realtor® review - Capital Area Association of REALTORS
realtor® review - Capital Area Association of REALTORS
REALTOR® REVIEW Volume 20, Edition 230 July 2015 REALTORS® Help Homeless of the Four Legged Kind At a general membership breakfast on July 17, 2015 at Illini Country Club the Capital Area REALTORS® presented a check for $17,115 to the Friends of Sangamon County Animal Control (FSCAC). The Friends of Sangamon County Animal Control, was selected by the organization, as CAR’s “Charity of Choice” this year. Several fundraising efforts were undertaken by the Community Service Committee including a holiday raffle, the sale of mulligans at the Summer Golf Outing and a very successful Trivia Night. The Association expresses its thanks to the many individuals and businesses that made financial and inkind contributions and the volunteers who made this fundraiser a huge success. All totaled, an impressive $17,115 was raised for this worthwhile cause. (Continued on page 2) 6 Things You Need to Know about the New Integrated Disclosure Rules By Jeffrey T. Baker, Sorling Northrup Attorneys, IAR Transaction Helpline The new Integrated Disclosure rule, or TRID, as the industry refers to it, will change the process of borrowing to buy a home and thus will directly impact how Illinois brokers get from contract to closing. Here are six things to know about the new rules. 1. Implementation date now set for October 3rd Originally scheduled for August 1st, the implementation date is now proposed to be moved to October 3rd. New rules will apply to all residential real estate transactions that go under contract on or after the implementation date. 2. New “Loan Estimate” form replaces initial truth-in-lending and Good Faith Estimate forms The Loan Estimate is intended to provide as accurate an estimation of the true costs of the financing and the costs required to close for buyers. Each estimate must fall within a prescribed tolerance or a refund to the consumer, from the lender, may be necessary. (Continued on page 2) In This Issue News & Notes, pp. 2-5 Technology/MLS Corner, pp. 6-7 CREN, p. 8 Professional Development, P. 8 Affiliate Corner, p. 9 Membership, p. 10 Capital Area REALTORS® REALTOR® REVIEW MISSION The Capital Area Association of REALTORS® helps its members maintain the highest standards of professionalism and achieve the highest levels of success. NOTICE Under the long established policy of the Capital Area Association of REALTORS®, IAR and NAR: 1. The broker’s compensation for services rendered in respect to any listing is solely a matter of negotiation between the broker and the client, and is not fixed, controlled, recommended, or maintained by any persons not a party to the listing agreement. 2. The compensation paid by a listing broker to a cooperating broker in respect to any listing is established by the listing broker and is not fixed, controlled, recommended or maintained by any persons other than the listing broker. REALTORS® Help… (Continued from page 1) “FSCAC provides a very important service to our community. The importance of FSCAC’s mission coupled with our extremely enthusiastic Community Service Committee contributed to a hugely successful fundraiser,” said Capital Area REALTORS® President Mike Buscher. Participating in the check presentation on behalf CAR was Mike Buscher (President), Lisa Ernst (Community Service Committee Chair) and Kay Morris (President of FSCAC), Community Service Committee members and a whole host of FSCAC representatives were on-hand for the check presentation as well Over the past ten years, CAR has donated over $143,000 to various causes including the Boys and Girls Club of Central Illinois, Contact Ministries, Land of Lincoln Honor Flight, M.E.R.C.Y. Communities, Central Illinois Foodbank, Salvation Army, the Hoogland Center for the Arts, Southwind Park, Helping Hands of Springfield, “Relay-for-Life”, American Red Cross and the Iles House Foundation, Kay Morris, Lisa Ernst & Mike Buscher to name a few. 6 Things You Need to Know… (Continued from page 1) OFFICERS President GRI President Elect Kristie DeBrun, GREEN, GRI, SFR Secretary/Treasurer John Klemm DIRECTORS Kaye Brittin, ABR, GRI Robert Chipman, GRI Stephen Daly Stephanie Do, GRI Kimberly Elliott, CRS, GRI Lisa Ernst, GRI Sandra Hamilton, GRI Gary Harvey, GRI Kevin Jarvis, SRES Galen Johnson, CRS, GRI Cris Lust Steve D. Myers Michael Oldenettel, CRS, GRI Debra Sarsany, GRI Chief Executive Officer Daniel R. Sale, CAE, e-PRO, RCE, SPHR NEWS & NOTES 3. Loan Estimate form must be delivered to consumer within three business days of their application for a loan Consumer makes an application when they submit their name, social security number, income, address of property to be purchased, estimated value of that property and the amount of loan requested to the lender. 4. Pre-Approval and Pre-Qualification letters are still allowed Lenders will likely take steps to prevent consumers from disclosing information that would count as an application in order to provide the letters. 5. New “Closing Disclosure” form replaces final truth-in-lending disclosure and HUD-1 form Closing Disclosure must be received by consumer no later than three business days prior to loan consummation (which will likely be the closing date in most Illinois cases). 6. New rules could cause delay in closings A change in the loan’s APR, the addition of a pre-payment penalty to the loan, or a change of the loan product itself will require a new Closing Disclosure and re-set of the three business days. All other changes will necessitate a revised Closing Disclosure but no re-set of the three business days. At a minimum, consumers are permitted to take one day to review revised Closing Disclosures. (Source: IAR D.R. Legal News, July 2015) 2 REALTOR® REVIEW News & Notes - (Continued from page 2) Rental Exchange Nearing One Year Anniversary It is hard to believe but we still occasionally get questions from people who don’t know about the Capital Area Rental Exchange (ReX). As we near its one year anniversary we thought it important to remind you about this helpful service. The intent behind ReX was to create a central repository for residential property available for rent in our marketplace that members could use to assist clients on the lessor side or on the lessee side. The service is available to ALL REALTOR® members. ReX is technically not part of the Multiple Listing Service, however, listings for the exchange would be entered through the InnoVia system. There is no fee to Participate in this service, however, there is a $20.00 per listing entry fee for non-MLS member Managing Brokers utilizing the service. Planning Meeting for Officers and Directors (Sept 22nd) A planning meeting for 2016 Officers and Directors will be held at 9:00 a.m. on September 22nd at the CAR offices. Please RSVP to or 217.698.7000. Specific offers of compensation are NOT allowed on the listing detail, however, a Managing Broker may indicate whether a referral fee is being offered and invite others to contact him or her for details. In order to list residential rentals in this Rental eXchange the property must be the subject of a written listing agreement. For this purpose, members are welcome to use CAR 203, but are not required to and may use their own agreement. Rules do exist that govern the operation of the Rental eXchange. Among other things, these rules spell out the advertising guidelines, copyright provisions, restrictions on the use of the listing content, etc. The MLS Committee is charged with overseeing and enforcing these rules. For additional information regarding ReX go to: Annual Meeting at Scheels September 29th Please join us for CAR's Annual Business meeting on September 29th. President Mike Buscher will review some of the highlights for the year, recognize his Committee leadership and present some special recognition awards as well. This event will include the election of officers and directors for 2016. The Annual Business Meeting will be held at Scheels (3801 South MacArthur Blvd, Springfield) on September 29th beginning at 11:30 a.m. with 2015 lunch. The cost to attend this event is $10.00. RSVP's are Annual Meeting required. Please RSVP to 11:30 a.m., Sept 29th or 698-7000 by no later than Scheels September 24th. 3 Organizational Meeting for Chairs & Vice Chairs (Sept 22nd) An organizational meeting for 2016 Committee Chairs, Vice Chairs and Officers will be held at 10:30 a.m. on September 22nd at the CAR offices. Please RSVP to or 217.698.7000. REALTOR® REVIEW Past President's Luncheon June 25, 2015 Left to Right: Pat Regan (' 02), Pete Steward ('07), Bud Denton (' 97), Ron Ladley (' 87), Bob Barker ('96), Cheryl Dambacher ('06), Cindy Nagle ('95), Terry Nuding ('11), Mike Buscher, President ('00, '15), Kristi DeBrun, President Elect, Rick Hanselman ('04), Barb Krueger ('03), Bob Chipman (Jacksonville '91, '96, '98, '14), Gail Chevalier Zini ('05), Steve Myers ('14), Jim Pate (Jacksonville '12), Randy Raynolds ('82) Managing Broker Outreach July 13, 2015 4 REALTOR® REVIEW News & Notes - (Continued from page 3) Save the Date: 2016 Installation Celebration IAR Nominating Committee Slates Two CAR Members Congratulations to Mike Buscher and Phil Chiles for their recent nod as IAR Directors for a 3year term being with the 2016 administrative year. The IAR Nominating Committee's recommendation will be presented to the IAR Board of Directors at their October 2015 meeting. Newsletter Inserts Flyers referenced in this newsletter and listed below may be downloaded at http:// MemberPortal/ Calendar/ EventFlyers.aspx Inserts Annual Meeting Mark your calendars for CAR's 2016 Installation Celebration! Set for the evening of Thursday, October 1st. Additional details will be forthcoming in the near future. Kristie DeBrun of Campo Realty, will be installed as CAR's 2016 President. Other officers and incoming members of CAR's Board of Directors will also be honored at Installation. We hope you will mark your calendars to attend this fun event! 2016 Dues Investment Reminder You should have received your 2016 membership dues invoice by now. If you haven’t received yours contact Diane Ahern at Please note that your investment is due by August 1, 2015. (Note: West Central Chapter members and former members of the Jacksonville Area Association of REALTORS® dues will be due December 1, 2015) Market Yourself with a Professional Real Estate Headshot As you know, a real estate agent’s online presence is crucial and the headshot plays an important role. A professional photograph speaks volumes to potential clients. They are seeking to hire a real estate agent who conveys trust, honesty and integrity, and your appearance on your business cards, website, and social media sites is the first impression you give them. Not to mention, buyers and sellers encounter a number of real estate agents daily, whether it’s through agent networking, attending open houses or receiving agent marketing material. Your headshot should be used as a marketing tool to brand yourself, attract clients and help you stay memorable in this competitive industry. An unflattering or unprofessional headshot can, in turn, hinder your business and cause you to lose potential clients to your competitors. If you want a headshot that will generate business by effectively marketing your brand as a professional, hard working agent, CAR has just the opportunity for you. As a member benefit CAR has negotiated favorable rates with photographer Ed Clark (Ed Clark Photography & Music Services) to offer you an opportunity to have your business photo taken at the CAR office. Photos are scheduled to be taken on Wednesday, August 12th from 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. The following offer is available to all members: Sitting Fee - No cost to member Photo - Cost for a retouched digital file is $50.00 with full copyright release for any purpose. Any member interested in scheduling a sitting time at the association should call Ed Clark's studio directly at 217-496-3686. Appointments will be scheduled on a first come first serve basis. Please call Kathy Nichelson at 217-698.7000 or email if you have any other questions. 5 REALTOR® REVIEW TECHNOLOGY/MLS CORNER Upcoming Technology Training An InnoVia Overview training session will be offered on July 23, 2015 from 9:00-11:00 a.m. This session covers the basic functionality of the InnoVia system including shortcuts and the latest enhancements including those listed below. RSVP's are required. RSVP by calling 217.698.7000 or email • • • • • • Login Alias Feature Browser Optimizer My InnVia Desktop Agent Profile Hotsheet • • • • • • Links Bulletin Board Adding & maintaining listings Searching Printing Emailing • • • • • • Map based search Fix Your Map Attaching documents Tax information Open Houses Reports Why Should I Set Up My RPR Account? REALTORS Property Resource® (RPR®) is NAR’s exclusive online real estate database. RPR’s core mission is to reinforce the REALTOR®’s value in the marketplace by keeping them ahead of the technology curve and better able to serve today’s technology empowered consumer. RPR® provides the following information for over 166 million parcels in the United States: • CAR MLS and CREN information • Public records • Tax assessment information • Details of prior transactions and sales • Dynamic mapping: school zones, neighborhoods, zip codes, cities, etc. • Nationwide school data, test scores, parental reviews, and ratings • Mortgage and lien data • FEMA flood maps • Neighborhood information • Foreclosure, pre-foreclosure, REO, and default information • Plat maps • Demographic, psychographic, census, and lifestyle information • Consumer spending and tapestry data (Commercial) • Geospatial data including aerial photography, street level, and bird's eye views If you haven’t already set up your RPR account we would encourage you to do so today. Login, set up your profile and take a test drive. 1. Go to the login page: 2. Click “Create” and enter Last Name & NRDS # (Contact the CAR if you need your NRDS #) 3. On the MY PROFILE page: Fill in as many details as you can – Especially your contact info which will appear on the reports. Upload your photo and logo Set your Home Area You’ll need to know your MLS and your Agent ID # 6 REALTOR® REVIEW Technology/MIS Corner - (Continued from page 6) West Central Chapter “Post” Data Conversion New SentriLock App Makes Lockbox Access Simple The next time an agent calls for a one-day code, tell them to download the app! There is now available a new smart phone app called SentriSmart. Download SentriSmart today for easy access to lockboxes. The app is available from the Apple Store or Google Play. After you register the app to your phone, you’ll have an excellent alternative and backup to your SentriCard that will open lockboxes – even when you forget to update your card or leave it at home! You can even manage your own lockboxes – right from your phone! Important Note: When accessing the app you will need to enter your 4 digit member ID - CAAR (e.g., XXXX-CAAR) and the same password you use to update your SentrCard. For additional information go to: http:// Searching, Running Hotsheets & Executing Reports In InnoVia Please note on June 30, 2015 the West Central Chapter listing data (active and historical ) was converted from the West Central Chapter MLS system into the InnoVia MLS system. All West Central Chapter data was converted under 15 new tract numbers, 300-315. If you are searching for listings, running a hotsheet or a statistical report in InnoVia and do not want to include data from the West Central Chapter simply eliminate tracts 300-315 from your search criteria. If you are a West Central Chapter user and want to search for listings, run a hotsheet or execute statistical reports in InnoVia for the West Central Chapter areas only, select tracts 300-315 as part of your search criteria. If you are receiving the system generated e-hotsheet from InnoVia and you want to exclude the West Central Chapter listings from your e-hotsheet or if you are a West Central Chapter user and only want to include listing data from the West Central area, you have the ability to create a custom e-hotsheet. This custom e-hotsheet will contain listing data based on the specific criteria (i.e., tracts, cities, etc.) you selected. If you need assistance in creating your custom e-hotsheet click on the training video If you are currently receiving the system generated e-hotsheet and no longer want to receive it, please follow the instructions below: To disable the automatic e-Hotsheet emails: Click on your name in the upper left corner of InnoVia. This will take you to your profile page. Scroll down and find the "Receive e-Hotsheet" option and change it to "No". Be sure to save your changes by clicking "Save" on the left side of the page. You have successfully unsubscribed from the auto e-Hotsheet emails. Please feel free to contact Cathy Wagner ( or 217-6987000) or the InnoVia Toll Free Support Line @ 800-334-0831 if have any questions or need any assistance. 7 REALTOR® REVIEW COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE NETWORK July CREN Luncheon The next CREN Luncheon is scheduled for July 22, 2015. Special thanks to Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce our sponsor for the luncheon. To RSVP email or call 217-698-7000. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT West Central Chapter News MLS Conversion Update The West Central Chapter MLS information was converted into the InnoVia MLS system on June 30, 2015. Please note that tracts 300-315 were set aside for West Central Chapter listings. MLS Director Cathy Wagner and CEO Dan Sale were in Galesburg on July 1st and 2nd to provide post-conversion handson training for approximately 55 subscribers. Several suggestions came out of this session, for system enhancement, that staff has either already implemented or taken to the MLS Committee for consideration. One such change would allow the listing agent to make all of their own status changes. This recommendation was approved by the Board of Directors, however, this will require programming to enable. We hope to implement this soon. Thank you again for your time and patience as we work to get everyone onboard with the new MLS system. CAR trainers will be in Galesburg on July 22, 2015 to offer some onsite instruction as well as “Open” instruction at the Chapter office (1:00-2:00 p.m. and 2:30 -3:30 p.m.). A special email was sent outlining these opportunities. Blast from the Past We hope you enjoy this month's picture from our association's archives. This month's featured picture is from CAR's 2010 Tailgate party. Members shown are judging the entries in the chili cook-off. If you have an old picture or comment about a picture please share with us. (Left to right: Natchure Stockton, Todd Musso, Stepheni Ferguson, Lorri Conn, Linda Nelson) 8 CREN Sponsors REALTOR® REVIEW AFFILIATE CORNER CAR Sponsors Diamond Gold SPONSOR CORNER This CAR "Sponsor Corner" section is available to all sponsors to promote an upcoming event one time per year. We are also happy to promote the event in our e-bulletin as well with a link to your event flyer/info. This is all subject to timing and it is suggested that for the best results you contact us a minimum of 45 days prior to your event. This will ensure that we can afford you the best possible exposure. "Promotion requests" should be sent to Please feel free to direct any questions regarding this to Dan Sale or Kathy Nichelson. Member Appreciation Week June 23 & 24, 2015 Silver Bronze 9 REALTOR® REVIEW MEMBERSHIP NOTES New Members The following individuals have been approved for membership in the Association, subject to completion of Orientation were applicable: Frequently Used Phone Numbers: Designated REALTORS® Breanne E. Sheehan Blackstone Realty & Appraisals, Inc. Capital Area Association of REALTORS7: Phone: 217/698-7000 Fax: 217/698-7009 Websites: REALTORS® Adam Bugos Ashley Rahar John Woodard The Real Estate Group Curvey Real Estate, Inc. The Real Estate Group Local Affiliates Mark Luparell John F. Wagner B-Safe Home Inspections of Illinois, Inc. Decatur Appraisal Service Illinois Association of REALTORS7 Phone: 217/529-2600 Fax: 217/529-3904 REALTOR7 Store: 800/529-2696 Member Line: 800/752-3275 Website: TRANSFERS Prairie Property Solutions: Melissa Betty (from The Real Estate Group) The Real Estate Group Deb Sarsany (from RE/MA X Professionals) National Association of REALTORS7 Phone: 312/329-8200 Fax: 312/329-8576 Website: Drops: Affiliates: Scott Neal West Central Chapter Drops: REALTORS®: Rober t Andr ews, Henr y Hamann Address Changes: Garrison Group, Inc. Glenn Garrison, Managing Broker 319 E. Madison, Suite 3E Springfield, IL 62701 Office of Banks and Real Estate: Phone: 217/782-3414 SentriLock: Phone: 877/736-8745 MarketLinx: Phone: 800/334-0831 Gene C Hurt, REALTORS® Gene Hurt, Managing Broker 206 Bellerive Springfield, IL 62704 Sponsors Sought for CAR's 6th Annual Tailgate Party CAR's 6th Annual Tailgate is scheduled for Wednesday, September 16th. Supporting sponsors are also being sought for a $50 investment. If interested in being a supporting sponsor call please Cathy Wagner at 217-698-7000 or email 10 REALTOR® REVIEW CALENDAR AT A GLANCE July 20 CREN Luncheon 11:30 August 3 6 Governmental Affairs MLS Committee Finance/Exec Committees 12 Board Photos Board of Directors 18 CREN Luncheon 20 Break For Hot Topics 1:00 9:00 10:30 8:00 9:00 11:30 9:00 ANNOUNCEMENTS The association extends its deepest sympathy to the family of pastpresident Thomas Hamilton who passed away recently. Tom joined the Capital Area REALTORS® in 1965 and was an agent with Realty 100 when he retired in 2005. Tom also served as the organization's president in 1973. Our thoughts are also with Tom's daughter-in-law REALTOR® Sandy Hamilton (RE/MAX Pr ofessionals) dur ing this difficult time. Congratulations to Affiliate Ayrin (Ramey) Hintz (Midwest Office Supply, LLC) and her husband Ryan on the birth of their son Murphy Burket. Murphy was born June 26th. September 1 3 Governmental Affairs 1:00 MLS Committee 9:00 Finance/Exec Committees 10:30 7 Labor Day - Assoc Office Closed 8 Board of Directors 9:00 15 CREN Luncheon 11:30 16 Tailgate Party 4:30-7:30 22 Board Planning Meeting 9:00-10:00 Raffle Raises $13,100 for RPAC Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets for the RPAC raffle and congratulations to the winners. A total of $13,100 was raised via this raffle. The winning tickets were drawn on July 17, 2015 at the association's MLS Breakfast The cash prizes and winners were: 1st prize: Nick Campo - One Year of Annual Dues ($526) 2015 Annual Meeting Sept 29th (Tues) 11:30 a.m. Scheels 2nd prize: Lori Hammel - iWatch 3rd prize: Kim Elliott - St. Louis Ritz Carlton overnight stay & 4 Tickets to Cardinal vs. Pirates CAR MONTHLY REPORT Single Family Residential Capital Area 3149 Robbins Rd. Springfield, IL 62704 217.698.7000 Fax: 217.698.7009 Time Period June 14 June 15 YTD 14 YTD 15 Listings Processed 537 560 2,765 2,807 Units Sold 476 449 1,779 1,800 Dollar Volume 75,718,391 66,635,289 238,046,906 246,244,740 Ave. Sale Price 159,072 148,408 133,809 136,914 All Property Classes Time Period June 14 June 15 YTD 14 YTD 15 Listings Processed 623 677 3,310 3,380 Units Sold 512 481 1,933 1,978 Dollar Volume 80,965,891 71,943,679 265,467,297 287,598,228 11
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