DOIS DIAS DE Atrasos, interrupções e litígios e a Lei na elaboração de contratos de obras • • • • Gerenciamento de riscos, análise de atrasos, de interrupção e de custo O que a Lei exige na solução de litígios em obras Redução de custos e melhora de eficiência Produzido em parceria com o CIOB ( desde 2000, o Masterclass reúne alguns dos maiores Técnicas de análise de atrasos 18 e 19 de Setembro de 2013 especialistas do setor da construção para discutir e resolver questões que são únicas de determinadas regiões, com eventos realizados em diversas cidades como Londres, Sydney, Doha, Dubai, Istambul, Cingapura, Dublin, Oman e agora Rio de Janeiro. • Rio de Janeiro • Windsor Atlântica Hotel Inscreva-se on-line em ou ligue para +1 856 810 6286 ou envie um e-mail para Telefone do escritório de São Paulo +55 11 2139-8000 Este evento intensivo de dois dias contará com a presença de palestrantes especialistas que oferecerão um treinamento de grande amplitude, adequado para todos os envolvidos com prevenção e tratamento de atrasos e interrupções em obras. De engenheiros residentes e gerentes de projeto a arquitetos e desenvolvedores/construtores, advogados e árbitros, estes dois dias serão incríveis para profissionais de Direito e do Setor de Construção. S I CR Ç ÃO A DE T AN G D IPA A EC 2013 TO OS DE 2 ,00 RA 0 2 A P E E I S DA S V Í RA E I Z ON CIA PO PA ANT OM DISP ASSO GRU O SE N S S M NT EVA- CO ONTO IÇÕE ÕES E O R E SC ITU RIÇ S C NSC DE NST SC I IN DE I IN E SD 29 $ ER Por que participar? Enquanto o mundo caminha para sair da recessão, o setor da construção no Brasil continua a ser um importante foco de negócios. Com a aproximação da Copa do Mundo de 2014 e das Olimpíadas de 2016, juntamente com a enorme necessidade de investimentos em infraestrutura; a gestão e prevenção de litígios se tornou mais importante do que nunca para garantir o sucesso financeiro de projetos. Como um participante do Masterclass, você vai aprender a usar e implantar as melhores práticas do mercado, a gerenciar riscos relacionados a mudanças e a prevenir e evitar atrasos em contratos do setor da construção. Você irá desenvolver as habilidades necessárias para calcular as extensões de tempo e interrupção, e entender o que a Lei busca em termos de uma eficiente solução de litígios. O Masterclass é um recurso essencial para profissionais da construção de todos os segmentos. Masterclass 1º Dia 0830 Introdução por Frederic Z. Samelian, PMP, MCIArb, Presidente Global do Grupo de Consultoria e Pleitos em Construção • Introdução e visão geral dos dois dias do Masterclass • Introdução à gestão de riscos na prática 0915 O efeito do risco e as causas do fracasso de um projeto • A importância da gestão de risco • Princípios fundamentais da gestão de risco • Introdução à gestão de riscos prática para todas as partes envolvidas 0945 Contratos, Risco e Megaprojetos • Alocação de riscos em mega projetos de LNG, recursos naturais e PPPs • Estratégias de contratação de fornecedores e subcontratados 1030 Litígios - uma Introdução • Como surgem os litígios • Como administrá-los • Exemplos de casos recentes e litígios na região 1145 Consciência Contratual, Notificações e Legislação Brasileira • Contratos-padrão • Alterações no FDIC e contratos-padrão locais • Como notificar • Como as mudanças podem afetar empreiteiros e empregadores • Os termos contratuais e os solicitações “injustas” de garantia 1230 Almoço 1330 Alterações Contratuais • O que constitui uma alteração? • Alteração construtiva • Desenvolvimento de Projeto de engenharia ou alteração 1415 A importância e a Utilização de Registros • Como manter registros • Que registros devem ser mantidos e quando? • Por que os registros são tão importantes? • Identificação de bons e maus registros • Os termos contratuais e os pedidos “injustos” de garantia 1500 Importância legal dos registros e das arbitragens • Casos e situações que comprovam a importância dos registros • Como diferentes contratos e foros de solução de litígios tratam os registros • Como os registros são usados em pleitos e arbitragens 1545 Princípios da análise de extesões de prazo • Princípios da análise • Explicação da terminologia fundamental • Desmistificação da análise de extesões de prazo • Demonstração de diferentes métodos disponíveis para a análise de cronograma para a verificação de extesões de prazo em 1600 Coffee break 1645 Interrupção e Ineficiência • Ineficiência: o que é? • Valorizando pleitos de ineficiência 1730 Análise e Identificação de Eventos • Como identificar e lidar com eventos de atraso • Qual a importância deles? • Um exemplo prático de como identificar e administrar atrasos 1815 Encerramento e Networking Local A Masterclass mantém sua tradição de utilização de espaços de alta qualidade em todas as suas realizações e o evento deste ano será realizado no Windsor Atlântica, um hotel cinco estrelas à beira-mar. Este local oferece um excelente padrão de acesso e conforto, proporcionando o ambiente ideal de aprendizagem para os participantes. Preços para quartos do hotel também estarão disponíveis. Masterclass 2º Dia 0845 Introdução e recapitulação do 1º dia 1000 Perspectivas Legais na Análise de extesões de prazo e Distribuição • Os recursos das varas judiciais e dos tribunais • O uso de análises especializadas de atraso e interrupção • Abordagens da jurisprudência regional e internacional 1045 Pleitos de Custo (Quantum) - Pontos Essenciais • O que faz um bom analista de pleitos de custos • O que está envolvido numa sólida reivindicação de um pleito de custo • O que procurar ao analisar ou compilar um pleito de custo 1130 Títulos e garantias no Brasil • “On-demand” - garantias condicionais e incondicionais 1445 Cláusula 67 - Cumprimento de decisões • O que é realmente um litígio? • As obrigações dos engenheiros • O que acontece e quando? • Os perigos da estipulação muito estrita de uma referência à Cláusula 67. 1530 Painel de debates O painel de debates examinará os desenvolvimentos recentes no ramo da construção e na análise legal e de reclamações no Brasil e na América Latina. 1630 Encerramento do programa por Irvin E. Richter, F.CMAA, Chairman e CEO da Hill International 1215Almoço 1315 1400 Mediação • O papel da mediação na solução de grandes litígios • Como a mediação pode ser empregada nos atrasos e na análise de contratos • Como o cliente e o contratado podem se beneficiar Solução alternativa de litígios e disputas • O que é ADR? • Quais são os métodos disponíveis? • Vantagens e desvantagens • Regras internacionais para reivindicação de garantias Palestrantes na Masterclass Ted Rhodes CMS Cameron McKenna Irvin E. Richter, F.CMAA, Chairman e CEO Henrique de Aragão, Director Frederic Z. Samelian, PMP, Presidente Global do Grupo de Consultoria e Pleitos em Construção Marcos T. Berrettini, Director Frank J. Giunta, PE, Vice-Presidente Sênior e Diretor Administrativo Grupo de Consultoria e Pleitos em Construção Felipe André Isoré Gutiérrez, Vice-Presidente Sênior Cassio Barbosa, Senior Consultant Firmas de Advocacia Celso Xavier Demarest & Almeida Advogados Julio Cesar Bueno Pinheiro Neto Advogados Stephen V O’Neal & Ashley Howlett Jones Day Robert Lambert Clifford Chance Gustavo Fernandes de Andrade Sergio Bermudes/CAMARB Peter J. Wallace, Vice-Presidente Sênior Pedro de Oliveira Sacha Calmon - Misabel Derzi/ CARMARB Anamaria I. Popescu Senior Consultant Daniel Gunzburger Mayer Brown Tauil & Chequer Paulo Roberto Vilela Dias IBEC Formulário de inscrição 1 INFORMAÇÃO PESSOAL Participante1 (favor preencher este formulário para cada participante) Nome Cargo E-mail Telefone Participante 2 Nome Cargo E-mail Telefone 2 DETALHES DA EMPRESA Nome da empresa (se aplicável) Ramo de negócio Endereço 3 OUTROS DETALHES Como você ficou sabendo da Masterclass? Será disponibilizada uma lista de participante com nomes dos profissionais e empresas participantes; favor assinalar se os participantes NÃO desejam aparecer na lista. 4 DETALHES DE INSCRIÇÃO LOCAL DE INSCRIÇÃO RIO DE JANEIRO As tarifas do curso incluem as palestras e as bebidas (preços incluindo impostos): R$ 1.500,00 USD$750 Tarifa cheia Preço antecipado (até 29 de agosto de 2013) R$ 1.180,00 USD$590 R$ 1.080,00 USD$540 Preço para membro do CIOB Total incluído para pagamento / a ser debitado do cartão / faturado 5 PAGAMENTO Alternativas: A: Estou anexando um cheque nominal para a Hill International. B: Favor enviar-me uma fatura ao endereço acima no total de. Opções de pagamento: Pagamento com cartão de crédito: Para pagar com cartão de crédito, visite o site da Masterclass em ou envie um e-mail para Este formulário por fax para +1 856 983 0732 e alguém irá ajudá-lo com o processo de registro Name/Razão Social CPF/CNPJ Campo de opção (boleto, cc, Deposito em conta) Email/endereço Dados do cartão do cliente Dados da nossa conta ENGINEERING S/A SERVIÇOS TÉCNICOS SP CNPJ: 62.218.615/0001-46 Banco: 0341 ITAÚ Agência: 0445 C/C: 28768-3 e-mail: Termos e condições principais 1. Autoridade: 1.1. Um certificado de participação será fornecido para cada participante. Nem o certificado nem a Masterclass envolvem qualquer autoridade acadêmica nem proporciona nenhuma qualificação nos temas discutidos na Masterclass nem autoriza o participante a ensinar ou praticar qualquer tema discutido. 1.2. A Hill International, a Engineering S.A e o Chartered Institute of Building não são responsáveis por nada que for dito ou produzido por qualquer palestrante na Masterclass. 2. Tarifa de inscrição e cancelamento: 2.1. A tarifa do evento deve ser paga totalmente antes da confirmação da reserva e não é reembolsável, estando sujeita às seguintes condições: 2.1.1. Após fazer uma reserva para a Masterclass, não será possível obter um reembolso, a menos que o curso esteja com as reservas totalmente esgotadas (isto é, todas as vagas estejam preenchidas) e que não seja possível fazer uma substituição. Sob essas circunstâncias, o reembolso será efetuado com o desconto de uma taxa administrativa. 2.1.2. Na improvável hipótese de cancelamento do curso, devido a circunstâncias sob o controle da Hill International, da Engineerign S.A. ou do CIOB, um reembolso completo do valor da tarifa do curso será fornecido. 3. Programação: 3.1. Reservamo-nos o direito de alterar a programação a qualquer momento e de substituir os palestrantes, se necessário, devido a circunstâncias tais como doença ou indisponibilidade súbita imprevista. 4. Livros e pedidos de livros: 4.1. Os pedidos de livros não são reembolsáveis, e os pagamentos deverão ser recebidos antes da remessa. 4.2. A entrega de livros no exterior incorrerá em custos adicionais de seguro e postagem. Obs: OS TERMOS COMPLETOS ESTÃO DISPONÍVEIS EM Favor observar: O pagamento deverá ser efetuado antes da participação na Masterclass. Speaker Bios Irvin E. Richter, F.CMAA, Chairman & CEO Irvin E. Richter is Founder, Chairman and CEO of Hill International, a worldwide construction consulting firm specializing in project management and construction claims consulting. Founded by Mr. Richter in 1976, Hill evolved into a leader in the construction consulting industry pioneering services such as Construction Claims, The Project Neutral®, an alternative to construction litigation and Project Management Oversight, which became an industry staple for project monitoring. Today, Hill is ranked among the top 10 project management firms in the nation by Engineering News-Record. Hill has managed the construction of noted projects such as the U.S. Supreme Court Building modernization, the Comcast Center in Philadelphia, the World Trade Center Site Downtown Restoration Program and the creation of Palm Islands, man-made, palm tree-shaped islands in the Persian Gulf. Mr. Richter was also the Chairman and CEO of Hill's former subsidiary, Gibbs & Hill, Inc., an international power and transportation engineering firm and served as Chairman of its Taiwanese joint venture company, Gibsin Engineers, Ltd. Mr. Richter is a member of the World Presidents' Organization (WPO). He is a current or past member of the Construction Industry Round Table (CIRT), the Board of Trustees of Rutgers University, the Board of Directors of the Construction Management Association of America (CMAA), the Board of Governors of Temple University Hospital and the Board of Directors of the ACE Mentor Program. He was honored as a Distinguished Alumnus from both Wesleyan University and Rutgers University School of Law, Camden. In 2010, Mr. Richter was named to New Jersey Business Hall of Fame, and in 2002, he was made a Fellow by the CMAA for his contributions to the construction management industry. At that time, he was one of only 17 Fellows in the history of the organization. Mr. Richter holds a B.A. from Wesleyan University and a J.D. from Rutgers University School of Law at Camden and is a member of the New Jersey and Pennsylvania bars. In April 2010, Mr. Richter was named to the New Jersey Business Hall of Fame. Frederic Z. Samelian, PMP, President, Construction Claims & Consulting Group Frederic Z. Samelian, PMP, MCIArb, is President of Hill's Construction Claims and Consulting Group. Mr. Samelian has more than 30 years of experience in construction management consulting, project management, business planning, marketing, and corporate management. He has directed or participated in numerous consulting engagements for both the public and private sectors in the United States and abroad. He is experienced as a speaker and lecturer, and was an Instructor in the Project Management Certification program, for the University of California, Irvine. Prior to his current position, Mr. Samelian served in various capacities with Hill International, Inc. As President and Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Samelian was responsible for managing all day-to-day operations of the corporation. He was also a founding member of the Board of Directors of Gerens Hill, Madrid, Spain, an affiliated company performing project management services in Europe and Latin America. He also served as Senior Vice President of International Claims Operations, headquartered in Hill's London, UK offices. Mr. Samelian also served as President of Hill's Western Region responsible for the firm's overall operations in the western United States and internationally. He was instrumental in Hill's initial entry into the project and construction management fields and helped forge the project management oversight concept for the Federal Transit Administration. Based in Hill's Newport Beach, California office, he provided management and oversight to Hill staff based in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, and San Diego, as well as all international offices. Mr. Samelian earned a B.A. in International Affairs from George Washington University, and a M.B.A. from Southern Illinois University. He is a licensed General Contractor in the State of California and is the Qualified Individual on both of Hill International's State of Nevada Contractor's License A and B. He is a Project Management Professional (PMP) certified by the Project Management Institute, and he has been admitted to membership in the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), United Kingdom, with whom he trained and was certified as a CIArb Accredited Mediator Speaker Bios Frank J. Giunta, PE, Senior Vice President and Managing Director (Construction Claims & Consulting Group -Americas) Frank J. Giunta is Senior Vice President and Managing Director in charge of Hill's Construction Claims and Consulting operations throughout the U.S. and Canada. He has more than 30 years of extensive experience in engineering and construction consulting. He has been actively involved in the evaluation, presentation, resolution and management of construction claims, as well as project management oversight. Mr. Giunta has managed complex consulting assignments on behalf of public and private owners, engineers, contractors, insurance and financial institutions. These assignments have involved a wide range of projects which include highways and bridges, dams, power related facilities, water and wastewater treatment, landfills and building construction. He has been engaged in the design of civil structures, including roads, highways, railroads, hydraulic structures, underground piping systems and has prepared engineer's estimates and technical specifications. Mr. Giunta is a Professional Engineer with memberships in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Mr. Giunta earned a B.S. in Civil Engineering & Construction Technology and a B.S., Cum Laude, in Civil Engineering from Temple University. Mr. Giunta earned an M.B.A. in Financial Management from Drexel University. Felipe André Isoré Gutiérrez, Senior Vice President Felipe André Isoré Gutiérrez, CIA, CRMA, PMP, is Senior Vice President in charge of Hill’s Construction Claims Group operations in Latin America. Gutiérrez is based out of Hill’s office in São Paulo, Brazil. Mr. Gutiérrez has more than 13 years of experience providing risk and management consulting services and has extensive experience in the delivery of construction risk management and claims advisory, internal audit, corporate governance, enterprise risk management, compliance and assurance services in Brazil, Latin America, South Africa and Australia. His market sector experience includes buildings, power, oil and gas, mining and infrastructure projects. Prior to joining Hill, Mr. Gutiérrez was a Partner-Director with KPMG where he led their Major Projects Advisory consulting practice in Brazil. Mr. Gutiérrez earned his M.Sc. in economics from the University of Groningen which included graduate work in corporate governance and risk management at the Institute de Gestion des Risques of the Business Administration School of the University of Rennes. He is a Project Management Professional (PMP) and holds both a Certification of Internal Auditing (CIA) and a Certification of Risk Management Assurance (CRMA). Peter J. Wallace, Senior Vice President Peter J. Wallace is Senior Vice President of Hill's Construction Claims Group based in Hill's Philadelphia, Pennsylvania office. Mr. Wallace has more than 30 years of experience in the construction industry on process, petrochemical, power, industrial and public infrastructure projects. In particular, he has significant experience in risk management, process design and improvement and oversight of major capital programs. He also possesses extensive experience with the preparation, arbitration and litigation of complex engineering and constructions claims on a wide variety of assignments. Prior to rejoining Hill, Mr. Wallace founded the Capital Projects Consulting practice of Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP, and spent 15 years in the practice most recently as Principal. During his tenure at Deloitte, Mr. Wallace served clients on some of the largest infrastructure projects in the United States, including advising the Governor of Massachusetts on the "Big Dig" and the Bay Area Toll Authority on the new Oakland Bay Bridge. Before that, he was one of Hill's earliest employees, joining the company in 1977, the year after it was founded, and leaving in 1996 as a Senior Vice President. During his time with Hill, Mr. Wallace led some of Hill's largest assignments including the Channel Tunnel project for Eurotunnel. Dr.Anamaria Popescu, PE,PMP,PSP Senior Consultant Hill International Dr. Anamaria Popescu is a Senior Consultant with Hill International. She is a licensed Professional Engineer and a Construction Arbitrator with over 18 years of international experience in construction claims, schedule delay analysis, project management, project controls implementation, scheduling, and contract management. Her international experience spans multiple industries with strong emphasis in oil and gas development projects. She has performed claim analysis, project management and project controls services for projects ranging from $500,000 up to $50 Billion in value and prepared and analyzed complex schedules to identify delays, apportion delay responsibility, and support entitlement to time extensions on large construction disputes. She has published numerous articles on time control and delay analysis and has presented her findings at professional societies across the globe. Dr.Popescu conducted her doctoral research on schedule delay methodologies at the University of Texas at Austin. She is fluent in Romanian. Marcos T. Berrettini Senior Vice President and Director Marcos Taunay Berrettini has been a member of Engineering S/A board of officers since 1990. Mr. Berrettini is based on the company's headquarters in São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. His responsibilities include the management and monitoring of all activities in the commercial, financial and operation departments and the corporate administration of São Paulo's Office. Prior to joining Engineering S/A Mr. Berrettini was member of major Construction Companies as Gomes de Almeida Fernandes, current Gafisa, and Real Estate Developers as Cronus Empreendimentos and Jahú Construtora. Mr. Berrettini was responsible for construction works projects, such as residential and commercial buildings and industrial plants. Mr. Berretini earned a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Engineering School of Mackenzie University. Henrique de Aragão Senior Vice President and Director Henrique de Aragão is a founding partner of Engineering SA and has lead several key projects for the firm in Brazil and internationally. He is a mechanical engineer with extensive experience in project management and management consulting for real estate developers and financial institutions with special focus on project financing. He has developed administrative and management processes for the firm and helped develop key document management software that is used on all company projects. Mr. de Aragão has a noteworthy experience in various hotel projects including Club Med Rio das Pedras and Club Med Trancoso and the reform of the Copacabana Palace Hotel (Orient Express Group) and Hotel Jalousie Plantation in St. Lucia. He has experience in project management of multi-purpose projects including the São Paulo World Trade Center (offices, hotel, shopping center and parking for 2,000 cars) and the Rio Office Park. He was elected director of the institutions ABCE (Brazilian Association of Engineering Consultants) and FEPAC (Pan-American Federation of Consultants) as the Brazilian representative. Mr. de Aragão earned a master's degree in French linguistics from the University of Strassbourg in France and is a director of a charitable association which supports necessitous diabetics. Cássio Couto Barbosa Senior Consultant Cássio Couto Barbosa has over 30 years of experience in the construction industry in a variety of market sectors. He has extensive technical expertise and is part of a consulting team that provides risk assessment and planning analysis. He has diverse consulting experience having worked with clients such as Vale, Brasil Terminais Portuários, Liberty Seguros, Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e ateriais, Sonae Sierra and BMW to name a few. His advisory experience ranges from risk assessment, due diligence, claims avoidance, claims mitigation and litigation support to project management support services. Distinguished Law Firms Daniel Gunzburger Partner São Paulo office of Tauil & Chequer Advogados Daniel Gunzburger is a partner in the São Paulo office of Tauil & Chequer Advogados Corporate and M&A practice. Daniel focuses primarily on mergers and acquisitions, representing buyers and Sellers with stock and asset acquisition and divestitures as well as formation of joint ventures and strategic alliances. Daniel practice is also focused on infra-structure and green-field constructions projects, providing front-end drafting advice on project documentation and dispute management with the intent of handling the risks arising from construction and engineering practices. Daniel joins the firm after an 18-month experience working as Dow Brazil Core Businesses and Olympics Leading Counsel, responsible for matters arising from Dow´s chemical business in Brazil and Dow’s sponsorship to London and Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games. He also worked at the local firm Lobo & De Rizzo Advogados, as managing associate from the Corporate and Infra-Structure Group. Previously, Daniel has also worked in renowned Brazilian firms such as Pinheiro Neto Advogados and Vieira, Rezende, Barbosa & Guerreiro Advogados. Ted Rhodes Partner Cameron McKenna Ted Rhodes is managing partner in the firm's Rio de Janeiro office, where he has built a thriving energy and infrastructure practice. He has particular expertise in the oil and gas, mining and offshore sectors, having previously worked in our London and Aberdeen offices and on secondment to BP. Ted advises clients on international corporate transactions, including acquisitions and disposals, joint ventures and restructurings. He also advises on infrastructure projects, particularly in the energy sector, drafting and negotiating EPC contracts, operating agreements, transportation agreements, charters, procurement and other commercial contracts. Ted has worked extensively on cross-border projects and corporate transactions, including in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australasia and the Americas. He advises international companies on investments into Brazil, and Brazilian companies on their international operations. Ted’s sector focus allows him to understand his client’s commercial drivers and operating environment, to negotiate and draft agreements protecting their interests and mitigating operational risks. Celso Martins Caldas Xavier Partner Demarest & Almeida Advogados Mr. Xavier has over 10 years of experience in Litigation, Arbitration and Business Restructuring He is a Member of the Commission for Biotechnology and Arbitration Commission of the OAB / SP. He was recognized as "leading lawyer in his field" by the Directory Law Review 2010. Mr. Xavier earned his JD from the Law School of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo and his master's degree in law from Stanford Law School. Julio Cesar Bueno Partner Pinheiro Neto Advogados Julio Cesar Bueno has been a partner at Pinheiro Neto Advogados since 2001. He is based in São Paulo and has considerable national and international experience focusing on the practice of project finance, construction law and engineering contracts (including FIDIC standard forms), EPCs and alliance deals, as well on arbitrations, mediations and dispute boards. He represents some of the world's largest organisations (financial institutions, multilateral agencies, owners, contractors and developers) in their global infrastructure and construction projects located throughout Brazil and the rest of Latin America as well as Africa. He assists clients across the entire project spectrum, commencing at a project's conception and continuing through to punch list completion and beyond. Some recent examples include gas facilities, power plants (nuclear, coal-fired, gas-fired, combined cycle, hydro), wind farms, steel manufacturing facilities, copper mining facilities, coal mining facilities and ports. He is a member of the Society of Construction Law (SCL) and the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation (DRBF) and acts as officer of the International Bar Association's international construction law committee (ICP) and the International Bar Association Latin American forum (LAF). He is also a member of the São Paulo Engineering Institute Arbitration and Mediation Chamber (IE-SP) and the Brazilian Institute of Civil Procedure Law (IBDP). He holds a law degree from the University of São Paulo Law School (LLB, 1991); a master's degree from the University of Cambridge Law School (LLM 1995); and a doctorate from the University of São Paulo Law School (PhD 2001). He has published several articles published on matters related to civil procedure law, infrastructure and construction law. He is recommended in Who's Who Legal (for construction, project finance, public procurement and defence product liability); Chambers Latin America (for construction and projects, dispute resolution and defence product liability); Practical Law Company (for construction and projects); and Análise Advocacia's directory of Brazil's 'most admired' lawyers (for construction and projects, dispute resolution, public procurement and defence product liability). Steve O'Neal Partner Jones Day Steve O'Neal's practice includes construction, real estate, and complex business litigation. He "tops the list of construction litigators in the country" in the 2012 edition of The Legal 500 US. Steve has been involved in projects including energy, building, industrial, pharmaceutical plant, bridge, railway, and highway construction in the United States and throughout the world, working on both private sector and government contract matters. Steve has extensive experience in real estate litigation ranging from land use and permit issues through commercial landlord-tenant problems, purchase and sale litigation, and judicial foreclosure litigation. His practice also includes representation of clients in complex civil litigation matters in the technology industry. He has litigated systems integration, information, and telecommunications technology disputes between private sector clients and for government contractors. In addition to acting as litigation counsel for parties to bench and jury trials, administrative proceedings, arbitrations, and mediations, he has many years of experience serving as an arbitrator Ashley Howlett Partner Jones Day Ashley Howlett's practice focuses on construction and engineering issues connected with infrastructure and major projects. Ashley has been based in the Beijing Office since its opening in 2003, and he leads the Firm's Construction Practice in Asia. Ashley advises Chinese and international clients on all aspects of the design and construction process, including drafting and negotiating contract documentation, dispute avoidance, and dispute resolution by way of mediation, arbitration, and litigation. Ashley has lived and worked in China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, and the United Kingdom and has been involved in major construction and infrastructure projects throughout Asia for the past 15 years. Ashley's practice is focused on representing foreigninvested parties on construction projects and disputes in China, as well as counseling Chinese contractors on their projects around the world. He recently advised Chinese contractors involved in projects in Angola, Brazil, Egypt, Libya, Mongolia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia. Ashley is ranked as a leading individual for construction and dispute resolution by Asia Pacific Legal 500 and is consistently ranked in the Chambers & Partners Asia-Pacific legal guide as the leading foreign construction lawyer in China, where he is described as "probably the most famous foreign construction lawyer you'll come across in China" and "extremely pragmatic, shrewd and personable — you can't get better than him." Ashley also is the author of the only English language textbook on Chinese construction law, Chinese Construction Law — A Guide for Foreign Companies, which was first published by CCH Wolters Kluwer in October 2006 with a second edition published in November 2009. Rob Lambert Partner Clifford Chance Rob Lambert specializes in the law and practice of international arbitration. Rob is recognized as a leading practitioner in the international arbitration field. He has particular experience in international engineering, energy, construction, IT and telecoms disputes, as well as considerable experience of joint venture and shareholder disputes. Rob has handled arbitration cases under ICC, LCIA, ICSID, UNCITRAL and other international rules. He has conducted arbitrations (institutional and ad hoc) in numerous jurisdictions in Europe, Asia, US, Middle East, Africa and Australia. Rob is an experienced advocate, having appeared as lead counsel before numerous international arbitral tribunals, and also sits as an arbitrator. Mr. Lambert earned a BA - Hons in Law from St Edmund Hall, Oxford University and was admitted as a solicitor in England & Wales Gustavo Fernandes de Andrade Partner Sergio Bermudes/CAMARB Gustavo Fernandes de Andrade Graduated in Law from Universidade Federal Fluminense. In May 1999 he earned a Master of Laws (LL.M) from the University of Pennsylvania Law School with a concentration in public law. In July 2005 he earned a Master of Laws (LL.M) from the University of Cambridge UK with a concentration in international law. Mr. Andrade is the author of several articles, including: "The commercial arbitrations, international and domestic contracts with the State," in Legal Regulation of the electricity sector, Lumen Juris, August 2006, "Unlawful Interference in the Third Contractual Relationship: The trusteeship Foreign Credit and Enforceability of Contracts, "in Forensic Magazine, vol. 391, July 2007, as well as articles published in the journal Law IED (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), "The federal tax administrative process" (Vol.2), p. 115 (1995), "Citizenship, market, poverty and underdevelopment: paradigms and national reality" (Vol.10), p. 144 (1994), and "Arrest and cautionary presumption of innocence: the need and compatibility" (Vol. 9), p. 160 (1993), "Freezing and Search Orders", Mark SW Hoyle, Informa, London (2006), chapter 11 of the Brazilian law (chapter 11 on Brazilian Law). He is a member of the Rio de Janeiro state Bar Association. Pedro S. Ribeiro de Oliveira Sacha Calmon - Misabel Derzi/CAMARB Pedro S. Ribeiro de Oliveira earned his JD in Law from the University of Federal de Minas Gerais where he was an undergraduate teacher assistant for the commercial law department for two years. He is a Mediator certified by the American Arbitration Association and by the New York Bar Association. He worked as a secondee providing legal management for some of the main companies on the automotive, lubricant, engineering and mining equipment industries. Was responsible for the legal management of the engineering company of the Fiat Group in Brazil (Fiatengineering), worked as non-executive director for Petronas Lubrificantes and as legal consultant for OSX do Brasil (EBX Group). He is an arbitrator appointed in procedures held at Câmara de Arbitragem Empresarial Brasil – CAMARB and at American Chamber of Commerce – AMCHAM, related to commercial and construction disputes. Mr. Oliveiria is on the advisory board of Câmara de Arbitragem Empresarial Brasil – CAMARB, is one of the founding members of Instituto Brasileiro do Direito da Construção (IBDiC) and is also member of the Society of Construction Law (UK) and of the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation (US).