The Byne Line (USPS081-440) is published monthly by Byne Memorial Baptist Church, 2832 Ledo Road, Albany, GA 31707-1248. Periodicals Postage Paid at Albany, GA POSTMASTER: Send address changes to “The Byne Line”, 2832 Ledo Road, Albany, GA 31707-1248 Albany, GA Periodical Paid Byne Memorial Baptist Church THE BYNE LINE 2832 Ledo Road Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. 4 Albany, GA 31707 229-436-5700 Psalms 100:4 November 2015 Volume 56, No.11 WELCOME WEEKLY OPPORTUNITIES Stewardship Team For the week of October 25 - 31, 2015 A Story… Sunday - October 25 9:30 am Sunday School 10:45 Worship 4:00 pm Judgement House 6:00 Judgement House Prayer Time, Rm. 302 Monday - October 26 5:30 pm BCS Bd. Mtg. Tuesday - October 27 Wednesday - October 28 7:00 am BSF Men’s Breakfast 10:30 Exercise 5:30 pm Handbells Rehearsal Library Open 6:00 World Hunger Supper 7:30 Worship Team Rehearsal I like the old story about the guy who came to church with his family. As they were driving home afterwards he was complaining about everything. He said, “The music was too loud. The sermon was too long. The announcements were unclear. The building was hot. The people were un-friendly.” He went on and on, complaining about virtually everything. Finally, his very observant son said, “Dad, you’ve got to admit it wasn’t a bad show for just a dollar.” I hope the above story doesn’t apply to anyone in our church. We don’t put on a show or performance. We worship. With our voices, our talents, and our money. That’s what He expects. What do you do? Stewardship Team Thursday - October 29 6:00 pm C.A.R.E.-Team “E”, Rm. 114 Friday - October 30 6:00 pm Judgement House Saturday - October 31 4:00 pm Judgement House To access the free Wi-Fi available at Byne, use the password followhim. New phone #? New home address? New email address? If you have changes to your contact information, please call or email the Church Office to update your record, 229-436-5700. 10/26 - 11/1: Tod Lanier Deacons November on Call Mr. Jack McCorvey Dr. Phillip Roberts Attendance & Financials Total Bible Study AM Worship PM Worship 267 308 95 Last Week’s Receipts SET YOUR CLOCKS BACK 1 HOUR! Pastoral Team Dr. Kerry Reeves, Interim Preacher Tod Lanier, Interim Church Leader Steve Williams, Music Church Budget Donna Pinson, Administrative Officer Jim Wagenshutz, Headmaster Matthew Tanner, Media Living The Legacy Receipts Year-to-Date Budgeted Year-to-Date Financial Figures for Sun., October 18, 2015, were not available at time of printing. MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES WORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Share the Joy 2015 Schedule Friday, 12/11 6 - 8:30 pm Musical Performances @ Center Court Saturday, 12/12 11:45 am - 6 pm Fun Station: Bounce houses, crafts, balloons, greeters, gift wrap, musical performances @ Center Court Sunday, 12/13 1 - 4 pm Fun Station: Bounce houses, crafts, balloons, greeters, gift wrap, musical performances @ Center Court Friday, 12/18 6 - 8:30 pm Musical Performances @ Center Court Saturday, 12/19 11:45 am - 6 pm Fun Station: Bounce houses, crafts, balloons, greeters, gift wrap, musical performances @ Center Court Sunday, 12/20 1 - 4 pm Fun Station: Bounce houses, crafts, balloons, greeters, gift wrap, musical performances @ Center Court Acts 1:1-10 Morning Sermon Series by Dr. Kerry Reeves Sunday, October 25 10:45 Morning Worship Congregational Song Prayer Baptism Byne Logo Shirts Many of you have requested a nice golf shirt with our Byne Logo on it. The shirts are available in blue, white, red and gray. Please contact the Church Office to purchase your shirt. Cost is $25 each. Every week we receive requests from people in the Albany area for food to help feed their family. Please consider being a part of this ministry by making a contribution of nonperishable food items. Bring your contributions to the Church Office. Dr. Kerry Reeves Congregational Songs “He Lives” “Forever We Sing Hallelujah” Prayer Announcements & Greeting Prayer for Offering Deacon Worship with Tithes & Offerings Congregational Songs “O How I Love Jesus” “No Other Name” “Victor’s Crown” Sermon Time of Response Food Pantry Ministry FOOD DONATIONS NEEDED! “Holy Spirit” Dr. Kerry Reeves “God Be Lifted High” Closing Prayer Judgement House begins @ 4 pm Join us for a special Judgement House Prayer Time @ 6 pm in Room 302 Interpretation available for the Deaf during the 10:45 am service as needed. All music projected or printed is used by permission through Christian Copyright Licensing International #525364. ANNOUNCEMENTS Happy Hearts Senior Adult Ministry The November Happy Hearts Meeting will be Tuesday, November 3 at 11:00 am in the Legacy Room. Our own Catina Hayes will present a wonderful musical program you will not want to miss. Operation Christmas Child What a blessing Byne Church is. Thank you for helping with mailing of boxes. We have about 275 boxes that need to be mailed at this point. We are hoping to have 500+ boxes by November 18. Thanks to all our ministries for helping in this project. Boxes can be picked up in the foyer. Be sure they are labeled and a check for $7 is included for each box. Be praying for the children who will receive these boxes. OCC boxes can change these children’s lives and their families. Remember, the deadline for turning in your box is Wednesday, November 18. If you are unable to pack a box yourself but you want to participate, I can pack a box for you for $20. We love you Byne Church! Randy & Jane Tucker, OCC Coordinators Mission’s Ministry Monday, November 2, 2015 is the Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer event at Mt. Olive Church, South at 6:45 pm. The address is 2505 Martin Luther King Drive. Transportation will be provided, leaving Byne at 6:15 pm. The Mission Project this year will be canned food collection to benefit the Albany Rescue Mission. For additional information please contact Becky Carlton at 229-698-4893. Church Family News Our deepest sympathy is to extended to Inez Ledden and the family of Betty Mossburg in the loss of loved ones. MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES The Pregnancy Resource Center of Lee County will host their 4th annual Fund-raiser, “Buck-A-Bye-Baby, Invest in Life”, on Thursday, November 19th from 6:30 until 9:00 pm. The event will be held at the Oakland Bindery, 445 Oakland Parkway, West, Leesburg, GA 31763. Dinner will be provided. There will be both a live and silent auction. Tickets for this event are available at the Welcome Center or the following locations: Pregnancy Resource Center of Lee County, Lifeway, Tuff Buck-A-Bye-Baby Trucking, Sandefur & Associates, LLC. For more information call the Invest in Life PRC at 229-814-1072. The “AnchorFest 2015 Celebration” Saturday, November 7, 2015 at Byne Memorial Baptist Church. This year’s concert will be “An Evening of Thanksgiving”. Tickets are $10 each. For more information please call 229-435-5692 or 229-888-3287. Wednesday Night Family Supper is served from 5 to 6 pm in the Fellowship Hall every Wednesday evening. Call the Church Office to make reservations or cancellations by Tuesdays at noon. 229-436-5700. The Wednesday Night Supper menus were not available at time of printing. Weekly menus will be published in the Sunday bulletins and online at MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES Byne Child Development Center Byne Child Development Center is now several months into the process of becoming a Georgia Quality Rated Child Development Center. Our teachers and staff are working very hard to earn a One, Two, or Three Star rating which will mean we will be steps above the minimum requirements for child care centers in Georgia. Our staff is committed to making the grade! We would love to tell you about Quality Rated! Give us a call at 229-432-1591 and tell your friends and family about the great things that are happening at Byne CDC. Donna Hayes, Director, (229) 432-1591 MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES Music Ministry - Rev. Steve Williams There will be no Wednesday evening activities on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, November 25. The regular schedule will resume on December 2. Watch the weekly bulletin and the December Byne Line for changes in the schedule during the holidays. 11/1 10:45 Worship Team 6:00 Judgement House Prayer Time 11/8 11/1 12/23 PM AM PM 10:45 Celebration Choir, Worship Team 6:00 Greta Austin, Amanda & Steve Future Worship Services 11/22 Our annual Church-wide Thanksgiving Banquet will be on Tuesday, November 24 at 6 pm. Please call the Church Office to make your reservation by Monday, November 23 at noon. 229-436-5700 November Worship Leaders “Worship - A Lifestyle” Evening Service Prayer time for Judgement House, Rm. Prayer over Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes Christmas Candlelight Service 11/15 10:45 Worship Team 6:00 Barry Savage, Keyboardists 11/22 10:45 Celebration Choir, Worship Team 6:00 Men’s Ensemble, Cheryl & Steve 11/29 10:45 Worship Team 6:00 Amanda McRee, Steve Williams Preschool Ministry Please be in your place by 10:30 am. If you cannot be here, please make sure to find someone to fill your spot and let Randy Carlton know. His number is 407-0762. Volunteers In 11/1 11/8 11/15 11/22 11/29 Betty Solomon Karen Vonier Brenda Wasden Glenda Whitfield Runette Broome Sheryl Cain Becky Carlton Sue Edwards Terrie Phillips Phillip & Priscilla Roberts Beth Tester Catina Hayes Cindy Johnson Ann Jordan Shelby Long Janet Marlow Lavonda Paulk Sharon Richter Pleas se Note: Byne Activity Sheets are available through the Church Office and mus st be submitted prior to an event being scheduled on the Church Calendar. NOVEMBER 2015 Sun Mon Tue We ed Thu Fri Sat 1 “Fall Back” Daylight Savings Time Ends! 4 pm Judgement House 6 pm Judgement House Prayer time, Rm. 302 2 10:30 am Exercise 6:45 pm Baptist Women World Day of Prayer @ Mt. Olive Church, South 3 11 am Happy Hearts 6 pm Campbell WOM 7 pm Renewed Minds 4 7 am Men’s s Breakfast 10:30 am Exercise E 2:15 pm Whiz Kids 5 6 pm CARE 6 7 6 pm Anchor-Fest Holiday Concert 8 4 pm Vision Team 9 10:30 am Exercise 10:30 am Faith SS Class Meeting 6:00 pm Dirce Cooper WOM 10 9:30 am Day Group WOM 6:30 pm Charles Freeman WOM 11 7 am Men’s s Breakfast 10:30 am Exercise E 2:15 pm Whiz Kids 5:30 pm CD DC Bd. Mtg. 12 6 pm CARE 13 14 15 3:30 pm Stewardship Team 16 10:30 am Exercise 6:30 pm Deacon’s Mtg. 17 7 pm Renewed Minds 18 7 am Men’s s Breakfast 10:30 am Exercise E 4:00 pm Whiz Kids 19 6 pm CARE 6:30 pm Pregnancy Resource Center Fundraiser @ Oakland Bindery 20 21 22 23 24 6:00 pm Thanksgiving Dinner, Fellowship Hall 27 28 Byne Christian School Thanksgiv ving Holiday - Nov. 23 through 27 29 30 10:30 am Exercise 5:30 pm BCS Bd. Mtg. 25 No Wed dnesday Evening Activities A Sunday Sche edule: 9:30 am Sund day School 10:45 am Worrship 4:00 pm ESL 5:00 pm Disc cipleship Class 5:30 pm Life Group 6:00 pm Worrship Stud dent Worship 26 Church Office, BCS, CDC closed Happy Thanksgiving Wednesday PM Schedule: 5:00 pm Supper 5:30 pm Handbell Rehearsal 6:00 pm Children’s Choirs 6:15 pm Celebration Choir 6:30 pm Prayer Meeting Children’s Missions Adult Bible Study 7:30 pm Worship Team Reh
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