly
Remembrance Day Excursion
On Wednesday 11th November the Year 7 CNED students
were invited to participate to the Remembrance Day
ceremony at the Shrine of Remembrance attended by the
French consulate Mrs Willie, some veterans and delegations
from other schools, including Caulfield Junior College, Sacre
Coeur and Auburn College.
It was a beautiful ceremony, very moving.
At the end of the ceremony, the students were able to ask
questions that they had prepared in class to French veterans
and visited the memorial.
Dominique De Mareuil
Remembrance Day Excursion
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2015 has been a wonderful year for our Instrumental Music
students being involved in many performance opportunities.
Students have worked hard practising their instruments,
attending their lessons each week while being involved in all
the musical activities on offer and it shows in the development
of their musical skills. This was evident at our end of year
Music Festival held in the Glen Eira College Performing
Arts Centre on Wednesday 2nd December. The audience
were delighted with the diversity of the performances on
the night and were also impressed with the quality of these
Choir The Hanging Tree
Concert Band Hunger Games Trilogy
Ensemble Band + Choir Walking on Sunshine
Brass Cheery Wave
Flute In Dreams & Under the Sea
Brass Birthday Boy
Saxophone/Clarinet Introit
Strings Nabo
Drums Maya’s March/Maya Dalpas
Percussion ensemble Southern Grene
Voice & Guitar Life of the Party
Violin Solo Allegro/Vivaldi
Dance Troupe choreographed by Zoe Tuttleby
Saxophone Hatikva
Flute Kummar No 2
Saxophone & Clarinet St Anthony’s Chorale
Voice & Piano Photograph
Strings & Piano Perpetuum Mobile
Guitar Ensemble & Voice
Thinking out Loud
Piano Improvisation – Quy Fatouros
Violin & Piano Eine Kleine Nachtmusik/Mozart
Voice & Piano Happy Ending
Saxophone Saxability
String Ensemble & Dance
Cathcart/Apo Fetlar Top Set
Josephine’s Waltz
Acapella Group I Need Your Love
Choir Al Shlosha D’Varim
• Stringfest
• Relay for Life
• State Schools Spectacular at Hisense Arena
• Regional Music Camp at Daylesford
• Glen Eira Council Volunteer Award Ceremony
• Singfest
• Flute ensemble at Carnegie Shopping Centre Hand Made Fair
2015 has been an exceptional year for musical talent at
Glen Eira College but I predict that 2016 will be even better.
We look forward to continuing the musical journey with our
students next year.
Robyn Keane
Instrumental Music Coordinator
I would like to thank all of our Instrumental Music teachers
for their dedication to their students and for their assistance
in the running of this year’s concert. Congratulations to all
of our students for their efforts this year. We will miss our
Year 12s, Quy Fatouros and Max Hubert as they move on to
further studies and we wish them all the best in their future
endeavours. We have enjoyed getting to know our Year 7s
who have proved to be extremely talented and dedicated
already. Farewell to a number of students that are leaving
our school this year but have contributed towards our music
program through the past few years – we also wish you well
and hope that you come back to visit in the future.
Our music students have experienced performance
opportunities in a variety of locations this year including:
Music Festival
Have you recently changed, or are about to change, address or home, mobile or work
phone number? Please remember to ring the College on 9571 7838 to keep us informed.
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Join us! We are a friendly group of parents who support
our kids’ school and also have some fun and meet new local
friends. If you are not already receiving our emails please
ask us to add you to our list by sending an email to gecpa@
Our first committee meeting in 2016 will be held at Glen
Eira College on Thursday 18th February at 3:45pm, and
all GEC parents and guardians are invited. This will be an
opportunity to find out more about us and contribute your
ideas. We love having new members, and your level of
involvement will be up to you.
Please donate unwanted uniform items
by Wednesday 16th December 2015
Uniform Stall Thursday 21st January
2016 9am – 11am – Book Collection Day
On Thursday 21st January 2016, we will hold a 2nd-hand
uniform stall at the college. This is also the date on which
Campion will have booklist orders available for collection.
Previous uniform sales have been very popular, helped
families save on uniform costs and raised funds for the
college (the sale in January this year raised over $2,000).
If you have any uniform items that your child has outgrown or
no longer needs, please consider donating it for sale at our
stall. Please note that we cannot sell items that are no longer
part of the college uniform, such as spray jackets and polar
fleece jackets.
beauty products, while other parents and staff won concert
tickets, unique spirits and many other prizes, thanks to our
generous sponsors.
We raised over $1,000 for Mr Ebert's Robotics program – so
encourage your students to enjoy these new opportunities.
Thank you all for making this night so very special and helping
us raise funds for an ever evolving school.
Thank you!
Marie-Pierre Deleplanque,
WA Dinner Event coordinator
MULTICULTURAL SUPPER Thursday 26th November
New and current Glen Eira College families enjoyed an
informal dinner with a range of dishes including from France
(Quiche Lorraine), Middle East (falafels and hummus), South
African (Melk Tert) and European (gingerbread, short bread
and apple and berry pies).
The Raffle of movie tickets was won by a new family to the
school starting year 7 next year - A lovely welcome to the
Glen Eira College Parents Association End
of Year Dinner
To celebrate a year of friendship and helping the school the
Glen Eira College Parents Association enjoyed a dinner at
The Servery in Glen Huntly. Thanks Juliet, Marie-Pierre and
co for a great year.
Cathy McNaughton and Juliet Brianton
Please ensure that all items are in reasonable condition
and have been washed and thoroughly dried before you
bring them in. They can be brought to the school office by
Wednesday 16th December.
Second-hand Books - Please note that we will not run a
stall for second-hand textbooks this summer. Glen Eira
College has registered with the Sustainable School Shop,
which will allow families to buy/sell their used textbooks via a
website. We hope this will be a more convenient option for
most families (as well as saving many hours of work for the
office staff and our volunteers).
The college will also gladly accept donations of books which
are on next year’s booklists. These will help the college to
assist GEC families experiencing financial hardship.
William Angliss Dinner
We had great student interest
and participation yet again.
Students had the opportunity to
explore puzzles and language
based activities.
We had a fantastic night filled with plenty of laughter and
music, a lovely meal and interesting conversations.
Some expressed their creativity by painting on the theme
'Learning and Ever Evolving', resulting in a colourful canvas
of many thoughts and images to ponder. Our 'oeuvre d'art'
will be displayed at the College as a symbol of community,
diversity and friendship between parents, colleagues and
friends of GEC.
Henna Tattooing was quite
popular once again and the
whole school danced to some
popular Bollywood beats during
lunch time.
Henna tattooing for Diwali
Our raffle saw some dads winning a full range of feminine
Surf our internet address for information about the college and items of interest:
Lilly Francis
College News College News College News College News
Christmas is a time for families to get together to
celebrate the Birth of Christ. However, for a variety of reasons,
some people are unable to do this.
And so a traditional Christmas Day Dinner will be held in St
Anthony’s Hall, corner Neerim and Grange Roads, Glen Huntly
at midday on Christmas Day for those not celebrating Our Lord’s
Birthday. If you would like to come and celebrate with us, we
would love to see you there, so please collect a yellow
invitation at the office.
If you would like to help with the Christmas Dinner,
please fill out a green form, also available at the office,
and return it to
St. Anthony’s, 74 Grange Road, Glen Huntly 3163.
If you would like more information please ring Gwen
Fitzgerald on 9569
Thursday 21st January – Campion Book Collection 9am – 3pm
Thursday 21st January – GECPA Second Hand Uniform
Sale 9am – 11am
Thursday 28th January – Students Resume Term 1
Wednesday 10th – Friday 12th February – Year 7 Camp
Friday 12th February - Year 11 State Library of Victoria
Tuesday 16th February – GEC Swimming Carnival
Wednesday 17th February – Senior Interschool Sports
thursday 18th february - staff pd day (student free)
Thursday 25th February – School Photos
Friday 26th February - Intermediate Interschool Sports
Monday 29th February – Wednesday 2nd March – Year 8 Camp
Tuesday 8th March – Beachside Swimming & Diving
Wednesday 9th March – Year 8 Interschool Sports
Thursday 10th March – Year 7 Immunisations
Monday 14th March - Labour Day Public Holiday (Student Free)
Friday 18th March - Year 7 Interschool Sports
Thursday 24th March – GEC Cross Country Carnival
Thursday 24th March – Last Day Term 1
Monday 11th April – First Day Term 2
Wednesday 27th April – Open Day
Friday 13th May – GEC Athletics Carnival
Have you recently changed, or are about to change, address or home, mobile or work
phone number? Please remember to ring the College on 9571 7838 to keep us informed.
College News College News College News College News
Surf our internet address for information about the college and items of interest: