Jun - Northwoods Association of REALTORS
Jun - Northwoods Association of REALTORS
The Realty Review Volume 6, Issue 6 June 2016 Northwoods Association of Realtors® & Greater Northwoods MLS® The Buzz: President’s Message RPAC Call for Action - Housing Opportunity Modernization Act John Morris, NWAR Well, summer is definitely here - all I need to do is look at the increased vehicle traffic. I hope everyone has a super summer selling season. Big changes arrive July 1st with the introduction of the new WB-1 as a mandatory form. On June 30th the old forms must be used but on July 1st. There is no overlap time to get used to the new forms as there has been in the past. Important changes include new Disclosure to Clients and Delivery of D o cumen ts se ctio ns. Fixtures will now have much better definitions, earning a commission has been expanded and a Buyer’s Financial Capacity has been added that does not make the listing firm responsible for this function. The Protected Buyer has also been expanded, and the Sellers Termination of a listing now includes a requirement of written notice from the seller. New WB-1 & WB-42 forms - This is the form we use most often, so I urge each of you to become more familiar with the changes by reading the June issue of the WRA magazine. You can view samples, more articles and videos about this change on the web at www.wra.org under Resources -> Top Links -> Form Update Resource. Happy Sales to You! John Beware Cybercriminals! At a recent meeting of association executives, NAR attorneys noted that cybercrime targeting REALTORS and their customers and clients is on the rise. Hackers have been using tools to capture REALTORS’ email passwords, which they then use to commit wire fraud by using that agent’s email address to instruct buyers to wire money to an account controlled by the hacker. Once the client sends the money, it’s gone forever. To protect against this, we suggest the following: 1. Make sure you use a strong email password and use a different password for each of your assorted online accounts. You can use a password manager to safely store all your passwords so you only have to remember one master password (make it strong too!). 2. Use two-factor authentication where available (eg: Gmail, Facebook, Twitter) - this will send you a text verification whenever your account is accessed from an unknown device. 3. Inform clients of your communication practices and advise them never to send money unless you call them first. Consider calling or texting them a random “safe word” that you tell them you will include in the email so they can confirm the email is indeed coming from you. 4. Avoid using public Wi-Fi without a firewall and up-to-date antivirus on your laptop/phone and ideally, use a VPN service (that encrypts all traffic) when using public Wi-Fi. For more tips on setting up a data security program for your office, view a helpful NAR video online at: goo.gl/Tw5zJ6 Mandatory Use Date July 1st Coming Soon: REALTORFriendly Drone Rules! *New* Affiliate Spotlight Our experienced staff offers expertise in every area of residential mortgage lending - from purchase to refinance. We have access to a full range of mortgage sources and our lending specialists are dedicated to finding the right loan- with competitive rates, terms and costs- to meet your customers’ unique needs. Throughout the lending process, we provide regular loan updates and progress reports so the borrower always knows the status of their loan. Call us today to experience the Fairway way! Amy M Davis, NMLS #422547 715-358-9880 8575 US Hwy 51 N Minocqua WI www.FairwayMinocqua.com Copyright©2016 Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation. NMLS # 2289. Distribution to general public is prohibited. This is not considered an advertisement as defined by 12 CFR 226.2(a)(2). All rights reserved. Inside This Issue: GNMLS President’s Message 2 Affiliates & Sponsors 3 MLS Memo & AE Corner 3 Member Recognition & Events 4 REALTORS on the Move 4 Board of Directors 5 About NWAR/GNMLS 5 Golf Outing/Election Dinner Recap 6 Page 2 Volume 6, Issue 6 President’s Message Bonnie Byrnes, GNMLS Even though I was promised one “Get out of Jail Free” card in which my newsletter would be magically written for me (by a little elf named Lon or Matt), I was politely encouraged a few days ago to pick a different month! In other words, everyone is just as busy as I am, which is a good thing. It was suggested that I start by finding an apt quotation pertaining to my topic, and let those creative juices flow from there. The main item on our to-do list this month is to properly appoint our next year’s MLS Board of Directors, after the June 2nd election resulted in a three-way tie of willing candidates. So after a quick ‘googling’ of politically -themed quotations, I’d like to reference Theodore Roosevelt who said that “The most practical kind of politics is the politics of decency.” While I can’t do much to that effect on a national level, within our board we have determined the need for a run-off election between the tying candidates, in fairness as well as in accordance with our by-laws. Bottom line, it is extremely important that all GNMLS Participants respond to the email sent earlier this week and request a ballot NO LATER THAN June 30th. That ballot must be returned by mail or in person to the MLS office by noon July 15th, and results will be tallied at the July 21st GNMLS board meeting. I don’t know if this will be a comfort to those elected or those who are not, but when looking for funny quips I came across a Henry Cate VII quote that said “The problem with political jokes is they get elected.” Should I be taking offense?? In all seriousness though, your voice is important on this matter and we want your vote counted. Lastly, I was also pleased to be part of the Personnel Committee that meets annually to review our two esteemed employees, and I hope my participation helped to cement our partnership with Matt and Lon well into the future. In short, I believe they are invaluable to us! Please let your NWAR and GNMLS board representatives know if you feel the same. Enjoy the rest of the summer fellow Realtors! Bonnie Drone Update - Good News for REALTORS! Indep. Contractor Safe Harbor Just this week, the FAA released new rules governing drone usage that make real estate photography possible without hiring a professional drone photographer! The existing Section 333 waiver that required a licensed pilot to operate drones for commercial use will soon become obsolete. Starting in late August, operators will need to meet these 5 criteria to fly drones for commercial use: Wis. Stat. Ch. 452 now includes an independent contractor safe harbor, but there are conditions a real estate licensee must meet to be qualify as an independent contractor. Licensees must have a written independent contractor agreement specifically stating the licensee is not being treated as an employee for state or federal tax purposes. If you do not have a written independent contractor agreement with each of your agents, please consult your tax advisor or legal counsel about any tax and legal ramifications. WRA also recommends reviewing your office policy manual and removing terminology referring to independent contractor agents as “employees” or managing brokers as “broker-employer.” The statute refers to the relationship as “firm” (sole proprietor or licensed business entity) and “licensees associated with the firm.” Find out more in WRA’s recent article at: goo.gl/s2XSCY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Keep it under 400 feet (or w/in 400 feet of a building) Keep drone in line of sight & over the party using it Can fly only during daylight Must be 16 or older Must pass a FAA-approved aeronautical test More details about the testing requirements will be published in the coming months. To view details and a full summary, view the FAA press release at: goo.gl/eKWJm5 Thank You RPAC Investors! By RPAC Chair Cheryl Eskridge I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all the contributors for our very successful RPAC fundraiser; it is with everyone’s help we make this event a success. Whether you give an item for auction, purchased an auction item, participated in the 50/50 or the iPad drawing, your contribution is most appreciated. Special thanks to Shelly Cole, Denise Goldsworthy and Julie Winter-Paez for helping during the auction. Also thank you to Matt and Lon for all they do during these busy events. It is all our Members together who make up a successful event and we are off to a great start, but will still need your help when you pay dues in September. For those who did not attend the auction, you still have an opportunity to invest in RPAC when you pay your dues in September. Also remember if you give $100.00 or more, you can put it into Direct Giver and decide how your money is spent. We as an organization need the political clout we have through WRA to ensure the best legislation for our buyers, sellers, and agents. Every donation is appreciated no matter how much. Thank you all! Lastly, RPAC has an important Call to Action open to get the Senate to pass HR 3700, the “Housing Opportunities Through Modernization Act”, that was already passed by the House with a vote of 427-0 with NO objections. Please use the link at right to join today! PLEASE JOIN: goo.gl/JvQY6M NWAR Affiliates Affiliate Company Location Page 3 Affiliate Name Phone Associated Title & Closing Services Ironwood MI Roy D’Antonio 906-932-6340 Big Moose Home Inspections Bessemer MI Tom Ruemenapp 906-663-2221 BMO Harris Bank Wausau Deb Duncan 715-721-0721 Community Financial Bank Minocqua Jan Santarius CoVantage Credit Union CoVantage Credit Union Local Professionals* ENV Property Solutions VS Home Inspections Fifield Minocqua 715-614-2778 Ph: 715-661-0561 ENVPropertySolutions.com Ph: 715-356-6343 VS.Senkev.com Antigo Michelle Brettingen 715-627-4336 Mold/lead/asbestos investigations, soil/groundwater testing & more Crandon Protect your family and your investment Angela Retzlaff 715-478-5100 Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp Minocqua Amy Davis 715-358-9880 Gowey Abstract & Title Minocqua Mike Brandner 715-356-3000 Knight Barry Title Service Minocqua Patrick Hugunin 715-439-4114 Ph: 920-327-1393 SMRestorationServices.com Fire • Smoke • Water • Flood • Mold • Bio Northern Title & Abstract Rhinelander Al Mancl 715-365-5000 Northwoods Title & Closing Eagle River Maryann Fath 715-479-6459 People’s State Bank Eagle River Val Dreger 715-479-1794 People’s State Bank Minocqua Tim Sanderson 715-358-7070 River Valley Bank Minocqua LeAnn Hayden 715-358-9319 Shoreline Title Services Rhinelander Greg Peckels ServiceMaster Specialty Restoration Services Rhinelander 715-369-3934 The Cayo Group at Inlanta Mortgage Minocqua Dee Cayo 715-358-9700 Tomahawk Community Bank SSB Tomahawk Shelly Cole 715-453-5354 VanDyk Mortgage Corp Arbor Vitae Lee Simanek 715-439-4052 Vilas Title Service Eagle River Rick Ernst 715-479-4070 Details & Registration: WRA.org/Convention/ MLS Memo Lon Fisk - NWARLonF@gmail.com SentriLock Security: The security of homeowners’ property is a mainstay feature of electronic lockboxes. They record the date and time of entry to the property by any authorized person. When you enter as an agent, you assume responsibility for the party that you are allowing to enter the home. It is imperative to the integrity of the system that you not share your SentriCard with anyone else - not another agent, assistant, spouse, homeowner or vendor; there are proper ways to give them access. When your SentriCard is inserted in the box OR when you generate an access code with your SentriSmart app, then you are being recorded as opening the key compartment at that time. Never give your personal codes or SentriCard to another person to access a property. If they need access, give them a oneday code and enter that person’s name in the system as the assignee. MLS Tip: Use the free SentriSmart app on your smartphone to easily create a one-day code and text or email it to the requester. * These are non-member paid advertisements that are not spec ifically endo rse d or promoted by NWAR. AE Corner Video CE Schedule 2016 $25 discount if you take all 6 required CE courses through NWAR (live or video) Town & Type Location Dates Manitowish Waters - DVD Koller Library 6/6, 6/20, 7/18, 8/1, 8/15, 8/29 9:30-1:00 Woodruff DVD NWAR Office 9/6, 9/13, 9/20, 9/27 - 8:30-12 10/4, 10/11 2/day 8:30/1:00 Restarting: 10/25, 11/1, 11/8, 11/15 - 8:30-12 11/22, 11/29 2/day 8:30/1:00 Tomahawk DVD Tomahawk 9/13, 9/20, 9/27 Community 8:30 - 4:30 Bank Eagle River DVD Northland Pines HS 10/27, 11/3, 11/10 - 8:30-4:30 Matt Seegert - NWARMatt@gmail.com Emeritus Winner: Congrats to NWAR Officer Patty Werner who just earned her Emeritus pin for over 40 years as a REALTOR! This was apparently her final professional goal, as Patty received her pin at this month’s meeting and promptly resigned to ride off into the Arizona sunset. Patty’s contributions to NWAR have been immeasurable, and this organization owes her a debt of gratitude for her exceptional efforts. Please come back to visit us when you can, as you will be sorely missed by many including yours truly. Best wishes to you and Bob for a well-deserved permanent vacation! Don’t Feed Pets! One of the issues brought up recently was a seller discovering that a REALTOR (or their buyer) fed a seller’s pet during a walkthrough. This is unwise given that many pets have specific diets and/or medication regiments, so feeding them could upset the seller and cost you a sale. Even worse, you could cause the animal harm and open yourself up to far worse consequences. Just don’t do it! AE Tip: Lon just released a revised MLS Policy & Procedure manual that settles questions like Modular vs Manufactured. Grab a fresh copy online at: goo.gl/zm0LQs Page 4 Volume 6, Issue 6 REALTOR Anniversaries Congratulations to the following NWAR Members celebrating a quinquennial anniversary this month: Lockbox Leaders NWAR Committees 2015-16 Office & Percent Assigned Committee Chairperson By-Laws Review John Morris Christmas Party Linda Long Wohlleber Education Andy Harris Fair Housing Adam Redman Finance Denise Goldsworthy Golf Outing Erik Johnson 15 Years: Rob Cornelius - Absolute REALTORS Sure Realty, Antigo Cheryl Kelsey - Coldwell Banker Mulleady, Minocqua Ed Steigerwaldt - Steigerwaldt Land Sales, Tomahawk Ron Welnetz - Absolute REALTORS Sure Realty, Antigo Eskridge Real Estate Redman Realty Group 93% 10 Years: Wayne Anderson - Wolf River Realty, Antigo Brenda Schmidt - Re/Max Propery Pros, Eagle River Gregory Realty 90% Re/Max Property Pros 87% 5 Years: Dale White - DA White Real Estate, Manitowish Waters Brent Zierer - Birchland Realty, Phillips Absolute REALTORS Sure Realty 85% Legislative Ron Welnetz Lake Country Realty 85% Strategic Planning Shelly Cole Re/Max Northern Lakes 82% Member Orientation Cheryl Eskridge C21 Burkett & Associates 81% Personnel John Morris Northwoods Community Realty Prof. Standards Rick Zoerb 72% Public Relations Bonnie Byrnes RPAC Cheryl Eskridge Scholarship Marcia Pluess Note: Members must attend a general meeting within 1 year of anniversary to receive a free anniversary pin. If you cannot attend, contact the board office to order a pin (cost $10). Lunch & Learn Interest Poll 100% Compass Land Consultants 100% Need a refresher? View SentriLock lockbox training guides, tip sheets and more at: www.goo.gl/kN7F3 Lunch and Learn is on break for the summer, and we will soon schedule the next season of classes starting in October through next May. We opened this poll in the newsletter last month, but to date we have only two responses. ZipForm Plus & Digital Ink Resources Please take the poll at goo.gl/tN9INB to let us know which class ideas interest you. You may also add your own ideas in the comments at the bottom of the poll. We appreciate you taking the time to help us better serve you! On a side note, if you are an expert in a particular real estate-related topic and would like to teach a Lunch & Learn, please contact the board office to let us know. Thank you! It has been a busy month for your AE, as I have been all over the NWAR area hosting ZipForm Plus & Digital Ink demos for REALTORS after learning this was a hot topic. So far we have reached more than 60 with another class coming up this week in Phillips, and I was cut short at a class Monday in Manitowish Waters. I therefore am planning to hold a mid-summer Lunch & Learn on July 13th from 11am-1pm for those who haven’t yet attended and for those who were cut short at Monday’s class. Please register at goo.gl/CVpO7t to attend; those who cannot may view the presentation and other resources at: goo.gl/ghgo5Z REALTORS ® on the Move 1 New NWAR REALTOR ^ Closed MLS Office * New MLS Office Transfers & Releases: New GNMLS Subscribers: Name Office Ryan Burgy1 Coldwell Banker Mulleady - Eagle River Christopher Holmstrom1 Century 21 Pierce Realty - Mercer Jackie Kotora The Real Estate Brokers - Hazelhurst From To Jean Butler C21 Greater Northwoods - Minocqua^ Re/Max Property Pros - Minocqua Bryan Dahlin Coldwell Banker Mulleady - Rhinelander First Weber - Rhinelander Kelly Ferg C21 Greater Northwoods - Minocqua^ Re/Max Property Pros - Minocqua Coldwell Banker Mulleady - Minocqua Andy Harris Century 21 Pierce Realty - Mercer CB Mulleady - Mani. Waters Dara Maillette1 Eliason Realty of the North - Eagle River Re/Max Action North - Mercer C21 Pierce Realty - Mercer Ellyse Van Dyke1 Coldwell Banker Mulleady - Rhinelander Marcus White1 Eliason Realty of the North - Eagle River Judith Houle John Mistele Pete Morgan John Morris Barb Schjoneman Joan Stuckenberg Patty Werner Sara MacDonald1 “It isn’t the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out - it’s the pebble in your shoe.”- Muhammad Ali Name C21 Greater Northwoods - Minocqua^ Independent Broker C21 Greater Northwoods - Minocqua^ First Weber - Minocqua C21 Greater Northwoods - Minocqua^ First Weber - Minocqua C21 Greater Northwoods - Minocqua^ First Weber - Minocqua C21 Greater Northwoods - Minocqua^ Re/Max Property Pros - Minocqua Century 21 Pierce Realty - Mercer Page 5 Volume 6, Issue 6 Next Board Meetings: Board of Directors 2015-16 (Area code 715 unless otherwise noted) Northwoods Association of REALTORS® Greater Northwoods MLS® Officers (Term^): Officers (Term^): Meetings are the third Thursday of each month - Members welcome! John Morris, President 356-9521 Bonnie Byrnes, President 686-2481 Judi Schmidt-Arnold, President-Elect 543-2300 Mark Wagner, President-Elect 762-3291 Denise Goldsworthy, Treasurer (1) 356-3207 Adam Redman, Treasurer (1) 358-0450 John Misina, Past President 479-4431 Patty Werner, Past President (623) 696-5942 Directors (Term-Year - limit 2-2): Directors (Term-Year - limit 2-2): Sheri Benson (1-1) 892-2972 Jerry Burkett (1-2) 479-3090 Shelly Cole (1-1) 453-5354 George Gunderson (2-1) Jonathan Long (1-1) Julie Manthei (1-2) 358-7873 Jim Olsen (1-2) 356-3207 Ron Welnetz (1-1)* 627-4885 Rick Zoerb (2-2) 365-3028 ^ * Ed Choinski Thursday, July 21 NWAR / GNMLS Board Office GNMLS: 8:30am | NWAR: 10:00am (1-2) 493-7827 Cheryl Eskridge (1-1) 891-7446 358-0450 Joe Flanders (2-1) 420-1110 453-2637 Scott Freimuth (1-2) 282-7130 Dan Pudlo (1-1) 547-3033 Julie Winter-Paez (2-1) 480-4333 President, President-Elect and Past President terms are 1 year each; Treasurers may serve up to two 1-year terms. Merger-related appointment to 2-year term The National Association of REALTORS® created the MVP P r o g r a m t o e n c o ur a g e members to take Actions that will benefit NAR and its members, as well as to reward members for being active within their Association. If you download FREE eBooks through the NAR library by 6/30, you’ll earn a free Best Apps for Your Business Webinar - Download (a $30 value). Claim your MVP reward at: MVP.REALTOR.ORG Northwoods Association of REALTORS ® & Greater Northwoods MLS® PO Box 377 320 Oak St, Suite B Woodruff, WI 54521 Phone: 715-356-3400 Fax: 888-399-2118 Staff@NorthwoodsRealtors.org Office hours are 8am-5pm Monday through Friday About Us The Northwoods Association of REALTORS® was founded in 1953 as a non-profit organization dedicated to serving real estate brokers and agents in the Northwoods area. NWAR provides a central hub for Board Office Location: www.goo.gl/qRzxH Use East entrance (double doors by drive-up window) our 400+ Members to communicate, establish policy, receive training and implement new solutions to better serve their clients. Greater Northwoods Multiple Listing Service®, a wholly-owned subsidiary of NWAR, is dedicated to providing our Members with first-rate service and support in listing and viewing properties and conducting business in accordance with the ethical standards of the industry. GNMLS currently serves more than 170 member offices comprised of over 450 brokers, agents and appraisers. NWAR & GNMLS on the Web: NWAR Homepage: NorthwoodsRealtors.org NWAR Group Page: Facebook.com/Groups/NorthwoodsRealtors www.goo.gl/2pnHM www.goo.gl/2fjJs www.goo.gl/6aOAZ www.goo.gl/KI9MI Page 6 Volume 6, Issue 6 2016 NWAR/GNMLS Golf Outing & Election Dinner Recap As promised, we hand-picked the one perfect day amid a wet couple of weeks for the 2016 NWAR/ GNMLS Golf Outing. With nearly 70 golfers, zero pesky bugs and over 125 dinner guests, we once again had a whopping turnout for a wonderful day at Inshalla Country Club in Tomahawk. The chicken was delicious even 2 hours later (when your AE finally ate), and the crowd had nothing but compliments for the rest of the smorgasbord of vittles. Our generous golf sponsors hosted fun mini-contests and collectively rewarded golfers with over $800 in team and individual skills prizes. The Jim Tait Memorial Cup went to the team of REALTORS Jon Long and John Osero with Affiliates Shelly Cole and Pat Hugunin. Our putting contest helped Mike Meyers fill the cup with a payout of $275. The night however belonged to Lisa Fricke who not only won one of the five $50 cash door prizes, but also snagged BOTH the iPad Air 2 AND the 50/50 drawing for RPAC. All told, Lisa absconded with over $300 cash and a new iPad! Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to the day’s events whether as donors, sponsors or bidders! In addition to the above, we found time to install a fine group of new REALTORS, present anniversary pins to several veterans and present NWAR Family Scholarship awards to Kali Boldebuck (daughter of Charity) and Meg Nedden (daughter of John). Once again a huge “THANK YOU” to everyone who helped make this event special! Special thanks to emcee John Morris, auction host Cheryl Eskridge, scholarship presenter Marcia Pluess and putting contest host Jennifer Nerva as well as the folks who helped count ballots and dole out the auction prizes. As noted below, GNMLS is currently holding a run-off election to settle a 3-way tie. See the next page for more photos and a photo gallery link! 2016 Board of Directors Election Results NWAR GNMLS President- Shelly Cole Elect: Tomahawk Community Bank Adam Redman Redman Realty Group Minocqua Treasurer: Denise Goldsworthy Re/Max Property Pros Minocqua Julie Winter-Paez Re/Max Property Pros Eagle River Directors: Jerry Burkett C21 Burkett & Assoc. Eagle River Jerry Burkett C21 Burkett & Assoc. Eagle River Trudy Campbell Re/Max Property Pros Minocqua TBD 3-candidate runoff election for 2 seats Julie Manthei Coldwell Banker Mulleady Minocqua TBD 3-candidate runoff election for 2 seats RPAC Auction Donors* Affiliates/Sponsors Golf Outing Sponsors 4 Star Realty Lake Tomahawk Knight-Barry Title Service Minocqua Big Moose Inspections Bessemer MI Northern Title & Abstract Rhinelander CB Mulleady REALTORS MNQ-ER-RL-MW Northwoods Title & Closing - Eagle River Compass Land Consultants Minocqua Shoreline & Lake Country Title - Rhinelander & ER Gowey Abstract & Title Woodruff Tomahawk Community Bank - Tomahawk REALTORS (cont’d) Northern Title & Abstract - Rhinelander Lakeland Times Minocqua Century 21 Burkett & Assoc. - Eagle River Peoples State Bank Eagle River Nicolet National Bank Eagle River Eskridge Real Estate Eagle River River Valley Bank Minocqua Northern Coffee House Rhinelander First Weber Group Rhinelander Shoreline & Lake Country Title - RL/ER Northwoods Home Showcase Mag. - Tomahawk Headwaters Real Estate - Presque Isle Tomahawk Community Bank - Tomahawk Northwoods R.E. Buyer’s Guide - Rhinelander Indian Shores RV Resort Woodruff Vilas Title Service Eagle River Northwoods River News Minocqua Jim Tait Real Estate Boulder Junction NRG Media Rhinelander Lake Country Realty Minocqua Advanced Therapeutics - Eagle River Prime Choice Meat Market - Eagle River Redman Realty Group Minocqua Big Snow Resorts Bessemer/Wakefield MI ProHome Inspection Services - Rhinelander Schmidt-Haus Realty Manitowish Waters Custom Landscaping Eagle River Spotlight Studios Rhinelander Re/Max Property Pros Minocqua Cuts with Class Elcho Toffee for You Eagle River Eagle River Roasters Eagle River Vilas County NewsReview - Eagle River Hedberg Well Drilling Eagle River WRJO/WERL Eagle River Local Businesses Christy Schneider First Weber Rhinelander Local Biz (cont’d) * All donations are made personally by business owners and/or employees Page 7 Volume 6, Issue 6 Golf Outing & Election Dinner Photo Gallery To view and download all event photos, visit our Dropbox gallery at goo.gl/G7TDA5 NWAR President John Morris and Marcia Pluess shared the privilege of presenting NWAR Family Scholarships to Kali Boldebuck and Megan Nedden. One of several RPAC auction tables deftly arranged by Cheryl Eskridge. It clearly worked since we raised over $6000! Mike Meyers shows off the club that won the putting contest. John Osero and Duane Harpster both holed out the qualifying putt, but were unable to repeat when it counted most - that’s golf for ya! John Morris aloofly sizes up his newly-installed competitors. Last year’s champs from Compass Land came up a couple strokes short this year. Asked for comment, Bill Steigerwaldt offered a steely-eyed “I’LL BE BACK” then rode off on his Harley. 2016 Jim Tait Memorial Trophy winners: John Osero, Shelly Cole, Jon Long & Patrick Hugunin When asked if she thought it was fair that Shelly won the golf outing and Presidency in the same day, Lisa Fricke replied “LOL wutevs” then fanned herself with her new iPad and the fistful of cash she won in separate drawings.
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