pig roast - Minocqua / Kawaguesaga Lakes Protection Association


pig roast - Minocqua / Kawaguesaga Lakes Protection Association
Minocqua/Kawaguesaga Lakes
Protection Association, Inc.
Post Office Box 494
Minocqua, WI 54548
Find us on Facebook
Sally Murwin, President
Jerry Roseland, Vice President
Sally Kovacik, Secretary
Sue Meyer, Treasurer
Christy Justice
Jim Beckwith
Dick Garrett
Bob Madsen
Kevin McFerrin
Rusty Sawallish
Mark Pitman
Summer 2014
Minocqua/Kawaguesaga Lakes Protection Association, Inc.
President's Column
Sally Murwin
Fund Raiser at
Greetings to All - Happy Summer – WOW, it took
The association board has been working on many new
projects. Other than keeping tabs on the ongoing EWM
situation, we are looking at new committee structure.
These committees will deal with the following issues:
Environmental, Communication & Marketing, and
Organizational. Members will be informed of our
progress through newsletters and informational
We Miss You!
Your membership is important to us!
The MKLPA is working hard to preserve and protect our community's economic driver and the
most valuable asset – our beautiful lakes.
For those of you who have joined in the past, we hope you will continue your support in 2014. If
you have never supported the association, we are hoping this will be the time.
“Lake Views” is sent to all lake property owners and local businesses. By doing this, we are
hoping to inform all about important lake issues.
As was stated in the last newsletter, the acres of EWM
have gone down. This spring we treated 11.9 acres, and
last year 30 acres. Steve Schieffer, of Ecological
Integrity Services will do the post survey in late August.
This survey is a good indicator of what we may need to
address next spring. The divers continue to do an
excellent job of cleaning up the smaller areas. The
divers are also taking over the monitoring of both lakes
– looking for new areas. All the data that they collect is
recorded with Steve and the DNR.
Your membership of $40.00 per year and any tax deductible donation will help to fund the cost
associated with our work in preventing the spread of Eurasian Water Milfoil.
We have 2 major events scheduled for August.
-Saturday, August 23 we will be hosting a Public
Information meeting at the Pointe Hotel & Suites.
Please use the enclosed envelope. Note: if your newsletter did not include a remittance envelope –
you have already joined for 2014 – Thank you!
-Saturday, August 30th is our Annual Pig Roast & Silent
Saturday, August 30th
11:00am - 2:00pm
Pork Sandwich, Corn-on-the-Cob, Chips,
Soda and Beer available
Musical Entertainment By Gregg Thomas
Silent Auction
Lake Fair
Public Information Meeting
Saturday, August 23rd
9:30 – 11:00 AM at the Point Hotel and
Suites - Minocqua
1. Status report on this year's EWM treatment results – Chemical & Divers
2. Status of Fish Communities in Minocqua and Kawaguesaga Lakes
Steve AveLallemant – Northern District Fisheries Supervisor/WI DNR
Since 2013 several studies have been done on our 2 lakes – this
should prove to be very informative.
3. Q & A
Thank you for your support in the past and in the future.
Board of Directors
Please continue to have a Happy and Safe Summer !
Remember to check us out on Facebook Like us
at Minocqua/Kawaga Lakes Association
Share some of your photos of the lakes
Website www.minocquakawaga.org
The Highly Respected Loons
Restoration Information
As you may recall, a line item in our new grant
involves riparian shoreland restoration.
The first property that was restored is owned by
Cheryl and Mark Pitman. Barb and Dennis Blow of
Nature's Gardeners design the area and then were
hired by the Pitmans to complete the area.
This shows a before and after – really amazing.
Work is now being done at homes of Kathy and
Sandy Kreps and Russ and Maggie Rabjohns.
If you are interested in this program, please call Sally
at 715-356-1149
“Friend of the Lakes”
At our annual meeting this
year, our special “Friend of the
Lakes Award” was presented
by Sally Murwin to Chris
Rexroade, CPA. The
Association thanks Chris for
all his help and generosity.
Clean Boats/Clean Waters
In the picture the divers from left to right are: Nathan Kingstead,
Adam Flasch, Nik Boyer, Serge Riddel, Dan Tyler, Mitchell Francis,
Christian Wahman, and Erik Fashingbauer. Not pictured are
Gunnar Dunbar, Austin Foster and Mitch Wilson.
Adam Flasch- From Minocqua, WI. Will be a freshman at UW
Marathon County and is undecided on a major.
Nathan Kingstead- From Minocqua, WI. Will be a sophomore
Biology Major at University of Illinois Springfield.
Gunnar Dunbar- From Lake Tomahawk, WI. Is a Sailor in the
United States Navy and will be a Freshman at UW Madison
studying Computer Science.
Mitch Wilson- From Denver, CO. Will be a sophomore at Ole Miss
and hasn't decided on a major.
Austin Foster- From Neenah, WI. Will be a sophomore Finance
Major at UW Lacrosse.
Mitchell Francis- From Alpharetta, GA. Will be a junior Math
Major at Georgia College and State University.
Lt to Rt: Nancy Franson, Carter Veldhuizen, Luke
Monitoring for EWM at Minocqua Boat Landing
Nancy Franson -I have enjoyed Minocqua since 1960.
All the lakes are beautiful. I love the outdoors and have
enjoyed educating folks on Aquatic Invasive Species
at the Minocqua boat landings.
Carter Veldhuizen -I am a 20-year old from Minocqua, at
home from college for the summer. I spend the rest of the
year studying Systems Engineering, Mathematics, and
Computer Science at Washington University in St. Louis.
This is my first year working with the Clean Boats, Clean
Water program.
Luke Johnson – I have grownup in the northwoods area.
I enjoy fishing and being in the outdoors. I also work at the
Pointe Hotel & Suites. It has been great working for
MKLPA and Clean Boats/Clean Waters.
New Board Member Bio’s
Nik Boyer- From Minocqua, WI. Will be a senior at LUHS.
Christian Wahman- From Edina, MN. 2014 Alum of Northwestern
University, majored in Economics and Math.
Erik Fashingbauer- From Minocqua, WI. Will be a video editor in
Burbank, CA.
Dan Tyler- From Minocqua, WI. Will be a senior at UW River Falls
majoring in Video Production.
Serge Riddel- From Mesa, AZ. Will be studying Marine Biology,
school is undecided.
4th of July Parade “Pirates of Minocqua” Fighting the
Curse of the Milfoil”. Thanks to all who helped, and a
special thanks to Jim & Doris Beckwith - float designers.
Bike Raffle – Tickets are on sale at the Pointe Hotel
and will be sold at Crazy Days and the Pig Roast.
Please get into the raffle – the bikes are beautiful.
2014 Matching Silver His & Her 21”/17”
Raleigh Route 3.0 21 speed (Donated by The Pointe Hotel)
Tickets - $2 each or 3 for $5
Christy Justice
Christy grew up in the Central Wisconsin area she
then attended UW-Stout and earned her Bachelor's
degree in Human Development and Family Studies.
For the next seven years she did social work in the
Wausau area. Christy then moved up to the
Northwood's and is currently living in Arbor Vitae
with her husband Kurt and some very spoiled dogs.
They own and operate the bait and tackle store
Kurt's Island Sport Shop in Minocqua.
Sue grew up in Western Springs, Illinois, a suburb of
Chicago. In the early 1970s, when she was in high
school, her grandfather purchased the property on
Lake Kawaga where she now resides. A graduate of
Creighton University with a major in Marketing, Sue
worked for IBM in sales and product development for
22 years. Now retired, Sue enjoys stamp collecting
and working on her family history. She has one son,
Michael, who is a civil engineer in Raleigh, NC.
Sue Meyer
A thank you to Adam Alesauskas for serving on the MKLPA board for many years.
Adam & Anne were very generous to donate our diver's boat at the start of our diver's
program, and you will see the boat on the lakes, still at hard work today. Adam has
resigned, but will continue to help with our Pig Roast.
Our home is located at the west end of Lake Kawaguesaga,
a natural bay. Each year all of us take part in an early
summer saga that is of great importance to all lake lovers.
Typically our loon pair has two chicks and the watch begins
with the birth of the chicks. There are many predators but
the eagles are probably their greatest threat. Quite often we
hear the loon alert cry that lets us know that the chicks are in
great peril. Typically at least one of the chicks disappears –
I don't want to think about where it goes!
Loons are highly territorial. Several years ago on Lake
Shishebogama, a friend saw two loons engaged in vicious
combat. He hopped in his boat but by the time he arrived at
the combat spot, one of the loons was dead in the water. He
assumes it was another male attempting to take over the bay
and captivate his wife. Of course we don't know which loon
was victorious.
Here are some interesting “loon facts” taken mostly from
the book: Loon Magic by Tom Klein, Northword Press,
Minnetonka, MN, copyright 1996.
Lifespan – 15 to 30 yrs
Sexing – cannot tell sex by plumage
Flight statistics – can fly as high as 7000 ft. at speeds over
100 miles per hour (wings beat at about 250 beats/minute)
Dive statistics - can dive to depths over 100 ft. – particularly
important for their winter-feeding grounds in gulf or ocean
Mating – loons do not attempt to mate every year; they do
not mate for life
Where do loons go in the winter? – Gulf Coast, Atlantic or
Pacific Oceans; a loon will remain in their costal area for up
to three years before reaching sexual maturity and flying
Winter plumage – very different from what we see in our
lakes, very drab and boring
Misc. – eyes are red to assist in underwater vision, heads are
jet black, not deep green, loons travel a lot in late summer to
visit other lakes, Wisconsin has about 4000 adult loons in
residence, they seem to be as curious about us as we are
about them
The word 'looney' is not derived from loon behavior but
from the word lunatic
For most of us there is nothing that is more “up north” than
the wonderful sound of a loon call. Let us all be sure our
loons are treated with proper respect!
R. Garrett July 2014