Where Inspiration Meets Action Kuala Lumpur
Where Inspiration Meets Action Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 8 – 10 PWTC Where Inspiration Meets Action http://Conference.aweasia.org November 8 – 10, 2013/ KL, Malaysia ✔ Empower Asian women to follow their dreams and thrive in an independent lifestyle. ✔ Present models of successful Asian women. ✔ Enlighten with prac7cal informa7on. ✔ Discuss current life goals through workshops and designing the roads to success. ✔ Create networks for future development . Purpose of AWE Conference November 8 – 10, 2013/ KL, Malaysia What We Will Achieve “The impact of female role models on businesswomen may help normalize or mi8gate social pressures and family obliga8ons which might otherwise deter women from star8ng a business in the first place. Women business owners may themselves also become role models for their female employees. These findings highlight the important role businesswomen’s connec*vity can have on their success.” -‐ In Asia: asiafounda8on.org Spark inspira*on! ✔ Create a community ✔ Network among AWE members ✔ Be inspired by successful Asian women ✔ Get technical informa7on to achieve life goals ✔ Learn about success in different industries November 8 – 10, 2013/ KL, Malaysia Who This Conference is for AWE Conference is designed for Asian women and expatriates in Asia who want to: ✔ Thrive with unconven7onal life choices ✔ Acquire ideas of diverse ways of success ✔ Belong to a community of inspiring women ✔ Seek more opportuni7es in life ✔ Get inspired to achieve their dreams November 8 – 10, 2013/ KL, Malaysia Women-‐owned firms that interact with business associa7ons are 38% larger than those that are not. In Malaysia, women owners who engage in networks are 25% more likely to say they would expand their opera7ons over the next three years. In Thailand, women business owners who engage in networks are 54% more likely to report a profit than those do not. -‐ hSp://asiafounda7on.org/ survey Why You Should Be Part of AWE There is significant benefit for focusing on women business owners who interact with outside networks “Limi8ng women’s economic poten8al is like leaving money on the table. It doesn’t make sense, especially when we are s8ll struggling to grow our way out of the economic crisis.” -‐ U.S. Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton November 8 – 10, 2013/ KL, Malaysia 44% of all online users are in Asia Asian online users are ‘creators’, when U.S and European users are ‘spectators’ Philippines has the highest social media penetra7on, with more than 90% of its Internet users visi7ng a social networking site every month, followed by Indonesia at 88% Over 70% of Southeast Asia’s Internet users are very influenced by website adver7sements on social media Why You Should Be Part of AWE AWE Conference is a great chance to build up your brand awareness to the influen8al, and fast-‐growing market in Asia. 70% Southeast Asian consumers have liked or followed a brand on social media, compared to a global average of 52% -‐ Agent Media survey (www.agentmedia.co.uk) November 8 – 10, 2013/ KL, Malaysia 66% of consumers who visit blogs say that their purchasing decisions are influenced by brand men7ons or promo7ons within the social media’s contents. -‐Burst Media Survey, 2012 76% of people think companies lie in adver7sement. Consumers trust new media more than they trust brand marke7ng. Why You Should Be Part of AWE AWE Conference leaders and aMendees are influen8al interna8onal women who have a massive reach both online and offline. Social networking is s7ll the fastest-‐growing ac7ve social media behavior online, increasing from 36% of global Internet users to 59% managing their profile on a monthly basis by the end of 2011 Details Platinum Gold Silver Expo $5000 USD $3000 USD $2000 USD $500 USD Two spots Three spots Five spots Signage to participate in opening keynote of the conference u Announcement of sponsorship during the keynote session u u Logo recognized from the podium of every session u u Distribution of promotional materials in the AWE Conference bag u u u AWE Conference Exhibitor's Space u u u Logo inclusion in digital signage during general sessions u Logo in Conference program and at Conference website u u u Logo in Conference poster u u u Complimentary full Conference registration 4 3 2 Recognized in all eNewsletters u Guest post on our blog u Host a welcome party u u u 2 November 8 – 10, 2013/ KL, Malaysia Founder of Runaway Media, Juno Kim is a professional travel writer and photographer specializing in new media. She holds a Master’s Degree of Science in Mechanical Engineering, and has been trained as a professional engineer for several years. She lef a successful career path in her hometown Seoul, Korea to pursue her dream and passion in world travel. For last two years, she has been working loca7on independently from more than thirty countries, including Europe, North America, Central America, and Asia. By sharing personal stories of her career change and world travel as a single Asian woman, she wants to be the one who people turn to when they need good advice and inspira7on in life. You can find her at her mul7-‐media travel website hSp:// RunawayJuno.com, and hSp://MasterTravelPhoto.com. Your Host Jiyeon Juno Kim November 8 – 10, 2013/ KL, Malaysia Website Statistics ✔ Page views (last 3 months): 105,687 ✔ Unique visitors (last 3 months): 5,274 ✔ TwiSer followers : 18,649 ✔ Facebook Fans: 9,800 ✔ Instagram followers: 1,500 ✔ Google+ connec7on: 4,500 Communicate with 50,000 people In a daily basis! November 8 – 10, 2013/ KL, Malaysia In 2010 I lef my career as a mechanical engineer. Why I Created AWE Conference The experience of breaking out from conven7onal society proved to be excrucia7ng both at home and at work. I traveled around the world developing my passion into my career become a travel writer and photographer. Through my travels, I’ve been discovered the growing need to inspire women who facing the challenge of male-‐dominant and conven7onal society. I was inspired to create AWE Conference to respond the need to empower women by brining them together, and to equip them with tools and models of success. November 8 – 10, 2013/ KL, Malaysia Sessions & Workshops Keynote Live a life with passion Keynote How to achieve a financial independency Session How to initiate social movement Session Solo female travel - how to prepare yourself Session Why it’s important to have your own business Session Improve your backpack-wardrobe Panel talk Use social media to achieve your goal Panel talk How to prepare independent travel Workshop Improve your writing skills Workshop Make a perfect business proposal Guest talk Sharing your stories with AWE community November 8 – 10, 2013/ KL, Malaysia Schedule Nov 8 (Friday) 9:30 -‐ 10:15 Nov 10 (Sunday) Opening Keynote by host Juno Kim Guest speakers: sharing your stories Nila Tanzil: How to ini7ate a social movement Melissa Leong: (building children’s libraries Kick off your freelance in remote areas in eastern career Indonesia) 10:30 -‐ 11:45 Anis Ibrahim: Wri7ng workshop 12:00 -‐ 1:15 Panel talk: How to use social media to achieve your goals Keynote by Lek Chailert – Save Elephant Founda7on 2:30 -‐ 3:45 4:00 -‐ 5:15 Nov 9 (Saturday) Registra7on & Pre-‐AWE ac7vi7es 5:30 – 6:30 6:30 – 8:30 Welcome party Jeannie Mark: Female solo travel -‐ how to prepare yourself Liyana Jamil: Stylish traveling for all Expo: get inspired! Welcome dinner at PWTC Panel talk: Preparing independent travel Closing Keynote by Ligwina Hananto -‐ Independent Financial Planner November 8 – 10, 2013/ KL, Malaysia Keynote Speaker Lek Chailert Sangduen “Lek” Chailert was born in 1962 in the small hill tribe village of Baan Lao, two hours north of Chiang Mai in northern Thailand. Her love for elephants began when her grandfather, a tradi7onal healer, received a baby elephant as payment for saving a mans life. Lek would spend many hours with her newfound friend, named Tongkum (Golden One), resul7ng in a passion that would shape the rest of her life, as well as the lives of others. Lek’s mission con7nues to affect others as her voice is heard throughout the world. She has formed the Save Elephant Founda7on and a dedicated team works 7relessly by her side to protect the Asian elephant. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton invited Lek to Washington, DC in 2010 to honor her as one of six Women Heroes of Global Conserva7on. Lek has earned two honorary degrees from Rajabaht Chiang Mai University – a PhD in Sustainability and Conserva7on and a PhD in Veterinary Science. The Na7onal Geographic documentary Vanishing Giants, highligh7ng Lek’s work with the Asian elephant, was recognized by the Humane Society of the United States with the Genesis Award in 2003. November 8 – 10, 2013/ KL, Malaysia Keynote Speaker Ligwina Hananto Ligwina Hananto is the CEO & co founder of QM Financial -‐ a leading financial planning firm in Indonesia. She started her business in 2003, when she was as full 7me stay home mom with a liSle baby. Now the company employs 42 staff including 16 independent financial planners, with branches in Jakarta, Surabaya and Bandung. This new company is providing a new pres7gious career path for many young women to promote financial literacy in the region. Ligwina started a popular radio show Financial Clinic with 87.6 Hard Rock FM, the show has been and s7ll running strong afer 7 years in the air. With this radio show, Ligwina con7nues to build more popular programs to introduce financial literacy especially to the urban rising middle class of Indonesia's 237 million people. She has been awarded as one of 50 emerging leaders of the region by Advance Women Summit 2010 in Sydney, received Australian alumni award in Entrepreneurship 2011, and became one of Femina's Women Entrepreneurs award recipients in 2012. November 8 – 10, 2013/ KL, Malaysia Speaker Nila Tanzil Nila Tanzil is the founder of Taman Bacaan Pelangi: Rainbow Present Reading Gardens – a non-‐profit organiza7on focuses on establishing small libraries for children in remote areas of Eastern Indonesia. She was awarded many 7mes for her outstanding work, including “Kar8ni Next Genera8on Award 2013: Inspiring Woman in ICT” for Community Development, from the Ministry of Communica7on & Informa7on Technology and Ministry of Woman Empowerment & Child Protec7on Republic of Indonesia. Nila Tanzil’s profile has been featured in numerous media, such as Kompas, The Jakarta Post, The Jakarta Globe, Media Indonesia, Koran SINDO, Jawa Pos, Weekender, Bangkok Post, Marie Claire, Her World, Femina, Kar7ni, Grazia, Tempo magazine, Trans7, TransTV, Kompas TV, Berita Satu TV, MNC News TV, kompas.com, vivanews.com, and many more. November 8 – 10, 2013/ KL, Malaysia Speaker Anis Ibrahim Anis Ibrahim was a lawyer in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, un7l she decided afer four and a half years that legal prac7ce wasn't her cup of tea. The long hours spent stuck in the office made her realize that that was not how she planned to live her life; afer all, an en7re world was out there to explore. Afer a month-‐long solo trip in New Zealand, she switched to journalism, where she was regularly sent on overseas assignments, further igni7ng her love for travel. Afer a produc7ve eight years as a print and online journalist, Anis quit full-‐7me employment in June 2012. Later in September that year, she embarked on a solo overland trip from St. Petersburg, Russia to Kuala Lumpur via the Trans-‐Siberian Railway. Now, Anis spends her 7me as a freelance travel writer and blogger. Her ar7cles have appeared in the New Sunday Times, Travel Times and Quill Magazine as well as in her blog Five Foot Traveller at fivefeevlat.net. November 8 – 10, 2013/ KL, Malaysia Speaker Jeannie Mark Jeannie Mark once had a thriving corporate career that was going places, but deep down she longed for more. Afer swearing to change her life on a file folder, she sold all her possessions and began traveling the world in 2010. Through her website Nomadic Chick hSp://nomadicchick.com, she tries to inspire women to take the leap of traveling solo by wri7ng with honesty, humor and soul. Her aim is to show that travel isn't as difficult as we assume and that women can par7cipate in adventure with joy and curiosity. In September 2011, she completed the longest con7nuous train journey with the Ul7mate Train Challenge. Some of her partnerships have been with Eurail, Real Russia, HostelBookers, Tep Wireless, Roomorama, Vayama and a variety of Philippine based tourism companies like Na7ve Village Inn, House of Rose and Flip Flop Tours. Her wri7ng has appeared in Matador and Tripbase. November 8 – 10, 2013/ KL, Malaysia Speaker Liyana Jamil Even though she was born and raised in Malaysia, Liyana Jamil doesn’t limit herself to calling Malaysia home, having lived in Chicago, Paris, Mumbai, Amsterdam and now Singapore before the age of 30. She started travelling in her late teens and con7nued traveling extensively in her six years as a Strategy Consultant. She then gave it up to pursue her love of travel, and now works as a Strategy Manager for an airline. Manager by day, travel blogger by night (and weekends), she writes on her two great loves in life – travel and fashion at hSp:// GlamourousTraveller.com. Liyana strongly believes that you can always look stylish whilst travelling regardless of budget, loca7on, culture or climate… and to do it without packing more than one suitcase. November 8 – 10, 2013/ KL, Malaysia Speaker Yafieda Jamil The journey of Malaysian girl who loves her country, Malaysia and those that are beyond it. These travel stories in her blog site, Travel Chameleon uncover familiar places with a different view and different exo7c experiences dedicated to all travel lovers alike. Yafieda Jamil or Fie as she is fondly known, has been in love with travelling ever since she and her family packed up the old sta7on wagon for a road trip across USA when she was 7 years old. She started by exploring her own country, Malaysia before venturing out to South East Asia, the greater Asia and Europe. 15 years and 21 countries later, she con7nued to pursue both passion in adver7sing as well as travelling, pushing her goals through the various social media plavorms. Her experiences involved ac7ve par7cipa7on with Tourism Selangor, appointed as administrator of the Malaysia Travel Bloggers Facebook Group, selected as the World AIDS Day 2012 blogger, and currently working on collabora7ons with local companies alike. November 8 – 10, 2013/ KL, Malaysia Speaker Lois Yasay Lois Yasay had been a financial services trainer for over 5 years un7l she made up her mind to follow her number one passion: travel. Most recently, she went on a 6 month backpacking trip around Asia with a former colleague and documented her experience on her website called hSp://wearesolesisters.com. Her blog won the 2011 Philippine Blog Awards for Best Travel Blog-‐ Na7onal Level. The story of her journey has been featured in various magazines and TV shows in the Philippines and interna7onally. She hopes to grow the sisterhood and inspire more women to empower themselves through travel and new experiences. Now, Lois con7nues to escape the corporate world by earning an online income and running workshops and retreats that help others find what they love and make a living from it. She’s ofen running around the globe, exploring surf spots and making new friends along the way. November 8 – 10, 2013/ KL, Malaysia Speaker Melissa Leong Melissa started wri7ng stories at the age of 8 and hasn’t stopped since. Afer gradua7ng from Monash University Malaysia with a degree in Communica7ons, she went on to intern as a broadcast journalist with NTV7 (Sabah & Sarawak) before joining a local English daily in her hometown of Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia as a reporter. Her next s7nt as a writer and editor with a local tourism board became her full-‐7me job for the next six years before she finally fulfilled her dream of going freelance –and she hasn’t looked back since. In 2011, she and her husband – a 3D ar7st and graphic designer – started their own crea7ve media solu7ons company, Muse & Huse. She is currently the part-‐7me Editor for Sabah Tourism’s official publica7on (Sabah Malaysian Borneo) and is the Fes7val Director for the 2013 Borneo Eco Film Fes7val. Organization Presents http://conference.aweasia.org
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