The Realty Review - Northwoods Association of REALTORS
The Realty Review - Northwoods Association of REALTORS
The Realty Review Volume 2, Issue 12 December 2012 Northwoods Association of Realtors® & Greater Northwoods MLS® The Buzz: President’s Message • Christmas Party Recap Mark Wagner, NWAR Ho ho ho! I hope Santa filled your stockings with improved sales totals in 2012, since real estate in the Nor thwoo ds and s tate wide has shown a better than 25% Here’s improvement over 2011. hoping we can repeat that growth again in 2013! gifts for Frederick Place homeless shelter, and I encourage everyone who hasn’t given to Frederick Place to consider supporting them whether in the form of money, gifts or volunteering your time. REALTORS after all are in the business of helping people find shelter, so charities like Frederick Place and Habitat for Humanity are kindred organizations that deserve our support! Thank you to the over 290 REALTORS and Affiliates who have renewed their NWAR membership for 2013, and I welcome the 25 new REALTORS and 2 new Affiliates who joined us in 2012. To those who are leaving us at the end of the year, we thank you for your past membership and wish you good fortune in whatever the future holds. I’d also like to thank everyone who helped us beat our RPAC fundraising goal in 2012, and I invite you to read more on page two about RPAC’s accomplishments in 2012 and the many challenges it faces in 2013. Aside perhaps from a good smartphone, RPAC is the best investment you can make to help promote your REALTOR career! Showing Suite course coming up in January. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the many useful tools NAR, WRA, NWAR and our vendors provide to our members and if that isn’t enough, you’ll get a free lunch just for attending a Lunch & Learn session! Our new “Lunch & Learn” program got off to a great start with Digital Ink in November, and we hope each of you will sign up through our w e b s i te f o r u p c o m i n g c o u r s e s including the Sentrilock and The annual Christmas Party last week was one of our best yet, and I thank those who turned out to join us for an evening of good eats and great company. We raised over $500 in cash and Lastly, I will be appointing a nominating committee next month for our 2013 elections, so please let me know if you are interested in being on the committee or joining the NWAR board of directors next year. All NWAR members with one or more years with NWAR are eligible to serve on the board, and we encourage you to consider serving so you can help shape the future of our organization! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! Mark • REALTOR Party Call for Action - Mortgage Interest Deduction • Lunch & Learn 1/9/12 SentriLock & Showing Suite Please Support Frederick Place Frederick Place is a 16-bed emergency temporary shelter for individuals and families struggling with homelessness. It was opened in 2011 by the non-profit Northwoods Alliance for Temporary Housing (NATH), and to date has provided shelter for over 180 people totaling 7200+ residentnights. Please help Frederick Place and NATH continue to provide temporary shelter for future area homeowners by joining their “1000 Give $100” Campaign at: Alternatively, you can donate goods or your time as support staff or during fundraisers. Whatever you can do to fill Santa’s shoes is greatly appreciated and will set you apart as a REALTOR who supports his or her community! Appraiser Survey Results Inside This Issue: As many of you know, appraisers are overwhelmed with work these days, both from more stringent requirements by banks and due to new appraisal guidelines imposed by the GSEs. NWAR recently sent out a survey to our member appraisers in the interest of helping identify the hurdles they face, and we received insightful responses from 20 appraisers in our area. The results of the survey show that although there are some regulatory changes we all must accept as “the new normal”, there are also some challenges that might be mitigated via changes to MLS policies that would help promote accurate and timely appraisals. These responses will be compiled and presented to the MLS board at their January meeting on the 17th, and members are always welcome to attend to share their concerns. GNMLS appraisers can expect a summary of your survey responses to be provided in the near future, and for the benefit of everyone else, here are a few of the key issues brought up by appraisers that the MLS board will be reviewing and considering for possible changes in MLS policies: Square footage (above and below grade), property photos, year built, property condition/features including improvements & remodels, HOA/condo docs, financing and bonuses/concessions. Thank you appraisers for helping us identify opportunities to improve our data collection, and we will keep you informed of any changes the board approves to help make your job easier! GNMLS President’s Message 2 Government Affairs 2 Affiliates & Sponsors 3 MLS Memo & AE Corner 3 Member Recognition & Events 4 Realtors on the Move 4 Board of Directors 5 About NWAR/GNMLS 5 Christmas Party Recap 6 Page 2 Volume 2, Issue 12 President’s Message Andrea Krueger, GNMLS Merry Christmas to ALL!!! So sad that I had to miss the Christmas Party, but I had a grandson with a Christmas program I couldn’t miss. He is also the grandson that started the grandkids calling me “Beautiful” instead of Grandma, so he is kinda my favorite. I truly hope fun was had by all. If you didn’t make it to the Lunch and Learn about the Digital Ink and electronic signatures, make sure you check into it; it is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I have been using electronic signature software for about a year now and LOVE it, and the best thing about Digital Ink is that it’s 100% FREE for all Wisconsin REALTORS who use ZipForm. What a great year we have had! I am hearing across the Northwoods that if their market has not gone up, it at least has NOT continued to go down. Our MLS provider has been awesome to work with and our electronic lockboxes are off to a great start! We are ready to turn the corner into 2013 and focus on a successful real estate sales year. The GNMLS nominating committee, which is responsible for finding candidates for the MLS board of directors, will be appointed right after the new year. If you want to serve on this committee or are interested in being a candidate for the board of directors next year, please let me know. Welcome to our new members and affiliates, and Happy Holidays to all! Andrea Government Affairs Call for Action: Do No Harm to Housing The looming “fiscal cliff” is all over the news these days, and many reports speculate that modification or elimination of mortgage interest deduction may be included in a fiscal cliff deal. NAR's position is that the mortgage interest deduction is vital to the stability of the American housing market and economy, and 70% of voters agreed in a recent survey conducted by the American Institute of Architects. The REALTOR Party will remain vigilant in opposing any future plan that modifies or excludes the deductibility of mortgage interest and as always, your support is critical in helping to ensure this message is heard by policymakers. To send a message to your Senators and Representatives letting them know that your support for them depends upon their support for mortgage interest deduction, please visit We Did It Again! Thank You NWAR REALTORS! Each year, WRA and your local board work together to set a goal for RPAC contributions. Our goal for 2012 was to raise $9,500 for RPAC, and to date we have raised over $12,000 and counting, an impressive 127% of our goal! NWAR and RPAC extend a sincere “Thank You” to the many who helped us smash our goal! To see how RPAC put your donations to work in 2012, check out their Legislative Year in Review at Despite the impressive sum NWAR members contributed, there were a handful of members who accounted for about half of our 2012 total, and NWAR only narrowly topped the statewide average of 31% of members giving to RPAC. There are many regulatory challenges facing REALTORS in the year ahead that require RPAC’s attention, and they need the support of REALTORS like you to face these challenges head-on. If each of NWAR’s roughly 300 REALTORS give just $35 each in 2013, we will beat our 2013 goal comfortably yet again! We hope in 2013 that each of you will join those who gave in 2012, whether through your dues payment next autumn or by participating in our annual RPAC auction which we are hoping will be our biggest and best yet in 2013! Thank you! The Wisconsin Economic Forecast Luncheon, hosted by the Wisconsin Bankers Association in conjunction with WRA, will be held at the Monona Terrace Convention Center in Madison on January 10th and will include guest speaker James Bullard of the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank and special guest Governor Scott Walker. Registration is $50 per person or $300 for a table of eight. To view more details and register online, click the link below: New REALTOR.Com Mobile App iPhone/iPad & Android Users: Please visit your mobile device app store to install the new mobile application, which includes over 5 million new hi-res property photos and has improved sign up and property search interfaces. The new version includes powerful agent features such as agent branding, which allows you to invite clients to a mobile version of branded with your agent and contact info so you can receive instant notifications of inquiries on your mobile device. The new collaborative search feature allows you to easily suggest listings to one or more clients, and they can request showings for the properties that interest them. You can even have instant messaging conversations within the app on each listing! Top Producer subscribers can also connect with buyers through Top Producer CRM, which allows your Top Producer contacts to connect to the collaborative search feature from their CRM desktop and mobile app. For more information on how to setup this powerful new collaborative tool on your mobile device, please view the PDF setup guide at Page 3 Volume 2, Issue 12 Affiliates NWAR Affiliate Member Location Contact M & I Bank Woodruff Deb Duncan 715-356-9511 Time Federal Savings Phillips Colleen Guzinski 715-339-2128 Northwoods Title & Closing Eagle River Carol Olsen 715-479-6459 People’s State Bank Eagle River Val Dreger 715-479-1794 Gowey Abstract & Title Minocqua Rob Arent 715-356-3000 Shoreline Title Services Rhinelander Greg Peckels 715-369-3934 Northern Title & Abstract Rhinelander Al Mancl 715-365-5000 First National Bank of Eagle River Eagle River Theresa Sullivan 715-479-4406 River Valley Bank Minocqua LeAnn Hayden 715-358-9313 Homeview Inspections Minocqua Jim Carlson 715-439-3037 Vilas Title Services Eagle River Rick Ernst 715-479-4070 The Cayo Group at Inlanta Mortgage Minocqua Dee Cayo 715-358-9700 - MLS Tip: As we add more devices and gadgets, even in the Northwoods, cloud computing is helping ease the overload. Evernote (free) works across all your devices to keep you organized. Enter contact information and have it everywhere. Snap some photos with your Android tablet and view them on your iPhone and back at your desktop. Take some voice notes on your smartphone during a walkthrough and review them at your desk. A to Z Home Inspection Services, LLC Office 715-358-5809 Cell 715-499-1029 Email: Mid Wisconsin Bank Member FDIC Supporting Our Community since 1890 Ph: 715-479-8484 Kelk Land Improvement LLC Preferred Home Inspection, Inc. *These are non-member paid advertisements that are not specifically endorsed or promoted by NWAR. Call Matt at 715-356-3400 to inquire about advertising on our newsletter & website. Office 715-356-6112 Email: Septic Systems, Land Clearing, Demolition, Road Building * Free for NWAR Members, $5 for non-members Because the MLS can never be all things to all people, as a REALTOR interested in forming profitable relationships with sellers and finding buyers for their property, you need to utilize a variety of tools to market your services. Social media seem to be a hot topic, but some avenues are already passé and declining in interest with consumers. If you are using applications such as FaceBook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Twitter you may be interested in seeking out one of the apps that lets you instantly send your latest post to all of your social media accounts. Want to stay engaged with your customers in a personal way? Perhaps you share some interests or would be better at your business if you focused on like-minded customers who count you as a trusted source for the Real Estate needs of themselves and their network of friends. It may be time to explore utilizing Pinterest. You may be interested in cooking, sewing, specific crafts, hunting, fishing, photography, collecting, home decorating, water conservation, sustainable living, or any of dozens of other interests. You can create boards devoted to each interest and develop a network of potential clients ready to use your Real Estate services when they need them. Use Pinterest to drive customers back to your own website. For more information here is a recent article titled “Why Realtors should be using Pinterest” and another one with step by step help in getting started (click each link to view). Phone Live Training Courses 2013 MLS Memo Lon Fisk Local Professionals* NWAR thanks all our affiliates and sponsors for their support! Toll Free 877-999-8084 Fax 715-762-1773 Email: Serving Northern Wisconsin since 1999 Park Falls, WI 54552 AE Corner Matt Seegert - 1/9 11:45-1pm - NWAR Lunch & Learn SentriLock System & Showing Woodruff Suite 2/12 GRI - GRI Course 2-Part One Madison HOST Site Madison $195 2/12 GRI - GRI Course 2-Part One REMOTE Location Appleton $195 2/12 GRI - GRI Course 2-Part One REMOTE Location Eau Claire $195 2/12 GRI - GRI Course 2-Part One REMOTE Location Milwaukee $195 2/13 11:45-1pm - NWAR Lunch & Learn Woodruff Cloud Computing 3/12 GRI - GRI Course 2-Part Two (CRS201) - Madison HOST Site Madison $195 3/12 GRI - GRI Course 2-Part Two (CRS201) - REMOTE Location Appleton $195 3/12 GRI - GRI Course 2-Part Two (CRS201) - REMOTE Location Eau Claire $195 3/12 GRI - GRI Course 2-Part Two (CRS201) - REMOTE Location Milwaukee $195 3/13 11:45-1pm - NWAR Lunch & Learn Woodruff Advanced MLS & Pocket MLS $0* $0* $0* To view all future events and classes, check the NWAR/GNMLS events calendar at: I’M SORRY! The last few months have been tough on REALTORS - just as you start to tally your summer sales, along comes your annual dues statement. Two weeks later, MLS pop-ups and emails start showing up regarding required CE courses and license renewal. You open up the October newsletter and there’s an article reminding you to contribute to RPAC since Election Day is right around the corner. The election mercifully passes and as you’re celebrating or lamenting the results, a little birdie reminds you to fulfill your Quadrennial Ethics Training if you haven’t yet. Peck peck peck! My point of course is that I’ve been very busy telling everyone what to do and how much time and/or money to give to whom, and for that I’d like to apologize and thank you for your responsiveness and patience as I poked and prodded you with repetitive reminders. This year was the quadrennial “perfect storm” of CE and QET in addition to the normal yearly obligations, and let me just say that I am almost as happy as you are that we’re finally arriving at the finish line and I can stop peppering you with messages related to this, that and the other deadline. The good news coming out of all this is we are pleased to report that out of 330 members billed in September, we are now over 290 renewed for 2013 who have fulfilled all their licensing and membership requirements. This beats our rather optimistic forecast of 270 renewals for 2013, which bodes well for our hopes of keeping your dues as low as possible without having to replace Lon with an undocumented immigrant. Hopefully if market conditions continue to improve in 2013, we might be fortunate enough to gain members next year! Thank you to the many who heeded my messages, and we look forward to serving you in 2013! AE Tip: MagicPlan is a free iPhone/iPad app that allows you to measure and draw a floor plan just by taking pictures! Learn more about it and download your copy at Page 4 Volume 2, Issue 12 REALTOR Anniversaries: Lockbox Leaders Congratulations to the following NWAR REALTORS celebrating their quinquennial anniversaries this month: 25 Years: Bill White, Coldwell Banker Mulleady - Minocqua 20 Years: Sandy Riley, Coldwell Banker Mulleady - Mani. Waters 10 Years: Bryan Dahlin, Coldwell Banker Mulleady - Rhinelander Special Thanks: • • Jerry Burkett for meeting with the Vilas County Land Records Committee to explain NWAR members’ concerns regarding recent changes to the online GIS map. Charlie Ouimette and Dan Widmer of Wisconsin Benefit Planning for hosting our 12/12 Lunch & Learn on long-term investment and wellness options • Linda Long Wohlleber for her efforts in planning, scheduling and hosting the annual Christmas Party. • Cheryl Eskridge for facilitating the Live Code of Ethics Training course on 12/18. • John Morris and Peggy Johnson-Wiessner for helping revise all NWAR & GNMLS bylaws and policy manuals during 2012. NWAR Committees 2012-13 Office & Percent Assigned Vacationland Properties w/ Cabela’s Trophy Props 78% 4 Star Realty 78% Dorzok Realty 75% Eskridge Real Estate 75% Season to Season Properties 68% Northwoods Community Realty 67% Williams Realty of Minocqua 67% Re/Max Action North 66% Redman Realty Group 61% Exit Premier Realty 60% GNMLS thanks all our lockbox participants for their efforts in assigning lockboxes, and we encourage those not listed to earn a spot on our top 10 list. The sooner we get them all assigned, the sooner we and our clients will maximize the benefits! Lunch & Learn 1/9 - Sentrilock & Showing Suite Transfers & Releases New GNMLS Subscribers Name John Ariola Judy Barr Brian Engle Denise Goldsworthy Ted Gregg Ron Havranek Sam Johnson Brent Kiedrowski Julie Martin Robert Merz Arlen Panko Colette Pavlov Ron Pecha Bert Rehberg Julie Winter-Paez Nancy Sattler1 - Rhinelander Amber Krouze Key Insight - Rhinelander Megan Wesle RE/Max Invest - Rhinelander “Maybe Christmas, the Grinch thought, doesn't come from a store.” - Dr. Seuss Christmas Party Linda Long Wohlleber Education Patty Werner Fair Housing Adam Redman Finance Denise Goldsworthy Golf Outing Erik Johnson Legislative Peggy Johnson-Wiessner Long Term Planning Brenda Thompson Membership/Orientation Cheryl Eskridge Personnel Mark Wagner Prof. Standards Rick Zoerb Public Relations Bonnie Byrnes RPAC Joan Seramur Scholarship Marcia Pluess NWAR extends our gratitude to all our committee chairs and members for their service. Thank you! Date Course Name Details Jan 9 Lockboxes & Showing Suite Learn more about the Sentrilock system& the free Showing Suite tool Feb 13 Cloud Computing Free & low-cost apps to keep you connected and mobile Mar 13 Advanced MLS & Pocket MLS Learn more about the MLS and how to use it on your smartphone Apr 10 REALTOR® Tech Tools iPhones, iPads and Androids... oh my! 1 REALTORS ® on the Move Office Chairperson John Morris Lunch & Learn Schedule Our inaugural Lunch & Learn presentation in November covering Digital Ink with six attendees was a great success, as we were asked shortly afterward to do an encore presentation again in early December that drew over a dozen additional attendees. Unfortunately, only three were able to sneak way from their holiday mayhem for our December L&L covering retirement and wellness planning, but we expect to have another in mid-2013 as some members have asked us to explore possible options for group health insurance. Our next L&L scheduled for 1/9 is one that you will want to attend if you are a lockbox program participant, as in it we will cover the Sentrilock online system in greater detail and introduce you to the Showing Suite tool that is provided at no additional charge. This is a great opportunity for you to learn more of the many features of the Sentrilock system and how to automate the management and notifications of showings at your listings, so we encourage you to let us know you’re interested by filling out our L&L interest poll at and we will contact you to confirm a seat is reserved for you. Did I mention you get a free lunch!? Please let us know if you have any ideas for future L&L sessions, as we need more ideas for the latter half of 2013 and want to ensure we teach what interests our members most! Name Committee By-Laws Review * ^ New NWAR Member New MLS Office Closed MLS Office From Eliason Realty of the North - ER Coldwell Banker Mulleady - ER Coldwell Banker Mulleady- ER Eliason Realty of the North - ER Eliason Realty of the North - St. Germain Jim Tait Real Estate - Minocqua Miller & Associates - Three Lakes North Country Investment Corp - MNQ^ Coldwell Banker Mulleady-Rhinelander Eliason Realty of the North - ER Century 21 Pine Point - Rhinelander Coldwell Banker Mulleady - MW North Country Investment Corp - MNQ^ Coldwell Banker Mulleady- ER Coldwell Banker Mulleady - ER To First Weber Group - Eagle River Re/Max Property Pros - ER Re/Max Property Pros - ER Re/Max Property Pros - ER Integrity Realtors - Antigo Re/Max Property Pros - ER Page 5 Volume 2, Issue 12 Board of Directors 2011-12 Next Board Meeting: (Area code 715 unless otherwise noted) Northwoods Association of REALTORS® Greater Northwoods MLS® Officers (Term^): Officers (Term^): GNMLS: 8:30 am NWAR: 10:00 am Mark Wagner, President 762-3291 Andrea Krueger, President 453-3365 Erik Johnson, President-Elect 356-3207 Jerry Burkett, President-Elect 479-3090 Denise Goldsworthy, Treasurer (2) 479-4431 Joan Seramur, Treasurer (1) 762-3291 Peggy Johnson-Wiessner, Past Pres. 686-2481 Pete Morgan, Past President 356-2121 Directors (Term-Year^ - limit 2-2*): Directors (Term-Year^ - limit 2-2): Jean Butler Ed Choinski Diana Chopin Sonny Reeder Brenda Thompson Pat Van Hefty Patty Werner Rick Zoerb Bonnie Byrnes (1-2) (1-2) (1-3*) (1-3*) (1-3*) (1-1) (1-2) (1-1) 892-7518 493-7827 479-3090 477-2510 358-0494 356-0047 (623) 696-5942 365-3028 (2-1) 686-2481 + 428-2350 Lynette Jacobson + (1-3 ) 453-4503 John Misina (2-1) 479-4431 Adam Redman (1-2) 358-0450 Mark Wagner (1-1) 762-3291 (1-1 ) Larry Foltz Thursday, January 17th 2012 NWAR / GNMLS Board Office ^ President, President-Elect and Past President are replaced annually. Treasurers may serve up to two 1-year terms. * Elected to 3-year term prior to 2011; by-laws revised to 2-year terms for Directors elected in 2011. + Elected or appointed to 1-year term, eligible for re-election to a single two-year term in 2013. Meetings are the third Thursday of each month and members are welcome to attend. The NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® created the MVP Program to encourage members to take Actions that will benefit NAR and its members, as well as to reward members for being an active participant in their Association. The current offer will reward you with a FREE 2012 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers - a $19.95 value - if you create your REALTORS Property Resource (RPR) account by 1/30/13. Click the link below for details: Northwoods Association of Realtors & Greater Northwoods MLS PO Box 377 320 Oak St. Woodruff, WI 54521 Phone: 715-356-3400 Fax: 888-399-2118 About Us The Northwoods Association of REALTORS® was founded in 1953 as a Visit our homepage at non-profit organization dedicated to serving real estate brokers and Office hours are 8am to 5pm Monday through Friday. members to communicate, establish policy, receive training and agents in the Northwoods area. NWAR provides a central hub for our implement new solutions to better serve their clients. Board Office Location: Greater Northwoods Multiple Listing Service, a wholly-owned subsidiary of NWAR, is dedicated to providing our members with first-rate service and support in listing and viewing properties and conducting business in accordance with the ethical standards of the industry. GNMLS currently serves more than 120 member offices with over 430 brokers, agents and appraisers. Follow us on the Web: Volume 2, Issue 12 Thank you to 50+ REALTORS, NWAR Affiliates and guests who attended this year’s Christmas Party at Clearview Supper Club in St. Germain, and we hope stories of the merry festivities will inspire more to join us again in 2013! Many guests remarked about the great ambiance at Clearview as well as the impressive array of hors d’ouvres. Christmas Committee Chair Linda Long Wohlleber summed it up well by saying “This is the atmosphere we’re selling here in the Northwoods”. Given that yours truly spent many a childhood fishing trip next door to Clearview on Big Saint, it seems Linda was sharing her assessment with living proof of its truth! Merry Christmas to one and all, and may your New Year’s resolution last at least through June! Page 6 Frederick Place Fundraiser The Frederick Place Fundraiser netted $136 for 50/50 drawing winner Jim Tait, and the NWAR board voted to double the total raised to present Frederick Place with a check for $272 along with a sleigh (aka Toyota SUV) full of wish list goodies! Wish List Donations: Thank you to the many Santas who brought wish list items like pillows, razors and assorted household cleaning items for our friends at Frederick Place. NWAR and Frederick Place greatly appreciate your kindness! Donor drawing winner and NWAR Affiliate LeAnn Hayden of River Valley Bank scored a free dinner for her donation! Congrats, LeAnn! White Elephant Gift Exchange: Kay Tait snags a new fishing buddy, new member Nancy Sattler will hear all the gossip around her mini water cooler, Lynette Jacobson is ready to help Santa load the sleigh in her singing elf hat, Phil Lewandowski shows off his new Hobbit pillow, and Becky Prigge is dressed for success in her “Real Estate Tycoon” tee. Thank you to everyone who joined the gift exchange, and we hope you find the enjoyment from your gifts that the giver could not (if not then save it for next year)!
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