Krolowo Polski Modl Sie Za Nami! - Saint Francis Borgia Catholic
Krolowo Polski Modl Sie Za Nami! - Saint Francis Borgia Catholic
Saint Francis Borgia Church 8033 W. Addison St. Chicago,IL 60634 773-625-1118 Fifth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2015 Mass Schedule Monday - Friday: 7:15 & 8:30am in Chapel Saturday : 8:00am in Chapel, 5:00pm in Church Sunday: 7:30, 10:30am & 12:00pm in Church Polish Sunday Masses: 9:00am, 1:30pm, 6:00pm in Church Signed Sunday Mass: 10:30am in Chapel Confessions Sat.: 4:00 - 4:45pm in Church Mon. - Fri.: after 7:15 & 8:30am Masses or by appointment Human Care Services: call rectory - Anyone in need of sacraments at home or in the hospital - Bereavement Ministry - Respect Life Group New Parishioners—Welcome! Register at the rectory. Marriages Call at least 6 months before wedding & booking reception Baptism of Children– Register in the Rectory 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am Mass Baptism in Polish - 4th Sunday of each month at 1:30pm Mass Catholic Converts & Baptism of Adults (RCIA) Phone the Religious Education Office at 773-625-1705 Blessed Mother Pray For Us! Krolowo Polski Modl Sie Za Nami! M a ss I nt e nt io n s Saturday, May 2, 2015 - St. Athanasius 8:00 Most Forgotten Souls in Purgatory 5:00 Ruchay Family Joseph Jagiello Zenaida Coleris 6:30 O zdrowie, Moc Ducha Sw. i Opieke Matki Boskiej Czestochowskiej dla kaplanow Ks. Ryszarda i Ks. Marka Sunday, May 3, 2015 - Fifth Sunday of Easter 7:30 9:00 10:30 12:00 1:30 6:00 Birthday Blessings for Nicole Arendt Scott Semenik Patricia Guida Rozalia & Wladyslaw Madrzyk Jozef Madrzyk Dziekczynno blagalna o dalsze zdrowie i Opieke Matki Bozej w intencji Panu Bogu wiadomej O zawierzenie milosierdziu Bozemu corki i siostrzenicy i ich rodzin O zdrowie i Boze Blog. z okazji urodzin dla Katarzyny, Jana, Mateusza, Adama O zdrowie i Boze Blog. dla rodzin Panu Bogu wiadomych O zdrowie i Boze Blog. dla Moniki z okazji urodzin Czeslaw Sepko Jan Witkowski o radosc zycia wiecznego Wieslaw Moskal Jozef Mazur w rocz. smierci Stanislawa i Kazimierz Kaminski Krzysztof Motyka Piotr Franeczek Bozena Gardocka Helena Szober w pierwsza rocz. smierci, niech Pan Bog przyjmie ja do Krolestwa Niebieskiego Jan Szmigielski w 18 rocz. smierci Petronela i Marian Chaszczewicz Slowik & Giannini Family Joseph Jagiello Chuck Kuhter Stephanie Kuhter Chiarina Beltrano Rogelio Cabrera Dolores Bricker Stefania and Stanislaw Kaminski All Our Sick & Homebound O zdrowie i Boze Blog. w dniu urodzin i dalsza Opieke w zyciu dla Emili Galaszewskiej Podziekowanie za otrzymane laski oraz zdrowie dla rodziny Bogu Wiadomej Stanislaw Walas W sw. pamieci Wladyslaw Liszka Rosalia i Marian Bradlo O szczesliwa podroz dla Daniela, Iwony, Dawidka i Olusia Krystyna Bramski Monday, May 4, 2015 7:15 All Our Sick & Homebound 8:30 Joseph Jagiello Tuesday, May 5, 2015 7:15 Most Forgotten Souls in Purgatory 8:30 Joseph Jagiello Thursday, May 7, 2015 7:15 All Our Sick & Homebound 8:30 Joseph Jagiello Friday, May 8, 2015 7:15 Joseph Jagiello 8:30 Yolanda Vasquez Saturday, May 9, 2015 8:00 Most Forgotten Souls in Purgatory 5:00 Health & Blessings for Jim & Kay McEnroe on their 60th Wedding Ann. Stanislaw Chlopek Joseph Jagiello Sunday, May 10, 2015 - Sixth Sunday of Easter 7:30 9:00 10:30 12:00 1:30 6:00 Health & Birthday Blessings for Dante Miscinski Scott Semenik Florence Farrer Mary Ivack Grace Carsello Richard Landi Paprocki & Grabowski Families O zawierzenie milosierdziu Bozemu corki i siostrzenicy oraz ich rodzin Modlimy sie w intencji Ks. Marcina - Niech Eucharystia ktora sprawuje umacnia go i daje mu sile do codziennego ofiarowania sie sluzbie Bogu Dziekczynna z prosba o zdrowie, Boze Blog. oraz Opieke Matki Bozej dla Anny i Adama Zuchowskich w 25 rocz. slubu W dniu imienin Kazimierz, maz i Jan, syn O zdrowie i Boze Blog. dla rodzin Panu Bogu wiadomych Czeslaw Sepko Jan Witkowski o radosc zycia wiecznego Wieslaw Moskal Stanislawa Nalikowski Wroclawa Sepko w 28 rocz. smierci Stanislawa Sepko Piotr Franeczek Bozena Gardocka Edmund Gasior w rocz. smierci Franciszek, Maria, Jozef Gasior Lenora Barra from the family Joseph Jagiello Stella Jagiello Stephanie Kuhter Estelle Kurtyka Rogelio Cabrera Gloria Bacci Teresa Milek Fred Kuttritz For Fosco & DiCristofano Families Domenico & Rosa Parente Lupe Pena O Boze Blog. i Opieke Matki Bozej za 90 lat zycia z prozba o dalsze Blog. dla Marii Gandor, prosza dzieci z rodzinami Anna Piotrowska o radosc wieczna i pokoj w 1 rocz. smierci Grazyna Pusz Eugeniusz i Michalina Drozd Michalina Drozd z okazji Dnia Matki Krystyna Bramski Wednesday, May 6, 2015 7:15 William Pestka 8:30 Joseph Jagiello Ulm Family Baby Bottle Project Beginning this Mother’s Day, May 10, our church will be participating in The Baby Bottle Project benefiting The Women’s Centers of Greater Chicagoland. This non-profit organization assists mothers and families experiencing crisis pregnancies by offering emotional, financial, material, and spiritual support through counseling, clothing & monetary provisions, prayer, and other aid. Each year the Centers have over 5,000 appointments with expecting mothers. By God’s Grace, The Women’s Centers have saved over 36,000 babies from abortion since opening in 1984. Please take a Baby Bottle home with you from the church on May 10, fill it with your spare change, and return it the weekend of May 31. This is a simple, but crucial fundraising effort for The Women’s Centers. Please note the Baby Bottles cost almost $1.00 per bottle and are recycled afterwards so please return upon completion of the project. Thank you for helping defend life, and remember to keep all pro-life undertakings in your prayers. St. Francis Borgia Mission Statement “St. Francis Borgia nurtures the Roman Catholic Faith and fosters the gifts of the Holy Spirit in all by: Welcoming everyone into our faith community; Celebrating the sacraments together; Providing faith education; Providing an environment for prayerful meditation; Utilizing our time, talents and treasures. We resolve to develop, support, empower, and encourage individuals to reach their spiritual potential for the greater glory of God and the good of His people.” Members of our church community are serving our country in the various branches of the military. Please pray for all of them and their families and especially for those listed below. Matthew J. Albanese James Allision Paul Raymond Barthel Rev. Marcin Bulinski Christopher R. Burdulinski Joseph Vito Burdulinski Anthony L. Cammuca James D. Campis Jasper Catalano Kevin Chesney Robert Curtis Tamara DeCaro Shawn Gaffney Gerald Giovannelli Slawomir Glownia Michael Granadon Daniel Jarosz Joseph Patrick Kinney Frank Joseph Klimas James Labbe Tom Lewandowski Michael Labek Matt Manzano Tim McManus Darrell Mills Michael A. Morelli SUNDAY, May 3 9:00 Deaf Ministry……………………..Chapel/SC2 10:30 C.W.C. Mass/May Crowning……….....Church MONDAY, May 4 9:00 Crafters………………………......…...…....SC3 11:00 Catholic Women’s Club…………………...SC2 6:30 Parents’ Association……………………....SC2 7:30 Knights of Columbus…………...………....SC3 TUESDAY, May 5 9:00 Marian Movement………………......…Chapel WEDNESDAY, May 6 3:15 Girl Scouts……………...…………..……..SC2 6:45 Peace Prayer Service & Benediction…..Chapel 7:00 1st Communion Rehearsal…………….Church THURSDAY, May 7 2:45 Children’s Choir……………...…...…...Church 6:00 Adult Choir………………………........Church 7:00 Sacred Heart Prayer Service…………...Chapel FRIDAY, May 8 3:00 Divine Mercy Prayer Group……….…..Chapel SATURDAY, May 9 12:00 1st Communion…………………..……Church SUNDAY, May 10 9:00 Deaf Ministry……………………..Chapel/SC2 Casa Italia’s Italian Summer Camp Choice of dancing, singing, gardening, social graces, cooking, baking, soccer, bocce ball, chess, water sports and many more fun activities for as little as $125 per week including lunch and snacks. June 15-25 and July 6-17. 9:30am to 3:30pm. Call 312-593-7255. Artur Niedbelka Roman Ortega Nicholas Ranch James H. Schreiner Robert Schreiner Gerald Tuman Michael Tuman Richard A. Wagner Steven A. Walker Please pray for all the sick, homebound, and the convalescents of the parish, our relatives and friends, and especially: Felicia Accolti Jennifer Ochinnio Carmella Aguilar Danny O’Neill Robert Barthel Michael O’Neill, Jr. June Billingham Michael O’Neill, Sr. Ceil Brieske Tommy O’Neill Mary Burke Michael Palumbo Marcella Buttkus Rosemary Palumbo Dominick Cantore Samantha Parry Dolores Cantore Yolanda Passi Rita Caruk Bernadette Petty Steve Chorba Victoria Pietroczynski Barbara Considine Alma Pini Elisabeth Corkran John Pini Elaine Czarnowski Antonio Pontarelli Michelle Deering Hector Quintanilla Margaret Ebler & Family Kathryn Richko Patricia Fleming Megan Richko Anne Fritz Michelle Richko David Gardner Peter Rocco Walter Garland Bernadine Rohlicek Immacolata Geronazzo Sandra Romeo Jared Godla Michael Rowan James Gorski Virginia Rylko Marion Grenier Sara Schmidt Timothy Heider Emily Schultz Katherina Hoffmann Diane Schuster Kelly Irvin John Smigla Lottie Jankowski Frank Somogyi Robert Johnston Jeff Stachula Genowefa Karwowska Christopher Staunton Dagmar Tony Kilian Anna Stich Arlene Klostermann Frances Swiatek John Allen Klostermann Christine M. Szeszol Anne Kuhter Jason Townsend Bronislawa Lakomski Nicholas Vitellaro Umberto Landini Helena Walaszek Deacon William Lehman Sharon Zdun Jozef Lenart Dons Ludmann John Martinelli Aria McCarthy Bernice Mae McKay Joanne Melone Grace Miceli Sheryl Morabito From the Pastor’s Desk... I want to thank those who organized and supported our Rummage Sale which was another great success– please check below in this bulletin for details. I also thank the Our Lady of Czestochowa Group for hosting our Easter Celebration– Swieconka, and for donating $2000 to the Parish Renovation Fund. We are thankful and grateful to the CWC for celebrating the May Crowning at the 10:30am Mass today. I trust into the caring hands of Mary all members of the CWC and encourage others to join this organization that does so much for our parish. Next weekend we will celebrate Mother’s Day. Please write the names of your mothers both living and deceased on the Mother’s Day envelopes and return them next weekend so we can pray for your mothers during the entire month of May dedicated to the Blessed Mother. We also invite you to the prayer service for peace with Benediction on Wednesday, May 6 at 6:45pm in the Chapel. Next weekend on Mother’s Day there will be a second collection for Catholic Charities. There is a letter included in this bulletin from Archbishop Blase Cupich that calls to support this good cause. Our Seminarian Paul will be ordained a Deacon this coming Saturday, May 9 in the Seminary Chapel in Mundelein. He will assist for the first time as a Deacon at the 10:30am English Mass and at the 1:30pm Polish Mass on Sunday, May 10, celebrating Mother’s Day with us. After these two masses there will be a light reception in the Stokes. Please come and show your support for vocations and for our Deacon Paul. As you know, I participated in Fr. Marcin’s graduation in Fort Jackson, South Carolina and I want to forward his thanks for your prayers and for the greetings written in his congratulatory card. As you can see it wasn’t easy to take a picture of Fr. Marcin because right after the graduation, he started marching like a soldier and it was hard for me to catch up! His personal letter to you is also included in this bulletin. Please keep Fr. Marcin in your prayers as he is waiting for his first official assignment. I asked the Chaplain General to send Fr. Marcin to Chicago, but he said, “I don’t think so.” Catholic Women’s Club Monday, May 4th. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. Rosary will be prayed in the Chapel at 12:30 p.m. Meeting starts at 1:00 p.m. We will have a guest speaker at our meeting. Master Gardener Matt Steichmann. Refreshments will be served. For more information call Kate Klostermann (773) 625-5449. Golden Club Thursday, May 14th. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. Meeting starts at 1:15 p.m. Please remember to bring a nonperishable food donation for St. Cyprians Food Pantry. We partner with Forest Preserve Bible Church with support for St. Cyprians. For more information call Connie Costillo (773) 589-1857. Rummage Sale Results Through the generous donations of many people and with the help of our wonderful volunteers we were able to help hundreds of families receive great values on clothes and household items. The remaining items were donated to the Epilepsy Foundation and the Use Again Foundation where further good will come from them. The proceeds of $6,001. were donated to our parish. Thank you to all those people involved in the rummage sale. We would not have been able to do all this good without you. We will be sponsoring another rummage sale in the fall. A special thank you to D'Agostino's Pizza and Pub and also the DaLuciano Restaurant for donating delicious lunches to our volunteers. Gratefully, The Parish Pastoral Council and The Catholic Women's Club Through the Sacrament of Baptism, we have welcomed into our church community . . . David Nicholas Bednarczyk Lily Kaminski Anthony Piotr Mrowka Natalia Rekas Laura Rekas-Sutton Adrian Piotr Seczek Jacob Sikora Allen Mark Slonina Olaf Tomaszewicz Agnes Wojcik Leo Benjamin Wysocki School News This Week At St. Francis Borgia School Week of May 4, 2015 The fourth grade will go a field trip on Monday, May 4. Mercury Cruise line tour guides will bring Chicago to life with facts and stories about Chicago’s rich history as the students cruise the river and lake. The Chef Club will meet after school on Monday, May 4. There will be a Parents' Association planning meeting on Monday, May 4, at 6:30 p.m. in the Stokes Center. Progress Reports will be sent home on Tuesday, May 5, for grades 3 through 8. They are to be signed by parents and returned to school on Thursday, May 7. The Chess Club will meet after school on Tuesday, May 5. Everybody who does something good, valuable, and of great importance deserves a day in their honor. Teachers are certainly among the more deserving. Tuesday, May 5, is National Teacher’s Day. This day honors those hard working, patient and understanding people to whom we entrust our children. Teachers give our children positive direction and affect who they are and who they become. From pre-school through college, teachers are an influential part of our children's lives. Please be sure to thank a teacher today! "A good teacher remembers what it was like to be taught by their favorite teacher." "There are no hands so small that they cannot make a difference in the world." "In a completely rational society, the best of us would aspire to be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something less, because passing civilization along from one generation to the next ought to be the highest honor and highest responsibility anyone could have." "One of the beauties of teaching is that there is no limit to one's growth as a teacher, just as there is no knowing beforehand how much your students can learn." There is much truth in this statement: "Teachers make every other profession." The Sewing Club will meet after school on Wednesday, May 6. Respect Life Rehearsal for First Holy Communion will be in the church Wednesday evening, May 6, at 7:00 p.m. The eighth grade will go on a field trip on Thursday, May 7. They will have lunch at the Hard Rock Café and attend a matinee performance of “Blue Man Group”. The Creative Technology Arts Club will meet after school on Thursday, May 7. There will be an all-school Mass in church at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, May 8. The fourth grade will be planning this liturgy. All are welcome to attend. On Saturday, May 9, our second grade students will receive the sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time at 12 Noon Mass in the church. Congratulations and God bless all of you Open registration for St. Francis Borgia School for the 2015-2016 school year is ongoing. We offer - 3 Year Old Pre-School - Five Days - Monday-Friday or Three Days - Tues-Wed-Thurs Half Day - 7:45 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Full Day - 7:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. - 4 Year Old Pre-Kindergarten - Monday through Friday Half Day - 7:45 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Full Day - 7:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. - Full Day Kindergarten Monday through Friday - 7:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. - Grades 1 through 8 7:45 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. - Extended Day Program (EDP) (offered on all days school is in session; this program is tax deductible) 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Please stop by the school office (3535 North Panama) on any regular school day to register your child/ ren. Please bring an original birth certificate (including birth number) and baptismal certificate. Copies of your documents will be made in the school office. A non-refundable $100.00 registration fee and non-refundable $100.00 tuition deposit are due at the time of registration. If you have any questions, please call the school at 773-5891000. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in its doctrinal note “On some questions regarding the participation of Catholics in political life” (2002) said about St. Thomas More: “[He] gave witness by his martyrdom to the inalienable dignity of the human conscience. Though subjected to various forms of psychological pressure, Saint Thomas More refused to compromise, never forsaking the constant fidelity to legitimate authority and institutions which distinguished him; he taught by his life and his death that ‘man cannot be separated from God, nor politics from morality.’” A message from Pope Francis... “ I exhort everyone to see the world through the eyes of God the Creator: the Earth is an environment to be safeguarded, a garden to be cultivated. The relationship of mankind with nature must not be conducted with greed, manipulation and exploitation, but it must conserve the divine harmony that exists between creatures and Creation within the logic of respect and care, so it can be put to the service of our brothers, also of future generations.” A Letter from Fr. Marcin… Dear Brothers and Sisters, Parishioners of St. Francis Borgia, A happy and blessed Easter season to All! I’m sure You had a joyful Easter and after severe winter, God blessed You with the beautiful weather. Alleluia! I would like to share my experience with You. As You already know, I had to attend 12 weeks of basic military training for future military chaplains in Fort Jackson, Columbia, South Carolina. Our “class” consisted of 31 candidates from different states and different denominations. Thanks be to God6 (six ) were catholic priests! During Holy Week we were in the field military training area under tents. It was very emotional! We celebrated the Liturgy of the Holy Thursday under the tent. I have no words to describe what I felt in my heart. We celebrated Holy Thursday with the renewal of our priestly promises we made on the day of our ordination, we prayed for our soldiers, we prayed for persecuted Christians, we prayed for peace in the world.... There were tears... We thanked God for calling us to serve as a military chaplains, which was my deep desire since childhood. The military training was extremely intense- physically and mentally. I always had a deep respect for our soldiers, now I respect and admire them more. What a sacrifice! With God’s grace, spiritual support of Your prayers and Holy Masses in my intention I arrived at the finish line -GRADUATION!!! I’m so grateful to all of You for Your love, Your prayers and Your presence in my priestly life. May Almighty God bless You for all You have done for me. I have no words to express my gratitude to Father Richard, who took his time out of His busy schedule to be present at my graduation on April 17th. Father Richard is a wonderful Priest, dedicated Pastor and a faithful Friend. Thank You Father Richard! I was checking St. Francis Borgia bulletins and I noticed my pictures. I don’t deserve that- there are so many others-our parishioners, who serve and protect us for a long time. I arrived back at St. Bernadette parish on April 20th for a “spring break.” I will be notified soon where and when to report to start my new mission as a military chaplain. Dear Brothers and Sisters- I want to thank You one more time for Your prayers. I’ll never be able to repay You for Your goodness, Your love and Your support. May the Risen Lord bless You and shower You with His graces! I promise, that I will remember You in my daily prayers. Please pray for our military men and women, who sacrifice their lives protecting us and our country. Please pray also for me as I begin my new ministry as a military chaplain. I hope to be a compassionate companion to our soldiers, to be with them in the time of happiness as well as in the time of sorrow. Thank You and God bless You! wiadomo, bylem zobowiazany przejsc 3miesieczny wojskowy trening dla kapelanow wojskowych we Fort Jackson, Columbia, South Carolina. Nasza grupa liczyla 31 osob z roznych regionow i roznych wyznan religijnych. Dzieki Panu Bogu - 6 katolickich ksiezy! To byly rekolekcje mego zycia! Wielki Tydzien przezywalismy pod namiotami na poligonie. Liturgie Wielkiego Czwartku sprawowalismy przy polowym oltarzu pod namiotem. Nie potrafie wyrazic slowami tego, co czulem. Modlilismy sie za naszych zolnierzy, ktorzy byli i sa na roznych frontach zdala od swoich bliskich, modlilismy sie za przesladowanych chrzescjan, za uchodzcow, odnawialismy przyrzeczenia kaplanskie, bylismy wzruszeni do lez i dziekowalismy Bogu, ze nas powolal do sluzby jako kapelani wojskowi, co bylo moim pragnieniem od wczesnych lat mlodosci. Jak wspomnialem-to byly rekolekcje mego zycia. Trening byl bardzo intensywny pod kazdym wzgledemfizycznym, akademickim i mentalnym. Zawsze mialem gleboki szacunek dla naszych braci i siostr w mundurach, a teraz jestem jeszcze bardziej pelen podziwu i wdziecznosci za ich poswiecenie i sluzbe. Dzieki opatrznosci Bozej, Waszym modlitwom i Mszom Swietym odprawianym w mojej intencji, za co jestem i bede Wam dozgonnie wdzieczny, zaliczylem wszyskie wymagane programy. Niech Was Zmartwychwstaly Chrystus blogoslawi za Wasza dobroc, za Wasze modlitwy, za Wasze duchowe wsparcie. Z glebi mego kaplanskiego serca skladam Wam serdecne Bog zaplac! Brakuje mi slow, aby wyrazic moja wdziecznosc Ksiedzu Ryszardowi, ktory zaszczycil mnie swoja obecnoscia na mojej graduacji 17-go Kwietnia. Ksiadz Ryszard jest wspanialym Kaplanem, pelnym niesamowitych pomyslow oddanym Pasterzem i Przyjacielem. Czytalem biuletyny ze St. Francis Borgia i czulem sie skrepowany faktem, ze byly zamieszczane moje zdjecia, na co nie zasluzylem, poniewaz jest wielu naszych parafian, ktorzy od lat sluza nam i bronia nas na roznych frontach. Wrocilem do parafii Sw. Bernardetty 20-go Kwietnia na “mini wakacje.” Lada dzien otrzymam polecenie, gdzie i kiedy mam sie stawic, aby rozpoczac moja misje jako kapelan wojskowy. Kochani, jeszcze raz dziekuje Wam za Wasze modlitwy i pamiec o mnie. Nigdy nie bede w stanie odplacic sie Wam za Wasza serdecznosc, za wasza milosc i Wasza obecnosc w moim kaplanskim zyciu. Niech nasz Zmartwychwstaly Chrystus Was za to wynagrodzi i Wam blogoslawi. A ja obiecuje i przyrzekam, ze bede pamietal o Was w moich codziennych modlitwach, a Was goraco prosze o modlitwe w intencji naszych zolnierzy, ktorzy poswiecaja swoje zycie sluzac i strzegac nas. With love and gratitude, Prosze, modlcie sie rowniez za mnie, abym godnie i odwaznie wypelnial moja posluge kaplanska jako kapelan wojskowy, abym byl podpora duchowa dla naszych braci i siostr w chwilach radosci, a szczegolnie w chwilach zwatpienia, zalamania i cierpienia. Serdeczne Bog Zaplac! Fr. Marcin Bulinski Z miloscia i wdziecznoscia, Ks. Marcin Bulinski Drodzy Bracia i Siostry, Parafianie St. Francis Borgia, Pragne sie podzielic z Wami moimi przezyciami. Jak Wam Z Biurka Ks. Proboszcza... Dziękujemy Grupie M. B. Częstochowskiej za zorganizowanie kolejnej Święconki i za donacje $2000 na renowacje naszego kościoła. Prosimy o wypisanie imion wszystkich Matek tak żyjących jak i zmarłych na kopertkach otrzymanych pocztą lub od marszałków i złożenie ich w czasie składki w następną niedzielę. W intencji wszystkich Matek będą odprawiane Msze Św. przez cały miesiąc Maj. Nasz Kleryk Paweł przyjmie Święcenia Diakonatu w najbliższą sobotę, 9 maja w kaplicy Seminaryjnej w Mundelein i będzie asystował w naszym kościele po raz pierwszy jako Diakon w czasie Mszy Św. o 10:30am i o 1:30pm w niedziele 10 maja. Po Mszy Św. spotkanie w Sali parafialnej na które zapraszamy wszystkich aby okazać naszemu Diakonowi modlitewne i rodzinne wsparcie. Przekazuje Wam pozdrowienia i podziękowanie za modlitwę od Ks. Marcina które zawarte są w liscie od Niego w tym biuletynie. Nabożeństwa Majowe Maj — miesiąc w sposób szczególny poświęcony Matce Bożej. Jako Polacy mamy szczególne zobowiązanie do oddawania czci Matce Bożej, dlatego zachęcamy parafian do licznego udziału w nabożeństwach majowych odprawianych w kościele w poniedziałki, środy i piątki o godz. 7 wieczorem, oraz w niedzielę przed Mszą o godz. 9 rano i 6 wieczorem. Zachęcamy także do podtrzymania zwyczaju śpiewania litanii loretańskiej i pieśni maryjnych przy figurze Matki Bożej przed Kościołem we wtorki, czwartki i soboty o godzinie 7 wieczorem. Dziecięce Butelki na Centrum Kobiet Począwszy od 10 maja prosimy wszystkich parafian do współudziału w akcji zbierania funduszy dla Centrum Kobiet. Centrum Kobiet (The Women’s Center) jest organizacją która pomaga kobietom w ciąży będących w trudnych sytuacjach. Centrum Kobiet służy doradą, pomocą i modlitwą. Przeciętnie w ciągu roku, otrzymuje pomoc ponad pięć tysięcy kobiet. Pomoc ta, to niezbędne rzeczy dla młodego dziecka jak: mleko, pieluchy, krzesełka do samochodu, wózki itp. W następną niedziele prosimy o zabranie butelki z kościoła i wypełnić ją drobnymi i zwrócić w niedziele, 31 maja. Apostolat Margaretka Istotą Apostolatu MARGARETKA jest codzienna modlitwa za konkretnych kapłanów, jako odpowiedź na prośbę Maryi Królowej Pokoju. Matka Boża bardzo pragnie, aby wszyscy wierni gorąco kochali i wspierali swych kapłanów. Dlatego Matka Boża pragnie, aby każdy kapłan ponownie znalazł właściwe mu miejsce w twoim sercu, w twojej modlitwie, w twojej rodzinie, i uzyskał potrzebną mu duchową ochronę i materialne wsparcie. Grupę osób modlących się margaretkę mogą tworzyć rodziny, lecz może to być 7 pojedynczych osób. Ważne jest to, aby w każdy dzień tygodnia ktoś się modlił. Osoba modląca się przyjmuje na siebie obowiązek dobrowolnie wybranej przez Grupę modlitwy za konkretnego kapłana w wyznaczonym dla niej jednym dniu tygodnia. Członkowie tej grupy będą modlić się dożywotnio każda w jednym dniu tygodnia za innego księdza. Zachęcamy do zakładania kolejnych kręgów modlitewnych za kapłanów. Osoby chętne do modlitwy w ramach Apostolatu Margaretka prosimy o kontakt z p. Grazynka Bajan (773) 727-9949 Msze Święte Pon. - Ptk.: 7:15 i 8:30 rano w kaplicy (wejście od ulicy Addison) Sobota: 8:00 rano w kaplicy (Addison) i 17:00 w kościele (Forest Preserve) Niedziela: 7:30, 10:30, 12:00 Po Polsku: Niedziela: 9:00, 13:30, 18:00 w kościele Pierwszy Piątek: 19:00pm w kościele Pierwsza Sobota: 18:30pm Msza do M.B. Częstochowskiej z Nowenną Kancelaria Parafialna: 773-625-1118 Poniedziałek - Piątek: 8:30 - 20:00 Przerwa: 12:00 - 13:00 Sobota: 9:00 - 13:00 Spowiedź Sobota: 16:00-16:45 w kaplicy Poniedziałek - Piątek: po porannych Mszach Św.: 7:15 i 8:30 w kosciele; lub w wyjątkowej sytuacji, można skontaktować się z kapłanem Sakrament Małżeństwa Prosimy dzwonić do Kancelarii aby wyznaczyć spotkanie z kapłanem przynajmniej 6 miesięcy przed ślubem i przed rezerwacją sali. Sakrament Chrztu Świętego W 2-gą niedzielę miesiąca po angielsku o godz. 10:30 am. W 4-tą niedzielę miesiąca po polsku podczas Mszy św. o godz. 1:30 pm. Prosimy dzwonić do kancelarii. Nowi Parafianie Witamy w naszej parafii! Chętnych do zapisania się do parafii, prosimy o kontakt telefoniczny, osobiste przyjście do Kancelarii, lub po Mszy św., do Zakrystii. Duszpasterstwo Socjalne Prosimy dzwonić do Kancelarii: - Sakramenty Św. w domu lub szpitalu - Grupa Ochrony Życia - Grupa M.B. Częstochowskiej Sakrament Namaszczenia Chorych Sakrament Chorych udzielany jest w każdy poniedziałek podczas porannej Mszy św. o godz. 8:30. Ta Msza św. jest sprawowana szczególnie za wszystkich chorych i cierpiących. Pogrzeby lub Msze Żałobne Aby ustalić datę i godzinę pogrzebu lub Mszy żałobnej, prosimy o skontaktowanie się z kancelarią. Our Sacrificial Gifts of Time, Talent, & Treasure April 25 and 26, 2015 Collection Weekly Collection: $ 10, 515 Mail: $ 251 Total: $ 10, 766 Weekly Goal: $ 10, 644 Over Goal: $ 122 Thank You! READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115:1-4, 15-16; Jn 14:21-26 Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8 Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11 Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17 Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21 Acts 10:25-36, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 98:1-4; 1 Jn 4:7-10 or 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 15:9-17 or Jn 17:11b-19 Italian Catholic Federation For any questions regarding the ICF at St. Francis Borgia, contact Teresa Helfand at 773-763-0507. See our website using your smartphone! Date/Time Celebrant Lector Eucharistic Ministers Altar Servers Sat. May 9 5:00pm Fr. Marek Smolka Sun. May 10 7:30am Fr. Joseph Mulcrone R. Swiatkowski A. Napoletano, J. Rube-Howard, *R. Schoewe P. Aguilar, J. Gagnon, M. Kurian, J. Wakabayashi Sun. May 10 9:00am, Polish Fr. Marek Smolka W. Kolek, J. Znosko D. and J. Kaszczewski, A. Podraza, A. Zabawa Sun. May 10 10:30am Fr. Richard Milek L. Evangelista J. Ash, L. Ash, *J. Fanning, R. Fulton, A. Gardner, L. Gryfinski, A. Jagiello D. Foley, O. Mucha, N. Szwajnos, P. Szwajnos Sun. May 10 12:00pm Fr. Joseph Mol L. Sparacio B. Brieske, *N. Nugent, M. Wislek Sun. May 10 1:30pm, Polish Fr. Richard Milek C. Cudzich, M. Bycul C. Cudzich M. Casey, M. Casey, E. Principato As Scheduled Sun. May 10 6:00pm, Polish Fr. Marek Smolka I. Mocarski, D. Farbisz I. Mocarski, K. Krzepisz Ushers J. Thompson *T. Fulton, M. Heider, R. Ginnelly, D. Lehman, M. Rosso, G. Santoro, P. Stlaske M. Latko, J. Znosko Sacred Heart Side G. Accardi, M. Accardi, A. Melone, P. Morrone M. Symkow, R. Wilk Blessed Virgin Side Saturday 5:00pm Ken Grenier (head usher), Anthony Aguilar, George Hickey, Pat Hickey, Marsha Ptasnik, Michael Schmaus, James Thompson, Carol Zator, Ken Zator, Lisa Schmaus Frank Cannataro (co-lead usher), Dr. John Przywara, Terry Renk, Stanley Szarmach, John Przywara Sr. Sunday 7:30am Ernesto Cabias, Robert Lugo, J. Blair Raftree (co-lead usher), Stanley Starzec Robert Dabe (co-lead usher), Timothy Costa, Thomas Melkovitz, Jackie Miller Sunday 10:30am Mary McGeean(co-lead usher), Stella Mendelowska, Bob Fitzpatrick Giacomo Santoro (co-lead usher), Tyler Testa, Ken Johnson, Teresa Pina-Rodriguez, Bernie Schmidt, Fernando Lego Amadeo Gallo Sunday 12:00pm Philip Kulka (co-lead usher), Bryant Marure, Mark J. Dobzyn, Casey Kucmierz Sun. (Polish) Waldemar Farbisz (lead usher), Cezary Kozikowski, 9:00am Jan Majka, Zygmunt Papciak, Julian Pyjor, 6:00pm Frank Wierzbicki, Marek Zabawa. Michael Wilczynski, Anthony Siciliano, Jerry Piwinski, Toni DeCaro Stanislaw Kochanek, Ireneusz Kura, Karol Latko, Kazimierz Mucha, Piotr Mysha, Bogdan Wszelaki, Jerry Kopczewski St. Francis Borgia Church 8033 W. Addison St. Chicago, IL 60634 Rectory 773-625-1118 773-625-1110 (FAX) School 773-589-1000 773-589-0781 (FAX) Mass Intentions Fr. Richard Milek, Pastor Fr. Marek Smolka, Associate Pastor Mr. William Lehman, Deacon Miss Ruthanne Swiatkowski, Religious Ed. Director Miss Anna Zawisza, Polish Rel. Ed. Coordinator Telephone the rectory or stop by in person, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30am and 12:00pm and 1:00 and 4:00pm. Religious Education 773-625-1705 773-625-1774 (FAX) Rectory Office Hours Fr. Joseph Mulcrone, Director, Office of the Deaf Fr. Michael Class, SJ, Weekend Celebrant Mrs. Susan Betzolt, Principal Mr. Martin Wojtulewicz, Business Manager Miss Monika Wawrzyniak, Office Manager Mr. Anthony J. Woldeit, Music Director Mrs. Grazyna Bajan, Polish Mass Organist Weekdays: 8:30am -12:00noon; 1:00 - 8:00pm Saturday: 9:00am - 1:00pm Sunday: CLOSED CHURCH NAME & NUMBER — #512073 Saint Francis Borgia ADDRESS — 8033 W. Addison Street Chicago, IL 60634 PHONE — 773-625-1118 CONTACT PERSON — Monika SOFTWARE — Microsoft Publisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Windows 7 Professional PRINTER— HP Laserjet 2100 TRANSMISSION TIME— Tuesday 4:30 PM NUMBER OF PAGES SENT — SUNDAY DATE OF BULLETIN — SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS COLOR
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