June 2015 - Grand Prix Region
June 2015 - Grand Prix Region
June 2015 The Circuit June 2015 Grand Prix Region & Zone 8 Club Calendar June 2015 -7 F-Sun 5 6 Sat 6 Sat 14 Sun 20 Sat 20 Sat 21 Sun 2 1-27 27 Sat GGR PCA Club Race, Laguna Seca Breakfast Club — Glory Days Beachside Grill, Seal Beach GPX Board Meeting after Breakfast OCR Zone 8 Concours, Orange County SDR Autocross, Qualcomm Stadium, San Diego CCCR Autocross, Santa Maria Airport Father's Day 60th Porsche Parade, French Lick, IN SBR Gimmick Rally, Santa Barbara July 2015 4 Sat 4 Sat 11 Sat 12 Sun 10-12 F-Sun 18 Sat 25-26 S-Sun Breakfast Club —CANCELLED 4th of July GPX Summar BBQ (page 5) LAR Region Zone 8 Concours, Los Angeles PCA Club Race, Putnam Park GPX Singer Vehicle Design Tour (page 4) PCA Club Race, Brainerd August 2015 1 Sat 1 Sat 1 Sat 7-9 F-Sun 8-9 S-Sun 16-17 S-Sun 14 Fri 16 Sun 21-23 F-Sun Breakfast Club — Glory Days Beachside Grill, Seal Beach GPX Board Meeting after Breakfast CCCR Autocross, Santa Maria Airport PCA Club Race, Canadian Tire Motorsport Park PCA Club Race, Gingerman PCA Club Race, High Plains Raceway Werks Reunion, Monterey, CA Pebble Beach Concours PCA Club Race, NJMP September 2015 5 Sat Breakfast Club — Glory Days Beachside Grill, Seal Beach 5 Sat GPX Board Meeting after Breakfast 5-6 F-Sat GGR Region DE / PCA Club Race, Thunderhill 4-7 Th-MonPCA Club Race, Road America 7 Mon Labor Day 12 Sat GPX Angeles Crest Hwy Tour to Wrightwood 18-20 F-Sun PCA Drivers Ed / Club Race (entry level event) Miller Motorsports Park, Intermountain Region 19 Sat CCCR Autocross, Santa Maria Airport 25-27 F-Sun PCA Club Race, Summit Point 25-27 F-Sun Rennsport Reunion V, Laguna Seca (page 10) 26 Sat SAR Autocross, Central Arizona College 26 Sat RR Region Time Line, Arrowhead 30-3 T-Sun Porsche Escape - Rapid City, SD (Mt Rushmore) October 2015 3 Sat 3 Sat 3-4 S-Sun 4 Sun 5 Mon 12 Mon 2 Breakfast Club — Glory Days Beachside Grill, Seal Beach GPX Board Meeting after Breakfast PCA Club Race, Hallet GPX PCA DE Instructor Training, WSIR GPX Day Away from Work DE/AX Columbus Day 18 Sun 23-25 F-Sun 24-25 S-Sun 31Sat SBR Region Zone 8 Concours, Santa Barbara PCA Club Race, Daytona SDR Region DE/TT, Chuckwalla Halloween November 2015 7 Sat 7 Sat 15 Sun 11 Wed 13 Sat 14 Sun 14-15 S-Sun 14-15 S-Sun 21 Sat 26Thu Breakfast Club — Glory Days Beachside Grill, Seal Beach GPX Board Meeting after Breakfast GPX Tehachapi Loop Tour Veteran's Day CCCR Region DE, Buttonwillow SBR Zone 8 Autocross, Camarillo Airport SDR Region DE/TT, Buttonwillow SAR Drivers Ed, INDE, Arizona Tech Tactics West, Ontario Thanksgiving December 2015 5 Sat 5 Sat Breakfast Club — Glory Days Beachside Grill, Seal Beach GPX Board Meeting after Breakfast Contents 2 Grand Prix Region & Zone 8 Calendar 3 Table of Contents - Board of Directors & Chairs 4 GPX Singer Design Tour ad — July 18 5 GPX Back Yard BBQ ad — July 11 Abbreviations AZ — Arizona Region of the Porsche Club of America CCC — California Central Coast Region CAI — California Inland Region GER — Golden Empire Region GGR — Golden Gate Region GPX — Grand Prix Region LAR — Los Angeles Region LVR — Las Vegas Region OCR — Orange Coast Region RR — Riverside Region SAR — Southern Arizona Region SBR — Santa Barbara Region SDR — San Diego Region SGV — San Gabriel Valley Region ALMS— American Le Mans Series DE — PCA Drivers Education track event F1 — Formula 1 PCA — Porsche Club of America Advertising — vacant President Suesan Way Carter (619) 992-4287 Suesan@pobox.com 6 Wright of Way — President's Column 7 Editorial License On the Cover: Red Boxster to Solvang 8 Grand Prix Region's 34th Concours event 10 Rennsport Reunion V ad — Sep 25-27 11 Tours, Tours, Tours — We need your suggestions Vice President Jeff Peck (310) 345-8081 jbpeck@pacbell.net 14 PCA Club Racing West Coast Series ad 16 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Report 18 Miller Motorsports Park PCA Club Race / DE ad Sep 18-20 19 Calling All Racing Enthusiasts 60th Porsche Parade ad Secretary Marty Goldsmith (562) 494-6350 captmarty@verizon.net 20 Tour Through San Marcos Pass to Solvang 22 May 2015 Board of Directors meeting minutes Grand Prix Region events are in Bold # indicates a GPX addition or change GPX Board of Directors & Chairs Goodie Store announcement 25 May Breakfast Club Meeting 26 Book Review for Porschephiles: Porsche Moments Treasurer Linda Cobarrubias (310) 990-0993 MS993@aol.com 28 June Membership Report & Anniversaries 30 Classified Ads 31 GPX Breakfast Club Meeting Ad Index to Advertisers Member at Large Dave Hockett (909) 518-0415 cajun129@icloud.com Member at Large Bob & Karen Lewis (562) 756-8520 ralkallb@verizon.net Web sites GPX GrandPrixRegion.com Zone 8Zone8.org PCA NationalPca.org PCNAus.Porsche.com/national Porsche AGPorsche.com EDITORIAL POLICY: THE CIRCUIT is the official publication of the GRAND PRIX REGION of the PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA. Statements appearing in THE CIRCUIT are those of the author and are not necessarily the opinions of the CLUB or its editorial staff. The Editor reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Permission to reprint any material herein is granted providing full credit is given to the authors and THE CIRCUIT, with the exception of copyrighted material. ADDRESS CHANGE: Please notify GPX membership chair and PCA (PO Box 5900, Springfield, VA 22150 or Admin@PCA.org ) of any address, email, phone or membership status changes. Member at Large Skip Carter (619) 992-9927 SkipCarter@pobox.com Zone 8 Representative Tom Brown (760) 505-3286 tb911@tbsoftware.net Chief Driving Instructor Dave Hockett (909) 518-0415 cajun129@icloud.com Circuit Distribution Albert Franco (310) 379-8987 ajfquantum@verizon.net Circuit Editor— Skip Carter Circuit Production Editor Bob Fulton (714) 330-7907 robertdfulton2004@gmail.com Concours Linda Cobarrubias MS993@aol.com (310) 990-0993 Flagging Team Bob & Karen Lewis (562) 756-8520 ralkallb@verizon.net Fundraising Chuck Weaver (562) 430-3010 CSWeavr@msn.com Goodie Store Ludmila Osipova (424) 279-0069 Ludmila497@gmail.com Insurance Ron Shanon (310) 375-9840 rshanon@yahoo.com Membership Karen Lewis (562) 756-8520 ralkallb@verizon.net Performance Driving Events Skip Carter SkipCarter@pobox.com Registration Colleen Stein (661) 714-3030 Colleens01996@gmail.com Safety Nick Perdikaris (310) 901-8154 nickperdi@gmail.com Silent Auction Arturo Chaparro (323) 633-7915 arturo7music@sbcglobal.net Social Susan Moard smoard@msn.com (626) 705-8686 Social Media Dimitri Shanin (202) 285-2153 dashanin10@gmail.com Tech Inspection Dan Hockett (909) 921-5596 hockeyhock@verizon.net Technical Adviser Michael Dolphin (213) 248-4743 Carrera3@msn.com Timing Darren & Jennifer Cole (661) 209-9498 mnemosynedc@hotmail.com Tours Marty Goldsmith (562) 494-6350 captmarty@verizon.net Jeff Peck (310) 345-8081 JBPeck@pacbell.net printing by Print Solutions Provider, Santa Ana, CA Webmaster Jimmie Mitchell (310) 539-2568 jmitch911@sbcglobal.net 3 The Circuit June 2015 Presents Tour of Singer Vehicle Design July 18, 2015 The Gillam home Ladera Heights (detail information at PCAGPX.MotorsportReg) C he Pors c Back Yard Summer BBQ Pr gion Re Grand Prix Region America, Gran d ix Grand Prix Region of b lu Lo ng Beach, Californ ia July 11, Saturday 12:00 noon until it ends (lunch served 1pm - no host bar) $10.00 per person (donation to Children's Dental Health Clinic) http://singervehicledesign.com/ Singer Vehicle Design has given GPX the opportunity to tour their facility on July 18, 2015. Due to limited space, this tour is open to only 10 people. If you are interested, please sign up on MotorsportReg.com at: http://msreg.com/GPXSVD.com RSVP before July 4 (so we can plan for enough food) Registration at PCAGPX.MotorsportReg.com Registration opens June 6, 2015 We will be picking the names of the 10 lucky attendees on July 1, 2015. If you are one of the lucky winners, we request a donation of $50.00 each for our charity, The Children’s Dental Health Clinic in Long Beach. For more information please contact: Jeff Peck - 310-345-8081 - jbpeck@pacbell.net 4 Music Great BBQ Home Theatre Race movies Poolside Activities Soda - Water provided Bring your own alcohol (if desired) For information, contact Suesan Way 619-992.4287 or SuesanWay@pobox.com 5 The Circuit June 2015 Write of Way, by Suesan Way Skip Carter Canadian Geese Grand Prix Region has a fabulous NEW Goodie Store, and all because we have found a new Manager with talent as a fabulous buyer! In the past we have had terrific people running the store. They were very dedicated club enthusiasts who worked hard but did not have a good buyer (that would be me). Because they had little time to go through catalogues and dig through websites, it fell on me to find a few things for the club to sell. However, there was a huge overshadowing problem that no one talked about, and that I didn’t realize. I have no taste. I picked everything in black and white because they are the club colours, and then I only picked tee shirts, sweatshirts and caps. Oh, we talked about jackets and women’s clothing, but I could never figure it all out, and so I persisted with black and white everything and we would make a couple of sales every month. Then our Goodie Store managers, Bob Baddy and Junko Kamei, moved to Ohio for a great career change. Another member, Ludmila Osipova, stepped up and volunteered to take over. Ludmila is what my mother would have referred to as A Fashion Plate. She always looks perfectly put together and always seems on top of her game. Needless to say, the Board was thrilled to take Ludmila up on her offer to manage the Goodie Store. Since she started, it is like that old cowboy expression: "There’s a new sheriff in town." Ludmila’s fashion sense is just great with plenty of choices and colours, and there has been a large increase in business since she took over. Our May Breakfast had club members crowding her area looking at items and purchasing the new and ever changing merchandise. The goal is to sell nice items at reasonable prices for members to enjoy, and Ludmila is doing just that for our members and the club. The Goodie Store was also a success at the GPX annual Concours d’Elegance held May 17th at the Lakewood Country Club. Our sponsor for 2015 was The Auto Gallery, and we were very pleased to have the General Manager, Eric Schwartz, join us along with his family and two cars that he 6 entered into the judged competition. It was really a pleasure to have The Auto Gallery and the Schwartz family with us participating and really being a part of our event. The day wouldn’t have been possible without the work of our Chair, Linda Cobarrubias, who worked hard to make it a perfect event again this year. Along with The Auto Gallery we also enjoyed having Sierra Madre, LA Dismantlers and Aero Products join us. But above all, it was all the volunteers from GPX and other Regions in Zone 8 that came out to help that made the day a great success. Thanks to everyone that helped. Our next big event is July 11th when we are having a summertime party to welcome new members and, of course, everyone else. As mentioned in the May Circuit, there is no charge; you just need to register on Motorsportreg.com to sign up for the food count. There is also a flyer in this issue of the Circuit. Please join us for an afternoon of great BBQ, game room competitions, home theatre racing movies, great Porsche friends and more. As always the Board is looking for members who might like to get more involved in the club. If you think you might have any interest in being part of the management team of the Grand Prix Region, please shoot me an email at — Suesan@pobox.com Suesan and I are getting ready to leave for the 60th Porsche Parade in French Lick, Indiana. This will be Suesan's 10th Parade. Her first was Portland in 2006 and she has been every year since. I've been to a few more. My first was San Diego in 1992, and I've probably missed two or three since. One of the absolute main things I really liked when I first started going to Parades was that it forced me to take a family vacation every year. As a small, self-employed general remodeling contractor, I worked hard and long hours in addition to raising a family and being heavily involved as a volunteer with two other organizations: World Runners and The Hunger Project. Then there was soccer, little league and bobby sox coaching, and running a second (and for awhile, a third) company. I could easily go years without putting my head up enough to think about a vacation. Then one day I realized that my kids were going to Lake Meade a couple of times each summer with my sister, her husband and several other family members. This was very cool. My kids loved it. What it made me realize though, was that, if I didn't start creating some vacation time now, I might really miss fabulous opportunities to do stuff with my family. So, we started going to Parade. Another thing I really enjoy about Parade is the opportunity to spend 7-10 days in an area I probably havn't been to before. That is long enough to get a flavor of a place. Parade activities create more opportunity. I've managed the Concours Prep area since the Milwaukee Parade in 2001. It requires us to get there 3 days before Parade Check-in. This is my first look at the Concours Prep areas, so the first thing I do is assess the situation, determine if I need to go buy 100 rolls of blue painters tape to mark off car spots (Charlotte, NC and several others), or some 12-3 electrical wire and cord ends to make up a bunch of electrical adapters (St. Charles, Il), or buy a thousand dollars of snacks and drinks for the prep folks when they are working hard on their cars and don't want to even walk across the street for food and drink. Every year I have two volunteers, Taxi and Tillie, who usually find some kind of wagon or other wheeled device, and take the stuff right to folks working on their cars. I try to find a local who can tell me the best (and closest) places to buy food and sundries as needed. We fly to Parades that are more than one overnight drive away, so we've driven to Colorado, Portland, Salt Lake City and Monterey. Our rental car at other Parades immediately becomes a de facto pickup truck. Did I mention how much fun we have? Suesan manages Parade Concierge, which is an information center for Parade participants. She also puts on a Parade 101 Powerpoint presentation several times to first time attendees. Our favorite event (without having a Porsche there) is the Gimmick Rally. It is one of the new events that you can enter without a Porsche, and you really take a fairly slow drive always through some very scenic countryside. Think about coming next year — Jay Peak, Vermont is a ski resort about 6 miles from the Quebec border. Sleazy Dog Construction On the Cover... Boyd Kruger took this fantastic photo of Rusty Scott's Boxster while participating in our recent tour to Solvang. It was an extremely fun event, which you can read about inside this issue. We really appreciate those of you willing to share your photos and even write an article now and then when you participate in our events. Thanks to all of our volunteers. June 2015 7 34th Annual GPX Concours d'Elegance Lakewood Country Club photos - Jimmie Mitchell, Marty Goldsmith, Rusty Scott & Stephen Krupnick More photos & results on page 12 The 34th Annual Grand Prix Region Concours d’Elegance was held at the Lakewood Country Club on May 17th. Once again it was a wonderful day of great Porsche enthusiasts and beautiful cars held in a lovely setting. As in past years, the Lakewood Country Club did a great job putting on a lovely white table cloth luncheon for almost a 100 entrants, judges, guests and volunteers. The staff was terrific and available to help with all of our needs. We were thrilled to again have The Auto Gallery join us as this year’s sponsor of our Concours. Eric Schwartz, General Manager of The Auto Gallery, entered two of his cars in the competition. He was there first thing Sunday morning doing the last preparations on his ’72 Targa (entered in Full Concours) and his beautiful ’64 356C (entered in Street division). We were also happy to have Eric’s family come out and be a part of the day. Thanks so much to Eric and The Auto Gallery for all of their support. A special thanks goes to our mini Vendor’s Row including Aero Products, Sierra Madre, LA Dismantlers and of course Ludmila Osipova and the Grand Prix Region Goodie Store. Anthony Shear's 912E Eric Schwartz & Family Linda Cobarrubias, Suesan Way Carter Jim Alton Bruce Talamon & His 911S Very special appreciation to Linda Cobarrubias our Concours Chair, Doc Pryor our Head Judge, and all of the wonderful judges and volunteers. This day could not have happened without the dedication and enthusiasm of each and every one of you. Karen & Bob Lewis' 911 Michael Dolphin's Macan Suesan Steve Hoskins' 356A Steve Hoskins, Marge Libunao Betsy Wadman Dick Douglass' 356C Auto Gallery 991 Targa Bob Werle & His 356A Karen Nedza Eric Schwartz's 356C Jimmie Mitchell, Marge Libunao Ludmila Osipova Pete Lech's 911S Barbara Gillam, Arturo Chaparro Ted Myrus' 356C Bev & Tom Gould's 911E Will Sanchez, Joe Nedza Bob Hechtman's 911 Brett Mohr Preparing His 912 Bev Gould, Chuck Weaver Nick Perdikaris, Jimmie Mitchell Judging Steve Vining's 911S Judging Joe Nedza's 356B Linda Cobarrubias, Jeff Peck Dickson Lew & His 914-6 Sierra Madre Collection LA Dismantler Doc Pryor, Dick Douglass Aero Products Alfred Abken GPX Goodie Store John Landgraf & His 964C2 TOURS, TOURS, TOURS September 25-27 2015 Laguna Seca WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO? We are working on the 2016 tour calendar We need your input Thinking back to previous years Where have we been that you would like to go again? Looking ahead Where would you like to go that we have not been before? What activities do you like as part of the tours? Sightseeing — Restaurants — Wineries — Special Events Special Attractions such as coastal, mountain or desert PCA is proud to announce that we will be hosting the Sholar-Friedman Cup, a race exclusive to PCA Club Racers and is the only club allowed to host such a group. Ticket packages for spectators are available at http://www.mazdaraceway.com/porsche-rennsport-reunion-v or by calling the track directly at 831-242-8200. For those driving your Porsche, there will be Porsche model specific parking inside the track. Contact the track for corral passes. These are limited and exclusive to Porsches. If you purchase a corral ticket but drive a non-Porsche, you will be redirected to park outside of the track. PCA will be hosting a member hospitality tent with complimentary beverages as well as a schedule of speakers and presentations consisting of former and current drivers and Porsche celebrities. Come out to cheer your PCA Club Racers as well as a chance to mingle with famous Porsche drivers and see and hear the world greatest Porsches race on the iconic Laguna Seca. Restaurant at the top of the Palm Springs Tramway Restaurants and wineries in Temecula or Paso Robles Quaint roadside pubs, car shows, air shows Ziplining at a winery in Paso Robles Guided tour at the US Army Desert Training Center at Fort Irwin? Do you want 1 day tours, 2 or even 3 day tours in the Sierras? How much driving each day — 4 hours, 6 hour, 8 hour? Please reply to: Marty Goldsmith — Captmarty@verizon.net Jeff Peck — jbpeck@pacbell.net Alan Johnson — alantheinspector@verizon.net Doc Pryor's 356B The Trophies Turbo S Under Glass! Josh Hoffmann's 928 [It’s official.] Walt Earley & Jerone Bradford w/ Walt's 911SC Eric Schwartz Preparing His 911 Competitor Region Car Chuck Bartron's 930 2015 Highest rated Porsche Dealer in the United States for Customer Service. Year Class Score Full Concours Gould, Beverly & Tom SDR 911E 1970 C-3 324.5 Mohr, Brett C-3/Division Winner GPX 912 1966 C-3 324.6 Schwartz, Eric (The Auto Gallery) LAR 911 1972 C-3 322.9 Vining, Steve C-4 Winner LAR 911S 1975 C-4 324.3 Lewis, Karen & Bob C-7 Winner GPX 911 2002 C-7 323.4 Clevenger, Bill GPX 356B 1963 S-1 239.4 Myrus, Ted SDR 356SC 1964 S-1 238.0 Nedza , Joe S-1/Division Winner OCR 356B 1963 S-1 239.6 Schwartz, Eric (The Auto Gallery) LAR 356C 1964 S-1 237.2 SGVR 356A 1956 S-2 238.9 GPX 356A 1959 S-2 238.4 Werle, Robert Libunao, Margaret S-3 Winner GPX 911S 1970 S-3 239.0 Permantier, Michael OCR 911SC 1983 S-4 237.8 Shear, Anthony S-4 Winner SGVR 912E 1976 S-4 239.2 Bartron, Chuck S-5 Winner GPX 930 1984 S-5 239.1 930 1987 S-5 237.7 Garling, Tom Talamon, Bruce S-6 Winner GPX 911 1997 S-6 238.6 Lech, Peter S-7 Winner OCR 911 2006 S-7 239.3 Lew, Dickson S-8 Winner GPX 914-6 1970 S-8 239.0 Earley, Walter WS-2 Winner GPX 911SC 1980 WS-2 129.1 Landgraf, John WS-3 Winner OCR 964C2 1993 WS-3 129.3 Weaver, Chuck GPX 911 1988 WS-3 124.2 Dolphin, Michael WS-7/Division Winner GPX Macan 2015 WS-7 129.6 Cobarrubias, Linda & Pryor, Doc Ü-1 Winner GPX Boxster 2002 Ü-1 174.1 Armstrong, Michele Ü-6/Division Winner GPX Macan 2015 Ü-6 174.3 Wash & Shine 2014 Chuck Weaver's 911 The Porsche Macan is now available. Choose the best in Porsche. Life, intensified. Choose the best in Porsche customer service. Walter’s Porsche in Riverside is proud to be honored as the Highest Rated The Macan operates on one principle only – all or nothing. How can you tell? By Porsche Dealer in the United States for Customer Service by DealerRater.com. the intense emotions it triggers. The feeling that you can achieve anything, create This goes above and beyond our three consecutive years as Highest Rated in California. anything and change anything. Just the way you want it. Michele Armstrong's Macan PCA members deserve the best in Porsche customer service. Experience every form of Porsche performance. Walter’s Porschepricing standsfor ready serve you. Call for special PCAtomembers. Ceal Howard's 356C Official sponsor of the 866.365.2030 WaltersPorsche.com Übergang Porsche Club of America Grand Prix Region. 3210 Adams Street Riverside, CA 92504 Mike Permantier's 911SC 2015 3 years in a row in California. U N I T E D S TAT E S Street Hoskins, Steve S-2 Winner 2013 The Circuit 14 June 2015 15 2015 Toyoto Grand Prix of Long Beach story - Bob Fulton photos - Jimmie Mitchell The 41st running of the Long Beach Grand Prix, the namesake of our PCA Grand Prix Region, occurred on Sunday, April 19th. Three-time Indy 500 winner Scott Dixon won the race after overtaking pole-sitter Helio Castroneves in the middle of the race and never looking back. Dixon held off late challenges from Castroneves and Juan Pablo Montoya and recorded his first IndyCar win at Long Beach. Maximum speeds reached almost 200 miles per hour along the Shoreline Drive portion of the course. Indy Lights 2nd Place Spencer Pigot The weekend's events thrilled the estimated 181,000 automotive fans. Besides the IndyCar racing, the weekend included Indy Light racing, the Pirelli World Challenge, the TUDOR United SportsCar Championship, and the Pro/Celebrity Race. The Super Stadium Truck race featured pickup trucks hurtling skyward off ramps on the course. Drift driving exhibitions added to the fun. The Lifestyle Expo had exhibits for fans of all ages. Indy Lights Racing Charlie Kimball IndyCar Racing Pirelli World Challenge Racing Helio Castroneves Lifestyle Expo IndyCar 3rd Place Juan Pablo Montoya IndyCar 2nd Place Helio Castroneves Pirelli World Challenge Racing TUDOR GTLM Class 2nd Place Ferrari F458 Italia TUDOR P Class 1st Place Corvette DP Too Long? TUDOR GTLM Class 3rd Place Corvette C7.R TUDOR GTLM Class 1st Place BMW Z4 GTE TUDOR GTLM Class Porsche 911 RSR Lifestyle Expo Super Stadium Truck Racing JOIN US FOR The INTERMOUNTAIN REGION’S 24 th Sponsored by PCA CLUB RACE & High Performance Driver Education Ken Garff Porsche of Orem & Porsche Salt Lake City Stop by on your way to Rennsport Reunion June 2015 CALLING ALL RACING ENTHUSIASTS Have you always wanted to get involved with racing without the high cost of campaigning your own car? One way is to help coordinate Performance Driving events. Get the second best seat in the house! As a Flagger, you will be stationed at the corners helping to keep participants safe. Your job is to provide course condition information to the drivers via flags and to relay on-track incidents to track control. Flaggers are truly irreplaceable: Without them, the race doesn’t go on! The Grand Prix Region currently hires Corner Workers for our events, but the quality of those workers is not consistent. The idea came up that, instead of hiring outside groups to do this, perhaps we should put together a team of GPX Corner Workers. PhotobyEricSchramm Bob and Karen Lewis are two GPX members who got the Corner Worker bug a couple of years ago. They were trained by the best as Flag and Grid workers, and have been staffing racing events like the Long Beach Grand Prix and venues like Laguna Seca, Auto Club Speedway and others ever since. Bob and Karen would be willing to train a team of GPX members and their friends to be professional level Flag and Grid workers. We train! The only requirement is your enthusiasm and love of racing Part of the West Coast Series Region, Event & Hotel Info. http://www.irpca.org Race Registration opens Aug. 3rd http://register.pca.org HPDE Registration opens Aug. 3rd http://www.motorsportreg.com Race Chair - Otto Silva otto@databaseguru.net 801 899 3511 Registrar - Kay Koellner koelhunt@gmail.com 801-870-0463 Driver Education - Jeff Bogaard jwbogaard@gmail.com Miller Motorsports Park Tooele, UT - September 18-20, 2015 Friday Test&Tune(optional)&HighPerformanceDriversEducation(HPDE) SaturdaySprintRace,1hourEnduro&HPDE Sunday SprintRace&SuperSprintRace(40minutes)&HPDE 6.5 HOURS TOTAL TRACK TIME! The IRPCA has hosted races for 22 years in 4 states at 5 tracks. The Miller Motorsports Track is 4.5 miles long with 23 turns, elevation changes and 12 straights. MMP includes a huge paved paddock with amenities, garages, covered trackside facilities and ONLY 30 minutes from downtown Salt Lake. 19 Tour Thru San Marcos Pass to Solvang The Circuit GPX Grand Tour Meisters Jeff Peck and Juliet Szegedi were there to greet and organize the event. Jeff had a new Panamera loaned by Beverly Hills Porsche. He was so impressed by the car, he said that he could possibly get used to the PDK transmission! Rain was forecast. It wasn't a droughtbuster, but it wouldn't be a fun-buster either. Sixteen cars began the tour by negotiating the biggest obstacle of the day, a very steep driveway and gutter at the exit of the Carrow's parking lot. There was a mix of 911s, Boxters and Caymans plus one guest in his BMX Z3 (at least he got the country right). Some had optimistically put their tops down in the cool, partly cloudy morning. Rusty Scott, in radio contact with Jeff, was the broom wagon. After a pleasant, but darkening drive up the 101 to Santa Barbara, we turned off of the freeway at the Route 154, San Marcos Pass exit. We gathered at the base of the hill to reassemble the group. Seeing the clouds that now obscured the mountain tops, several cars put their tops back up. Ascending the road, we hop-scotched the usual 154 traffic, including big trucks and RV's, using the occasional "Passing Lanes." Approaching the top of the pass, a drizzle began to fall, then light rain. The few topless cars were OK with the speed keeping the rain out of the cockpit. Turning onto Old Stagecoach Road, we passed the historic Cold Springs Tavern and stagecoach stop. The rough, one and half lane road canopied by large oak trees slowed everyone down. Enough rain had fallen by then that very large drops were falling from the trees. Halfway down, there is a beautiful view up to the long concrete arch bridge that crosses the canyon. Back onto 154 we drove past Lake Cachuma which was distressingly low, then through the upper Santa Ynez Valley farmland and vineyards. There was a short stop at Los Olivos to regroup and for the holdouts to put up their tops. We scattered to find parking spots, but most assembled either inside or under the awnings of the Los Olivos Market. There were posters in the shop windows advertising the Los Olivos Jazz and Olive Festival 20 June 2015 story - Alan Johnson photos - Alan Johnson, Boyd Krueger & Rusty Scott held each year on the first Saturday in June. For those who wish to attend, get information and tickets at www.jazzandolivefestival.org for next year. Back onto 154 for a short distance, and then with some short jogs we were on Ballard Canyon Road. It was another beautiful, raindrop covered view of farmlands and vineyards. Around one corner behind a fence were 3 long horn cattle and 1 bison. After the road changed names several times, we arrived at Solvang and headed to one of the public parking lots near the center of town as instructed. Alas! The road was blocked off as a Datsun club was having a show of early 1500's, 1600's, B210's of Datsun and Fairlady marques. We scattered again to find parking and then roamed the streets of Solvang. The lunch at Bit O'Denmark was a large and warming, smorgasborg treat. As the rain had stopped after lunch, the group scattered to shop, return to Santa Barbara or elsewhere. Six cars, after a stop at Ingeborg's Chocolate Shop, continued West on Hwy 246. We passed the Ostrich Farm, the Hitching Post II (of movie fame), and Pea Soup Andersen's on our way to Melville Winery. The wine tasting included 4 wines - a Chardonnay and 3 Pinot Noirs. This viticulture area, Santa Rita Hills, is cooler due to its proximity to the ocean (and is known for its Pinots). Grapes that like more heat, like Cabernet, are grown further inland up the Santa Ynez Valley. After a tour and purchases, the group continued further West to the outskirts of Lompoc to join Hwy 1. After a curvy descent down Gaviota Pass and the 101, we headed home. 21 The Circuit June 2015 May 2015 Board Meeting Minutes Brita & Marty Goldsmith by Marty Goldsmith, Secretary The meeting was called to order at 10:45. Present were Suesan Way-Carter,Martin Goldsmith, Dave Hockett, Karen & Bob Lewis, Skip Carter, Michael Dolphin, Jimmie Mitchell, Arturo Chaparro, and Bob Fulton. The minutes of the April meeting were approved. No treasurer’s report was available. There was discussion of how to handle the attendance at a potential limited-visitor tour of the Singer automobile facility. It was decided to conduct an on-line raffle, with each winner contributing $50 to our charity. GPX membership stands at 636, total. It was agreed that we need to have greater GPX presence on Facebook. There was an extended discussion of how to accomplish that goal. The Goodie Store will be open at the Concours. There was discussion about how to keep the classified section of the website up-to-date. The meeting was adjourned at 11:40. Plans are going forward for the Concours, which will be held on May 17th. GOODIE STORE New & Exciting Goodie Store Best merchandise we have ever seen Great selection of completely new items credit cards - cash - check Your next opportunity to see our new merchandise will be: August 1 Breakfast Club meeting Thank you Ludmila Osipova Goodie Store Manager 22 23 May Breakfast Club The Circuit photos by Jimmie Mitchell June 2015 Michael Dolphin Suesan Working the Room Rick Hartman Bob & Graham Werle Jim Lenahan, Stephen Krupnick, David Moard Mark Singer Vincent Parker, Tyrone Moore, Gordon Jackson, Tommy Johnson, Walter Earley, Jerone Bradford, Bruce Jebcott, Ceal Howard Rod Williams Brita Goldsmith Brita Goldsmith, Susan Moard, Karen Lewis 50-50 Winner Vincent Parker Walter Swenman Dave Hockett 24 Mat Thomas and Laura Pugh Arturo Chaparro, Mark Dodson, Jim Lenahan, David Moard Suesan Way Carter, Tom, Jerone Bradford, Ron Shanon, Rusty Scott, Michele Armstrong, Gordon Jackson, Ceal Howard25 The Circuit June 2015 Book Reviews for Porschephiles Bruce Herrington by Bruce Herrington, Orange Coast Region Porsche Moments by Jesse Alexander, published by david Bull Publishing, Phoenix, Az Jesse Alexander is arguably the best motor racing photographer of the 50s and 60s, the period that this reviewer considers to be The Golden Age of motor racing. Porsche Moments contains some 100 pages of pictures depicting the efforts of people involved with Porsche and Porsches to achieve motor racing success. Mr. Alexander has spent a lifetime in photography, the largest part of it devoted to documenting motorsports, an involvement which began in the early 1950s with the birth of the sports car movement in the USA. His first sports car was an MGTD, followed by a Morgan Plus Four and then a Sunbeam Talbot. He first photographed races at Pebble Beach and Palm Springs (venues that are no longer with us), and also the late lamented Santa Barbara Airport course, where he fell in love with Porsches. Porsche Moments covers Porsche’s early racing history in Europe and Mexico from 1953-62. It is a big book, 11x13 inches; big enough so that the full-page photographs therein are salon sized, suitable for framing. But rather than cutting up such an outstanding book, individual prints can be ordered directly from the author. Dan Gurney’s foreword touches on their shared personal developments: Dan as a driver and Jesse as a photographer. As Dan says: “Jesse Alexander’s photographs beautifully capture the passion and hard work required then to put a race car in the winner’s circle.” Jesse’s unique ability to capture the feeling of motorsports, in picture after picture, makes this book more than worth its $75 price tag. 26 Because Jesse Alexander’s photos are so great, some of them will be familiar as classics. But, since the entire book is from Mr. Alexander’s personal files, the vast majority are newly available pictures, in the same character as the classics. Organized by venue rather than chronologically, the character of these early motorsports events comes through clearly. The people in the pictures seem to be causal, friendly sportsmen focused on the fun of the events, not businessmen focused on the dollars (or what the lawyers would do if given half a chance). As Dan Gurney’s introduction says: “You can almost feel the camaraderie among the competitors.” Virtually all the pictures show people doing things. Though the pictures are somewhat snap shot in some ways, the composition and the actions of the people in them give the viewer a you are there feeling, lacking in the typical vacation album picture. TCsGarage Parts & Accessories www.tcsgarage.com Free Shipping on orders over $75* Classic Porsche Parts 1956 - 1999 Porsche Models Parts & Accessories Porsche, BMW , Care Care Products, Covercraft, Lloyd Mats Tools & More Don’t see what you need? • CALL US! 760‐295‐3330. Bev & Tom Gould (former co-founder of PelicanParts) • 30+ yrs experience. • PCA members for 30 + years. 760‐295‐3330 | www.tcsgarage.com E‐Mail: tom@tcsgarage.com 1315 Hot Spring Way #105, Vista, CA 92081 * Free shipping on US ground shipments only. See website for details. Though the emphasis is on the pictures, captions are provided so that the reader can fully appreciate what is going on. But, typically, Jesse Alexander’s pictures are largely selfexplanatory. The cover, showing a pensive, focused Graham Hill sitting in an RS-60, is a really great picture, even when you don’t know that he’s waiting for the first practice of the 1960 Targa Florio, and that Hans Herman, in the RS-60 behind, would win the race. Porsche Moments is available through Motorbooks International http://search.motorbooks.com/ or through major booksellers. 27 Membership Report The Circuit Robert & Pam Barclay Mike Moses Tatyana & Joe Skevin Brita & Marty Goldsmith June Anniversaries 38 years 33 years 26 years 24 years 20 years 18 years 17 years 15 years 14 years 13 years 12 years 11 years 10 years 9 years 8 years 5 years 4 years 3 years 2 years 1 year Wendell Price Richard Clewett John & Patty Reilly Stefan & Cathy Koch Linda Cobarrubias & Doc Pryor Nick Perdikaris & Ludmila Osipova Keith and Jake Hoffnagle Doc Pryor Mike Takaki Charles & Reba Rhodes Wayne & Noriko Dempsey Ron & Jean Shanon Richard & Charles Clewett Will Sanchez Michael & Ruth Levin Mike & Kathy Moses Joe & Tatyana Skevin Tim & Patricia Souza Wendell Price Ludmila Osipova Michael & Randall Takaki Nick Perdikaris Robert & Pamela Barclay Marty & Brita Goldsmith Jimmie & James Mitchell Arnie & Terry Perkins Allan & Carolyn Rosenberg Earl Yessmann Gordon & Toni Jackson Gregg & Trudy Klefstad William & Linda Perry Jay Barton Rob Saunders John Schinnerer Steve & Hayden Town Rick Block Les Murray John Willhoit Boyd Nichols Tim & Patti Souza Linda Cobarrubias Carolyn & Allan Rosenberg Gordon & Toni Jackson Ron & Jean Shanon The Wayne Dempsey family Jay Barton June New Members — Transfers In Steve Koch Robert Gordon & Carol Swede Colin Clyne James Gambit & Tammy Murray Craig Vittitoe Ben Mitchell Andrew Lee 1987 911 Carrera 1984 911 Red Carrera Coupe 1979 911SC 2014 Dark Blue Metallic Boxster S 2015 911 Carrera 2015 Cayman Jimmie Mitchell Linda Reeves 28 John Schinnerer Dave McClintock Will Sanchez Les Murray Earl Yessman The Circuit CLASSIFIED ADS FREE Porsche Panorama collection almost complete from 1992 to present. Most issues in Pano blue covers. Includes Up-fixing Der Porsche manuals. FREE. Willing to meet you half way or help with shipping, (within reason). Please contact Nick at: nickperdi@gmail.com or text at: 310-901-8154 Club Racer looking for office space and storage space for race-car, trailer and tow vehicle. Willing to pay market rates. Since larger spaces are cheaper looking for any ideas, thoughts, proposals. South LA County, North OC strongly preferred. Please contact Nick at: nickperdi@gmail.com or text at: 310-901-8154 June 2015 WANTED — SINGER PORSCHE 911 If anyone knows of one for sale, please contact me. Favorite colours: British Racing Green or Silver (any colour is just fine)., Henry Paul Valdez (805)558-7473 hpv1west@gmail.com Classified Ads FREE for PCA Members Send info including a photo (if you can) SkipCarter@pobox.com Commercial Advertising Rates Size Business card Invoiced Quarterly Index of Advertisers Size 40.00/mo 3 5/8" x 2" Quarter page 75.00/mo 3 5/8" x 4 5/8" Half page 125.00/mo 7 1/2" x 4 5/8" Full page 200.00/mo 7 1/2" x 9 1/2" Full key position 250.00/mo 4 Color — add 40% to pricing Full bleed available on half & full page only Classified ads Classified ads are free to PCA members Include a photo if you'd like For advertising information, contact: kip Carter, editor S 619.992.9927 skipcarter@pobox.com Automotion / Performance Products 15 Breakfast Club Meeting 31 Callas Rennsport 30 Children's Dental Health Clinic 30 Circle Porsche 29 Class Auto Center 23 Factory Werks 27 Insurance Center Associates 30 LA Porsche Dismantler 27 Pacific Porsche SPECIALISTS IN CLASSIC AND CONTEMPORARY PORSCHES 3387 Livonia Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90034 310-280-0700 info@redlineservice.net [Right at Robertson & 10 Fwy] www.redlineservice.net Back Cover Pelican Parts 27 Print Solutions Provider 23 Red Line Service 31 Sierra Madre Collection 27 TC's Garage 27 Walter's Porsche 13 Porsche Club of America, Grand Prix Region Redline_bc4.indd 1 9/26/12 10:01:07 AM For more information, contact Bob & Karen Lewis (562) 576-8520 NEW MEMBERS receive a free GPX Coffee Mug as a gift Join us for our Monthly Breakfast Club Meeting Glory Days Beachside Grill 620 Pacific Coast Highway, Seal Beach (562) 756-8520 First Saturday of each month — 9:00 am NO JULY, Aug 1, Sep 5, Oct 3, Nov 7, Dec 5 $14.00 breakfast incl tax, tip & beverages HAVE BREAKFAST AND TALK WITH OTHER PORSCHE OWNERS & PCA MEMBERS 30 31 Porsche Club of America Grand Prix Region c/o Skip Carter 10385 Bonnie Lane La Mesa, CA 91941 DATED MATERIAL Pacific Porsche LA County’s Only Premier Porsche Dealer It’s a given that a commitment to excellence — and performance above industry standards — is expected at a Porsche Dealership. That is our baseline. As one of the top 25 Porsche Dealers in North America and the only dealer to receive Premier Porsche Dealer recognition in LA County, Pacific Porsche is dedicated to routinely go above and beyond these demands in our devotion to both the Porsche brand and you, our valued customers. We ‘live and breathe’ Porsche because we know you demand the very best. Experience our difference. Complimentary service loaner car for all service. 424-271-3822 | www.pacificporsche.com 2900 PCH Torrance, CA. 90505
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