MISSION: - Evangelical Church Alliance
MISSION: - Evangelical Church Alliance
A Publication of The Evangelical Church Alliance THE EVANGEL Vol. 48 Issue 3 MISSION: E L B I S S O P Members of the ECA attending the 2006 International Conference experienced an unforgettable evening that included a sumptuous meal, an eye-opening presentation and deeply moving testimonials from victims of a little-known vestige of the old Cold War. On Wednesday, August 9, attendees were given complementary tickets to a banquet sponsored by the Christian Friendship Mission, part of a comprehensive exchange program between North American Evangelical leaders and the North African nation of Morocco. The unique outreach was started two years ago after ECA board member Rob Schenck joined a delegation that visited Morocco at the invitation of its Royal Government. “I knew nothing about Morocco when this first invitation was extended,” said Rob. “A lot of bad things were happening in the Arab speaking world at the time and I was frankly quite nervous about it. But in the end, I accepted and I’m so glad I did.” Rob says once he was in Morocco, he met some of the “warmest, most hospitable people on earth.” He said of the 40 countries he has visited during his 25 years of ministry, none Moroccan television crew members were part of the treated him as kindly as Morocco. entourage participating in the Christian Moroccan Friendship Morocco is surprisingly America’s oldest ally. It was the Sultan of this Islamic land that in Banquet held at ECA’s International Conference 1777 was the first to officially recognize the newly independent United States of America. The Kingdom protected American ships from the Barbary pirates, filling a void left after the break with Britain. America maintains its oldest continuous treaty of friendship with Morocco. World Wars I and II and both Gulf Wars were won in part because Morocco allowed its soil to be used as a staging ground for our military. In the days after 9/11, hundreds of thousands of Moroccans flooded the streets of their major cities to demonstrate support for its U.S. partner. The Moroccans are also cooperating extensively with the U.S. in the war on terror. The Christian Friendship Mission is an effort to express the love of Jesus Christ in a tangible way to the suffering Sahrawi people of Morocco’s Southern Provinces, sometimes called the Western Sahara. The project grew out of an ongoing series of exploratory visits by Rob and teams he has recruited through both his Faith and Action ministry network and its related National Clergy Council in Washington. “On our third mission to this remarkable land, we were taken for a visit to Laayoune, the capital of the South,” Rob explains. “While there, we learned how tens of thousands of the native Sahrawi people have suffered because of a 30-year reign of terror by the communist-inspired separatist movement called the POLISARIO Front. The Bible says, ‘when it’s in the power of your hand to do good, do it.’ We couldn’t turn our backs on these precious people.” After the Spanish ended their 90-year occupation of the Western Sahara in 1975, Morocco reasserted its 1000-year old sovereignty over the region. At the same time, an unholy alliance between Cuba’s Fidel Castro, Libyan strong man Muammar Gaddafi and the former Soviet Union recruited disaffected students, training them as rebel guerillas to fight the Moroccans. The so-called POLISARIO Front lost the struggle for the territory, but succeeded in frightening the local population into camps across the nearby Algerian border that soon became prisons. Since then, thousands of Sahrawi children have been forcibly taken to Castro’s infamous “Island of Youth,” where they undergo socialist indoctrination and weapons training. Most never return to their families. In addition to these crimes against humanity, the POLISARIO Front has duped many Christian organizations by diverting millions of dollars of humanitarian aid and selling it on the black market. POLISARIO leaders then enrich themselves at the expense of the people Banquet attendees sit spellbound as Moroccan nationals they claim to protect in the squalid camps. (such as the woman in above right photo) share of the Mission Possible continued on page 7 atrocities experienced for decades The Evangel / 2 Communication, Communication, Communication “He who answers before listening that is to his folly and shame.” Proverbs 18:13 “It is not good to have zeal without knowledge nor to be hastry and miss the way.” Proverbs 19:2 “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak...” James 1:19 ECA Serving Ministers Since 1887 The Evangelical Church Alliance By Dr. Dale Goodman, Executive Director of Eden Group International As pastors, chaplains, ministry leaders, healthcare workers, husbands and wives we all are facing an epidemic fallout in communication. The breakdown in many lives and relationships can be traced back to unhealthy and unskilled communication. Good communication takes work. There are no short cuts. Good communication takes time, skill and constant effort. Your assumptions can ruin you and another. Good communication gets to the heart of the matter, two people being heard and understood. At the heart of good communication is the ability to be heard and understood. In most relationships, even as leaders, we are failing to understand and to hear the heart of another. How often have you confirmed what you thought you heard another saying? We make assumptions based on what we think we heard, without ever challenging or clarifying our assumptions. Assumptions can kill the heart of any relationship, resulting are hurt, superficial and embittered relationships. My friends, no relationship will become any closer than its communication. The difficulty with most leaders, couples and families face is often due to a deficit in skill and knowledge to communicate. After all, who taught you how to be a good communicator? Most of us have come from families that did not model good communication. We are bearing forth the fruit of dysfunctional, unskilled and unhealthy communication. This combined with our own faulty belief system, past hurts and fear is destroying intimacy, dialogue in our relationships. No wonder we all run, dodge, fight and hurt one another. We no longer speak the truth. Very few risk vulnerability. The truth be known, we no longer speak truthfully from the heart. We often communicate through layers of subtle innuendos, suggestions or nonverbal expressions. No one is heard, no one is understood and the breakdown continues in relationships in marriage, family, ministry, business and so forth and so on. The toxic waste of distrust and denial accumulates, leading to a poisoning of the heart. The result is a death in our feelings, care and commitment. Issues left undone will be our undoing and ultimately lead to diminished and destroyed relationships. We play games, manipulate and go underground often in a cold lock down mode. We fear rejection, hurt, failure and even change and we dare not open our hearts to another. It is so sad, self-defeating and dishonoring to God and to each other. It’s paralyzing hearts, poisoning commitments and perpetuating a slow death in our culture. Gone in the wind is the courage to talk from the heart. We would rather withdrawal, run, defend, attack, blame and deny our hearts desire to connect. Losers we become, and winners, there are none. Let’s become winners in our communication. Learn to become a better communicator by first looking within yourself. Is there anything keeping you from being vulnerable with your heart? Are there unresolved issues in your life sabotaging your ability to have healthy communication? What skill may you be lacking that could hinder your ability to hear and understand another’s heart. Good communication is a lost art today. Be a leader, w h o leads w i t h good, healthy communication. Work on your issues, take communication workshops, read and become a good communicator. It will make a huge difference in our lives and the lives of others. Dr. Goodman provides Christ-centered counseling, speaking and teaching resources through Eden Group. He is also an Ordained Minister and board member with the ECA, and a Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor - Advance Certification through the National Christian Counselors Association. Dale and his wife, Linda, are members of Perimeter Church in Duluth. They have one daughter, Shannon and three grandchildren Ryan, Austin & Nicole. Eden Ministries website is www.edengroupinternational.com. The Evangel is the official publication of the ECA. (The Evangelical Church Alliance.) THE MISSION of the Evangelical Church Alliance is to spread the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and to build up the church by carrying out the Great Commission as stated in Matthew 28:19-20 by credentialing, training, encouraging, and supporting ministers of the Gospel who are committed to the infallibility and inerrancy of the Bible as the only rule for . faith and practice. The Evangel is published quarterly by the ECA. © Copyright 2006, by The Evangelical Church Alliance. All rights reserved. The Evangelical Church Alliance 205 W. Broadway Street P.O. Box 9 Bradley, IL 60915 Phone: 815-937-0720 Fax: 815-937-0001 Email: info@ecainternational.org Web: www.ecainternational.org The Evangel / 3 “My Father’s Business” 2006 ECA Annual Business Meeting Highlights During the Business Session of the 2006 conference, President, Dr. Goebel reported that ECA’s membership included 2293 individuals, 17 churches and 11 parachurch ministries. Vice President, Dr. Henry (Hank) Roso presented a report which included 227 persons completing the application process, with another 234 presently in process. Dr. George Miller also reported that the ECA has 66 active duty chaplains serving throughout the U. S. Military, with 38 Reserve Chaplains; 55 in the Chaplain Candidate Program and 20 endorsed chaplains waiting for selection. The Financial report indicated a total of $380,387.06 paid in expenses and $390,084.73 received for income. All the reports were accepted as presented. The following members were nominated to the board and elected: Dr. George L. Miller - Bourbonnais, IL; Dr. Samuel S. Goebel - Kankakee, IL; Dr. Rene Moreno - Bellflower, CA; Rev. David Voshell - Ft. Morgan, CO; Dr. Scott Preissler - Flower Mound, TX; Rev. Randolph N. Neptune, Jr. - Burlington, ON, Canada; Rev. Randy Brown - New Hudson, MI; Dr. Dale Goodman Cumming, GA; Chaplain (MAJ) Elmon R. Krupnik - Chandler, AZ; Rev. Gordon L. Milburn -California, KY; Dr. Rob Schenck Manassas, VA; and Chaplain (CPT) Member Services Mission With a Vision Seminar Transformation Ministries An excellent resource for churches, colleges, students, or men and women who desire a dynamic discipling ministry in their churches. Seminar teaches and develops the key spiritual principles that contribute to making a disciple a transformation of a heart. For more information: Dr. Anita B. Frew 2660 S. 88th Street West Allis, WI 53227 Ph: 414-329-1916 Fax: 414-329-1918 Terrell L. Jones - Ft. Bragg, NC. churches and parachurch ministries During a special board meeting are encouraged to send a voting dellater that Wednesday, the followegate. ing officers were elected for the Board: Dr. George L. Miller, Board Chairman; Dr. Rene Moreno, First Vice Chairman; Rev. David Voshell, Second Vice Chairman; Dr. Scott Preissler, Standards and Credentials and Rev. Randy Neptune, Jr. was elected as the Canadian Registered Agent. The Annual Business Session is held each year on Wednesday morning of the International Conference. All ECA members are encouraged to attend An “inside view” of ECA’s Board in session and vote, and ECA’s News, Information and Opportunities for ECA Constituents Part Time Chaplains Needed - Grand Rapids, MI Available for Pulpit Relief Seeking “Ministry type” people, male and female in Grand Rapids, MI who may be available for part time ministry in the workplace. Ohio and Pennsylvania Contact: Richard Harper, Division Manager Marketplace Chaplains USA 72 Scenic Circle Ringold, GA 30736 Ph: 706-866-5448 Fax: 706-861-2165 Cell: 423-718-5021 Email: richardharper@mchapusa.com Minister available to speak for pulpit relief and special events in Eastern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania. Experience in local city mission, state prison and various local churches. Contact: Rev. Peter J. Squillo Ph: 724-656-0871 Email: psquillo@verizon.net To have news or information considered for placement in the Evangel email hank@ecainternational.org with the details in a similar format as listed above. Items will be placed as space is available. Ordained Minister Seeking N. E. Illinois Position M. Div. Vespers Liturgist, Prayer and Care Minister, and Small Group Ministry Leadership Teacher/Trainer seeks full time or part time pastoral/staff position within 25 mil. of Naperville, IL that includes opportunities for ministry through preaching, teaching, discipleship, education, intercessory prayer, spiritual formation, and pastoral care. Resume, sermons, references available upon request. Contact: Rev. Stephen W. Cornell, Ph. D. Pastoral Teaching Partners 605 Leesburg Ct. Naperville, IL 60540 Ph: 630-357-2894 Email: scornell.ptp@juno.com The Evangel / 4 “Front Lines” “Chaplains...are a living, breathing reminder that God is with us.” Since I joined the Evangelical Church Alliance in the summer of 1989 as a chaplain candidate in the U.S. Army Reserve, my ministry has taken me to different places. I have been literally around the world. Today I find myself back home where I belong. I am currently serving with the Arizona Army National Guard in support of the border mission – “Operation Jump Start.” As I complete my twenty Inspiration and News of the ECA’s Military Chaplains By CH (MAJ) Elmon R. Krupnik, serving on the Mexican Border with “Operation Jump Start” as Reported to Dr. George Miller, Military Chaplain Commission Director years of active and reserve service, one question I get asked more than any other is “What do chaplains do”? The best way I can explain it is by example. A few years ago, my father-inlaw had triple bypass heart surgery. During those critical days before and after surgery, I was with my mother-in-law. On the first day after surgery, I was in intensive care with in-laws giving pastoral care and encouragement. As I left with my motherin-law, she grabbed my hand and said, “Now I understand what you do!” Chaplains fill a void of the intangibles and uncertainties of life. We are a living, breathing reminder that God is with us. We serve as a symbol of faith and confidence. Just last week I was visiting a group of soldiers that were very close to the border. Just across the border in Mexico, (less than 25 yards away), we heard gunshots. One of the solders yelled out, “We have nothing to fear! The chaplain is with us.” God is always with us, but, as his representative at that time, I was having the same apprehen- sion about the situation as the soldiers. Because I have been deployed a few times to the gulf region in support of “Iraqi Freedom” and work with units that are being deployed, another oft-asked question is, “What can we do to help deployed soldiers?” As Christians, one of the most important things you can do is to pray for the chaplains. Chaplains play a very interesting role, especially during deployment. Deployed soldiers who otherwise never set foot in the door of a church are often very willing to talk to a chaplain about spiritual matters, especially due to the risks that they are facing. Life and death often seems much more real in these settings. When I was stationed at an air base in Iraq, we would randomly get shelled by rockets. Those types of events make people evaluate their relationship with God. Therefore, chaplains have unique opportunities not often given to other people. Also, pray for the deployed soldiers and their families. It is Chaplain very difficult on soldiers to miss out on births, deaths, weddings, graduations, and other momentous occasions in life. It is also painful to miss out on the day-to-day joys. Since 9/11, the importance of chaplains has risen because of the uncertainties of the current conflict of the war on terrorism. I close all of my religious services with this benediction: “May the peace of God that passes all understanding be with you now and forevermore.” Although we live in a world without peace, we can still have that peace with God wherever we are. Chaplains are God’s reminder of His peace. CH (MAJ) Elmon R. Krupnik has served on active duty and in the reserves for twenty years. He has been ordained with the ECA since 1989. He is married to Lynn, his wife of twenty-five years. They have four children and one grandchild. They live in Chandler, Arizona. He was recently elected to serve on ECA’s Board of Directors. Streams in the desert... “Just across the border in Mexico, (less than 25 yards away), we heard gunshots. One of the solders yelled out, “We have nothing to fear! The chaplain is with us.” ECA’s Chaplain Goutier writes from the desert of Iraq, “Since I have been here, people have come to know the Lord, and I baptized one Soldier last week, and will baptize one when I return in two weeks from my mission. Continue to pray for me...” The Evangel / 5 Missions Perspective: Indian Christians Face Big Challenges... minority, implementing the rulings still has to be done village by village and city by city in states like Rajasthan where religious extremists have gained control of the government. On Monday August 7, Dr. Samuel Thomas, president of the Following his recent release from prison, indigenous mission Dr. Samuel Thomas exclaimed, “Glory to God! partner of Hopegivers That’s all I can say. Amen! All glory to God!” International, was (Photo Courtesy of Open Doors UK) granted bail on charges that had kept him COLUMBUS, GA (Sepfrom public activity since May tember, 2006) – Christians 20. throughout India are girding Then, on Tuesday August 8, for a long period of intense in a separate judgment, the persecution as a Hindu fascourt granted relief from bucist party known as the BJP reaucratic restrictions that has extended their efforts to had frozen bank accounts persecute Bishop M.A. Thoand prevented Christians from mas of Emmanuel Missions operating Hope Home orInternational (EMI) in Kota, phanages, schools, a hospiRajasthan. tal and other institutions in the Believers all over India restate. joiced in August as lawyers “Glory to God!” exclaimed for Emmanuel International Dr. Samuel Thomas, “that’s emerged from the High all I can say. Amen! All glory Court in Jaipur, Rajasthan to God!” with positive rulings revoking In February, authorities rea series of injunctions that voked operating permits for all had crippled the EMI huthe institutions operated by manitarian and educational Emmanuel in Rajasthan and outreaches in Kota since supported by Hopegivers InFebruary 20. ternational based here in CoSince the original flush of lumbus, Georgia. victory, however, the ChrisLawyers who are representtian community has learned ing the Christians say that that even when the courts the criminal and civil cases rule in favor of the Christian By Rev., Dr. Bill Bray have reopened but actions by have not yet been disreligious terrorists continue charged. The legal process to threaten Christian civil will continue while the misrights, liberty and freedom of sions resume full operaevangelism and worship. tions, but the High Court rulings are seen as a sign that the case is moving in favor of the Thomas’ and the ministries of Emmanuel and Hopegivers. “The lawyers are still working on the cases,” said Dr. Samuel Thomas, “but meanwhile we have the right to go back to work, the registrations have been restored and our bank accounts are unDr. Bill Bray (pictured with frozen. The government obhis wife, Ivy) is an orservers will have to leave all dained ECA minister and a veteran missionary with of our campuses and propover 40 years of full-time erties. service. He is currently “All things can return to serving on staff with the way they were back in Hopegivers International January. This is truly a rewhich supports indigenous outreaches in Haiti sult of the prayers of Chrisand Malawi as well as extians around the world—so tensive missions please continue to pray for throughout Rajasthan and our safety and that the rulnorth India. ings of the court this week will be implemented fully.” Dr. Samuel Thomas asked Christians throughout India and around the world to continue to pray that all the cases against the ministry and personnel will be dismissed and full freedom restored. Rev. M. A. Thomas with orphans of EMI’s The Bible School and seminary in Kota Emmanuel Orphanage (Photo Courtesy of Open Doors UK) ...Even After Double Victories in Rajasthan High Court The Evangel / 6 Dr. Delong’s New Book Features History of the ECA “It Ought To Be Written” is the history of Dr. Charles S. and Mrs. Minnie George Hanley. This unusual, factual story of a Christian minister and his family used of God in rural Shenandoah, Iowa, tells of their unswerving devotion and commitment to Christ. In spite of extreme trials and struggles, the Hanleys were faithful. The Lord Jesus worked with and through C.S. and Minnie Hanley and their associates to establish a “foothold” in the Kingdom of God that caused many to turn to Christ. From meager beginnings as newspaper publishers, the Hanleys’ conversions to Christianity and the transforming work of the Holy Spirit, set the stage for the World Faith Missionary Association (WFMA) which later became The Evangelical Church Alliance, Inc. Author Joe Delong, D.Min., an ECA member from Virginia, gives a glimpse into the lives of the early founders and other prominent Christians, both men and women, who became “firebrands” for the proclamation that “Jesus is the Christ”. This book is a fascinating adventure to inspire and encourage men and women to pursue the “heavenly vision”. After being honorably discharged from the U.S. Air Force in May 1972, Dr. Delong received an MS in Higher Educational Administration, from (SUNY) The University at Albany (1980). Joe has an M. Div. in biblical studies/practical theology from Regent University (1988). He has an earned Doctor of Ministry from Wesley Theological Seminary (1999), Washington, D.C. He has been an administrator and is a adjunct faculty member at several colleges and universities (Tidewater Community College, Thomas Nelson Community College, and St. Leo University). Books may be purchased at www.lulu.com/ecahistory or from the ECA. Welcome To Our New Members Victor S. Jacobs – Mt. Laurel, NJ Joel R. De Graeve – Boerne, TX Chun-Ho Youm – Cerritos, CA Bang C. Yi – Downey, CA Joo Hyoung Lee – Rowland Heights, CA Peter Chan Woong Song – Chin Hills, CA Kevin Alex McGinnis - Quincy, IL John Hoos – Loveland, CO Douglas C. Bretschneider – Grant, MI Christopher A. Koepke – New York, NY Kyong Rok Kim – Dallas, TX Bryce A. Lund – Kingsburg, CA Ralph C. Fisher, Jr. – Newville, PA Helene Dallaire – Cincinnati, OH David C. Park – San Jose, CA Michael D. Finney – Highlands Ranch, CO Truitt C. Andress – Penns Grove, NJ Carlton E. Bowden – Eaton, IN Brett R. Casino – Bourbonnais, IL Jung Nam Hyun – Torrance, CA Donald Levi Friederichsen – Lexington, KY Janet L. Rolofson – Mt. Zion, IL Seok Ki Choi – San Jose, CA Russell L. Cambria – Buffalo, NY Robert R. Cornelison – Grand Rapids, MI Michael R. Phillips – Deerfield, IL Robert A. Tucker – Red Lion, PA Golda S. Dunn – Spokane Valley, WA Geofrey Tio – Union Beach, NJ Michael R. Unger – Hanford, CA David S. Signor – Youngstown, OH Lori A. Tate – Oregon, OH Geun Sang Cho – Duluth, GA Karen E. Roberts – Aurora, IL B. Daniel Kim – Houston, TX “My brother/sister, you have heard how great a work is that of the ministry to which you are called. We are assured in the Holy Scriptures that he who desires such an office desires a good thing, yet it is an office of great responsibility, and we lovingly remind you of that responsibility... And we pray that you may approve yourself as a minister of the Gospel of Christ, sacred before both God and men.” ECA Ministers Manual Ordination of a Minister Dihan Lee – Herndon, VA Jason Green –Corvallis, OR Gene Sellards – Glendale, AZ Richard H. Court – Furnersville, NJ Marty Allen Clary – St. Joseph, MO Sam Seung Bum Kim – Reston, VA Linda Leonard – Mississauga, ON Canada Thomas Julian Belke – Virginia Beach, VA Bonnie L. Cary – Palmetto, FL Simonette Cherepanov – Knoxville, TN Ovidiu Peter Cotuna – Forest Grove, OR Nathan G. Drake – Gallatin, TN Bruce E. Hill – Florence, KY Linda Harris – Memphis, TN Soonki Hwang – Keller, TX Laurie Lechlitner – Elkhart, IN Yongseok Lee – Oakton, VA Jose Mendez – Miami, FL James H. Parker, Jr. – Palmetto, FL Nancy Ann Pickens – Catonsville, MD Albert R. Rausch – Sale Creek, TN Ronald L. Miller – Little Rock, AR David Anthony Hill – Loudon, TN Miriam Smith-Stanley – Atlanta, GA Gale R. Buchholtz – Little Rock, AR Douglas Alan Grace – Annapolis, MD Peggy G. Goulet – Wise, VA David F. Souther – Dallas, TX Charles R. Hawkins – Las Vegas, NV Taesang Kim – Las Vegas, NV Jason A. Davis – Evansville, IN William P. Caddell – Selma, CA William F. English – Maple Grove, MN Mark Green – Springfield, VA The Evangel / 7 MISSION: E L B I S S O P Continued from page 1 When Sahrawi leaders in Morocco heard of the exchange their country was undertaking with the Evangelical Christians from America, they reached out asking for help in bringing their plight to the attention of the world. “The Sahrawis have never once asked us for money,” Rob explains. “In fact, the Kingdom of Morocco has provided funds to facilitate any costs associated with helping their people. All the Sahrawis want are our prayers, our friendship and our voices.” Rob believes helping the Sahrawi people will accomplish even more than simply ending their earthly suffering. He says it’s a first step in the delicate process of helping the whole of Morocco’s population to understand the Christian message. “It’s the Moroccans that first extended the An appeal to assist the Moroccans was hand of friendship to made; requesting prayer, informing others American Christians,” and letters to be written to the U.S. Ambashe says. “They have sador for Religious Liberty, John Hanford. graciously invited us to share the love of God with them as we understand it in the Gospel. They are vitally interested in Christian religion. The New Testament says true religion includes taking care of the widows and orphans. Randy and Marli Brown renew friendships formed from We need to ministry with Moroccans in Washington D. C. Regisfirst demonstrate our faith before we gain a investigation of why Sahrawis Registration hearing of it. This situation in are not allowed to leave the detration Western Sahara is a God-given optention centers in neighboring Alportunity to take this first step.” geria, and 3) Join one of the upAs explained at the conference coming Christian Friendship banquet, the Christian Friendship Mission trips to Morocco. The Mission is asking church and minfirst such trip is scheduled for istry leaders to do three things: 1) November 7-17. Educate ourselves and others in To find out more about the our sphere of influence about the Christian Friendship Mission, crisis in Morocco’s Southern contact project director Tanie Provinces, Western Sahara (webGuy at tanie@faithandaction.org. site: www.speakforsahrawis.org), A sample letter to send to John 2) Write a letter to the U.S. AmHanford may be obtained by bassador for Religious Liberty and emailing the ECA at fellow Evangelical John Hanford, info@ecainternational.org. urging him to undertake a full-scale ECA Staff & Member News Following an extensive search, the ECA was blessed early this summer with a new staff member. Chrystal Seccombe accepted an offer to serve as a Bookkeeper/Receptionist for the ECA this June. Chrystal and her husband , Scott have been married for nine years and have a busy family life surrounding one boy and two girls; Tyler, age 7; Victoria age 6; and Morgan age 4. They are a vibrant part of Believers Church in Matteson, IL where Chrystal teaches preschool age Sunday School. Chrystal and Scott, a Union Electrician, felt God’s leading her back into the work force after she had been a stay at home mom for seven years. This proved to be excellent timing and an answer to prayer for the ECA. During the past few months since Chrystal has joined ECA’s staff, she’s proved herself to be a hard-working and knowledgable asset and a joyful addition. Welcome Chrystal! Chrystal Seccombe Joins ECA Staff The Evangel / 8 Our Commitment to You ECA Events October 14, 2006 - Ohio Regional Conference Akron/Canton, OH October 20, 2006 - Northern Plains Regional Conference Courtyard by Marriott, Bloomington, MN October 21, 2006 - Shenandoah Valley Regional Conference Suffolk, VA We want you to know that we take seriously the trust you put in us when you make a contribution to the ECA. We are accountable to you and God to honor that trust by being excellent stewards of these financial resources. We pledge: √ February 10, 2007 Florida Regional Conference √ Delray Beach, FL April 1, 2007 Annual Ministerial Reports Due √ May 9, 2007 Canadian Conference Toronto, ON July 1, 2007 Membership Dues Deadline July 24-26, 2007 Annual Conference Branson, MO To use your gift carefully and wisely Not to ask for money that is not needed To abide by the strict accounting standards of the Evangelical Council for Financial Account ability (ECFA) Please use the enclosed envelope to send a gift to assist the ongoing ministries of the ECA today. THE EVANGELICAL CHURCH ALLIANCE P.O. BOX 9 BRADLEY, ILLINOIS 60915 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID JEFFERSON CITY, MO PERMIT NO. 210
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