St. Raphael Music Ministries Mission Statement


St. Raphael Music Ministries Mission Statement
St. Raphael Music Ministries
Ministerio de San Rafael de Música
Mission Statement
The Music Ministries of St. Raphael are devoted to glorifying God through the
sharing of the gift of music. We celebrate our love of God as we Foster unity
and lead our diverse community, as one body, in the worhip of the Lord.
“Los ministerios de música de San Rafael están dedicados a glorificar a Dios
atraves del don de la música. Celebramos el amor de Dios promoviendo la
unidad y guiando la comunidad multicultural unida en un solo cuerpo en el
Señor. “
To evangelize every person through the gift of music in the liturgy. To reach
the visión is indispensable and integral to the growth of the ministry and
follows three steps:
Evangelizar a toda persona por medio de la música. Para alcanzar la visión
es indispensable el Desarrollo Integral del Ministerio a través de
3 pilares de acción:
The Spirit – through service, we will find true happiness and spiritual
The Soul – Just like the potter uses soil and wáter form clay, so too
the Lord uses the gift of our talents, along with our spiritual growth, to
obtain the misión and the visión of the ministry.
The Body – We demonstrate, physically, the fruits of the ministry by
way of our voices, hands..our entire bodies, as we worship God.
Espíritu: Reconocemos que solo a través del servicio encontraremos
la verdadera felicidad.
Alma: Así como el alfarero utiliza tierra y agua para formar el barro.
Así el Señor utiliza nuestro talento musical junto con nuestro
crecimiento espiritual para obtener como resultado la misión y visión
del Ministerio.
Cuerpo: Una de las formas en que demostramos físicamente los
frutos del ministerio es a través de nuestras voces y mano para alabar
a Dios.
“Un Pan, Un Cuerpo –Unidos en Cristo”
“Es un servicio dedicado a alabar a Dios guiando a
loa congregación en la celebración litúrgica.”
A joint rendering from all choirs/coros of St. Raphael,
translated from Spanish to Engligh and back again.
United in Christ!
St. Raphael Choirs (English)
Family Choir: 10:30 a.m. Sunday
This choir is made up of profesional and amateur vocalists and musicians.
We welcome parishioners of all ages and abilities to join us in praising God
through sog. We especially encourage families. We have special rehearsals
through the year for special celebrations, but do not have a set rehearsal time
for this choir. All people who are interested in becoming a cantor, soloist,
psalmist or musician, should meet with Carl Leta and Dianne Phillips on
Sunday mornings 9:45 a.m. in room 10.
Musicians: (organ, piano) Carl Leta, Cathy Crouch, Alline Fulton Philips
(flute) Maura Phillips, Kevin Romere
Riz Gelicame, Jessie Merriman, Allen Wrobel,
Nate Arrington, Sherry McAfee, Dianne Phillips
C. Dianne Phillips, Music Coordinator, 479-313-7737
Youth Choir: 6:00 p.m. Wednesday
All 9th-12th grade students are welcome to join this choir. Rehearsals are at
5:00 p.m. directly before the monthly mass. If you are interested in joining this
group please contact ..
Kim Pierce, Youth Director
Adam White, Youth Music Leader,
Dianne Phillips, Music Coordinator,
Saturday Music Group: 4:00 p.m. Saturday
This group is made up of at least one cantor and a musician. All are
welcome. If you are interested in singing on Saturday evenings, please contact
C. Dianne Phillips, Music Coordinator for St. Raphael., 479-313-7737
Musicians: (organ/piano)
Carl Leta, Alline Fulton Phillips
Sherry McAfee, Steve Vera, Dianne Phillips,
Adam Wrobel, Riz Gelicame, Nate Arrington.
Sunday Morning Music Group: 7:00 a.m. Sunday
This group is made up of a cantor and a musician. If you are interested in
helping with the music for this mass, please contact..
Debbie Zulpo, Cantor/Psalmist,
Celise Clarke, Musician, (organ/piano)
Ministerios Liturgicos –
Desempeños (Rol)
Desempeño de los Coros
“Los coros en conjunto con las demás personas de la comunidad
quienes poseen habilidades musicales se comprometen a organizar los
horarios de las practicas litúrgicas. De esta forma, ellos enriquecen la
celebración al agregar los elementos musicales que superan las
habilidades de la congregación
El rol ministerial del coro en conjunto con la asamblea es que pueden
alternar varias partes de la Misa en dialogo con la congregación.
Algunas partes de la Misa que tienen el carácter de letanía, como el
kyrie y el Agnus Deui, son indudablemente cantadas en esta forma.
Otras partes de la Misa pueden ser cantadas o alternadas, especialmente
el Gloria, el Credo y los tres cantos procesiones: canto de Entrada, el
canto do Comunión. Este enfoque a menudo tomas la forma de un
estribillo de la congregación con versos cantados por el coro. El coro
puede enriquecer el canto congregacional al agregar harmonías y
variaciones: 41 SC,…
Los miembros del coro, como los ministros de la liturgia, deban ejercer
su ministerio con una gran fe y participar en toda la celebración
litúrgica, reconociendo que ellos son siervos de la liturgia y miembros
de la gran asamblea.”
Desempeño del Salmista
“El salmista o “cantor del salmo,” proclama el salmo después de la
primera lectura y guía a la asamblea al cantar el coro, Sin embargo este
ministerio es distinto del rol del cantor. Los dos ministerios pueden ser
asignados a la misma persona. Los salmos pueden ser asignados a la
misma persona Los salmos pueden ser cantados por una o más
Desempeño del Cantor: “El cantor del coro es a la vez cantante y
quien dirige a la congregación en el canto. Especialmente cuando el coro
no está presente. El cantor puede dirigir y alternar el canto y dialogo con
la asamblea... El cantor puede ser salmista y dirigir y proclamar los versos
del Salmo Responsorial.
Desempeño de Los Músicos: “El rol primario del organista, que es
otro instrumentalista, es agrupar, guiar y sostener el canto de la
asamblea, del coro y del salmista sin dominarlos ni opacarlos.”
Desempeño del Director/Coordinador: “El director profesional
del ministerio de música provee un mejor servicio al trabajar en
conjunto con el Obispo o pastor de la parroquia. En conjunto, planean y
coordinan el programa litúrgico de la parroquia y diócesis. El director
del ministerio de música
•Promueve la participación activa de la asamblea litúrgica en el canto
•Coordina la preparación de la música que se cantara en las diferentes
celebraciones liturgicas
•Promueve el ministerio de música litúrgica a través de los coros,
salmistas, cantores, organistas y cualquier persona que toque algún
Importancia de Cantar en Misa – (extractos de "Cantemos al Señor:
La Música en el Culto Divino: Music in Divine Worship,” Office of Divine
Worship, USCCB, 2007)
Why we Sing? ¿Por qué cantamos?
“God bestowed upon his people the gift of song. God dwells within each
human person, in the place where music takes its source. Indeed, God, the
giver of song, is present whenever His people sing His praises”
“Dios otorga a su pueblo el don de cantar. El Señor hace su morada en el
interior de cada persona, lugar donde nace la música. De hecho, Dios, dadar
del canto, está presente cuando su pueblo anta para alabarlo.”
Music serves the Expression of Faith“Among the many
signs and symbols used by the Church to celebrate it’s faith, music is
of pre-eminent importance. As sacred song united to words, it forms a
necessary or integal part of the solemn liturgy. Yet the function of
music in ministerial; it must serve and never dominate. Music should
assist the assembled believers to express and share the gift of faith that
is within them and to nourish and strengthen their interior
commitment of faith. It should heighten the texts so that they speak
more fully and more effectively. The quality of Joy and enthusiasm
which music adds to community worship cannot be gained in any
other way. It imparts a sense of unity to the congregation and sets the
appropriate tone for a particular celebration.”
(23, Music in Catholic Worship, USCCB, 1983) Theology.
Bilingual Choir/Coro:
This group of musicians and vocalists is made up of parishioners
who serve in either the English or Spanish Music Ministries throughout
the liturgical year. This group shares one common visión.
“Unidos en Cristo, United in Christ.”
We lead the worship at all celebrations which require our being “one
body, un cuerpo” in Cristo.
Holy Thursday
Easter Vigil
First Communions
Ministerio de la Musica Expression de Fe
“Entre muchos signos y símbolos que la iglesia usa para celebrar su
fe, la música es uno de ellos y es de suma importancia. La música
sagrada unida a las palabras, es parte necesaria e integral de la liturgia
solemne. Además, a función de la música como ministerio es para a
servir. A música debe y congregar a los creyentes para expresar y
compartir el regalo de la fe entre ellos y nutrir y fortalecer su
compromiso interior de fe. Este hecho intensifica los textos y ellos
hablan más eficientemente. La calidad del gozo y entusiasmo que la
música da a la alabanza de la comunidad no puede ser obtenido de
ninguna otra forma. Eso otorga un sentido de unidad a la
congregación y da un tono particular a la celebración.”
Liturgical Structure for the Music Ministry at St. Rafael
Ministerio de Musica/Music Ministry
“A service dedicated to praising God through leading the
congregation in the music of the liturgical celebration.
Es un servicio dedicado a alabar a Dios
guiando a la congregación en la celebración litúrgica.”
Psalm 98
“O sing to the Lord a new song,
for he has done marvellous things..
Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth;
break forth into joyous song and sing praises…
Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre,
with the lyre and the sound of melody…
With trumpets and the sound of the horn
make a joyful noise before the King, the Lord…”
Many Thanks to the Sisters for their help in translating this document
St. Raphael Catholic Church, La Iglesia Catolica de San Rafael
C. Dianne Phillips, Director of Music,
Andres Zepeda, Spanish Coro Coordinator,
Father John Connell, Pastor
Salmo 97
“Canten al Senor un cantico nuevo,
por que ha hecho maravillas,
aclama al señor, tierra entera, griten,
vitoreen con clarinetes y al son de trompeta.
Aclamen al Rey y Senor.
Toquen la citara para el señor,
suenen los instrumentos.
b. Desempeño del Director/Coordinador
“A profesional director of music ministries, or music director,
provides a major service by working with the bishop or pastor to
oversee the planning, coordination, and ministries of the parish or
diocesan liturgical music program. The director of music ministries
 fosters the active participation of the liturgical
assembly in singing
 coordinates the prepartion of music to be sung at
various liturgical celebrations
 promotes the ministries of choirs, psalmists,
cantors, organists, and all who play instrumentos
that serve the liturgy…”
Carl Leta – Church Pianist, C. Dianne Phillips, Director of Music/Coordinator
Andres Zepeda, Music Coordinator (Espanol)
and Deacon Chuck Marino – Each Liturgy requires a team of
individuals each working together…
c. Desempeño del Salmista
“The psalmist or “cantor of the psalm,” proclaims the psalm after the
first Reading and leads the gathered assembly in singing the refrain…
Although this ministry is distinct from the role of the cantor, the two
ministries are often entrustted to the same person. The psalms may
be sung by one or more psalmists as well.
Choirs represent a cross section of the community
An important ministerial role of the choir or ensemble is to sing
various parts of the Mass in dialogue or alterntion with the
congregation. Some parts of the Mass that have the charácter of a
litany, such as the Kyrie and the Agnus Deui, are clearly intended to
be sung in this manner. Other Mass parts may also be sung in
dialogue or alternation, especially the Gloria, the Creed, and the
three procesional songs: The Entrance, the prepartion of the gifts,
and Communion. This approach often takes the form of a
congregational refrain with verses sung by the choir. Choirs may also
enrich congregational singing by adding harmonies and descants: 41
Arturo N. Figueroa and Marissa De La Torre
Millie Burchan Peters
d. Desempeño del Cantor
“The cantor is both a Singer and a leader of congregational song.
Especially when no choir is present, the cantor may sing in
alternation or dialogue with the assembly…the cantor may serve as a
psalmist, leading and proclaiming the verses of the Responsorial
e. Desempeño de los Coros
“Choirs and ensembles comprise persons drawn from the community
who possess the requisite musical skills and a commitment to the
estrablished schedule of rehearsals and liturgies. Thus, they are able
to enrich the celebration by adding musical elements beyond the
capabilities of the congregation alone…
Choir members, like all liturgical ministers, should exercise their
ministry with evident faith and should participate in the
entire liturgical celebration, recognizing that they are servants of the
Liturgy and members of the gathered assembly…”
Beyond Mass: Active Participation in the Community
Stewardship Booth for Music Ministries – share your ministry
with others and encourage others to join
St. Raphael Day Fund Raising activities – help to raise money
for the music program and for the entire church
Music Ministry Structure for San Rafael Liturgies:
Head of Liturgy
Director of Music
Dianne Phillips
Music Coordinator English
English Choir Director
Spanish Music Coordinator
Andres Zepeda
Spanish Choir Leaders
Carl Leta, Pianist,
English Choirs
Spanish Choirs
Psalmists, Cantors, Soloists
Cantors, Psalmists, Soloists