2016 March Byne Line - Byne Memorial Baptist Church
2016 March Byne Line - Byne Memorial Baptist Church
The Byne Line (USPS081-440) is published monthly by Byne Memorial Baptist Church, 2832 Ledo Road, Albany, GA 31707-1248. Periodicals Postage Paid at Albany, GA POSTMASTER: Send address changes to “The Byne Line”, 2832 Ledo Road, Albany, GA 31707-1248 Albany, GA Periodical Paid Staff Dr. Kerry Reeves, Interim Pastor Steve Williams, Music Donna Pinson, Administrative Officer Hal Pinson, Facilities/Missions Coordinator Jim Wagenshutz, Headmaster Donna Hayes, CDC Director Michelle Works, Food Service Matthew Tanner, Media Byne Memorial Baptist Church THE BYNE LINE March 2016 Volume 57, No.3 2832 Ledo Road Albany, GA 31707 229-436-5700 www.byne.org Easter Sunday Celebration March 27 No Evening Services WELCOME WEEKLY OPPORTUNITIES Message from Kerry “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19 I love this time of year. Spring is the time that God designed for new life and new beginnings to spring forth. The dogwoods start to bloom. Dandelions and wildflowers spring up everywhere. It is easy to get excited about what lies ahead as the cold winter is left behind. The same cycle that is miraculously repeated in the seasons is often mirrored in our lives. God says in Isaiah that He often does “new things” that “spring forth”. It is exciting when we can see that God is choosing to do a new thing in our lives. It’s also exciting when we see God doing “new things” in our Church, and anticipation builds as we see these new things “spring forth”. I sense God doing that at Byne in these days. understanding of God and His divine plan for their lives. God’s “new things” are miraculous and inconceivable. When people come to a place of depending on God and desiring His presence in their lives it is like the “rivers in the desert” from Isaiah 43. The problem is, it is possible for us to miss it. In that verse in Isaiah 43 God says that He is at work and doing these new things but he asks if it is being perceived. God knows our hearts. God knows our propensity to drift and to become cold and hardened spiritually. He knows that even when he is springing forth a new river through the desert we have a tendency to be distracted by the things of the world and miss His glorious work. I pray that in it this spring of “new things” at Byne we will all perceive it. I pray we will not miss the river of refreshment that God is sending through our wilderness. I pray that together we can rejoice in the “new God’s “new things” are not programs and man made machinations things” that “spring forth in our Church family this Spring season. that are designed to fill time and create the illusion of progress. In Prayer, God’s “new things” involve individu- Kerry al people springing forth into a new Stewardship Team Taxes. It isn’t a positive word to most people. The government automatically takes it from our pay checks and then takes another look at it at the end of the year and we could potentially owe more money. We are required to pay our fair share of taxes or we could face a criminal penalty. Tithe. The Lord asks us to give a tithe and expects us to be obedient. We have no one physically looking over our shoulder to monitor our giving, it is between the individual and the Lord. Isn’t it great to give back to the Lord to advance His kingdom? Bob Farr, Stewardship Team For the week of February 28 through March 5, 2016 Sunday - February 28 9:30 am Sunday School 10:45 Worship 4:00 pm Keyboard Rehearsal ESL Classes 5:30 Life Group 6:00 Worship Monday - February 29 10:30 am Exercise 5:30 pm BCS Board Meeting Tuesday - March 1 6:00 pm Campbell WOM Life Group Men’s Supper 7:00 Renewed Minds Wednesday - February 3 7:00 am BSF Men’s Breakfast 10:30 Exercise 2:30 pm Whiz Kids Tutoring 5:00 Supper 5:30 Handbells Rehearsal Library Open New phone #? New home address? New email address? If you have changes to your contact information, please call or email the Church Office to update your record, byne@byne.org Wednesday - February 3 (Cont.) 6:00 pm RA/GA Racers Derby (No Children’s Choir) 6:15 Celebration Choir 6:30 Ladies Bible Study, Men’s Fraternity, Prayer meeting, Student Worship 7:30 Worship Team Rehearsal Thursday - March 3 12:00 pm Ad. 3 Ladies Class Mtg., Rm. 114 6:00 C.A.R.E.-Team “C”, Rm. 114 Friday - March 4 Student’s Disciple Now Weekend Saturday - March 5 Student’s Disciple Now Weekend To access the free Wi-Fi available at Byne, use the password followhim. Staff: March 7-13: Hal Pinson March 14-20: Rev. Steve Williams March 21-27: Dr. Kerry Reeves March 28-April 3: Hal Pinson Deacons: Jack McCorvey Dr. Phillip Roberts Attendance & Financials Attendance 2/21/16 Total Bible Study: 300 A.M. Worship: 294 P.M. Worship: 80 The Financial figures were not available at time of printing. MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES WORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Byne Christian School - Jim Wagenshutz, Headmaster Byne Christian School will open up re-enrollment for current students, as well as, open general enrollment for the public on Tuesday, March 1st. We will keep enrollment open throughout the summer, but certain monetary deadlines and benefits are chronologically scheduled which make it beneficial to register as early as you can. We have had a great year here at BCS and are anticipating that God is going to continue to work and bless this part of the church's ministry in our upcoming school year as well. If you currently have students here at Byne Christian, we urge you to re-enroll them as soon as you can and to check out our financial benefits of registering and paying off your tuition earlier than later. Also, please advertise for us out there in the community. We have a great school that is blessed with a wonderful staff of qualified teachers and a beautiful campus which also has an awesome location. All of that and we still boast of a year's tuition of under five thousand dollars! By far, the best value of any private education in the area. God Bless and see you at Byne! Jim Wagenschutz Headmaster, BCS Wednesday Night Family Supper is served from 5 to 6 pm in the Fellowship Hall every Wednesday evening. Call the Church Office to make reservations or cancellations by Tuesdays at noon, 229-4365700. March Menus • 3/2: Hamburger steak w/ gravy, garlic mashed potatoes, corn, tossed salad, roll & dessert Sunday, February 28, 2016 10:45 Morning Worship Scripture John 4:7-24 Musical Praise “We Have Met To Worship” Handbells Congregational Songs “Shout Hosanna” “Cornerstone” Prayer Musical Praise “Shout To The Lord” Handbells Congregational Song “Shout To The Lord” Welcome & Announcements Worship with Tithes & Offerings Deacon Congregational Songs “My Jesus, I Love Thee” “Good, Good Father” Sermon Dr. Kerry Reeves Time of Response “Oh Draw Me, Lord” Closing Prayer 6:00 Evening Worship Congregational Songs • 3/9: Chicken tetrazzini, sweet peas, tossed salad, roll & dessert • 3/16: Fish, grits, slaw, baked beans, hushpuppies & dessert • 3/21: Fried pork chops, rice, tomato gravy, lima beans, muffin & dessert • 3/30: Baked ham, hash-brown casserole, fried okra, turnips, cornbread & dessert “Blessed Be The Name” “He Keeps Me Singing” “There’s Something About That Name” “I Worship You, Almighty God” Prayer Welcome & Announcements Offering Prayer Worship with Tithes & Offerings Musical Message Message Prayer Time of Response “O How I Love Jesus” Postlude Dr. Kerry Reeves Deacon Amanda McRee Dr. Kerry Reeves Interpretation available for the Deaf during the 10:45 am service as needed. All music projected or printed is used by permission through Christian Copyright Licensing International #525364. ANNOUNCEMENTS Senior Adult Ministry Happy Hearts will meet on Tuesday, March 8 at 11:00 am in the Legacy Room. The March program will be presented by the “Golden Silver Sisters”. Come join the fun! Our Senior Adults will be taking a day trip on Thursday, April 21 to the “Explorations in Antiquity Center” in LaGrange, GA. We will leave at 7:45 am and return around 5 pm. We will have a guided tour of the center and then experience the Biblical Meal where we learn about Passover and the Last Supper. Cost is $35 plus gas. Please contact Mrs. Pat in the Church Office, 229-436-5700 or Gail Mauldin at 229-438-7290 to sign up. Operation Christmas Child Thanks to those who have packed boxes already and those who have given me items for boxes. Praise God that over the past two decades more than 100 million children have heard about the true meaning of Christmas through your simple gift of a shoebox. What a blessing to pack shoeboxes each month and realize we are spreading Jesus around the world. Boxes have been delivered to 11 million children in over 100 countries. Grab a box in the Church Foyer and spread love around the world. During March we will be collecting toothbrushes and holders. Mission’s Ministry The Week of Prayer for North American Missions is March 6-13. The WOM Week Prayer program will be Monday, March 7, at 10 am in Room 114 followed by a salad lunch. Everyone is invited to attend. Please bring your favorite salad to share at the lunch. The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering goal for Byne is $7,000. Thank you in advance for all you give to support the Missionaries serving throughout North America. The RA/GA Racer Derby will be held on Wednesday, March 2nd in the Blue Gym beginning at 6:00 pm. There will be NO Children’s Choir that evening. March 12 is Children’s Extravaganza in Warner Robins We want to take a group to this and pre-registration is required. Your child’s Missions Leader will be providing details for this event. We are also excited to let you know that Joy Reeves and Lisa Carr will be leading “Acteens/Grace Girls” for our 7th-12th grade girls. They meet at 3:15-4:30 on Wednesday afternoons. Come join us! MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES Education Ministry “Everyone connected and growing in a small group.” Sunday, April 10, is “Sunday School Kick-off Day”. We are launching new classes and providing groups for all ages and needs. If you are not part of a Sunday School class or small group, sign-up information will be available in the Church Foyer following the morning worship service. Men’s Ministry Men’s Ministry Dinner: March 1 @ 6 pm. The meal will be $5 per person. Guest Speaker: Sheriff Kevin Sproull. For more information, contact Hal Pinson at 229-436-5700 or hpinson@byne.org. Men’s Bible Study Fellowship Breakfast: Wednesday morning at 7:00 am in Room 114. Bill Dixon, Facilitator Men’s Fraternity Bible Study: Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm in Room 305. Bernie Spell, Facilitator. Current study: “Experiencing God” taught by Donnie Lanier. Community Outreach The Pregnancy Resource Center of Lee County will host a 2 day training event Friday & Saturday, March 4 & 5, 9 am to 5 pm at Sherwood Baptist Church Old Northwest Library, 2215 Barnesdale Way, Albany, GA. Cost is $20 and includes lunch and training materials. For more information or to sign-up, contact Cheryl Vinson, Executive Director at 229-814-1072 or email prcoflc@gmail.com. Visit their website at www.friendsofprcoflc.com. Church Family News Our deepest sympathy is extended to the families of Kevin Coalson and Sue Reese in the loss of their loved one. MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES Byne Child Development Center Music Ministry - Rev. Steve Williams “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Prov. 22:6 March Worship Leaders Schedule 6th 10:45 Early registration for the 2016-17 school year at a reduced registration rate continues through April 29. Give us a call at 229-432-1591 or come by to see us to find out about this great early registration promotion! 6:00 13th 10:45 6:00 20th 10:45 6:00 27th 10:45 We pray that God will use all of us at Byne Child Development Center to open the hearts of the little ones in our care to the wonderful Good News of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ! We pray that God will show us how we can encourage young people to trust Him. 6:00 Donna Hayes, Director dhayes@byne.org Children’s Ministry March 2 - RA/GA Racers Derby at 6 pm in the Blue Gym. Please note there will be NO Children’s Choir. March 12 - Children’s Ministry Day “Children’s Extravaganza” in Warner Robins. Information will be provided by the Children’s Missions Leaders. March 26 - Easter Egg Hunt at 10:30 am to 12:00 noon. This is for all children, birth - 6th grade. Come join the fun! Hotdog lunch following the Easter Egg Hunt. Student Ministry March 4-6: Disciple Now Weekend March 13: Student- Parent Lunch. Join us for lunch following the morning worship service for some time to learn about the Byne Student Ministry and upcoming events. Please RSVP to the Church Office by Tuesday, March 8. Celebration Choir, Worship Team Steve Williams Worship Team Becky Carlton Worship Team Barry Savage Handbells, Celebration Choir, Worship Team No Evening Service “Worship - A Lifestyle” Future Worship Services • • • 3/5 AM: Lord’s Supper 3/20 AM: Celebration Choir Musical Celebration 3/27 AM: Easter Sunday Celebration—No evening service Preschool Ministry March VIP Schedule Volunteers In Terri Phillips Phillip & Priscilla Roberts Beth Tester 3/6 Catina Hayes Cindy Johnson Ann Jordan Shelby Long 3/13 Janet Marlow Lavonda Paulk Sharon Richter Laura Bruner 3/20 Joyce Williams Lynn Lee Rhonda Shedd 3/27 Please be in your place by 10:30 am. Weekly reminders will be sent to you by post card or email (if we have a current email for you). If you cannot be here, please make sure to find someone to fill your spot and let Randy Carlton know. His number is 407-0762. Pleas se Note: Byne Activity Sheets are available through the Church Office and mus st be submitted prior to an event being scheduled on the Church Calendar. MARCH 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sunday Schedule: 9:30 am Sunday School 10:45 Worship 4 pm ESL 5:30 pm Life Groups 6 pm Worship & Student Worship Tuesday Schedule: 6 pm Life Group 7:00 pm Renewed Minds, 1st & 3rd Tuesday 1 6 pm • Campbell WOM 2 3 12 pm Ad. 3 Ladies Class Meeting, 114 6 pm CARE 4 5 • Men’s Ministry Sup- per 7 pm Renewed minds See Wed. W schedule e below 7 am Men’s Breakfast B 10:30 am Exercise 6 pm RA/GA Racers Derby—No ch hildren’s choirs Student’s Disciple Now Weekend Week of Prayer for North American Missions—Marrch 6—13, 2013. Annie Armstrong Easter Offering 6 See Sun. schedule above 13 See Sun. schedule above Daylight Savings Time begins. Spring Forward! 12 pm Student-Parent Lunch 4 pm Vision Team 7 9:30 am WOM Week of Prayer for NAM program 10:30 am Exercise 8 9 See Tues. See Wed. W schedule above schedule e below 11 am Happy Hearts 7 am Men’s Breakfast B 6:30 pm Freeman/Dyal 10:30 am Exercise WOM 10 6 pm CARE 11 12 Children’s Extravaganza, Warner Robins 14 10:30 am • Exercise 15 17 6 pm CARE 18 19 24 6 pm CARE 25 26 16 See Tues. schedule above • Faith SS Class Mtg. 6 pm Dirce Cooper WOM 20 See Wed. W schedule e below 7 am Men’s Breakfast B 10:30 am Exercise 5:30 pm CDC C Board Mtg. 21 22 See Sun. 10:30 am Exercise See Tues. schedule above 6:30 pm Deacon’s Mtg. schedule above 2 pm Hospice Memorial Service 3:30 pm Stewardship Team 23 27 29 30 See Tues. schedule above 6:30 pm Renewed Minds 5th Tuesday See Wed. W schedule @ right 7 am Men’s Breakfast B 10:30 am Exercise No PM Service 28 10:30 am Exercise 5:30 pm BCS Board Mtg. See Wed. W schedule e below 7 am Men’s Breakfast B 10:30 am Exercise Good Friday Church Office, CDC BCS Closed 31 6 pm CARE Wednesday PM Schedule: 2:15 pm Whiz Kids 3:15 pm Grace Girls/ Acteens 5:00 pm Supper 5:30 pm Handbells 6 pm Children’s Choir Children’s Ministry Easter Egg Hunt @ 10:30 am to 12:00 pm Wednesday PM Schedule, Cont.: 6:15 pm Celebration Choir 6:30 pm Adult Bible & Student Bible Studies, Prayer Meeting 7:30 pm Worship Team Rehearsal