Football star reflects Jesuit education, values
Football star reflects Jesuit education, values
GameTime Football star reflects Jesuit education, values BY JOSEPH KENNY, the St. Louis Review A ndy Bauer held his Under Armour All-America High School Football Game jersey high for all to see at a presentation last fall celebrating his selection as one of 90 high school players chosen for the game. He thanked God for being blessed with his gifts and opportunities. He thanked his parents for their love and support. He thanked his brother and sister for their inspiration. He cited the roles of his coaches, trainer, physical therapists, teammates, friends and De Smet Jesuit High School community. It was typical of Bauer, a young man focused on football and studies but also aware of his role as a Catholic and community member. Football has been a big part of the life of the University of Missouri-Columbia recruit. He’s played on the offensive line since first grade, always, as his coaches and others who have observed him point out, with a highly competitive nature trying to be the best. As a boy he played in youth leagues, and in the sixth grade he set a goal of playing college football. De Smet Jesuit coach Pat Mahoney has taught him that “if you give all of yourself and offer that to God, then you know you can sleep easy knowing that you did your best that day,” Bauer said. “That’s something that was big in my life because I’m such a competitive person.” His high school highlights, he said, have included the brotherhood he formed with teammates and the role the team plays in uniting the school. Bauer missed his senior year after having a bone spur removed from his hip. After extensive physical therapy, he is fully recovered. Dealing with the setback was tough, he said, but “you just have to keep your faith, trust in God’s plan, keep moving forward ... just pray, work hard and do what you’ve always done.” The member of Holy Infant Parish in Ballwin has a 4.5 grade-point average at De Smet Jesuit, a school known for its rigorous college-prep curriculum. At Mizzou, he will be a pre-med major. His faith is important to him, and De Smet Jesuit was a good fit, with the Jesuit motto of “ad majorem Dei gloriam,” dedicating all thoughts, words and actions to the greater glory of God. Coach Mahoney knew Bauer had talent almost as soon as he saw him. Bauer was with another student and a private trainer at De Smet Jesuit when Mahoney was impressed by his size and flexibility. Later, at the first practice, Photo by Lisa Johnston, the St. Louis Review “we were in pads, I’d say an hour, and (I knew) he was a starter,” Mahoney said. Bauer took all the right steps and put in the work to get where he is today, the coach said. On the field he was a difference maker, a guy who wins the close games. Bauer was listed as a four-star recruit out of five stars by several recruiting services. He has been a leader, the heart and soul of the offensive line. “He’s never needed direction. He brings things to me, which is what you really want from a captain ... the guy that’s the voice of the team,” Mahoney said. Most of all, Mahoney said, Bauer is the best example for the other players because of his work ethic and dedication to the values of the team, not just wins and losses. The purpose of De Smet Jesuit’s football program is an extension of the principles of the faith-based school and football program. “We try and develop them as young men,” Mahoney said. “If you only count wins and losses there’s only one team that has a successful season, the one that wins the state championship. Everybody else finishes as losers.“ Instead, De Smet Jesuit sees success as what the players learn, how they come together as a team, how they grow as men, how they grow in their relationships with each other, school and God. With a laugh, Mahoney added, “I like to win though, don’t get me wrong.” The faith aspect is part of the school, with God as the center, he said. Before each game, Bauer gathered with the other offensive linemen and other players in their area of the locker room to say a quick prayer, which he often led. The prayer, Bauer said, “lets us know we’re together as teammates and that it’s a blessing that we’re able to play.” Though the team had good players, with Bauer out his senior year the squad lost five games, each by less than a touchdown. He stayed involved, working with the other players, checking scouting reports and even wearing a headset at games. Ron Rebore, acting principal of De Smet Jesuit , said Bauer is an impressive example of the student body. “One of the things we do here is try to educate the whole person,” he said, pointing to the Kairos retreat with themes of knowing oneself, discovering Jesus in a personal way, recognizing and responding to Jesus’ call and living the message of Christ. “It’s extremely important when it comes to their spirituality and relationship with God, which we want to build upon and is (part of) the Graduate at Graduation program, which all Jesuit high schools use. What we ultimately try to do is have these young men be good people and serve others.” Reprinted with the permission of the St. Louis Review, February 26, 2014. THE ODYSSEY Spring 2014 | 17 AroundThe Halls HOLA, AMIGOS! Stephen Plassmeyer ‘14 gives the following advice to future participants: “Don’t be afraid to jump right in and get involved. It is such a great experience to work alongside the people of San Marcos.” Spring Break 2014 Senior Mission Trip to Nicaragua FOR THE KIDS Local Chinandega residents took to hanging out by the students as they built the new water system for the village. “The locals were awesome! Their openness and general happiness... they were so happy and content with what they had.” – Will McAtee ‘14 M embers of the senior class ventured south to Nicaragua over Spring Break this past March for a week filled with mission work, warm weather and interacting with the locals. In conjunction with the nonprofit organization Amigos for Christ, seniors Alec Muhr, Will McAtee, Stephen Aubuchon, Stephen Plassmeyer, Connor Martin, Brendan Thomeczek, Mike Troll, and Kenny Meyer dug trenches for a new water system in the village of Chinandega. The system replaces a number of outdated ground wells, and will provide clean drinking water for the entire community. All photos courtesy of Dr. Mike Callahan GROUP BONDING Students from De Smet Jesuit, Incarnate Word Academy, Georgia Tech, and the University of Cincinnati climb the Cerro Negro volcano. The Cerro Negro is the youngest volcano in Central America, and last erupted in 1999. 18 | THE ODYSSEY Spring 2014 AroundThe Halls STUDENT SHOWCASE School Implements New Mandarin Chinese Program Freshman David Meyerhoff practices calligraphy in his Mandarin Chinese I class. Photo courtesy of Dr. Christine Tseng BY RYAN QUARNSTROM ‘15 T he world languages department recently gave incoming students the option to study Mandarin Chinese with the hope of building a rigorous fouryear curriculum. Discussing which language to adopt, the department considered several factors, specifically global statistics. More people speak Mandarin today than any other language in the world, due in part to the fact that it is the official language of the most populous country, China. English and Spanish follow Mandarin, respectively, though various sources dispute their prominence. Nevertheless, English remains the official language of the most countries. Curriculum Director Dr. Joseph Klug provided several reasons for the addition of Mandarin. “China has a leading economy. Learning their language would help us in building bridges. That’s why other schools have adopted it, and that’s why we’ve adopted it,” Dr. Klug said. Dr. Klug sees the cultural emphasis as immensely important. He explained how an understanding of the culture leads to a better understanding of China’s leading role in the global economy. “If we’re going to try to think globally in this school, we need to think beyond language just being discipline. Language is an eye to learning culture,” Dr. Klug said. Mr. Jim Saali, world languages department chair, said prospective families have asked questions at Open House about the possibility of taking Chinese. With this in mind, the school decided to offer the course to the Class of 2016, but only a small handful signed up. De Smet Jesuit decided not to employ a teacher for such a small group, delaying the program a year and offering it again to this year’s freshman class. Fourteen freshmen enrolled this year in Chinese I taught by Mrs. Christine Tseng, a native speaker from Taiwan. When deliberating the adoption of a new language, the department considered why students might be interested. Dr. Klug described curiosity as the No. 1 reason students choose Chinese, noting its all-around unique nature. These aspects — from the thousands of characters to the various tones to the unique culture — intrigue and fascinate prospective students. “It’s just so different because it’s not like letters; it’s characters. And it’s just really cool when you have to learn all of it. There’s such a big use for it right now,” freshman Cole Marchlewski said. Marchlewski attended Academy of the Sacred Heart in St. Charles, which hosted foreign exchange students from Taiwan. When the time came to choose his foreign language, he already knew his decision. According to Marchlewski, the best part of class is the teacher. Mrs. Tseng engages students and makes the language exciting. “We really want to focus our efforts on promoting the Mandarin Chinese program,” Mr. Saali said. “[Mrs. Tseng] is very passionate about teaching Mandarin Chinese and very passionate about continuing the program. So for her, it’s really admirable that she’s a part-time teacher, teaching one class.” Prior to teaching at De Smet Jesuit, Mrs. Tseng taught at both Lutheran High School North and South, helping set up a Chinese program at both schools. Mrs. Tseng also lives in Creve Coeur and explained how she and her husband could hear the football games on Friday nights. Her husband would always mention the school’s great reputation, so when the job opened up, the decision was easy. The school received more applications than Mrs. Tseng’s, but of all the applicants, hers stood out. Mr. Saali explained it takes a certain type of teacher to teach at De Smet Jesuit, and a key characteristic of those teachers is a special knowledge of and relationship with students. “We just felt like she really fit into what a De Smet [Jesuit] teacher is here, and how well we know our students,” Mr. Saali said Mr. Saali believes Mrs. Tseng can promote the culture Dr. Klug described as so important. Mrs. Tseng described the long history of the language and its difference from Western culture. She believes students who enroll in the course want to be challenged, and she looks forward to what the future may bring. “In this first year, I really want my students to know a little bit about Chinese and get to know the culture a little bit. And I hope they can generate more interest about learning Chinese,” Mrs. Tseng said. Recently, the Mandarin program partnered with Villa Duchesne, Barat Academy, St. Louis Priory and Chaminade to host more than 50 exchange students from Taiwan and China. This program ran for two and a half weeks from Jan. 24 to Feb. 9, during which the students participated in Mrs. Tseng’s Mandarin class each day. Reprinted with the permission of the Spartan Mirror, February 14, 2014. Each issue of the Odyssey features a story written by a current student of De Smet Jesuit High School from a school publication such as the Spartan Mirror and the Scrivener. THE ODYSSEY Spring 2014 | 19 AroundThe Halls 1 2 3 5 4 6 20 | THE ODYSSEY Spring 2014 7 8 AroundThe Halls 9 10 11 12 SPARTAN LIFE 13 The fall semester of the 2013 - 2014 school year was a busy time at De Smet Jesuit! 1 - Members of the President’s Ambassadors served guests at the President’s Leadership Dinner Sept. 10 (from left to right: Peter Koetting ‘15, Brian Jacobi ‘15, Aaron Philippe ‘15, Spencer Umbeck ‘15, Chris Eisenbeis ‘15, Conor Lopiccolo ‘15, Nick Redmond ‘15, Luke Trautman ‘15, and Andrew Kuhlman ‘14). 2 - Andrew Smith ‘15 painted Will Carter’s ‘17 face for the SpartanFest homecoming celebrations Oct. 4. 3 - Clayton Jezewak ‘14 participated in a pumpkin carving contest around Halloween (photo by Stephen Plassmeyer ‘14). 4 - Choral students serenaded holiday shoppers Dec. 6 at Macy’s. 15 5 - Ryan Quarnstrom ‘15, Birju Patel ‘15, Cal Riley ‘15, and Mark Ratz ‘15 sold newspapers for Old Newsboys Day Nov. 21. 6 - After Mass Nov. 1, Joe Barbieri ‘14, Scott Meyer ‘14, Matt Daus ‘14, Tre Davis ‘14, and Tristan Morgan ‘14 sang Sweet Caroline, fulfilling part of the World Series wager with Boston College High. 7 - Chris Jansson ‘14 and Ben Gliedt ‘14 performed in the fall play. 8 - Sam Agnew ‘17 and Connor Ferguson ‘17 participated in the Odyssey Orientation in mid-August. 14 9-12 - Students got into the spooky spirit for Halloween Oct. 31. 13 - Stephen Plassmeyer ‘14, Matt Hebda ‘14, Alex Horner ‘14, and John Henry Heidger ‘15 competed in Scholar Bowl (photo by Connor Engel ‘15). 14 - Students at the 2013 Christmas on Campus event Dec. 7 welcomed children from the St. Louis area for a day of crafts, games, and holiday treats (photo by Conrad Dorn ‘15). 15 - For Open House Nov. 4, Will Hormberg ‘16, Colin Muhr ‘16, and Adam Winter ‘17 catalogued prospective student demographic information. 16 17 16 - Principal Ron Rebore ‘90 and Student Body President Stephen Aubuchon ‘14 sported Red Sox gear to fulfill their end of the World Series wager with Boston College High. 17 - Matt Hebda ‘14 cheered on the football team at Spartanfest Oct. 4. THE ODYSSEY Spring 2014 | 21 AlumniConnections “I love the PEACE I find at White House every year. What a blessing to share meals with you guys!” – Steve Fleischut, class of 1978 ALUMNI RETREAT PLANNED FOR OCT. 23 - 26 T he Third Annual White House Retreat for De Smet Jesuit Alumni will take place Oct. 23 - 26, 2014 at the White House Jesuit Retreat Center in South St. Louis County. The Center has nature trails, open meadows, and sits on the bluffs of the Mississippi River. This weekend is not only a great way to connect with fellow De Smet Jesuit alums, but also a great way to reconnect with God and rediscover the person you want to be. For more information, please see Reflections from past retreat participants: Just a quick note of thanks for reaching out to me months ago about the WH retreat. Just what the doctor ordered. – Jim Killeen, class of 1981 The retreat was a great opportunity to see old friends and renew many of the values we learned at De Smet Jesuit. I would highly recommend it to any De Smet Jesuit grad. – Rob Dreyer, class of 1976 22 | THE ODYSSEY Spring 2014 I hadn’t been on a retreat since senior year of high school over 36 years ago. The White House is a terrific place to pause, reflect and give thanks. The influence of the Jesuits who established the White House Retreat, and the legacy of generations of Catholic laymen who preceded us in the last 90 years, could be felt from the moment I walked onto the grounds. – Jim Baxendale, class of 1976 AlumniConnections De Smet Jesuit Odyssey CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS The Odyssey newsmagazine is published biannually by the Advancement Office of De Smet Jesuit High School. The publication, which reaches almost 13,000 mailboxes and countless others online, is for alumni, students and their families, and friends and benefactors of the school. We are currently seeking submissions written by alumni of De Smet Jesuit. Specifically, we are looking for pieces that: show how your experiences at DSJ and your relationships with classmates have impacted your lives; and/or reflect your experiences as “Men for Others” who serve the community. Opinions expressed in featured articles are those of individual authors and may not represent the opinions of De Smet Jesuit or its affiliates. While articles, photographs, and news are welcome, the editor reserves the right to edit or reject any item submitted. If you wish to submit an article, please send your submission to Kala O’Connor at Did you know... ... that every time you shop at Target or Schnucks, you can give back to De Smet Jesuit? Here’s how! eScrip Community Card Program Take Charge of Education Program® 1. Pick up a card at any Schnucks Store. 2. Register your card online or call (800) 931-6258. 3. Select De Smet Jesuit as one of the nonprofit beneficiaries of your choice. 4. Shop at Schnucks and have your card scanned each time you check out. 1. Register for a Target REDcard credit card, or use your current Target REDcard credit card. 2. Select De Smet Jesuit as the nonprofit beneficiary of your choice. 3. Shop at Target and pay with your REDcard credit card. Your Schnucks purchases create automatic contributions of up to 3% of your purchase price. Access your personal reports online to see how much you have earned for the school. Target will donate up to 1% of REDcard purchases at Target stores in the U.S. and at THE ODYSSEY Spring 2014 | 23 AlumniConnections Help us find lost alumni! The mailing list for De Smet Jesuit High School presently includes more than 9,300 alumni. After each mailing, about 50 pieces are returned either providing new addresses or marked as “undeliverable.” These “undeliverable” returns prevent us from sharing information about De Smet Jesuit and specific class information, such as reunions, with everyone. Each and every alumnus is important to us, and we would like to be able to keep everyone informed. If your name appears below or if you know how to contact someone listed below, please contact the Development Office at De Smet Jesuit (314-567-3500). 1971 Beard, John J. Braun, Dennis J. Cady, Michael T. Janes, Robert W. Lanzafame, James M. Luckett, Joseph E. Murphy, John F. O’Loughlin, Dennis P. Powers, Robert Richter, James M. Roth, Don A. 1972 Baldwin, Floyd M. Bennett, Robert L. Eise, Duane A. James, Arthur H. Kramer, Ed Lambright, James A. Mosher, Robert F. Schaefer, Glen Sciortino, John S. Shockley, Kent A. 1973 Burns, Terry J. Clark, Robert T. Cour, James A. Hogan, Michael G. MacLeod, Michael J. McGuire, Michael Mitchell, William J. 1974 Combs, Jeffrey F. Dreyer, John C. Herbert, Thomas M. O’Mara, Michael Pfleging, Conrad J. Spengel, Joe Vollmer, Bradley T. Williams, Mark G. 1975 McCann, Patrick S. Millar, Kevin M. Reizer, Mark J. Ross, Vincent F. Taschler, Timothy J. 1976 Aquino, Jose Brinker, Thomas M. Dilorenzo, Leo Faron, John Haynes, Kenneth E. Ross, James J. Turek, Thomas G. Ziomek, Robert P. 1977 Bowers, Gregory R. Braddock, Jeffrey R. Donnelly, J. Michael Mulvihill, C. Charles Veesaert, Thomas R. Von Gerichten, Mark Weber, Fred R. Williams, Thomas J. 1978 Alvey, William G. Barton, Paul J. Conyears, Curtis Duff, Philip M. Jeannet, Paul W. Jeannet, Arthur L. Kemeny (Tafelmaier), Christof Kronlage, Thomas M. Monachello, Anthony P. Panus, Bruce A. 1979 Bianco, Joel C. Buckley, Martin G. Couch, Geoffrey A. Dempsey, Andrew F. Diego, Roberto E. Dowling, William S. Fischer, Joseph G. Grasser, Daniel J. Green, Patrick T. Hornof, Thomas R. Ledesma, Alvaro F. 24 | THE ODYSSEY Spring 2014 Palozola, Thomas K. Shilling, Stephen G. 1980 Brossart, James P. Dempsey, Michael T. Murphy, Michael T. Oliveri, Douglas R. Pikey, Kent P. Schlueter, Robert F. Smith, R. Clayton Walsh, P. Burke Willey, Gerard W. 1981 Barker, Andrew W. Byrne, Michael E. Day, Cecil Eifler, David C. Hogan, George V. Powers, Timothy J. 1982 Berger, William Callahan, Theodore L. de Garcia, Mark J. Donelan, Sean M. Evans, Kelan R. Florian, James E. Hall, James W. Kraichely, Brian M. McCarthy, Michael L. Meek, James B. Olszewski, John J. 1983 Cashion, Rodger F. Greene, Patrick T. Gunther, Gerard K. Hall, Robert E. Kettelkamp, Donald H. Manalo, Dennis L. Mattingly, Matthew T. Thomas, John W. 1984 Beare, L. Michael Benkert, Carl J. Blakemore, Arthur M. Byrne, Patrick K. Cepicky, Craig S. Dang, Phat Minh Eise, Jeffrey D. Falcone, Anthony M. Gallagher, Matthew J. Harrison, Joseph B. Kreutz, Christopher L. Martin, Richard G. Nicholson, Thomas P. Oliveri, David A. 1985 Alvarez, Victor R. Blanc, Jeff E. Holt, David A. Jurotich, Kevin N. Pawlikowski, Robert P. Phillips, Keith E. Serra, Joseph L. Sweets, Thomas F. Ward, Thomas P. Williams, Matthew P. 1986 Brix, Kevin V. Conant, F. Scott Farley, Robert G. Kennebeck, Brian P. Kniestedt, Christopher C. Lane, Richard J. Northup, Stephen C. Odelehr, John J. Thiele, Mark R. 1987 Averett, Matthew K. Bub, Christopher T. Deluca, John P. Griffin, Jay B. Guidry, John Patrick Harris, T. Shane Johnson, Robert E. Kniest, William L. AlumniConnections Lynch, Daniel V. Martens, Thomas G. McCullen, James R. Pannett, Barry P. Stegall, Christopher S. Veluz, Stephen C. 1988 Guignon, Scott C. Hunzeker, Erin P. Jordan, Roy W. Tomeldan, Louis M. 1989 Backer, Charles H. Blumeyer, Carter C. Bogacki, Gregory T. Hogue, Philip K. Jackson, James C. Phelan, Brendan T. Simon, Steven M. 1990 Brewer, Craig M. Daegele, James C. Difranco, Anthony M. Filla, Steven M. Koch, D. Todd Montano, Jose J. Roth, Steven J. Schneider, James W. Sexton, Bryan T. 1991 Barry, Robert D. Concannon, Edward M. Dineen, Kyle C. Juarez, Jason Mueller, Paul J. Ryan, Mark A. Schindler, David M. Solomon, John C. Vandervort, Charles A. 1992 Behan, Michael C. Fallucco, Thomas J. Jones, Daniel H. Jones, Brian W. Leong, Daniel T. Martin, Matthew Miller, Jeremy R. O’Neil, Patrick J. Picker, Gregory R. Reckamp, Douglas V. Stockmann, Daniel R. Weber, James J. 1993 Brinker, William W. Brown, Edwin A. Burgess, Jason H. Fatchett, Jason R. Muegge, Kent E. Proctor, Timothy K. Rawls-Kelly, Trace R. Torres, Andrew F. 1994 Amptmann, Bryan R. Davis, Jarrett M. Dettleff, Brian C. Green, Anthony M. Haynes, Jason C. Hieger, James A. Lyons, James M. Maguire, Bryan P. Otto, Matthew S. Roxas, Cory A. Schulte, James M. Sokol, Bryan L. Wuebbeling, Richard E. 1995 Bergman, Daniel E. Bisig, Timothy P. Spiegel, Christopher T. 1996 Ahearn, Joseph C. Becker, Christopher M. Bergmann, Ryan C. Dileo, W. Hunter Epperson, Eric D. Habermaas, Joshua D. McGuire, Patrick Devlin Moseley, Patrick B. Olsen, William A. Romano, Frank A. Ryan, John P. Vollman, Nicholaus D. 1997 Barnett, Beau S. Blubaugh, Timothy J. Brewer, Landon P. Brickman, Timothy R. Chavez, Miguel A. Hermsen, Kyle P. Hutton, Daniel J. Kelly, J. P. Trip Kelly, Michael D. Lewis, Terry R. Meyers, Kurt A. Stevens, John E. Tegtmeyer, Mark W. 1998 Aydt, Vincent C. Becker, Eric M. Epperson, Brian D. Hewitt, William G. King, Matthew D. Lane, James J. Sandt, Michael C. Smith, Kyle J. 1999 Beauboeuf, Pascal A. Buehler, Raymond D. Burke, Patrick M. Doering, D. Adam Herbst, Eric J. Kuenzel, Anthony A. Long, Michael T. Rhoades, Matthew C. Rinderknecht, David S. Sheeley, Michael J. Sova, Benjamin D. Suda, Phillip J. Turncrantz, David P. Vinko, Balazs Vollman, Marcus R. Walbridge, John M. 2000 Buchheit, Samuel V. Cotton, Samuel J. DaPrato, Peter M. Drury, Benjamin J. Fischer, Michael W. Freeman, John H. Gardner, Adam C. Jackson, James W. Kearns, Colin M. Kuenzel, Armand M. Noce, Michael D. Novak, Matthew J. Olk, M. Joseph Qualls, Nicholas C. Stoker, Adam C. Waier, Mark E. 2001 Benoist, Phillip J. Doerr, Steven M. Masseroni, Bruno Matthews, Blake K. Nelson, James J. Wolfsberger, Jaryd M. 2002 Caruso, Joseph R. Darnell, Aaron M. Donahoe, Matthew M. Heffern, Michael R. Herbst, Andrew G. Nichols, Brian J. Norris, Anthony R. O’Connor, Brian R. Shea, Brendan P. 2003 Huber, Ryan P. Nitz, Mark Andrew Schulte, Anthony V. Wolfsberger, Tyler Joseph 2004 Allen, Briton J. Bridges, Jesse L. Bush, Adam N. Conant, Christopher M. Hynes, Russell Niel Jarrett, Douglas R. Walker, Gary 2005 Fukuyama, Taro Humphrey, Daniel John Nowak, Andrew R. Scalone, Santiago A. Zouglas, Nicholas J. 2006 Bouton, Christopher J. Earley, Ryan P. Handing, Daniel J. Meatte, P. Ryan Reilly, Sean P. Richardson, Adam K. 2007 Cheathem, DaMarko A. Hannegan McKee, Brian C. Spooler, Jacob W 2008 Szott, Frederik Franz 2010 Baker, Mikile Kevin Burrell, Da’Kari Elon 2011 Kolb, Brendan Michael Tandy, JeRick T. THE ODYSSEY Spring 2014 | 25 Robert Goodwillie, grandfather of David Goodwillie ‘17 Kristine M. Graye, mother of Joel Graye ‘09 Nicholas F. Grbcich, father of Charles Grbcich ‘84 Caroline Hasser, mother of George Hasser Raymond Hilton, grandfather of Stuart Hilton ‘15 Joseph Huber, grandfather of Scott Sinovich ‘14 Stuart Jackson ‘72 In Memoriam Notifications Through February 13, 2014 Albert J. Ackfeld, grandfather of Sean Simpson ’05 and David Simpson ’10 Jim Babb, grandfather of Derek Northrop ‘17 Jeanne L. Baudendistel, motherin-law of Tom Suntrup ‘77 Albert Bender, grandfather of Jordan Bender ‘14 Josephine Bouhasin, great aunt of Clayton Cary ‘15 and John Cary ‘17 Adrian Bowman ‘14 26 | THE ODYSSEY Spring 2014 Mary Beth Klemm, mother of William Klemm ’78 and John Klemm ‘82 Nicholas Chiapel, father of John Chiapel ‘85 Kurt Klinghammer, brother of Matt Klinghammer ‘76 Mary Christel, grandmother of Robert Phillips ‘15 Marian R. Kramer, mother of Jeff Kramer ’81, grandmother of Alexander Kramer ‘17 and Andrew Kramer ‘14 William Cleer, grandfather of Daniel Hornsey ‘15 Tim Clepper, former wrestling coach and mathematics teacher Cornelius Lane, Jr., father of Cornelius Lane III ‘84; grandfather of Cornelius Lane IV ‘14 Alfonzo Dilworth, Sr., grandfather of Thayer Weaver ‘14 Delano Mattingly, grandfather of Tyler Blechle ‘15 Louis John Doerr, Jr., father of Susie Mathieu; grandfather of Joe Mathieu ’02; father-in-law of Jerry Doyle ‘76 Peggy McGrath, mother of Dan McGrath ‘76; aunt of Con McGrath ‘79 and Matt McGrath ‘83 De Smet Jesuit Mourns the Loss of Its Students and Alumni Mike White ‘71 Stuart Jackson ‘72 Mark Vacca ‘74 Dave Winters ‘97 John Vinyard ‘03 Adrian Bowman ‘14 Emily Meyer, mother of Bob Meyer ’80 and Thomas Meyer ’82; grandmother of Steve Kempf ’01, Brian Kempf ’03, Andrew Meyer ’13, Chris Meyer ’15, and Matthew Meyer ’17 Lenore W. Schwartzkopf, mother of Kim Schwartzkopf ’72 and Eric Schwartzkopf ‘81 Richard Mulligan, father of Rick Mulligan ‘85 Diane Nicholas, grandmother of Dan Rice ‘14 Bill Piercy, grandfather of Nick Broom ’17 and Matt Broom ‘14 Michael Sullivan, Jr., father of Michael Sullivan III ’76 Dan Sullivan ’78; father-in-law of Ed Griesedieck ‘77 Mark Vacca ’74 John Vinyard ‘03 Dave Winters ‘97 This In Memoriam listing includes notifications of the passing of immediate family members of De Smet Jesuit alumni, current students and faculty through February 13, 2014. If we have missed someone, please notify the Alumni Office at or call 314.567.3500. Mike White ‘71 THE ODYSSEY Spring 2014 | 27 w THE TRADITION GOLF TOURNAMENT w Over 100 golfers came out to play in the rain for the Tradition Golf Tournament on May 30, 2014. The event, sponsored by Suntrup Ford, was a fantastic way for members of the De Smet Jesuit community to catch up and interact while playing the course at WingHaven Country Club. Members of the DSJ golf team, which placed second in the state tournament this year, were on site to participate in the “Challenge a Spartan” competition on Hole 12. The VIP Reception, held the evening before the tournament, invited Event Sponsors, Spartan Level golfers, and Hole Sponsors out to the Poolside Terrace at Ameristar Casino for an evening of cocktails and music. 2 1 3 4 1 - Tina Vierling, Cindy Backes, Maggi Edwards 2 - Bob Mills ‘72 pretends to kick Randy Aselage ‘72 mid-putt. 3 - Frank Cusumano ‘80 celebrates a great shot with daughter Brooke. 4 - Golfers at Hole 12 5 - Jack Doheny ‘13, Drew Boland ‘15 6 - Chris Redmond ‘85 gives son Nick Redmond ‘15 some pro tips (Nick, a member of the De Smet Jesuit golf team, was one of the Spartan student challengers). 5 Course at WingHaven 28 | THE ODYSSEY Spring 2014 6 7 8 7 - Sue and Tim Hornof ‘76, Carolyne Klein, Martha Klein, Terri Roberts, Ken Klein ‘76 8 - Dan McGrath ‘76, Maureen and Glenn Heitmann ‘79 VIP R eception Amerist ar Pools ide 9 Terrac e 10 11 13 12 9 - Lucy and Kevin Klingler ‘77 10 - Ann Weber, Paula Wims, Tracy Lindell 11 - Adam Lohse ‘97, Michael Fleming ‘ 97, Lucy Fleming, Steve Foristal ‘97 12 - Judy Rebholz, William Rebholz ‘77, Frank Rebholz ‘78, Laurie Rebholz 13 - Steve Roberts, Patrick Barrett ‘85, Margaret Barrett, Tim Barrett ‘76 For more photos from this two-day event, please visit the De Smet Jesuit Facebook pages. THE ODYSSEY Spring 2014 | 29 ClassNotes 1970s 2000s 1980s STUDENT-LED YEARBOOK STAFF WORKS TIRELESSLY TO COMPLETE UPCOMING EDITION Professor and Chair of the Department of Bioengineering at UC Riverside Victor G. J. Rodgers ’76 has been named the inaugural Jacques S. Yeager, Sr., Professor of Bioengineering. Calvert L. Worth Jr. ’84 was promoted to the rank of Colonel in the United States Marine Corps on September 2, 2013. Upon graduation from De Smet Jesuit, Worth attended the University of Missouri, Columbia and graduated in 1989 with a degree in graphic design. 1990s Benjamin Boyd ‘99 is engaged to be married to Brenda Duncan in Mexico on May 25, 2014. Cory Gettemeier ’05 was named the greens superintendent at Creve Coeur Municipal golf course on October 15. Cory will manage the entire golf course maintenance operation. Alex Dressler ’10 won the Outstanding Senior Leader Award at Washington University in St. Louis in April 2014. T his year’s Spartan Olympiad yearbook staff finished the 2013 - 2014 yearbook with a tremendous effort, thanks in large part to the leadership of the editorial staff led by the seniors. This year’s theme ‘Our Home’ captures the essence of what it means to be a Spartan, living his daily life in the Jesuit tradition at a school that feels like home. The 200-page all-color yearbook will feature unprecedented graphic work, and the first-ever ‘gatefold’ design. Even after the school year ended, the entire staff worked several weeks into the summer to complete the book. Senior editors Kevin Adams, Eric Blais, Alex Katigbak and Stephen Plassmeyer, along with junior editors Conrad Dorn and Connor Engel, led the staff this year by their determination and hard work. New staff members Adam Craig, Christian Hornsey, Eric Johnson, Nathan Opsal, Marc Schneier and Jonathan Spray each completed at least 12 pages of the book that will be delivered to the students this coming September. REUNITED Over 30 members of the Class of 2013 returned to campus Nov. 29, 2014 to pick up their senior yearbooks and to catch up with their De Smet Jesuit classmates. Photo courtesy of Dr. Joe Klug 30 | THE ODYSSEY Spring 2014 ClassNotes Marriages Faculty and Staff Jerred Killoren ‘05 to Jennifer Reiss, Oct. 19, 2013 Eugene Thomas to Marcia and Gene Bender, on 11/3/13 Henry Louis to Elisabeth and Joe Klug, on 12/7/13 David Doerr ‘01 to Jaclyn, Sept. 2013 Claire Yvonne to Amanda and Nick Dressler, on 11/22/13 Little Spartans Elliott Roberts to Amy and John Guptill, on 12/2/13 William Antonio Magnus to Lynn and Doug Maitz, on 4/2/14 Alumni Harrison Sean to Sarah and Sean Adams ‘04 on 6/23/13 Elise Katherine to Abby and Clark Bitney ‘97, on 3/1/13. Caedmon Michael to Emily and Colby Robinson, on 11/19/13 BABY BOOM The De Smet Jesuit family just got a little bigger! Here are members of the Class of 2001 with their young children: (pictured from left to right) Justin Hennessey and Jack, Joel Farrell, Alex Kusnierkiewicz Elliot and Conrad, Mike Hotz and Hannah, Chris Geile and Lucy, Pete Zeiser and Vincent. Joseph Andrew to Stacy and Dominic Daher ‘91, on 1/27/14 Mollie to Megan and Rob Dirnbeck ’99, on 9/30/13 Braden Michael to Blaire and Ryan Garwitz ‘00, on 12/31/13 Joseph Louis Anton to Jessica and Michael Schmid, on 12/17/13 James to Christy and Kevin Toben ‘00, on 11/17/13 Alumni Update Alumni News is the best-read section of each issue of the Odyssey. Alumni are encouraged to share news on job changes, promotions, honors, marriages, births and adoptions. Information will be published in the earliest issue of the Odyssey as possible, as space allows. Information can be submitted in three ways: 1. Visit the alumni section at; 2. Send your news via email to; 3. Mail your news to the Alumni Office, De Smet Jesuit High School, 233 N. New Ballas Rd., St. Louis, MO 63141. THE ODYSSEY Spring 2014 | 31 233 N. New Ballas Road St. Louis MO 63141 Return Service Requested Parents: If this issue of the Odyssey is addressed to your son who has established a permanent address, please notify the alumni office of the new address: call 314-567-3500 or email 32 | THE ODYSSEY Spring 2014
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