Community Showcase, Ferneham Hall Saturday 2 July, 10am-4pm


Community Showcase, Ferneham Hall Saturday 2 July, 10am-4pm
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Volunteers’ Week certificate presentation at the Ashcroft
Arts Centre, 8 July, see page
Community Showcase, Ferneham Hall Saturday 2 July, 10am-4pm
More than 60 voluntary and community organisations will be
showcasing the amazing diversity of voluntary and community
activity in the Borough of Fareham at the Community Showcase.
The event—an initiative of One Community in partnership with Ferneham Hall—is
taking over every part of Ferneham Hall, including the theatre, which will be packed with
stands, stalls and demonstrations of activities, including performances throughout the
day on the stage. Participating organisations from across the Borough of Fareham will be
Volunteering vacancies
Arts, environment, heritage, hobbies and sports activities
Support services for all ages and needs
Admission is free for anyone who wants to find out about volunteering opportunities
across the borough; clubs and societies for all ages; and services for those who need a bit
of help.
For further information contact Volunteer Centre One Community on 023
8090 2458 or
One Community News
Life is full of challenges and as
we all settle down to
understand what the EU vote
will mean for us (see
Implications of Brexit for the
Voluntary Sector on page 4),
the vibrant voluntary and
community sector continues
to get on with delivering
services with a smile as always.
We hope to see you at the Community
Showcase at Ferneham Hall on 2 July, which promises
to be a colourful and lively event, crammed with
organisations highlighting what the community can do
when we work together.
We also have some lovely photos of our
Volunteer Certificate Presentation event at the
Ashcroft Arts Centre on 8 June, during Volunteers’
Week, on the front page, below and over the page.
There are lots of community events going on
over the summer. Good luck (and good weather) for
Jean Roberts-Jones
Chief Executive
One Community
Green Tips
Here at One Community we are trying to become a
littler greener. We have signed up to the Waste Not
UK Campaign which is about reducing food waste.
There are a few things you can do to have a positive
impact on the planet, and we share these with you
every month. Please let us know of any you have to
Store food properly
Do you keep your eggs in the fridge? You shouldn’t.
Potatoes? Last longer in the fridge as it stops them
sprouting. You need to know how best to keep your
food to give it the longest life. There are some great
tips on the Waste Not website.
Volunteers’ Week Certificate Presentation Event
The theatre at the Ashcroft Arts Centre was packed to capacity on
Wednesday 8 June, where the Mayor of Fareham, Cllr Mrs Connie
Hockley, presented certificates of service to volunteers from across
the Borough of Fareham at a Volunteers’ Week Celebration
organised by Volunteer Centre One Community.
Fifty-four volunteers from 15 organisations received
certificates in acknowledgement of the work they do and all that
they make possible in the Borough, by helping people in need,
supporting the arts and enabling activities that improve the quality
of life for local people. The Mayor thanked the volunteers from the
One Community News
Volunteer Centre
Library Drop-Ins
Looking for a volunteering opportunity
that’s just right for you?
Need volunteers for your group or
Drop in and see us at:
bottom of her heart and was delighted to meet so
many volunteers – old friends and new.
Organisations represented at the Certificate
Presentation included the Ashcroft Arts Centre, British
Heart Foundation, Canine Partners, Citizens Advice
Fareham, Communicare Coffee Shop at the
Lockswood Centre, Ferneham Hall, Friends Through
Pain, Home-Start Gosport & Fareham, KIDS Family
Centre, Lockswood Community and Sports
Association, Open Door at Whiteley Church,
Portchester Community Centre, Rotary Club of
Fareham, Titchfield Gardeners Club, and Y Services.
Fareham Library, Osborn Road, Fareham
PO16 7EN, on the second Monday of every
month 10am-12 noon (11 July).
Portchester Library, West Street, Portchester
PO16 9TX, on the second Wednesday of every
month 10am-12 noon (13 July).
Stubbington Library, Stubbington Lane,
Stubbington PO14 2PP, on the second Friday
of every month 10am-12 noon (15 July).
Pictured on page 2 are
volunteers from
Ashcroft Arts Centre.
Above from Y Services,
and immediately left
Canine Partners.
Pictured right is
Volunteer Centre One
Development Worker
Hayley Hamlett
introducing volunteers
at the Presentation.
Many thanks to the Ashcroft Arts Centre for hosting
the event; to professional photographer Mark
Robbins who took the photos on a voluntary basis; to
the Mayor of Fareham, Cllr Mrs Connie Hockley, for
presenting the certificates; and to volunteers Maggie
Veal and Adrian Hamlett for assistance on the night.
To speak to someone Monday-Saturday about
volunteering contact Volunteer Centre One
Community on 023 8090 2458 (023 8064 1202
on Saturday 10am-2pm) or email us on
Implications of Brexit for the Voluntary Sector
The National Council for Voluntary Organisations has
warned that the financial implications of the UK’s
Brexit vote will affect the voluntary sector more in the
long term than in the immediate future.
The stock market and the value of sterling
tumbled as the result of last week’s referendum on
the UK’s membership of the EU became clear.
In a briefing published 28 June, the NCVO
warned that the impact of Brexit on the voluntary
sector in the short term would probably be
overestimated, but the long-term impact would be
likely to be underestimated.
It says that short-term hits to charities’ income
are unlikely, but more likely in the long term.
The briefing says Brexit might result in reduced
income for the sector because grant-making
foundations rely on investment income.
It also predicts that the government will
maintain EU regulation for at least the next two years
and probably for much longer.
The paper says that there is likely to be a
slowdown in wider government business for months if
not years, meaning there will be less progress on
charities’ policy areas.
And it calls on charities and community groups
to consider their role in "healing divisive referendum
campaign wounds".
Courtesy Third Sector
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community
Foundation Vital Signs Survey
This year’s Vital Signs survey is looking at fraud in the
home and it will help to inform and guide the
Foundation’s understanding of how fraud, including
cybercrime, impacts local people across Hampshire
and the Isle of Wight. The Foundation hopes that once
again you will all take a few minutes out of your busy
lives to help them with this important survey.
Please complete it by Monday 11th July 2016 by
clicking on the link below:
LawWorks Not-For-Profits Programme
The LawWorks Not-For-Profits Programme provides
free legal advice and support to small not-for profit
organisations who give valuable support to
communities across England and Wales.
Last year over 140 cases for not-forprofit organisations were placed with
volunteer lawyers through LawWorks
and they are keen to make even more
charities, community groups and
social enterprises aware of the free
legal help available.
How it works
Where a not-for-profit organisation needs help with a
one-off legal issue, LawWorks matches the
organisation with a volunteer lawyer from its network
of member law firms and in-house legal teams who
can advise on that matter.
Examples of discrete matters volunteers can
help with include:
Drafting a contract
Reviewing a lease
Updating a constitution/articles
Clarifying rights in a commercial dispute
Volunteers can advise on property, commercial/
contract, tax, IP, insurance, insolvency, data
protection, defamation, and company law.
How to apply
Applying for help is simple. Check if your organisation
is eligible at the following link: https://
If eligible, the online application form can be
completed at:
LawWorks will then work with you to gather
more information and see how it can help.
More information about the free legal
assistance service is available here: https://
Free videos covering legal issues
Organisations can also watch a collection of online
videos about common legal issues faced by not-forprofits.
These short and practical videos are free to
watch on the LawWorks website and cover areas such
as charity issues, property law, employment law,and
lots more. You can watch the videos here: https://
See the back page for more events
Keeping Track of your Medical Records
Winter Fuel Payment
Not all of our GPs have got medical records from our
childhood, and often that is true when an individual
was a child who had a parent in the Armed Forces at
that time.
Childhood medical records can be important in
that often (though not always) they can point toward
symptoms that ‘something was not ok’ with us as
If your GP does not have a complete health
history (ask them first), in broad order, medical
records will either be:
Currently, many
organisations ask
customers to phone
the DWP for queries
about Winter Fuel
With recent
improvements to
now recommends that
you go to GOV.UK
first. This gives access
to this information any time, 24/7.
Go to GOV.UK and search for “Winter Fuel
Payment” to see for yourself how useful the content
Winter Fuel Payment is a lump-sum payment
to provide help with your fuel bills. To be eligible for
winter 2016/17 you need to be born on or before 5
May 1953 and normally resident in Great Britain or
Northern Ireland.
If you live in an eligible European Economic
Area (EEA) country or Switzerland you may also be
entitled to a Winter Fuel Payment. This is subject to
you having a genuine and sufficient link to the UK
Social Security System.
You can find the most up-to-date and detailed
information about Winter Fuel Payments on
GOV.UK which answers approximately 98% of
Winter Fuel questions.
With the Army repository (where primary health
was the responsibility of the Army (MoD). This
will be at Kentigern House, Glasgow;
Or with the NHS repository (if your health was
the responsibility of the NHS). In which case this
is held at Preston
In either case, it is entirely possible to link the two and
for a GP to request your documentation; to allow for
continuity of care and health history.
Unlike before (when most of us were kids), the
NHS now routinely links pre-serving health records to
serving health records, on discharge (and for families
registered with a defence medical practice). This can
be done for all three services.
More than that, the GP should be able
to ‘code’ the respective notes as ‘familyrelated’ (specific to each service) to a serving person,
reservist or veteran; which might well allow for access
to some armed forces-aware health and social care
services and pathways. GP practices have all this
information in their coding systems.
For Army-related records, your GP can request
these from:
Secretariat Disclosure 3 (Medical)
Mail Point 525, Army Personnel Centre
Kentigern House, 65 Brown Street
Glasgow G2 8EX
More armed forces-related health information can be
found on the NHS Choices website (an excellent fund
of medical, advice and links for all sorts of cross-NHS
issues) at:
The information covers:
Rates – how much Winter Fuel Payment you
might get.
Eligibility – which includes how old you need to
be to qualify for a Winter Fuel Payment.
How to claim – If you do not get State Pension
or any other benefit from DWP you will need to
make a claim. (Those getting State Pension or
any other benefit from DWP you will
automatically get their payment).
Changes – how to contact the DWP if your
circumstances change.
Hampshire Specialist Child &
Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
A new brochure is available which will help you to
understand more about the mental health services
provided for children and young people and how the
providers (Sussex Partnership) can help you.
Being told that you or someone close to you
has mental health difficulties can be really hard to
hear, and you will be experiencing a huge range of
emotions as you read this. They try to make sure you
get the help and support you and your family need
during this time.
This booklet aims to explain what mental
health means, who they are and how they can help
They tell you about the different professionals
who make up the team and the therapies and
treatments they can offer.
They also have personal stories from people
who have received treatment from them and who are
looking forward to a happy and healthy future.
The booklet can be downloaded from this page and here’s a direct link to it: http://
Hampshire and so there might be one closer than you
For information on schemes in your area
please contact Hampshire and Isle of Wight
Neighbourhood Watch (HINWA) Chairman Bob
Coombes on who can help
you find your local scheme.
You can also visit the Fareham NHW website
Hampshire Neighbourhood Watch
Saturday 18 June marked
the start of National
Neighbourhood Watch
Here at One Community
we have worked closely
with Neighbourhood
Watch in Hampshire to
broaden engagement. You
can read the report on our
Neighbourhood Watch is an inclusive
organisation which aims to reflect the concerns of
local communities, and works with police and other
crime professionals to create safer neighbourhoods
and boost neighbourliness.
If you are thinking of getting involved in your
local community, consider becoming a part of your
local Neighbourhood Watch or setting up a new one!
There are over 10,000 schemes already across
Wetwheels Hamble, a specially built motor boat, has
recently been launched to take out disabled and
disadvantaged people on Solent waters.
The boat is berthed and operated from the
Royal Southern Yacht Club’s Prince Philip Haven on
the Hamble River. The boat can also operate out of
Poole or Weymouth depending on numbers.
She can take three guests in wheelchairs with
carers plus four others, and the boat is operated by a
fully qualified skipper and crew members.
Wetwheels has recently received a grant to
take out 20 under 25 year olds per day consisting of
two x 90 minute trips. The normal fee would be
£350.00 per trip or £450.00 for 2/3 trips in the same
day, but these trips would be completely free and
every guest on board can drive the boat (including
those in wheelchairs) and enjoy the “Wetwheels
For further information visit the Wetwheels
Foundation website on:
The BEAM Awards
The BEAM Awards is a pioneering new
awards ceremony to be televised on
ITV 1 this autumn. Presented by Sir
Trevor MacDonald and Alesha Dixon
and taking place at The London
Palladium on Wednesday 12th October
2016, the awards will highlight and
showcase the most talented figures
from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic
(BAME) backgrounds that are currently
under represented within Celebrity,
Media, Journalism, Arts & Sports and
There will also be a focus on the
promotion of gender equality within
BAME community groups.
Nominating for the
BEAM Awards is easy! Simply choose
an award category for the person/
organisation you wish to nominate for:
IMPORTANT: Nominations for
the BEAM Awards © close on Friday,
July 22nd 2016
Funding and
Turn the page for information
about funding and training.
For further information
and support with all your
funding, training and
governance issues, please
contact our Community
Development team on:
Phone 023 8090 2400 or Email
Artists Benevolent Fund
but is meant to be a “contribution” to the proposed
Deadline 30 September for November
Solent Community Grants Programme
ABF has developed a grant scheme to assist artists in
England and Wales develop their careers. These grants
are intended to support activity which will strengthen
their ability to operate as a professional artist and
enable them to make a significant development in
their practice / career.
Deadline 31 August
Children in Need
The Solent Community Grants Programme has been
created by Solent Local Enterprise Partnership and is
supported by the European Social Fund, Hampshire
County Council, Hampshire & Isle of Wight
Community Foundation fund holders, Portsmouth City
Council and Southampton City Council.
The programme is a result of the call issued by
the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) to
commission ESF funded projects that will support the
Priority Axis 1 of the Operational Programme:
Inclusive Labour Markets and Investment.
The fund has been created to provide grants
to support organisations who are able to reach and
work with individuals with complex barriers to
employment, enabling them to move closer or into
The fund provides grants of £10,000 to
£30,000 to groups working in the Solent LEP
area. Priority will be given to those working in areas of
the highest unemployment and deprivation.
Opens 4 July closes 29 September 2016
Doris Campbell Memorial Fund
Small grants and main grants deadline September.
Daiwa Foundation Small Grants
Grants of £2,000-£7,000 are available to individuals,
societies, associations or other bodies in the UK or
Japan to promote and support interaction between
the two countries.
In order to fund as many applications as
possible, on a limited budget, they typically award
£3,000 to successful Small Grant applications.
Funding rarely covers an application’s budget in full,
The Doris Campbell Memorial Fund was established in
2007 by the Ellis Campbell Foundation. It was set up in
memory of Mrs Doris Campbell who was the daughter
of William Craven-Ellis, one of two Southampton MPs
between 1931 and 1945. Doris worked with her father
and had many happy memories of her involvement
with Southampton and its people. It was for this
reason the Campbell family donated £1 million to
HIWCF to help set-up the Community Foundation and
establish a fund in Doris Campbell's name.
For this grant round the Fund is looking to
support Youth Development Workers who are
supporting projects which help to develop skills and
learning for young people.
Opens 4 July closes 29 July 2016
One Community Training Opportunities
At One Community, 16 Romsey Road, Eastleigh
SO50 9AL
For further information and to book contact Rachel
Webb at One Community on 023 8090 2400 or
JULY 2016, 9.30AM – 4.30PM
This one day training session will cover all aspects of
Emergency First Aid at Work. At the end of the
course attendees will have demonstrated
competence in basic life support skills and increased
their awareness in managing a first aid incident in
the workplace. A certificate of competence will be
issued and is valid for three years.
Cost: Members £60, Associate Members/Voluntary
Sector £70, Others £85. Includes tea, coffee and
biscuits. Please bring your own lunch.
Free training may be available for volunteers. Please
phone us on 02380 902409 to discuss this.
JULY 2016, 9.30AM – 4.30PM
This one day training session will cover all aspects of
Emergency First Aid at Work. At the end of the
course attendees will have demonstrated
competence in basic life support skills and increased
their awareness in managing a first aid incident in
the workplace. A certificate of competence will be
issued and is valid for three years.
Cost: Members £60, Associate Members/Voluntary
Sector £70, Others £85. Includes tea, coffee and
biscuits. Please bring your own lunch.
Free training may be available for volunteers. Please
phone us on 02380 902409 to discuss this.
Coming soon from One
Community Training
Tuesday 4 October—Attracting Volunteers
Thursday 13 October—Manual Handling &
Working at Heights
Tuesday 1 November—Keeping Volunteers
TBC—Dementia Awareness
TBC—Trigger Tool Training (training which aims
to raise awareness of the issues that might be
encountered when visiting an older person in
their own home, assist with signposting to other
relevant organisations when and if required and
to always consider the older person as someone
with wide ranging needs.)
4Youth is delighted to be able to offer the following
short courses at low or no cost for residents of
Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and
Southampton who are interested in youth work or
working with young people in informal settings.
Courses are open to paid staff and volunteers
and can be of benefit both for those just starting out in
their work with young people as well as those with
some experience already. All courses are booked on a
first come first served basis and learners who
complete a
course receive a 4Youth certificate of completion.
To book a course simply complete our short, online
booking form at
-calendar/ and please ensure you have read our
booking terms and conditions before you submit your
If you have any questions you can telephone us on
02380 620002 or send an email to
Saturday 9th July 2016, 9:45am-12:45pm
Rookery Room, Whiteley Community Centre
£7.50 per learner
Saturday 9th July 2016, 1:15-4:15pm
Rookery Room, Whiteley Community Centre
£7.50 per learner
*Courses marked with an asterix are free of charge for
learners who live in Hampshire, Isle of Wight,
Portsmouth and Southampton. Other Booking
Conditions apply (see below)
Booking Conditions: Please read carefully before
booking: If you are unable to attend a course you
have booked a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice must be
given by telephone/email/in writing stating that you
wish to cancel. In exceptional circumstances please
telephone us on 02380 620002 or 07734 556768.
Failure to attend may result in a non-attendance
charge being made of up to £45 for a half day and £90
per full day. Separate booking terms and conditions
apply to accredited training.
Please feel free to share training information with
anyone else you think may be interested.
Meadowside Music Festival, Whiteley
Saturday 9 July 2016, 9.45-8pm
Once again this year The Rotary Club of Whiteley, with
Whiteley Town Council, will be promoting a Music
Festival on the green in Whiteley. Meadowside Music
festival is in its 3rd successful year attracting more
than 3,000 people to this family fun event.
It is held on the playing fields adjacent to the
Meadowside Leisure Centre in Whiteley. This festival is
a free event showcasing local artists and community
acts for local residents friends and family.
The festival is made up of the main stage, a
licensed bar, food stands, fairground rides, inflatables
and other stalls and children’s entertainment.
Meadowside Music Festival is organised by the
Rotary Club of Whiteley and Whiteley Town Council
and supported by Whiteley Shopping.
Wallington Village Fete
Wallington Water Meadow
Saturday 9 July, 1.30-4.30pm
A traditional village summer fete for all the family.
Open Garden
Project Leadership for
Local Conservation Groups
Thursday 7 July 2016
51 Longmynd Drive, Fareham, PO14 1SH
Sunday 10 July, 10am-5pm
Fundraising event for Cancer Research UK. Delightful
private garden open to the public in aid of Cancer
Research UK. Plants for sale. Refreshments available.
Admission £2.
Netley, near Southampton, Hampshire
This course was developed especially for members of
local community groups that carry out practical
conservation projects with volunteers. It will provide
sufficient information to enable someone to gain an
awareness and understanding of the role of a
conservation volunteer project leader and the
qualities a good leader requires.
For further details and to book, please visit our
Online Shop: Netley course
Murder, Mystery and Mayhem
An evening with author Pauline Rowson
Stubbington Library, Tuesday 12 July, 6pm
Tickets at £5 are available at the library, through the
booking line on 01329 663332 or visit Advanced booking is
essential to avoid disappointment.
Pauline Rowson is an internationally acclaimed author
whose crime novels are set against the backdrop of
the ever changing sea of the Solent on the South Coast
of England. She is best known for her police
procedural crime series featuring the flawed and
rugged Portsmouth copper, DI Andy Horton.
Join Pauline for her lively and entertaining talk, where
you will hear about the inspiration behind her crime
novels and how she researches, plots and writes them,
followed by an author Q&A and book signing.
Hog Roast
Burridge, Sunday 17 July, 12.30pm
Fareham-Vannes Twinning Association is holding a
Hog Roast in a beautiful garden in Burridge on Sunday
17th July. The cost is £12 and includes hog roast,
salads and dessert, but please bring your own drinks
(and chairs). For more information please contact or see the
association's website.
Thumbs Up Thursday
West Street, Fareham, 11am-2pm
Every Thursday throughout Summer Holidays (21 July25 August). Free Event. Activities include bungee
trampolines, arts & crafts, inflatables, crazy golf and a
petting farm.
Contact: 01329 824593
demonstrating their craft. Also, ‘Open Studios’ will be
held in the church from 20-27th August.
Access All Areas
Fareham Leisure Centre, Park Lane
Tuesday 26 July 12-4pm
Contact: 01329 824593
Beat the boredom this summer with free activities for
11-16 year olds across Fareham. Those registered will
benefit from free bus travel to and from events with
First. Register online at:
Parental consent forms are needed for some
activities, please download these from the website.
Lunchtime Concert
Holy Trinity Church, West Street
Tuesday 26 July, 12.30-1:15pm
Athanasian Consort: choral music across the
centuries. All welcome. Feel free to bring your
sandwiches; tea, coffee and squash provided.
Admission free.
Contact: or 01329 232688
Mini Play Mornings
All Manor of Arts
Westbury Manor Museum, Fareham
Friday 22 July, 10am-2pm
£2 per child, accompanying adults free
Family art activities. Just turn up by 1pm.
Contact: 01329 822063
Fareham Leisure Centre
Tuesday 26 July 10am-12pm
Beat the midweek boredom and join in the fun with
your little one at Fareham Leisure Centre. A variety of
free activities will be on offer including soft play, a
bouncy castle, as well as lots of other games and
activities with Fareham's Active Antz. Please note the
capacity for this event is 500 and will be offered on a
first come first serve basis. For further information,
please visit:
Please note photographs may be taken at this event,
if you do not wish for your child to be photographed,
please inform a member of staff.
St Peter's Church Summer Show
St Peter's Church, Titchfield, PO14 4AG
Monday 25 to Saturday 27 July, 10am-4.30pm
The historic Church of St Peter, Titchfield’s Annual
Summer Show. Entrance free; coffee, tea, juices &
biscuits available. Crafts, jewellery, cards, jams,
chutney, History Society, books, information,
stoneware, wood turning, glass engraving, prints,
paintings, bags, textiles, toys, etc. 10% of proceeds to
Macmillan nurses, Rowans hospice, Mountbatten
hospice & St Peter’s Church. Spinners will be
Access All Areas
Salterns, Hill Head PO14 3LS
Wednesday 27 July, 12-4pm
Contact: 01329 824593
Beat the boredom this summer with free activities for
11-16 year olds across Fareham. Those registered will
benefit from free bus travel to and from events with
First. Register online at:
Parental consent forms are needed for some
activities, please download these from the website.
Play Rangers—Nature Play and Games
The Big Bark on the Beach—Canine Partners
Rotary Wheelhouse, Salterns Lane, Hill Head, Fareham
PO14 3LR
Thursday 28 July, 10.30am-12.30pm
£5 per person
The Big Bark Coffee Morning is coming to a beach near
you. It couldn’t be easier to take part; it’s all about
joining the coffee morning in support of Canine
Partners and raising awareness of their amazing dogs.
You don’t need a dog to join in!
Barry's Meadow, Southampton Hill, Titchfield
Friday 29 July 10am-12 noon
Play Rangers offer free outdoor activities for children
aged 12 and under. The project runs sessions in
various locations across the Borough during school
holidays and half terms. For further information,
please visit:
Play Rangers—The Play Ranger Challenge
Your Network
Reach out to the Voluntary & Community
network by advertising your event or
featuring your news in our next monthly
edition. Send submissions to Julia Allan: by the middle
of the month.
Bath Lane Recreation Ground, Barnes Lane, Sarisbury
Friday 29 July, 1.30-3.30pm
Play Rangers offer free outdoor activities for children
aged 12 and under. The project runs sessions in
various locations across the Borough during school
holidays and half terms. For further information,
please visit:
Please follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn & Facebook
Produced by One Community, 16 Romsey Road, Eastleigh SO50 9AL
Tel 023 8090 2400
Registered Charity Number 1052978. Registered in England as a company limited by guarantee.
Registered No 3132524